vytis ~ the knight - Saint George of Bridgeport
vytis ~ the knight - Saint George of Bridgeport
“For God and Country” VYTIS ~ THE KNIGHT The Official Publication of the Knights of Lithuania 2015 National Convention Issue September / rugsėjo 2015 Volume 101 – Number 5 1913 ~ 2015 Our Lithuanian Heritage – Yesterday, Today, & Always! September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 1 Vytis (The Knight) Se p t e mb e r/ rugsėjo, 2 0 1 5 Knights of Lithuania Supreme Council Officers 2015 – 2016 VYTIS (THE KNIGHT) (ISSN 0042-9384) (Postal Permit # 663-680) is published seven times per year: bi-monthly and one extra issue in September by the KNIGHTS OF LITHUANIA, 3420 South Lituanica, Chicago, IL 60608-6720. Subscription is $25.00 per year. Single copy $5.00. Outside USA $35.00 per year, single copy $6.00. Periodical postage paid at Chicago, IL and additional mailing locations. Mailing Address: 3420 South Lituanica Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60608-6720 Tel/fax: 1.312.771.7432 Email: KofLVytis@Hotmail.com Spiritual Advisor Rev. Msgr. Joseph Anderlonis, STD, HM St. George Rectory 3580 Salmon St. Philadelphia, PA 19134 Tel 215.739.3102 Fax 215.739.7217 President Regina Juška-Švoba, HM 1594 Beaupre Madison Hts., MI 48071 Tel 248.547.2859 Fax .248.547.0982 rjuskasvoba@cs.com 1st Vice President Robert D. Petkus 1707 Leo St Dayton, OH 45404-1915 (937) 222-3844 robpetkus@gmail.com 2nd Vice President Maryte Bizinkauskas 424 North Cary Street Brockton, MA 1.617.365.6699 m_bizinkauskas@comcast.net 3rd Vice President Lexie Rudmin 929 West 34th Place Chicago, IL 60608 .773.523.4305 Lexie.rudmin@gmail.com Recording Secretary Liza Macke 1351 Fairfield Court Naperville, IL 60565 630.416.0658 iwantipad@hotmail.com Treasurer Catherine Nakrosis 747 Schuyler Avenue Kearny, NJ 07032-4233 1.201.997.3445 smathyn@yahoo.com Financial Secretary June Grenier 4029 West Twin Oaks Street Broken Arrow, OK 74011 918.459.8047 jvg159@ windstream.net Vo l . 1 0 0 – No . 5 VYTIS – The Knight – STAFF Editor: Robert A. Martin, Jr., HM Business Manager: Phyllis Gendreau Council News Editor: Irene Macke Send all articles & photos to: VYTIS (THE KNIGHT) 3420 South Lituanica Avenue Chicago, IL 60608-6720 Send all District and Council News to: 6618 Osceola Trail Indian Head Park, IL 60525 Email: gdad@prodigy.net Tel/fax:1.312.771.7432 Email: KofLVytis@Hotmail.com Knights of Lithuania Web page: www.knightsoflithuania.com Trustees David Boucher P.O. Box 553 Salem, NH 03079-0553 1.978.337.3737 davenguy@aol.com Ellie Nakrosis, HM 10 Park Avenue Kearny, NJ 07032 Tel: 1.201.998.9641 Cell: mocuite@verizon.net Legal Advisor Saulius V. Kuprys, Esq. Henehan, Donovan & Issacson 150 S. Wacker Dr. Chicago, IL 60606 312.346.5275 viskas@aol.com VYTIS Editor Robert A. Martin, Jr., HM 3420 S. Lituanica Ave Chicago, IL 60608-6720 312.771.7432 vytiseditor@knightsoflithuania.com VYTIS Business Manager Phyllis Gendreau 38 Rocky Nook Malden, MA 02148-1561 781.321.4880 lovenanag@verizon.net Webmaster Alex Fletcher 6403 Silver Pheasant Court Dayton, OH 45424 webmaster@knightsoflithuania.com photos@knightsoflithuania.com events@knightsoflithuania.com Lithuanian Language & Cultural Chair. Maryte Sepikas 6143 Fulton Avenue Valley Glen, CA 91401 Tel 818.989.4618 Cell 818.321.1811 msepikas@yahoo.com Lithuanian Affairs Chair Bernice Aviza, HM 8 Tremont ST Albany, NY 12205 518.459.5256 blaviza@verizon.net Honorary Memb. Chair. (MAMD) Robert A. Martin, Jr., HM 3420 South Lituanica Avenue Chicago, IL 60608-6720 1.312.771.7432 amerlith1@aol.com Walter Svekla, HM (Amber) Elena Nakrosis, HM (MAD) Frances Petkus, HM (MCD) Veronica Bizinkauskas, HM (NED) Public Relations Chair Regina Juška-Švoba, HM 1594 Beaupre Madison Hts., MI 48071 Tel 248.547.2859 Fax 248.547.0982 rjuskasvoba@cs.com Ritual Chair. Becky Pataki (MAD) 142 Forest Street – Apt 2 Kearny, NJ 07032-3416 1.201.955.1122 Bxtrp97@yahoo.com Lillian Greymas (Amber) Georgianna Macke (MAMD) Loretta Pant (MCD) Phyllis Gendreau (NED) Scholarship Chair Mikalina Tambasco (MAD) 14 Pine Ave Johnstown, NY 12095 mikalina@hotmail.com Meredith Domalakes (Amber) Robert Damasauskas (MAMD) Elena Mikalauskas (MCD) June V. Grenier (NED) Archives Chair. Currently Vacant Our Lady of Šiluva Fund, Inc. Pres.– Rev. Anthony Markus, HM St. Pius X Rectory 4314 S. Oak Park Ave. Stickney, IL 60402-0000 Tel 708.484.7951 Fax 708.749.8518 Website: www.ourladyofsiluva.org K of L Foundation, Inc. Pres – Irene Ozalis, HM 2557 E Ontario ST Philadelphia, PA 19134 215.426.6762 St. Casimir Guild, Inc. John R. Mankus, HM 1110 Darlene Drive Endicott, NY 13760 Tel/Fax 607.754.1241 jmankus@stny.rr.com Amber District Pres. – John R. Mankus, HM 1110 Darlene Drive Endicott, NY 13760 Tel/Fax 607.754.1241 jmankus@stny.rr.com Mid-America District Pres. – Aldona Zajauskas 27859 W Lake Shore Dr Spring Grove, IL 60081 Tel 847.587.1419 aldona9661@att.net Website: http://knightsoflithuaniamidamerica.weebly.com Mid-Atlantic District Pres. – Ellie Nakrosis, HM 10 Park Avenue Kearny, NJ 07032 Tel 201.998.9641 Cell 201.294.4250 mocuite@verizon.net Mid-Central District Pres. – Michael F. Petkus 38 Woodsdale Rd. Dayton, OH 45404 937.235.0341 franpet4@sbcglobal.net New England District Pres. – David Boucher P.O. Box 553 Salem, NH 03079-0553 1.978.337.3737 davenhguy@aol.com Mission Statement: The Knights of Lithuania endeavors to instill in its members an attachment to Lithuania, the land of our ancestors, and knowledge, appreciation and love of the Lithuanian language, customs and culture. Publication Information for National Website Publication Deadlines and Reminders Email address to submit pictures for the website: photos@knightsoflithuania.com Email address to submit events for the website calendar: events@knightsoflithuania.com Email address to send comments/suggestions about the website: webmaster@knightsoflithuania.com Please note the following publication deadlines for each issue of Vytis-The Knight. Winter Issue – Jan 1st / Spring Issue – Apr 1st / Summer Issue – Jul 1st / Convention Issue – Sep 1st / Fall Issue – Oct 1st. Also, please be advised that while we are always happy to Please note that it can take up to seven (7) business days for submissions to post. The include any photos that you send–us2015 in issues of Vytis Knight we are not September – Vytis–The 102nd National Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo webmaster Convention is happy to receive all posts but reserves the right to make the final decision able to send them back to you after publication. concerning content of what is published. Page 2 Contents – Turinys 102nd National Convention Photo ........................ 30 Mandate Committee Report .................................. 32 102nd State of the Organization Report ............... 16 National President’s Message ................................ 4 rd 103 National Convention Info ............. Back Cover National Ritual Report ........................................... 22 2015-2016 Supreme Council ................................. 20 National Trustee’s Report ..................................... 37 2nd Vice President’s Report .................................. 34 Opening Mass ......................................................... 35 Closing Mass .......................................................... 57 Our Lady of Šiluva Fund Annual Report ............. 37 Convention Banquet .............................................. 55 Pre-Convention Tour.............................................. 13 Convention Memories ........................................... 58 Resolutions Discussed and Voted On Donations/Greetings Committee Report ............. 33 During Convention ....................................... 26 Essay Contest Winners ......................................... 44 Saturday Morning Mass ......................................... 36 Farewell Luncheon ................................................ 57 Scholarship Committee Report ............................ 38 Friday Evening Get-Together ............................... 53 Scholarship Recipients Send Their Thanks ........ 39 Greetings in Person ................................................. 5 St. Casimir Guild Annual Report .......................... 42 Greetings in Writing ................................................ 6 Supreme Council Elect Meeting Honorary Members Attending the Convention .. 19 Honorary Membership Report .............................. 21 JBANC – Lithuanian State of the Republic – Sunday, August 9, 2015............................ 22 Supreme Council Meeting – Thursday, August 6, 2015 ........................ 15 Report ...................................................................... 48 Supreme Council Officer Information .................... 2 Junior’s Convention Report ................................. 40 The Plenary Sessions ............................................ 23 K of L Foundation Annual Report ........................ 43 We wish to thank all those who contributed to the publication of this Convention Issue. We especially wish to thank the following for providing us with beautiful pictures to publish. Regina Juška-Švoba, HM Lexie Rudmin September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 3 A Message from our President Below is a reprint of the wonderful welcome address made by National President, Regina Juška-Švoba, HM during our 102nd Anniversary Convention Banquet. Her words that evening were as always eloquent and we wanted to share them with all of you, our members. Good evening, sveiki, laba vakara Rev. Msgr. Joseph Anderlonis, Rev. Audrius Arštikaitis, Mr. Henry Gaidis, Honored Guests, Delegates and Friends of the Knights of Lithuania. As we continue to move forward in our distinguished organization’s second century, let us remember that the K of L organization fostered and promulgated our Catholic religion, the Lithuanian language, heritage and traditions. That is quite an accomplishment for which we are very proud. During this, our 102nd National Convention, we exchanged ideas, formulated plans, discussed issues energetically, and now hopefully we will take home with us innovative methods to assist us in our efforts to continue to nurture and embrace the mission that was set forth in 1913 by the K of L organization’s founder Mykolas Norkūnas. Let us all extend a heartfelt thank you to our convention hosts led by Peter Paul Zansitis and Robert A. Martin, Jr., HM and the C-16 members. They have graciously invited us to the city of enchantment, make- believe, Mickey and Minnie Mouse and have made us feel welcome in every way! We truly appreciate all your hard work. Ačiū/thank you Robbie and C-16! I am most grateful that you have again entrusted me as your National President. I will continue to do my best to represent the Knights of Lithuania in an exemplary and professional manner. I am confident that all the newly elected members of the Supreme Council will also demonstrate faithfulness, responsibility and professionalism to their duties during the coming year. Council 72 Binghamton, under the chairmanship of Barbara Miller, will have a big job ahead of them this year in formulating plans for our 103rd Convention next year in Binghamton, NY. Dear Knights, brangūs Vyčiai, let us continue to promote the land of our forefathers. Let us never lose sight of our roots, our heritage. May we continue to be energized for our ongoing cause to live by our K of L motto: “For God and Country – Dievui ir Tėvynei”! In closing, I would like to read a few lines from one of Lithuania’s preeminent 20th century poets Bernardas Braždžionis. September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 4 Visas Turtas Wealth Daug išsinešėm mes turtų iš Tėvynės, Kur paliko žemė ir namai. Kur paliko kančios ir skausmai, Vasaros-- kaip auksas, žiemos- sidabrinės... We've taken wealth from our ancestral land, Where our pain and our sorrow remain, Where we left homesteads and native terrain, Crystalline winters and summers' golden sand... Daug išsinešėm, o tuščios mūsų rankos, O tušti kelionės ryšuliai, Rodos, visa liko pakelėj-Kaip berželis, kaip sodybos, kaip tos lankos... We've taken much, but our hands are empty, Our knapsacks are very light, All's by the wayside and out of sight— Like birches, farms and fields aplenty... Tuščios rankos, o krutinėj žiba: Visas turtas tilpo širdyse! Visas turtas: protėvių dvasia, Laisvės siekis ir gyvos širdies kūryba. Our hands are empty, but our eyes glow, For wealth is intact in our hearts: The yearning for freedom and living art In the spirit of our ancestral lore. Didžiojoj Kryžkelėj At the Great Crossroad Didžiojoj kryžkelėj žmogus ieško kelio Ir klausinėjo žemės ir žvaigždžių... Ir švietė danguje, ir švietė jos pirkelėj, Ir švietė sieloj tūkstančiai žvaigždžių. Searching for his way at the great crossroad, A traveler asked the earth and stars for aid... And a myriad of stars illumined his soul As they shone in the sky and the wayside. Ir žodžių, nuo žmogaus gimimo negirdėtų Ir nesakytų lig žmogaus mirties, Ir nerastų didžiausiųjų poetų Jų tomuos praeities ir dabarties... He searched for words yet unspoken, From birth until death unheard, Nor voiced by the greatest poets In abundant volumes of verse... Didžiojoj kryžkelėj ir aš, dangu, dairausi Ir ieškau marių svetimųjų platumoj Tik vieno gintaro-- brangiausio aisčių aukso, Tik vieno kelio- kur žmogaus namai? I, too, sojourn at the crossroad, At the bourne of foreign seas, I search for the road homeward And for Amber, golden Baltic leis. Ir eina naktys pro mane ir dienos, Ir darganos dienom ir ūkanos naktim... Didžiojoj kryžkelėj paklydau ne aš vienas Didžiojoj kryžkelėj visas pasaulis su manim. In endless circles of day and night I am lost but not alone.... The whole world shares my plight, Searching at the great crossroad. Thank you and God bless! Ačiū už dėmesį. Greetings in Person Sr. M. Janine Golubickis, SSC on behalf of the Sisters of St. Casimir September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 5 Greetings In Writing September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 6 September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 7 September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 8 September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 9 September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 10 September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 11 September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 12 Pre-Convention Tour Forty K of L travelers embarked on a daylong preconvention tour of St. Augustine, Fla., the nation's oldest city. At the Fountain of Youth property, we were told about Ponce de Leon's discovery of "La Florida" and his encounters with the Timucua Indians. We had the opportunity to see the Mission Nombre de Dios and Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche, which is the most sacred and historic area in St. Augustine. lt is also where Pedro Menendez de Aviles, the city's founding father, first landed and proclaimed the site for Spain and the Church. We stopped at the Castillo de San Marcos National Monument and were told the history of the construction of the fort out of coquina, a native stone, September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 13 and about the battles surrounding this Castillo. Our tour continued past the beautiful bay front and through the heart of the city, by the Flagler Memorial Presbyterian Church, built by Henry M. Flagler and containing his family's mausoleum. We drove past Flagler's famous hotels: the Ponce de Leon Hotel (now Flagler College), where many presidents and the elite stayed, and the Alcazar Hotel, which houses the world's largest swimming pools. We saw St. Augustine's old Government House, constructed in 1833, which contained the offices of the colonial government. We saw the Plaza de la Constitution, followed by free time to explore this impressive city with a rich history. What a day, what an experience, and what a time we shared! September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 14 Supreme Council Meeting Thursday, August 6, 2015 The meeting was held at the hotel in the evening. At the meeting the Supreme Council tied up the remaining loose ends from the past year. Updates for the convention were given by the convention committee. The following items were discussed: Organization finances, an update on our National Archives, the nominations committee and the 2015-2016 budget. National President, Regina Juška-Švoba, HM, thanked all the members of the Supreme Council for all their support during the past year. September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 15 Knights of Lithuania 102nd National Convention State of the Organization Report presented by Regina Juška-Švoba, HM, President President Regina Juška-Švoba, HM • • • • • • • In accordance with Article XI, Section 2 of the Knights of Lithuania Constitution, which states that the President prepares the Annual State of the Organization Report, the following is a summary of all reports that have been submitted. All delegates are urged to take home a set of these reports, read them, and share the contents with your Council members. • • • Presided over all Supreme Council meetings August 2014 – Attended Lithuanian Days Centennial celebration in Frackville, PA; gave greeting and presented K of L Centennial History book to Rev. Msgr. Al Bartkus, H.M., Honorary Consul in Pennsylvania Krista Butvydas Bard and Schuylkill Commissioner George Halcovage October 2014 – Attended MAMD Annual Pilgrimage in La Crosse, WI October 2014 – Attended MCD meeting/pilgrimage in Covington, KY June 2015 – Attended Rev. Luko Laniausko, SJ, primicijos- Mass of Thanksgiving in Manchester, MI; recruited him as K of L member; on behalf of K of L gave gift and K of L history book Maintained contact with Saulius Kuprys on various legal issues Maintained contact with Supreme Council and other members Kept in contact with the Convention Committee during the past year Sent requests for greetings to the 102nd National Convention Responded to various requests and answered queries 2014-2015 Supreme Council Meetings 1st Vice President Robert Petkus • • • • • • July 26, 2014 – Glendale, CA December 06, 2014 – Lake Buena Vista, FL April 25, 2015 – Dayton, OH August 06, 2015- Lake Buena Vista, FL Spiritual Advisor Rev. Msgr. Joseph Anderlonis, STD, HM • • • • • Offers monthly Masses for deceased persons Offers advice and counsel to the Supreme Council members Serves on the K of L Foundation, Our Lady of ŠŠiluva and St. Casimir Guild committees Attended one Supreme Council meeting Serves as Spiritual Advisor to C-3, Philadelphia • • Maintained term limits listing Works with K of L Webmaster to oversee maintenance and updating of K of L website Active on District and Council levels Attended 4 Supreme Council meetings 2nd Vice President – Membership MaryAgnes Mikalauskas • • • • Processed new member applications and forwarded them to National Financial Secretary Answered various requests for information on the K of L and membership Active at local and District levels Attended 1 Supreme Council meeting September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 16 3rd Vice President – Juniors Alexandra (Lexie) Rudmin Archives Committee Chair Vacant Position • • • • • Helped to develop 2015 Convention program for Juniors Participated in Council events Attended 4 Supreme Council meetings Lexie reminds us that the Juniors are the future of our organization and hopes that the all continue to be involved with activities in the K of L • Recording Secretary Liza Macke • • • • • Coordinated all information for Convention report packages Prepared minutes of each Supreme Council meeting Notified members of upcoming meetings Serves on District and Council levels Attended 4 Supreme Council meetings Treasurer Bernice L. Aviza, HM • • • • • • • • Kept financial records and documents in order Paid all bills Serves in District and Council positions Attended 3 Supreme Council meetings Financial Secretary June V. Grenier • • • • • • Sent out dues renewal lists Processed dues received Sent membership cards to the councils and submitted checks to the National Treasurer Sent out convention mandate forms to all councils and prepared delegate cards; serves as Mandate Committee Chair Serves as the NED Representative on the National Scholarship Committee Attended 4 Supreme Council meetings Trustees Mary Beth Slakis and Dave Boucher • • • Maintains inventory and asset list Convention sites secured for 103 rd (2016); 104th (2017); and 105th (2018) National Conventions The Trustees were represented at 4 Supreme Council meetings In 2013-2014, MCD President Michael F. Petkus and his wife Norma Petkus retrieved all K of L archival documents and furnishing from the ALKA facility in Putnam, CT and transported the archives to the “processing center” of the Petkus residence in Dayton, OH, temporarily until its permanent relocation in the OH or IL area Norma Petkus initiated the process or organizing/sorting the archives; Trustee Mary Beth Slakis spent several days in the Spring assisting N. Petkus sorting out unlabeled photographs and categorizing various documents The assistance of a MA student in Public History at Wright University was enlisted in 2015 to take over the major responsibilities of sorting/categorizing and developing a Finding Aid Photographs still need to be categorized The K of L Foundation slated funds ($5,500) for the transportation costs, expenses in maintaining the archival materials, supplies, computer/printer and stipend for Norma Petkus’ labor and expertise in this field A permanent location is being sought. One possible location is the University of Dayton, as this learning institution has a massive collection of Catholic oriented organizations, whose materials are housed in the University Library. A university would be an excellent location due to available access to members, students and researchers; the material would be contained in climate-controlled conditions. And, if new archival documents are received, the material would be stored in one area. Arrangements for possible use are pending. The cost factor and overall monitoring of the K of L Archives must be determined. Honorary Membership Chair Walter Svekla, HM • • • • • Maintained contact with his committee Irene Ozalis and Maria Deksnis will be elevated to Honorary Membership at the 102 nd National Convention A prospective candidate from the MAMD is being considered for HM for 2016 Serves on District and local levels Attended 1 Supreme Council meeting September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 17 Lithuanian Affairs Committee Chair John Mankus, HM Scholarship Committee Chair Elena Mikalauskas • • • • • Sent Lithuanian Affairs articles and updates of current events to members and for publication in “Vytis-The Knight” Maintains contact with the Lithuanian Embassy, JBANC, Lithuanian American Council and other Lithuanian American organizations re: current events in Lithuania Active at local and district levels Attended 3 Supreme Council meetings Lithuanian Language/Cultural Chair Marytė Šepkias • • • • Disseminates information about events and radio program in the LA area Submitted articles/photographs to “Vytis-The Knight” for publication Active at local level Attended 2 Supreme Council meetings Public Relations Chair Regina Juška-Švoba, HM • • • • Submitted coverage of National Convention, Supreme Council, District and Council activities to the Lithuanian press Translates letters and articles for the Supreme Council members Attended 4 Supreme Council meetings Established the “Parish Museum“ at Divine Providence Lithuanian Church (encompassing the current/closed Lithuanian parishes) • • • • • Monitored the progress of 2014 recipients and distributed scholarships Submitted an updated Scholarship application to “Vytis-The Knight” for publication An electronic version of the Scholarship application has been created for the K of L website Maintains contact with her committee Reviewed applications for 2015 scholarships Attended 3 Supreme Council meetings Webmaster Alex Fletcher • • • • • • • Oversees/ maintains/updates the K of L website with the new dues schedule, new SC Officers, calendar events, adds photographs to the gallery, etc. Works with 2nd VP on updating the Membership page and forwards all e-mails re: possible membership to the 2nd VP Continues to post the electronic version of “VytisThe Knight” to the website; files are password protected and the password is provided to members, upon request Took over the administration of the K of L Facebook page and monitors its content for appropriateness Worked with the K of L National Treasurer to pay for the website hosting as a yearly fee rather than a monthly fee. Paying annually provides a discount with the website services. The website is paid in full until May 2016 Active on Local and District levels Attended 3 Supreme Council meetings Ritual Committee Chair Georgianna Macke • • • • • • Processed 32 degree applications 6 candidates are approved to receive their 4 th Degree at the 102nd National Convention Maintains contact with her committee Replied to all correspondence and clarified information when needed Serves on District and Local Levels Attended 3 Supreme Council meetings Knights of Lithuania Foundation Irene Ozalis, President • • • • • • • Processed donations to charities in Lithuania and American causes Sponsored Essay Contest Awarded Karklius Scholarship Provided Junior Conventionships to Juniors attending 101st National Convention Provided funds for the student archivist Active on District and Local levels Attended 2 Supreme Council meetings September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 18 St. Casimir Guild John Mankus, HM, President Mid-Atlantic District Elena Nakrosis, HM, President • • • • • • • • • Processed donations to be sent to the Pontifical Lithuanian College in Rome In consultation with our legal advisor, very large donations were processed from the Mazeika Estate, Minsavitch Estate and Rev. J. Walter Stanievich Charitable Trust Processed 384 sympathy, special intention, health intention and special occasion Mass requests Attended 3 Supreme Council meetings • • Presided over the two District meetings Re-elected as MAD President at the Fall meeting Serves on National Nominating Committee Active in her District and Local council Attended Kūčios celebration hosted by C-110 Maspeth, NY Serves as Treasurer of C-90 Attended 3 Supreme Council meetings Mid-Central District Michael Petkus, President Our Lady of Šiluva Fund Rev. Anthony Markus, HM, President • • • Continues to hold information level discussions about plans to update the Our Lady of Šiluva website Continues to make himself available to members when needed Due to committments, Rev. Tony did not attend any Supreme Council meetings • • • • • • Presided over two District meetings The Fall convention was in conjunction with their annual pilgrimage in honor of deceased members. District supports the K of L’s special projects. Serves on National Nominating Committee Active in Local and District levels Attended 4 Supreme Council meetings New England District Dave Boucher, President Amber District John Mankus, HM, President • • • • • Presided over three district meetings Serves on the National nominating committee Active on Local and District levels Attended 3 Supreme Council meetings Assisting C-72 with preparations in hosting the 103rd National Convention in August 2016 in Binghamton, NY • • • • • • • Presided over Spring District Convention and Board Meetings Co-chaired and coordinated the annual NED Cultural Festival Attended C-17 South Boston 100th Anniversary Served on the National Nominating Committee Active on the Local and District levels Preparing for the NED Board Meeting on 08/22/15 and the Fall Convention on 09/20/15 Attended 2 Supreme Council meetings Mid-America District Aldona Zajauskas, President • • • • • Conducted three each District Board meetings and District Conventions Annual District pilgrimage, Memorial Mass for deceased members and Junior outing were held Serves on National Nominating Committee Active on Local and District levels Attended 3 Supreme Council meetings Honorary Members at this year’s convention. L-R: Walter Svekla; Theresa Strolia; Bernice Aviza; Irene Ozalis; Msgr. Joseph Anderlonis; Maria Deksnis; Regina Juška-Švoba; Elena Nakrosis; Frances Petkus; and Rob Martin. September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 19 • • • Legal Advisor Saulius V. Kuprys, Esq. • • • Handles all issues relating to the IRS Responded to legal issues Due to work schedule and commitments, Saulius did not attend any Supreme Council meetings In Conclusion • “Vytis-The Knight” Robert A. Martin Jr., HM – Editor Phyllis Gendreau – Business Manager Council News Editor – Irene Macke • Edited and published 7 issues of the “Vytis-The Knight” Completed annual filing with the USPS Worked with the Financial Secretary to maintain updated mailing list • • Completed Christmas Greetings campaign Processed all Vytis expenses Vytis staff was represented at 4 Supreme Council meetings • • Please remember that every member is important, and no matter how active you can or cannot be, there is always something you can contribute to the organization. We need to continue our interaction with other Lithuanian organizations to keep our heritage and history alive. For 102 years we have dedicated ourselves “to God and Country”. Let us continue to use our K of L motto – For God and Country as a guide to making the Knights of Lithuania organization viable and vibrant for our future generation. Your 2015-2016 Supreme Council st 1 Row L-R: Elena Nakrosis, HM – Trustee & Mid-Atlantic District President; Becky Pataki – Ritual Committee Chair; June Grenier – Financial Secretary; Liza Macke – Recording Secretary; Rev. Msgr. Dr. Joseph Anderlonis, HM – Spiritual Advisor; st Regina Juška-Švoba, HM – President & Public Relations Chair; Robert Petkus – 1 Vice President; John Mankus, HM –St. Casimir Guild President & Amber District President; and Irene Ozalis, HM – Knights of Lithuania Foundation, Inc. President. nd nd 2 Row L-R: Maryte Sepikas – Lithuanian Language and Culture Chair; Maryte Bizinkauskas – 2 Vice President – Membership; Aldona Zajauskas – Mid-America District President; Elena Mikalauskas – Outgoing Scholarship Committee Chair; Bernice Aviza, HM – Lithuanian Affairs Chair; David Boucher – Trustee & New England District President; Michael Petkus – Mid-Central District President; Kathy Nakrosis – Treasurer; & Walter Svekla, HM – Outgoing Honorary Membership Chair rd Not pictured: Alexandra Rudmin – 3 Vice President; Rev. Anthony Markus, HM – Our Lady of Šiluva Fund President; Phyllis Gendreau – Vytis Business Manager; Robert Martin, HM – Vytis Editor; and Alex Fletcher – Webmaster. September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 20 Honorary Membership Committee Report Walter Svekla, HM, Committee Chair New Honorary Members for 2015: L-R: Irene Ozalis, HM (Council 3); Walter Svekla, HM (Honorary Membership Committee Chair); and Maria Deksnis, HM (Council 158). During the past year the Honorary Membership Committee received and reviewed candidates submitted for Honorary Membership. Having fulfilled all constitutional requirements the committee is pleased to be presenting the following. During the 102nd National Convention Banquet Honorary Membership was bestowed upon Irene Ozalis of Council 3 – Philadelphia, PA and the Amber District and Maria Deksnis of Council 158 – Lake Shore, IN and the Mid-America District. The Committee is saddened to report the loss of three of our Honorary Members during the past year. They are: Clemencine Miller of Council 141 – Bridgeport, CT and the New England District; Elinor Sluzas of Council 96 – Dayton, OH and the Mid-Central District; and Faustas Strolia of Council 157 – Lemont, IL and the MidAmerica District. We pray God’s choicest blessing be upon them. During the convention the committee was also pleased to present the name of Julie Zakarka of Council 112 – Chicago, IL (Marquette Park Area) and the Mid-America District. Julie’s candidacy was unanimously approved by the delegates. Honorary Membership will be bestowed upon Julie during the 103 rd National Convention in Binghamton, NY in 2016. September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 21 National Ritual Committee Report The Ritual Committee processed 32 degrees this year: 13 First Degrees 7 Second Degrees 6 Third Degrees 6 Fourth Degrees Congratulations to the following members who were approved to receive the Fourth Degree: Irene Petkaitis – Council 6; Barbara Sokolowski – Council 30; Andrew Berczelly – Council 96; Maryanna Gercius – Council 112; Anna Mae Domalakes – Council 144, and Diane Drogalis – Council 144. Georgianna Macke National Ritual Chair We are happy to report Maryanna Gercius of Council 112 was in attendance at this Convention Closing Mass to receive her blessed Fourth Degree medal from Msgr. Joseph Anderlonis, HM. Thank you to my Supreme Council Committee: Becky Pataki – Council 90 (Mid-Atlantic District), Lauretta Pant – Council 96 (Mid-Central District), and Phyllis Gendreau – Council 17 (New England District) and thank you to all the District and Council Ritual Chairmen. Vytiškai, Georgianna Macke, Chairman Supreme Council Ritual Committee Council 157 (Mid-America District) Supreme Council-Elect Meeting Sunday, August 9, 2015 The members of the Supreme Council Elect met on Sunday morning prior to the Closing Mass. At the meeting President-Elect, Regina Juška-Švoba, HM, submitted the names of Robert A. Martin, Jr., HM for Vytis Editor. Phyllis Gendreau for Vytis Business Manager, Mildred Jagiella for ALTAS Rep. and Peter Paul Zansitis for ALTAS Rep. (Subject to acceptance). The recommendations passed. The Boards of all ancillary groups were then presented by their respective president and approved by the members of the Supreme Council Elect. The next meeting of the Supreme Council will be held in Philadelphia, Pa. Msgr. Anderlonis, HM and the members of Council 3, Philadelphia, PA, will be our host. The exact date of the meeting will be communicated to all by National Recording Secretary, Liza Macke. Officers were reminded to make sure that the National President Elect and National Recording Secretary Elect had updated address, phone and email information for all officers. There being no additional business to discuss the meeting adjourned. September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 22 The Plenary Sessions First Plenary Session, Friday, August 7, 2015 followed by the presentation of several resolutions; please see complete listing of all resolutions presented located in a separate section of this issue. Various announcements and instructions regarding the remainder of the day and following morning were then given. The meeting was closed with a prayer and then adjourned. Host Council 16 – Chicago, IL President, Peter Paul Zansitis welcomes the delegates to Lake Buena Vista, FL. The first session of the convention began with the Presentation of Colors. National resident Regina Juška-Švoba, HM then officially called the convention to order. An Opening prayer was given by National Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Msgr. Dr. Joseph Anderlonis, HM. Maryte Bizinkauskas then let the singing of the United States, Lithuanian, and Knight of Lithuania Anthems. The roll call of Supreme Council Officers was then taken by Supreme Council Recording Secretary, Liza Macke. This was followed by the Welcome Address from Host Council 16 President, Peter Zansitis. Michael Petkus then conducted the Election of the Convention Presidium and the adoption of the Convention Rules of Order. With the Presidium in place we then received Greeting in Person from Sister Theresa Papsis, SSC, on behalf of the Sisters of St. Casimir. The State of the Organization Report was then delivered by Regina Juška-Švoba, HM. Bernice Aviza, HM then followed up with the National Treasurer’s Report. At the conclusion of these reports the Mandate Committee then presented the Mandate Report for this session. The 101 st National Convention Minutes Review Committee then reported on the finding of the previous convention’s minutes. They reported that following their review a few corrections were made and that they found the minutes to be in order. Honorary Membership Chair, Walter Svekla, HM then presented the Honorary Membership Committee Report. His report was Maryte Bizinkauskas leads the delegates in the singing of the United States, Lithuanian and Knights of Lithuania Anthems at the start of the session. National President, Regina Juška-Švoba, HM, calls the convention to order. September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 23 Second Plenary Session: Saturday, August 8, 2015 received so far during the convention. There being no further business for the morning, various announcements and instructions were given. The meeting was closed with a prayer and then adjourned for lunch. Michael Petkus lead the plenary session. The Second Plenary Session was held on Saturday morning. The meeting was opened with a prayer. The National Membership Report was then given by Elena Mikalauskas on behalf of 2nd Vice-President, Mary Agnes Mikalauskas. Elena then presented the National Scholarship Report. The Annual Knights of Lithuania Foundation Report was then given by Foundation President, Irene Ozalis. The National Ritual Report came next followed by the presentation of the Nominations Committee for the coming year. Our Lady of Siluva Fund President, Rev. Anthony Markus, HM, gives the Fund’s Annual Report. Third Plenary Session: Saturday, August 8, 2015 Following our lunch break the Third Plenary Session was opened with a prayer. St. Casimir Guild President, John R. Mankus, HM, and Rev. Audrius Austikaitis, Rector of the Lithuanian Pontifical College of St. Casimir in Rome, then presented the St. Casimir’s Guild Report. This was followed by a brief question and answer session. Henry Gaidis gives the keynote address on the current political climate in Lithuania. Henry Gaidis then gave a very informative presentation on the current political climate in Lithuania. This was followed by a question and answer session. Our Lady of Šiluva Fund President, Rev. Anthony Markus, HM then gave a report on the works of the Our Lady of Šiluva Fund. At the conclusion of these reports the Mandate Committee then presented the Mandate Report for this session. Several resolutions were then presented; please see complete listing of all resolutions presented located in a separate section of this issue. The Donations Committee then made a report on the donations St. Casimir Guild President, John R. Mankus, HM, gives the Guild’s Annual Report. September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 24 In an effort to include our Lithuanian culture and Roman Catholic beliefs into the fiber of the national convention a video presentation on the History of The Divine Mercy was then presented. The video was narrated and created by the Archbishop of Vilnius, Gintaras Grusas. This most informative documentary on The Divine Mercy was well received by all. We wish to send all our thanks to His Excellency, Archbishop Grusas, for producing this valuable film. Knights of Lithuania Juniors, James Rielly; MacKenzie Mooney; Brian Johnson, Jr., Jason Muldowney; and Justin Johnson prepare to give their Junior Report as they are introduced by 3rd Vice President, Lexie Rudmin. 3rd Vice President of Junior, Lexie Rudmin, then led the Juniors in presenting their report on their activities during this year’s convention. Each junior took part in presenting their report to the delight of the delegates. National Trustees, Mary Beth Slakis and Dave Boucher, deliver their annual report. Rev. Audrius Austikaitis, Rector of the Lithuanian Pontifical College of St. Casimir in Rome, addresses the delegates. The Mandate Committee then presented the Mandate Report for this session. The Financial Review Committee then presented those resolutions concerning financial donations from the organization. The National Trustee’s then gave their report as well as a report on the 2016 National Convention. John R. Mankus, HM and Barbara Miller, President of 2016 Host Council 72 – Binghamton, NY, assisted in presenting the information on the next convention. It was announced that at this time we have approved hosts for the 2017 and 2018 conventions as well, Council 96 – Dayton, OH and Council 1 – Brockton, MA, respectively. The election of officers for the 2015-2016 Term of Office for the Supreme Council was then conducted. Following the election of officers and committee chairs, all final resolutions were presented. The final report of the Convention Donations Committee was then given. There being no further business various announcements and instructions for the remainder of the convention were given. The session was closed with a prayer. Presidium Members: Irene Svekla; Michael Petkus & Elena Nakrosis during the sessions. September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 25 Resolutions discussed and voted on during Convention received from Resolutions Committee Bernice Aviza, HM; Rita Johnson; and Robert A Martin, Jr, HM Lake Buena Vista, Florida, from August 7-9, 2015 do hereby change Article X – Section 4 from its current ruling to the following: 4. A Supreme Council officer is elected yearly. Subsequently a member may be reelected to the same office for additional one year terms provided the candidate is nominated and is willing to serve, and Be it further resolved … that if ratified by the delegates that this change takes effect immediately. Resolutions & Greetings Committees: L-R: Rob Martin, HM; Bernice Aviza, HM; & Rita Johnson. Resolution: Reduce number of issues of “Vytis – The Knight” Whereas, currently Vytis – The Knight is published Bi-Monthly with an additional issue published covering the convention, and Whereas, the expense of producing an issue continues to rise each year due to printing and mailing expenses while our organizations funds continue to decrease due to attrition, therefore Be it resolved that effective with 2016 we decrease Vytis – The Knight to a quarterly publication with an additional issue covering the convention. Submitted: Robert Martin, Jr., HM, Vytis Editor Resolution Passed. Resolution: Abolishment national offices of term limits for Whereas … currently our constitution only allows for a member of the organization to succeed themselves in a national office for a total of three (3) consecutive terms, and Whereas … as our organization progresses it is becoming more difficult to find qualified candidates to run for office, therefore Be it resolved … that the delegates of the 102 nd National Convention, gathered at the Orlando Hilton Submitted: Resolutions Committee Resolution Passed Subject: Assessing an administrative fee on our ancillary organizations Whereas due to the current financial outlook our organization faces the delegates of the 101 st National Convention instructed the Supreme Council to investigate with our legal advisor the possibility of the organization assessing a yearly operating/administrative fee on each of our ancillary charities, and Whereas this investigation was done and has concluded that such a fee is entirely legal, therefore Be it resolved that the delegates of the 102 nd National Convention, gathered in Lake Buena Vista Florida do hereby authorize the implementation of such a policy on all ancillary organizations of the Knights of Lithuania both current and future as follows: All current ancillary organizations, (The K of L Foundation, St. Casimir Guild & Our Lady of Šiluva Fund) shall pay a stipend of 5% of their treasury as of close of business August 8, 2015, to the national treasury of the organization to assist with the day to day operations of the main organization for 2015. Then beginning with 2016 they shall pay a yearly stipend of 3% of income received during the previous fiscal year, ending each year on June 30th, and Be it further resolved that income received by the St. Casimir Guild for the soul purpose of Mass offerings shall not be considered as part of their yearly income. September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 26 Submitted: Supreme Council on behalf of the delegates of the 101st National Convention Whereas…the members of council 16 worked arduously for the past year to make this 102 nd convention a truly unforgettable event, and Resolution Passed Subject: Donations to Religious Communities Be it resolved…that the amount of $200.00 be donated to each of the following religious communities: Sisters of Jesus Crucified Sisters of Saint Casimir Sisters of St. Francis of the Providence of God Sisters of the Immaculate Conception Submitted: Resolutions Committee Financial $100.00 Review Subject: Thank you – Council 16 – Chicago, IL Committee Whereas…in so doing, they accepted and fulfilled a very demanding task; therefore Be it resolved…that the delegates to the 102 nd Knights of Lithuania national convention extend their warmest appreciation and gratitude to Council 16 for their hard work, diligence and hospitality in their preparation and presentation of this convention. Submitted: Resolutions Committee Resolution Passed recommendation: Final Resolution Passed: $250.00 per religious community. Subject: Moment of silence for the departed Honorary Members Subject: Thank you – Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista Whereas…the management and the staff of the Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista demonstrated hospitality, courtesy, and cooperation during our 102nd National Convention; Whereas…during the last year the Knights of Lithuania has lost three of it’s Honorary Members, Clemencine Miller; Elinor Sluzas; and Faustas Strolia, therefore Be it resolved…that the Supreme Council President send a letter of appreciation and thanks on behalf of all the delegates. Be it resolved…that the delegates to the 102 nd National Convention of the Knights of Lithuania pay tribute to our dearly departed Honorary Members with a moment of silence. Resolution Passed “May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.” Be it resolved…that the delegates to the 102nd Knights of Lithuania national convention express on behalf of themselves and the general membership, their deepest gratitude for the 2014-2015 Supreme Council for its dedicated service to the organization and support of the ideals of the Knights of Lithuania. Submitted: The Honorary Membership Committee, Walter Svekla, Chair Subject: Thank you – Outgoing Supreme Council Resolution Passed Resolution Passed Subject: Thank you – Convention Presidium Be it resolved…that the delegates to the 102 nd Knights of Lithuania national convention extend their warmest appreciation and gratitude to the presidium and its committees for their hard work, diligence and dedication in the conduct of this convention. Submitted by: Resolutions Committee Subject: Honorary Membership for Julia Zakarka Whereas…all constitutional requirements and considerations have been met for the candidacy of Julia Zakarka of Council 112, Chicago, IL, and the Mid-America District to be presented for Honorary Membership, and Resolution Passed September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 27 Whereas…the members of the Honorary Membership Committee have reviewed and approve of her candidacy, therefore Be it resolved…that the delegates of the 102 nd National Convention gathered in Lake Buena Vista, FL, formally approve and ratify Julia Zakarka of Council 112, Chicago, IL for elevation to Honorary Membership, and Be it further resolved…that her biography be published in a future issue of Vytis as required by our bylaws and that the 103rd National Convention which will gather in the Summer 2016 in Binghamton, NY formally bestow this much deserved honor upon Julia. Resolution Passed Be it resolved that the delegates of the 102 nd National Convention instruct the Supreme Council President to appoint a committee of no less than five members, one from each district, to investigate our options and come back to the 103rd National Convention in 2016 with a recommendation for how this classification addition could work for the organization. Resolution Passed Subject: Thank you to Norma Petkus and Committee Whereas, during this past year Norma Petkus has undertaken and overseen the transfer of the Knights of Lithuania Archives from Putnam, CT to Dayton, OH, and Msgr. Whereas, she and all those who assisted her have done a tremendous amount of work in organizing and cataloging our national archives, therefore Whereas, 2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the ordination of our beloved Msgr. Bartkus, HM, therefore, Be it resolved, that we the delegates to the 102 nd National Convention express out thanks to Norma and her team for all their hard work and endeavors. Be it resolved that the delegates of the 102 nd National Convention instruct the Supreme Council President to send a letter of greeting to Msgr. Bartkus congratulating him on this special anniversary, and Resolution Passed Be it further resolved that a donation of $100.00 be made to the St. Casimir Guild in his honor. Whereas, the work of JBANC, The Joint Baltic American National Committee, is integral to the continued security of our beloved Lithuania, and Subject: Congratulations Algimantas Bartkus, HM Financial $50.00 Review to Committee Rev. Resolution: Donation to JBANC recommendation: Final Resolution Passed: $100.00 Whereas, Through their efforts in Washington, DC, our members of the Congress and Senate as well as the White House Administration is consistently kept aware of issue affecting the Baltic Nations, therefore Subject: Appointment of an exploratory committee to investigate the creation of social membership in the Knights of Lithuania Be it resolved, that the delegates of the 102 nd National Convention present JBANC with a donation of $1,000.00 to continue their good works. Whereas, in order for our organization to survive new ways of attaining membership should always be carefully considered, and Financial $500.00 Review Committee recommendation: Final Resolution Passed: $500.00 Whereas, currently the constitution does not allow for social membership in the organization, and Whereas, the current times require us to look “outside the box” for possible way to increase membership, therefore September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 28 Subject: Officially shorten national convention to three days amount of $125.00 be presented to Amerikos Lietuvis. Whereas, this year we experimented with a shortened convention of three days instead of four, and Submitted: Regina Juška-Švoba, National Public Relations Chair Whereas, this Friday to Sunday schedule has worked to make things more concise for our membership, therefore, Be it resolved that the delegates of the 102nd National Convention official change the length of our national conventions to three days instead of four, and Be it further resolved that if approved the change would take place immediately. Resolution Passed Subject: Donation Catholic Daily to Draugas, Lithuanian Whereas, DRAUGAS, the sole Lithuanian Catholic daily (currently tri-weekly <three times/week>) newspaper in the United States, that has been in existence for over 100 years, that publishes news items and photographs relative to the Knights of Lithuania’s activities and projects with pronounced consistency for the last century (since the K of L organization’s inception), Therefore, be it resolved that as a gesture of appreciation and support, a donation in the sum of $250.00 be presented to Draugas. Financial $125.00 Review Committee recommendation: Final Resolution Passed: $100.00 Resolution: Donation to Draugas News, English Edition Whereas, DRAUGAS, the sole Lithuanian Catholic world-wide newspaper published in the United States, began printing the monthly English version “Draugas News” in November 2013, and Whereas, “Draugas News” has consistently printed news items and photographs relative to the Knights of Lithuania’s activities and projects, since that time, Therefore, be it resolved that as a gesture of appreciation and support, a donation in the amount of $125.00 be presented to Draugas News. Submitted: Regina Juška-Švoba, National Public Relations Chair Financial $75.00 Review Committee recommendation: Final Resolution Passed: $125.00 Submitted: Regina Juška-Švoba, National Public Relations Chair Financial $75.00 Review Committee recommendation: Final Resolution Passed: $125.00 Resolution: Donation to Amerikos Lietuvis Whereas, Amerikos Lietuvis, a Lithuanian weekly newspaper that, over the last year has published several news articles with accompanying photographs relative to the Knights of Lithuania’s organization meetings and events, Therefore, be it resolved that as a gesture of appreciation and support, that a donation in the Members Dave Boucher; Regina Juška-Švoba, HM and June V. Grenier take a break during the sessions to enjoy some Florida sunshine. September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 29 Knights of 102nd Nationa Lake Buena V September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102 National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 30 Host: Council 16 – nd f Lithuania al Convention Vista, Florida September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102 National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 31 – Chicago, Illinois nd Report of the attendees of the 102nd National Convention received from June V. Grenier, Supreme Council Financial Secretary Please Note: This year’s convention consisted of three plenary sessions. Mid-America District: Georgianna Macke, C157 – 3; Aldona Zajauskas, C-16 - 3. Mid-Atlantic District: Catherine Nakrosis, C90 – 3; Julia Schroder, C152 - 3. Mid-Central District: Michael Petkus, C96 – 3; Anne Louise Tucker, C96 - 3. New England District: Maryte Bizinkauskas, C1 - 3. Council 1, Brockton, MA: Robert Wisgirda - 3. Council 3, Philadelphia, PA: Lillian Greymas – 3; Irene Svelka – 3; Walter Svelka, HM - 3. Council 6, Hartford, CT: June V. Grenier - 3. Council 16, Chicago (Bridgeport Area): Francesca Zajauskas - 3. Council 19, Pittsburgh, PA: Brian Johnson - 3. The Mandate Committee: Seated: Lillian Greymas and June Grenier. Standing: Georgianna Macke and Cathy Nakrosis. Council 36, Chicago (Brighton Park Area): Robert Damasauskas - 3. Honorary Members in Attendance: Msgr. Joseph Anderlonis, C3 – 3; Bernice Aviza, C136—3, Regina Juška-Švoba, C102 – 3; John Mankus, C72 – 3; Rev. Anthony Marcus, C112 – 3; Robert A. Martin, Jr, C16 – 3; Elena Nakrosis,C90 – 3; Frances Petkus, C96 – 3; Theresa Strolia, C157 – 3; Walter Svekla, C3 - 3. Council 78, Lawrence, MA: David Boucher - 3. Supreme Council in Attendance: Msgr. Joseph Anderlonis, C3 – 3; Regina Juška-Švoba, HM, C-102 – 3; Robert Petkus, C96 – 3; Lexie Rudmin, C16 – 3; Liza Macke, C157 – 3; Bernice Aviza, HM, C-136 – 3; June V. Grenier, C6 – 3; David Boucher, C78 – 3; Mary Beth Slakis, C16 – 3; Robert A. Martin, Jr, HM, C-16 – 3; Maryte Sepikas, C133 – 3; John Mankus, HM, C-72 – 3; Walter Svekla, HM, C3 – 3; Georgianna Macke, C157 – 3; Elena Mikalauskas, C96 – 3; Rev. Anthony Marcus, HM, C112 – 3; Irene Ozalis, C3 – 3; Aldona Zajauskas, C16 – 3; Elena Nakrosis, HM, C-90 – 3; Michael Petkus, C96 - 3. Council 96, Dayton, OH: Elena Mikalauskas – 3; Robert Petkus – 3; Erin Petkus - 3. Amber District: John Mankus, HM, C-72 – 3; Barbara Miller, C72 - 3. Council 158, Lakeshore, MI: Andreja Deksnis – 1; Marie Deksnis - 3. Council 82, Gary, IN: Sister Janine Golubickis, SSC - 3. Council 90, Kearney, NJ: Becky Pataki - 3. Council 102, Detroit, MI: Regina Juška-Švoba, HM 3. Council 112, Chicago (Marquette Park Area): Paul Binkis – 3; Susan R. Binkis – 3; Mary Anna Gercius – 3; Regina Juskaitis – 3; Sister Theresa Papsis, SSC – 3; Julie Zakarka - 3. Council 157, Lemont, IL: Donna Juraitis – 3. September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 32 Guests: Rev. Audrius Austikaitis – 3; Rita Johnson, C19 – 3; Peter Paul Zansitis, C16 – 3; Paul May, C112 – 1; Norma Petkus – 1; Donna Scola, C-133 – 1; Elias Papadopoulos, C-1 – 1; Henry Gaidis, JBANC - 2. Juniors: Brian Johnson, Jr, C19; Justin Johnson, C19; Mackenzie Mooney, C16; Jason Muldowney, C90; James Reilly, C152. Convention Mandate Committee: June V. Grenier, Chair & National Financial Secretary; Lillian Greymas; Georgianna Macke; Catherine Nakrosis. Donations Committee Report for the 101st Anniversary Convention received from the Donations Committee Our Lady of Šiluva Fund –Washington, DC Chapel June V. Grenier - $100.00 IMO Justina Greiner; Regina Juskaitis - $50.00; Knights of Lithuania New England District - $100.00; and Barbara, Tom & Debbie Miller - $20.00 IMO Deceased Members of C72 and Isabel Joksas Rich. Total donations received: $270.00. Fr. Jutt Fund for Lithuanian Affairs No donations received. Knights of Lithuania General Fund Anonymous - $5.00; Regina Juskaitis - $50.00; Knights of Lithuania Council 158 - $25.00; Frances Petkus - $25.00 IMO M. P. Petkus, HM; and Teresa Strolia, HM - $25.00 IMO Faustas Strolia, HM. Total donations received: $130.00. Our Lady of Šiluva Fund - General Anonymous - $5.00; Robert Damasauskas - $100.00 IMO Rev. Casimir Kulbis and Faustas Strolia, HM; Knights of Lithuania Council 26 - $50.00; Knights of Lithuania Mid-America District - $2,000.00 For OLOS Website Upkeep; Georgianna Macke - $20.00 IMO Faustas Strolia, HM; Frances Petkus, HM - $25.00 IMO M. P. Petkus, HM; and Teresa Strolia, HM $25.00 IMO Faustas Strolia, HM. Total donations received: $2,225.00. Knights of Lithuania Foundation Anonymous - $5.00; Robert Damasauskas - $100.00 IHO Msgr. Bartkus, HM; Knights of Lithuania New England District - $100.00; Barbara, Tom & Debbie Miller - $50.00 IMO Deceased Members of C-72 and Isabel Joksas Rich; Frances Petkus, HM - $25.00 IMO M. P. Petkus, HM; Vivian Rodgers, HM - $50.00 IMO Al Rodgers; Teresa Strolia, HM - $25.00 IMO Faustas Strolia, HM. Total donations received: $355.00. St. Casimir Guild, Inc. Anonymous - $15.00; Bernice Aviza, HM - $100.00 IMO Polly Ziausys, Council 100 and Council 136; Robert Damasauskas - $100.00 IMO Rev. Casimir Kulbis and Faustas Strolia, HM; Knights of Lithuania New England District - $100.00; Georgianna Macke $20.00 IMO Faustas Strolia, HM; Frances Petkus, HM - $25.00 IMO M. P. Petkus, HM; and Teresa Strolia, HM - $25.00 IMO Faustas Strolia, HM. Total donations received: $385.00. Knights of Lithuania Juniors No donations received Knights of Lithuania Scholarship Fund Paul & Susan Binkis - $200.00 IMO William Bolanos; and Barbara, Tom & Debbie Miller - $10.00 IMO Deceased Members of C-72 and Isabel Joksas Rich. Total donations received: $210.00. Lithuanian Children’s Relief Fund Knights of Lithuania Council 26 - $50.00; Knights of Lithuania New England District - $100.00; and Vivian Rodgers, HM - $50.00 IMO Al Rodgers. Total donations received: $200.00. Vytis – The Knight Magazine Regina Juskaitis - $50.00; Barbara, Tom & Debbie Miller - $20.00 IMO Deceased Members of C-72 and Isabel Joksas Rich; and Frances Petkus, HM $25.00 IMO M. P. Petkus, HM. Total donations received: $95.00. Total of all donations: $3,870.00. A big thank you to all for your generosity! nd September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102 National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 33 Report of the 2nd Vice President Membership Awards taken from the Annual Report of the National 2nd Vice President Mary Agnes Mikalauskas Every year, the Supreme Council recognizes three councils who have consistently gone above and beyond the call of duty, promoting Knights of Lithuania’s appreciation of the Lithuanian language, customs and culture while obtaining paid new members, by granting them the Annual coveted Membership Award. Though everyone in each council of the Knights of Lithuania strives to give 100%, one of the reasons we’ve had such stellar years, these councils have a habit of giving 115%. This year’s winners will be awarded a beautiful certificate, suitable for framing, accompanied with an extra thank you for all each council who has given to the Knights of Lithuania. This year’s council winners range from those who have been have operating for a very long time to a shorter time respectively in the Knights of Lithuania. The membership awards are divided into three areas: Elena Mikalauskas presents the Membership Report on behalf of Mary Agnes Mikalauskas. 1. 2. 3. 0-50 members in the council 51-100 members in the council and 100 + members In the first category, of 5-50 members, for gaining the most new paid members since our last national convention, from the New England District, the award goes to: Council 1 – Brockton, MA In the second category, of 51-100 members, from the Amber District, the award goes to: Council 143 – Pittston, PA And in the third category, of 100 + members, again from the Amber District, the award goes to: Council 144 – Anthracite, PA Thank you so much, to these three councils, and to all the councils who have obtained members! We appreciate all you do! September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 34 Opening Mass Sr. Theresa Papsis, SSC, plays the piano during the Opening Mass, adding the beauty of song to our liturgy. ↨ Delegates during the Opening Mass. ↨ Msgr. Joseph Anderlonis, HM, offers our Opening Mass assisted by Rev. Audrius Arstikaitis and Rev. Anthony Markus. This year all of the Convention Masses were held at the hotel. A room was reserved to serve as our “Chapel” for the weekend. The members of Council 16 brought in a large banner of the main altar of their former St. George’s Church which served as the back of our altar. The Opening Mass was celebrated by our Knights of Lithuania National Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Msgr. Dr. Joseph Anderlonis, HM. He was assisted by Rev. Audrius Arstikaitis, Rector of the St. Casimir Pontifical Lithuanian College in Rome, and Rev. Anthony Markus, HM, President of the Our Lady of Šiluva Fund. Hymns were led by Susan Binkis, C112, Chicago, accompanied on the piano by Sister Theresa Papsis, also of C-112. A beautiful service was well attended by the delegates and put all of us in the right frame of mind for the day’s activities that were to come. Our celebrants during the Opening Mass Recessional. September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 35 Saturday Morning Mass On Saturday our day began once again with Mass. This Mass was offered for the intentions of the Deceased Members of the Knights of Lithuania. The Mass was offered by Rev. Audrius Arstikaitis with Msgr. Anderlonis, HM and Rev. Markus, HM assisting. The readings were said by Barbara Miller and our music was once again provided by Sr. Theresa Papsis, SSC and Susan Binkis. Rev. Audrius Arstikaitis offers our Saturday Morning Mass assisted by Msgr. Joseph Anderlonis, HM, and Rev. Anthony Markus. Barbara Miller proclaims the days reading at our Morning Mass. Sr. Theresa Papsis, SSC, plays the piano during our Mass, assisted by Susan Binkis who served as our Cantor. Members attending the morning Mass. September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 36 National Trustee’s Report Dave Boucher and Mary Beth Slakis 2016 – The 103rd National Convention will be hosted by Council 72, Binghamton, NY, Barbara Miller, President. The convention will be held at the Doubletree Hotel in Binghamton, NY from August 57, 2016. Their council looks forward to welcoming everyone to New York next summer. Complete information will be available in the near future. National Trustees: Mary Beth Slakis and Dave Boucher. Trustees Mary Beth Slakis and Dave Boucher announced that they have reviewed the financial records received from the organization and its charities and find what they reviewed to be in order. However, there was a discrepancy in one set of books that would require further clarification and it wouldn’t be able to sign off on those books at this time. Upon clarification they will report their findings to the Supreme Council. They were happy to report that bids have been received for the 2016, 2017, and 2018 national conventions. 2017 – The 104th National Convention will be hosted by Council 96, Dayton, OH. Council members look forward to presenting more information at a future date. 2018 – The 105th National Convention will be hosted by Council 1, Brockton, MA. Council President, Maryte Bizinkauskas and all her fellow Council 1 members look forward to welcoming everyone to the Brockton/Boston area in the summer of 2018. They have both been involved with the relocation of the national archives. They have made themselves available to councils who have needed assistance in obtaining tax id number and other issues. Our Lady of Šiluva Fund Report received from Rev. Anthony Markus, President During the past year we have continued to work to get the website up and running in Spanish and Polish. This has been delayed due to the need to verify correct translations and placement. We have continued to make Our Lady of Šiluva Holy Cards available to those that request them during the year. Members of the fund attended Supreme Council Meetings during the past year. The Fund was saddened by the passing of our Vice President, Elinor Sluzas, HM. Our condolences to her entire family. The current officers of the Fund are: Rev. Anthony Markus, HM – President; Vacant – Vice President; Robert A. Martin, Jr., HM – Secretary; and Mary Beth Slakis – Treasurer. Rev. Anthony Markus, HM President – Our Lady of Siluva Fund September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 37 Scholarship Committee Report Submitted by Elena Mikalauskas, Committee Chair Madeline Domalakes – Council 144 Frackville, PA Member since 2011 – Second time applicant Elena Mikalauskas National Scholarship Committee Chair The Knights of Lithuania Scholarship Program is intended to help a worthy and dedicated Knight further their education. Since 1958, the Knights of Lithuania Scholarship fund has presented multiple awards ranging from $200-$3000. For the 2015-2016 school year, we received three applications fulfilling the requirements. The committee has reviewed all the applications and I am honored to present the Knights of Lithuania scholarship awards. The Knights of Lithuania Foundation informed our scholarship committee that the Karklius Scholarship funds that have been utilized and are no longer available. We appreciate the generous donation and the many scholarships that were awarded over the years. Awards will be presented alphabetically. Madeline has been one of Council 144’s cultural chairpersons. She has been a volunteer for the annual Lithuanian Days and also helps with Kučios activities. When home from college, Madeline is involved in K of L activities, and also she can be found decorating the church for holidays or serving meals at church dinners. Madeline provides a good reminder to the congregation of the valuable gifts and talents young people can share with the community. Madeline is described as committed, intelligent and personable young lady. She is a superb representative for our council and the entire Lithuanian community. In 2015, Madeline received the Charles Lee Foundation History scholarship and Louis Pitchford Memorial scholarship. She is attending Hillsdale College in Michigan majoring in history and is awarded a Knights of Lithuania scholarship in the amount of $1000. Emilija Lapas – Council 158 - Lake Shore Member since 2010 – First time applicant Junior membership activities included Lithuanian egg decorating and Christmas parties. On the council and district level Emilija participates in meetings, Mass for Our Lady of Šiluva, Lithuanian Cultural Concerts, Vyciai conference, Tea Party at Barker Mansion and Culinary class. On the National level Emilija participated in the 2011 convention hosted by September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 38 Council #158. Emilija is always courteous and willing to help with Knights of Lithuania events. Liza is a person with strong character, ethics, and is constantly making a difference in someone’s life. Emilija is described as having a great sensitivity to the needs of others. She has a great love and natural talent for working with individuals and rarely appears sad, frustrated or mad about anything. She is always thinking about how she can help others. Liza is described as faithful, genuine, enthusiastic and hard working. She is proud of her Lithuanian heritage and is happy to talk about her involvement in the Knight of Lithuania. She is also known for making delicious bacon buns. Emilija’s strong character traits of determination, discipline and inquisitiveness are further evidence that she is prepared to succeed. Liza plans on attending college at DuPage and working to major in art education and is awarded a Knights of Lithuania scholarship in the amount of $3000. She plans on majoring in English and using her degree to teach. English has always been a love of hers and she hopes to share her passion for good literature with others. Her Catholic faith is a central part of her life and she has chosen to attend the Franciscan University at Steubenville. Emilija is awarded a Knights of Lithuania scholarship of $2000. Liza Macke – Council 157 – Lemont, IL Member since 2008 – First time applicant Liza has been active in participating in junior convention activities since 2002. As a junior member of her council she has participated in Lithuanian egg decorating, weaving and ornament making; Christmas outings and Our Lady of Šiluva plays. On the council level she has been on the annual Kučios committee, assisted with district meetings and pilgrimages and on the committee for the Šiluva Luncheon. She has been the District Sergeant at Arms from 2009-2013, District Corresponding Secretary from 2013 to present and on the National level she is the National Recording Secretary elected in 2014. One reference shared that high school students are required to volunteer as part of their school obligations. Liza’s class chose to visit with children at Gigi’s Playhouse, a Down’s syndrome achievement center. Liza enjoyed sharing her love of art with the young children and even went back and visited on her own time to finish some of the art projects. Another reference shared that Liza gets along extremely well with her peers, and her good nature always made the classroom a better place. Congratulations to all of our winners! We are very proud of you and hope you will all continue to be active in the Knights of Lithuania Organization. I would like to thank my committee: Robert Damasauskas, Meredith Domalakes, June Grenier, and Mikalina Tambasco for their assistance. I would also like to thank you for your donations to the scholarship fund. Without your donations, none of this would be possible. Thank you! Scholarship Recipients Send Their Thanks Dear Knights of Lithuania Scholarship Committee, I would like to thank you sincerely for your generous gift. I am currently attending Franciscan University of Steubenville – the school I have always hoped to attend – and I am loving it. This scholarship has certainly helped to make this possible and I’m deeply grateful for it. I am majoring in English and am excited about both the classes and the potential of the degree. Ačiū! God Bless! Sincerely, Emilija Lapas Thank you so much to the Knights of Lithuania for giving me the opportunity to be a part of such an amazing organization from a very young age. Special thank you to the Scholarship committee for providing me with a great donation to my college education. Since my first convention in 2002, participating in junior activities, taking responsibility in the Supreme Council and attending meetings on various levels has been a great part of my life. I am also very grateful for all the enjoyable, humorous and admirable people I have met over the years through the Knights of Lithuania. Thank you for being a wonderful second family and for supporting the continuation of my college education. Ačiū Labai, Liza September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 39 Junior’s Convention Report L-R: Irene Ozalis, K of L Foundation President; James Reilly; Mackenzie Mooney; Brian Johnson, Jr.; Jason Muldowney; Justin Johnson; and National Third Vice President – Lexie Rudmin. This year the Knights of Lithuania Juniors were small in numbers but large in fun and activities. For the Juniors the convention started early on Friday morning with a day trip to The Magic Kingdom. Later in the evening the Juniors joined with the rest of the delegates for the Hoop-Dee-Doo Review Dinner and Show. to the convention committee for such a great week in Orlando, FL. During our Session on Saturday we once again had the opportunity to let our creativity shine as we painted and decorated Mickey Mouse Ears with Lithuanian images and textile designs. We also had an open discussion on the current goings on in Lithuania and why it was important for all of us to join with our councils in writing letters to government officials asking them to be mindful of Lithuania independence. We had a great time being together and expressing ourselves through art. We then presented a report to the delegates about our activities during the convention. On Sunday we joined everyone for the Closing Mass and Farewell Luncheon. During the luncheon we held a raffle to aid Lithuania’s orphans. The prizes were the Lithuanian “Ears” that we had decorated earlier during the convention. A great big thank you September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 40 Junior Activities September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 41 St. Casimir Guild Annual Report received from John R. Mankus, HM, Guild President This has been another memorable year. Since my election as President of Saint Casimir Guild, I have exchanged many correspondences with Father Audrius Arštikaitis and many of our Knights of Lithuania members. This year is the second full year of Father Audrius Arštikaitis as the Rector of the Lithuanian Pontifical College in Rome. He is planning to be with us at our 102nd National Convention in Orlando, Florida. I want to thank all of you for your mass requests generous donations and bequests, which help support the Pontifical Lithuanian College and the student-priests. Remember the College with your donations and also your prayers. For this past year ( ending December 31, 2014 ) our bank ending balance was $157,303.02. This year we closed out and received the final distributions from the Estate of Angela Minsavitch and from the J. Walter Stanievich Charitable Trust. John R. Mankus, HM President, St. Casimir Guild, Inc. The past year we have processed three checks ( $100,000, $34,037 and $2,500 ) to the Lithuanian Pontifical College in Rome for the completion of the Patio project, building maintenance and for Masses to be said as requested. I have requested Father Audrius Arštikaitis for pictures of the completed projects. The past year we have processed requests for 384 Masses, which I have tried to answer in a timely manner and forward them to the Lithuanian Pontifical College in Rome for Masses to be said as requested. Also I have received and processed all Mass requests and donations totaling $12,506.52 to our St. Casimir Guild treasurer . I received a number of requests for additional Mass cards, which I mailed out as requested. During the year I ordered additional 350 Mass cards from our supplier. To expedite the transfer of funds to the College and clarify the expenditures at the Pontifical Lithuanian College in Rome a grant request form for requested funds is in place. This project request form is being used by Father Audrius Arštikaitis, Rector of the Pontifical Lithuanian College in Rome for all projects. Several future projects are being discussed with the Lithuanian Bishops including the replacement of the heating system and structural improvements of the buildings. I want to thank all former and present officers, board members and our Knights of Lithuania members for their input and assistance during the year. Since our previous Convention, we have been receiving requests for Masses almost daily. Thank you. Pagarbiai, John R. Mankus, HM President, St. Casimir Guild, Inc. September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 42 Knights of Lithuania Foundation Annual Report received from Irene Ozalis, President November 2011. In December 2014 the archives were transferred from Putnam, CT to Dayton, OH, under the supervision of Mike Petkus and have now been completely categorized thru the efforts of Norma Petkus. The Karklius Scholarship Fund established in 1986 with a grant of $25,000.00 has been depleted after 29 years of Scholarship Awards. This year’s essay topics were: “What am I going to do or can I do to keep the Knights of Lithuania alive” and “What would I change if I were the President of the Knights of Lithuania?” The winners are: 1st Place ($150.00) – Stephany Gutauskas, Council 3 2nd Place ($100.00) – Ronald Voveris, Council 143 3rd Place ($50.00) – Maryclaire Voveris, Council 143 We also have a winner in the Junior Category. Irene Ozalis, HM – President The Knights of Lithuania Foundation met for its annual meeting on Friday, August 7, 2015, prior to the First Plenary Session of the 102nd National Convention. The current officers and board members are: Officers: President – Irene Ozalis, HM Vice President – Mary Beth Slakis Secretary – Irene Svekla Treasurer – Walter Svekla, HM Spiritual Advisor – Msgr. Joseph Anderlonis, HM Legal Advisor – Saulis Kuprys Directors: Vivian Rodgers, HM Frances Bumila Lee Moore, HM Cathy Nakrosis Michael Petkus Bernice Aviza, HM The Archives Grant of $5,500.00 donated by Larry Svelnis, HM, has been depleted. A computer and printer were purchased by Bernice Aviza, HM in The winners are: 1st Place ($75.00) – Tristan Pant, Council 96 All winning essays will be printed in the Vytis. Donations for 2015 – 2016: $10,000.00 – Supreme Council $ 2,000.00 – Servants of the Lord in Panevezys $ 1,000.00 – Grant to the Council hosting the 103rd National Convention in 2016 $ 500.00 – Continued sponsorship of an orphan thru Salute Orphan Care $ 500.00 – $100.00 for each K of L Junior, attending and participating in the Junior activities of the National Convention. (This year we will be presenting five juniors attending the National Convention with a $100.00 check each at the 3rd Plenary Session.) For a total of $14,000.00 in donations for religious, charitable and educational purposes. Thank you everyone for supporting the Knights of Lithuania Foundation and hope that you will continue to do so. September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 43 1st Place Essay Winner Stephany Gutauskas Council 3, Philadelphia, PA Generations When contemplating actions I can take to keep the Knights of Lithuania alive, I consider both present and future. For the present, I can maintain a positive attitude that the Knights’ organizational viability can be sustained. This attitude translates into the following actions: continue attending Council meetings (I’ve missed only one in 16 years) and do my best in serving as officer and chairperson. I’ll encourage fellow members to attend meetings and urge those who have dropped out of Council to rejoin. As I make new Lithuanian American acquaintances, I’ll invite them to attend Council meetings as guests with an eye to becoming members of the organization. As I firmly believe in Tennyson’s aphorism that “more things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of”, I’ll use prayer to keep the Knights alive. I’ll pray to Saints George and Casimir, patron saints of Lithuania, to lovingly watch over our ancestral homeland and protect our Knights in the United States of America. I’ll pray to Pope Saint John Paul II, our newest Lithuanian saint, and to Blessed Archbishop George Matulaitis, currently on the path to sainthood, to have our Knights identify strongly with their ethnic heritage and, enthusiastically, maintain Lithuanian customs and traditions within their families and the larger Lithuanian community. I’ll pray to Our lady of Šiluva to encourage fallen away Lithuanian Catholics to return to the church, become active members again in the Body of Christ, and be eligible to join the Knights. My fondest dream for the Knights, moreover, lies in starting a junior Council, for it is my hope that, by getting children interested in their ethnic heritage early in life, they will develop those interests, particularly from junior Council membership, into a lifelong pursuit. Our children are our future. They will eventually become our replacements. Here’s how I’ll start to actualize my dream. Initially, I’d obtain permission to visit parochial schools in the neighborhood. I’d wear ethnic costume and speak to fifth through eighth graders about Lithuania. I’d identify each item of my ethnic garb and give a brief lesson on the geography of Lithuania, its location in Europe and its borders. I’d define the old agrarian rites of passage in Lithuania – for girls, weaving a juosta to demonstrate skills essential in making clothing for family members; for boys, plowing arrow straight furrows into a farm field, reading it for seeding and growing produce, essential for their family’s sustenance throughout the year. As we all observe birthdays, I’d enumerate how traditional Lithuanian celebrations differ from American ones. I’d ask children of Lithuanian descent to consider becoming first members of a junior Council and give them contact information. Subsequently, I’d also ask current Council members to encourage their own grandchildren to join the junior Council. For me, these endeavors – praying, being an active Council Member, and recruiting youths and adults into Council membership – may ultimately succeed in keeping the Knights alive for years to come. I’m quite willing to give them a try. September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 44 2nd Place Essay Winner Ronald Voveris Council 143 – Pittston, PA What am I going to do or can do to keep the Knights of Lithuania alive? Firstly I would notify the pastor of ones church either in writing, Internet, or engaging in conversation. We need to expose the public more often in written dialogue. We need more activities and notifications to our parishioners, in order that our customs will be recognized and appreciated. Bringing forth our Lithuanian gifts to the altar, with our beloved flag, and maybe even singing our Lietuvos Himnas upon procession could help. Another possible idea would be to advertise in the newspaper. Hopefully more young people such as junior members would get interested, if there are more social activities on the horizon. There are so many churches that have closed in our area, and that alone leads to a loss of Lithuanian customs. Thankfully there are some left, even though they have merged and changed parish names. It is a tremendous thrill to enter our church in Lithuanian grand fashion, especially carrying God’s cross and a statue of St. Casimir and other gifts. What better feeling can a Knights of Lithuania member have upon entering our church? We need more Sunday grand entrances other than Lithuanian flag raising day, St. Casimir’s day, and Kucios. Maybe with more exposure to the public, a happy chain of events might occur, resulting in increased membership. Our organization has mostly senior citizens and they are aging, but holding on with every ounce of strength and conviction. Our church of St. Casimir’s stood the test of time and time again. Unfortunately it was forced to close. It was and still is a struggle to see St. Casimir’s church on the hill, looking down upon its former parishioners. For 15 years our family of 7 children and two parents, made large hosts for the priests and thousands of small hosts for the parishioners. Even ringing of the bells before each mass, was part of the normal activities of St. Casimir’s church. My late father played the organ at our church for 35 years, and another 15 years at St. Nicholas parish in Wilkes Barre, PA. He passed away in church, getting ready to play its mighty organ. Currently the Moeller organ from St. Casimir’s church has been overhauled, and is now located at St. Nicholas church. The resounding power and beauty of the king of instruments, truly enlivens its parishioners. We need that music also to fill the void, in our hearts so desperately needed. Lithuanian music enhances ones spirit and there is no substitute. We need to boost parishioner’s spirits and hopefully, create a balance of love for music. In addition, I would say that we have an obligation to keep our Knights of Lithuania fully functional, with a resolve to recruit new members as soon as possible. God bless everyone that helps to maintain our Lithuanian customs so desperately needed and wanted. September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 45 3rd Place Essay Winner Maryclaire Voveris Council 143 – Pittston, PA What am I going to do or can do to keep the Knights of Lithuania alive? I am a proud Associate member of the Knights of Lithuania. It was a sad day when St. Casimir’s Lithuanian church was closed due to merging with other parishes. Last December, Monsignor wanted to celebrate Christmas Eve with the singing of Silent Night in all the Ethnic languages. My husband, who is Lithuanian, and also a member of the Knights of Lithuania, taught me to sing Silent Night in Lithuanian. We were so proud to stand at the altar on Christmas Eve and sing in Lithuanian. It was with great pride and passion we represented Lithuanian heritage. Every February, we gather at City Hall to raise the Lithuanian flag. Members traveled 30-125 miles on a cold, windy, snowy day to show respect to the yellow, green and red flag that represents Lithuania. Afterwards members and dignitaries enjoyed a wonderful luncheon at the Lithuanian Social Club. In March, Knights of Lithuania sponsors St. Casimir’s Day Mass in our parish. We have a procession, do the readings, carry our Lithuanian flag, St. Casimir’s picture, Ruta, Way Side Cross, and the gifts to the altar. When our members attend St. Casimir’s Mass in our Lithuanian outfits and crowns, this is no mistake to the other parishioners, we are representing Lithuania, yes, we are Lithuanian proud. In August, members traveled 1½ hour to attend the Annual Lithuanian days, this is a 2-day event. This year marks the 101st Anniversary. My husband and I will proudly wear our matching Bronze Medal Winner Barcelona 1992 Lithuanian Basketball Tee Shirts. Last year at the Annual Lithuanian days, my husband purchased a beautiful Amber ring, we were surprised how many people recognize amber and associate this beautiful stone with Lithuania. In December, members celebrated Kucios. The church basement was decorated in yellow, green, and red tablecloths, Lithuanian flags, and of course our youngest member searched for the gold star. Last October, we hosted an Amber district meeting. It was a great pleasure to meet so many nice Lithuanian members from all over the state. When I attend Knights of Lithuania meetings, there is always something new and interesting to learn about Lithuania. Our older experienced members guide and encourage the newer members, they teach us protocol, understanding the culture and how to be a better, more informed Knights of Lithuania member. I will try to keep Knights of Lithuania alive by attending meetings, St. Casimir’s day Mass, Lithuanian flag raising day and Kucios. We must keep Lithuanian culture alive, encourage people to join our council and continue with our Lithuanian ethnic customs and traditions. It is easy to take a back seat and be part of a do nothing society, or I can stand up, wear my Lithuanian crown and outfit and be counted as a proud member of Knights of Lithuania. September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 46 Essay Contest Junior Winner Tristan Pant Council 96 – Dayton, OH Jr. Culture is defined as the beliefs, customs, arts, and etc. of a particular society, group, place, or time by the MerriamWebster dictionary. It is something that can be shared and passed down. Told through art and tradition. We can be reminded of where we came from and be brought together with others who share those same practices. Culture is always changing from generation to generation. Somethings are lost and other memories add to the story. As members of a culture we are proud of, it is our responsibility to keep it thriving. It is our duty to share it with those we love and be dedicated to keeping it alive. The Knights of Lithuania has been around since 1913. Originally formed as a youth group to create unity and help support the freedom of Lithuania, it has now become a center for Lithuanian families all over the United States to come and celebrate their heritage. By attending the conventions held year after year, people can learn more about the history and customs and continue to carry them on. You learn new things about yourself, other Lithuanians, our culture, and the places you visit within the U.S. As time goes on, things change, people change, but the traditions do not. As long as you pass then down and acknowledge their importance. The people attending share these practices with their children. Then their grandchildren. They involve their spouses and continue to engage these beliefs and traditions in their homes. By attending the conventions and involving their loved ones, they are keeping the Knights alive. Knowing how to continue to support the Knights of Lithuania is important and I know what I can do. I plan on continuing to attend the conventions as often as I can. I think that is one of the most important ways to keep the K of L alive. Surrounding yourself with others like you gives a sense of community. I can get involved in my council and other extra activities. So many things are offered to those seeking to continue to learn more about their heritage such as dance group or lectures about Lithuanian customs. There are so many ways I can continue to be involved and so can anyone else who wishes to share that journey. Keeping the Knights of Lithuania alive isn’t difficult. Members of this group of proud Lithuanians can continue to let it thrive each and every day. I can do it too. Growing up in the Knights of Lithuania has taught me the importance of community and being close to those with a similar background. I have learned so much that needs to be preserved for future generations. I hope that anyone involved in the Knights of Lithuania can join me in helping keep it alive and prosperous. September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 47 JBANC Lithuanian State of the Republic Report by Henry L. Gaidis Henry L. Gaidis, JBANC Representative, addresses the delegates. At the 102rd Convention of the Knights of Lithuania Convention in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, on August 8, 2015, Henry L. Gaidis, a Lithuanian American Council, Inc. (LAC) representative to the Joint Baltic American National Committee, Inc. (JBANC), had the honor of addressing to the assembled officers, members and guests. For those not familiar with the LAC or JBANC may I first provide a little information about these two organizations, which the Knights of Lithuania has supported since their founding. The LAC traces its roots to the establishment of the Lithuanian National Council (Lietuvos Tautos Taryba), on February 10, 1915, in Chicago, Illinois, to coordinate the joint Lithuanian American War assistance effort between various Catholic, nationalist, and liberal organizations. One of the major activists in the founding of the LAC was Dr. Jonas Julius Bielskis a noted early Lithuanian American historical figure and Knights of Lithuania President. By June 1915, Dr. Bielskis established a LAC Information Bureau in Washington, D.C., from which he was quickly providing vital information to the President of the United, States, both Houses of Congress, the American press and the Lithuanian American community about the historical and existing political situation in Lithuania and within the Lithuanian American Community. With the Lithuanian Proclamation of the Independence in Vilnius, on February 16, 1918, American Catholics and Nationalist quickly rallied in support for the new government. On March 13, 1919, twelve hundred delegates from various organizations representing some 700,000 American Lithuanian convened at the Third National Congress of Lithuanian-Americans in New York City, New York. They called for the United States to recognize the Independence of Lithuania and formed an executive committee to meet with President Woodrow Wilson. That meeting took place on May 3, 1918, where the Congress’ adopted resolution asking the President to permit a Lithuanian delegation to attend the planned Peace Conference was presented. A second office Lithuanian Information Bureau was soon established in Lausanne, Switzerland, which in effect served as the unofficial Lithuanian Department of State for the newly established 1918 Republic of Lithuania. Through the efforts of the Lithuanian American community money was raised to feed the people of Lithuania, care for orphans, provided needed medical and military supplies, which greatly contributed to the survival of the Republic of Lithuania. Several prominent Lithuanian government officials acknowledged without the financial and political assistance provide by the Lithuanian American community the 1918 established republic would have failed. Although the Lithuanian National Council continued to provide support for the Republic of Lithuania throughout the post-World War I era, like their fellow Americans the community gradually became complacent over its successes and over time became dominant. The War to End All Wars had ended, a League of Nations had been established to resolve future conflicts, and the nation prospered. That compliancy was ended with a shock as Poland was invaded by a joint Nazi and Soviet forces and soon followed up by the occupation and annexation September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 48 of Lithuania and its sister states, Latvia and Estonia, into the Soviet Union. The LAC in its present form evolves from the revived Lithuanian American community unified struggle to help liberate its homeland from Soviet occupation. Acting as an umbrella organization representing an estimated one million American of Lithuanian descent, the LAC since that time has taken an active and continued interest in pursuing issues affecting Lithuanian Americans and their organizations. Since its inception the Knights of Lithuania have been an active member organization and contributed to all of its activities. To counter the continued Russian occupation of the Baltic States at the end of World War II, Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian American communities began coordinating their common effort to liberate their homelands. Representatives of these three organizations working together were instrumental in establishing the U.S. Governments non-recognition policy regarding the Soviet occupation of the Baltic clearly demonstrated that future cooperation would be need to liberate Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. As a result the Joint Baltic American National Council (JBANC) was officially founded on April 27, 1961, by three far-sighted leaders, Julius Kangur, Estonian American National Council, Inc. EANC), Peteris Lejins, American Latvian Association, Inc. (ALA), and Leonard Simutis, Lithuanian American Council, Inc. (LAC), who joined together to direct and coordinate ongoing projects of their respective community members and as a liaison with the executive and judicial bodies of the U.S. Government. There is no question that JBANC continues to this day to function in a similar fashion to the LAC Information Bureau established by Dr. Jonas Julius Bielskis during the pre-WWI era. Since it was established JBANC has successful advocated the Baltic-American agenda with Congress, the White House, the State Department, and other federal agencies. During the Cold War no other organization did more to keep the dream of freedom and independence alive in the Baltic States during their Soviet occupations or contributed as much to the successful restoration of independence to these nations. Since its inception, JBANC has successfully united Baltic-Americans in fostering democratic principles, seeking basic human rights, supporting the establishment of peaceful relations among nations, and the restoration and now the maintenance of Lithuania’s independence, national, energy and economic security. With the restoration of independence to the Baltic countries and their accession into North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Union (EU), JBANC from its office locate in Rockville, Maryland, adjacent to the nation’s capital continues to coordinate the support of the joint Baltic American communities through its liaison activities with the House and Senate, White House, State Department, and other federal agencies related to their ongoing political process, through providing accurate information and timely policy analysis regarding Baltic affairs in the U.S. and abroad related continuing to BalticAmerican concerns. Such activities include, but are not limited to continuing to bear witness to the legacy of communism, defenses the Baltic nations from unjust accusations, promoting democracy beyond the Baltics, seeking to strengthen transatlantic integration, regional cooperation and U.S. engagement in the Baltics, and expanding relations and cooperation with other ethnic organizations and political groups in the U.S. and the Baltics. Since the founding of the American Republic duty of the President of the United States has make yearly State of the Union addresses to the joint houses of Congress. During such addresses, the President reports on the conditions of the nation and outlines his agenda for the future year. The Knights of Lithuania is member organization of the Lithuanian American Council and JBANC its educational and research organization depends on your political and financial support in order to continue the work it does on your behalf. May I further advises that JBANC is a volunteer organization which has only one paid employee and a small office located in Rockville, Maryland, but in close proximity to the White House, Congress, State Department, and three Baltic Embassies. Our budget is extreme compared with the high paid lobbies that dominate the Washington political circle. Still we have bills to pay and without the support of the Knights of Lithuania and other LAC members, JBANC would soon cease to exist. Although I am being very presumptive, I would like to present a summarized JBANC report a similar fashion to the President of the United States annual address to the Knights of Lithuania. The restored Republic of Lithuania has now existed as a free and independent nation for twenty-five years. The proud nation once again declared its independence as an independent Republic March 11, 1990, formally renouncing the false Russian claim that Lithuania had voluntarily joined and was a member of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). I need not recount the brave and courageous struggle that ensued before that Declaration of Independence was fully achieved. Not only was Lithuania’s September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 49 independence achieved, but the nation’s action soon led to the fall of the Soviet Union, which officially ceased to exist on December 25, 1991. The political and economic stability of the Republic of Lithuania today is a shining example of what can be accomplished by a people willing to undergo unbearable hardships and suffering to achieve freedom. Not only is Lithuania an active member of the European Union, but it also held the office of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Members of its armed forces have served alongside American and fellow NATO forces in Bosnia-Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan with great distinction. One could write pages about the great achievements made by the Lithuanian people since they thru off the shackles of Russian oppression. With the demise of the USSR the world and the Russian people rejoiced at the prospect that the Cold War and Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe had finally ended. Unfortunately the dream of a democratic Russian Federation begun under President Boris Yeltsin waned with the election of Vladimir Putin as the President and Prime Minister of the Russia Federation from 2000 to the present. It is common knowledge that Putin served as an officer in the Russian Committee for State Security an internal security organization well known by its Russian initials KGB for sixteen years rising to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. With the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991, Putin entered into politics in his native St. Petersburg in 1991. He moved to Moscow in 1996 becoming a member of the Yeltsin administration and quickly rose through the rank. Today Lithuania without doubt is more politically and economically secure since the medieval ages, but the nation has never been in more danger at any time since the restoration of the republic because of the reign of Prime Minister Putin. Putin has never been openly friendly with the west, but initially cooperated with the free world while he consolidated his power. Putin’s first openly hostile act occurred in August 2008 when he directed the Russian military to intervene in the Republic of Georgia dispute with its Russian minority living in the Ossetia and Abkhazia providences. Although his intervention and occupation of parts of the Georgia Republic resulted in worldwide condemnation and economic sanctions, the Russians have continued similar expansionism. The Georgia intervention was followed in February 2014 with the Russian clandestine military invasion and March 2014 Russian Federation annexation of the oil rich Ukrainian Crimea and its Sevastopol seaport. The pretext of both of these invasions was Russia supporting a persecuted Russian ethnic minority. As you all known the struggle in the Ukraine continues to this day in the Ukrainian Donbass region. The Russian invasion of Georgia and the Ukraine sent shock waves throughout Eastern Europe and no more so than in the Baltic States. This concern was further escalated on September 18, 2014, when Putin toll Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko that “If I wanted, in two days, I could have Russian troops not only in Kiev, but Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn, Warsaw and Bucharest.” Some political pundits have theorized that Putin chose to do these interventions to bolster Russian patriotism and divert attention away from the declining Russian economy. Since the Western imposition of economic sanctions against Russia, Putin has continued his provocative activities, which has included Baltic Airspace encroachments, confronting ships in the Baltic Sea, and staging Russian military exercises on the boarders of the Baltic Nations. It is noted that such Russian military exercises along the Georgian and Ukrainian borders took place immediately before their invasions of these countries. An especially heinous event took place on June 30, 2015, when the Russia Prosecutor-General Office announcement that it was reviewing the legality of the 1991 Soviet Council decision granting independence to the three Baltic States which was immediately followed by two senior Russian parliament members announcing their support of the contention that granting of independence to these countries was illegal. Although these provocations were condemned by NATO there is little doubts that this announcement was intended to cause further fear within the Baltic Republics. Such military intervention by a larger state into an adjacent smaller nation using the pretext of protecting its ethnic minority has been commonplace throughout history. The most recent universally accepted example has been Nazi occupation of the Rhineland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Kapadia, and Poland. So there is no wonder that Latvia having approximately a 28 percent, Estonia approximately a 24 percent, and Lithuania have approximately a 5 percent Russian minority, would have grave concerns. This perceived threat has caused Lithuania this year to restore its military conscription (draft), banned the wearing of military style clothing without permission, and issue a war survival manual to its citizens on what action should be taken in case of a Russian invasion. All three of the Baltic Republics and other eastern European states have for months been asking for the September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 50 establishment of permanent NATO bases on their soil. Although no permanent NATO military bases have been established in the Baltics, NATO reacted to these Russian provocations by increasing the number of aircraft assigned to its rotating Baltic Air Policing contingent and having back to back land and sea military exercises, which in effect provides a constant land and sea NATO contingent in the Baltic. No one knows what Putin intentions are, but speculations has ranged from a desire to reestablish a Russian Empire similar to the USSR to just giving the Russian people something to occupy their minds in a progressively declining economy. Although I have dwelt upon the ongoing Russian provocations there have been many JBANC contributed successes during the last year. JBANC though its routine liaison with member of the Administration, U.S. Congress, U.S. State Department, and the three respective Baltic Embassies in Washington, D.C., has championed and I modestly say played a significant part in the establishment of the ongoing NATO military maneuvers taking place in the Baltic. On several occasions, JBANC has met with elected official of the respective Baltic governments and heard their plea for the establishment of permanent NATO bases in the Baltic. Although the current administration and many NATO states are not in favor of establishing permanent NATO bases in the Baltic, they recognize the threat possessed by Russia. It should be noted that JBANC worked tirelessly for the NATO admission of the Baltic States, which under Article 5 of its charter calls upon each member state to act in unison in response to an attack on a member state. On June 19, 2015, General Hans-Lothar Domrose, NATO Central and Eastern Europe Commander, stated that Russia posed an immediate threat to the Baltic and recommended offensive arms deployment to the Baltic to counter possible Russian aggression. Similar comments were voiced by General Joseph Dunford, the U.S. Marine Corps Commandant, during his confirmation hearings to be the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in July 2015. At that hearing, General Dunford identified Russia as being the greatest threat to U.S. National Security. As a result of this cited Russian provocation, NATO is in the process of continuous military and naval training exercises in the Baltic and have approved and is in the process of establishing Battle Supply Points, wherein heavily equipment would already be in place, to facilitate an immediate military response in the event of an invasion. With the increase over support of NATO in the defense of its fellow member states, Russia appears to have curtailed some of its provocative activities. Specifically, Russian Baltic and Naval air encroachments have virtually ceased allowing of NATO Baltic Air Policing aircraft to be reduced to its earlier levels. What I have recounted can be interpreted in many different ways as we have no way of knowing how aggressive Putin will be in the future. My rambling could be described by the words of the immortal bard, William Shakespeare, “a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”. I prefer to describe my rambling in the words of one of America’s founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, a political realist, who wrote “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” Although JBANC frequently has to function as a reactive organization to events caused beyond its control such as the above described Putin situation, I would also like to briefly report a few of JBANC high points and future plans. Though its liaison with the administration, congress, and the U.S. State Department, JBANC has championed and directly contributed to the United States having provided support for a number of Lithuanian economic and political initiatives. On July 22, 2015, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė commemorated and expressed her countries gratitude to the United States and other free world states for having refused to recognize the Soviet annexation of the Baltic States and calling upon all too similarly refuse recognition of the recent Russian annexation of parts of Georgia and the Ukraine. President Grybauskaitė commemorated the event on the 75th Anniversary of Acting U. S. Secretary of State Summer Welles Declaration refusing to recognize the 1940 Soviet annexation of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. On January 1, 2015, Lithuania officially entered into the European Union economic market when it became the 19th member to adopt the Euro as its official currency further strengthening its ties with Western Europe. For Lithuania, the adoption of the Euro is expected to boost investment and counter Russian influence as well as allow the nation to gain a say in the European Central Bank decision making, access to Europe’s bank resolution fund and cheaper borrowing costs. The adopted also provided a further economic shield in its ongoing struggle to cut its reliance to Russia. At the present time, Russia accounts for 30 percent of the Lithuania economy and the adoption of the Euro will further trade expansion with the rest of Europe. On February 5, September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 51 2015, representatives of Central Terminal of Klaipeda official reached an agreement with DFDS Seaways to form a new passenger-cargo ferry line connecting the ports of Klaipeda and Sweden, which will greatly promote marine tourism and commerce. On February 28, 2015, the United States and Lithuania signed a trade agreement, where by Chenier Energy Company, Houston, Texas, will provide natural gas to Lithuania which will greatly curtail the nations’ independence on Russian gas and oil. In furtherance of Lithuania’s desire for gas and oil independence, on October 27, 2104, Lithuania established a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) import terminal for liquefied natural gas (LNG), which will greatly contribute to the nation’s aspiration for energy independence. The switch to gas imports via tankers will ensure the country’s energy security and redraw the energy map of the region. The new terminal can serve and fulfill about 90 percent of the gas supply needed for Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. President Grybauskaitė said, “For us this will give a lot of leverage and freedom in decision making. Nobody will be able to blackmail or force us to pay the political price.” On the home front, JBANC worked extensively with members of the U.S. Congress in the passage of a number of bills related to Lithuanian American causes. On August 23, 2014, federal legislation common referred to as “Black Ribbon Day” which was introduced by U.S. Congressman John Shimkus of Illinois was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives, commemorating the victims of both Soviet Communism and Nazi terror and a commemorative ceremony held in the U.S. Congress Rotunda. The date marked the 75th anniversary of the infamous Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, which divided Poland and relegated the Baltic States to Russian occupation. On July 31, 2015, the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved the Global Magnisky Human Rights Accountability Act introduced by Senator Ben Cardin, by a unanimous voice vote. Sergei Magnitsky was a 37-year-old Russian accountant, husband and father, working for an American Company in Moscow, who blew the whistle on the largest tax fraud situation in Russian History. For this bravery act, he was arrested by his accusers and imprisoned in 2008 and subsequently died from beatings while imprisoned. To date, none of those involved have been arrested. The passed bill will ensure human rights abusers and corrupt officials are denied entry into the United States and barred from using our financial institutions. The legislation will further expand the Russia the Russiaspecific sanction in the Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability to apply globally, and would make significant acts of corruption a sanctionable offense. This legislation is named in honor of Sergei Magnitsky, who has come to symbolize the rampant and often violent corruption exemplified by President Putin and his puppet government. JBANC has played a part in all of these events in your behalf through its liaison with the U.S. government and various foreign governments. For the remainder of the year, JBANC will continue to emphasize the importance of U.S. engagement in the Baltic region, reassurance initiatives, energy security issues, U.S. international broadcasting and counter Russian disinformation, and Putin’s aggression in Georgia and the Ukraine and other threatened regions. Space precludes recounting the many passed bill that JBANC has been involved in. Today JBANC continues the work begun by Dr. Jonas Julius Bielskis, a former President of the Knights of Lithuania, who in 1918 established the Lithuanian Information Center in Washington, D.C., to provide information related to Lithuanian American concerns. Through his efforts the Republic of Lithuania survived and became a recognized free and independent nation state. During the 1920s and 1930s, the Republic of Lithuania is economically secure and prospering. For that reason most of the political activities of the Lithuanian American Council ceased, only to be reawakened by the sound of Russian tanks rolling Lithuania’s boarders in 1941. The Spanish philosopher, George Santayana, and many since have used his quote “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it”. God willing Lithuanian Americans have learned from their earlier error. For that reason, JBANC continues to work begun by Dr. Bielskis over a hundred years ago to keep Lithuania a free and independent nation. Past and Current National Presidents at this year’s convention. LR: Elena Nakrosis, HM; Rob Martin, HM: Bernice Aviza, HM; Regina Juška-Švoba, HM: John R. Mankus, HM; and Frances Petkus, HM. September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 52 Friday Evening Get-Together chicken, green salad, baked beans, cornbread and strawberry shortcake. Our very own, Michael Petkus, of Council 96 – Dayton, OH, was even selected to be part of the shows finale. A truly fun-filled, entertaining and enjoyable get-together evening was had by all. The conference's first evening get-together was at Disney Fort Wilderness Resort and Campground's Pioneer Hall for the Hoop Dee Doo Musical Review "Frontier-Style Family Fun." The Pioneer Hall players entertained the delegates with Wild West dancing, singing and vaudeville comedy. We clapped our hands, sang along and stomped our feet. We enjoyed the dinner that consisted of BBQ pork ribs, Members enjoining the evening! September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 53 Members at Get-Together September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 54 Convention Banquet Our convention banquet on Saturday evening was as always a special event. After the dais was seated, the invocation was given by Msgr. Anderlonis, HM, and the attendees were welcomed and thanked by convention chair, Rob Martin, HM, a wonderful meal was served. on this year’s Friend of Lithuania, Karl Altau, of JBANC. He explained that Karl was unable to attend at the last minute due to a death in the family and that the award will be presented to him next year at our convention in Binghamton, NY. This was followed by a highlight of the evening. The elevation of two of our members to Honorary Membership. Ritual Chair, Walter Svekla, HM, spoke on each member and then present the Honorary Membership Medal to Irene Ozalis of Council 3 – Philadelphia, PA, and Maria Deksnis of Council 158 – Lake Shore, IN. Each member of the dais then offered a few words before Msgr. Anderlonis, HM gave the Benediction. An evening of dancing and socializing followed. As we enjoyed our dessert the program continued. Lithuanian Affairs Chair, John R. Mankus, HM, spoke September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 55 The Convention Banquet September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 56 Closing Mass and Farewell Luncheon All too soon it seems that Sunday arrived and it was time for us to bid each other a fond farewell until our next convention. The morning started with all delegates and guests gathering for our Closing Mass. At the start of the Mass the National Ritual Committee along with Msgr. Anderlonis, HM, presented approved members with their 4 th Degree. While several members were approved this year only one was able to make the convention. After blessing the medals Msgr. Anderlonis presented the 4th Degree to MaryAnna Gercius of Council 112, Chicago, IL. The next order of business was the installation of officers for the coming year. All the officers stood to take their oath of office. Upon completing their oath they received a round of applause from those in attendance. The Mass then proceeded with Msgr. Anderlonis serving as main celebrant, assisted by Rev. Audrius Arstikaitis and Rev. Antony Markus, HM. During the Mass the readings were proclaimed by Robert Damasauskas and Paul May. Sister Theresa Papsis, SSC and Susan Binkis once again let the congregation in the singing of the hymns during Mass. Following the Mass everyone attended a Farewell Luncheon in an adjourning banquet room. This wonderful luncheon gave everyone one last time to visit with friends both old and new and to make plans to meet again at next year’s convention in Binghamton, NY. All our thanks to everyone who worked on, worked at or participated in this year’s national convention. We hope everyone enjoyed his or her time together in sunny Lake Buena Vista, FL. Now, on to Binghamton! September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 57 Convention Memories September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 58 Convention Memories September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 59 " In Jesus of Nazareth, mercy has appeared and lives! " ー POPE FRANCIS I PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT CHICAGO, IL AND ADDITIONAL MAILING LOCATIONS PERMIT # USPS 663-680 SAVE THE DATE! Knights of Lithuania 103rd National Convention Friday, August 5th to Sunday, August 7th, 2015 Convention Hotel: Doubletree by Hilton 225 Water Street Binghamton, NY www.Binghamton.DoubleTree.com Reservations: 1.607.722.7575 The Knights of Lithuania will hold the 103 rd National Convention in Binghamton, NY, this summer, August 5 – 7, 2016 at the newly remodeled, Doubletree by Hilton. Our convention hotel rate will be $129.00 per night plus local taxes. and the reservation number is 607-722-7575. Hoping to see you there! September – 2015 – Vytis–The Knight 102nd National Convention Issue – 2015 – rugsėjo Page 60