Autumn Issue - Double R Bar Regulators


Autumn Issue - Double R Bar Regulators
Double R Bar Regulators newsletter
Autumn 2014
News from the town of Chimney Rock
Volume 7, Issue 3
-all members are welcome-
9th - Sunday, Safety meeting
at 8am, then Shoot followed
by lunch then Club Meeting.
Lunch available from the Lions
Club for $5.00
13th - Saturday, 5:00 pm,
Curley’s Country Christmas
Annual Benefit Party. Ambassador Hotel, Victorville.
14th - Sunday, Monthly
Shoot. Sign-ups 8:00 am;
Safety meeting 9:00 am. then
shoot followed by meeting.
Lunch available from the Lions
Club for $5.00
More updates on our web site:
Board Brings Meetings Back to Range;
Curley’s Country Christmas Coming
Check out our web page for latest updates...
During an abbreviated meeting held
at Mojave River Trail Days camp, officers opted to change the meeting
venue back to Chimney Rock at Lions
Club for the rest of the year.
Much thanks goes to the owners of
Pizza Factory in Phelan who opened
their doors an hour early to host our
monthly board meetings for the summer months. They also offered quick
and tasty breakfasts. This new venue
helped members cut back on travel
time when they usually had to drive out
to Lucerne Valley.
Now our meetings and the shoots
are scheduled for the same day — on
the second Sunday. Safety meetings
begin at 8 am, with lunch & regular
meeting to follow the shoot. Lunch is
provided by Lions for $5.00.
Here are some of the nominees submitted at the October meeting:
(Directors) Jack Pot Jude, Rusty Rose,
Marshall Broussard. (Club Officers)
Sergeant-of-Arms: Buckskin Richard,
Smiley Ed; Range Officer: Mexican
Rob; Treasurer: Jersey Jo; Secretary:
Sheri “Pinky” Hawkins; Vice President:
Pack Rat; and, President: Five Jacks.
Nominations are still open until Nov. 9.
See Pages 8 & 9 for election bylaws.
Curley’s Chistmas Party
How many of you will be heading
out to Curley’s Country Christmas?
This annual holiday event slated for
December 13th will be held at the Ambassador Hotel,15494 Palmdale Road,
in Victorville.
The sweet voice of Belinda Gail will
return as our headliner entertainer
guaranteed to bring out the waterworks from some of our stoic cowboys.
Opportunity prizes and give-aways
are sure to bring a tear to those who
love to win their next firearm.
Latest news from
Dutch, our Emcee for
this shindig, is that
Cowboy Singer and
Songwriter Michael
Fleming will join us,
as well as Cowboy
Poet Chris Isaacs.
Chris Isaacs has been
a working cowboy,
horse shoer, rodeo
cowboy, Marine, firefighter, poet, performer and packer. In
fact, his packing expertise led to his
Continued next page
Belinda Gail
T H E B U L L E T – N e w s f r o m t h e H i g h D e s e r t R a n g e Page 1
Chile Verde
a recipe by
Diamondback Jack
Chile Verde (Green Chile) is a meaty stew, with the “green” supplied by fresh bell pepper, canned California green chilies, chopped parsley, and green onions. There are many variations on the recipe, but this is
my favorite.
1 1/2 to 2 lbs each boneless beef chuck, and boneless lean pork roast, cut in 1 in. cubes. (remove as
much fat as possible from the meat)
1/2 tsp sugar
Olive oil (as needed)
1/4 tsp ground cloves
One green bell pepper, seeded and chopped
2 tbsp ground cumin
One bunch green onions, rinsed well and chopped
One clove garlic, minced or mashed
1/3 cup chopped parsley
2 large cans (1 lb. 12 oz. each) stewed or diced tomatoes
1 large can (7 oz.) California green chiles, seeded and chopped
1 cup beef broth (or half and half dry red wine and beef broth)
In a large Dutch oven, brown about a quarter of the meat at a time on all sides in hot oil, and set aside. In
pan drippings sauté bell pepper, green onions, and garlic ‘till tender. Add a little more oil if needed. Add
tomatoes and their liquid, beef broth, and remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil, and reduce heat to a simmer. Now add the browned meats and their juices. Cover and simmer about 2 to 3 hours, stirring occasionally, until the meat is tender. Taste often and add cumin and salt as needed. Remove the cover for
the last 45 min. or so to allow the sauce to reduce to the thickness you desire. When finished, serve with
Spanish rice and beans, with warm fresh flour tortillas. Hope you enjoy it.
Continued from Page 1
moniker “Packsaddle Poet” in the cowboy poetry
community. A three-time winner of the Academy
of Western Artists "Will Rogers Award", Chris
Isaacs is a poet and storyteller who has lived the
life that he writes about. He has seen life from a
cowboy's point of view for all of his 60-plus years,
and his poems and stories are alive with the heart
and humor of life from a cowboy's point of view. He can
usually find the funny side of any situation, and is considered by many to be one of the finest humorists in the
Halloween lingers
loooong after
the taste of
& decedent
sweets have
left you craving
for more.
More on Page 3
T H E B U L L E T – N e w s f r o m t h e H i g h D e s e r t R a n g e Page 2
Michael Fleming was raised
at the foot of the Colorado
Rockies. There he developed a profound love for
the West and its people that
has compelled him to create
music celebrating its culture. Known for
“Sometimes This Old Cowboy Gets the Blues”, he has
now joined New West, a trio
of Cowboy entertainers/
Chris Isaacs, at
left, and Michael
Fleming, at right,
will join Belinda
Gail on stage
during the benefit
dinner for Happy
Trails Foundation.
Heard It On The Wind ~~~~~
From Our Newest Facebook Page
Five Jack's asked the following be posted-
Pack Rat has given our Club’s Facebook Pages some
lively chatter:
The Lucerne Valley Lions Shooting Range will
have a N.R.A. .22 cal. 3-gun shoot. Nov. 15
starting about 12:00 noon. The RR Bar is joining
the fun with one or two stages of Western 3gun. Open to the public. Questions? Contact
Five Jacks at (951)347-0862.
Since I'm not a shooter I get to ask a lot of
"dumbish" questions. Like, what the heck is 3Gun Shoot?
Answer: If you've never been to or heard of 3gun shooting, go check out this video. It's basically a quick moving stage where a shooter has
multiple targets throughout an alley-styled scenario using two pistols and one long gun. The
scenes are more complex and you need to move
more and concentrate on your balance and
I also noticed that the targets are a mixture of
bull's-eye, fold over, upright metal, and short,
enmasse ground targets. A whole different way
of getting’ the job done.
This is an event that the Lions Club is hosting
and we are going to put on 2 stages at the
event. The western 3-gun is a style of cowboy
action shooting that these guys put on.
you to everyone that shot on Sunday Oct
12th, and stayed over for the monthly club meeting.
Congratulations to Dead Eye Maverick and Ransome
Hawk for shooting the match clean!
We had some nominations made and accepted for
Club Officers as well as three open Board of Director
positions. We are accepting nominations in November as well with voting happening in January. There
is more detailed information on our RR_ website
about this. Check it out and be sure to participate!
(See more details on Page 6)
Congratulations to Mexican Rob! He was the overall
winner of the Cajon Cowboys match last week end
and he shot it clean! Nice Shooting!
As you can see, we have some Regulators heading
out this week end- Good Luck to Lil Jersey Jo and
Smiley Ed at Bordertown. Give them what for! (That
could be page 8)
We had “Gunfight Behind the Jersey Lilly” here in
SoCal 10/23-10/26. (Too late for The Bullet) The
Burro Canyon Group shot at West End Saturday the
25th. And that’s about it from Pack Rat.
Thanx, Rat!!
If you want up-to-date info or want to share some
news, head over to Facebook and chat. Easiest way
is to find the Facebook link on our Double R Bar
Regulators web page.
T H E B U L L E T – N e w s f r o m t h e H i g h D e s e r t r a n g e Page 3
Cajon Cowboys Legends of the West
As most of you figgered by now, I gather the news wherever I can
find it, steal it, or even fabricate it. Here’s the proof that Lil Jersey Jo
and Smiley Ed won Best Dressed Couple — 2nd Place at Eldorado,
the SASS State Champs in Nevada. Of course, it does prove that
they had to sneak out of state to do it.
Keep your ad design with the
“Cowboy Spirit” in mind
Business size Card is $25 dollars a
year for Non- Members
Free! to current members & active
members of the club
Photos by
Need a larger space? Just ask and
we’ll negotiate on what you need .
T H E B U L L E T – N e w s f r o m t h e H i g h D e s e r t R a n g e Page 4
Attention All Shooters —
Mojave River Trail Days
All That Power Goes to Their Head
Wear Old West Period Outfits in Photos;
SASS Clamps Down on Dress Code
It seems that
while not many
showed up for
this event, they
did have some
sort of contraption to help
while away
them long
hours, roasting
in the sun, between robbing
the stagecoach
and hay wagon.
Dawg had to
cycle to blend
his brew.
For new SASS shooters, as well as old timers,
there are certain costume rules that you should
know. This subject came up last spring when a
number of shooters would change into camping
duds and return to receive their awards.
Baseball caps and cut-off jeans, tank tops and
flip-flops just doesn’t work for the photo shoot. And
apparently this is an epidemic in all SASS events.
An email was sent out to all members to become
aware of SASS clamping down on shooting attire
during and after the shooting event. I’ll high-light
some of the restrictions here but in most cases
keeping common sense and genuine works best.
If you have any questions go to
downloads. You’ll find the latest version.
Continues on Page 6
Photos from
Marcie Taylor
Hardy Hand Shake to Vendors
I learned a lesson in inviting vendors to events.
Lucerne Valley Days was a one-day event that our
LV Museum Association hosted in September. It
turns out that we didn’t get any food or drink vendors since we only held the family games, booths,
and contests only one day in the park.
Vendors often cannot book one day. It’s not cost
effective for them. So as we make plans for our upcoming Crap Shoot in April, we should keep in
mind to ask often and to ask many vendors that like
a western theme. Never hurts to ask.
Even offering free booth space doesn’t guarantee they will show up. Some are solely selling plastic and modern vendor items that really don't suit
our venue. So, this year we should aim for vendors
who like our theme, advance a 4-day event, and
keep the booth rental free, but maybe with a reserve fee that we can return when they show up.
Ask your shop owners, where you frequently
shop, if they can make a donation to Happy Trails
Foundation and the Cooper Home for abused children. Our group is now designated 501 © 4, where
we can accept donations and give a receipt in return for their gift.
~~ Rusty Rose, editor
T H E B U L L E T – N e w s f r o m t h e H i g h D e s e r t R a n g e Page 5
Continued from Page 5
keeping the illusion of a Western event comes
down to the raiment's of a professional shootists.
If you have any questions go to “Shooters Handbook at You’ll find
the latest version.
The Handbook reminds us that we are preserving the heritage of a specific historical time, from
1860-1900 where modern clothing and accessories
did not exist.
Here’s just a few of the outlawed items:
Modern shooting gloves, short sleeve t-shirts and
tank tops, ultra modern cowboy hats with feathers,
designer jeans and athletic shoes, and all Nylon,
“Velcro” and plastic accouterments.
Ask the match director or do some research on
the Internet to find appropriate design.
On the bright side, stay with the designs that appeal to the Old West and B-Western movies. If you
are competing in a fashion category, stick with
“Classic Cowboy and Cowgirl” requirements.
It also mentions that moccasins, lug soles of military design, certain lace-up boots, and sandals are
not allowed.
Just too much to mention here. Just refer to the
handbook and avoid being SDQ’d with a penalty of
150 to 999 seconds.
"They say I killed six or
seven men for snoring. It
ain't true. I only killed one
man for snoring." -- John
Wesley Hardin.
Congratulations to Mexican Rob! He was the overall
winner of the Cajon Cowboys match last week end
and he shot it clean! Nice Shooting!
He seems to be as busy as the other shootists this
month, so we’ll hear from him next issue.
Welcome New Members
I was hurrying to get this
issue out and forgot to
find out who our newest
Members are. Next time.
"I have vision, and the rest of
the world wears bifocals. -Butch Cassidy
T H E B U L L E T – N e w s f r o m t h e H i g h D e s e r t R a n g e Page 6
Proudly Presents The
Saturday, December 13, 2014, 5:00 P.M.
15494 Palmdale Road -Victorville, CA
CALL (760) 240-3330 or
TOLL FREE (855) 788-4440
T H E B U L L E T – N e w s f r o m t h e H i g h D e s e r t R a n g e Page 7
Required Reading if You Wish to be a Club Officer
Nominations are now open for all Club Officers. With our status as a 501(c)4 it requires a Board of Directors comprised of seven (7) positions, three (3) are now open. Directors meet a minimum of once a
year. Here are some guidelines to follow for both Club Officers and Board of Directors:
nominations are open at club meetings in October and November. Club meetings are
being held at the range, after the shoot.
all nominations will be closed by November 9, 2014
candidates can be nominated by other club members or by themselves at one of
the meetings listed above or if that is not possible one can submit their wishes in writing.
nominees must accept nomination, if not present a written acceptance must be presented
an e-mail is an acceptable means of nominating or accepting a position
all nominees need to submit a statement of qualification and why they would be a
good candidate for the position nominated for.
all nominations must be a member in good standing
no officers, of either the Club Officers or the Board of Directors, are exempt from club
membership dues
voting/election to be held at January 11, 2015 club meeting. Members who wish to
vote that cannot attend this meeting will have the option to vote via an e-mail or by
proxy. Information regarding this will be supplied in a future e-mail
new officers will take office by February 1, 2015.
Continues on Page 9
Latest Photos Right From The
Streets of Tombstone’s Shoot
I can’t confirm or deny, but these two have been
hitting a bunch of shoots all over the “Californie
and Arizonie” territories as of late.
Smiley Ed and Lil Jersey Jo came back with big
smiles but did not venture to say if or what they
won. Their Facebook page claims they had fun
at Bordertown, and the weather was good.
Okay. We’ll keep it simple.
T H E B U L L E T – N e w s f r o m t h e H i g h D e s e r t R a n g e Page 8
Three Openings on Non-Profit Board
Board of Directors: Three (3) positions are currently
open for a period of two (2) years term.
Qualifications: directors of this corporation shall be
as follows:
Commitment to our purpose, good communication
skills, contacts with community and associated organizations, organizational skills, fund raising experience, management of budgets, money management, practical skills, social and business, ability to
work with others.
Duties: It shall be the duty of the directors to:
Lewis & Clark Carried Novel
Air Gun Across the Country
Air gun you ask? Yup, it’s true. They might have experimented with its range and power but most of their
adventures never mentioned much about its capability. They shot birds and squirrels from trees, but did
they ever have to resort to shooting large live targets
like buffalo or man?
Why didn't any of this information end up in our US
History books in school? Makes you wonder...
Check out these pages on the Internet:
perform any and all duties imposed on
them collectively or individually by law, by
the articles of incorporation, or by the bylaws
appoint and remove, employ and discharge, and except as otherwise provided in
these bylaws, prescribe the duties and fix the
compensation, if any, of all officers, agents,
and employees of the corporation
Comments from the Internet:
supervise all officers, agents, and employees of the corporation to assure that their
duties are performed properly
meet at such times and places as required by these bylaws
register their addresses with the secretary of the corporation and notices of meetings mailed or telegraphed to them at such
addresses shall be valid notices thereof.
For a description of the Club Officers duties please
contact Little Jersey Jo @ Jo & Ed Boyde
New officers will take office by February 1, 2015.
Please submit all written nominations or acceptance to Little Jersey Jo, by the end of the meeting
to be held November 9, 2014.
In 1883, Sitting Bull, a guest of honor at opening ceremonies
for Northern Pacific Railroad, said in the Lakota language:
"I hate all white people. You are thieves and liars. You have
taken away our land and made us outcasts." A quick-thinking
interpreter told the crowd the chief was happy to be there and
that he looked forward to peace and prosperity with the white
people. Sitting Bull received a standing ovation.
“Apparently, there is
documented evidence
that the L&C gun had a
reservoir capacity of
about fifty shots per
fill. Now, it doesn't say
they were consistently
powerful. People forget
that L&C had that thing
as a novelty more than
Girardoni System, Circa
anything else. Com1795 with extra tool bag
pared to a contemporary squirrel rifle, it
would not have stacked
up too well, even as a
small game camp gun.”
“… a 45cal that can put a hole through a 1" piece
of wood at 100+ yards and was more accurate
than all their PBs plus could fire 22 rounds a minute? Not to mention never having to worry about
wet powder or flints. You can bet that was his goto small game gun without question ...
This same gun was … used against Napoleon with
great success so it was taking out people which is
not "small game" out to well over 100 yards…”
Girardoni System, Austrian Repeating Air Rifle, Circa 1795
T H E B U L L E T – N e w s f r o m t h e H i g h D e s e r t R a n g e Page 9
Air Gun of Old — continued
At the FT Nationals in '06 the Guys who had created the remake with original manufacturing techniques brought the gun
and allowed anyone to shoot it. I got the chance to try it and
broke the shot clean. I was rewarded with watching the sight
picture as the hit appeared exactly where I broke the shot.
Shots like that are why we are shooters and appreciate guns
that do what they are instructed to do faithfully.
I will never forget the experience and could relate completely
with the fascination the Natives must have experienced. I to
was taken in by the noiseless accuracy of these great toys we
known as air guns. The insight to realize it would be magic to
the Natives was really quite brilliant and is a chunk of history
all Air Gun nuts can share and enlighten those that haven't a
I too thought they were magic when I was young and I still do
to this day and I'm only 1/32nd Native. Accuracy without the
bang and kick is a great thing. They baffled them with science
and it made the difference! Smokeless, recoilless, accurate &
silent equals Magic even now.
During our introductions as major
supporters to Happy Trails Foundation, these fine belt buckles were
donated to Double R Bar Regulators
as raffle prizes for our next banquet.
For $20 you’ll get 25 tickets. Single
tickets are $1.00
Thanx to Diamondback Jack for this tasty bit of history!!
If you are wondering why technology from 1703 is missing from
our history books then take a look at this video:
Your comments can be sent to for The Bullet.
Notes From
the Editor --760.646.2661
The holidays are coming fast as usual.
Doesn’t it feel faster each year? Time to meet
your matches at several shooting events
scheduled for the cooler weather. And time
to plan for the annual Curley’s Cowboy
Christmas. The next issue will be after the
January elections are concluded. As always,
remember to send me news items, short stories and poems to my new email address:
Contact the Editor
~~ Rusty Rose
T H E B U L L E T – N e w s f r o m t h e H i g h D e s e r t R a n g e Page 10
PO BOX 3105
President ~~ Five Jacks
Vice President ~~ Hoss Hall
Secretary ~~ Lady Blackrose
Treasurer ~~ Little Jersey Jo
Sergeant-At-Arms ~Buckskin Richard
Range Officer ~~ Mexican Rob
SASS Territorial Governor ~~
Desert Dawg
Proprietors: Calamity Candy & JJ Johnson
(951) 961-2008
T H E B U L L E T – N e w s f r o m t h e H i g h D e s e r t R a n g e Page 11