Lgkgland Christian Apademy - Lakeland Christian Academy
Lgkgland Christian Apademy - Lakeland Christian Academy
Lgkgland Christian Apademy Field Trip Policies for Adult Volunteers I uxderstancl my primary responsibilify is to irelp fhe LCA f*a*:*ring the studeuts in n way fFlat ryr,:q{is tlr exce*d:i L,C.il stnlf to cai"e fsr stanrlards of cane. Person?l Beloneings I understand I may not have itt *y possession a firearm of any kind. If using my personal vehicle to transport LCA students to or from an off campus event, I understand I may not have a firearm of any kind in my vehicle. Medical Attention I understand I may not give anv medication to a student at any time. For students, I agree to seek immediate medical attention from an LCA staff member. Interaction with Students agree to observe the Three-Person Rule. I understand that I may not be alone with any child. In the presence of children there will always be at I least three individuals. No Corporal Punishment I understand LCA does not allow corporal punishment, including any form of spanking. For any child who exhibits a discipline problem, I agree to retum the child to his/her LCA teacher. I understand, while octing as an Adult Volunteerfor LCA,I muy not spank my own child at any time. No siblines I understand special events planned by LCA are strictly for specific LCA ciasses. Siblings of'Adult Volunteers and LCA students from other classes are not allowed. Nq_cellphong I understand LCA students will receive the undivided attention fiom all Adult Volunteers. Cell phone, pagers, etc. are to be turned off during the entire event. No exceptions. Signature Date Lakeland Christian Academv Authorization for Criminal Records Check I hereby authorize Lakeland Christian Academy to obtain any information which pertains to any records of convictions contained in its files or in any criminal {ile maintained on me whether local, state, or national. I hereby release Lakeland Christian Academy from any and all liability resulting from such a disclosure. I understand LCA will run a Criminal Records Check at least one time in any twelve month period and reserves the right to run additional periodic checks as long as I have a child enrolled at LCA PrintedName Signature Date of Place of Birth Birth Social Security Number Today's Date First Name First (OtherNames) Street Address Telephone Number Middle Name Last Name Last Name (Other Names, Maiden) Middle City Date of Birth List all other cities where there has been residency: County Age State Zip Sex (lvVF) Lakeland Christian Academv 397 S. Stemmons Freeway Lewisville, TX 75067 972t219-3939 FAX: 972-219-9601 PARffi ITT/AD ULT EMAR.GEi{CY IVIED TCAL F'ORIV{/RELEASE OF LIABXT,ITY ParenVAdult Name: Parent/Adult Birth date: Address: City: State: Home Phcne: Work Dl"^-^, r 11u11!. zip: Pager ^- rr^tt. UI \-UII. ParenVAdult Emergency Contact: ParenVAdult Emergency Contact Phone: This authorizes Lakeland Christian Academy to obtain immediate medical care and consents to the hospitalization of, the performance of necessary diagnostic test upon, and the use of surgery should an emergency occur. It is also understood that this agreement covers only those situations which are true emergencies and/or the above mentioned person cannot be reached for consent. Please complete the l. 2. following for yourself (parenVadult volunteer): Iiwe will be responsible for payment of medical expenses. Medical treatment costs are covered by: Insurance Company: Policy #: Flospital: Physician: Pre-existing medical conditions: RELEASE OF LIABILITY I do hereby and discharge Lakeland Christian Academy, Lakeland Baptist Church it's agents or representatives from liability for any and all present or future claims and regarding personal or bodily injury to said participant which might result from or be sustained during participation in this activity. Signature Date