Coach and bus operators have a sunnier outlook for - Route-One


Coach and bus operators have a sunnier outlook for - Route-One
31 December 2014 | Issue 570
routeONE magazine
Coach and bus operators have a sunnier outlook for the New Year. Managers from the full
range of coach and bus businesses have responded to routeone’s short survey – and it’s clear that
confidence is high compared with 12 months ago. What will operators be focusing on in 2015? p4-6
Already 80% sold out
Automated Enviro200
Getting all staff involved
Coach & Bus Live 2015 is set to be a hit. p14
How does an AMT gearbox fare in a bus? p23-25
Engineer-driven Arri-Va-Va-Voom. p26-27
Need legal help? Our Q&A answers your questions. p14
front cover iss570.indd 1
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2 | Wednesday 31 December 2014
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This Week | 31 December 2014, Issue 570
Examine your gift horse
What makes a good coach, minibus or bus
operation? Many things, is the answer, although
operational delivery and customer service are two
stand-out essentials.
But as you look back on the last 12 months,
and contemplate the year ahead, it is naturally
tempting to think about what has gone well, and
what you will prioritise for 2015.
Exactly which market you are in, where you are
geographically and what type of business you target, all affect your decision
Not everyone can justify running brand new vehicles, but that doesn’t
mean that you can stand still on investment, as it’s likely your competitors
will be looking to steal a march. And investment takes many forms; it’s also
about people and their skills, not just the hardware.
Firm financial control is also what has seen many operators survive
through the recession. That doesn’t mean making cuts, but making better
use of what you’ve got. It can mean investment, especially in software to
help manage operations or boost sales – such as online bookings or nonpaper ticketing.
While you know most of your competitors, as they’re local, the age-old
problem of faceless coach brokers continues to rear its head. You know
when it’s gone wrong somewhere, as your phones are ringing off the hook
some days with calls from distressed customers who have been let down at
the very last moment.
But, if your business is picking up – as many say it is (see pages 4-6) –
you can never be complacent. We thank all those who responded to our
questions with wise advice, such as Stanley Travel Director Andrew Scott,
who says: “This is such an exciting and diverse industry; you must remain
both confident and optimistic taking advantage of increasing opportunities
along the way.”
The sharpest operators know that it is vital to keep reviewing every
aspect of the business and react to the market.
One issue that some operators will think has gone away is that of fuel
prices. While there has been a massive price fall, this will not last forever.
The gift horse presented to operators may be Trojan. If you’re not careful,
it could help mask other financial issues that you may experience. It’s a gift
that will be taken back at some point – use it wisely while you have it.
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Mel Holley, Editor
comment (this week) iss570.indd 3
Wednesday 31 December 2014 | 3
22/12/2014 16:52
Big Story | Industry health check
What’s the state of the coach, bus and minibus industry right now, and what are its
managers going to focus on in 2015? There’s only one way to really find out, and that’s to
ask them. And the results make surprisingly positive reading, reports Mel Holley
Anyone involved in transport
knows that it’s quite easy to be
gloomy, and in recent years the
recession has provided good
reason. Twelve months ago, we
asked operators how confident
they were, and while optimism
was returning, it was still a
mixed picture.
Simple questions
To find out how the industry
is faring we asked the bosses
of 43 business three simple
questions. The firms, ranging
from small owner-operators to
some of the biggest concerns,
covering coach, bus and
minibus and in most geographical areas, provide a representative snapshot.
All were asked the same three
questions, and it produced a
range of responses, yet some
common themes and trends
also shone through.
Typical is this response from
John Johnson, Commercial
Director of Johnsons Quality
Coach & Bus Travel of Henleyin-Arden, Warwickshire:
1. What’s the best/most
important action you’ve
taken in your business this
year and why? “Spending time
on strategy and business planning, being clear about what
we want the business to achieve
and look like in five years’ time.
Then deciding on how we’ll get
there. Then communicating it
to managers and engaging them
in it – and empowering them to
do the same with their teams.”
2. What is a key focus/challenge, that your business will
be addressing in 2015? “Drive
up service quality even further,
4 | Wednesday 31 December 2014
big story iss570.indd 4
improve profitability to increase
investment in vehicles, staff and
infrastructure – and make sure
we offer and deliver what our
customers want. Finally, quite
simply – commit to looking
after our customers even better
– if they are happy, everything
else falls into place.”
3. Are you more or less
confident about your business’ prospects for 2015,
compared with this time last
year? “More confident – fuel
prices are helping us for the
first time in six years, but this
won’t last. The economy is
improving but we agree that
recovery is still fragile. We’ll all
have to look after our staff well,
because economic recovery will
give them more employment
choices and opportunities.”
Sector split
While in previous surveys
we’ve seen a distinct northsouth economic divide, this
seems more muted than before,
although economic ‘hot’ and
‘cold’ spots still exist. Coach
and minibus businesses report
similar results, but the same is
not the case for bus operators,
where their business success is
much more closely linked to the
health of the local economy.
Says McGill’s Bus Service
MD Ralph Roberts: “External
factors such as driver shortages, political intervention and
upcoming public spending cuts
do add uncertainty, but overall,
we are a bit more positive than
at this time last year.
“There will be two more
Statutory Quality Partnerships
(SQPs) going live in 2015
within our operating area. Out
of the five SQPs in Scotland
we will be under four of them,
which will drive our investment
decisions, rather than them
being customer-driven.”
It’s a similar situation at
Newport Transport, says MD
Scott Pearson: “Operating costs
have been the main focus this
year. Reducing our costs has been
key due to Welsh Government
continued cuts in bus transport
with concessionary fare reimbursement levels being severely
reduced, on the back of BSOG
being renamed twice and cut
by 25%. Plus the local authority
cuts causing tender service
“Newport Bus Station has
been closed for redevelopment since October 2013, with
services spread over four areas,
which is simply not conducive
with customer expectations
or needs, resulting in reduced
patronage. There will be more
of the same until the new bus
station opens in the autumn.
“Also, local authorities in
Wales are warning of more cuts
to come in 2015 and beyond. But
confidence is better for next year
as we have reduced our operating costs quite substantially
while still being able to expand.
With the new bus station we can
start to build the operation back
up to where it was pre-closure.
“Although the caveat is where
will the re-regulation, quality
contract (QC) and SQP discussions end up, and how will
the municipals fit in with that
Arriva Yorkshire and
North East Regional MD
Nigel Featham is focusing
on its change-management
programme (see pages 24-25),
building on a year of operational
achievement, but adds: “We’re
not operating in a vacuum and
can’t ignore the elephant in the
room that is QCs.” Ian Morgan,
Deputy Chairman of the owners
of Trent Barton, Wellglade
22/12/2014 16:50
Overall, operators are more confident than they were 12 months ago
Group, has resisted the “seemingly attractive and repetitive
offers to fix our fuel price for
next year – we are currently
paying less than all the offers and
there doesn’t seem to be much
prospect of that changing,” but
has his eyes on the politics too.
“The key focus for 2015 is
to persuade all the candidates
in the General Election that
returning control of local bus
services to local authorities will
take us back 30 years to the days
of massive taxpayer support and
dramatically reducing passenger
“Since 1986 the decline in use
has been halted, subsidy from
the taxpayer has been reduced
to just a small rebate on our fuel,
and customer satisfaction is at
an all-time high. Why on earth
do some politicians want to take
us backwards?
“I am extremely confident
of the future for us – and most
importantly our customers – if
we are left alone to get on with
the job.”
general mood is reflected by
Nottingham City Transport
MD Mark Fowles: “We are more
confident. We have challenges
big story iss570.indd 5
ahead of us but we shouldn’t be
doing what we are doing, if we
aren’t confident we can overcome them.”
Other emerging bus industry
themes are around keeping
on top of operational performance despite roadworks and
congestion, and enhancing the
customer proposition. Says
Reading Buses CEO Martijn
Gilbert: “Customers’ expectations of service quality, especially the experience on-board,
are growing. We’re reviewing
the provision of Wi-Fi, looking
at power points in response
to customer feedback, and
continuing to enhance the
deployment and functionality
of our on-bus AV equipment
including external route and
destination voice repeaters.
“Also there is the unrelenting
advancement of payment technologies and the challenge of
ensuring that we are backing the
‘right horse’, so to speak.”
But old technology works
too. Says Birmingham-based
Central Buses’ MD Geoff
Cross: “The best thing we did
was buy more postage stamps.
Direct mail advertising to potential users is now our biggest
marketing pillar.
“I’m slightly more confident
about 2015, we’ve developed a
business model that can adapt to
the frequent obstacles that pop
up in our industry. I think once
you have got a business model
that works then it’s all about
Staff development
While many operators cite
investment in their business,
mainly new vehicles or software, as one of their most
important actions in 2014,
staff recruitment – especially
younger newcomers – is repeatedly mentioned by coach
operators. Bill Holder, Director
of Lancashire-based Coastal
Coaches, says this is his key
focus for 2015.
Mitcham Belle Coaches
MD Kevin Wilde adds: “It is
apparent that the industry is
losing its core quality staff,
something I have not seen in
this magnitude since the last
skills shortage in 2003-2004.”
Stephensons of Essex MD
Bill Hiron says: “After a lot of
concentration on Driver CPC
over the last few years, we turned
our attention to the engineers.
“One-third attended a oneweek vehicle inspection course
culminating in irtec certification in October, and a similar
number are booked for the same
course in January.
“Then we’ve also got various
coming up. As technology gets
more complex, we need to be
sure we can maintain it. Plus
we took on an apprentice in
September to ensure new blood
going forward.”
Hampshire’s Lucketts Travel
Director Ian Luckett agrees:
“We have recently employed
a Learning and Development
Manager to head our training
“We see our staff as the most
important asset we have and
one that we need to develop
and nurture.
“We have long delivered
training to staff, but it has sometimes lacked the focus needed
to improve the entire business.
“Developing all our staff to
deliver the high level of service
we desire for our customers is
essential for the growth and
success of our business.”
Galloway Group Director 8
Wednesday 31 December 2014 | 5
22/12/2014 16:51
Big Story | Industry health check
Returning control of buses to local
authorities will take us back 30 years to the
days of massive taxpayer support 8 David Cattermole: “Investing
heavily in developing our
management team and administration structure enabled
improved marketing and, in
turn, a marked increase in business in 2014.”
It’s a similar story at Skills,
Nottingham. Says Group
Chairman Nigel Skill: “The
most important action we took
this year was to be focused
on succession planning. We
brought in new management,
graduate/school trainees and
more apprentices, plus we had a
clear strategy for the business’s
Tomorrow’s managers are
also on the mind of Guildfordbased Safeguard Coaches MD
Andrew Halliday: “For 2015
the key challenge is getting new
blood into our company (hence
the industry) to ensure our
future. We need to find young
people we can train as PCV
drivers and who will become
the bus and coach drivers of the
“We also need to bring in
younger managers, and hope to
employ an Apprentice Manager
early in the New Year to kickstart that process.
“Somehow we need to get the
message across that the coach
and bus industry is well worth
considering for the young
people of today.”
Chairman of Lincolnshirebased AC Williams, made
heavy vehicle investment, and
says it is a major contributory
factor in its 2015 private hire
bookings being up by 40%.
Tour firms and holiday bookings are running at almost
double, and this confidence is
boosted by lower fuel prices, “a
major tailwind for profitability
which should improve significantly on last year.”
But he cautions: “Other costs
continue to increase and we
are starting to see the first real
signs of wage pressure as we
6 | Wednesday 31 December 2014
big story iss570.indd 6
see increasing competition for
good drivers from other sectors,
especially the online delivery
“So a key focus will be as
ever to retain and recruit top
quality coach drivers. We are
determined to differentiate
ourselves from competitors
by having better vehicles and
better drivers.”
Sales are also up at Belle Vue
in Manchester. Says MD Philip
Hitchen, who adds that greater
financial control has been
instrumental in better results:
“If you set your own goals and
take the appropriate action to
achieve them you have a chance
of hitting them.
“In 2011 we banned the word
‘recession’ from our office. The
last thing we wanted was for
team members to use that word
as an excuse for not making the
sale. During 2011 and 2013 we
doubled sales. We’re very confident for 2015 – so long as we
continue to put quality and our
people first. Considering we are
moving into a better climate we
should see results as we are as
hungry as ever for success and
there are lots of opportunities
out there.
“Driver recruitment and
retention are the most important factors. The industry needs
to collectively pay driving staff
a much higher wage if it is to
retain professional standards.
“It’s commercial suicide to
think that drivers will continue
to be attracted to the industry
based on today’s average wage
rates – it’s simply not enough.
Prices charged for coach
services need to rise across the
board to accommodate this
necessary uplift.
“The working population will
not be attracted to coaching
unless we do something radical
London issues
Those in the capital are heavily
focused on the impact of the
Cycle Superhighways – which
will chew up great amounts of
scarce roadspace – and the Euro
6 requirements of the Ultra Low
Emission Zone (ULEZ) from
2020. Says Redwing Coaches
MD Paul Hockley: “We have
ordered eight new Mercedes
Benz Tourismos for delivery
in March 2015; our first major
purchase since the MBO. We
feel this shows commitment
and ensures Redwing’s place in
a highly competitive market.
“The outlay for the ULEZ
will be huge, especially as coach
operators appear not to have the
option of a government grant or
a retrofit.
“The Supercycle Highway
will also have a lot of focus
from our end. We all need to
work together to make sure this
has benefits for all parties. If
this is not treated and dealt with
properly then all sorts of issues
will arise – namely a gridlocked
Anderson Travel Director
Mark Anderson also cites
Superhighways and adds that
in 2014 his best decision was to
focus on generating more business out-of-season.
“It is no longer about how
much you make in the summer,
but how little you lose in the
winter which confirms your
Good and bad – it’s always the
rates and performance that
count. Says Adrian de Courcey,
Director of Coventry-based
Mike de Courcey Travel: “The
best action was winning two new
contracts, ensuring a smooth
TUPE transition from the
previous operator and improvement in service quality during a
challenging period.”
East Lothian-based Prentice
Coaches MD Ross Prentice
listened to advice, which led to
winning a major five-year contract
at very short notice. “We are
starting work on another major
tender which is very important
for our business and that will keep
us busy for the next few months,
depending on the outcome.”
But it’s the flip side for
Edwards Coaches Director
Jason Edwards. His most important action for the Pontypridd
firm was: “Not to take the ‘easy
money’ and get involved in the
NATO conference in Wales.
“I made the decision to
concentrate and focus on our
regular loyal customers who book
with us every day of every week
throughout the year and every
“This decision proved correct
as our coach hire sales increased,
and we did not suffer any bad
publicity or complaints due to
poor transport arrangements at
the conference.”
routeone comment
Overall, there is positive news. Of the 43 operators we spoke
to, 85% say they are either ‘confident’ or ‘very confident’
about their business’ prospects for 2015, compared with 12
months ago.
Only 9% say they are no more or less confident – and
this is mainly bus operators who are concerned about the
possible policy changes after the general election. The
remaining 6% say they are less confident.
This compares with our survey a year ago, when 56% were
more confident, 19% were less confident and 23% were not
There are clear emerging trends: the need not to be
complacent, to focus on staff training and development, cost
control and attention to operational detail. And these are
factors that many coach, minibus and bus operators will be
familiar with.
22/12/2014 16:51
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Wednesday 31 December 2014 | 7
22/12/2014 16:00
In brief
West Yorks slams First
West Yorkshire Combined Authority Transport Committee
Chair, Cllr James Lewis, has condemned First’s New Year
fare rises in the region. He says: “It is disappointing that at a
time when people are seeing widespread media reports of
fuel prices dropping significantly, First has taken the decision
to introduce this increase in fares that many people already
consider expensive. People had been contacting me asking
when fares were going to drop in line with falling oil prices,
and I have had to tell them that in the current framework,
under which buses outside London are run in this country,
the Combined Authority has no say on these decisions. While
I understand bus companies buy fuel at fixed, hedged prices,
I am sure that West Yorkshire’s bus users will join me in
calling for a commitment from First to reduce its fares in the
future when it starts to benefit from the current in cost.”
Drug-driving law campaign
A new offence, to make it easier for the police to arrest
drivers who drive after taking illegal drugs or abuse medicinal
drugs, comes into force in England and Wales on 2 March
2015. To help drivers understand the changes, the DVLA
is supporting a Department for Transport (DfT) campaign
to raise awareness. The DfT has asked pharmacies to
support the drug-drive campaign. The new law will make it
an offence to drive while over specified limits for a total of
16 drugs. Eight of the drugs could be used for medicinal
purposes, although the specified limit allows for the
normal recommended doses that most patients would be
prescribed. Patients who take their medicines as intended
should therefore not be affected by this legislation, provided
the medicine does not affect their driving.
Optare wins LCEB certificates
Optare’s Euro 6 Solo SR and MetroCity diesel-powered
buses have gained Low Carbon Emissions Buses (LCEB)
certifications. Optare Engineering Director Ken Anderson
says: “Optare’s innovative solution follows 12 months of
rigorous testing and development by our engineering team.
The buses have been developed with intelligent energy
management, which optimises energy usage and reduces
losses. In testing, the MetroCity yielded a fuel efficiency
improvement of 15%, compared with a standard Euro 6
diesel MetroCity.”
Student wins £1k
Amy Barrow, a first-year student at Salford University, won
£1,000 from First in a free prize draw held across Manchester
and Yorkshire, to celebrate First’s best ever fare deal for
students. First slashed the all-term ticket price by nearly 20%
to £205 and introduced cheap term and month tickets. The
2015 student term ticket for January to March is £90 which is
just £1 per day over the 90-day term. Students can also take
advantage of First’s mobile ticketing on smartphones.
Optare gets £1.5m loan
Optare has received a £1.5m loan from parent Ashok
Leyland for future product development. The loan will be for
an initial period of 12 months and be subject to an interest
rate of LIBOR +3.5% per annum, with the proceeds used
to “support on ongoing corporate and operational working
capital requirements.”
8 | Wednesday 31 December 2014
news 8 & 9 iss570.indd 8
By Mel Holley
Go North East has to
step in to save Quaylink
bus service
The future of the high-profile
Quaylink bus service in
Newcastle has been secured,
thanks to Go North East
The operator has stepped in
to provide a commercial service
after the councils pulled their
funding, leading to questions
about their ability to finance
Nexus’ proposed Quality
Contracts Scheme (QCS).
The move comes after
Cllr Nick Forbes, leader of
and lead chief executive on
transport for the North East
Combined Authority, suddenly
Christmas, that the city council
is withdrawing its funding for
the service.
It followed a similar
announcement from Gateshead
Eddie Brown to have a
second life in a new guise
Wetherby-based Eddie Brown
Tours Ltd has been placed in
voluntary receivership after
running out of cash.
The decision, which was
implemented on 23 December,
came after the HMRC petitioned a winding-up order for
The firm, which was bought
by Barbados-based Island
Fortitude earlier in the year, has
struggled with historical debt
and other issues, which culminated in 28 of its 38 vehicles
being taken back by finance
companies in mid-December.
Since the firm was bought,
more than £250,000 has been
put into the business by its
shareholders, who are the
biggest creditor. This money
will be lost by the shareholders.
A new company, Eddie Brown
Travel Ltd, will take over some
of the work, with it being operated by other coach firms owned
by Island Fortitude. Private hire
and coach touring contracts
have been re-assigned to other
non-connected operators. Staff
wages were paid immediately
before the company was put
into receivership.
Director Gary Priest told
Some of the 28 vehicles now in store
that were taken by finance companies
routeone: “The investors had 48
hours to examine the business
when it was sold by KPMG,
which meant that the due diligence was not as thorough as
it would otherwise have been.
After purchasing the firm from
the Brown family, a number of
financial issues were discovered.
“We’ve worked incredibly
hard to try to trade our way
out of it, but ultimately the
winding-up petition served by
HMRC left the shareholders
with no alternative, other than
to appoint receivers.
“We have set up Eddie Brown
Travel Ltd which will continue
in a smaller, profitable, form and
continue to provide employment for staff on a firm financial
23/12/2014 16:47
Council, which also part-funds
the current service.
Now GNE has stepped in to
save the service, which links
the Baltic, Sage, Gateshead
College and St Peter’s Basin
with Newcastle city centre and
Gateshead Interchange.
Quaylink was launched
in 2005. The councils have
regularly cited the service as
being one of their flagships,
and a demonstration of why
council-funded services are
best. It famously launched with
Designline hybrids, operated
under contract by Stagecoach.
In 2011 they were replaced with
diesel-powered Optare Versas
after GNE won the contract.
The Designline hybrids were
sold for scrap.
GNE MD Kevin Carr says:
“With all our local authorities
facing a funding crisis and some
considering increasing council
taxes, it’s inevitable that frontline services – including those
buses funded by councils – will
be hit.
“I’m pleased that we’ve been
able to come up with a plan
that will continue to provide a
seven-day-a-week bus service
Tyneside councils pulled the plug on funding for their flagship service
to such an important part of
Newcastle and Gateshead.
“But this must bring into question the Combined Authority’s
view that bus services are best
controlled by local authorities.
If they can’t guarantee a service
as important as this, how can
they guarantee improvements
to the bus network?”
Delaine Buses launches Agency in non-payment
125th anniversary book dispute over driving duties
Working with Anthony and
Kevin Delaine-Smith at Delaine
Buses of Bourne, Lincolnshire,
Steven Knight Media has
produced a book detailing all of
the buses and coaches operated
by the family-run firm.
The book is published to
mark the 125th anniversary in
2015 of the Delaine business as
a passenger operator.
The book was launched by
the brothers in front of their
newest bus, a Volvo B9TL with
Anthony Delaine-Smith and Kevin
Wright Eclipse Gemini 2 bodywork, which has been registered AD15DBL and will enter
service in March 2015.
New DVSA contract for ATF
The DVSA has published an
updated contract for Authorised
Testing Facilities (ATFs) in
advance of the national rollout
of its ‘Next Generation Testing’
(NGT) scheme.
NGT aims to provide a more
approach to testing and is due to be
rolled out nationally over the next
two years following a nine-month
trial. Following feedback from
ATFs in the trial areas, the DVSA
news 8 & 9 iss570.indd 9
has updated the ATF contract
to incorporate more flexibility
around when tests take place.
This includes the ability to build
testing sessions in blocks of 3.5 and
4.5 hours, to a maximum testing
day of 21.5 hours. Test slots will
also be available seven days a week.
The flexibility extends to the
booking system, with ATFs having
the option of quarterly booking.
l Details at
Driver agency Rail Force
Recruitment Ltd is embroiled in
a dispute with at least 36 drivers,
after it failed to pay them for rail
replacement driving duties they
carried out in early November.
The Bankfoot, Perth-based
firm – not to be confused with
two other firms in Stockport and
Solihull which use the words ‘rail’
and ‘force’ in their names – is
alleged to owe around £11,000
to the staff, and is not responding
to their e-mails or telephone calls.
Extensive attempts by routeone
have also failed to receive a
The firm is owned and run by
Stuart Newing-Davis, 45, who
gives his address as Dunkeld
Road, Perth, but is believed to
have since moved to France.
Along with his wife Sarah he
is also a director of recruitment
agency Ltd
and its parent company Prospect
Holdings (Scotland) Ltd.
The latter firm, owned jointly
by the couple, was dissolved in
April. Mr Newing-Davis came
to the industry’s attention in
2009 when he was called to a
Public Inquiry over his Perthbased firm Ptarmigan Transport
Solutions, trading as Bankfoot
Buses. In December 2009 he was
accused at Perth Sheriff Court
of obtaining £58,000 by fraud in
relation to Concessionary Travel
Reimbursement, but the case was
later dropped.
There were a number of issues,
including the failure to operate
services and use of a forged
O-Licence disc. The O-Licence
was revoked, Mr and Mrs NewingDavis were indefinitely disqualified from holding an O-Licence
and fined £1,650. The decision
was upheld on appeal (routeone,
Court Report, 11 March 2010).
Mr Newing-Davis’ firm was
contracted by Abellio’s newlycreated rail replacement unit to
provide drivers for its buses for
Jubilee Line underground rail
replacement from Baker Street to
Wembley Park in November.
Staff involved say that the
organisation by Mr NewingDavis, who was present on the
weekends, was “a chaotic shambles”. None of the drivers that
have contacted routeone have
been paid.
In a statement, Abellio said:
“We’re currently involved in a
legal dispute with Rail Force UK,
so are unable to comment on this
Wednesday 31 December 2014 | 9
23/12/2014 16:48
Norwich passengers
get ‘push’ mobile offers
By Cory Varney
First provides
passengers with retail
offers via Bluetooth
First passengers in Norwich
are now able to receive special
offers and updates from retailers
directly to their smartphones,
after the implementation of
Bluetooth beacon technology.
The six-month pilot project is
a first in the UK and, should it be
successful, there is potential for
it to go nationwide.
Each of First’s 110 buses in
Norwich has been equipped
with a small black box beacon
which emits a Bluetooth signal.
Passengers download a location-based app named ‘Loka’.
Once the bus passes a beacon,
it will send offers from local
retailers directly to the passenger’s smartphone.
David Squire, Managing
Director at First Eastern
Counties, tells routeone: “In
the first couple of weeks, there
have been 800 redemptions of
offers and increased footfall in
the city.”
with suppliers Proxama and
Exterion Media on the scheme,
while partners for the project
include Norwich Business
Improvement District (BID)
and the Association of Town &
City Management.
The funding comes from
the UK’s innovation agency,
Innovate UK, which supports
the development of innovative
technologies and products.
“It’s really exciting,” says
David. “It is important for us to
look at new and innovative ways
The collaboration between First and
Proxama is the first of its kind
to ensure our customers view us
as the number one way to travel.
“It’s come at a good time.
A month ago there were
changes in the roads as part of
the Norwich Better Bus Area
project (routeone, 30 July 2014).
“A number of roads now are
only used for buses, meaning
that we have good penetration
into the city and a big opportunity for passenger growth.”
Three deny Immigrant’s death was ‘accidental’
Padarn fraud The death of an illegal immi- small void, between the floor coach, and then moved it in
Three people have denied being
involved in an £814,000 fraud at
Padarn Bus, Llanberis, Gwynedd,
which went into liquidation in
May 2014 with the loss of 84 jobs.
They are accused of claiming
the firm carried more concessionary passengers than was true.
John Hulme, 54, from
Caernarfon is charged with fraud
involving £496,126 between July
2011 and December 2012.
Anne Price, 28, from Llanberis
and Darren Price, 44, from
Llanrug are accused of fraud
involving £318,524 between
January 2013 and February 2014.
All three also face a charge of
false accounting.
grant run over by a coach was
accidental, Norfolk Inquest
Coroner Jacqueline Lake has
Ahmed Osman, 17, who
entered Britain by clinging to
the bottom of a coach for 200
miles, died when the vehicle
reversed over him.
The teenager had left his
home in Eritrea on the Horn of
Africa and travelled 3,000 miles
in a bid to start a new life in the
He concealed himself when
the coach was parked in Calais,
the inquest heard.
Forensic collision investigator PC Forbes Scott told the
inquest: “He had climbed in a
and the chassis above the rear
wheels. I could not get into that
space, it’s about the width of
my shoulders. He was of slight
build, but it would have been
difficult to get in and hard to
get back out.”
He used a belt to hold his
bodyweight, but was killed four
hours later when the coach,
operated by D&H Harrods,
returned to its Bexwell depot
He was run over and killed
in the early hours of 24 July
when he tried to crawl out of
his hiding place.
Driver Robert Evans had
spent 90 minutes cleaning the
readiness for the next day. He
said: “I checked my mirrors
and rear-view camera. While
reversing there was a slight
“It was only something that
lasted a moment. I remember
looking at the gauges and they
seemed OK.”
When Mr Evans checked
outside his coach he found a
body near the rear wheels.
The coroner concluded: “Mr
Osman was not detected by
the border controls. I wish to
make it clear that I am satisfied
that there is nothing Mr Evans
could have done, or should have
known that anyone was stowed
in the coach.”
Tel: +44 1935 827740
10 | Wednesday 31 December 2014
news 10 iss570.indd 10
23/12/2014 14:17
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22/12/2014 15:59
In brief
New guidance
The Health and Safety
Executive has issued its
revised Approved Code
of Practice and guidance
for those involved in work
within confined spaces,
whether employers, staff
or trainers. It defines a
confined space – which
can include spray booths
– and will help operators
and staff assess the risk
of working within one,
and put precautions
in place for work to
be carried out safely.
Download at www.zigs.
Potholes fix
A record £6bn will
be spent on tackling
potholes and improving
local roads in England
between 2015 and 2021,
Transport Secretary
Patrick McLoughlin
has announced. The
investment amounts to
£976m a year, enough to
fix 18 million potholes. It
is the first time councils
have been given lockedin funding over this length
of time, which will help
them plan ahead.
Nexus praised
PTE Nexus has been
praised by the Audit
Commission for
publishing its fullyaudited accounts before
the end of July. It is the
only UK public body
to publish fully audited
accounts so far this year.
Reports at www.zigs.
NCT boxing day
After its popularity in
2013, Nottingham City
Transport once again ran
a network of services on
Boxing Day, from 0600hrs
to help retail workers and
shoppers, in partnership
with Nottingham
Business Improvement
District (BID).
12 | Wednesday 31 December 2014
news 12 & 13 iss570.indd 12
By Mel Holley
Bus operations saved
by Crewe-based
Bus services run under the
BakerBus brand have been
saved, after their purchase by
Crewe-based Rolling Solutions
Ltd, trading as D&G Bus.
Around 25 staff are expected
to transfer, along with 17 routes
(tendered and commercial) and
nine buses.
The routes will be integrated
into the existing D&G business, mostly at its new Longton,
Stoke-on-Trent site, giving a
total of 67 buses in the fleet
across D&G’s two depots.
The future of BakerBus’s
routes had been under question as the operation has
been shrinking with service
de-registrations for a number
of months, including the firm’s
flagship X1 (Hanley-Stoke-onTrent-Stafford Beaconside).
The latter route saw three
Eclipse Gemini 2 hybrids enter
service on it in October 2011.
Since the route was de-registered in the summer, the hybrids
have been used on a variety of
duties. They are not included in
the sale.
In a brief statement David
Reeves, D&G Bus MD, said:
“These are exciting times for
D&G Bus has “agreed to
purchase the assets and vehicles and to take over the staff
of the local bus operations
of Guideissue Ltd trading as
BakerBus.” The statement
adds: “The Directors of D&G
Bus believe that the acquisition
will enhance the new depot in
Longton, Stoke-on-Trent.”
The date for the start of
operation of the bus services is
“yet to be defined by the Traffic
Guideissue Ltd, which
trades as Bakerbus and Bakers
Coaches, is owned by Barbadosbased Island Fortitude, which
also owns dealership Kinglong
Direct and a number of other
Management expansion at Lucketts
Fareham-based Lucketts Travel
Group has welcomed seven new
members of staff to the business, including two senior roles.
Reflecting the family firm’s
growth and expansion plans, it
has created a Finance Director
role, filled by Mike Allcock, who
joins from a printing firm. He
says: “With an expected turnover this year of £23m and 300
staff, it is a significant business
and an exciting time to join.”
Clive Howard, who has an
extensive background in the
travel industry with his own
company and previous senior
roles within a number of cruise
firms, has been appointed to the
new post of General Manager,
for Lucketts’ tour and excursion
Also joining shortly is
Brian Langford as Business
Development Manager to
expand Lucketts’ school, cruiseled shore excursions and corporate contracts, particularly in
the Southampton area.
He has an extensive sales
background in the travel
(l-r) Clive Howard, Katy Watson, Chloe Smith, Mike Allcock and Ruth Grossett
Also joining are Ruth
Grossett, in a newly-created
role as a manager responsible
for learning and development;
Katy Watson as a sales consultant; Chloe Smith as a business
administration apprentice; and
Emma Veness as a product assistant, helping to produce the
firm’s range of holidays.
Says Joint MD Ian Luckett:
“As we continue to expand the
business, it is right that we invest
in our management team, and
create a post responsible for
learning and development.
“Having the right people in
the business is key as we move
forward, especially as we want
to retain the family ethos we
have at the heart of the company
as we expand and grow.”
23/12/2014 15:18
Three hybrid Wrightbus/Volvo B5RLH
‘deckers not included in deal
coach and bus operators. The
owners of Island Fortitude
remain a closely-guarded secret.
A separate company, Bakers
Bus & Coach Ltd, also based at
the firm’s Prospect Way, Stokeon-Trent depot, was incorporated in May 2013 and is also
owned by Island Fortitude,
with Mark Ready, 52, as its
Malta deal wrapped up
A deal for the takeover of Malta’s
buses by Spain-based National
Express subsidiary Autobuses
de Leon (Alesa-Alsa) has been
concluded, despite a legal challenge mounted by a consortium
of local operators. It takes over on
8 January.
The new operator is to pay €8m
to buy Malta Public Transport
Services, the state company
that bought Arriva Malta for a
nominal €1 in January 2014,
as part of Arriva’s exit from the
contract after massive losses.
Alesa will invest €40m to
operate the service, covering an
extra 3m km per year.
The subsidy for 2015 will be
€23m, but is expected to increase
in 2016 once the full route
network is implemented. Arriva
received a €10m annual subsidy.
Alesa is to supply 142 new
buses by summer, and add 3,000
seats into the network, creating
a 20% increase in capacity. It
will also be recruiting additional
drivers. Director Felipe Cosmen
says Alesa’s bid was focused on
improving customers’ experience
and included a new fleet, new IT
systems and improvements at bus
Euro 6 ‘deckers arrive
Stagecoach Manchester has
put 29 Euro 6 ADL Enviro400
‘deckers into service on routes in
Chorlton and South Manchester.
They are the first of their type
in Greater Manchester, and the
£5m investment includes free
news 12 & 13 iss570.indd 13
on-board passenger Wi-Fi.
To celebrate the launch,
Stagecoach Manchester will run
a ‘name the bus’ competition in
2015, with schoolchildren asked
to name the buses serving their
sole director. He is not to be
confused with First Hampshire,
Dorset and Berkshire MD Marc
Mr Ready is also a director
of Guideisssue Ltd. Bakerbus
Ltd, incorporated in May 2013
and owned by Mr Ready, is also
listed as a director of Guideissue
Beverley welcomes
coaches to festival
As part of its key policy of
welcoming coaches, East
Riding of Yorkshire Council’s
transport team helped towards
the success of Beverley’s annual
Festival of Christmas.
Unlike other local authorities – notably nearby York and
Lincoln – the council offered
free coach parking, attracting
30 coaches from all over the
country, up significantly from
last year’s total of 12. This
brought 1,261 visitors to the
Council staff were on hand
to welcome the coaches and
ensure smooth arrivals and
Last year saw the opening of
a new 10-bay coach park in the
heart of Beverley, from which
coach passengers have only
a short walk to all of the key
attractions within the town.
The Festival of Christmas had
a range of attractions including
street artists, dancers, craft
stalls, specialist food and drink
stalls, Santa, and Cairngorm
Free coach parking in Beverley
reindeer. Cllr Jane Evison, the
council’s portfolio holder for
Economy, Investment and
Inequalities, told routeone: “I
am delighted with the success of
this year’s event and that, unlike
many other local authorities, we
are able to offer coach operators
free parking, which can only
serve to attract more coach
parties to the East Riding, and
so benefit our local economy.
“It’s vital that we offer our
visitors the complete package,
in the hope that we will soon be
welcoming them back again.”
l Details at www.eastriding.
Wednesday 31 December 2014 | 13
23/12/2014 15:18
By Jessamy Chapman
Industry’s domestic trade
show reflects confident
outlook for 2015
Over 80% of floor space at
Coach & Bus Live 2015 is
already taken, thanks to the
increase in supplier confidence
in the industry.
With 120 exhibitors already
having reserved stands at the
NEC show just four months
after its launch, the organisers
report continuing positive
demand since Euro Bus Expo
Group Director at organiser
Communications, Mark Griffin,
says: “With nearly all vehicle
stands taken and many prime
sites sold months ago, the level
of re-books so early on is a very
encouraging sign that suppliers
see the real benefits of engaging
with their customers face-toface at a quality trade exhibition.
“We are seeing demand from
all corners of the market, but
companies wishing to showcase mini and midi vehicles,
technology products and, of
course, the latest coach and bus
ranges, have fuelled requests for
an increase in space within the
halls. This is real evidence that
the market is seeing a continued
stronger trend into 2015 and
At a recent post-event
meeting, organisers gave a
presentation to exhibitors on
the positive survey results from
Euro Bus Expo 2014. The findings included:
l Increase in attendance
l Attendees from 47 countries and exhibitors from 16
l Only 2% of exhibitors said
that they were not satisfied with
their exhibitor experience
l 20% of visitors surveyed
delayed purchase decisionmaking to coincide with the
l Visitors gave it a score of 4.2
out of 5 for meeting their objectives (against a generic trade
show benchmark of 3.72)
l 98% of visitors said that their
confidence in business decision-making had either stayed
the same or improved in the last
12 months.
Mr Griffin continues: “These
are strong results in anyone’s
book and our team are extremely
proud that our industry has
been able to deliver another
great event for the sector.
Hopefully it gives suppliers the
Mark Griffin (right) overlooks NEC
confidence to know that taking
part in this key industry event
is good for their business. The
message can’t be clearer that
people really do need to get the
dates in their diary for next year,
and be part of it.”
l Coach & Bus Live is the
major domestic showcase for
the coach, bus and passenger
transport technology
sector, taking place at the
NEC, Birmingham on 30
September-1 October. Visit
Legal Q&A
Union has rights
Q: What rights do trade unions have?
A: Trade unions are entitled to information
in respect of occupational pensions and they
have a right to be consulted on health and
safety at work, and redundancies where it is
proposed to dismiss 20 or more. In addition
trade union representatives are entitled to
paid time off for official duties in relation to
negotiations with an employer and training
relevant to those duties.
What should my letter say?
Q: I’m considering disciplinary action,
which might lead to dismissal, of an
employee. I know I need to send them a
letter about the disciplinary meeting, but
what should it include?
A: It should include the full details of the
complaint against the employee to enable
them to prepare a response or explanation
before the meeting, and tell them that they
have a legal right to have someone with them
14 | Wednesday 31 December 2014
news 14 (legal q & a) iss570.indd 14
at the meeting. This could be a colleague or
a trade union representative/union official. In
addition, a family member may attend but
only if additional contractual rights allow.
Get it cut back!
Q: Is there any legislation about roadside
vegetation that overhangs walls causing
obstructions and potential damage to
A: Yes, the highway authority is responsible
for keeping public highways open and
removing obstructions/encroachments that
may affect its use and safety. Section 130 of
the Highways Act 1980 places a duty on the
authority to protect the rights of the public
to use and enjoy the highway. The Act says:
“Any encroachment on the public highway is
preventing the legitimate use of the highway
and whenever an encroachment has taken
place on the public highway measures shall
be taken by the Authority to remove the
encroachment or if deemed appropriate
and the land is considered surplus to
highway requirements the extinguishments
of Highway Rights may be pursued under
Section 116 of the Highways Act 1980.”
There are also powers available for the
removal of obstructions:
l Section 132 of the Highways Act 1980 –
unauthorised signs and structures
l Section 138 of the Highways Act 1980 –
illegal erection of a building or fence
l Section 148 of the Highways Act 1980 –
removal of dangerous deposits
l Section 154 of the Highways Act 1980 –
removal of dangerous trees
l Section 143 of the Highways Act 1980 –
removal of structures.
In addition, Section 34 of the Environmental
Protection Act 1990 deals with the removal of
waste materials such as mud on the highway
which is a hazard to the highway user.
routeone’s Legal Q&A is brought to you in
partnership with leading transport lawyer
Andrew Sanderson of Fieldfisher.
Email your questions to
23/12/2014 11:00
p15.indd 15
Wednesday 31 December 2014 | 15
22/12/2014 15:59
Court Report
Your weekly report by the industry’s leading legal journalist,
Mike Jewell, who covers all the key cases brought before
the Public Inquiries, Tribunals, Magistrate and Crown Courts
Martin Challinor loses repute and professional
competence as Transport Manager; TC is lenient on
account of long history of operating with no problems
Stoke-on-Trent-based Martin
Challinor was held to have lost his
repute and professional competence as a Transport Manager
(TM), and has been disqualified from acting as such until he
passes a CPC exam, by Traffic
Commissioner (TC) Nick Jones.
Mr Challinor, trading as
Challinor Travel, who held a fivevehicle licence, appeared before
the TC at a Birmingham Public
Inquiry because of issues over
vehicle maintenance and tachograph use.
Vehicle Examiner (VE) Adrian
Seadon said that an investigation
was carried out at the request of
the police after a Challinor vehicle
was suspected of involvement in a
fatal accident. He examined three
vehicles and issued two delayed
A forward planner was not in
use and Mr Challinor stated that
he just inspected the vehicles
every four weeks. He had also
stated that the drivers did not
complete written defect reports
but reported them to him verbally.
He said that he was a fully qualified mechanic and conducted his
own maintenance.
Various parts
Mr Challinor produced inspection records for four vehicles,
saying that he had no records for
the fifth vehicle.
On checking the records the
VE noticed that they appeared
to have been filled in with the
same two pens. There were also
two records a couple of days apart
with totally different mileage but
the same defects and rectification. There were discrepancies in
mileage on the inspection records
and the tachograph charts.
Challinor stated that after the
police had visited him he had
panicked and written up the
inspection records, saying he
had thought it was just a case
of catching up. Since his wife
became ill it had become difficult to complete the necessary
paperwork. Inspections were
carried out on the dates stated on
the sheets, which were filled in
retrospectively and not falsified.
Over the last five years there
was a prohibition rate of 66% and
an initial fail rate at annual test of
60%, and a final fail rate of 10%.
In the last two years the fail rate
figures at annual test were 71%
and 14%.
Traffic Examiner (TE) David
Smith said that Mr Challinor had
been taking football supporters
to Stoke City for a long time. He
had said that the drivers did not
use tachograph charts to record
the journeys as he did not think
they had to, as they were short
journeys on regular contracts.
Analysis of the tachograph charts
showed five apparent offences.
He believed that Mr Challinor
was an honest individual and that
there was no reason why he could
not be compliant. The offences
had been sloppy if anything.
Tachograph charts were now
analysed by computer and they
were now being used for the
Stoke football excursions.
For Mr Challinor, Jim Marsh
said that he was only operating
two vehicles, one of which did a
school run and the other was used
for long-standing private hire
customers. Mr Challinor wished
to reduce the licence authorisation to two vehicles.
In regard to the fatal accident,
There was a loud bang at the top of the
windscreen. The next day a body was found
in a nearby field. The coach was forensically
examined and no contact was found Manufacturers of quality
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vehicle body parts and
panels for over 20 years!
Final stock clearance offers available
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16 | Wednesday 31 December 2014
court report iss570.indd 16
the vehicle was carrying students
from a local college down a
narrow country lane at night.
There was a loud bang at the top
of the windscreen.
The next day a body was found
in a nearby field. The coach was
forensically examined and no
traces were found of any contact
between the coach and the pedestrian. It was concluded that it was
not involved.
The TC commented that he
failed to see how Mr Challinor
could perform the roles of operator, TM, mechanic and also do
some driving and comply with
the Working Time Directive.
Mr Marsh said at the moment
maintenance remained in-house,
but MOT preparation was now
contracted out.
The VE said that things were
being done properly now.
After being told that Martin
Copeland, who was a time-served
mechanic, was prepared to act as
TM, the TC accepted the voluntary reduction of the licence
authorisation to two vehicles and
held that Mr Challinor’s repute
as an operator was tarnished but
not lost.
He said that it appeared that
Mr Challinor’s vehicle was
not involved in the fatality. No
commercial gain had resulted
from his failings and there was
no suggestion that Mr Challinor
tried to hoodwink anybody. He
took account of the fact that he
had been running for 26 years
without coming to the notice of
the TC previously.
Please contact one of our team
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22/12/2014 16:52
Seven-day suspension for the Crocketts
The three-vehicle international
licence held by Hereford-based
Bryan and Jonathan Crockett
was suspended for seven days by
Deputy Traffic Commissioner
(DTC) Tony Secular.
The partners, trading as
Golden Valley Motors/Golden
Pioneer Travel, of Brandon,
Redhill, Hereford, had been
called to a Birmingham Public
Inquiry (PI).
Evidence was given by a
Traffic Examiner that John
Crockett had driven on over
40 occasions between the
expiry of his PCV licence on 3
January and 17 June. Transport
Manager Leslie Tobin had
driven without a driver’s card
and failed to produce records
at the roadside on 4 April. He
produced a manual record, the
times on which did not match
with the vehicle unit. He was
unable to produce any previous
records. Bryan Crockett had
failed to notify Leeds that he
was no longer acting as TM
(routeone, Court Report, 3
December). Suspending the
partnership licence, the DTC
said that Mr Tobin had clearly
taken a chance in driving
without his driver card in his
As a qualified CPC holder he
should have known better and
acted more appropriately.
The discrepancies between
the drivers’ manual record of
duties and the vehicle unit
show that he failed to accurately
record his duties.
Jonathan Crockett’s offences
at the 2011 PI were serious
enough to merit a three-month
suspension of his vocational
entitlement to drive. While the
driving licence offence was not
of the same magnitude, it was
inexcusable for Mr Crockett
to have failed to ensure his
own licence was correct. It also
established failings in the TM’s
systems for checking licences.
Finally, the DTC suspended
Jonathan Crockett’s vocational
entitlement for 14 days and
Leslie Tobin’s for seven days.
Warnings and revocations for Hampshire companies
Following a Public Inquiry
held on 5 September in Bristol,
Traffic Commissioner (TC)
Kevin Rooney has announced
his decisions in the cases of
Vision Travel International;
AC Travel, trading as AC
Travel International; Victory
Travel; and Vision Coaches.
The TC has revoked the
licence held by Vision Coaches,
of Seagull Lane, Emsworth,
with immediate effect after
finding that the company
In association with Fieldfisher. *Terms and conditions appy.
court report iss570.indd 17
no longer met the financial
standing requirement.
He recorded a formal
warning against Victory
Travel, of the same address.
He concluded there had been
significant shortcomings in the
way the licence had been operated in its relationship with
Vision Coaches.
As a result of the Vision
Coaches business ceasing, he
determined that a warning was
He granted a variation
application to remove an
operating centre at Fulflood
Road, Havant, with new operating centres at Emsworth
and Southsea for a total of six
He considered that the
repute of the Transport
Manager, who had undertaken
a two-day refresher course,
remained intact.
The TC granted a variation application by Vision
Travel International to remove
two operating centres and to
increase the authorisation at
Fulflood Road, Havant, to 15
vehicles, subject to an undertaking on financial standing,
with further evidence to be
provided by April 2015.
He granted AC Travel, of
Fareham Road, Gosport, a
licence for six vehicles, subject
to an additional undertaking
being met regarding financial
Scan the QR code to access free legal advice on the go!
Wednesday 31 December 2014 | 17
22/12/2014 16:52
Your Platform
A digest of this week’s mailbox
Those were the days
The Whisperer always
enjoys the Glasgow Vintage
Vehicle Trust’s magazine,
including Clen Mackenzie’s
accounts of his time as a
driver at Milngavie Garage.
He recalls when he took an elderly AEC Reliance empty
from the garage to the old Buchanan bus station. “It was
chucking it down,” says Clen, and on a dual carriageway
he saw cars moving to the outside lane to avoid a flood. “I
charged up the inside lane past the lot of them. As I stormed
through the water it was deeper than I expected.” The
resultant bow wave crashed over every car, including one
whose passenger, unbeknown to Clen, had wound down his
window to chuck out his fag end – and got soaked along with
the driver. The irate car driver followed the bus, and stopped
behind it in the bus station before getting out to complain to
the inspector. By now Clen had left the bus. Another driver
had hopped in the seat, checked his mirrors – which were
clear – and promptly reversed into the ‘invisible’ car parked
behind. To make matters worse, the car driver was told that
by driving into the bus station, he had defied a ‘no entry
except for buses’ sign, and had thus committed an offence.
Clen got a warning about inconsiderate driving and heard no
more. The car driver had a much worse day...
No more to
be said
A new giant artwork
at Byker Metro
station has been
unveiled by Nexus
which, it says,
“throws a striking new
light on the etiquette
of travelling by public
transport.” The work
by Cecilia Stenbom,
Unspoken, “explores the personal preferences and hang-ups
we all have when using buses and Metro.” The 11m work
“weaves the comments and ideas from workshops held with
local people in the Byker area into a giant tableau depicting
a Metro journey.” There’s no more to be said, is there, thinks
The Whisperer.
The Letter of the Week will receive an 8GB USB
memory stick (pictured) courtesy of Distinctive
Systems - the leading
supplier of software
for coach, bus and
tour companies.
the wer of
Fighting back against
PCNs in Camden
Anderson’s are well used to PCN problems in London
Our Administration and Compliance Manager has sent
this to Camden Parking Services. We are fighting back!
“I was very concerned to receive in the post on Saturday 13
December a Charge Notice relating to a PCN. The PCN does
not appear on my list of current ongoing PCNs.
“I checked my list of closed PCNs, and I am now able to
confirm the following: I received the original PCN, by post, on
22 August. This PCN should not have been issued.
“I appealed via your website on 2 September. You rejected
this appeal on 17 September. This appeal should not have been
“I wrote to you on 1 October informing you I would be
appealing to PATAS, and submitted an appeal. You submitted
evidence to PATAS. I attended an appeal at PATAS on 3
November along with the driver. The appeal was successful.
“You have now issued a Charge Certificate in error.
“I am certain that if you reviewed the evidence correctly, the
initial PCN should not have been issued. Misjudgements and
errors have placed an enormous administrative burden on this
business, which needs to maintain profitability to survive.
“I therefore have reluctantly decided to charge you an
administrative charge of £130 as a contribution to the costs
suffered by this business. I will accept £65 in settlement if paid
within 14 days of the receipt of this letter.”
Mark Anderson,
Anderson Travel, London
18 | Wednesday 31 December 2014
letters (your platform) iss570.indd 18
22/12/2014 16:53
In partnership with:
Have your say...
E-mail:; Write to: Mel Holley, Editor, routeone, Unit 4,
Minerva Business Park, Lynch Wood, Peterborough PE2 6FT
routeONE magazine
A high priority for us
‘Working to improve complaints process’
I refer to the letter entitled ‘Noncompliance monitoring’ (routeone, Letters,
10 December).
The author calls for Traffic
Commissioners (TCs) to “make the
buses run properly” and is critical of the
perceived process by which reports of noncompliance with punctuality and reliability
standards are handled.
I can assure the author and your readers
that reliable and punctual local bus services
are, and always have been, a high priority
for TCs. Earlier this month, we published
our key strategic objectives, one of which
is to promote and improve registered bus
service reliability and punctuality.
As your readers will be aware, I have
undertaken two consultations into
proposed statutory guidance for local
bus services and will be issuing a final
document in the new year. This guidance,
which sets the standards expected from
operators in running punctual and reliable
services, also explains how TCs deal with
reported non-compliance.
It is, however, important to note that
TCs do not have any investigatory powers
when it comes to examining whether a
local bus service is meeting the required
standards. This role falls to the Driver and
Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) and
other bodies that undertake monitoring
exercises. In that respect, complaints
received by a TC or their offices are passed
to the DVSA for further consideration.
If a TC subsequently receives a report
about a service being non-compliant, then
we can examine the apparent breaches
further, including at a Public Inquiry.
Our powers, as most operators will know,
include imposing penalties for failing to
letters (your platform) iss570.indd 19
Coach and bus operators share
their thoughts of the week on
Twitter and Facebook
operate services without a reasonable
We understand that passengers expect
complaints to be resolved swiftly and
for the regulator to intervene and take
appropriate action to secure compliance
with the required standards. For this
reason, we are currently working with
the DVSA to improve the complaints
process and ensure that there is an effective
reporting mechanism.
Our previous annual reports
demonstrate that we have continued to
call for bus punctuality and reliability to
be made a priority so that we can have
a greater influence on local bus service
Beverley Bell,
Senior Traffic Commissioner for Great
School trip common sense
It seems even after CPC training, some
coach drivers and operators just aren’t
communicating in the interest of safety
with school teachers.
At this time of the year the industry is
in big demand with schools for the annual
Christmas theatre or pantomime trip.
On a recent school outing at least four
teachers were blatantly walking down
the coach aisle handing out mince pies,
Christmas cards and presents to the
schoolchildren. When I stopped the coach
to advise them to be seated with seatbelts
on, the reply was: “We are teachers.” It
seems they believe they are exempt from
the seatbelt law! They also said: “No
other drivers have told us we have to use
I am also noticing that teachers seem
unaware of the risk involved if children are
sitting in emergency exit seats or risk seats.
It seems that drivers and operators are
not advising teachers or promoting health
and safety on school transport.
Teachers are still treating many school
trips as an opportunity to get away
from their place of work, i.e. ‘a jolly’. For
goodness’ sake everyone, it’s our children
and grandchildren out there. Please
promote common sense safety to teachers!
Coatham Coaches @coatham
Nice social afternoon in Durham
as guests of @stanley_travel,
nice to see operators get on
#networking #commonbond
18 December
Dews Coaches @DewsCoaches
On the off chance that it does
snow soon, our coaches will look
particularly festive a beautiful
mix of green and white, fingers
19 December
Marshalls Coaches
All the students have broken
up today. Happy Christmas to
everyone & a very prosperous
New Year
19 December
Perryman’s Buses
It seems it’s the last day of work
for lots of folks, what’s that all
about ;-)
19 December
Spirit Buses @SpiritBuses
Many thanks to those who have
supported us over this past year,
far too many to list! All the best!
Steve & team!
19 December
Carol Peters
Lots of trips today! Hope our
customers enjoy our coach
trips to Winter Wonderland at
Hyde Park, Afternoon Tea & Kew
Illuminations & Olympia Horse
20 December
B&H Buses @BrightonHoveBus
We get some strange requests
for lost property sometimes.
20 December
Sleafordian Coaches
Congratulations to Marcus
Wesley (Marvellous Marcus) –
Driver of the Year 2014! A great
year of driving, fabulous feedback
from our customers & a friendly
20 December
John France,
Wednesday 31 December 2014 | 19
22/12/2014 16:53
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p20.indd 20
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22/12/2014 15:59
Jim Hulme | Life on the buses
Reflecting on his 50 years in the bus industry, Jim Hulme recalls the days when things
weren’t so rosy in Greater Manchester. Strikes and engineering problems meant that the
management had to tread very carefully to find the solution, and Jim learned a lesson
How embarrassing that buses at
my Bolton garage were running out
of fuel with passengers and drivers
being left high and dry here, there,
but not quite everywhere. And it was
all my doing!
No-one should ever be taken for
granted, and when garage staff went
on strike at the then GM Buses in the
late 1980s, it was a lesson well and
truly learned.
The strike meant that there was
no-one to fuel buses when they came
into the garage at the end of a shift.
The task fell upon my management
team. I spent the evening fuelling
and parking buses at Bolton garage
and, thinking it to be a simple task,
I naïvely assumed that the signs that
told me when the fuel tank in my
car was full would be similar when
fuelling buses.
Regrettably they were not the
same, and what I thought to be full
tanks of fuel were far from it. Hence
my embarrassment the following
day. The staff who fuelled buses on a
regular basis clearly knew what they
were doing.
As a traffic operations man I had
a baptism of fire where engineering
was concerned, when I was
appointed District Manager for
GMPTE at Oldham in 1978. My
lack of experience in engineering
matters could have been my downfall
had I failed to grasp the significance
of the situation that was developing.
The problem was serious
yet simple. Oldham was on the
receiving end of too many vehicle
prohibitions – now known as PG9s.
The engineering facilities in Oldham
at the time were from the tram days
and were far from ideal. The main
workshop consisted of long narrow
pits, and buses that were ready for
service could be blocked in by other
buses that were being worked on.
Inspection pits in the main
jim hulme iss570.indd 21
The task of
fell upon the
team – with
garage were none too clever either,
which made life very difficult for
enforcement agencies. To add to
this, one of my foremen had taken
umbrage with the vehicle examiner,
the very man who was issuing
prohibition notices, and as an act
of retribution his tea and toast on
arrival had been withdrawn. Poor
facilities and a lack of a harmonious
relationship was a recipe for disaster.
A solution was around the corner.
Brand new workshops were being
built on the side of the garage with
clear access for individual buses
and which incorporated the latest
and most up to date equipment
and facilities. But we were on the
edge and I feared that we would go
under before completion. There
was the added burden that Oldham
had not lived down its engineering
problems of the 1960s, when one
third of the then municipally-owned
fleet was put off the road, and not
surprisingly Oldham was always
under the microscope. Events were
exacerbated by the state of a batch
of former Oldham Corporation
Leyland Atlanteans, which suffered
such serious bodywork corrosion
to the extent that the upper deck
structure was at times precariously
supported by only a few pillars, the
other supporting material having
rotted away.
My first task was to restore good
relationships with the vehicle
examiner. I then took a calculated
risk by inviting Traffic Commissioner
Roy Hutchings to Oldham to look at
where we were in engineering terms
and where we were going. Roy, to
his credit, listened and most of all
he understood the problem, and his
subsequent intervention gave us the
breathing space we needed. Once
we were in our new engineering
workshops, we never looked back.
I like to think that Roy Hutchings
was also someone who clearly knew
what he was doing!
Wednesday 31 December 2014 | 21
22/12/2014 14:01
Scan the QR code to download the free routeone CONTACTS App for your smartphone
or tablet or search ‘routeone contacts’ in the Apple App Store or on Google Play.
Help and support for public transport employees in need:
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23/12/2014 12:59
First drive | Enviro200 AS-Tronic Lite
Automated manual transmissions have long been an accepted part of the coach world,
but their use in buses has until recently been restricted to parallel hybrids. That’s starting
to change, and ADL offers ZF’s AS-Tronic Lite in the Enviro200. Tim Deakin tries one out
The automated manual transmission
(AMT) is a simple piece of
equipment. As the name suggests,
it’s essentially a conventional gearbox
with electro-hydraulic control of gear
selection and clutch engagement, and
many used in commercial vehicle
applications are simpler and lighter
than equivalent manuals as they don’t
require synchromesh.
AMTs have given benefits when
installed in coaches. Compared with a
conventional manual, most, although
not all, potential for driver abuse is
removed. It is in applications where
manuals were once common where
most AMTs have been employed,
and particularly in the hands of less
able drivers, they can deliver fuel
consumption benefits.
They have contributed to manual
gearboxes becoming almost extinct
in new coaches. But what of the bus
They offer theoretical efficiency
gains in stop-start work when
compared with torque convertorbased automatics, but clutch
replacement costs must be factored in.
Nevertheless, operators are
clamouring for improved fuel
consumption, and the government
currently offers incentives through its
Low Carbon Emission Bus (LCEB)
scheme. As a result, manufacturers
have looked to make AMTs available
in buses.
Volvo’s I-Shift has been part of
the manufacturer’s hybrid offering
since the B5LH broke cover, but the
first builder to offer an AMT in a
modern-day conventional diesel bus
was Alexander Dennis. It announced
earlier this year that the Enviro200
would be available with ZF’s six-speed
AS-Tronic Lite as an option.
ADL delivered 31 such buses to
Arriva Yorkshire in June, but the first
two built were supplied to Burtonupon-Trent-based Midland Classic. It
is currently using them on a variety of
duties; once the service which allows
adl enviro200 first drive iss570.indd 23
them to deliver the biggest efficiency
gain over existing buses has been
identified, they will settle on it.
presents a good
helped by
front destination
An industry standard
The Enviro200 is a common sight
throughout the UK, and can trace its
origins back to the Dennis Dart.
The next generation of the popular
midibus was unveiled at Euro Bus
Expo in November, and the AS-Tronic
Lite option will remain despite ADL
working towards LCEB certification
for first the Voith and later the Allison
gearbox options.
The outgoing Enviro200 has a good
reputation as a passenger-friendly
and economical midibus, and the
two delivered to Midland Classic
tick many boxes from the passenger’s
Noticeable even before boarding
is the silver-effect MobiLED Silver
destination display, supplied by
McKenna Brothers. It gives a crystalclear reading from a distance even
in poor weather conditions, and
replaced factory-fit orange blinds in
both Enviro200s, although the latter
have been retained at the side and
rear. The silver effect at the front is
complemented by daytime running
Esteban Civic V3 seats are fitted,
covered in two-colour leather, and
the high-end look of the saloon is
complemented by ‘downlighting’
below the seats, and wood-effect
That in the gangway is in a rather
light shade, and James Boddice
of Midland Classic accepts that a
darker finish would have been better;
nonetheless, the wood effect extends
to both sides of the manual folding
wheelchair ramp, and gives the
Enviro200s a high-end look inside.
Ceiling-mounted saloon lighting
can be dimmed by a switch in the
cab to reduce windscreen reflections.
There are two settings – normal
brightness and the pre-selected level of
dimming – but the intensity is variable
via a rotary switch within the light
Five priority seats are fitted. One,
on the offside and opposite the
wheelchair bay, is a single position; it 8
Wednesday 31 December 2014 | 23
22/12/2014 13:59
First drive | Enviro200 AS-Tronic Lite
8 and the aisle priority positions behind
have armrests, and passengers in all
five can access stop request buttons
without standing or twisting.
The nearside wheelchair bay
includes two tip-up seats which don’t
automatically return to the upright
position. That’s a good idea; were a
passenger to stand up and then sit
down again without realising the seat
has returned to the stowed position, it
could lead to a fall.
The wheelchair user travels facing
rearwards, and support is provided by
an extending and rotating arm behind
them. The design of this is poor. To an
able-bodied person the bar is awkward
to extend and lower into position;
doing so would prove impossible for
many less able passengers.
With two side-facing seats above the
offside front wheel, the Enviro200’s
total seating capacity is 38. They are
comfortable, and the bus’ heating
system is more than adequate. Ride
quality is good.
Real-time ready
Unusual fittings are speakers and
a cab-mounted CD player. These
have been specified in readiness for
real-time departure information
and the incorporation of next-stop
The ticket machine, by Ticketer, will
be central to that, and the GPS-driven
‘back office’ system already proves
very useful in that regard; it monitors
every stop the bus makes and updates
how many tickets are issued, or
concessionary passes accepted, in real
It also allows messages to be sent
to the driver via the ticket machine,
and removes the need to manually
advance fare stages. This is managed
automatically based on GPS tracking.
Combined, the whole system is a
very useful tool which gives precise
The big difference
The big difference in Midland Classic’s
two Enviro200s, and the reason for
driving the bus in question, is their
transmission. ZF’s AS-Tronic Lite is
similar to the heavy-duty AS-Tronic
used in coaches. It has six speeds, with
the lowest being a ‘crawler’ gear.
In simplified terms ZF describes
the gearbox as a manual transmission
which has been automated by adding
different modules, and a conventional
friction clutch is retained, although
the driver does not control its
Shifts are made, and the clutch
activated, electro-hydraulically thanks
to two control modules on the gearbox
casing. That’s all good in theory,
and the concept of an automated
manual transmission has proved
itself worthwhile in coach and LGV
applications. There, gearshifts per mile
are generally low, with vehicles often
spending high proportions of their
time cruising.
It’s very different on bus work,
and the acid test of an AMT will be
how well it stands up to the rigours
of constant stopping and starting. A
two-year warranty is provided on the
gearbox, with the clutch pack expected
to require attention at around 20
months, says James.
Driving the AS-Tronic Liteequipped Enviro200 is not hugely
different to handling one with the
more common Allison or Voith
gearboxes, although in cases where
the AMT-equipped is specified it will
pay to ensure drivers are trained on the
differences that do exist before letting
them loose. There are clear variances
in how both the vehicle performs and
must be handled.
A push-button selector is present
below the signalling window. Besides
D, N and R buttons it also has up and
down arrows which allow the driver to
intervene, although there is no way of
holding a gear for as long as required;
the arrows merely prompt an up- or
down-shift if it is possible.
Sadly the selector unit is mounted
too far rearwards for the driver to see
and use it when the bus is in motion.
No kickdown switch is fitted to the
accelerator pedal.
1. Midland
Classic has gone
for high internal
spec, making the
bus suitable for
interurban work
2. AS-Tronic Lite
is a compact and
simple gearbox
3. Gearbox
controls are
similar to a fully
4. Cab
uncluttered and
Out in service
Severe traffic congestion on the A38
meant that buses on Midland Classic’s
X12 service between Burton and
Sutton Coldfield were being delayed
on their northbound journeys. The
operator’s view is that all mileage
must run regardless, so an in-service
test was undertaken to cover for a
late-running inbound trip. The X12
Perhaps a more appropriate use
of AMT technology would be in
heavyweight tailored single-deckers 24 | Wednesday 31 December 2014
adl enviro200 first drive iss570.indd 24
is a true interurban route. High-speed
running on the A38 is coupled with
urban plodding in Burton, Lichfield
and Sutton Coldfield, so it is a good
test of any vehicle’s credentials.
The AS-Tronic Lite usually selects
second gear to pull away. A very low
first is in theory reserved for tough
hill starts, and the higher ratio is more
than adequate in the majority of
The test vehicle’s gearbox didn’t
quite work like that, and on more
than one occasion it unnecessarily
selected crawler to move away. Most
surprisingly, at one point when
slowing to walking pace on a traffic
light-controlled roundabout, it
dropped into first despite the bus not
coming to a complete halt.
If driven in urban service with
22/12/2014 13:59
In its element
Although the AS-Tronic Lite requires
a little further refinement to work
as well as a fully automatic in urban
traffic, it is a different story when on
the open road. Shifts higher up the box
are much smoother than those at lower
speeds, and the Enviro200 romped
along once on the A38. It easily held
the limited speed of 62mph and passed
HGVs with no difficulty, including
accelerating from around 50mph to
overtake them with no fuss.
Surprising was how competent the
midibus proved itself at high speeds,
and it stuck to the road as well as
most heavyweight chassis. The brakes
also inspire confidence. While the
Enviro200 has always been thought
of as a city bus, this drive showed that
it can also make good progress away
from the urban jungle when required.
light pressure on the accelerator,
the gearbox shifts smoothly and at
reasonably low revs. However, if the
driver adopts a gung-ho, foot-to-thefloor style, shift quality deteriorates,
and ‘lurching’ is sometimes evident as
progress up the ‘box is made.
When fitted with AS-Tronic Lite,
the Enviro200 has an automatic hill
hold facility. If activated it doesn’t
release the foundation brakes until a
couple of seconds after the pedal is
released, preventing rolling back if a
hill start is made without use of the
It works well enough, but is not
infallible, and activated once when
on flat ground. A more satisfactory
manner of smooth starting on hills
without relying on the hill hold is
given by feathering the accelerator
adl enviro200 first drive iss570.indd 25
immediately before releasing the
handbrake. It gives a smoother takeoff.
How hard the engine is worked
before upshifting is dependent on the
driver’s use of the accelerator, and it
appears that in AMT-equipped buses
the human input in this regard will
have a greater influence on fuel returns
than in a fully automatic. It’s a point
which needs to be drummed into
drivers should you specify this type of
When accelerating with the pedal
fully depressed, revs are often taken to
around the 2,000rpm mark, but in a
different situation, when climbing, the
Cummins ISB easily held 1,400rpm
under full throttle, which had been
gradually applied as the bus dug into
the hill.
Savings are possible
Midland Classic reports that its
two AMT-equipped Enviro200s
are proving to be around 1mpg
more efficient than a comparable
demonstrator with an Allison gearbox,
but that drivers prefer the fully
automatic. They’re averaging around
11.8mpg on a variety of work.
It stands to sense, therefore, that the
automated bus will deliver the biggest
efficiencies on interurban routes,
where longer distances are covered.
A round trip from Burton to Sutton
Coldfield on the X12 is 45 miles; the
Scania single-deckers usually employed
return in the region of 8.5mpg.
Where the AMT goes next is
unclear. ADL promises LCEB
certification for Voith- and Allisonequipped new generation Enviro200s;
equally, the BSOG scheme in
England, which gives an LCEB uplift,
is currently under review by the
Developments in either area
could see AMTs in city buses lose
any appeal they had, but what would
perhaps represent a more appropriate
use of the technology would be in
heavyweight single-deckers, which
are increasingly tailored to interurban
work as lightweights come to dominate
deliveries for urban duties.
The AMT in an urban, non-hybrid
bus has its benefits, and as proven
by Midland Classic’s Enviro200s it
delivers improved fuel economy –
although to what degree depends
very much on how the bus is driven.
AMTs in coaches have developed
considerably since they first appeared
and work very well, so it’s possible that
they may record similar successes in
the urban bus environment.
Wednesday 31 December 2014 | 25
22/12/2014 13:59
Operations | Arri-Va-Va-Voom
Give it some
Internal campaigns often focus on drivers or
management. But Arri-Va-Va-Voom, the awardwinning initiative from Arriva Yorkshire and
North East, is all about the engineering staff. By
involving every engineer, the company’s mileage
and budgets have been greatly improved
Each and every
one of 217
engineers across
12 depots was
In his last 12 months before
retirement, Arriva Engineering
Director John Greaves could have
been expected to wind down gently,
after 20 years in the role.
John, however, had other ideas, as
he accelerated Arriva’s North East
and Yorkshire region into a major
engineering initiative to reduce lost
miles and trim maintenance budgets.
So successful has the Va-Va-Voom
programme been, it is now being
extended across Arriva.
Why settle for average?
All bus operators know the
importance of keeping the show
on the road. Every breakdown,
repair or unscheduled maintenance
job hits efficiency – timetables are
compromised, customers are let
down, and staff are disrupted. In the
bus industry ‘lost miles’ is the most
common benchmark of engineering
success or failure.
Under John Greaves, Arriva’s lost
miles track record in Yorkshire and
the North East was hardly considered
calamitous – it was inside industry
averages – but why settle for industry
average when you can do better?
As John explains: “Safe, reliable
vehicles at a predictable cost is a good
definition of a maintenance function,
but, as other operators will tell you,
you have to keep an eye on a number
of factors that can interfere with that.”
Arriva’s planned 35-day
maintenance practice worked
smoothly enough on paper, but
tell-tale signs such as an increase in
external sub-contracting, a higher than
predicted level of unplanned activity,
and pressure on parts budgets began
to suggest that improvements needed
to be made. The question was: How?
The starting point was to involve
each and every one of the 217
engineers deployed across Arriva’s
12 depots in the region, in a series
of off-site workshops. Working with
colleague Neil Craig, tough objectives
Our engineers were the best people to
tell us where we could make improvements
and we wanted to hear them 26 | Wednesday 31 December 2014
arri-va-va-voom! iss570.indd 26
were set for the half-day sessions –
how to get lost miles down, achieve
a higher MOT pass rate, reduce
breakdowns and improve UK Bus
Audit scores. The means by which
they were to achieve these goals
started with a blank piece of paper and
the premise of ‘anything goes’.
According to John: “Our engineers
were the best people to tell us where
we could make improvements,
and we wanted to hear what they
had to say.” But there was more to
the workshops than sheer ideas
generation, as John acknowledges.
“20% of the engineering workforce
were approaching retirement within a
year or two, and we needed to ensure
seamless and ongoing operational
efficiency. We also wanted to make the
job more attractive for their eventual
“Also, we were aware that different
depots were developing different
methodologies; not only did we want
to be more consistent, we were intent
on sharing best practice across the
The result of the workshops was
overwhelming, with so many ideas
being generated that the next task
was to prioritise. This was when John
realised that they had more than
a one-off exercise on their hands.
22/12/2014 13:59
have since been cut to an all-time low,
and there’s a firm desire to reduce it
still further. “We’ve seen what we can
do, and nothing succeeds like success,”
says John of his engineers’ efforts.
“There was such an energy in the
workshops, it was inspiring. At that
point we were determined to make
more of it and create an ongoing
The Va-Va-Voom programme was
born, and within one month of the
initial workshops each depot fielded a
representative team, led by an elected
champion, to pitch for its top five
Getting on with it
“It was like Dragon’s Den,” says John.
“At the end of it, we had 42 ideas
we agreed to implement. Some
were common across many depots,
others one-offs that would benefit
Here, many ‘suggestions’ schemes
would have foundered through a
failure to implement. Not in Va-VaVoom’s case. “The management
bought into the scheme from the
outset,” says John. “They told us to
get on with it on a ‘no-quibble’ basis.”
And get on with it they did – of the 42
ideas greenlighted, 41 were completed
within 10 months.
Understandably, the range of
ideas the team came up with was
diverse, and reflected a first-hand
understanding of what was working
and what wasn’t working. Some
arri-va-va-voom! iss570.indd 27
suggestions were simple ‘gimmes’
– colour coding for tools and oil
management, updated sat-navs, use
of iPads for maintenance charts,
better equipped call-out vehicles, and
improved facilities at depots including
overalls and lockers.
Others, such as creating Arriva’s
own MOT testing stations and a
radical review of the replacement parts
supply chain, promise to have a more
far-reaching impact.
But there was more. A series of
workstreams, including for Training
and Development, Procurement and
Health and Safety, were set in motion.
Each led by a depot champion, these
workstreams meet regularly to push
and promote new practices.
Depots also joined in a twinning
initiative, fostering exchange visits,
while the ‘think outside the box’
mantra continues to generate a
number of bespoke solutions,
including diagnostic tools, fabrication
techniques, apps and systems that are
keenly adopted by the workforce.
The investment to deliver
the improvements has already
been recouped via savings in the
maintenance budget that, without
Va-Va-Voom, could well have grown
incrementally and without challenge.
And it’s working – lost mileage levels
Empowered engineers
Va-Va-Voom is making great play of
incentives and rewards to depots
continuing to innovate, while a mobile
achievement board in each depot
tracks the timeline of improvements
and where they’ve come from.
Engineers proudly place ‘Brought
to you by Va-Va-Voom’ stickers on
each improvement generated by the
One unexpected consequence of
Va-Va-Voom is a significant reduction
in absence at depots. John says
attendance was never part of their
objectives, but it’s a demonstration
of how the engineering team has
been energised. “They’ve responded
magnificently,” he says. “There’s a real
buzz around the depots and there’s
a healthy sense of competition too,
as they all want to come up with
innovations that can be implemented
across other depots.”
Perhaps the best comment
of how Va-Va-Voom has made a
positive difference to the shop floor
comes from one of its engineering
champions. “Since it started, people
seem to be enjoying their jobs. It’s
great to see. There’s more pride
around too. We’re taking care of the
areas and equipment much more,
making the job quicker and easier.”
John, unsurprisingly, is proud of
his final contribution to the business.
“Before Va-Va-Voom, internal
campaigns tended to focus on drivers
or managers – our engineers got on
with their jobs and tried not to let
anybody down.
“But Va-Va-Voom showed our
engineers the vital role they play
within the bigger picture. Now
they recognise that every turn of
the wrench counts towards the
success of the business. That’s a very
empowering feeling to have.”
The Va-Va-Voom initiative
has already picked up a CIPD
(Chartered Institute of Personnel and
Development) Change Management
award as well as winning the
Innovation of the Year Award at the
routeone Awards 2014. It has also
been recognised within the Arriva
The campaign is now set to build
on the achievements of the past 12
months. As John said at his retirement
party: “There’s plenty of mileage left
in the tank yet.”
Wednesday 31 December 2014 | 27
22/12/2014 13:59
In partnership with:
Lothian Buses
Volvo B5TL Wrightbus Gemini 3s
The first long-wheelbase B5TL doubledeckers to go into service are 25 with
Wrightbus Gemini 3 bodywork, supplied
to Lothian Buses by Volvo Bus (01926
They follow a successful long-term
demonstrator and represent further
success for Volvo in Edinburgh. Included is
Wrightbus’ optional glazed staircase, while
further natural light enters the upper deck
via a partially glazed roof. Lothian says
this is a first for the bus industry. Service 3,
running between Mayfield and Clovenstone,
has received the new buses, which seat 79
passengers. They are powered by Volvo’s
5.1-litre D5K engine developing 240bhp.
Marett’s Chariots
Mercedes-Benz Tourismo
Premier Minibuses
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter EVM
Caerphilly-based Premier Minibus has
taken delivery of an X-Clusive-bodied
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter, supplied by EVM
(0845 520 5160). With 16 leather seats, it
includes a panoramic roof, drop boot, two
17in monitors, two tables and saloon airconditioning.
Alymerton, Norwich-based award-winning
operator Marett’s Chariots has recently
updated its fleet with the arrival of a
Mercedes-Benz Tourismo, supplied by
EvoBus (UK) (02476 626000) and for use
with a host of Marett’s clients, including
Lotus Cars.
The new coach is generously specified,
with 53 seats in Luxline upholstery
and including three-point belts, leather
headrests, tray tables and footrests. Two
19in monitors and a servery are also
provided. Benefits for the driver include
a reverse camera with integrated dash
display, Brake Assist and an electronic
stability programme.
Power comes from the Mercedes-Benz
OM470 Euro 6 engine developing 423bhp,
coupled to an eight-speed Powershift
automated manual gearbox. The coach
will be maintained in-house by Marett’s
Chariots’ engineering team and will be
finished in the operator’s distinctive livery.
Robin Hood Travel
Ford Tourneo
A new minicoach delivered to Rudyard,
Staffordshire-based Robin Hood Travel by
David Fishwick (01282 867772) is a preregistered Ford Tourneo.
David Fishwick’s Sales and Marketing
Executive Matt Eames describes is as “a
fully-loaded vehicle,” and it will be used on
private hires for smaller groups and feeder
28 | Wednesday 31 December 2014
deliveries iss570.indd 28
work in support of Robin Hood’s UK-wide
touring operation.
Among the Tourneo’s creature comforts
are a full leather interior, with heated seats
in the front row, dual-zone air conditioning,
cruise control and the latest Ford Sync
Bluetooth stereo. A limited number of
similar vehicles are in stock, adds Matt.
22/12/2014 13:58
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To join trader, contact the routeone sales team on 01733 405740 or email
Wednesday 31 January 2014 | 29
p29.indd 29
22/12/2014 16:00
trader | To advertise call 01733 405740 | Member deadline Monday, 1500hrs | Non-member deadline Monday, 1600hrs |
1990, CAETANO, 35 seat coach, MAN
engine, No MOT, needs turbo x manifold,
reasonable body and trim, . P/P VIL 1590.
offers + Mercdedes Vario Offers, Tel: 02392
1999, DAF, SB3000, IKARUS, 67 seats +
driver, COIF, MOT August 2015, Very tidy
inside and out £19,500+VAT, Tel: 01249
821 821
2000, DAF, SB3000, Automatic , 55 seats
and belts, ZF box, MOT until March 2015,
Permanent Cheap (RP) tax class, RP on V5
log book, Also Euro 4 exhaust, in swing door
in daily use, Bargain price.evening contact
number 01497851616 £9,750 + VAT ono,
Tel: 01497 847 100 email: herdman100@
DAF, SB3000, Automatic , Winter Bargain
53, R Reg , ZF box, 53 tidy seats with belts,
In swing door, drives well, out of test Bargain
price. evening contact number 01497851616
£4,950 + VAT ono, Tel: 01497 847 100
2006, AYATS ATLANTIS, MAN, sleeper coach,
Only 471,000kms 11 beds, carries 17. Well
maintained and very clean condition.
Engine/3-phase/single phase A/C. Webasto,
Inverter. Call Steve . £93,000 + VAT, Mobile:
07768 211 612
1999, AYATS BRAVO , Mercedes V8. Well
maintained and very clean condition due to
major rebuild. Carries/sleeps 15. Usual sleeper
stuff. Call Steve £45,000, Mobile: 07768
211 612
To advertise in
trader email:
1995, BOVA, 70 seats, cogent conversion.
MOT Oct 2015, good school contract coach, in
white . £17,900 + VAT, Tel: 01793 778272
Mobile: 07741 019 125
1993, DAF, SB3000, 51 seats, Lovely
condition, toilet Mot July 2015 £10,000 +
VAT, email: Mobile:
07886 773 341
2002, BOVA FUTURA, Manual, 49 seats,
LEZ, DAF , call for details £40,000 + VAT,
Tel: 01323 440 622 Mobile: 07974 369
2002, DAF, VAN HOOL T9, ZF Auto, 49
seats, DAF 4000 , reconned gearbox this year
, toilet, very good condition, MOT May 15. Very
powerful and economical, £26,500 ono +
VAT, Tel: 01925 740013
2008, BOVA FUTURA, Auto, 53 seats +
toilet, 13 metre, A/C, VGC long MOT ,Must go
to make room for new vehicles . £75,000 +
VAT, Mobile: 07768 215 058
Subscribe to
‘routeone TV’ to see
the latest industry
30 | Wednesday 31 December 2014
Vehicles.indd 30
22/12/2014 16:09
POINTER, Automatic , 27 seats + 17
standees, Wheelchair ramp, new MOT, new
compressor, turbo, airdryer and air system, low
floor, destination equipment. Reduced
£8,500+VAT, Tel: 01249 821 821
CUTLASS, 70 seat, Plain White, ZF Automatic
, DOFR 24/6/99, 12 month MOT £18,000
ono, Mobile: 07867 558303
PRESIDENT , 74 belted seats, excellent
condition, ex Lothian, Mot May 2015. Very
Tidy. £14,000 ono, Tel: 01925 740013
Winter project 70, L Reg , 70 very tidy coach
seats with 3 point belts, Long MOT until
May 2015, Drives well but engine breathing,
Super Bargain. evening contact number
01497851616 £3,750 + VAT ono, Tel:
01497 847 100 email: herdman100@
ALX400, 62 seats, Double Decker, Voith Auto,
62 seats, 20 standees, DDA certified, Cummins Engine, Ex Stagecoach , Very tidy interior
& exterior. MOT to June/July 2015, Currently
SORN’d. Two available £9,995 each ono,
Tel: 01515 234 010 email: bussales@
53 recliners, + courier, could do with a tidy but
not a dog, MOT May 2015, in white £6,800
+ VAT, Tel: 01793 778272 Mobile: 07741
019 125
DENNIS, DART MPD, 27 seats, 8.8 meters,
Euro 2,Cummins engine, Alison gearbox, MOT
July 2015, Resprayed in white, Clean tidy bus,
Can email more pics on request £10,000 +
VAT ono, Tel: 01475 785 988 email: Mobile:
07773 282 278 / 07757742736
retrimmed seats, Nimbus, 22 standees,
Cummins ISBe Euro 4, Alison auto. Resprayed
in white, Hanover Flipdot destinations, MOT to
11th April 2015, £19,995, Tel: 01515 234
010 email:
POINTER, 10.1m 27 seats + 30 standees.
Hanover LED. £8,500 + VAT, Tel: 01342
711840 email: bussales@southdownpsv.
CUTLASS, ZF Auto, 70 seats, all on Uniwin
Tracking, A/C & Wheelchair lift (not Used by
us) will be sold with fresh MOT, Recently
Sprayed white, Excellent Condition. DOFR
25/3/99 . Call Rhydian £20,000 ono, Mobile:
07867 558303
PREMIERE, Manual, 57 seats, MOT
November 2015. £4,750 + VAT, Tel: 01929
477 344
1996, DENNIS, LANCE, 47 belted seats,
Excellent condition, Long or new MOT, Excellent
reliability. Choice of 3 vehicles. 2nd owner from
new, Ex Brighton and Hove. Mobile: 07773
793 239
Choice- 62 seats + 20 standees. Cummins
euro 1V / ZF Conversion to single door
available. Please call for details, Very clean
ex-lease vehicles . £15,500 + VAT, Tel:
01342 711840 email: bussales@
DENNIS, TRIDENT, 88 seats, Sold with 12
months MOT, great buses, good condition for
age, 3 sister vehicles available. Call Kevin for
further details £14,500+VAT, Mobile:
49 seater, executive with toilet, MOT expired
£3000 or offers, Mobile: 07771 682 389
Ford Tourneo 9st,ltd. ~~Rare ink blue Metalic~~
Body Type: Minibus
Fuel Type: Diesel
Transmission: Manual
Engine Size: 2.2
No. of Doors: 5
Colour: Blue
Registration: 2012 (12)
Mileage: 41,000
£13,995 + VAT
Ford Transit 430 17 Seat, 135ps Euro 5
Body Type: Minibus
Fuel Type: Diesel
Transmission: Manual
Engine Size: 2.2
No. of Doors: 5
Colour: White
Registration: 2012 (12)
Mileage: 17,702
£15,495 + VAT
2011, IVECO, DAILY, 45c15, Elite millennium
conversion, forced air,reading lights, drop down
DVD player, Huge dropwell boot with shelf,
decorative curtains, MOT August 2015, Agile
auto box, Immaculate condition only 85,000
miles £21,495 +VAT ono, Mobile: 07767
302 277
2002, IVECO, BEULAS, Auto, 49 seats, A/C,
Call for details. £25,000 + VAT, Tel: 01323
440 622 Mobile: 07974 369 570
2007, IVECO, ESKER WAY, 33 seater, White,
VGC £39,500 ono, Mobile: 07971279597
Ford Transit 17 Seat, 115ps, tacho. ~~Air Conditioning~~
Body Type: Minibus
Fuel Type: Diesel
Transmission: Manual
Engine Size: 2.4
No. of Doors: 5
Colour: White
Registration: 2011 (11)
Mileage: 39,392
£13,495 + VAT
Iveco Daily 45c15, 12st, fully tracked w/chair bus
Body Type: Minibus
Fuel Type: Diesel
Transmission: Manual
Engine Size: 3.0
No. of Doors: 5
Colour: White
Registration: 2007(57)
Mileage: 71,489
Owners: 1
£12,995 + VAT
Ford Tourneo 9st, 140ps,limited model
Body Type: Minibus
Fuel Type: Diesel
Transmission: Manual
Engine Size: 2.2
No. of Doors: 5
Colour: Silver
Registration: 2012 (12)
Mileage: 43,804
£13,995 + VAT
Iveco Daily 17st, front entry, fully tracked seating.
~~NO VAT~~
Body Type: Minibus
Fuel Type: Diesel
Transmission: Manual
Engine Size: 2.3
No. of Doors: 4
Colour: Blue
Registration: June 2006 (06)
Mileage: 10,637
trader | To advertise call 01733 405740 | Member deadline Monday, 1500hrs | Non-member deadline Monday, 1600hrs |
To advertise in routeone email:
Wednesday 31 December 2014 | 31
Vehicles.indd 31
22/12/2014 16:06
2009, KING LONG XMQ 6127, 49 seats, Full
Exec Coach with AC, TV and DVD, Centre
Sunken Toilet, Drinks Machine Fridge, MOT
March 15 (can be renewed), Mileage
292,000KM £70,000, Tel: 01656 739928
2008, KING LONG XMQ 6127, 49, Full Exec
Coach with AC, TV and DVD, Centre Sunken
Toilet, Drinks Machine Fridge, CCTV, MOT May
15 (can be renewed), Mileage 100,000KM
£65,000, Tel: 01656 739928
2008, MAN, OPTARE SOLO, 31 seater. 29
with 3 point belts plus two fold up, fully DDA
compliant, digital tacho, Mobitec sign displays.
MOT June 2015 £44,000 + VAT ono, Tel:
01946 723 227
Seater, retractable seat belts, extremely good
condition, very attractive, blue upholstery,
footrests, magazine nests, seat trays, armrests,
MOT October 2014, aircraft type lockers, toilet,
boiler, servery, driver fans, sunblind, DVD with
2 monitors, A/C, microphone (blaupunkt sound
system), courier seat, fridge, smart plain white
coach ready for your vinyls, bargain price
£6,500+VAT possible p/x, Mobile: 07771
682 389
01733 405740
reclining seats, LEZ, plus courier, Radio/CD/
DVD , Large luggage space , MOT April 2015.
£20,000 ono, email: enquiries@ Mobile: 07970
029 652
2009, MAN, PLAXTON CENTRO, 38 seating
+ 8 standees or 1 wheelchair with 35
seated and 8 standees, 12.240, DDA, new
MOT. Contact Neil Bailey £25,000 ono, Tel:
01315 545 413 email: neil.bailey@
2010, MAN, MCV EVOLUTION, 41 seats/23
standees, A66, MOT’d until Sept 2015,ZF 6
speed automatic gearbox with Topodyne,
E-Leather seats throughout, DDA compliant,
Mobitec electronic destination equipmentLOOK
CCTV internal and external camera system
fitted, Genius Green Road System fitted, Euro
4, Excellent condition - 5 AVAILABLE POA, Tel:
01698 792 800 or 01698 793 506 email:
1999, MAN, JONCKHEERE, 70 reclining
seats, LEZ, Monaco, plus courier ,Radio/CD/
DVD , W/C, Fridge, Tea Machine. MOT March
2015. £25,000 ono, email: enquiries@ Mobile: 07970
029 652
belted seats, x 2 , long MOTs - ideal get
out of jails cards! £4,500 each + VAT, Tel:
01296 398300
2005, MAN, MARCOPOLO, 70 seats 3
points belts, from new (3+2) Owned from
new and allocated own drivers from new, Silver
and in immaculate condition. Crew Seat, Radio
CD P.A, M.O.T till 04.15 For more info contact
Maynes Coaches or visit our website www. £64,750, Tel: 01542 831 219
2006, MAN, MARCOPOLO, 57 seater 3
point belt, 06 reg, wheel chair lif, low mileage
VGC £52,000, Mobile: 07971279597
1993, LEYLAND, OLYMPIAN, ZF Auto, 86
seats with belts, ( Cummins Engine ) K reg,
110 capacity, A/C New MOT auto VGC
£12,000 ono, Mobile: 07971279597
t: 01322 290921
f: 01322 290049
Automatic , 16 seats + driver, wheelchair
accessible minibus, Eberspacer heater/air con
system, Seat belts ,Reversing camera ,Full
service history, 7 weekly safety inspections,
local authority maintained from new 2 x Easilok
seats Unwin tracking and seat fixtures PSV test
to 17/6/15 First registered 23/6/2009 Tail lift
Loler test due March 2015, 102,000 miles ,
Digital tachograph tested to December 2015 .
£26,000 + VAT ono, Tel: 01629 641 923
Automatic , 16 seats + driver, wheelchair
accessible minibus, Eberspacer heater/air con
system,Seat belts, Reversing camera, Full
service history, 7 weekly safety inspections,
local authority maintained from new 2 x Easilok
seats, Unwin tracking and seat fixtures, PSV
test to 11/12/14, First registered 11/1/2010,
Tail lift Loler test due March 2015 96,000
miles, Digital tachograph tested to December
2015 £27,500 + VAT ono, Tel: 01629 641
923 email:
2004, MAN, AYATS, 35 reclining seats,
fridge & drinks, A/C , sunken toilet , MOT end
March, 367908 mile, LEZ compliant, manual
gearbox, Very well maintained Owner driver
Further information £25,000 + vat, Tel:
01273 415 770 Mobile: 07949 972 741
2008, LDV, MAXUS, 6 seats, LEZ, 3.5 T 95
BRUNS internal lift chair ,full tracking A/C
,eberspacher heating ,AVS atep100k 1 owner
£6,495 + VAT, Tel: 02083 646417 Mobile:
07896 266616
To advertise in
trader call:
trader | To advertise call 01733 405740 | Member deadline Monday, 1500hrs | Non-member deadline Monday, 1600hrs |
RIADA, 16 seats plus courier, Super Exec,
full leather, 4 x tables, toilet, servery including
large fridge/ coffee machine, A/C, DVD with
dual monitors, radio/PA, reversing camera, 3
point belts, luggage capacity. Excellent
condition inside and out. Further info / pictures 220,000 km, full
years MOT. £39,750 + VAT, Tel: 01415 545
ALEXANDER, 27 seats, MOT July 2015,
Resprayed in white, Email more pics on
request. £4,000 + VAT, Tel: 01475 785 988
Mobile: 07773 282 278 / 07757742736
32 | Wednesday 31 December 2014
Vehicles.indd 32
22/12/2014 16:06
PLAXTON BEAVER 2, Auto, 29 seats, LEZ,
Tacho, COIF, MOT, power door, Welfare VGC ,
283KLM , Vehicle enterprises £12,950, Tel:
02083 646417 Mobile: 07896 266616
Manual, 33 seats, With belts, MOT until August 2015. Call Bluebird Coaches South Wales.
£5,500 + VAT, Tel: 01639 643 849
PLAXTON CHEETAH, 29 seater + driver,
Plain white .PSV mot,d .COIF .3 point belts ect
.original paint work and interior , drives well ,as
they all do ,usual excellent reliability and great
fuel economy .May px ,call Tim £9,999 +
VAT, Tel: 01404 475 02 email: Mobile:
07790 966 667
CDI, 6 speed, 16 seats, Front entry luxury
coach ,PSV, test until March 2015,electric
windows ,remote central locking ,Elite
Conversion very nice ,one of the nicest ive seen
.forced air ,rack lights ect , rear seats on quick
release tracking for easy luggage loading ,this
coach is like new inside and out and drives
superb .120 k miles .COIF , digi tach , may px
,call Tim 07790 966667 or Leon 07856
867388 £15,900 + VAT, Tel: 01404 475 02
For the latest industry
news, follow us
on Twitter
CDI, UVG TREKA, 17 seats, LEZ, welfare,
accessible , Coif, tacho, MOT , Front entry
power door, VGC , Vehicle enterprises £7450
+ VAT, Tel: 02083 646417 Mobile: 07896
33 seats, MOT July 15, recently refurbished
incl. re-spray, power door, luggage racks with
lights and forced air ventilation. Contact
Anthony or Brian £5,000, Tel: 01946
820205 email: anthony@shbrownrigg.
BELUGA , 27 seats, reclining seats,large
boot,A/C,double glazed. £18,000+VAT,
Tel: 01778 342 224 email: enquiries@
2003, MERCEDES-BENZ, ATEGO, 41 seats
+ courier, 1223, Eurocoach builders Clady,
PLS lift & certified to carry 10 wheelchairs.
Luggage racks, side lockers, boot, PA system,
webasto. MOT to January 2015. Owned by us
from new. £35,000+VAT, Tel: 01228 711
690 Mobile: 07957 863 024
CDI, 12 recliners + courier, LEZ, Super
Exec.XLWB, toilet, 4 tables, fridge, coffee
machine, A/C, dash + rear ,DVD , 3 moniters,
CD, sterio/pa/mic, electric windows & mirrors,
alarm, reversing sensors, tinted & double
glazed windows, full carpet & curtains, night
heater, interchangeable seat configuration, great
luggage capacity, 270,000km, Mot Nov. 2015,
excellent condition, drives fantastic £14,950,
Mobile: 07429542200
To advertise in
routeone call:
01733 405730
24 Seats, + 1 w/chair, low floor, fold out
ramp, DDA compliant,air suspension,MOT
August 15, destination board, excellent
condition. Contact Anthony or Brian £18,000,
Tel: 01946 820205 email: anthony@
CDI, 16 seater, Luxury minicoach ,A/C ,mood
lighting ,London compliant ,PSV MOT ,COIF
,Extended rear , 05.Huge lift up boot , This
coach is in superb condition ,one owner from
new ,drives excellent ,loads of history ,Alarm
,reverse sensors ect ,top spec vehicle
,Panoramic windows ,ready to go staight to
work . More pictures available , may px ,call
Tim . £14,900 + VAT, Tel: 01404 475 02
Mobile: 07790 966 667
CDI, OPTARE SOROCO, 19 seats, Air Con,
Leather Seats, PA System, Boot, MOT October
2015 £44,995 + VAT, Tel: 01992 465 747
49 seater executive, with toilet ANALOGUE
TACHO MOT: March 11th 2015 Mileage:
519,083 £35,000, Mobile: 07500 049 061
Alison auto gearbox, 31 seats, MOT to
18/12/201 £6,450 plus VAT, Tel: 01249 462
trader | To advertise call 01733 405740 | Member deadline Monday, 1500hrs | Non-member deadline Monday, 1600hrs |
automatic, 50 Seats plus 100 standing, 6.4
litre engine , MOT Feb 2015. £11,950 + VAT
OVNO, Tel: 01249 462 462
Wednesday 31 December 2014 | 33
Vehicles.indd 33
22/12/2014 16:06
Standing apart from the usual
sea of white and silver vehicles
on our forecourt is this ice blue
Ford Transit Trend Minibus.
With just 1 owner from new and
only 81,200km on the clock,
it’s in excellent mechanical and
cosmetic shape throughout.
The high specification includes;
cruise control, 6 speed gearbox,
VDO Digital Tachograph, twin
front airbags and a 62mph speed
limiter - Whilst Ford’s Electronic
Stability Programme, automatic
headlights and excellent quick
clear heated windscreen make all
the difference in adverse weather
both in terms convenience and
passenger safety.
The big brother of the Transit
range offers increased flexibility
with seating for upto 16
passengers in total comfort.
These high-roof, LWB minibuses
are proving to be hugely
popular for those looking for
a factory fresh vehicle with
full manufacturer warranty
and the latest Euro VI engines.
The Trend specification is the
smart choice, with significant
amounts of added kit over the
base specification (including
cruise control, front & rear
air-con, parking sensors, Ford
SYNC Bluetooth stereo and
VDO tachograph) which when
combined with our fantastic PreReg deals, represents exceptional
value for money.
£14,495 + VAT
£26,995 + VAT
An excellent vehicle for a school,
charity or private operator
needing the flexibility afforded
by a wheelchair accessibility; this
LDV is just out of our workshop
with a clean bill of health and in
great condition. Equipped with a
Tachograph, 12 passenger seats
(or able to carry 2 passengers
+ 2 wheelchairs) mounted to
an aluminium floor with quick
adjust channels and an internal
Ricon lift, it’s easily adapted to
differing requirements whilst the
durability of the Maxus provides a
solid backbone to ensure reliable
service for many years to come.
Two vehicles available in
stock - built upon an excellent
Transit Hi-Roof base vehicle and
converted by ourselves with; a
brand new aluminium floor, 16
quick adjust passenger seats,
a PLS accessLITE external
wheelchair lift and a manually
extending side step. Both in
pristine condition throughout
and having covered just 78,000
/ 86,000 miles since new,
they are the perfect choice for
those needing a modern and
dependable vehicle. Supplied a
freshly serviced, with a full MOT
and our 3 month comprehensive
warranty as standard, COIF
tested upon request.
£13,995 + VAT
£24,495 + VAT
A rare opportunity to own a year
old coach-built Mercedes with
significant saving against the
price of a new vehicle, this 516
Sprinter was one of a number
originally built by ourselves
for the NHS and remains in
exceptional condition throughout
having covered 48,000 easy
miles. Equipped in the usual
fashion with; 16 comfortable
passenger seats, full length
luggage racks (with forced air and
reading lights), large panoramic
windows, Webasto Diesel rear
heater, a large carpeted boot,
cruise control and Bluetooth
ready stereo with steering wheel
Fresh off the production line and
selling fast, we now just have one
Sprinter 516 BlueEFFICIENCY
chassis’ available (6 speed manual
with front air conditioning)
which is ready for conversion
to your exact specifications; be
that a simple and durable 20+
seat format for heavy-duty fleet
use or equipped with opulent
reclining leather seats, the latest
in passenger entertainment, and
a large cargo area – or anything
in between, the choice is yours.
Call us now on 01282 867772
to discuss build, pricing and
financing options.
£38,995 + VAT
Also a massive stock of used vehicles please visit the website or call
Vehicles.indd 34
22/12/2014 16:06
*PRICE REDUCED* These Sprinter’s utilise BlueEFFICIENCY
technologies to offer class leading economy which coupled with
Mercedes’s famed build quality significantly reduces operating
costs over the life of the vehicle. Freshly converted with 16
immaculately trimmed passenger seats, panoramic windows,
carpeted rear boot, diesel rear heater, Bluetooth connectivity
and all the other features you would expect on a top quality
coach – this trio of vehicles (two with blue interior and one with
red), or indeed just one would make an ideal addition to your
fleet. On offer for a limited time only, call us now to ensure you
don’t miss out!
Now Only £44,995 + VAT
Other Vehicles – please call us for
details on these & the rest of our stock
Ford Transit
Ford Transit
Ford Transit
Ford Transit
Ford Transit
Ford Transit
Ford Transit
Ford Transit
Ford Transit
Ford Transit
Ford Transit
Ford Transit
FIAT Ducato
Vauxhall Movano
Renault Master
LDV Maxus
LDV Maxus
Vauxhall Movano
Wheelchair Accessible
Price (Ex VAT)
TELEPHONE: 01282 615138/867772
We also supply parts overnight, visit or call 01282863563 all makes of Van/minibus
Vehicles.indd 35
22/12/2014 16:06
trader | To advertise call 01733 405740 | Member deadline Monday, 1500hrs | Non-member deadline Monday, 1600hrs |
Mercedes Vito 113 CDI TRAVELINER Extra Long
Body Type: Minibus
Fuel Type: Diesel
Transmission: Manual
Engine Size: 2.1
No. of Doors: 5
Colour: Black
Registration: March 2011 (11)
Mileage: 57,848
Owners: 1
£15,495 + VAT
Manual, 29 seater + Crew, 815 vario , .
LONDON LEZ exhaust fitted ,coach ,air con
,manual ,reclining seats ,electric window
,Wheel trims ect ,in good condition ,COIF ,PSV
MOT .The usual Mercedes reliability with
excellent fuel economy ,More pictures on
request . May PX .Call Tim £24,000 + VAT,
Tel: 01404 475 02 email: Mobile: 07790 966 667
Renault Trafic 9st,swb,a/con
Body Type: Minibus
Fuel Type: Diesel
Transmission: Manual
Engine Size: 2.0
No. of Doors: 5
Colour: Silver
Registration: August 2009 (09)
Mileage: 51,570
£10,495 + VAT
2000, PLAXTON CHEETAH, 33 seats, MOT
until October 2015. TAXED until March 2015.
White with red interior. Very reliable vehicle, any
inspection welcome. Euroliner wheel trims.
Number plate retained. Owned for 5 years.
400k. Contact William. £18,250 + VAT,
Mobile: 07973 789 363
To advertise in
routeone call:
CHEETAH, Manual, 29 seats, Owned from
new and built to own own spec with fridge,
leather headrests, crew seat, radio CD p.a, and
DVD system. Silver and in immaculate
condition. M.O.T till 03.15 For more info
contact Maynes Coaches or visit our website £87,750, Tel: 01542
831 219
17 Cream Leather Seats, MOT until October
2015, Davia A/C, Recently Serviced. Webasto
Heated Towbar & Electric’s ,Good Tyres 08-09
mm all round, Finance available subject to
status, coach can be viewed at CW1 6BW ask
for Joe Roxanne or Soo £15,000 ono, Tel:
01270 254 231 Mobile: 07734 386 191
seats, Very good condition , Tested to 10th
December 2015. Tel St Andrews Executive
Travel Ltd £25,000 + VAT, Tel: 01334 470
The vehicle sales
website brought to you
by routeone
01733 405730
OPTARE, SOROCO, Luxury 19 Seat coach ,
very well looked after. MOT until Feb 2015 .A/C
.Tinted glass. Reclining seats.Drivers locker.
Euroliner wheel trims. Extremely large boot.
Coach built body. Plug power door.Excellent
condition, any inspection welcomed.Number
plate included. Contact William £20,999+
VAT, Mobile: 07973 789 363
2009, PLAXTON, CHEETAH, Auto, 29
recliner seats, Auto, 09 plate, White, Air Con
TV & DVD MOT Jan 15 . Part Exchange
possible Contact Jason. £72,000 + VAT, Tel:
02920 844666 email: enquiries@jrhouse. Mobile: 07773 773 344
2007, PLAXTON PRIMO, 28 seats, Choice of
2, SLF, MOT to May 15, A/C & Hanover
Destination Equipment. Tel: 01782 522 101
Auto, 49 seats, Eminox LEZ, WC, A/C, DVD,
crew seat, 3 sold, 3 remaining. contact Neil
Bailey £59,000+VAT, Tel: 01315 545 413
email: neil.bailey@edinburghcoachlines.
ZF auto gearbox, 53 seats, DOFR
16.05.2008, MOT Oct 2015 , Vehicles offered
due to fleet replacement. with toilet ,A/C, Boiler,
Cooler, DVD 2 x monitors, Crew seat,Drivers
bunk, Durabrite alloys, FSH, Owned by us from
new. Painted into one solid colour included In
the price. Very good condition. Choice of 4
£92,500 ono.Contact Andy Nixon £92,500
ono, Mobile: 07917 006490
1997, OPTARE, EXCEL, R reg , drives well
but no TAX or MOT. Good tyres all round. Tel
Adam £1,595 + VAT, Mobile: 07918 649
2000, OPTARE, NOUVELLE, 29 seats +
Courier, W/2000 reg , just resprayed in white,
MOT May 2015. £9,750 + VAT, Tel: 01793
778272 Mobile: 07741 019 125
2009, OPTARE TEMPO, 43 seats, Mercedes
engine, Euro 5 , Mobitec digital destinations,
Synectics 7 camera, CCTV, AVID technologies
Hybrid “E fan” fitted, New MOT upon sale.
£49,995, Tel: 01515 234 010 email:
2008, RENAULT, TRAFFIC DCI 115, 8 Seats,
Wheelchair accessible, one owner from new,
mint condition, mileage 195000km, PSV expiry
26th August 2014, Tax expiry 30th September
2014. Contact Gabriel Kelly £4,500 ono, Tel:
028 8673 6528 Mobile: 0775 211 5254
Renault Master 17st, tacho
Body Type: Minibus
Fuel Type: Diesel
Transmission: Manual
Engine Size: 2.3
No. of Doors: 5
Colour: White
Registration: April 2013 (13)
Mileage: 11,141
£16,995 + VAT
Comfort shift, 55 seats plus driver/courier, lap
belts MOT 19/05/2015. Plain white, no body
damage, Still in daily use, mechanically reliable
still used daily. £8,500 + VAT, Tel: 01237
451 282 email: hemmingscoaches@aol.
com Mobile: 0788 180 2751
2002, SCANIA, IRIZAR CENTURY, 57 seats,
Lap belts, A/C, MOT 07/2015, retard therma,
537,786 miles, call David £24,950+VAT, Tel:
01234 342 057 Mobile: 07795 337 839
36 | Wednesday 31 December 2014
Vehicles.indd 36
22/12/2014 16:06
1997, SCANIA, VAN HOOL , 57 seats, MOT
Feb 2015, very tidy inside and out
£13,500+VAT, Tel: 01249 821 821
2010, VAUXHALL, VIVARO, 8 seats, 60
plate, Long wheel base, Huge luggage space.
Techshift Semi auto gearbox ( fully overhauled
under warranty)A/C ,CD Removable seats,
MOT January 2015 ( but will retest if required)
98,000 Miles £10,995 + VAT, Mobile:
07767 302 277
1998, SETRA 250 SPECIAL, 50 seater +
Twin courier, O/S Toilet/Servery, MOT- JULY
2015 £10,995 + VAT or sensible offers,
Tel: 01789 740371 email:
1998, MAN, SETRA 250 SPECIAL, 48
seats, 6 speed, no gearbox, scrap or repair.
call and ask for Geoff. £2,500 + VAT, Mobile:
07879 444 085
2006, TOYOTA OPTIMO, Manual, 18,
Vehicles offered due to fleet replacement, Mini
Coach, DOFR 11.04.2006, New MOT upon
purchase,Extra Large Boot, Crew seat, FSH,
Owned by Us from new, Very good condition.
Choice of 2 , available Immediately Contact
Andy Nixon £19,500 ono, Mobile: 07917
,low mileage, owned since new VGC £69,000
ono, Mobile: 07971279597
2001, SETRA 315 GT-HD, LEZ, 49s all usual
extras merc V8, MOT APR 2015. Call Ken
£28,000 ONO, Tel: 01728 830 414 Mobile:
2005, SCANIA, IRIZAR, Auto, 49, executive
with toilet , ANOLOGUE TACHO, Lap belts,
MOT: June 3rd 2015 Mileage: 31,136 ***new
tacho*** £48,000, Mobile: 07500 049 061
seats, DIGI TACHO, Lap belts, MOT: 1st
December 2015 Mileage: 434,510 £45,000,
Mobile: 07500 049 061
2003, SETRA 315 GT-HD, ZF manual
gearbox, P.P. 49 recliner seats with retractable
belts. with DVD + 2 monitors, centre toilet with
centre power door, boiler + dash fridge. A/C,
Eminox exhaust for London 2015. Mercedes
engine, good condition, test until September
2015. Real good drive. more pictures by email.
call Paul 0 £37,500 + VAT ono, email: Mobile:
07730 486 708
2005, VOLKSWAGEN, LT 46, 17 seats,
Accessible Miniibus, useful for private hire and
school contracts, tinted windows, rear seats on
tracking. Analogue tachograph, a loler tested,
Wheelchair lift, MOT until October 2015, new
breaks, new battery, new intercooler, well
looked after, inspected every 4 week. 87000
miles, number plate retained, Contact William
£8,750, Mobile: 07973 789 363
MISTRAL, Manual, 49/53 seats, A/C Will
be sold with full MOT. Owned from new and
only covered 350000 miles. £26,750+VAT,
Tel: 01778 342 224 email: enquiries@
1996, VOLVO, B10M, VAN HOOL , Manual,
49 Seater, WC, fridge, well maintained,will
come with 1 years MOT £9,995, Tel: 01314
404 400 Mobile: 07729 284 784
Vauxhall Vivaro 115ps, A/con, LWB Model
Body Type: Minibus
Fuel Type: Diesel
Transmission: Manual
Engine Size: 2.0
No. of Doors: 5
Colour: Silver
Registration: 2009 (59)
Mileage: 75,308
£8,995 + VAT
2001, SETRA S315 GT-HD, Manual, 48
seats + Courier, Merc Engine , A/C Owned
from new, MOT December 2015, Choice of
vehicles £27,000 + VAT, Tel: 01530 270
226 email: travel@macphersoncoaches. Mobile: 07860 206281
2006, VDL, SB120, WRIGHT CADET, 39
retrimmed seats, 23 standees, Cummins
ISBe Euro 4, Allison Auto. very tidy body,
Brightec digital destinations fitted front, side
and rear, and Synectics 6 camera CCTV. MOT
to 6th May 2015, RFL to 31/07/15 £23,000
with destinations and CCTV or £19,995 without
Tel: 01515 234 010 email: bussales@
2006, SETRA 415 GT-HD, 49 reclining
seats, LEZ, Merc Engine, New MOT, Tax.
contact Ray or Dai £72,000, Tel: 01443 844
222 Mobile: 07919 015 511
1995, SETRA, 30 seats, + Courier,
recently retrimmed, Toilet, Boiler, one solid
colour repaint MOT- Nov 2015 £7,995 + VAT
or sensible offer, email: webbs_coaches@ Mobile: 07900 116655
1992, SETRA 215 HD, 53s MAN Engine MOT
Nov 2015 Call Ken £5,000 ono, Tel: 01728
830 414 Mobile: 07887898425
VAN HOOL T916 ASTRONEF, 13.2 mt 53
Body Luxe seats half leather theatre style
seating fully carpeted On-board vacuum/ wash
facility/ Alloy wheels Blaupunkt professional line
3 drop down monitors Quad camera system/
Toilet /drinks /fridge etc Crew compartment.
Only used on our own holiday programme
D.O.R June 2011 MOT May2015 Available late
November or earlier by agreement Tel Barry
Austin £240,750 + VAT, Tel: 01896 849
360 Mobile: 07798 631 602
2008, VAUXHALL, VIVARO, Short wheel
base. 8 passenger seats + luggage space,
New MOT serviced in our workshops, 140,000
miles. £7,995 + VAT, Mobile: 07767 302
2005, SETRA, Auto, 48 seats, LEZ
Compliant, A/C, TV, first registered March
2005, we are second owners and vehicle runs
perfectly. Call Keith £54,995, Mobile: 07970
096 262
320, ZF Auto, 70 seats, 3 point belts, long
MOT and taxed, any inspection, ideal school
contract coach, contact Alan. Glasgow area
£10,000 ono, Tel: 01236 626 200 Mobile:
T8, 57 seats, 14 months MOT, good condition
Contact: Pulhams Coaches, Bourton-on-theWater £14,000 ono, Tel: 01451 820369
, ZF automatic gearbox, straight 53 seater,
ac, double glazing, resprayed £16,500 + VAT,
Mobile: 07900 053 888
trader | To advertise call 01733 405740 | Member deadline Monday, 1500hrs | Non-member deadline Monday, 1600hrs |
seats, good runner, 12 months MOT on
sale £3,500 + VAT, Tel: 01323 440 622
Mobile: 07974 369 570
Wednesday 31 December 2014 | 37
Vehicles.indd 37
22/12/2014 16:07
trader | To advertise call 01733 405740 | Member deadline Monday, 1500hrs | Non-member deadline Monday, 1600hrs |
1992, VOLVO, B10M, VAN HOOL T8, ZF
manual gearbox, 53 seater + crew seat,
Recliners, retrim 6 years ago, still smart
appearance, rack blowers, good heating D/G
full draw curtains, radio, PA, large boot, good
stretch panels and lockers, wheeltrims (private
to be retained) good workhorse, ideal contract
coach (ex Trumans) new MOT applied for ,
available now, Call Stuart (North Lincolnshire
£10,250+VAT ono, Mobile: 07730 486512
DEAUVILLE, Manual, 57 seats plus courier,
Double glazing, Inswing entrance door, Great
heat,In everyday use, Excellent condition.
MOT’d until Nov 2015. Date of first registration
2004 £14,000 + VAT, Mobile: 07900 053
reclining seats, A/C Webasto, centre sunken
toilet, DVD & front monitor, Radio, CD, PA,
fridge, Durabrite alloys, MOT April 2015
£34,000+VAT ono, Tel: 01946 723 227
2005, VOLVO, B12M, VAN HOOL , ZF
manual gearbox, 49 seats exec, LEZ, seats
& floor to make 53, euro 4, AC, DVD. V.G.C
MOT April 2015 - will renew on sale Contact:
Pulhams Coaches, Bourton-on-the-Water
£68,000 ono, Tel: 01451 820369
For the latest industry
news and recruitment
opportunities, follow
us on LinkedIn
‘Route One Magazine’
Auto, 53 seats, standard coach MOT until
14/08/2015. Well maintained reliable
work-horse. Straight and tidy for year. Good
interior - no rips or tears. Reduced Price .Ring
David or Michael £5,950, Tel: 01132 762
48 seats, A/C,WC, Alloy Wheels, MOT Feb
15,Good Condition. Contact Anthony or Brian
£12,500, Tel: 01946 820205 email:
1998, VOLVO, B10M, ALEXANDER, 49
seats, Good condition, ex Stage Coach,
£5500 + vat with new MOT, £5000+ vat no
MOT. 1 remaining, Call David Mobile:
VOLVO, B10M, VAN HOOL , with wheelchair
Lift. 50 or 46 + 2 wheelchairs. Rear floor level
toilet with Wheelchair Access. New MOT.
Reluctant sale. Call George or email for more
details. £8,000, email: enquiries@ Mobile:
07515 513 656
MISTRAL, 51/53 seats, 3 point belts, 420 I
shift, A/C, Centre WC, Boiler, Fridge, DVD
£55,000 + VAT, Tel: 01387 375 677
Mobile: 07711 280475
WANTED, Wanted - Minibuses, any make, any
type 1998 to present year, dead or alive,
finance settled Tel: 0208 363 8572 email: Mobile:
07896 266616
1998, VOLVO, B10M, ENIGMA, ZF gearbox,
49 Recliner seats with retractable belts. DVD+
Monitor, centre toilet and door. Volvo engine.
Test until August 2015 . more pictures by
email. call Paul £15,000 + VAT ono, email: Mobile:
07730 486 708
VOLVO, B12M, JONCKHEERE, 53 with 3
point belt, 420bhp I- Shift, Alloy wheels,
Webasto, DVD with 2 Screens, centre sunken
toilet, Hot water boiler, Air con, MOT expires on
13/11/15 Excellent Condition contact Mark Tel:
01271 859 533
WANTED, Floor panel to fit above demountable
toilet for a Jonckheere Mistal 50 1999 model.
Sherwood Travel Mobile: 07730 486512
WANTED, Mercedes Optare Prisma 405, 96
to 98. call and ask for Geoff Mobile: 07879
444 085
MONACO, 71 seats, Radio/PA, DVD & TV’s,
WC, Water Boiler, Very Tidy, MOT Feb 2015,
Private Plate, email for more pictures £15,500
ono, Tel: 01353 721344 email: Mobile: 07720
419 391
2010, VOLVO, B9R, PLAXTON ELITE, 51/53
seats, 3 Point all age belts, Dura bright Alloy
wheels,A/C, Centre WC Boiler, Fridge, DVD, 7
Camera CCTV, Low Miles, P.O.A. £140,000,
Tel: 01387 375 677 email: alistair@ Mobile: 07711
57 seats, LEZ Compliant, DOM 14.12.2000,
new MOT, very tidy inside and out
£29,500+VAT, Tel: 01249 821 821
Seater, LEZ , air con, W/C , DVD, MOT March
2015 £69,995, Mobile: 07970 096 262
1996, VOLVO, B10M, PLAXTON 320
PREMIERE, Auto, 57 re-trimmed seats, ideal
contract vehicle, good condition. MOT 20-1115 Contact: Pulhams Coaches, Bourton-onthe-Water £7,000 ono, Tel: 01451 820369
48/50 seats, Choice of 2, Rear Toilet, A/C
painted in white ,excellent condition, sold with
full MOT £39,000 + VAT, Tel: 01698
422179 Mobile: 07837 264 308
38 | Wednesday 31 December 2014
Vehicles.indd 38
22/12/2014 16:07
01664 568402
07885 912510
2012 Scania K360 Irizar i6
2012 Mercedes-Benz Tourino
Omnicruise Gearbox
51 Luxury Recliners, Courier Seat,
3-Point Belts, Air Conditioning,
Centre Toilet & Continental Door,
Boiler, Fridge, DVD + 2 Monitors,
CD / Radio P/A.
6-Spd Manual, LEZ Compliant
32/34 Luxury Recliners,
Courier Seat, Lap Belts, Air Con, Boiler,
Front Fridge, Smart Vac,
Reversing Camera, Radio / PA
2012 Toyota Optimo V
2011 Bova Futura FHD 12.75
Manual Gearbox
22 Recliners ,3-Point Seatbelts,
Double-Glazed, Curtains,
Air Conditioning, Digital Tacho,
Reversing Camera and Monitor,
CD / Radio / P/A
ZF Automatic
53 Recliners with Seatback Tables
Courier Seat, Lap Seatbelts
Centre-Sunken Toilet & Door,
Boiler, Fridge, Air Conditioning,
DVD, Radio / PA
Choice of 2
2010 Scania K420 Irizar PB
Opticruise Gearbox
40/44 Leather Recliners,
Courier Seat, 3-Point Belts,
Air Con, Dashboard Fridge,
Centre-Sunken Toilet & Door,
Rear Kitchen with Microwave, Frenzel
Coffee Machine, 2 - Draw Fridge
and 1 Standing Fridge, Hot and Cold
Water, Inverter, DVD with 3 x Monitors
Radio / PA
2009 Neoplan Starliner
AS-Tronic Gearbox
36 Leather Recliners, Courier Seat,
3-Point Seatbelts.
Full Corporate Executive Spec.
Please visit our website for full details.
2009 Irisbus Beulas Cygnus
2008 Toyota Optimo V
AS-Tronic,LEZ Compliant
55 Recliners, Courier Seat,
3-Point Belts, Air Conditioning,
Webasto, Centre-Toilet & Door,
Boiler, Dashboard Fridge,
DVD/ Radio / PA
Manual Gearbox
21 Recliners, Courier Seat,
3-Point Belts, Air Conditioning,
CD / Radio / P/A, Digital Tacho,
New Turbo Fitted.
2008 Setra 416GT-HD
As-Tronic Gearbox
53 Luxury Recliners, Courier Seat,
Centre-Sunken Toilet & Door,
Fridge, DVD + 2 Monitors,
CD / Radio / PA,
Choice of 10
Various Interior Colours Available
2008 Optare Solo
Allison Auto, MAN 4580cc Engine
29 seats with 3 point belts
+ 2 fold away seats, 16 standing or
1 wheelchair for 5 standees.
Wheelchair Ramp.
Digital Tacho. 168,154 Kms.
2008 Volvo B12B
Plaxton Panther
I-Shift Gearbox
49 / 53 Recliners, Courier Seat,
3-Point Belts, Air Conditioning,
Centre Sunken Toilet & Door,
Boiler, Fridge, DVD & Monitor,
Radio / PA
2007 Neoplan Euroliner
49/53 Recliners, Courier Seat,
Lap Belts, Air Conditioning,
Webasto, Boiler, Fridge,
On-Board Vac, DVD/ CD/Radio/P/A
2006 Volvo B12M
Jonckheere Mistral
2006 Irisbus 12.43A
Beulas Cygnus
I-Shift Gearbox
51 Recliners, Courier Seat,
3-Point Belts, Air Conditioning,
Centre-Sunken Toilet & Door,
Boiler, Dashboard Fridge,
AS-Tronic Gearbox
53 Luxury Recliners, Courier Seat,
Lap Seat Belts, Air Conditioning,
Webasto, Centre Toilet & Door,
Boiler, Dashboard Fridge,
On-Board Vac.,DVD/CD/RadioP/A
2005 Scania K114
Irizar Century
ZF Automatic
49 Recliners, Courier Seat,
3-Point Belts, Air Conditioning,
Centre-Sunken Toilet & Door,
Boiler, Dashboard Fridge, Alloys,
DVD / CD / Radio / P/A
2003 Scania K114
Irizar Century
ZF Automatic, LEZ Compliant
49 Recliners, Courier Seat,
Lap Belts, Air Conditioning,
Rear Sunken Toilet & Door,
Boiler, Dashboard Fridge,
Double Glazed & Curtains
DVD / Radio / Cassette / P/A
Painted into white
Choice of 2
Vehicles.indd 39
22/12/2014 16:07
trader | To advertise call 01733 405740 | Member deadline Monday, 1500hrs | Non-member deadline Monday, 1600hrs |
Darren Dunbar
07808 856390
“Have a great New Year, remember ! Drive on
the Left and keep both hands on the wallet”
2004 Optare Solo
Mercedes Engine
26 Seats
Digital Destination
Tested Nov 14
2000 (X) Volvo B7TL. ALX400 DDA.
ZF Auto Gearbox
76 seated. 15 Standees
NEW MOT if reqd.
Mech superb, ready to work.
£20 000 + VAT
£18,000 + VAT
2006 MPD Dennis Dart
Cummins Engine
27 Seats
Digital Destination
Tested 12 Months
Needs paint
£22,000 + VAT
2002 Scania Omnicity CN94UB. DDA
42 Seats 31 Standees.
Long MOTs. 12 Metres long.
£18,000 + TYRES + VAT
2003 Scania K114 Auto.
Irizar inter century LEZ
53 belted seats.
MOT 26.11.15 & 10.12.15.
Choice of 2
£43,000 + VAT
2003 Volvo B12M. Jonckheere. Euro 3
48, 3point belted seats. 1 crew. Air conditioned.
Saloon mounted w/c. Rear conti door. MOT
November 2014. Direct from Shearings
Holidays fleet. With full service history.
Low value part Exchange considered
Nigel McCree Tel: 01805 938036 Mobile: 07817 542113
or Email:
Stock updated weekly on the website Insurance
3 x Scania K114EB Irizar PB’s,
ZF auto, 49 seater executives:
2006 with LEZ Compliant Eminox System £67,500 + VAT
2005 with LEZ Compliant Eminox System £59,000 + VAT
2005 £55,000 +VAT
2009 MAN Plaxton Centro
DDA Service Bus
£25,000 ono + VAT
2 x ’03 Scania Irizar Centurys auto
49 strs with toilets
£36,500 ono + VAT
’01 Scania Van Hool
Comfort shift
£34,000 ono + VAT
1998 37 str Volvo B9m Plaxton
with toilet
£15,000 + VAT
2 x 2009 MAN Marbus
37 seater with toilet. Auto gearbox
£70,000 + VAT
Contact Neil Bailey on 0131 554 5413 or for more details
40 | Wednesday 31 December 2014
Vehicles.indd 40
22/12/2014 16:07
Juliette Close, Purfleet Industrial
Park, Purfleet, Essex RM15 4YF
T: 01708 865656 F: 01708 864340
Cummins C series engines, ZF gearbox, East Lancs
bodies, 74 seats, long MOT’s
Cummins ISC Euro 3 engines, LEZ compliant, DDA compliant, Alexander ALX400 bodies,
dual door 67 seats or single door 77 seats, THESE CAN BE SEAT BELTED
1993 K REG DAF MB230
2006 VOLVO B12M
£45,000 + VAT
Cummins Euro 4 6 cylinder engines, Allison
gearboxes, Mobitech destinations, DDA
and LEZ compliant, 11 metres long, 37 seats.
Manual, Van Hool Alizee, 49 recliners, centre toilet,
rear wheelchair lift,. MOT August 2015.
Cummins L10 / ZF, Northern Counties body, 76 seats.
Cummins C series engines, Voith gearboxeds,
Plaxton President bodies, 78 seats.
I-shift, 2.8m long, Hanover LED’s, centre wheelchair lift,
rear toilet and server, LEZ and DDA compliant.
Voith gearbox, Euro 2 , 80 seats,
painted white, new MOT.
ZF automatics , 71 seats.
1997 P REG DAF SB3000
Manual, Ikarus body, 55 seats, MOT July 2015.
Volvo Euro 2 engine, Voith gearbox, 74 seats.
2007 ENVIRO 200
Cummins engine, 28 seats, new MOT.
1999 V REG DART MPD, 8.8M
29 seats, MOT October.
£18,000 + VAT
10.1m, Cummins ISC Euro 3 engines, 36 seats,
LEZ and DDA compliant.
Cummins Euro 3 / Allison, Plaxton Pointer bodies, dual door, 30
seats, DDA and LEZ compliant, can be converted to single door.
33 coach seats with 3 point belts.
Vehicles.indd 41
Euro 2, LEZ compliant, Plaxton President , CCTV,
dual door 62 seats or single door 74 seats.
Cummins Euro 4 , Voith gearbox, East Lancs body,
9.4m, 26 seats, DDA and LEZ compliant.
Cummins Euro 5 engine, 28 seats, Mobitec LED’s.
8.8m long slimline, with long MOT
89 seats, air-con, toilet, MAN engine, ZF gearbox.
Euro 3 Cummins engines with traps, 67 seats as dual
door or 78 seats single door and DDA compliant.
Cummins ISC Euro 3 engines, Plaxton bodies,
DDA and LEZ compliant, 78 seats.
Cummins / Voith , LEZ compliant with traps to Euro 4, CCTV,
Alexander ALX400 bodies which can be converted to be DDA
compliant or fully upseated to 80 seats.
2005 VOLVO B12B
£40,000 + VAT
I-shift, Plaxton Panther, 51 seats, toilet,
air-con, LEZ compliant.
ISC Euro 3 engines, DDA and LEZ compliant, Alexander ALX 400 bodies,
62 seats dual door or can be upseated and converted to single door.
22/12/2014 16:07
70 cogent seats with belts, 6 speed zf manual gear box,
in swing power door, luggage racks, forced air, reading lights,
CCTV system fitted
£21,500 + VAT
33 high back coach seats, 3 point seatbelts, luggage racks,
Automatic, power door, tachograph, rear boot. Side Wheelchair
lift. Seats on tracking. Front, side and rear LED destination. New
Mot. 489,809kms
£34,995 + VAT
57 coach seats, cummins engine. MOT march 2015.
417119kms, radio cassette, 6 speed ZF manual gearbox, power
door, double glazed, tinted windows, tidy retrimmed interior.
53 reclining seats, crew seat, manual, long MOT, double glazed
tinted windows, air conditioning, very good conditioning.
WAS £17,500. NOW £10 ,000 + VAT
£10,500 + VAT
33 seater, manual, walnut dash, 3 point belts, luggage racks
Rare 1 hz-t turbo engine fitted, 22 seats with belts, power door,
large boot, luggage racks with forced air, new paint in white.
£9,000 + VAT
WAS £4500. NOW £4000 + VAT
57 seats plus crew seat. 3 point belts, curtains, luggage racks,
forced air heating, reading lights, manual, radio cassette.
24 high backed coach seats plus crew seat. Kvc conversion. Manual
gearbox. 241285 kms. Walnut dash, wired for dvd monitor, radio/cd,
slam door, 3 points belts, rear boot. Fully trimmed interior. Driver and
crew microphone. Full body skirt kit. Immaculate condition.
kvc conversion. 24 coach seats, 3 point belts, luggage racks, forced air
ventilation, reading lights, panoramic bonded tinted windows, double
glazed, large drop well boot, curtains, aisle carpets, manual, walnut
dash, slam door, body skirts, good tyres, new paint. 418273 kms.
£25,000 + VAT
WAS £25,000. NOW £18,000 + VAT
WAS £19,950. NOW £13,000 + VAT
Open top decker. 71 seats Power steering, double power doors, vinyl seats.
Semi automatic. MOT March 2015.
48/52 recliners, rear toilet, I shift gearbox, repainted white,
air conditioning, ex Shearings, Good condition.
49 recliners with belts, crew seat, luggage racks with reading
lights, power door, manual gear box, rear floor mounted toilet,
long MOT, 840,000 kms.
51 reclining seats, lap belts, centre toilet, boiler and servary, 6
speed ZF manual gearbox, luggage racks, forced air ventilation,
reading lights, power door, painted white, double glazed, tinted
windows. Very tidy condition. 843,751kms. New MOT.
WAS £17,500. NOW £12,000 + VAT
£6,000 + VAT
£55,000 + VAT
WAS £17,500. NOW £15,000 + VAT
51 seats + crew seat. Lap belts, luggage racks, reading lights,
forced air heating, centre toilet, cd player. Manual. 150,241kms.
49 seats, centre toilet, luggage racks, reading lights, forced air
heating, power door, lap retractable belts, TV.
27 seats, wheelchair access. destinations, retrimmed, painted in
white, power door, auto. 1 years MOT.
WAS £15,000. NOW £11,000 + VAT
WAS £17,000. NOW £15,000 + VAT
£20,000 + VAT
1997 DAF SB3000 IKARUS
70 seater. 3 point belts, luggage racks, reading lights,
forced air heating, manual gearbox, power door.
Excellent condition. Long MOT
frank guy conversion. 15 coach seats with 3 point belts, full
tracking, rear wheelchair lift, power doors, manual, tachograph,
radio/cd, twin rear doors. 116,458kms. Tidy condition.
53 seats. MOT March 2015
53 seats. Manual, luggage racks, forced air heating, curtains, lap
retractable belts, in swing power door, radio.
WAS £17,950 NOW £16,000 + VAT
WAS £6000. NOW £5,000
£12,000 + VAT
£7,000 +VAT
23/29seats plus 2 wheelchairs. Wheelchair ramp, 3 point
seatbelts, Automatic. 469,910kms, tacho. Mercedes engine.
£17,500 + VAT
CHOICE OF OVER 350 VEHICLES ‘Open 7 days 08.00-18.00’ For our full range,
Tel/Fax 0141 248 5524 | Mob 07764 200 444 or 07827 325474
Vehicles.indd 42
22/12/2014 16:07
you’ n’t find
re lo
dow can the king f
CON the free de to
TAC route
In partnership with:
To advertise your products or services in the next issue of MARKET PLACE,
contact the routeone team on 01733 405730 or email
Wednesday 31 December 2014 | 43
market place front iss570.indd 43
22/12/2014 14:00
MARKET PLACE | To advertise call 01733 405730 | Booking deadline Friday, 12 noon
Are you Retiring, Losing Money,
Need Investment or just had enough?
We have Interested Buyers and Cash
Investors waiting!
Reply, in Confidence, to:
YO11 9FF
to adverts,
please mention
that you saw it in
For the latest industry
news and recruitment
opportunities, like us
on Facebook
‘routeONE magazine’
Lawman CommErcials make it eaZy
Engine rebuilds carried out to the highest
standard on all types of MAN diesel engines,
coach & truck. Liner seat cutting whilst engines
remain in the vehicle.
Stockists, suppliers,
manufacturers and repairers
of electronic parts and
equipment to the bus and
coach industry.
OE Quality engine parts also available at
competitive prices for all your MAN needs
Contact John, Lawson or Jamie
Tel: 01530 231235 Fax: 01530 231236
Mobiles 24Hr:
07850779565 / 07718738785 / 07772 913099
The vehicle sales website brought to you by routeone
Coaches from £900
Service buses from £750
Minibuses from £600
Deckers from £950
In partnership with
All products fully tested to industry
Best practice on repair and
Competitive pricing - large savings
to O.E.M.
Delivery express: UK Nationwide
Exchange and new items from stock
Tel: 01246 474332 Fax: 01246 529010
To advertise in routeone call:
01733 405730
Quotes on any other
vehicles on request
70 TXN
AXZ 16
DRZ 60
LAZ 39
MHZ 24
PAZ 64
RUI 46
SBZ 38
XIL 46
CRZ 434
DKZ 494
FKZ 191
GUI 636
HKZ 262
NUI 737
UKZ 494
WXI 373
XKZ 545
FXZ 2081
GXZ 7470
GXZ 7471
GXZ 7472
IRZ 5220
IRZ 5221
JFZ 9751
JFZ 9752
LIG 9150
LIG 9151
LIG 9152
MIG 8622
MIG 8623
OIG 1791
OIG 1792
OIG 1793
RHZ 5661
RHZ 5662
SFZ 5793
SFZ 5794
SHZ 8481
SHZ 8482
SHZ 8483
TNZ 2298
TUI 9914
TUI 9915
UNZ 3142
UUI 7521
UUI 7522
UUI 7523
VJZ 8502
VJZ 8503
VJZ 8504
WJZ 2931
WJZ 2932
WJZ 2933
Web: | Email:
Telephone: 028 6638 7124 | Fax: 028 6638 7771
Millwood, Lisbellaw, Co Fermanagh, Northern Ireland BT94 5QH
Day 07774 485310
Night 01789 296884
For the latest industry
news, follow us
on Twitter
44 | Wednesday 31 December 2014
market place iss570.indd 44
22/12/2014 14:00
In partnership with:
Duoflex ltd
Get your Dennis parts from
the company that really
knows Dennis buses
Good quality trimming,
common sense prices.
Some sets same day. Sales
of headrest covers, curtains
and floor carpet.
Nationwide delivery service
Tel: Steve or Damien on: Brackley
01280 701366, mobile: 07886 925818
All major credit cards accepted
Tel: 0141 9527947
or go on-line:
Put your products in front of over
5,000 operators - use routeone’s
For details call: 01733 405730
We’ve been on a wonderful journey this year and we’d like to thank all our friends and customers for their
support and good wishes. To everyone we wish you a very merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
We look forward to seeing you in 2015! Jane and the Pride & Joy team x
Workshops/ Garaging/
Will never rust
Buildings to BS5950
Steel Buildings
Widths from 20ft up to
Unlimited lengths
Tel: 01709 578333 24 Hours
MARKET PLACE | To advertise call 01733 405730 | Booking deadline Friday, 12 noon
Scan the QR code to download the free routeone CONTACTS App for your smartphone
or tablet or search ‘routeone contacts’ in the Apple App Store or on Google Play.
Help and support for public transport employees in need:
Wednesday 31 December 2014 | 45
market place iss570.indd 45
22/12/2014 14:00
Assistant Operations Manager
An opportunity has arisen for an Assistant Operations Manager to join Selwyns
Travel Limited, part of the wider RATPDEV UK group. Based at our Runcorn
Office the right candidate shall develop skills within a busy traffic office and
achieve further promotion within the Company/Group. Experience in a similar
role is essential preferably educated to degree level. Reporting directly to the
Operations Director you will demonstrate the ability and enthusiasm to learn and
develop within the business.
Behavioural Competencies
• Communication to staff at all levels.
• Confident with organisational leadership skills
• IT Literate – an IT qualification is an advantage.
• Pro-active enthusiastic with a desire to succeed
• Work under pressure
• Full UK Driving Licence
You will cover all aspects of work within a traffic office,
training and support will be given in the following aspects.
• Traffic Office administration
• Vehicle utilisation.
• Sales Office – quoting, allocation of work maximising Company assets against
market conditions.
• Engineering Dept. – General working knowledge of the Dept.
• Customer care.
• Compliance.
• EU Drivers Hours.
• Recruitment retention of staff.
• Complaint and accident investigations.
• Workforce duty planning.
• Oversee of staff training.
Christmas is nearly here, but at routeone we’re already
looking forward to 2015.
As the coach and bus industry’s leading trade title,
we’re expecting 2014’s record-breaking growth to
continue next year.
If you’d like to be part of that, we’d be delighted
to hear from you. We’re looking to people with
industry experience to join our commercial, editorial
and marketing teams.
In return, we offer an excellent working environment
and an attractive salary and benefits package. Please
contact Tony Henthorn, Publishing Director, with a
covering letter including your current salary and CV by
post: Diversified Communications UK, Unit 4, Minerva
Business Park, Lynch Wood, Peterborough PE2 6FT, or
by email:
Hours of work are 40 hours minimum p.w. Basic salary
£25,000 p.a. plus a company car.
Submit your C.V. to Diane Kerr, HR Dept., Selwyns Travel Limited, Old Hall,
Cavendish Farm Road, Weston, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 4LU.
46 | Wednesday 31 December 2014
people iss570.indd 46
For more recruitment advertising visit:
23/12/2014 13:00
In partnership with:
David Phillips set to
lead First Aberdeen
Trevor Roberts to chair
System One travelcard
First Aberdeen has appointed
David Phillips as its new
Managing Director.
He starts on 12 January,
replacing current MD Duncan
Cameron, who is joining road
transport and logistics firm
ARR Craib as Performance
Director in the New Year.
David has been with
FirstGroup since starting as a
graduate in 2002. He has held
senior management posts in
Yorkshire, The Potteries and
latterly Glasgow as General
Regional Managing Director
for First UK Bus, Dave
Alexander, says: “David has
already shown a real commitment and passion for customer
service at First Glasgow, and
I’m confident his customer-led
approach will build on the many
successes Duncan Cameron and
his team have achieved over the
last few years in the Aberdeen
David says: “My job is to keep
System One, the brand name
for Manchester’s travelcard
scheme, has appointed Trevor
Roberts as its independent
step, Greater Manchester
Travelcards Ltd, a partnership
company owned jointly by the
region’s bus, rail and tram operators and Transport for Greater
Manchester, has employed
Trevor as Chairperson to lead
the Board of Directors and
provide strategic business and
commercial direction for the
Trevor has been running
his own consultancy business,
Transport Gateway Reviews,
Transport in March 2014
David Phillips: ‘Keep momentum’
up the momentum and continue
to improve our services. I want
to encourage more people to
travel with First Aberdeen by
delivering quality, value-formoney bus services.”
Lee Sheldon joins Paul
Clark Services as BDM
Lee Sheldon has joined Paul
Clark Services as Business
Development Manager South,
further strengthening the
management team.
Lee will be based in the South
of England and will be focusing
particularly on the London area
for the firm.
Until recently Lee worked
for Optare, and has a wealth
of experience working in a
customer care and supporting
For more recruitment advertising visit:
people iss570.indd 47
(routeone, News, 12 March).
As Managing Director he was
responsible for completing a
five-year plan to modernise
and stabilise the business, and
the successful implementation of the Blackpool Tramway
After 40 years in the bus and
light rail industry, Trevor brings
a wealth of knowledge, leadership and business expertise
to the new role, at an exciting
and challenging time for the
He says: “I am looking forward
to working with all the stakeholders and partners to develop
this business and its products
for the benefit of the travelling
public of Greater Manchester
now and in the future.”
Stertil Koni lifts sales
team with Derrick Peel
Lift manufacturer Stertil Koni
has boosted its UK sales team
with the appointment of
Derrick Peel as its new Area
Sales Manager (Midlands and
Derrick has over 10 years’
experience of the UK’s commercial vehicle sales and service
He spent most of that time
working with the sales team
of an established truck manufacturer before taking on the
challenges of the parts aftermarket distribution network.
“I’m looking forward to
doing business on behalf of
Stertil Koni with many of the
contacts and friends I’ve made
over the years working in the
commercial vehicle industry,”
says Derrick.
“And I’m very keen to meet as
many new customers as possible
to forge new relationships that
I hope will be long lasting and
mutually rewarding.”
Wednesday 31 December 2014 | 47
22/12/2014 16:51
We wish all our customers a
happy and prosperous New Year
Iveco 70C17 Euro 6 chassis
Retarder • Rear air suspension • 25 Lazzerini passenger seats,
Tinted double glazed windows • Air conditioning
For the latest updates, remember to
like our Facebook page Moseley (PCV) Ltd
Head Office Tim Fairless: 01977 609000
Northern England Lee McMahon: 07715 757665
Southern England & Anglia Steve Peck: 07802 470876
Central England & North Wales Dale Johnson: 07711 178600
p48.indd 48
22/12/2014 15:59