February 2016 - Cape Coral Power Squadron
February 2016 - Cape Coral Power Squadron
THE BUOYS February 2016 Issue No. 2-16 www.ccsaps.org Cape Coral Sail & Power Squadron THE BUOYS: NEWSLETTER OF THE CAPE CORAL SAIL & POWER SQUADRON, INC. A Unit of the United States Power Squadron, Inc. – District 22 CCSAPS Headquarters, Phone (239) 549-9754, Fax (239) 549-9754, Hours Mon. – Sat. 0900-1200 Issue No. 2-16 Executive & Administrative Department Committees February 2016 Bridge Officers: Executive Department: Administrative Department: Commander: Cdr Steve Gustafson, P Phone: (239) 980-0132 Email: cdrgus5@gmail.com Executive Officer: Lt/C Dan Tuller, AP Email: dgtuller@aol.com Squadron Education Officer: Lt/C Marguerite Maciag, SN Phone: (239) 471-0101 Email: margem5@msn.com Administrative Officer: See Assistant Admin Officers Secretary: Lt/C William Lottes, S Phone: (317) 796-4161 Email: William.lottes@att.net Treasurer: Lt/C Deborah Clements, AP Phone: (239)257-1061 Email: ccsapstreasurer@gmail.com XO Assistant: vacant Co-Op Charting Lt Preston M. Banning, AP Email: pbbanning@gmail.com Events Coordinator: Ted Blomquist, P Email: blomquist11@comcast.net CERT Coordinator: Lt. Robert Meier, AP Email: rmeier5157@yahoo.com Public Relations: Website Arbiter Lt Harold E. Garrels II, P Email: charmedccf@gmail.com Community Relations: Media Arbiter Barry Wood Email: boomerwood@gmail.com Media Relations Ted Blomquist Radio Tech: Lt David J. Lawrence, S Email: lawrencesincc@gmail.com Ship Store: Lt. Delores Buhner Email: delphi37@comcast.net Sea Scout Liaison: Lt Neil Kempf, P Vessel Safety: Lt Peter J. Perry, S Email: pjamesp41@comcast.net Liaison TBD Legislation P/C Peter Brandt, SN Email: sharpebrandt@msn.com Cruise & Rendezvous: Lt Delores A. Buhner Email: delphi37@comcast.net Entertainment: P/C Sudy Soltysiak, P Email: ssoltysiak@embarqmail.com Pat Tuller Email: londonpatty@aol.com Leadership Development: TBD Member Involvement: Vacant Week End Boaters Doug Skoczek P & Lt John Farmer, P Email: lifegoforit@hotmail.com Email: johnfarmer09@aol.com Fishing Group: Lyle Sosbe Barry Wood Assistant Bridge Officers Assistant Admin Officer: Lt. Merle Grey, S Lt. John Farmer, P Lt. Barry Wood Lt. Gerry Whisler, S Lt. Marshall Ferguson Assistant SEO: P/C Raymond A. Wlodyka, SN Email: raywlodyka@aol.com Assistant Secretary: Lt. Ann Parsons Email: parsonsam@aol.com Assistant Treasurer: Lt. Mike McGrath Lt. Janine Whisler Commander’s Department Special Projects: TBD Chaplain: P/C Al Rubio, P Email: nubert11@comcast.net Flag Lt: 1st/Lt Paul Moses, P Email: pamoses@centurylink.net Building & Rental Manager: Lt Rick Clements, AP Phone: (239) 257-1061 Email: retiredrickc@yahoo.com Rental Chair & Housing Maintenance: Lt Ralph Cobourn Phone: (239) 205-6231 Secretary’s Department: BUOYS Advertising Mgr: Lt. Marshall Ferguson Email: mafergus@att.net BUOYS Editor: Lt Chris Carroll, AP Email: chriscarroll63@gmail.com BUOYS Production & Circulation Mgr.: TBD Tech/Dbase/Squadron Directory: Lt. Gerald Whisler, S Email: gwhisler@msn.com Webmaster/Arbiter: Lt. Harold Garrels II, P Email: charmedccf@gmail.com Email: boomerwood@gmail.com Kayaking Group: Delores M. Wilzoch Email: rondee@embarqmail.com Scuba Diving Vacant Sailing Group: Vacant Membership: Lt. Gerald Whisler, S Email: gwhisler@msn.com Pantry Inventory Mgr: Lt Loretta F. Instace Email: lrhett1@yahoo.com Port Captain: Lt. Ken Partsch Email: kpartsch@outlook.com On the Water Training: Randy Headrick Phone: 301-997-8832 Email: rdheadrick@usa.net Cape Coral Cape Mates: President: Helen Gustafson, S Phone: (239) 940-2425 Email: heleng1200@gmail.com Commander THE BUOYS January is always a very busy month for our Squadron. Just the other day, we had two ABC classes start with over 65 total students, a seamanship class with 10 students, and a weekender’s meeting that had 32 members present. That was just the beginning. The following night, Piloting started, Friday was the Clam & Chicken Night, and the weekenders outing was Saturday. To finish the month, we still have the squadron work day, the kayaking monthly outing, and the annual Cape Mates Italian Night. Now that’s what I call a lot of fun filled month. February follows with The Annual Meeting on 11 February followed by the Change of Watch on 12 February. It is very important that all members attend the meeting on the 11 th to elect the new Bridge for 2016-2017. Please see the details on the COW in this issue of THE BUOYS and we look forward to having a large turnout for this event. Again this year, we are keeping the cost of the COW at a low $15/person. Come meet members of the District Bridge as they install the new Bridge Officers for the next year. Over the next few months you will see some major upgrades to our building. New tables for the ABC education room have been ordered to increase the capacity of the room. This will also allow us to replace the old brown tables in the other rooms. We are also currently working on a much needed project painting the outside of the building. Another project that is being looked at is replacing the doors on the building. These are important projects that will make our building an even better place to take classes and enjoy. Vessel Safety Stickers are in for 2016. It’s time for all members with boats to get them inspected again. Forms are available in the office and one of our inspectors will come to your home and make sure you have all the necessary equipment to be safe on the waters. This is going to be a great year!! COME FOR THE BOATING EDUCATION… STAY FOR THE FRIENDS Cdr Steven Gustafson, P HAVE YOU CHANGED YOUR E-MAIL OR PHONE #? IF SO, SEND YOUR UPDATED INFORMATION TO: Need a Burgee for your Vessel? License Plates? You get the picture! Caps? See Delores Buhner for your CCSAPS Logo items GERRY WHISLER E-MAIL gwhisler@msn.com PHONE # 717-574-1101 THE BUOYS THE BUOYS is published ten times a year, monthly, except for July and August, by the Cape Coral Sail & Power Squadron, Inc. The Cape Coral Sail & Power Squadron is a unit of District 22 of the United States Power Squadrons, Inc. Opinions expressed by individual authors do not necessarily reflect USPS or Cape Coral Sail & Power Squadron policy or endorsement. Material for publication must be received by the editor no later than the 10th of the month prior to publication. The editor reserves the right to modify materials submitted for publication. We appreciate your articles and inputs. Please make sure the information submitted to THE BUOYS is correct. All articles will be edited to assure conformity with USPS® regulations and guidelines. The Editor THE BUOYS Squadron Education Officer Congratulations! to the follow ing students for successfully completing our Weather Course taught by Warren Maciag: Debbie Clements, Rick Clements, Bill Francis, Marge Maciag, Warren Maciag, Bob Meier, Henry St. Pierre. Education is going strong in 2016! ABC, Seamanship, and Piloting Classes are currently in session, but there’s still plenty of opportunities to join us in the classroom. Our instructors are busy preparing lessons and are eager to have you participate and share your knowledge. The following are courses/seminars being offered in February and March. For more information, stop by the office or call 239-549-9754. Office hours are Monday through Saturday, 0900-1200. PADDLE SMART will be held on 2 February beginning at 1900. Encompassing everything from paddle boards to canoes and kayaks, paddleboats make boating affordable and accessible for everyone. USPS training helps you do it safely. Based on a compendium of information from the paddling community, this seminar prepares you to boat safely on small lakes, streams, and rivers. What’s Included? Risks Safety Paddle craft “language” How to select a paddle craft Necessary equipment Life jackets for paddlers Paddles Optional equipment Helmets Cold water protection LT/C Marge Maciag, SN Administrative As I have taken a part time job as a dockmaster, I see some really, really bad examples of people tying their boats to a cleat. Not only does this look amateurish, some of these have 2 or 3 Weather Hitches in them , and are very hard to untie . What, you don’t know what a Weather Hitch is? No problem, read this great article and learn how really, really easy it is, to properly tie up to the dock. Gerry Whisler Asst. Administrative Officer http://captnmike.com/2011/02/27/is-this-your-cleat/ Cape Mates Auxiliary Well this is my farewell article. As you have heard the Cape Mates are disbanding as of 1 March. The Cape Mates have been an invaluable part of the Cape Coral Sail and Power Squadron over the years. Our building would not exist without their tireless efforts in raising funds to buy it. It wouldn’t look as good as it does without the Cape Mates. Look around and you will see their work everywhere, from paint to refrigerators to pavers. And now as we step down we will present our funds to the Commander to provide the means to paint the outside of the building and replace the front and back doors. As we move forward we will continue to have our Lunch Bunch and it is now open to all members of CCSAPS. And I urge all Cape Mates to continue their good work by joining the Entertainment Committee. Thank you again to all current and past members of the Cape Mates. Helen Gustafson President THE BUOYS Report of the Nominating Committee In accordance with section 6.8 of our Bylaws: “The Nominating Committee shall select a candidate for each elective office and for the chair and members of each elective committee provided for therein. It shall submit its written report to the Secretary at least 40 days before the annual General Meeting.” This report was submitted to the Secretary on 20 November 2015. In accordance with section 9.3 of our Bylaws: “The Annual General Meeting shall be held on the second Thursday of February at Squadron Harbor at which time election of officers and members of the elective committees shall be held”. Written notice of this election was published in the December 2015 issue of “The Buoys” Bridge Officers/Assistants Commander Cdr Steven Gustafson, P Executive Officer Lt/C Marguerite Maciag, SN Education Officer Lt/C Betti Garcia, AP Secretary Lt/C William Lottes, S Treasurer Lt/C Deborah Clements, P Asst. SEO P/C Ray Wlodyka, SN Asst. Admin Lt Gerald Whisler, P Asst. Admin Lt John Farmer, P Asst. Admin Lt Barry Wood Asst. Secretary Ann Parsons Asst. Treasurer Carl McGrath Asst. Treasurer Janine Whisler General Committees Executive Committee Robert Meier, AP (1) Scott Silic, S (3) P/C Al Rubio, P (1) P/C John Hodgkinson, SN (1) John Cashman (3) Cathy Corey (3) Connie Farmer, S (2) P/C Randy Headrick, SN (2) 1st Lt Rick Clements, AP (2) Lt Barry Wood, (2) Lt John Farmer, P (2) Rules Committee P/D/C James Keil, AP (1) Chair P/C William Jefferson, AP (3) Neil Kempf, P (3) Audit Committees Ida Rubio (2) Chair Scott Silic, S (3) Karen Morris, (3) Nominating Committee P/C Al Rubio, P (1) Chair Harold Garrels, P (2) P/C Warren Maciag, SN (1) Merle Gray (3) Jean Gray (3) Respectfully Submitted Nominating Committee: P/C Al Rubio, P Chair Harold Garrels, P P/C Warren Maciag, SN These nominations will be brought up to the General Membership at the General Meeting on 11 February 2016. It is very important that all members attend this meeting so that the nominations can be approved. Our Advertisers support our Squadron with their ads…. Please return the favor and support our advertisers... UNIFORM OF THE DAY Team Casual Golf shirt with CCSAPS logo light brown or khaki slacks/skirt THE BUOYS Cruise and Rendezvous Our planned activities for the coming months C & R OVERNIGHT are as follows: 2 February, C& R M tg 1030 8-10 February, Legacy Harbor 19 February, Lunch Destination: ____________________ Dates: _________________________ 1 March, C& R M tg 1030 7-9 March, South Seas 18 March, Lobster or Ham Dinner Name:__________________________________ 5 April, C& R M tg 1030 11-14 April, Pink Shell 22 April, Lunch Doc Ford 1130 Telephone: (cell)_________________________ 3 May, C & R M tg 1030 6 May, Lunch Nervous Nellie’s 9-21 May, Partsch Trip Number attending:_______________________ 3 June, Lunch W oody’s Pine Island 1130 7 June, C&R Mtg 1030 15-18 June, Naples Boat Club Expiration Date:_________________________ 3-5 July, Legacy H arbor 5 July, C&R Mtg 1030 Boat Length:___________Beam:____________ Email: _________________________________ Credit Card #____________________________ Boat name: ___________Draft:_____________ Make & Model:___________________________ 2 August, C& R M tg 1030 6 September, C& R M tg 1030 4 October, C& R M tg 1030 1 November, C& R M tg 1030 18 November, Shrimp Boil Dinner 6-8 December, ‘Tween Waters Power: 30 or 50 AMP:_____________________ Mail Reservations to: Delores Buhner 1343 SE 20th Avenue Cape Coral, FL 33990 Please use the appropriate coupons in THE BUOYS for sign up and payment instructions. Also, please write separate checks for each activity. Lt Delores Ann Buhner C & R LUNCHEON Please check Destinations planning to attend: _____ TBA Date: 19 February Number attending: ______ By Boat __ Car __ _____ Doc Ford Date: 22 April Number attending: ______ By Boat __ Car __ _____ Nervous Nellie’s Date: 6 May Number attending: ______ By Boat __ Car __ _____ Woody’s Date: 3 June Number attending: ______ By Boat __ Car __ Name:__________________________________ Telephone: (cell)_________________________ Email: _________________________________ Room for Guests Mail Reservations to: Delores Buhner 1343 SE 20th Avenue Cape Coral, FL 33990 Yes No THE BUOYS THE BUOYS Kayak Group SHELL CREEK - STILL A FAVORITE Once again Shell Creek did not disappoint. We travelled there on the 29th (not the usual third Tuesday, due to the holidays) and had a near record turnout, 27 kayakers, including some new folks and some friends we haven't seen for a while. There was lots of wildlife (notice the gator...that made Dee's day; and have you seen turtles with their legs outstretched trying to fly?) and untouched natural scenery (can anyone identify the spectacular white flower?). We paddled further than usual, about 6 miles total. But since it was up and back on the creek, those who wanted a shorter trip could turn back as they wished. Those who needed to rent kayaks arranged to have them delivered by Carmen's Kayaks. All-in-all it was a great day. There has been interest shown in starting a Saturday kayak group. Some folks cannot go during the week, and some just want to go more often. If you are interested, contact Dee Wilzoch (239-292-1374) or Gary Brooks (239-549-1942, guppy1942@embarqmail.com). We welcome all paddlers, young and old, beginners or advanced. Ours is a purely recreational group. We'll help you in any way we can. It's more fun with a group, and we'll show you places you've never been, places you can only go while paddling. We will explore new places together. In fact, our tentative plans in January are to try a new launch spot called Liverpool Ramp, near the Peace River. It has all kinds of possibilities - Hunter Creek, Boggess Lake, Deep Creek, all connected. If you want more information, call Dee. If you want to be on our e-mail list, contact Gary. We'd like to have you join us. Bring your friends, even if they are not CCSAPS members WEEKEND BOATERS (The Weekenders) The ‘Weekenders’ are members of the CCSAPS who take lunch trips by boat to various on-the-water restaurants on Saturdays (for those who can’t go during the week). Our ‘follow me’ trips are a great way to learn the local waters and practice safe boating. The planning meetings on the Monday evening before the Saturday trips offer additional boating instruction and great conversation. Come join us. Let’s talk! Please look for our meeting dates on 'The Buoys' calendar. John Farmer and Connie, johnfarmer09@aol.com 239-549-5229 Doug Skoczek and Kim, lifegoforit@hotmail.com 239-314-6900 ccpsweekenders@aol.com THE BUOYS Merit Mark Recipients The following is a list of our members that have given their time and effort to better the Squadron over the past year. In recognition of those efforts, you and a guest are cordially invited to a free Merit Mark Party on 1 April 2016 at Squadron Harbor starting at 1800. Please RSVP to Helen Gustafson @ heleng1200@gmail.com or call 239-940-2425 by 25 March. Alonso Maximino Bales Robert Balletto Thomas Banning Preston Barrisford Rochelle Barrisford William Bassett Ronold Blomquist Theodore Bowers Charles Brandt Peter Broderick Sandra Brooks Gary Buhner Delores Buhner Philip Burris Barry Callanan Thomas Capuozzo Joseph Carroll Christine Christy Nicholas Clements Deborah Clements Kenneth Coll Arthur Dance Lewis Dawson Theodore Dilts George Dudding Geoffrey Eckert Susan Eckert William Egmore Barbara Egmore Thomas Farmer Connie Farmer John Ferguson Marshall Fierce Donald Fisher Leigh Frey Cindy Friedrick Robert Gaccione Maureen Gaccione Vincent Garrels Michele Garrels Harold Gray Jean Gray Merle Grippe Joseph Gustafson Helen CCSAPS is proud to announce that we have gift certificates for our Boat Smart Class available. Get them in the office at Squadron Harbor! Hale Jon Hamilton Michael Hammond Mary Hammond William Hardin Daniel Headrick Randall Heidgerken Jerald Hodgkinson Carole Hodgkinson John Hurtt John Hurtt Kay Instase Harry Instase Loretta Jefferson William Jenkins Linda Jenkins Walter Karpinski John Keil James Kempf Neil Kenneke George Kohl Debra Ann Kohl Ron Kronschnabl Kenneth Kryger Phillip Kuyoth Nancy Kuyoth Robert La Mon David La Sanska Edwin Lawrence David Lawrence Ruth Lindberg Lyle Lottes Linda Lottes William Lunsford George Maciag Marguerite Maciag Warren Mader James Malen Edward Malen Sheila Meier Patricia Meier Robert Miller Douglas Morris Karen Moses Paul Mugnolo Charles Nelson William Pancoast James Parsons Ann Parsons Arthur Partilo Peter Partsch Barbara Partsch Kenneth Patke Daniel Penny Sonja Perosio Carlos Perry Peter Pettichord Kim Pitt Ronald Price Jim Quodomine Richard Ramirez Sigfrido Rubio Al Rubio Ida Sahakian Ursula Schneider Herbert Scruggs Marty Sikes Armond Skoczek Doug Soltysiak Suzanne Sosbe Lyle Spicer Sheila St. Pierre Henry Stewart William Taub Barbara Taub Michael Tedros Yoseph Tuller Daniel Tuller Patricia Vadnais Linda Whisler Gerard Whisler Janine Willard Terrence Wilzoch Dolores Wlodyka Raymond Wood Barry Zeidman Patricia THE BUOYS Need Squadron Logo Shirts, Hats, etc? Either shop online at www.emprintpac.com Or go to the store two blocks away from the Squadron Proamar America Corp 1113 SE 47th Ter Unit 2 786-406-9857 The USPS Mission: To promote recreational boating safety Through education and civic activities While providing fellowship for our members The February Lite Bites will be provided by the Whisler’s. PIZZA! No reservations are necessary, but come early to make sure you get your meal. THE BUOYS THE BUOYS CCSAPS Lift Exchange Program Do you have a boat lift you aren’t using? How about renting it to another Squadron Member? Would you like to rent a lift for your boat? If you’re in either of these groups, Contact your MI Committee at CapeSAPS@gmail.com. Life Jacket Loaner Program This program is a valuable public service. Please pass the word among your boating friends that lifejackets are available to borrow at the Squadron, at no cost, for visiting children or grandchildren. Squadron 'Help Wanted' Certified Vessel Inspectors Complete short training course Inspect vessels for safety and place CG sticker Contact: Peter Perry pjamesp41@comcast.net Vessel Safety Committee CoChairman Help run the VSI program, setup weekend inspection events. This is a very important civic function of the Squadron. To see what’s involved, contact Peter Perry Pjamesp41@comcast.net Farmers Market (Fall Saturdays) Talk to the public about CCSAPS Promote ABC Class, sell charts Contact: Bob Meier rmeier5157@yahoo.com, Lite Bites Prepare simple, light meals before General Meeting Contact: Helen Gustafson heleng1200@gmail.com, Event Setup With other team members, set up and take down chairs, tables (about once a month) Contact: Ralph Cobourn ralphcobourn@yahoo.com Rick Clements retiredrick@yahoo.com Entertainment Committee Help in kitchen and hall, setting up for monthly dinner/social events Contact Sudy Soltysiak ssultysiak@embarqmail.com If your group needs help, send me the info and I’ll include it here. Gerry Whisler gwhisler@msn.com THE BUOYS THE BUOYS Fishing Club Mike Shelton from Snook Hut, Jan 12, 2015 Night Fishing Snook 90% of snook are in mangroves. 10% at bridges. Night time best in summer. Water temp is 90°. Snook hide under bushes to stay cool and come out at night to eat. Snook and redfish are less cautious at night. You don’t have to fish too close to bushes, 3-8 ft is good. This applies all the time, in any season. Snook fishing is the same as large mouth bass fishing. Snook are an ambush predator. They strike from below. 2ft or less water is good. White bait is best if you are using live bait. Get to your spot and listen for mullet jumping. The snook will be with them. (Mullet eat detritus, which is plant material, etc. They root up the bottom and kick out shrimp and other animals the snook eat.) Topwater lures work great. Use ones with a rattle, and make sure the rear of the lure hangs lower than the front. (This will help you get redfish, which have an inferior, or downward facing mouth.) Rattle: no ripples, no rattle, the larger the ripples, the louder the rattle. Don’t use too loud a rattle; mullet will dispurse, there goes your fishing. In daytime, don’t fish silver/black lure in mullet school, it’s the same color as the mullet! Reel in slowly, walking the dog. Twitch rod left and right, reel in slack. Snook make a loud POP when feeding. A high pitched pop is a smaller fish. A deep pop is a bigger fish. Snook take bait hard! A uni knot is best to attach your hook. Advantages of a short, 6-6.5ft rod: you can skip bait better with a short rod, you are close anyway! They get caught less in car doors. They are more accurate. Less High-Sticking (when you get fish to boat, you hold rod vertically, and tip bends over. Longer rods tend to snap off at tip). Mike uses 8-17 lb rods with 10 lb braid and 20lb leader. He has 2 identical rods, rigged the same, so they cast the same in he dark. Lures: Lucky Craft bone color bass lure, rattles. Live Target Bait, rubber fish. Savage Gear Mudd Minnow, Top water lure. VUDU 3.5” mullet, realistic looking rubber lure. Heddon Super Snook Jr, color bone. Lure color does not matter at night, although dark blue or black may present a better silhouette. Bugs: Spray your hat with 100% deet. DO NOT PUT ON YOUR SKIN! Wear long sleeve micro fiber cloth tee shirt. Use regular OFF on exposed skin. Baby oil on exposed skin will kill No-See-Ums. Other notes. Using lights will not scare the fish. Use pinfish for reds. Pinfish swim down where redfish feed. Use a jig head placed thru the anus, and trim the tail. The pinfish will be unhappy and make a lot of vibrations, attracting feeding fish. Redfish and mullet both ‘tail’; tail sticks out of water when feeding on bottom. To tell apart, mullet move their tails fast, and redfish flop slowly from side to side. Trout do not hide in bushes because snook will eat 12” trout. When they get large, around 2 feet, they are known as ‘gator trout’, and will hide in the bushes. Best times to fish: Winter, last 2 hours of light. Water is at it’s warmest. Summer, last 2 hours of dark, water is at it’s coolest. How to see if Lake O releases are screwing up your fishing. There should be salt water up near the 41/75 bridges. If too much released, it will be fresh in the river and canals. Fish can live in this water no problem. BAIT CANNOT. When the fish find nothing to eat, they leave.. In the canals, in January we should be having great Sheepshead fishing, but we don’t . There is no bait, plus fresh water kills barnacles, which the Sheepsheads eat. Check the amount of water released yesterday. Low to mid 300-700 thousand gal is ok, over mid million to 500 million is bad. Reel drag: on flats use a looser drag so fish can run. In mangroves, use tight drag so fish don’t go into mangroves and get tangled. Barry Wood & Lyle Sosbe Chairmen Lee County Pier Fishing http://www.saltchef.com/catch_fish/FL/Lee/fishing_piers.html Enjoy fishing without having a boat. THE BUOYS 2016 CALENDAR ET = Entertainment Committee CM = Cape Mates C&R = Cruise & Rendezvous MI = Member Involvement Committee February Mon Mon Tue Tue Tue Thu Mon Mon Tue Wed Thu Thu Fri Mon Mon Sat Wed 1 1 2 2 2 4 8 thur 10 8 9 10 11 11 12 15 15 20 24 March Tue Tue Tue Thu Mon Tue Tue Wed Thu Thu Mon Tue Thu Fri Sat Wed Fri 1 2016 CM Exec Meeting CM Gen Meeting Scuba Group upstairs Entertainment Group Mtg C & R Meeting CCSAPS Exec. Meeting C & R Cruise ABC Class Starts Fishing Group Meeting Co-op Charting Meeting Lite Bites CCSAPS Annual Meeting CCSAPS Change of Watch Weekenders Meeting PRESIDENTS Day Weekenders Outing ABC Class Graduation 1900 1900 1030 1830 1930 1800 1900 1900 2016 1 1 1 3 7 7 thru 9 8 9 10 10 14 15 17 18 19 23 25 Entertainment Group Mtg C & R Meeting Scuba Group upstairs CCSAPS Exec. Meeting ABC Class starts C & R South Seas Fishing Group Meeting Co-op Group Meeting Lite Bites CCSAPS Gen. Meeting Weekenders Meeting. Kayak Outing ST PATRICK’S DAY C&R Lobster or Ham Dinner Weekenders Outing ABC Class Graduation GOOD FRIDAY Janice Belcher Rachel Coffen Robert Knightly 3 Karen Sue Lindberg 4 Sheila Malen Kim Pettichord Andre Raymond 5 Edwin Cotton Charles Mugnolo 7 Peter Bitume Bernard Cooper Ronald Tichy 8 1830 1830 1900 0930 1030 1930 Maximino Alonso Lawrence Bronec 9 0930 1030 1900 1900 1900 1900 1030 1830 1930 1900 1700 1900 John Farmer 10 Linden Dirks Lynn Przlomski Suzanne Raymond 11 John Donnelly Migdalia Royael 13 Linda Couture Richard Geib James Keil Debra Ann Kohl Frank Pierce Jr. 15 Laura Kessler 16 Tom Anderson Barbara Partsch To Reserve a Room at the Squadron Notice: Ralph Coburn is our Rental Chairman. Send your notices to Ralph to reserve the various rooms at the Squadron. He will coordinate and determine if there are any conflicts. Rick maintains the Rental Book in the Squadron Office and can be reached via email: ralphcoburn@yahoo.com Or phone: 239-205-6231 SEA SCOUT BREAKFASTS 2016 SEASON FEBRUARY MARCH 6, 13, 20, 27 5, 12, 19, 26 COME SUPPORT OUR SEA SCOUTS AND ENJOY A GREAT BREAKFAST BRING YOUR FRIENDS 17 Jerry Cundiff Kenneth Hughes Donna Peterson Michael Woodward 18 Frank Farr 19 William Disselhorst Charles Sweeney 21 James Gill Jose Dejesus Macias Darlene Wiksveen 23 Gail Blaesing 24 David Wellington 25 Austin Thomas 27 Sharon Brandt Letitia Stencel 28 John Arnel Carole Hodgkinson 29 Thomas Stevens THE BUOYS F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 6 www.ccsaps.org Sun Mon Tue 1 7 Wed 2 1830 CM Exec Mtg CM General Mtg 0930 ET Mtg 1030 C&R Mtg 1900 Scuba Group 8 9 1900 ABC Starts 1900 Fishing Grp Thu 3 10 15 1900 Weekenders 16 Sat 4 5 1930 CCSAPS Exec Mtg 1030 Co-Op Charting 1830 Lite Bites 1930 CCSAPS Annual Mtg & Election Of Officers 11 12 Change Of Watch 17 18 19 C & R Legacy Harbor 14 Fri 6 Sea Scout Breakfast 13 Sea Scout Breakfast 20 Sea Scout Breakfast Weekenders Outing 21 22 28 29 23 24 ABC Graduation 25 26 ET- Entertainment Committee C&R- Cruise & Rendezvous MI- Member Involvement CM – Cape Mates 27 Sea Scout Breakfast