Department N Antiques - Saratoga County Fair
Department N Antiques - Saratoga County Fair
2015 Saratoga County Fair Department N Antiques For the purpose of this Fair; Antiques is defined as any item 50 yrs or older. Superintendents: Sarah Welch 518-885-6269 Tim Welch 518-885-8898 Mike Conley, 518-312-2284 Entry Fee: 15% of 1st prize premium Entries close July 11, at 5pm. Entries made in the wrong class will be disqualified. Entries can be made online at All entries should be tagged before bringing them to the Antiques Building. You may pick up your tags at the Entry Office on Friday, July 17, 10am-1pm and 4-6pm. You may bring your entries to the Antiques Building on Saturday, July 18, between the hours of 9am and 3pm. Only tagged entries will be accepted. Please attach the tags securely. Times of release: Monday, July 27, from 11am to 6pm or by prior arrangement with the Department Superintendents. It is the discretion of the judge to award 1st, 2nd or no premium if there is but one item entered in a class. Judging will be based on rarity, age and condition. The decision of the judge is final. Read the premium list carefully for the proper section and class number. Framed items need to be sturdy and securely fixed for hanging. It is recommended that paper items have a protective covering whenever possible. When the premium list reads “others not listed,” please identify the item being entered. For example: Section 1, Class 22, other not listed, Chocolate An item may be entered 2 yrs consecutively. After resting it for 1 year, it may be re-entered. This will help keep our department fresh. There can be no multiple entries in this department. For example, you cannot enter a cruet under “cut glass” and the same cruet under “cruet.” Please make sure you list the section number along with the class number when filling out your entry form. Section 1: Glassware Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 1 Art glass - colored (Amberina, Amethyst, Stretch Glass, etc) 2 Art glass - clear Section 4: Silver Plate Prize Money: 1st $3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Candlesticks with matching compote Carnival Crackle Cranberry Cut glass Depression glass - clear Depression glass - colored Enameled Figural Flint glass Bride’s basket/bowl Paperweight Pitcher Refrigerator dish Rose bowl Salt & pepper Sugar & creamer Souvenir/commemorative Whimsies – not listed Other not listed Section 2: China/porcelain Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 61 Basket 62 Bowl 63 Butter chip 64 Cake plate 65 Candlesticks, pair 66 Creamer & sugar 67 Cup & saucer 68 Small pitcher 69 Cup without handle 70 Egg cup 71 Figural 72 Gravy boat 73 Hand painted 74 Mustache cup 75 Pitcher 76 Place setting (at least 4 pcs) 77 Relish 78 Salt & pepper 79 Soup dish 80 Tea/Coffee/Chocolate pot 81 Tureen 82 Vase 83 Other not listed Section 3: Pottery Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 91 Serving pieces (ie bowl & pitcher, cookie jar, pie plate, teapot, etc) 92 Tableware (ie plate, creamer, cup, salt & pepper, sugar & creamer, etc) 93 Other not listed 2nd $1.50 121 Tea service/coffee service 49 50 2015 Saratoga County Fair 122 Tableware (bowl, etc) 123 Serving 124 Utensils/Spoons 125 Candle sticks 126 Other not listed Section 5: Sterling Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 131 Tea service/coffee service 132 Tableware (bowl, etc) 133 Serving 134 Utensils/Spoons 135 Candle sticks 136 Other not listed Section 6: Spoons Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 151 Advertising spoon 152 Baby spoon 153 Coin silver spoons (2) 154 Commemorative spoon 155 Ladle – plated 156 Ladle – sterling 157 Ornate serving spoon – plated 158 Ornate serving spoon – sterling 159 Pewter spoons (2) 160 Souvenir spoon 161 Sterling teaspoons (2) 162 Tea strainer 163 Other not listed Section 7: Brass & copper Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 171 Tableware 172 Figural (door stop, book ends, etc) 173 Bed/foot warmers 174 Candle holder 175 Candle mold 176 Coffee pot/ tea pot 177 Porringer 178 Other not listed Section 8: Pewter Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 191 Tableware 192 Porringer 193 Tea/coffee pot 194 Charger 195 Tankard 196 Other not listed Section 9: Iron Prize Money: 1st $3 201 Bookends 202 Bootscraper 203 Boot jack 204 Candle holder 2nd $1.50 205 Door stop 206 Figurine 207 Other not listed Section 10: Tinware & Hammered Aluminum Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 210 Tableware 211 Figural(door stop, book ends, etc.) 212 Bed/foot warmers 213 Candle Holder 214 Candle mold 215 Coffee pot/ tea pot 216 Porringer 217 Other not listed Section 11: Stoneware Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 221 Tableware 222 Crock with blue design 223 Crock without design 224 Jug with blue design 225 Jug without design 226 Ovoid jug 227 Other not listed Section 12: Bottles Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 241 Medical (medicine, drug, veterinary, apothecary, poison) 242 Spirits (beer, whiskey, wine) 243 Sodas (bitters, sarsaparilla, seltzer, soda, tonic) 244 Barber 245 Cosmetic 246 Creamer 247 Figural 248 Flask 249 Ink 250 Insulator 251 Mineral water - pint 252 Mineral water - quart 253 Nurser 254 Perfume 255 Saratoga County drugstore 256 Other not listed Fruit jars 271 Small 272 Medium 273 Large 274 Jelly jars 275 Other not listed 273 Large 274 Jelly jars 275 Other not listed Milk bottles 278 Halt-pint – embossed 279 Half-pint – pyro – glazed (painted) 280 Pint – embossed – round 281 Pint – embossed – square 282 Pint – pyro – glazed – round 283 Pint – pyro – glazed – square 284 Quart – embossed – round 285 Quart – embossed – square 286 Quart – pyro – glazed – round 287 Quart – pyro – glazed – square 288 Quart – Saratoga County Dairy 289 Other milk bottle not listed Section 13: Kitchenware Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 291 Basket – wire egg 292 Beater 293 Board – bread/pastry/cookie 294 Breadbox 295 Butter bowl 296 Butter mold 297 Baking pan 298 Bottle opener 299 Butter paddle 300 Butter stamp 301 Cabbage cutter 302 Can/jar opener 303 Cast iron cookware 304 Cherry pitter 305 Chopper 306 Chopping bowl 307 Churn – wooden or glass 308 Coffee grinder 309 Cookie cutter/mold 310 Corkscrew 311 Egg beater 312 Flue cover 313 Funnel 314 Grater – nutmeg 315 Grater – vegetable 316 Grinder – food/meat 317 Juicer/reamer 318 Kettle 319 Ladle 320 Lid lifter 321 Masher 322 Meat hook 323 Mixing bowl 324 Mold 325 Mop wringer 326 Nut cracker 327 Pastry wheel 328 Pie crimper 329 Pie plate 330 Popcorn popper 331 Potato ricer 2015 Saratoga County Fair 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 Recipe box Rolling pin Salt & pepper Sausage stuffer Sifter – flour Skillet Skimmer Spice box Spoon – mixing Spoon rest Strainer String holder Tea kettle Thermometer Toaster Toothpick holder Trivet Turner/spatula Whip Other not listed 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 Prize Money: 1st $5 2nd $3 444 Table top loom 445 Sewing machine 446 Spinning wheel 447 Yarn winder Section 14: Baskets Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 393 Egg 394 Gathering 395 Laundry 396 Picnic 397 Pie 398 Sewing 399 Shaker 400 Other not listed Section 15: Boxes Prize Money: 1st $3 414 Candy 415 Cracker 416 Document 417 Dome top 418 Game 419 Glove 420 Handkerchief 421 Hat 422 Jewelry/vanity 423 Knife 424 Pen 425 Sewing 426 Silverware 427 Other not listed Measuring devices Pattern book/pattern Pin cushion Scissors Sewing bird Thimbles (2) Other sewing small – not listed 2nd $1.50 Section 16: Homemaking Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 431 Card of buttons 432 Carpet beater 433 Darner 434 Early fabric 435 Early lace Laundry Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 451 Clothes sprinkler 452 Clothes plunger 453 Container – laundry soap – aid 454 Container – not listed 455 Iron 456 Iron – child’s 459 Scrub/washboard 460 Sleeve board 461 Soap saver Prize Money: 1st $5 2nd $3 462 Curtain stretcher 463 Early tin washtub 464 Floor rack 465 Ironing board 466 Laundry basket 467 Wall rack 468 Wringer Section 17: Textiles Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 470 Cross stitch 471 Doily – crochet 472 Doily – embroidered 473 Doily – any other 474 Rug – braided 475 Rug – hooked 476 Sampler 477 Specimen – crochet 478 Specimen – knitting 479 Specimen – needlepoint 480 Specimen – tatting 481 Specimen – weaving 482 Other not listed Prize Money: 1st $5 2nd $3 483 Bedspread – crochet 484 Bedspread – embroidery 485 Bedspread – other not listed 486 Chair set – 3 pc (mounted) 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 51 Coverlet – dated Coverlet – not dated Quilt – hand quilted Quilt – machine quilted Quilt – tied Tablecloth Other large linen – not listed Section 18: Clothing Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 501 Apron 502 Blouse 503 Cape/shawl 504 Camisole/petticoat 505 Child’s coat/dress 506 Infant’s dress/outwear 507 Adult coat/jacket 508 Lady’s dress/suit 509 Bridal gown 510 Shirt 511 Swimsuit 512 Child’s clothing – not listed (name) 513 Lady’s clothing – not listed (name) 514 Man’s clothing – not listed (name) Section 19: Accessories Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 521 Adult foot wear 522 Button hook 523 Collar 524 Compact 525 Curling iron 526 Eyeglasses 527 Fan – folding 528 Garters 529 Gloves/mittens 530 Hand mirror 531 Handbag 532 Handkerchief 533 Hat pin holder 534 Hat – child/infant 535 Hat – adult 536 Jewelry box 537 Money clip 538 Muff539 Parasol 540 Pocket knife 541 Scarf542 Shoes – child 543 Shoes – adult544 Spats 545 Tie 546 Walking stick/cane 547 Other not listed 52 2015 Saratoga County Fair Section 20: Jewelry Prize Money: 1st $5 2nd $3 561 Bracelet 562 Buckle 563 Comb 564 Cufflinks 565 Earrings 566 Earrings & necklace, matching 567 Hair brush 568 Dresser set (3 pcs) 569 Hat pin 570 Locket 571 Necklace 572 Pendant 573 Pin 574 Pocket watch 575 Ring 576 Stick pin 577 Tie clip/pin 578 Watch chain 579 Watch fob – not listed 580 Wrist watch 581 Cameo 582 Other – not listed Section 21: Furniture Prize Money: 1st $5 2nd $3 591 Bench 592 Chair – child 593 Chair – adult 594 Chair – rocker – adult 595 Chair – not listed (name) 596 Coat rack 597 Cradle 598 Desk – floor 599 Desk – lap, portable 600 Foot stool 601 Magazine rack 602 Mirror 603 Potty chair 604 Shelf 605 Stand 606 Table 607 Other not listed Prize Money: 1st $10 2nd $5 608 Commode 609 Blanket chest 610 Phonograph – wind-up 611 Trunk – original 612 Wash stand Section 22: Lamps Prize Money: 1st $3 621 Boudoir 622 Desk 623 Electric 624 Fairy 2nd $1.50 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 Floor Kerosene – glass Kerosene – metal Miner’s Oil Railroad – colored globe Railroad – clear globe Skater’s Gone with the Wind Other not listed Section 23: Clocks Prize Money: 1st $5 641 Wall 642 Figural 643 Mantel 644 Metal 645 Steeple 646 Other not listed 2nd $3 Section 24: Pictures Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 651 Beadwork/tapestry/needlepoint 652 Oil 653 Print 654 Silhouette 655 Theorem 656 Other not listed Section 25: Miscellaneous Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 671 Christmas tree ornament 672 Christmas tree top 673 Coin collection (3-5 pcs mounted) 674 Collection – paper money (mounted) 675 Collection – stamps (mounted) 676 Easter decoration 677 Fountain pen 678 Nativity figurine 679 Letter opener 680 Paperweight – other than glass 681 Pen holder 682 Other holiday decor – not listed 683 Misc. item – not listed Section 26: Bells Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 691 Brass 692 Cow 693 Dinner 694 Figural 695 School 696 Sleighbells on strap 697 Other not listed Section 27: Banks Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 Advertising Animal Ceramic Glass Iron Mechanical Still Tin Other not listed Section 28: Militaria Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 721 Belt buckle 722 Book 723 Bugle 724 Canteen 725 Clothing 726 Flag 727 Hat/helmet 728 Letter 729 Medal 730 Picture 731 Rifle 732 Specimen – Civil War 733 Specimen – Spanish-American War 734 Sword 735 Other not listed Section 29: Shooting Sports Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 761 Ammunition belt 762 Archery 763 Bullet maker 764 Holster 765 Hunting license 766 Rifle cleaning kit 767 Shell box 768 Other not listed Prize Money: 1st $5 2nd $3 769 BB gun 770 Pistol 771 Revolver 772 Rifle 773 Shotgun 774 Other gun – not listed Section 30: Trades Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 Automobiles 781 Car jack 782 Hood ornament 783 Hub cap 784 License plate – New York 785 License plate – other 786 Manual 787 Tire gauge 788 Tire pump 2015 Saratoga County Fair 789 Brochure 790 Automotive item – not listed Farming Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 791 Bee smoker 792 Corn/hay knife 793 Egg crate/carrier 794 Egg scales 795 Fork 796 Fruit picker 797 Grain bag 798 Grain measure 799 Hay hook 800 Ice harvesting tools 801 Insect sprayer 802 Planter/seeder 803 Pruners 804 Wagon jack 805 Weathervane 806 Wooden bucket 807 Wooden shovel 808 Other not listed Prize Money: 1st $5 809 Cider press 810 Corn sheller 811 Hand cultivator 812 Hand plow 813 Oxen yoke 814 Scales 815 Other not listed 2nd $3 Firefighting Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 820 Axe 821 Badge/pin/medal/ribbon 822 Certificate – framed 823 Extinguisher 824 Fire horn/gong/whistle 825 Hat/helmet 826 Other not listed Lumber/carpentry Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 838 Auger 839 Axe 840 Adz 841 Clamp – wooden 842 Draw shave 843 Drill & bit 844 Gauge 845 Hammer 846 Level 847 Log measure 848 Plane 849 Plumb bob 850 Rule – folding 851 Rule – other 852 Saw (buck, cabinetmakers, hand, 2 man) 853 Shave 854 Other not listed Hardware 855 Hinges 856 Door pull/knocker 857 Lock & key 858 Pipe wrench, set of 3 859 Wrench 860 Other not listed Other trades (any specimen) 867 Attorney 868 Aviation 869 Barber 870 Blacksmith 871 Clergy 872 Cobbler 873 Communications 874 Dairy 875 Dentist 876 Doctor 877 Electrical 878 Fraternal organization 879 General store 880 Horses 881 Law enforcement 882 Mining 883 Print shop 884 Railroad 885 Surveying 886 Undertaker 887 Belt buckle – any trade 888 Watch fob – any trade 889 Other trade – not listed Section 31: Sports & recreation Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 891 Basketball item 892 Bicycle 893 Boxing item 894 Equestrian item 895 Golf item 896 Horse racing item 897 Skiing item 898 Snowshoes 899 Tennis item 900 Skates 901 Sled 902 Recreational item – not listed 903 Sports item – not listed Baseball Prize Money: 1st $3 909 Ball 2nd $1.50 910 911 912 913 914 916 917 53 Baseball cap Baseball memorabilia Baseball photograph Bat Catcher’s mask Glove Other not listed Fishing Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 918 Creel 919 Fish decoy 920 Fishing lure 921 Fishing rod 922 Fishing reel 923 Rod with reel attached 924 Tackle box 925 Other fishing item Section 32: Photography Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 931 Camera 932 Cabinet card/carte de visite 933 Image daguerreotype/ambrotype/ tintype 934 Projector/magic lantern 935 Other not listed Photographs 943 Adult 944 Animal 945 Architecture 946 Child 947 Family 948 Group(club/academic/occupational) 949 Exterior (aerial/scenic/ transportation) 950 Wedding 951 Other not listed Section 33: Paper Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 961 Almanac 962 Atlas 963 Autograph – mounted 964 Bible 965 Book – holiday 966 Book – black & white pictures 967 Book – colored pictures 968 Book relating to Saratoga County 969 Business card – mounted 970 Calendar 971 Catalog 972 Cookbook 973 Collection – 4 greeting cards – mounted 974 Diary 975 Fair book 54 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 2015 Saratoga County Fair Hymnal Invitation – mounted Label – mounted Legal document Magazine Medical book Menu Newspaper – 100 yrs old Program – mounted Saratoga County map School book Scrapbook Stock certificate Tickets – mounted Township map Other not listed Section 34: Postcards Min: 3 cards/1 subject/ mounted Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 1001 Holiday 1002 Souvenir 1003 Scenic 1004 Other not listed Section 35: Music Prize Money: 1st $5 2nd $3 1011 Keyboard 1012 Brass 1013 String 1014 Wind 1015 Percussion 1016 Table top radio/phonograph 1017 Floor radio/phonograph Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 1028 Harmonica 1029 Metronome 1030 Mouth harp 1031 Music book 1032 Piano roll in box 1033 Record – 78 1034 Record – 45 – popular 1035 Record – 45 – country 1036 Record – not listed 1037 Record cover – Big Band 1038 Record cover – children’s 1039 Record cover – comedy 1040 Record cover – country 1041 Record cover – other not listed 1042 Record cylinder 1043 Other not listed Section 36: Toys Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 1051 Airplane 1052 Animal – pulled toy 1053 Marbles 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 Barn/farm set Battleship Blocks/alphabet Board game Boat Bus Cap gun Car Cash register Child’s book Child’s wagon Circus/clown Cloth doll Dish set/tea set Doll bed/crib Doll carriage/stroller/chair Doll furniture – not listed Doll house – furnished Doll house – unfurnished Doll house furniture set Doll – bisque head Doll – china head Doll- composition head Doll – hard plastic Doll – other not listed Dominoes Erector set Fire engine Child’s homework set Jack in the box Lincoln logs/building blocks Magic set Model kit Noah’s ark Sand toys Paint set Paper doll Pedal car Puppet Ride on toy – not listed Rocking horse/hobby Roly poly Scooter Soldier Stove Stuffed animal Submarine Teddy bear Tin wind-up toy Top Toy instrument Tractor Train engine/set Tricycle Truck Wheelbarrow Other not listed Section 37: Advertising Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 1111 Ashtray 1112 Banner 1113 Belt buckle 1114 Booklet/pamphlet 1115 Bottle carrier 1116 Bottle/can opener 1117 Box – cardboard 1118 Box – wooden 1119 Box – cereal 1120 Calendar 1121 Dish 1122 Display 1123 Fan 1124 Figurine, doll 1125 Glass/tumbler/ cup/mug 1126 Jar 1127 Key holder/ring 1128 Label 1129 Letter opener 1130 Mirror – pocket 1131 Money clip 1132 Needle case 1133 Paper item – not listed 1134 Paperweight 1135 Pin 1136 Pitcher 1137 Plate 1138 Playing cards 1139 Post card 1140 Poster 1141 Salesman’s sample 1142 Salt & pepper 1143 Shoe horn 1144 Sign 1145 Tape measure 1146 Thermometer 1147 Tip tray – less than 5” diameter 1148 Toy 1149 Tray 1150 Watch fob 1151 Wristwatch 1152 Other not listed Advertising characters 1160 Aunt Jemima 1161 Campbells Kids 1162 Dino the Dinosaur 1163 Elsie the Cow 1164 Mr. Peanut 1165 Nipper 1166 Other character – not listed Advertising tins 1172 Baking powder 1173 Biscuit/cracker 1174 Candy 1175 Cocoa 2015 Saratoga County Fair 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 Coffee Cookie Gum Potato chips Spice Tea Tin – not listed Section 38: Americana Entries may include items manufactured through 1990 in this section only. Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 Cartoon characters 1191 Book 1192 Poster 1193 Figure 1194 Game 1195 Toy 1196 Other not listed Cowboy heroes Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 1197 Book 1198 Poster 1199 Figure 1200 Toy 1201 Game 1202 Other not listed Disney Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 1203 Book 1204 Poster 1205 Figure 1206 Toy 1207 Game 1208 Other not listed Super Heroes Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 1209 Book 1210 Poster 1211 Figure 1212 Toy 1213 Game 1214 Other not listed TV Personalities Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 1215 Book 1216 Poster 1217 Figure 1218 Toy 1219 Game 1220 Other not listed Patriotic collectibles Prize Money : 1st $3 2nd $1.50 1242 Abraham Lincoln 1243 American Eagle 1244 Benjamin Franklin 1245 Flag – American 1246 Flag – other 1247 Postcards 1248 George Washington 1249 Liberty Bell 1250 Statue of Liberty 1251 Uncle Sam 1252 Other not listed Misc. Americana Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 1260 Avon bottle 1261 Barbie doll 1262 Black memorabilia 1263 Scouts – boy/girl 1264 Comic book 1265 Dionne quintuplets 1266 Saratoga County Fair Memorabilia 1267 Fair memorabilia – other 1268 4H 1269 GI Joe 1270 Ken doll 1271 Kewpies 1272 Little Golden books 1273 Matchbox car – early 1274 Political campaign item – pre 1930 1275 Political campaign item – 1930-1960 1276 Political campaign item – 1961-1990 1277 Poster – movie/music 1278 Rock & Roll memorabilia 1279 Shirley Temple 1280 Television 1281 Viewmaster – early 1282 World’s Fair item – held in USA Section 39: Tobacciana Prize Money: 1st $3 2nd $1.50 1301 Ashtray 1302 Smoke stand 1303 Pipe 1304 Cigarette container 1305 Cigarette metal box 1306 Cigar box 1307 Humidor 1308 Lighter, advertising 1309 Lighter, table 1310 Lighter, other 1311 Cuspidor 55 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 Match box Match safe, wall or table Match safe, pocket Match holder w/ ashtray Cigarette case Cigarette, candy Tobacco premium Loose cigarette & pipe tobacco tins 1320 Cigarette rollers 1321 Other not listed Special Awards In memory of Kris Potter, offered by Tim Welch and Frank Post of Ballston Spa: $5 Judges’ choice, Toys In memory of Gracie, offered by Ann Woodruff of Saratoga Springs: $5 Judges’ choice, Toys, Antique Doll In memory of Stacia Bunyan, offered by the Welch Family: $5 Judges’ choice, China/Porcelain, Sugar & Creamer In memory of Grace M. Potter, offered by the Welch Family: $5 Judges’ choice, Kitchenware, Popcorn Popper In memory of Edward R. Welch, offered by the Welch Family: $5 Judges’ choice, Militaria In memory of Kenneth D. Potter, offered by the Welch Family: $5 Judges’ choice, Trades, Farming In memory of Ellen C. Welch, offered by the Welch Family: $5 Judges’ choice, Jewelry In memory of Chester J. Welch, offered by the Welch Family: $5 Judges’ choice, Trades, Firefighting In memory of Chris Morley, offered by David Trombley of Ballston Spa: $10 Judges’ choice, Best Axe Robert D. Welch of Ballston Spa offers: $5 Judges’ choice, Brass Bell
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