Lead The Way - Leadership Waterloo Region
Lead The Way - Leadership Waterloo Region
Leadership Waterloo Waterloo Region Region Leadership Educating tt Nurturing Nurturing tt Inspiring Inspiring Educating 519-742-7338 519-742-7338 info@leadershipwaterlooregion.org info@leadershipwaterlooregion.org Lead The Way Report to to the the Community Community 2010 2010 Report leadershipWR leadershipWR Special thanks thanks to to Special www.leadershipwaterlooregion.org www.leadershipwaterlooregion.org Educating tt Nurturing Nurturing tt Inspiring Inspiring Educating Applying to our core program -FBEFSTIJQ8BUFSMPP3FHJPOJTTFSWJOHPVSDPNNVOJUZCZPGGFSJOHUIFPOMZDPNNVOJUZMFBEFSTIJQEFWFMPQNFOUQSPHSBN JO8BUFSMPP3FHJPOCVUXFBSFOPUEPJOHJUBMPOF"TOPUFEPOQSFWJPVTQBHFTXFBSFHSBUFGVMUPBMMJOEJWJEVBMTBOE CVTJOFTTFTXIPTFTVQQPSUPGPVSPSHBOJ[BUJPOIBTBTTJTUFEVTJOPVSXPSL8FFODPVSBHFZPVUPDPOTJEFSKPJOJOHVTPO ZPVSMFBEFSTIJQKPVSOFZ Vision Is our program right for you? To be the definitive provider of leadership development in our community – educating, inspiring and sustaining people on their leadership journey. Consider applying if you: Mission t)BWFXPSLFYQFSJFODFFJUIFSGVMMPSQBSUUJNFBOEXBOUUPEFWFMPQZPVSMFBEFSTIJQTLJMMTGVSUIFSGPS ZPVSPXOCFOFmUBTXFMMBTUIBUPGZPVSXPSLQMBDFBOEZPVSDPNNVOJUZ t)BWFBOJOUFSFTUJOWPMVOUFFSMFBEFSTIJQSPMFTIBWFTUSPOHJOUFHSJUZHPPEQFPQMFTLJMMTBOEBSFBCMFUP UIJOLPVUTJEFPGUIFCPY We provide experiential leadership development, challenge people to view their community through a different lens, and foster connections with active and emerging leaders creating positive change. Values We value the diversities inherent in our community. t8BOUUPHBJONPSFJOEFQUILOPXMFEHFPGUIFDIBMMFOHFTGBDJOHPVSDPNNVOJUZBOEMFBSONPSFBCPVU CFDPNJOHBMFBEFS t8BOUUPDPOOFDUXJUIPUIFSMFBEFSTUPNBLFBNFBOJOHGVMDPOUSJCVUJPOUPZPVSDPNNVOJUZ Table of Contents Program benefits Message from Board Co-Chairs 2 Individual: Employer: Leadership Waterloo Region journey 3 We value that collaboration builds capacity. Class of 2010 4 We commit to continuously developing our programs to meet the ever changing needs and expectations of our community. Core program 5 t*ODSFBTFEMFBEFSTIJQTLJMMTBOELOPXMFEHF PGSFHJPOBMJTTVFTUIBUDBOCFVTFEBUXPSL and in the community t*ODSFBTFEMFBEFSTIJQTLJMMTBOELOPXMFEHFPG SFHJPOBMJTTVFTUIBUDBOCFVTFEGPSHSFBUFS PSHBOJ[BUJPOBMFGGFDUJWFOFTT 2010 community leadership projects 11 t(SFBUFSLOPXMFEHFPGUIFSFHJPOJUTIJTUPSZ and its leaders t/FUXPSLJOHPQQPSUVOJUJFTUIBUDBOIFMQXJUI CVTJOFTTTPMVUJPOT We value the community that supports us. Celebrating 10 years of leadership development 13 Youth on Board program 16 t"OJOGPSNFEOFUXPSLPGEJWFSTFDPMMFBHVFT GPSJOEJWJEVBMDPNNVOJUZBOECVTJOFTT QSPCMFNTPMWJOH Financial strength 17 Employee sponsors 18 Donors, members and sponsors 19 t(SFBUFSVOEFSTUBOEJOHPGZPVSTFMGBTB MFBEFSBOEEJWFSTJUZBUXPSLBOEJOUIF community t"OPQQPSUVOJUZUPQPTJUJPOBCVTJOFTTBTBO PSHBOJ[BUJPOUIBUJTDPNNJUUFEUPDPNNVOJUZ quality of life issues and to position its decision makers as committed community leaders Volunteers and supporters 21 t3FmOFNFOUPGQFSTPOBMWBMVFTBOENJTTJPO Applying to our core program 22 We believe that a strong community requires strong leadership. Leadership days 7 Founding Partners Leaderhip Waterloo Region 519-742-7338 info@leadershipwaterlooregion.org www.leadershipwaterlooregion.org Charitable registration number: 88782 2617 RR0001 t(SFBUFSVOEFSTUBOEJOHPGEJWFSTJUZUIBUDBOCF applied at place of employment t)JHIFSFNQMPZFFSFUFOUJPOSBUFTXIFOFNQMPZFFT are connected to the community Applications are accepted throughout the year, but to be considered for the next program year which begins in September, your application must be submitted by May 1st. Visit our website for details at www.leadershipwaterlooregion.org. Board of Directors 2009-2010 Message from Board Co-Chairs e are excited to celebrate Leadership Waterloo Region’s 10th anniversary. In the decade since the creation of the organization’s core program 250 community leaders from all walks of life have enjoyed a 10-month leadership journey with us. W Debbie Adare Class of 2006 Leaders come to us from all sectors - business, social profit, and public - and with varying degrees of leadership experience and community awareness. Despite their diverse backgrounds and experiences, they share a passion to serve the community, and seek to hone their leadership skills and to develop their networks. They are committed to making a difference in our community. Core program graduates demonstrate this through their engagement with almost 500 boards, committees, and special events in our community, contributing their talents and energy to ensure a healthy and vibrant Waterloo Region. A list of the many organizations our alumni are active with flow through the pages of this report. The list is impressive, indeed! Mark Eamer Class of 2004 Our Youth on Board program continues to receive accolades from social profit organizations across the region. We continue to recruit mentors to work with the 20 or more student leaders who participate in the program each year, providing them with the opportunity to sit on local boards for a sixmonth period. We thank Libro Financial Group as it is their support that has made this program possible. An opportunity to work with the K-W Multicultural Centre came this year in the form of their Healthy Lifestyle Ambassadors program, for which we delivered leadership training to a group of eight amazing multilingual newcomer youth aged 14 to 19. Our thanks go to our small, but dedicated staff whose passion and commitment are obvious in everything it does. Special thanks to Anne Lavender, whose leadership over the past decade has helped to grow the organization from an idea put forth by the J. W. McConnell Family Foundation, to the vibrant organization it is today. Debbie Adare Co-Chair Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics Mark Eamer Co-Chair Hemmerich, Flannagan Kratz & Eamer LLP Bob Denton Treasurer TD Business Banking Joanne McQuiggan Past-Chair Thrive! Paul Rabb Secretary Region of Waterloo Jan Bockmaster Conestoga College Jennifer Burnham Union Gas Ltd. Paula Costa City of Kitchener (on leave of absence) Murray Costello Union Gas Ltd. Paul Davock Retired Mark Kreller Eyelight Creative Marketing Services In addition, we take this opportunity to recognize and thank the 200 plus volunteers who generously share their time and professional expertise to design and deliver our curriculum and who complete our eight working committees. Thanks to our board, committees and community members for their ongoing involvement and support. Each year brings new challenges, and each year we meet these and enjoy the journey. Mark Miyasaki COM DEV Several of our current volunteers have been with Leadership Waterloo Region since its inception. Diana Drackley, Terry Wichman and David Graham have given thousands of hours, first helping to develop the organization and the core program curriculum, and then staying on to assist in program delivery and candidate selection every year since. Our good friend, Chuck Greb, Founding Co-Chair of our organization, passed away in 2009, and you will find our tribute to him in this report. Jacinda Reitsma PricewaterhouseCoopers In this our 10th year, we celebrate the successes of the past year and the past decade. We have ended the year in a solid financial position as a result of hard work and dedicated support from the corporate community. We invite you to join us in the leadership journey as Leadership Waterloo Region moves into its second decade. Anne Paterson Empowered Wealth Canada Renata Rusiniak Research In Motion Shevaun Voisin Motivated (on leave of absence) Ken Seiling Honourary Chair Ex-Officio Region of Waterloo Brenda Halloran Honourary Director Ex-Officio City of Waterloo Visit www.leadershipwaterlooregion/members to get to know our alumni | 2 Leadership Waterloo Region’s journey Waterloo Region is a strong, dynamic community due in no small part to the wealth of exemplary leaders who came before us. Their vision, commitment and determination to effect change are evident in what we are today. However, in today’s competitive, fast changing environment the emergence of our future community leaders cannot be left to happenstance. Our aging baby boomer leaders are retiring at an alarming rate. The fast paced life of younger generations often allows little time to develop the skills required of successful community leaders who can make a difference and who can lead our community in successful future directions. This issue is not peculiar to communities. Successful employers in all sectors contribute significant resources to developing their future leaders. Even municipal governments are addressing this issue internally. The issue also is not peculiar to our region. Francoise Morissette and Amal Henein of Queen’s University through extensive research identified this as a serious national problem several years ago, but the problem will continue for many more years as baby boomers continue to retire. Morissette and Henein concluded that we can no longer rely on the lone hero who appears on a timely basis to provide leadership where and when needed, and that Canada must develop a critical mass of leaders and stress the values of leadership development and excellence. Dr. David Walker, Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences, Queen’s University, stated that “we can’t expect leaders to ‘pop up’; they have to be nurtured through a culture that values leadership, promotes good leaders and gives them opportunities to burnish their skills.” In response to the broader national need, leadership development programs have emerged across the country to address the looming deficit. Leadership Waterloo Region is one of 21 such programs across Canada. In 1999, the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation approached members of our community with a vision to help to develop a unique educational leadership program for a rising generation of decision-makers from different sectors: volunteer, private and public. That’s when our region’s Community Foundations, Chambers of Commerce, and Volunteer Centres founded Leadership Waterloo Region. Leadership Waterloo Region launched its first program in January 2001, making this year our 10th anniversary. This report is a celebration of the past 10 years: our programs, our 250 alumni and our wonderful supporters. In Memorium A s Founding Co-Chair of Leadership Waterloo Region, Charles (Chuck) Greb was instrumental in the forming of our community leadership development program. His formal involvement began when the program was first discussed, and lasted for several years as he shared the Chair’s role with David Chuck Greb Graham, following which he stayed 1929 - 2009 with the organization as Past-Chair. He generously shared his time and expertise with both the board and the staff, and was appreciated for the ways in which he encouraged and empowered those around him. Charles E. Greb was born in Kitchener and started his business career with Greb Shoes Limited, a family company that grew into Canada’s largest shoe manufacturing company 3 | Leadership Waterloo Region Report to the Community 2010 by the time it was sold in 1976. Chuck later became CEO of Musitron Communications which under his presidency became part of Grebco Holdings Ltd. He was also director and chairman of Skyjack Inc. of Guelph; director and chairman of Virtek Vision International Inc. of Waterloo; and managing partner of Woodside Fund, a California Venture Capital Partnership. As a dedicated community volunteer who shared his time and expertise with numerous organizations, Chuck received many well-deserved awards including Kitchener Citizen of the Year; Province of Ontario Bicentennial Medal; Ontario Volunteer Service gold award; Canada 125th Anniversary medal for contributions to Canada; Companion of the Fellowship of Honour YMCA Canada; Lou Buckley Award - K-W YMCA; and Paul Harris Fellow of Rotary International for work with youth. We counted him as our friend and supporter, and we miss him greatly. Class of 2010 Tom Bileski Rockway Mennonite Collegiate Norm Bonnell Waterloo Region Record Lisa Brackenridge Research In Motion Lisa Buitenhuis Region of Waterloo Leta Bulgin City of Waterloo Lynn Cameron Libro Financial Group Linda Fegan City of Cambridge Laura Hutchings Guelph General Hospital Art Janzen Menno S. Martin Contractor Limited Eric Karn Electri-Tech Services Inc Jasminka Klacar Mosaic Counselling & Family Services Colleen Lucas Hospice of Waterloo Region Kerry Mahoney University of Waterloo Jasmine Mangalaseril Manulife Financial Bridget McMahon Wilfrid Laurier University Catherine Mombourquette University of Waterloo Kate Phillips PricewaterhouseCoopers Adolfo Plaza RBJ Schlegel Holdings Inc. Naveen Rakkar COM DEV Anne Ramsay Project READ Literacy Network Waterloo-Wellington Jennifer Roggemann Jennifer Roggemann Law Office Rebecca Roy Lutherwood Christie Schellenberger Wilfrid Laurier University Lisa Short Extend-A-Family Waterloo Region Luke Skaarup Union Gas Ltd. Judy Staats Doyle Investments Corp. Rose Tanyi The Food Bank of Waterloo Region Eric Vieth Christie Digital Systems Michelle Voss Melloul Blamey Construction Inc. Krista Walkey City of Waterloo Julie Wheeler Alzheimer Society of Kitchener-Waterloo Susan White Region of Waterloo Steve Wittal The DATA Group of Companies Russell Wong The Walter Fedy Partnership Visit www.leadershipwaterlooregion/members to get to know our alumni | 4 Core program L eadership Waterloo Region offers an exciting community leadership development program for emerging leaders. Our award-winning, 10-month Core program is the only one of its kind in the region. It nurtures participants’ leadership skills, educates them on the challenges and opportunities in our community inspires them to use their leadership skills to take action, and connects them with both established and other like-minded emerging leaders in our leadership network and the broader community. Nurtures Inspires Our program provides leadership skills, exercises, encourages participants to step outside of their comfort zone and provides a safe environment in which to challenge their own assumptions and hone their skills. Participants gain a better understanding of themselves and how they can effect change. The many “ah ha” moments experienced during the program start to shape participants’ thinking, and is during this time that they begin to view the community through a different lens. When participants take our program most have volunteered their time in the community in one capacity or another, but they are now looking for something more, different or unique. They want to understand the community better and put their leadership skills to work on special community projects, boards of directors and committees. These emerging leaders want to make a difference. Educates Connects No other leadership program in Waterloo Region provides the level of education about the issues or opportunities facing our region. The information in our program is current and relevant. Our expert facilitators, who donate their expertise to develop and deliver the curriculum, are highly regarded. Participants learn about an issue or opportunity each month that helps connect them to the broader community. Each Leadership Day includes expert speakers, open dialogues and key learnings that can be applied in both business and community situations. Graduates become part of a vital social network of leaders within our community. These critical links help sustain individuals in their leadership journey. More than 250 graduates are now connected through Leadership Waterloo Region’s electronic and social networks, which provide an opportunity to promote activities, build committees, recruit board members and seek assistance for special projects. Our alumni are also specifically sought out by local employers. Youth on Board program T he Youth on Board program was launched in 2008 with funds provided by Libro Financial Group, as a way to bridge the gap between young leaders, ages 18-23, and established community leaders and social profit agencies. Read more about our Youth on Board program on page 17. – 2006 Debbie Adare titute Perimeter Ins l Physics for Theoretica Ian Adare – 2009 Medicalis Iman Al-Moussawi – 2007 Labstat International Inc. 5 | Leadership Waterloo Region Report to the Community 2010 Beverley Allan – 2004 Waterloo Regional Police Service Glenn Allison – 200 1 Retired Richard Arsic – 200 9 Sevran Automation Group Inc Shawn Artt – 2009 Union Gas Ltd. Mary Anne Banks – 2003 Research In Motion Marlene Baulk – 2005 – 2006 Andy Bauman ca Inc Ameri RH2O North arten – 2007 Michele Baumg ial Sun Life Financ Helene Beaulieu – 2005 ATUA Stephen Beckett – 2002 Waterloo Regional Police Service Paul Belfry – 2007 C.R Wall & Co. Kerri Bennett – 2002 Grand RIver Timothy Bergelt – 200 2 MadNetter Greg Beselaere – 2005 Maxwell Management Group Rick Bigelow – 2005 Union Gas Alumni in Action Guiding principles for curriculum development and delivery of our core program To inform participants about community issues, concerns or agendas within the context of community development and community capacity building To understand the challenges of leadership within the social profit sector, participants challenge community concerns To engage in relevant dialogue with community leaders to understand diverse perspectives as well as the operational culture of the organization, issue or concern To experience some of the real-life sensitivities of the challenges, concerns or sectors through site visits or hands-on interaction To challenge and encourage participants to identify within themselves an interest or passion for a specific community challenge, concern or program and to be motivated to seek an opportunity to contribute their time and talents in a community leadership roles To develop skills for community leadership Leadership Waterloo Region uses the concepts in The Leadership Challenge (Kouzes and Posner, 2007) Kouzes and Posner have identified five fundamental practices of exemplary leadership – where behaviours can serve as the basis for excellence in leadership. Embedded in these principles are ten commitments for leadership. – 2005, K-W Ann Bilodeau rvices Habilitation Se – 2008 Christine Bird ldren & Alliance for Chi Region loo Youth of Water Linda Bird – 2008 Region of Waterloo Nancy Bird – 2009 United Way of K-W & Area The Leadership Challenge: Five practices and ten commitments of exemplary leadership Model the Way 1. Find your voice by clarifying your personal values 2. Set the example by aligning actions with shared values Inspire a Shared Vision 3. Envision the future by imagining exciting and ennobling activities 4. Enlist others in a common vision by appealing to shared aspirations Challenge the Process 5. Search for opportunities by seeking innovative ways to change, grow and improve 6. Experiment and take risks by constantly generating small wins and learning from mistakes Enable Others to Act 7. Foster collaboration by promoting cooperative goals and building trust 8. Strengthen others by sharing power and discretion Encourage the Heart 9. Recognize contributions by showing appreciation for individual excellence 10. Celebrate the values and victories by creating a spirit of community Bianca Bitsakakis – 2007 Pace Homecare Services Diana Boal – Domestic Violen 2008 ce Coordinating Com. of Brant Country Jan Bockmaster – 200 5 Conestoga College Wilda Bostwick – 2006 Consultant 32nd Kitchener Scouts 543 Wingham Air Cadets 78th Fraser Highlanders - Fort Conestoga Garrison Alliance for Children & Youth Almanar Youth Association Alzheimer Society of Kitchener-Waterloo Argus Residence for Young People Arts & Culture Enabling Organization Baden School Council Barnraisers Council Benton St. Baptist Church Big Brothers Big Sisters of KW and Area Business & Education Partnership of Waterloo Region Cambridge Memorial Hospital Foundation Cambridge Self Help Food Bank Cambridge YMCA Cambridge Youth Basketball Cambridge Youth Soccer Canada’s Technology Triangle Canada’s Technology Triangle Chapter of PMI Canadian Association of Exposition Management Canadian Association of Gift Planners Canadian Breast Cancer Cancer Foundation Canadian Cancer Society Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery Canadian Mental Health Association, Grand River Branch Canadian Police Sector Council Canadian Professional Sales Association Canadian Women’s Health Network Celebrate Me Home’ A Hero’s Welcome Gala Central Baptist Church Centre for Community Based Research Centre for Family Business Centre in the Square Chamber of Commerce Chandler Mowat Islamic Association Cherry Park Neighbourhood Association Chicopee Ski & Summer Resort Children & Youth’s Safety Village Children & Youth’s Wish Foundation Chinese Canadian Women Federation Dana Bourgeois-Balch – 2006 Conestoga College Visit www.leadershipwaterlooregion/members to get to know our alumni | 6 Leadership days: Learning, sharing, reflecting and connecting through a shared leadership journey L eadership Waterloo Region’s core program is designed to fit the busy schedules of rising decision-makers. It prepares them for the challenges of their own life-long leadership journeys while increasing their awareness of the rich opportunities for leadership in our region. Leadership skills are developed through specific training modules and participatory learning experiences, and using the community as a classroom, the issues that impact all our lives are observed. Each of the eight Leadership Days explores a selection of community challenges while enhancing a particular leadership skill set. Pathway to excellence in programming Building on the wealth of expertise in our community, we recognize the following faculty and advisors for their contributions to our program. Dr. Chris Alksnis Associate Professor Wilfrid Laurier University, Brantford Christine Bird The Alliance for Children and Youth of Waterloo Region Bianca Bitsakakis Pace HomeCare Services Erica Brandl Consultant Learning Evolves Jennifer Burnham Union Gas Ltd. John Cammarata Retired David Carter Professor University of Waterloo Judy Cavill Consultant At The Turning Point y – 2005 Parnaa Bradle cial Manulife Finan 2007 Christine Brown – ary Waterloo Public Libr Matthew Brubacher – 2008 York Community Services 7 | Leadership Waterloo Region Report to the Community 2010 Tricia Burbidge – 2005 Lutherwood Sunshine Chen Storybuilders Creative Communications Paul Davock Retired, Wilfrid Laurier University Dr. Lamine Diallo Associate Professor Wilfrid Laurier University, Brantford John Doan Consultant On the Threshold Sandra Lachance Retired Dr. Ginette Lafrenière Associate Professor Wilfrid Laurier University Dr. Rosemary McGowan Associate Professor Wilfrid Laurier University, Brantford Kathie Must Mosaic Counselling & Family Services Diana Drackley Social Profit Consultant Dr. Maureen Nummelin Professor, Management Studies Conestoga College Christine Dwyer Junior Achievement of the Waterloo Region Rosemary Pell Consultant Pell & Pell Systems Inc. Ruth Friendship-Keller The Food Bank of Waterloo Region Rob Straby Consultant LifeWorks by Design Jennifer Burnha m – 2003 Union Gas Ltd. David Calder – 200 3 City of Waterloo Lynne Calnek – 2004 Ryan Chen Wing – 2007 Waterloo Region Record 2001 Sunshine Chen – Storybuilders 05 – 20 Debbie Clue Scotiabank m – 2008 Rennie Cockra ns Inc. Damselfly Solutio Paula Costa – 2005 City of Kitchener Sue Costigan – 2001 WIREd Tanya Dale – 2005 Kitchener Collegiate Institute Jeffrey Darroc h – 2009 Grand River Me dia Neil Davidson – 2008 City of Waterloo Protective Services Laurel Davies-Snyder – 2006 Township of Woolwich Joanne Davis – 2005 Project READ Alumni in Action Leadership Day 1 Leadership Day 2 Leadership Day 3 Venue: Cambridge Centre for the Arts Skill: Project Management Community Focus: Poverty Venue: Rockway Golf Course Skill: Media Relations & Media Risk Management Community Focus: Understanding Social Profit Governance Venue: RIM Park – Forbes Hall Skill: Understanding and Leading Change Community Focus: Asset Mapping and Appreciative Inquiry Goal: To identify common social profit board governance models. Explore the three Cs of Governance: Conflict of interest, Confidentiality, and Communications. To understand the importance and value of media risk management. Goal: To introduce asset mapping as a leadership tool in effective change management. To provide an introduction to the Appreciative Inquiry model for identifying strengths and assets in building collaborative relationships. Goal: To gain an appreciation for project management as a skill and to understand the realities of poverty in Waterloo Region. This day included a workshop on project management, group visits with local organizations, and an opportunity to hear from and dialogue with community members who have lived in poverty. “This day was very moving. During site visits to the shelter, residence for youth and the food bank, we met dedicated individuals in the community who invest every day of their lives to help people on the front lines. It was highly inspiring to see that the services offered to the community are extensive, efficient, and practical.” Eric Vieth Christie Digital “This day exposed us to the challenges of social profit governance through real-life examples. We explored the differences between staff and board roles, and discussed the importance of the relationship between the two. It reinforced for me the leadership role of a board, members’ responsibilities, and the significance with which one should treat their decision to join a board.” Bridget McMahon Wilfrid Laurier University “B y now we all accept that change is the new constant and today’s leaders are being called upon more than ever to manage and lead change. Our day on nderstanding and Leading U hange was relevant and timely as C we gained insights into the Asset Approach and models to help us focus on the positive and build the most compelling vision for our constituents and stakeholders. I truly enjoyed the day and have already had success in my own organization applying the aCpacity uilding Leadership approach to B our change management program.” Steve Wittal The Data Group Karin Davis – 2009 2002 Nancy Davy – hority nservation Aut Grand River Co Carrie Debrone – 2002 Kitchener Citizen Connie Deckert – 2004 Fore U Enterprises Deborah DeJong – 2005 K-W Counselling Services Tony Denison – 2001 Denison Print Robert Denton – 200 6 TD Commercial Bank ing Chordspinners Christ The King Elementary School Christian Fellowship Church CHUO 89.1 FM City of Cambridge City of Kitchener City of Waterloo Civic Centre Neighbourhood Association CKWR CNIB Communitech Communities in Bloom Ontario Community Advisory Group, CCAC Waterloo Region Community Legal Services Community Living Owen Sound & District Community Renewable Energy Waterloo Community Safety and Crime Prevention Council Community Volunteer Income Tax Program Conestoga PAC Committee Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies Corporate Service Clubs Couchsurfing.org Destiny Boxing Academy Doon Pioneer Park Community Association Downtown Neighbourhood Alliance Eastern Association Women’s Ministries ECACO- Safety Sub Committee ECAO WSIB Committee Elora Mohawks Lacrosse Erb St. Mennonite Church EWGA Waterloo Region Executive Women’s Golf Association-Waterloo Chapter Extend-A-Family EyeGo to the Arts Family & Children & Youth’s Services Niagara Family and Children & Youth’s Services of Waterloo Region Federation of Canadian Municipalities Focus for Ethnic Women Forest Hill United Church Foster Parent Association of Niagara Galt Minor Hockey Girl Guides Grand Philharmonic Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee Grand River CarShare Grand River Environmental Network Mary Dever – 2005 Shad International Donna Diebel – 2004 Kuntz Electroplating Inc. Visit www.leadershipwaterlooregion/members to get to know our alumni | 8 Leadership days continued Im Leadership Day 4 Leadership Day 5 Leadership Day 6 Venue: Hacienda Sarria Skill: Leadership and Innovation Community Focus: Arts and Culture Sector Venue: Trinity Village Care Centre Skill: Engaging Diversity Community Focus: Cross Cultural Understanding Within our Community Venue: Cambridge City Hall Skill: Systems Thinking Community Focus: Systems in our Community Goal: To provide an opportunity to explore the importance of creativity and innovation to the health of our community, and to encourage an increased understanding of the conditions necessary for a vibrant arts and culture sector. Goal: To learn about historical and current immigration trends in Waterloo Region and to understand the impact of mental models and stereotypes. Goal: To gain an understanding of systems theory and its application in business and community decisionmaking. To consider some of the challenges of leadership within the larger community systems. To understand the relevance of systems theory to the development of a healthy community. “This Leadership day provided a palette of essential colours to further define the broad spectrum of leadership and innovation. In-depth conversation with classmates and members of the community lead to interesting and fun filled activities that painted a bolder picture of where leadership and innovation is happening in Waterloo Region. The day provided a better understanding of the important qualities individuals require to lead from within AND, more importantly, together as a team.” “On this day, I appreciated the differing points of view and exposure to community leaders as well as the opportunity to get to know class members in a new way as many shared their stories. As a member of the planning team for this day, I enjoyed the dynamic interaction of my group and greatly benefited from the opportunity to facilitate a portion of the day’s program. It’s so important to be able to develop hands-on skills as well as to expand one’s mind.” “Day 6 highlighted something that we all know, but often forget to apply: perspective is everything! When we open our eyes to other viewpoints, we gain a better understanding of other people’s opinions and, more importantly, of the world we all share.” Russell Wong The Walter Fedy Partnership Naveen Rakkar, COM DEV Ltd. Catherine Mombourquette Social Innovation Generation “The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.” – Don Williams Jr. – 2001 Carol Dixon alth Care Providence He 2008 Simon Dowrick – Record Waterloo Region Michelle Dunk – 2003 Simple Financial 9 | Leadership Waterloo Region Report to the Community 2010 Christine Dwyer – 2005 Junior Achievement of the Waterloo Region Mark Eamer – 200 4 Hemmerich, Flan agan, Kratz & Eamer LLP Tena Eccles – 200 9 Manulife Financia l Nevine El Gendy – 2006 Muslim Social Services of K-W Corina Emde – 2008 Union Gas Ltd. 5 Cheryl Ewing – 200 Consulting Cheryl A. Ewing 2007 Guy Exley – up ts Planning Gro Impact Even ather – 2004 Steven Fairwe ge City of Cambrid Jason Farrugia – 2005 TD Canada Trust Suzanne Fletcher – 2008 Anne Forler – 2009 Lutherwood Andrew Friedel – 2001 Delta Elevator Co. Ltd. Ruth Friendship-Keller – 2008 The Food Bank of Waterloo Region Sharon Froehlich – 2009 Waterloo Regional Homes for Mental Health Joseph Fung – 2006 Centre for International Gov. Innovation Alumni in Action Leadership Day 7 Leadership Day 8 Venue: Albert McCormick Arena Skill: Emotional Intelligence Community Focus: Peer Coaching/Mentoring Venue: Regional Headquarters Skill: Public Speaking Community Focus: Managing Community Growth Goal: To understand the differences between coaching and mentoring; recognize the positive impact on both parties, and explore emotional intelligence and the impact it has on our abilities as leaders. Goal: To create awareness of the key principles involved in public speaking and gain insight into the ability to influence others through communication. To learn how the choices we make as individuals – where and how we choose to live and work might shape our region, city, community and neighbourhoods. “The Peer Coaching and Mentoring Leadership Day gave me a deeper understanding of the difference between a coach and a mentor – it highlighted the importance of managing Emotional Intelligence and the impact it has on our ability to be an effective leader. The guest speakers accompanied their conveyance of knowledge with actionable recommendations. As a result of this day, I have been able to approach issues with a stronger insight. My overall experience with Leadership Waterloo Region has allowed me to grow both personally and professionally. This environment gave me a greater sense of self-awareness, encouraging me to seek opportunities to continually differentiate myself. “ Grand River Hospital Grand River Karate Grand Valley Trails Granite Club Granny Brigade Greater KW Chamber of Commerce Greek Dionysia Festival GVCA Safety Habitat for Humanity Waterloo Region Heartwood Place Highland Public School Hillside Music Festival HopeSpring Cancer Support Centre House of Friendship Housing & Homelessness Umbrella Group HRPWT IBEW/ECAO JATC Ice Dogs Festival Uptown Waterloo ICON Sales & Marketing Impact Entrepreneurship Group Infertility Awareness Association of Canada KW Chapter Institute of Public Administration of Canada Hamilton/Waterloo/Niagara Regional Group International Ergonomics Association International Women’s Forum ISC Fastball Tournament J.F. Carmichael School JM Drama Junior Achievement of Waterloo Region KCI School Council Kidney Foundation of Canada Kirkendall Neighbourhood Association Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation Kitchener Blues Festival Kitchener Centre Federal Liberal Association Kitchener Centre Provincial Liberal Association Kitchener Conestoga Federal Liberal Association Kitchener Grand River Rotary Club Kitchener Housing Inc. Kitchener Lawn Bowling Club Kitchener Minor Hockey League Kitchener Public Library Kitchener Soccer Club Kitchener Sports Association Kitchener Volleyball League Kitchener Waterloo Art Gallery “It was so much more than I even imagined possible, a day of action-packed information and learning, but also an enjoyable day of fun and creativity. It helped me internalize many skills which are critical for excellence. What I experienced and learned that day reinforce the importance of clarifying my words, crystallizing my thinking, and painting better pictures. I will be a more dynamic and effective speaker for my organization and communicate important messages in my leadership position that will be persuasive as well as remembered.” Jasminka Klacar Mosaic Counselling and Family Services Judy Staats Doyle Investments Corp “In every community there is work to be done. In every nation, there are wounds to heal. In every heart there is the power to do it.” – Marianne Williamson g rhard – 2008 Catharine Ge honology Canada’s Tec Triangle Inc. 2004 Sharon Giles – Clearly Connects Dan Glenn-Graham – 2004 ance Workplace Safety & Insur Board Daryl Goetz – 2008 Waterloo Regional Police Service Susan Gow – 2001 University of Waterloo Brenda Graham – 2006 TD Canada Tru st Felix Grande-Garcia – 2006 Waterloo Taxi Brenda Halloran – 2004 City of Waterloo Colleen Haney – 2005 Research In Motion Visit www.leadershipwaterlooregion/members to get to know our alumni | 10 2010 community leadership projects: Learning, collaborating and delivering D uring the Leadership Waterloo Region core program, participants work in teams to complete a project for a social profit organization. Collaborating as a team gives participants an eye-opening view of team dynamics, how to handle diversity and adversity, and a sense of accomplishment. The goal of the teams working on these projects is to build awareness about the steps required to solve civic problems, and to better understand the challenges faced by local social profit organizations. This process exposes the participants to issues of consensus building, public/private partnerships, diversity, board development, fundraising, and volunteerism, all of which are integral to excellence in leadership. Community projects aim to benefit the broader community. Since 2001, 44 projects have been completed in Waterloo Region, including these five projects in 2009-2010. Here’s what the organizations are saying about the Leadership Waterloo Region project teams and their work. KW Habilitation Services Sunnyside Wellness Centre Project objective: To capture the current profile of the KW Habilitation Services (KWHS) in the community; gain understanding of what the community would like to see from KWHS; identify best channels to communicate with all stakeholders. Project objective: To develop a marketing strategy and promotional plan. “The benefit of the LWR project to KWHS far exceeded our expectations. The valuable research and evaluation of several hundred responses including focus groups and personal interviews allows us to move forward on a strategic plan. Developing a plan for marketing and communicating effectively to all of our stakeholders, and the community at large will improve our profile and ultimately improve the quality of life for the people we support.” Ann Bilodeau Executive Director KW Habilitation Services “We were very excited to have our project selected by Leadership Waterloo Region. The skill level and expertise brought forward by the team was exactly what were we looking for as we began our marketing effort for the newly built Sunnyside Wellness Centre. The team did a great SWOT analysis and then surveyed the community providers to bring into the Marketing Plan an up to date snapshot of the offerings available for Seniors Wellness in the Region of Waterloo. Their efforts set the foundation for our ongoing efforts to promote the Centre for the benefit of seniors in our area. Thanks Leadership Waterloo Region.” Mike Schmidt Manager, Community Programs Senior’s Services, Region of Waterloo The Sexual Assault Support Centre of Waterloo Region Project objective: To assist in the development of a capital fundraising campaign, supporting the agency’s need for a new, larger office space. “Our Centre was truly honoured to be chosen by a project team from Leadership Waterloo Region. Each year, the demand for our services continues to grow; as such, we require a larger office space to meet the needs of those who have experienced sexual violence in our community. The project team was professional, dedicated and thoughtful in their approach. Sexual violence is often shrouded in secrecy and shame; as such, it can be a difficult service to market to potential donors. The team rose to the challenge! Their final report identified concrete, step-by-step ways to move the development of this campaign forward. Their work has opened doors of possibility for our Centre, and in turn, all those who will reach out to us for support in the years to come.” Sara Casselman Community Relations Coordinator Sexual Assault Support Centre of Waterloo Region – 2005 Craig Haney up Inc Versault Gro 5 Jeff Harris – 200 agement Assante Wealth Man Michael Harris – 2005 Honeywell 11 | Leadership Waterloo Region Report to the Community 2010 Lorna Hart – 2005 The Centre for Skills Development & Training Bruce Hawkins – 2007 City of Toronto Olaf Heinzel – 200 6 Waterloo Regiona l Police Service Tara Henderson – 2001 Family and Children’s Services of Waterloo Region Tracey Henderson – 2001 Pat Henderson & Associates Inc. 7 Jeff Henry – 200 erloo University of Wat y – 2009 Thuy Hilderle cial Manulife Finan 5 Linda Horn – 200 nings Stillwater Awake Carol Anne Hornett – 2002 Grand River Hospital Guy Howell – 2006 Union Gas Ltd Jo-Ann Hutchison – 2002 Ministry of Culture Sherrie Hyde – 2006 Lutherwood Imran Ismail – 2009 The Working Centre Sean Jasmins – 2008 Waterloo Region Museum Gerald Kara – 2008 Kara’s Smart Foods Alumni in Action United Way of Cambridge & North Dumfries – Volunteer Cambridge Project objective: To research best practices and successful models of corporate volunteerism and develop a pilot program. “Volunteer Cambridge continually receives requests from corporations who are interested in having their employees volunteer in the community. We also hear from local agencies who would like to have corporate volunteers participate in their initiatives and projects. Due to our small size, bridging this gap and developing a new program is a big undertaking. We asked the Leadership Waterloo Region project team to research and develop a model of corporate volunteerism that Volunteer Cambridge could easily facilitate with limited resources. The unique combination of participants in the team was a perfect match for this project, as they provided perspectives from the business, public and social profit sector. They conducted community research, investigated new software and brainstormed new marketing and networking tactics. They made recommendations connected not only to the core idea of corporate volunteering, but the Volunteer Cambridge service in general, and this holistic approach was appreciated and very appropriate. It is wonderful to have this resource in our community.” YWCA of Kitchener Waterloo Project objective: To prepare an overview of social media options and develop recommendations, including guidelines for creating a social media strategy and policy. “The YWCA wanted to extend our reach to new audiences, and we knew that a social media presence would be one way for us to do that, but we didn’t know where to start. Without a lot of knowledge, time and resources to dedicate to this project, we were appreciative for the team from Leadership Waterloo Region who would be working on this. They researched our organization and our communication needs, made recommendations on the tools that would work best for us, and gave us step by step instructions on implementing their recommendations. They even gave our Board training on social media. We look forward to turning the strategy into reality and we are grateful that some members of the team have offered to give us some support as we work through that process.” Elizabeth Clarke Executive Director YWCA Kitchener-Waterloo Sarah Daly Facilitator, Community and Voluntary Sector Investment Volunteer Cambridge “The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.” – Ken Blanchard 10 Eric Karn – 20 Inc Services Electri-Tech – 2007 Janine Keller-Ng a & Eco store Blue Skies Yog Jim Kilgour – 2004 ulting Advanced Benefits Cons Jaye Kuntz – 2008 City of Waterloo Sandra Lachance – 2004 Retired Moni Lagonia – 2001 RBC Royal Ban k Bryan Larkin – 2004 Waterloo Regional Polic e Service Kitchener Waterloo Executive Network Kitchener-Waterloo Federal Liberal Association Kitchener-Waterloo Oktoberfest Kitchener-Waterloo Provincial Liberal Association Kitchener-Westmount Rotary Kitchener-Wilmot Hydro Kiwanis Club of K W Koinonia Christian Fellowship Kuntz Employee Recreation Association KW Arts Awards KW Cancer Society KW Community Spirit Lions Club KW Counselling K-W Humane Society KW Little Theatre KW Minor Lacrosse K-W Multicultural Centre KW Musical Productions K-W Racquet Club K-W YBA Lackner Woods Public School Lake Scugog Camp Laurel Creek Track and Field Club Laurelwood Public School Laurier Centre for Community Service Learning and Action Leadership Ottawa Leadership Waterloo Region LGBT Youth Line Libro Community Builder Grant Program Committee Lions Foundation of Canada Los Amigos Toastmaster Lost and Found Theatre Lutheran Homes KW Lutherwood Child and Family Foundation Magazine Vision Latina Manulife United Way Committee Manumax Toastmasters Matt Osborne Musicians Trust Fund Mayor Student Advisory Council Mill Race Folk Festival Mohawk College Alumni Association Moppet Preschool Morningstar Family Ministries Mosaic Counselling and Family Services MS Society MT Space Mt. Hope/Breithaupt Neighbourhood Mobilization Alliance Rosalyn Larochelle – 2004 Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Tony Lea – 2004 St. John Ambulance Visit www.leadershipwaterlooregion/members to get to know our alumni | 12 Celebrating 10 years of comm u “I have used a number of leadership skills I “I loved discovering different “Leadership Waterloo Region learned from Leadership Waterloo Region in facets of our community and is a wonderful organization my current role as a board volunteer. These learning new things from my that introduced me to other include creating a strong and compelling vision, fellow leaders. Participating in dynamic leaders in our building organizational capacity, leveraging the Leadership Waterloo Region community who shared existing connections and strengthening program helped add colour and their vision for community relationships. All of these leadership lessons nuance to my view of Waterloo building. Through a diverse, I learned either through participation in Region. Our community is already interactive curriculum, the program, by the example set by other great but still has so much we inspired each other to participants, and the alumni who act as role potential; this program is helping become better leaders. models for how to be great leaders.” us reach further.” Erin R. Spink LWR ‘04 13 | Leadership Waterloo Region Report to the Community 2010 Ryan Chen-Wing LWR ’07 Moni Lagonia LWR ’01 m unity leadership development “One concept which stands out “The program truly opened “If the purpose of education is to prepare again and again in my experience in my eyes to the broad students for the future, then Leadership personal, professional, social and needs of the community Waterloo certainly accomplishes that individual context, after attending the and people’s keen desire through the “Engaging Diversity” day. Leadership Waterloo Region program, to help. The program truly Through awareness, challenge and is the concept of belief. This concept harnesses the energy of open dialogue, members of the class helped me significantly in asserting the participants for the are prepared not only for the realities my leadership role in my personal, betterment of all who live of today, but also to be leaders in the professional and community life. in our community.” community of tomorrow as it evolves Therefore I strongly convinced that Leaders are believers.” Steve Voll LWR ‘08 and changes.” Naveen Rakkar LWR ’10 Imran Ismail LWR ‘09 Visit www.leadershipwaterlooregion/members to get to know our alumni | 14 ar – 2009 Katarina Lonc iversity Un Wilfrid Laurier 2003 Richard Maass – Peerless Turfcare Wendy MacIntosh – 2001 City of Waterloo Dawn MacKinnon – 2009 Trans-Logic Executive Searc h Group Limited Laura Manning – 2006 University of Waterlo o School of Pharma cy Quinn Martin – 2007 Septimatech Group Inc. Fauzia Mazhar – 2005 Kitchener Downtown Com. Health Centre 44 projects completed for 33 social profit organizations The road to collaboration leads to strong partnerships ACCKWA (AIDS Committee of Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo & Area) (2 projects) Argus Residence for Young People (2 projects) Big Brothers of K-W Block Parents Business Program Cambridge Home Support (2 projects) Cambridge Self-Help Food Bank (2 projects) Canadian Blood Services (2 projects) Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery Canadian Mental Health Association of Waterloo Region Community Justice Initiatives Family & Children’s Services of the Waterloo Region Focus for Ethnic Women (2 projects) Homer Watson House and Gallery House of Friendship (2 projects) Independent Living Centre of Waterloo Region (2 projects) K-W Habilitation Services KidsLINK Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Centre Meals on Wheels of Kitchener-Waterloo Nutrition for Learning (2 projects) Promote The Vote RAISE Home Support Services rare Charitable Research Reserve Ray of Hope - Morning Glory Café Sexual Assault Support Centre Social Planning Council of Cambridge & North Dumfries Sunnyside Home Seniors Residence Volunteer Cambridge Women’s Crisis Services of Waterloo Region The Working Centre United Way of Cambridge & North Dumfries YMCA of Cambridge-Kitchener-Waterloo (2 projects) YWCA of Kitchener-Waterloo (2 projects) Leadership Waterloo Region seeks partnerships with other local organizations to build volunteer leadership capacity. Descriptions of all the above projects are available on our website. be – 2003 Dorothy McCa ener City of Kitch Tina Malone-Wright – 2008 City of Kitchener 3 Chris McIntyre – 200 Agfa HealthCare Patti McKague – 2007 Research In Motion 15 | Leadership Waterloo Region Report to the Community 2010 Joanne McQuiggan – 2003 Thrive! Dave Mazurek – Retired 2002 One such partnership was with the Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Centre where, in 2009, we helped deliver a series of workshops for multilingual newcomer youth ages 14 to 19. The Healthy Lifestyle Ambassador program is an initiative that provides lifeguard, volunteer readiness and leadership training to multilingual youth. Through a series workshops delivered by the Volunteer Action Centre of K-W & Area, the City of Kitchener Aquatics Department and Leadership Waterloo Region, the participating youth are better prepared to take leadership roles in their schools, within their ethno-cultural communities and in the wider community. This first year of the program, the youth organized a highly successful fund raising and food raising event which took place at the Multicultural Festival. “Partnering with Leadership Waterloo made so much sense. We were developing a new program for ethnocultural youth that included leadership development. Leadership Waterloo Region consulted with us and then designed a series of workshops that perfectly fit our needs. It has been a pleasure working with them.” Lucia Harrison Executive Director Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Centre We continue to look for opportunities to work with others to strengthen our community. If your business or social profit organization has a new program or idea and you think we could help, please contact us to discuss. Heather Melrose – 2004 KPMG Steve Millard – 200 7 CIBC Financial Plan ning Colette Murphy – 2001 Tenneco Automotive Renee Murray – 2003 New Orleans Pizza 8 Kathie Must – 200 Mosaic Counselling s & Family Service M 07 Natesan – 20 Muthukumar hnology Cognizant Tec Solution 2002 Audra Noble – Services Bam Creative Mike Noonan – 2009 Waterloo Fire Rescue Rose Noonan – 2003 Brigadoon Public School Teresa Norris-Lue – 2003 Cowan Insurance Group Jennifer O’Conn or – 2004 Brava! Special Events & Arts Managem ent Terry O’Keefe – 2004 Sun Life Financial Jeff Oberholtzer – 2007 IBI Group Sandra Osmond – 2001 Grand River Hospital Alumni in Action Youth on Board program Y oung people in our community are the leaders of tomorrow, and they need to be encouraged, mentored and supported. Youth on Board connects young leaders aged 18 to 23 with established leaders in our community who serve on boards of directors. The program provides youth with leadership opportunities and valuable community networks while providing boards of directors with new, fresh perspectives and additional support, for a minimum period of 6 months. If you are a member of a board of directors and interested in mentoring a young leader from the Leadership Waterloo Region Youth on Board program, call us for more information or visit our website to complete an online Youth on Board application. YOUTH Vicky Au Paul Borcsok Brittany Boilard MENTORS Jan Bockmaster Debbie Adare Chris Sievert Mei Chen Jacqueline Dobson Sarah Johnston Eric Kam Kathiga Karthikaikumar Jeff Kitchen Adrianne Li Matt Lowe Andrew Noble Michael Petrus Janine Stamper Jeff Henry Deaun Moulton Kathie Must David Graham Ken Cressman Dana Bourgeois-Balch Ann Miller Peter Meier Joanne McQuiggan Guy Exley Debbie Adare Program sponsor BOARDS YWCA of Kitchener-Waterloo Alzheimer Society of Kitchener-Waterloo Aids Committee of Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo & Area (ACCKWA) Canadian Mental Health Association – Grand River Branch YWCA of Kitchener-Waterloo Participation House Waterloo-Welllington KidsAbility Foundation Grand River Hospital Volunteer Association Volunteer Action Centre of Kitchener-Waterloo & Area Cambridge Self-Help Food Bank Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Centre Alliance for Children & Youth of Waterloo Region Chicopee Ski Club Alzheimer Society of Kitchener-Waterloo “As a Youth on Board participant at ACCKWA, I experienced first-hand that bottom-up approaches develop sound organizational principles - community building, meaningful and responsible choices, and empowerment, which help guide the Board. Although I have completed the Program, I am continuing to volunteer with ACCKWA as a permanent Board Member. The Youth on Board Program and the positive experiences with ACCKWA have moved me to engage in other volunteer opportunities in Kitchener-Waterloo and have motivated me to work towards a Bachelor of Social Work.” Brittany Boilard – 2002 Carolyn Parks men Wo Outstanding Inc. rs ke ea Sp – 2002 Anne Paterson alth Canada & Empowered We urities Inc. Sec ial anc Desjardins Fin Lori Payne – 2005 Sun Life Financial Andrew Pearen – 2008 Manulife Financial Don Pendlebury – 2007 Pine River Cheese Co-Operative Sue Peterson – 2001 PK Associates Sherryl Petricevic – 200 4 Ontario Business Education Partnership Laura Podhorny – 2009 Christie Digital Systems Municipal Education Research Foundation Music and Movies in the Park National Unification Advisory Council New Canadian Program Job Search/Interview Notre Dame Catholic School Nutrition for Learning Olympic Torch Relay Community Task Force Ontario Association of Foodbanks Ontario Building Officials Association Ontario Cheese Society Ontario Federation of Independent Schools Ontario Library Association Ontario Literacy Coalition Ontario Municipal Administrator’s Association Ontario Municipal Human Resources Association Ontario Municipal Management Institute Ontario Public Buyers Association Ontario Regional Common Ground Alliance Ontario Skills Passport Web Development Advisory Committee Ontario Strongman Association Optimist Club of St Jacobs OSYC - Owen Sound Youth Council Our Place Family Resource and Early Years Centre Out of the Cold (Committee Member) Outstanding Women of Laurier Pakistan Canada Association Parents for Community Living Paris Agricultural Society Parkminster United Church Participation House - Waterloo Wellington Planned Lifetime Networks Plattsville & District Minor Hockey Association Plattsville Lions Club PMI-CTT Professional Administrators of Volunteer Resources Project Read Prosperity Council Steering Committee Provincial Partnership Council Task Force Public Health Grey Bruce Ray of Hope Inc Real Men Can Cook for KidsAbility Registry Theatre Kristen Porritt – 2002 Wilfrid Laurier University Visit www.leadershipwaterlooregion/members to get to know our alumni | 16 – 2009 Kathy Prpic Waterloo University of 2006 Wayde Putnam – Administration OLG - Finance and Jackie Ralph – 2002 Canadian Mental Health Association Victoria Raab – 2006 St. Mary’s General Hospital Priya Ramesh-Me hta – 2009 University of Wat erloo, Faculty of Mathem atics Sarah Reid – 200 6 J. Michell Reive – 2002 Fortunato Restagno – 2004 The Personal Coach – 2003 Lindsay Restagno St. Paul’s College Financial strength I n 2009-2010, 44% of our revenues were generated from tuition fees compared to 38% in the previous year. The remaining funds were raised through special events, donations, memberships, government grants and sponsorships. Our program is highly regarded by business and community groups as the leadership development program of choice due in large part to its curriculum model which combines leadership skills development with gaining a better understanding of the challenges affecting our community. Our expert facilitators, presenters, diverse participants and competitive fees are also attractive to emerging leaders and businesses alike. We continue to seek ways to become self-sustaining through the development of a social enterprise business model, and through our collaboration with organizations who partner with us to deliver community leadership workshops. Special Events “Moral excellence comes 15% about as a result of habit. We become just by doing Tuition 44% Government Grants 15% just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts.” Fee for Service Workshops – Aristotle Sponsorship 9% 2% Memberships & Donations 13% Tuition Awards 2% rt – 2007 Debby Riepe mes Lutheran Ho 2002 Carmen Robert – o Region Leadership Waterlo Brooke Robinson – 2004 Unit Precast (Breslau) Limited 17 | Leadership Waterloo Region Report to the Community 2010 Sharen Robinson – 2007 Region of Waterloo John Rocchetta – 2003 The Beat Goes On Jennifer Ross – 200 9 Sandvine Andrea Ruttan – 2005 Sun Life Financial Larry Ryan – 2002 Region of Waterloo 9 Tim Schaner – 200 Partnership The Walter Fedy – 2008 Anne Schlorff terloo Region of Wa pt De h alt He Public 2005 Mike Seiling – er City of Kitchen Peter Simmons – 2003 ent Nuclear Waste Managem Organization Elizabeth Singal – 2006 HSBC Bank Canada Pat Singleton – 2007 Cambridge Self-Help Food Bank Ken Sleeper – 2004 Union Gas Katherine Smart – 200 7 Morningstar Family Minis tries of Canada Inc Steve Smart – 2003 CIBC Cathy Snyder – 2003 United Way of K-W & Area Alumni in Action Employee sponsors We recognize these organizations for their support of employee participation through program fee support. Advanced Benefits Consulting Alzheimer Society of KitchenerWaterloo Assante Financial Management Ltd. Barrday Big Brothers Big Sisters of KW & Area Bottomline Resource Group Brava! Special Events and Arts Management Cambridge Self-Help Food Bank Canada Revenue Agency Canada’s Technology Triangle Catholic Family Counselling Centre CCAC of Wellington-Dufferin Centre in the Square Christie Digital Systems City of Cambridge City of Kitchener City of Waterloo Clarica Clarity Connects COM DEV Community Justice Initiatives Cowan Insurance Group Damselfly Solutions Deloitte Denison Print Doyle Investments Corp Economical Insurance Group Electri-Tech Services Inc. Extend-A-Family Waterloo Region Faith Life Financial Family Counselling Centre of Cambridge & North Dumfries Fergus Scottish Festival Future-Focus Grand River Conservation Authority Grand River Hospital Greenway-Chaplin Community Centre 04 p ers – 20 Michael Snyd s Inc. Future Focu rn – 2002 Stephen Southe & Associates S.H. Southern Heather Spanjers – 2003 St. Monica House Guelph General Hospital Habitat for Humanity Canada Hospice of Waterloo Region HSBC Bank Canada Independent Living Centre Impact Events Groups Jennifer Roggemann Law Office Kara’s Smart Foods KidsAbility Foundation KidsLINK KIN Canada Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Kuntz Electroplating Inc. KW Counselling Services Inc. Libro Financial Group KW Habilitation Services Madnetter Computing Manulife Financial Medicalis Melloul Blamey Construction Inc Menno S. Martin Contractor Ltd. Mosaic Counselling and Family Services Motivair Canada Ltd. OTIP/RAEO Peerless Turfcare Inc. Performa Financial & The Perpetual Success Program Pine River Cheese Co-operative Planning and Engineering Initiatives Limited PricewaterhouseCoopers Project READ Literacy Network Waterloo-Wellington RAISE Home Support Services Raytheon Canada Ltd. RBJ Schlegel Holdings Inc. Research In Motion Region of Waterloo RBC Royal Bank Erin Spink – 2004 Canadian Cancer SocietyOntario Division Susan St. John – 2002 MS Society - Waterloo Chapter Rockway Mennonite Collegiate Sandvine Septimatech Group Inc. Sevran Automation Group Inc. Shad International Social Innovation Generation (SiG) Social Planning Council of K-W St. John Ambulance St. Mary’s General Hospital Straight Street Event Services Stantec Steckle Heritage Farm Talcor TD Waterhouse The Beat Goes On The DATA Group of Companies The Food Bank of Waterloo Region THE KID ZONE The Waterloo Region Record The Walter Fedy Partnership Thrive! Township of Woolwich Trans Logic Executive Search Group Limited Trinity Village Care Centre Union Gas Ltd. United Way of Cambridge & North Dumfries United Way of Kitchener-Waterloo and Area University of Waterloo University of Waterloo School of Pharmacy Waterloo Regional District School Board Waterloo Regional Labour Council Waterloo Regional Police Service Wilfrid Laurier University Naomi Stansfi eld – 2002 Gordon Stewart – 200 4 Transportation Infrastruc ture Renison-University of Waterloo BSW Program Robin in the Hood Medieval Festival Rockway Mennonite Collegiate Rotary Club Shad International Sigma Chi - Waterloo Skills Ontario Soroptimists International Spectra Energy Helping Hands St. Francis Church St. James-Rosemount United Church St. Jerome’s Centre for the Arts St. Jerome’s High School Memorial Trust Fund St. John’s Soup Kitchen St. Mary’s Catholic Church St. Mary’s Hospital St. Matthews Lutheran Church Sun Life United Way Workplace Campaign Committee Sunnyside Home Foundation Sweet Adelines, Grand Harmony Chapter Tapestry Foundation Taste Local! Taste Fresh! The Arthritis Society The Community Coalition on Refugee and Immigrant Concerns The Community Players The Food Bank of Waterloo Region The Order of St.Lazarus Western Commandery The Organization for Quality Education The Tim Horton Children & Youth Foundation The UWStudent.org Media Corporation The Weekend to End Breast Cancer Tournament of Hope Golf Classic United Way of KW & Area United Way of Bruce Grey United Way of Cambridge and North Dumfries United Way, Child and Youth Priority and Families Impact Team University Downs Neighbourhood Association University of Waterloo Uptown Waterloo Business Improvement Area UpTown Waterloo Jazz Festival Vancouver 2010 Olympics Vancouver 2010 Torch Run Celebration City Task Force Various City Advisory Committees Lisa Strayer – 2003 RBC Dominion Securities Inc. Tracy Suerich – 2009 City of Waterloo Visit www.leadershipwaterlooregion/members to get to know our alumni | 18 Donors, members and sponsors The path to sustainability We continue to actively develop our network of sponsors and supporters. Individuals and businesses who want to become involved with Leadership Waterloo Region can do the following: t*EFOUJGZBOEFODPVSBHFFNFSHJOHMFBEFSTJOUIFJSPSHBOJ[BUJPO to apply to our program. Talk about Leadership Waterloo Region at work and in the community. t$PSQPSBUJPOTDBOTVQQPSUBOFNQMPZFFTUVJUJPOmOBODJBMMZ Our fees are a fraction of the cost of other leadership programs, and include accommodation and meals as well as opening and closing workshops and eight leadership days from September through to June. t1PTUPVS1SPHSBN*OGPSNBUJPO4FTTJPOnZFSTJOUIFJS workplace or email to emerging leaders you know. If you have 10 or more people interested in the program, we would be pleased to hold an information session at your place of work, at a time convenient to your organization. t.BLFBEPOBUJPOUPIFMQVOEFSXSJUFUVJUJPOGFFTGPS selected candidates who are unable to pay the full fee. Funds are made available to maintain the diversity of our program by making it possible for exceptional applicants from all sectors of our community to participate, including ZPVOHFSFOUSFQSFOFVSTOFX$BOBEJBOTTPDJBMQSPmU sector employees, outstanding university and college graduates and student leaders in their last year of school. t4QPOTPSPSBUUFOEPVSGVOESBJTJOHFWFOUT0VS"OOVBM Leadership Breakfast and Fire & Ice Gala each attract approximately 400 people. t#FDPNFBDPSQPSBUFPSJOEJWJEVBMNFNCFS%FQFOEJOHPO the membership level you select, you could be entitled to tickets to our events. Corporate and individual contributions Donors Ian & Debbie Adare Mary Anderson Bob Astley Jan Bockmaster Wilda Bostwick Jennifer Burnham Ryan Chen-Wing Sue Costigan Paul Davock Connie Deckert rland – 2003 Sherri Suthe rial Groves Memo n datio Fo l Hospita un 2005, Brian Swainson – LHIN Waterloo Wellington Deborah DeJong Mary Dever Simon Dowrick Ron Doyle Mark Eamer Nevine El Gendy Corina Emde Jason Farrugia Ruth Friendship-Keller Joseph Fung Brenda Halloran Colleen Haney Lisa Talbot – 2007 KidsAbility Foundation 19 | Leadership Waterloo Region Report to the Community 2010 Carol Taylor – 2001 The Alzheimer Society of Cambridge Tara Henderson Jeff Henry Linda Horn Jim Kilgour Moni Lagonia Katarina Loncar Wendy MacIntosh Rosemary McGowan Joanne McQuiggan Eve Menich Kathy Mostardi Audra Noble Bob Theisz – 200 5 Region of Waterlo o Rose Noonan Teresa Norris-Lue Sue Peterson Jacinda Reitsma Carmen Robert Renata Rusiniak Ken Seiling Pat Singleton Cathy Snyder Erin Spink Lisa Talbot Rachel Thompson Gilberte Thibeault – 2003 John Turvey Shahin Virani Shevaun Voisin Randy Warren Tracey Weiler Diane Wiles Glen Woolner Linda Zensner Brent Thomlison – 2004 Waterloo Regional Police Servic e Rachel Thompson – 2003 Hillside Festival 2 Sue Trayes – 200 City of Cambridge – 2001 John Turvey source Group Bottomline Re rsen – 2009 Joanne Van Deu ice Service al Pol Waterloo Region Sydney Vanderpool – 2003 Vanderpool Athletic Training Systems Angela Vieth – 2003 City of Waterloo Shahin Virani – 2003 Region of Waterloo Robert Voisin – Habitat for Hum 2009 anity Canada Shevaun Voisin – 200 2 Declan McAndrew Publ ishing Ltd Steve Voll – 2008 Stantec Consulting Berry Vrbanovic – 2001 Cityy of Kitchener Alumni in Action Members Visionary ($5000+) Research In Motion Union Gas Ltd. Wilfrid Laurier University Innovator ($2,500+) The Economical Insurance Group Partner ($1,000+) David Graham -CA Stantec Consulting Ltd jpb photography The Walter Fedy Partnership Builder ($500+) Paul Rabb Ambassador ($250+) Robert Denton Brenda Halloran Barbara Hill Mike Murray Anne Paterson Bob Theisz Friend ($100+) Beverly Allan Trudy Beaulne Lynne Calnek Sunshine Chen Rennie Cockram Paula Costa Murray Costello Dan Glenn-Graham Sean Jasmins Dawn McKinnon Mark Miyasaki Kathie Must Terry O’Keefe Carolyn Parks Lori Payne Andrew Pearen Don Pendlebury Katherine Smart Carol Taylor Karin Voisin Funders Media sponsors City of Cambridge City of Kitchener City of Waterloo Region of Waterloo 570 News CHYM FM KIX 106.7 FM Rogers TV Waterloo Region Record Financial sponsors Coldwell Banker Peter Benninger Realty Inc. Crawford Insurance Delta Elevator Ernst & Young Libro Financial Group Miller Thomson LLP PineLake Communications PricewaterhouseCoopers Stellar Canada In-kind sponsors Amplified Midlife Crisis B-G Diamonds and Gold Bam Creative Services Bingemans Bonzai Design Group Denison print Edcom Multimedia Products jpb Photography Lutherwood Sherwood Systems Inc. Westmount Signs & Digital Imaging “It is the responsibility of leadership to provide opportunity, and the responsibility of individuals to contribute.” – William Pollard n – 2003 Randy Warre cial Sun Life Finan 6 Bill Waters – 200 ractive Key Culture Inte Jacqueline Watty – 2005 University of Guelph Roy W. Weber – 2003 Community Charity Services Tracey Weiler – 200 9 Research In Motion Sara Wilbur – 200 7 Grand River Con servation Author ity Diane Wiles – 2002 University of Waterloo Victim Services of Waterloo Region Volunteer Action Centre Volunteer Vancouver Waterloo Banking Project Waterloo Business Index Project Waterloo Busker Carnival Waterloo Cycling Club Waterloo Dance Project Waterloo District Catholic School Board Waterloo Fire - Charities Waterloo Law Association Waterloo Mayor’s Gala -Spotlight on the Arts Waterloo Minor Baseball Association Waterloo Minor Girls Hockey Association Waterloo Minor Girls Softball Association Waterloo Minor Hockey Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council Waterloo Region District School Board Waterloo Region Harm Reduction Network Waterloo Region Housing Coalition Waterloo Region Lawncare Association Waterloo Region Shares Waterloo Region Small Business Centre Waterloo Region Substance Abuse Committee Waterloo Region Track 3 Ski School Waterloo Region Violence Prevention Plan Waterloo Regional Police Male Chorus Waterloo Ringette Association Waterlooians WatWave Wilfrid Laurier University WinterLights Celebrations WLU Managerial Group Waterloo Mennonite Brethren Church Women’s Crisis Services of Waterloo Region Woolwich Minor Hockey Woolwich Wellesley Community Health Centre World Partnership Walk World Women’s Hockey Championship WREA YMCA YW City Kids Daycare YWCA of K-W Zonta Club of KW Zonta International Glen Woolner – 2004 GlenMar Initiatives Inc. Visit www.leadershipwaterlooregion/members to get to know our alumni | 20 Volunteers and supporters: They travel the distance to help us succeed Debbie Adare Ian Adare Keren Adderley Peter Armbruster Nevine El Gendy Neil Aitchison Chris Alksnis Brian Annable Richard Arsic Maureen Baillie Michele Baumgarten Renee Bazile-Jones Dian Bell Christine Bird Biance Bitsakakis Jan Bockmaster Alf Bogusky Erica Brandl Cathy Brothers Alison Burkett Jennifer Burnham David Calder Lynn Cameron John Cammarata David Carter Judy Cavill Sunshine Chen Ryan Chen-Wing Rennie Cockram Paula Costa Murray Costello Doug Craig Maureen Crawford Ken Cressman Shanda Chronowich Denise Davis-Gains Paul Davock Carrie Debrone Don DeMarco Tony Denison Robert Denton Mary Dever Lamine Diallo John Dinner John Doan Ron Dowhaniuk Simon Dowrick Diana Drackley Greg Durocher Christine Dwyer Mark Eamer Jan Edissi Nevine El Gendy Corina Emde Cheryl Ewing D’Arcy Farlow Steve Farlow Joan Fisk Anne Forler Ruth Friendship-Keller Sharon Froelich Jaimee Gadsden David Graham Jamie Grant Rick Haldenby Sue Hallman Brenda Halloran Jim Harper Ted Hastings Cheryl Hawley Cecil Hayes Jane Hennig Jeff Henry Thuy Hilderley Barbara Hill Laurie Hornell Dale Howatt Andrew Hunter Ray Hurst Imran Ismail Tim Jackson Leeno Karumanchery Betty Ann Keller Janine Keller-Ng Jim Kilgour Iain Klugman Mark Kreller J.Fred Kuntz Sandra Lachance Bob Lafrance Ginette Lafrenière Steve LaRochelle Rosalyn LaRochelle Kate Lavender Brian Law Phil LeConte Benton Leong Colleen Lucas Dawn MacKinnon Cathy MacLellan Rashmi Manwani Marilyn Marklevitz Fauzia Mazhar Dan McCarthy Rosemary McGowan Richard McLean Joanne McQuiggan Priya Mehta Mark Miyasaki Tara Mondou Hulene Montgomery Nancy Movrin Mike Murray Kathie Must Jane Neath Teresa Norris-Lue Maureen Nummelin Jill Nyren Jane Orend Anne Paterson Andrew Pearen Rosemary Pell Kate Phillips Gary Pooley Kathy Prpic Sam Purdy Paul Rabb Jacinda Reitsma Gerry Remers Matt Riehl Bernie Roehl Jennifer Roggemann Jon Rohr Jennifer Ross Renata Rusiniak Eric Saunderson Jill Schichter Ken Seiling Chris Sellers Pat Singleton Rosemary Smith Erin Spink Susan St. John Jeff Stager Judith Stephen-Wells Rob Straby Lisa Talbot Karen Taylor-Harrison Bob Theisz John Tibbits Anne Tinker Ingrid Town Ric Trafford Susan Trayes Cliff Trollope Kristin Trotter Genevieve Twomey Martin Van Nierop Jan Varner Angela Vieth Karin Voisin Shevaun Voisin Jen Voss Berry Vrbanovic Randy Warren Tracey Weiler Ross Wells Frances Westley Terry Wichman Diane Wiles Russell Wong Art Woods David Yach Linda Zensner “Leadership is the challenge to be something more than average.” – Jim Rohn on – 2003 Sean Worthingt Nature’s Best Family Initiatives Mark Wotton – 2002 ices Family & Children’s Serv Tracy Wray – 2004 Frito Lay Canada 21 | Leadership Waterloo Region Report to the Community 2010 Chris Wright – 2001 WarrenShepell Cong-Rong Xie – 2005 Economical Ins urance Group Jeff Zavitz – 2002 Tavis-Roland Development Inc. Linda Zensner – 2004 The Kitchener & Waterloo Community Foundation Rebeca Zettl – 2008 Coldwell Banker Peter Benninger Realty Applying to our core program -FBEFSTIJQ8BUFSMPP3FHJPOJTTFSWJOHPVSDPNNVOJUZCZPGGFSJOHUIFPOMZDPNNVOJUZMFBEFSTIJQEFWFMPQNFOUQSPHSBN JO8BUFSMPP3FHJPOCVUXFBSFOPUEPJOHJUBMPOF"TOPUFEPOQSFWJPVTQBHFTXFBSFHSBUFGVMUPBMMJOEJWJEVBMTBOE CVTJOFTTFTXIPTFTVQQPSUPGPVSPSHBOJ[BUJPOIBTBTTJTUFEVTJOPVSXPSL8FFODPVSBHFZPVUPDPOTJEFSKPJOJOHVTPO ZPVSMFBEFSTIJQKPVSOFZ Vision Is our program right for you? To be the definitive provider of leadership development in our community – educating, inspiring and sustaining people on their leadership journey. Consider applying if you: Mission t)BWFXPSLFYQFSJFODFFJUIFSGVMMPSQBSUUJNFBOEXBOUUPEFWFMPQZPVSMFBEFSTIJQTLJMMTGVSUIFSGPS ZPVSPXOCFOFmUBTXFMMBTUIBUPGZPVSXPSLQMBDFBOEZPVSDPNNVOJUZ t)BWFBOJOUFSFTUJOWPMVOUFFSMFBEFSTIJQSPMFTIBWFTUSPOHJOUFHSJUZHPPEQFPQMFTLJMMTBOEBSFBCMFUP UIJOLPVUTJEFPGUIFCPY We provide experiential leadership development, challenge people to view their community through a different lens, and foster connections with active and emerging leaders creating positive change. Values We value the diversities inherent in our community. t8BOUUPHBJONPSFJOEFQUILOPXMFEHFPGUIFDIBMMFOHFTGBDJOHPVSDPNNVOJUZBOEMFBSONPSFBCPVU CFDPNJOHBMFBEFS t8BOUUPDPOOFDUXJUIPUIFSMFBEFSTUPNBLFBNFBOJOHGVMDPOUSJCVUJPOUPZPVSDPNNVOJUZ Table of Contents Program benefits Message from Board Co-Chairs 2 Individual: Employer: Leadership Waterloo Region journey 3 We value that collaboration builds capacity. Class of 2010 4 We commit to continuously developing our programs to meet the ever changing needs and expectations of our community. Core program 5 t*ODSFBTFEMFBEFSTIJQTLJMMTBOELOPXMFEHF PGSFHJPOBMJTTVFTUIBUDBOCFVTFEBUXPSL and in the community t*ODSFBTFEMFBEFSTIJQTLJMMTBOELOPXMFEHFPG SFHJPOBMJTTVFTUIBUDBOCFVTFEGPSHSFBUFS PSHBOJ[BUJPOBMFGGFDUJWFOFTT 2010 community leadership projects 11 t(SFBUFSLOPXMFEHFPGUIFSFHJPOJUTIJTUPSZ and its leaders t/FUXPSLJOHPQQPSUVOJUJFTUIBUDBOIFMQXJUI CVTJOFTTTPMVUJPOT We value the community that supports us. Celebrating 10 years of leadership development 13 Youth on Board program 16 t"OJOGPSNFEOFUXPSLPGEJWFSTFDPMMFBHVFT GPSJOEJWJEVBMDPNNVOJUZBOECVTJOFTT QSPCMFNTPMWJOH Financial strength 17 Employee sponsors 18 Donors, members and sponsors 19 t(SFBUFSVOEFSTUBOEJOHPGZPVSTFMGBTB MFBEFSBOEEJWFSTJUZBUXPSLBOEJOUIF community t"OPQQPSUVOJUZUPQPTJUJPOBCVTJOFTTBTBO PSHBOJ[BUJPOUIBUJTDPNNJUUFEUPDPNNVOJUZ quality of life issues and to position its decision makers as committed community leaders Volunteers and supporters 21 t3FmOFNFOUPGQFSTPOBMWBMVFTBOENJTTJPO Applying to our core program 22 We believe that a strong community requires strong leadership. Leadership days 7 Founding Partners Leaderhip Waterloo Region 519-742-7338 info@leadershipwaterlooregion.org www.leadershipwaterlooregion.org Charitable registration number: 88782 2617 RR0001 t(SFBUFSVOEFSTUBOEJOHPGEJWFSTJUZUIBUDBOCF applied at place of employment t)JHIFSFNQMPZFFSFUFOUJPOSBUFTXIFOFNQMPZFFT are connected to the community Applications are accepted throughout the year, but to be considered for the next program year which begins in September, your application must be submitted by May 1st. Visit our website for details at www.leadershipwaterlooregion.org. Leadership Waterloo Waterloo Region Region Leadership Educating tt Nurturing Nurturing tt Inspiring Inspiring Educating 519-742-7338 519-742-7338 info@leadershipwaterlooregion.org info@leadershipwaterlooregion.org Lead The Way Report to to the the Community Community 2010 2010 Report leadershipWR leadershipWR Special thanks thanks to to Special www.leadershipwaterlooregion.org www.leadershipwaterlooregion.org Educating tt Nurturing Nurturing tt Inspiring Inspiring Educating