Date: 25th July 2016 – 30th July2016 Venue: Curtin
Date: 25th July 2016 – 30th July2016 Venue: Curtin
BORNEO YOUTH LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2016 Hazwani Jamaludin Organizing Chairperson Borneo Youth Leadership Conference 2016 Curtin University Sarawak, CDT 250, 98009 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +60 19-3191836 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Ir. Eko Budi Djatmiko, M.Sc, Ph.D, Assistant Rector IV Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November 8th April 2016 INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE BORNEO YOUTH LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2016 On behalf of the Borneo Youth Leadership Conference 2016 (BYLC), I Hazwani Jamaludin, Organizing Chairperson, am pleased to extend an invitation to students from your institute to participate in this year’s event. Details of the conference are as follows, Date: 25th July 2016 – 30th July2016 Venue: Curtin University Sarawak, Malaysia Theme: Empowering the Millennial Mind BYLC is a unique, life-changing experience for young leaders who attend each year. It attracts youths from all around the world and introduces younger generations to successful and inspirational personalities. During this six-day conference, delegates are challenged to learn, develop, and practice leadership skills that can be applied in their daily lives. Also, it provides students with the opportunity to test their leadership abilities in simulated scenarios and workshops. The ultimate goal of the conference is to motivate the youth to pursue their dreams and goals with a renewed sense of belief and determination by meeting and engaging with BYLC’s distinguished and reputable speakers. The theme for this year conference is “Empowering the Millennial Mind”, which focuses on the millennial generation development. Generation Y were born between 1980s and 2000; they present a unique and exciting leadership challenge. Indisputably bright and talented, they think differently, have unique needs, and require new management styles. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Curtin University, Sarawak Malaysia, CDT 250, 98009, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Vinodh Menon | Founder of Borneo Youth Leadership Conference | | Tel: +6012 7022 502 Page 1 of 7 BORNEO YOUTH LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2016 DElEGATE SELECTION CRITERIA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Aged between 17-26 years at the time of BYLC 2016. Healthy, curious, aspirant, and outgoing. Exhibit strong cross-cultural sensitivity and adaptability. Have the ability to communicate and express themselves in English. Comfortable working in a cooperative manner. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The selection process is as below: *************************************************************************************** Step 1: Assessment Students shall be required to fill a Participation Registration Form (refer to Page 5). Each interested candidate is required to send an approximately 500 worded essay with the following guidelines: Title: Do you agree that Generation-Y is the dumbest generation? Support your answer. Length: 500 words Participation Registration Form together with the 500-word essay should be submitted via email to the Status of your application will be communicated with you within 48-hours of receiving your application. Step 2: Payment Upon being accepted into the conference, payment of the total registration fee of all students and guardians must be made. Successful applicants will be required to submit the following documents to the conference organizers: - Consent Form of all students - A formal letter from the respective institute consisting of: Names of its students participating in the conference Curtin University, Sarawak Malaysia, CDT 250, 98009, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Vinodh Menon | Founder of Borneo Youth Leadership Conference | | Tel: +6012 7022 502 Page 2 of 7 BORNEO YOUTH LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2016 - Contact details of the person in-charge of the students An official stamp of the respective institute Proof of payment of the Registration Fee Successful applicants from your institute shall be charged a Registration Fee of: ITEM COST Participant Guardian USD 400 USD 800 Registration fee covers the following: 1) Accommodation 2) Food and Beverages 3) Outings *Please note that these outings are only those planned by the BYLC 2016 organizing team. 4) Transportation *Please note that transportation covers airport pickup and sendoff, transport to conference venues, and back to accommodation, and any others authorized by the organizing team. Please make the required payments to the following account: Account Name: Flying V Events Bank Name: Malayan Banking Berhad (Maybank) Bank Address: 66, 68 & 70, Jalan Maarof, Bangsar Baru, 59100 Kuala Lumpur Branch Contact Number: +603-2284 6379 Bank Account No: 514123639929 Swift code / BIC: MBBEMYKL You will be provided with an official receipt upon receiving your payment. *************************************************************************************** Please submit the above mentioned documents before the 1st of July 2016 via email to the Director of External Affairs, Liew Chun Vui at Curtin University, Sarawak Malaysia, CDT 250, 98009, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Vinodh Menon | Founder of Borneo Youth Leadership Conference | | Tel: +6012 7022 502 Page 3 of 7 BORNEO YOUTH LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2016 Should you have any queries please contact Liew Chun Vui at or +601125105687 (mobile). Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter and I look forward to hosting students from your institute at this year’s Borneo Youth Leadership Conference. Should you need further information, please visit our Facebook page and our official website as shown below: Official Website: Facebook: @BorneoYouthLeadershipConference Instagram: @BorneoYouthLC Twitter: @BorneoYouthLC Your Sincerely, Hazwani Hazwani Jamaludin Organization Chairperson Borneo Youth Leadership Conference 2016 Tel: +6019 3191836 E-mail: Curtin University, Sarawak Malaysia, CDT 250, 98009, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Vinodh Menon | Founder of Borneo Youth Leadership Conference | | Tel: +6012 7022 502 Page 4 of 7 BORNEO YOUTH LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2016 PARTICIPANT REGISTRATION FORM ORGANISED BY: Flying V Events & Curtin Sarawak Student Council 2016 25th July 2016 – 30th July 2016 CURTIN UNINERSITY SARAWAK CAMPUS, MALAYSIA “Igniting the Millennial Mind” PLEASE FILL OUT THE FORM IN BLOCK/CAPITAL LETTERS. Section A: Personal Details Full Name (English) : ______________________________________ Age: ___________ I.C. No. / Passport No.: ______________________________________ Contact No.: ___________________________ Sex: M / F (please circle one) Email: _____________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ School/Institute: ________________________________________________________________________ Year: ____________________ T-Shirt Size: XS/S/M/L/XL/XXL/XXXL Allergies/Medical Condition: _______________________________________________________________ Diet (Please state if vegetarian or non-vegetarian): ______________________________________________ I declare that all information provided in Section A, are valid and up-to-date. In the case of any changes I will inform the 2016 Borneo Youth Leadership Conference team immediately. Participant Signature: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________ Curtin University, Sarawak Malaysia, CDT 250, 98009, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Vinodh Menon | Founder of Borneo Youth Leadership Conference | | Tel: +6012 7022 502 Page 5 of 7 BORNEO YOUTH LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2016 Section B: Guardian Details This section is specifically for the person-in-charge of the applicant. If the applicant is attending on their own volition, please provide next of kin details. Principal/Person-in-charge Name: _______________________________ Contact Number: ___________________________ Email: _______________________________ School/Institute Official Stamp: ____________________________ Signature: ________________________ Date:_______________________ Curtin University, Sarawak Malaysia, CDT 250, 98009, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Vinodh Menon | Founder of Borneo Youth Leadership Conference | | Tel: +6012 7022 502 Page 6 of 7 BORNEO YOUTH LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2016 CONSENT FORM PARENTS’/GUARDIAN’S CONSENT (FOR PARTICIPANTS UNDER 18) I (full name) _____________________________ (Parent/Guardian) give consent to _________________________________ (Full name of participant, hereinafter “the said participant”) to participate in the 2016 Borneo Youth Leadership Conference organized by the Curtin Sarawak Student Council, at Curtin University Sarawak Campus, Malaysia from the 25th of July 2016 till the 30th of July 2016. I agree to relieve and indemnify the Organizing Committee of the Borneo Youth Leadership Conference 2016 for all liability whatsoever for any accident or injury incurred to the said participant or loss of any nature during the period of the camp. Address (if different from above):__________________________________________________________ Contact No.: ________________________ Relationship to applicant:__________________________ Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: ______________________ Date: _____________________ CONSENT FORM (FOR PARTICIPANTS OVER 18) I (Participant’s full name) ___________________________________ agree to participate in the 2016 Borneo Youth Leadership Conference organized by the Curtin Sarawak Student Council, at Curtin University Sarawak Campus, Malaysia from the 25th of July 2016 till the 30th of July 2016. I agree to relieve and indemnify the Organizing Committee of the Borneo Youth Leadership Conference 2016 for all liability whatsoever for any accident or injury incurred to me or loss of any nature during the period of the conference. Participant’s Signature: ____________________________ Date: __________________ Curtin University, Sarawak Malaysia, CDT 250, 98009, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Vinodh Menon | Founder of Borneo Youth Leadership Conference | | Tel: +6012 7022 502 Page 7 of 7
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