July 2016 Some of our wonderful guests at our Paparazzi


July 2016 Some of our wonderful guests at our Paparazzi
July 2016
Some of our wonderful guests at our Paparazzi Restaurant Event
Newsletter No. 1, 2016
Inside your
Discovery News
Advertise in our MDC..............................
MDC Fundraiser ..................................
New “Marine Parks” interactive model
The National MDC Conference .…....…..
Science Symposium Workshop .............
“Litter Less” KESAB presentation.........
Welcome to the ‘The Discovery News’.
Just a reminder, newsletters will be emailed to
all who have an email address. If you don’t
have one, a hard copy will be given to you.
As this is a Volunteer and MDC supporter’s
newsletter, you are all encouraged to submit
photos, information, news and/or stories.
To do this you can email us, Ursula or Tim:
UQuack-Weatherley@star.catholic.edu.au or
Volunteer Workshop …………….…………..
MDC Vacation Care Visits …….…………..
Liberals pledge $100K to the MDC ……..
Birthdays and new volunteer ….........
Adopt - A - Creature ………………….……..
Term 2 Theme “Wonders of the Sea”.
Thank you ……………………….….............
Latest News: AMLRNRM have just
confirmed their $20,000 sponsorship
for the MDC.
Our MDC Volunteer and ENJO Rep,
Bernadette, will personally donate $50
to the Marine Discovery Centre for every
ENJO Demonstration booked and held
(with 4 guests) up until September 2016
Please call Bernadette on 0407 610 8
Nathan Casserly 0419 358 699
Editor’s Note: Huge thanks to Nathan from OCRE and Nick from Estia for continuing
their sponsorship. Please support their great businesses!
ph: 8353 2875
Paparazzi Fundraiser
We were thrilled with our first-ever fundraiser, held on Tuesday night of the 31st
May, with 120 guests. Huge thanks to Michael Tambakis and Mirella MorizziTambakis from Paparazzi who provided their venue as a sponsorship. Many thanks
also to Kelly Noble from Glam Adelaide who sought Auction Items and promoted the
event. Whilst the final count showed we raised almost $7K, more importantly the
spirit of the night was “something you couldn’t buy”.
Many thanks to our fantastic donors including Robert ‘Legend’ Pedicini who once
again supported the MDC by providing a fully installed solar system, the Young
family, d'Arenberg Wines, Professor Chris Daniels, Brett Burton with a football
signed by the Crows Leadership Team, Steve Testar provided a Steve Waugh signed
Cricket Bat, Kelly and Adrian Manera from Haggle Huge, Bird in Hand, Vittoria
Coffee, Paul Caica MP, Matt Williams MP, Kayla Itsines, Anastasia Claudio, Minnow
on Seaview and SILK Laser Henley Beach. We also received great vouchers including
Estia, Bernadette Borg from ENJO, Jacqui Pugsley with Tupperware, 303 By the Sea,
House of Chow, Leah Itsines, Mediterranean café, Tom and Steve Kosmidis – Mobil
fuel voucher, Gauchos, Visual Energy Studios Cheer & Dance and Coal Cellar + Grill,
Hilton Adelaide.
Special thanks to Salma Forozandeh from ChemPlus and Kelly Baker Jamieson from
Edible Blooms who both donated some great prizes for our raffles.
Nathan Casserly from Ouwens-Casserly did a superb job as our MC for the night.
Kelly and Mirella planning for the BIG event
Some of our auction items
Guests arriving
Some of our guests
The kids enjoyed the Pizza and Pasta too
Joe welcomes our guests
Nathan - our MC for the night
Matt Williams MP
guests enjoying the night including MDC Volunteers, Vivienne and Ann, and Janine, Teacher from Star of the Sea
Nathan and Tim with the Raffle tickets
Tim announcing all the winners of the auctions items
The ‘very generous’ Tambakis Family
New “Marine Parks” interactive model
This brilliant new model challenges the learner to discover more about fishing in our Marine Parks in SA and
what we can do in various areas of our State. It has already proven to
be a big hit, with many of our visiting teachers commenting about
their children’s engagement.
This model was developed by achieving a Recreational Fishing
Grant, provided by DEWNR – Dept for Environment, Water and
Natural Resources.
Our interactive models have proven to be an excellent learning tool
as they engross our learners whilst reinforcing better environmental
Jesse (Director), Ursula and Tom (Designer)
investigate what you can do in a marine sanctuary
The National MDC Conference
Thursday 23rd – Sunday 26th June
Since 2005, MDC’s from around Australia have met annually to discuss our progress,
share our difficulties and discuss new ideas for the future.
Toni Wilson and the rest of the team from the Coastal Environment Centre,
Narrabeen, Sydney, including Tim, Hope and Jules were excellent hosts for this
year’s meeting.
The passion and enthusiasm to ‘make a difference’ was amazing – with long days
and thought-provoking discussions held well in to the evenings. This informal part is
often the most valuable part of any conference. Fisheries Research Development
Corporation (FRDC) has been supporting our meetings since 2006. It was great to
see Peter Horvat, FRDC Manager Communications, Trade and Marketing, who also
presented to our group.
Some of the highlights and ideas for our future MDC included:
An amazing Sea Jelly aquarium – they need to be cylindrical for sea jellies to survive as they can harm
themselves even with the corners of an aquarium
A fantastic entrance which makes you feel as though you’re under the sea
An amazing experience being under the creatures including a shark
A shark jaw display highlighting the various types of shark teeth
Virtual Reality Goggles which allowed you to go exploring
You were able to discover sharks, stingrays, a blue groper and other species.
Science Symposium Workshop
held at the MDC on Friday 3rd June 2016
Storytelling in science communication: join us for a day at the beach
Provided by: Australian Science Communicators (SA Branch)
This mini-conference promoted storytelling for 49 educators in a packed house! The day’s
focus was Storytelling which can transform dry, technical information into compelling and
engaging content that everyone wants to read, watch, listen to and share.
The Opening address was from Kristin Alford, UniSA. Kristin is director of UniSA’s Science,
Creativity and Education Studio (or SciCEd), and she shared her thoughts on where science fits in
our culture. The day featured a ‘Wonggayerlo: Footprints in the Sand’ performance with Karl
Telfer (Aboriginal leader and cultural bearer) and Michael Mills (Heaps Good Productions). The
story highlighted different ways of understanding our relationship to the natural world, a place
where science meets culture, and is a journey of two peoples across the generations. Karl and
his nephew Karno, MDC Marine Trainee, provided an outstanding finale including cultural dance
and story.
The Beachcombing experience involved Marine Discovery Centre patrons Karl Telfer and Chris
Daniels (biologist and science communicator) as well as Michael providing a real-time science
communication experience from different points of view amongst the sands.
Huge thanks and congratulations to the SA Branch of Australian Science Communicators who
were brilliant to work with, including Michael Mills, Sarah Keenihan and Rona Sakko.
the packed house at the MDC
the panel discussion provided an insight into storytelling
the conferees thoroughly enjoyed the experience
William meets Winda in the Wonngayerlo
‘Litter Less’ KESAB Presentations
We are very grateful that Grace Barila, KESAB Business Development Manager,
and Richard Olesinki, Consultant, met with Nicole Mertens, MDC Marine
Biologist-in-Residence and me recently. A Marine Debris Day, 15 KESAB
presentations for our visiting schools and promotion for both organisations are
the expected outcomes. Very exciting!!
Wendy presents to a new group
Volunteer Workshop
Monday 4th July
Aboriginal Coastal Cultural Learning with Karl Telfer
Karl Winda Telfer, one of our MDC Patrons, led us through a day of cultural
learning, focusing on coastal and marine aspects. Karl is highly skilled in many
areas, he is a storyteller, talented presenter, artist, designer and educator and he
holds a great amount of cultural knowledge. He is also an excellent Mentor for
Karno Kuri Martin. Karno, our Marine Trainee, from the Mullawirra tribal clan of
the Kaurna Nation, supported Karl for the day. This Volunteer Workshop was
funded through an Adelaide and Mt Lofty NRM Board Community Grant.
Welcome from Karl
Kaurna Country
Karno and Karl
some of our volunteers learning from Karl
Karno explaining some of the tools used by the Aboriginal People in
the EPA’s Catchment to Coast Learning Station
Marine Discovery Centre
Vacation Care
Bring the beach to your centre/school…
with Marine Biologist/Teacher Lisa and Marine
Trainee Karno
Lisa showing a local seastar
Karno highlighting Aboriginal artefacts
Learning experiences that allow students to discover the wonders of our local
marine environment through interactive & hands-on activities linked to ACARA.
Visits may include activities focused on:
 Aboriginal Coastal Knowledge
 Marine Litter
 Coastal Erosion
 Camouflage
 The Water Cycle
 Local Birds
 Overfishing
 Beachcombing at your local beach or school
Session Time: 90 minutes
Cost: $10 per student – minimum cost $300
Maximum students: 60
Bookings: 8115 7402 or email: info@marinediscoverycentre.com.au
Liberals pledge $100K to the MDC
The Federal Member for Hindmarsh Matt Williams was joined by Minister for the
Environment, Greg Hunt to announce a re-elected Coalition Government would
deliver $100,000 to the Marine Discovery Centre to improve the learning
experience of the thousands of children who visit the centre each year.
“The Marine Discovery Centre gets great support from the community with dozens
of volunteers supporting the Marine Discovery Centre each year and this funding
will support the centre to better engage with those who want to help,” Minister
Hunt said.
Minister Greg Hunt, Matt Williams MP and MDC Student Leaders
We are very thankful to Matt Williams MP who worked very hard to gain this
pledge for the MDC.
Tim for the 13th May
Wendy for the 13th May
Rae for the 27th May
Li for the 4th June
Matt P for the 12 June
Greg for the 28th June
Wayne for the 9th July
Eloisa for the 31st July
WELCOME to our new volunteers
How can YOU assist?
Why not adopt one of your own marine creatures? We’ll send you an information kit about your creature and
you’ll be helping us to continue our important education programs.
By adopting a creature you will be helping the Marine Discovery Centre to:
Feed your creature(s)
Educate visiting school children and public about our special marine environment
Increase awareness of the need to protect marine life
Provide cooling, lighting and filtration for our creatures
Provide opportunities for people observe creatures in aquaria, many of our visitors have never seen
these creatures alive before
The Adoption Package (for one year)
Our Adoption package gives you the opportunity to receive updated
information and provides the Marine Discovery Centre with financial support.
For your commitment you receive:
Photograph of your creature
A marine Storybook featuring our local marine life
A personalised Certificate of your adoption
4 Newsletters: with your name included as a Creature Owner (option)
Our students can get a close-up view
Where Your Sponsorship Money Goes
Your commitment goes into the production of the information and the forwarding of the updates. The
remainder of the money goes into our education projects.
Port Jackson sharks
Yes, I would like to adopt a creature.
Please fill-in your Details
Creatures available:
Name: …………………………………….…………………...
(You will have the option of extending
your adoption each year.)
Address: ……………….............................................................
Port Jackson Sharks
Whitebar Boxfish
Blue Devil
Balmain Bug
Pencil Sea Urchin
…… …….................................. State: ….… Post Code:…….
Phone:…………….…….. Mobile: …………………………..
Email: ……………………………….…………………..……..
Type of Creature chosen:………………………………………
You can name your creature? (eg Barry Balmain Bug)
Cheques payable to: Catholic Education SA Environmental
Public Fund (Tax Deductible)
Payment method: (please circle) Credit Card Cash Cheque
Credit cards details:
Master Card
Exp. Date: …../.….
Silver Perch
$ 50
$ 50
$ 50
$ 50
River Murray Rainbows $ 50
Name on card: ……………………………………………….....
Creature: $...............
I wish to make an additional donation of $..............
Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible via DGR status
Total transaction: $...............
Signature: ………………………….… Date: ……/……./…….
Whitebar Boxfish
Please send this form via:
email: UQuack-Weatherley@star.catholic.edu.au
or post: Marine Discovery Centre: 333 Military Road, Henley Beach SA 5022
or fax: 08-8235 1835
Term 2 Theme
Wonders of the Sea
Do you know what this is?
It is the shell of a Balmain bug.
Top of the Balmain Bug shell
bottom of the Balmain Bug shell
This is the Balmain Bug with its new shell.
The Balmain Bug has no pincers and uses its short, wide antennae to dig into sand and mud on
the ocean floor in search of food. The Balmain Bug is found from Southport in Queensland,
through to New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania to Geraldton in Western
We are very proud of the organisations
which support the Marine Discovery Centre
Environment Protection Authority (EPA) of SA
Star of the Sea School and Parents
Catholic Education Office
Henley Parish
Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural
Resources Management Board (AMLRNRM)
Primary Industries and Regions SA’s (PIRSA)
Fisheries and Aquaculture
Dept Environment, Water & Natural Resources
Adelaide's (DEWNR)
The City of Charles Sturt
The Ian Potter Foundation
Adelaide Airport Limited
Landcare Australia
Coast Protection Board
OC - Ouwens Casserly Real Estate
Ochre Digital
Nature Foundation SA
Gold Coast Logic Integration
Norman Wettenhall Foundation
NGS Super
Flinders University
IFAW - International Fund for Animal Welfare
The Myer Foundation
Pat Doogue – MYOB
Buss & Grigg Electrical
Cibo’s, Henley Square
H2O Aquariums
Edwards Marshall Pty Ltd | Chartered Accountants
Fresh Fruiterers – Ralph & Jane Schinella
Estia, Henley Square
Geoff Hardy Wines K1
Cibo, Henley Square
*We are also very grateful for the many private
donations that we receive.
Marine Discovery Centre Contact:
ph: 8115 7402 fax: 8235 1835
Tim: THoile@star.catholic.edu.au
DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in
this newsletter are not necessarily those of the
Star of the Sea School
Marine Discovery Centre