living - Versace Home
living - Versace Home
INDICE | CONTENT living 005 dining123 bedding173 lamps241 technicals251 living Design contemporaneo accostato ad arredi dalla forte personalità classica, questo il nuovo concept di design per il Living Versace Home. Un gioco di opposti uniti da un unico fil-rouge, il ricco patrimonio di stampe proprio del DNA della Maison che alterna motivi accesi e glamour a decori più classici. Un insieme di apparenti alternanze per esprimere al meglio il lifestyle Versace Home. Elements of contemporary design are matched with items characterized by a strong classical personality. This is the new design concept of Versace Home Living collection. In this game of opposites there is a uniting element: the rich variety of prints that are the distinct feature of the style of the Maison Versace, where bright and glamorous prints alternate with more classical motifs to express to the fullest the unique lifestyle of Versace Home. 005 007 Comfort e originalità per il nuovo divano Bubble, qui proposto nella vivace versione multicolor, abbinato al tavolino Sunburst il cui piano di cristallo è sostenuto da una esplosione di barre colorare in acciaio cromato. Comfort and originality are the main features of the new Bubble sofa, here in a bright, multicolor version, matched with the Sunburst coffee table, whose crystal top is supported by an explosion of colorful chromium-plated steel bars. ECLIPSE SIDE TABLE LQCLGL0BLUE VAR. CR21 SUNBURST COFFEE TABLE LH12ML0FUME VAR. MC00 011 Raffinatezza ed eleganza unite nella versione jacquard avorio del divano Bubble. BUBBLE ARMCHAIR UE00PHCREAM VAR. 0010 BUBBLE ARMCHAIR UE00TF06652 VAR. 0002 Sophistication and elegance combine in this ivory jacquard version of the Bubble sofa. NARCISO COFFEE TABLE NTF7LKMIRRO VAR. BZI0 BACO LAMP LP8SGL40000 VAR. NI04 SHCYTM05030 VAR. 0041 013 015 VANITAS II ARMCHAIR WP00AM01693 VAR. 0061 VANITAS II UPHOLSTERY COLOUR VARIATIONS VAR. 0063 VAR. 0062 VAR. 0060 Colori accesi e vivaci interpretano la nuova seduta Vanitas, icona di ispirazione classica della Maison. Bright, lively colors for this new version of the Vanitas armchair, a true icon of classical inspiration of the Maison Versace. VAR. 0061 017 019 VANITAS ARMCHAIR VP00LEHELMU VAR. L104 ASTEROID ARMCHAIR EKPOPEBLACK VAR. 0002 CROCO CARPET MT2MLSVM004 VAR. 0001 Morbidissima pelle nera per il divano Asteroid, in contrasto con gli accenti pop della nuova declinazione metalizzata nell’iconica poltroncina Vanitas. The ultra-soft black leather of the Asteroid sofa sets off the contrasting pop character of the new metal-finish version of the iconic Vanitas armchair. ASTEROID SOFA EKDO PEBLACK VAR. 0002 021 COMPOSITION > p. 007 1. bubble sofa 280x112x73h code ULP3RCPATCH VAR. MC00 4 6 1 3 2 5 COMPOSITION > p. 015 2. sunburst coffee table diam90X45h code LH12ML0FUME VAR. MC00 1. ivory day cabinet 240X55X75h code BCDYLK24055 VAR. BZ10 3. eclipse side table diam50x60h code OQCLGLBLACK VAR. CR10 2. vanitas II armchair 56X57X98h code WP00AM01693 VAR. 0061 1 2 4. bubble table lamp code LP8TGL10000 VAR. CR30 bubble shade code SHCYTM04528 VAR. AR00 3. laurel pouff 45X45X45h code UJ00SE30403 VAR. 0001 4. narciso coffee table 120X120X33h code NTF7LKMIRRO VAR. BZ10 5. harem carpet diam 200x200 code MTYALAVM013 VAR. 0001 3 6. via gesù console 190X45X85h code CGF2PEHELMU VAR. 0404 5 5. baco table lamp LP8TGL20000 VAR. CR09 baco shade code SHCYTM04528 VAR. AR00 4 COMPOSITION > p. 011 COMPOSITION > p. 019 1. bubble sofa 280X112X73h code ULP3PHCREAM VAR. 0010 1. asteriod sofa 280X100X85h code EKDOPEBLACK VAR. 0002 2. bubble armchair 151X112X73h code UE00PHCREAM VAR. 0010 3. laurel pouff 45X45X45h code UJ00SE30403 VAR. 0001 6 5 7 5. diamante console 145X45X80h code EFFDPESOFTY VAR. 2261 2 4 3. sunburst coffee table diam90X45h code LH12ML0FUME VAR. MC00 4. narciso coffee table 120X120X33h code NTF7LKMIRRO VAR. BZ10 7 1 2. asteriod armchair 110X100X85h code EKPOPEBLACK VAR. 0002 3 2 1 4 3 6. baco floor lamp code LP8SGL40000 VAR. NI04 baco shade code SHCYTM05030 VAR. 0041 7. iconix table lamp code LP8TSLSTRIS VAR. 0002 iconix shade code SH50TM00820 VAR. 4CN1 6 5 4. vanitas armchair 55X58X91h code VP00LEHELMU VAR. L104 5. coliseum side table 50X50X50h code OL00ML05050 VAR. CR00 6. croco carpet 300X300h code MT2MLSVM004 VAR. 0001 7. bubble table lamp code LP8TGL10000 VAR. CR50 bubble shade code SHCYTM04528 VAR. AR00 025 VAR. D019 VAR. D015 Simboli e stilemi neoclassici, come anfore e fregi antichi, si accendono di nuovi brillanti colori nei tessuti che decorano le poltroncine Harem, dalla originale forma a cuscini sovrapposti. Neoclassical symbols and style features, like the ancient amphorae and decorations, are illuminated by the new bright colors of the upholstery fabrics of the Harem armchairs with their original structure of piled up cushions. VAR. 0005 VAR. 0002 VAR. 0006 VAR. 0004 VAR. 0001 VAR. D013 FLORIAN MIRROR PAGLSA12024 VAR. D003 SUNBURST COFFEE TABLE LH12ML0PINK VAR. A175 HAREM ARMCHAIR UX00CD00000 VAR. 0003 029 NORMANDIE ARMCHAIR UV00PE19859 VAR. 2CR2 ECLIPSE COFFEE TABLE OK9IGLBLACK VAR. CR10 sKEtch CARPET MTCBLAVM003 VAR. 0001 Versace Home interpreta nel divano Normandie, il raffinato decoro bianco e nero dei tessuti accostato con originalità alla pelle. With the Normandie sofa Versace Home offers an original interpretation of the sophisticated black and white pattern of the upholstery in juxtaposition to leather. NORMANDIE ARMCHAIR UV00PE19859 VAR. 2CR2 031 033 SOFT COUTURE CUBE SOFA WSP2RQBLACK VAR. 5002 MINOSSE METAL SIDE TABLE OM00ML05040 VAR. CR21 COLISEUM COFFEE TABLE OY00ML11011 VAR. CR50 VAR. CR75 VAR. CR64 Una declinazione più maschile del divano Soft Couture, dove il velluto trapuntato ammorbidisce il rigore della pelle nera. VAR. CR62 A more masculine version of the Soft Couture sofa, where quilted velvet softens the severity of black leather. VAR. CR50 035 037 ECLIPSE SIDE TABLE OQCLMBCREAM VAR. H173 LAKE EMBROIDERY SOFA FMP2VBDIAMA VAR. 5009 COSTE CHANDELIER LP8BGLCOSTE VAR. 0001 Proposte di arredo originali e innovative che esprimono allo stesso tempo l’attenzione per il dettaglio e la raffinata artigianalità. Original and innovative interior design items combining great care for details and sophisticated craftsmanship. LAKE EMBROIDERY ARMCHAIR FO00VR00525 VAR. 2150 039 Un drappo di morbida suede accarezza la rigorosa forma neoclassica della nuova sedia La Nuit, disponibile in molteplici tonalità pastello e colori vivaci. Soft suede leather is elegantly draped over the rigorous frame of the new version of the Nuit chair, available in several pastel and bright colors. LA NUIT CHAIR IK00PESCAMO VAR. 0073 VAR. 0040 VAR. 0028 VAR. 0042 VAR. 0061 LA NUIT CHAIR IK00PESCAMO VAR. 0003 LA NUIT CHAIR IK00PESCAMO VAR. 0028 041 COMPOSITION > p. 025 1. harem armchair 90x90x90h code UX00CD00000 VAR. 0004 2. harem armchair code UX00CD00000 VAR. 0003 6 3 2 8 1 COMPOSITION > p. 033 3. harem armchair code UX00CD00000 VAR. 0002 5 4 5 4. harem armchair code UX00CD00000 VAR. 0005 2. soft couture cube sofa 250x108x80h code WSP2RQBLACK VAR. 5002 5. florian mirror 120x240 code PAGLSA12024 VAR. D019 6. florian mirror code PAGLSA12024 VAR. D015 4 7 6 5 1 2 3 7. harem carpet diam 200 code MTYALAVM013 VAR. 0001 2 1 3. coliseum coffee table 110x110x40h code OY00ML11011 VAR. CR50 3 4. jewel cabinet left door 100x50x224h code OU5CGLSXD19 VAR. F010 8. sunburst coffee table diam90x50h code LH12ML0PINK VAR. A175 5. jewel cabinet right door 100x50x224h code OU5CGLDXD19 VAR. F010 COMPOSITION > p. 029 COMPOSITION > p. 037 1. normandie sofa 245x95x73h code URP2RBBLACK VAR. 2002 1. la nuit chair 50x50xh95h code IK00PESCAMO VAR. 0028 2. normandie armchair 100x95x73h code UV00PE19859 VAR. 2CR2 2. lake embroidery armchair 104x95x83h code FO00VR00525 VAR. 2150 3. sketch carpet 250x300 code MTCBLAVM003 VAR. 0001 3. lake embroidery sofa 180x95x83h code FMP2VDDIAMA VAR. 5009 1 3 4. eclipse coffee table diam120xh37 code OK9IGLBLACK VAR. CR10 4 1. coliseum console 145x40x80h code OA00ML14540 VAR. CR62 6 5. eclipse side table diam50x60h code OQCLGLBLACK var. CR10 6. bug table lamp code LP8TGL00SIM VAR. 0001 bug shade code SHCYTM01625 VAR. 0003 4 2 5 4. eclipse coffee table diam120x37h code OK9IMBCREAM VAR. H173 5. eclipse side table diam50x60h code OQCLMBCREAM VAR. H173 6. cubo micro table lamp code LP8TMB0CUBE VAR. MO01 cubo micro shade code SH50TM00214 VAR. 4CN1 045 SERGE MIRROR KS00MR12024 var. 1013 VAR. 2002 VAR. 1013 Eleganza estrema accostata a forme contemporanee e materiali originali come il cristallo a motivi optical applicato alla scocca del divano Sunset. SERGE MIRROR KS00MR12024 var. 2002 Extreme elegance, contemporary design and unusual materials, like the crystal with optical pattern applied to the body of the Sunset sofa. SUNSET SOFA LODVGLSOFTY VAR. 2200 047 049 CRYSTAL GREY LAMP LP8TGL00901 VAR. 0002 SHCYTM05028 VAR. 0003 BERGERE ARMCHAIR LE00LKWHITE VAR. L100 Un gioco di alternanze tra bianco e nero applicato a forme pulite e lineari che crea un ambiente sofisticato e contemporaneo, di grande attrattiva. The alternate use of black and white on clean, linear shapes creates an immensely attractive, sophisticated and contemporary ambience. DEDALO CONSOLE OVRALK16045 VAR. NI00 BERGERE POUFF LU00LKWHITE var. L100 051 053 VIA GESù SIDE TABLE GC00PE06666 VAR. 0001 ROUND FLOOR LAMP LP8SGL00801 VAR. 1002 SOFT COUTURE ARMCHAIR SRBRPXWHITE var. 1001 SOFT COUTURE POUFF SFQDPXWHITE VAR. 1001 Bianco puro sul prezioso divano in pelle pieno fiore Soft Couture e per gli arredi contemporanei della linea di complementi Via Gesù. Pure white for the rich full-grain leather Soft Couture sofa and for the contemporary furnishing accessories of the Via Gesù collection. SOFT COUTURE SOFA SUP2PXWHITE var. 1001 VIA GESù console CG00PE19045 VAR. 0001 055 057 MINOSSE SIDE TABLE MESMPEBLACK VAR. 0002 UNIQUE CHAISELONGUE UCGAPRWHITE var. 1001 Maestria artigianale, attenzione al dettaglio e purezza delle forme in un complemento semplice e sofisticato. Exquisite craftsmanship, care for details and sophisticated pure lines for this simple, yet refined item. UNIQUE COFFEE TABLE UT13LKCROMO VAR. L200 COUTURE ARMCHAIR RCBRPR03723 VAR. 1002 RITA LAMP LP8TVH00441 VAR. 0002 SHCETM00000 VAR. 0002 COUTURE SOFA RSP3PR03725 VAR. 2001 COMPOSITION > p. 045 1. sunset sofa 250x105x60h code LODVGLSOFTY VAR. 2200 2. dedalo coffee table 120x120x36h code OZQDLK12012 VAR. NI01 3. carnevale mirror 120x240h code GQ00MR12024 VAR. 00P1 7 3 6 8 1 COMPOSITION > p. 053 4. shanghai desk 160x70x70h code GIGLLK16070 VAR. L100 5 1 5. unique armchair 67x82x83h code UAGAPRSOFTY VAR. 2245 4 5 4 6. maria floor lamp code LP8SGLMARIA var. 2001 2. dorian coffee table 110x110x35h code TDQ5LK11010 VAR. CR02 3. round table lamp code LP8TGL00801 VAR. 1002 7. crystal grey table lamp code LP8TGL00901 VAR. 0002 crystal grey shade code SHCYTM05028 VAR. 0003 2 1. soft couture sofa 250x108x86h code SUP2PXWHITE VAR. 1001 3 4. via gesù side table 66x66x40h code GC00PE06666 VAR. 0001 2 5. minosse double side table leather 125x50x50h code MEDAPECUOIO VAR. 0001 8. shanghai console 190x50x90h code GHGLLK19050 VAR. L100 COMPOSITION > p. 049 1. couture modular sofa central section 205x107x85h code RQ00PE00152 VAR. 2001 corner section 107x107x85h code RQ90PE00152 VAR. 2001 dormeuse 107x180x85h code RQDOPE00152 var. 2001 left terminal section 107x225x85h code RQSXPE00152 var. 2001 3 4 5 2 1 2. dedalo coffee table 120x120x36h code OZQDLK12012 VAR. N100 3. sophia floor lamp code LP8SGLSOPHI VAR. 2002 4. bergere armchair 77x85x110h code LE00LKWHITE VAR. L100 5. hollywood desk 90x180x77h code OBMEGL90180 VAR. CR00 COMPOSITION > p. 057 1. couture sofa 250x110x86h code RCP3PRBLACK VAR. 1002 1 2. couture sofa 250x110x86h code RCP2PRBLACK VAR. 1002 4 2 3. unique coffee table 70x110x50h code UT13LKCROMO VAR. L100 3 5 4. couture armchair 118x115x86h code RCBRPRBLACK VAR. 1002 5. unique chaiselongue 155x65x73h code UCGAPRWHITE VAR. 1001 063 MINOSSE SIDE TABLE LEATHER MESMPEWHITE var. 0001 DEDALO MINI LAMP LP8TNCGP041 var. 0001 SHRFTM00000 VAR. 0001 SHARK chaiselongUE MR00PRGRECA VAR. 0012 MINOSSE SIDE TABLE MESMPEWHITE VAR. 0001 Forme pulite e linee contemporanee; pelle bianca e nera impreziosita da disegni all-over di ispirazione classica. Clean shapes, contemporary design and black and white leather ornamented with classical-inspiration allover pattern. LOGO SOFA LODVPEWHITE VAR. 2001 065 BACHELOR ARMCHAIR LA00PEBLACK VAR. IN02 BACHELOR ARMCHAIR LA00PEWHITE VAR. IN01 CANDY LAMP LP8TGL00350 VAR. 0002 SHCYTM00000 VAR. 0002 067 CANDY LAMP LP8TGL00350 var. 0002 SHCYTM00000 VAR. 0002 BACHELOR ARMCHAIR LA00PEBLACK VAR. IN02 Stile contemporaneo con un’anima preziosa e ricercata per la poltrona Bachelor in morbida pelle capitonné e finiture in acciaio. Contemporary style with a precious, refined soul for the Bachelor armchair, made of soft capitonné leather with steel details. SHADOW ROUND SIDE TABLE TZ90LKANTEL VAR. 0002 TOTO POUFF UN90RS21000 VAR. 0001 069 071 Morbida pelle pieno fiore in tonalità canna di fucile si sposa con forme essenziali per la linea Shadow, ispirata all’eleganza degli anni trenta. Soft full-grain gunmetal grey leather and severe lines characterize the design of the Shadow armchair that draws inspiration from the elegance of the ‘30s. SHADOW ARMCHAIR HP00LKCHIOR VAR. 0001 SHADOW ROUND SIDE TABLE TZ90LKCRISS VAR. 0001 SHADOW CHAISELONGUE HH00LKCHIOR VAR. 0001 SHADOW DESK HS00LKWHITE VAR. 0001 SHADOW SMALL ARMCHAIR HEBRLKWHITE VAR. 0001 075 JAIPUR ARMCHAIR PJ00ML89401 var. 0003 Ricchezza delle stampe nei tessuti, eleganza e originalità delle forme, preziosità delle finiture in un fantastico crescendo decorativo. Rich fabric prints, original design, precious details in a splendid crescendo of décor. JAIPUR SOFA DJ00ML89401 var. 0003 077 SALOMè ARMCHAIR EB00LK03725 VAR. L121 SALOMè ARMCHAIR EB00LK25732 VAR. L121 ZY00GW65307 var. 0002 ZY00LK65298 var. L102 Dalla moda all’arredo, le stampe di artisti contemporanei utilizzate nelle collezioni Versace Fashion si fanno interpreti di tessuti audaci abbinati ad arredi di forma classica. From the world of fashion to the world of interior decoration, the designs created by contemporary artists find their way into the Versace Fashion collections with original combinations of daring fabrics and classical shapes for unique furnishing items. BERLIN SOFA ZY00LG63948 VAR. 0011 079 ZAR SOFA QWP2GWPE148 VAR. 6102 081 Unione di forme ricche e classiche unite a stampe barocche, accostate a morbida pelle. A combination of rich, classical shapes, baroque prints and supple leather. ZAR SOFA QWP2GWPE148 VAR. 6102 083 DIAMANTE SIDETABLE EG00PE05050 VAR. 2068 RITA LAMP LP8TVH00441 VAR. 1040 SHCETM00000 VAR. 8007 ZAR ARMCHAIR QN00GWSOFTY var. 2251 Forme contemporanee impreziosite da tessuti raffinati in tinte morbide, firmate da elementi iconici della Maison, come la greca classica. Contemporary design made more precious by sophisticated fabrics in muted colors with the most iconic items of the Maison, such as the classical Greek fret. DIAMANTE Console EFFDPESOFTY VAR. 2261 085 087 SHADOW COFFEE TABLE GLASS TZ00GL82140 VAR. L217 COVA TRAY HV00LE03883 var. 0016 VAR. 0015 Elegante melange decorativo, in cui il pacato color crema delle scocche delle poltrone Lake, incornicia le sedute stampate a disegni classici, riproposti anche sul piano in vetro serigrafato del coffee table Shadow Glass. Elegant decorative mix in which the muted cream color of the body of the Lake armchairs frames the cushions with their classic prints, that are reproduced in the screen printed tops of the Shadow Glass coffee table. LAKE ARMCHAIR FO00CO14804 VAR. 1201 089 3 1 COMPOSITION > p. 077 COMPOSITION > p. 063 1. jaipur velvet sofa 120x230x78h code DJ00ML19327 var. 0001 1. logo sofa 250x105x60h code LODVPEWHITE VAR. 2001 1 2. unique coffee table 70x110x50h code UT13LKCROMO VAR. L200 3 4 2 2. jaipur velvet pouff 100x100x40h code FJ00ML19327 var. 0001 2 3. maia armchair 85x65x75h code PY00PEGRECA VAR. 0002 4 3. stelo floor lamp code LP8SML00180 var. 0001 stelo shade code SH50TM00505 var. 9MV1 4. wellington side table 42x42x46h code WTQBLE04242 VAR. L100 4. maia armchair 85x65x75h code PY00PEGRECA VAR. 0001 COMPOSITION > p. 087 1 2 4 5 2 1 1. shadow armchair 104x84x74h code HP00LKCHIOR VAR. 0001 2. shadow sofa 174x84x74h code HDP2LKCHIOR VAR. 0001 3. shadow chaiselongue dx 178x74x90h code HH00LKCHIOR VAR. 0001 1. lafayette sofa 210x95x98h code NWP2VESOFTY VAR. 6132 2. lake armchair 104x95x83h code FO00CO14804 VAR. 1201 COMPOSITION > p. 071 3 5 3. lake pouff 72x72x45h code FU00CO14804 VAR. 1201 4 3 4. shadow coffee table glass 140x140x45h code TZ00GL82140 VAR. L217 5. rita table lamp code LP8TVH00441 VAR. 1050 rita shade code SHCETM00000 VAR. 0040 biblioteca sofa FNP2LAVIDAR VAR. 1511 queen privilege chair QEALGW00021 VAR. 0150 093 L’armonia perfetta dei colori, dei decori e delle finiture è la dominante sulla quale si accordano le proposte più classiche. Perfect harmony of colors, decors and finishes: this is the dominant note of the more classic items. JACOBIAN CHAIR ZS00LKOPGRE VAR. 2200 JACOBIAN CHAIR ZS00LKLUGRE VAR. 2261 BELLINI ARMCHAIR YP00PHALKAN VAR. SA01 095 HERMITAGE SOFA DHP2OB08143 VAR. 0002 097 CONO ALTO LAMP LP8TML00220 var. 0000 SH50TM00060 var. 1OP2 Una sapiente orchestrazione di forme, decori e colori nel divano Hermitage A masterly fusion of shapes, decorations and colors is the main feature of the Hermitage sofa. HERMITAGE SOFA DHP2GS06652 var. 0001 VANITAS SIDE TABLE TZ90OP05562 var. L200 HERMITAGE ARMCHAIR HA00GS06652 var. 0001 099 101 COLONNA QUADRA CRISTALLO LAMP LP8TGLL0080 var. PL00 SH50TM00704 var. PVC2 ROCOCO’ MIRROR SQ13LE10193 VAR. LA00 La forte personalità classica dell’importante divano Zar è sottolineata dal ricco tessuto dai accenti metallici. The strong classic personality of the stately Zar sofa is emphasized by its rich upholstery with a metal sheen. ZAR SOFA QDP3AF24535 VAR. 0002 VANITAS ARMCHAIR VP00AFSTEEI var. 0001 103 105 Ancora grande armonia nel divano Ovidio grazie ai tessuti jacquard dai caldi toni ramati che si riflettono sulle finiture argento. OVIDIO SOFA ZDP3AO24430 VAR. 0004 Another fine example of perfect harmony is offered by the Ovidio sofa with its warm copper shades that are reflected in the silver finish. 107 109 TRONCO DI PIRAMIDE LAMP LP8TMB00020 VAR. 0001 SH50TM00010 VAR. 9MV1 ORLEANS SOFA NDP31M25632 VAR. 0001 Design unico e raffinato che con un’estetica orginale si distacca dai canoni classici, stravolgendoli e reinterpretandoli. A unique, sophisticated design with an original esthetic concept subverts and reinterprets the classical rules of taste. ORLEANS ARMCHAIR NP00IM03055 VAR. 0002 VANITAS SIDE TABLE TZ90BO05562 VAR. 0000 111 TRONCO DI PIRAMIDE LAMP LP8TSL00020 var. FL02 SH50TM00010 var. PVC0 MAXIMILIAN SOFA DV00TV21317 var. 0009 MAXIMILIAN SOFA DV00TV21317 var. 0009 113 MEDUSA ALOGENA LAMP LP8MML00270 var. 0003 VERLAINE SOFA RDP3OF02343 VAR. 0001 VANITAS ARMCHAIR VP00OF02343 var. 0001 VERLAINE SOFA RDP2BR19859 var. 0001 115 117 MEANDRE SIDE TABLE TZ90LE000T2 var. 0003 PAMIR SECTIONAL SOFA MEANDRE SIDE TABLE TZ90LE000T2 var. 0001 Grande ricchezza dei coordinati, illuminati da colori brillanti e glamour, offrono un ampia e variegata gamma di possibilità in perfetto stile Versace Home. A wide range of coordinates illuminated by bright, glamorous colors, allows to choose among several options in true Versace Home style. PAMIR SECTIONAL SOFA 120 cm section MMP2IM48474 var. 0003 corner section AM14IM48474 var. 0001 85 cm section MMP1IM48474 var. 0003 119 3 4 1 COMPOSITION > p. 101 1. zar sofa 282x102x120h code QDP3AF24535 VAR. 0002 1 3 COMPOSITION > p. 109 1. orleans sofa 240x95x90h code NDP3IM25632 VAR. 0001 2. zar stool 148x148x120h code QF00AF24535 VAR. 0002 3. vanitas armchair 55x58x91h code VP00AD24534 VAR. 0004 2 2 2. vanitas side table diam55xh62h code TZ90MG05562 VAR. 0000 3. anfora multibracci table lamp code LP8TMB00340 VAR. 0001 anfora multibracci shade code SH50TM00161 VAR. 2SL1 4. rococò rectangular mirror 193x100h code SQ13LE10193 VAR. LA00 COMPOSITION > p. 117 COMPOSITION > p. 105 1. ovidio sofa 270x90x95h code ZDP3AO24430 VAR. 0004 1 5 2 4 2. ovidio coffee table 130x70x45h code ZTF3AO13070 VAR. 0001 3 3. meandre side table diam50x64h code TZ90LE000T2 VAR. 0007 4. vanitas armchair 55x58x91h code VP00AO24534 VAR. 0002 5. wellington sideboard 246x45x65h code LWE2LE0002 VAR. LR00 1 1. pamir sofa 85 cm section 85x95x83h code MMP1IM03315 VAR. 0006 85 cm section 85x95x83h code MMP1IM03317 VAR. 0006 corner section 95x95x83h code AM14IM03315 VAR. 0006 120 cm section 120x95x83h code MMP2IM25632 VAR. 0003 85 cm section 85x95x83h code MMP1IM03317 VAR. 0006 120 cm section 120x95x83h code MMP2IM25632 VAR. 0003 dining L’ambiente Dining è declinato con proposte variegate che spaziano dal classico al contemporaneo in un crescendo di attenzionalità a sostegno dell’art de la table Versace Home. A wide range of different versions for the Dining room, from classical to contemporary design, in a crescendo of care for details that results in the quintessence of the art de la table signed Versace Home. 123 125 VANITAS II CHAIR WA00OP07427 VAR. 9105 VAR. 2904 VAR. 6808 VAR. 3307 VAR. 2702 VANITAS II CONSOLE WN00BP14042 VAR. 0000 VANITAS II ROUND DINING TABLE WO90LW14078 VAR. GL46 La nuova linea Vanitas, proposta in toni cromatici delicati, rivisita lo stile gustaviano, grazie ad un leggero motivo “treillage” che conferisce freschezza senza però tradire la matrice classica dei pezzi. VANITAS II ARMCHAIR WP00OP07427 VAR. 4603 The new Vanitas line, with its soft colors, offers a reinterpretation of the Gustavian style with a light “treillage” pattern: an airy touch that does not diminish the strong classic character of these items. 129 131 Un gioco di contrasti che suscita curiosità e divertissement. BRONZO CHAIR NK00BZHELMU VAR. 0362 A game of opposites that originates curiosity and divertissement. 133 SLAB MOSAIC LAMP LP8TMBBZ001 VAR. MO01 SHQDTM04040 VAR. OR02 SLAB MOSAIC LAMP LP8TMBBZ002 VAR. MO02 SHQDTM04040 VAR. OR08 SLAB LAMP LP8TMBPL002 VAR. 0002 SHQDTM04040 VAR. AR02 SLAB LAMP LP8TMBPL002 VAR. 0003 SHQDTM04040 VAR. AR08 Grande forza espressiva del marmo adottato sia per il decoro del tavolo Rosso Levanto che per le lampade a completamento: moderna interpretazione di un materiale classico e prezioso. The great expressive force of the marble used for the décor of the Rosso Levanto table is replicated in the matching lamps: a modern interpretation of a classical, precious material. ROSSO LEVANTO DINING TABLE UM00ML11024 VAR. FLMB 135 NEW YORK DINING TABLE NY90LW15080 VAR. BZ00 137 139 UNIQUE ARMCHAIR USGAPRSOFTY VAR. 2245 UNIQUE ARMCHAIR USGAPRSOFTY VAR. 2200 Assenza di colore, bianco e nero protagonisti assoluti, forte efficacia espressiva dell’acciaio per comporre un ambiente di sublime eleganza. Absence of color, black and white, play a major role, together with steel, in creating an environment of absolute elegance. GRECA GRAND DINING TABLE OD00LK12026 VAR. L1CR 141 COMPOSITION > p. 125 1. vanitas II round dining table diam140x78h code WO90LW14078 VAR. GL46 3 2. vanitas II chair 50x57x98h code WA00OP07427 VAR. 9105 4 3 5 4. vanitas II chair 50x57x98h code WA00OP07427 VAR. 3307 6 1 COMPOSITION > p. 135 1. la nuit chair 50x50x95h code IK00PESCAMO VAR.0003 1 5. vanitas II chair 50x57x98h code WA00OP07427 VAR. 6808 7 2 2 3. vanitas II armchair 56x57x98h code WP00OP07427 VAR. 4603 2. rosso levanto dining table 240x110x78h code UM00ML11024 VAR. FLMB 6. vanitas II chair 50x57x98h code WA00OP07427 VAR. 2904 7. vanitas II chair 50x57x98h code WA00OP07427 VAR. 2702 3. slab mosaic table lamp code LP8TMBBZ002 VAR. MO02 slab mosaic shade code SHQDTM04040 VAR. OR08 COMPOSITION > p. 131 COMPOSITION > p. 139 2 3 1 1. sunburst dining table diam150x75h code LX9HMLCRISS VAR. G200 2 1 3 1. greca grand dining table 120x260x74h code OD00LK12026 VAR. L1CR 2. bronzo chair 51x62x99h code NK00BZHELMU VAR. 0362 2. unique armchair 55x63x85h code USGAPRSOFTY VAR. 2200 3. via gesù console small metallic 180x35x70h code CGB0PEHELMU VAR. 0362 3. unique armchair 55x63x85h code USGAPRSOFTY VAR. 2245 145 COLONNA DOPPIA TRASPARENTE LAMP LP8TGLL0070 VAR. PL00 SH50TM00080 VAR. PVC5 UNIQUEVANITAS DININGCHAIR TABLE UTRELK24110 UTRELK24110VAR. VAR.XXXX CR02 Ambiente dominato dal bianco in cui i mobili hanno uno stile quasi severo pulito e rigoroso, sottolineato dalla forte presenza delle finiture in acciaio. White dominates this interior with furniture characterized by an almost severe, neat, rigorous style, emphasized by the strong presence of steel details. VANITAS CHAIR VE00LKKAIMA VAR. 0001 VANITAS ARMCHAIR VP00ARHORSE VAR. 0003 147 149 Una continua alternanza di design contemporaneo accostato ad elementi classici e barocchi; un gioco di opposti che compongono il nuovo lifestyle Versace Home. A constant alternation of contemporary design and classical and baroque elements in a game of opposites that is the soul of the new Versace Home lifestyle. PRIVILEGE CHAIR CP00LKSOFTY VAR. L245 PRIVILEGE CANE CHAIR CP00PWROMBO VAR. L201 HOLLYWOOD DINING TABLE OEMEGL11022 VAR. CR00 151 153 Laccatura nera con fregi e decori argento nel prezioso tavolo Berenice; bagliori di pelle argentata nelle morbide sedute Dotsenko. DOTSENKO CHAIR KE00LKWHITE VAR. L201 DOTSENKO ARMCHAIR KPBRLKSTEEL VAR. L101 Black lacquer and silver decors for the precious Berenice table; a silver sheen for the soft leather Dotsenko chairs. BERENICE DESK SBARPE14070 VAR. L101 155 157 2 3 1 1 2 COMPOSITION > p. 145 COMPOSITION > p. 153 1. unique dining table 110x240x73h code UTRELK24110 VAR. CR02 1. berenice dining table 240x95x90h code NBARLK12024 VAR. L100 2. unique armchair 55x63x85h code USGAPRWHITE VAR. 1001 2. dotsenko armchair 67x67x102h code KPBRLKSTEEL VAR. L101 3. via gesù desk 160x65x73h code AG00PE16065 VAR. 0001 3 3. dotsenko chair 54x59x102h code KE00LKSTEEL VAR. L101 1 3 1 2 COMPOSITION > p. 157 1. hiboy cabinet 100x50x210h code ZB00LK VASES VAR. L200 COMPOSITION > p. 149 1. hollywood dining table 110x220x77h code OEMEGL11022 VAR. CR00 2. privilege canned chair 48x58x101h code CP00PWROMBO VAR. L201 2 2. dotsenko chair 54x59x102h code KE00LKWHITE VAR. L201 3. dotsenko queen armchair 67X82X160h code KPALLK21000 VAR. L212 161 Una seduta avvolgente dalla forma ardita e rigorosa, rivestita in pelle personalizzata. THE X SIDE TABLE TU00NIX7045 VAR. L047 MOON CHAIR EJOOPH0GASC VAR. 2012 An enveloping armchair with a daring, rigorous shape and signature leather upholstery. THE X SIDE TABLE TU1CNIX7045 VAR. L100 EBONY DAY CABINET BCDYLK24055 VAR. L1CR 163 165 ANFORA MARMO LAMP LP8TMB00010 VAR. 0001 SH50TM00020 VAR. 41B1 VANITAS ROUND TABLE TZ90BO11078 VAR. 0000 VANITAS ARMCHAIR VP00MG03055 VAR. 0001 VANITAS DINING TABLE TZ47MG25012 VAR. 0000 La gamma delle finiture del classico tavolo Vanitas dai fregi barocchi, offre un contrappunto cromatico alle ricche e variegate tonalità delle sedute. The range of decorations of the classic Vanitas table with its baroque ornaments, provides the best possible counterpoint to the rich and varied color shades of the chairs. VANITAS CHAIR VE00MG03055 VAR. 0001 L’essenzialità delle forme della linea Shadow torna anche nella zona pranzo con il tavolo dal piano in vetro fumè. The linear design of the Shadow line finds its way also in the dining room with its smoked glass table top. SHADOW CHAIR HE00LKCHIOR VAR. 0001 SHADOW SMALL ARMCHAIR HEBRLKCHIOR VAR. 0001 169 4 COMPOSITION > p. 169 1 1. shadow dining table 90x180x78h code TZR6LKCRISS VAR. 0001 2 1 2. shadow small armchair 58x61x83h code HEBRLKCARDI VAR. 0003 COMPOSITION > p. 161 1. milano desk/table 210x90x74h code OVRAES21090 VAR. N100 2. moon armchair 62x58x82h code EJ00PH 0GASC VAR. 2012 3 4 COMPOSITION > p. 165 1. vanitas dining table 250x120x78h code TZ47BO25012 VAR. 0000 2. vanitas armchair 55x58x91h code VP00BO46773 VAR. 0320 1 2 3. vanitas chair 50x57x91h code VE00BO46773 VAR. 0320 4. vanitas console marble top 150x48x90h code VL13BO00000 VAR. 0001 3 2 3. shadow chair 55x61x83h code HE00LKCARDI VAR. 0003 4. wellington side table 42x42x61h code WTQALE04242 VAR. L100 bedding Attenzionalità importante è riservata al protagonista della zona notte, il letto. Proposto in una ampia gamma di declinazioni, che spaziano da forme ricche con colori e trame sofisticate a sete stampate dai decori più classici, accostati a preziosi jacquard e morbide pelli lavorate. Massima espressione della eleganza propria by Versace Home. Great emphasis is given to the protagonist of this environment, the bed, interpreted in a thousand different ways: from opulent designs with sophisticated weaves and colors, to silk fabrics printed with classical motifs, combined with precious jacquard fabrics and soft processed leather. All these features combine to express the unique elegance of all Versace Home creations. 173 175 La texture preziosa delle stampe blu notte accostata alla soffice pelliccia ammorbidisce le linee geometriche del letto accese da riflessi cromati. HAREM ARMCHAIR UX00CD00000 VAR. 0001 The precious texture of dark blue silk, combined with the softness of fur, mitigates the severity of the geometric lines of the bed lit up by metal reflections. COMFORTER TP01SEJ0262 VAR. 0001 ICON ANFORA LAMP LP8TSLS0340 VAR. 0004 SH50TM00214 VAR. PVC6 ICON ANFORA LAMP LP8TSLS0340 VAR. 0003 SH50TM00214 VAR. PVC0 177 179 Atmosfera Impero reinterpretata con estrema freschezza grazie ad una delicata scala cromatica che si ispira alle porcellane Jasper. Empire style atmosphere reinterpreted with great freshness thanks to a soft chromatic scale that draws inspiration from Jasper porcelain. ICONIX LAMP LP8TSLSTRIS VAR. 0001 SH50TM00820 VAR. PV24 LUIGI XVI DESK LSARLWWHITE VAR. L201 LA NUIT CHAIR IK00PESCAMO VAR. 0061 ICE CARPET MTYALA89373 VAR. 0574 SHADOW SIDE TABLE TZ90LKCRISS VAR. 3291 181 VANITAS II SIDE TABLE WM90BP06060 VAR. 0000 NEW NERONE BED ZR00PESOFTY 1061 183 BOTTICINO LAMP LP8TMBOB009 VAR. 0001 SHCYTM04020 VAR. OR08 IVORY CLOSET BK00LK20196 VAR. BZ10 Infinite sfumature di tonalità di colori neutri interpretati liberamente da stili e materiali. An infinite multitude of neutral color shades is freely interpreted through different styles and materials. IVORY CLOSET BK00LK20196 VAR. BZ10 PRIVILEGE CANE CHAIR CP00PWJ0255 VAR. L303 185 187 189 SUNBURST SIDE TABLE LK12MLCRISS VAR. G200 VILLA FONTANELLE LAMP LP8TSL0LAKE VAR. 0002 SH50TM00024 VAR. 4CN1 CHAMPAGNE CARPET MT1MLA89373 VAR. B001 Decorare la zona letto per creare un’atmosfera unica e preziosa, giocando con forme classiche reinterpretate in una nuova versione contemporanea. The aim of bedroom decoration is to create a unique, sophisticated atmosphere playing with classical elements reinterpreted in a more modern version. VERLAINE CHAISELONGUE RY00BR02149 VAR. 0005 191 COMPOSITION > p. 175 1. souk bed 205x205x205h code OXS1ML00205 VAR. E201 mattress 200x200 code MSL2OT20020 VAR. 0000 bed textile accessories code TP01SEJ0262 var. 0001 code CE01PEJ0262 var. 0001 code CU05RGLAPIN var. 0087 code CU29RM07427 var. 0010 code CU29RM07427 var. 0011 code CU29SEJ0261 var. 0001 code CU89SE30269 var. 0003 1 3 2 4 COMPOSITION > p. 187 1 2 2. minosse inox side table 50x40x40h code OM00ML05040 VAR. CR62 3. harem armchair 90x90x90h code UX00CD00000 VAR. 0001 1. aztec bed headboard 180x190h code OJ00ML00180 VAR. OR00 bed drawer net 185x205x40h code VC01IM21000 VAR. 0032 mattress 180x200 code MS00OT18020 VAR. 0000 bed textile accessories code TP01SE30476 var. 0001 code LE70COCOMED var. 0002 code CU21SE30403 var. 0001 2. botticino table lamp code LP8TMBOB009 VAR. 0001 botticino shade code SHCYTM04020 VAR. OR08 4. eclipse side table diam50x60h code LQCLGL0BLUE VAR. CR21 COMPOSITION > p. 179 3 1 2 1. napoleon bed 210x250x120h code WL01BP21025 VAR. 0000 mattress 180x200 code MS4MOT18020 VAR. 0000 bed textile accessories code TP01SEJ0262 var. 4005 code LE70CO00001 var. 0010 code CU29SEJ0261 var. 0005 code PL29LAMEDFR var. 0001 COMPOSITION > p. 189 3 1 2. shadow round side table diam60x60h code TZ90LKCRISS VAR. 3291 3. icon anfora table lamp code LP8TSLS0340 VAR. 0003 icon anfora shade code SH50TM00214 VAR. PVC5 4 4. ice carpet 200x200 code MTYALA89373 VAR. 0574 2 1. palace bed 235x190x100h code IB01PEGALAS VAR. 0000 mattress 180x200 code MS00OT18020 VAR. 0000 bed textile accessories code TP01RB66322 var. 0002 code CU89SE30269 var. 0001 code CU88RB00322 var. 0002 code CU29SE30269 var. 0001 code CU21SEJ0259 var. 0002 2. sunburst coffee table diam90x75h code LK12MLCRISS VAR. G200 3. villa fontanelle table lamp code LP8TSL0LAKE VAR. 0002 villa fontanelle shade code SH50TM00024 VAR. 4CN1 195 La forza visiva del contrasto fra bianco e nero è enfatizzata dalle linee rigorose e moderne e dalle finiture particolari. VIA GESù SIDE TABLE GC00PE06666 VAR. 0002 STAR TREK 2009 ARMCHAIR KW00ML0525 VAR. 2150 The strong visual impact of the contrast between black and white is made even more powerful by the rigorously modern shapes and special finishes of the items. GRECA COFFEE TABLE BG00LK14042 VAR. L120 CURVE CHAISELONGUE CV00LK00525 VAR. L150 199 201 JETSEAT ARMCHAIR JE00PRWHITE VAR. 1001 DREAMER BED HEADBOARD RE00PE30000 VAR. 0001 BED DRAWER AND NET VC00IM20020 VAR. 0000 Pelle protagonista di una proposta letto in cui il bianco assoluto ne esalta le importanti dimensioni fuori scala. Leather is the protagonist of this bed, whose absolute whiteness emphasizes the oversize dimensions. AVENUE SIDE TABLE AE00PE06060 VAR. 0001 DREAMER BENCH HR00PE16060 VAR. 0001 203 205 GRECA BED SIDE TABLE OF00VEG5050 var. CR01 UFO LAMP LP8TGL00UFO var. 3003 FUR BLANKET CE01PE28345 VAR. 0001 Contrasto tra materiali e forme per una proposta in cui la morbidezza del velluto personalizzato attenua la freddezza dei profili cromati. The contrast between different materials and shapes sets the tone for this theme in which the softness of signature velvet mitigates the coldness of the chromiumplated profiles. GRECA BENCH TF00VE16065 VAR. CR01 COMPOSITION > p. 201 4 1. dreamer bed headboard 300x6x150h code RE00PE30000 VAR. 0001 bed drawer net 205x205x32h code VC01IM20020 VAR. 0000 mattress 200x200 code MSL2OT20020 VAR. 0000 bed textile accessories code TP01TF06646 VAR. 0001 code CE01PE26813 VAR. 0020 code LE70CO26602 VAR. 0001 code CU29TF41431 VAR. 0004 code CU29RMG1308 VAR. 0008 code CU29RMG1308 VAR. 0009 2 2. avenue bed side table 60x60x50h code AE00PE06060 VAR. 0001 COMPOSITION > p. 195 1. piramide bed 213x234x115h code LR2CPEPA021 VAR. 2005 mattress 180x210 code MS4VOT18021 VAR. 0000 bed textile accessories code TP01SC54308 VAR. 0001 code CU29RG00525 VAR. 2150 code CU21SEJ0152 VAR. 0001 code CU29SEJ1503 VAR. 0004 5 4 1 1 2. curve chaiselongue 80x180x85h code CV00MLWHITE VAR. CR01 3 3. piramide console small 140x45x70h code IC00PEPA140 VAR. 0002 2 3 4. sword mirror 120x120 code OWF7RGWHITE VAR. 0001 3. dreamer bed stool 160x60x40h code HR00PE16060 VAR. 0001 5. sophia floor lamp code LP8SGLSOPHI VAR. 2002 4. cube table lamp code LP8TGL00804 VAR. 1002 COMPOSITION > p. 199 1 3 1. vendome bed 215x243x125h code LNL2PEGRECA VAR. 0001 mattress 200x200 code MSL2OT20020 VAR. 0000 bed textile accessories code TP01SC00090 VAR. 0012 code LE70CO26602 VAR. 0003 code CU29TF04591 VAR. 0012 code CU29TF25732 VAR. 0001 6 COMPOSITION > p. 205 3. long table lamp code LP8TGL00802 VAR. 2002 1. greca bed 215x230x115h code LR01VEGKARA VAR. 0001 mattress 180x210 code MS4VOT18021 VAR. 0000 bed textile accessories code TP01SVG6406 VAR. 0002 code CE01PE28345 VAR. 0001 code CU05VEGKARA VAR. 0001 code CU88SE28345 VAR. 0001 code CU29TF04593 VAR. 0026 code CU29RMG1349 VAR. 0010 code CU29TF06218 VAR. 0026 code CU29VE03928 VAR. 0004 4. embrace armchair 105x91x91h code ERGAPE10591 VAR. L101 2. greca bed stool 160x60x40h code TF00VE16065 VAR. CR01 1 4 2. via gesù side table 66x66x40h code GC00PE06666 VAR. 0002 4 2 5 5. greca coffee table 140x70x42h code BG00LK14042 VAR. 0001 6. round floor lamp code LP8SGL00801 VAR. 1002 3 2 3. greca bed side table 55x50x45h code OF00VEG5050 VAR. CR01 4. ufo table lamp code LP8TGL0UFO VAR. 3003 211 Ispirazione Impero nella linea ardita del letto Pasha attualizzata dal trattamento con foglia argento. Empire style inspiration in the daring design of the Pasha bed rejuvenated by the silver leaf treatment. SALOMè 2009 ARMCHAIR EB00NASTEEL VAR. N001 BELLINI ARMCHAIR YP00LE21000 VAR. S206 213 215 217 SPENCER BED LT4MRMCARDI VAR. 0001 219 221 COMPOSITION > p. 211 1. pasha bed 214x237x96h code LTL2GW00000 VAR. GR00 mattress 200x200 code MSL2OT20020 VAR. 0000 bed textile accessories code CE01PE00001 var. 0040 code CU88TF04591 var. 0001 code CU89PEBLACK var. 0003 code CU29RMG1308 var. 0007 code CU29TF04593 var. 0001 code CU29TF04592 var. 0001 3 1 COMPOSITION > p. 217 1 2. minosse side table leather 64x50x50h code MESMPECUOIO VAR. 0002 2 1. ninfea bed 210x210x215h code LC01PEWHITE VAR. 0001 mattress 200x200 code MSL2OT20020 VAR. 0000 bed textile accessories code TP01TFR4752 VAR. 0001 code CU05SV01698 var. 0036 code CU05SE03924 var. 0002 code CU21COJ0048 var. 0014 code CU29RMG1349 var. 0001 code CU29VVG4030 var. 0002 code CU29VVG4030 var. 0007 code CU88VEMEDUS var. 0012 code CU21SE09299 var. 0004 code CU29RMG1349 var. 0003 3. capittonnée mirror 120x240 code SM7HPHSTEEL VAR. 0001 COMPOSITION > p. 221 COMPOSITION > p. 215 1. spencer 2.0 bed 220x205x95h code LT4MALSOFTY VAR. 2261 mattress 180x200 code MS00OTSPENC var. 0000 bed textile accessories code TP01SEJ1503 var. 0005 code LE70COLIBER var. 0002 code CU21SEJ0155 var. 0005 code CU29SEJ1501 var. 0005 4 1 3 4 1 3 2. vanitas side table diam55x62h code TZ90OP05562 VAR. L200 2 3. diamante console small 145x45x80h code EFFDPESOFTY VAR. 2261 4. ufo table lamp code LP8TGL00UFO VAR. 1020 1. vanitas bed 205x215x116h code LV00GW25732 VAR. 0002 mattress 195x195 code MS4ROT00195 VAR. 0000 bed textile accessories code TP01TF04593 var. 0002 code CU88TF04593 var. 0002 code CU29TF04593 var. 0002 code CU29TF04709 var. 0002 2. meandre side table diam50x64h code TZ90LE000T2 VAR. 0008 3. milady armchair 100x83x82h code MIPOPR0LADY VAR. AR05 2 4. candy table lamp code LP8TGL00350 VAR. 0001 candy shade code SHCYTM00000 VAR. 0001 225 VANITAS SOFA VD00AH24534 VAR. 0003 VANITAS STOOL VF00AFSTEEL VAR. 0001 VANITAS BED SIDE TABLE CN1CGW06052 VAR. 0000 La lucentezza delle finiture in foglia argento si fonde con quella dei preziosi tessuti color lavanda, in un insieme di eleganza straordinaria. The brilliance of the silver leaf finish blends with the sheen of the precious lavender fabrics with an effect of extraordinary elegance. VANITAS CHAISELONGUE VHSXGW24535 VAR. 0001 227 229 231 Volute e riccioli barocchi, decori e fregi neoclassici trattati in foglia oro o argento accanto a velluti morbidi, ricchi jacquard e sete stampate per testate letto. PRIVILEGE CHAIR CP00OB00ORO VAR. 0001 PRIVILEGE BED HEADBOARD SPYAGS06652 VAR. 0001 Baroque volutes and curls, neoclassical decors and ornaments treated with gold or silver foil, together with soft velvet, precious jacquard fabrics and printed silk for the bed headboards. BERENICE DESK SBARLK14070 VAR. L200 233 235 La serie Shadow interpreta la zona letto con una gamma di proposte in pelle color bronzo e preziose lavorazioni capitonnèe. SHADOW ROUND LOW ARMCHAIR HP90GOCARDI VAR. 0003 For the bedroom the Shadow series features a range of items made of bronze-colored leather in precious capitonnée version. SHADOW BENCH HF00GOCARDI VAR. 0003 237 COMPOSITION > p. 231 COMPOSITION > p. 225 1 1. vanitas bed 205x215x116h code LV00AH24535 VAR. 0005 mattress 195x195 code MS4ROT00195 VAR. 0000 bed textile accessories code TP01SV24535 var. 0005 1 3 4 4 2 2. vanitas stool 64x47x49h code VF00AH21000 VAR. 0003 2. shadow round side table diam60x60h code TZ90LKANTEL VAR. 0002 3. meandre side table diam50x64h code TZ90LE000T2 VAR. 0006 3. anthony tray 68x58x60h code VX00PE06858 VAR. 0003 4. vanitas love sofa 112x60x91h code VD00AH24534 VAR. 0003 2 1. florence bed headboard 205x205x180h code FTS1OB03816 VAR. 0009 bed drawer net 205x205x32h code VC00IM20020 VAR. 0000 mattress 200x200 code MSL2OT20020 VAR. 0000 bed textile accessories code TP01SE03816 var. 0009 code CU29SE03815 var. 0001 code CU21SEJ0048 var. 0005 code CU21SEJ0051 var. 0002 code CU21SEJ0051 var. 0001 code CU21SE26499 var. 0003 code CU29RMG1308 var. 0005 code CU29RMG1308 var. 0004 code CU21SEJ0089 var. 0001 4. vanitas armchair 55x58x91h code VP00GS03816 VAR. 0009 3 COMPOSITION > p. 235 1. shadow bed 205x225x120h code HL1KGOCARDI VAR. 0003 mattress 195x195 code MS4ROT00195 VAR. 0000 bed textile accessories code TP01SV24535 var. 0004 COMPOSITION > p. 229 1 2 1. venice bed headboard 205x7x140h code VTS1OB77456 VAR. 0004 bed drawer net 195x205x32h code VC00IM00195 VAR. 0000 mattress 190x200 code MSP2OT19020 VAR. 0000 bed textile accessories code TP01TF13328 var. 0001 code LE70COSUITE var. 0001 code CU29RMG1308 var. 0005 code CU29RMG1308 var. 0004 code CU29RMG1308 var. 0001 code CU29SC25732 var. 0007 2. hermitage armchair 115x85x87h code HA00GS06652 VAR. 0001 5 1 2. shadow bench 120x45x70h code HF00GOCARDI VAR. 0003 3. shadow bed side table 55x45x60h code HC00GO05545 VAR. 0000 3 2 4 4. shadow round low armchair 78x70x74h code HP90GOCARDI VAR. 0003 5. tronco di piramide table lamp code LP8TMB00020 VAR. 0001 tronco di piramide shade code SH50TM00010 VAR. 02X1 lamps 241 TABLE LAMPS Anfora Multibracci table lamp diam52x100h LP8TMB00340 var. 0001 paralume/shade SH50TM00161 var. 2SL1 Anfora Marmo table lamp diam52x89h LP8TMB00010 var. 0001 paralume/shade SH50TM00020 var. 41B1 ANFORA LEGNO table lamp diam52x89h LP8TLB00010 var. 0001 paralume/shade SH50TM00020 var. 9MV1 NEW ANFORA MARMO BEIGE table lamp diam52x83h LP8TMB01000 var. N105 paralume/shade SH50TM00020 var. C001 CONCHIGLIA legno table lamp diam35x58h LP8TLB00110 var. 0001 paralume/shade SH50TM00204 var. 4SP1 COLONNA QUADRA legno table lamp diam45x71h LP8TLB00120 var. 0001 paralume/shade SH50TM00704 var. 4MN1 CONO ALTO table lamp diam50x84h LP8TML00220 var. 0000 paralume/shade SH50TM00060 var. 1OP2 COLONNA table lamp 42x42x75h LP8TML00050 var. 0001 paralume/shade SH50TM00801 var. 2SL1 NEW ANFORA MARMO MARRONE table lamp diam52x83h LP8TMB01000 var. N104 paralume/shade SH50TM00020 var. PVC5 TRONCO DI PIRAMIDE MARMO NERO table lamp 47x47x78h LP8TMB00020 var. 0001 paralume/shade SH50TM00010 var. 9MV1 TRONCO DI PIRAMIDE table lamp 47x47x78h LP8TSL00020 var. FL02 paralume/shade SH50TM00010 var. PVC0 OBELISCO table lamp 47x47x74h LP8TLB00090 var. 0001 paralume/shade SH50TM00010 var. 4MN1 CONO CRISTALLO TRASPARENTE table lamp 47x47x73h LP8TGLT0210 var. PL01 paralume/shade SH50TM00060 var. PV24 CONO NERO table lamp 47x47x73h LP8TGL00210 var. FL03 paralume/shade SH50TM00060 var. PVC5 COLONNA DOPPIA TRASPARENTE table lamp diam40x60h LP8TGLL0070 var. PL00 paralume/shade SH50TM00080 var. PVC5 COLONNA QUADRA CRISTALLO TRASPARENTE table lamp diam45x63h LP8TGLL0080 var. PL00 paralume/shade SH50TM00704 var. PVC2 TABLE LAMPS TRONCO MICRO table lamp 35x59h LP8TMB00020 var. MO01 paralume/shade SH50TM00810 var. 4CN1 CUBO MICRO table lamp 25x48h LP8TMBCUBE var. MO01 paralume/shade SH50TM00214 var. 4CN1 VILLA FONTANELLE table lamp diam45x70h LP8TSL0LAKE var. 0002 paralume/shade SH50TM00024 var. 4CN1 ICONIX table lamp 40x20x50h LP8TSLSTRIS var. 0001 paralume/shade SH50TM00820 var. PV24 SLAB MOSAIC table lamp 40x40x70h LP8TMBBZ001 var. MO01 paralume/shade SHQDTM04040 var. OR02 SLAB MOSAIC table lamp 40x40x70h LP8TMBBZ002 var. MO02 paralume/shade SHQDTM04040 var. OR08 SLAB NERO MARQUINA table lamp 40x40x70h LP8TMBPL002 var. 0002 paralume/shade SHQDTM04040 var. AR02 SLAB ROSSO LEVANTO table lamp 40x40x70h LP8TMBPL002 var. 0003 paralume/shade SHQDTM04040 var. AR08 ICON ANFORA table lamp diam25x43h LP8TSLS0340 var. 0004 paralume/shade SH50TM00214 var. PVC6 BOTTICINO table lamp diam45x75h LP8TMBOB009 var. 0001 paralume/shade SHCYTM04020 var. OR08 NEO table lamp diam45x70h LP8TMBPL008 var. 0002 paralume/shade SHCYTM04020 var. AR02 BOT table lamp diam40x82h LP8TMLPL006 var. 0001 paralume/shade SHCYTM04522 var. 0001 DEDALO MAXI table lamp 45x51h LP8TNCGG026 var. 0003 paralume/shade SHRFTM00000 var. 0002 DEDALO MINI table lamp 45x51h LP8TNCGP026 var. 0001 paralume/shade SHRFTM00000 var. 0001 DEDALO MAXI ORIZZONTALE table lamp 45x45x38h LPOTNCGG018 var. PL02 paralume/shade SHRPTM00000 var. 0002 CERAMICA table lamp 45x25x63h LP8TCE00003 var. ME01 paralume/shade SHRFTM00000 var. 0001 TABLE LAMPS 101 table lamp 50x50x62h LP8TCE00003 var. N104 paralume/shade SHQ7TM05050 var. 0004 DISCO table lamp 40x40x60h LP8TGL00001 var. CR01 paralume/shade SHQ6TM04040 var. AR01 CANDY table lamp diam45x49h LP8TGL00350 var. 0001 paralume/shade SHCYTM00000 var. 0001 CANDY table lamp diam45x49h LP8TGL00350 var. 0002 paralume/shade SHCYTM00000 var. 0002 UFO table lamp diam55x75h LP8TGL00UFO paralume/shade var. 3003 CLESSIDRA table lamp diam55x75h LP8TGL0TIME paralume/shade var. 3003 CRYSTAL BLACK table lamp diam50x76h LP8TGL00902 VAR. 0002 paralume/shade SHCYTM05028 var. 0003 CRYSTAL GREY table lamp diam50x80h LP8TGL00901 VAR. 0002 paralume/shade SHCYTM05028 var. 0003 RITA table lamp diam40x70h LP8TVH00441 var. 0002 paralume/shade SHCETM00000 var. 0002 ROUND table lamp 45x74.5h LP8TGL00801 120x195h LP8SGL00801 var. 1002 CUBE table lamp 45x83.5h LP8TGL00804 paralume/shade var. 1002 JELLY table lamp diam55x72h LP8TGLJELLY paralume/shade var. 1003 BUG table lamp diam50x80h LP8TGL00SIM VAR. 0001 paralume/shade SHCYTM01625 var. 0003 BLU BUBBLE table lamp diam45x90h LP8TGL10000 VAR. CR50 paralume/shade SHCYTM04528 var. AR00 BACO table lamp diam45x84h LP8TGL20000 VAR. CR09 paralume/shade SHCYTM04528 var. AR00 MARIA table lamp diam31x60h LP8TGLMARIA paralume/shade var. 2002 FLOOR LAMPS - WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER MARIA floor lamp diam50x180h LP8SGLMARIA paralume/shade var. 2001 SOPHIA floor lamp diam50x180h LP8SGLSOPHI paralume/shade var. 2002 BACO floor lamp diam50x178h LP8SGL40000 VAR. N104 paralume/shade SHCYTM0503 var. 0041 NEO floor lamp diam50x172h LP8SMBPL008 VAR. 0002 paralume/shade SHCYTM05028 var. AR02 MEDUSA wall lamp 27x21h LP8MML00270 VAR. 0001 TRONCO DI PIRAMIDE floor lamp diam54x180h LP8SML00020 VAR. FL02 paralume/shade SH50TM00124 var. 4MN0 STELO floor lamp diam37x136h LP8SML00180 VAR. 0001 paralume/shade SH50TM00505 var. 4MN1 COLONNA PICCOLA wall lamp 37x13x43h LP8MML00250 VAR. 0001 paralume/shade SH50TM00050 var. 2SL1 PICCOLA wall lamp 33x13x43h LP8MLB00260 VAR. 0001 paralume/shade SH50TM00050 var. 9MV1 COSTE chandelier diam148x168h LP8EGLCOSTE VAR. 0001 QUEEN chandelier diam80x90h LP8AML800A1 VAR. GL00 chandelier 18 lights diam 86x145h lp8aml18238 24 lights diam 100x195h lp8bml24238 var. sw02 chandelier 21 lights 210 h LP8EMLS014L VAR. SW03 technicals 251 BELLINI ANTHONY bed side table 60x50x64h item reference CX00 armchair 80x75x85h item reference YP00 BERENICE tray 68x58x60h item reference VX00 dining table 120x240x78h item reference NBAR sofa 280x100x85h item reference EKDO desk 70x140x78h item reference SBAR ASTEROID BERGERE armchair 110x100x85h item reference EKPO armchair 77x85x110h item reference LE00 bed side table 60x60x50h item reference AE00 pouff 63x43x45h item reference LU00 AVENUE AZTEC COLISEUM bed headboard 180x190h item reference OJ00 BACHELOR bergere 94x85x102h item reference LA00 console 145x40xh80 item reference OA00 coffee table 110x110x40h item reference OY00 COLISEUM side table 50x50x50h item reference OL00 COUTURE COUTURE MODULAR left terminal section 225x107x85h item reference RQSX COVA sofa 3 seater 250x110x86h item reference RSP3 tray 50x50 item reference HV00 CUBE side table 55x55x55h item reference YF00 sofa 2 seater 250x110x86h item reference RSP2 CURVE chaiselongue 80x180x85h item reference CV00 armchair 118x115x86h item reference RCBR COUTURE MODULAR DANTE mirror 120x240 item reference BYME central section 205x107x85h item reference RQ00 DEDALO corner section 107x107x85h item reference RQ90 dormeuse 107x180x85h item reference RQDO side table 120x50x36h item reference OZRE console 160x45x75h item reference OVRA DEDALO DIAMANTE coffee table 120x120x36h item reference OZQD tray 52x36x6h item reference KV00 console large190x45x80h item reference EFF2 small145x45x80h item reference EFFD cabinet 240x50x100h item reference EX00 DIAMANTE DIAMOND coffee table 100x100x40h item reference EQ00 armchair 130x100x53h item reference NR90 DORIAN coffee table 110x110x35h item reference TDQ5 coffee table 100x50x40h item reference EQ00 DOTSENKO side table 50x50x50h item reference EG00 chair 54x59x102h item reference KE00 little table 50x50x40h item reference EI00 chair with arms 67x67x102h item reference KPBR DREAMER bed side table 50x50x50h item reference EG2C bed headboard 300x6x150h item reference RE00 DREAMER FLORIAN bed stool 160x60x40h item reference HR00 mirror 120x240h item reference PAGL G1 EBONY DAY cabinet 240x55x75h item reference BCDY EBONY NIGHT sofa 290x130x90h item reference ZWP3 item reference ZIP3 GALLERY cabinet with drawers 240x55x75h item reference BCNT ECLIPSE bench 150x50x45h item reference ON9R GRECA coffee table diam 120x37h item reference OK9I bed 215x230x115h item reference LR01 side table diam 50x60h item reference OQCL bed side table 55x50x45h item reference OF00 bed headboard 205x6x180h item reference FTS1 bed stool 160x60x40h item reference TF00 FLORENCE GRECA COFFEE TABLE mirror 150x235h item reference FS00 coffee table 140x70x42h item reference BG00 GRECA GRAND HOLLYWOOD dining table 120x260x74h item reference OD00 desk 90x180x77h item reference OBME IVORY CLOSET HALF side table 95x95x45h item reference EY00 cabinet 200x65x196h item reference BK00 IVORY DAY HAREM armchair 90x90x90h item reference UX00 HERMITAGE cabinet 240x55x75h item reference BCDY JACOBIAN chair 62x41x70h item reference ZS00 sofa 200x85x87h item reference DHP2 JAIPUR armchair 115x85x87h item reference HA00 sofa 120x230x78h item reference DJ00 cabinet 100x50x210h item reference ZB00 armchair 120x135x78h item reference PJ00 dining table 110x220x77h item reference OEME pouff 100x100x40h item reference FJ00 HIBOY HOLLYWOOD LAKE JET coffee table 150x100x38h item reference OVRB sofa 2 seater 165x95x83h item reference FMP2 armchair 85x95x90h item reference JE00 armchair 104x95x83h item reference FO00 cabinet 100x50x224h item reference OU5C pouff 72x72x45h item reference FU00 JET SEAT JEWEL LA NUIT LAKE EMBROIDERY chair 50x50x95h item reference IK00 sofa 180x95x83h item reference FMP2 sofa 210x95x98h item reference NWP2 armchair 104x95x93h item reference FO00 LAFAYETTE LAURA console 200x50x61h item reference OC1C armchair 112x95x98h item reference NW00 LAUREL LAKE sofa 3 setaer 220x95x83h item reference FMP3 pouff 45x45x45h item reference UJ00 MARBLE LOGO sofa 165x80x85h item reference ZXP2 sofa 250x105x60h item reference LODV MAXIMILIAN daybed 250x105x60h item reference LODB sofa 315x104x110h item reference DV00 275x104x110h item reference DVP2 armchair 130x105x60h item reference LOPO armchair 150x104x110h item reference PUP1 LOMOND MEANDRE sofa 300x110x60h item reference LMDV 210x110x60h item reference LMP2 side table diam 50x64h item reference TZ90 armchair 125x110x60h item reference LMPO coffee table 130x70x45h item reference TZ00 MILADY LUIGI XVI desk 110x55x70h item reference LSAR sofa 194x93x90h item reference MIDO armchair 85x65x75h item reference PY00 armchair 100x83x82h item reference MIPO MAIA MILANO MOON desk 210x90x74h item reference OVRA MINOSSE armchair 62x58x82h item reference EJ00 NAPOLEON side table 64x50x50h item reference MESM bed 210x250x120h item reference WL01 NARCISO double side table 125x50x50h item reference MEDA console 160x40x90h item reference NLA2 side table 50x40x40h item reference OM00 coffee table 120x120x30h item reference NTF7 MINOSSE INOX MIRROR NEW NERONE mirror 120x240h item reference SM7H MOLIERE bed 190x250x120h item reference ZR00 NEW LOMOND sofa 220x85x93h item reference HOP3 185x85x93h item reference HOP2 sofa 240x110x60h item reference EDP2 armchair 67x84x78h item reference HOPO armchair 125x110x60h item reference EDPO NEW YORK OPTICAL dining table diam 150x78h item reference NY90 chest of draws 180x60x65h item reference FA6C dining table diam 140x78h item reference NY90 settimanale 55x60x145h item reference FG7C NEW YORK ELM ORLEANS chair 58x63x105h item reference SY00 sofa 240x95x90h item reference NDP3 bed 210x210x215 item reference LC01 sofa 200x95x90h item reference NDP2 chaiselongue 205x95x85h item reference CA00 armchair 95x95x90h item reference NP00 NINFEA NORMA NORMANDIE OVIDIO sofa 245x95x73h item reference URP2 sofa 270x90x95h item reference ZDP3 armchair 100x95x73h item reference UV00 armchair 150x90x95h item reference ZOPO OVIDIO PASHA coffee table 130x70x45h item reference ZTF3 bed side table round diam 53x63h item reference BT90 bed 235x190x100h item reference IB01 stool 70x44x45h item reference PH00 PALACE PAMIR PETER vase 40x40x110h item reference VO00 120 cm section 120x95x83h item reference MMP2 PIRAMIDE 85 cm section 85x95x83h item reference MMP1 bed 213x234x115h item reference LR2C corner section 95x95x83h item reference AM14 bed side table 66x48x39h item reference OF2C bed 214x237x96h item reference LTL2 console large190x45x85h item reference IC00 small1140x45x70h item reference IC00 bed side table rectangular 68x45x57h item reference BT1C desk 160x65x76h item reference IN00 PASHA PIRAMIDE PRIVILEGE queen peivilege 55x70x138h item reference QEAL mirror 120x240h item reference IE00 ROCOCÒ mirror square100x100h item reference SQ14 rectangular193x100h item reference SQ13 side table 66x66x40h item reference IT00 ROSSO LEVANTO PRIVILEGE dining table 240x110x78h item reference UM00 bed headboard 202x7x140h item reference SPYA SALOMÈ armchair 98x93x113h item reference EB00 armchair 80x75x85h item reference PP00 SERGE chair with arms 67x67x101h item reference CPBR mirror square120x120h item reference KS00 rectangular120x240h item reference KS00 SHADOW chair 48x58x101h item reference CP00 armchair 104x84x74h item reference HP00 canned chair 48x58x101h item reference CP00 sofa 174x84x74h item reference HDP2 SHADOW SHADOW chaiselongue 178x74x90h item reference HH00 bar stool diam 38x85h item reference SG00 chair 55x61x83h item reference HE00 bed 205x225x120h item reference HL1K small armchair 58x61x83h item reference HEBR bed side table 55x45x60h item reference HC00 SHADOW TABLE round low armchair 78x70x74h item reference HP90 dining table 90x180x78h item reference TZR6 bench 120x45x70h item reference HF00 coffee table 60x120x44h item reference TZRB desk 130x65x105h item reference HS00 round side table diam 60x60h item reference TZ90 diam 80x68h item reference TZ90 reception desk 160x70x120h item reference BB00 console glass 160x45x68h item reference HM00 SHADOW TABLE SOUK bed 205x205x205h item reference OXS1 coffee table glass 140x140x45h item reference TZ00 SHARK SPENCER chaiselongue 70x210x40h item reference MR00 SOFT COUTURE bed 220x227x70h item reference LT4M 220x187x70h item reference LT02 220x167x70h item reference LT03 SPENCER 2.0 sofa 250x108x86h item reference SUP2 bed 231x205x95h item reference LT4M STAR TREK armchair 120x108x86h item reference SRBR armchair velvet 85x85x97h item reference KW00 item reference EH00 pouff 105x105x32h item reference SFQD pouff velvet 65x65x50h item reference KU00 item reference EU00 SUNBURST cube sofa 250x108x80h item reference QUP2 dining table diam 150x75h item reference LX9H cube armchair 120x108x80h item reference QR00 coffee table diam 90x75h item reference LK12 diam 90x45h item reference LH12 SUNSET THE X sofa 250x105x60h item reference LODV console 180x45x90h item reference NI4C armchair 130x105x60h item reference LOPO side table 70x45x45h item reference TU1C dining table 100x200x78h item reference OE00 side table 70x45x45h item reference TU00 SWORD mirror 120x120h item reference OWF7 120x200h item reference OWFB 130x240h item reference OGRT TAPPETO VOLANTE TITANIA chaiseloungue 83x180x61h item reference NH00 TOTO armchair 115x105x98h item reference TV00 THE W pouff diam 100x35h item reference UN90 U GRECA sofa 210x107x80h item reference VIP3 console 100x40x60h item reference OH00 armchair 112x107x80h item reference VVPO coffee table 100x70x38h item reference OI00 VANITAS UNIQUE dining table 110x240x73h item reference UTRE love sofa 112x60x91h item reference VD00 coffee table 70x110x50h item reference UT13 stool 64x47x49h item reference VF00 chaiselongue 155x65x73h item reference UCGA chaiselongue 220x80x100h item reference VHSX armchair 67x82x83h item reference UAGA mirror 130x150h item reference VR13 115x230h item reference VR13 chair 55x63x85h item reference USGA dining table diam 120x75h item reference TZ90 chair 50x57x91h item reference VE00 round dining table diam 120x78h item reference TZ90 diam 110x78h item reference TZ90 armchair 55x58x91h item reference VP00 oval dining table 250x120x78h item reference TZ47 VANITAS VANITAS VANITAS II side table diam 55x62h item reference TZ90 round dining table diam 140x78h item reference WO90 console 150x48x90h item reference VL13 side table diam 60x60h item reference WM90 bed 205x215x116h item reference LV00 console 140x42x90h item reference WN00 VENDOME bed 215x243x125h item reference LNL2 round chest/ 5 drawers 60x120x85h item reference C0MS VENICE bed headboard 205x7x140h item reference VTS1 bed side table 60x52x52h item reference CN1C VERLAINE VANITAS II chair 50x57x98h item reference WA00 sofa 215x80x88h item reference RDP3 190x80x88h item reference RDP2 armchair 56x57x98h item reference WP00 armchair 67x78x84h item reference AR00 VERLAINE WELLINGTON chaiselongue 90x200x90h item reference RY00 sofa 250x100x73h item reference DWL3 console large190x45x85h item reference CG00 small180x35x70h item reference CG00 armchair 90x100x73h item reference PW00 console metallic large190x45x85h item reference CGF2 small180x35x70h item reference CGB0 stool 80x80x44h item reference PF00 desk 160x65x73h item reference AG00 coffee table 117x117x26h item reference WTQ3 100x100x26h item reference WTQC side table 66x66x40h item reference GC00 side table 42x42x46h item reference WTQB 42x42x61h item reference WTQA mirror 110x190h item reference GS00 120x240h item reference GS00 round table diam 120x26h item reference WT90 armchair 58x60x89h item reference UZ00 sideboard 120x45x65h item reference WKE1 VIA GESÙ VOYAGER WHITES coffee table 60x180x40h item reference BXML ZAR sofa 282x102x120h item reference QDP3 sofa 220x95x102h item reference QWP2 armchair 150x102x120h item reference QAPO armchair 132x95x102h item reference QN00 stool 148x148x50h item reference QF00 photography Thomas Libiszewski colour separation + print Grafiche Antiga VERIM SA via Cügn, 2 - Novazzano 6883 Switzerland t +41 91 994.2271 f +41 91 994.2319