Spring 2014 - The University of Texas at Tyler
Spring 2014 - The University of Texas at Tyler
THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT TYLER HIGHLIGHTS FROM THIS ISSUE: IELI 1 SPRING 2014 FACULTY-LED PROGRAMS 1 3RD ANNUAL PASSPORT DAY 2 PREVIEW DAY 2 VISITING DELEGATIONS 2 VISITING CHINESE PROFESSOR 3 UT TYLER FELLOWSHIP RECIPIENT 3 INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS 3 SPRING 2014 I N T E R N A T I O NA L P R O GR A M S N E W S L E T T E R 2 MAY 2014 INTENSIVE ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE The Intensive English Language Institute (IELI) kicked off its first semester this spring with students from Brazil, China, Colombia, El Salvador, Mexico, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and South Korea. The institute aims to assist non-native English speakers to improve their language and culture skills as well as prepare for university matriculation. The implementation of this semester follows a successful pilot program that was offered to both UT Tyler students and community members representing Argentina, Brazil, El Salvador, Japan, Mexico and South Korea during the Fall 2013 semester. Please advise all interested students to email ieli@uttyler.edu for more information about the upcoming Super Intensive Summer Session: 9 June—25 July 2014. Join us in our worldwide recruitment efforts for the IELI! www.uttyler.edu/oip/IELI FAC ULT Y-LED PROGRAMS The University of Texas at Tyler Office of International Programs assists faculty to provide students with opportunities to participate in travel/study programs. Six Faculty-Led programs during the Spring/Summer 2014 semesters take students to a variety of locations to study, enjoy foreign cultures, and gain valuable educational experiences: 6-16 March, Dr. Martin Slann, Israel and Palestine 7-13 March, Dr. Jeffrey Emge, Paris 12-21 May, Dr. Kathleen Everling, collaborative trip with Tyler Junior College, Costa Rica 26 May-27 July (4 Sessions), Dr. Thomas Guderjan, Belize, Maya Research Program 8-17 June, Dr. Wes Hickey, Belize for Educators 13 July-2 August, Dr. Gregory Utley, Spanish Immersion in Costa Rica Students and faculty members preparing to travel abroad should visit www.uttyler.edu/oip to ensure they have completed all necessary paperwork, and should contact oip@uttyler.edu with any questions. The Office of International Programs and the International Studies and Intercultural Affairs Committee (ISIAC) invite faculty proposals for international travel study courses for the 2014-2015 academic year. For more information, go to www.uttyler.edu/oip. Under Faculty Resources from the left hand navigation bar, select: Forms Required for International Travel. Send completed forms to oip@uttyler.edu. New exciting news from Study Abroad: UT Tyler is now working with the University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) to offer quality study abroad programs to our students in more than 25 countries! Visit http://www.uttyler.edu/oip/study-abroad/travelstudy.php to learn more! Study Abroad Scholarships are available! Photo contributed by Todd Martinez Friends of UT Tyler 2014 Destination: Maya Research Program in Blue Creek, Belize! www.mayaresearchprogram.org Photo contributed by Todd Martinez from Spring Travel/Study program in Israel INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS NEWSLETTER SPRING 2014 3R D ANNUAL PA SS POR T DAY Over 40 UT Tyler students, faculty, staff and community members attended the third annual Passport Day, co-hosted by UT Tyler Office of International Programs and the U.S. Post Office in Tyler. The event was held on Saturday, 1 February 2014 from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in the University Center Theater. Plan to attend the next Passport Day scheduled to occur during the Fall 2014 semester to ensure you are prepared in advance for travel opportunities you may encounter! View the OIP Calendar of Events at http://www.uttyler.edu/oip/calendar.php P R E V I E W DAY UT Tyler Spring 2014 Preview Day, organized by the Office of Admissions took place on Saturday, 5 April. Prospective students and their parents visited UT Tyler campus to learn more about degree offerings, housing options and student life activities. The Office of International Programs visited with parents and students at their booth about the international student population on campus, exciting new options for studying abroad, and the Intensive English Language Institute. Lunch was catered by the MET and served alongside the sounds of the Jazz Patriots Combo directed by Micah Bell. UT TYLER FAMILY OUTREACH PROGRAM FAMOUS ON YOUTUBE Congratulations to Dr. Stephen Bushart and Dr. David Strong! Our students have mentioned you by name as some of their favorite UT Tyler professors! To see the full student interviews please visit the OIP YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/uttyleroip SOUTH KOREAN FULBRIGHT SCHOLARS ON CAMPUS Help make our students feel at home! If your family would like to invite a student to have dinner or spend some quality time in your home, please contact our office with your ideas at oip@uttyler.edu. From 3-16 February, four elementary and middle school teachers from South Korea visited the University of Texas at Tyler during their Fulbright American Studies Program, sponsored by the U.S. Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The Fulbright Scholars arrived on campus following a month spent in Austin attending an intensive English language program at the Texas International Education Consortium (TIEC). The teachers lived with families from our own UT Tyler Community that graciously volunteered to host the scholars in their homes. They networked with teachers at Hubbard and Stewart Middle Schools as well as working one-on-one with educators at the Innovation Academy Charter School. During their stay they also ventured to Dallas for a few days to attend the 7th Annual Texas STEM Conference, along with the Innovation Academy teachers. The remainder of the time the scholars attended classes on UT Tyler campus, visited the Herrington Patriot Center, toured the library, and took trips to Camp Tyler and the Discovery Science Place. COLOMBIA DELEGATION A delegation from the Universidad Católica de Pereira in Colombia visited campus on Monday, 7 April. Escorted by Dr. Teresa Kennedy, Rector Father Álvaro Eduardo Betancur Jiménez and Claudia María Castaño Rodas visited with OIP international advisors, toured the UT Tyler campus, and met with deans and faculty members from the colleges of Education and Psychology, Engineering and Computer Science, Arts and Sciences, and Business and Technology. The delegation ended the day at the Office of International Programs to learn about the Intensive English Language Institute followed by a visit with Bishop Joseph Strickland, plus Father Paul Key and Mr. Jose Piñones from UT Tyler’s Campus Ministry for the Diocese of Tyler. Spring 2014 Newsletter Page 2 INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS NEWSLETTER UT Tyler International Students SPRING 2014 CHINESE PROFESSOR KAI ZHANG VISITS UT TYLER CAMPUS Professor Kai Zhang visited our campus from the North Eastern Liao Ning Province of China from January to April 2014. Professor Zhang teaches English in China and came to UT Tyler to observe our classes. Some distinct differences she noticed in English classes here include: Writing courses seem to be mostly for English majors in the U.S., but in China there is a focus on writing skills for all disciplines; in China there is a heavy focus on grammar, structure and styling but not as much emphasis on writing Current Number of International Students: 239 (91 Undergraduate, 148 Graduate) Total Countries Represented: 42 VISITING CHINESE DELEGATION For the past 12 years, UT Tyler has partnered with Green Acres Baptist Church and the Tyler community to assist students from Qujing Normal University in the Yunnan Province of China to experience Tyler. This year’s delegation arrived in Tyler on 4 April and will return on 24 May. Dr. Martin Slann, College of Arts and Sciences, facilitated the students to audit various classes on campus including Art, English, and History. The delegation also attended seminars on American Culture at our IELI and participated in International Day at Tyler Junior College. creatively as in the United States. For more information on inviting J-1 Exchange Visitors, contact Daoming Chen at the OIP Student, Scholar & Faculty Services Center at issfs@uttyler.edu or (903) 565-5960. INTERNATIONAL UT SYS TEM FELLOWSHIP RECIPIENT UT Tyler student Randy Sronce was selected to receive a Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Summer Research Academy Abroad (SRAA) fellowship. Mr. Sronce is a chemistry major and will receive a stipend to support his Summer 2014 research experience in Zurich, Switzerland. Sronce will blog during the duration of his studies. To read his blog, join the LSAMP Research Without Borders Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/237338673137475/ T YLER SISTER CITIES UPDATE The Office of International Programs continues to offer weekly shuttle services to Walmart and the Mosque every Friday afternoon! 2014 Yachiyo Trip: 7-15 July. Includes site seeing in Tokyo, Fuji/Hakone, plus participating in the summer festival at Sawara City and an official visit to the Yachiyo City Hall. A few seats are still available! Contact Pat Johns at Tylerpsj@aol.com for more information. Dr. Stephen Krebbs (UT Tyler) and Mr. Tony Tadasa (TJC) are assisting Tyler's Sister City organization to find qualified UT Tyler graduates for Yachiyo, Japan's Assistant Language Teacher program. The graduates earn roughly $35,000/year plus low cost housing. A delegation from UT Tyler and TJC will travel to Tyler’s Sister City—Liberia, Costa Rica—to conduct student interviews to award two tuition scholarships beginning Fall 2014 (2 years of study at TJC followed by 2 years at UT Tyler). UT T YLER CELEBRATES ANOTHER INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT: QUJING NORMAL UNIVERSIT Y: 16 APRIL 2014 UT Tyler also has agreements with: Qingdao University, China (23 June 2010) Universidad de Sonora (UNISON), Mexico (23 January 2012) Shimane University, Japan (17 October 2012) Tokyo Seitoku University, Japan (7 February 2013) UNIVERSIT Y PARTNERSHIPS: UNIVERSIT Y OF SONORA The University of Texas at Tyler has officially initiated collaborations with the University of Sonora (UNISON) in Hermosillo, Mexico. The agreement established between UT Tyler and the University of Sonora, or UNISON, is designed to inspire departmental collaborations as well as increase student mobility between both institutions. Dr. James Nelson, Dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science, and Dr. Jose Rafael Benito Noriega Luna, former visiting faculty from UNISON, initiated this international partnership in January 2012. The collaboration will build on the strengths of both programs to provide excellent opportunities for research. According to Dr. Pam Martin and Dr. Barbara Haas from the College of Nursing and Spring 2014 Newsletter Health Sciences, “this will have a huge impact on local healthcare that will translate globally.” Page 3 Learn more about the University of Sonora at: http://www.uson.mx/ www.uttyler.edu/oip OIP fosters a welcoming and inclusive environment for our international students, scholars and visiting faculty from over 35 countries who enrich the diversity of our campus and engage in interactive learning opportunities with our entire community. THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT TYLER Globagggl Office of International Programs 3620 Varsity Dr. Tyler, TX 75701 Phone: 903-565-6155 Email: oip@uttyler.edu P R O V I D I N G S E R V I C E S T H A T B E N E F I T O U R S T U D E N T S , S C H O L A R S , A N D F A C U L T Y , A S W E L L T H E T Y L E R A N D E A S T T E X A S C O M M U N I T I E S . Follow Us! A S