800 Homes for Ledig - Platinum Weekly Newspaper
800 Homes for Ledig - Platinum Weekly Newspaper
p 10 02 September 2016 PLATINUM WEEKLY, 50 Marais Street, Tel: 014 592 9686, Fax: 011 252 6669, E-mail: news@platinumweekly.co.za 800 Homes for Ledig /HGLJ5XVWHQEXUJ– As part of their ¿UP VWUDWHJ\ WR DFKLHYH FRPPXQLW\ UHFRQVWUXFWLRQ WKURXJK ¿JKWLQJ XQemployment and poverty in Ledig, the %DNXEXQJ%D5DWKHRDQGWKHLUWUDGLtional council decided to buy back a portion of the land that was leased to :HVL]ZH3ODWLQXP7KLVZDVGRQHLQ RUGHU WR EXLOG KRXVLQJ XQLWV DV discussed during the general comPXQLW\PHHWLQJKHOGRQ7KXUVGD\ $XJXVW Accompanied by delegates from the :HVL]ZH 3ODWLQXP 0LQH %DNXEXQJ 0LQH WKH 'HSDUWPHQW RI7UDGLWLRQDO $IIDLUV DQG /DQG 5HIRUPV WKH %DNXEXQJED5DWKHROHDGE\WKHLUQHZO\ FURZQHGFKLHI.JRVL6RORPRQ0SKuphuthe Monnakgotla – agreed that they will buy the leased land including all the powers held by Wesizwe concerning the development of the houses. With the consensus from Morafe, the houses will be built through the %DNXEXQJ &RPPXQLW\ 'HYHORSPHQW Corporation on Portion 11 of the Farm Frischgewaagd 96JQ. ,Q DGGUHVVLQJ WKH FRPPXQLW\ -DEXODQL *XPEL IURP WKH RI¿FH RI .JRVL said that Wesizwe Platinum wanted WR EXLOG XQLWV WKURXJK *DERQHwe Estate. “As the council, we ap- proached Wesizwe and agreed that we will buy a portion of the land currently leased to them and build the units for Wesizwe to rent,” Gumbi VDLG .XEX 3URSHUW\ FXUUHQWO\ EXLOGLQJ KRXVHV IRU WKH FRPPXQLW\ ZLOODOVREXLOWWKHVHXQLWV$FFRUGLQJWR*XPEL:HVL]ZHZLOOUHQW of the units for its employees while ZLOOEHUHQWHGE\WKHFRPPXQLW\ Disele Johannes Phologane from the RI¿FHRI.JRVLVWDWHGWKDWWKHSURMHFW will form a part of community upliftment programme to move the community forward in terms of infrastructure development. “Not only will this SURMHFW VWUHQJWKHQ RXU UHODWLRQVKLS with Wesizwe but it will also improve the lives of our community members”, Phologane indicated .JRVL6RORPRQ0SKXSKXWKH0RQQDNJRWODRIWKH%DNXEXQJ%D5DWKHR±ÀDQNHGE\PHPEHUV With the release of the shareholding of traditional council, delegates for Wesizwe Platinum, Land Reforms and Traditional Affairs. PRQH\RIRYHU5PLOOLRQWKDWZDV KHOGE\,'&GXHWRLQVWDELOLW\DQGLVsues pertaining the chieftaincy within the community, the royal council is working towards taking the community forward while also investing in MREFUHDWLRQDQGHGXFDWLRQ7KHFRPmunity also gave the council permisVLRQ WR IRUP %DNXEXQJ %D 5DWKHR¶V 7UDGLWLRQDO *RYHUQDQFH 6WUXFWXUH DV Desele Johannes Phologane addressing the community during Bakubung Ba Ratheo’s required by the constitution. general meeting on Housing Developments and Traditional Governance Structure. KOSTER SKOOL More than Mining 7× BEHEERLIGGAAMPOSTE Vereistes: 1. Gr 9-12 Wiskunde (Departementeel) 2. *U :LVNXQGH*HOHWWHUGKHLG 3. *U *HRJUD¿H Gr 6-7 Wiskunde 5. *U 1:(%:HQ7HJ 6. Gr 3 Grondslagfase 7. Gr 1 Grondslagfase %XVEHVWXXUGHU6ZDUWUXJJHQV.RVWHUURHWH 6SRUWHQNXOWXXUEHWURNNHQKHLGLVµQ DDQEHYHOLQJEHKDOZHE\GLHEXVEHVWXXUGHU Stuur CV aan: kosterskool@lantic.net of handig in by die kantoor 6OXLWLQJVGDWXP6HSWHPEHU 'LHQVDDQYDDUGLQJ-DQXDULH Tel: 014 592 1791/4 40A Heystek Street, Rustenburg 6HQLRU9HQWLODWLRQ2I¿FHU03 5SHUPRQWK Must have the IROORZLQJTXDOL¿FDWLRQVDGYDQFHG FHUWL¿FDWH0LQH9HQWLODWLRQ&HUWL¿FDWH Purpose of the position will be to utilize his / her skills and knowledge and ensure application, by his / her team for Ventilation Engineering management system, process, policies and resources provided, to meet short and medium term demand so 6DIHW\2I¿FHU5WE5FWFSHU that company remain competitive. 5 Years underground mining experience PRQWK Samtrac Mining / Comsoc HVVHQWLDO&HUWL¿FDWHRI¿WQHVV0+6 +D]DUGLGHQWL¿FDWLRQDQG5LVN $VVHVVPHQW&HUWL¿FDWH,&$05&$7RU Act 12(1) Occupational Health. /RVVFDXVDWLRQFHUWL¿FDWH,62 567 &HUWL¿FDWH2+6$6&HUWL¿FDWH 0LQHUV5WE5QHJ At least 3 years mining experience in Platinum only. MHSA Application experience for at RST000705 least 2 full years. Must have mining experience. RST000688 Operations Supervisor (Rtb) 5SPEHQH¿WV With Gr12 & at least 3 years working experience in operations. Computer literate + Accpac. Previous supervisory experience. Oversee issuing of materials, Upkeep of asset register book, issuing and recording of PPE. Complete month end report. Dealing with health & safety issues on site. Valid drivers license & own transport. RST000689 7(033D\UROO$FFRXQWV5WE 5±5SHUPRQWK Needed WRGRSD\UROO6DUV(¿OLQJ'HEWRUV Creditors and month end recons. RST000690 3OHDVHVXEPLWDOO&YCVYLDRXUZHEVLWHZZZ LQIRSHUVRQQHOFR]DRUHPDLODSSOLFDWLRQWR cv@infopersonnel.co.za with relevant UHIHUHQFHQXPEHUPlease note that Info Personnel will UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES FKDUJHFDQGLGDWHVDIHHIRUSODFHPHQWV Mr. Masila from Land Reforms during his keynote address. Royal Bafokeng Platinum (RBPlat) is a black-owned and controlled, mid-tier platinum group metals (PGMs) producer, listed on the JSE Limited, which operates the Bafokeng Rasimone Platinum Mine (BRPM) and is constructing the Styldrift I Project, both of which are located in the North West province of South Africa. To apply, please e-mail your CV to recruitment@ bafokengplatinum.co.za or fax to 086 210 9815. In the event that you do not hear from the Company within a period of 21 days after the closing date of applications, your application shall be deemed to be unsuccessful. Closing Date: 16 September 2016 Styldrift Platinum Mine North West Province Auto Electrician Reference: B/ENG/180 The successful candidate will provide an engineering service to a business area and also PDLQWDLQWKHORZYROWDJHFRPSRQHQWVRQH[FDYDWLQJHTXLSPHQW7KHDSSOLFDQWVPXVW EHLQSRVVHVVLRQRIDQ$XWR(OHFWULFLDQ7UDGH7HVWDQGWZRWRWKUHH\HDUV·H[SHULHQFH 0DLQWHQDQFH0RGXOHVRQH[FDYDWLRQHTXLSPHQWLQWKH(QJLQHHULQJ'HSDUWPHQWZLOOEH advantageous for this position. The candidate who will be best suited for this position will be responsible for Administration and reporting on production performance and the maintenance of equipment. Good employee relations and stakeholder relations are of importance for this role as also is the safety, health, environment and risk. Change Transformation and Process Optimization is also the key responsibility of this FDQGLGDWH$FOHDUFULPLQDOFUHGLWUHFRUG&RGH'ULYHUV/LFHQVHDQG&HUWLÀFDWHRI )LWQHVVLVHVVHQWLDO TMM Electrician Reference: B/ENG/179 The successful candidate will provide an engineering technical service to the trackless section, and also do the servicing of drill rigs and bolters at a Unit. The applicants PXVWEHLQSRVVHVVLRQRIDQ(OHFWULFLDQ7UDGH7HVWDQGWZRWRWKUHH\HDUV·H[SHULHQFH 0DLQWHQDQFH0RGXOHVRQH[FDYDWLRQHTXLSPHQWLQWKH(QJLQHHULQJ'HSDUWPHQWZLOOEH advantageous for this position. The candidate who will be best suited for this position will be responsible for Administration and reporting on production performance and the maintenance of equipment. Good employee relations and stakeholder relations are of importance for this role as also is the safety, health, environment and risk. Change Transformation and Process Optimization is also the key responsibility of this FDQGLGDWH$FOHDUFULPLQDOFUHGLWUHFRUG&RGH'ULYHUV/LFHQVHDQG&HUWLÀFDWHRI )LWQHVVLVHVVHQWLDO Diesel Mechanic Reference: B/ENG/181 The successful candidate will provide an engineering technical service to a section at a Business Area. The role of Diesel Mechanic is to repair service and maintain all diesel-hydraulics and electro-hydraulics, vehicles and machinery so that optimal utilization of the equipment can be achieved. The applicants must be in possession of D&HUWLÀFDWHRIFRPSHWHQFHDV'LHVHO0HFKDQLFDQGRQHWRWKUHH\HDUV·H[SHULHQFH Good employee relations and stakeholder relations are of importance for this role as also is the safety, health, environment and risk. Change Transformation and Process Optimization is also the key responsibility of this candidate. A clear criminal/credit UHFRUG&RGH'ULYHUV/LFHQVHDQG&HUWLÀFDWHRI)LWQHVVLVHVVHQWLDO www.bafokengplatinum.co.za
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