Monday 20th July 2015
Monday 20th July 2015
20 July 2015/21 Titiro ki Runga Look Up and Reach for the Stars School Values - We want our children to be: Respectful; Caring; Honest; Responsible; Creative; Successful and to Persevere Welcome to term three. It was an interesting break especially where the weather was concerned. Freezing cold in Auckland and then pouring with rain. I managed to spend some time with my grandson Boston – cheeky and impish and already playing the cute card when he knows he shouldn‟t be doing / touching something. Starting this term we are supporting the Hawera Mount View Lions initiative – “Adopt a Granny”. Once a month classes will host a group of elderly people here at school and involve them in a range of activities. This will be a wonderful opportunity for our children to demonstrate our core school values. Community Survey: Many thanks to everyone who has completed this survey for us. There is a question about the swimming pool as part of this survey and it would be great to have as many responses as possible to inform any decisions about the future of the pools. Life Education Caravan: The classes will be attending teaching and learning sessions in the caravan this week. Included in the newsletter is the timetable for when classes will be going and you are most welcome to attend a session with your child if you are able to. PTA Facebook: The PTA have a face book page so please take the opportunity to like their page. There is a meeting this evening in the staffroom at 6.30 pm. All most welcome to attend. Subway for lunch on Wednesday. Nga mihi nui Linda. Principal Ph 272 8023. Certificates The following children will be receiving certificates at our assembly on Friday. Assembly will be in the hall and will begin at 2.15 pm. Our hosts will be Trinity Cuthbert, Kortez Rerekura and Jorvadia Poutama from Room One. Room One: Noah Horvath, Kortez Rerekura, Hayley Gavin, Luca Dobson. Room Two: Kaden Richardson-Thomas, Lucy Fernley, Shia Brisco, Koby-Tre Ross. Room Three: Quisha Potts, Maharlya –Rose Wall, Thomas Baker, Kordae Ross. Room Four: Kiane Hawe, Macey McKay, Chaym Greenhill, Kaese Smith. Room Five: Zahara-Li Williams, Addison Mumby, Malakai Vaoga, Zion Uerata, Ranginui Cuthbert. Room Six: Bailey Sharpe, Haylen Low, Brock Mack, Seth Ogle. Room Seven: Nevaeh Knight, Jaylyn Eru, Bella King, Ryleigh Wilson. Room Eight: Elijah Harris, Lucas Kempton, Millah Gray, Kyra Ranford. Other awards from the final assembly last term were: Crunchie Bar: Cardia-Haze Tocker-Todd, Lucy Fearnley. Jump Jam: Zavier Augustine. Caught Being Good: Lynton Turner. Best Banker: Ashley Patterson-Murtagh Tidiest Corridor: Rooms 1, 5, 7, 8. Winning House: N/A Contribution to the mural: Ceazar Tuirirangi, Cameron Campbell, Kortez Rerekura and Jenna Mack. Mural Last term thirteen children were involved in helping to prepare and paint the long awaited mural to go outside Room four. I am happy now to announce that it is finally completed. Out of the thirteen children who participated in this project, four children received certificates in the last assembly of Term two. The largest section of the mural is loosely based around Lake Rotakare, so in order to get a feel for the colours, wildlife, plant life and so on found there, the children went on a field trip to the lake. Their task was to take photos that we could use to help us with the drawing and painting stages of the mural. Two children did an exceptional job of this and were given certificates to acknowledge their contribution. They were Ceazar Tuirirangi and Cameron Campbell. Nearing the end of the project, two children were invaluable when it came to drawing and painting the finer details. They were Kortez Rerekura and Jenna Mack. Well done to everyone who was involved, I had a lot of fun doing it and I hope you did too! Dates to Remember Day Monday Thursday Thursday Date Month 20 July 23 July 6 August Time 6:30pm 5:30pm 7:30pm Event PTA meeting in staffroom BOT meeting in staffroom Kids For Kids at TSB Showplace, New Plymouth Top School Basketball We are in need of a coach/referee for our school Top-School basketball team. If you know of anyone who can help us with this please let me know asap! Richard SATURDAY NETBALL NEWS Don‟t forget the draw is available on the Netball Taranaki website under the Game Time tab – Draws and Results. Saturday 25th July 12:00pm Swifts 11:00am Vixens vs vs Thunderbirds Hawera Intermediate 7A HAW 5 HAW 3 Winter Sports Uniforms All winter sports uniforms are now due back at school apart from netball dresses still required for Saturday morning netball. Please drop them off at the office in a named bag. Many thanks. WANTED ICE CREAM CONTAINERS: Please drop them off at the office. Thank you. CAN TABS: The school is collecting can tabs and screw caps off wine bottles. These can be left in the container at the office. Every tab or cap collected is worth one minute of dialysis. STAFF NOTES Room 1 Kia Ora Congratulations to all of the presenters at assembly last term. You were organised, spoke into the microphone and kept the assembly flowing along at a good pace. Luca and Tristan, well done for sharing your science experiments, I am sure they will be remembered and attempted by people in the audience. Life Education This week we have the Life Education caravan at school with Harold the giraffe. Our class had their first visit today at 11:25 and the next one is on Wednesday at 11:25. Energy of the Future. Room 1 is gathering information about different energy sources. If anyone has knowledge about/ or experience with solar, hydro, gas, coal, nuclear etc we would be appreciate learning from people with knowledge. If students are interested in entering into the Science Fair, the entry forms need to be completed by Thursday. Students can enter as individuals or as groups. If you would like more information then please come and see me. Reading/Writing. The reading and writing focus this week will be skimming and scanning nonfiction text for relevant information. Students will also be discussing whether a source of information is valid or not. Mathematics. The focus for the next four weeks is multiplication and division, in particular learning times tables. Assembly Room 1 is on assembly this week. We will be sharing some recorder pieces. It would be great if parents could come and hear us play. Class Goals for this week; To search for information from non-fiction text. To use Maori words in conversation and writing. Thanks for your support. Helen Barrett Room 2 Hi everyone, I hope you all enjoyed the break and were able to stay nice and warm in the chilling temperatures. In writing this week, we are carrying on with writing descriptions which links into our inquiry about dogs. The children will describe their dog or dog that they know. This week we are looking at solving mazes and giving directions in maths. Encourage your child to use language such as left, right, under, near, far, to describe where objects are in relation to each other. This week we have the Life Education caravan at school with Harold the giraffe. Our class had their first visit today and the next one is on Tuesday. Our focus while visiting Harold is Keeping Ourselves Safe, looking at road safety and dog safety. We will continue to learn about keeping ourselves safe during our inquiry sessions. We will also be covering fire safety. This term we welcome Mrs Brogden as our learning assistant for the mornings. Have a great week, Jessica Room 3 Hi Everyone, Welcome back to Term 3. It‟s hard to believe we are halfway through the school year already. This week we are very lucky to have the Life Education caravan at school with Harold the giraffe. Our class has visits in there tomorrow at 10.20am and again on Wednesday at 8.50am. It will be very helpful if all children are at school by 8.45am on Wednesday as we will doing the roll early so that we are in the caravan ready to go at 8.50am. Our focus while visiting Harold is Keeping Ourselves Safe, looking at road safety and dog safety. We will then continue with this for our inquiry and also add in fire safety. Our main focus for the first week will be dog safety. Our writing to start the week is also going to be focused around dogs. We are going to be looking at different types of dogs and then choosing a certain breed to describe. In maths we will be continuing with our addition and subtraction strategies and learning about place value in numbers. Have a good week everyone, Clarissa Room 4 Hey everyone, I hope you all had a good break and made the most of the patches of fine weather we had. We‟re straight into the swing of Kids for Kids. If your child hasn‟t brought their permission forms back to school, we need them by Wednesday at the latest please. If we do not have a permission form I will assume they do not have permission and will not be included in the arrangements for the day/night. By the end of the week your child will bring home a notice outlining the organisation of the day. Tickets are also now available through the website atid=52 We have the Life Education caravan at school this week. This is a wonderful opportunity for the Room 4 students to learn about themselves and the impact their choices have. Our visit times are 11.25 – 12.25 Tuesday and 9.40 – 10.40 Wednesday. Our inquiry unit this term is based around „Energy of the Future‟. If anyone has any knowledge of the energy industry or knowledge around electricity and electrical workings we would love to hear from you. If your child is interested in entering the science fair, the entry forms need to be completed by Thursday. Can I please have all camp forms back to me by Friday 24 th July. More information around fundraising and camp will be coming out within the next few weeks so please keep checking your child‟s bag if you haven‟t heard anything for a while. As always, if you need to chat feel free to pop in and see me either before 8.50 or after 3.15 A ani i te wiki nui Richard Room 5 Hello everyone! Welcome back everyone. It is great to see everyone back and ready to learn. As usual, we have a busy term ahead of us. Starting with Harold‟s visit this week, Cross Country, Maori language week in week 3, Week 5‟s Art week and then our wonderful PTA sponsored swimming lessons at the Hawera Aquatic Centre. This week we have the Life Education caravan at school with Harold the giraffe. This week we will be focusing on our relationships with other people at school. Some of the topics we will be covering are peer pressure, what is bullying, what we can do if we have problems, dealing with being unique and coping with change. This learning will be supported by our visits to the Life Education truck. Our class had their first visit today at 1:30pm and the next one is on Wednesday at the same time. You are very welcome to join us in the mobile classroom on Wednesday afternoon. Our Mathematics focus for the next four weeks is multiplication and division, in particular learning times tables. For the next few weeks we are writing narratives. Students will be writing imaginative stories that contain a complication [problem] and a resolution [solution.] Two of our writing goals this term will be to use paragraphs to separate our ideas and include some dialogue in our writing. Our chunk for the week is ing like in sing. Have great week Liz Room 6 Hi everyone, Welcome back to term 3, I hope you all had a safe and happy holiday. We have a busy term ahead of us with a variety of learning experiences planned across all curriculum areas which is awesome. This week we will be heading to the Life Education caravan and learning about relationships with others, expressing feelings, peer pressure and bullying. Our first session is this afternoon. For writing we are starting narratives and will be learning about their structure and what components we need to include in our writing. We will also continue to write to our Dunedin pen pals, as this has been a successful part of our writing programme over the past term. Over the next few weeks we will be working on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division strategies for maths. Please make sure that your child practises these basic facts during the week. This term we will be continuing with our weekly home learning ice cream extravaganza due to its popularity and success last term. I would like to congratulate Taene, Funaki, Brock and Regan who did exceptionally well with this challenge last term. Have a great week. Pip Room 7 Welcome back. I hope you had a great holiday. This week we will be focusing on our relationships with other people at school. Some of the topics we will be covering are peer pressure, what is bullying, what we can do if we have problems, dealing with being unique and coping with change. This learning will be supported by our visits to the Life Education truck. You are very welcome to join us in the mobile classroom tomorrow and Wednesday between 2:15 and 3pm. Room 7 now has a home learning chart. Students will earn stickers on Friday if they have read each night and completed their basic facts and spelling throughout the week. The stickers earned go towards an end of the term treat with the reward each student gets corresponding to the number of weeks they have completed their home learning. For the next few weeks our writing focus is narratives. Students will be writing a mix of true and imaginative stories that contain a complication [problem] and a resolution [solution.] Two of our writing goals this term will be to use paragraphs to separate our ideas and include some dialogue in our writing. In maths some students will be moving on to using their knowledge of multiplication and division to solve problems as well as practising addition and subtraction strategies. This term we welcome Miss Cooper as our learning assistant for the mornings. Our chunk for the week is ing like in swing. Have a super week everyone, Mandy Room 8 Hi everyone and welcome back to school! Today we welcomed two new children to our class, Millah and Elijah and Lucas starts on Thursday. Millah and Lucas both have older siblings at school but Elijah and his family are brand new so a special welcome to the Harris family! We start off the week with two visits to the Life Education caravan. Harold the Giraffe is always a highlight of our visits to the caravan and this time he will be helping us learn how to keep ourselves safe around dogs and when crossing the road. We will continue to learn about keeping ourselves safe during our inquiry sessions in the afternoons. We will also be covering fire safety as part of our learning. During literacy I will be introducing the components of the „Daily 5‟ programme. This week we are learning how to read to ourselves with a focus on the different ways to read a book, building our reading stamina and also on learning what comprehension means and how we can check if we understand what we are reading. In maths we will be continuing with our addition and subtraction strategies and further developing our number knowledge. Have a good week everyone, Jude Room 1 Kids’ Corner Images from around Room 1 Second Hand Uniform for Sale If you would like to view any items please see Kay at the office Description Size Quantity Bottle green short sleeve polo shirt Bottle green short sleeve polo shirt Bottle green short sleeve polo shirt Bottle green short sleeve polo shirt Bottle green short sleeve polo shirt Bottle green short sleeve polo shirt Bottle green long sleeve polo shirt Bottle green long sleeve polo shirt Bottle green polar fleece top with embroidered logo Bottle green polar fleece top with embroidered logo Bottle green polar fleece top with embroidered logo Culottes Culottes Culottes Culottes Culottes Culottes Culottes Drill rugger shorts Black shorts Black shorts Black shorts New black side tab shorts Black side tab shorts Black side tab shorts Hawera Intermediate uniform Polar Fleece top with embroidered logo 6 yrs 8 yrs 8 yrs 10 yrs 10 yrs 12 yrs 12 yrs 14 yrs 5 yrs 7 yrs 14 yrs 4 yrs 8 yrs 8 yrs 10 yrs 12 yrs 12 yrs 12 yrs 8 yrs 8 yrs 10 yrs 8 yrs 8yrs 10 yrs 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Price (each) $10.00 $5.00 $10.00 $5.00 $10.00 $15.00 $5.00 $5.00 $20.00 $20.00 $25.00 $20.00 $15.00 $20.00 $20.00 $5.00 $20.00 $25.00 $4.00 $5.00 $10.00 $5.00 $15.00 $10.00 $10.00 12 yrs 1 $20 6–7 yrs
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