virtual reunion 2016 - Dartmouth Class of 1978


virtual reunion 2016 - Dartmouth Class of 1978
Virtual reunion 2016
Special Edition Newsletter
In this issue:
Gallery of Participants in our 2nd Annual Virtual Reunion
Jim Ancona, Tony Anella, Doug Antaya, Owen Astrachan, Anne Bagamery,
Audie Bakewell, Anne Barschall, Amy Simon Berg, Rick Beyer, Raymond
Boniface, Catherine Cates, Bob Ceplikas, Brooks Clark, Susan Cohen,
Jim Coleman, Geoff Crew, Andy Ebbott, Paul Ehrsam, David Foley, Nancy
Mayer Freedman, Bill Fritz, Alesandra Gelmi H’78, Dave Graham,
Barbara Kelly Hack, Jane Hammett, Jane Kirrstetter Ingram, Susan Kepes,
Rick Kimball, Pierre Kirch, Jim Lattin, Nancy Lebowitz, Rich Lougee, Nancy
Luebbert, Helen Lukash, Walter Malmquist, Barbie Snyder Martinez,
Shanna Gerrard McCarley, Lisa Miles McNamara, Timothy J. McNamara, Greg
Melvin, Wendy Gair Muello, Steven Myers, Dan O’Connor, Kathleen
O’Connor, Ted Olson, Jack Reeder, Harriet Schwartz, David Shoemaker,
Rick Spier, Glen-Martin Swartwout, Mary Thron, Michael Whitcomb, Kevin B.
Wilkey, and Craig Woods.
Behind the Old Pine
Take the “Second Act” Survey: It’s quick, easy, and fun!
Planned Mini-Reunions for ’78 Turns 60 details. There’s still time to join in!
Virtual reunion 2016 Gallery
Virtual Reunion 2016: Tony Anella, with daughter, Kate, on
a Chama River trip in northern New Mexico.
Jim Ancona: “Happy 78th day from Big Bend National Park!”
with Anne Fidler Ancona.
Virtual Reunion 2016: Doug Antaya
Owen Astrachan: “A day late --- but my 14 year old Adam, who knows the lyrics to
Dear Old Dartmouth, told me he felt like spending money so he could stop thinking
about something. I still have the North Face vest I bought at the Coop in 1975 when
I felt the same way. Not clear he's living vicariously through my purchase.”
Audie Bakewell: “Almost finished restoration of my latest
Land Cruiser: '88 FJ62, in preparation for heading back to
another full season on the Denali Highway.”
Anne Bagamery: “Happy 78th Day from the class balcony!”
Virtual Reunion 2016:
Any Simon Berg
Virtual Reunion 2016: Anne Barschall
Raymond Boniface: “Hanging with our new member
of the Family. Best to all!”
Rick Beyer: “Happy 78th Day from Lexington MA!”
Virtual Reunion 2016: Brooks Clark and Karen Clark, on
Knoxville's Gay Street
Virtual Reunion 2016:
Catherine Cates in Atlanta, with Michael Wilkinson '79
Jim Coleman: “Happy 78th Day from Greensboro NC. Attending
Susan Cohen: “Here's to the 78th day from Marblehead, MA .” Rotary PETS. Trying to add a little international flavor with the hotel
room Napoleon pic background.”
Virtual Reunion 2016: Andy Ebbott
"I'm not a talented selfie taker but this is me, spending 3/18,
skiing at Alta, UT. They give free lift tickets when you get to 80, so
I have something to shoot for."
Virtual Reunion 2016: Paul Ehrsam
"March 18th was the first of three weekend performances for the
Houston Symphony and Chorus. We performed Bernstein's Chichester
Psalms and Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. Both works were first
performed together in Berlin as part of the celebration of the fall of the
Berlin Wall in 1989 with Leonard Bernstein conducting. Maestro
Bernstein died shortly after the performances. While both works are
quite powerful (in very different ways), the combination is extremely
emotional for both the performers and the audience. I joked with our
Director that since one is in Hebrew and the other in German, we were
singing in Yiddish..."
Virtual Reunion 2016:
Bill Fritz
"Happy 78th!"
Virtual Reunion 2016: David Foley
"Greetings and best wishes to everyone."
Alessandra Gelmi H’78: “It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! Dave Graham: 78th Day Photo. “Lunch at 8,000' during our
heli-ski outing. Go Green!”
Blessings to all 78'ers and their families!”
Virtual Reunion 2016: Jane Erwin Hammett
"Since I haven't made a physical reunion, the virtual type is just
perfect! Blessings to all our class!"
Barbara Kelly Hack: “Happy 78th day from
beautiful Santa Barbara.”
Virtual Reunion 2016: Jane Kirrstetter Ingram
"I just went skiing with Lisa Miles McNamara in Jackson Hole.
We celebrated, early, our 60th. So happy to still enjoy skiing!
(At our age - haha). Happy 60th to our classmates!"
Susan Kepes: “Sorry I'm late, but I was traveling on 78th day.
At Cocoa Beach with Linnea.”
Virtual Reunion 2016:
Pierre Kirch
"Greetings from my swimming
pool in southern France."
Rick Kimball: “Happy 78th day of the
year from the lost city of Atlantis!”
Jim Lattin: “Happy 78th Day from Bangalore!
I guess I can't actually call it a mini-reunion
(no one here to re-une with). To paraphrase
Daniel Webster: ‘It is, sir, as I have said, a
college with a relatively small representation
in India. But there are those who love it.’
Count me among them.”
Virtual Reunion 2016:
Dr. Nancy Lebowitz
"This is a recent photo of my husband and me at a wedding in October!"
Virtual Reunion 2016:
Nancy Luebbert
Rich Lougee & Bob Ceplikas: “Cep and I about to watch
Dartmouth hockey beat Quinnipiac at Lake Placid on 78 Day.
Y'all should be here!”
Helen Lukash: “Happy 78th Day, from the woods in Silver Falls
State Park, OR!”
Virtual Reunion 2016: Walter Malmquist
"This picture was taken on my birthday while enjoying a
round of golf with the ladies.... Ginny (Nancy's sister), Nancy
(spouse), Tenley (daughter), and moi."
78th Night on another "Class Balcony"
Barbie Snyder Martinez, flanked by Kathleen O’Connor, and
Nancy Mayer Freedman
Shanna Gerrard McCarley: “Here in the Prescott
National Forest.”
Virtual Reunion 2016: Greg Melvin
"Golfing in Florida."
Virtual Reunion 2016: Timothy J. McNamara
"Nepal, circa 2011, but I don't look much different!"
Wendy Gair Muello: “Happy 78th Day!
Here I am at home in Jefferson, NH --convalescing from the foot
surgery I had yesterday...Hoping this will make hiking a lot less
painful this summer! ....
Oh, and I love the whole 78s turn 60 idea...especially since this 78
is turning 59 this year! Let me know how it”
Steven Myers: “Late 78th day posting, but the picture was taken
on time… “
Gonic Trails, Islington River on Rochester Neck Rd., Rochester, NH
NB: Dan O’Connor sent in a perspective video of the scenery
while looking downward at his skateboard as he rode it and
exclaimed about 78s turning 60..
His title: “I guess we are turning 60.”
If I could post the video, I would. However much it loses in the
translation, rest assured that Dan is alive and well. And,
evidently, he was riding his skateboard in honor of 78th Day!
If you wish to check out his gif, go to the Class of 1978 Facebook
page, and search for him, there.
Virtual Reunion 2016: Ted Olson
Jack Reeder: “Happy 78th day! Here I am, slaving away at the
salt mine!”
“Happy 78th Day from Harriet Schwartz and Geoff Crew!”
Virtual Reunion
Virtual Reunion 2016: Rick Spier
Virtual Reunion 2016:
The Reverend Dr. Glen-Martin Swartwout
Virtual Reunion 2016: Mary Thron
Kittery Point, ME
Michael Whitcomb: “I admit I wasn't looking my best when this picture was taken.”
Virtual Reunion 2016: Kevin B. Wilkey
Virtual Reunion 2016:
Craig Woods
"What better way to celebrate our
virtual reunion than to snag a couple
of Mahi Mahi off of Boca Raton?"
’78 turns 60 mini reunions
You don’t need to guess who’s coming to dinner (and/or beyond...)
Here are the lists thus far of those who’ve said they’ll attend:
Napa Valley, CA, Silverado Resort
Todd and Diane Baker
Jim Bassett
Bruce and Chris Brent
John Carney
Alex and Judith Chiu
Scott and Patricia Chronert
Sam Coffey
Barbara Dau
Bart English
Dave and Jane Graham
Nicole Hewes
Ed and Jodie Hill
Rick and Kathy Kimball
Jim and Marilyn Lattin
Scott Marber
Fred and Marena Norton
Brian and Rebecca Pilcher
Rick Spier and Patricia Rovzar
Dean and Jenny Stephens
Ben Stutz
Michael and Julie Whitcomb
Mid-Atlantic Dinner, Summit, NJ
Anne Barschall
Bill Cody
Bill Cunningham
David Dietze and Claire Toth
John and Glynnis Harvey
Tom and Anne Hopkins
Stephen and Ann Levitan
Pierre and Kathy Richardson
Alvaro Saralegui
Marco Zarbin and Susan Carter
Cape Cod, MA, Ocean’s Edge Resort
Todd and Lynn Anderson
Rick and Marilyn Beyer
Nancy Mayer Freedman and David Freedman
Bob and Goody Gray
Barbara Kelly Hack
Anne Helgen
Christine Hughes and Sterling Wall
Helen Lukash and Peter Stevens
Walter and Nancy Malmquist
Barbie Snyder Martinez and Rene Martinez
Steve and Linda Myers
Cotten and Phyllis Smith
Elin Peterson Sullivan
Hoping to confirm: Tom Johansen
Kathy Leggat and Jon Choate
Lisa Miles McNamara and Frank McNamara
Andy Peterson
Cathy Corrigan Yates and Greg Yates
We may be getting older, but that doesn’t mean we
have to stop celebrating (or even grow up, for that
matter!) (Well, not completely, anyway.)
Isle of Palms, SC
Bruce Barach
Park and Martha Dougherty
John A. Glaser and Cynthia Winski
Bruce and Anna Kaufman
Alice Galuszka Papsun and Al Papsun
Lee Potter Rogers and Gary Rogers
Lesa Walden-Young and Dennis Young
Maybe you see names here that are familiar to you
from undergraduate years, or folks that you have
come to know in the intervening time whom you
look forward to visiting with, again. However, even
if there’s not a single person listed here that you
remember, please keep this in mind: We are all in
the Class of 1978. It’s the Dartmouth family.
And unlike most families, not only did Mother
Dartmouth choose you, you chose her, as well.
As the class funds are subsidizing you and your
spouse/friend/guest for up to $150/person to cover
the cost of breaking bread together (Or raising a
glass, or whatever) please try to attend, somewhere!
Behind the old pine
Remember: These are only the people and places that have already planned and are in the
works. If you don’t find a group gathering near where you are, and you’d like to start
something up to be a part of one, please get in touch with Dave Graham
(, Brooks Clark (, or me, Helen
Lukash (, and we’ll see to it that you can get a message out to
classmates in your region. Or, just call up someone you know from the class in your area
and have a very mini, mini.
Be sure to check in often on the Class website ( or our
Facebook page (Dartmouth Class of 1978) for news and updates.
Take the 'Second Act' Survey Now!
Have you taken our new survey yet? If not, please do so now by clicking on this link:
Dartmouth 78 Second Act Survey, or use this in your search bar: (
We call it our 'Second Act' survey because we want to understand the challenges and
opportunities that are most compelling to you as we all approach 60. The survey is quick
(7-10 minutes), it's confidential, it's fun (all about you!), and we hope to share the results
in time for our mini-reunions at the end of April.
Dates of note: Be sure to mark your calendars and make your plans to be there!
Regional Mini Reunions this April, a nd Ma y, a nd beyond (see ba ck cover for guide)
Dartmouth Alumni Day of Service, Sa turda y, Ma y 7th, 8676
Homecoming, October 28th and 29th, 2016
3rd Annual 78th Day Virtual Reunion, Sunday, March 19th, 2017
40th Class Reunion, on the Ha nover pla in, June 75th—18th, 2017
Quick reference guide to our Regional Class Mini-Reunions
Houston, TX: Dinner on April 23, 2016.
Contact Paul Ehrsam: (
Cape Cod, MA: Friday, April 29th, Saturday, April 30th, and Sunday, May 1st, 2016.
Class Reception and Dinner on Saturday, April 30.
Contact Barbie Snyder Martinez (, or Todd Anderson
Cleveland, OH: Friday, April 29th, Saturday, April 30th, and Sunday, May 1st, 2016
Contact Steve Peseckis (, or Keith McCrae (
Isle of Palms, SC: Friday, April 29th, and Saturday, April 30th, 2016.
Contact Park Dougherty (, or John Glaser (
Napa Valley, CA: Friday, April 29th, Saturday, April 30th, and Sunday, May 1st, 2016.
Contact Dave Graham (, or Michael Whitcomb (
Mid-Atlantic, Summit, NJ: Saturday, May 14th, 2016. Cocktails and Dinner.
RSVP by April 15 to any of the co-hosts: David Dietze (, or Marco Zarbin
(, or Tom Hopkins (
On the Continent: Time and Date TBD.
Contact Anne Bagamery (, or Sharon Lee Cowen (