Fall 2013 Newsletter - Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central


Fall 2013 Newsletter - Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central
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1100 East Genesee Street, Syracuse, NY 13210
P: 315.476.1027 | F: 315.476.5022 | cnyronaldmcdonaldhouse.org
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Many Hearts
One Home
Nov. 16, 2013
SRC Arena and
Events Center
at Onondaga
A publication of Ronald McDonald House Charities®
of Central New York..
away from home
New House Serving More Families Than Ever
With an elevator, bedrooms with private
baths, the extended-stay suite and many other
amenities, the new Central New York Ronald
McDonald House allows us to offer expanded
services and meet the diverse needs of new
populations of guest families.
Staff Members
Beth M. Trunfio
Executive Director
Jennifer Saraceni Leitgeb
Development Director
Joe Walsh
Business Manager
Lee Wilder
House Program Manager
Jessica Ockenden
Fund Development Associate
Karen Hynes
Administrative Office Assistant
Anne Dashnaw
Throughout the 2012-2013 school year, Wellwood Middle School in the FayettevilleManlius School District raised $5,000 for the CNY Ronald McDonald House. Students
raised the money by hosting car washes, a family movie night, change wars by grade
level, cupcake sales, a snack drive and other activities. A group of SUNY Upstate Medical University students, known among their peers as
“Iron Chefs at Upstate,” is one of the 16 service partnerships facilitated at the Upstate
Center for Civic Engagement. For each of these programs every year, second-year medical
students are selected as service learning leaders who help to plan civic engagements for
students. This year, we welcome service learning leaders Arthur Zak and Nicole “Mei”
Tuong. Each week, Arthur and Nicole make online sign-ups, recruit first-year students,
post recipes and purchase food for the CNY Ronald McDonald House. The students come
to the House every Friday evening and create a spectacular meal for our families.
A High-Risk Mom
Tamara Puccia, of Watertown, N.Y., was 19 weeks pregnant with her son,
Carmine, when an ultrasound revealed she had developed a complete
placenta previa, a condition where the placenta covers the cervix and creates
a serious bleeding risk. Sometimes this condition resolves itself, but in
Tamara’s case it did not.
save the date
Many Hearts One Home
Saturday, Nov. 16, 2013
SRC Arena
Onondaga Community College
6th Annual Bella Casa
Celebrity Fashion Show
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Holiday Inn
Liverpool, N.Y.
Baldwinsville Big Chill
Friday, Jan. 24 &
Saturday, Jan. 25, 2014
Baldwinsville, N.Y.
Artie’s Party at
Syracuse Nationals
Friday, July 18Sunday, July 20, 2014
New York State Fairgrounds
Event to benefit RMHC of CNY
For more information about upcoming events,
visit www.cnyronaldmcdonaldhouse.org.
Many Hearts One Home Annual Celebration
Join us on Saturday, Nov. 16 for our Meany Hearts One Home Celebration,
formerly known as the annual Homecoming Party, at the SRC Arena and
Events Center on the Onondaga Community College campus as we celebrate
the one-year anniversary of being in our new home. Please help us honor
our “Cornerstones,” who have shown their dedication and support from the
beginning: Chris Geiger, Jim and Ellie Grooms, Aaron D. Hugo, Kathy Kotz,
Patrick Leitgeb, Maureen McGlynn, John Osta, Garry Payne, Paul M. Ross
and Matt Schiro. The event will include silent and live auctions featuring
auctioneer Bernie Brzostek, along with cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and food
stations. Cocktail attire is suggested. For more information, visit
www.cnyronaldmcdonaldhouse.org or email Jessica Ockenden at
5,285 nights.
An increase of
Students Helping Families
In 2013, guest families
will stay with us
For ticket, advertising and sponsorship information on any of
the above events, contact Jessica Ockenden at 315.476.1027 or
Gardening Efforts
Now that we have beautiful
landscaping in the backyard of
our new House, the Men’s Garden
Club of Syracuse has a full-time job
volunteering with us, and we greatly
appreciate their help in keeping
everything looking great!
At 22 weeks, Tamara suffered severe bleeding and went to Crouse Hospital.
The hospital staff introduced her to the CNY Ronald McDonald House
because she was required to be on bed rest and near the hospital in case of
an emergency. Tamara was very happy to stay at the new House because it
provided her with a comfortable environment while she awaited the birth of
her son. Tamara’s husband, Geoffrey, traveled back and forth from Syracuse
to Watertown for work but spent time at the House as well. A chef, he even
prepared dinner for our guest families one night!
“The staff at the CNY Ronald McDonald House was so compassionate, and
being there really offered me peace of mind during such a difficult time,”
said Tamara.
Carmine was born on July 16 at 32 weeks and six days. He weighed 4 pounds,
6 ounces and was 17 inches long. After the birth, Tamara returned to stay
at the CNY Ronald McDonald House while Carmine received care at Crouse
Hospital’s Walter R. G. Baker Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
On Aug. 5, the family returned home, and everyone is doing great.
over 2012
An Extended Stay
The Hranek family of
Binghamton, N.Y., was
introduced to the CNY
Ronald McDonald
House by the social
worker at Upstate
Golisano Children’s
Hospital. Brittany was
diagnosed with HLH
a noncancerous,
when she was 4½
years old.
In November 2012, it
became apparent to doctors that something more was
going on with Brittany. After several months of testing,
she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in January
After Brittany received chemotherapy treatments
approximately once a month for a period of time, new,
more aggressive treatments were eventually necessary.
Doctors decided it was best for Brittany to undergo
radiation for a solid three-week period.
We offered the family our extended-stay suite, a fully
equipped apartment with a bedroom, private bathroom,
living room and kitchen, to provide a much more
comfortable atmosphere for her and her family during
Brittany went through radiation like a champ and is
continuing on her road to recovery.
1100 East Genesee Street, Syracuse, NY 13210 | cnyronaldmcdonaldhouse.org
Fall 2013
Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Central New York
© 2013 McDonald’s
Chris Geiger
Leola Rodgers
1st Vice President
Aaron D. Hugo
2nd Vice President
Patrick D. Leitgeb
Kathleen Kotz
Steven Gross, MD
Justin Hummel
Douglas K. Lattner
Yvonne Annese LoRe
Mike Madigan
Maureen E. Maney
Hon. Anthony J. Paris
Henry Pearl
Mark Renquin
Jonathan V. Riddell, MD
Matt Schiro
Colleen M. Schmidt
Brian Sickora
© 2013 McDonald’s
2013 Board of Directors
from the director
Dear Friends,
As the one-year anniversary of the
opening of the new Central New
York Ronald McDonald House
quickly approaches, I find myself
reflecting on all that we have
accomplished this year, the families
we have served and how our
organization is one year stronger.
With our new, handicap-accessible
home, we have been able to expand our services and
increase our occupancy within the last year, serving more
families and new guest populations since December. This
year, guest families will stay with us for approximately
5,285 cumulative night stays, an increase of 84 percent
over last year.
New amenities such as our extended-stay suite, elevator
and guest rooms with private baths have allowed us to
serve families such as the Hraneks and new moms like
Tamara Puccia, who are both featured on the cover of this
This spring, we held our fifth successful Bella Casa
Celebrity Fashion Show featuring local celebrities and
community members. This summer, Ronald McDonald
House Charities of CNY was the beneficiary of Artie’s Party
at Syracuse Nationals for the first time. This outstanding
event included a weekend full of cars, talented artists and
generous donations for our organization.
With a larger House and more families to serve, the need
for your support is as important as ever. Whether you
choose to donate your time through volunteer efforts,
raise money through a corporate event or individual
fundraiser, or make a legacy gift through our planned
giving program, your commitment to the CNY Ronald
McDonald House truly helps us keep families together
during difficult times.
Thank You
Thank you to all the individuals and
groups who continue to dedicate their
time and talents to raising money for
“The House That Love Built.”
A.A. Cole Elementary School – A.A. Cole candy grams sale: $1,924.19
Canastota Central School District – Employee dress down day: $141.00
Cardinal Health – Employee fundraisers: $1,210.00
Chittenango Middle School – Dress down day: $200.00
Dandy Mini Marts Inc. – Dandy Mini Mart contest:
Destiny USA – Baby Expo: $154.00
Ed Tietje and family – Cotton candy sale: $350.00
First Presbyterian Church of Chittenango – Christian education bake sale: $200.00
Flyers Gymnastics – In honor of Sydney Kresconko: $500.00
GC2 Gymnastics – New York State Women’s Coaches Classic: $3,800.00
Jamesville-DeWitt Middle School – Hat day: $289.00
Joy Bodewes – Scarf sale: $140.00
Mid-State Raceway, Inc. – June horseplay: NYS Amateur Trapshooting Association – July 2013 trap shooting event: $292.00
Red Knights New York, Chapter 2 – Trailer raffle: $1,137.00
Remington Elementary School – Roadrunner F.R.: $500.00
Reveille Management LLC – Syracuse Crunch/Denny’s January Goals: $300.00
Rome Memorial Hospital – Denim day: $494.28
Seneca Data Distributors Inc. – Wish list drive: $685.00
Solvay High School – Hispanic Honor Society/Key Club: $150.00
St. Elias Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church of Syracuse New York –
Festival beverage stand: $500.00
Syracuse Insurance Professionals – Meeting collection: $205.00
Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists – Jeans Monday: $556.00
Tompkins County – Casual-wear jeans charity day: $50.00
Tully Council for the Arts – Paying Forward event: $250.00
Union-Endicott High School – Key Club bake sale: $75.00
Wellwood Middle School – School store proceeds: $200.00
It takes many hearts to make one home. We thank you for
your support and look forward to growing even stronger
together in the years ahead.
As always, thank you for your help in keeping
families exactly where they belong…Together.
Donations made from Feb. 2 through Sept. 1, 2013.
Remember Our Donation Boxes
Whether you’re driving through
or dining in, please remember our
charitable donation boxes at your
local McDonald’s. Your spare change
directly supports the children and
families of Ronald McDonald House
Charities. The donation boxes are
one of the largest fundraisers each
year for our local organization.
For more than 30 years, Ronald McDonald House
Charities of CNY has helped thousands of children
and families gain access to the health care they
need. And we couldn’t do it without you. With
your continued help, we can change children’s
lives for years to come.
With just a little planning and a big heart, you
can arrange a charitable plan that brings hope
and help to sick children and their families. For
more information about making a Planned Gift to
Ronald McDonald House Charities of CNY, please
call Jennifer Saraceni Leitgeb at 315.476.1027.
Two of our favorite visitors
are Molly, a chocolate Lab,
and her owner, Amy. The
two visit with guest families
at the House once a week.
Their visits always put a
smile on our faces!
Olum’s of Binghamton Inc. – JC Tent sale proceeds: Buy A Brick
Today, you can become a
permanent part of our new home
by purchasing a brick paver in honor
or memory of a loved one. Personalized brick pavers will be
placed in the outdoor patio at our new House.
It’s a great gift idea for birthdays, special occasions and
holiday gifts. Buy your brick now at
Artie’s Party Raises More
Than $71,000
During Syracuse Nationals at the State Fairgrounds,
pinstripe and airbrush artists at the pinstripers’ panel jam,
known as “Artie’s Party,” worked almost around the clock
inside the Horticulture Building to hand-paint original
automotive artwork on items of all kinds, from vehicle
panels to skateboards to mailboxes. The one-of-a-kind
items were then auctioned throughout the weekend, with
proceeds benefiting Ronald McDonald House Charities of
CNY. The event raised $71,461 for our organization.
For the past five years, Michele Castrilli,
chairwoman of the Bella Casa Celebrity
Fashion Show, has worked tirelessly to
ensure this annual event remains a signature
fundraiser for the CNY Ronald McDonald
House. During that time, the event has
grossed nearly $265,000 to support the guest
families at the CNY Ronald McDonald House.
At this year’s fashion show, we were honored
to have MaryAnn Haefner, a former guest
at the CNY Ronald McDonald House, share
her family’s story. Donna Adamo traveled from
Atlanta to emcee the event.
Nina Davuluri, newly crowned Miss
America, is pictured here modeling as
Miss Syracuse in this year’s Bella Casa
Fashion Show.
A big thank you to our event sponsors
JGB Enterprises Inc.; Summit Automotive
Group; Welch Allyn; Jag Environmental LLC;
Bailey, Haskell, & LaLonde; CNY Cosmetic &
Reconstructive Surgery; Empower Federal
Credit Union; Wegmans; Polaris Library
Systems; CNY Central and Syracuse Woman
Additional thanks to AGI, John Charles Cook,
DJ Jeff Watkins, Renee’s Salon and Rick
Policastro Photography.
Be sure to mark your calendars for next year’s
event on Thursday, May 8!
Christmas in July
This year’s Christmas in July was very well
supported by the local community and
our donors. We had several organizations,
neighborhood groups and individuals drop
off wish list items, including food, paper
products, grocery gift cards, office supplies
and toys. Through tremendous community
support, we generated more than $17,000 in
wish list items for our House. Thank you to
everyone who helped to make this a success!
Volunteer Reception
We are so grateful for a variety of
local companies and organizations,
including Anaren, Carrier, Liberty
Mutual Insurance, The Vineyard
Church and Welch Allyn, that each
spent a day volunteering at the
CNY Ronald McDonald House this
summer. They donated their time
by cooking, baking, cleaning and
doing yard work.
Fifth Annual Fashion Show Includes
Newly Crowned Miss America
We express a special thanks to all who
helped make the 2013 Bella Casa Celebrity
Fashion Show a success. 615 people attended
our special evening, and we raised more
than $63,000 for Ronald McDonald House
Charities of CNY.
This summer we had a visit from the folks at Watkins Glen
International. They were touring the area with Kyle Busch’s
race car and stopped by the
House. Our guest families
were so excited to climb
inside the driver’s seat!
External fundraisers, both big and small, are a tremendous source of support for the CNY Ronald
McDonald House every year, and they can be very easy to hold. Thinking of supporting the CNY
Ronald McDonald House by holding a dress down day at work, setting up a bake sale in your
neighborhood with the kids, or going on a bowling outing with your co-workers? Visit our
website and fill out a Host Application form and we will help you get started on your own event.
Beth Trunfio
Executive Director
In the spring, local firefighters from around the
corner stopped by for a visit.
Syracuse Fire Department’s
Station 7 team brought their
firetrucks to the House to
teach the children about
safety and what they do. One
of our younger guests, Liam,
was very excited to tour a
firetruck and learn how the
hose worked.
New York Central Mutual Fire Insurance Co. – Employee casual dress day: Leave A Legacy
Recent Visitors
The volunteer pinstripers came from across the United
States and as far away as Japan, Italy and New Zealand
to support Artie’s Party through their custom artwork. A
very special thank you to Artie Schilling and Right Coast
Cars for their commitment to our organization and this
amazing event. We are pleased to announce that we will
be involved with Artie’s Party again next year. Stay tuned
for more details!
Many thanks to all the individuals and groups who dedicate their time and talents to raising money for “The House That Love Built®.”
This year, for the first time, we were able
to host our volunteer reception at the
new CNY Ronald McDonald House. We
wanted to share our beautiful new home
with everyone and thank those who
help us throughout the year. More than
100 volunteers attended and enjoyed a
catered luncheon. Our volunteers were
essential during the transition of moving
from our old House to the new one,
making sure our families were still being
taken care of and attended to. They
also are always helping with cooking
and baking, along with other everyday
projects and tasks at the House.

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