ST. JOAN OF ARC - Saint Joan of Arc
ST. JOAN OF ARC - Saint Joan of Arc
ST. JOAN OF ARC A message from your Pastor: Dear Parishioners, I am so excited about helping our community go forward into our future as a community of faith. I truly hope that soon we are going to have a better response for people to lead process and ministries here at St Joan of Arc. I am very positive about the fact that we will be able to congregate children and youth and help them to be Christians not by tradition but by heart, by conviction. I want to direct all efforts to build the Kingdom of God here. I am so blessed having Fr. Andres who shares this dream with me, as well as all the staff members. We want to work tirelessly for this goal. But we alone can do nothing. We need you, we need your time, your talents, and your treasure. We need to keep our collection at the English Masses over the line of $2800. For two consecutive weeks, because of the weather, the collection has gone increasingly lower(Jan 9-10: $2500; Jan 16-17: $ 1859; Jan 23-24: $1699). I know it is difficult for each of you, but we really need your donation even if you aren’t able to come to church. At least you can catch up with your donation for the week you were absent. As a result of this need, we are trying to implement Online giving in our parish. It will be easier, faster, and extremely secure. We will have bank level security for transactions made through our web page once we have the app to do it. We will meet all the requirements of the law for the donor’s privacy and we won’t have any access to your bank account or personal information. It will be easier to get the tax statements for you and you will have complete control over your donation, either by setting the periodicity, and the amounts for each. We will have a survey this weekend to have an idea of how you feel about this. Any way it is a fact that parishes that have done it are improving their stewardship. May God keeps us all in his service and love. VIGIL CANDLE In Loving Memory of Daniel A. Trafecante 1- 951 JANUARY 31ST , 2016 Saturday, January 30th 4:30pm John, Mary Copper, Lisa Gingerelli & Donald Brissette in their anniversary Sunday, January 31st 8am Juan Aponte Crespo 9th month anniv. 10am Theresa Wayman by Chorus Members 12pm Paola Alba por familia Thursday, February 4th 9am Henry Cournoyer 21st yr. anniversary The Week Ahead Saturday, January 30th Retreat in Process NO CCD NO Basketball Sunday, January 31st Retreat in Process NO CCD Monday, February 1st 5-7pm Food Pantry 5-7pm Basketball Practice-ARC Tuesday, February 2nd 10am Al Anon (Hall) 5-7pm Food Pantry 5-7pm Basketball Practice-ARC Wednesday, February 3rd 5-7pm Food Pantry 5-7pm Basketball practice( ARC) 6:00pm Ghanaian Prayer Gr.—Church Thursday, February 4th 5-7pm Basketball practice( ARC) Friday, February 5th 5-7pm Basketball practice( ARC) 7-8:30pm Seminario– Vida en el Espiritu-Hall Saturday, February 6th 9:30-10:30am CCD 9-3pm Basketball Sunday, February 7th 8:30-9:55 CCD 10:30-11:45 CCD FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME STEWARDSHIP PARISH HALL LOAN OF THE ARC We owe 70,697.64 We want to thank all who continue with their pledge for The Arc, and we encourage everyone to make a pledge or give donations to help in accomplishing our goal. God bless you all. TREASURE Collection for the weeks of January 16/17 Stewardship : Capital Campaign: $ 3,148 $ 235 Total: $ 3,383 Utility Fund Solemnity of Mary Basketball Facility Rental $ 1,233 $ 84 $ 180 $ 950 January 23/24 Stewardship : $ 2,731 Capital Campaign: $ 965 DANCING WITH THE STARS (ST JOAN OF ARC STYLE) This is a Fund-Raiser for The Arc. We would like to have every country in our parish represented. We need 2 members from each country . Please contact Kayt O’Rourke at 774-272-0247. Meeting Day : Thursday February 11at 7pm (Arc). Check the back page of this bulletin! We need sponsors to help pay for printing. Information is on the last page under Church Bulletin Advertising. 1800 333 3166 ext. 161 Total: $ 3,696 Mission Appeal Utility Fund $ 581 $ 41 Are you willing to do Online giving? With this our collections could increase even when we have storms. Please think about it. Taxes If you need your tax information for the year 2015, please call the rectory at 508-852-3232 This beautiful painting on canvas can be yours. Raffle ticket: $5 Drawing date: February 28th after 5:30pm Mass. Artist: Teresa Ospina 2- 951 ST. JOAN OF ARC WORCESTER Ghanaian Community at St. Joan of Arc Ghanaian Mass: Sundays at 2pm Ghanaian Prayer Group: Wednesdays at 7pm (Church) Ghanaian Music Ministry: Saturdays at 3pm (BWR) Ghanaian Choir: Saturdays at 6-8pm Ghanaian Youth Group: 2nd Sunday of the month after 2pm Mass (BWR) Men’s & Women’s Groups: 2nd Sunday of the month after 2pm Mass (BWR/Hall) Baptismal Instruction: by appointment with Anthony Boateng It is Time to Register or update your information. Family Name:______________________________ Address:___________________________________ Tel. Number____________________ E-mail: ___________________ Years in the parish:__________ New____ Envelopes: yes no Dependent Children: Date of Birth: 1._____________________________________________ 2._____________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________ 4._____________________________________________ LENT Ash Wednesday Fast & Abstinence February 10th Mass schedule 6:30am 9am 12:15pm 5pm 7pm Spanish Stations of the cross: Fridays at 6pm Priesthood Discernment Retreat Have you thought of a vocation to the priesthood? Come and learn more. The Diocese of Worcester’s annual discernment retreat, directed by Bishop McManus, will be held on March 18 & 19. This retreat begins 6 pm Friday and ends 6 pm Saturday. It is for men high school age, college age, and older. The retreat center is only 30 minutes from Worcester at the Immaculate Conception Retreat Center in Putnam, Connecticut. There is no cost, and transportation is provided if needed. Visit for more information. Contact Fr. Jim Mazzone at or by phone at 508-340-5788 to sign up. Welcome to saint joan of arc Follow us. OUR WEB PAGE IS ONLINE NOW. VISIT US: 3- 951 Upcoming Cursillo weekend for men Cur sillo or " shor t course in Christianity" is an uplifting and educational experience. The weekend is conducted by a team of laypeople and clergy who deliver organized talks and discussions. The next men’s Cursillo weekend is being held April 21-24 at the Immaculate Conception Spir itual Renewal Center in Putnam, CT. For additional information please contact Carolyn Galgano at 508-847-7005 or CUARTO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Misa En Español: Domingos a las 12:00 PM Martes a las 6:30pm Adoración Al Santisimo Primer Martes de cada mes 5:15-6:15 pm Juan XXIII Jueves a las 6:30pm Seminario de vida en el Espiritu Viernes-7:00pm Gran Baile de La Amistad Febrero 6 de 6-10pm Auspiciado por las de Hijas Maria Boletos a la venta precio: $8 Para más información por favor llame al 508-873-8965 0 939-579-6718 Bienvenidos a Santa Juana de arco Es tiempo para registrarte oficialmente como miembro de la Iglesia o para proveer tu nueva información. Nombre y apellido:______________________________ Dirección :_______________________ Num. de tel.______________________ E-mail: __________________________ Años en la parroquia:________ Niños dependientes: Fecha De Nacimiento: 1.____________________________________________ _ 2.____________________________________________ _ 3.____________________________________________ _ 4.____________________________________________ Deseo recibir sobres: Si No Miercoles de Ceniza Febrero 10th Misa en español : 7pm Viacrucis: Los Viernes a las 7pm 4- 951 4to Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario " El amor es paciente, el amor es servicial. No es envidioso, ni arrogante" (I Corintios 13:4) ¿Te da envidia? ¿Te fijas más en las cosas que tienen otras personas que en los dones que Dios te ha dado? ¿Eres arrogante? Adquieres más posesiones para impresionar a otros. A veces todos somos culpables de esas cosas. Ora por más humildad. Ora para ser menos egocéntrico y más centrado en Dios. Prestamo del Salon Parroquial (ARC) Debemos: 70,697.64 Queremos dar las gracias a todos los que continuan con su promesa para pagar el ARCA y queremos pedir a los que puedan hacer una donación para ayudar a finalizar con el cumplimiento de nuestra meta con el edificio. Dios los bendiga . BAILE CULTURAL A BENEFICIO DEL ARCA Jueves 11 de Febrero tendremos una reunion en el arca a la 7pm para planificacion. Persona a cargo es : Kayt O’Rourke 774-272-0247
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