PRODUCTS - Wild Rose Marketing
PRODUCTS - Wild Rose Marketing
LOG CATA S NEDW UCT PRO2 0 1 6 THE MAN BEHIND THE BRAND As a designer and an entrepreneur, I have always been seduced by the amazing creativity of Nature. I translate each vein, petal and branch that make the strength and beauty of the plants. I dream, I draw. If Nature finds its balance in the lines it creates, why not adapting them to the objects of everyday life? In 2008, whilst travelling overseas, I drew a range of kitchen accessories, among which the Lilypad lid. This marked the beginning of a beautiful adventure. Today, there is a full range of kitchen accessories, a range in constant evolution. Just like the plants they are inspired from, these accessories are functional, clever and bring beauty to your everyday life, while making it easier and healthier. I trust you will enjoy using them as much as I enjoyed designing them. SUMMARY TEA RANGE.................................................................................................... 4 FRUIT SALAD................................................................................................. 8 DAISY®.............................................................................................................. 10 SUNFLOWER ............................................................................................... 14 TM ART ICE & CANDY......................................................................................... 15 DAHLIA............................................................................................................. 16 COVER SIPPERS............................................................................................ 18 TRIVET.............................................................................................................. 20 WINTER............................................................................................................ 21 CLEAN CLOTH............................................................................................... 22 BULB MAGNET-HOOKS............................................................................... 23 WHAT IS FOOD GRADE SILICONE? Charles Viancin products are food-grade safe and BPA free which is integral to family health. Materials & Additives used exceed European (LFBG) and US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and Japan Polyolefin Hygienic Association food standards. The icons here below are for: lids, drink covers, coasters and bottle stoppers. SAFE AT HIGH TEMPERATURES Max +220°C / +428°F Min -40°C / -40°F Microwave and oven safe to 428°F/220°C. Food grade silicone material allows for quick cooking, steaming and reheating. DISHWASHER SAFE CREATES AN AIRTIGHT SEAL to keep food fresh for longer and seal in heat during cooking. REUSABLE SILICONE means no more wasting or struggling with shrink wrap or aluminium foil. TEA RANGE PO PPY TEA POT & INFU S ER 4 CUPS 9812 2 CUPS 9809 P OP PY T E A SAUCER 9818 CA MEL L IA TEA POT & INFU S ER 4 CUPS 9814 2 CUPS 9811 CA M E L L I A T EA SAU C E R 9822 4 TEA RANGE PO PPY MUG 9806 L EA F TEA IN FU S ER 9815 CAM EL L I A M U G 9808 CA MEL L IA DRIN K COV ER 9824 DAISY TE A SAU C E R 9820 FLO RA L TEA SAUCERS CDU/12 9823 5 TEA RANGE PO PPY MUG + TIP TEA STRA IN ER 9801 CA MEL L IA MUG + TIP TEA STRA IN ER 9803 CAM E L L I A TIP T EA ST RA I N ER 9805 6 CA MEL L IA G L ASS MUG + TIP TEA STR AINER 9804 TEA RANGE 1 ) Put the filter with tea 2 ) Put the Camellia Magnet 3 ) When tea is ready, pick the Camellia Magnet 4 ) Put the Camellia Magnet and filter in a saucer EW N OUR PICK Y TEA CAM E L L I A TE A M AG N E T + I N F U S ER SET 9816 CA M E L L I A TEA M AG N E T + I N F U S ER SET CDU/12 9817 7 FRUIT SALAD RASP BERRY 11” 9501 ST RAW BE R RY 9” 9502 8 FRUIT SALAD B LAC KBERRY 8” 9503 BLUEBERRY 6” 9504 9 DAISY L ID (YEL LOW) 1 1 ” 3301 9” 3302 8” 3303 LID ( AQUA ) 11” 3401 9” 3402 8” 3403 L ID (GR E E N ) 1 1 ” 5801 9” 5802 8” 5803 BOT T L E STOP P E R 3799 CDU/24 10 DAISY D R IN K C OVE R S SET/2 - YELLOW SET/2 - PINK SET/2 - AQUA SET/2 - PURPLE SET/2 - GREEN 3305 2509 3405 3505 5805 C OAST E R CDU 12/ PINK CDU 12/ YELLOW CDU 12/ AQUA CDU 24 2560 3360 3460 4099 11 DAISY F L E XI C H OP PI N G BOAR D 8” x 11” 3410 6” x 8” 3411 MAGN E T H OOK PURPLE GREEN TRIVET 6” 3412 D RINK M ARK E R CARD / 6 6001 12 AQUA CDU 24 3578 5878 3478 5897 DAISY POT HO L DER 3408 C H E F’S A PRO N N 3406 SI P P ER SET AQUA GRIP EW CHEF’S TOWEL 3407 3489 SET/2 SI P P E R SET G REEN 5889 SET/2 13 SUNFLOWER POT HO L DER 1109 MAGN ET- HO O K 1178 C H EF ’ S A P RO N 1107 T RIVE T 6” N 1111 GRIP EW CHO PPIN G B OA RD 1 3” 1106 C HE F ’ S TOW E L 1108 14 ART ICE & CANDY HEA RT FLOWER ( PIN K , PURPL E ASST. ) 9403 S H EL L (BLUE, CO RA L ASST. ) 9402 V ERO N ICA (YEL LOW, RED ASST. ) 9401 15 DAHLIA LID (YE L LOW ) 11 ” 3101 9” 3102 OBLON G L ID 14 ” x 1 0 ” 6301 16 DAHLIA D RINK M ARK ER S CA RD / 6 5701 D RINK COVER (BLUE ) SET/ 2 5505 D RINK COV ER (P IN K ) SET/ 2 5605 17 COVER SIPPERS P O PPY COVER SIPPERS SET/ 2 2919 18 H IBIS C US C OVE R S IP P ER S S E T / 2 5906 COVER SIPPERS BLOSSOM C OV ER SIPPERS S ET/ 2 7503 F LOR AL C OVE R S IP P E R S S E T / 2 7502 19 TRIVET P OP PY T RIVE T 6” 2920 DAISY T RIVE T 6” 3412 S UN F LOW E R T RIVE T 6” 1111 20 WINTER H OL IDAY BOT T L E STOP PER S C D U/ 24 9305 HOLLY D RINK COV ERS SET/ 2 7105 H OL LY L ID 9” 7102 H OL LY L ID L ID 1 1 ” 7101 21 CLEAN CLOTH GRA PE CLEAN CLOTH 5250 P OP PY C L E AN C LOT H 2950 22 BULB MAGNET-HOOKS P OP PY MAGN E T-H O O K 2978 H IBIS C US MAGN E T-H O O K 1278 LI LYPAD MAGNET-HOOK 1078 S UN F LOW ER MAGN E T-H O O K 1178 B U LB MAGNET-HOOK S CDU /2 4 7098 23 Charles Viancin Group 27 E. Russell Street . Suite #302 . Colombus, Ohio 43215 T:(614) 221-1691