eagle eye - Town of Avon
eagle eye - Town of Avon
EAGLE EYE HOME INSPECTIONS P.O. Box 1716, Gypsum, CO 81637 Phone Cell (970) 331-5558, Fax (970) 424-1188 Email kevin@eagleeyehi.com Web www.EagleEyeHI.com 140 Bench Mark, Avon, Colorado REPORT PREPARED FOR Town of Avon Attn: Justin Hildreth P.E. Condo/Town Home Single Family Commercial REPORT ID # AVN16.02.21C-1NNN DATE February 21, 2016 INSPECTOR Kevin Dasgupta February 21, 2016 REALTOR None Page 2 of 16 EAGLE EYE HOME INSPECTIONS Page 3 of 16 Avon, CO - Google Maps 7/29/12 10:38 AM EAGLE EYE HOME INSPECTIONS AREA MAP: Avon, CO USA http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Avon,+CO&da…src=0&mra=ls&ie=UTF8&t=m&z=16&ei=0WYVUNKSO42MigL6loGICA&pw=2 Page 1 of 1 Page 4 of 16 EAGLE EYE HOME INSPECTIONS RESIDENTIAL INSPECTION SUMMARY AND AGREEMENT The Client, as identified on the previous page, has engaged Eagle Eye Home Inspections (Thunder Head Inc), to conduct a visible inspection of readily accessible areas of the residence at the above address (the “Residence”). The results of said inspection are set forth on the accompanying pages, which constitute the entire inspection report. Client agrees that this report is for the Client’s sole use and may not be transferred or sold to, or relied upon by, any other person or entity. Client represents that Client understands that there are inherent difficulties in performing a visual inspection of the Residence, which include but are not limited to: inaccessible or inoperable plumbing, gas lines, and electrical wiring, weather conditions present at the time of inspection, placement of furniture, appliances and other personal property (which Eagle Eye Home Inspections is not required to move in order to inspect), inaccessible, locked or private areas, and system failures or damage to the premises subsequent to the inspection, which is why Eagle Eye Home Inspections offers a Free Re-Inspection in which the home will be revisited to update the original inspection and complete a visual inspection of previously blocked and/or restricted areas. Unless otherwise inconsistent with this Agreement or not possible, Eagle Eye Home Inspections agrees to perform the inspection in accordance with the current Standards of Practice of the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors ("NACHI"), posted at http://nachi.org/sop.htm. Client understands and agrees that Eagle Eye Home Inspections duty to Client arises out of this contract and not as a result of any independent duty. It is recommended that Client have the home or unit re-inspected when the home is completely vacant of furniture, personal property, and storage. EAGLE EYE HOME INSPECTIONS MAKES AND CLIENT RECEIVES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE FITNESS FOR USE OR CONDITON OF THE RESIDENCE, SYSTEMS OR COMPONENTS INSPECTED. ALL WARRANTIES INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED. Client hereby agrees: (1) that the liability of Eagle Eye Home Inspections and it employees arising from any error or omission with respect to the inspection of the Residence is limited to the fee charged for the inspection (liquidated damages); Client and Eagle Eye Home Inspections acknowledge that the liquidated damages are reasonable and are not intended as a penalty but are intended to (a) reflect the fact that actual damages may be difficult and impractical to ascertain; and (b) allocate the risk among Eagle Eye Home Inspections and Client. Client’s acceptance and assumption of this risk is partially in consideration of the amount of the inspection fee, which is lower than it would be if Eagle Eye Home Inspections was to be held responsible for any such risks, damages or defects by virtue of any express or implied warranties. In the event of a tender by Eagle Eye Home Inspections of a refund of the inspection fee, such refund shall be full and final settlement of all present and future claims and causes of action and Eagle Eye Home Inspections shall be thereupon generally and fully released from all liability relating in any way to the inspection; (2) that Client shall hold Eagle Eye Home Inspections harmless from any claims, demands and costs, including reasonable attorney fees, incurred in connection with the inspection or arising there from; and (3) that neither Eagle Eye Home Inspections nor any of its employees has represented to Client that they are licensed contractors, or expert in any craft or trade. Eagle Eye Home Inspections does not check for compliance with local building codes and is not responsible for failure of the Residence to comply with same. Client is advised to obtain service, repair or additional inspections from qualified, licensed and/or certified engineers and contractors as to any real or potential defects, or problem areas or concerns noted in this report, and as to any portions of the Residence that were not inspected for any reason. Water/plumbing leaks may be an indication of possible water damage and fungus growth in areas not visible or accessible during the inspection, and may require further investigation and repair by a licensed plumber and/or contractor. Eagle Eye Home Inspections does not routinely test for Asbestos, Lead Paint, Radon Gas, Mold, or an Efficiency Rating Analysis, unless a test is specifically ordered by Client. Eagle Eye Home Inspections does not inspect phone lines, cable television lines, security systems, televisions, stereos, entertainment equipment, intercom systems, gas grills, furniture, or for diseased trees or landscaping. RADON TESTING: In the event that Client ordered a Radon Test to be performed by Eagle Eye Home Inspections, it is important to understand that the test results are only as accurate as the conditions maintained during the 48+ hours duration of the test. Although Eagle Eye Home Inspections inspectors take precautions to help make the test valid (i.e., anti-tamper measures), Eagle Eye Home Inspections cannot 100% guarantee the conditions during testing due to covering of or tampering with the test devices, or manipulating the indoor conditions of the home during testing (i.e. use of the Residence by occupants can affect test results). USE OF THIS INSPECTION REPORT BY THE CLIENT CONSTITUTES CLIENT'S AGREEMENT TO THE FOREGOING TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Icon Key Comment Evaluate Maintenance Monitor Minor Defect Safety Repair/Maintain Repair/Replace End Of Life For your information Recommend further evaluation by a specialist Recommend ongoing maintenance Recommend monitor in near future No repair needed Poses a risk of injury or death Recommend repair and/or maintenance Recommend repair and/or replace In use at or beyond recommended life expectancy SAMPLE – DETAILED DESCRIPTION Item #. [Inspection Check List # This Report] Icon, See Icon Key Above 1. Cracks and separations to bathrooms’ tile grout. Recommend caulk/seal to prevent moisture penetration and damage [34]. Page 5 of 16 EAGLE EYE HOME INSPECTIONS Detailed Descriptions 1. Movement and settling on the west exterior has caused the grading to slope towards the foundation wall “negative drainage”. Recommend re-grading surface to slope away from foundation wall Checklist Item [1]. 2. Loose, cracked and missing siding stones to the northeast and southeast exterior Checklist Item [7]. - Further evaluate by a specialist - For your information only -Monitor -Maintenance -Minor defect -Risk of injury or death -Repair or Replace -Repair or Maintain -End of life Page 6 of 16 EAGLE EYE HOME INSPECTIONS 3. Exterior wood trim/molding is weathered. Recommend stain/seal to prevent moisture damage Checklist Item [7]. 4. Moisture penetration through flat roof in the area of air handler #2 (specific area could not be identified due to snow and ice). Recommend further evaluation by a roofing contractor once snow and ice has melted away Checklist Item [15]. 5. Moisture stains to stucco siding on the northeast exterior caused by a leak to the roof gutter Checklist Item [17]. - Further evaluate by a specialist - For your information only -Monitor -Maintenance -Minor defect -Risk of injury or death -Repair or Replace -Repair or Maintain -End of life Page 7 of 16 EAGLE EYE HOME INSPECTIONS 6. Main water line penetrates concrete floor without shielding. Recommend installing insulation around pipes inside concrete to prevent damage caused by movement and settling Checklist Item [20]. 7. Front entryway exterior light fixture is missing leaving electrical wires exposed Checklist Item [29]. 8. North stairwell space heater fails to produce heat when thermostat is ON Checklist Item [31]. - Further evaluate by a specialist - For your information only -Monitor -Maintenance -Minor defect -Risk of injury or death -Repair or Replace -Repair or Maintain -End of life Page 8 of 16 EAGLE EYE HOME INSPECTIONS 9. Outside/return air intake baffles are in varied positions (same position is expected when all thermostats are in one location and all settings are the same). Recommend further evaluation by an HVAC electronics technician Checklist Item [31]. 10. 11. Damage (crack) to 1st floor window adjacent to front door Checklist Item [36]. Damage (cracks) to a few floor tiles in foyer and elevator. Also cracks and separations to bathrooms’ floor tile grout Checklist Item [39]. - Further evaluate by a specialist - For your information only -Monitor -Maintenance -Minor defect -Risk of injury or death -Repair or Replace -Repair or Maintain -End of life Page 9 of 16 EAGLE EYE HOME INSPECTIONS 12. 13. Damage (cracks) to concrete slabs (all) on every floor Checklist Item [39]. Foyer double door, door latch does not align with its strike plate preventing this door from clasping shut Checklist Item [41]. Note to buyer: Changes from last inspection performed on April 21st, 2014 for the town of Avon are as follows (please refer to the original inspection report detailed description section dated April 21st, 2014 for numbering) Items # 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 These items are currently acceptable Items #1, 3, 6 Not inspected due to snow and ice Item # 14 Air conditioning unit was not inspected (damage can result if system is operated when ambient temperature is below 60F). Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss any aspect of my report in more detail. Kevin Dasgupta P.E. Certified Home Inspector - Further evaluate by a specialist - For your information only -Monitor -Maintenance -Minor defect -Risk of injury or death -Repair or Replace -Repair or Maintain -End of life Page 10 of 16 EAGLE EYE HOME INSPECTIONS INSPECTION CHECK LIST Exterior 1. Grading Appears Serviceable Water Pools Soil is high at foundation Drainage Negative Drainage Slope Level Inspection Limited By Snow/Ice Erosion to Soil Problem Vegetation *Other This inspection does not include geological conditions or site stability. For information a geologist or soils engineer should be consulted. Item not included on Condo/Town home inspections. Please contact the HOA (Home Owner’s Association) for upkeep and maintenance. 2. Retaining Walls Appears Serviceable Cracks/Damage Movement N/A Type N/A Inspection Limited By N/A No Drainage Opening Moisture/Soil Penetration *Other Item not included on Condo/Town home inspections. Please contact the HOA (Home Owner’s Association) for upkeep and maintenance. 3. Driveway(s) Appears Serviceable Cracks/Damage Trip Hazard N/A Type N/A Inspection Limited By N/A Improper Drainage Surface Raised/Settled *Other Item not included on Condo/Town home inspections. Please contact the HOA (Home Owner’s Association) for upkeep and maintenance. Type Concrete Inspection Limited By Snow/Ice 4. Porch, Entryway & Stairs Appears Serviceable Cracks/Damage Trip Hazard Improper Drainage Surface Raised/Settled Loose/Damaged Steps Loose Railings Improper Railings *Other Item may not be included on Condo/Town home inspections. 5. Sidewalks & Patios Appears Serviceable Cracks/Damage Trip Hazard Type Concrete Inspection Limited By Snow/Ice Improper Drainage Surface Raised/Settled *Other Item not included on Condo/Town home inspections. Please contact the HOA (Home Owner’s Association) for upkeep and maintenance. 6. Decks & Hot Tubs N/A Type N/A Inspection Limited By N/A Appears Serviceable Loose Flooring Trip Hazard Loose Railings Supports Sunk Into Soil/Sagging *Other Loose/Damaged Steps Soil Contact Moisture Damage Cracks/Damage Improper Rails Hot Tub Leaks Hot Tub Defective 7. Walls, Siding & Trim Appears Serviceable Cracks/Damage Soil Contact Structure N/A Siding A Stucco B Wood, C N/A Loose Moisture Stains/Damage Nailing Defects *Other Item not included on Condo/Town home inspections. Please contact the HOA (Home Owner’s Association) for upkeep and maintenance. 8. Irrigation & Faucets Appears Serviceable Damage Spray Head(s) Inoperable N/A Control Box Location N/A Inadequate Spray Coverage Head Adjustment Required Winterization Not Verified, (Verify status with sellers) *Other Item not included on Condo/Town home inspections. Please contact the HOA (Home Owner’s Association) for upkeep and maintenance. Type A Metal Hollow B N/A C N/A 9. Doors Appears Serviceable Damaged Weather Stripping Damage Damage/Cracked Windows Inoperable/Damaged Hinge *Other Missing Stop Bumper Damage/Missing Hardware Caulk/Seal * If check box other is checked, see details descriptions Page 11of 16 EAGLE EYE HOME INSPECTIONS Foundation 10. Walls/Footings Appears Serviceable Cracks/Damage Movement Type Slab On Grade Construct Poured Concrete Moisture/Soil Penetration/Damage Moisture Stains *Other Item not included on Condo/Town home inspections. Please contact the HOA (Home Owner’s Association) for upkeep and maintenance. 11. Crawlspace Appears Serviceable Damage Movement N/A No Ventilation Door Location N/A Inspection Method N/A Moisture/Soil Penetration/Damage *Other Fungi Item not included on Condo/Town home inspections. Please contact the HOA (Home Owner’s Association) for upkeep and maintenance. Garage 12. Walls & Ceiling Appears Serviceable Moisture Stains/Damage N/A Poor Drainage 13. Floor Appears Serviceable Cracks/Damage Raised/Settled Type N/A Missing Wall Covering/Firewall N/A *Other Type N/A Poor Drainage Flammable Material On Floor *Other 14. Vehicle Door N/A Type N/A Appears Serviceable No Auto-Reverse Gear/Sensors Moisture Damage Damaged Weather Stripping Door Locked Damage To Tract/Roller/Spring/Wire Adjustment Needed No Safety Spring/Wire *Other Roof Covering A Asphalt Single B N/A Inspection Method Vantage Point Inspection Limited By Visibility Snow/Ice 15. Covering & Shingles Appears Serviceable/Within Useful Life Missing Shingles Curled/Lifted/Brittle Loss Of Aggregate Coating Exposed Decking Previous Repair Noted Improper Installation Indications Of Ice Dams Water Leak *Other Item not included on Condo/Town home inspections. Please contact the HOA (Home Owner’s Association) for upkeep and maintenance. 16. Flashings & Skylights Appears Serviceable Rust/Corroded Flashing Roof Structure Metal Frame Inspection Limited By Visibility Snow/Ice Cracks/Damage *Other Improper Installation Water Leak Item not included on Condo/Town home inspections. Please contact the HOA (Home Owner’s Association) for upkeep and maintenance. 17. Gutters/Downspouts Appears Serviceable Debris Filled Improper Drainage Type Steel Does Not Drain Away From Foundation *Other Missing Item not included on Condo/Town home inspections. Please contact the HOA (Home Owner’s Association) for upkeep and maintenance. 18. Eaves/Fascia/Soffits Appears Serviceable Moisture Stains/Damage Type Wood Insects Bird Nest Weathered *Other Item not included on Condo/Town home inspections. Please contact the HOA (Home Owner’s Association) for upkeep and maintenance. 19. Vents (Roof Penetrations) N/A Type N/A Appears Serviceable Damage/Cracks None Present Improper/Damaged Seal Cracked/Damaged Exhaust/Vent Pipe * If check box other is checked, see details descriptions Debris Filled *Other Page 12of 16 EAGLE EYE HOME INSPECTIONS Plumbing Service City Water Well Type N/A Pipe Cast Iron Size 4" Shut-Off Location Mechanical Room 20. Water Service & Main Appears Serviceable Well Casing Low To Grade Well Casing Below Grade Discoloration/Odor In Water No Sheathing Inside Concrete Damaged Well Cap Defective Shut-Off Valve Water Leak Water Logged Pressure Tank *Other Type Copper 21. Supply Lines Appears Serviceable Copper/Galvanized Connection Rust/Corroded Water Leak *Other Pipes Loose Cross Connection Water Hammer 22. Waste Lines Appears Serviceable Negative Slope Water Leak Full Septic Tank Damage 23. Fuel System Appears Serviceable Rusted/Corroded Pipes Low/High Water Pressure Type City Sewer Pipes ABS Vent Type ABS Rust/Corrosion No/Improper Ventilation *Other Open sewage line (no trap) Effluent Visible Shut-Off Location Exterior Wall N Fuel Natural Gas (City) Missing Shut-Off Valve Improper Grounding *Other Gas Leak Item not included on Condo/Town home inspections. Please contact the HOA (Home Owner’s Association) for upkeep and maintenance. 24. Sump Pumps Appears Serviceable Not Functional Leak N/A Type N/A Nearing End Of Life *Other Electrical 25. Service Entrance Cable(s) Service City Cables Aluminum Location Electrical Room Type Buried Conductors 3 Appears Serviceable Vegetation Contact/Damage *Other Low Cable Mast/SEC Damage/Loose No/Improper Ground Loose Meter Base Excessive Length Item not included on Condo/Town home inspections. Please contact the HOA (Home Owner’s Association) for upkeep and maintenance. 26. Main Disconnect Appears Serviceable Missing Disconnect Location Electrical Room Amps 600 amp Breaker/Fuse Incorrect size *Other Item may not be included on Condo/Town home inspections. 27. Main Electrical Panel Type Breaker Amp Rating 400 AMP Location N/A Voltage 120/240 VAC Appears Serviceable Circuits Not Labeled Double Tap Improper/No Ground Wire Diameter/Current Load Direct Tap (No Over current Protection) Signs Of Scorching/Burns/Shorts *Other Damaged/Defective Fuse/Breaker Openings In Cover/Panel Type Breaker Location A Electrical Room B N/A 28. Sub Panel(s) Appears Serviceable Double Tap Improper/No Ground Damaged/Defective Fuse/Breaker *Other Signs Of Scorching/Burns/Shorts Openings In Cover/Panel Wire Diameter/Current Load Neutral/Ground Connect * If check box other is checked, see details descriptions Page 13of 16 EAGLE EYE HOME INSPECTIONS Wire Type Copper 29. Wiring & Outlets Appears Serviceable No/Defective GFCI Exposed Wires Dead Switch/Outlet Covers Damage/Missing Damaged Outlet/Switch Painted Shut Miss-Wire Reverse Polarity/Open Ground/Ect 30. Fire Detection Appears Serviceable No Sound/Ready Signal *Other Type Wired Qty 7 Missing/Defective Battery Backup Missing *Other Loose Heating/Cooling System & Hot Water Heater 31. Heat Source, Furnace & Broiler Acceptable None Damage System Forced Air Heating Capacity A N/A B N/A C N/A Make N/A Fuel N/A Improper Defective Water/Gas Leak *Other Rust Wiring Disconnect Thermostats Gas Shut-Off Gas Line Burner/Pilot Flue/Draft Ventilation Pipes/Hoses Zone Valves Duct Work Air Filter Humidifier Item may not be included on Condo/Town home inspections. It is recommended that boilers and furnaces are serviced annually. System Central Power 240 VAC 32. Cooling System Appears Serviceable Coils/Pipes Frosted Over Condensate Drain Not Connected To Drain *Other Leaves/Debris Covering Grill Defective Blower Unit Placed Under Drip Edge/Roof Over hang Damage Warm Air No Cut-Off Switch Unit In Direct Sun Light Improper Mounting 33. Hot Water Heater Acceptable None Damage Type Stand Alone Power 240 VAC Date (year) 2003 Make State Cap 40 gal Improper Defective Water/Gas Leak *Other Rust H2O Shut Off PRV Exterior Pipes Wiring Burner/Pilot Flue Vent/Flue Gas Shut Off Gas Lines * If check box other is checked, see details descriptions Page 14of 16 EAGLE EYE HOME INSPECTIONS Interior 34. Kitchen & Bathroom Acceptable Slow Drain Damage Leak Defective Missing *Other Wall Tiles Tub/Shower/Jacuzzi Sink Toilet(s) Fan(s) Faucets/Water Pressure Drainage Traps Drain Stoppers Water Shut Off Valves Caulking/Grout 35. Appliances N/A Acceptable None Damage *Other Defective Range Oven Hood & Fan Microwave Refrigerator Ice Maker Dishwasher Washer Dryer Disposal Trash Comp Type Double Pane (Metal) 36. Windows Appears Serviceable Caulk/Seal Moisture Between Panes (Broken Seal) Missing/Damaged Screens Crack/Damage Hardware Defective/Damaged Hardware Missing 37. Walls & Ceilings Appears Serviceable Cracks/Damage Moisture Stains/Damage 38. Cabinets & Counter Tops Appears Serviceable Loose Hinge(s) Damage Missing Wall Covering Bubbling *Other Type N/A Countertop N/A Moisture Damage Other Floor Covering A Carpet, B Tile, C N/A D N/A Structure A N/A B N/A C N/A 39. Floors Appears Serviceable Cracks/Damage Settlement Covering A Sheet Rock B N/A Structure Walls A N/A B N/A N/A Missing *Other Loose * If check box other is checked, see details descriptions Stains *Other Page 15of 16 EAGLE EYE HOME INSPECTIONS 40. Stairs Appears Serviceable Loose/Missing/Damaged Railings Construct Metal Loose Steps Baluster Spacing/Height *Other Doors Metal Hollow Trim Wood 41. Doors & Trim Appears Serviceable Missing/Damage Trim/Doors *Other Defective/Damage/Missing Knobs Locks Striking Plate Alignment Missing Stop Bumpers Attic 42. Attic Appears Serviceable Moisture Stains/Damage N/A Dryer/Vents Exhaust To Attic Mold *Other Item not included on Condo/Town home inspections. Please contact the HOA (Home Owner’s Association) for upkeep and maintenance. 43. Ventilation Appears Serviceable No Or Additional Vents Needed Type Vents At Ridge Cap/Eaves Obstructed Air Flow Damaged/Defective Fan *Other Item not included on Condo/Town home inspections. Please contact the HOA (Home Owner’s Association) for upkeep and maintenance. 44. Insulation Appears Serviceable Uneven Distribution R-Value 30 Missing Insulation *Other Insufficient Item not included on Condo/Town home inspections. Please contact the HOA (Home Owner’s Association) for upkeep and maintenance. Fireplace & Chimney 45. Fireplace Appears Serviceable Heat Cracks/Damage No Liner Missing/Damaged Damper/Doors 46. Chimney Appears Serviceable Damage To Mortar/Chimney Missing Bricks/Stones/Siding N/A Type A N/A B N/A C N/A *Other Gas Leak Defective/Missing Gas Shut-Off/Pilot Damage/Missing Hardware N/A Type N/A Excessive Creosote Charring/Scorching Marks Exhaust Pipe Not Rated For High Temperature *Other Limitations & Utilities Utilities Inspection Limited By No Limitations Personal Items Furniture Construction Other Ø Ø Ø Fuel Gas Water OFF Electricity ON Heat ON Locked Doors Access Snow/Ice Visibility No Utilities Personal items and furniture limited inspection to some wall and floor areas. Snow and ice limited inspection of roof and other exterior features. Water was OFF during inspection limiting inspection of plumbing lines and fixtures. * If check box other is checked, see details descriptions Page 16of 16