Snow Magazine
Snow Magazine
01/2015 . y o j n E Version The contents CONTENTS 3 blue mountain full automation at a glance 06 10 Page 4 Snow King (USA) Page 5 Red Mountain (USA) Page 6 Blue Mountain (USA) Page 8 What does she do…? Page 9 Made in USA American steel initiative by TechnoAlpin USA 6 lance TL6 new generation of air & water gun 12 7 Page 10 TL6 New generation of air & water gun Page 12 Valdelinares (ESP) Page 14 Spindleruv Mlyn (CZR) Page 16 Val di Fassa (ITA) - Buffaure & Ciampac valdelinares (ESP) upgrades its own snow-making system Page 18 Sudelfeld (GER) Page 20 Breckenridge (USA) 9 val di fassa (ITA) major works 16 W W W.T E C H N OA L P I N .C O M Page 21 Aspen (USA) Page 22 Did you know,… EDITORIAL april 2015 Dear Readers, Since its foundation 25 years ago, the key to TechnoAlpin’s suc- Brand new on the market is also the TechnoAlpin Snowfac- cess has been its ongoing pursuit of innovation and efficiency. tory: a snow gun for above-zero temperatures. After the fusion with MYNEIGE in 2012, TechnoAlpin now boasts two centers of excellence for research and development. Thus the Moreover, we will keep you up to date on interesting pro- know-how held by the international leader for fan-gun production jects being carried out worldwide, starting with the expan- was merged with that of the forerunner in lance-production. The sion of the snow-making systems for Axalp (Switzerland), result is impressive: this year two new products will be placed on Spindleruv Mlyn (Czech Republic), Sudelfeld (Germany), the market, officially unveiled during the Interalpin fair. Ciampac and Buffaure (Italy), Alpendorf (Austria), Valdelinares (Spain) and Alpe d’Huez (France). There is also The first is the TL6 lance, with a totally new mechanical technology interesting news from our work ‘down under’, as well as that takes advantage of its strengths at both marginal and optimal updates about how TechnoAlpin handles snow-making for temperatures. Thanks to specialised nucleators this lance requires sporting venues, as demonstrated at the Biathlon World less compressed air than its peers. The second product is the TL6 Championships in Kontiolahti (Finland). which sets new standards for ease of use. Enjoy your reading! During the spring, TechnoAlpin will also unveil a new fan gun, the Erich Gummerer, Walter Rieder, Régis-Antoine Decolasse TF10 Piano. The gun combines the advantages of the conventional TF10 with a sound-proofing cover that absorbs the noise emitted by turbine rotation. These characteristics make it the ideal choice for snow-making near residential areas or protected natural reserves, where sound-emission limits are particularly strict. lasse co er, régis-antoine de ed ri r te al w , er er erich gumm IMPRINT Publisher: © TechnoAlpin SpA · Via P.-Agostini-Straße 2 · 39100 Bolzano/Bozen · Alto Adige/Südtirol/ South Tyrol · Italia/Italien/Italy · Tel. +39 0471 550 550 · Fax +39 0471 200 441 · · · Responsible for stipulating: Erich Gummerer – Design: dv media, Varna – – Printed by: Tewell Warren Printing, Denver, USA · Content may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part, including electronically, without the explicit permission of the publisher – As of: April 2015 SNOW EXPERTS EDITORIAL 2 3 PROJECTS IN NORTH AMERICA 1 snow king early season snow guarantee In what is one of the biggest projects in the West this year, 27 new The project is intended to provide early season race training TechnoAlpin snow guns are headed to Snow King Resort in Jack- for local and regional race teams. Having done a weather son, Wyoming. The TechnoAlpin fan guns are a mix of carriages study for Jackson Hole Resort across the valley, we can tell and towers. Site work has been in progress for several months you this place gets very cold temperature all snowmaking using excavators belayed by 2 inch cable because of the extremely season, but particularly early season. steep terrain. Funding is a unique combination of municipal, ski club, and The combination of towers and automation was critical because the resort. We are seeing this as a trend in the US, early of the terrain, so TechnoAlpin was the natural choice. Since the season (October) snowmaking done in very short windows terrain is so steep as to preclude bring in bedding material for the of opportunity in marginal temperature, for a specific pur- conduit, a special excavator tool sifts bedding in place. pose. A new TechnoAlpin showcase. W W W.T E C H N OA L P I N .C O M red mountain 2 choses TechnoAlpin Red Mountain Resort in Rossland BC is among the last resorts people The system starts with a pair of submersible pumps at the would think might need snowmaking. They boast 300+ inches of bottom of a reservoir on the East flank of the mountain. Be- natural snow each season and are on what is referred to as the “Pow- cause this part of the feed system can be low pressure, HPE der Highway”. Although the last two years the Highway may have pipe is used, butt fused into a continuous string. It feeds at taken a detour. But every resort has its Achilles heel when it comes 60 psi a Modular high pressure pumping station which was to snow cover. Sometimes it is low elevation, sometimes then need to fabricated off-site lowering cost and accelerating construc- ‘bridge up” reliable upper Mt. snow to the base area, sometimes it’s tion time. The high-pressure station houses two 475 GPM the demand for early season skiing, but there’s always some weak centrifugal pumps that produce the discharge of 1000 psi. link in the trail network that when missing, can hobble the whole Everything about this project has a “Built to Last”, mentality. resort experience. When Red Mountain identified an opportunity for Consequently high-pressure ductile steel pipe was used snowmaking, given their reputation for quality snow, they turned to throughout. This also allowed them to use their own crews TechnoAlpin. The system is small but essential a complete snowmak- for installation in the height of the gas and oil exploration ing system and master planned by TechnoAlpin to be expandable. boom, welders are in short supply. The first phase of this project provides snow cover for six slalom lanes and to GS The new snowmaking expansion at Red mountain was a joint ven- courses. Snow guns selected were (6) TechnoAlpin T40 car- ture between the race club, Red Mountain Racers and the resort riage guns. and other community stakeholders. Red Mountain Racers has put 39 athletes on Canada’s national team and sent 12 athletes to Highly likely without this year’s investment in TechnoAlpin compete in the Olympics. The goal was guaranteed early season technology race program and the mountain would have really training opportunities, race caliber snow throughout the season suffered. The new Legacy Training Centre at Red Mountain and from the resorts standpoint, a sure link from the upper moun- Resort becomes the host of more than its share of regional tain into the base area. and national races. SNOW EXPERTS PROJECTS IN NORTH AMERICA 4 5 PROJECT IN USA 3 n i a t n u o m e blu full automation Blue Mountain, PA was an early adopter of “Liberty” technology. Interestingly their first application was to let Liberty run a series of cooling towers because their snowmaking water was very warm do to the discharge of compressor cooling water into the pond. This dated back to 1989. Blue Mt. now routinely discharges at 34 degrees, and Liberty still Just an hour out of Philadelphia the resort has dealt with runs the show. The Liberty experiment was so successful that in from the onset, what the rest of North America is dealing 1991 they installed their first automatic trail of (126) 3 m Granite with now. Increasingly shorter windows of snowmaking op- guns. Its second trail, (138) 6 m Borax are at the highest density portunity and increasingly marginal temperatures. Liberty ever seen, 60 foot spacing kills it. Over the years Blue Mt. have ex- trail automation has been their salvation. perimented with less expensive manual guns, but they keep coming back for major expansions to increase their arsenal of “Liberty” au- Like a lot of North American resorts, Blue Mountain long tomated guns which currently stands at 337. One of the 3 biggest ago decided to automate their pumps separately from the automated systems in the East. All the other are also Liberty. The automated snow guns, rather than integrate guns and ma- auto arsenal now stands with (130) B-6’s, (109) Double B-6’s, (53) chine rooms. The classic North American approach starts B-3’s, 30 Rubis EVO’s and (15) TechnoAlpin fans that were among one variable speed drive to fill the line and bring the system the first to be controlled by Liberty. to pressure. Once to pressure, as snowmakers add manual W W W.T E C H N OA L P I N .C O M guns the pressure drops and when it hits a low set point, a second Jean Petit, have created a hybrid system. One that can pre- pump is added, and so on and so on. It is a pressure controlled, dict the load that will be created by the automated trails (we “reactive” system. do that every day) but also be able to follow by flow, not pressure (pressure must not vary because it effects quality) That reactive system kind of works until there’s a mix of manual the demand of manual guns added to the system. Blue guns and automation. The “Liberty” computer, can start 200 guns Mountain has five separate pump stations which must be at the same time, a “reactive” system cannot follow that load and coordinated for any snowmaking campaign. Two of the five collapses. Only a very smart operator thinking ahead can make a are high-pressure stations which will be integrated in to preemptive strike and manually add pumps in advance of that load. the first hybrid Liberty system. The Upper Mountain station Liberty software on the other hand is “predictive”, it speaks to the has 6 pumps, the lower Mountain Station, 10 pumps. Both pumps and compressors in advance of the load. It tells the machine stations, VFD controlled. room, “We are about to add 200 guns, be ready”. Resources come on in advance of the load. The results, 200 guns running in less This hybrid system is the most sophisticated Liberty sys- than seven minutes. tem ever designed. In addition, Blue Mountain has already integrated TechnoAlpin fan guns in to their Liberty sys- Blue Mountain has decided it needs that kind of predictive capa- tem. Reports coming from Blue Mountain’s management bility because it has so many automated guns and so little time team are enthusiastic about the pump control system. It to maximize its snowmaking potential. However it still has a lot of has performed flawlessly and there could well be another manual guns. Liberty doesn’t know about their existence so it can’t major expansion of Blue Mountain’s snowmaking system predict what their demand will be. For the very first time in snow- capitalizing on the unmatched automation superiority of making history, a team of Liberty engineers led by North America’s TechnoAlpin. SNOW EXPERTS PROJECT IN USA 6 7 WHAT DOES SHE DO…? 4 isabelle viatte what does she do? Isabelle Viatte is a member of the TechnoAlpin sales team. For over 15 years, Isabelle has been supporting her customers in all sales and after-market requests. The resorts she follows are located in the Pyrenees, in Andorra and in Spain. After having studied engineering at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées in Lyon, France, and after working for EDF and France Air, Isabelle joined the team at York Neige (today TechnoAlpin France) in 2000 as sales representative. Being based in Toulouse Isabelle travels a great deal and is often at the customer’s (in south-western France), and given that she speaks Spanish, she premises or worksite. The peak sales season runs from was assigned the territory covering the Pyrenees, Andorra and Spain. mid-winter to the end of the summer. Isabelle is the key contact for all technical, administrative or financial queries her As sales manager, Isabelle not only handles the sales themselves, customers may have. Her goal is to hone in on the custom- she also follows initial project design and the first critical steps of er’s needs and problems so she can make the right decisions the sales offer. This is in true TechnoAlpin fashion, as our sales force and thus increase customer satisfaction. must have well-rounded technical knowledge, not only of TechnoAlpin products (snow guns, valves, software and PLCs), but also of other Isabelle describes her job like this: “The snow-making in- components in a complete snow-making system (pumps, compres- dustry is quite unusual and a bit “magical”, involving in- sors, piping, etc.). Moreover, to best advise the customer and truly teresting people.” And she adds: “Working on a project, meet their needs, our staff is versed in the proportions of the overall custom designed for each client, being involved simultane- snow-making system, the water system and machine room. For all ously in the technical, commercial and executive phases of of these prerequisites Isabelle is at the top of her game. Naturally, the project allow me to perform a wide range of activities the TechnoAlpin sales team cannot perform its job properly without and give me a rather broad view of the system. I find this support from the technical designers in the engineering office. highly motivating.” W W W.T E C H N OA L P I N .C O M MADE IN THE US 5initiative american steel by TechnoAlpin USA TechnoAlpin USA Inc. wants to promote awareness of its conscious One of the challenges is that although these towers and decision to build and assemble many of our components, towers, carriages are proven European designs that have been fab- carriages, lifting assemblies, and other parts here in the United ricated in Italy for several years, when fabrication moved States. Actually, last season this was the second season for our to the US those Italian designs have to be reinterpreted for US made parts and it’s been quite successful. Most of the new North American materials and fabrication techniques. For product delivered this year will be “supported” in one way or the example the gauges and dimensions of steel used in the other, by good old made in the USA steel. Some of it produced here US and Europe are slightly different. Welding techniques in in Denver by our longtime supplier, T&H Machining. 4.5 m towers the US are different than those in Europe and could create including the dollies are being produced by Penn Fab in Philadel- different dimensions if these Italian designs were not prop- phia, Pennsylvania. erly interpreted. There are a lot of strategic reasons why manufacturing steel compo- Today the focus is on steel, but TechnoAlpin USA is inves- nents in the US makes great sense. A shorter supply line that doesn’t tigating other opportunities to manufacture in the US as involve sea containers and transatlantic shipping. Import duties don’t well. Electrical components are an obvious target. The US apply. Quality has been excellent. Perhaps most importantly a belief traditionally does a very good job with aluminum as well. among many of TechnoAlpin USA customers that it’s “the right thing to do”. Among the reasons for domestic production, scale saving re- To help customers become aware of our support of US in- ally isn’t really one of them. North American quantities are lower than dustry, TechnoAlpin USA will be making plates that will be European supply; we cannot capitalize on quantity discounts here, so affixed to many of these American-made components, dur- TechnoAlpin USA pays a premium to build in the USA. ing the assembling process. SNOW EXPERTS MADE IN THE US 8 9 6 PRODUCT INFORMATION new generation air & water gun Although TechnoAlpin is world renowned for its high technology energy efficient fan guns, 60% of the snow in North America is made with compressed air and water. Of course, TechnoAlpin has a full line of A/W guns, including the Rubis EVO, the world best-selling stick gun, but North American snowmakers and resort managers will soon discover there is a new big gun in town: the TL6. With the TL6, TechnoAlpin redefines cutting edge A/W technology. The TL6 is a 4 bank gun but cleverly can deliver 6 different flow rates, allowing it to combines the advantages of a marginal temperature gun and cold weather W W W.T E C H N OA L P I N .C O M gun without the need to change nozzles. The result is a single, This is an often misunderstood phenome that can allow ultra-low energy air & water gun with unprecedented production conventional low energy guns to put large qualities of water range. in your air line. We know the result. It represents another safety feature on this snow gun which contributes to guar- Innovative & smart design anteeing the best snow quality possible. The six flows are enabled not by valves at the guns base, but by a camshaft operating pistons in the head itself. The remarkably simple The TL6 comes also with a new support and a new feature: mechanism is run by a 24 V gear motor that is also located in the the rotating gasket. This rotating gasket allows snowmak- gun’s head. The gear motor has been tried and tested in the most ers to lower completely the mast without having to uncou- difficult conditions and this technology has proven extremely reliable. ple the air and water hoses. Therefore maintenance opera- The TL6 not only brings higher production performances thanks tions on the head of the TL6 are made very easy. In addition to its 6 flow combination, but also yields a better snow quality the design of the support allows adding a water filter, as throughout the range. The shape of the head, the advanced nu- an option, between the water hose and the rotating gasket. cleation technology of the TL6, both inherited from the Rubis EVO This is an especially valuable feature here in North America technology platform, combined with the innovative flow manage- where we don’t allow work with the cleanest water. ment ensures a consistent snow quality across all the temperature operating range of the snow gun. High performance, low air consumption The TL6 uses EDA nucleators which have very low air consumption in the less than 20 cfm range. The nucleators have another special feature: in case of air shut down or low air pressure the design of the nozzle prevents the water from returning into the air circuit. SNOW EXPERTS PRODUCT INFORMATION 10 11 PROJECT IN SPAIN 7 valdelinares upgrades its own snow-making system The ARAMON group, operator of the Valdelinares resort, launched an ambitious works project for the 2014 summer season. The goal was to reinforce its ski areas and expand its offering. In fact, the works performed during the ski season do not involve only the snow-making system, but the ski lifts as well. During the summer, a new four-seater chairlift was installed along a brand new track. With installation of this new ski lift, the resort now has 5 new slopes. TechnoAlpin has been charged with supplying this new 5-slope section with a brand new snow-making system. Likewise, although the resort already had an existing snow-making system, a new machine room and reservoir were required to ensure optimal supply of the 52 new pits installed during the works. While the in- W W W.T E C H N OA L P I N .C O M The project at a glance • • • • • 52x TL6s 36x Rubis Evolutions 52x pits 3.1 miles of piping 1x pumping plant (1110 gpm, 27 bar, 280 kW) itial machine rooms water pumping capacity is 1660 gpm now and will be in the future 4440 gpm. All pits installed are fit with the new TL6 lance which was tested at the Valdelinares resort during the winter. Customer feedback was particularly important in developing this new product. The resort operators wanted to upgrade the entire existing installation: therefore, the 36 Borax type lances were replaced with 36x Rubis Evo lances which are much more efficient and consume less air. The reduced air consumption makes operation of the newly installed snow guns possible without installation of an additional compressor. The entire system will be integrated into the Liberty control software. SNOW EXPERTS PROJECT IN SPAIN 12 13 PROJECT IN CZECH REPUBLIC The project at a glance • • • • 73x Rubis Evos 73x pits 1640 ft of cast-iron piping 3x pumps 8 TechnoAlpin at spindleruv mlyn Tatry Mountain Resort (TMR), an international leader in ski resort development, has selected TechnoAlpin for the installation of a snow-making system at Špindleruv Mlýn, one of the 5 resorts under its management. The Špindleruv Mlýn resort is located in the Hradec Králové region, in the north of the Czech Republic. Tatry Mountain Resort took over the Špindleruv Mlýn ski resort in The project calls for the installation of a new machine room the 2012/2013 winter season: their strategy is to achieve new dy- and a snow-making system along 4 of the ski resort’s namics for one of the largest, best known resorts in the Czech slopes, located in the Hromovka sector. Once the project Republic. TMR has made major investments in the infrastructures has been completed, a total of 2.6 miles of pistes will be such as ski lifts and snow-making systems. fitted with a snow-making system. Moreover, 1640 ft of W W W.T E C H N OA L P I N .C O M snow-making piping will be replaced with new piping able to handle higher pressures and greater flow rates. Along the 4 slopes, a total of 73 pits will be installed. In terms of snow guns, TMR has chosen high efficiency Rubis Evolution lances as well as units controlled with VAR valves and fit with YB regulation valves in the pit. The new machine room will be fit with 3 variable speed pumps to better control power consumption. The initial pumping capacity is 1585 gpm. In addition, a compressor able to supply air to all 73 pits in the resort has also been installed. This has been made possible by the Rubis Evo lance, which stands out for its low air consumption. SNOW EXPERTS PROJECT IN CZECH REPUBLIC 14 15 P R O J E C T I N I TA LY val di fassa 9 major works There is a lot that’s new in Val di Fassa this winter. In fact, during the summer months, a series of works were performed to modify and add new slopes throughout the valley. These included major works in the Ciampac and Buffaure ski areas. Both resorts chose the TechnoAlpin snow experts for these major overhaul and expansion works. So let’s take a closer look at these two projects. During the summer, the Buffaure ski area near Pozza di Fassa built a brand new ski slope, the “Vulcano”. The track of this new piste runs between the elevation 6300 ft to 4400 ft asl: the entrance was created on the existing “Buffaure-Pozza” piste and the new piste now covers approximately 7 hectares of land with overall length of around 1.35 miles and slope of approximately 40% (max 49%). The operators entrusted TechnoAlpin with the extension of their snow-making system: besides several fan guns and 15 V3 lances, the snow experts of Bolzano also handled installation of a machine room complete with pumps and compressors. buffaure W W W.T E C H N OA L P I N .C O M The project at a glance Buffaure • 2x TF10s on towers • 2x T40s on towers • 15x V3s • 1x pumping plant with two pumps and one compressor The project at a glance Ciampac • 6x T4s on lift 3,5 m • 2x TF10s on lift 3,5 m • 22x Rubis Evo • 1x pump station upstream (950 gpm, 60 m, 51 kW) • 1x cooling tower (950 gpm) • Building up of pump station downstream 1415 gpm • 2.17 miles of cast iron piping • 1.2 mile of PE piping • 2 miles of data cables • 30x reinforced cement pits • Liberty ciampac Ciampac too, undertook rather ambitious works on their snow-making system. The small “gem” of the Dolomites in Val di Fassa upgraded, enhanced and perfected its slopes, widening the “Ciampac-Alba” forest piste. The company’s aim was to improve the current piste by increasing its average width and intervening at two points where the current features penalized optimal use of the slope. By widening the piste, it now meets the FIS requirements the latter piste: in addition to installing 8 fan guns and 27 and is thus suitable for both training and top notch competition. Rubis Evo lances, the project also saw the installation of a The piste is currently classified as “difficult” (black), the only such pump station downstream of the cableway and renovations slope in Val di Fassa. to the upstream pump station. The two rooms are now connected by 2 miles of fiber-optic cabling. The whole system TechnoAlpin handled overhauling of the snow-making system along will be supervised by the Liberty control software. S N O W E X P E R T S P R O J E C T I N I TA LY 1 6 17 PROJECT IN GERMANY d l e f l e d u s 10 making a mark in eco-c The ski resort of Sudelfeld, just 50 miles from Munich, was es- park equipped for their needs. 20 miles of ski slopes and tablished around 70 years ago, as the ideal spot for snow sports. 4.4 miles of cross-country trails complete the offer. Over the years it has become the largest ski resort in Germany with around 240 hectares of slopes. For seven years now, the company managing the ski resort has embarked on a project to modernize the site, Its slopes are known internationally, thanks to the prestigious com- upgrading quality and efficiency. The work started this petitions held there: in fact, the resort hosted the Snowboard World summer. Besides building a new fully eco-compatible Cup and offers professional as well as novice enthusiasts a snow 39.700.000 gal water reservoir, a new piste running W W W.T E C H N OA L P I N .C O M The project compatibility at a glance downhill from the “Waldkopfbahn” cableway and various pump- • 66x Rubis Evolutions • 6x TF10s, both mobile on 1.6 m towers • 3x mobile T40s ing plants, the resort also expanded its snow-making system. For the latter project, the Sudelfeld operators put their faith in the experts at TechnoAlpin. The entire project is completely eco-compatible: the landscape has been left unscathed, with modernization works not affecting the surrounding nature at all. SNOW EXPERTS PROJECT IN GERMANY 18 19 PROJECTS IN USA breckenridge 11 efficient snowmaking for the “freeway” terrain park The “Freeway” terrain Park at Breckenridge is one of the most high- The ARM mounted T40s have tremendous throw and very ly regarded in North America. Whenever there is a break in the high capacity. After the guns do about 50% of their work, international competition circuit you will find the “who’s who” of an electric over hydraulic system, a radio remote control park riders practicing their stuff in “Freeway”. The super pipe is can raise the guns to full height. the centerpiece, but there is also a jump line with four incredible features each one the size of a three-bedroom condo. Multiple rail Cats then come in underneath the guns and push the in- lines parallel the park. Freeway requires a lot of snow and it needs ventory down and to skier’s right to form what will be- to open early. Breck has hosted the Dew Tour Mountain Champion- come the far wall of the super pipe. The guns come back ships last December. into action and 5 million gallons later have formed the inventory for the near wall. All of this accomplished with- When it comes to making snow in the park, Breckenridge owns the out moving a single gun. When all the inventory for all the system to die for. It’s not the only way to make Park snow, but it is required features has been built guns can be swung uphill simply the best. (8) fully automatic, radio controlled T40 ARM guns to free up valuable “airspace” and unobstructed camera provide the 10+ million gallons required to create the super pipe. views. W W W.T E C H N OA L P I N .C O M aspen 12 a continuing partnership The Aspen Ski Corporation is running almost 60 TechnoAlpin fan cation too. By Christmas major snowmaking at 3 of the four guns, across its four mountains. The newest group of 16 delivered Aspen Mt. is completed. Then many of the TechnoAlpin re- this fall is a mix of T40’s and TF10’s. The business model behind sources are re-located for one of the most intense snowmak- the fleet is rather unique in that they appeared as the result rolling ing operations in North America. lease. Aspen has been leasing fan guns for a while. As older, less cient TechnoAlpin’s take their place. Leasing allows Aspen Ski Corp The building of the “X-Games” at Buttermilk to operate a relatively new fleet that is always technologically up- 60 million gallons of water directed to a very small footprint is to-date, has lower maintenance costs, and very important to ASC, required to create the colossal features demanded to test the highly energy efficient. A lot of ski areas talk the low carbon footprint best extreme ski and snowboard athletes in the world. Here talk, Aspen walks the walk. As leases on older guns expired Aspen the snow quality is dictated by where we are in the build cy- commissioned a study about energy efficiency, performance and to- cle. Early on we ask for big volume and relatively dense snow tal cost of ownership. The study picked TechnoAlpin. but as features near completion, automatic TechnoAlpin guns energy efficient fans came out of lease, high technology energy-effi- lean up the water content for the finishing touches. Many The Aspen Ski Corporation owns four ski areas, and TechnoAlpin resorts use tower guns in their terrain parks because of their guns are deployed across the fleet. Aspen Ajax, hosts an early sea- efficiency, but when we start to speak of colossal, not sim- son Women’s World Cup race in November so Automatic TechnoAlpin ply huge, Aspen uses a unique deployment of their carriage guns focus on laying down that dense cover World Cup race course guns. Build a monstrous pile, then a brave snow cat operator snow in very marginal, intermittent windows of snowmaking oppor- put the gun at the top. Now you’re deployed to make the tunity. Snowmass, with its huge acreage is charged with opening feature even bigger with even greater hang time. For Aspen critical terrain before Thanksgiving. Given the clientele of Snowmass, snowmaking, building the X-Games has become an art form quality is extremely important. TechnoAlpin fans excel in this appli- and TechnoAlpin is delighted to be Aspen’s partner. SNOW EXPERTS PROJECTS IN USA 20 21 DID YOU KNOW… 13 … ! n i p l A o n h c e T …all about that for several years now, TechnoAlpin has taken its budget for cus- tomer Christmas presents and donated it to winter sports related charities? This year no monetary donations were made; rather the decision was to ensure the joy of the many young guests of the SOS Villaggi dei Bambini children’s village. Upon invitation from TechnoAlpin, nearly 300 children were able to spend a day in the snow at Austrian resorts. With this campaign, TechnoAlpin wishes to offer its customers a special gift. What could be better than the beaming smile of a happy child. To enable all TechnoAlpin customers to share the joy of these days in the snow, we have shot this film that really depicts the delight of these children: … that TechnoAlpin can make snow at any temperature? Since last year, TechnoAlpin can also make snow at temperatures well above freezing with its new snowmaking solution: Snowfactory. Snowfactory is an all-weather snowmaking solution which does not aim to replace conventional snowmaking but rather to bring answers to specific snow production needs! Snowfactory can be used for snow related events, small size cross-country ski tracks or for tubing parks or even for ½ pipes! Snowfactory uses advanced refrigeration and a centrifuge that can create long lasting snow at any outside temperature by using nothing else than water! Because the snow crystals are 100% frozen, the snow lasts much longer than snow produced with any other alternative. The first Snowfactory unit has been delivered to Ferienwelt Winterberg (Germany) last October. This model generates ¼ acre foot of snow per day, 7/365 but units are custom configured depending on the desired output of snow. The decision to invest in a Snowfactory at Ferienwelt Winterberg was made after the warm winter of the previous year when traditional snowmaking was out of the question. This season the ski area could open its first trails to winter sport enthusiasts on November 15th, earlier than the usual opening date! … that TechnoAlpin USA, Inc. has moved? At the end of April, TechnoAlpin USA has left its old home at 7297 South Revere Parkway and moving to a new home: 8465 Concorde Center Drive, Englewood CO 80112.The new office is only about 1.5 miles south of the old one and offers 17,000 SQ to house all the activities of TechnoAlpin USA: Warehousing, production coordination of American-made components, assembling, shipping of snow guns and spare parts, customer support, as well as customer training seminars and administrative offices! While some may say this is only a building, the new office of TechnoAlpin USA will allow for even greater efficiency of the company’s North American operations for an improved customer experience! TechnoAlpin USA is very proud of its new North American Headquarters. If you’re in the neighborhood let us show you around. W W W.T E C H N OA L P I N .C O M 14 partners We would like to take this opportunity to extend a special thank you to our partners. The commitment and professionalism they demonstrate is what makes TechnoAlpin a leading Company. SNOW EXPERTS PARTNER 22 23 Alain De Cian Alex Carpentari Alexander Borgia Alexander Klapfer Alexander Leitner Alexander Pixner Armin Grasberger Arno Hafner Benjamin Pötz Christian Bonini Christian De Brida Christian Jocher Daniele Facchin Daniele Neri Dominik Pöder Elmar Kanestrin Elmar Kaufmann Andrea Valmorbida Andreas Gutgsell Andreas Mumelter A. Schwingshackl Andreas Weiss A. Kompatscher Anja Berents Anna Anegg Anton Puff Christian Niedermayr Christoph Fischer Claudia Pomaro Claudio Olivotto Dagmar Geis Daniel Heiss Daniel Kahler Daniel Neulichedl Daniel Raffl Daniel Widmann Daniela Stelzer Elmar Walder Erich Gummerer Erika Marchio Erika Unterweger Fabian Alegre Fabian Gruber Fabrice Dequeker Fabrizio Martinet Federico Tricotti Federico Zanardini Florian Schwalt Florian Thöni Florian Villgrattner F. Zambaldi Franziska Köhl Frederik Danielsson Georg Santa G. Reichegger G. Cassiolari Hannes Frei Hannes Obkircher Hannes Pichler Hannes Simonini Hans Baumgartner H. Hochwieser Heidi Vonmetz Heinz Viehweider Helene Messner Hermann Nock Horst Schmid Irina Belkina Ivan Gross Jacques Fournier Jessica Marcialis Johann Kaufmann J. Untermarzoner Johannes Fontana J. Wiedenhofer Jörg Herzig Jörg Kofl er Josef Dusini Jozef Duřcák Julian Calliari Juris Panzani K. Terrabona Katja Obkircher Klaus Bacher Manfred Alber Manfred Livi Manfred Scherer Manfred Winkler Manuel Furlotti Manuel Meraner M. Planötscher Marco Moratti Marilise Di Domenico Marion Margesin M. Mahlknecht Markus Messner Markus Pfeifer Marlene Rinner Martin Coser Martin Eppacher M. Gamberoni Martin Hofer Martin Margesin Martin Noggler Martina Mair Matteo Paterno Matthias Obrist Mauro Ficara Mauro Freno Max Vieider M. Hawlin Melanie Gruber Michael Mayr Michael Smaniotto Michael Wieser Mirko Brunner Monika Hornikova Nicole Thaler Oliver Schwienbacher Omar Faustini Othmar Kanton Paolo Alberti Paolo Bagozzi Paolo Merler Paolo Nardone P. Platzgummer Patrizia Pircher Paul Psaier Peter Mahlknecht Peter Rottensteiner Peter Unterholzer Petra Kofl er Philippe Ronin Pierpaolo Salusso Pirmin Putzer Rene Tschigg Richard Reifer Robert Herbst Robert Maoret Roberto Begliatti R. D‘Agostino Rudolf Prantl Sara Moraschi Sarah Winkler Sergej Ragosin Siegfried Göller Siegfried Rieder Simon Klotz Simon Kohler Stefan Egger Stefan Felder Stefan Gasser Stefan Malfer Stefan Reinstadler Stefano Bruscagin Stefano D‘Amicis Stefano Locatelli Stephan Psenner Tamara Pircher Thomas Burger Thomas Damian Thomas Faller Thomas Kaserer Thomas Lunger Thomas Möltner Thomas Nocker Thomas Pichler T. Strumpfl ohner Tobias Spitaler Ulrike Oberrauch U. Marchesan Verena Lutz Verena Pattis Walter Rieder Werner Siller Wolfgang Gurschler Wolfgang Hanni A. Aichhorn Bianca Zanona David Dietrich Herbert Huber Manuel Schöpf Markus Goller Markus Greiderer Martin Ganzer Martin Plank Martin Zeiser Michael Schloffer R. Kramberger Brice Lacorre Christian Gutknecht Marco Albiez Martina Furrer M. Zurbriggen Patrick Varonier Remo Bulgheroni Samuel Zweifel Stefan Gisler Thomas Kempf Gerti Zandt Jonas Sögtrop Manfred Huber Richard Fiedler Ulrich Gall Alain Glotain Alain Stedile Annie Roillet Antoine Di Carlo Antoine Lecornu Bernard Ligori Bernard Racineux Christelle Deffes Christelle Veille Christine Bourgerie Corentin Bocquel Corinne Vascon Damien Gaborit Damien Landreau Daniel Callot David Michaud David Rouzet Dominique Defer Eric David Fabrice Aubin Fabrice Cannard Franck Tiffreau Francois Le Duc Frederic Cottet Puinel Frédéric Voccia Frederique Goux Gaelle Le Moguen Karine Jaillet Laetitia Laine Olivia Leguern Olivier Chapelle Elmar Rainer Andrea Cavatton Andrea Stenico Wolfgang Lechner Wolfgang Psenner Albert Gomig Gregory Macqueron Guillaume Dugue Guillaume Gansert Henri Philipp Herve Limou Isabelle Bodin Isabelle Viatte Jean Biguet Mermet Jean Nouvelle Jean Miche Cachard Jean-Louis Begat Jean-Marc Buratti Jean-Noel Mahe Jose Sanchez-Vadia Julien Dupupet Laurent Guilleminot Laurent Travers Le Yu Yang Lionel Thebaud Louis Pascal Vesy Luc Mitard Ludovic Nameche Marc Lanaspeze Marion Destarac Maxime Rougeaux Michael Payan Michel Blanchot Nicolas Chiron Michel Galvin Nicolas Mabut Olivier Conrad Olivier Romand Pascal Kergal Patrick Bellini Philippe Fraslin Philippe Olivier Philippe Prou Philippe Thual Pierre Duranthon Pierre Favet Regis-A. Decolasse Sebastien Decaris Sebastien Salvaggio Stephane Guiheux Stephane Rousseau Stephane Sage Thierry Andre Thierry Martron Thomas Rossard Timothee Giraud Vadim Trukhin Vincent Baudouin Rafal Smolan Virginia Ohl Anna Fablova A. Turiakova Igor Schmidt Jan Podmanicky Lowy Ladislav Marek Vesely Roman Hotera Zuzana Holášová Alex Martin David Kennedy Eric Bengtson Garrett Poole Jean Petit Joe Scarfi Michel Gallois Robin Smith Sean McKinnon Steve Daly Junqiao Li Patrick Danielsson W W W. T E C H N OA L P I N .C O M Martin Merka Milos Slosiar Michele Marsonet Stephanie Gabez Radoslav Martonik