Quality of Care Report 2009-10 COMMUN ITY RECIPES B E L L A R I N E C O M M U N I T Y H E A LT H LT D . Quality of Care Report 2009-10 COMMUN ITY RECIPES B E L L A R I N E C O M M U N I T Y H E A LT H LT D . 2 2 0 0 0 0 9 9 -1 -1 0 0 A message from the CEO A message from the CEO John Fendyk John Fendyk This is the third year that Bellarine Community Health (BCH) This is the third year that Bellarine Community Health (BCH) has developed a Quality of Care report and I am very excited about this year’s format. Each year we look at innovative and meaningful ways that we can share our quality and safety systems with our community. This year’s format is a true collaboration with our community in the form of a recipe book, integrating quality system reports with client stories and their most favourite recipes. has developed a Quality of Care report and I am very excited about this year’s format. Each year we look at innovative and meaningful ways that we can share our quality and safety systems with our community. This year’s format is a true collaboration with our community in the form of a recipe book, integrating quality system reports with client stories and their most favourite recipes. I would like to thank all the community members, clients and staff who contributed to the success of this publication. BCH is committed to providing high quality systems that support the best outcomes for our clients. This report contains information about our systems across the organisation from many different program areas. We are interested in your feedback and there is a form at the end of the report for your feedback. In the spirit of the report I have included a recipe related to my cultural heritage. Being of Ukrainian origin and migrating to Australia as a young one year old, we settled in Beechworth, which is in the North East of Victoria. My mother loved to cook and I regularly had “Borshch” throughout my early years. It was also a reminder of the culture both my parents left behind in the Ukraine. It tastes really great with a dollop of cream on top of the soup. I would like to thank all the community members, clients and staff who contributed to the success of this publication. BCH is committed to providing high quality systems that support the best outcomes for our clients. This report contains information about our systems across the organisation from many different program areas. We are interested in your feedback and there is a form at the end of the report for your feedback. In the spirit of the report I have included a recipe related to my cultural heritage. Being of Ukrainian origin and migrating to Australia as a young one year old, we settled in Beechworth, which is in the North East of Victoria. My mother loved to cook and I regularly had “Borshch” throughout my early years. It was also a reminder of the culture both my parents left behind in the Ukraine. It tastes really great with a dollop of cream on top of the soup. My recipe for the cookbook is Borshch (Ukrainian Russian beet soup) and is one of the classic soups of the Russian household. Ukrainians, however, swear it was invented by them. Regardless, there are countless variations though out the Slavic region of Europe, both with meat and without. Most, but not all, have a base of beets. My recipe for the cookbook is Borshch (Ukrainian Russian beet soup) and is one of the classic soups of the Russian household. Ukrainians, however, swear it was invented by them. Regardless, there are countless variations though out the Slavic region of Europe, both with meat and without. Most, but not all, have a base of beets. Regards John Fendyk Chief Executive Officer Fun Fa cts! Wholeg ra the risk ins can reduc e of hear t d i sease by up t o 40% Regards John Fendyk Chief Executive Officer Fun Fa cts! Wholeg ra the risk ins can reduc e of hear t d i sease by up t o 40% J o h n ’s B o r s h c h S o u p J o h n ’s B o r s h c h S o u p In g re d ie n ts In g re d ie n ts butter or oil - 2-3 ta blespoons onion, minced - 1 beets, peeled and grated - 1 pound tomatoes, peeled, seeded and diced - 1 cup beef stock or water - 2 quarts red wine vinegar 3-4 tablespoons sugar - 1 tablespoon salt and pepper to taste sour cream - 1/2 cu p fresh dill, chopped - 1 bunch butter or oil - 2-3 ta blespoons onion, minced - 1 beets, peeled and grated - 1 pound tomatoes, peeled, seeded and diced - 1 cup beef stock or water - 2 quarts red wine vinegar 3-4 tablespoons sugar - 1 tablespoon salt and pepper to taste sour cream - 1/2 cu p fresh dill, chopped - 1 bunch Method Heat the butter or oi l over medium flame in a large pot. Add the onions and sauté un til am e r c r u g so n i c is a a l t r p u e h R “ al yog r u t a n 6e78 5 a n with r y alte h t l a e h ndyk, hn Fe CEO, Bellar in Jo ealth nity H u m m e Co translucent. Stir in the beets and tomatoes and stir to heat. Pour in the stock or water, vinegar, sugar, sand and pepper. Taste the br oth, and adjust the amount of vinegar or sugar as needed. B roth should be lightly tart-swee t, but not overwhelmingly so . Bring to a boil, and then reduce heat to low and sim mer for 45-50 minutes, or un til the vegetables are cook ed yet retain their texture. Serve hot or cold in bowls garn ished with a dollop of sour crea m (smetana) and a sprinkling of chopped fresh dill. Method Heat the butter or oi l over medium flame in a large pot. Add the onions and sauté un til am e r c r u g so n i c is a a l t r p u e h R “ al yog r u t a n 6e78 5 a n with r y alte h t l a e h ndyk, hn Fe CEO, Bellar in Jo ealth nity H u m m e Co translucent. Stir in the beets and tomatoes and stir to heat. Pour in the stock or water, vinegar, sugar, sand and pepper. Taste the br oth, and adjust the amount of vinegar or sugar as needed. B roth should be lightly tart-swee t, but not overwhelmingly so . Bring to a boil, and then reduce heat to low and sim mer for 45-50 minutes, or un til the vegetables are cook ed yet retain their texture. Serve hot or cold in bowls garn ished with a dollop of sour crea m (smetana) and a sprinkling of chopped fresh dill. The Quality of Care Report The Quality of Care Report For this year’s report the team were keen to consult with our community about what worked well with last year’s report and ideas about this year’s report. Last year we only received feedback from three people regarding the report. Consequently we surveyed a larger cross section of the community and received twenty-six respondents. For this year’s report the team were keen to consult with our community about what worked well with last year’s report and ideas about this year’s report. Last year we only received feedback from three people regarding the report. Consequently we surveyed a larger cross section of the community and received twenty-six respondents. The feedback included: The feedback included: • Most people thought last year’s report was either satisfactory or good in relation to readability, interest, concept, colours, font size and images • Most people thought last year’s report was either satisfactory or good in relation to readability, interest, concept, colours, font size and images • Some people suggested that the publication was a waste of resources • Some people suggested that the publication was a waste of resources • Suggestions for improvement included simplifying language, increased community input, font size needs to vary particularly in relation to graphs and more pictures • Suggestions for improvement included simplifying language, increased community input, font size needs to vary particularly in relation to graphs and more pictures • Requests for information to be included in this year’s report included future plans, what BCH is doing to improve client care, client stories/quotes, services available , volunteer opportunities, health promotion and community participation • Requests for information to be included in this year’s report included future plans, what BCH is doing to improve client care, client stories/quotes, services available , volunteer opportunities, health promotion and community participation • 54% of respondents requested the report to be in cook-book format with community involvement • 54% of respondents requested the report to be in cook-book format with community involvement • The most popular responses for distribution of the report included pick-up from BCH sites, down-load from web-site and email/mail out to members • The most popular responses for distribution of the report included pick-up from BCH sites, down-load from web-site and email/mail out to members The Quality of Care Report The Quality of Care Report Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey. In response to the feedback we have included the following: Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey. In response to the feedback we have included the following: * ! Increased client stories and quotes * ! Increased client stories and quotes * Printed internally to reduce production costs * Printed internally to reduce production costs * Expanded the opportunities for community input * Expanded the opportunities for community input * Larger font size for graphs * Larger font size for graphs * More information on the services available * More information on the services available * Planned BCH improvements * Planned BCH improvements * Information on health promotion and community participation activities * Information on health promotion and community participation activities * Cook book format * Cook book format * Implementation of all the suggested distribution methods * Implementation of all the suggested distribution methods If you have some feedback for this year’s report, please complete the feedback form on the last page. We value your comments and are interested in receiving as much information as possible! Sending in the form will automatically put you in the draw for a $50 book voucher. Drawn on September 30th 2011. If you have some feedback for this year’s report, please complete the feedback form on the last page. We value your comments and are interested in receiving as much information as possible! Sending in the form will automatically put you in the draw for a $50 book voucher. Drawn on September 30th 2011. Thank you and we hope you enjoy reading and cooking Thank you and we hope you enjoy reading and cooking from our report! from our report! Risk RiskManagement Management Risk RiskManagement Management Bellarine Bellarine Community Community Health Health has has anan electronic electronic risk risk management management system system called called Advent Advent ManagerR ManagerR AllAll staff staff receive receive training training in in Advent Advent ManageR ManageR asas part part ofof their their orientation orientation and and induction. induction. Bellarine Bellarine Community Community Health Health has has anan electronic electronic risk risk management management system system called called Advent Advent ManagerR ManagerR AllAll staff staff receive receive training training in in Advent Advent ManageR ManageR asas part part ofof their their orientation orientation and and induction. induction. AllAll incidents incidents require require investigation investigation and and manager manager sign-off sign-off before before they they can can bebe closed closed onon the the Advent Advent ManageR ManageR system, system, this this ensures ensures that that allall incidents incidents lodged lodged are are comprehensively comprehensively reviewed. reviewed. The The Occupational Occupational Health Health and and Safety Safety Committee Committee oversee oversee the the incident incident reporting reporting system system toto looks looks forfor trends trends and and overall overall improvements. improvements. AllAll incidents incidents require require investigation investigation and and manager manager sign-off sign-off before before they they can can bebe closed closed onon the the Advent Advent ManageR ManageR system, system, this this ensures ensures that that allall incidents incidents lodged lodged are are comprehensively comprehensively reviewed. reviewed. The The Occupational Occupational Health Health and and Safety Safety Committee Committee oversee oversee the the incident incident reporting reporting system system toto looks looks forfor trends trends and and overall overall improvements. improvements. Category Category 0– 0 number – number ofof incidents incidents 1616 - relates - relates toto general general hazards hazards which which include: include: false false fire fire alarms, alarms, power power failure failure and and equipment equipment faults. faults. Category Category 0– 0 number – number ofof incidents incidents 1616 - relates - relates toto general general hazards hazards which which include: include: false false fire fire alarms, alarms, power power failure failure and and equipment equipment faults. faults. Category Category 1– 1 number – number ofof incidents incidents 1414 - -relates relates toto clients, clients, residents residents and and staff staff incidents, incidents, minor minor incidents.. incidents.. Category Category 1– 1 number – number ofof incidents incidents 1414 - -relates relates toto clients, clients, residents residents and and staff staff incidents, incidents, minor minor incidents.. incidents.. Category Category 2– 2 number – number ofof incidents incidents 1111 - relates - relates toto staff staff and and clientsʼ clientsʼ injuries injuries resulting resulting in in medical medical treatment. treatment. Category Category 2– 2 number – number ofof incidents incidents 1111 - relates - relates toto staff staff and and clientsʼ clientsʼ injuries injuries resulting resulting in in medical medical treatment. treatment. Category Category 3 3- number - number ofof incidents incidents 0.0. Category Category 3 3- number - number ofof incidents incidents 0.0. Risk Management Risk Management As an outcome to the incident reporting the following initiatives are being As an outcome to the incident reporting the following initiatives are being implemented in the 2010-2011 period: implemented in the 2010-2011 period: • Clinical risk assessment work-shop • Clinical risk assessment work-shop • Further Advent ManageR training • Further Advent ManageR training • Implementation of an environmental screening tool • Implementation of an environmental screening tool • Review of policies and procedures • Review of policies and procedures • Clinical practice audits • Clinical practice audits Nutritional Tips by Angela Walker, Dietitian Heart Healthy Swaps: Nutritional Tips by Angela Walker, Dietitian Heart Healthy Swaps: Regular milk switch to Dairy Farmers Heart Active milk Regular milk switch to Dairy Farmers Heart Active milk Chips switch to nuts (increase fibre and antioxidants and reduced saturated fats.) Chips switch to nuts (increase fibre and antioxidants and reduced saturated fats.) Tasty cheese switch to 50% reduce fat cheese Tasty cheese switch to 50% reduce fat cheese Salami switch to shaved turkey Salami switch to shaved turkey Coconut milk in curries switch to Carnation coconut evaporated milk Coconut milk in curries switch to Carnation coconut evaporated milk Tinned fish in oil switch to tinned fish in springwater Tinned fish in oil switch to tinned fish in springwater Client Satisfaction Client Satisfaction Every year Bellarine Community Health undertakes a survey to gauge the satisfaction levels within our client groups and we bench-mark this against our performance in previous years’ surveys. This year our sample size was smaller than previous years which may have affected the results. Every year Bellarine Community Health undertakes a survey to gauge the satisfaction levels within our client groups and we bench-mark this against our performance in previous years’ surveys. This year our sample size was smaller than previous years which may have affected the results. Overall the level of client satisfaction with Bellarine Community Health services varied from last year. The results indicate: Overall the level of client satisfaction with Bellarine Community Health services varied from last year. The results indicate: • Very Satisfied-10% decrease • Very Satisfied-10% decrease • Satisfied-1% increase • Satisfied-1% increase • No Opinion-8% increase • No Opinion-8% increase • Dissatisfied-No change • Dissatisfied-No change • Very Dissatisfied-1% increase • Very Dissatisfied-1% increase Client satisfaction survey results 2009-10. Client satisfaction survey results 2009-10. Client Satisfaction Client Satisfaction Bellarine Community Health is committed to improving our services based Bellarine Community Health is committed to improving our services based on client/consumer feedback. Staff groups work-shopped the feedback and the following improvements will be implemented in the 2009-2010 period: on client/consumer feedback. Staff groups work-shopped the feedback and the following improvements will be implemented in the 2009-2010 period: • Increased flexibility of appointment times with some after hours services available • Increased flexibility of appointment times with some after hours services available • Improving access to Physical Wellness Program equipment through • Improving access to Physical Wellness Program equipment through the sharing of resources the sharing of resources • Increasing client centred work with clients, where you as clients direct your care • Increasing client centred work with clients, where you as clients direct your care • Placing more emphasis and consideration into the cultural backgrounds of clients • Placing more emphasis and consideration into the cultural backgrounds of clients • Increasing referrals to the Health Self-Management team to support clients with health behaviour change • Increasing referrals to the Health Self-Management team to support clients with health behaviour change • Re-allocation of more client spaces for urgent problems in podiatry • Re-allocation of more client spaces for urgent problems in podiatry • Cultural competency staff training • Cultural competency staff training • Waiting space improvements at each site • Waiting space improvements at each site ote! u Q t ing d Clien n e t n at ears e e b e “I hav ntre for 5 y iting the ce e found wa t to en av and h nd treatm ” a times excellent! be Fun Fa cts! Swappi ng to tzatz french onion iki redu dip c e s and kil ojoule your fat intake! ote! u Q t ing d Clien n e t n at ears e e b e “I hav ntre for 5 y iting the ce e found wa t to en av and h nd treatm ” a times excellent! be Fun Fa cts! Swappi ng to tzatz french onion iki redu dip c e s and kil ojoule your fat intake! New Staff Member New Staff Member ++9(/#%%&:,+9&./(5&)+;3('<#)+;.//4! ++9(/#%%&:,+9&./(5&)+;3('<#)+;.//4! Ingredients 4 x chicken fillets cut into cubes 2-3 table spoons of olive oil 1x table spoon ground cloves 1 x table spoon garlic 1x table spoon ginger 1x table spoon cinnamon 1x 250g of tomato paste 1 chopped or sliced onion 2-3 tablespoons of Keen Curry 2-3 sweet potatoes cut into cubes 1 can of beans Curry leaves Salt and Pepper 1 cup of water Ingredients Staff Q uote! “Worki ng with yo at headspace u Finding ng people I’m it ?ery e B citi interes ting an ng, d challen ging...” Mirella , Jlient 9 er?ices K2Ficer at head space, Bellarin e 4 x chicken fillets cut into cubes 2-3 table spoons of olive oil 1x table spoon ground cloves 1 x table spoon garlic 1x table spoon ginger 1x table spoon cinnamon 1x 250g of tomato paste 1 chopped or sliced onion 2-3 tablespoons of Keen Curry 2-3 sweet potatoes cut into cubes 1 can of beans Curry leaves Salt and Pepper 1 cup of water Staff Q uote! “Worki ng with yo at headspace u Finding ng people I’m it ?ery e B citi interes ting an ng, d challen ging...” Mirella , Jlient 9 er?ices K2Ficer at head space, Bellarin e Method Method Cut chicken in cubes and add cinnamon and ground cloves and mix together. Place oil in a deep pot and then add chicken, onion, ginger and garlic and allow to cook on medium heat until chicken starts to brown Cut chicken in cubes and add cinnamon and ground cloves and mix together. Place oil in a deep pot and then add chicken, onion, ginger and garlic and allow to cook on medium heat until chicken starts to brown While chicken is cooking mix curry powder and tomato paste together then add to chicken with a cup of water. Then place sweet potatoes and curry leaves, salt and pepper to taste. Place the beans in just as the sweet potatoes are softening. The sweet potatoes must be slightly mushy this allows the sauce to thicken While chicken is cooking mix curry powder and tomato paste together then add to chicken with a cup of water. Then place sweet potatoes and curry leaves, salt and pepper to taste. Place the beans in just as the sweet potatoes are softening. The sweet potatoes must be slightly mushy this allows the sauce to thicken Serve with Basmati Rice and or Roti Bread. This curry is also delicious using Beef. Serves approximately 4-5. Serve with Basmati Rice and or Roti Bread. This curry is also delicious using Beef. Serves approximately 4-5. Compliments & Complaints Results from our 2010 Client Satisfaction Survey Compliments & Complaints Results from our 2010 Client Satisfaction Survey Bellarine Community Health welcomes feedback; it helps us improve our services! The feedback we receive has been categorised into five key areas as per the graph above. Bellarine Community Health welcomes feedback; it helps us improve our services! The feedback we receive has been categorised into five key areas as per the graph above. The improvements that we have initiated related to each of these categories include: The improvements that we have initiated related to each of these categories include: Compliments: We received more formal compliments this year as compared to last year! BCH highly values staff and compliments received are forwarded onto the staff member or team directly involved for their recognition. BCH is committed to the recruitment and retention of a highly skilled, healthy and motivated workforce. BCH recognizes that supporting the health and well-being of our staff is fundamental to the delivery of quality health services within the community. Compliments: We received more formal compliments this year as compared to last year! BCH highly values staff and compliments received are forwarded onto the staff member or team directly involved for their recognition. BCH is committed to the recruitment and retention of a highly skilled, healthy and motivated workforce. BCH recognizes that supporting the health and well-being of our staff is fundamental to the delivery of quality health services within the community. Compliments & Complaints The strategies BCH implemented over the 2009-2010 period in relation to staff health and wellbeing include: Compliments & Complaints The strategies BCH implemented over the 2009-2010 period in relation to staff health and wellbeing include: Corporate Global Challenge Corporate Global Challenge Worker Health Checks Worker Health Checks R U OK Staff Barbeque R U OK Staff Barbeque Staff Stress Management Staff Stress Management Come & Try Exercise Days Come & Try Exercise Days BCH recognizes and rewards staff through: BCH recognizes and rewards staff through: Certificate awards for 5 year intervals of years of service Certificate awards for 5 year intervals of years of service Annual peer/colleague nominated awards Annual peer/colleague nominated awards Celebration of achievements Celebration of achievements Communication: Complaints regarding communication increased this year. Improvements in this area include: Communication: Complaints regarding communication increased this year. Improvements in this area include: Implementation of staff intranet to improve internal communication Implementation of staff intranet to improve internal communication BCH will be launching a new and improved website in late 2010 that will enable BCH to communicate with our community in a more meaningful way. It will also provide our community with the most up to date ! information on BCH and the service/programs uote Q t . n l e u i Cl available. helpf BCH will be launching a new and improved website in late 2010 that will enable BCH to communicate with our community in a more meaningful way. It will also provide our community with the most up to date ! information on BCH and the service/programs uote Q t . n l e u i Cl available. helpf ere w l ces a i u v s r u e s “As the r ved e o d i r s p n I co ve im k you a h d e receiv style. Than ...” e d my lif l concerne to al Visit our new website at: www.bch.org.au 1 ere w l ces a i u v s r u e s “As the r ved e o d i r s p n I co ve im k you a h d e receiv style. Than ...” e d my lif l concerne to al Visit our new website at: www.bch.org.au 1 Compliments & Complaints Compliments & Complaints Access: We received fewer complaints this year concerning issues of access. BCH is committed to ensuring our services are as accessible as possible. Improvements in this area include: Access: We received fewer complaints this year concerning issues of access. BCH is committed to ensuring our services are as accessible as possible. Improvements in this area include: The provision of youth friendly health and wellbeing services within the school/youth “hub” in Drysdale, through the development of the third headspace site for the Barwon region. The site is due to open within the early part of the 2010-2011 period. The provision of youth friendly health and wellbeing services within the school/youth “hub” in Drysdale, through the development of the third headspace site for the Barwon region. The site is due to open within the early part of the 2010-2011 period. Training in relation to hearing impairment, cultural awareness and aboriginal health. Training in relation to hearing impairment, cultural awareness and aboriginal health. Treatment: This year we only received two complaints regarding treatment. All complaints regarding treatment are investigated with the utmost regard for sensitivity and professionalism. In this situation it was related to changes to a program due to resource cut-backs. BCH will support staff with more training and support around change-management. Treatment: This year we only received two complaints regarding treatment. All complaints regarding treatment are investigated with the utmost regard for sensitivity and professionalism. In this situation it was related to changes to a program due to resource cut-backs. BCH will support staff with more training and support around change-management. Infrastructure (Buildings, car parks, equipment): Infrastructure complaints remained the same as the previous years. BCH recognizes that capital/building renewal is required to enable BCH to optimize service delivery. BCH is working towards developing a capital/building plan to set the direction for the future needs of BCH and its growing community. Infrastructure (Buildings, car parks, equipment): Infrastructure complaints remained the same as the previous years. BCH recognizes that capital/building renewal is required to enable BCH to optimize service delivery. BCH is working towards developing a capital/building plan to set the direction for the future needs of BCH and its growing community. ote! u Q t tion Clien n e t t d a n a of s e r a a w c “The be today nd a to given h standard ks!” a hig ated, than ci appre ote! u Q t tion Clien n e t t d a n a of s e r a a w c “The be today nd a to given h standard ks!” a hig ated, than ci appre Continuous Quality Improvement The 2009-2010 year has been a very busy year for Continuous Quality Improvement! BCH has a committee that oversees quality improvement across the organization. Achievements this year include: Continuous Quality Improvement The 2009-2010 year has been a very busy year for Continuous Quality Improvement! BCH has a committee that oversees quality improvement across the organization. Achievements this year include: Self-assessment against the standards for Family Services Registration Self-assessment against the standards for Family Services Registration Aboriginal cultural training for Board of Directors Aboriginal cultural training for Board of Directors Pilot of client centred care-planning tool (where you as the client direct your care). Roll-out of this tool expected to be in 2010-2011 period. Pilot of client centred care-planning tool (where you as the client direct your care). Roll-out of this tool expected to be in 2010-2011 period. Governance training for Board members and senior management Governance training for Board members and senior management Development of a partnerships analysis tool Development of a partnerships analysis tool Development and implementation of a new performance appraisal system for BCH Development and implementation of a new performance appraisal system for BCH Policy and procedure review Policy and procedure review Implementation of the new mandatory reporting system for nursing, dental and allied health staff Implementation of the new mandatory reporting system for nursing, dental and allied health staff Workforce planning Workforce planning Service access improvements Service access improvements Waiting list management improvements Waiting list management improvements Residential Aged Care Accreditation Residential Aged Care Accreditation The 2010-2011 period will possibly see some changes in our continuous improvements directions as a result of our QICSA (Quality Improvement Community Services Accreditation) review. We are looking forward to the external review to see other areas in which we can improve our systems. The 2010-2011 period will possibly see some changes in our continuous improvements directions as a result of our QICSA (Quality Improvement Community Services Accreditation) review. We are looking forward to the external review to see other areas in which we can improve our systems. Infection Control Infection Control Wanda’s Story‐ Staff Snapshot Wanda’s Story‐ Staff Snapshot “Hi my name is Wanda, “Hi my name is Wanda, I’m the Client Services Officer at Portarlington site and part of my role is to ensure the cleaning, disinfec5on and steriliza5on of all the podiatry and foot‐care nursing eJuipment used across the organiza5on. I have completed a course of study at Mayfield Mduca5on to learn how to do this role according to the NustralianOPew Qealand Standards for Infec5on Control. I’m the Client Services Officer at Portarlington site and part of my role is to ensure the cleaning, disinfec5on and steriliza5on of all the podiatry and foot‐care nursing eJuipment used across the organiza5on. I have completed a course of study at Mayfield Mduca5on to learn how to do this role according to the NustralianOPew Qealand Standards for Infec5on Control. It is a challenging and busy role! The maintenance and cleaning of the steam sterilizers has to be completed daily and specific tasks undertaken weekly. I also oversee the servicing and biological tes5ng of our sterilizers to ensure they are working effec5vely. There are approTimately 200‐W00 instruments that reJuire processing weekly. The instruments are transported across all the different sites in sealed containers to ensure safe transport. It is a challenging and busy role! The maintenance and cleaning of the steam sterilizers has to be completed daily and specific tasks undertaken weekly. I also oversee the servicing and biological tes5ng of our sterilizers to ensure they are working effec5vely. There are approTimately 200‐W00 instruments that reJuire processing weekly. The instruments are transported across all the different sites in sealed containers to ensure safe transport. I am also involved in the Infec5on Preven5on CommiXee that meets monthly to discuss how we can keep improving and op5mizing infec5on preven5on at BCH. I really enjoy this aspect of my work!” I am also involved in the Infec5on Preven5on CommiXee that meets monthly to discuss how we can keep improving and op5mizing infec5on preven5on at BCH. I really enjoy this aspect of my work!” Anothe r Fun F BCH pro act! vided tr aining t membe o 97 sta rs in 20 ff 09‐2010 infec5o in n preve n5on. Anothe r Fun F BCH pro act! vided tr aining t membe o 97 sta rs in 20 ff 09‐2010 infec5o in n preve n5on. Wanda’s Lentil Bolognaise “I have included my recipe because being vegetarian I know I need to prepare wholesome nutritious food and one of my favourites is Lentil Bolognaise...” Ingredients 1 small onion or shallot 1 cup brown organic lentils 1 410g tin chopped tomatoes 2 tablespoons tomato paste Fresh basil leaves 1½ cups grated carrot Method Wanda’s Lentil Bolognaise “I have included my recipe because being vegetarian I know I need to prepare wholesome nutritious food and one of my favourites is Lentil Bolognaise...” Ingredients Rinse lentils and in saucepan of water, cook lentils for 15-20 minutes until softened, then drain. Gently fry onion in olive oil and add carrot and celery and cook until softened, add basil leaves, tomatoes, tomato paste, brown sugar, water and simmer for 10 minutes. Serve with pasta or rice and a sprinkle of parmesan….very yummy! 1 small onion or shallot 1 cup brown organic lentils 1 410g tin chopped tomatoes 2 tablespoons tomato paste Fresh basil leaves 1½ cups grated carrot 1 cup finely diced celery 1 cup finely diced celery 1 cup water 1 cup water 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 tablespoon olive oil Grated parmesan cheese Grated parmesan cheese Fun Facts! Did you ts! c at a know t Fa h F t w hat BcCtHs! e o r n a I n k f s e has an B CcH it u ti 3 o o a d n s e y P u n * r a e * a venetdio ann Dnfec 5 in CoCmom g Did n n i n e on t irtotle Ceo tnhsult h k s a t a r a a n t mete ttos undert dw de re? n a a n ake a u u d C i han t a cros ly d ine ge t A u l o r ntia e d i Res s all of BCH in October 20 10! Method Rinse lentils and in saucepan of water, cook lentils for 15-20 minutes until softened, then drain. Gently fry onion in olive oil and add carrot and celery and cook until softened, add basil leaves, tomatoes, tomato paste, brown sugar, water and simmer for 10 minutes. Serve with pasta or rice and a sprinkle of parmesan….very yummy! Fun Facts! Did you ts! c at a know t Fa h F t w hat BcCtHs! e o r n a I n k f s e has an B CcH it u ti 3 o o a d n s e y P u n * r a e * a venetdio ann Dnfec 5 in CoCmom g Did n n i n e on t irtotle Ceo tnhsult h k s a t a r a a n t mete ttos undert dw de re? n a a n ake a u u d C i han t a cros ly d ine ge t A u l o r ntia e d i Res s all of BCH in October 20 10! Volunteers Volunteers BCH has an active volunteer base of approximately 400 community members. BCH values the contributions our volunteers make to the achievements of BCH. We have a dedicated volunteer coordinator who oversees the program. Volunteers come from all different walks of life/backgrounds and provide support to many different programs including Meals on Wheels, physiotherapy groups and health promotion. BCH has an active volunteer base of approximately 400 community members. BCH values the contributions our volunteers make to the achievements of BCH. We have a dedicated volunteer coordinator who oversees the program. Volunteers come from all different walks of life/backgrounds and provide support to many different programs including Meals on Wheels, physiotherapy groups and health promotion. All volunteers receive induction training that includes information about BCH, Occupational Health and Safety, Privacy, Infection Control, Manual Handling, Policies and Procedures. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for BCH, please call Elizabeth Hopkin 5258 0853 for more information. All volunteers receive induction training that includes information about BCH, Occupational Health and Safety, Privacy, Infection Control, Manual Handling, Policies and Procedures. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for BCH, please call Elizabeth Hopkin 5258 0853 for more information. Fran’s Story “I enjoy working at Portarlington Community Health Centre Auxiliary op shop. The reason being we help raise money for the health centre, also we meet wonderful people, from all over the state...” Fran’s Story “I enjoy working at Portarlington Community Health Centre Auxiliary op shop. The reason being we help raise money for the health centre, also we meet wonderful people, from all over the state...” Volunteers Volunteers Margaret and Aileen’s Story Margaret and Aileen’s Story Margaret Collins ” I became a volunteer to get to meet local people. I was then at the time 9 years ago, new to the area” Margaret laughs then states “In Port I am still new it takes conception to be considered local, a generation or two”. Margaret Collins ” I became a volunteer to get to meet local people. I was then at the time 9 years ago, new to the area” Margaret laughs then states “In Port I am still new it takes conception to be considered local, a generation or two”. Aileen Dunn; “I have been a volunteer for 22 years, starting in 1992. I wanted to give something back to the community. I got sick and had major surgery. Aileen Dunn; “I have been a volunteer for 22 years, starting in 1992. I wanted to give something back to the community. I got sick and had major surgery. District Nurse Verna McClellan an original bush nurse, she inspired me. I was one of the first Hospice Nurses, I worked with Palliative Care Nurse Joan Fallahay.” District Nurse Verna McClellan an original bush nurse, she inspired me. I was one of the first Hospice Nurses, I worked with Palliative Care Nurse Joan Fallahay.” S p in a c h Tu r n o v e rs S p in a c h Tu r n o v e rs In g re d ie n ts In g re d ie n ts 8 spinach leaves 2 potatoes – diced 200g ricotta cheese 1 tablespoon grated parmesan cheese ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg 3 sheets puff pastr y 1 egg – lightly beate n Method Rinse spinach leav es, chop roughly. Boil spinac h until tender, drain well. Boil pot atoes until tender and drain. Combine spinach, potatoes, cheese and nutmeg in a bowl, mix well. Cut pastry into qua rters. Place about 2 table spoonfuls of spinach mixture on each quarter, brush edges with eg g, fold in half diagonally, press ed ges together firmly. Place turnovers on to lightly greased oven trays and brush with egg. Bake in moder ately hot oven for about 20 minut es or until golden brown. 8 spinach leaves 2 potatoes – diced 200g ricotta cheese 1 tablespoon grated parmesan cheese ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg 3 sheets puff pastr y 1 egg – lightly beate n Method Rinse spinach leav es, chop roughly. Boil spinac h until tender, drain well. Boil pot atoes until tender and drain. Combine spinach, potatoes, cheese and nutmeg in a bowl, mix well. Cut pastry into qua rters. Place about 2 table spoonfuls of spinach mixture on each quarter, brush edges with eg g, fold in half diagonally, press ed ges together firmly. Place turnovers on to lightly greased oven trays and brush with egg. Bake in moder ately hot oven for about 20 minut es or until golden brown. Volunteers Volunteers Chris’s Story Chris’s Story My name is Chris. I am a volunteer at Bellarine Community Health Centre in Point Lonsdale. My name is Chris. I am a volunteer at Bellarine Community Health Centre in Point Lonsdale. I have been a volunteer for approximately five years and volunteer two days a week. I have been a volunteer for approximately five years and volunteer two days a week. I saw an ad in the local paper advertising for volunteers. At that time I was already doing a couple of days a week volunteer work for another company. I went into the volunteers office for a brief interview and a chat. I saw an ad in the local paper advertising for volunteers. At that time I was already doing a couple of days a week volunteer work for another company. I went into the volunteers office for a brief interview and a chat. At Point Lonsdale I have created a database, which has all the volunteers’ details on it, ie what area they volunteer in etc. I also do the volunteers newsletters twice a year which I find interesting. At Point Lonsdale I have created a database, which has all the volunteers’ details on it, ie what area they volunteer in etc. I also do the volunteers newsletters twice a year which I find interesting. Also on occasions I get asked to be on a panel for job interviews, from a client/volunteer perspective which is fun. Also on occasions I get asked to be on a panel for job interviews, from a client/volunteer perspective which is fun. Facts! and d e t s i l ‐ short s a w r ’s H e C i B m 9 e r 0 In 20 r the P o f t s i ds! l r a a n w fi A a g was eerin t n u l o V nity u m m o C Facts! Did you know t hat we meals a deliver month 2,400 to loca $lanned l residen ac5vity ts and grou$ $ar5ci$ ants` Facts! and d e t s i l ‐ short s a w r ’s H e C i B m 9 e r 0 In 20 r the P o f t s i ds! l r a a n w fi A a g was eerin t n u l o V nity u m m o C Facts! Did you know t hat we meals a deliver month 2,400 to loca $lanned l residen ac5vity ts and grou$ $ar5ci$ ants` Volunteers Volunteers Chris’s Chicken Stirfry Chris’s Chicken Stirfry Ingre dient s 2 chicken breasts, sliced thinly 2 cloves garlic, crushed ¼ cup soy sauce 1 tablespoon lemon juice 6 green onions 150g snow peas, halved ½ cup unsalted cashew nuts 2 tablespoons vegetable oil Ingre dient s 115g packet baby corn 2 tablespoons salted black beans, rinsed and drained 2 teaspoons cornflour 2 tablespoons honey Steamed rice to serve. Method 2 chicken breasts, sliced thinly 2 cloves garlic, crushed ¼ cup soy sauce 1 tablespoon lemon juice 6 green onions 150g snow peas, halved ½ cup unsalted cashew nuts 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 115g packet baby corn 2 tablespoons salted black beans, rinsed and drained 2 teaspoons cornflour 2 tablespoons honey Steamed rice to serve. Method Marinate chicken in garlic, soy & lemon juice while you prepare the vegetables. Slice green onions & trim & halve snow peas. Marinate chicken in garlic, soy & lemon juice while you prepare the vegetables. Slice green onions & trim & halve snow peas. Heat a wok over a high heat and add cashew nuts. Cook, tossing often until they are browned. Remove from the wok and set aside. Heat 2 teaspoons of oil in the wok and cook drained chicken in batches until browned and tender; set aside. Heat a wok over a high heat and add cashew nuts. Cook, tossing often until they are browned. Remove from the wok and set aside. Heat 2 teaspoons of oil in the wok and cook drained chicken in batches until browned and tender; set aside. Add remaining oil and stir-fry onions, baby corn, snow peas and black beans until just tender. Return chicken to the wok and toss until mixed well. Add remaining oil and stir-fry onions, baby corn, snow peas and black beans until just tender. Return chicken to the wok and toss until mixed well. Dissolve cornflour into the marinade and add to stir fry with cashews and honey; bring sauce to the boil, then simmer and cook until chicken is cooked through and sauce has thickened. Dissolve cornflour into the marinade and add to stir fry with cashews and honey; bring sauce to the boil, then simmer and cook until chicken is cooked through and sauce has thickened. Sarah’s Story Sarah’s Story “Fifteen years ago I had my foods tested as I was quite unwell. My tests came out saying I needed to steer away from wheat & egg. I was told that as I was so young, I should be okay to try and reintroduce these back into my diet in years to come. Six years later I started to reintroduce, with no serious side effects. “Fifteen years ago I had my foods tested as I was quite unwell. My tests came out saying I needed to steer away from wheat & egg. I was told that as I was so young, I should be okay to try and reintroduce these back into my diet in years to come. Six years later I started to reintroduce, with no serious side effects. One day I was at work & just started to feel very unwell. I ended up in at our local Emergency Department. It turns out my body had said enough is enough, this reaction would happen anytime I ate anything containing wheat or egg, to the point of even traces of and I was sick. I now need to wear an S.O.S on my wrist. One day I was at work & just started to feel very unwell. I ended up in at our local Emergency Department. It turns out my body had said enough is enough, this reaction would happen anytime I ate anything containing wheat or egg, to the point of even traces of and I was sick. I now need to wear an S.O.S on my wrist. I know from personal experience that eating out with my level of sensitivity to foods, is quite difficult. The most important thing to remember is not to give up or get upset thinking that “there is nothing out there to eat”, you will find things and it is amazing what you can make yourself, give it time to experiment then you will come up with your own favourites too.” I know from personal experience that eating out with my level of sensitivity to foods, is quite difficult. The most important thing to remember is not to give up or get upset thinking that “there is nothing out there to eat”, you will find things and it is amazing what you can make yourself, give it time to experiment then you will come up with your own favourites too.” rs ritte F e i g Ve rs ritte F e i g Ve eggs* 2 : , * s r t ou dien SR Fl e Ingre e arrot r c f n d e e t t e ra glu chees ls, ½ g d e ¾ cup e t n ushed r r a r e c / g k d p n e ic cu cor ove d ni, ½ l i 250g c h c h c s fre ted zu ic or 1 l r ½ gra a g ile you ced h n i w m s e 1 tsp minut o medium w d e f e : c l a i a r n heat t start to it fo s nely d d fi t n i Optio a n t l e o i c o rl to 0g ba gethe e pan with or the mix ur. Repeat o t r i t 50-10 f S s lo ether. lightly grea an. Watch desired co : g d o t o h g p t a in il, e Me veryth ing spray o ture into th til they are e salad. e e n i Comb a pan. Us adle of mix of times un e with a sid l re rv prepa our a soup lip a couple s used. Se i F P heat. then turn. the mixture e f bubbl s until all o s proce eggs* 2 : , * s r t ou dien SR Fl e Ingre e arrot r c f n d e e t t e ra glu chees ls, ½ g d e ¾ cup e t n ushed r r a r e c / g k d p n e ic cu cor ove d ni, ½ l i 250g c h c h c s fre ted zu ic or 1 l r ½ gra a g ile you ced h n i w m s e 1 tsp minut o medium w d e f e : c l a i a r n heat t start to it fo s nely d d fi t n i Optio a n t l e o i c o rl to 0g ba gethe e pan with or the mix ur. Repeat o t r i t 50-10 f S s lo ether. lightly grea an. Watch desired co : g d o t o h g p t a in il, e Me veryth ing spray o ture into th til they are e salad. e e n i Comb a pan. Us adle of mix of times un e with a sid l re rv prepa our a soup lip a couple s used. Se i F P heat. then turn. the mixture e f bubbl s until all o s proce Note:* I use F G Roberts SR Flour and Orgran “No Egg” available at Coles or health food stores These recipes provided by Sarah Baker of Sarah's Cooking, Sarah can be contacted on Ph: 0427 646 274 or sarahscooking@hotmail.com Note:* I use F G Roberts SR Flour and Orgran “No Egg” available at Coles or health food stores These recipes provided by Sarah Baker of Sarah's Cooking, Sarah can be contacted on Ph: 0427 646 274 or sarahscooking@hotmail.com Dental Services Dental Services School Dental Program School Dental Program Madhuri has recently joined BCH as a Dental Therapist. Madhuri was born in South India and moved to New Zealand in 1997. Madhur studied Dental Therapy and Dental Hygeine at the University of Otago and graduated with a double degree in 2009. BCH employed Madhuri as a Dental Therapist early 2010 and her family relocated to Australia. Madhuri works three days a week at BCH and would love to live on the Bellarine one day. Madhuri has recently joined BCH as a Dental Therapist. Madhuri was born in South India and moved to New Zealand in 1997. Madhur studied Dental Therapy and Dental Hygeine at the University of Otago and graduated with a double degree in 2009. BCH employed Madhuri as a Dental Therapist early 2010 and her family relocated to Australia. Madhuri works three days a week at BCH and would love to live on the Bellarine one day. Madhuri provides the school dental service at BCH. This service is available for primary school age children and is based at our Point Lonsdale site. Madhuri provides the school dental service at BCH. This service is available for primary school age children and is based at our Point Lonsdale site. Services provided include: Services provided include: • Dental health advice and education • Dental health advice and education • Check-ups • Check-ups • Fillings • Fillings • Extraction • Extraction • Emergency pain relief • Emergency pain relief • Teeth cleaning • Teeth cleaning • Referral to other services if appropriate • Referral to other services if appropriate For all appointments Please call the Dental Clinic on 5258 0828 uote! Staff Q g at n i k r o w “I love re a e l p o e pe h t , H C B great!” For all appointments Please call the Dental Clinic on 5258 0828 ! ote u Q f f a St g at n i k r o w “I love re a e l p o e pe h t , H C B great!” How much will it cost? How much will it cost? Parents holding a healthcare card do not pay for their child’s dental care. Parents holding a healthcare card do not pay for their child’s dental care. Parents without a healthcare card will pay $29.00 for the complete course of care. Parents without a healthcare card will pay $29.00 for the complete course of care. Madhuri’s Mirchi Bajji (Chilli fritters) Madhuri’s Mirchi Bajji (Chilli fritters) Chilli Fritters, the popular street food from South India, are incredibly easy to prepare at home and make an excellent way to begin almost any special meal or they can be served as a light meal/snack. Chilli Fritters, the popular street food from South India, are incredibly easy to prepare at home and make an excellent way to begin almost any special meal or they can be served as a light meal/snack. Ingredients Ingredients 10-15 pieces whole banana pepper (Yellow chilli) 10-15 pieces whole banana pepper (Yellow chilli) For batter- For batter- 1 1/4 cups besan (Gram-chickpea-flour) 1 1/4 cups besan (Gram-chickpea-flour) 2 table spoons of rice flour 2 table spoons of rice flour pinch of backing soda pinch of backing soda tablespoon of chilli powder tablespoon of chilli powder salt to taste salt to taste Add sufficient water to bring nice consistency to the batter Add sufficient water to bring nice consistency to the batter Method To fry the bajji- Method To fry the bajji- Take the yellow chillies and split them by slicing length wise. If you prefer you can Take the yellow chillies and split them by slicing length wise. If you prefer you can use whole chilli, but cut only half way through. use whole chilli, but cut only half way through. Remove the seeds if you do not want the fritters to be too hot. Remove the seeds if you do not want the fritters to be too hot. Soak them in the batter and deep fry them Soak them in the batter and deep fry them Serve them hot with tomato sauce Serve them hot with tomato sauce ! ! ! ! ! ! Dental Services Dental Services Bellarine Community Health operates a dental service from the Point Lonsdale site. This service can assist with problems such as pain relief, fillings, extractions and root canal therapy. The service is available to health-care card holders. Bellarine Community Health operates a dental service from the Point Lonsdale site. This service can assist with problems such as pain relief, fillings, extractions and root canal therapy. The service is available to health-care card holders. For an appointment or more information about the service, For an appointment or more information about the service, please call 5258 0828. please call 5258 0828. Waiting Times for General Dental Care at BCH Waiting Times for General Dental Care at BCH 7.0% 7.0% 6.0% 6.0% 5.0% 5.0% 4.0% 4.0% 3.0% 3.0% 2.0% 2.0% 1.0% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% Jan-Mar Apr-Jun AGENCY Jul-Sep REGION Oct-Dec YTD Jan-Mar Apr-Jun STATE AGENCY Jul-Sep REGION Oct-Dec YTD STATE Dental Clinical Indicators Key Dental Clinical Indicators Key Agency- BCH, Region- Barwon South Western, State- Victoria. Agency- BCH, Region- Barwon South Western, State- Victoria. Waiting Periods 0% = 12 weeks, 1% = 10 weeks, 2% = 8 weeks, 3% = 6 weeks, 4% = 4 weeks, 5% = 2 weeks, 6% = 1.5 weeks, 7% = 1 week. Waiting Periods 0% = 12 weeks, 1% = 10 weeks, 2% = 8 weeks, 3% = 6 weeks, 4% = 4 weeks, 5% = 2 weeks, 6% = 1.5 weeks, 7% = 1 week. Dental Services Dental Services This graph represents the waiting time for general treatment compared to the region and state averages. Interpretation of the graph reveals that our waiting times were optimal in the April-June and the July-September period. Unfortunately our waiting periods were longer during the rest of the year. This graph represents the waiting time for general treatment compared to the region and state averages. Interpretation of the graph reveals that our waiting times were optimal in the April-June and the July-September period. Unfortunately our waiting periods were longer during the rest of the year. The waiting list was affected by staff illness and some difficulties in the recruitment of a Dental Therapist. As Bellarine Community Health only has a 2 chair dental clinic, staff shortages significantly impact on service delivery. Bellarine Community Health recruited a Dental Therapist in early 2010. The waiting list was affected by staff illness and some difficulties in the recruitment of a Dental Therapist. As Bellarine Community Health only has a 2 chair dental clinic, staff shortages significantly impact on service delivery. Bellarine Community Health recruited a Dental Therapist in early 2010. Dental Program Quality Improvements 09-10 period: Dental Program Quality Improvements 09-10 period: • Staff training in infection control • Staff training in infection control • New compressor • New compressor • Attendance at professional conferences • Attendance at professional conferences • Self-assessment audit against Dental Health Services Victoria standards • Self-assessment audit against Dental Health Services Victoria standards • New digital x-ray machine expected in 2010/2011 • New digital x-ray machine expected in 2010/2011 Hirdesh’s Story Hirdesh’s Story Dr Hirdesh Narayan is the senior dentist at Bellarine Community Health. Hirdesh has worked at Bellarine Community Health for six years now and enjoys the supportive environment of Bellarine Community Health and working with other staff! Dr Hirdesh Narayan is the senior dentist at Bellarine Community Health. Hirdesh has worked at Bellarine Community Health for six years now and enjoys the supportive environment of Bellarine Community Health and working with other staff! BULA from Fiji Islands! BULA from Fiji Islands! I am originally from Fiji Islands, with Indian cultural background since my great grand parents arrived from India about 100 years ago. I was born in Fiji and have lived there all my life. In Fiji we are known as Indofijians. Moved to New Zealand to do extra studies in dentistry and lived there for six years then moved to Australia in 2004. I have a great passion for dentistry and enjoy the service I can provide to people. I am originally from Fiji Islands, with Indian cultural background since my great grand parents arrived from India about 100 years ago. I was born in Fiji and have lived there all my life. In Fiji we are known as Indofijians. Moved to New Zealand to do extra studies in dentistry and lived there for six years then moved to Australia in 2004. I have a great passion for dentistry and enjoy the service I can provide to people. When not doing dentistry I like to play with electronic gadgets, swim and cycle. When not doing dentistry I like to play with electronic gadgets, swim and cycle. I love the Pacific way of life that is casual and free living. Food from the Pacific is fresh and full of flavour since everything can be harvested fresh from the gardens or the sea. The recipe I have chosen is a great traditional Fijian dish which is loved !D Ln> Client Q at any party or meal times. It is very uote t3e > ! e easy to prepare once the fish is n 5st t3 an> 3 e mo elpf. marinated. st l > m I love the Pacific way of life that is casual and free living. Food from the Pacific is fresh and full of flavour since everything can be harvested fresh from the gardens or the sea. The recipe I have chosen is a great traditional Fijian dish which is loved !D Ln> Client Q at any party or meal times. It is very uote t3e > ! e easy to prepare once the fish is n 5st t3 an> 3 e mo elpf. marinated. st l > m Don’t worry about the waist, you can use light coconut cream!!! Don’t worry about the waist, you can use light coconut cream!!! et! H is 'arin en5st * D 3a6 e e6er ssion alism i s none next ...” to profe et! H is 'arin en5st * D 3a6 e e6er ssion alism i s none next ...” to profe Hirdesh’s Kokoda Recipe A traditional Fijian dish that tastes much better than it sounds. The traditional dish is prepared with mahi-mahi; but you can use white fish of your choice. Very simple to prepare – just be sure to leave enough time to marinate the fish in the lime. You’ll need a minimum of 6 hours. Ingredients Hirdesh’s Kokoda Recipe A traditional Fijian dish that tastes much better than it sounds. The traditional dish is prepared with mahi-mahi; but you can use white fish of your choice. Very simple to prepare – just be sure to leave enough time to marinate the fish in the lime. You’ll need a minimum of 6 hours. ! Ingredients ! 2 white fish fillets juice from 3 large limes ½ teaspoon sea salt 1 cup coconut cream (can be substituted for light version) 1 onion, finely chopped 1 hot pepper, deseeded and finely chopped 2 tomatoes, deseeded and finely chopped 2 white fish fillets juice from 3 large limes ½ teaspoon sea salt 1 cup coconut cream (can be substituted for light version) 1 onion, finely chopped 1 hot pepper, deseeded and finely chopped 2 tomatoes, deseeded and finely chopped Method Method Cut the fish into bite-size pieces and place in a glass or plastic bowl (avoid metal as it will react with the lime juice and ruin your dish) Add the lime juice and salt. Mix well, cover and marinate in fridge for 6-10 hours. Cut the fish into bite-size pieces and place in a glass or plastic bowl (avoid metal as it will react with the lime juice and ruin your dish) Add the lime juice and salt. Mix well, cover and marinate in fridge for 6-10 hours. Just before serving, add coconut cream, onion, and the pepper. Stir thoroughly then place onto serving platter using slotted spoon. Top with chopped tomatoes and serve. Just before serving, add coconut cream, onion, and the pepper. Stir thoroughly then place onto serving platter using slotted spoon. Top with chopped tomatoes and serve. District Nursing District Nursing The District Nursing team are based at our Point Lonsdale site, however they outreach into the community providing home-based nursing services. The District Nursing team are based at our Point Lonsdale site, however they outreach into the community providing home-based nursing services. Our District Nursing team can provide advice, treatment and education on a broad range of health issues including medication management, palliative care, wound management, incontinence, post acute nursing and education. Our District Nursing team can provide advice, treatment and education on a broad range of health issues including medication management, palliative care, wound management, incontinence, post acute nursing and education. The District Nursing team work in partnership with clients and provide professional and caring nursing support to assist clients in achieving their health and wellbeing goals. The District Nursing team work in partnership with clients and provide professional and caring nursing support to assist clients in achieving their health and wellbeing goals. Client Q uote! “ The ser vice is se cond to n been flab one. I’ve bergaste d at the ran depth of ge and services y o u have put touch wit me in h. Thank y o u for helpin to the tea g me wit m h a distre problem. ssing I would n ot have g through it otten without y ou!” Client Q uote! “ The ser vice is se cond to n been flab one. I’ve bergaste d at the ran depth of ge and services y o u have put touch wit me in h. Thank y o u for helpin to the tea g me wit m h a distre problem. ssing I would n ot have g through it otten without y ou!” District Nursing V a ld a ’s A n z a c B is c u it s V a ld a ’s A n z a c B is c u it s In g re d ie n ts 1 cup rolled oats 1 cup sugar 1 cup coconut 1 cup plain flour ¼ lb butter 1 tablespoon golden syrup 2 teas boiling water 1 teas bi-carb soda Method Mix rolled oats, suga r, coconut and flour together in a la rge bowl. Melt butter, golden syrup, water and bi-carb in a saucep an and add to dry ingredients, mix wel l until all combined. District Nursing In g re d ie n ts Place spoonfuls of mixture onto baking paper lined biscuit tray, bake in moderate oven un til golden brown, approximately 10 m inutes. Note: These biscuits do sp read when baking so leave a fa ir bit of room between them on th e tray. When you add the bi-carb to the water it will bubble If you want the bisc uits to be chewy do not cook as long , if you want them crunchy just co ok them a little longer. Client Q uote! “I am ver y gratefu l for the wonderfu l service from the district n ursing te am. They enabled my husb and to stay at h ome whil e he was recoverin g...” Valda (Ca rer) 1 cup rolled oats 1 cup sugar 1 cup coconut 1 cup plain flour ¼ lb butter 1 tablespoon golden syrup 2 teas boiling water 1 teas bi-carb soda Method Mix rolled oats, suga r, coconut and flour together in a la rge bowl. Melt butter, golden syrup, water and bi-carb in a saucep an and add to dry ingredients, mix wel l until all combined. Place spoonfuls of mixture onto baking paper lined biscuit tray, bake in moderate oven un til golden brown, approximately 10 m inutes. Note: These biscuits do sp read when baking so leave a fa ir bit of room between them on th e tray. When you add the bi-carb to the water it will bubble If you want the bisc uits to be chewy do not cook as long , if you want them crunchy just co ok them a little longer. Client Q uote ! “I am ver y gratefu l for the wonderfu l service from the district n ursing te am. They enabled my husb and to stay at h ome whil e he was recoverin g...” Valda (Ca rer) International Ladies Group s adie L l a ation our n t r a e y t l n ek The I s we t e e This m . e p t i u s a Gro gton n i l r ately a n t i r m o s P do come l s pre i e p w u t gro p tha fferent u o r g l all di socia m o Their fr . s s d e i n lad kgrou ooking, c a b c ral lude c cultu n i cing! ions n s a s d a p and craft Anna’s Short Bread Ingredients 600gm almond meal 300gm icing sugar 60gm (2) egg whites 1 tablespoon rose water 1 teaspoon vanilla essence extra icing sugar International Ladies Group s adie L l a ation our n t r a e y t l n ek The I s we t e e This m . e p t i u s a Gro gton n i l r ately a n t i r m o s P do come l s pre i e p w u t gro p tha fferent u o r g l all di socia m o Their fr . s s d e i n lad kgrou ooking, c a b c ral lude c cultu n i cing! ions n s a s d a p and craft Anna’s Short Bread Ingredients 600gm almond meal 300gm icing sugar 60gm (2) egg whites 1 tablespoon rose water 1 teaspoon vanilla essence extra icing sugar Method Method Whisk egg white until fluffy gradually add 1/2 the icing sugar, then fold in rose water, vanilla essence, almond meal and remaining icing sugar. Whisk egg white until fluffy gradually add 1/2 the icing sugar, then fold in rose water, vanilla essence, almond meal and remaining icing sugar. Shape into small crescents, place on lined baking tray, bake in 160c oven 7-10 mins- do not let them turn brown. Cool on tray and then dust with extra icing sugar and enjoy! Shape into small crescents, place on lined baking tray, bake in 160c oven 7-10 mins- do not let them turn brown. Cool on tray and then dust with extra icing sugar and enjoy! Health Promotion Cafe Meals Program Health Promotion Cafe Meals Program The pilot Café Meals Program aims to improve access to nutritious, affordable and socially acceptable meals for young people who are nutritionally at risk or socially isolated and living in the Northern Bellarine Peninsula. The pilot Café Meals Program aims to improve access to nutritious, affordable and socially acceptable meals for young people who are nutritionally at risk or socially isolated and living in the Northern Bellarine Peninsula. The pilot Cafe Meals Program provides eligible young people with the opportunity to have a subsidised nutritious daily meal in one of two participating cafes in the Northern Bellarine Peninsula. People are referred to the Café Meals Program, via youth and families services in Geelong and Bellarine Peninsula. The pilot Cafe Meals Program provides eligible young people with the opportunity to have a subsidised nutritious daily meal in one of two participating cafes in the Northern Bellarine Peninsula. People are referred to the Café Meals Program, via youth and families services in Geelong and Bellarine Peninsula. The program empowers people by giving them control over when, where and what they eat. The price of meals is kept low through subsidy, at this point via philanthropic funds managed by Time for Youth Café Meals Club Program manager. The program empowers people by giving them control over when, where and what they eat. The price of meals is kept low through subsidy, at this point via philanthropic funds managed by Time for Youth Café Meals Club Program manager. How does the Cafe M e a l s P r o g r a m w o r k ? H o w d o e s t h e C a f e M e a l s P r o g r a m w ork? The young people present their membership card at the café and pay $3 for a meal valued up to $12, with the remaining subsidy being covered by Time for Youth funds. The young people present their membership card at the café and pay $3 for a meal valued up to $12, with the remaining subsidy being covered by Time for Youth funds. The program provides a flexible, accessible alternative meals delivery system which is accessible to marginalised community members, in this case young people. The program provides a flexible, accessible alternative meals delivery system which is accessible to marginalised community members, in this case young people. Health Promotion P Port Produce Market ort Produce is a small market that runs for three hours each Friday morning at Portarlington Primary School. The aim of Port Produce is to provide the residents of the Northern Bellarine Peninsula with an additional place to purchase affordable fresh produce. It is a partnership between Portarlington Primary School, Bellarine Community Health, Bendigo Bank and CJ Keane and Co. The market has been running for the past 18 months and the regular 60-80 shoppers love the high quality of the produce, the affordable prices and the social atmosphere. What does the Port P r o d u c e m e a n t o y o u ? Health Promotion P Port Produce Market ort Produce is a small market that runs for three hours each Friday morning at Portarlington Primary School. The aim of Port Produce is to provide the residents of the Northern Bellarine Peninsula with an additional place to purchase affordable fresh produce. It is a partnership between Portarlington Primary School, Bellarine Community Health, Bendigo Bank and CJ Keane and Co. The market has been running for the past 18 months and the regular 60-80 shoppers love the high quality of the produce, the affordable prices and the social atmosphere. W h a t d o e s t h e P o rt P r o d u c e m e a n t o you? Ian‐ St Leonards Sanc Reed Flowers Trader “ I en%oy ge)ng out talking to people 1 socialising. I see people not so well and well, you become a carer and a listener ” Denise‐ St Leonards Sanc Reed Flowers Trader “It’s great to come together and chat and get to know others in the community.” Ian‐ St Leonards Sanc Reed Flowers Trader “ I en%oy ge)ng out talking to people 1 socialising. I see people not so well and well, you become a carer and a listener ” Denise‐ St Leonards Sanc Reed Flowers Trader “It’s great to come together and chat and get to know others in the community.” Robert‐ Portarlington Music Man “It is a hobby, re?rement, @ort @roduce and the railways‐ are my passions and I am providing a unique community service” Robert‐ Portarlington Music Man “It is a hobby, re?rement, @ort @roduce and the railways‐ are my passions and I am providing a unique community service” Chick Arthur‐ Portarlington grower and Trader “I en%oy mee?ng and speaking to people, everyone’s happy” Chick Arthur‐ Portarlington grower and Trader “I en%oy mee?ng and speaking to people, everyone’s happy” Gary (Volunteer Port Produce and YeXer Bealth “ Allows me to put back into the community. It’s a nice feeling, working with people in the community, that’s what it’s all about. ” Gary (Volunteer Port Produce and YeXer Bealth “ Allows me to put back into the community. It’s a nice feeling, working with people in the community, that’s what it’s all about. ” Kim (Volunteer Port Produce and Meals on Wheels “ I love the social interac5on, mee5ng new people and pugng back into the community... Good vege, good price, good for the locals. “ Kim (Volunteer Port Produce and Meals on Wheels “ I love the social interac5on, mee5ng new people and pugng back into the community... Good vege, good price, good for the locals. “ Ve r a ’s S a l m o n P o t a t o C a k e s Vera’s Salmon Potato Cakes cipe e r s i h d dicate e d as k o c i h h w , “C a r ife Ve w e t a l ton s g n i l r to hi a t r the Po t a k o o 950‘s c 1 a e h t n i otel Grand H is recipe...” used th cipe e r s i h d dicate e d as k o c i h h w , “C a r ife Ve w e t a l ton s g n i l r to hi a t r the Po t a k o o 950‘s c 1 a e h t n i otel Grand H is recipe...” used th In g re d ie n ts (s e rv es 6) In g re d ie n ts (s e rv es 6) I medium can of sa lmon 1 tbsp chopped pa rsley 1lb potatoes Salt & pepper to ta ste Good squeeze of le mon juice 1 egg 2 tbsp flour 1 cup breadcrumb s Method Peel, boil and mash potatoes. Strain the liquid fro m the salmon and mash with a fo rk, add salmon salt & pepp er, parsley and some lemon juice to the potatoes, and bind with a little be aten egg. Make an egg glaze made of beaten egg and milk . Mix the flour with a little salt & pepper. Take a spo onful of the mixture and shape into round cakes roll in the se asoned flour, dip in egg glazing a nd cover with breadcrumbs. Pan fry on each ca ke on each side until golden b rown. Serve with lemon & salad. I medium can of sa lmon 1 tbsp chopped pa rsley 1lb potatoes Salt & pepper to ta ste Good squeeze of le mon juice 1 egg 2 tbsp flour 1 cup breadcrumb s Method Peel, boil and mash potatoes. Strain the liquid fro m the salmon and mash with a fo rk, add salmon salt & pepp er, parsley and some lemon juice to the potatoes, and bind with a little be aten egg. Make an egg glaze made of beaten egg and milk . Mix the flour with a little salt & pepper. Take a spo onful of the mixture and shape into round cakes roll in the se asoned flour, dip in egg glazing a nd cover with breadcrumbs. Pan fry on each ca ke on each side until golden b rown. Serve with lemon & salad. Health Promotion Health Promotion St.Leonards Cooking Club A Community Kitchen is a group of like-minded individuals who come together on a regular basis to socialise and cook affordable and nutritious meals. The participants then sit down to share the meal or divide it up for each person to take home. Through buying and cooking in bulk, many kitchens are able to produce meals at a lower cost than individuals who cook at home for themselves. ! Davina’s Story St.Leonards Cooking Club A Community Kitchen is a group of like-minded individuals who come together on a regular basis to socialise and cook affordable and nutritious meals. The participants then sit down to share the meal or divide it up for each person to take home. Through buying and cooking in bulk, many kitchens are able to produce meals at a lower cost than individuals who cook at home for themselves. ! Davina’s Story My name is Davina Moore and I live in St. Leonards. I am the mother of two teenage children, one of whom is severely disabled with cerebral palsy and for whom I am the main carer. I do not drive so I am dependent on public transport or my husband for social outings or shopping. My husband has recently had a hip replacement and walks with a stick. My father is elderly and lives alone in Melbourne so I am constantly checking on him and having him come down to stay with me. My name is Davina Moore and I live in St. Leonards. I am the mother of two teenage children, one of whom is severely disabled with cerebral palsy and for whom I am the main carer. I do not drive so I am dependent on public transport or my husband for social outings or shopping. My husband has recently had a hip replacement and walks with a stick. My father is elderly and lives alone in Melbourne so I am constantly checking on him and having him come down to stay with me. I enjoy attending the St. Leonards Cooking Club run by Bellarine Community Health. The cooking club provides me with healthy meals for my family in a fun environment. I look forward to Thursdays (when the cooking club is held) because I know Thursday nights dinner is organized so Thursday nights are great! I enjoy attending the St. Leonards Cooking Club run by Bellarine Community Health. The cooking club provides me with healthy meals for my family in a fun environment. I look forward to Thursdays (when the cooking club is held) because I know Thursday nights dinner is organized so Thursday nights are great! I can relax at the cooking club and have a good chat and have made new friends in the community. I have learnt a lot of new healthy recipes that have become family favourites. The recipes are always priced at $2.50 or less per serve and it has helped to me to budget for family shopping and budgeting. I can relax at the cooking club and have a good chat and have made new friends in the community. I have learnt a lot of new healthy recipes that have become family favourites. The recipes are always priced at $2.50 or less per serve and it has helped to me to budget for family shopping and budgeting. Davina ’s H e a r t y C h icken & Vegetable Soup Davina’s Hearty Chicken & Vegetable S o u p In g re d ie n ts (s e rv es 6) In g re d ie n ts (s e rv es 6) 1 ham hock 1 tablespoon oil 1 leek halved, washe d and thinly sliced 2 cloves garlic crushed 1 large carrot peeled and diced 2 s5cks celery diced 2 small zucchini diced 1 swede or turnip pee led & diced 1 and ¼ cup dry soup mix* 8 cups chicken stock 1 kg skinless chicken legs 1 ham hock 1 tablespoon oil 1 leek halved, washe d and thinly sliced 2 cloves garlic crushed 1 large carrot peeled and diced 2 s5cks celery diced 2 small zucchini diced 1 swede or turnip pee led & diced 1 and ¼ cup dry soup mix* 8 cups chicken stock 1 kg skinless chicken legs Method Heat oil in a large sa ucepan over medium heat. In g re d ie Add leek and garlic cook for 2 minutes until soft bu t not coloured. Add carrot celery zucc hini and swede or turnip. Cook for 2 min utes. S5r in soup mix, chick en legs and stock and 1 cup of cold wat er. Bring to boil then reduce heat to low and simmer par5ally covered for 1 hour or un5l soup mix is tender. Remove chicken legs and hock bone from soup. Allow to c ool enough to handle then remove meat from bones. Discard bones and dic e meat then return to soup. This recipe has becom e a favourite of the Cooking Club at St. Le onards! It’s a soup n ts rvalely s a6 m ) eal i that(s ise re n a bowl! Method Heat oil in a large sa ucepan over medium heat. In g re d ie Notes * Gacket dry soup mix is a combina5on of split peas and len5ls. lou can find it near the chickpeas in the supermarket. nd a e m m o c e “I can r yone n a o t b u l cooking c o save time ts t who wan meet d n a y e n and mo le.” new peop rds St.Leona Cooking Davina, ber Club Mem Add leek and garlic cook for 2 minutes until soft bu t not coloured. Add carrot celery zucc hini and swede or turnip. Cook for 2 min utes. S5r in soup mix, chick en legs and stock and 1 cup of cold wat er. Bring to boil then reduce heat to low and simmer par5ally covered for 1 hour or un5l soup mix is tender. Remove chicken legs and hock bone from soup. Allow to c ool enough to handle then remove meat from bones. Discard bones and dic e meat then return to soup. This recipe has becom e a favourite of the Cooking Club at St. Le onards! It’s a soup n ts rvalely s a6 m ) eal i that(s ise re n a bowl! Notes * Gacket dry soup mix is a combina5on of split peas and len5ls. lou can find it near the chickpeas in the supermarket. nd a e m m o c e “I can r yone n a o t b u l cooking c o save time ts t who wan meet d n a y e n and mo le.” new peop ! rds St.Leona Cooking Davina, ber Club Mem ! Community Garden Community Garden The Community Garden on Nelson Road in Point Lonsdale is open all year around and visitors and members are always welcome. We have a variety of fresh herbs and vegetables available for the community to use and a free electric BBQ in the gardens. The Community Garden on Nelson Road in Point Lonsdale is open all year around and visitors and members are always welcome. We have a variety of fresh herbs and vegetables available for the community to use and a free electric BBQ in the gardens. We have included a story on one of our fantastic garden volunteers, Laurie and a favourite recipes he uses from our garden produce. We have included a story on one of our fantastic garden volunteers, Laurie and a favourite recipes he uses from our garden produce. We will be holding regular events and working bees in the garden. If you are interested in becoming involved in the Community Garden group please contact the Community Development Worker on 5258 0814 or fill out the Community Participation form at the end of the report/cookbook. We will be holding regular events and working bees in the garden. If you are interested in becoming involved in the Community Garden group please contact the Community Development Worker on 5258 0814 or fill out the Community Participation form at the end of the report/cookbook. Community Garden Community Garden Laurie’s Story Laurie’s Story Laurie has been a volunteer for 3 years at BCH and has spent much of his time working with our maintenance team and in the BCH gardens. He has a passion for gardening is an asset to our community garden group. Laurie has been a volunteer for 3 years at BCH and has spent much of his time working with our maintenance team and in the BCH gardens. He has a passion for gardening is an asset to our community garden group. Chicken with Lemon and Thyme Chicken with Lemon and Thyme Ingredients Ingredients 2 lemons 2 lemons 2 (2.5 pound) whole chickens 2 (2.5 pound) whole chickens 2 large onions, peeled and quartered 2 large onions, peeled and quartered 6 shallots, coarsely chopped 6 shallots, coarsely chopped 8 cloves garlic, unpeeled 8 cloves garlic, unpeeled 3 tablespoons olive oil 3 tablespoons olive oil salt and pepper to taste salt and pepper to taste 1/2 cup butter, softened 1/2 cup butter, softened 8 sprigs fresh thyme 8 sprigs fresh thyme Method Method Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Lightly grease a medium baking dish. Lightly grease a medium baking dish. Pierce lemons several times with a fork, and place 1 inside each chicken Pierce lemons several times with a fork, and place 1 inside each chicken cavity. Arrange chickens in the center of the prepared baking dish. Place cavity. Arrange chickens in the center of the prepared baking dish. Place onions, shallots, and garlic around the chickens. Sprinkle vegetables with onions, shallots, and garlic around the chickens. Sprinkle vegetables with olive oil, and season with salt and pepper. Spread butter over the chickens, olive oil, and season with salt and pepper. Spread butter over the chickens, and line each with thyme sprigs. and line each with thyme sprigs. Bake 20 minutes in the preheated oven. Increase temperature to 400 Bake 20 minutes in the preheated oven. Increase temperature to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C), and continue baking 30 minutes, or until degrees F (200 degrees C), and continue baking 30 minutes, or until exterior of chicken is golden brown, meat is no longer pink, and juices run exterior of chicken is golden brown, meat is no longer pink, and juices run clear. Allow to cool about 15 minutes before serving. clear. Allow to cool about 15 minutes before serving. EARLY YEARS Quality of Care Report 2009-10 EARLY YEARS Quality of Care Report 2009-10 Early Years Services at BCH include: Early Years Services at BCH include: Speech Pathology Speech Pathology Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy School Dental School Dental Family Services Family Services Maternal and Child Health Maternal and Child Health Nursing Nursing Dietetics Dietetics Physiotherapy Physiotherapy Podiatry Podiatry Speech Pathology Bellarine Community Health offers a speech pathology service to children aged 0-6 Speech Pathology Bellarine Community Health offers a speech pathology service to children aged 0-6 years of age. Speech pathologists are trained health professionals who support years of age. Speech pathologists are trained health professionals who support language development. Speech pathologists can assist with such problems as language development. Speech pathologists can assist with such problems as stuttering, increasing vocabulary, attention and listening. Speech pathologists work stuttering, increasing vocabulary, attention and listening. Speech pathologists work with both children and parents/carers to maximise the outcomes. We have included a with both children and parents/carers to maximise the outcomes. We have included a Speech pathology story from Erin and her mother, who have used our service. Speech pathology story from Erin and her mother, who have used our service. For appointments call the Service Access Officer on 5258 0812. For appointments call the Service Access Officer on 5258 0812. Speech Pathology Speech Pathology Erin’s Story Erin’s Story !Erin has been aXending Speech Gathology at the ^rysdale Community Health Site for the past 2 years. Her first Speech Therapist was Cathy. Cathy was lovely and engaged Erin from her first appointment. Cathy picked ac5vi5es, games and processes that made Erin’s sessions very enjoyable – to the point that she looked forward to aXending each session. !Erin has been aXending Speech Gathology at the ^rysdale Community Health Site for the past 2 years. Her first Speech Therapist was Cathy. Cathy was lovely and engaged Erin from her first appointment. Cathy picked ac5vi5es, games and processes that made Erin’s sessions very enjoyable – to the point that she looked forward to aXending each session. Even though Erin’s progress was slow at the beginning, she didn’t loose her enthusiasm for her sessions with Cathy, or for doing her homework between sessions. Even though Erin’s progress was slow at the beginning, she didn’t loose her enthusiasm for her sessions with Cathy, or for doing her homework between sessions. Late in 2009, Cathy finished and Karla took over as Erin’s Speech Therapist. Even though Erin was disappointed that Cathy had len, she was eTcited at the prospect of mee5ng Karla. Late in 2009, Cathy finished and Karla took over as Erin’s Speech Therapist. Even though Erin was disappointed that Cathy had len, she was eTcited at the prospect of mee5ng Karla. Karla is also lovely and Erin enjoyed her first session with her and has con5nued to do so. Karla has changed Erin’s sessions to try to promote as much improvement as possible, while keeping sessions fun with the different games and ac5vi5es they play together. Erin con5nues to look forward to her Speech Therapy sessions and con5nues to improve. Karla is also lovely and Erin enjoyed her first session with her and has con5nued to do so. Karla has changed Erin’s sessions to try to promote as much improvement as possible, while keeping sessions fun with the different games and ac5vi5es they play together. Erin con5nues to look forward to her Speech Therapy sessions and con5nues to improve. Thanks to the efforts of Cathy and Karla, Erin’s speech has become much clearer. Also, they have both provided us, as parents, with strategies on how to assist Erin on a daily basis without making her self conscious, which has definitely aided her progress.” Thanks to the efforts of Cathy and Karla, Erin’s speech has become much clearer. Also, they have both provided us, as parents, with strategies on how to assist Erin on a daily basis without making her self conscious, which has definitely aided her progress.” Erin’s Cup Cakes (Chocolate, Plain or Cinnamon) Erin’s Cup Cakes (Chocolate, Plain or Cinnamon) Ingredients: Ingredients: ! ! 3 tablespoons of butter (melted, not too much) 3 tablespoons of butter (melted, not too much) 1 cup self raising flour 2 tablespoons cocoa 1 cup self raising flour 2 tablespoons cocoa 1 cup caster sugar 1 cup caster sugar ½ cup milk ½ cup milk 2 eggs 2 eggs ½ teaspoon vanilla essence ½ teaspoon vanilla essence Method: Method: Put all ingredients into a bowl in the order written here, then add melted butter, and beat really hard and light, by hand, for 3 minutes. Put all ingredients into a bowl in the order written here, then add melted butter, and beat really hard and light, by hand, for 3 minutes. Place cup cake cases into muffin tins. Place cup cake cases into muffin tins. Heat oven to approximately 190oC (fan forced oven). Heat oven to approximately 190oC (fan forced oven). Cook for approximately 12-15 minutes or until cup cakes spring back when lightly touched in the centre. Mix will make about 36 mini cup cakes. Cook for approximately 12-15 minutes or until cup cakes spring back when lightly touched in the centre. Mix will make about 36 mini cup cakes. Leave to cool and once cold, ice cup cakes with your favourite icing and decorations. Leave to cool and once cold, ice cup cakes with your favourite icing and decorations. Note: Note: You can make: Plain or Cinnamon cupakes- You can make: Plain or Cinnamon cupakes- Plain cup cakes by adding 2 tablespoon of self raising flour, instead of 2 tablespoons of cocoa or Plain cup cakes by adding 2 tablespoon of self raising flour, instead of 2 tablespoons of cocoa or Cinnamon cup cakes by adding 2 teaspoons of cinnamon and 1 or a little more of spice and a good tablespoon of self raising flour Cinnamon cup cakes by adding 2 teaspoons of cinnamon and 1 or a little more of spice and a good tablespoon of self raising flour Client Quote! “Staff are pleasantly professional and extremely understanding and helpful. I feel very relaxed to discuss any issue rela?ng to my child and her speech deQciencies...; Client Quote! “Staff are pleasantly professional and extremely understanding and helpful. I feel very relaxed to discuss any issue rela?ng to my child and her speech deQciencies...; YOUNG PEOPLE Quality of Care Report 2009-10 YOUNG PEOPLE Quality of Care Report 2009-10 Services for young people at BCH and Services for young people at BCH and headspace include: headspace include: headspace headspace Youth Counsellor Youth Counsellor Dietitian Dietitian Podiatry Podiatry Physiotherapy Physiotherapy Dental Dental Occupation Therapy Occupation Therapy Youth Health Nurse Youth Health Nurse BCH will be opening the third Barwon headspace site within the school precinct at Drysdale in 2010. Work has been underway this year planning and developing the site. Fact ng u o y three erience n i e On xp e l l i w e th l l a p e o h e p tal a men blem. pro The site will provide community health services integrated with headspace services to provide a youth friendly health and wellbeing service. headspace is an early intervention and education program for young people that are experiencing difficulties in mental health, sexual health and drug and alcohol management. BCH will be opening the third Barwon headspace site within the school precinct at Drysdale in 2010. Work has been underway this year planning and developing the site. Fact ng u o y three erience n i e On xp e l l i w e th l l a p e o h e p tal a men blem. pro The site will provide community health services integrated with headspace services to provide a youth friendly health and wellbeing service. headspace is an early intervention and education program for young people that are experiencing difficulties in mental health, sexual health and drug and alcohol management. headspace headspace Nicala’s Story Nicala’s Story A few years ago something happened in my life that I was unable to cope with and the more I tried to get through it on my own the worse I began to feel. After months of struggling a friend put me onto headspace. A few years ago something happened in my life that I was unable to cope with and the more I tried to get through it on my own the worse I began to feel. After months of struggling a friend put me onto headspace. So I made myself an appointment to go and talk to someone. As I was not sure about what was going to happen I was a little apprehensive about the whole experience. But the moment I walked through the door everyone was extremely kind and helpful. So I made myself an appointment to go and talk to someone. As I was not sure about what was going to happen I was a little apprehensive about the whole experience. But the moment I walked through the door everyone was extremely kind and helpful. Most importantly of all I now had a place to go and someone experienced to talk to. It was at headspace that not only was I able to talk through my problem but also get in touch with another place that was more specialised to help me. Thanks to headspace I am now able to move on with my life. Most importantly of all I now had a place to go and someone experienced to talk to. It was at headspace that not only was I able to talk through my problem but also get in touch with another place that was more specialised to help me. Thanks to headspace I am now able to move on with my life. hips ot C tato H t Po Swee r the o cove hips ot C tato H t Po ) family t ts: ough n n e e i r d o ( Ingre potato t e e w es 1 larg f inch o il p o a e v i d s l n o ip ize ch of olive oil a aced on f salt s o l h a c u n eq sp pi le to into with a drizz hips evenly a t : ooked o c d p o d t c h o n e t t a e e th ota Me sw oft ut the the sweet p il and place chips are s c chips d r n u a o o l y e e f e n h t er bi tin Pe u pref s until o u wl com ng tray with i y o s l f i b e r a i ge sC In a bak egree tly lon e d h n g i i 0 l L 8 s . 1 t for at sal oven . Bake e y h t a r t n i the e them v a e L thru. hy. crunc Swee r the o cove ) family t ts: ough n n e e i r d o ( Ingre potato t e e w es 1 larg f inch o il p o a e v i d s l n o ip ize ch of olive oil a aced on f salt s o l h a c u n eq sp pi le to into with a drizz hips evenly a t : ooked o c d p o d t c h o n e t t a e e th ota Me sw oft ut the the sweet p il and place chips are s c chips d r n u a o o l y e e f e n h t er bi tin Pe u pref s until o u wl com ng tray with i y o s l f i b e r a i ge sC In a bak egree tly lon e d h n g i i 0 l L 8 s . 1 t for at sal oven . Bake e y h t a r t n i the e them v a e L thru. hy. crunc Nicala’s Vanilla Vodka Cheesecake Nicala’s Vanilla Vodka Cheesecake Ingredients Ingredients 1 vanilla pod or 2 tsp vanilla extract 1 vanilla pod or 2 tsp vanilla extract 175g caster sugar 175g caster sugar 75mL vodka 75mL vodka 400g Philadelphia Cheese, softened 400g Philadelphia Cheese, softened 3 rounded tsp powdered gelatine 3 rounded tsp powdered gelatine 300mL double cream, lightly whipped 300mL double cream, lightly whipped Method Method Line the base of a 20cm springfrom tin. Split the vanilla pod lengthwise and scrape out the seeds with a knife. Combine the vanilla seeds and pod or vanilla extract, 60g of sugar and vodka in a small saucepan. Stir over low heat until the sugar is dissolved. Bring the mixture to the boil, and simmer for 1 minute. Cool, then discard the vanilla pod. Line the base of a 20cm springfrom tin. Split the vanilla pod lengthwise and scrape out the seeds with a knife. Combine the vanilla seeds and pod or vanilla extract, 60g of sugar and vodka in a small saucepan. Stir over low heat until the sugar is dissolved. Bring the mixture to the boil, and simmer for 1 minute. Cool, then discard the vanilla pod. Beat the Philly and remaining sugar in a large bowl with an electric mixer until smooth. Add the vodka syrup. Beat the Philly and remaining sugar in a large bowl with an electric mixer until smooth. Add the vodka syrup. Dissolve the gelatine in 4 tablespoons of water, over a pan of hot water and mix well. Stir into the vodka mixture. Gently fold in the whipped cream until combined. Pour the mixture into the prepared tin. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours or until set. Dissolve the gelatine in 4 tablespoons of water, over a pan of hot water and mix well. Stir into the vodka mixture. Gently fold in the whipped cream until combined. Pour the mixture into the prepared tin. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours or until set. Berry Coulee Berry Coulee Punnet of your favourite berries (or frozen) Punnet of your favourite berries (or frozen) Sugar to taste Sugar to taste Place berries and sugar in a blender (or use a slender blender) and blitz until smooth, pour over cheesecake to serve Place berries and sugar in a blender (or use a slender blender) and blitz until smooth, pour over cheesecake to serve ADULTS Quality of Care Report 2009-10 ADULTS Quality of Care Report 2009-10 Adult services at BCH include: Adult services at BCH include: Cardiac Rehabilitation Cardiac Rehabilitation Community Health Nursing Community Health Nursing Counselling Counselling Dental Dental District Nursing District Nursing Footcare Nurse Footcare Nurse Health Self Management Health Self Management Needle Exchange Needle Exchange Nutrition/Dietetics Nutrition/Dietetics Occupation Therapy Occupation Therapy Physiotherapy Physiotherapy Physical Wellness Program ! Physical Wellness Program Podiatry Podiatry Support Groups Support Groups Well Women’s Clinic To access any of these services contact the Service Access Officer on 5258 0812. Health Tip! “Not drinkin g eno Fluid can lea ugh d to tiredness, p oor concentrati constipation on and . Mo need to drin st adults k between 2‐3 litres a d ay” Angela, Dietitian Well Women’s Clinic To access any of these services contact the Service Access Officer on 5258 0812. ! Health Tip! “Not drinkin g eno Fluid can lea ugh d to tiredness, p oor concentrati constipation on and . Mo need to drin st adults k between 2‐3 litres a d ay” Angela, Dietitian Health Self Management Health Self Management The health self-management team are a newly formed team who have come together as a result of their passion and interest in this area. We all know how hard it is to make sustainable long term changes to improve our health whether it is losing weight, exercising more, managing stress, quitting smoking or any other health behaviour. The Health SelfManagement team work in partnership with clients to support them to achieve their health goals. The health self-management team are a newly formed team who have come together as a result of their passion and interest in this area. We all know how hard it is to make sustainable long term changes to improve our health whether it is losing weight, exercising more, managing stress, quitting smoking or any other health behaviour. The Health SelfManagement team work in partnership with clients to support them to achieve their health goals. This year the team have: This year the team have: Trained in evidence based health-management techniques Trained in evidence based health-management techniques Achieved competency in these techniques Achieved competency in these techniques Developed a BCH System for Health Self-Management Developed a BCH System for Health Self-Management Facilitated Better Health Self-Management groups Facilitated Better Health Self-Management groups Delivered individual coaching and support to 66 clients Delivered individual coaching and support to 66 clients For appointments call the Service Access Officer on 5258 0812. For appointments call the Service Access Officer on 5258 0812. Better Health Self Management Better Health Self Management Sue is a 40 year old single mother to two foster girls aged 9 and 13, who live in Drysdale. Sue presented in 2009 with a complex medical history which included a heart condition, alcoholism and Hepatitis C. Sue is a 40 year old single mother to two foster girls aged 9 and 13, who live in Drysdale. Sue presented in 2009 with a complex medical history which included a heart condition, alcoholism and Hepatitis C. Sue was referred by the District Nursing team. Sue commenced Better Health Self Management program, in conjunction with individualised Health Self Management interventions and coaching. Sue was referred by the District Nursing team. Sue commenced Better Health Self Management program, in conjunction with individualised Health Self Management interventions and coaching. “Before Self Management I was lost even though in Grace McKellar with people, psychologists, nurses around me, I was just lost. Then I went home and I could not even go to my letter box. It was the strangest feeling of not knowing what direction to take yet trying to get back on track. I just wanted to get back on track but was afraid that I would take the wrong direction” “Before Self Management I was lost even though in Grace McKellar with people, psychologists, nurses around me, I was just lost. Then I went home and I could not even go to my letter box. It was the strangest feeling of not knowing what direction to take yet trying to get back on track. I just wanted to get back on track but was afraid that I would take the wrong direction” “Better Health gave me something…. A direction, a starting point- it gave me steps, goal setting, action planning, that in itself gave me weekly steps. Seeing other people also struggling, sometimes their problems were even bigger than mine. So I said if they can do it I can do it. This allowed me to regain self confidence, belief in myself, that I could do things and I was in control. “Better Health gave me something…. A direction, a starting point- it gave me steps, goal setting, action planning, that in itself gave me weekly steps. Seeing other people also struggling, sometimes their problems were even bigger than mine. So I said if they can do it I can do it. This allowed me to regain self confidence, belief in myself, that I could do things and I was in control. Today Sue is proudly in business as a cosmetics consultant. A massive achievement for a woman who only 18 months ago could not leave her front door. Today Sue is proudly in business as a cosmetics consultant. A massive achievement for a woman who only 18 months ago could not leave her front door. ! ! Better Health Self Management Better Health Self Management Sue’s Chicken & Sweet Corn Soup Sue’s Chicken & Sweet Corn Soup Ingredients Ingredients 1 Lltre salt-reduced chicken stock liquid 1½ litres water 1 tablespoon salt-reduced chicken-style stock powder 500g skinless chicken breast ½ cup shallots sliced 2 cups frozen corn kernels 2 x 420g cans creamed corn 3 tablespoons soy sauce 43% less salt 1 egg white pepper to taste 1 Lltre salt-reduced chicken stock liquid 1½ litres water 1 tablespoon salt-reduced chicken-style stock powder 500g skinless chicken breast ½ cup shallots sliced 2 cups frozen corn kernels 2 x 420g cans creamed corn 3 tablespoons soy sauce 43% less salt 1 egg white pepper to taste Method Method Place stock liquid, water and stock powder in boiler. Once boiled add whole chicken breasts. Cook 10 minutes then remove chicken. Either shred or dice chicken then return to pot with shallots, corn kernels, creamed corn and soy sauce. Bring to boil, then reduce to slow boil. Cook a further 10 minutes. Whisk in beaten egg white. Add pepper to taste. Place stock liquid, water and stock powder in boiler. Once boiled add whole chicken breasts. Cook 10 minutes then remove chicken. Either shred or dice chicken then return to pot with shallots, corn kernels, creamed corn and soy sauce. Bring to boil, then reduce to slow boil. Cook a further 10 minutes. Whisk in beaten egg white. Add pepper to taste. Better Health Self Management Better Health Self Management BeXy h JohnC are re5red couple residing in Barwon Heads. BeXy has a complex medical history that is exacerbated by her weight which is in excess of ]_Vkg. BeXy recalls with hurt and indigna5on that one doctor once told her !if she was a horse she would be shot dead.” In part it was this that paralysed her sense of confidence in self management. ! BeXy was referred to self management through the advocacy of her husband John and a BCH Physiotherapist who took the 5me to listen to his story of his sadness and his frustra5on in being unable to help her. BeXy h JohnC are re5red couple residing in Barwon Heads. BeXy has a complex medical history that is exacerbated by her weight which is in excess of ]_Vkg. BeXy recalls with hurt and indigna5on that one doctor once told her !if she was a horse she would be shot dead.” In part it was this that paralysed her sense of confidence in self management. ! BeXy was referred to self management through the advocacy of her husband John and a BCH Physiotherapist who took the 5me to listen to his story of his sadness and his frustra5on in being unable to help her. BeXy "eflects: “Before I started everything was too much effort. I needed something to get me going I kept saying to myself everything is going wrong. If not one thing it is another, kidney, hysterectomy, and back, everything was giving up and shingles, I was miserable, I met a few different people some worse off than I am. People we can talk to and it’s been really good. I feel a lot beFer than I did. I sGll have a long way to go. Hore beFer off now I cut out salt, ride a bike, walk and now swim. Hy blood pressure is more stable since its been in 3 years and I’ve lost 2 kg. I also have a disabled sGcker, this has really helped” BeXy "eflects: “Before I started everything was too much effort. I needed something to get me going I kept saying to myself everything is going wrong. If not one thing it is another, kidney, hysterectomy, and back, everything was giving up and shingles, I was miserable, I met a few different people some worse off than I am. People we can talk to and it’s been really good. I feel a lot beFer than I did. I sGll have a long way to go. Hore beFer off now I cut out salt, ride a bike, walk and now swim. Hy blood pressure is more stable since its been in 3 years and I’ve lost 2 kg. I also have a disabled sGcker, this has really helped” BeXy is commiXed to UV@WV minute sessions on a sta5onary bike W 5mes a week this is balanced with short ]r minutes walks U@W 5mes a week and once a week swimming in a public pool which she is delighted to say “I drove myself there”. Prior to the group BeXy:s low self esteem prevented her from entertaining the idea of a public pool. BeXy is commiXed to UV@WV minute sessions on a sta5onary bike W 5mes a week this is balanced with short ]r minutes walks U@W 5mes a week and once a week swimming in a public pool which she is delighted to say “I drove myself there”. Prior to the group BeXy:s low self esteem prevented her from entertaining the idea of a public pool. John reflects: “BeFy has more conLdence. Mhe never listened to what I said but you got me to keep quiet. Now it is great and I am not pushing her. Especially the course it was great.” John reflects: “BeFy has more conLdence. Mhe never listened to what I said but you got me to keep quiet. Now it is great and I am not pushing her. Especially the course it was great.” Better Health Self Management “ Be tt y’s Da te & Ap ric ot Lo af Ingredients 80g dried apricots 80g dates 1 cup skim milk 60g All-bran ½ cup fructose (sugar) 1 cup self-raising flour Better Health Self Management “ Method In mixing bowl combine apricots, dates, milk, al-br an and fructose. Let the mixture soak for 1 hour. Pre-heat oven to 180°C, spray a loaf tin with cooking spray. Add flour to fruit and bran mixture and stir well. Pour into loaf tin. Bake un til cooked golden brown appr ox. 40-45 minutes. ! Be tt y’s Da te & Ap ric ot Lo af Ingredients 80g dried apricots 80g dates 1 cup skim milk 60g All-bran ½ cup fructose (sugar) 1 cup self-raising flour Method In mixing bowl combine apricots, dates, milk, al-br an and fructose. Let the mixture soak for 1 hour. Pre-heat oven to 180°C, spray a loaf tin with cooking spray. Add flour to fruit and bran mixture and stir well. Pour into loaf tin. Bake un til cooked golden brown appr ox. 40-45 minutes. ! Cardiac Rehabilitation Cardiac Rehabilitation Cardiac Rehabilitation is a weekly program facilitated by health professionals, which assists people who have recently experienced an acute cardiac event to regain confidence and manage their heart health into the future. The program is based on Heart Foundation Guidelines and involves a combination of education, support and exercise. Cardiac Rehabilitation is a weekly program facilitated by health professionals, which assists people who have recently experienced an acute cardiac event to regain confidence and manage their heart health into the future. The program is based on Heart Foundation Guidelines and involves a combination of education, support and exercise. Improvements in this program over the 2009-2010 period include: Improvements in this program over the 2009-2010 period include: Annual program evaluation and improvements Annual program evaluation and improvements Re-alignment of the educational component to better reflect adult learning concepts Re-alignment of the educational component to better reflect adult learning concepts Annual training Annual training e! ot u Q t n Clie the e g n ndi dm e e t e t p l A “ he enc d m fi a r n rt prog my co y hea m in a g g n i the e g r o a t n in a in m ndition ..” e. r co u t fu e! ot u Q t n Clie the e g n ndi dm e e t e t p l A “ he enc d m fi a r n rt prog my co y hea m in a g g n i the e g r o a t n in a in m ndition ..” e. r co u t fu Cardiac Rehabilitation Cardiac Rehabilitation Peter’s Story Peter’s Story Then Then Peter is a busy businessman aged 50 years. Despite a history of diabetes, hypertension, increased weight he was unaware of his risk of heart disease. Peter presented to BCH Cardiac Rehabilitation referred via Barwon Health after an Aortic Valve replacement. Peter’s wife, Liz who attended all 8 sessions with her husband, reflects on this experience; Peter is a busy businessman aged 50 years. Despite a history of diabetes, hypertension, increased weight he was unaware of his risk of heart disease. Peter presented to BCH Cardiac Rehabilitation referred via Barwon Health after an Aortic Valve replacement. Peter’s wife, Liz who attended all 8 sessions with her husband, reflects on this experience; “ Peter was a first time presentation picked up by the sleep apnoea specialist who listened to his chest when he complained of being tired and fatigued. He was sent by him to a cardiologist who found a 98% blocked aortic valve. Pete was a freak of nature as calcified valves at his age are unusual... Through the Cardiac Rehabilitation process, we learnt a lot, felt like we were on the right track, dietary, importance of exercise, we came away from every session and learnt more. Pete’s case should have been picked up by his GP, it was not and we were devastated. He is a diabetic and he never had checks, now we have changed our GP and he has three and six monthly checks, now we are under control. We both feel that he has a second chance of life but also that there is support out there”. “ Peter was a first time presentation picked up by the sleep apnoea specialist who listened to his chest when he complained of being tired and fatigued. He was sent by him to a cardiologist who found a 98% blocked aortic valve. Pete was a freak of nature as calcified valves at his age are unusual... Through the Cardiac Rehabilitation process, we learnt a lot, felt like we were on the right track, dietary, importance of exercise, we came away from every session and learnt more. Pete’s case should have been picked up by his GP, it was not and we were devastated. He is a diabetic and he never had checks, now we have changed our GP and he has three and six monthly checks, now we are under control. We both feel that he has a second chance of life but also that there is support out there”. Now Peter is now back to his full life that includes work located in Melbourne that requires regular interstate travel which he combines with a family catering business. He watches his dietary intake carefully examining recipes even when he dines out. He also gets home from work whether here of interstate and has a walk. Liz states that Peter continues to lose weight. Now Peter is now back to his full life that includes work located in Melbourne that requires regular interstate travel which he combines with a family catering business. He watches his dietary intake carefully examining recipes even when he dines out. He also gets home from work whether here of interstate and has a walk. Liz states that Peter continues to lose weight. Cardiac Rehabilitation Cardiac Rehabilitation Peter’s Apple Wedges with Cinnamon Sugar Peter’s Apple Wedges with Cinnamon Sugar “Apples with c i and su gar is a nnamon t enable d Peter reat that eat mo to start to re fruit ” Liz, Pe “Apples with c i and su gar is a nnamon t enable d Peter reat that eat mo to start to re fruit ” Liz, Pe ter’s w In g re d ie n ts 4 golden delicious apples 1-2 tbsp castor suga r 2 tbsp canola oil 85 gm ready to eat dried apricots finely chopped ½ tsp cinnamon, or to taste Method Peel apples and cu t into quarters and remove seeds, then cut each quarter in half. ter’s w ife. ife. In g re d ie n ts Place apple pieces in a large bowl, add oil to coat, plac e apples in frying pan and cook for 10 mins, add apricots and co ok a further 3 mins or until apples are tender. Serve hot apples sp rinkled with the castor sugar and ci nnamon and vanilla ice cream or yoghurt. 4 golden delicious apples 1-2 tbsp castor suga r 2 tbsp canola oil 85 gm ready to eat dried apricots finely chopped ½ tsp cinnamon, or to taste Method Peel apples and cu t into quarters and remove seeds, then cut each quarter in half. Place apple pieces in a large bowl, add oil to coat, plac e apples in frying pan and cook for 10 mins, add apricots and co ok a further 3 mins or until apples are tender. Serve hot apples sp rinkled with the castor sugar and ci nnamon and vanilla ice cream or yoghurt. OLDER ADULTS Quality of Care Report 2009-10 Older Adult services at BCH include: OLDER ADULTS Quality of Care Report 2009-10 Older Adult services at BCH include: Cardiac Rehabilitation Cardiac Rehabilitation Community Aged Care Community Aged Care Packages Packages Counselling Counselling Dental Dental District Nursing District Nursing Footcare Nurse Footcare Nurse Health Self Management Health Self Management Nutrition/Dietetics Nutrition/Dietetics Palliative Care and Bereavement Palliative Care and Bereavement Support Groups Support Groups Physiotherapy Physiotherapy Planned Activity Group Planned Activity Group Podiatry Podiatry Residential Services Residential Services Physical Wellness Program Physical Wellness Program To access any of these services contact the Service Access Officer on 5258 0812. To access any of these services contact the Service Access Officer on 5258 0812. Residential Aged Care Residential Aged Care BCH has two residential Aged Care Facilities on the Bellarine. Coorabin is located BCH has two residential Aged Care Facilities on the Bellarine. Coorabin is located in close proximity to the beach at Point Lonsdale and Ann Nicol House is located at Portarlington. Both facilities cater for low-level care within a home-like in close proximity to the beach at Point Lonsdale and Ann Nicol House is located at Portarlington. Both facilities cater for low-level care within a home-like environment. Ann Nichol House also has a specific dementia care wing for residents that require more secure accommodation with specialised care. BCH is environment. Ann Nichol House also has a specific dementia care wing for residents that require more secure accommodation with specialised care. BCH is committed to providing activities and programs to residents that support positive committed to providing activities and programs to residents that support positive ageing. ageing. Ann Nichol House has a cooking club that meets fortnightly. The group enjoy Ann Nichol House has a cooking club that meets fortnightly. The group enjoy coming together and cooking something that can be shared and enjoyed by the group over a cuppa. Favourites of the group includes scones and rumballs. The coming together and cooking something that can be shared and enjoyed by the group over a cuppa. Favourites of the group includes scones and rumballs. The group have included a historic fruit cake recipe from the war years. During World group have included a historic fruit cake recipe from the war years. During World War II everyone enjoyed a slice of fruitcake and there is great history around this. During the war, the cake was wrapped in damp proof paper or some had special War II everyone enjoyed a slice of fruitcake and there is great history around this. During the war, the cake was wrapped in damp proof paper or some had special tins and sent to loved ones in the war. This made the soldiers feel at home. tins and sent to loved ones in the war. This made the soldiers feel at home. s! Fun Fact ardening g e s u o H ol Ann Nich w able to o n e r a s st enthusia ve of lo ir e h t re-kindle rden has a g w e n g! A gardenin complete d e h s li b a been est d garden e is a r , g in with pav to make g in t a e s beds and nd safe! a n u f g e gardenin ut into th p in d a h s Resident tion and c u r t s n o design, c arden. g e h t f o planting s! Fun Fa cts! Reside nts of C oorabin Nichol and An house n h a v e enjoy integra ed ted pro grams commu with nity me m b music ers suc concer h as ts, circ us dog and lun s ches Fun Fact ardening g e s u o H ol Ann Nich w able to o n e r a s st enthusia ve of lo ir e h t re-kindle rden has a g w e n g! A gardenin complete d e h s li b a been est d garden e is a r , g in with pav to make g in t a e s beds and nd safe! a n u f g e gardenin ut into th p in d a h s Resident tion and c u r t s n o design, c arden. g e h t f o planting Fu n Facts Reside ! nts of C o orabin Nichol and An house n h a v e enjoy integra ed ted pro grams commu with nity me m b music ers suc concer h as ts, circ us dog and lun s ches Residential Aged Care Residential Aged Care This recipe was presented by the cooking group at Ann Nichol House. This recipe was presented by the cooking group at Ann Nichol House. Boiled Fruit Cake: Boiled Fruit Cake: Ingredients: Ingredients: i lb buXer (125 gms) 1 cup of sugar 1 pkt (375gm) mixed fruit 2 cups milk 1 teaspoon bi‐carb‐soda 2 eggs‐lightly beaten 1 tsp sherry or brandy N/R#6"+&(#+>#:S 1 cup of self raising flour 1 cup of plain flour I teaspoon of mixed spice i lb buXer (125 gms) 1 cup of sugar 1 pkt (375gm) mixed fruit 2 cups milk 1 teaspoon bi‐carb‐soda 2 eggs‐lightly beaten 1 tsp sherry or brandy N/R#6"+&(#+>#:S 1 cup of self raising flour 1 cup of plain flour I teaspoon of mixed spice Method: Method: Glace buXer, sugar, milk and fruit in a saucepan and bring to a boil on low heat for at least 5 minutes. Remove and place in a large mixing bowl and allow to cool to room temperature. Add teaspoon of sherry, bi‐carb‐soda then eggs: beat with a wooden spoon, fold in the sined flours and spices. Glace buXer, sugar, milk and fruit in a saucepan and bring to a boil on low heat for at least 5 minutes. Remove and place in a large mixing bowl and allow to cool to room temperature. Add teaspoon of sherry, bi‐carb‐soda then eggs: beat with a wooden spoon, fold in the sined flours and spices. ! Glace in a baking paper lined k inch sJuare 5n and bake about 1 ½ hours in a moderate oven. “So yummy, I ate it straight off the spoon!” ! Glace in a baking paper lined k inch sJuare 5n and bake about 1 ½ hours in a moderate oven. “So yummy, I ate it straight off the spoon!” Staff Story Staff Story Dawn’s Story‐ A Staff Snap Shot! Dawn’s Story‐ A Staff Snap Shot! “Hi my name is Dawn, “Hi my name is Dawn, As I am an Aboriginal I was offered to do a Personal Carer Workers Course, I accepted the position and commenced the course. During the course I had to do placement work at an aged care facility and I was given BCH as my placement and that’s how I came to work at BCH. On completion of my course I started working as a PCW, but due to my literacy skills found this a bit hard so I am now working as cleaner. I love working at BCH the staff and residents are all lovely people. My favorite Bush Tucker is roasted kangaroo with Native Peppercorns on the fire otherwise I like roast lamb especially if someone else cooks it.” As I am an Aboriginal I was offered to do a Personal Carer Workers Course, I accepted the position and commenced the course. During the course I had to do placement work at an aged care facility and I was given BCH as my placement and that’s how I came to work at BCH. On completion of my course I started working as a PCW, but due to my literacy skills found this a bit hard so I am now working as cleaner. I love working at BCH the staff and residents are all lovely people. My favorite Bush Tucker is roasted kangaroo with Native Peppercorns on the fire otherwise I like roast lamb especially if someone else cooks it.” Roasted kangaroo with Native Peppercorns Roasted kangaroo with Native Peppercorns Kangaroo fillet Native peppercorns Wild rosemary Oil Kangaroo fillet Native peppercorns Wild rosemary Oil Marinate the kangaroo with peppercorn and rosemary and a little oil. Place fillet into a pot or on a grill plate. and cook to your liking i.e. medium. Enjoy! Marinate the kangaroo with peppercorn and rosemary and a little oil. Place fillet into a pot or on a grill plate. and cook to your liking i.e. medium. Enjoy! “Doing the cou rse and coming to work for BC was an H d is a g reat joy .” Dawn, Domes tic Staff “Doing the cou rse and coming to work for BC was an H d is a g reat joy .” Dawn, Domes tic Staff Planned Activity Group Planned Activity Group Alan’s Story Alan’s Story On December 12th 2005 my wife Elma passed away. I managed at home until January 2006 and then became ill. I was admitted to Austin Hospital and then came to my daughter Anne’s home in Ocean Grove to recuperate. On December 12th 2005 my wife Elma passed away. I managed at home until January 2006 and then became ill. I was admitted to Austin Hospital and then came to my daughter Anne’s home in Ocean Grove to recuperate. I was readmitted to Geelong hospital as I wasn’t getting any better and eventually they found I had microvascular kidney disease. I was very weak and needed around the clock supervision. I couldn’t get around without a walker and my daughter decided to contact PAG so that I could have some social interaction as I was very depressed. I was assessed in the April and started the program twice a week. The group helped a lot and I have met a lot of interesting people and made new friends. I was readmitted to Geelong hospital as I wasn’t getting any better and eventually they found I had microvascular kidney disease. I was very weak and needed around the clock supervision. I couldn’t get around without a walker and my daughter decided to contact PAG so that I could have some social interaction as I was very depressed. I was assessed in the April and started the program twice a week. The group helped a lot and I have met a lot of interesting people and made new friends. Prior to my wife’s death we had been very active socially with the Victorian Folk Music Club and Probus and had many friends in Melbourne. PAG helped me when I was very unwell to reconnect with people. The activities I enjoy most are the memory games, quizzes, making things such as mosaics for the community garden project. I enjoy the monthly trip out but find I tire more now. The main advantage is that I am using my brain and keeping fit mentally. I would like to have the choice of coming twice a week as my daughter and son-in-law work and I cannot get out as much as I could previously. The program changes were difficult but I still really enjoy the group. Prior to my wife’s death we had been very active socially with the Victorian Folk Music Club and Probus and had many friends in Melbourne. PAG helped me when I was very unwell to reconnect with people. The activities I enjoy most are the memory games, quizzes, making things such as mosaics for the community garden project. I enjoy the monthly trip out but find I tire more now. The main advantage is that I am using my brain and keeping fit mentally. I would like to have the choice of coming twice a week as my daughter and son-in-law work and I cannot get out as much as I could previously. The program changes were difficult but I still really enjoy the group. Planned Activity Group Planned Activity Group The Bellarine Community Health Planned Activity Group operates at both The Bellarine Community Health Planned Activity Group operates at both Portarlington and Queenscliff sites. The group offers a range of activities and Portarlington and Queenscliff sites. The group offers a range of activities and outings for older and younger disabled people living in the community who outings for older and younger disabled people living in the community who would like to socialize more and experience more out of life. The program would like to socialize more and experience more out of life. The program offers a diverse range of activities including gardening, craft, bowling, offers a diverse range of activities including gardening, craft, bowling, excursions, cooking and many other interesting activities. excursions, cooking and many other interesting activities. If you are interested in participating in the PAG program please call the If you are interested in participating in the PAG program please call the Service Access Officer on 5258 0812 Service Access Officer on 5258 0812 ff r Flu e g n i G Alan’s ge Spon Alan /3 cup 1 , r u o fl p cake wder u c 3 / 1 oa po rup, c y o s c n k e r old da 1 tbs g amon, 2 tsp , r a g u n s d and s: r n e t i e v c t l n s o e h a s i c is d ut p c Ingre 5l all d ly miT un5l , ¾ cu nger, 1 tsp d n d u e r t a a r g er su sepa nd gi d gent t s u n s g a o a g r c e p g d u 5 p ad syr ur, 3 ts 8 cake slowly med golden k d n 2 a n cornflo e m r betwe assist 170 aks for olks and wa e : e r p d u t o n T i h o Met n5l s egg y ide m rees or fan u v d i s d ^ e N . t i . e h r g sy gently d u e s w t s d o i T g l i g 0 g d e m 9 n d g 1 n a ea Yeat Lrm a ugh eg oven temp m pan sides 5l cool. ?pr s o r e t h i t h d n ar old l u fro egg w d. s and f ook in stand unk slightly a tea towe up chocolate t n e e n i i d b re nd hr e ith d c com dry ing floured) an 5l cake has s and cover w cream . 9ak hundreds a n i s e d ith nd ks un Sripl ased a minutes or cooling rac then whippe r. ?prinkle w e r g ( s 1k nto the nd pan for 15@ ch. Dnvert o Xom cake a halves toge s e e r u deg the to Zam onto bo sandwich 2 o t y g n spri other e then k r a o c y p r r o raspbe ing and ice t c i buXer ds. n thousa ff r Flu e g n i G Alan’s ge Spon Alan /3 cup 1 , r u o fl p cake wder u c 3 / 1 oa po rup, c y o s c n k e r old da 1 tbs g amon, 2 tsp , r a g u n s d and s: r n e t i e v c t l n s o e h a s i c is d ut p c Ingre 5l all d ly miT un5l , ¾ cu nger, 1 tsp d n d u e r t a a r g er su sepa nd gi d gent t s u n s g a o a g r c e p g d u 5 p ad syr ur, 3 ts 8 cake slowly med golden k d n 2 a n cornflo e m r betwe assist 170 aks for olks and wa e : e r p d u t o n T i h o Met n5l s egg y ide m rees or fan u v d i s d ^ e N . t i . e h r g sy gently d u e s w t s d o i T g l i g 0 g d e m 9 n d g 1 n a ea Yeat Lrm a ugh eg oven temp m pan sides 5l cool. ?pr s o r e t h i t h d n ar old l u fro egg w d. s and f ook in stand unk slightly a tea towe up chocolate t n e e n i i d b re nd hr e ith d c com dry ing floured) an 5l cake has s and cover w cream . 9ak hundreds a n i s e d ith nd ks un Sripl ased a minutes or cooling rac then whippe r. ?prinkle w e r g ( s 1k nto the nd pan for 15@ ch. Dnvert o Xom cake a halves toge s e e r u deg the to Zam onto bo sandwich 2 o t y g n spri other e then k r a o c y p r r o raspbe ing and ice t c i buXer ds. n thousa Community Participation Community Participation How can you become involved? How can you become involved? Have you enjoyed reading our Quality of Care Report? If you would like to be involved in projects such as this, community events, gardening or having your say on BCH services and projects, please fill in the form provided and either email or hand in to one of BCH’s sites. Alternatively you can call the Community Development Worker on 5258 0814 for more information. Have you enjoyed reading our Quality of Care Report? If you would like to be involved in projects such as this, community events, gardening or having your say on BCH services and projects, please fill in the form provided and either email or hand in to one of BCH’s sites. Alternatively you can call the Community Development Worker on 5258 0814 for more information. We would love to hear from you! We would love to hear from you! ! Bellarine Community Health Ltd. Phone: 03 5258 0888 Fax: 03 5258 0811 PO Box 26 Point Lonsdale Vic 3225 Sites located at: Point Lonsdale-Corner Nelson & Grimes Roads, Point Lonsdale Drysdale-21-23 Palmerston Street, Drysdale Ocean Grove-Corner Presidents Avenue & The Avenue, Ocean Grove Portarlington-39 Fenwick Street, Portarlington St Leonards-10 Harvey Road, St Leonards ! Bellarine Community Health Ltd. Phone: 03 5258 0888 Fax: 03 5258 0811 PO Box 26 Point Lonsdale Vic 3225 Sites located at: Point Lonsdale-Corner Nelson & Grimes Roads, Point Lonsdale Drysdale-21-23 Palmerston Street, Drysdale Ocean Grove-Corner Presidents Avenue & The Avenue, Ocean Grove Portarlington-39 Fenwick Street, Portarlington St Leonards-10 Harvey Road, St Leonards COMMENTS & FEEDBACK Quality of Care Report 2009-10 COMMENTS & FEEDBACK Quality of Care Report 2009-10 For your chance to win a $50 book voucher please complete this Comments and Feedback form and return to BCH Quality of Care Report Committee by: For your chance to win a $50 book voucher please complete this Comments and Feedback form and return to BCH Quality of Care Report Committee by: In person:At any BCH reception site Email: eas@bch.org.au Post: PO Box 26 Point Lonsdale VIC 3225 Dear BCH Quality of Care Committee, I found the 2010 Quality of Care Report Cookbook to be: Overall Rating (please circle) Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent The information provided was meaningful Poor Satisfactory Good In person:At any BCH reception site Email: eas@bch.org.au Post: PO Box 26 Point Lonsdale VIC 3225 COMPETITION DRAWN SEPTEMBER 30TH 2011! Excellent Dear BCH Quality of Care Committee, I found the 2010 Quality of Care Report Cookbook to be: Overall Rating (please circle) Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent The information provided was meaningful Poor Satisfactory Good COMPETITION DRAWN SEPTEMBER 30TH 2011! Excellent Is there anything that you did not like about the report? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Is there anything that you did not like about the report? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Is there anything else that you would like to see in next year’s report? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Is there anything else that you would like to see in next year’s report? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ General Comments: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Name:_________________________________________________________________ Contact Number: _______________________________________________________ General Comments: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Name:_________________________________________________________________ Contact Number: _______________________________________________________ COMMENTS & FEEDBACK Quality of Care Report 2009-10 COMMENTS & FEEDBACK Quality of Care Report 2009-10 NAME .................................................. NAME .................................................. AGE (PLEASE INDICATE) AGE (PLEASE INDICATE) 18-30 30-49 50-69 70-89 90+ 18-30 30-49 50-69 70-89 90+ ADDRESS ................................................ ADDRESS ................................................ POST CODE.............. EMAIL ........................... POST CODE.............. EMAIL ........................... PHONE (OPTIONAL)......................................... PHONE (OPTIONAL)......................................... ARE YOU ABORIGINAL OR TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER? ARE YOU ABORIGINAL OR TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER? ABORIGINAL ABORIGINAL TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER WHAT IS YOUR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN?............................. TOPICS OF INTEREST (PLEASE INDICATE) MEN’S HEALTH YOUNG PEOPLE OLDER ADULTS WOMEN’S HEALTH COMMUNITY GARDEN TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER WHAT IS YOUR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN?............................. TOPICS OF INTEREST (PLEASE INDICATE) CULTURAL DIVERSITY MEN’S HEALTH EARLY YEARS YOUNG PEOPLE OTHER...................................... OLDER ADULTS WOMEN’S HEALTH COMMUNITY GARDEN HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE INVOLVED? ELECTRONIC SURVEY POSTAL SURVEY ELECTRONIC SURVEY POSTAL SURVEY TELEPHONE HOME VISITS TELEPHONE HOME VISITS OTHER........................................................... EARLY YEARS OTHER...................................... HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE INVOLVED? FOCUS GROUPS CULTURAL DIVERSITY FOCUS GROUPS OTHER...........................................................