18 November 2015 High Notes Week 47


18 November 2015 High Notes Week 47
Proud to be Public
Issue 11
November 2015
WHSPA - High Notes
Relieving Head
Welfare :
Sue Nethery
Stage 6 Co-ordinator :
Yrs 11 & 12 - Sue Nethery
Year 12 Student Advisor
George Broadfoot
Year 11 Student Advisor
Andrew Pirie
Stage 5 Co-ordinator :
Yrs 9 & 10 - Leanne King
Year 10 Student Advisor
Kate Stehr
Year 9 Student Advisor
Heidi Whelan
Stage 4 Co-ordinator :
Yrs 7 & 8 - Lucy Armstrong
Year 8 Student Advisor
Kate Kalsow
Year 7 Student Advisor
Ella Waters
P O Box 222 Fairy Meadow 2519 - Phone : (02) 4229 6844 - Fax : (02) 4226 4128
www.wollongong-h.schools.nsw.edu.au - Email : wollongong-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
From the Principal’s desk ………...
Music and Drama Showcases
Congratulations to all students involved in all of the Music and Drama Showcases
over the last few weeks, and a huge thank you to our fantastic staff as well.
Capacity audiences enjoyed a huge range of items. It was wonderful to see so
many of our top students performing.
Dates to remember :
This will be our the third major Dance Work choreographed by Mr Richards, Mrs
Zappia and Miss Goderie and performed by the WHSPA Senior Dance Company.
Following on with our successful 2015 Performing Arts season it features five
sections of incredible dance, multimedia, sets, lighting and music collaborating in
a must see performance. This will run from the 24-28 November.
19 November
Certificate of Achievement
20 November
Drama Showcase
24-28 November
Alchemy Dance Performance
25-28 November
School Spectacular
30 November
Year Meeting Assemblies
30 November-4 December
10 Camp
2 December
King Lear Excursion
A collection of short films produced by Wollongong High School of the Performing
Arts' students from Years 7 to 12 will be screened in WHSPAC on the evening of
8 December. We have many students who are talented in film making, with
increasing numbers making films for their Visual Arts Body of Work for the Higher
School Certificate. I recommend that you put this date in your diary and come
along to see what our students produce.
Student diaries for 2016
After trialing MyEdiary for 12 months. The school has decided to return to the
paper diary. At the beginning of the new school year each student in Years 7-12
will again be provided with a copy of the diary at no cost. The diary will have
school specific information in the front followed by a page for each day of the
year. WHSPA staff emphasise to students important reasons for using a diary.
These reasons include:
· recording each student’s timetable
· recording homework and assignment expectations and due dates
· a means of communicating with parents
3 December
6 Orientation Day
As a parent/carer please support us by reinforcing with your child(ren) the
importance of using the diary to help keep themselves organised and on track
with their school work.
3 December
Jamberoo Reward Excursion
Bryce O’Connor
Relieving Principal
WHSPA - High Notes
Site Works
Excellence in the creative and performing
Term 4 is traditionally a very busy time of the year for
our performing and creative arts staff and students.
Every year I am continually in awe of our amazing
students and I would like to congratulate
our Performing Arts staff who have worked tirelessly
with our students preparing them for the end of year
showcase evenings. The knowledge, skill and
dedication of our staff is first-class.
All of the fantastic work completed by our performing
and creative arts students during 2015 will be
celebrated on the 14 December at our annual
W.H.S.P.A.S awards night to be held at the Regent
Theatre. I look forward to seeing all of our Performing
Arts students and their parents for another fantastic
HSC Completed – Year 12 Sign-Out
Wednesday 4 November signalled the end of the HSC
examinations for 2015. On Monday 9 November we
officially ‘signed out' year 12, marking the end of 6
years at WHSPA and a combined 13 years in
education for our year 12 students. We have been
extremely proud of the way our senior students have
conducted themselves in the lead up to, and during the
examination period this year. I would like to wish our
year 12 class of 2015 all the very best in the future,
and I look forward to receiving news of excellent
achievements when HSC results are released on 16
The school is currently undergoing some upgrades to
A, B and D block. This work will continue for the
remainder of Term 4. There will be building contractors
on site for the remainder of the year and the Eastern
Quad has a designated area for their machinery. The A
Block boys toilet is out of order, so boys will need to
use the gym toilets. The northern access through A
block to the Eastern Quad is blocked, as well as the
path between the Café and Main Quad. We will be
working with the contractors to keep noise and
disruption to learning to a minimum during this time.
Anthony Kalsow
Relieving Deputy Principal
Teaching & Learning In ESL
RAW Program
A range of Year 10 students recently completed the
Ready Arrive Work (RAW) program held at
Wollongong City Council and Wollongong TAFE. The
students refined their skills in Resume Building, Cover
Letter Writing, Australian Culture in Society and
Workplace Expectations. They participated in an
informative panel discussion with key speakers from
various institutions detailing the various pathways that
can be created between the institutions to allow them
to achieve long term career ambitions.
Our students presented excellent behavior and mature
attitudes throughout the program, often asking
sophisticated questions. I congratulate the following
students and commend them on being excellent
representatives of Wollongong High School of the
Performing Arts.
Attendance - Arriving late, and leaving
This term, Mr Creenaune and myself have been
focusing on late arriving students to school. We have
been interviewing students who are persistently late to
school, offering assistance and support to correct the
issue. From time to time, students may have legitimate
reasons for arriving late to school and I encourage
parents and carers to provide a reason to our office
staff by completing a 'slip' found in the absence
Leave early notes are now being printed by our office
staff. Students are asked to leave notes in the tray
provided in the front foyer, and collect their official
leave note upon exiting the school. I have noticed
that very few notes are written on the official school
‘notification of absence’ slip. If you require an absence
booklet, they are available from the front office and I
encourage all students to use these notes rather than
hand written notes from parents.
Hehreh Reh, Deborah Folly-Bebe & Georgios Louca
Jessica Marchant &
Lay Phommachanh
ESL Teachers
WHSPA - High Notes
Smiling Mind
Apps and tools |
website and app for young
people. Learn more about
the website, and get information on when it is
appropriate to use it, find out what young people
thought of it, and read professional advice and young
people’s tips for using it in practice.
This tool will assist with:
 Helping young people manage stress and build
 Introducing meditation and mindfulness techniques
to reduce mental health risks now and in the future
 Managing symptoms of depression and anxiety
About Smiling Mind
Smiling Mind is a mindfulness meditation website and
app, developed by an Australian non-profit with support
from ReachOut.com. It is "modern meditation for young
people" featuring guided meditations with the objective
of managing stress, increasing resilience and assisting
in reducing mental health risks in later life.
Different sets of meditations are targeted at different
age demographics, including:
7 - 11 yrs
12 - 15 yrs 16 - 22 yrs Adult
Where to access this tool
Visit the Smiling Mind website
When to use Smiling Mind
This tool should be introduced to young people
presenting difficulties with stress, anxiety and
depression as part of a cognitive behavioural
framework. It can assist clients to recognise unhelpful
thoughts and create processes to cognitively distance
from them.
What young people thought of Smiling Mind
 Interface is engaging, colourful but not too bright,
and navigation easy to follow
 Teaches the basics with concise information
 Sessions are appropriate length, follow a logical
progression and build in intensity
 Personalised – users can move at their own pace,
rate how they are feeling before/after session and
receive notifications/reminders to keep on track
 No option to continue with more advanced sessions
 Voices used are not youthful but older and generally
 Guides on how to further knowledge through
available courses not provided
 Professionals’ advice on using Smiling Mind in
 This tool is very adolescent friendly and should be
introduced in session by listening to an example
recording together.
 Refer the client to the research behind mindfulness
featured on the website before they start.
 If the client doesn’t have access to a computer,
email account or iPhone, incorporate the exercises
into your session, making sure appropriate tools
such as headphones are available.
Advice from young people
Health professionals should provide supplementary
information about the many forms of meditation
besides mindfulness to clients.
It might be beneficial for a young person to do a
session with a meditation specialist who may offer
suggestions on improving technique.
Make sure to follow up on progression.
This tool was reviewed by Chelsea and Jordan, young
people from ReachOut.com. Professional advice was
provided by Simon DuBois (Psychologist).
Using this tool
 Recommend it for any young person who could
benefit from work on wellbeing
 Get them to trial at least one meditation in your
 Check back in with them on how they feel after
using it, reinforcing positive outcomes
Michelle Montgomery
Student Support Officer
Careers News
As usual there is quite a bit happening in careers – see
list below. If you require further information on any of
the events/happenings listed below then please
contact myself, Jenny Clancy – Careers Adviser, on
Jennifer.clancy@det.nsw.edu.au and I will do my best
to answer your questions.
 Year 10 Work Experience – ensure that your
paperwork – sections 1 – 4 inclusive are fully
completed, including all required signatures, and
submitted ASAP. Two weeks prior to going on Work
Experience is appreciated.
 SBAT opportunity – Reece Plumbing is currently
offering opportunities for interested students to
apply for a School Based Traineeship. Successful
Career’s News……cont’d
WHSPA - High Notes
applicants will undertake a Certificate 11 in
Warehouse Operations. There is a strong customer
service and retail focus within these positions.
Applications will be accepted until 30 November
encouraged. The link to apply as well as additional
information is available at http://www.reece.com.au/
careers/asba-info. Enquiries should be directed to
Vickie.shackley@masexperience.com.au or call
 Year 11 – UOW Discovery Day – Wednesday 3
February, 2016. Registrations to attend this event
close on 20 November, 2015. If you haven’t
registered and you intend going then do so ASAP.
The password that you need to start the registration
process is graduate311.
 TAFE – Try a Trade – aimed at those students
considering leaving school. You will receive a TAFE
Statement of Attainment which will make you
apprenticeship or traineeship ready. Courses will
run for two days a week for four weeks starting
Monday 23 November. The only requirement is
work boots must be worn. See Ms Clancy for an
application form. Applications must be returned to
Ms Clancy no later than Monday 16 November,
 Wollongong City Council are offering a range of
cadetships, apprenticeships and traineeships
for 2016. Cadetships on offer are in Marketing and
Events, Building Surveyor, Environmental Science,
Civil engineering x2, Facilities Management and
Spatial Analyst. Apprenticeships are on offer in
horticulture and Civil design and Traineeships in
Finance Rates, Engineering Surveyor, Crematorium
and Cemetery Technician, Business Administration,
Health and Environment and Right to Information. If
interested see Ms Clancy for an application
package or go to www.wollongong.nsw.gov.au/
council/jobs/pages or call Amy Cord on 42277083.
Applications close 16 November, 2015 so if
interested make your application a priority.
Jenny Clancy
Careers Adviser
New Lgbtiq Books In The Library
With funds raised from the 2015 ‘Wear It Purple Day’
we have purchased over 40 LGBTIQ books for the
library. These books are both fiction and non-fiction
and for a range of years.
The library has identified these books with a white dot
and orange spine label to make them easier to find.
One of the new books purchased for the library.
They can also be found by searching for LGBTIQ in the
Library Enquiry section of the computers, or by asking
the library staff for more information. Libraries can
often play an important role for LGBTQ individuals
looking to find information about coming out, health,
and family topics, as well as leisure reading and we
hope these new books will be a good resource for
students who identify, want to know more, or just want
to read a new book outside their usual genre.
Kate Stehr
Teacher Visual Arts
LGBTIQ Co-ordinator
Year 10 ‘Addiction’ Seminar with Glen
On Monday 26 October, all of Year 10 attended a
seminar with guest speaker Glen Gerreyn on the many
forms of addiction. Glen Gerreyn, a QLD
representative sprinter was set for a promising career
in athletics with a dream of going to the 2000
Olympics, when his life took a dramatic turn for the
worst and at 18 he was diagnosed with the incurable
disease Ulcerative Colitis. Glen had two choices: to
perpetuate an existence, or choose to fight back &
have a life. Glen chose the latter.
With the $2 he had left from his disability pension, Glen
WHSPA - High Notes
pursued one of his dreams of starting a Youth Centre
in his hometown. This city at the time had very little to
keep young people entertained and out of trouble.
Through sponsorship and fundraising Glen developed
a fully functional venue, known as the X-treme Youth
and Community Centre. The X-treme Youth and
Community Centre had 800 members and its facilities
included: a fully equipped gymnasium; a motivational
training room where body building and personal
development programs were conducted; a training
centre for boxing, Tae Kwon Do and wrestling; a full
size basketball court; billiard tables; an internet café;
games arcade and much more. Glen ran community
youth events and dance parties at this centre, and
attracted up to 3500 young people at any one event.
rewarding session and the students who attended
spoke highly of both Glen and the content covered.
Kate Stehr
Teacher VA
Year 10 Student Advisor
AIME Day Year 7 and 8 students
AIME is a dynamic educational program that is proven
to support Indigenous students through high school
and into university, employment or further education at
the same rate as all Australian students. AIME gives
Indigenous students the skills, opportunities, belief and
confidence to grow and succeed.
On Thursday 22 October Year 7 and 8 Indigenous
students attended the AIME Day at the Novotel
Wollongong. During the day the students met with their
assigned mentors and had a chance to meet with
students from various Illawarra High Schools. The
students had a chance to play educational and
engaging games and learnt the importance of being
proud of their culture.
Guest speaker, Glen Gerryn.
The Addiction Seminar run by Glen covered a range of
addictive behaviours and sought to improve student’s
capacity and will power to make healthy decisions. The
Addiction seminar was concerned with educating
students’ on the four psychological effects of addiction,
experimentation, misuse, fixation and dependency.
Students were shown the emotional states associated
with each stage and the behaviour characteristics that
accompany them. This gave students a realistic and
‘everyday’ understanding that demonstrated how easily
progression from one stage to the next can occur while
seemingly unaware of any problem.
Students were equipped with new knowledge and
understanding in relation to risk taking behaviours and
their consequences. They were empowered to
critically think about their core values that drive them
when confronted with risk taking choices. Students
were encouraged to make a decision at the conclusion
of the module in relation to their future behaviours. This
is vital to avoid circumstantial pressure that may take
advantage of a student’s indecision and lead to a
negative outcome.
The Addiction module not only assisted the individual
to better their own health outcomes, but also assisted
students to educate and redirect others who may be on
a harmful journey of addiction. This was a very
The AIME mentoring program is so valuable and
WHSPA has been successful in engaging a number of
students from Year 7-11 to this program.
Please see student testimonials from the day below:
‘Today at AIME I learnt that science and maths is much
needed in your everyday life. AIME was fun and a fun
way to learn. I cannot wait to do it next year!’- Ruby
‘AIME was heaps of fun. The people were kind,
activities were fun and I can’t wait to do it again’. -Kiya
‘Today I learnt that AIME will be here for us until we
graduate from high school. I also learnt that there’s no
shame at AIME!’ - Eryn McGee
‘Today I learnt that there is no shame at AIME so there
for you can express yourself without being judged. I
Aboriginal Education ……cont’d
also learnt that AIME will be there with me till the end
supporting me’. - Rubie Adam
‘AIME was awesome I hope that we can go there again
and that we can all learn more about it. I also learnt
that at AIME there is no shame’ - Jay Neale
WHSPA - High Notes
Sydney Theatre Company
In the late September of 2015, my fellow drama
student James Turnbull and I embarked on an
educational endeavour as we were both privileged and
fortunate enough to gain a spot in Sydney Theatre
Company’s ‘Work Experience Week’. Nestled in Walsh
Bay between a calming oceanic view and dated
colonial Sydney architecture, the Wharf Four building
holds itself diligently as one of the six most renowned
theatre companies in the World. Our nine to five week
day began on the 25th, and from the very beginning
was jam packed with engaging workshops, seminars
and group tasks that accumulated to an extensive
understanding of theatre functionality and ended with a
confident pitch of a group devised artistic vision for
George Bernard Shaw’s ‘Arms and the Man’ to the
many employees of STC.
Amelia Hollis
Teacher HSIE
Aboriginal Focus Group Co-Leader
Congratulations to the Drama students who performed
at BGANZ - the Botanic Garden Conference in
Wollongong. Performances were highly praised by the
botanists attending the conference and the
performances contributed to a great opening. Thanks
Teodora Avramovic, Campbell Price, Luca Corby,
Mathew Varga, Tom Yew, Tegan Ware, Ashley
Crewick, Sophie Belgrove,Owen Kendall and Connor
Also, a BIG congratulations to all our drama students
who performed at the Drama Showcase - three nights
of fantastic class work and company work! The rave
reviews are still coming in. Students were also
superbly supported by our WHSPA entertainment
Thank you too, to all our wonderful tutors: Ian McColm,
Juliet Scrine, Ann Page, Ms Armstrong, Bonnie
Burbury, Drayton Morley and to Ms Goderie and Mrs
Cunningham for superb work throughout 2016.
Don't forget our WHSPA celebration in the last week of
school at the Regent Theatre Wollongong.
Frances Curtis
HT Performing Arts
What I’ve taken with me from my experience at STC is
a revitalised passion for theatre. This is in part due to
my recently acquired knowledge about the vast career
opportunities at STC with everything from marketing to
set painting and philanthropy; as well as being
incredibly inspired by the strong sense of support and
community in the industry. I speak not only for myself
but James as well, with a shared sensation of deep
gratitude for the learning process alongside an
opportunity to make friends with people who share a
like-minded passion for theatre, and the blessing to
work and make connections with industry professionals
of such a high calibre.
I would recommend any future year 10 or 11 student
who is remotely interested in Drama to apply as it is
truly a helpful opportunity for those interested in the
Rosie Goderie
Teacher Performing Arts
(This is a recount by Sophia Larcombe—Year 10)
WHSPA - High Notes
Selected Year 11 Visual Arts Students
Attend Exciting Three Day Art Camp At
Students also engaged in a talk regarding their HSC
Body of Works, which provided inspiration and insight
into this challenging aspect of the Visual Arts syllabus.
This was a wonderful opportunity for the students
involved and allowed them to engage in a range of
artmaking techniques, and to work with other local
students and improve their artmaking and planning
Four Visual Arts students recently attended a three day
art camp at the renowned Bundanon estate in Nowra.
Bundanon is Arthur and Yvonne Boyd's gift to Australia
upon their passing and a unique cultural and
environmental asset. It was born out of Boyd's often
stated belief that 'you can't own a landscape' and the
wish that others might also draw inspiration from this
remarkable place.
Kate Stehr
Teacher Visual Arts
Claymation Workshop
Oliva Benic, Tiana Prica, Georgia De Nobrega and
Arlena Mackenzie attended the camp from 7 to 9 of
October. Selected students from seven schools around
the Illawarra also attended this exciting Visual Arts
opportunity. Over the course of the three days,
students were able to tour through the Bundanon
Estate and Arthur Boyd’s personal studio, staying in
the Riversdale Accommodation on site, which is
usually the living quarters for artists-in-residence.
Students engaged in a range of art workshops with
artist Jim Birkett, including Earth and Environmental
Sculptures, Burrawang and Banksia Printmaking, River
-scape Painting and Skulls and Bones Drawing.
On Tuesday 20 October the year 7 Visual Arts
Collective students engaged in a Claymation incursion
run by Sammat Education. The workshop was
designed to teach participants how to use stop
motion software to create their own stop motion video.
The students learnt how to capture images using a
webcam, create characters, apply small changes, and
add background images and music to create their own
stop motion movies.
Using a storyboard approach students were given the
opportunity to develop a storyline to create the
animation. Students molded their characters using
plasticine, cardboard and other materials as well as
developing their own backdrops. They were introduced
to the idea of a green screen as well as new Chroma
technologies that can aid them in the process of
making the Claymation.
Visual Arts ……cont’d
WHSPA - High Notes
After a short lunch break students participated in a tour
of Arthur Boyd’s studio and gained a comprehensive
insight into his artist practice. They were also shown
around his Homestead and were informed about the
story of Arthur Boyd and his family as we viewed their
extensive art collection. Overall, it was an informative,
interactive and enjoyable day. The students are to be
commended on their participation and enthusiasm they
embodied throughout duration of the day.
Once the preparation had been finalised students were
shown how to film, shoot and edit their animation using
specially designed software. The Year 7 Visual Arts
Collective students are to be commended on their
creativity and enthusiasm throughout the duration of
the day. A selection of the Claymation’s will be
premiered at the annual Golden Gong Awards on
Tuesday 8 December.
Sarah Cole
Teacher Visual Arts
Year 7 Excursion to Bundanon Trust
On Tuesday 3 November the Year 7 Visual Arts
Collective class travelled down to Nowra and spent the
day at Bundanon Trust.
In 1993, on behalf of the Australian people, the
Australian Government accepted the gift of Bundanon,
and a parcel of other properties (1100 hectares in all)
on the Shoalhaven River, from the Australian artist
Arthur Boyd and his wife Yvonne. The Bundanon Trust
now supports arts practice and engagement with the
arts through its residency, education, exhibition and
performance programs. In preserving the natural and
cultural heritage of its site Bundanon seeks to promote
the value of landscape in all our lives.
The Collective Arts students began the day with a
historical introduction to the property and were
introduced to the conventions of environmental art.
They then participated in hands-on art making
workshop where each student created their own
sculptural piece that embodied some of the Elements
of Design and was cohesive with the natural
A special thank you also goes to Kate Stehr from the
Visual Arts faculty for her help in the organisation of
the day.
Sarah Cole
Teacher Visual Arts
Library News
Events in the Library
The Library has been a hive of activity the last few
months! Yesterday (Thursday 4th November) was
particularly exciting with the visit from Brothers3,
organised by our Music Faculty. Brothers3 are three
young brothers from the country that have been
performing all their lives (and they’re a whole 17, 18 &
19 years old!) and they came 3rd in X-Factor last year!
English ……cont’d
WHSPA - High Notes
They were lovely young guys with a wealth of
experience and they spoke to year 7-10 music
students about their experiences in the industry and
about the creating music process.
They also
performed some great songs, and posed for many
photos with our excited students.
Yes, we did celebrate it in the library! Many people say
it’s not an Australian tradition but very American. But
the origins of Halloween come from the Ancient Celts.
And since that’s my heritage, and since I like any
excuse for a display, here it is:
Richard Harland
BookWeek 2015
Books Light up our World
I had fun this year making sculptures from books, and
a lampshade from books!
For more pictures, have a look in the photo gallery in
school website.
Author Visit
We were lucky enough to have Richard Harland visit
us and spoke to Year 9s about his experiences as an
author, and read out excerpts from his new book, Song
of the Slums. Some seniors were lucky enough to
have a writing workshop with him as well during his
Richard has written many books, but his favourite
genre is Steampunk. Come and check out some of his
great books in the Library.
Bookweek is a great opportunity to celebrate the
wonderful world of reading!
Library ……cont’d
WHSPA - High Notes
Year 9 were lucky enough to have the unique
opportunity to experience Living Libraries.
Wollongong Living Books program brings to the
community a collection of human ‘books’ that that
represent a diverse range of backgrounds and life
experiences. Instead of reading a book, you talk to a
person in the setting of a library or school. Readers
(Year 9) are offered the chance to engage in an
informal half hour conversation in small groups with the
living ‘books’ about their lives and life choices .
I was also asked to write an article for the SCAN
magazine—an online journal for educators, about the
Living Books program, and it’s value in the school
system. If you would like a copy of my article, let me
know. (http://scan.nsw.edu.au/)
Library Website
Don‘t forget to check out the library
section on the school‘s website. It is full of
news, information, helpful links, and
Lianne Pfister
Teacher Librarian
Byron Faulkner
He spent a lot of time working on his project and his
board looked exquisite. Also, Byron showed that
students from our Performing Arts High School can
also dominate in the scientific arena.
Science Fair
Congratulations to Byron Faulkner for WINNING the
best project award for the Stage 4 division of the
University of Wollongong Science Fair. This is a first
for a Wollongong High student, and is especially
impressive when one considers the huge number of
entrants this year from public and private schools
across NSW. Some of these students have big
budgets, robotics, nuclear reactors… this list goes on.
Byron’s win proves that a great idea trumps a big
budget with regards to scientific research.
Byron’s project was titled “DO MICROBES AGREE
WITH KANYE WEST?” He wanted to see if Mr West’s
questionable claims at the 2015 Grammy Awards
extended to the world of single-celled organisms, so he
played music from Beck, Beyonce and Kanye to petri
dishes filled with the kind of nutrients that microbes
love to grow on. He also had a control with no music.
Byron found some interesting results - the dishes grew
different microbes depending on what music was
played! Like all the best scientific projects, Byron
combined a creative idea with a rigorous experimental
Creativity is an essential aspect of interesting scientific
research ideas; as Einstein said: “Logic will take you
from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere”.
If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope
for it.” – Albert Einstein
Congratulations to Georgia De Nobrega on winning the
prestigious Victor Chang Science Award. Georgia was
nominated by her science teacher, Mr Kates, as
demonstrating the highest achievement in scientific
studies throughout the year. She will now have the
opportunity to visit the Institute, and carry out scientific
experiments under the supervision of leading
researchers at the Victor Chang Institute in Sydney.
Great stuff Georgia!
Science ……cont’d
WHSPA - High Notes
After a busy morning organising umpires, the girls hit
the courts for their first game at 9.30am. The
competition was fierce but the girls all did a great job Year 7 won, Year 8 team A won, Year 8 team B had a
draw and year 9 won their first game.
The teams had a busy day with lots of games against
different schools in the Illawarra and not much of a
break in between, but they did have time to enjoy some
slices of orange before running off to hit the courts
Georgia De Nobrega
I would also like to thank Mr Broadfoot, for taking the
time to work with the Year 8 students who participated
in the UOW Science fair. You have done your families,
the faculty and the school proud! These students are
Amelia Pepper,
Minh Dao, Lara Kirk-Downey,
Samantha Moon, Jemima Creswick, Grace TaylorHennen, Eliza Taylor, Liam Powley, Mackenzie
Alvarez, Lauren P Morgan, Calissa Smith, Ruby
Thompson, Kirra Davey and Ella Weall.
The year 8 teams didn't play finals, but ended up
playing each other in a showdown for their last roundrobin game and team A ended up winning the
competition after winning every game they played very
Year 7 made their way into the semi-finals after coming
3rd in the round-robin, but went down to Woonona 133 after a really tough game.
Julie Gosper
HT Science
Netball Gala Day
On Friday October 30, a group of 35 girls from Year 7,
8 and 9 participated in the Illawarra Girls Netball Gala
Day at Fred Finch Courts, Berkeley.
Year 9 really brought their game home in the semifinals, winning a close game. They then played Smiths
Hill in the Grand Final and ended up winning by 10
All the girls excelled themselves in the sport and really
did WHSPA proud! We look forward to participating
again next year!
Laura Cram
Teacher Science
WHSPA - High Notes
Wollongong High
Celebrations 2016
Wollongong High School is turning 100!!
We invite you to join us in celebrating our
wonderful school as it marks this
significant milestone. A week of festivities
is being planned for the week commencing
December 5, 2016, culminating in a formal
Wollongong Entertainment Centre on
Saturday December 10, 2016.
In preparation for our celebrations next year, we are
calling on all past students and teachers to locate any
memorabilia associated with the school. Such
memorabilia could include photos, both official year
photos and any other photos associated with the
school, audio and films, school magazines, newspaper
clippings or footage, school uniforms, school reports
etc. These will enable us to showcase the rich history
of our school. Items may be handed in to the front
office, during school hours, clearly labeled with name
and contact phone number so that they may be
returned. If you have items but are unable to personally
deliver them, please phone the school and our
Centenary Committee members will advise on an
alternative means of collection.
Our former Principal Mr Kevin Riolo is also keen to
hear stories and experiences from past students and
teachers relating to their time at Wollongong High
School. Additionally, it would be most appreciated if
any interested ex-students would act as a contact for
their particular year group. Mr Riolo can be contacted
on email crlra@optusnet.com.au.
"We invite you to join our Facebook page on
www.facebook.com/whspacentenary and regularly
check the school's website for up to date information
and messages."
From the
Vicki Strudwick
Whooping cough information for schools
There is an outbreak of whooping cough (pertussis) in
NSW, mainly affecting school-aged children. Coughing
spreads the infection to others nearby. Whooping
cough can spread to anyone at home, including
younger brothers an sisters. Whooping cough can be
especially dangerous for babies.
Whooping cough starts like a cold and progresses to
bouts of coughing that can last for many weeks. The
infection can occur even in fully-vaccinated children.
Older children may just have a cough that is persistent
and may be worse at night.
 Children with these symptoms should see a doctor
 If your doctor diagnoses whooping cough in your
school-aged child, please let the school know and
keep your child at home until they have taken 5
days of antibiotics. Keep coughing children away
from babies.
 Whooping cough vaccines give good protection
against infection but immunity fades with time.
Check that all your children are up-to-date with their
vaccines, due at 6 weeks, 4 months, 6 months, 4
years and 12 years of age (offered to all Year 7
vaccination program).
A booster is also
recommended at 18 months of age.
A booster dose of vaccine is also recommended for
adults that are in contact with young children, such as
school staff and parents.
Pregnant women are
recommended to have a booster dose during each
pregnancy and this is funded by NSW Health. Those
who are new parents or carers of babies should
consult their general practitioner about appropriate
Your local public hea;th unit can provide advice about
whooping cough on 1300 066 055 or visit the NSW
Health website for information for childcare and
schools about whooping cough.
Dr Vicky Sheppeard
Director Communicable Disease Branch
School Dance Notice
WHSPA - High Notes
School Dance Notice
WHSPA - High Notes
Community Notice . . . . .
WHSPA - High Notes
Art Collective Expo
12/10 Faculty Meeting
Exec P & D Interviews 2 this week
HSC Starts
10 Art Exhibition
19/10 Focus Group
Planning Meeting
Year Meeting Assemblies
Musical Auditions
Art Collective Expo
14/10 Exec Meeting
11 Sign-out Period 1
Art Collective Expo
10 Art Exhibition
10 Art Exhibition
11 Reports to HT
7-11 Auditions for
State Drama Festival
28/10 Exec Meeting
Music Ens Showcase
HSC Ends
Music Ens Showcase
10 Yearly Exams
(core only)
Drama Showcase
Drama Showcase
Musical Auditions
7 Music Showcase
Drama Showcase
Drama Showcase
9/11 Faculty Meeting
9 Reports to HT
6-7 Parent Info
8 VALID test
Dance Work Bump
Regional Touring
8 Reports to HT
8 VALID test
Drama Showcase
Rehearsal + Perf
11/11 Exec Meeting
8 VALID test
Meet the Music
Dance Work Bump
Regional Touring
8 VALID test
Dance Work Bump
Matilda Excursion
Drama Showcase
Rehearsal + Perf
Certificate of
Achievement in Hall
Drama Showcase
Rehearsal + Perf
10 Reports to HT
25/11 Exec Meeting
Dance Work Rehearsal
1/12 Finance Meeting
Dance Work Perf
School Spec
Dance Work Perf
School Spec
6 Orientation Day
Jamberoo Reward
10 Camp
8 VALID test
Dance Work Bump
Regional Touring
16/11 QT Meeting
26/10 Faculty Meeting
WHS Lunch Meeting
2/11 Staff Meeting
PBS Extended Roll
11 Reports issued
this week
Exec P & D Interviews 2 this week
Art Collective Expo
HSC Info Night for
Year 11 students +
parents at 7 p.m. in
10 Art Exhibition
8 VALID test
Dance Work Rehearsal
23/11 Focus Group
3/11 Finance Meeting
7 Reports to HT
Dance Work Rehearsal
30/11 Faculty Meeting
Year Meeting Assemblies
10 Camp
Dance Work Bump
7/12 Faculty Meeting
Dance Showcase
Play Rehearsal
14/12 Faculty Meeting
8 Clearance P1
9 Clearance P 2
10 Clearance P3
Musical Reh
10 Camp
Dance Work Bump
Golden Gong
Dance Showcase
10 Camp
King Lear Excursion
9/12 Exec Meeting
Dance Showcase
Matinee + Evening
7 Clearance P1
7, 8, 9 & 10 Reports
Presentation Night
HSC Results released
Musical Reh
Musical Reh
Art Collective Expo
11 ROSA Grades to
HT Admin
High Notes to Office
10 Art Exhibition
11 Reports download
High Notes Out
State Drama Festival
7-11 Auditions for
11 Music Showcase
10 Yearly Exams
(core only)
7 Reports download
7 IMAX & Aquarium
High Notes to Office
Drama Showcase
9 Reports download
High Notes Out
8 VALID test
Dance Work Bump
10 ROSA Grades to
HT Admin
8 Reports download
Drama Showcase
10 Reports download
High Notes to Office
Dance Work Perf
School Spec
High Notes Out
10 Camp
Dance Showcase
Play Rehearsal
Sports Presentation
Dance Showcase
Matinee + Evening
Staff Development
Staff Night Out
Staff Development
Luncheon by Science
Dance Showcase