Doddington Sculpture Brochure 2014
Doddington Sculpture Brochure 2014
SCULPTURE AT DODDINGTON HALL Exhibition Catalogue Over 80 national & international sculptors Over 400 pieces for sale INSIDE: guidance on buying sculpture FEATURED Sculptures & Artists ‘MATERIAL IN DISGUISE’ by Jo Davis Artist & Sculpture DIRECTORY CARING for sculpture 1 “In Beauty May I Walk” Supported By Brewin Dolphin as Main Sponsor CONTENTS THE DODDINGTON GARDENS 4-5 FEATURED SCULPTURES 6 TOP TIPS FOR BUYING SCULPTURE 7 ‘MATERIAL IN DISGUISE’ BY JO DAVIS 8-9 CARING FOR YOUR SCULPTURE 10 - 11 DIRECTORY OF EXHIBITORS 13 - 20 PRICE LIST21 - 41 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS42 - 43 To purchase a sculpture please go to the Gatehouse, where you can secure your purchase with 25% deposit. Credit cards accepted. All works to be collected after the exhibition. Visiting the Exhibition - Some Advice • Your safety is our first concern. Some pieces are heavy and will cause serious injury if disturbed. Please do not touch any sculptures even if they look robust. • Some sculptures are fragile or have sharp edges so again please do not touch. Any damage caused will be charged to those people responsible. • Please keep children under supervision at all times. • Some areas of the garden have rough paths and changes in levels. Please take care and follow the marked route. 2 Foreword Welcome to the 2014 Doddington Sculpture Exhibition, bigger, and we hope better, than 2012. We have over 400 sculptures by more than eighty sculptors from across the UK and Europe. Curator David Waghorne has arranged the outdoor pieces to take full advantage of the back drop of Doddington Hall and our large and varied gardens. New for this year are two indoor venues with some spectacular and fragile pieces. Almost every piece is for sale. If you buy a sculpture you are not only buying something that will bring you enjoyment for years to come, but you are also helping to support the career of the sculptor. Doddington Hall has made its own contribution to the exhibition by building a 10m stone pyramid at the end of the avenue. We hope you can make time to enjoy the 1000m walk to see it up close. We thank all our sponsors, and in particular our lead sponsor Brewin Dolphin, for their very generous support of our exhibition. Claire and James Birch 3 The Doddington Gardens For many visitors to Doddington, the gardens are as interesting as the hall itself. Faithful to the original Elizabethan layout, mellow walls provide the framework for the formal East Front and West Gardens; there’s a fascinating productive walled kitchen garden and beyond the walls there are three acres of romantic, wild gardens. The East Front The dramatic architectural masterpiece of the Hall is clear at this point. The central view of the Hall from the Gate House is uninterrupted due to the regular pattern of box edging and topiary following the outer original Elizabethan walls. Standing guard in the forecourt are four topiary unicorns, representing the Jarvis family crest. The West Garden A riot of colour can be seen in the West Garden from April through to September. The box-edged parterres are the backdrop for an incredible display of bearded iris in late May, and the herbaceous borders are full of colour from April through to September. There are some lovely botanical surprises too, such as naturalised Crown Imperials, rare and elegant Edwardian Daffodils and a Handkerchief Tree. The Wild Garden Early February sees the beginning of a spectacular pageant of spring bulbs; swathes of naturalised Snowdrops and delicate Crocus Thomasianus along with carmine cyclamen Coum. March and April bring glorious drifts of Lent Lilies, along with hosts of other native bulbs such as Aconites and Snake Head Fritillaries, Scilla and Erythronium along with our unique collection of heritage Daffodils. The rhododendrons are also spectacular in the spring. Whatever the time of year, meandering walks will reveal other highlights such as three ancient, contorted and still-productive sweet chestnut trees; the Temple of the Winds built by Antony Jarvis in memory of his parents; a turf maze modelled on an ancient one at Alkborough in North Lincolnshire; and if you look carefully you might find the ‘Dinosaur’s Egg’ (a large boulder that Antony Jarvis put in the branches of a field maple tree to surprise the grandchildren). A pleasant and interesting walk of about a mile can be followed along the nature trail in a circular route; starting from just beyond the Temple at the end of the Garden and routing back to the ‘ha ha’ at the end of the Yew avenue. The route passes through woodlands, open parkland and a wetland meadow from where the clay was dug to make the bricks to build Doddington, with an option to walk right down the avenue to see the new pyramid that has recently been completed out of recycled concrete as an eye-catcher, 1000m from the house. Please take care in the garden the ground can be uneven and slippery; branches can be hazardous. 4 Doddington Sculpture Map ‘The Pyramid’ Outside installation 1000 m Granary Barn indoor exhibition Wild Garden ‘Suprise & Delight’ West Garden ‘Colour & Light’ Great Hall Installation East Front ‘Strength & Power’ 5 Featured sculptures The Hunter by Davy & Kristin McGuire Winners of The Oxford Samuel Beckett Theatre Trust Award 2013, Davy & Kristin McGuire are multidisciplinary artists whose work has included The Icebook and an atmospheric stage adaptation of popular fantasy novel, Howl’s Moving Castle. Their latest award winning theatre production The Paper Architect premiered in July 2013 at the Barbican London. The Hunter is an intricate paper diorama that comes to life through projected animations, music and sound effects. When the intricately cut paper model illuminates, tiny shadow figures seem to appear behind the diorama in order to depict a silent fable about the cruelty of human conduct and the ability to repent our actions. This installation can be see in the Granary Barn. The Corkscrew by Robb Higgs Rob Higgs is a mechanical sculptor, automata maker and inventor. He designs and makes mechanical sculptures, contraptions and eccentric machines, largely using found materials such as; old gears, wheels, chains and mechanical items found on old farmsteads, in boatyards and on scrapheaps. Weighing at more than three-quarters of a tonne, this incredible beauty of 382 moving parts including gears, pulleys, levers, spring and bells that stands at 1.6m (5ft 3in) tall at its highest point, is cast from brass and is a glorious sight to behold when set in ponderous, whirring, clanking motion. This installation can be see in the Great Hall. Secret Society by Kathy Dalwood The collection is a contemporary response to the traditionally sculpted figurative statues and busts of the 18th and 19th centuries, but rather than sculpting in clay or stone, the busts are made by direct casting from real things. To construct the original sculpture from which the plaster casts are taken, the first step is to ‘collage’ together all kinds of materials and found objects – fabrics, haberdashery, model buildings and vehicles, plastic packaging, corrugated card, paper, electrical and plumbing parts and much else. The plaster casts made from these originals pick up an amazing amount of texture and detail giving the sculptures a strange air of realism. This installation can be see in the Great Hall. 6 Top tips for buying sculpture Do you like the sculpture? Have you actually fallen in love with the sculpture? Have you viewed it from all angles? How will it weather? Some stone sculptures will look better as they weather but if you would like it stay pristine why not ask if it should be protected during the winter months. Where will it be situated? Have you got a space for it? Is it going under a tree? If so are you prepared to clean bird droppings off the sculpture from time to time? How will it look? Sculptures can be a wonderful focus point for the garden and can help the transition between garden and landscape. Consider how the sculpture will look from a distance and up close. Will the sculptor conduct a site visit? Some sculptors may conduct a site visit prior to the work being delivered. Rather than get a non-specialist to place your sculpture, it is advisable to get the artist’s advice. The benefit of this is you can learn the genesis of the piece and find the best situation for the sculpture to be placed in. Be different Sometimes the less obvious spots are the best; it is magical to stumble across a sculpture when you least expect it. 7 Material In Disguise by Jo Davis ...a cultural exchange had begun; albeit a reluctant exchange of ideas that were only communicated through the objects themselves. 8 The bricks that from which Doddington Hall was built between 1595 and 1600 were fashioned from clay dug from land just to the West of the hall and fired right there in kilns. They show the beautifully erratic nature of manufacture at this time. The handmade quality of each individual brick is clear, true to its time, in the folds of clay that occur as the wet material was slammed into wooden moulds. The bricks are also peppered and pock-marked with stones, leaving glossy, sometimes volcanic, pumice-like indentations on the bricks’ surfaces. Man has been working with this simple, red earthenware clay, or terracotta, for thousands of years in the UK. The redness comes from a variety of contamination in the clay, but predominantly from iron oxide. At about the same time as Doddington Hall was completed in 1600, Europe was beginning its fascination with Chinese Porcelain, a material that we had never seen here, and its beautiful, austere whiteness was the antithesis of its red, domestic cousin. Attempts were made to re-create porcelain in Europe, in the first instance through fakery, by covering our contaminated red clay with ‘white’ (more like yellow) and then later by creating and testing endless lesser versions of this mysterious, crisp white clay. Porcelain became known as White Gold due to its scarcity, beauty and, to be frank, its cost. Frantic industrial espionage followed the arrival of porcelain in Europe from its native homeland in China. The development of porcelain in Europe was erratic and dangerous, partly due to the arbitrary use of chemicals, partly due to the desperation of its manufactorers, centred at Meissen. The search for its recipe, a closely guarded secret, resulted in false imprisonment, loss of reputation, death, failure and finally success. The Bone China that is predominantly used today in the potteries at Stoke-on-Trent was originally developed as an approximation of porcelain; the two clays now co-exist but their qualities are similar. In this period of the history of materials British craftspeople, artists and manufacturers had not yet refined their relationship with clay; a cultural exchange had begun; albeit a reluctant exchange of ideas that were only communicated through the objects themselves. A recent visit to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford graphically illustrated this point by pairing English and Chinese-ware of the same period in their display. The Englishware was functional but often lumpen; the Chinese-ware was functional with tight shape, each edge and facet had been considered in its making. It was a fascinating contrast, illustrating a historical, cultural difference in value systems between the two civilisations. artists and crafts people it is still seen as notoriously difficult to work with: what it gives you in elasticity during its working in the studio, it can take away during the kilnfiring. When occasionally I am told that working with clay must be therapeutic I have learnt to grit my teeth and gently explain the process and its potential pitfalls. I have to remind myself that ceramic objects have become so frequent in their use as to become invisible, their existence is taken for granted and the often difficult process of controlling mud, water and fire is hidden to most people. The recent rise in the use of clay as a material for the Fine Arts is leading the way in rectifying this, (alongside its continued use for toilet cisterns, mugs, cups and pylon insulators). Perhaps this is where its invisibility has become useful, almost like a material in disguise, putting on differing functions like coats in changeable weather. The arrival of porcelain in Europe is now forever associated with aspiration and ambition. Amongst contemporary 9 Caring for your sculpture Bronze Bronze is ideal for exterior use because of its resistance to corrosion and its ability to take a fine, aesthetically pleasing finish. However, when the protective coatings of wax are not maintained they will eventually be lost, leaving your sculpture unprotected from the influences of the environment. For a minimum clean, you can use a soft cloth, feather duster, or soft-bristle brush. Never use a chemical cleaner or metal polish on your sculpture as doing so will damage the finish, often very severely impairing the sculpture. For an indoor bronze maintenance once a year is recommended (Twice a year if in a humid or corrosive environment). For outdoor bronzes maintenance twice a year is recommended. Humid or acidic areas require three or four times a year. Blacks, reds, or golden brown bronze sculptures should be waxed on a sunny day when the bronze is warm. Greens, granites and marbled patinas, should be waxed in the mornings or when the bronze is cool. • Wrap the metal of the paint brush with tape to avoid scratching the sculpture. • Using a soft clean dry cotton cloth, wipe the bronze sculpture free of dirt. If there are any contaminants such as food or fingerprints, use a damp cloth with water only and gently rub the sculpture - ensure the surface of the bronze is dry prior to waxing. • Open your wax and lay the bristles across the wax using a sweeping back and forth motion, about 3 or 4 times will do the job. Place a super thin layer of wax onto the sculpture using a circular motion. The surface will begin to look matt not shiny. If it is a small sculpture continue to do the entire surface. If it is large, do one smaller area at a time. Allow the wax to dry to a haze (follow the times stated on the wax can). Using a clean cotton cloth begin gently rubbing the surface until the desired shine appears. Work the cloth in a circular motion on large smooth areas of the sculpture. You can repeat this process one or two more times. Ceramic and Glass You should handle all glass and ceramic as little as you can and use latex gloves whilst you are moving the objects. Do not use cotton gloves as the sculpture can easily slip and break. Also avoid using your bare hands as the oil and acid from your hands can leave stains on the surface of your piece. You can dust your ceramic and glass objects using a soft brush. Dry cotton wool or cloth will catch on rough surfaces, leaving their fibres behind, and possibly causing damage. 10 Willow Whether inside or out, the treatment for willow is the same. When it needs it (see below) just paint your sculpture with wood preservative or linseed oil using a brush or a spray bottle. Linseed oil is widely used to preserve and finish wood. It can sometimes take days for the oil to dry completely, depending on conditions, sunny days being best. You can buy ‘boiled linseed oil’ from your local DIY shop, which has solvent thinners added to help drying. The process is uncomplicated, but do read what it says on the can or bottle: linseed oil is extremely difficult, even impossible, to get out of clothing, which is why it is so good at protecting your willow sculpture. Sculptures kept outside benefit from a coating of linseed oil once a year and those inside less frequently, about every two or three years. Wood After purchasing your carving, treat it with at least 3 more coats of varnish, not forgetting to coat the base and bottom of your carving. You will want to continue coating the carving once a year also. This will help reduce the likelihood of large cracks. Direct sunlight and dry places (next to a heater) are not good for a wooden sculpture. As wood is a natural material, some wood checking (cracking) is normal . It occurs because of humidity changes and is in no way considered a defect. If the wood sculpture is kept in a stable environment and is treated well with varnish the likelihood of checking can be reduced. Stone-Resin If kept indoors, stone-resin will need no more than dusting. Out of doors, dust, grime, bird-droppings etc. can be removed with a damp cloth. The shine will dull in time and can be buffed up using a soft brush or cloth. Stoneresin is very resistant to weather-erosion but it doesn’t age as attractively as bronze or naturally quarried stone. There is no metal content to oxidise and, since it isn’t very porous, it takes longer for moss and lichen to take hold than on stone. Many people prefer the finish on stone resin when the polish has worn off but, to maintain the appearance it has when new, apply polish every year or two. Any wax-based polish will do (preferably with no silicon content) – furniture polish for instance. Successive coats of black and brown shoe polish can be helpful if the colour has faded. Apply the polish with a brush and buff up well between coats with a soft cloth, towel or brush. Two or three coats should be adequate. If the sculpture is large, think of the surface as a series of small areas and polish/buff one area at a time. This avoids leaving the polish on the surface for too long. Stone-resin is a very strong and durable material but it is not unbreakable. Take care not to drop or knock your sculpture on something hard. This is a guide only, we strongly recommend that you seek advice from an individual sculptor for tailored instructions. 11 Brewin Dolphin is delighted to support Sculpture at Doddington Hall & Gardens Brewin Dolphin is one of the UK’s largest independent private client investment managers, with over 30 offices throughout the UK and Channel Islands. Committed to personal service, we offer a wide range of financial solutions to help you make the most of your investments. For more information, please contact Edward Strange on 01522 503029 or email piece by Nicolas Moreton The value of investments can fall and you may get back less than you invested. Brewin Dolphin Limited is a member of the London Stock Exchange, and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Financial Services Register reference number: 124444). 12 Directory of exhibitors Adam Oliver Andrew Flint Charles Westgarth Birmingham Leamington Spa Hertfordshire METALS STONE/ CLAY METALS / RESIN Amanda Noble Andrew Smith Christine Baxter Northamptonshire Nottingham Monmouthshire GLASS / STAINLESS STEEL STONE / MARBLE STONE Andrew Beach Angela Farquharson Christopher Townsend Manchester West Wales Oxford CERAMICS METALS Anthony Heywood Dan Archer Kent Grantham MIXED MEDIA STONE Bob Oakes David Cooke Welton Chesire METAL STONE Carlos Dare Davy & Kristin McGuire Lincoln Bristol ALUMINIUM PAPER / GLASS / LIGHT Carole Beavis Donna Bramall Derbyshire Manchester WILLOW RECYCLED MEDIUMS CONCRETE Savills is pleased to sponsor Sculpture at Doddington Think property, think Savills. Savills Lincoln 01522 508900 13 Doddington sponsor advert print.1 1 7/7/14 16:15:20 14 Dorothy Brook Giles Rayner Helen Sinclair London Gloucestershire Swansea BRONZE WATER STONE / RESIN / BRONZE Emily Stone Guy Stevens Hilary Cartmel Kent Brighton South Yorkshire COPPER STONE METALS Francony Kowalski Handspring Designs Ian Campbell Briggs South of France South Yorkshire Kent CONCRETE / MOSAIC WOOD IRON RESIN / STEEL Hand crafted law Roythornes are proud to sponsor of Sculpture at Doddington Hall. A commercial practice with a focus on food, agriculture and estates, we take a hands-on and long term approach to our clients’ needs. To find out how we can help give us a call on 01775 842500 or visit our web site at Enterprise Way, Pinchbeck, Spalding PE11 3YR. Also at Peterborough, Nottingham and Newmarket Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority Roythornes Doddington Advert.indd 1 11/07/2014 17:28 15 16 James Sutton Jo Davies John O’Connor Lincoln London Suffolk STONE / MARBLE CERAMICS MIXED MEDIA Jamie Frost Jo Taylor John Parker Huddersfield Wiltshire Manchester WOOD / BRONZE / STONE CERAMICS Jennie McCall Joel Walker John Sutton Loughborough Rutland Lincoln CERAMICS BRONZE Jenny Pickford John Glew Johnathan Newdick Herefordshire Sleaford York METALS / GLASS STEEL WOOD / STONE / BRONZE METALS STONE The SLK-Class: powerful and poised. It’s all about combining passion with poise. With the top up or down, the elegant SLK-Class offers breath-taking looks and effortless performance. • 17” alloy wheels • 6-disc CD changer/radio • Sports seats • 7G Auto • LED daytime running lights • Electro-hydraulic roof • Remote boot release Book your test drive today. Mercedes-Benz of Lincoln Kingsley Road, Lincoln Fields, Lincoln LN6 3TA 01522 696016 Official government fuel consumption figures in mpg (litres per 100km) for the SLK-Class range: urban 23.5(12.0)-45.6(6.2), extra urban 45.6(6.2)-65.7(4.3), combined 33.6(8.4)-56.5(5.0). CO2 emissions 195-132 g/km. Model featured is a Mercedes-Benz SLK 250 CDI Automatic at £33,795 on-the-road including metallic paint at £645 (on-the-road price includes VAT, delivery, 12 months’ Road Fund Licence, number plates, first registration fee and fuel). 17 Directory of exhibitors continued... Julie Grose Linda Johns Mark Stonestreet Oxfordshire Northampton Brighton METAL WIRE STONE Kathy Dalwood Louisa Forbes Martin Duffy London London West Wales CONCRETE / PLASTER / CLAY LEAD / BRONZE / RESIN BRONZE / RESIN / STONE / WOOD Katie Green Lucy Kinsella Martin Williams Worcester Leicestershire Swansea GLASS BRONZE / RESIN / CLAY STONE / BRONZE Laura Antebi Lucy Unwin Mel Fraser Troon Cheltenham Cambridge WIRE WIRE / STONE MARBLE / STONE Laury Dizengremel Lynn Baker Melanie Deegan Vale of Belvoir Lincoln somerset METALS GLASS RESIN / METAL Len Gifford Marigold Hodgkinson Michael McEntee Milton Keynes Warwickshire Coventry CLAY / BRONZE / RESIN MIXED MEDIA METALS 18 Michael Scrimshaw Mike Savage Penny Hardy North Lincolnshire Hampshire Devon MIXED MEDIA METALS BRONZE / RESIN / MILD STEEL Michael Shaw Nicolas Moreton Pete Rogers Loughborough Northhampton Barton PLASTICS / LIGHT STONE WATER / ALUMINIUM Michael Thacker One of One Peter Little Lincoln Grantham Southern Ireland STONE BRONZE / ALUMINIUM PLANTS / ORGANIC Patricia Volk Phil Thompson Wiltshire Gloucestershire CERAMICS METAL Paula Groves Philip Hearsey Hertfordshire Herefordshire STAINLESS STEEL BRONZE / WOOD Penny Green Rachael Long Surrey Norfolk CERAMICS FORGED STEEL Pleased to support Sculpture at Doddington Specialists in garden landscaping & building supplies MKM Building Supplies, Stephenson Road, Off Station Road, North Hykeham, Lincoln, LN6 3QU T: 01522 696646 F: 01522 814029 19 Directory of exhibitors continued... Rachel Carter Ruth Moilliet Teresa Wells Nottinghamshire Bury Warwickshire WILLOW / BRONZE / WIRE METAL / GLASS VARIOUS Richard Janes Simon Hempsell Thomas Kenrick Nottingham Chichester Somerset METALS IRON / STEEL STONE Richard Thornton Stephanie Cushing Walter Furlan Murano Harby Cotswolds Italy STAINLESS STEEL STONE GLASS Rosemary Barnett Stephen Kettle Wendy Campbell-Briggs Derbyshire Peaks London Northampton STONE SLATE CERAMICS / METALS Rosie Jones Taz Lovejoy Will Carr East Sussex Stourbridge Gloucestershire STONE / MARBLE LIGHT / VARIOUS METALS We specialise in providing property and business advice to predominantly rural businesses. Our team specialises in; buying and selling rural property, valuations, estate management, tenancy advice, environmental consultancy, grant funding opportunities, contract farming arrangements, budget and cashflow projections, renewable energy schemes and a wide variety other professional advice. Please call to arrange an initial confidential meeting without charge. Brigg 01652 654 833 20Doddington 2014 185x62.indd Grantham 01476 591 991 1 02/07/2014 11:07:24 Price list To purchase a sculpture please go to the Gatehouse, where you can secure your purchase with 25% deposit. Credit cards accepted. All works to be collected after the exhibition. No Exhibit TitleMaterialSculptorPrice 1Stallion HeadBronzeAdam Oliver £ 6,994 2 Blue Waves Glass & Stainless Steel Amanda Noble £ 180 3 Blue & Green Glass & Stainless Steel Amanda Noble £ 181 4 Green & Pink Glass & Stainless Steel Amanda Noble £ 181 5 Pink & Greens Glass & Stainless Steel Amanda Noble £ 160 6 In the Pink Glass & Stainless Steel Amanda Noble £ 181 7 Sea Blues Glass & Stainless Steel Amanda Noble £ 160 8 Love is...Predictive Concrete & Mixed Media Andrew Beach “Jungle” £ 3,250 9 Wakka Wakka Concrete & Mixed Media Andrew Beach “Jungle” £ 5,200 10 YunanCeramicAndrew Flint £ 2,340 11 EdenCeramicAndrew Flint £ 3,159 12 WomanAncaster StoneAndrew Smith £ 2,340 13 UlyssesPortland StoneAndrew Smith £ 3,250 14 Dante’s Angel Portland Stone Andrew Smith £ 3,640 21 No Exhibit TitleMaterialSculptorPrice 15 Siren Stoneware ceramic on Stone Angela Farquharson £ 2,803 16 Torn Stoneware ceramic on Stone Angela Farquharson £ 1,401 17 Dormant Beauty Bronze Resin Angela Farquharson £ 3,601 18 United Aluminium Resin on Slate Angela Farquharson £ 2,101 19 Garden Vision Iron, Resin & Wood Angela Farquharson £ 897 20 Dormant BeautyBronzeAngela Farquharson £ 3,601 21 Stirring BeautyBronzeAngela Farquharson £ 3,601 22 Serene BeautyBronzeAngela Farquharson £ 3,796 23 EvanescenceBronzeAngela Farquharson £ 2,301 24 Serenity BronzeAngela Farquharson £ 2,301 25 Ecstasy Bronze on Kilkenny Marble Angela Farquharson £ 1,535 26 Sleeping Grace Bronze on Portland Stone Angela Farquharson £ 230 27 Aphrodite Porcelain on Wood Plinth Angela Farquharson £ 156 28 Rapture Porcelain on Wood Plinth Angela Farquharson £ 170 29 Ecstasy Torso Porcelain on Wood Plinth Angela Farquharson £ 170 30 Coffee Cups Portland Stone, Chalks, Flints Anthony Heywood £ 5, 850 31 Disappearing Elephants Steel, Nails, Time, Patination Anthony Heywood £ 4,550 32 Colosseum4 Ceramic & Mixed Media Anthony Heywood £ 2,015 33 ColumnIV Ceramic & Mixed Media Anthony Heywood £ 1,625 34 Mother and Child Worked Iron Bob Oakes £ 728 35 Sculptural Seat Reclaimed & Reworked Iron Bob Oakes £ 975 36 Sowing SeedsIronBob Oakes £ 702 22 No Exhibit TitleMaterialSculptorPrice 37 White PeacockAluminiumCarlos Dare £ 520 38 FoxAluminiumCarlos Dare £ 325 39 WolfAluminiumCarlos Dare £ 780 40 Indian Runner Duck Aluminium Carlos Dare £ 130 41 Seventh Heaven (1) Willow Carole Beavis £ 325 42 Seventh Heaven (2) Willow Carole Beavis £ 325 43 Seventh Heaven (3) Willow Carole Beavis £ 325 44 On Cloud Nine (1) Willow on Steel Armature Carole Beavis £ 553 45 On Cloud Nine (2) Willow on Steel Armature Carole Beavis £ 553 46 On Cloud Nine (3) Willow on Steel Armature Carole Beavis £ 553 47 Transient BronzeCharles Westgarth £ 1,950 48 Ascent BronzeCharles Westgarth £ 1,950 49 RhythmBronzeCharles Westgarth £ 1,950 50 AwakeningBronzeCharles Westgarth £ 1,950 51 Evolution BronzeCharles Westgarth £ 2,340 52 Sunworshipper Cast stoneChristine Baxter £ 312 53 Nixie Cast stoneChristine Baxter £ 553 54 Three Graces Cast stone Christine Baxter £ 59 55 ChloeCast stoneChristine Baxter £ 137 56 SejaCast stoneChristine Baxter £ 137 57 MetamorphosisCast stoneChristine Baxter £ 137 58 NeptuneCast stoneChristine Baxter £ 117 59 Lion Head on Block Cast stone Christine Baxter £ 59 60 JoyCast stoneChristine Baxter £ 1,034 61 The Enchanted Flowers Galvanised Mild Steel Christopher Townsend £ 553 62 The Forever Wychwood Oak Galvanised Mild Steel Christopher Townsend £ 1,950 63 The Kingham Oak Galvanised Mild Steel Christopher Townsend £ 852 64 Giant Flower Galvanised Mild Steel Christopher Townsend £ 891 65 Large Flower Galvanised Mild Steel Christopher Townsend £ 345 To purchase a sculpture please go to the Gatehouse, where you can secure your purchase with 25% deposit. Credit cards accepted. All works to be collected after the exhibition. 23 Price Guide of Pieces on Show Looking for lawyers who will make a big impression? Lincoln and York 24 No Exhibit TitleMaterialSculptorPrice 66 Small Flower Galvanised Mild Steel Christopher Townsend £ 241 67 Dingily Dangiles Mild Steel Christopher Townsend £ 416 68 Giant Seed Head Cluster Mild Steel Christopher Townsend £ 813 69 Seed Head Cluster Mild Steel Christopher Townsend £ 397 70 The Under Wychwood Painted Mild Steel Christopher Townsend £ 351 71 The Little Tree of Life Mild Steel Christopher Townsend £ 260 72 The Enchanted Dance Bronze Christopher Townsend £ 3,575 73 MinervaMinnervois MarbleDan Archer £ 3,120 74 TeslaAncaster Limestone, NeonDan Archer £ 3,250 75 King Penguin Stoneware Ceramic David Cooke £ 1,950 76 Owl Stoneware Ceramic on Oak post David Cooke £ 1,690 77 Puffin Stoneware CeramicDavid Cooke £ 910 78 Galapagos Tortoise Bronze Resin David Cooke £ 2,470 79 The Hunter Paper, Wood, Light Davy & Kristin Mcguire £ 15,600 80 Jam Jar Fairy Glass, Wood, Light Davy & Kristin Mcguire £ 3,500 81 Psycho #2 Paper, Wood, Light Davy & Kristin Mcguire £ 6,240 82 Pinboard Paper, Wood, Light Davy & Kristin Mcguire £ 3,432 83 Decadent decay - A passage of time Mixed media Installation Donna Bramall £ 6,494 84 Splash! Stainless SteelDorothy Brook £ 2,730 85 Torso Twist BronzeDorothy Brook £ 4,160 86 MayaBronzeDorothy Brook £ 2,730 87 Power of Dance BronzeDorothy Brook £ 3,380 88 PoiseBronzeDorothy Brook £ 1,365 89 Contemplation Bronze and Bath Stone base Dorothy Brook £ 1,365 90 Arum Lily Group CopperEmily Stone £ 572 91 BulrushesCopperEmily Stone £ 98 92 Badger & CubCopperEmily Stone £ 3,380 93 Chickens, Large Hen Copper Emily Stone £ 104 94 Chickens, Small Hen Copper Emily Stone £ 85 To purchase a sculpture please go to the Gatehouse, where you can secure your purchase with 25% deposit. Credit cards accepted. All works to be collected after the exhibition. 25 No Exhibit TitleMaterialSculptorPrice 95 Cockerel CopperEmily Stone £ 143 96 Giraffe CopperEmily Stone £ 9,425 97 PoppiesCopperEmily Stone £ 46 98 SunflowersCopperEmily Stone £ 182 99 Relic box Mixed Media Francony Kowalski £ 12,350 100 Sixth Sense Mixed Media Francony Kowalski £ 12,740 101 Scylla CopperGiles Rayner £ 12,168 102 Siren (of The Odyssey) Copper & Stainless Steel Giles Rayner £ 13,260 103 Black Cosmos Kilkenny Limestone Guy Stevens £ 2,080 104 Ten Nodules Purbeck Blue Marble Guy Stevens £ 780 105 I Dream of Prickles Kilkenny Limestone Guy Stevens £ 455 106 I Dream of Prickles 2 Kilkenny Limestone Guy Stevens £ 455 107 Apple Shelter OakHandspring Designs £ 16,776 108 Mini Apple OakHandspring Designs£ 5,234 109 Onion OakHandspring Designs £ 8,248 110 Shallot Onion OakHandspring Designs £ 3,588 111 Jazz Man BronzeHelen Sinclair £ 19,350 112 Somewhere (Over the Rainbow) Bronze Helen Sinclair £ 25,500 113 If You Leave Me Sighing Bronze Helen Sinclair £ 15,250 114 Winter Walking 1*BronzeHelen Sinclair £ 5,850 115 Winter Walking 2** Stone Resin Helen Sinclair £ 6,500 116 Mother, Child and Teddy 1 Bronze Helen Sinclair £ 5,750 117 Mother, Child and Teddy 2 Stone Resin Helen Sinclair £ 3,950 118 The Sky Turned Upside Down Stone Resin Helen Sinclair £ 4,950 119 Gothic BronzeHelen Sinclair £ 5,750 120 CourtesanBronzeHelen Sinclair £ 2,750 121 Dreaming Sculpture with Roses Metal & Glass Hilary Cartmel £ 3,120 122 Head with a Thicket Steel & Cast Aluminium Hilary Cartmel £ 2,340 123 Juggler Steel & Cast Aluminium Hilary Cartmel £ 1,326 124 Gardener (Kate) Stainless Steel & Bronze Hilary Cartmel £ 3,120 125 Gardener with Dandilion Leaf Steel & Cast Aluminium Hilary Cartmel £ 2,340 126 Imagining the Summer Boarders II Stainless Steel, Cast Bronze, Steel Hilary Cartmel £ 2,340 127 Imagining the Summer Boarders III Stainless Steel & Bronze Hilary Cartmel £ 2,340 26 * Available as a stone-resin edition, price on request ** Available as a resin edition, price on request No Exhibit TitleMaterialSculptorPrice 128 Arc I Iron Resin & Steel Ian Campbell Briggs £ 4,550 129 LifeMarbleJames Sutton Not for sale 130 Pando Has KnotsCeramicJamie Frost £ 2,080 131 Against the TideCeramicJamie Frost £ 2,860 132 Proserpina, Proserpina, I Adore You Ink, Paper & Glass Jamie Frost £ 1,950 133 Light Work Ink, Paper & Glass Jamie Frost £ 975 134 Land’s End Drypoint Etching Jamie Frost £ 182 135 MarinaStonewareJennie McCall £ 2,275 136 DelphinStonewareJennie McCall £ 2,275 137 Hope Forged Steel & Blown Glass Jenny Pickford £ 2,340 138 Unferl Forged Steel & Blown Glass Jenny Pickford £ 3,744 139 Lily Forged Steel & Blown Glass Jenny Pickford £ 11,700 140 Alium Forged Steel & Blown Glass Jenny Pickford £ 8,580 141 Hope Forged Steel & Blown Glass Jenny Pickford £ 1,061 142 Circles of Life Forged Steel & Blown Glass Jenny Pickford £ 3,250 143 Peas in The Pod Forged Steel & Blown Glass Jenny Pickford £ 2,340 144 Large Loop Vessel Porcelain Jo Davies £ 2,860 145 Small Loop Vessel Porcelain Jo Davies £ 2,080 146 Trilogy I PorcelainJo Taylor £ 650 147 Trilogy III PorcelainJo Taylor £ 624 148 Guardian of the Promenade III Ceramic Jo Taylor £ 2600 149 Emergence CeramicJo Taylor £ 2,340 150 Eloquence ICeramicJo Taylor £ 1,040 151 Little Owl with Surprises Bronze Joel Walker £ 5,802 152 Great LoyaltyBronzeJoel Walker £ 12,350 153 DevotionBronzeJoel Walker £ 2,600 154 Swallow Air and Stone 155 156 Bronze on Lakeland Slate Joel Walker £ 1,989 Sand Martins Making the Special Home Bronze on worked Sandstone Joel Walker £ 2,990 Joyful and Playful Lambs Joel Walker £ 12,870 Bronze with white patination To purchase a sculpture please go to the Gatehouse, where you can secure your purchase with 25% deposit. Credit cards accepted. All works to be collected after the exhibition. 27 No Exhibit TitleMaterialSculptorPrice 157 Swallow Summer Flight Together Bronze Joel Walker £ 1,950 158 Waiting Kingfisher Bronze Joel Walker £ 767 159 Swallow Flight Bronze on Steel Joel Walker £ 1,950 160 Wolfhound BronzeJoel Walker £ 1,950 161 Ready Go! BronzeJoel Walker £ 2,600 162 Janus Steel with iridescent surface John Glew £ 1,950 163 Janus Steel with iridescent surface John Glew £ 3,380 164 Transmutation Steel with iridescent surface John Glew £ 4,030 165 Callisto Steel with iridescent surface John Glew £ 1,950 166 Galaxy 1 Steel with iridescent surface John Glew £ 1,950 167 Galaxy 2 Steel with iridescent surface John Glew £ 1,950 168 Hubble Bubble Steel with iridescent surface John Glew £ 494 169 Hubble Bubble 2 Steel with iridescent surface John Glew £ 533 170 Hubble Bubble 3 Steel with iridescent surface John Glew £ 533 171 Hubble Bubble 4 Steel with iridescent surface John Glew £ 533 172 Hubble Bubble 5 Steel with iridescent surface John Glew £ 351 173 Hubble Bubble 6 Steel with iridescent surface John Glew £ 351 174 Hubble Bubble 7 Steel with iridescent surface John Glew £ 351 175 SolitudeIron ResinJohn O’Connor £ 9,750 176 Beyond Limitations Iron Resin John O’Connor £ 12,350 177 Elephant SteelJohn Parker £ 10,400 178 OwlCopperJohn Parker £ 11,700 179 WolfSteelJohn Parker £ 6,500 28 No Exhibit TitleMaterialSculptorPrice 180 SnakeCopper, Sterling SilverJohn Parker £ 1,950 181 LadybirdCopperJohn Parker £ 390 182 FaceSteelJohn Parker £ 1,560 183 Spitfire BirdSteelJohn Parker £ 10,400 184 Falcon Ravina MarbleJohn Sutton £ 1,500 185 Reclining form Ancaster Weatherbed John Sutton £ 1,500 186 Torso Ancaster WeatherbedJohn Sutton £ 4,500 187 Leah Ancaster WeatherbedJohn Sutton £ 8,500 188 Hope II Carrara MarbleJohn Sutton £ 10,000 189 Male Torso Cast Stone Jonathan Newdick £ 325 190 Female Torso Cast Stone Jonathan Newdick £ 325 191 Cat, looking up Cast Stone Jonathan Newdick £ 260 192 Dandelion ClockAssorted MetalsJulie Grose £ 2,600 193 Orange Glass & SteelJulie Grose £ 715 194 PinkGlass & SteelJulie Grose £ 715 195 Cape Daisy Aluminium & Stainless Steel Julie Grose £ 975 196 Abstract Steel, Aluminium, Copper & Brass Julie Grose £ 2,600 197 Poppy Fire pit Mild Steel Julie Grose £ 1,105 To purchase a sculpture please go to the Gatehouse, where you can secure your purchase with 25% deposit. Credit cards accepted. All works to be collected after the exhibition. 29 Exhibit TitleMaterialSculptorPrice 198 Plum Blossom Gate Zinc sprayed Mild Steel Julie Grose £ 2,405 199 BowMild SteelJulie Grose £ 975 200 Checker Plate Flower Mild Steel Julie Grose £ 104 201 TomcatPlasterKathy Dalwood £ 995 202 Tank GirlPlasterKathy Dalwood £ 950 203 BookwormPlasterKathy Dalwood £ 995 204 Astronaut PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 950 205 Statsminister PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 950 206 Speed Freak PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 1,195 207 Architect PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 420 208 Art Lover PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 310 209 High Roller PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 330 210 Infanta PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 330 211 L’ingenieure PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 310 212 LafayettePlasterKathy Dalwood £ 330 213 Zoro PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 300 214 Lone Ranger PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 310 215 Bricklayer PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 310 216 Etoile PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 300 217 JosephinePlasterKathy Dalwood £ 310 218 Mme Maigret PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 300 219 GalileoPlasterKathy Dalwood £ 300 220 Berliner PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 330 221 Miss London Town Plaster Kathy Dalwood £ 330 222 Gold Digger PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 300 223 Miss Get-Set-Go PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 330 224 Demoiselle D PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 300 225 Highwayman’s Girl PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 310 226 Aviatrix PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 300 227 Mamselle ChateauPlasterKathy Dalwood £ 300 228 Miss Chattanooga PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 310 229 Tower Bridge DragoonPlasterKathy Dalwood £ 330 230 La Cavaliere PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 300 30 Exhibit TitleMaterialSculptorPrice 231 Mme Sacre Coeur PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 310 232 Ms Shakespeare PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 195 233 Mme Fruits PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 195 234 Miss GrapePlasterKathy Dalwood £ 195 235 Maestro PlasterKathy Dalwood £ 195 236 Light Dancers (set of three) Glass on glass mosaics Katie Green £ 85 237 Glory Glass on glass mosaics Katie Green £ 98 238 Red Sead Heads (set of three) Glass on glass mosaics Katie Green £ 293 239 Woodland Ferns (set of three) Glass on glass mosaics Katie Green £ 293 240 Green Shoots (set of three) Glass on glass mosaics Katie Green £ 358 241 Moon Dance (set of three) Glass on glass mosaics Katie Green £ 358 242 Blue Leaves (pair) Glass on glass mosaics Katie Green £ 436 243 Sunrise Glass on glass mosaics Katie Green £ 845 244 Elemental Galvanisied Steel wire & Copper wire Laura Antebi £ 11,700 245 Grazing Horse Galvanisied Steel wire & Copper wire Laura Antebi £ 9,620 246 Cockerel Galvanisied Steel wire & Copper wire Laura Antebi £ 1,300 247 Sharing Secrets Lost wax Bronze Laury Dizengremel £ 7,800 248 Three Looking Out Mixed Media Laury Dizengremel £ 455 249 Three Walking Mixed Media Laury Dizengremel £ 390 250 Three Walking in a Row Lost wax Bronze Laury Dizengremel £ 1,196 To purchase a sculpture please go to the Gatehouse, where you can secure your purchase with 25% deposit. Credit cards accepted. All works to be collected after the exhibition. 31 Exhibit TitleMaterialSculptorPrice 251 Five Walking Mixed Media Laury Dizengremel £ 650 252 Three - Two of which are Talking Lost wax Bronze Laury Dizengremel £ 1,170 253 Secrets Mixed Media Laury Dizengremel £ 410 254 Four Strolling Mixed Media Laury Dizengremel £ 520 255 Seven Gathered Mixed Media Laury Dizengremel £ 910 256 Heavy Horse Lost wax Bronze Laury Dizengremel £ 1,105 257 Saddle Horse Lost wax Bronze Laury Dizengremel £ 1,560 258 Labrador Looking Up Lost wax Bronze Laury Dizengremel £ 1,560 259 Labrador Looking Out Lost wax Bronze Laury Dizengremel £1,560 260 Archilles Gold & Bronzed Resin Len Gifford £ 2,256 261 Amazon Queen Gold & Bronzed Resin Len Gifford £ 2,256 262 Andromeda II The Watchers Green & Bronzed Resin Len Gifford £ 2,256 263 Amazon Queen,The Watchers Green & Bronzed Resin Len Gifford £ 2,256 264 Paris, The Watchers Green & Bronzed Resin Len Gifford £ 2,256 265 Bring Me Sunshine Bronzed Resin Len Gifford £ 2,548 266 Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head Bronzed Resin Len Gifford £ 2,548 267 Joy of Youth Bronzed Resin Len Gifford £ 2,548 268 Pods and sphere Stainless steel wire Linda Johns £ 1,820 269 Iris II Stainless steel wire & copper wire Linda Johns £ 1,300 270 Dancing figures I-IX Mild steel rod Linda Johns £ 5,850 271 Spirit weave III Stainless steel wire & copper wire Linda Johns £ 975 272 Head weave I Copper wire Linda Johns £ 520 273 Woman Walking Bronze Louisa Forbes £ 24,960 274 Spartan Horse Lead Louisa Forbes £ 10,270 275 Weston Torso Lead Louisa Forbes £ 10,920 276 LurcherBronzeLouisa Forbes £ 12,480 277 Mother & Child Lead Louisa Forbes £ 13,728 278 The Pythia Bronze Louisa Forbes £ 4,160 279 Minoan BronzeLouisa Forbes £ 4,420 280 EuropaBronzeLouisa Forbes £ 4,680 281 OpheliaPolycromed ResinLucy Kinsella £ 2,301 282 Othello Polycromed ResinLucy Kinsella £ 1,287 283 AnteaterBronze ResinLucy Kinsella £ 1,560 32 Exhibit TitleMaterialSculptorPrice 284 Avocado Greek MarbleLucy Unwin £ 637 285 DuckCornish SerpentineLucy Unwin £ 520 286 FossilOnyxLucy Unwin £ 874 287 PescePortoro MarbleLucy Unwin £ 728 288 Chrysalis OpalLucy Unwin £ 455 289 BirdFrench MarbleLucy Unwin £ 364 290 HestiaPortoro MarbleLucy Unwin £ 520 291 Elle Carrara MarbleLucy Unwin £ 2,600 292 CocoonsHand Blown GlassLynn Baker £ 254 293 Daisies Kiln Formed GlassLynn Baker£ 75 294 Rose is a rose is a rose... Mixed Media Marigold Hodgkinson £ 10,269 295 A rose, a rose Aluminum & Stainless Steel Marigold Hodgkinson £ POA 296 Splash Black Granite , English Oak Mark Stonestreet £ 1,040 297 FrankiePortland Lime StoneMark Stonestreet £ 4,550 298 Wobble Black Kuppam Granite Mark Stonestreet £ 2,600 299 Ripple wall Vaisakh Blue Granite Mark Stonestreet £ 2,860 300 One Liners Kanchipuram Granite Mark Stonestreet £ 9,750 301 Do re... Kanchipuram Granite Mark Stonestreet £ 4,550 302 Spring Bronze on Portland stone plinth Martin Duffy £ 12,545 303 Flower Nymph Bronze resin, Copper & Stainless Steel Martin Duffy £ 6,890 304 Secret Bronze, wrought iron chair Martin Duffy £ 6,955 305 Butterfly Girl Bronze Resin & Bronze Martin Duffy £ 2,603 306 Boxing HaresIron ResinMartin Duffy £ 1,157 307 Nesting Harvesy Mouse Iron Resin & Steel Martin Duffy £ 250 308 Zola Black Ceramic on stone plinth Martin Duffy £ 501 309 Little Beggar Iron resin on Portland stone plinth Martin Duffy £ 384 310 Pecking Portland & Kilkenny Limestone Martin Williams £ 9,360 311 Hidden Wings Portland & Riverbed Limestone Martin Williams £ 5,850 312 Nestling Bath & Sandstone base Martin Williams £ 1,521 To purchase a sculpture please go to the Gatehouse, where you can secure your purchase with 25% deposit. Credit cards accepted. All works to be collected after the exhibition. 33 No Exhibit TitleMaterialSculptorPrice 313 Preening Monmouthshire Red Sandstone Martin Williams £ 3,510 314 Perched Portland LimestoneMartin Williams £ 1,521 315 Distant Flight Bronze & Stone Martin Williams £ 928 316 Fledgling Bronze & Stone Martin Williams £ 928 317 Pecking Bronze & StoneMartin Williams £ 928 318 Angel Wing Carrara Marble Mel Fraser £ 15,600 319 Twisted Cube Carrara Marble Mel Fraser £ 6,500 320 Evolution series II 5 Brown veined Alabaster Mel Fraser £ 7,800 321 Disco Arancione II Orange Selenite Mel Fraser £ 5,200 322 Seated Rubenesque Figure I Blue Alabaster Mel Fraser £ 9,750 323 Seated Rubenesque Figure II Blue Alabaster Mel Fraser £ 9,750 324 Seated Rubenesque Figure III Blue Alabaster Mel Fraser £ 9,750 325 Sea Horse Mixed Media & Jesmonite Resin Melanie Deegan £ 1,235 326 Falcon Mixed Media & Jesmonite Resin Melanie Deegan £ 475 327 A Place in the Sun Mixed Media & Jesmonite Resin Melanie Deegan £ 1,008 328 The Time Travellers Horse Mixed media & Crystacal Plaster Melanie Deegan £ 1,170 329 Piaffe Mixed Media & Jesmonite Resin Melanie Deegan £ 572 330 Girl in a Hat Mixed Media & Jesmonite Resin Melanie Deegan £ 501 331 Glimpse of the past Bronze Michael McEntee £ 975 332 No RegretsBronzeMichael McEntee £ 1,170 333 The BullBronze & StoneMichael McEntee £ 1,235 334 155 Wishes Terracotta & Stone Michael McEntee £ 1,820 335 175 Resolutions Terracotta & Stone Michael McEntee £ 1,820 34 No Exhibit TitleMaterialSculptorPrice 336 The Flying Machine Steel & Wood Michael Scrimshaw £ 9,100 337 The Big Man Steel Michael Scrimshaw Not for sale 338 Untitled, 2011 AcrylicMichael Shaw £ 499 339 Untitled, 2011 AcrylicMichael Shaw £ 499 340 Untitled, 2011 AcrylicMichael Shaw £ 499 341 Untitled, 2011 Acrylic, PETG, Stainless Steel Michael Shaw £ 499 342 Untitled, 2011 Acrylic, PETG, Stainless Steel Michael Shaw £ 655 343 Untitled, 2011 Acrylic, PETG, Stainless Steel Michael Shaw £ 749 344 INF17 Mixed Media Michael Shaw Not for sale 345 Boundaries Limestone & Gold Leaf Michael Thacker £ 2,600 346 Nimbus Limestone & Palladium Leaf Michael Thacker £ 2,210 347 Divide Limestone & Gold Leaf Michael Thacker £ 1,625 348 Contour White Limestone & Gold Leaf Michael Thacker £ 1,170 349 Oculus Limestone & Gold Leaf Michael Thacker £ 975 350 Overlap Limestone & Gold Leaf Michael Thacker £ 1,105 351 CorePaternated CopperMike Savage £ 4,225 352 FishCopperMike Savage £ 40 353 BirdsCopperMike Savage £ 46 354 Backstroke Weatherbed Limestone Nicolas Moreton £ 12,000 355 Awakening Hardwhite Limestone Nicolas Moreton £ 8,000 356 Blossoming Relationship Pink Limestone Nicolas Moreton £ 15,000 357 Angel of Serenity Italian Marble Nicolas Moreton £ 2,000 358 The star that came out at night Italian Alabaster Nicolas Moreton £ 1,500 359 She Loves me She Loves me Not Italian Alabaster Nicolas Moreton £ 1,500 360 Forget Me Not Weatherbed & Kilkenny Limestone Nicolas Moreton £ 4,750 361 Floral Essence Portuguese & Persian Marble Nicolas Moreton £ 1,750 362 Snapdragon Portuguese Marble Nicolas Moreton £ 1,500 363 The Corkscrew by Rob Higgs Bronze One of One £ 162,000 364 LiquidityAluminum One of One £ 4,250 To purchase a sculpture please go to the Gatehouse, where you can secure your purchase with 25% deposit. Credit cards accepted. All works to be collected after the exhibition. 35 No Exhibit TitleMaterialSculptorPrice 365 Sentinel Blue Ceramic, Acrylics, Slate Patricia Volk £ 1,799 366 Sentinel Brown Ceramic, Acrylics, Slate Patricia Volk £ 1,799 367 Chakra Mild & Stainless Steel Paula Groves £ 850 368 Machine Mother Stainless SteelPaula Groves£ 650 369 Orbit Stainless SteelPaula Groves £ 5,000 370 Running Rings II Stainless Steel Paula Groves £ 275 371 Segmented Cor-Ten (Weathering Steel) Paula Groves £ 1,150 372 Shore Stainless SteelPaula Groves £ 650 373 Triangulation Stainless Steel, Mild Steel & Copper Paula Groves £ 1,750 374 Triangulation II Cor-Ten (Weathering Steel) Paula Groves £ 750 375 Triangulation III Cor-Ten (Weathering Steel) Paula Groves £ 900 376 Cornucopia with Bees Ceramic Penny Green £ 299 377 Night ThoughtsCeramicPenny Green £ 273 378 Pastoral LandscapeCeramicPenny Green £ 299 379 What do I see? Ceramic Penny Green £ 228 380 Here I am Porcelain Penny Green £ 390 381 Patchwork dish 1 Ceramic with gold lustre Penny Green £ 137 382 History Patchwork dish 2 Ceramic Penny Green £ 137 383 Daughter of AlbionCeramicPenny Green £ 182 384 Angel over MadridCeramicPenny Green £ 182 385 Travelling LightMixed MediaPenny Hardy £ 2,600 386 Leaping Hare Mixed Media Penny Hardy £ 2,600 387 Happy Frog (large) Stainless Steel Pete Rogers £ 17 388 Happy Frog (small) Stainless Steel Pete Rogers £ 10 389 Large BirdStainless SteelPete Rogers £ 16 390 Small BirdStainless SteelPete Rogers £ 10 391 CatStainless SteelPete Rogers £ 21 392 Little DragonStainless SteelPete Rogers £ 1,170 393 HeronStainless SteelPete Rogers £ 520 394 Green ManStainless SteelPete Rogers£ 455 395 Cheshire CatStainless SteelPete Rogers£ 455 396 Fern ScreenStainless SteelPete Rogers £ 650 397 Oak Leaves Galvanised Steel & Plastic Pete Rogers £ 520 398 Cat Seat Galvanised Steel, Copper Pete Rogers £ 2,340 36 No Exhibit TitleMaterialSculptorPrice 399 NegentropyBogwoodPeter Little £ 5,525 400 Cacao Lantern Mixed Media Peter Little £ 845 401 Negentropy 2 Bogwood Peter Little £ 7,183 402 The PodMixed MediaPeter Little £ 7,150 403 Trojan HorseSolid ResinPhil Thompson £ 2,990 404 After the Rain Bronze & Bath Stone Philip Hearsey £ 1,275 405 Episode Bronze & Stainless Steel Philip Hearsey £ 1,625 406 Hartland Tide Bronze & Steel Philip Hearsey £ 2,100 407 Deep Waters VIIBronzePhilip Hearsey £ 2,100 408 PlungeBronzePhilip Hearsey £ 1,349 409 Rhino Recycled & Forged Steel Rachael Long £ 32,500 410 Mini Bronze - Red Cast Bronze Rachel Carter £ 3,510 411 Mini Bronze - Green Cast Bronze Rachel Carter £ 1,950 412 Copper Allium collection Copper & Stainless Steel Rachel Carter £ 5,200 413 Fallen EggWillowRachel Carter £ 988 414 Ascension SteelRichard Janes£ 2,275 415 FlockSteelRichard Janes £ 1,625 416 Red Curve Aluminium & Stainless Steel Richard Thornton £ 23,400 417 Black Curve Aluminium & Stainless Steel Richard Thornton £ 23,400 To purchase a sculpture please go to the Gatehouse, where you can secure your purchase with 25% deposit. Credit cards accepted. All works to be collected after the exhibition. 37 Enjoy our Farm Shop, Cafe, Restaurant & India Jane Interiors Store Doddington Hall | Doddington | Lincoln | LN6 4RU | Estate Office: 01522 694 308 | No Exhibit TitleMaterialSculptorPrice 418 Folding Sail Polished Stainless Steel Richard Thornton £ 8,450 419 Spatial Curve Polished Stainless Steel Richard Thornton £ 1,560 420 Four Curves Polished Stainless Steel Richard Thornton £ 1,170 421 RushPolished Stainless SteelRichard Thornton £ 780 422 SwanBronzeRosemary Barnett £ 3,835 423 Basking Nude Cararra Marble Rosie Jones £ 1,300 424 TenderCararra MarbleRosie Jones £ 1,300 425 Pollination Stems - Meadow Flower Anodised Aluminium & Stainless Steel Ruth Moilliet £ 910 426 Pollination Stems - Exotic Flower Anodised Aluminium & Stainless Steel Ruth Moilliet £ 410 427 Pollination Stems - Echinacea Anodised Aluminium & Stainless Steel Ruth Moilliet £ 150 428 Pollination Stems - Eryngium Anodised Aluminium & Stainless Steel Ruth Moilliet £ 150 429 Bud Anodised Aluminium & Stainless Steel Ruth Moilliet£ 14,000 430 Wildflowers Anodised Aluminium & Stainless Steel Ruth Moilliet £ 7,000 431 Wall Flowers Anodised Aluminium & Stainless Steel Ruth Moilliet £ 225 432 A Herd of Deer Steel £ 3,250 Simon Hempsell 433 Cow Parsley SteelSimon Hempsell £ 956 434 Black & Gold Twist Potoro Marble Stephanie Cushing £ 3,380 435 Koru 2 Fiore di Pesco Marble Stephanie Cushing £ 1,950 436 Bright Stones 1 & 2 Bronze Stephanie Cushing £ 3,640 437 CeresStatuary MarbleStephanie Cushing £ 3,640 38 39 40 No Exhibit TitleMaterialSculptorPrice 438 Bust of Churchill Welsh Slate Stephen Kettle £ 14,495 439 Metamorphosis Silicon Cupcake cases & Elastic Taz Lovejoy £ 124 440 Union Blossom Welded, powder coated keys Taz Lovejoy £ 390 441 Key Lights Welded, powder coated keys Taz Lovejoy £ 247 442 Underlock and Key Welded, powder coated keys Taz Lovejoy £ 520 443 House of Cards Mixed Media Teresa Wells £ 975 444 6th August 2012 (The Crooked Knife) Mixed Media Teresa Wells £ 1,495 445 30th July 2012 Mixed Media Teresa Wells £ 1,495 446 Long Gallery ‘Selfie’ Mixed Media Teresa Wells £ 2,470 447 Portland Tower Portland Stone Thomas Kenrick £ 150 448 Chrysalis Killkenny Limestone Thomas Kenrick £ 910 449 Riveting Meniscus Killkenny Limestone Thomas Kenrick £ 1,040 450 Acer hex Ancaster Limestone Thomas Kenrick £ 156 451 PodAncaster LimestoneThomas Kenrick £ 481 452 Dividing Pod Ancaster Limestone Thomas Kenrick £ 416 453 ButterflyAncaster LimestoneThomas Kenrick £ 416 454 La Sorpressa (Head) Glass Walter Furlan Murano £ 14,495 455 Cry No More Porcelain, Linen Cord, Paper Wendy Campbell-Briggs £ 845 456 Chrysalis Porcelain, Steel wire, Oak Wendy Campbell-Briggs £ 845 457 Species Loss IV Porcelain, Steel wire, Oak Wendy Campbell-Briggs £ 845 458 Sycamore Seed SteelWill Carr £ 390 459 Gecko SteelWill Carr £ 645 460 WoodlouseSteel GalvanisedWill Carr £ 995 Whilst every effort is made to ensure that all details are correct at the time of publishing errors and omissions may occur and Doddington Hall and Gardens and its agents accept no responsibility. Sculpture prices should be checked at the time of order. All prices exclude installation and delivery unless specified. 41 Acknowledgements With thanks to Claire and James Birch for the use of the wonderful house and grounds at Doddington Hall. To all the staff at Doddington, full time and part time who have helped make the exhibition possible as well as all our kind sponsors. Also to David Waghorne -, for organising and co-ordinating the event and Bazzoo for design, marketing materials and website. If you are interested in holding a sculpture event and what it might mean to you, call: David Waghorne at Sculpture Events 07973 501 461 or email: 42 Sponsored by: Supported by: Sculpture Events David Waghorne 07973 501 461 Design, print, web & mobile apps by 01636 821 407 43 Doddington Hall & Gardens Lincoln LN6 4RU