Rev. Katie Culbert - Unitarian Universalist Church of Tampa


Rev. Katie Culbert - Unitarian Universalist Church of Tampa
As a member congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association,
we covenant to affirm and promote our UU Principles:
The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
Acceptance of one another and encouragement of spiritual growth in our
A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our
congregations and in society at-large;
The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;
Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
One Place, All Faiths: Creating a caring, justice-seeking community
11400 Morris Bridge Road  Tampa, FL 33637  Phone 813-988-8188
E-mail:  Web Site and Youtube Services:
Rev. Patricia A. Owen, Minister
Unitarian Universalist Church of Tampa
We, the members of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tampa,
covenant with one another:
To strengthen our church community while following our own spiritual paths,
To honor diversity as a source of communal strength and to be a welcoming
Because our acts and words weave the web that connects us to one another:
We accept responsibility for what we do and say,
We communicate with one another in kindness and support,
We promote the safety and well being of the congregation,
We practice the democratic process,
We support this church with our money and time.
We make our contributions with compassion and commitment,
We work together to build a joyful community that affirms peace justice and
spiritual fulfillment.
We hold ourselves and each other responsible for adhering to this covenant.
The vision of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tampa is to be:
a center for liberal religious education for people of all ages;
a community of caring and committed individuals diverse in
identity and theology;
a haven for those seeking a positive spiritual experience;
a positive force in the community for justice and equality.
UUCT Board of Trustees:
Kim McDonald – President
Lynn Parrish- Vice President
Pat Benedict- Treasurer
Jodi Pecoraro- Secretary
David Reddy
Roger Polcyn
James Shaw, Jr
Chuck Smith
Melissa Nicholson
Sunday, August 7, 2016
‘Making Peace with Women’s Bodies’
Guest Speaker- Rev. Katie Culbert
*Please remember to turn your cell phone ringers off during the service.*
Unitarian Universalist Church of Tampa
August 7, 2016
Eleven O’clock - Sunday Celebration
We recognize our ‘Joys, Sorrows, & Concerns’ during our celebration by bringing the book
on the table front left of the room to our pulpit and reading the citations. Before the
beginning of our Sunday Celebration or during the opening music and welcoming words
please write a short notation (with or without name) recording the significant
experience or event you wish shared.
*Please stand in body or spirit.
Gathering Music No.368
‘Now Let Us Sing’ ~ Congregation
Welcome ~Rev. Katie Culbert
Greet Your Neighbors
Meditation in Music ‘You and I (Nobody in the
World) Song by John Legend
Reading ~ Rev. Katie Culbert
Words by Sean Neil-Barron
Our Offering
‘Everything is Beautiful’ ~Faye Turke
Song by Ray Stevens
Video ‘Skinny’
By Dodie Clark
‘Making Peace with Women’s Bodies’
Rev. Katie Culbert
Announcements ~ Rev. Katie Culbert
* Closing Hymn No. 131 ‘Love Will Guide Us
Lighting of the Chalice ~ Rev. Katie Culbert
Closing Words ‘The Hand in Yours’
~ Rev. Katie Culbert Words by Rev. Erika A. Hewitt
Words by Oberlin Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, OH
* Hymn No. 21 ‘For the Beauty of the Earth’
Story For All Ages ~Erin Powers
Passing the Flame to our Religious Exploration
classes, Singing our Children & Youth to Classes
No. 413 ‘Go Now in Peace’
Sharing of Joys, Celebrations and Milestones
~Care Team Member
*Extinguishing of Chalice and Rite of Community
“Touch each other with gentle hands, let your heart embrace the
universe, hold to each other while life shall last,
oh my friends, hold on.”
A warm welcome is extended to our visitors today.
Please join us in the small dome for conversation and brighten
your day and ours by using a yellow mug for your refreshment.
We hope you will come again.
Pastoral Prayer ~ Rev. Katie Culbert
By Bruce Southworth
Silent Meditation
Guest Speaker- Rev. Katie Culbert
Accompanist and Special Musical Guest- Faye Turke
Sound- Bill Blymiller; Audio Visual- Diane Gainforth and Joe Adles,
Slideshow Content Provider – Diane Gainforth
Happening Today
Sunday, August 7
Membership Com. Luncheon (MPB room 3 & 4)
Monday, August 8
Dulcimer Group Meeting (small dome)
Tibetan Buddhist Meditation
UUCT mUUsic Meeting (small dome)
Tuesday, August 9
Mindfulness Meditation
Wednesday, August 10
VESPERS (sanctuary)
RE Committee Meeting (MPB room 5)
Finance Committee Meeting (MPB room 2)
Chalice Circle Meeting (MPB room 3)
Thursday, August 11
Executive Committee Meeting (MPB room 3)
Social Justice Committee Meeting (MPB room 3)
Friday, August 12
Yoga Class (MPB)
Teen and Adult Game Night (MPB)
Saturday, August 13
Buildings and Grounds Workday
Playground Project
Al-Anon (MPB room 2)
Sunday, August 14
Membership Committee Meeting (MPB room 3)
Teacher Training (MPB room 4)
Monday, August 15
Chalice Circle Meeting (MPB room 3)
Dulcimer Group Meeting (small dome)
Tibetan Buddhist Meditation
UUCT mUUsic Meeting (small dome)
Tuesday, August 16
Mindfulness Meditation
Communications Committee Meeting (MPB rm 3)
Wednesday, August 17
VESPERS (sanctuary)
Thursday, August 18
Board of Trustees Meeting (MPB room 3)
Friday, August 19
Yoga Class (MPB)
Saturday, August 20
Board of Trustees Training (MPB room 3 & 4)
Al-Anon (MPB room 2)
CUUPS Full Moon Celebration (large dome)
Guest Speaker today is Pastor Katherine "Katie"
Culbert. Rev. Katie graduated with a Master of
Divinity degree from Meadville-Lombard
Theological School. She is a part-time Chaplain at
Tampa General Hospital, served as the Director of
Religious Education for children and youth at our
own Unitarian Universalist Church of Tampa for
eight years and recently completed a two-year
position as Intern Minister at the Unitarian
Universalist Church of Sarasota, Florida. Her
passions are family ministry, Unitarian Universalist
evangelism, social justice, worship arts and sparking
the imagination of Unitarian Universalist leaders in
thinking of bold new ways to create religious
community and grow our faith. Katie lives in Tampa
with her two children, Casey and Desi and her
husband JD.
“Share the Plate” We continue to share the plate today. All cash and checks collected
during the offertory will be donated to Tampa Bay Crisis Center. Please make
checks out to UUCT with Share the Plate in the memo line. All pledges to
UUCT should be written out and identified as such on the memo line.
Join us after the conclusion of the service today in the refurbished
Little Dome for coffee. Please remember our coffee and snack
fund is self sustaining, so before you partake, please stuff a dollar
into the donation can. If you have been enjoying the variety and
quality of snacks make sure you continue to fund it. Thank you and
Vespers Every Wednesday at 6pm
UUCT will offer a short, contemplative service every
Wednesday for anyone and everyone at 6PM in the
sanctuary. The service will last about 30 minutes. There are
readings, reflections, music, joys, and concerns and some
other components as well! If you are in the area, stop in for
a hump day break.
Our Care Team sends greeting cards, makes hospital visits and follows up with
congregants who are experiencing joys or sorrows. Please let us know if you or
someone in our congregation is in need. Contact Tempie Taudte at 813-598-6740 or
Next Sunday, August 14, 2016
The Conversations on Leadership Group meets on the fourth Wednesday of the
month at 6:45 pm; multi-purpose building room 3 The Group is moving on to
Module 3 of "Passing the Torch: Leadership Development in Your Congregation." The
topic is “How Do We Prepare Our Leaders.” This module is set up differently from
the others, so each participant is asked to present one of the topics under “Sensibility,”
“Skills,” or “Self” that they find interesting. Please come join us in the discussion of
leadership development topics! Email Kim McDonald at for
Music Sunday
Worship Associate- Bill Blymiller
August 14 will be the latest in the (quasi)traditional Music Sunday. A day when the
members get to showcase their talents and we all can enjoy their musicality. Music is a
language of its own, with its own sense of expression. This is where we can share with
our friends the import of that language to us all. If you would like to perform on Music
Sunday please let either Jae Polcyn or Bill Blymiller know before Wednesday, August
10. That will allow us to get the information in the Order of Service. The most efficient
way of contacting us is through the email This is a lot of
fun, and a way to express our gratitude to each other and to the world.
It is a better place when there is music.
Padmasambhava Buddhist Center of Tampa Bay now holds Buddhist practice in
the large dome; Mondays at 7pm For more information on PBC International please
The UUCT MUUsic Group meets every Monday evening at 7:30 in the Small
Dome. In the spirit of old-time hootenannys and good-time jam sessions, this is an
informal gathering of musicians, vocalists, and just plain music lovers who want to make
or listen to mUUsic. Everyone is welcome, regardless of ability.
The UU Mindfulness Meditation Group: Tuesday at 6:00pm. This week we are
meeting in the small dome. These are two twenty minute meditations with a five minute
walking meditation between them. A short Loving-Kindness recitation is practiced. We
close with a short reading and discussion. All are welcome. Contact: Grant Wilson and
Diana Stevens;
second Friday of the Month; we meet in
the main room in Multi-Purpose Bldg.,
6:30-9:00'ish. - If you haven't been to Game
Night recently, come on out - it's a lot of fun.
Make new friends or hang out with old ones.
Come play Mexican Train Dominoes (a
perennial favorite) or other games of your
choice. Excellent refreshments provided, for
questions, email
Light Yoga Class, Friday at 11 am. Yoga Class meets in the Multi-Purpose
Building. Bring a mat or towel and wear loose or stretchy clothing. We do light yogic
stretching with no difficult poses. Cost: $6. (a church fund-raiser) Facilitator: Grant
Wilson; All are welcome.
Circles in the Woods CUUPS: All Circles in
the Woods CUUPS activities are open to the
public and held at UUCT. The only cost is a
love donation. Families with children are
welcome. No pets please. Plan to stay to
socialize afterwards. Bring a dish to share.
For more information about Circles in the
Woods CUUPS, e-mail Check the UUCT
online calendar for monthly Full Moon
Al-Anon meets in the multi-purpose building on Saturdays at 10:30 am each week.
For additional information about Al-Anon in Hillsborough County, call 813-881-9372
or visit us on the web at
Rev. Patricia will be on vacation from July 28th through August 7th and then
Study leave will follow; August 8th through August 21st. Study leave will be filled
with some finalization of plans for our community starting in September. Please see my
July Domelight article for a taste of what’s in the works! I will make emergency contact
information available as the end of July draws closer. In faith, Rev. Patricia
UU Dome
Concerts present:
UUCT Day Trippers~ August 13, 2016 Our next Day Trippers excursion
is to the International Independent Showmen’s Museum in Riverview on
Saturday, August 13. The museum offers photographs, eclectic memorabilia, and
artifacts spanning a century of traveling carnival and circus shows. Car pool will leave
the church promptly at 12:00 noon and return late-afternoon. Cost is $10 for admission
and $4 cash gratuity to carpool driver. RSVP with one of the co-organizers, Ron
Phillips at 813-997-0920 or Mary Wolgemuth at 720-252-3443 or Please include your telephone number and indicate passenger
only or willingness to drive, if needed.
Join our on-line groups: This is a church wide list about church events
and sponsored events. It is open to church members and friends as subscribers. This is a list that is in reference in
Social Action that is not a church or sponsored event. It is open to church members
and friends as subscribers. This is for UUCT members who want
to share, sell, swap items, information or ask for assistance of some kind. This is for
UUCT members only.
Can’t come to church? Can’t remember something you read in the announcements?
Each week’s Order of Service and the weekly announcements will now be available on
our Facebook page and on the website. On the website, it will appear next to the
announcement of that week’s service in “A Month of Sundays.” The church's Facebook
page is public and therefore open to anyone to view. You can view the church's
Facebook page here: Submitted by Christine
UUCT Death Café; begins September 25th, 1:15-3:15PM (after Conversations with
the Board) Sound morbid? It really isn't! As we learn to care for one another our ability
to share and learn about end of life issues is key to living well. Follow up dates: Oct.
9th, 23rd and 30th. Registration required, minimum attendance – 10
Join others on Saturday morning to help with keeping the buildings & grounds beautiful
Building and Grounds Clean-Up Day!
Saturday, August 13 - 9am-Noon
Rev. Patricia Owen- Office hours: Monday; Appointment Only, Tuesday- Thursday; 11am-5pm. Friday is
Rev. Patricia’s day off. Only urgent calls please. Call her at 804-347-8159 or email at
with questions, ideas, needs and to confirm her availability at church office.  Erin Powers, Director of
Religious Education for Children & Youth: Regular hours are Wednesday 3:30-8:30pm; Email her at; Linda Turnipseed, Office Assistant: Regular hours are Tuesday & Thursday 9am-2pm;
813- 988-8188
With John Hancock &
Magic Marco Duo Opening
Cost: Love Offering Appreciated!
Sunday, August 21, 2016 AT 3:00PM
“Nolan has been blessed with a rich Irish Voice and an Irish way with word. In
his singing and his musical arrangements he helps his listeners to feel the pain,
the joy, the humour, the triumph, the sadness, the longing, as deeply as did the
old songs of the tradition.” Ron Duffy, Canadian Folk Music Bulletin, Calgary,
John Hancock & Magic Marco Duo: John Hancock is not only known as
the greatest doorman on the planet ( ah la his long-time stance @ the door of
the Skipperdome ) but John is also known as a mighty fine musician. Mighty
fine! He & Magic Marco (a mighty fine harmonica man ) are teaming up as a duo & will warm
things up for Brendan. A special treat!
S u p p o r t
L i v e
M u s i c !