October 14, 2012 - St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church
October 14, 2012 - St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church
YEAR OF FAITH Ordinary Time 28 October 14, 2012 Sondra, Sarena and Ava Lane Joyce Beauregard Kate, Henry, Nicholas, Shawn and Stella Barry Juanita Murphy and Kathy & William Seck YEAR OF FAITH Ordinary Time 28 October 14, 2012 DOES CHRIST FAVOR THE POOR OVER THE RICH? October 15th – October 21st 9am Mass Florencia Cunanan 9am Mass †Sue Kane 6:15pm Mass †Bill Helean 9am Mass †Bill Helean Monday Teresita Gonzalez Tuesday Roger Kane Wednesday Caryl & John Prati Thursday Pac a Sac Crew The 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00pm Mass Souls in Purgatory 9:00am Mass Our Parish Family 11:45am Mass †Marcelino Eloy Ybarra SATURDAY Paul Phillips SUNDAY Fr. Jack SUNDAY Juanita Millsap Sacrament of Forgiveness (Penance, Reconciliation, Confession) Mon /Thurs/ After Morning Mass (Just ask Father after Mass) Saturday from 4:00pm – 4:30pm Confessions by Appointment Wednesday at 5:45pm Come, Visit the Lord In The Blessed Sacrament We highly encourage prayer and adoration in the Real Presence of Christ in the Tabernacle. The chapel is accessible at all times. The combination is 415. The door will lock safely behind you. Today’s gospel passage raises some troubling questions, even for Peter and the disciples. Let’s take a closer look. It begins with a young man searching for the key to everlasting life. He’s followed the commandments since he was a child, but still doesn’t feel justified before God. So Jesus looks at him lovingly and invites him to go and sell all that he has and to come back and follow him. But the man goes away sad because he was attached to his many possessions. Jesus tried to tell him that he could have what he was really looking for—treasure piled up in heaven—by giving up what he already had. The young man apparently wasn’t ready to receive the gift that would make him truly rich—being made right with God! As the young men went away sad, Jesus seizes the occasion to teach his disciples that being attached to one’s possessions makes it very difficult to have the gift of eternal life that is promised to those who follow him. Peter and the disciples are described as amazed, even incredulous. They apparently thought that since they were the followers of the Son of God this would result in having more of the good things of this world. Though they were themselves poor in a material sense, they harbored a desire to have more things. Just as Jesus seems to dash these hopes he renews the promise of the fullness of life to those willing to put their love for him and his teachings ahead of every other relationship and every other thing. So who does Jesus love more—the rich or the poor? I believe the answer is that he loves the poor because they don’t have to give up as much to follow him. But he also loves the rich who are not attached to their possessions but are willing to put their resources into the service of building up the kingdom of God on earth. But the rich or the poor who fail to express an interest in knowing what they must do to have eternal life are no friends of Jesus. YEAR OF FAITH Ordinary Time 28 October 14, 2012 Liturgical Ministry Assignments If you are unable to serve when assigned, Please do your best to arrange for a replacement Oct 20 Saturday Coordinator Patti Muzny Server 10/1-10/31 CLERGY APPRECIATION MONTH CM 10/21 YEAR OF FAITH SESSION I VATICAN II in History 10:15am-11:30am Joyce Center 10/24 YEAR OF FAITH SESSION II VATICAN II Begins 7pm-8:30pm Joyce Center 10/24 Confirmation 2013 10/27 CLERGY APPRECIATION/ FR. JACK’S BIRTHDAY POTLUCK 11/06 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Gift Bearer Hospitality Knights Chamb Lector ALTAR FLOWERS If you would like to make a special offering for the large arrangements of flowers on the pedestal—for a special occasion or in memory og a loved one— just call the parish office. PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE IN HARM’S WAY Joseph W. Santee Clay Kelly Teddy Dickinson Brad Bussa ______________________________________ NEED A RIDE TO VOTE Our 4th Degree members will provide transportation for any parishioner who needs a ride to vote on November 6th. Call Bob Culbert, Faithful Navigator, at 579-9153 or 306-7111 to make arrangements for a ride. We have several Knights who have offered their services. 5:00pm Andrew Spellman, Mark Chenevey, Sarah Spellman Roy Lyle, Sherry Bussa, Robert Bussa, Celia Brown, Patricia Stiefer, Thomas Strotman, Fred Spellman, Glen Brown, Loraine Stewart Mary Ed Cain, Via Hlad, Nancy Lyle, Sean Herilla, Sam Muzny Joanne Lane, Kelsey Riva, Martin Fitzgerald, Colleen Fitzgerald, John Fitzgerald Denise Dwyer, Linda Trimble Oct 21 SUNDAY 9:00am Coordinator Raymond Hulley Servers Kolbey Duclos, Ryan Orland, AJ Martell CMs Elza Jones, Tony Darnell, Mercy Hulley, Mary Earing, Steve Cullip, John Minter, Eual McCrite, Gayla Maupin, Gina Crissman, Mary Schultz, Frank Bruehl, Jan Bruehl, Michael Mathis Gift Bearer Tony Jr Galier, Kathleen Noxon, Jaci Noxon, Corina Sanchez, Ron Schaefer Hospitality Joe Johnson, Tu Ho, Michael Joseph, Samuel Schroeder, Teresa Schroeder Lector William Orland, Amber Johnson Oct 21 SUNDAY Coordinator Server Deborah Friedt Matthew Grover, Thomas Tran, Alyssa Underwood Ann Grover, Clyde Grover, Noreen Valadez, Phillip Moore, Kelly Gibbons, Bernie Denker, Peggy Denker, Shelly Durham, Kathleen Ellertson, Rose Cook, Michael Friedt Gerardo Hernandez, Cindy Quiles, Gabriela Pineros, Rebecka Quiles, Kristen Hincke Ed Tucker, Joseph Gibbons, Kay Tucker, Miles Simpson, Eileen Simpson Martha Penisten, Christa Pankowsky CMs Gift Bearer Hospitality Lector 11:45am YEAR OF FAITH Ordinary Time 28 October 14, 2012 PAC A SAC Pat Duke reports Pac A Sac was able to help 88 families consisting of 206 adults and 100 children during the month of August. Thanks to all those who support this worthwhile endeavor. CURRENT NEEDS Brown Grocery Bags Bread Ramen Noodles Fruit Rice ______________________________________ PLEASE PICK UP DISHES IN THE KITCHEN Due to recent activities, we have an accumulation of dishes belonging to Parishioners. If you are missing a dish, please COME to the KITCHEN and check the table for your items. Thank you so much. OUR SINCERE CONDOLENCES Megan York succumbed to a kidney disease at the tender age of 16. Throughout her life she was given the greatest love and care by her parents, Wanda & Ron York. Megan’s grandparents, Wayne & Wilma Wolfenkoehler, and her aunt and uncle, Warren & Sherry Wolfenkoehler (and cousin Wyatt) are long time and faithful members of St. Andrew’s. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to all of them. May her soul, and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in Peace LOOKING FOR GRAPHICS DESIGNERS We have a lot of pictures and text that we need to weave into what will become a Memory Book in connection with our 50th anniversary as a parish. We could use some help from people who may, in fact, do this for a living and can lend us a hand. Please call Fr. Jack if you can be of help. Or send an email at fatherjack@standrewmoore.com Caryl Prati, RN Parish Nurse Parish Nursing is growing in OK! Over 120 registered nurses have taken the Basic Foundation Course. We have created a professional nursing organization called Faith Community Nursing Association of OK (FCNAOK). We are an interdenominational organization, promoting faith community nursing throughout OK. We currently meet quarterly, covering Tulsa and OKC areas. Celebrate with us as we have exciting news to share. We received approval as a 501c3, tax-deductible organization! What an application process this was. Look on our website <www.fcnaok.org> for more information about our activities and events. A MINISTRY OF CARING Please pray for our sick and homebound Janie O’Connor Evelyn Ullmann Sally Meyers Jim Mayeaux Larry Harvey Giesla Packet Sylvia Watkins Allan Provost Jan Douglas Ella Onspaugh Denise Cook Bill Ellsworth Margaret Koehl Melodie Fite Lydia Garza Janet Jones Tom Mills Mary Boyer Cletus Kane Toni Kane Lois Malone Donald Landt Bob Crissman Darlene Seck T. Woolbright Rosemary Persa Molly Gonzalez Betty Roberts Ramona Orland Teresa Hawkins Johnny Yingling Elinor Thompson Carlos Mercado Bill Reeder FIRST PENANCE PROGRAM UNDERWAY Children in the second grade and above who are attending Mass and RE classes regularly will be receiving direction from their parents as to how we celebrate the sacrament of penance as Catholic Christians. Their parents met with Fr. Jack following the 9am Mass to get an overview of how the process works. Parent and student books were picked up afterwards. YEAR OF FAITH Ordinary Time 28 October 14, 2012 Stewardship of Treasure Sacrificial Giving Oct 7th FYTD PFYTD 12,867 181,371 177,628 4,148 46,378 50,403 26 346 17,041 228,095 228,031 Other Income 1,377 29,033 26,464 Total Income 18,418 257,128 254,495 Sacrificial Giving Building Fund Children/Teens Total Contributions SUNDAY MORNINGS 10:20—11:25 Knights Chamber Catholic High School Ministry SUNDAY MORNINGS 10:20—11:25 Youth Center CONFIRMATION 2013 SESSION II WED OCTOBER 24th 7pm CONTACT KATHLEEN ELLERTSON at 735-6738 Participation in Life Teen and the special Confirmation Prep sessions ARE NOT OPTIONAL unless you have made special arrangements with Fr. Jack. Pre–K: Sundays DURING 9:00 & 11:45 Masses Grades K-5 Sundays 10:20 – 11:25 We wish to take this opportunity to thank all our catechists and parent volunteers for their cooperation in fulfilling the requirements of our Safe Environment program. Doing so make it possible for all parents to know that St. Andrew’s is a safe place for classes and activities involving their children. Each year the Safe Environment Curriculum, Circles of Grace, mandated by the Archdiocese requires our catechists to present a class to alert students to things they can do to help ensure their physical and emotional safety. You can check this curriculum out at http://archokc.org/religiouseducation-office/safe-environment-curriculum. Our Children’s formation coordinator, Amber Johnson, also has a copy that you could look at here. This year’s SE Curriculum lesson will be present on NOVEMBER 4 during the regular classtime. If you do not want your child to participate in the lesson on November 4, then the Archdiocesan Safe Environment protocol requires you to fill out the parent refusal form and turn it in to Amber Johnson by October 28. The forms are available on the orange countertop outside the LifeKids hallway. You can place completed forms in the plastic holder hanging outside Amber’s office door. ______________________________________ JOURNEY OF FAITH OCTOBER SESSIONS 17th & 24th at 7pm CHILDREN’S JOURNEY OF FAITH OCTOBER SESSIONS 17TH, & 24TH 7pm Life Tots Room This program is for children in the second grade or above who have not been baptized. If you would like to help SVdP keep hope alive in our community and have about two hours per week to devote to making home visits with other members, please contact Jerry Penisten at 7931041. Please visit us at www.standrewmoore.com. YEAR OF FAITH Ordinary Time 28 CLERGY APPRECIATION MONTH Copy the letters in the numbered cells October we same are number providedto with the toEach other cells with the opportunity to honor and thank the bishops, reveal the message. priests, and deacons who have played an important part in our lives. Do you remember any of the following: The deacon or priest who baptized you or your children? The priest who gave you First Holy Communion? The bishop or priest who confirmed you? The priest of deacon who presided at your wedding? The priest who buried your loved ones? Any bishop, priest, or deacon who played an important part in your faith life? Why not make contact via letter, card, or email just to let one or more of them know that you are still grateful? There are 3 baskets in the Commons for each of the clergy here at St Andrew. Use these for personal well-wishes. THE BIG BASKET ON THE TABLE is for your PRAYERS for all the clergy who have been part of your lives, including Father Jack, Deacon Angus and Deacon Jerome. Use the slips of paper to write your prayer, then drop it in. We will bring this basket forward during mass at the end of the month. PRIESTHOOD SUNDAY CELEBRATION POTLUCK SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27TH After the 5pm mass TO HONOR ALL WHO SERVE US AS CLERGY It just happens to be Fr. Jack’s birthday on the 26th October 14, 2012 Celebrating A Year of Faith WHAT HAPPENED AT VATICAN II? Few events have so shaped and influenced our Catholic faith than the Second Vatican Council which began the first of its four sessions on October 11, 1962. This is true even for the many people who know little or nothing about what is popularly referred to as Vatican II. As an important part of our observance of this special Year of Faith called by Pope Benedict XVI, we will conduct two inspiring and informative sessions so that our parishioners can appreciate how this council and its sixteen documents have impacted our Catholic faith over the past fifty years. Deacon Joe Forgue, who holds a degree in how adults learn, will be the principal presenter. FIRST SESSION SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21 10:20—11:30 IN JOYCE CENTER SECOND SESSION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24TH AT 7PM IN JOYCE CENTER Fifty years ago this month, nearly 3000 bishops and heads of religious orders from around the globe gathered in Saint Peter's Basilica for the opening session. In addition there were scores of theological experts present who had been invited Pope John XXIII to assist the bishops in their work. There is plenty of evidence that the Holy Spirit also showed up to inspire and guide the proceedings. This number included three bishops and one theological expert who would become Popes: Paul VI, John Paul I, Blessed John Paul II, and our current Holy Father, Benedict XVI. The Council brought the Church once again in her long history to a "new beginning" for proclaiming the Gospel and Person of Jesus, the Risen Lord, this time fashioned by the call for a fine-tuned aggiornamento (updating) that would occasion a long overdue conversation with the modern world. Up until Vatican II, the Church looked sternly at those who were labeled modernists because of the fear that they would undermine the ages old foundation of the Church and its Sacred Traditions. It would prove a bumpy ride; and controversy over the meaning of the Council continues down to the present. YEAR OF FAITH Ordinary Time 28 October 14, 2012 10/14 Monday 6:30pm 7:00pm Oct 15 EDGE Core Group Room 5 Catholic Scripture Bible Study Youth Rm Tuesday 5:30-8pm 6:30pm 7:00pm Oct 16 Music Practices Boy Scouts LifeTeen Core Group Wednesday 10am 4:30 pm. 7:00 pm 7:00pm Oct 17 Book Club Bell Practice Teen Night Journey of Faith Thursday 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Oct 18 St. Vincent dPaul Room 5 Great Adventure Bible Study Room 5 Youth Prayer Room A Knights of Columbus Chamber Saturday 10:00am October 20 Cursillo Meeting Church Youth Rm Room 5 JC Library Room A Youth Center Joyce Center Room A 10/15 10/16 10/17 10/18 10/19 10/20 Kay Benshoof, Maria Beardsley Pete & Ann-Marie Verdicchio Terrell & Shea Lewis David & Diane Beardsley David & Regine Drake John and Gail Gonshor Bentley & Bonnie Hedges Daniel Dorman Jon & Julie Denton Peter & Sunho Bussum Vu Tuan and Quyen Lang 54 62 18 7 19 2 25 13 10 14 24 11 10/14 Ed Tucker, Richard Saltos, Susan Schachle 10/15 Samuel Schmidt, Teresa Pontius, Ken Pontius, Jordan Thompson, Derrick Lyle, Julia Lee, Amber Johnson, Rebecca Orland, Allyson Dutoit, Justin Tharp, Amanda Stiles, Carri Beck 10/16 Dustin Beck, Claudia Ramos, Gary Wright, Abigayle Lanoue, Lawrenz Aguilar, Samuel Dicus, Christa Pankowsky 10/17 Katie Walker, Gary Desjardins, Matthew Metcalf, Andrew Metcalf, Timothy Rosa m Sunday Oct 21 10:15am Coffee & Donuts NO RE CLASSES-Fall Break 10/18 Beverly Zondor, Nichole Walker, Ric k Atkins, Jason Adams, Nicole Walker, Jordan Alley, Roberto Gaytan m _______________________________________________ 10/19 Taylor Plackemeier, Christopher Weld, Ann Brewer, Dahlia Lehman, Tresa Bowmaker, Estera Angheluta, Julie Denton, Dan Dooling, Roberto Rodriguez PICK UP PRE-ORDERED COPIES IN THE COMMONS ADDITIONAL COPIES AVAILABLE IN GIFT SHOP 10/20 David Huynh, Sara White, Charlie Cusack, Taylor Barnes, Anh Pham, Tyler Spear, Danielle Soliz YEAR OF FAITH Ordinary Time 28 October 14, 2012 James, Teresa, Jake, Casey, Ty and Zachary Crook Rick and Gina Atkins We Need Your Photo for our 50th Anniversary Memory Book Debra, Bria, Bryce and Kelly Hanlon