Welcome to UAB
Welcome to UAB
WELCOME TO UAB TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. GETTING TO THE UAB 2. FINDING THE BELLATERRA CAMPUS 3. SABADELL CAMPUS 4. INTERNATIONAL WELCOME POINT 5. LEGAL ISSUES 6. ACCOMMODATION 7. COST OF LIVING 8. FOOD 9. LIBRARIES & COMPUTER SERVICES 10. LANGUAGE COURSES 11. STUDENTS BUILDING 12. SPORT 13. ENVIRONMENT 14. SOLIDARITY & ATTENTION TO THE DISABLED 15. FINDING A JOB 16. HEALTH 17. MEDICAL INSURANCE AND SOCIAL SECURITY 18. OTHER SERVICES 19. TELEPHONE NUMBERS UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA C-31 EL PRAT AIRPORT C-32 LL DA N RO L DE GRAN VIA DE LES DE D RRAGONA AP-7 TO TA > AND LLEIDA T AL IG M 6 4 TÚNEL DE LA ROVIRA BARCELONA 5 C- 58 AP-7 B-3 0 TO GIRONA AND FRAN CE > BADALONA 6 MA TA RÓ 32 C- TO > NA E > RO C GI RAN TO D F AN 7 -1 C CERDANYOLA 413 BP-1 CATALUNYA RONDA DEL LITORAL L NA CORTS CATALANES SANTS GO DIA RONDA DE DALT 3 TÚNEL DE VALLVIDRERA SANT CUGAT DEL VALLÈS 1 BV-1414 8 R 2 SABADELL C-5 IVE -2 AP N RO DA -2 -1 C TERRASSA R 0 B-3 M S SÒ BE AP AP-7 NA VE C-1 6 GETTING TO THE UAB ER ID IA RI AT R OBR EG 1 TR GA IVE R LL OB RE GETTING TO THE UAB 1 BELLATERRA CAMPUS 2 SABADELL CAMPUS FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS STUDIES SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING 3 TEACHING UNIT AT VALL D’HEBRON UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL 4 TEACHING UNIT AT SANTA CREU I SANT PAU UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL AND UAB-CASA CONVALESCÈNCIA 5 TEACHING UNIT AT HOSPITAL DEL MAR 6 TEACHING UNIT AT “GERMANS TRIAS I PUJOL” UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA S55 S5 S2 B Pl arc . C el o a ta nalu ny a A .v T ib id ab o V S all v u pe idr rio era r - R El ein ise a nd a S5 Sa n tC ug at S55 S2 FGC T Ra erra m ss bl aa RENFE U Au niv t òn ers om itat a Ru bí Sa ba de ll R am bl a 2 FINDING THE BELLATERRA CAMPUS There are several ways of getting to the UAB campus: BY TRAIN: The distance from Barcelona to the Campus is 2 zones, so you can buy a ten-journey ticket and other tickets, which can be used by more than one person if travelling together. 2 FINDING THE BELLATERRA CAMPUS RENFE Line C4 - Cerdanyola Universitat station. From Barcelona you can take the train from Sants, Plaça Catalunya, Arc del Triomf and Sant Andreu Arenal. The journey takes around 30 minutes from the centre of Barcelona, with trains leaving every 30 minutes. FGC (Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya) TEL RENFE: +34 902 320 320 Line S2: Barcelona-Sabadell, station: Universitat Autònoma.In Barcelona, this train stops at Plaça Catalunya, Provença, Gràcia, Muntaner and Sarrià. You can also take this train from Sant Cugat, Sant Quirze and Sabadell, among other places. At Sant Cugat station, there is a connection with line S1 (Terrassa and Rubí). WEB: www.renfe.com All trains to Sabadell, UAB or Barcelona stop at the University. The journey time to Barcelona – Plaça Catalunya is 30 minutes, and trains depart approximately every 10 minutes. TEL. FGC: +34 93 205 15 15 WEB: www.fgc.es (Spanish National Railway Network) UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA BELLATERRA CAMPUS 2 Ciències i Biociències Escola d’Enginyeria Lletres i Psicologia CC. Educació - FTI Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres i de Psicologia Facultat de Ciències i Biociències Biblioteca d’Humanitats RENFE Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i Sociologia Facultat de Ciències de l’Educació SAF Facultat Economia i Empresa Facultat de Traducció i d’Interpretació FGC Eix Central ETSE - SAF Eix Central Facultat de Dret Rectorat Escola Postgrau Hemeroteca i Biblioteca de Comunicació / Treball Campus Escola Postgrau FGC Facultat de Ciències de la Comunicació Biocampus Medicina i CC. Comunicació Rectorat Veterinària APPLUS Facultat Veterinària Plaça Cívica: - Edifici d’Estudiants - Sales de Cinema i Teatre - Punt d’Informació - FAS i PIUNE - IWP Facultat de Medicina / Servei de Llengües Vila Sud Vila 1 Vila Nord Escola de Prevenció i Seguretat Integral EU de Turisme i Direcció Hotelera Vila 2 BUS UAB 1. Blava: Renfe - Rectorat (per Ciències) 2. Vermella: Renfe - Vila Nord (per Medicina) 3. Verda: Ciències - Biocampus 4. Groga: Renfe - Rectorat (per Eix Central) Bellaterra 5. Lila: Renfe - Vila Nord (per Eix Central) Via per a cotxes/motos Parada bus Servei assistencial de Salut Via apta per a bicis Pàrking Hotel Serhs Campus Camí de vianants Biceberg FINDING THE BELLATERRA CAMPUS BY CAR The easiest way to get to the UAB by road is to take the motorway. You can check the motorway exits on the following map. AP-7: direction Tarragona-Lleida, if travelling from the north; direction Girona, if travelling from Barcelona or the south. 2 FINDING THE BELLATERRA CAMPUS BY BUS SARBUS provides a bus service from Barcelona to UAB (outside metro station L1 Fabra i Puig or outside train station RENFE Sant Andreu Arenal). A bus leaves every 30 minutes. The journey takes approximately 30 minutes. There are daily bus services from many towns, including Igualada, Badalona, Sabadell and Mataró. C-58: Barcelona-Sabadell-Terrassa. Several other roads connect Bellaterra with the surrounding towns and villages. TEL. SARBUS: +34 93 580 67 00 WEB: www.sarbus.com CAR SHARING The Student Services Office manages the Shared Transport Service, with the aim of enabling members of the university community to offer their vehicle or find a vehicle to share when they travel to the Autònoma. By sharing your car with other students you help to preserve the environment and reduce your own costs. MORE INFORMATION: http://etc.uab.cat/classificats.php UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA Sabadell Fairs and Conventions Centre GA DON OVA RER DE C CARRER DE MONTCADA CAR S C. COMTE DE REU Club Sabadell Swimming RENFE Central Station C. DE LES TRES CREUS 3 SABADELL CAMPUS Central Bus Terminal TA RER DE IS NAV BO CAR Sabadell Campus CARRER D’EMPRIUS Restaurant & Bar TA E C. D AVIS BON Student Car Park RER CAR Teaching and Administrative Staff Car Park MTE S CO DEL Main Entrance Library S S EU ES CR R ST ER RR CA DE LE Student Car Park UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 4 INTERNATIONAL WELCOME POINT The International Welcome Point (IWP) is located at the Plaça Cívica of the Bellaterra Campus and provides information for students, lecturers and administrative and services staff from other countries. At the IWP they will provide you with: • Welcome pack and useful information for your stay at the UAB • Information and assessment on residence legal issues Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9:30 am to 7:00 pm. Wednesdays from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. Summertime July and August 9:30 to 3:00 pm. INTERNATIONAL WELCOME POINT (IWP): E-mail: international.welcome.point@uab.cat Tel. +34 93 581 22 10 UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 5 LEGAL ISSUES ID CARD FOR FOREIGNERS (TIE or NIE) After entering the European Union you need to begin the process of applying for a Student Residence Authorization. Here are some useful addresses, although we recommend that you to go to the IWP for assistance with the application process. NIE 1st time: National Police station in the town or district where you are registered. TIE RENEWAL UAB's International Welcome Point can help you get started with the application process. You also can renew your Student Residence Authorization Card at the Government Subdelegation (appointment needed): www.mpt.es Subdelegación del Gobierno Oficina de Extranjeros, C/ Múrcia, 42, 08027 Barcelona. Metro: Navas/ Clot L1 · Clot/ Bac de Roda L2 The TIE is a temporary permit that permits you to stay in the country for the period of your studies. The card is valid for a maximum of one academic year and can be renewed annually until you finish your studies. Your academic performance will be taken into account when renewing your permit. The document gives you the right to remain legally in the country while you study. UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 5 WORK PERMIT If you were offered a work contract by UAB, IWP can inform you about how to apply for a work permit. These work permits should be applied in the Servei d’Ocupació de Catalunya (Catalonia Work Office) http://www.oficinadetreball.cat/socweb/opencms/s ocweb_ca/home.html RETURN PERMIT (Document that allows you to come back to Spain while your TIE is being renewed) You must book an appointment online at: http://www.mpt.gob.es UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 6 ACCOMMODATION The University Village (Vila Universitària) is strategically located, offering comfortable accommodation for students or staff who come from outside the local area. The 860 residential units vary in size, providing accommodation for a total of 2,300 people with a wide variety of available services and benefits. It is a real on-campus city, with parks, leisure areas and all the basic services that residents require (laundry, bakery, supermarket, etc.) There are good road links and regular trains to Barcelona, Sabadell, Cerdanyola del Vallès and Sant Cugat del Vallès. Vila2 shows you a new phase integrated by apartments named type Q, exclusively destined to teaching and research staff, administration and services staff, and third cycle students. VILA UNIVERSITARIA If you visit the web of the Vila Universitària at http://www.vilauniversitaria.com you will find the reservation form for apartments/rooms in the Campus hall of residence or a flat/room in any of the towns close to the Bellaterra Campus. More information: e-mail: vila@vilauniversitaria.com Tel. +34 93 581 70 04 · Fax +34 93 580 91 86 www.vilauniversitaria.com UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 6 ETC OFFICE - ACCOMMODATION The ETC Office (Edifici d’Estudiants de la UAB) provides information and advice on renting off-campus private accommodation and also advertises details of accredited landlords and property on the web. There you will be able to check for room rental offers as well as flats. You can search by location, price and also by public transport facilities. http://etc.uab.cat/habitatge.php You can also contact the Accommodation services: BARCELONA HOUSING SERVICE FOR STUDENTS www.bcn-housing-students.com (apartments, rooms, flats for rent, hostels, halls of residence…) C. Torrent de l’Olla, 219 · 08012 Barcelona Tel. +34 93 238 90 72 · Fax +34 93 228 92 59 info@bcn-housing-students.com HABITATGE JOVE C. Enric Granados, 19, entresol 1a. Tel. +34 93 323 90 68 http://www.habitatgejove.com/webv2c/es/index.htm DEPARTAMENT D’HABITATGE DE LA GENERALITAT (rules, guide, advice, sources…) http://www.cat365.net/Inici/FetsVitals/CanviardeCasa/ SECRETARIA DE JOVENTUT http://www20.gencat.cat/portal/site/Joventut (Left Menu HABITATGE: Servei de Borsa Jove d’Habitatge) UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 6 OTHER WEB PAGES TO FIND ACCOMMODATION EXTERNAL UAB The UAB facilitates, as a way of information, the links to web pages that offer housing for students, but it takes no part either in the management of the mentioned web pages or in the formalization of the contracts of rent and, in consequence, does not take responsibility for the possible disagreements that could stem from the relations between tenants and landlords. http://www.loquo.com http://www.pisocompartido.com http://www.barcelonesjove.net/guialloguer/ http://www.jove.cat http://www.provivienda.org http://es.bcu.cat http://www.idealista.com http://www.fotocasa.es http://www.habitamos.com http://www.barcelona-allotjament.com https://www.compartir-habitatge.net http://www.lloguerjove.com http://www.pisos-estudiantes.com http://www.buscopiso.com http://www.enalquiler.com UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 7 • • COST OF LIVING You will need to bear in mind the basic expenses you might have while studying at UAB. In order for you to be able to adapt your budget accordingly, we have included a list of the main items and their approximate prices: RENT Vila Universitària - Vila2 External shared apartment / Shared apartment (Vila Universitària) Shared apartment / Non-shared apartment (Vila2) (Check the web for prices: http://www.vilauniversitaria.com) Accommodation in Barcelona • • Shared apartment: 260 - 400€ Non-Shared apartment: 700 - 1200€ Accomodation in Cerdanyola del Vallès • • Shared apartment: 180 - 270€ Non-Shared apartment: 500 - 800€ Accomodation in Sabadell • • Shared apartment: 210 - 300€ Non-Shared apartment: 600 - 800€ FOOD The amount of monthly food expenses ranges from 250 to 350 € • • • • • • A hamburguer: 5€ A sandwich: 4€ Breakfast at the Uni Bar: 4€ Lunch at a cheap restaurant: 7 - 12€ Lunch at the Uni Bar: 5 - 7€ Go out for dinner: 20 - 30€ UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 7 TRANSPORTS GET TO THE CAMPUS BELLATERRA UAB Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC) 2 zones Station: “Barcelona-Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona” Check for prices in: http://www.fgc.cat/esp/cercador.php Cercanias de RENFE 3 zones Station Renfe: “Barcelona-Cerdanyola Universitat” Check for prices in: http://www.renfe.com/viajeros/cercanias/barcelona/index.html Transportes metropolitanos de Barcelona (TMB): AUTOBÚS / METRO / FGC Check for prices and zonemap in: http://www.tmb.cat/ca_ES/home.jsp Cards: Single ticket / 10 journey card / Monthly card / 50/30 card / Youth card (under 23) FREE TIME • • • • • • Club entrance: 10 - 30€ Music Show or Concert: 20 - 80€ Football match: 20 - 100€ Museum entrance: 5 - 15€ Cinema entrance: 7 - 10€ Theatre entrance: 12 - 50€ Generally speaking, monthly expenses are approximately the following: • • • • Food: 250 - 350€ Personal expenses: 160 - 220€ Transport: 60 - 70€ Accommodation: 250 - 500€ TOTAL: 720 - 1200€ UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 8 FOOD On the Bellaterra campus there is a wide variety of catering outlets, with bar service and self-service restaurants and pizzerias. Currently, they serve around 4,500 full meals a day, as well as other products such as sandwiches, pizzas and single-course meals. Most of the catering areas are open from 8:00am to 7:30pm. CATERING SERVICES: Tel. + 34 93 581 27 73 http://servei-restauracio.uab.cat/ UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 9 LIBRARIES & COMPUTER SERVICES The UAB libraries are organised according to the different areas of learning offered by the University. They house more than 1 million books and more than 47,000 periodicals. There is also a large documentary archive that includes maps, posters, photographs, microfilm and microfiche, videos and CD-ROMS. Each library has reading rooms, computers with Internet access and separate workspaces for researchers, all of which can be accessed free of charge with a student card. The Social Sciences Library has a study room that is open 24 hours a day all year round. The Library Services Department organises information sessions for new students at the beginning of each course. UAB LIBRARIES • • • • • • • • • • • • Humanities Library Science and Technology Library Social Sciences Library Communication and General Newspaper Archives Medicine Library Medicine Library-Sant Pau Teaching Unit Vall d’Hebron University Library of Medicine and Nursing Hospital del Mar Library “Germans Trias i Pujol” Hospital Library Veterinary Medicine Library Sabadell University Library Map Library UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 9 DOCUMENTS ON LOAN The majority of library documents can be borrowed. To use this service, you must belong to the university community and have an accredited card and borrow the documents at a library loan desk. The number of documents that can be borrowed depends on the type of card you have. LIBRARY SERVICE: www.bib.uab.es PHOTOCOPIES There are photocopiers in all UAB libraries. All photocopiers work with coins and/or prepayment cards that can be acquired at OCE Company desks and at the libraries. Keep in mind that libraries do not have machines that give change. Cards for 100 copies can also be purchased for €3.39 at locations of the OCE company where you can also print, photocopy and buy the Reading Pack assigned by your professors. OCÉ REPRODUCTION: Centre at Plaça Cívica Open from 8.30 am to 7.50 pm Services: photocopies, prints, laminate… Tel. 93 581 3827 es.info@oce.com UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 9 WI-FI This service makes accessing the Internet network with an ordinary laptop possible without the need of cables. You can do so at buildings that have Wi-Fi coverage. To know which buildings have coverage, consult the library information desks. You will need a web identification number to access the Wi-Fi network. Steps to gain access: • Write the name of any UAB page in your browser (for example www.uab.cat ). You will then receive an access page on which you will have to choose the type of access (guest or personalized). • If you choose personalized access, you will be taken to a new page for validation where you will have to type in your NIU and password. If you are an Eduroam user, your identification will be the same as the one you use to connect to the network of your own organization. Where it says NIU enter your user identification followed by the @ symbol and the dominion of the organization you are from (for example @udg.edu if you are from the University of Girona). COMPUTER SERVICES Computers can be found at each faculty and, depending on the timetable, are for free use or for teaching purposes. Check any time. You have to introduce your NIU and password to use the computers. Students can print their academic documents and personal work by using these rooms and the printers. UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 10 LANGUAGE COURSES The Language Service (UAB Idiomes) offers Catalan language courses for newly arrived students. These courses enable students to understand written and spoken Catalan and to begin to speak and write it. They are subsidised by UAB until completing the basic level and may be recognised as credits. Timetables and levels can be consulted on the Language Service website. To complement these courses the Language Service offers a Centre for Independent Language Learning and a series of linguistic and cultural activities (Ajuda’m programme): conversation groups, a resource centre for independent learning, the opportunity to receive support, practice the language and find out about the culture and traditions with a fellow UAB student. Apart from Catalan and Spanish you can also take English, French, German, Italian and Japanese. Before enrolling all students must take a level test. Language ServiceUAB Idiomes courses may be recognised as credits. LANGUAGE SERVICE www.uab.es/servei-llengues EXCHANGE LINGUISTIC http://etc.uab.cat/classificats.php?subcat=11 UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 11 STUDENTS BUILDING The Students Building (Edifici d’Estudiants-ETC) is located at Plaça Cívica, the main centre of the Bellaterra campus. It is a place for meeting, for creation and production, participation and integration, and is open to help the members of UAB community academically and at a personal development level. Some of its activities include: • Cultural groups organising dance and theatre shows, orchestra, choirs and Jazz ensembles. • Artistic programmes and cinema shows. • Artistic development courses and workshops. • Equipments and space for exhibitions. • Classifieds ads for housing. • Resources for associations and collective groups (space and materials) • Programmes for associations and collective group projects. • Programmes for prescriptive advice. • Welcome programme for international students. • Advice and support for international students. • Psychopedagogical advice. • Programmes for student advisers. UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 11 ACTIVITIES The activities consist on programmes to promote cultural activity on campus. It also works as a cultural information point, offering details of all cultural events taking place at the university, and informing students on how to organise their own activities: • Cultura en Viu is the cultural support and promotions program, offering a range of artistic activities, some performed by professional artists and some by the members of the UAB community. Students are encouraged to participate in the cultural groups. • The Mentor Programme offers the support of local students to those students coming from abroad, in order to facilitate their integration in the academic, social and cultural life at the UAB. • The Tandem Programme offers informal linguistic exchanges between students, both local and international, who are interested in practising languages by conversing to each other. • Trips and activities for International students program works all along the academic year and offers visits, excursions and guided tours around the city of Barcelona and other emblematic places in our country. • The International Students Welcome Days take place the first week of each semester and, with all its activities schedule, they are a first introduction to the academic, social and cultural life of the Campus for those students who have recently arrived, as well as a way of getting to know other students, both local and international. STUDENTS BUILDING http://etc.uab.cat UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 12 SPORT The sports installations and facilities at the UAB campus, administered by the Physical Activity Service (SAF),are the most comprehensive to be found in the surrounding area of El Vallés, and amongst the best in Catalonia as a whole. The following sports facilities can be found within our complex: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 covered swimming pools Gymnasium, specifically oriented to fitness activities with music, dance… 5 squash courts 2 paddle tennis courts 5 tennis courts 1 covered boulder climbing wall 1 climbing wall 1 covered multisport pavilion 1 fronton 1 artificially surfaced football pitch 1 hall for lighter gymnastics 3 saunas 1 fitness room 3 changing rooms The Sports Section also provides competitions in team sports and individual sports. SAF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY SERVICE www.uab.es/saf UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 13 ENVIRONMENT UAB is a University with a long tradition of compromise with the environment preservation. It has an Action plan for the sustainability and an Environment Office. HOW CAN I CONTRIBUTE TO MAKE UAB MORE SUSTAINABLE? Here you can find some tips to make the UAB as ecofriendly as possible: • Recycling. You can recycle the paper depositing in the blue containers that you will find inside the faculties. You can also recycle other types of remainders (batteries, tonners, plastic…) in the “Clean Point” (Vertedero) that is located in the Facutly of Ciències north, near the Fire brigade station. • Buying recycled products. You can buy products made with recycled material in the Abacus (stationery) in Plaça Cívica. • By using bycicle or public transport to come to University. • Reducing the generation of residues by using a cup to have tea in the automatic machines (“no glass” option). UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 13 • Get information from the environmental information showcases of the faculties, about the environmental management projects carried from/conducted the UAB. • You can also discover the magnificent natural environment of the UAB walking through the two nature paths marked that cross natural unique spaces and give you the opportunity to know the characteristic flora and fauna from the campus. ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICE www.uab.cat/agenda21 www.uab.cat/mediambient Tel. +34 93 581 49 16 e-mail: medi.ambient@uab.cat UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 14 SOLIDARITY & ATTENTION TO THE DISABLED PARTICIPATION AND VOLUNTEERING FUNDACIÓ AUTÒNOMA SOLIDÀRIA (FAS) The mission of the Fundació Autònoma Solidària is to contribute to building a university that is more supportive and committed to real social situations, through the voluntary participation of the university community as an instrument for including groups at risk of exclusion. VOLUNTEERS If you think situations of injustice and exclusion exist, and if you think this situation should change and you are convinced that this is possible, you can sign up as a volunteer with the FAS. In addition to your studies, here you will find people like you who share your values of justice and solidarity. The volunteers make it possible to experience a different reality, to learn and to have fun! Come to the FAS, find out more and join us! UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 14 HEALTH PROMOTION In the Area of Health, FAS offers information about: • Taking drugs: the problems of using drugs and the risks and pleasures that they can provide. • Contraception, AIDS/HIV prevention, HIV testing and other aspects related to healthy sexual relationships. • A healthy diet and eating disorders. You can contact us through Xiringu, the free and confidential information point where we will listen to your problems, without judging, and give you all the information you need to make your decisions. COOPERATION In the Fundació Autònoma Solidaria we believe that true changes have to come from new attitudes and lifestyles. You can therefore take part in courses, talks, lectures and cinema forums on the UAB campus - and help to make changes based on reflection and analysis. If you share your concerns and you would like to join us, or if you simply wish to receive information about our activities, you can find us in the Area of Cooperation for Development of the FAS. UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 14 PIUNE – SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a student with a disability, we want you to know that our support service can work with you in organising your curricular requirements and offer you all the technical and technological support that you may need during your studies at the UAB. We also offer information about how you can gain access to the rest of the UAB services. Our aim is to make the university accessible to everyone and that everyone can have an autonomous and independent experience. PIUNE, Services for People with Disabilities at the UAB offers: • Welcome programmes aimed at students coming to the university for the first time. • Personalised tutoring and teaching. • Adaptations to the curriculum to ensure guaranteed accessibility to the content and adequate evaluation systems. • Adapted transport service on the UAB campus and personal accompaniment for pedestrians. • Management for the adaptation of spaces within the university and the removal of any architectural barriers. • UAB Centre for Technical and Technological Resources. FUNDACIÓ AUTÒNOMA SOLIDÀRIA You can find us at: Plaça Cívica Tel. 93 581 24 85 fas@uab.cat www.uab.cat/fas UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 15 FINDING A JOB At the Treball Campus office, located at the Plaça Cívica, you can ask for help in job related issues: • Informing you about jobs related to your professional studies, labour legislation, and addresses of companies. • Orientation and advice on how to find a job, how to write a CV and a cover letter, to prepare for a job interview and a selection process. • Its Borsa de Treball (Recruitment classify), which will give you access to job offers. • It gives you the opportunity to find work placements that fit your studies. • Offering professional courses of transversal competences and with credit recognition. • Organising Campus forums to meet with Companies and Enterprises. TREBALL CAMPUS e-mail: treball.campus@uab.cat Tel. +34 93 581 28 00 www.uab.es/treball-campus UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 16 HEALTH UAB HEALTH SERVICE The Healthcare Service (Servei Assistencial de Salut SAS) on campus offers a range of health services to the whole university community. To use the service you will need your ID card or passport and your UAB ID card. Furthermore, various groups organise a range of health programmes promoting healthy lifestyles. • First-Aid Unit Medical and orthopaedic emergencies. Immediate medical attention on campus, at the medical facilities building, or transport to hospital if required. • Medical and nursing visits. Consultations available without appointment. • Treatment, injections and vaccinations. • Blood and urine tests. • Consultations and health information. • Medical certificates. • Psychological Unit • Gynaecology Unit • Sports Medicine Unit (in the SAF) • Dentistry Unit UAB HEALTH SERVICE Tel. + 34 93 581 18 00 Open from 9:00am to 1:00pm and from 3:00pm to 7:00pm e-mail: servei.salut@uab.es UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 17 MEDICAL INSURANCE AND SOCIAL SECURITY Any foreign student coming to study at the UAB must have medical insurance cover. If you are a citizen of the European Union or a citizen of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland, and you are entitled to social security in your country, you should apply for the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). The card makes visiting a state-run hospital, doctor's surgery or dental practice in European countries easier and means you will be treated in the same way as someone who lives in that country. You can obtain a card free of charge by contacting your local health insurance institution as each individual country is responsible for producing and distributing the card in its own territory. Take into account that the card does not cover private health care or repatriation costs. Visit the EHIC website to find out more: http://ehic.europa.eu If you are from outside the European Union you should check whether there is an agreement for healthcare between the social security of your country and of Spain. If there is such an agreement, you should submit the necessary documents in your country so that you can have free access to Spanish public healthcare. If your country has no healthcare agreement with the Spanish Social Security system, you should take out private insurance cover for the whole of your stay in Spain. UAB has designed together with ACE Europe and ÓMNIBUS Grupo Concentra an insurance for international students, researchers and professors of the university. There is also an insurance exclusively for repatriation available. All the students under 28 registered at the UAB have right to be covered under the UAB Educational Insurance scheme. PRIVATE INSURANCE ÓMNIBUS CATALAN PUBLIC HEALTH uab.movilidadin@omnibusbcn.com INSTITUTE www.gencat.net/ics Tel.: +34 93 241 21 38 SOCIAL SECURITY IN BARCELONA PUBLIC HEALTHCARE CENTRES www.seg-social.es www.gencat.cat/ics/usuaris/ centres_serveis.htm UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 18 OTHER SERVICES The services on our campus cater not only for your academic life but also for your leisure pursuits and your everyday activities. At the Plaça Cívica you can find: • driving school • hairdressing training centre • pharmacy • photography/framing/gift shop • laminating service • bookshop/music shop/stationer’s • optician’s • photocopy shop • clothing shop • travel agency • banks. UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 19 TELEPHONE NUMBERS General information +34 93 581 11 11 International Welcome Point +34 93 581 22 10 Postgraduate School +34 93 581 30 10 Academic Affairs Department +34 93 581 11 10 Study Abroad Programme +34 93 433 50 29 Welcome Programme +34 93 581 43 83 EMERGENCY Emergency Hot Line 112 Catalan Police (Mossos d’Esquadra) 088 Barcelona Fire Brigade 080 Medical Emergency 061 UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 19 HEALTH UAB Health Service +34 93 581 18 00 Social Security Information Line 901 50 20 50 Social Security in Barcelona +34 93 319 31 11 Catalan Public Health Institute +34 93 403 85 85 ACCOMMODATION Vila Universitària (University Village) +34 93 581 70 04 Student services (UAB) +34 93 581 10 21 Habitatge jove (Catalan Government Youth Housing Service) +34 93 323 90 68 Barcelona Housing Service for Students (BHSS) +34 93 238 90 72 CANCELLING CREDIT CARDS Cancelling 4B credit cards (banks) 902 114 400 Cancelling Servired credit cards (caixes) 902 192 100 UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA 19 LANGUAGES Language Service +34 93 581 13 25 SERVICES UAB Libraries +34 93 581 10 15 UAB Sports (SAF) +34 93 581 19 34 Cultura en Viu +34 93 581 10 21 UAB Environment Office +34 93 581 49 16 UAB Post Office +34 93 581 14 06 Fundació Autònoma Solidària +34 93 581 27 57 Treball Campus +34 93 581 28 00 UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA
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