First Lady`s Gala - The Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Museum


First Lady`s Gala - The Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Museum
First Lady's Gala
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In this Issue:
The First Lady’s Gala
The Dress
The Hat
How the SHEEP Helped
the War!
Educational Programs
Volunteer Spotlight
Jim Gearhart
Upcoming Museum Events
100th Wedding Anniversary
Winter Hours
Donor Recognition
Christmas Ornaments!
Tax-deductible donations
to support the Edith
Bolling Wilson Birthplace
Foundation may be made
online at
or by mail to 145 E. Main
Street, Wytheville, VA
eminiscent of bygone days, music filled the air at the Bolling Wilson Hotel
on October 17 at the First Lady’s Gala. Guests of the Gala, benefiting the
Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Museum, were greeted by “President and
Mrs. Woodrow Wilson,” danced to music of the Downton Abbey era played by the Old
Pros Jazz Band, and enjoyed delectable cuisine, cocktails, and potions from the hotel’s
restaurant Graze on Main.
Fashions from the 1920s period were adorned by many ladies attending the Gala, while
men were dressed as fashionable as the women in handsome suits and tuxedos. Flapper
attire was a popular dress for the evening adorned with headbands and feathers as well
as vintage clothing with headdresses of
sequins and feathers.
The highlight of the evening was a visit
from “President and Mrs. Woodrow
Wilson” portrayed by Wytheville residents
Betsy Ely and Jim Gearhart. Guests were
entertained with the story of the Wilson’s
chance meeting at the White House, their
romantic courtship, private wedding, and
their glamourous honeymoon at The
Homestead in Hot Springs, Virginia.
William Smith, Lilchy Huffman, Sterling Bolling, Farron Smith,
Adding to the festivities of the evening were
and Cary Fuller
dignitaries, Mr. Cary Fuller and Mr. Sterling
Bolling, great nephews of Mrs. Wilson; Miss Lilchy Huffman, cousin of Mrs. Wilson;
and Mr. Robert A. Enholm, Executive Director of the President Woodrow Wilson
House Museum in Washington, DC.
An auction added to the excitement of the evening with Ken Farmer, a well-known
appraiser with Antiques Roadshow, conducting the sale. Auction items ranged from a
stay at The Omni Homestead Resort, a variety of artwork to golf and spa packages. A
featured item of the auction was an oil painting titled Edith at Piano by local Wytheville
artist Kay Sutherland. The piano in the painting is the 1840’s Knabe rosewood piano
donated by Mary Jane Wysor that today graces the lobby of the Bolling Wilson Hotel.
Funds from the sale of the painting will be used to refurbish the antique piano where it
can be enjoyed by the Wytheville community and guests of the hotel. The First Lady’s
Gala was made possible through sponsorships of Bob Huff Chevrolet, First Bank &
Trust Company, First Community Bank, First Sentinel Bank, National Bank of
Blacksburg, and State Farm Insurance–Jennifer Walters. The Gala raised $14,000 to
assist the Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Foundation’s educational programming,
preservation efforts, and operational expenses incurred as the museum continues to
serve the Wytheville community and those visiting our region.
Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Museum: History, Heritage, & Romance
Page 1
The Journey. Step by step, or rather, stitch by stitch—
Dr. LuAnn R. Gaskill, an Apparel Professor in the Department of Apparel, Housing, and Resource Management at
Virginia Tech designed and constructed a recreation of the silk velvet-wedding gown worn by Edith Bolling Galt
during her 1915 marriage to President Woodrow Wilson. The recreated wedding gown was worn by Mrs. Betsy Ely
as she portrayed Edith Bolling Wilson at the First Lady’s Gala at the Bolling Wilson Hotel on October 17.
Dr. Gaskill writes about the journey of recreating the wedding dress:
“To tell you the truth, it has been years since I sat down at a sewing machine intent on a
finished design project. Mind you, this [was] no small project, certainly not an ordinary
endeavor. Sure, I still do the obligatory mending and repairs, and make a seasonal apron
every now and then, but seldom do I take the time to really design and create with
fabric any longer. Nonetheless, sewing and sewing machines have been strongly
interwoven throughout the entirety of my life.
For the past few years, I have been pursuing a Certificate in Museum Management
from the Virginia Association of Museums. In case you are wondering what this
information has to do with the Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Museum in Wytheville,
VA., let me explain the connection. As part of my Certificate in Museum Management
activities, and at the request of Mrs. Farron Smith, co-founder of the Museum, I took
on this historic design project.
The whereabouts of the actual 1915 Wilson wedding gown, based on current and past research, remains unknown.
Recent discussions with head curators/staff at likely depositories for such historic artifacts including the
Smithsonian Institute (Washington D.C.), the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), the Fashion Institute of
Technology (New York), President Woodrow Wilson House and Museum (Washington D.C.), etc. supports this
Descriptive terms of Edith’s dress from newspapers of the time period, text excerpts, and biographical writings
served as inspiration for the design of the wedding gown.” Continued on next page ...
The Finishing Touch—
Darna L. Michie of East Angel Harbor Hats lives in the mountains of North
Eastern Washington State. Mrs. Michie was commissioned by the museum to
design a period wedding hat for the portrayal of Edith Bolling Wilson at the First
Lady’s Gala.
Michie began designing hats at the young age of fifteen years old. It was during
college that she became interested in more period/costume type hats designing
Victorian, Edwardian, La Belle Epoque (French) and Flapper style hats. Today,
she designs hats for museums, specialty affairs, and horse racing events in the
United States and Great Britain. Michie hats have been featured in Walt Disney World Productions and at Six Flags
Theme Parks.
The hat designed for Betsy Ely portraying Mrs. Wilson is a wide brim black wool hat covered in velvet enhanced
with specialty trim as well as luxurious black feathers. The attention to detail, the quality of material, and the
research makes the hat exceptional and the finishing touch to the 1915 wedding attire ensemble for the First Lady’s
Page 2
Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Museum: History, Heritage, & Romance
Winter 2015
Winter Hours at the Museum
Museum Hours for January, February, and March will be limited.
Please check the museum’s website or call 276-223-3484 for
availability and requests for group tours.
Display at the First Lady's Gala—October 2015
Wedding Dress Continued...
“Completing this project required the thoughtful integration of
historic research, turn of the century design elements, and quality
construction processes.
This endeavor has been an exciting and labor-intensive journey
resulting in over 1,000 hours of work involving the design, and
recreation of an historic gown based solely on written descriptions.
The gown took over six months to complete; it even went with me
on my travels to ensure it was ready on time for the October Gala in
Wytheville. One in particular, was when I sat on a stool in the middle
of the world’s oldest shopping center, the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul,
Turkey and embroidered.
1Dr. LuAnn Gaskill embroidering while in
Istanbul, Turkey
Mostly, I spent my weekends and
evenings from August through
September, sitting on the couch
at home, with a needle and thread
in hand, stitching. The final gown
recreation consists of a handsewn, pleated, full-length gown
created from luxurious black silk
velvet fabric imported from Italy,
accompanied by a black silk
velvet bolero jacket edged in hand
embroidered orchids of varying
shades of blue.”
After the Gala, the Edith Bolling Wilson Wedding Gown recreation
was on Exhibit at the Wallace Hall Gallery at Virginia Tech where it
remained until November 13. The wedding dress and hat will be on
exhibit at the Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Museum beginning
December 10, 2015.
Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Museum: History, Heritage, & Romance
Our Volunteers
This column spotlights our museum volunteers.
Without these talented and dedicated individuals, the
EBW could not consistently serve and educate the
public about First Lady Mrs. Wilson and her
contributions to history.
n October 17, overcoming his
reluctance, Jim Gearhart
provided Gala attendees with a
wonderful performance as the newlywed
President very much in love with
Wytheville’s First Lady.
Gearhart described his
change of heart by
saying, “The museum
was taking a leap of faith
asking me to undertake
this role. I wanted to do
it well and make it a very
true performance worthy
of the President. Also, I
am at the point in life
where you need to be
challenged by things and THIS was a
After more than 35 years with the
Norfolk Southern Corporation as a track
engineer, Gearhart and his wife Mary
retired to the Crockett’s Cove section of
Wytheville from Atlanta. Over the last 13
years, Jim has enjoyed golfing, working
regularly with the bloodmobile, and is a
dedicated member of the Wytheville
Lions Club. Just like President Wilson,
Jim is himself a Presbyterian and member
of the Wytheville Presbyterian Church
where he serves as an Elder, sings in the
choir, and plays hand bells.
When asked what he took away from his
portrayal of President Wilson, Gearhart
noted he previously viewed Wilson as an
outwardly cool individual. “This
experience showed what a loving
individual he was and demonstrated the
real pain Wilson endured upon the death
of his first wife, Ellen. It was Wilson’s
love for Edith that brought him through
his mourning and gave him a reason to
continue living,” Gearhart remarked.
“This is just one of the qualities that
makes Edith Bolling Wilson a remarkable
person and I’m so happy Wytheville has
embraced her legacy sharing it with
Page 3
Winter 2015
How the SHEEP Helped Win the War!
he Museum’s first book publication debuted in October to celebrate the First Lady’s Gala.
How the SHEEP Helped Win the War is a children’s educational book co-authored by Farron
Smith, museum co-founder, and Joyce Covey, an educator with 35 years of teaching experience.
While the SHEEP story is fictional, it is based on the true story of President and Mrs. Wilson
keeping sheep on the White House lawn during World War I to free the
gardeners for war-time duties. The story tells how the sheep were sheered and
the wool, named White House Wool, was auctioned raising nearly one hundred
thousand dollars for the Red Cross. The picture book is told through the
character of a Wytheville sheep named Woolie Wythe whose great-grandfather
lived on the White House Lawn.
The publication of the SHEEP book is timely since 2015 is the 100th Wedding
Anniversary of President and Mrs. Wilson and 1917 will be the 100th
anniversary of the United States entry into World War I. While the book is
written for fourth through sixth grade students, it may be enjoyed by older
children and adults. How the SHEEP Helped Win the War makes a
wonderful birthday or Christmas gift that will help to make reading fun and
How the SHEEP Helped Win the War is available at the Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Museum, Bolling
Wilson Hotel Gift Shop, the Town of Wytheville Visitor Center Gift Shop, and online from or through Amazon.
Educational Programs Update
pon the publication of How the SHEEP Helped Win the War, the Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace
Museum staff began developing an educational program building on the instructive dexterity of
the book along with the historical significance of the Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Museum.
Wythe County Public Schools’ Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Dr. Becki James,
Director of Middle Instruction, Marcy Olinger, and Director of Elementary Instruction, Beth Cochran met with the
EBWB Museum staff to discuss how a program of study may be developed and used within local schools to
enhance the instruction of Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs).
After the meeting, a matrix was developed by Museum Staff that highlighted the alignment between the VA SOLs
and the aspects of historical significance as displayed within the museum that would build on the value of the
artifacts and current education programs. Plans are in the early stages to develop a formal program of study that can
be used within the current Wythe County School programs and to offer the program to other surrounding county
Page 4
Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Museum: History, Heritage, & Romance
Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Foundation
would like to THANK and RECOGNIZE our DONORS for their continued support~
Ms. Barbara Abernathy
Ms. Josephine T. Alderman
Mr. & Mrs. Don Alexander
Ms. Christie M. Baird
Ms. Barbara Beamer
Mrs. Patricia Becraft
Mr. Mark Birckbichler
Ms. Dianne Bumgerner
Mrs. Mary Cassell
Mr. & Mrs. Danny Collins
Ms. Carolyn B. Day
Mr. Charles Dent
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Duncan
Mr. Keith Ellis
Ms. Shirley Gordon
Mrs. Lori C. Guynn
Ms. Lee Ann Harvey
Ms. Mary Alice Holland
Mrs. Kay Horney
Ms. Linda Hostetter
Mr. David Humpal
Ms. Susan Humphreys
Ms. Margaret Jarrett
Ms. Linda Johnson
Mr. W. W. King
Ms. Melissa Lackey
Ms. Jama Lois Layne
Mrs. Rose Lester
Ms. Grace E. McIntyre
Ms. Mary Midkiff
Mrs. Belle Neighbors
Ms. Shelia D. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Newberry
Ms. Linda Farrell O’Grady
Ms. Lucy Oliver
Mr. Jerry J. Osborne
Mr. Budne C. Reinke
Ms. Carolyn E. Robinson
Mrs. June Safrit
Ms. Nila Saliba
Ms. Elain Satterwhite
Mr. Stuart Short
Mrs. Ruby H. Smith
Ms. Loretta H. Stoker
Ms. Mary F. Stout
Mr. George Taylor
Ms. Christine Thumm
Ms. Betsy Trevillian
Mr. William Valley
Ms. Mabbot P. Warren
Ms. Carlyjane Watson
Mr. Rick Weaver
Ms. Lois Zuckerman
Bristol Red Hat Society
Wytheville AAUW
Ms. Margaret Aycock
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Bryant
Mrs. Helen Ruth Burch
Ms. Ellen Butler
Mr. Jeff Caudill
Ms. Dorothy Cochran
Mr. Thomas Covey, III
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Cundiff
Mrs. Margaret Cundiff
Mrs. Donia S. Eley
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Farthing
Mrs. Marie G. Flanagan
Ms. Margaret Gullion
Ms. Judith F. Hagadorn
Mr. Joseph E. Hand, Jr.
Ms. Helen M. Harvey
Ms. Kylene K. Hilton
Ms. Joel Campbell Hilton
Mr. Robert A. Lacy, Jr.
Mrs. Julia S. Lyon
Mr. Fred J. Mason, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Brad McNelly
Dr. Chimer D. Moore
Ms. Deborah C. Nolley
Ms. Marguerite Price
Ms. Elizabeth J. Rappaport
Mr. Stuart Short
Ms. Heidi L. Shupe
Ms. Patricia Singleton
Ms. Caroline J. Smith
Ms. Martha Steger
Mrs. Cynthia B. Walters
Mr. Richard A. Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Wyatt
Mr. Chantland Wysor
Southwest Coordinating CouncilDelta Kappa Gamma
Wythe County Retired Teachers
Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Museum: History, Heritage, & Romance
Page 5
Centennial Club
Dr. William C. Ackerly, MD
Mrs. Helen C. Barranger
Dr. & Mrs. Walter S. Barton
Mr. Dewayne Belcher
Mr. & Mrs. George Bird
Ms. Cynthia E. Blair
Ms. Patricia Bliss
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Boenke
Mrs. M. Ann Bolt
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Brogden
Ms. Edith Brown
Mr. Abbot Land Carnes
Mr. & Mrs. Jackson L. Case, III
Mr. Edward Cordell
Mr. D. Reed Counts
Ms. Betty Crockett
Mrs. Agnes Davis
Mr. Alex Davis
Mr. F. Brad Denardo
Mr. & Mrs. John DiYorio
Dr. Neil P. Dubner
Ms. Dedorah Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Enhdm
Dr. & Mrs. William Fintel
Ms. Mary Repass Friend
Ms. Susan K. Gaskins
Ms. Sara Gearhart
Ms. Jean Greear
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Haller
Mr. Mark Harmon
Mrs. Diane Hoover
Mr. Thomas Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kegley
Mr. Ronald Kime
Mr. Richard King
Mr. & Mrs. Judson Lambert
Mr. Michael Lattimore
Mr. Robert Lazo
Ms. Donna Leonard
Mr. Robert Lockett
Ms. Pam Lucas
Mr. John R. Lucas, Jr.
Mr. Dave MacPherson
Mr. L. Gray Marion
Dr. & Mrs. John McClane
Ms. Mary Midkiff
Ms. Kristie Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Millirons
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Minton
Mr. William C. Montgomery
Mr. & Mrs. Albert L. Newberry, Jr.
Mr. Robert J. Ogg
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Orfield
Ms. Margie Peel
Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Pendleton
Mr. & Mrs. John Phillippi
Dr. & Dr. Clifton W. Potter, Jr.
Ms. Alma Sue Ray
Mr. O. Frank Repass
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Reynolds
Mrs. Anna Ray Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Rudzinski
Mrs. Kathleen Sherowsky
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Shouse
Mrs. Reeves Shulstad
Ms. Darlene Simpson
Mr. Joseph Simpson, IV
Dr. & Mrs. Craig Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Smith
Mr. William Smith, II
Dr. & Mrs. William Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Danny J. Sowers
Mr. Daniel Sowers
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Stephens
Mr. James A. Stevens
Mr. George C. Stickel
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Storms
Mrs. Sandy Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Ned Umberger
Ms. Pam Umberger
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wagner
Ms. Jennifer Walters
Ms. Bobby Joe Wampler
Mr. & Mrs. William Weisiger
Ms. Kay White
Dr. & Mrs. Charlie White
Dr. & Mrs. Garland Wiggs
Ms. Barbara Williams
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Willis
Mr. & Mrs. George Wittwer
Ms. Carrie Wu
Mr. George M. Wysor
Alpha Delta Kappa
Blue Ridge Chiropractic
Cornerstone Hospitality
George Wythe High School Class of
George Wythe High School Class of
Kiwanis Club of Wythe County
New River Pioneer Chapter DAR
Risk Solutions
Spiller Elementary School –
Fourth Grade
Stuart-Wilderness Road Chapter
Wytheville Ruritan Club
Ewe Herd
Dr. & Mrs. Albert Armentrout
Ms. Polly Brown
Ms. Glenda D. Calver
Dr. & Mrs. R. W,. Chitwood
Mr.. & Mrs. Dale Clark
Mrs. Jean T. Davis
Mrs. Joan W. Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Formato
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hoch
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Hodges
Page 6
Miss Lilchy Huffman
Mr. & Mrs. George James
Mr. & Mrs. David Kause
Mrs. Gail Kendrick
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lacy
Mrs. Ann S. Laing
Dr. Robert McCoy
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Phillippi
Mr. Emery E. Pruitt
Mr. Ronald L. Sharrock
Mr. & Mrs. Frisby Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Stanley
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Sutherland
Mrs. Alice Thompson
Ms. Mary Jane Umberger
Bob Huff Chevrolet
First Bank and Trust Company
First Community Bank
First Sentinel Bank
Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Museum: History, Heritage, & Romance
Canary Club
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Absher
Mr. Joe Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Sterling Bolling, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Alderman
Honorable Danny W. Bird, Jr.
Mrs. Miriam Booker
Mr. & Mrs. Jackson L. Case, IV
Mrs. Ruth Anne Chittwood
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Dixon
Ms. Karen Kay Dunkley
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ely
Mrs. Elizabeth Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Travis Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Wade Lephew
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kegley
Mrs. Darna Mitchie
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Moore
Mrs. Martha Patterson
Bankers Insurance
Bolling Family Association
First Bank of Virginia
First Century Bank
Litton Landscaping
National Bank of Blacksburg
National Trust for Historic
New Century Title
St. John’s Episcopal Church
Wytheville Moose Lodge
Xerox Corporation
Orchid Club
Mr. & Mrs. William E.
Mrs. Martha G. Buchanan
Mrs. Mary Lou Campbell
Mrs. Kimberly Christner
Dr. Grace Toney Edwards
Dr. John Nemeth
Mrs. LuAnn Gaskill
Mr. & Mrs. James Gearhart
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Jackson
Dr. & Mrs. James Kemper
Honorable & Mrs. Thomas
R. King
Mr. Mark A. Zammit
Mr. & Mrs. George Zuubier
Centurytel, Inc.
Hodges, Jones, & Mabry PC
Pillar, Inc.
Powell Family Charitable
Schaffner MTC
Town of Wytheville
Wythe County Community
Wythe Sheet Metal
Presidential Circle
Estate of Dr. John C. Cook
Mr. Cary C. Fuller
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Smith
Mrs. Mary Jane Wysor
Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Museum: History, Heritage, & Romance
Page 7
Upcoming Museum Event
President and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson
(Portrayed by Jim Gearhart and Betsy Ely)
Dinner at the Bolling Wilson Hotel – Graze on Main
In Celebration of the 100th Presidential Wedding Anniversary
Sunday, December 20, 2015
First Seating – 11:30 a.m.
Second Seating – 1:00 p.m.
Special Menu Reminiscent of the Ceremonial Dinner
Served at the Bride’s Home in Washington, D.C. after the Wedding in 1915
Oyster Stew
Puffed Pastry Chicken Salad
Carving Stations of Prime Rib & Virginia Ham
Vegetable Medley
Ambrosia Salad
Bread Assortment
Desserts & more
Cost - $25.95
For reservations, call Graze on Main at 276-223-2333
Cutting of the Wedding Cake
2:00 p.m.
Open to the public (at no charge). Enjoy!
Page 8
Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Museum: History, Heritage, & Romance
Winter 2015
Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Museum
Annual 2015 Appeal
Annual giving is the lifeblood of a charitable organization. Each year, the Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Foundation and
Museum faces a budget-balancing act, as do all non-profits. The museum is committed to offering tours through donations
without ticket fees, yet it also pledges to grow tourism in our community and offer educational programs for its students. Special
fundraising events, such as last year’s entryway renovation are important to fund special projects. However, the unrestricted
funds raised through the Annual Fund Campaign are vital to covering operating expenses and to sustain the programs
and features you enjoy.
We appreciate your participation in the past whether it be purchasing a ticket to the First Lady’s Tea, dedicating a brick in the new
sidewalk, or contributing to the Wysor Piano Fund. You made these projects successful. Because tours and donations to special
projects cover only a small portion of the cost to operate the Museum, we look to the generosity of people like you who share in
our belief that EBW Museum is, and must continue to be, an essential part of Wytheville, of Virginia, and the country. Your gift
will make a difference.
As you plan your end-of-year charitable giving, please consider a tax-deductible gift to the 2015 Annual Fund. While a gift of any
amount is greatly appreciated, we urge you to join our Centennial Club by making a donation at the $100.00 level. The attached
giving card is for your convenience, but you may choose to donate online at
We are eager to have you share our successes in the coming year and we are deeply grateful for your continued support.
With sincere appreciation,
Sherri E. Case, Director of Development
Please cut along the dotted line to submit your donation to the Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Museum today!
Thank you for giving to the Annual Fund!
___ $25.00 Museum Friend __ $50.00 Museum Patron
Annual Fund Campaign 2015
___ $100.00 Centennial Club
___ $250.00 The Ewe Herd
___ $500.00 Canary Level
___ $1,000.00 Orchid Level
___ $5,000.00 and up Presidential Level
Payment by check may be made payable to “EBW Foundation” or by
credit card through the museum website:
Many employers match charitable gifts. If your employer, or that of your
spouse, has a matching-gift program, please obtain a Matching Gift Form
from your personnel office and submit it with your annual fund
We do not share your personal information.
Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent provided by
federal law.
___ I am interested in learning about legacy gifts or planned giving to the
Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Foundation. Please contact me regarding
the mutual benefits of donating in-kind gifts, stocks, retirement funds,
charitable trusts, and direct bequests.
145 W. Main Street, Wytheville, VA 24382 / 276-223-3484 /
o not spend one minute longer worrying about how to finish your holiday shopping. The Museum
Gift Nook makes your shopping easy! The Gift Nook has books including cookbooks, Mrs.
Wilson’s memoir, and a new book authored by the museum’s own Farron Smith, and her sister,
Joyce Covey, How the SHEEP Helped Win the War. This children’s book will be a hit with any reader on your
Also new, this Christmas, are the Edith Bolling Wilson Birthplace Museum ornaments. These one of a kind
wooden ornaments are made by a woman-owned business located in South Carolina and will look perfect on your
tree. While shopping, pick up a few bags of Mrs. Wilson’s Hoecake Mix to have on hand for your hungry holiday
guests. Don’t forget the small batch Blackberry Syrup made in the Shenandoah Valley. It’s Yummy!
Period design necklaces, pins and bracelets will delight your stylish friends and they can stay warm and beautiful
with patterned or pashmina scarves.
Whether you are stuffing the stockings or filling the sleigh, you can find something for everyone at The Museum
Gift Nook while supporting the museum’s programming and preservation efforts.
From Wytheville to the White House
145 East Main Street
Wytheville, VA 24382