Recent advances of doped carbon as non
Recent advances of doped carbon as non
Journal of Materials Chemistry A View Article Online Published on 14 July 2014. Downloaded by Southeast University - Jiulonghu Campus on 30/01/2015 02:21:20. FEATURE ARTICLE Cite this: J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 15704 View Journal | View Issue Recent advances of doped carbon as non-precious catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction Hao Shi, Yanfei Shen, Fei He, Ying Li, Anran Liu, Songqin Liu and Yuanjian Zhang* Owing to their remarkable catalytic activities, doped nanocarbon materials have been widely employed as efficient noble metal-free catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) towards the artificial energy conversion systems, such as fuel cells and a variety of sensors. After several decades of innovative investigation, the substantial controversies still exist ranging from synthesis strategies to actual active sites for doped nanocarbon materials, but greatly pave the development of sustainable ORR Received 3rd June 2014 Accepted 14th July 2014 electrocatalysts with high efficiency. This review mainly focuses on the newly developed synthesis methods, such as ball milling, co-doping with multi-elements and low temperature preparation with DOI: 10.1039/c4ta02790f more predictable structures that were reported in the last five years. Particularly, we have also discussed the open controversies and mechanism studies of doped carbon for ORR. Introduction Due to the rapid depletion of limited fossil fuels and the subsequently increasingly worsening environmental pollution, the development of an alternative energy supply has attracted worldwide attention.1 It is expected to be clean, safe, economic and renewable. Therefore, several methods have been attempted to address the involved challenges. Among them, the utilizations of renewable energy, such as hydrogen for fuel cells have Jiangsu Province Hi-Tech Key Laboratory for Bio-Medical Research, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Medical School, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China. E-mail: Yuanjian Zhang received his BSc from Nanjing University in 1998 and his PhD in Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences under Prof. Li Niu in 2007. Aer that, he joined Prof. Markus Antonietti's group at MPI of Colloids and Interfaces (Germany) as a postdoctoral researcher. In October 2009, he moved to National Institute for Materials Science as an ICYS researcher. He is currently a professor in School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southeast University, China. His research interests include, but is not limited to, chemistry of carbon-rich materials and their applications in analytical chemistry and sustainable energy. 15704 | J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 15704–15716 recently drawn extensive attentions.2 This innovation offers a highly efficient way to convert chemical fuels to electricity, which is the most popular energy resource at present. For this, polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), which utilizes oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) on the cathode has been widely used. In theory, oxygen can be reduced in two different pathways with different standard potentials, as shown in Table 1. One is the four-electron (4e) process in which oxygen molecule directly gets four electrons, generating water or hydroxyl group depending on pH of the electrolytes. The other is the two-electron (2e) process in which peroxide is generated as an intermediate. In fact, ORR is also one of the most common and crucial metabolic reactions in aerobic organisms.7,8 Though ORR seems simple, the involved multi-electrons reaction kinetics is rather complicated and sluggish, which becomes a major bottleneck in further improving the performance of PEMFC.9 Inspired by the collaboration of multi-enzyme complexes that catalyzes these reactions in a very high efficient manner,10 great efforts have been made to explore a comparably efficient catalyst for ORR, which is the key of articial electrochemical energy conversion devices, such as fuel cells11 and electrochemical biosensors as well.12,13 Although the state-of-the-art platinumbased catalyst can catalyze ORR through the four-electron process,14 the scarcity and the high price of platinum hamper its large-scale commercialization.15 Moreover, platinum is sensitive to be poisoned and inactivated by carbon monoxide16/methanol,17,18 which commonly exist in PEMFC. Besides, the stability of commercial platinum-based catalysts still needs to be improved.18 In these regards, developing noble metal-free ORR catalysts with compatible activity is highly anticipated. In 1964, Jasinski rst reported using cobalt phthalocyanine as the catalyst for ORR.19 Aer that, carbon-based materials This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 View Article Online Feature Article Published on 14 July 2014. Downloaded by Southeast University - Jiulonghu Campus on 30/01/2015 02:21:20. Table 1 Journal of Materials Chemistry A Standard electrode potentials for oxygen reduction reaction3–6 Electrolytes Four electron Two electrona Alkaline O2 + 4e + 2H2O / 4OH (0.401 V) Acid O2 + 4e + 4H+ / 2H2O (1.299 V) O2 + H2O + 2e 4 HO2 + OH (0.065 V) HO2 + H2O + 2e 4 3OH (0.867 V) O2 + 2H+ + 2e 4 H2O2 (0.695 V) H2O2 + 2H+ + 2e 4 2H2O (1.763 V) a Potentials vs. NHE. have emerged as potential alternatives to substitute platinumbased catalysts20–30 through various current available strategies. Recently, several studies have focused on the synthesis and characterization of nitrogen-doped graphene,31,32 inuences of heat-treating on M–N–C (M : Fe and/or Co)-typed catalysts33,34 and importance of nanostructure engineering in preparing noble metal-free catalysts for ORR.4,35 In this review article, we mainly update the newly developed innovations of preparing non-precious doped carbon ORR catalysts in the last ve years, including those without commonly used high temperature treatment, and highlight the role of (multi) dopants in the catalysts. Moreover, the controversy of real active sites in doped carbon with/without metal containing species, state-of-the-art mechanism studies of doped carbon for ORR are discussed. General preparation methods Briey, the preparation methods for doped carbon catalysts of ORR can be divided into high temperature treatment (e.g. pyrolysis, annealing), chemical vapor deposition (CVD), ball Table 2 milling, arc discharge, plasma, wet chemical synthesis, etc. (Table 2). For high temperature treatment, the advantage of this method is the capability of facilitating the formation of graphitic structure, which likely contributes to the enhancement of the current density. However, the complicated structural variations would result in difficulties to reveal the active site of catalysts. CVD is capable of preparing designed structure of high quality nanocarbon. However, the contradiction is the high cost of instruments that hampers its large scale application for preparing ORR catalysts. While the low temperature preparation (e.g. wet chemical synthesis), which is usually carried out in less than 200 C, greatly compromises this contradiction. In this way the original structure of carbon precursors could be largely retained. Nevertheless, the incomplete carbonization of precursors probably leads to low electrical conductivity, which may result in low current density. More detailed discussion on these preparation methods are presented as follows. (1) High temperature treatment Pyrolysis and annealing at high temperature are the two most popular means to prepare a doped carbon catalyst for ORR with Selected synthesis methods for doped carbon and their ORR catalytic activity Synthesis methoda Precursors Electrolyte Onset potentialb Electron transfer number HT36 HT37 HT38 HT39 HT17 HT40 HT41 HT25 HT24 HT template42 HT43 HT (template)1 HT (Ball-milling)44 HT (Ball-milling)45 Aniline, ammonium peroxydisulfate, FeCl3, carbon black g-C3N4, FeCl3$6H2O, GO, NH3, hydrazine hydrate GO, ammonia Co(NO3)2$4H2O, imidazole, piperazine GO, NH3, H3BO3 Oxidized carbon nanotube, Co(OAc)2, NH3 Urea, Fe(OAc)2, exfoliated graphene GO, cyanamide, FeCl3 Acylonitrile telomere, FeCl3$6H2O, carbon black GO, benzyl disulde, melamine, colloidal silica Dicyandiamide, H3PO4, FeCl2$4H2O, CoCl2$6H2O SBA-15/diamine, aniline Black Pearls 2000 (BP), phenanthroline, Fe(OAc)2, NH3 ZIF-8 (a microporous host), NH3, 1,10-phenanthro-line, Fe(OAc)2 Graphite, sulfur trioxide Graphite, nitrogen (N2) Iron(II) phthalocyanine, NH3 H2, He, pyridine vapor Graphite, acetonitrile GO, dicyandiamide, K4Fe(CN)6$3H2O 0.5 M H2SO4 0.5 M H2SO4 0.1 M KOH 0.1 M HClO4 0.1 M KOH 1 M KOH 0.1 M KOH 0.5 M H2SO4 0.1 M KOH 0.1 M KOH 1 M HClO4 0.1 M KOH — — 0.93 V — 1.08 V 0.83 V 0.91 V 0.93 V 0.99 V 0.68 V 0.92 V 0.92 V 0.80 V — — — — 3.7 @ 0.1–0.4 V 3.8 @ 0.27 V 3.81 @ 0.56 V 3.97 @ 0.37 V 3.85 @ 0.5 V 3.79–3.99 @ 0.36–0.01 V 3.82 @ 0.41 V — 3.6 @ 0.38 V — 3.78 @ 0.5 V — — 0.1 M KOH 0.1 M KOH 0.1 M KOH — — 0.1 M KOH 0.82 V 0.84 V — — — 0.77 V 3.7 3.9 3.9 — — 4.1 Ball-milling46 Ball-milling47 CVD48 Arc discharge49 Plasma50 Wet chemical51 a HT: high temperature treatment; CVD: chemical vapor deposition. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 b @ 0.18 V @ 0.58 V @ 0.68 V @ 0.47 V Potentials vs. RHE. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 15704–15716 | 15705 View Article Online Published on 14 July 2014. Downloaded by Southeast University - Jiulonghu Campus on 30/01/2015 02:21:20. Journal of Materials Chemistry A high catalytic activity. Though both of them are referred to heattreatment under high temperature, pyrolysis is mainly used in decomposition of macromolecules, such as metal contained phthalocyanine and porphyrin or other heteroatom-containing precursors to expose their inner active sites and thereaer to be shied to catalyst supports. It is one of the most effective approaches to optimize catalysts, as previously reported.24,36,43,52 Zelenay et al. prepared the catalyst of PANI–Fe–C with outstanding activity. As shown in Fig. 1, aniline oligomers were rst mixed with FeCl3 and immobilized onto the carbon black support. Aer adding (NH4)2S2O8 (ammonium persulfate, APS), aniline was oxidized and polymerized into polyaniline (PANI). Subsequently, the mixture was pyrolyzed in N2 under 900 C, following the post-treatment of acid leaching and the second pyrolysis.36 Similarly, Fe–N–C catalyst was prepared by pyrolyzing the complex of FeCl3, graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) and reduced graphene (rGO) in Ar. The as-obtained catalyst exhibited high stability and activity in acid electrolytes.37 While annealing in classical is oen utilized in post-treatment to enhance the stability and durability of the as-prepared metal and alloy in metallurgy. In the eld of chemical preparation, it mostly represents the heat treatment for solid or thin lm under specic atmosphere. For instance, Sun et al. reported a catalyst of nitrogen-doped graphene (N–G), which was simply prepared by annealing GO under high purity ammonia and Ar at 900 C. Compared to Pt/C (E-TEK), the catalyst performed higher onset potential and larger kinetic limiting current of ORR, as shown in (Fig. 2).38 However, it should be noted that there are some vital factors, including temperature and type of precursor, which will greatly affect the structure and activity of catalysts. One of the most straightforward evidences toward temperature is the aforementioned case of PANI–Fe–C. Compared to the optimal Scheme of the synthesis of PANI–M–C catalysts. (A) Mixing of high surface area carbon with aniline oligomers and transition metal precursor (M : Fe). (B) Oxidative polymerization of aniline by adding APS. (C) First heat treatment in N2 atmosphere. (D) Acid leaching. The second heat treatment after acid leach is not shown.36 Reproduced from Ref. 36 with permission from The American Association for the Advancement of Science. Feature Article Fig. 2 The polarization curves of oxygen reduction on N-graphene (900 C) and Pt/C (E-TEK) catalysts (0.1 M KOH).38 Reproduced from Ref. 38 with permission from the Royal Society of Chemistry. temperature of 900 C, the activity sharply dropped when the temperature of pyrolysis increased to 1000 C. The phenomena may be very likely to verify the assumption that optimal temperature in high temperature treatment is limited in narrow scope more than wide range.36 Likewise, for another metal-free catalyst dubbed as PDMC (PANI-derived mesoporous carbon), the electron transfer number was strongly inuenced by the pyrolysis temperature (Fig. 3).1 Though the molecular structure of doped carbon prepared by heat treatment, including pyrolysis and annealing are very complicated, many efforts have been made to explain the possible details. Assisted with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), it revealed that the ratio of nitrogen in nitrogen-doped graphene signicantly changed between pyridinic and graphitic nitrogen as a function of annealing temperature.53 Moreover, it was found that N% was at maximum around 500 C and decreased with the higher temperature. In another similar work, it was supposed that a gradual thermal transformation followed the same trend of thermal stability of nitrogen bonding congurations from initial amide to pyrrolic, then to pyridinic, and nally to graphitic nitrogen in graphene with increasing annealing temperature.54 Thus, Fig. 1 15706 | J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 15704–15716 Fig. 3 The number of electrons transferred as a function of potential for PDMCs synthesized at different pyrolysis temperatures (0.1 M KOH).1 Reproduced from Ref. 1 with permission from the American Chemical Society. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 View Article Online Published on 14 July 2014. Downloaded by Southeast University - Jiulonghu Campus on 30/01/2015 02:21:20. Feature Article different temperature used in high temperature treatment will not only affect the proportion of nitrogen in the composite, but also transform the different type of nitrogen, which will further greatly inuence the catalytic activity of the as-prepared doped carbon. The type of precursor also has great impact on the activity of the catalysts as well. For instance, Liu et al. rst reported using metallic organic framework (i.e. the cobalt imidazolate framework, BET surface area 305 m2 g1, see structure in Fig. 4a and b) as single carbon/nitrogen/transition metal-containing precursor to prepare nitrogen-doped carbon via thermal activation (Fig. 4c).39 The electrochemical kinetic studies showed the as-prepared catalysts had excellent ORR activity in 0.1 M HClO4 solution, which is comparable to the best C/N/cobaltbased non-precious ORR catalysts. Considering molecular structure varieties, high surface area of MOF, the work presented a distinct platform with abundant compounds for studying the correlation between the structure and the catalyst performance. Dodelet et al. further investigated the precursors containing not only zinc imidazolate framework (ZnN4C8H12, ZIF-8, BET surface area as high as 1800 m2 g1 and almost entirely microporous) but also phen(1,10-phenanthroline) and iron(II) acetate to prepare iron-based Z8-catalyst.45 A signicant increased volumetric activity and enhanced mass-transport properties were observed, which was ascribed to the microporous host offered by zeolitic-imidazolate-framework for phenanthroline and ferrous acetate to form a catalyst precursor that could be subsequently pyrolyzed. (2) Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) CVD is a facile controllable process that offers high quality nanocarbon, such as carbon nanotubes55 and graphene.56 It can enable the realization of designed structure of nanocarbon in atom scale. Moreover, CVD has been veried as an efficient method to prepare doped carbon catalyst toward ORR.57 Typically, the process is oen performed on a substrate (e.g., Cu lm Journal of Materials Chemistry A on a Si substrate) in a quartz tube of a furnace lled with inert gas to prevent side oxidation reaction. By pumping carbon and nitrogen-containing precursors in gas, the precursors will be decomposed under high temperature and subsequently deposited on the substrate as seeds to nally grow into the nitrogen-doped nanocarbon.58 For instance, using iron(II) phthalocyanine and NH3 as precursors, Dai et al. reported preparing highly active nitrogen-doped carbon nanotube arrays (VA-NCNT) for ORR. It shows a signicant current density of 4.1 mA cm3 at 0.22 V (in air-saturated 0.1 M KOH vs. Ag/AgCl), as shown in Fig. 5.48 Recently, it has been reported that CVD is even capable of growing single crystal structural nitrogen-doped graphene arrays with extremely high purity under low temperature of 300 C by the self-assembly method of pyridine molecules on Cu surface, but no test of catalytic ORR activity was reported in this work.59 (3) Arc discharge Arc discharge is the phenomenon of the electrical breakdown of the gas between two electrodes under high voltage accompanied with spraying plasma to the counter electrode. This method has newly been applied to prepare nitrogen-doped nanocarbon. For instance, two graphite rods were used as anode and cathode in a sealed chamber, which was lled with pyridine vapor49 or NH3 (ref. 49 and 60) as nitrogen source. Further, H2 functioned as terminations for dangling carbon bonds and preventing the newly generated sheets rolling up as closed structures.61 During the arc discharge, breaking bonds among carbon atoms of graphite rods occurs with the formation of carbon–nitrogen bond; thus, nitrogen-doped nanocarbon was nally obtained,49 which was characterized by XPS and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) elemental mapping (Fig. 6). It is noteworthy that arc discharge can offer large scale production at the level of grams.60 (4) Plasma treatment Plasma refers to an ion and electron-containing charged mixture, which is commonly in a state of high energy caused by the ionization of gas through means, such as electrical (A) SEM image of the as-synthesized VA-NCNTs (B) Rotating ring disk electrode (RRDE) voltammograms for oxygen reduction in air-saturated 0.1 M KOH at the Pt–C/GC (curve 1), VA-CCNT/GC (nitrogen-free nonaligned carbon nanotubes), (curve 2), and VA-NCNT (curve 3) electrodes.48 Reproduced from Ref. 48 with permission from The American Association for the Advancement of Science. Fig. 5 Fig. 4 (a) Local Co–N4 coordination moiety and (b) structure packing and (c) proposed structural conversion of cobalt imidazolate framework.39 Reproduced from Ref. 39 with permission from John Wiley and Sons. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 15704–15716 | 15707 View Article Online Published on 14 July 2014. Downloaded by Southeast University - Jiulonghu Campus on 30/01/2015 02:21:20. Journal of Materials Chemistry A C 1s and N 1s XPS signals of N-doped graphene (NG2) and (b) EELS elemental mapping of C and N of NG2.49 Reproduced from Ref. 49 with permission from John Wiley and Sons. Feature Article Fig. 6 induction.62 It has been widely used for the modication of materials on a large scale,63 including functionalized graphene and its derivatives by replacing carbon with foreign atoms.32 Recently, it was found that plasma treatment could be used to prepare nitrogen-functionalized graphene by simply using graphite and acetonitrile as carbon and nitrogencontaining precursors. First, micro-plasma discharge induced the exfoliation of the radicalized graphene layer in the acetonitrile solution. Then, it was supposed to form nascent hydrogen and acetonitrile radicals. At last, N-FG was formed by the reaction of the radicalized graphene layer with nascent hydrogen and acetonitrile radicals.50 Moreover, plasma treatment has been used to assist CVD to grow metalfree nitrogen-doped CNTs and performed good ORR catalytic behavior.64 (5) Ball milling Ball milling is used to grind materials into ne particles (e.g. down to 1 mm) by a great quantity of balls that heavily fall down to the bottom of a cabin. During the process, bulk materials are divided into smaller one; thus, many new interfaces are created. It was found that ball milling was able to activate graphite by incorporating active carbon species (e.g., C]O, –COOH) at the broken edges. Then, the activated graphite could subsequently react with various gases to obtain corresponding abundant edge-selectively functionalized graphene, such as halogenated (Cl, Br, I),65 sulfonic acid-46 and nitrogen-47 functionalized graphene nanoplatelets at an extremely large scale of grams. The good ORR catalytic activity and the environmentally friendly nature of synthesis and high yield highlight its merits. Besides, Dodelet et al. obtained a highly ORR-active Febased catalyst by ball milling a mixture of carbon support, phenanthroline and ferrous acetate, aided by successive pyrolysis in Ar and ammonia. The as-obtained catalyst exhibited a high performance with catalytic activity of 99 A cm3 (at 0.8 V iR-free cell),44 which is very close to the 2010 target of 130 A cm3 set by the US. Department of Energy (DOE), as shown in Fig. 7. The highly catalytic activity of the catalyst may be assigned to the increased density of the catalytic site. 15708 | J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 15704–15716 Volumetric current density test.44 Reproduced from Ref. 44 with permission from The American Association for the Advancement of Science. Fig. 7 Strategies of improving the ORR catalytic activity (1) Optimized temperature for heat treatments In traditional experiments, a range of high temperatures was successfully used to screen the best ORR catalysts during preparation, regardless of obscuring detailed structural properties. Thus, for pyrolysis and annealing, it is widely believed that these high temperature treatments do play a positive role in the synthesis of doped carbon catalysts for ORR by introducing more active sites and enhancing stability. However, it was reported that the most vital factors, including optimal temperature and treatment time are quite distinctive that hardly can be clearly formulated.66 Signicantly, the morphological alteration of metal-containing species (e.g. CoxNy/Co3O4 (ref. 67) and CFe15.1/Fe3O430) along with the variation of pyrolysis temperature indicating the complicated change induced by high temperature treatment, revealing the vital effect of temperature during the procedure. Generally, the temperature must exceed the bottom line of reaction activation energy to facilitate the graphitization and doping reaction. But then, it has to be lower than the limit that would result in the decomposition of dopants-containing groups. Moreover, it was able to tune the structure (e.g. porosity) and elemental conguration (e.g. the transformation among graphitic, pyridinic and pyrrolic nitrogen) of the nal catalysts. (2) Co-doping with multi-elements Transition metals, such as cobalt and iron have been widely used as precursors in synthesis of doped-carbon catalysts for ORR, improving the catalytic activity in many cases due to the generation of new metal–N active center. Nevertheless, it was specically noted that the mechanism of ORR that occurred in nitrogen doped carbon material was considered by the following steps: rst, adsorption of O2 onto the catalysis surface was induced by the charged site that originated from the positive charged carbon atoms adjacent to nitrogen atoms. Then, the O2 would be reduced by the p electrons activated by conjugating with the long-pair from the nitrogen atom. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 View Article Online Published on 14 July 2014. Downloaded by Southeast University - Jiulonghu Campus on 30/01/2015 02:21:20. Feature Article Consequently, two key factors, namely charged sites and activated p electrons were needed in the catalytic reduction process. Thus, boron that possess mono 2p orbit is also a prospective candidate because the vacant orbital of B could extract and conjugate with electrons, leading to the charged carbon atom and activated p electrons.68,69 For instance, compared to those of carbon nanotubes, Hu et al. showed that the onset and peak potential of boron-doped carbon nanotubes (BCNT) positively shi with boron content, boron increasing from 0 to 2.24 atom% (Fig. 8).68 However, it was found that the bonded B and N in co-doped CNT exhibited antagonism rather than a synergetic effect, indicating that a large scale neutralization of lonepair electrons from N with vacant orbitals of B occurred. This fact would lead to the decrease of electrons and vacant orbitals, which result in little chance to conjugate and activate the p electron.69 Similarly, it was also gured out that for graphene codoped with N and B, the activity was not proportionate to the content of boron and nitrogen, and it seemed to be that an optimal ratio existed. This fact was due to the distribution of B and N. It was assumed that if boron and nitrogen bonded as BN bonds or BN clusters, it would lead to low conductivity and would lower the ORR activity.18 Accordingly, aiming to avoid the generation of inert by-products of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), Qiao et al. prepared a catalyst of boron and nitrogen codoped graphene without the by-products of h-BN, as shown in FTIR (Fig. 9a). The catalyst performed with much higher ORR Journal of Materials Chemistry A activity compared to the composites containing h-BN (Fig. 9b) and further proved this assumption.17 Meanwhile, as a member of nitrogen group elements, phosphorus has many similarities both in physical and chemical properties to nitrogen. Recently, the phosphorus-doped graphene was reported to be an active catalyst ORR.70 If the lower electronegativity of P (2.19) is compared to that of C (2.55) into consideration, P would act as a charged site where the adsorption of oxygen would occur like C in the N–C bond. However, the even higher energy of C–C when doped with P indicates that the mechanism cannot simply be explained by electronegativity.71 In particular, it was supposed that the different doping phase was dominated as P–O–C. Namely, oxygen atom was inserted between P and C. Thus, the oxygen atoms that possessed higher electronegativity (3.44) would extract the electron from C. Thus, eventually, C was le as the charged site.72 Furthermore, P was reported to be co-doped with N likewise.43,70,71,73–75 Further, P even could be ternary-doped with B, N, showing 2.3 times higher mass activity at 0.6 V (vs. RHE) than simply N-doped carbon. It was ascribed to the charge delocalization of the carbon atoms or split and wrinkled site on the edge caused by P dopant.72 In addition, carbon materials doped with sulfur or co-doped with sulfur and nitrogen also have been extensively discussed.24,42,71,76 And these heteroatom (B, N, S, and P)-doped carbon catalysts also performed good ORR catalytic activity in acidic media, as concluded in Table 3. (3) Fig. 8 RDE voltammetry of BCNT with a rotation speed of 2500 rpm (B1, B2, B3 stand for boron content of 0.86, 1.33, and 2.24 at%, respectively).68 Reproduced from Ref. 68 with permission from John Wiley and Sons. (a) Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and (b) linear-sweep voltammetry (LSV) (1500 rpm) in an O2-saturated 0.1 M solution of KOH of N–graphene, BN–graphene and h-BN–graphene.17 Reproduced from Ref. 17 with permission from John Wiley and Sons. Fig. 9 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 Improving active site density One bottleneck of the currently available non-precious metal catalysts is the low turnover frequency (TOF), i.e. the number of electrons produced per active site in a second under the dened operating condition, which is much lower than Pt-based materials contemporarily.80 Briey, a higher turnover frequency could be obtained from more catalytic site density,81 which was intensely affected by the size of the surface area. Normally, high surface area could oen increase the opportunity of the dispersion of catalysts and the density of active sites accessible to reactants, while pores would promote the transportation of reactants and intermediate species.82,83 Accordingly, many works towards high surface area were undertaken by utilizing support of materials, such as microporous/mesoporous carbon materials that already have rich pores24,44,84,85 or creating pores by techniques, such as template1,74,83,86–89 and potassium hydroxide (KOH) etching-assisted with ball milling.90 For example, by utilizing a highly microporous carbon black (Black Pearls 2000) with enormous surface area of 1379 m2 g1 (micropore area of 934 m2 g1) as the host, the as-obtained catalyst of Fe–N–C exhibited grand performance of volumetric current density of 99 A cm3. The obtained high activity was attributed to the microporous carbon black, which was lled with a large quantity of possible active sites of Fe–N and huge surface area inherited from the microporous carbon black.44 Similarly, due to the carbon nanober (CNF) possessing a big amount of exposed edge planes, slits and pores, it was reported as a very potential catalyst for ORR aer decorated or doped by J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 15704–15716 | 15709 View Article Online Journal of Materials Chemistry A Published on 14 July 2014. Downloaded by Southeast University - Jiulonghu Campus on 30/01/2015 02:21:20. Table 3 Feature Article Catalytic ORR activity of selected metal-free doped carbon materials in acidic media Heteroatom(s) Methoda Electrolyte Onset potentialb Electron transfer number N64 N77 F78 P, N79 S, N71 N, B, P72 CVD HT HT HT HT HT 0.5 M H2SO4 0.5 M H2SO4 0.5 M H2SO4 0.1 M HClO4 1 M HClO4 1 M HClO4 — 0.72 V 0.9 V 0.87 V 0.85 V 0.83 V 3.52 @ 0.41 V 3.49 @ 0.35–0.50 V 3.95 @ 0.8–0.2 V — 3.83 @ 0.75 V — a CVD: chemical vapor deposition; HT: high temperature treatment. b Potentials vs. RHE. nitrogen and Fe in cracks.91 In another interesting work, threedimensional (3D) N-doped graphene aerogel (N–GA), which owned 3D macropores and high specic surface was reported to support Fe3O4 nanoparticles to form a high efficient catalyst for ORR.92 Using the ordered mesoporous silica SBA-15 as the hard template and nitrogen-containing aromatic molecules, i.e. N,N0 bis(2,6-diisopropyphenyl)-3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic diimide (PDI) and tetrakis(tert-butyl)naphthalocyanine (BNc) as the C/N precursor, Müllen et al. reported the preparation of mesoporous N-doped carbon nitrogen-doped ordered mesoporous graphitic arrays with high electrocatalytic activity for oxygen reduction (see Fig. 10).89 It was also reported that by impregnating reactants into pores via immersion or ball milling,44,47,65,93 the reactants could polymerize in the tunnel to obtain large surface area and gain abundant active sites aer heat treatment. It was due to the rich pores structure of the support or template. So templating method was also used to create porosity for N-doped carbon.94 For instance, starting with Fe(NO3)3, Mg(NO3)2 and gelatin, we obtained self-expanded foam, which could be further carbonized into N-doped carbon with accessible trimodal porosity aer etching out Fe-containing species (see Fig. 11).94 Moreover, there are some works that demonstrated that doped carbon ORR catalysts with high surface area could be obtained without the support or template as well. For example, owing to high surface area and porous structure, self-supported Fig. 11 (a) Schematic diagram showing the one-pot route to C/Fe3C/ MgO foams and etching to generate carbon with trimodal porosity. (b) Gelatin sponge. (c) SEM and (d) TEM images of the calcined foam.94 Reproduced from Ref. 94 with permission from the Royal Society of Chemistry. of porphyrin-based catalysts prepared from porous polyporphyrin exhibited excellent catalytic activity.81 Using the approach of template-free precursor-controlled pyrolysis of polymer frameworks, the obtained porous cobalt porphyrinbased electrocatalyst exhibited high activity in acidic media with very positive onset potential 0.74 V (vs. RHE) and high electron transfer number (3.94), which was comparable with Pt/C.95 Additionally, KOH etching and ball milling,90 were also used to efficiently enlarge the surface area due to the decrease of intersheet interactions and formation of three-dimensional porous. For instance, the better ORR activity of nitrogen doped holey graphene (NHG) compared to the untreated nitrogen doped graphene (NG) revealed the advantage of porous structure.90 (4) Fig. 10 Preparation of ordered mesoporous carbon using the silica SBA-15 as the hard template.89 Reproduced from Ref. 89 with permission from John Wiley and Sons. 15710 | J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 15704–15716 Biomimetic approaches Inspired by biochemical oxygen activation process, Chen et al. prepared iron phthalocyanine-based ORR catalyst (Fe-SPc) (Fig. 12a) without pyrolysis. It was subsequently conrmed that the iron ion was active center with assistances of exact structure information obtained by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and high resolution electron spray ionization mass spectroscopy (ESIMS). Owing to the carefully designed preparation scheme, thioether functional groups served as electron-providing sites to facilitate electron transfer of the reduction process, preventing accumulation of the by-products and intermediates. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 View Article Online Published on 14 July 2014. Downloaded by Southeast University - Jiulonghu Campus on 30/01/2015 02:21:20. Feature Article Journal of Materials Chemistry A Fig. 12 (a) Structure of Fe-SPc and (b) polarization curves for the ORR of Fe-SPc/KJ300 on RRDE voltammograms.20 Reproduced from Ref. 20 with permission from the American Chemical Society. (a) Representative synthetic pathway for ORR catalytic active N-doped carbon and (b) RDE voltammograms at the rGO, rGO–N, rGO–N–Fe, and HiSPEC™ Pt/C (20 wt%) in 0.1 M KOH.51 Reproduced from Ref. 51 with permission from the Royal Society of Chemistry. Fig. 14 Fig. 13 (a) Structure of FePc–Py–CNTs and (b) durability test. (0.1 M KOH).21 Reproduced from Ref. 21 with permission from the Nature Publishing Group. Additionally, bulky diphenyl thiophenol groups provided steric hindrance, avoiding an overlap of the active sites in Fe-SPc and suppressing its weakness of rapid degradation inherited from phthalocyanine, displaying good durability aer 100 potential sweeps of RRDE voltammograms, as shown in Fig. 12b.20 Likewise, in order to enhance the conductivity and stability of the active site, Thapa et al. incorporated CNTs as providers of electron transfer channel and steric hindrance to prepare a FePc and pyridine-functionalized single-walled CNTs (FePc–Py– CNTs) electrocatalyst. The as-prepared catalyst exhibited impressive catalytic activity with extraordinary durability in 0.1 M KOH (Fig. 13).21 (5) Creating dopants with more predictable molecular structure Differing from pyrolysis and annealing, which use high temperature treatment to increase the graphitization of carbon of reagents to enhance conductivity,37 low temperature synthesis usually uses precursors [e.g., graphene, GO, rGO, carbon nanotube (CNT), oxidized carbon nanotube (OCNT)] that contain abundant sp2 carbon. Arising from excluding violent pyrolysis procedure around 1000 C, the best advantage of low temperature synthesis is it being much more facile and controllable. Our group has used a wet chemical way to prepare nitrogendoped carbon catalyst (rGO–N) without any ercely high temperature treatments, such as pyrolysis and annealing. GOcontaining native graphitic carbon was utilized as the carbon source; thus, high temperature graphitization could be avoided. Moreover, oxygen-containing defects in GO would be the place This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 where nitrogen-dopants could be introduced. It was found that using dicyandiamide as the nitrogen source, N-doped carbon with similar fair catalytic activity could be prepared at a lowtemperature (180 C) instead of commonly used high temperature treatment. It provided a new way to prepare doped carbon materials with high catalytic ORR activity with more predicable structure (Fig. 14a), a favorable onset potential and large kinetic current (Fig. 14b).51 Other types of chemical reactions were also used to tailor carbon-based materials. Acid-catalyzed dehydration was reported to prepare the aromatic pyrazine rings-containing nitrogendoped graphene from double-condensation reaction between ortho-diamine and diketone in GO.96 Likewise, tetrachloromethane and lithium nitride were also able to prepare N-doped graphene in one-pot direct solvothermal synthesis below 350 C.97 Moreover, it was conrmed by isotope labeling DFT theory that hydrazine treatment to GO would not only result in the insertion of an aromatic N2 moiety into a ve-membered ring as pyrazole formation at the platelet edges, but also retained the original basal structure of GO.98 Therefore, regardless of toxin and ammability, hydrazine treatment is a convenient method to reduce and nitrogenate GO in just one step. Furthermore, the low operating temperature, commonly below 100 C, makes the reaction controllable, which offers the possibility to detect the mechanism in detail. Controversies (1) The role of transition metals, such as Fe for catalytic ORR Though iron dopant has greatly been regarded as a signicant contributor to ORR activity, the confusion of real active center of Fe–N–C remains ercely debate. Many studies have demonstrated that Fe and N have synergistic effects.99,100 For example, a metal-free N-doped graphene (NG) catalyst with a high content of N (7.86 at%, XPS) was synthesized by the pyrolysis of urea and GO. It was found that the oxygen reduction onset potential was 0.14 V (vs. SCE in 0.1 M KOH).101 Interestingly, Fe/N-doped J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 15704–15716 | 15711 View Article Online Published on 14 July 2014. Downloaded by Southeast University - Jiulonghu Campus on 30/01/2015 02:21:20. Journal of Materials Chemistry A graphene (N 5.81%, Fe 0.89 at%, XPS) was synthesized in similar route by pyrolyzing urea and exfoliated graphene with Fe(OAc)2. It showed an enhancement of the ORR activity with an onset potential at 0.023 V (vs. SCE in 0.1 M KOH),41 indicating the important role of Fe. However, there existed a view that only coordinated Fe made contribution to ORR, and the rest which may have existed as iron-containing nanoparticles were not helpful for the catalytic activity.25 Dodelet and Jaouen reported that the activity of the Fe-containing carbon catalyst increased with Fe content up to 0.2%. Beyond that, the activity did not signicantly increase.102 Coincidentally, another Fe-containing (0.05 wt%) nitrogen-doped carbon catalyst exhibited excellent ORR activity. On the contrary, the activity sharply dropped when the content of Fe doubled to 0.1 wt%.99 Others have shown that Fe may only catalyze the formation of graphite carbon and the activity centers (C–N) during pyrolysis thereaer being inactive during ORR.103,104 For instance, some researchers assumed Fe as the activity center by considering the fact that CO was evidently able to block the Fe site and poison the catalysis.3 However, it was assumed that CO was not a convincing proof to verify the assumption.105 Considering that CN can effectively poison heme proteins, which is historically well-dened in biochemistry, Chen et al. divided the Fe–C–N activity center into two categories and hypothesized that if Fe suited as in-plane structure within, macrocyclic would render it resistant to CN replacement because of the steric hindrance of this complex.106 Star et al. evaluated the ORR catalytic activities based on a variety of transition metals, including Fe, Co and Ni used in the synthesis procedure of carbon nanotubes with/ without N-dopants. It was revealed that the quantity of active sites dictated the half-wave potential, while the type of metal affected the electron transfer number of ORR.55 Nevertheless, Dai et al. reported that nitrogen-doped carbon nanotube without metals was an excellent metal-free catalyst for ORR. They found that aer completely leaking-out iron-containing impurities, no signicant decrease of catalytic ORR activity was observed, indicating the iron did not facilitate the catalytic ORR.48 Moreover, it was also reported that nitrogen-doped carbon nanotube arrays showed favorable activity in ORR, and the activity was independent of trace iron, which may originate from FeCl3 (a precursor of CVD) in this case.107 In recent years, although many efforts have been made aiming to reveal the activity sites of doped carbon in catalytic ORR, this issue is still an ongoing debate. One conceivable challenge is that a high temperature treatment of a diversity of precursors makes the molecular structure of doped carbon rather complicated and difficult to predict and characterize. (2) N-dopants in catalytic ORR Graphene without any impurity exhibits excellent conductivity, which endows it with great electric potential, but it has poor performance of activity compared to the commercial Pt/C in ORR. Therefore, abundant attempts, including doping of foreign atoms have been investigated. Briey, compared to graphene, nitrogen-doped graphene was reported to facilitate activity, not only did it doubled the limiting-current, but it also 15712 | J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 15704–15716 Feature Article improved the onset potential to a great degree.108 Moreover, nitrogen-doped nanocomposites with high current, no less than or even higher that of Pt/C, further conrmed the feasibility of N-doped carbon material for efficient ORR catalysts.109,110 However, there are some arguments regarding the nitrogen dopants for catalytic ORR in carbon materials. Three types of nitrogen including pyridinic N, pyrrolic N and quaternary N primarily have been considered. Some researches demonstrated that pyridinic-type nitrogen dominated the catalytic activity.111 However, another investigation showed that pyridinic-N in a series of nitrogen-doped graphene with N content ranging from 0% to 16% did not work as an effective active site.112 Meanwhile, in some studies, both pyrrolic and quaternary N in doped carbon were reported to show exclusive catalytic activities48,113 and inertness in ORR.114 While other studies focused on the increase of content of nitrogen,115 and another study demonstrated that the optimal N content was around 25%.28 Accordingly, many studies have been devoted to exploring the activity center of N-doped carbon material.116 For instance, by annealing the three combinations of composites (GO/NH3, polyaniline/rG-O and polypyrrole/rG-O), the product of GO/NH3 mainly possessing graphitic and pyridinic N showed higher limiting current density, while the products of polyaniline/rGO and polypyrrole/rG-O mainly possessed pyridinic, and pyrrolic N moieties had more positive onset potential. Thus, it was supposed that the graphitic N determined the electrocatalytic activity, namely, the limiting current density, while the pyridinic N respond to the onset potential and tend to drive ORR through 4e process.117 Mechanism studies In a four-electron reduction pathway, O2 is rst adsorbed to the surface of the activity site, then combined with an H probably offered by H2O via hydrogen bond to form OOH as intermediate. Aer that, the O (ads) stretched an H and converted to OH (ads), which would nally desorb from the activity site with assistance of OH in an ambient solution. The signicant symbol of four-electron pathway is the bond break of O–O, while the less efficient two-electron pathway ends with the formation of H2O2.118 Meanwhile, it was reported that being doped with nitrogen, the intrinsic sluggishness of carbon materials toward ORR could be improved into in a more preferred manner of the four-electron pathway. To explore the nature of the mechanism around the doping process, density functional theory (DFT) has been extensively used to mimic the electronic structure of composites, which have been commonly stimulated as specic models by reasonable simplication and further optimization for practical reaction. Xia et al. reported nitrogen dopants with lone-pair electrons altering the electron distribution of the original one of C46H20. Compared to C46H20 in acid, the model of pyridine containing C45NH20 had an improved ORR activity attributed to the reduction of HOMO–LUMO gap, indicating greater opportunities of electrons excited from valence band to conduction band. While in the case of C45NH18 containing pyrrole, rather than the similarity above, nitrogen gave rise to asymmetric spatial This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 View Article Online Published on 14 July 2014. Downloaded by Southeast University - Jiulonghu Campus on 30/01/2015 02:21:20. Feature Article Distributions in two 6 6 supercells of (a) S1 and (b) S2. The gray and blue spheres represent C and N atoms, respectively. And the free energy diagram for O2 reduction on (c) S1 and (b) S2 under the condition of 0.04 V and pH ¼ 14. The black line indicates the intermediates and reaction barriers of associative mechanism. The blue line indicates the dissociative barrier of O2 and the intermediates. The red line indicates the formation of OOH.118 Reproduced from Ref. 118 with permission from Elsevier. Fig. 15 distributions of a electron and b electron. It was concluded that the catalytic sites were probably the carbon atoms that possess highest spin density or the carbon atoms with small negative value of spin density but owns large atomic positive charge density. That is, the promotion, more than irreplaceable of nitrogen, is ascribed to a high asymmetric spin density and atomic charge density on graphene induced by active chemical species.119 However, there are numerous factors, including solvent effect that complicate the stimulation of oxygen reduction. By considering the solvent, surface adsorbents, and coverage, Bao et al. built two congurations with same N concentration but different N distribution in 6 6 supercells in alkaline. It was found that compared to the conguration of S1 (see Fig. 15a), the decentralization of N distribution in S2 (see Fig. 15b) was more energy favorable of catalyzing oxygen reduction. This active gap was mainly interpreted by the lower formation energies of O (ads) on S1, illustrating stronger intermediatesurface bonding on S1. However, the barrier of O (ads) desorption occupied maximum in all steps, indicating ratedetermining step itself in ORR. Moreover, according to calculating energy barriers of oxygen reduction, though with slightly inferiority (0.08 eV higher than the corresponding in S1) in hydrogenation of O (ads), S2 possessed superiorities in most steps, especially the higher formation energy of O (ads) compared to S1, arguing weak bond energy between individuals that facilitated removing O (ads) and outperformed S1 overall (Fig. 15c and d).118 Apart from single dopant of nitrogen, metal elements, including Fe and Co are oen co-doped with nitrogen into carbon materials, forming the composites classied as Fe (Co)– N–C. For instance, by stimulating the M–N4 (M ¼ Fe or Co) cluster bridged two pores that were located in the edge of graphene plane, it was reported that the central metal atom was important for adsorbing O2 and breaking O–O bond. And for the This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 Journal of Materials Chemistry A Fig. 16 Correlation plot of O2 binding energy with d-orbital center of the central transition metal in the Fe–N4, Co–N4, and Ni–N4 clusters embedded between the graphitic pores. The d-orbital center was calculated by integrating the electronic density of states (DOS) of the transition metal d-orbitals (excluding dx2–y2 orbitals) in the energy range of 5 to 5 eV relative to Fermi energy.120 Reproduced from Ref. 120 with permission from the Royal Society of Chemistry. vital step of adsorbing O2 to the surface of the catalyst, it was found that the binding energy of M–O2 had a correlation with the d-orbital center of the central transition metal in this case, indicating the possibility to optimize other metals containing catalysts by tuning their electronic structures or supports (Fig. 16).120 Meanwhile, other than verifying assumptions and accounting for facts in the past, it is also essential to apply DFT to contemporary relevance as forecast, namely, digging up the unexploited candidates for ORR. Recently, based on the principles of energy favorable of crucial steps, including low formation energy of impurity atom(s) at vacancy(ies) on graphene and affordable but excessively strong adsorption of O2 on the defect, Kaukonen et al. stimulated several conditions of metal clusters that formed transition metal-vacancy complexes without the assistance of nonmetals. It was suggested that the feasibilities of P2 (phosphorus) and Ag2 (silver) doped in a divacancy of graphene, which have been seldom reported. Additionally, though the superiority of Zn met most requirements, the high formation energy hindered its potential applications in ORR. And Ga performed favorably except weak affinity to O2, which may lead to the bond break and be replaced by H2O in a lower adsorption energy.121 Conclusion It is important to enhance the kinetics of oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) for several articial energy conversion devices and sensors. Therefore, many efforts have been expanded on exploring highly active ORR catalysts. Not only being supported by a vast range of experiments but theoretically veried, doping carbon with foreign elements, such as N, B, P, or some additional transition metals has emerged as a very competitive candidate for outstanding catalytic performance that mostly attributed to optimized electronic structures. Despite remarkable catalytic activity, the actual active site remains extensively controversial among a variety of bonding patterns, which is J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 15704–15716 | 15713 View Article Online Journal of Materials Chemistry A Published on 14 July 2014. Downloaded by Southeast University - Jiulonghu Campus on 30/01/2015 02:21:20. presumably ascribed to the complicated molecular structure of most doped carbon by high temperature heat treatment. Thus, developing a new strategy to prepare doped carbon with more predictable molecular structures and high ORR catalytic activity is highly anticipated in the future. Acknowledgements This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21203023, 21305065, 21005016), NSF of Jiangsu province (BK2012317, BK20130788, BK2011591), and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China, for nancial support. Notes and references 1 R. Silva, D. Voiry, M. Chhowalla and T. Asefa, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135, 7823. 2 Y. Zhao, R. Nakamura, K. Kamiya, S. Nakanishi and K. Hashimoto, Nat. Commun., 2013, 4, 2390. 3 S. Maldonado and K. J. Stevenson, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2005, 109, 4707. 4 Y. Zheng, Y. Jiao, M. Jaroniec, Y. Jin and S. Z. Qiao, Small, 2012, 8, 3550. 5 R. L. A. J. F. Bard, Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications, Wiley, 2001. 6 H.-C. Huang, C.-H. Wang, I. Shown, S.-T. Chang, H.-C. Hsu, H.-Y. Du, L.-C. Chen and K.-H. Chen, J. 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