From 2010 to 2011


From 2010 to 2011
From 2010 to 2011
2010 was truly a year of H!-kingdom-advance"
The Lord in all His faithfulness led us step by step in running Incubator Ministries in our first two
years. He has continuously stretched us in our commitment to Him, our faith in Him, our
sacrificial love for Him, and our capacity in carrying the same yoke with our brothers and sisters
and with Him.
His marvelous works surprised us, His fiery love turned our hearts, His decrees left us in awe, His
enduring faithfulness gave us peace in the eye of the storm.
Entering into the supernatural lifestyle
Director of Incubator Ministries
Louisa MA
s we enter into 2011, may your body, soul and spirit prosper and
experience the fullness and the glory of His kingdom more deeply! I would
like to share with you the things we sense in the Spirit.
In August 2010, Incubator Ministries hosted the Kingdom Advance
Conference1. In the meeting, God accomplished miraculous things far beyond
imagination. The most apparent of these is that we witnessed about a
hundred to two hundred Christians affirmed their faith in Christ by being
baptized into the Body of Christ in the second and third evening sessions.
Immediately the whole congregation entered into the atmosphere of
celebration. We deeply experienced the truth of Luke 4:18, “to proclaim
freedom for the prisoners … to set the oppressed free”. Those who baptized
and those who were baptized did so out of simple faith and obedience to Jesus' Word (Matt 28:19-20).
They did so right on the spot when Pastors Eddie Ma and Jaeson Ma, who were leading the meeting,
acted with complete surrender to the Holy Spirit's direction, “I am moving, do not stop me!” I believe
what the Lord has accomplished is far beyond what our physical eyes could see. There was
breakthrough in the spiritual realm of the church of Hong Kong and in the missions movement. God is
making a way for His Church, and we are to welcome Him to do greater works among us!
Last year, we noticed that the number 11 kept appearing2. We believe that the Holy Spirit is
communicating a message to prepare us to enter into 2011:
1. 2010 was a year of testing of hearts and a year of decision making; 2011 will be a year of transition. In
the past we saw visions with eyes of faith, but in 2011 they would manifest in form and be visible
before our eyes. On the other hand, God will still give us room for making adjustments and room for
practising and transitioning in His grace. Therefore we should follow and enjoy the Lord's
overwhelming grace with hearts of joy and thanksgiving, and celebrate His mighty power, for the joy
of the Lord is our strength!
2. When the Holy Spirit moves mightily, we need to prepare ourselves to enter into the supernatural
lifestyle – the life that watches and waits on God, completely surrendering to His will, living with
kingly authority and preparing for miracles to happen.
3. One of our staff received a typhoon signal No.9 warning in a dream. In the Hong Kong Observatory
announcement, only typhoon signal No.9 contains the message that alerts residents to take special
care in protecting the children3, and all other warning signals do not mention the children. We believe
that the Lord is reminding us of this: although God's power brings about spiritual births swiftly, the
lives of the newborn are most easily attacked and require careful protection the most. We must be
watchful in prayer for newborn ministries.
Over 200 people were baptized at the
Kingdom Advance Conference.
From 2010 to 2011
He’s doing a new Thing!
Establishing kingdom children.
4. For the past three years, God has given us a burden to nurture children so that they live their lives
for God. Out mandate is not just to nurture our biological sons and daughters to walk in way of the
Lord. God has entrusted a great and difficult mandate: to nurture a generation of children that
embrace God’s holiness, to prepare them to walk God’s way and be faithful to the end. Establishing
kingdom children, raising up spiritual families and spiritual fathers and mothers will be our new
ministry this year.
5. In the past we emphasized more on the uniqueness of individual ministries or organizations, but I
believe that these characteristics will gradually fade. God will bring us into a great merging so that
we can see the vastness and the richness of His great river in the kingdom. Not only can we
anticipate the local regions to link arms, but also among many alliances in Hong Kong, between
cities in Asia, between different regions, and even the merging of the moves of the Spirit in the
continents of the world. We believe in the word He has promised, “that the earth will be filled with
the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” This promise will so come to pass, and is
already being fulfilled. May our uniqueness be surrendered before God's glorious plan and be
fulfilled to fullness.
6. I have two prayers for Hong Kong: firstly, that the Lord would release a fresh sound of worship, and
call His children in a whole new way to gather to offer a more beautiful sacrifice; secondly, that the
Lord would establish spiritual covering for the unification of the five-fold ministries in Hong Kong,
and raise up faith communities in the society, culture and the marketplace that will win Hong Kong
for God.
1. The Kingdom Advance Conference was held from 5th-­‐7th August 2010. Messages include Moses: Let my people Go and Daniel: the God who reveals mysteries by speaker Pastor Eddie Ma ; Kingdom Advance, The Cycle of the Great Commision and How to Make Disciples by speaker Pastor Jaeson Ma.
2. Numbers in the Bible oKen carry symbolic meaning. The number 10 represents tesLng and purifying, the number 11 represents transiLon and change, the number 12 represents compleLon and maturity. In daily life, 11:11 can also represent the end of Lme, the very end of the endLme.
3. According to the Hong Kong Observatory's official website, the meaning and reminders of typhoon signal No.9 include the following: “Gale or storm force wind is increasing or expected to increase significantly in strength. AcLon -­‐ Stay indoors. Stay away from exposed windows and doors to avoid flying debris. Close all interior doors and make sure children are confined to the least exposed part of your home. Do not touch electrical cables that have been blown loose. You should fix broken windows and doors only when there is no danger in doing so. If you are away from home, find a safe place and remain there unLl the danger is over.”
From 2010 to 2011
Our 2010
Our year began wi# $ Taipei Kingdom Culture Conference ......
In Feb 2010, almost everyone in our
house including our staff and interns
attended Kingdom Culture
Conference in Taipei with Bill Johnson
and Heidi Baker as the guest
The 3-day conference completely changed our mindset: Normal Christian life is
seeing and participating in signs and wonders! Many of our staff and interns
experienced healing - seeing others healed as they prayed and being healed
physically and psychologically - our faith level was never the same.
A series of Homecoming pre-gatherings kicked off,
which paved the way to the final “Homecoming” in
May. Chinese from all over the world came home and
gathered in Hong Kong with only one desire -- to
bless the heart of our Father. At the end of the day,
5000 people witnessed what the Lord has done in
the midst of His sons and daughters. He opened our
eyes to see that if we surrendered and obeyed Him,
He would finish what He started and fought for us. In
His glory, many broken hearted were healed, and many broken relationships were
restored. We were there when the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael reconciled; the vision of Chinese
holding hands with the descendants of Isaac and
Ishmael came alive before our very eyes.
From 2010 to 2011
We are the Church!
Then it was an intense 5-session Kingdom
Advance Conference held in Southorn Stadium,
Wanchai. In the day time, Pastor Eddie Ma and
some marketplace brothers and sisters shared
their dreams they had in His kingdom, whilst in
the night Pastor Jaeson Ma called forth those
who had simple faith and radical obedience to
go and make disciples of all nations - the
Great Commission in Matt.28 - for we are the
church! We were called to bring the kingdom
into the areas around us. After the
conference, there was a surge of
testimonies that testified to the
release of His body, the church, into
building His glorious kingdom.
All Nations House of Prayer
This is the center of Incubator Ministries. In addition to our usual themes, last year we have added the
themes “Prayer Movement”, “Chinese Homecoming Journey” and “Descendants of Isaac and Ishmael”
in response to what is on the
Lord’s heart. We want to cry out night and day
before Him for His justice and see His end-time
revelation be released upon the earth and
manifested in all areas of our lives.
Our staff and interns take turns to lead harp and
bowl sets Monday to Friday from 12:00 n. to 9:30
pm. We have Nightwatch the last Friday of every
month between the hours of midnight and 6:00
am the next day.
Ch am be r at 02:00
From 2010 to 2011
One Thing Internship
The only One Thing:
to embrace the heart of God.
Our first batch of One Thing interns partook in the
course of redefining “one thing” lifestyle. While many
of them thought “One Thing” is to gaze on His
beauty in His temple all the days of their lives, God
surprised us and said GO. Through night and day
On e T h
worship and prayer, with the Word of God and
i n g i nt
erns &
st af f
lectures as nourishment for building an intimate relationship
with Jesus, they were all set to go.
So not only did they go out of the temple frequently over the past year – learning to walk with God
and living a lifestyle of loving others – they visited the homeless and the scavengers, tutored children
on their homework, had lunch time gatherings with secondary students, held social care activities
with university students from Mainland China – they were also commissioned to bring their “one
thing” to the many different spheres and mountains in our society, thus bringing forth the
advancement of His kingdom. We are the church! Some of them are already back in the marketplace,
some work in the field of education, some are just waiting on the Lord to confirm His leading. One
thing is for certain: every one has found the pearl of great value, and has gone all out and sold all that
they had to buy the pearl – sold out for the Kingdom of God.
One Thing Internship is now on its second year, with 15 interns
(14 for a full year & 1 for 3 months) from 8 different local
churches. An orientation camp was held in Oct 4-5, and their
internship officially started in Oct 6.
From 2010 to 2011
2009-2010 One Thing Internship End-of-Year ceremony
The Integration of Prayer Movement and
Mission Movement
In the latter half of 2010, the doors of Asia kept opening up to us. We have
visited Mongolia, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Beijing, and India. The invitations
came to us in a timely fashion: to teach prophetic worship, conduct harp and
bowl trainings, connect with the body of Christ and lead services, call forth
and gather local Christian leaders to corporately seek His face, release the
message of walking intergenerational, and to raise up a generation hungry for
the glory of God.
Both regionally and spiritually, we never set our feet upon some of
these areas. These divine connections brought forth the
advancement of His kingdom mobilizing and assisting the church in
Asia to build houses of prayer, and to integrate with their mission
and ministry in an even deeper way. We believe the Lord is going to
amaze us by His leadership in 2011!
Both regionally and spiritually, we never set our feet
upon some of these areas. These divine connections
brought forth the advancement of His kingdom.
Friday Night Gatherings
On Friday nights, we went from “Knowing God
Gathering” to “Journey Gathering” to our recent
“Kingdom Advance Training”, apart from Pastors Eddie Ma
and Louisa Ma, our speakers have been brought into our
midst from His kingdom worldwide: Pastor Dean
Fujishima from Hawaii, Pastor Gideon Chiu and Pastor
David Demian from Canada, Dr. Chuck Pierce and his
team from Glory of Zion International
Ministries, U.S.A., and the co-author(with
Mike Bickle) of “The Seven Longings of the
Human Heart”, Deborah Hiebert and her
team from Every Home for Christ . We have
nearly 200 participants every time, and the
most participants we had was around 400.
From 2010 to 2011
An army of worshippers
In order to equip brothers and sisters to worship our God
freely with different kinds of musical instruments, we
have launched courses on vocal training and musical
instruments training since June, 2010. In December, our
small group classes have developed into having one-onone classes as well. Our small group classes include
“Inspired Keys Playing Method” and djembe; individual
classes include keyboard, guitar and electric guitar. We
also held classes on music theory, worship training,
prophetic worship, and anointed worship leading. All of
these serve to train up and build an army of worshippers,
who will worship Him unceasingly in our city.
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From 2010 to 2011
EGG - Embracing Generation to Generation
Our vision is to empower biological fathers
and mothers of this generation to rise up as
spiritual fathers and mothers, providing a
secure platform and loving environment for
our next generation to dream on and express
their creativity. Under the leadership of the
Holy Spirit, they receive revelations from God
so as to guide children into the freedom of
expression towards the love of God.
In 2008, some of our core leaders of
Incubator Ministries received the calling from
God in One Thing Conference, IHOP, Kansas
city, to arise and train up our future
generation to be a generation of Daniels. In
2009, a group of Christian mothers
corporately heard of the one same calling in
Joel’s Conference, Hong Kong: to become
spiritual fathers and mothers now and to
prepare a generation of Daniels. They started
to gather weekly--to do nothing but pray and
seek God for the sake of our next
generation--this is how EGG (Embracing
Generation to Generation) came into being.
從2010 到 2011 |
In 2010 there was a breakthrough in our
kingdom children’s ministry: the open-door
vision we saw of a Christian primary school in
2009 came to pass. The school principal heard
about EGG (Embracing Generation to
Generation) from a parent who is a member
of EGG, invited EGG to prayer walk in the
school. Soon EGG was invited to hold their
lunch-time prayer meeting; 90% of the school
kids raised their hands in acceptance of Jesus
as their personal Savior and to walk as
children of light. Followed by a Thanksgiving
week, EGG introduced the culture of honor,
appreciation, and thanksgiving instead of the
culture of halloween and horror. We are
currently cooperating with the school in a
musical production that will last for half a
year. In the coming year, we will be promoting
creative drawing classes, phonics classes, and
playgroups. We pray that the Lord will use the
EGG ministry to raise up kingdom children.
Financial Repo%
Incubator Ministries
Income & Expenditure Account for the year ended 31Dec2010
HKD 000
1. Offering
1. Operating Cost
4,273 ANHOP Operating cost
Offering for ANHOP
Offering for Levites
Full-Time Levites
80 Offering for OTI
530 Offering from Conference
5,030 2. Expenses on Ministries
2. From Ministries
Course Fee
Products Sale
123 Expenses
171 Expenses
294 Expenses
103 3. Other Income
Misc. Income
Total Income
00 2,917
on Training Course
on Product Production
on Emerging Missions
on Conference
Total Expenditure
Monthly Income & Expenditure Summary for 2010
HKD 000 HKD 000 HKD 000 HKD 000 HKD 000 HKD 000 HKD 000 HKD 000 HKD 000 HKD 000 HKD 000 HKD 000
Monthly Income
Monthly Expenses
Monthly Surplus/(Deficit)
209 1,089 335
(192) 397 (171)
Keep the fire burning on the Altar and let it never go out
口 1. I am willing to become an Incubator Ministries Monthly Offering Partner and I commit to give HK$200/month.
(We need 3000 Monthly Offering Partners to support the advance of prayer and mission movements)
口 2. I am willing to give a monthly contribution of HK$_______ for the following staff / internship expenses:
口 Salaries for the 17 staff
口Training expenses for the One Thing Internship Program (HK$4,000/month x 14 interns)
口 3. I / We would like to become one of the “24 Elders Around the Throne” and contribute HK $25,000/month
to support the overall ministries of Incubator Ministries. (We welcome any offering units by individuals, groups,
companies, organizations, or churches.)
口 4. I would like to give a one time offering of HK$___________.
Ways of Contribution
1. By auto-pay: Please complete the auto-pay authorization form from our website and return by mail to Incubator
Ministries for processing.
2. By deposit: Please make direct deposits to Hang Seng Bank Account “ 773-721667-883 ” and fax the bank
deposit slip to (+852) 2967-1845.
3. By cheque: Please make cheques payable to INCUBATOR MINISTRIES LTD., and mail to 10/F,633 King’s Road,
Hong Kong.
Telephone: (+852) 2967 1844
從2010 到 2011 |