19 News Week 08
19 News Week 08
19th February, 2016 Term 1 Week 4 For The Calendar Spotted This Week Were …… Next Week • Charlie Colley for his wonderful contributions to class discussions in health lessons. • Isla Stephenson and Emma Ward for kindly returning a lost item. • Charlie Colley for helping Kindergarten find their soccer ball. • Ada Dunn for helping her friends tie their shoe laces. • Lincoln Kearney for his generosity in Kindergarten. • Noor Nasser for respecting the property of others. • Brianna Roberts and Imogen Roberts for honesty. • Brock Chudleigh for improved literacy skills. • Riley Osborne for honesty. • Evelyn Dark for her efforts to keep the playground environment litter free. Mon. 22 Feb. Uniform Shop 8.45am to 10.00am Mon. 22 Feb. ‘Kids on Keyboards’ Lessons Tue. District Swimming Carnival ~ Years 3-6 23 Feb. Wed. 24 Feb. ‘Meet and Greet Afternoon’ 3.30 – 5.00pm -3.30pm for Kindergarten in Kindergarten Classroom. -3.30pm for Year 1 and Year 2 in Miss Milner’s Room. -Year 3 and Year 4 in the Technology Centre at 4pm. -Year 5 and Year 6 in the library at 4.30pm. Fri. 26 Feb. Yr 2/3 Learn to Swim Program concludes Fri. 26 Feb. Swimming Age Champion Medals awarded – 12.15pm Coming Up Mon. 29 Feb. Uniform shop 8.45am to 10.00am Mon. 29 Feb. ‘Kids on Keyboards’ Lessons Mon. 29 Feb. Prefect Induction Ceremony @ 12.30pm Tue. 01 Mar. School Photograph Day • Eve Roberts and Brianna Roberts for thoughtfulness. Thu. 03 Mar. Scripture/Ethics Classes Commence • Fri. 04 Mar. Clean-Up Australia Day Betsy Willis and Ellie Whittington for carefully following lost property procedures. Sat. 05 Mar. Potato Festival • Ruby Butler and Keely Cunningham for keeping the 1/2K Classroom tidy. • Charlotte Arentsen, Abigail Gray, Alyssa Huang and Montanna Allwright for sharpening all of the 1/2K pencils. Tue. 08 Mar. P&C AGM @ 7pm in the school library Fri. 11 Mar. P&C bulb drive orders due Fri. 11 Mar. Year 5 & 6 Assembly Item 12.15pm Sat. 12 Mar. Binda Picnic Races • Sophie Ward for keeping the bag shelf in 1/2K tidy. Tue. 15 Mar. K/1/2 Easter Hat Making • Fri. School Athletics Carnival ~ K-6 Jack Speer and Sophie Ward for being terrific role models to younger students. • Tynen Long for his dedication to home reading this week. • Jacob Griffith for mature and responsible behaviour. 18 Mar. Mon. 21 Mar. Harmony Day Tue. 22 Mar. Jollybops Performance Thu. 24 Mar. Ecumenical Easter Church Service 9.30am Thu. 24 Mar. K - 2 Easter Hat Parade at 12.15pm Fri. 25 Mar. Good Friday Holiday Mon. 28 Mar. Easter Monday Holiday Fri. 01 Apr. Year 3 & 4 Assembly item 12.15pm Thu. 07 Fri. School Cross-Country for Years 3-6 Fri. 08 Apr. Term 1 concludes Important Legal Reminder All parents/adults who provide transport to and from a school related activity, regardless of the distance being travelled, in a private vehicle for a child enrolled at Crookwell Public School, must complete the attached Parents Providing Student Transport In Private Vehicles form before being legally able to transport children. N.B. Completion of the attached Parents Providing Student Transport In Private Vehicles form is required of ALL families who haven’t provided updated 2016 information. Your compliance is appreciated. Swimming Champions This year’s swimming carnival saw a large number of students competing for the opportunity to be age champion in their respected age groups. Congratulations to:• Junior boys champion- Myles Kearney & Riley Osborne • Junior girls champion – Annie Knight • 11 Year boys champion- Jesse Croker • 11 Year girls champion- Lillyan Potts • Senior boys champion – Max Price • Senior girls champion – Emily Newman Age champions’ medals will be presented at Friday’s assembly, parents and guests are welcome. Congratulations to all the students selected to represent Crookwell Public School in the district swimming carnival rd held in Goulburn on Tuesday 23 February. Working Together, Growing Together Term 1 Class Captains Meet and Greet Afternoon th On Wednesday 24 February there will be an opportunity for teachers and parents to meet one another and exchange information that may enhance the quality of a child’s educational experience at school. Meetings will be conducted at 3.30pm for Kindergarten in the Kindergarten classroom and at 3.30pm also for 1/2K, 1/2M and 1/2B in Miss Milner’s classroom. 3/4N, 3/4H and 3/4P will meet in the Technology Centre at 4pm while Year 5 and Year 6 will meet in the library at 4.30pm. We hope you are able to attend. We look forward to seeing you at this gathering. School Leaders At last week’s assembly Sports House Captains, Class Captains and Forum Representatives were inducted and presented with their badges. It was fantastic to witness so many parents there supporting their children. We know they will do a wonderful job in their new roles and show pride in their school. Congratulations leaders! Sports House Captains and Vice Captains Kasey Rowles & Mason Kearney (Year 5), Bella Holman & Jimmy Locke (Year 6), Joshua Churchill & Sianabel Anderson (1/2B), Charlie Colley & Maddy Wray (1/2K), Victa Woods & Ellie Whittington (1/2M), Sebastian Potts & TianaMae Lewis (3/4N), Cody Tate & Jayda Hemara (3/4H), Luke Palmer & Jessie McCann (3/4P). 2017 & 2018 Enrolment Information Required Shortly, the school will be required to lodge with the Department of Education its anticipated numbers for 2017 and 2018. It is very important, particularly in 2017, that the anticipated numbers closely match the actual enrolment numbers. We require your help to get it right to ensure that next year we can again get off to a good start with classes formed and teachers available and ready to start teaching on day one. Cody Stewart & Zandalee Reeves (Waratah Captains), Lachlan Vallender & Georja Seaman (Waratah Vice Captains), Jimmy Locke & Georgie Lloyd (Wattle House Captains), Mathew Lang & Courtney Langford (Wattle Vice Captains), Blake McCarten & Bella Holman (Bluegum Captains), Nate Cairncross (absent) & Charlotte Stephenson (Bluegum Vice Captains). Therefore, if you know of any child who will be enrolling in Kindergarten next year, or the following year, would you please list their names below and return the slip to school? Please include every eligible child you believe will be enrolling at Crookwell Public even if you think that someone else may also include the child you are thinking of. We would prefer to have student names duplicated than omitted from the list. This information will also prove very useful when sending invitations to the ‘Flying Start’ program which helps to determine a child’s level of readiness for school and will operate throughout Terms 2 and 3 of this year. Forum Representatives --------------------------------------Potential Crookwell Public School Kindergarten Enrolments for 2017 & 2018 Child’s Name L-R Back Row: Brock Chudleigh, Jesse Croker, Tilly Plumb and Bridgette Anable. L-R Front Row: Jay Knight, Kiarna McCarten, Marlee Seaman, Levi Woods (Eli Stewart absent). Year To Commence School Information Provider’s Name: ________________________ Working Together, Growing Together Peer Support Leadership Training On Wednesday and Thursday, Year 6 participated in Peer Support Leadership training. Eight Year 10 Peer Support leaders from Crookwell High School attended to facilitate and conduct the leadership training to prepare Year 6 students for their role as Peer Support leaders. All participants thoroughly enjoyed the two days of training, learning leadership skills, interacting with the Year 10 leaders and relishing in the delicious morning teas and BBQ lunch. A big thankyou to the wonderful Year 10 students for joining us for the two glorious and fun-filled days, you all did an excellent job! Adam Mara, Emily Newman, Mikeely Gray and Luke Stephenson were dressed in newspaper costumes as part of Peer Support training. Hannah Stephens took the opportunity to visit the guinea pigs with Kirrilly Skelly, Abby Woods and Charlotte Stephenson when she returned to Crookwell Public School as a Peer Support Trainer. The Year 6 students and Year 10 leaders took advantage of the glorious weather to participate in the rather loud ‘Priest of the Parish’ game. The game requires great listening skills and team work! Georja Seaman was in charge of dressing Emily Newman as a character from a horror movie for their newspaper costume challenge. Who do you think she is? Year 6 students Jimmy Locke, Jay Cunningham, Oliver Gray, Max Price and Brock Chudleigh enjoy a celebratory lunch with Crookwell High School students Blake Haynes and Lachlan Grocott. Working Together, Growing Together Reminders Page! Reminders Page! University of N.S.W. Competitions for Yrs 3-6 Students who are currently in Years 3 - 6 are invited to take part in the Digital Technologies Competition, Science Competition, Spelling Assessment, English Competition and Mathematics Assessment. The competitions take place in schools throughout Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Region and are an initiative of International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) of the University of N.S.W. The Digital Technologies Competition will be held first, on th Tuesday, 17 May, 2016. The Science Competition will be st held on Tuesday 31 May, 2016 and the Spelling th Assessment will occur on Wednesday 15 June. The English nd Assessment will be on Tuesday 2 August and the th Mathematics Competition will be held Tuesday 16 August. The competitions provide an opportunity for all students to gain a measure of their own achievement in an external assessment situation. It provides schools and teachers with comprehensive reporting of results and also gives parents helpful information regarding their child’s performance. All students receive a certificate and an individual student report indicating which questions they answered correctly, as well as the average mark for the state. The student report is also useful for highlighting student strengths and weaknesses in the skills and processes of the competition subject area. 2016 VOLUNTARY SCHOOL CONTRIBUTION What is A Voluntary School Contribution? The vast majority of public schools request a contribution from parents each year to supplement existing funding. These contributions allow schools to provide additional resources and learning programs for our students. What Will The Money Be Used For? The money will be used to purchase resources to support teaching/learning programs for each student across the school. How Much? The suggested contribution is $50 per child. Please note that this roughly equates to $1 per child per week. I cannot stress enough the difference to our school finances that your contribution will make. The contribution fees are within the guidelines as set out by the Department of Education. How To Pay Please place your contribution, with the slip below, in an envelope and return it to the school office as soon as you are able. If you prefer, you may choose to pay a contribution in instalments. A receipt will be issued for all monies received. Thank you for your ongoing support of our school. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - The entry fee is $8.80 per student, per competition, except for the Spelling Assessment Competition which costs $12.10 to participate. Crookwell Public School 2016 VOLUNTARY SCHOOL CONTRIBUTION If you would like your child/ren to participate in one or all of the competitions please complete the attached note and return it, along with the entry fee, to school by Friday 1st April, 2016. Please find enclosed cash/cheque for $________________ (full contribution / instalment) --------------------------------------- Family Name: ________________________ University of N.S.W. Competitions: The permission note and money need to be returned to st school no later than Friday 1 April, 2016 if your child is to participate. I give permission for my child _________________________ to participate in the following University of N.S.W. Competitions:- (Please make cheques payable to Crookwell Public School) Name/s of child/ren: 1. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ a) Digital Technologies Competition on 17/05/16 YES/NO $8.80 entry fee included YES/NO 4._______________________________ b) Science Competition on 31/05/16 YES/NO $8.80 entry fee included YES/NO Signature: _______________________________________ c) Spelling Assessment on 15/06/16 YES/NO $12.10 entry fee included YES/NO Date: ________________________________ d) English Competition on 02/08/16 YES/NO $8.80 entry fee included YES/NO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - e) Mathematics Assessment on 16/08/16 $8.80 entry fee included YES/NO It’s not OK to be away YES/NO • Attendance every day at school is important for your child’s progress. It helps build friendships, life-long work habits and makes sure learning takes place. • Wherever possible, dental and medical appointments should be made out of school hours. • If your child is absent from school, please write a brief note to explain your child’s absence. You must state the reason why your child has been absent, eg type of illness or reason for leave. Saying my child “was away” is not good enough. Please find $ _______________ enclosed. Signed: ________________________________ (Parent/Caregiver) Date: __________________ --------------------------------------- Notes must be handed to the school within 7 days of an absence. Working Together, Growing Together Swimming Scheme Students in Years 2/3 have been working extremely hard during swimming school. All of the students are enjoying entering the water, learning about water safety and developing new skills. The weather has been absolutely perfect …..even the teachers are taking a dip! Nathan Rowles is impressed with his first dip. Mr ‘Batman’ Nedanoski preparing for swimming. Levi Woods is practising his swimming with Mr Nedanoski’s assistance. Year 3 students safely entering the pool. Abby Merryfull and Sienna Gray prepare to use a kick board to practise their kicking skills. School Photograph Day – Tuesday 1st March st On Tuesday 1 March The School Photographer will visit the school to take class, individual and sibling photographs. Please ensure your child comes to school on that day looking clean, neat and tidy wearing full Crookwell Public School summer uniform. Remember jewellery is not permitted and girls are to wear only red hair accessories. Contacting the School Kiarna McCarten, Samuel McGregor and Mackenzie Gauci are quite impressed with their swimming efforts. Please remember that you are always welcome to visit, phone or email the school to discuss any matter that concerns you. It is essential that a child’s home and school maintain frank and honest channels of communication for educational outcomes to be maximised. Working Together, Growing Together Noor and the Nightingale Sisters P&C News ……………………… On Thursday Noor Nasser went on an excursion to Crookwell Hospital, a place Noor hadn’t visited before. Noor had a bleeding cut on her ankle and despite the best efforts of the ladies in the school’s first aid clinic the bleeding couldn’t be stemmed. The help of the wonderful staff at Crookwell Hospital was enlisted and next to no time the staff at Crookwell Hospital had dispatched a repaired and smiling relieved Noor Nasser. The Crookwell Public School P&C AGM will be held on th Tuesday 8 March, 2016 at 7pm in the school library. If you would like to join our P&C and be involved in supporting our awesome school please come along. There will be a general meeting held straight after the AGM. Membership fees for voting rights are $2 per person for the year. You will not be forced into a position you are not willing to take on. Being involved in the P&C provides you with a fantastic opportunity to meet the staff, and help raise funds to support the education of all students who attend Crookwell Public School. Take care and have a great weekend. Sharon King CPS P&C President. ‘Snack Shack’ Roster 2016 School first aid officers Sharon King and Billie Willis with a relieved Noor Nasser after her trip to Crookwell Hospital to have her cut ankle attended to. Maths in 1/2B 1/2B have been learning their friends to 10 and 20 this week. Students have enjoyed using the ten frames to quickly recognise the number and calculate how many more they need to get to 10 or 20. All students worked cooperatively and enjoyed challenging each other. Mon. 22 Feb. Kyly Ross & Yvonne Smith Wed. 24 Feb. Michelle Butler & Kathy Robertson Fri. Lisa Barlow & Brooke Wong 26 Feb. Mon. 29 Feb. Volunteers Needed Wed. 02 Mar. Anna Gardiner Fri. Joshua King & Yvonne Smith 04 Mar. Re-usable Lunch Bags on Sale at the Uniform Shop Don’t forget the Uniform Shop now sells reusable lunch bags, which can be used every day and/or are fantastic to use for your child’s canteen lunch orders. The bags are well insulated so that food can be kept hot or cold. If you are interested please send in a note with your child. The price is $12.50. Tyla Haynes and Reagan Willis work together to learn the ‘Friends of Ten.’ Yours in Public Education, Greg Atfield Principal Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day Stall Sharon Woods has kindly volunteered to coordinate the Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day stalls this year. Sharon will order gifts for the stalls and closer to the day will be looking for helpers to gift wrap and man the stalls. This activity, besides being a sound P&C fundraiser, is one that is greatly appreciated by the students. Thank you Sharon for your positive contribution to the life of the stall. Working Together, Growing Together Changes in the Uniform Shop - Reminder CROOKWELL HIGH SCHOOL OPEN DAY The school uniform shop provides a very valuable service to the school as well as being an important source of P&C (school) funds. For many years Haley Snape, Rowena Watson, Kathy Rowe and a band of helpers have dedicated their time to ensure the shop operates smoothly, efficiently and profitably. On behalf of the Crookwell Public School community I would like to thank these committed ladies for the wonderful job they have done in the uniform shop. However, the team of volunteers who work to conduct the uniform shop cannot continue in the role past the P&C AGM th on Tuesday 8 March due to additional work commitments. It would be devastating to see this fabulous service disappear. A team of 2 to 3 people is needed to allow the uniform shop to continue. Please consider, with the assistance of a couple of diligent and committed friends, taking on this role. The position becomes available at the AGM but in the meantime Haley, Rowena or Kathy would be happy to speak to you about what the role entails. Thank you for giving serious consideration to filling this role which soon will become vacant. WHEN: SUNDAY 20th March 2016 TIME: 11am to 3pm WHERE: CROOKWELL HIGH SCHOOL This is an opportunity for parents, students and all members of the community to explore our school and see the innovative learning programs & extensive extra-curricular activities offered. Displays, demonstrations and activities during the day include. Community Announcements ………………… The inclusion of any announcement does not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation thereof by Crookwell Public School. *Price complete with PENTAX standard single vision lenses with scratch resistant coating. Visit specsavers.com. au or see in store for full details. A Free Super Tough lens upgrade only available with standard single vision glasses for kids under 16. • • • • • • • • • • • Hospitality food & beverage service Industrial Technology presentations & ‘hands on’ activities Interactive Science demonstrations & models Music and Drama performances Demonstrations of student learning how technology enhances PE & Sporting activities Maths displays and ‘hands on’ activities Agriculture displays HSIE displays Student art works Information available on enrolment and transition programs, school procedures, curriculum and extracurricular activities. Light refreshments will be provided by our Hospitality students You Are Invited to Attend CROOKWELL PROGRESS ASSOCIATION’S INAUGURAL COMMUNITY AND BUSINESS MEETING th Tuesday 8 March at 7pm Crookwell Services Club Crookwell Junior Green Devils 2016 Season Registration Dates th Saturday 13 February at Crookwell RSL from 9am -12noon AND th Saturday 5 March at the Potato Festival. $50 fee with ALL players receiving shorts and socks Pre-register questions and suggestions before February 26 by depositing in suggestion boxes (Arcadia, Crossroads Cafe, Crookwell Health Centre or Dr Velu’s rooms) or at the Crookwell Gazette Office, or by email to crookwell.progress.association@gmail.com Working Together, Growing Together CROOKWELL SOCCER REGISTRATION CLUB JUNIOR YES IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN FOR EARLY SATURDAY MORNINGS AND HOT DOGS!!!! (AND BEANIES) Crookwell Preschool 2015 Concert DVD’s Crookwell Preschool 2015 end of year concert DVD’s are now available to collect at the Preschool office Monday – Friday. OUR JUNIOR REGISTRATION IS BEING HELD AT THE CROOKWELL AMENITIES BLOCK NEXT TO THE SHOE STORE DATE: 20TH FEBRUARY, 2016 TIME: 9AM-12PM COST FOR REGISTRATION IS $50 PER JUNIOR PLAYER WITH A DISCOUNT FOR 3 OR MORE CHILDREN FROM THE SAME FAMILY. PLEASE COME ALONG AND REGISTER EARLY!! THE REGISTRATION FORM IS ATTACHED TO THIS WEEKS NEWS LETTER. HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL THERE!!! KAOS is on AGAIN KAOS is about to hit again and you can be part of this year’s production. KAOS is about having fun, achieving something personal in your lives – whether it is by – increasing your self-esteem, confidence, making new friends or just getting up in front of an audience – something maybe you think you can’t do. This year we are staging Annie Jnr which has a large speaking cast and is designed for all ages. There will be singing, acting and dancing, so whether you want a speaking part or to be a chorus member you can’t miss th the audition/muster evening on next Wednesday 24 February at the Crookwell Memorial Hall. 5pm – 5.30pm – Muster/Rego 5.30 – 6.45 – Auditions If your child only wants to be a chorus member only – they can leave at 5.30pm. The production team for KAOS this year is Sandra Bill, Rachell Naughton and Rebecca George. For more information contact Rebecca on 0423 234 336. Working Together, Growing Together CROOKWELL PUBLIC SCHOOL CANTEEN ROSTER WK 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TERM 1 - 2016 VOLUNTEERS DAY DATE MONDAY 1-Feb Lisa Barlow WEDNESDAY 3-Feb Anna Gardiner FRIDAY 5-Feb Yvonne Smith Sonia Garnham (NEW) MONDAY 8-Feb Debbie Lang Yvonne Smith WEDNESDAY 10-Feb Kylie Ward Julie Simpson FRIDAY 12-Feb Kristy Grove Michelle Clements MONDAY 15-Feb Brooke Wong Anne McIntosh WEDNESDAY 17-Feb Marion Price Yvonne Smith FRIDAY 19-Feb Yvonne Smith Need Volunteer MONDAY 22-Feb Kyly Ross Yvonne Smith WEDNESDAY 24-Feb Michelle Butler Kathy Robertson FRIDAY 26-Feb Need Volunteer Need Volunteer MONDAY 29-Feb Brooke Kearney Liddy Skelly WEDNESDAY 2-Mar Anna Gardiner FRIDAY 4-Mar Josh King Yvonne Smith MONDAY 7-Mar Lisa Barlow Sharon Woods WEDNESDAY 9-Mar Angela Rowles Justin Rowles FRIDAY 11-Mar Kristy Grove Leonie Allport MONDAY 14-Mar Colleen Picker Jacqui O'Brien WEDNESDAY 16-Mar Heidi Ehman Alex Rose FRIDAY 18-Mar Julie Simpson Need Volunteer No Kristy YSV YSV YSV - No Kristy YSV No Kristy If you are unable to attend Canteen on your rostered day on, please FIND YOUR OWN REPLACEMENT, OR ORGANISE TO SWAP DAYS WITH ANOTHER PERSON/S ROSTER CONTACT: MANDI SMITH 0407 998 754 CROOKWELL PUBLIC SCHOOL CANTEEN ROSTER 9 TERM 1 - 2016 MONDAY 21-Mar Cheryl Selmes Angela Rowles WEDNESDAY 23-Mar Need Volunteer Need Volunteer FRIDAY 25-Mar CANTEEN CLOSED - GOOD FRIDAY MONDAY 28-Mar CANTEEN CLOSED - EASTER MONDAY 10 WEDNESDAY 30-Mar Yvonne Smith Angela Rowles FRIDAY 1-Apr Mick Hattam Apple Hattam MONDAY 4-Apr Jodie Anderson Yvonne Smith 6-Apr Yvonne Smith Kate Warren 8-Apr Need Volunteer Need Volunteer 11 WEDNESDAY FRIDAY YSV Yvonne Smith or Anna Gardiner YSV No Kristy If you are unable to attend Canteen on your rostered day on, please FIND YOUR OWN REPLACEMENT, OR ORGANISE TO SWAP DAYS WITH ANOTHER PERSON/S ROSTER CONTACT: MANDI SMITH 0407 998 754 The Crookwell Neighbourhood Centre is pleased to announce the Mobile Children’s Service has reopened their Binda venue. This commenced on the 2nd February 2016. It operates on Tuesdays from 9:00am to 3:30pm and provides the same quality childcare we provide at all our venues. We cater for children aged between 6 weeks and 5 years old. We are fully licensed and have qualified staff running the day. Our program is designed to be both stimulating and educational, it is developed for each child’s individual needs and interests. Young children learn through play and learn best when receiving quality childcare. At our service your child/children will have fun as well as learn many new skills and develop their already existing abilities. These will not only help them now but that are the foundation for the beginning of their school career. We have 4 other venues and they are as follows: COLLECTOR Monday Tuesday 9.30 – 2.45pm 9.30 – 2.45pm LAGGAN Monday Wednesday Thursday 8.45 – 3.45pm 8.45 – 3.45pm 8.45 – 3.45pm BIGGA Wednesday 9.30 – 3pm RYE PARK Thursday Friday 9.30 – 3pm 9.30 – 3pm If you have any questions or would like information on Binda or any of our venues please don’t hesitate to call our office and speak to our friendly staff on 48321953 JUNIOR REGISTRATION FORM Crookwell Soccer Club – 2016 REGISTRATION DAY – Saturday 20TH Feb 2016 9am – 12 noon Amenities Block, Goulburn Street, Crookwell Or drop Registration Form plus payment to Crookwell Sports Store REGISTRATION FEE -$50 per child [3rd or more $40 per child] Please note: REGISTRATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED PAYMENT Players Name Date of Birth CLUB USE ONLY Grade Registration Number 1. 2. 3. 4. Parent’s Name ______________________________________________________ Would you be interested in Coaching? YESI NO If so, Parent’s Name: _________________________________________________ Would you like to coach a particular child? Name: ____________________________ Do you have a current First Aid Certificate? Yes (Please circle) No (Please circle) Email Address- ______________________________________________________ Would you like to REFEREE? YES/ NO Would you like to RUN LINES? YES/NO (This is available for children in A &B grades as well as adults. Children need to complete a one (1) afternoon course. A small payment is made for your time & effort to junior referees only Fees Paid: YES I NO Receipt Number: ___________________ GOULBURN & DISTRICT NETBALL ASSOCIATION 2016 Season Netball Registrations 10am - 12pm Saturday 5thMarch @ Carr Confoy Netball Courts, Eastgrove Saturday 12th March @ Goulburn Plaza (near K-mart) • NetSetGo! (5-10years) ● Junior Division (10-12years) ● Intermediate Division (Aged Up to 15years) ● Cadets Division ● Senior Division (Played Monday Nights) Season starts Saturday, 2nd April, 2016 and Seniors on Monday 4th April, 2016 Enquiries: secretary.gdna@hotmail.com or Mareeca 0439 400 129