organising a school expedition


organising a school expedition
Operation Wallacea is an organisation funded by tuition fees that runs a series of
biological and conservation management research programmes that operate in
remote locations across the world. These expeditions are designed with specific
wildlife conservation aims in mind - from identifying areas needing protection,
through to implementing and assessing conservation management programmes.
What is different about Operation Wallacea is that large teams of ecologists,
scientists and academics, who are specialists in various aspects of biodiversity
or social and economic studies are concentrated at the target study sites. This
gives volunteers the opportunity to work on a range of projects. The surveys
result in a large number of publications in peer-reviewed journals each year
and have resulted in 30 vertebrate species new to science being discovered,
4 ‘extinct’ species being re-discovered and $2 million levered from funding
agencies to set up best practice management examples at the study sites. These
large survey teams of scientists and volunteers, funded independently of normal
academic sources, have enabled large temporal and spatial biodiversity and
socio-economic data sets to be produced, and provide crucial information to
help with organising effective conservation management programmes.
The vast majority of science programmes that deliver key research outcomes are
characterised by short-term funding with restricted aims and bio-geographical
ranges. Long-term projects covering large bio-geographical scales that
incorporate more than one ecosystem are rare. The Operation Wallacea
programme provides the opportunity to consider science and conservation
of key ecosystems from a global perspective. Opwall is able to draw upon
researchers from a wide range of different disciplines and academic institutions
to address major issues related to the sustainable management and conservation
of some of the world’s most diverse but threatened environments.
Groups of sixth form/high school students in their last two years before going
onto university can join these biodiversity survey expeditions as long as they
are accompanied by a teacher. The school groups are required to collect data
for at least part of their expedition which helps with the research objectives and
publications for that site. During their 2 week expeditions the school groups
also have the opportunity to work alongside a range of different field scientists
and learn about the survey techniques and species encountered. At each of the
sites a lecture series is run to provide background information about the habitats
and species, which are tied in to many of the concepts learned in pre-university
biology, geography and environmental science courses.
There is a lot more detail about each of these topics on the Opwall website
( with examples given for different country exam boards.
Understanding course syllabuses better
The lecture courses given in the field provide examples that can be used
to illustrate many of the principles of biology, environmental science and
geography courses. Syllabus matching for various exam boards for A levels,
Scottish Highers, IB and AP exams have been included in the schools booklets
for each country on the Opwall website.
Gaining qualifications (UK students)
If based in the UK this includes gaining a Universities Award for completing
the research programme or using the expedition and preparation for a CoPE
qualification. Some of the expeditions also result in the students gaining dive
based qualifications.
University course credit (US Students)
Students can obtain 2 – 3 University course credits for their participation in the
programme from the University of West Florida and are given a graded transcript
of their work which can be used to reduce the credits needed for a degree under
the US college system.
Community, Action and Service (CAS)
CAS or Creativity, Action and Service components of the IB course can be
incorporated into an Opwall expedition (e.g. dive training counts for the action
section or their conservation contribution for the service elements). In addition
the field exercises can contribute towards the Practical Scheme of Work (PSOW)
and could be assessed for data collection and processing or conclusion and
evaluation internal assessment elements.
Extended essays and research projects
Opwall research expeditions provide an excellent opportunity to carry out
research-based qualifications such as the EE (Extended Essay), EPQ (Extended
Project Qualification) or other mini research projects. For most projects or
essays the question to be answered has to be identified by the student. In order
to ensure the question is as closely linked to the research expertise on site as
possible, it is best to search through the on line research database included on
the Opwall website ( Once the student
has an initial idea he/she needs to email
with their interests, initial ideas and contact details so that one of the academic
staff working with Opwall can contact them to discuss possible research
questions. The student has to submit by 28 February of their expedition year,
a 2 page summary of their proposed research question and how they intend to
construct their essay or research project. This draft will be responded to by
one of the Opwall academic staff and the final version has to be submitted
by 1 April.
Career development
The research expeditions provide an ideal opportunity for students to meet a
range of university academics, ecologists and scientists. Also, depending on
the expedition, to work alongside university students doing degree courses of
potential interest to them. The expeditions provide an excellent way of making
contacts and many of the students that have joined previous Opwall expeditions
have then completed degrees in relevant subjects and gone on to careers in
wildlife conservation or field research. Or indeed returned to complete their final
year dissertation on-site.
Photo Credits
ADEPT, Danny Albone, Anmari Alvarez, Archipelagos, James Arlington, Tom Avent,
Jake Bicknell, Joe T Bourne, David Bowman, Robin Brace, Sara Carlson,
Jasci Carvalho, Anais Castillo, Henrietta Chilton, Steven Christian, Andy Clark,
Dr James Coates, Dr Tim Coles, Tim Colston, Emily Cook, Felipe Alfonso Cortes,
Rachel Daniels, Juan de Dios Morales Nunez, Xiang Dingqian, Pippa Disney-Tozer,
Dive Dominica, Amy Dixon, Dive Dominica, Carys Edwards,Dr Dan Exton,
M Fahmi Permana, Rachael Forster, Nathalia Fuentes, Dr Duo Hairuri, Annie Harris,
Peter Herbst, Dr Justin Hines, Danielle Hines, Ashley Holland, Emma Hughes,
Calvin Koltze, Adam Laverty, Dan Lazell, Paul Leafe, Tom Leslie, Etienne Littlefair,
Laura Mack, Niall McCann, K McKimm, Steve McMellor, Jonny Miller,
Paola Moscoso, Ferdie Muller, Tom Mullier, Jamie Neaves, Dan Newman,
Tian Ningchao, Dr Zhiming Niu,Dr Rob Pickles, Kerry Pitcher,Dr Roger Poland,
James Powell, Adam Powell, Adam Radage, Ernesto Reyes, Ali Reza,
Keith Richardson, Dr Jeremy Rowe, Ben Sadd, Pelayo Salinas de Leon,
Dr James Saunders, Johan Scholtz, Victor Shegelski, Prof Dave Smith,
Andrew Snyder, Hugh Tam, Alex Tozer, Alex Turnbull, Dr George Turner,
Wanglang National Nature Reserve, Hao Wenjiang, Hu Wenle, Ariane Whitehead,
Matthew Whiteley,Dr Roy Wiles, Sarah Wood, Hannah Wright, Zing Zhi
School expeditions (students aged 16-18) need to be organised by teachers
from the school, the same teacher can accompany the group in the field or you
can elect another teacher to join the expedition. There is one free expedition
place for a teacher for each group of 8 paying students or part thereof and the
travel costs for this place are absorbed in the total package costs paid by the
students. A group of 16 students gives you 2 free staff places. A group of 20
would give 2 free staff places and an additional staff member could join at a
50% discount. The teachers’ role is to ensure the groups get to the start and end
points of the expeditions safely. During expedition Opwall staff are responsible
for the activities and safety of the group. The teachers will join in with the
research programmes and are responsible only for ensuring the group arrive
safely to the site and pastoral (personal welfare) issues relating to their group.
Getting started
Groups take between 10 and 20 months to organise their expedition from
initial interest to going into the field. Teachers interested in how they can get
a group organised should contact their local Opwall country office (see list of
addresses on the back cover) or complete a Schools Expression of Interest at An Opwall staff member will then contact you and have a
chat over the phone or arrange to meet in-school to go through the expedition
options. At these in-school meetings the Opwall staff member will also bring
some example biodiversity data sets with exercises for the students to complete,
which can be used as 45 minute lessons. In addition there is the opportunity
to arrange for a future date, an in-class lecture by one of the Opwall academic
staff on biodiversity survey techniques or other relevant topics. The purpose of
the initial school visit with the interested teachers is to introduce the expedition
programmes, safety systems and educational benefits. If at the end of this
meeting there is interest in learning more then a date and time is arranged for
an evening presentation to explain the programme to students and their parents
along with the interested staff. There is no commitment in arranging an evening
presentation and if at the end of the talk the decision is that a group will not be
going from the school, then there are no costs payable.
Before the evening presentation, the teacher chooses their preferred expedition
destination and selects a favoured project with a possible back up country to be
given at the evening presentation. Opwall then forwards all the relevant health
and safety documentation regarding the preferred expeditions so the process of
approval can be started.
Expedition Launch
Once the preferred country has been selected and the health and safety issues
have been considered, a presentation to students, parents and the interested
teachers is given by one of the Opwall academic staff. This presentation
describes the research objectives, facilities, timetable for the group and the
learning objectives for the high school group for the proposed expedition. The
talks are delivered as academic presentations with the objective that even if
the students are not interested in joining the research programmes they should
still have learned some useful examples for their biology, environmental
science or geography exams. Some expedition weeks are very popular so it
is advisable for a school to hold places on particular expeditions before their
evening presentation and these places can be held for up to 1 month after the
presentation, with no financial commitment. If the held places are not needed
the school releases them and they are allocated to another school waiting to
hold places on that expedition.
Raising the funds
If the group wants to fundraise for part or all of the expedition costs then Opwall
will arrange for a professional fundraiser to meet with the interested students
and parents as soon as possible after the evening presentation either directly or
via a Skype meeting. The purpose of the meeting is for the fundraiser to explain
what activities, events and other fundraising ideas schools can use to reach
their fundraising target and the likely income from each of these activities. The
objective is for the group to develop a fundraising plan with details of activities
and events to be completed and the estimated income from each. It is extremely
beneficial if the parents can stay involved with the fundraising.
Risk is inherent in everything that we do in life. Without accepting and
understanding these risks, we would not be able to do anything at all. The first
concern of all activities undertaken as part of Operation Wallacea expeditions is
to gain an understanding of the environments we will be working in, and from
this to reduce risk to health and safety as far as is possible. All the expeditions
provided by Operation Wallacea meet the requirements of BS8848 Specification
for the provision of visits, fieldwork, expeditions and adventurous activities
outside the UK. In addition Opwall has been audited and awarded a Learning
Outside the Classroom badge for taking students on overseas expeditions.
Medical support is arranged for each of the sites and safety auditing is
performed during the research programmes. On the Opwall website (www. for each country you can find details of the risk management
systems, how the expedition meets and exceeds each clause of the BS8848,
the information describing the support and leadership at each point on the
expedition, the medical and evacuation report and a summary of the accidents
and illnesses at each site in the previous year. Looking at the statistics from each
site it is apparent that joining an Opwall expedition is less risky than most sports
tours and considerably less risky than activity type trips such as skiing.
Opwall organised a course here in which my students gained both a great deal of
knowledge and new skill sets, all in a beautiful environment and under very high
safety standards.
Mike Beale, Bedford School, School Teacher, Cuba Expedition
For many of our students this was their first time away from home for 2 weeks. They were
promised an adventure, a real expedition and lots of challenges and science, and this is
exactly what they got. Fantastic! They will remember it for a long time. Thank you.
Kate Trott, Prior Park College, Cuba Expedition
If you want to know what real field research is like, go on an Opwall expedition.
You won’t regret it!
Jason Anderson, Ponderosa High School, School Teacher, Ecuador Expedition
A first-rate experience in terms of breadth and depth of conservation
research involvement.
Alastair Laidlaw, Fortrose Academy, School Teacher, Romania Expedition
Thank-you to you and the whole team (scientists and translators) for the amazing trip we
have just had. Personally I loved every minute of it. The feedback from the students has
been exceptional. They have said to me that it has been ‘the best two weeks of their lives’,
‘a life-changing experience’, ‘career defining’ and ‘worth the money and much more’.
Matt Rossin, South Devon College, School Teacher, Romania Expedition
A genuine dream come true and an unforgettable experience. It is impossible to choose
a favourite moment. All of the flora and fauna seen has been amazing. Not only have the
group gained an appreciation of the ecology of Madagascar but also the Malagasy lifestyle
which is so different from our own.
Helene Bonsall, Sevenoaks School, SchoolTeacher, Madagascar Expedition
Teacher Feedback
Student Feedback
Operation Wallacea not only offers an exceptional experience that allows students to
learn about humanity whilst working outside their comfort zone but its academic offering
is unparalleled.
Will Vincent, Institut Le Rosey,School Teacher, Indonesia Expedition
An excellent educational experience for all of the pupils with excellent support
from the staff.
Simon Ellis, Mount St. Mary, School Teacher, Honduras Expedition
The experience definitely exceeded my expectations – all of the surveys were fantastic.
The leaders explained everything really well. They shared their knowledge of the local flora
and fauna and really inspired the students with this by getting them actively involved in
collecting the data. Everyone is leaving Calakmul enriched by the experience and their wild
encounters, and with a ton of amazing photographs to prove it! Thanks so much!!
Ariane Whitehead, Clifton College, Mexico Expedition
Outstanding opportunity for students to experience and participate in real scientific data
collection and meaningful conservation research.
Lucas Sorbara, Toronto Waldorf School, School Teacher, Mexico Expedition
The programme provided by Opwall gives students an insight of the role researchers play
and also highlights the importance of conservation.
Nicholas Schloss, Clairvaux MacKillop College,School Teacher,
South Africa Expedition
Our decision to choose Opwall over other companies has been completely justified. A
wonderful experience for students that allows them to contribute to such high conservation
ideals but at the same time allows them to develop their own individual skills and levels
of confidence.
Selena Dumble, Shanghai United International School, School Teacher,
South Africa Expedition
Opwall is a wonderful experience for bringing science alive for students!
Janet Bisogno, Celebration High School, School Teacher, Peru Expedition
Giving students an opportunity to experience such a unique biome and ecosystem that is
the Amazon is a phenomenal learning and growing experience for them. They are given the
chance to learn and to contribute to collecting the data that may be essential in protecting
this amazing habitat.
Rachael Sdoutz, Chase Secondary School, School Teacher, Peru Expedition
An unbelievable experience that I will never forget. The staff and accommodations were
second to none and I will certainly be organizing
future expeditions!!
Chris Ryan, Bullitt East High School, School Teacher, Dominica Expedition
Hoga is a great site to be in for in field research. You have the best environment for
learning created by Opwall as well as the area with the highest biodiversity on earth to
work with - It’s not a surprise that so much research comes out of the site.
Anjali Khanna, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology
Beautiful place, amazing people, awesome science.
Vanessa Meng, International School of Beijing
A once in a lifetime experience that has opened my eyes to the opportunities research and
conservation can provide – inspiring!
Nanneke Boxall, Jersey College for Girls
Deciding to go with Opwall to Mexico is one of the best decisions I have
ever made!
Ellinor Svensson, Österänggymnasiet
A fun and hands on way of learning more about conserving wildlife.
Katherine Griffiths, Wycombe Abbey School
It’s amazing how much you actually learn while you’re here, from the time you step out of
the airport to the time you step back in there is always something new to learn.
Kelsey Campbell, Southwestern High School
I will be dreaming about the food and people here for at least the next decade. I cannot
wait to come back!
Hannah Harms, Navarre High School
I’ve never seen or attended a program that allowed me to sample so wide a variety of
species on one site. When we write home each day I’m often amazed at how much we’ve
seen and done. Excellent trip!
Debbie Wheeler, Sayre School
Operation Wallacea is an amazing program that offers students an opportunity to conduct
scientific research to help further extend conservation in that specific area. It is an
experience of a lifetime with memories that will last forever!
Adnan Hafiz-Zadeh, Brantford CI
Opened up the real world of conservation science.
Wenna Griffiths, Langley School
Found it an incredibly insightful and enjoyable experience and I loved every minute of it!
Anum Qurban, Thomas Rotherham College
Life changing experience and would do anything to return again
Bradley Baldwin, Thomas Rotherham College
This program is not only about science , it’s about getting together and a blend of multi
cultural society through science.
Jesll Jeon, The SMIC Private School
Without hesitation the most exciting, exhilarating and extraordinary experience of
a life time.
Anna Cooke, King Edward VI School, Southampton
Operation Wallacea works with specialists in
numerous fields from a range of universities and
institutions around the world. In total there are
more than 200 academics involved in the research
programme. A sample of the academics are listed
below that have been involved in recent years in
the field research programmes, contributing to
publications, supervising PhD students who form
part of the programme or are involved in data
analysis or conservation management outputs from
the research.
Dr Julian Clifton - University of Western Australia
Tom Avent - WEI, South Africa
Dr Angela Benson - University of Brighton, UK
Dr Richard Bodmer - University of Kent, UK
Dr Keri Brondo - Memphis University, USA
Dr Alice Eldridge - University of Sussex, UK
Dr Jeri Fox - University of New England, USA
Chris Majors - Operation Wallacea, Indonesia
Dr Ruth Malleson - Social and Economic Consultant, UK
Professor Aubrey Manning - University of Edinburgh, UK
Dr Wanda McCormick - Moulton College, UK
Dr Zhiming Niu - Asian Development Bank, China
Dr Bob Payne - Lakehead University, Canada
Dr Mika Peck - University of Sussex, UK
Dr Richard Phillips - University of Liverpool, UK
Dr Sarah Pilgrim - University of Essex, UK
Dr Ali Reza - Delta State University, USA
Dr Selina Stead - University of Newcastle, UK
Prof Ian Swingland - Operation Wallacea Trust, UK
Dr Chui Ling Tam - Calgary University, Canada
Dr Raquel Thomas - Iwokrama Rainforest Research Centre, Guyana
Dr Katharine Vincent - University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
Roger Wardle - Consultant on agri-environmental schemes, UK
Dr Atiek Widayati - Northumbria University, UK
Dr Tony Whitten - Flora and Fauna International, UK
Dr Kathy Velander - Napier University, UK
Dr Kim Hunter - Salisbury University, USA
Sylvie Bardin - University of Ontario institute of Technology, Canada
Dr Stephen Burrows - Clark University, USA
Dr Greg Cowie - University of Edinburgh, UK
Dr Alan Dykes - Kingston University, UK
Barry Ferguson - University of East Anglia, UK
Dr Leanne Hepburn - University of Essex, UK
Dr Tom Horton - SUNY ESF, USA
Dr Ben Horton - Upenn, USA
Dr Richard Hunter - Salisbury University, USA
Dr John Milsom - University College London, UK
Dr Mark Tibbett - University of West Australia
Dr Cathy Walton - University of Manchester, UK
Dr Moyra Wilson - Curtin University, Australia
Dr Sam Rastrick - University of Southampton
Dr Gerd Winterleitner - Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Dr Martin Speight - University of Oxford, UK
Dr George Beccaloni - Natural History Museum London, UK
Dr Sarah Beynon - University of Oxford, UK
Dr Patricia Chow-Fraser - McMaster University, Canada
Professor James Cook - University of Reading, UK
Michael Geiser - Natural History Museum London, UK
Dr Francis Gilbert - University of Nottingham, UK
Andy Godfrey - Consultant Entomologist, UK
Dr Sammy de Grave - Oxford Natural History Museum, UK
Dr Neal Haddaway - Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Dr Ian Hendy - University of Porstmouth, UK
Dr Merlijn Jocque - University of Leuven, Belgium
Dr Mary Kelly-Quinn - University College Dublin, Ireland
Dr Stuart Longhorn - NUI Maynooth, Ireland
Dr Kenneth McCravy - Western Illinois University, USA
Dr José Nuñez-Mino - Bat Conservation Trust, UK
Dr Paul O’Callaghan - University College Dublin, Ireland
Dr Mary Kelly-Quinn - University College Dublin, Ireland
Dr Graham Rotheray - National Museum of Scotland, UK
Dr Simon Segar - University of Reading, UK
Dr Jo-Anne Sewlal - University of the West Indies
Dr Roy Wiles - University of Glamorgan, UK
Dr Keith Willmott - Florida Museum of Natural History, USA
ORNITHOLOGISTS Dr Tom Martin - University of Hull, UK
Jake Bicknell - DICE, University of Kent, UK
Dr Alan Blackburn - University of Lancaster, UK
Dr Robin Brace - University of Nottingham, UK
Dr Simon Butler - University of Reading, UK
Dr Bruce Byers - Umass Amherst, USA
Dr Hannah Clarke - University of Dundee, UK
Dr Nico Dauphine - University of Georgia, Athens, USA
Dr Nicola Goodship - Wetlands and Wildfowl Trust, UK
Dr Claus Holzapfel Rutgers - Newark College of Arts and Sciences
Dr Martin Jones - Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Dr Dave Kelly - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Paul Leafe - Montgomeryshire County Recorder, UK
Dr Nicola Marples - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Martin Meads - Sparsholt College, UK
Mark Miller - James Cook University, Australia
Dr Brian O’Shea - North Carolina Natural History Museum, USA
Dr Joel Prashant Jack - Environmental Protection Institute, India
Fabiola Rodriguez - Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras
Dr Wael M Shohdi - Al-Azhar University, Egypt
Matthew White - RSPB, UK
Dr Nurul Winarni - World Conservation Society, Indonesia
Dr Rueven Yosef - Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, Israel
Dr Steve Green - Operation Wallacea, UK
Dr Scott Boback - Dickinson College, USA
Dr Jeff Burkhart - University of La Verne, USA
Dr Jacqualyn Eales - University of Bangor, UK
Julius Frazier - California Polytechnic State University
Dr Graeme Gillespie - University of Melbourne, Australia
Monique Holting - Senckenberg Museum, Berlin, Germany
Jon Kolby - James Cook University, Australia
Dr Scotty Kyle - KZN Ezemvelo, South Africa
Dr Bjorn Lardner - USGS, Guam
Dr Chad Montgomery - Truman State University, USA
Dr Randall Morrison - McDaniel University, USA
Dr Eridani Mulder - Central Queensland University, Australia
Dr Silviu Petrovan - University of Hull, UK
Dr Bob Reed - USGS, Guam
Stephen Roussos - Texas Tech University, USA
Mariano Suarez - Centro de Ecologico de Akumal, Mexico
Dr Bruce Carlisle - Northumbria University, UK
Dr Harison Andriambelo - Antananarivo University, Madagascar
Dr Gareth Bruce - Glamorgan University, UK
Dr Lu Cai - Beijing Forestry University, China
Dr Jon Cocking - JCA Ltd, UK
Dr Anke Dietzsche - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Professor Lei Guangchun - Bejing Forestry University, China
Dr Daniel Kelly - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Dr Grace O’Donovan - Independent ecology consultant, UK
Dr Pascale Poussart - Princeton University, USA
Dr Andrew Powling - University of Portsmouth, UK
Dr Andrew Smith - University of Oxford, UK
Dr Sarah Taylor - University of Keele, UK
Dr Peter Thomas - University of Keele, UK
Dr Clay Trauernicht - University of Hawaii, USA
Caroline Whitefoord - Natural History Museum, UK
Dr Samy Zalat - Nature and Science Foundation for Egypt, Egypt
Professor Dave Smith - University of Essex, UK
Dr Gabby Ahmadia - World Wildlife Fund, USA
Prof Jorge Angulo Valdes - University of Havana, Cuba
Dr Arthur Anker - Museum Nationa d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
Dr Dan Bailey - Natural England, UK
Dr Richard Barnes - University of Cambridge, UK
Professor James Bell - Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Dr Wayne Bennett - University of West Florida, USA
Dr Paul Bologna - Montclair State University, USA
Dr Isabelle Cote - Simon Fraser University, Canada
Professor James Crabbe - University of Bedfordshire, UK
Dr Simon Cragg - Portsmouth University, UK
Dr Leanne Cullen - Cardiff University, UK
Dr Jocelyn Curtis-Quick - Cape Eleuthera Marine Institute, Bahamas
Dr John Eme - University of North Texas, USA
Dr Caine Delacy - University of Western Australia, Australia
Dr Teresa Fernandes - Heriot Watt University UK
Dr Andy Gill - Cranfield Institute, UK
Dr Ben Green - Environment Agency, UK
Dr Emma Hayhurst - University of Glamorgan, UK
Dr Ian Hendy - University of Portsmouth, UK
Dr Sebastian Hennige - Heriot Watt University, UK
Dr Jess Jaxion Harm - University of Vienna, Austria
Dr Magnus Johnson - University of Hull, UK
Dr Tim Johnson - University of Glamorgan, UK
Dr Jamal Jompa - COREMAP, Indonesia
Dr James McDonald - Rutgers University, USA
Dr Steve McMellor - University of Aberdeen, UK
Anastasia Miliou - Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation, Greece
Dr Ed Morgan - University of Glamorgan, UK
Dr Clare Peddie - St Andrews University, UK
Dr Alan Pinder - Dalhousie University, Canada
Dr Johanna Polsenberg - US House of Representatives, USA
Dr Dai Roberts - Queens University Belfast, UK
Professor Alex Rogers - University of Oxford, UK
Dr Pelayo Salinas de Leon - Charles Darwin Foundation,
Galapagos, Ecuador
Dr James Saunders - St Andrews University, UK
Dr Patric Scaps - University of Perpignon, France
Dr Jon Shrives - Jersey State Fisheries Department, UK
Dr Tim Smith - WEI, South Africa
Dr Edd Stockdale - University of Western Australia, Australia
Dr Dave Suggett - University of Essex, UK
Prof Chris Todd - St Andrews University, UK
Dr Richard Unsworth - Swansea University, UK
Dr Nerida Wilson - Western Australia Museum, Australia
Dr Kyle Young - Universidad de los Lagos, Chile
Dr Kathy Slater - Operation Wallacea, Mexico
Dr Kirsten Bohn - Florida International University, USA
Dr Mark Bowler - St Andrews University, USA
Professor Mike Bruford - University of Cardiff, USA
Jill Carpenter - Independent bat consultant, UK
Dr Ruth Cox - University of Prince Edward Island, Canada
Dr Hannah Clarke - University of Dundee, UK
Dr Christian Dietz - University of Tuebingen, Germany
Dr Nigel Dunstone - Natural History New Zealand
Dr Sharon Gursky-Doyen - SUNY Stony Brook, USA
Matthew Hallett - University of Mississipi, USA
Dr Abdul Haris Mustari - IPB, Bogor, Indonesia
Dr Justin Hines - Operation Wallacea, Canada
Andrew Jennings - IUCN/SSC Small Carnivore Specialist Group, UK
Jim Jones - Surrey Wildlife Trust, UK
Dr Tigga Kingston - Texas Tech University, USA
Juliet Leadbeater - University of Chester, UK
Dr Burton Lim - Royal Ontario Museum, Canada
Prof Aubrey Manning - University of Edinburgh, UK
Niall McCann - University of Cardiff, UK
Professor Mike Perrin - University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
Dr Rob Pickles - Panthera, USA
Dr Abigail Phillips - University of Birmingham, UK
Dr Nancy Priston - Oxford Brookes University, UK
Professor Ute Radespiel - Hanover Unversity, Germany
Dr Felix Rakotondraparany - Antananarivo University, Madagascar
Dr Osvaldo EricRamires-Bravo - Universidad de America, Puebla, Mexico
Dr Neil Reid - Queens University Belfast, UK
Dario Rivera - University of Queensland, Australia
Dr Steve Rossiter - Queen Mary University of London, UK
Dr Adrian Seymour - Independent wildlife film maker, UK
Dr Myron Shekelle - National University of Singapore, Singapore
Dr Andrew Smith - Anglia Ruskin University, UK
Dr Kym Snarr - University of Toronto, Canada
Dr Peter Taylor - University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
Professor Stewart Thompson - Oxford Brookes University, UK
Dr David Tosh - Queens University Belfast, UK
Jeremy Truscott - Sheffield Biodiversity Steering Group, UK
Dr Phil Wheeler - University of Hull, UK
Dr C.B Wood - Providence College, USA
Dr Anne Zeller - University of Waterloo, Canada
Heike Zitzer - Pongola Elephant Reserve, South Africa
FISHERIES SCIENTISTS Dr Dan Exton - Operation Wallacea, UK
Dr Dave Bird - University of Western England, UK
Irven Forbes - Environment Agency, UK
Dr Emmanuel Frimpong - Virginia Polytechnic, USA
Professor Tim Gray - University of Newcastle, UK
Dr Peter Henderson - University of Oxford, UK
Piotr Kalinowski - Fisheries consultant, UK
Dr Duncan May - Fisheries consultant, UK
Joel Rice - Fisheries consultant, USA
Dr Rodney Rountree - University of Connecticut, USA
Professor Michael Stewart - Troy University, USA
Dr Jason Vokoun - University of Connecticut, USA
Paul Simonin - Cornell University, USA
Dr Peter Long - University of Oxford, UK
Dr Craig Beech - Peace Parks Foundation, South Africa
Jesse Blits - University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Oliver Burdekin - BurdGIS, Ecuador
Dr Natalie Cooper - Havard University, USA
Dr Bella Davies - Oxford Brookes University, UK
Dr Richard Field - University of Nottingham, UK
Dr Fiona Hemsley Flint - University of Edinburgh, UK
Dr Alan Jones - University of Sheffield, UK
Dr Marco Lusquinos - Imperial College London, UK
Cristi Malos - Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania
Dr Gareth Mann - Rhodes University, South Africa
Dr Lisa Manne - CUNY, USA
Dr Peter Randerson - University of Cardiff, UK
Dr Eimear Rooney - Queens University Belfast, UK
Dr Allister Smith - Oxford Brookes University, UK
Dr Emily Woollen - University of Edinburgh, UK
Professor Kathy Willis - University of Oxford, UK
Research Objectives and Structure of Expedition
Sulawesi and the surrounding smaller islands were identified as a unique biogeographic region by the naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace. These islands are now
known as the Wallacea region of Indonesia and formed their unique fauna due to
their isolation from other landmasses by the deep ocean channels that surround
the islands. Sulawesi has a high percentage of endemic species with 127 known
mammals, of which 62% (79 species) are endemic; 700 species of bird (36%
endemic); and 74 species of herpetofauna (38% endemic). Despite such high
numbers of endemic species in these forests the Wallacea region remains one
of the least biologically studied areas in the world, and one of the most likely
places to discover vertebrate species that are new to science. The reefs in this
part of the world are the most biologically rich of any reefs and form part of the
Coral Triangle – reefs with the highest richness of hard coral genera.
Week 1 Forest week in northern or southern camps
During the first week the teams will complete surveys including:
■Jungle skills training: Learning to work safely in a forest research site. In
addition the students can partake in a short course on learning how to ascend
into the canopy. Canopy access training costs $170 extra for this optional
additional course.
■Forest measurements: Students will be working in teams completing
measurements of 50m x 50m quadrats to collect data on the diameter at
breast height of all woody species, canopy height, quantity of vegetation at
different heights from a touch pole, light penetration to forest floor using a
canopy scope, evidence of disturbance (e.g. cut stumps) and sapling density.
■Butterfly surveys: Students will be helping with pollard counts of butterflies.
■Bird surveys: Students will be working with an experienced field naturalist
completing point count surveys where all birds seen or heard are identified.
In addition the students will see how mist net surveys are completed and
measurements of birds in the hand taken.
■Herpetofauna surveys: Students will be working with an experienced
herpetologist emptying pitlines, completing standard time scan searches and
also spotlighting at night for frogs.
■Large mammal and bird surveys: Students will be walking quietly along
3km transects to record large mammals and birds (macaques and hornbills)
using Distance based sampling. Signs (footprints and droppings) of other
species (anoa, wild pig) will be recorded and patch occupancy analysis used
to identify their abundance. In addition camera traps have been set and their
use to estimate abundance will also be demonstrated.
■Bat surveys: Students will be shown how harp trapping for bats can be used
to determine bat communities. How captured bats are removed, handled,
identified and morphometric measurements recorded.
In 2015 all the biodiversity and carbon data from the forests on Buton Island
studied by Opwall over the last few years will be submitted to the Indonesian
authorities for funding to be received under the REDD+ scheme to ensure
the long term protection of these forests which contain many of the Sulawesi
endemic species. In 2016, therefore, the programme moves from one where
baseline research is being completed by western scientists for these funding
applications to one where annual monitoring of the target taxa is being
completed by experienced Indonesian naturalists and scientists. Students will
be working with these field biologists and the data are being used to monitor the
effectiveness of the proposed conservation measures. In the Wakatobi marine
park the monitoring data are being used to assess the recovery of the reefs from
excessive fishing pressure whilst the South Buton data sets are being used to
identify a potential new marine park.
There are two types of expedition available in south east Sulawesi. One option is
to visit either the forests of North or South Buton for one week and then to head
to either the Wakatobi Marine National Park or the reefs of South Buton for the
second week.
A second option is to combine the two marine sites, spending a week at each.
In addition to the above practicals the students will also complete a course
in camp on Wallacea Wildlife including: Biodiversity and endemism in
Wallacea forests, birds, amphibians and reptiles, Sulawesi mammals and
conservation synthesis.
Week 2
Marine week in Wakatobi or South Buton marine research centres
During their marine week the school will be completing one of the following
PADI Open Water dive training course: This course involves a combination
of theory lessons, confined water dives, and open water dives to gain an official
SCUBA qualification. Students should arrive having completed the theory
sections of the course on-line.
Indo-Pacific reef ecology and survey techniques course: This consists
of lectures and in water practicals either by diving (if a qualified diver) or
snorkelling. The lectures which cover an introduction to coral reef ecosystem,
coral and algal species, mangrove and seagrass ecology, economically
important invertebrates, identification of coral reef fish, reef survey techniques,
threats to reefs and marine conservation. Following the lecture the students
will then complete a practical and also have the opportunity to practice survey
PADI Open Water referral course: For this option students need to arrive
having already completed their theory and pool training components. This
course takes three days to complete, after which students will join the IndoPacific reef ecology and survey techniques course practicals.
Week 1 South Buton marine research centre
PADI Open Water dive training course, a PADI Open Water referral course, or a
coral reef ecology course.
Week 2 Wakatobi marine research centre
In this week the students will be able to complete mini research investigations
and will also have sessions with the reef monitoring teams as follows:
■Stereo video surveys: Students will have the opportunity to collect
stereo video data and will then work with the fish specialist back at the lab
identifying and measuring fish from the video data.
■Line intercept video surveys: Students will have the opportunity to collect
line intercept video data and then back in the lab, with the coral specialist,
will be helping to measure coral cover and coral community structure data
from the video data.
■Macro-invertebrate surveys: Students will be helping with an underwater
belt transect to complete surveys of the macroinvertebrates.
■Fisheries surveys: Students will be helping with catch surveys from
landings of fish fences, gill nets and bubu traps.
The forest week is spent in one of the forest camps that have been installed at
various points in the Lambusango to North Buton forests to incorporate different
forest types and disturbance levels. The camps are set up with hammocks, tents
and communal eating areas. Field toilets are built at each of the camps and
shower systems are built into waterfalls on the rivers next to each of the camps.
The experience of living and working at these remote forest camps is one that
few people forget. The Wakatobi and South Buton marine weeks are spent in
shared accommodation with proper beds! The South Buton research centre has
showers and flush toilets whilst the Wakatobi site has traditional mandis.
Travel Information
The forest and marine expeditions start on a Tuesday at 1000hrs in either
Kendari or Bau Bau, and finish on a Monday at 0900hrs in either Wanci or
Bau Bau, depending on which sites you visit.
The marine only expedition starts on a Tuesday at 1000hrs in Bau Bau and
finishes on a Monday at 0900hrs in Wanci.
For all options groups need to book international flights to arrive in to Makassar
(known as Ujung Pandang) on the Monday before the expedition starts and to
depart Makassar after 1600hrs on the Monday after the expedition finishes.
The internal transfer package* between Makassar Airport and the expedition
start and end points will be arranged by our Internal Travel team and is not
included in the expedition cost, unless you have chosen a fully inclusive
expedition package.
*Includes airport meet & greet, any required travel and accommodation and full representation.
Research Objectives and Structure of Expedition
The forests of Central America are some of the most species diverse forests
in the World partly because they are the meeting point of two great faunas –
those from North America and those from South America which had evolved
separately. Many of these forests have now been badly damaged but there is a
proposal to join currently discontinuous areas of forest into a continuous Meso
American forest corridor running from the forests of the Yucatan peninsula in
Mexico (where there are other Opwall teams) to the forests of Panama. Part of
this corridor will be the cloud forests of the Cusuco National park in Honduras
which, sadly, has suffered significant deforestation. The Opwall survey teams
have been working in Cusuco Park since 2004 and the data produced has
resulted in the Park being listed in the top 100 most irreplaceable forest sites
in the World from a review of 173,000 protected areas worldwide. By the end of
2014 all the data collected by the Opwall teams should have been summarised
into a report using the Natural Forest Standard guidelines. This report will then
be independently verified and once this is completed carbon Natural Forest
Credits are issued which can be sold by the Honduras Forestry Department to
multi- national companies wishing to offset their carbon emissions and at the
same time help protect biodiversity. Funding raised in this way is then used
to manage and protect the Park. By 2016 this funding should hopefully be
in position and the Opwall teams will be completing annual surveys of how
effectively the Park is being protected.
In the Caribbean there are a number of core issues that have been affecting the
biodiversity of the reefs - including the decline of sea urchins that allowed algal
colonisation of reef areas, an invasive species (lionfish) that acts as a predator
on reef fish and has been spreading across the Caribbean and overfishing of
reef fish by local communities. Opwall has monitoring sites in Cuba, Dominica,
Mexico and two in Honduras, thus achieving a good representation of the
Caribbean. One of the Honduran sites is on the island reefs of Utila and the
second on the coastal barrier reef of Tela. The island of Utila is used to represent
a typical modern Caribbean reef, whereas the mainland bay of Tela offers an
alternative type of reef ecosystem, and they combine to help Opwall scientists
explore the best ways to protect coral reefs throughout the region.
Week 1 Cusuco National Park
Sudents time will be split between two research camps. Over the course of the
week the groups will complete the following:
■Jungle skills training: Learning to work safely in a forest research site. In
addition the students can partake in a short course on learning how to ascend
into the canopy. Canopy access training costs $170 extra for this optional
additional course.
■Forest measurements: Students will be working in teams each completing
measurements of 20m x 20m quadrats to collect data on the diameter at
breast height of all woody species, canopy height, quantity of vegetation at
different heights from a touch pole, light penetration to forest floor using a
canopy scope, evidence of disturbance and sapling density.
■Invertebrate surveys: A light trap is being run at each camp to monitor
nocturnal invertebrates such as moths and jewel scarab beetles. Pitfall traps
baited with dung need checking and emptying regularly as do other traps
that are surveying the genetic diversity of the invertebrate communities in
the park. Other projects include the diversity of orchid bees and aquatic
invertebrates in bromeliads
■Bird surveys: The students will be helping the survey teams with assessing
bird communities from point counts for birds and mist net surveys where the
students will learn how to identify birds in the hand and take morphometric
■Herpetofauna surveys: The reptile and amphibian communities will be
assessed from standard time search surveys and pitfall trapping. Species are
identified and GPS coordinates taken.
■Small mammal trapping: This survey involves checking previously baited
traps for small mammals, identifying any individuals caught and marking
them before release (mark-release-recapture). Tissue samples are also
taken for stable isotope analysis, providing useful information on food
web dynamics.
■Bat surveys: Students will be shown how mist netting for bats can be used
to monitor changes in bat community structure and/or abundance over
time. Captured bats are removed, handled, identified and morphometric
measurements recorded.
In addition to the above practicals the students will also complete a course in
camp on Neotropical Ecology including: rainforest structure and biodiversity,
adaptations and co-evolution, amphibians and reptiles, cloud forest birds, cloud
forest mammals and conservation synthesis.
Week 2 Marine week on Utila Island or Tela
During their marine week the school will be assigned to either the Coral View
Research Centre on Utila or the Tela Marine Research Centre in Tela Bay,
depending on availability. At both sites the students will be completing one of
the following options:
■PADI Open Water dive training course: This course involves a
combination of theory lessons, confined water dives, and open water dives to
gain an official SCUBA qualification. Students should arrive having completed
the theory sections of the course on-line.
■Caribbean Reef and Coastal Ecology course: The course consists of
lectures and in-water practicals by diving (if a qualified diver) or snorkelling.
Lectures cover a wide range of topics including the ecology and biology of
coral reefs, seagrass beds and mangrove forests, important Caribbean species
identification for coral, algae and fish, common marine biology survey
techniques and conservation priorities for Meso-American Barrier Reef.
■PADI Open Water referral course: For this option students need to
arrive having already completed their theory and pool training components.
This course takes three days to complete, after which students will join the
Caribbean reef and coastal ecology course.
Week 1 Botanical survey of Cusuco National Park
Over the last 10 years a team from Trinity College Dublin has been
completing an inventory of the woody plant flora of the Cusuco Park.
This work has revealed some exciting finds including 3 new species to
science, one of which was so different to other known species that it has
been placed in its own genus. There are a number of species though still
to be identified because most of the work has been done in June to August
when many of the species are not fruiting or flowering. This special April
expedition is designed to coincide with peak flowering season so that the
inventory can be completed. In addition there will be scientists working
on pollination mechanisms of the forest. This April expedition is different
to the other options in that it gives students the chance to have a deeper
understanding of one aspect of biodiversity surveying in tropical forests
and be part of a research team that has the best chance of discovering new
species to science.
Week 1 Training week
PADI Open Water dive training course, a PADI Open Water referral course, or a
coral reef ecology course.
Week 2 Research experience week
In this week the students will be able to complete mini research investigations
and will also have sessions with the reef monitoring teams as follows:
■Stereo video surveys: Students will have the opportunity to have the survey
technique demonstrated and will then work with the fish specialist back at the
lab identifying and measuring fish from the video data.
■Line intercept video surveys: Students will have the opportunity to collect
line intercept video data and then back in the lab with the coral specialist will
be helping to measure coral cover and coral community structure data from
the video data.
■Macro-invertebrate surveys: Students will be helping with an underwater
belt transect to complete surveys of the keystone urchin species Diadema
rooms with fans, the hotel is situated beside the island’s fringing coral reef and
its largest mangrove lagoon. Coral View also boasts a large dive centre and
saltwater training pool. The second marine site is in the mainland bay of Tela at
the Honduras Shores Plantation, located on a beautiful stretch of beach on the
edge of a series of extensive mangrove lagoons. Accommodation is in dormitory
rooms in a private development set back from the beach. There is a small dive
centre, swimming pool and lecture facilities in the adjacent hotel.
Travel Information
All expeditions start on a Wednesday at 0700hrs in San Pedro Sula and finish
on a Tuesday at 0800hrs in La Ceiba or Tela.
Groups need to book international flights to arrive in to San Pedro Sula on the
Tuesday before the expedition starts and to depart San Pedro Sula after 1600hrs
on the Tuesday the expedition finishes.
The internal transfer package* between San Pedro Sula Airport and the
expedition start and end points will be arranged by our Internal Travel team and
is not included in the expedition cost, unless you have chosen a fully inclusive
expedition package.
*Includes airport meet & greet, any required travel and accommodation and full representation.
Week 2 Marine week on Utila Island or Tela
PADI Open Water dive training course, a PADI Open Water referral course, or a
coral reef ecology course.
Accommodation in the forest will either be in Base Camp or the mountain village
of Buenos Aires at the start of the week. After this the groups will move to a
more remote forest camp in the centre of the Park. At Base Camp students will
be in tents and there are toilets and showers. This is where all the data from the
various survey teams are collated and there is a lab on site. From Base Camp it
is approximately a 3-4 hour trek to your satellite camp where accommodation
is in hammocks or tents (depending on availability) and with the river as the
shower facility. For those staying in the Buenos Aires accommodation is in
local houses.
On the island of Utila the teams are based at the Coral View Research Centre,
a one-hour ferry crossing from the mainland. Accommodation is in shared
Research Objectives and Structure of Expedition
Madagascar has some of the most spectacular biodiversity in the world (lemurs,
tenrecs, baobabs and over half of all known chameleon species), much of which
is endemic. The Opwall teams are working in the Mahamavo forests collecting
data on carbon, biodiversity and community economics of the dry forests to
produce a report which will be submitted to the Madagascar government to
provide a baseline against which changes can be assessed in future years.
This data will also provide the information needed to establish the forests
as a Community Managed Protected Area for sustainable use. DBCAM, who
are the local partners for Opwall at this site are also looking at ways in which
development of local businesses can be linked to the long term protection of the
Mahamavo forests. For the second week the groups have the option of travelling
to the island of Nosy Be to complete a dive training course or learn about Indian
Ocean reef ecology or, alternatively, groups can remain in the Mahamavo forest.
Week 1 Mahamavo Forest week
During the first week the teams will complete surveys including:
■Herpetofauna routes: A small group of students led by a herpetologist
walk slowly along forest sample routes scanning the vegetation and ground
carefully for reptiles and amphibians since many species, particularly
leaf tailed geckos, are quite cryptic. Spotlight surveys are also done in
the evening.
■Lemur routes: Groups walk slowly along the route with a lemur specialist
scanning the canopy closely for groups of lemurs. When a troop is detected
we record the location, the species, the troop size and the distance from the
route centreline. These transects are completed both during the day and at
night using spotlights.
■Bird point counts and mist netting: Students join an ornithologist
completing point counts in the early morning. Teams form an outward
facing circle and record all the birds seen or heard over a 10 minute period.
Mist nets are also used for cryptic species and when birds are caught, the
ornithologist will demonstrate how they are removed from the net, handled
and morphometric measurements recorded.
■Wetland birds by boat: This boat based survey follows a route through
mangroves and out into an estuary with mud flats recording all the wetland
bird species for those groups remaining in the forest for two weeks.
■Small mammal trapping: Small mammal traps are baited and set in the
evenings and students will then check traps and help process any captures in
a morning session.
■Bat mist netting: Mist nets are used to sample the bat communities and all
bats captured will be identified. Students are shown how captured bats are
removed, handled, identified and morphometric measurements recorded.
■Forest structure plots: The aim of making measurements in a stratified
sample of 20m x 20m plots in the forests is to estimate the amount of carbon
stored in woody vegetation. In addition this activity monitors trends in some
indicators of forest physical parameters (canopy cover, sapling density).
The groups will also complete a Madagascar Wildlife and Culture course with
lectures on Introduction to Madagascar (diversity of Madagascar wildlife,
people and cultures), biogeography and evolution of Madagascar wildlife
(why so many species are endemic, distribution of major habitats), species
concept (endemic amphibian, reptile bird and mammal species in Madagascar,
what is a species?), biodiversity conservation in Madagascar (National Park
system, human impacts on wildlife), people in Madagascar (major cultures and
languages) and conservation synthesis (how the data from Mahamavo are
being used).
Week 2 Nosy Be Marine Camp
On this option the school will be based at the Nosy Be Marine Camp and will be
completing one of the following options:
■PADI Open Water dive training course: This course involves a
combination of theory lessons, confined water dives, and open water dives to
gain an official SCUBA qualification.
■Indian Ocean Reef Ecology course: Completion of a Indian Ocean reef
ecology course consisting of lectures and in water practicals either by diving
(if a qualified diver) or snorkelling. The lectures cover an introduction to
coral reef ecosystem (reef formation and East Africa reef distribution), coral
and algal species (growth forms and common species), marine megafauna
(whale shark migrations, whales of southern Africa) mangrove and seagrass
ecology, ecologically important invertebrates (lobster fishery, mollusc
fishery), identification of coral reef fish (herbivores, piscivores, omnivores
and specialists such as cleaner fish), reef survey techniques (quadrats,
transects, stereo video), threats to reefs (climate change, fisheries, invasive
species) and marine conservation (Madagascar marine protected areas).
■PADI Open Water referral course: For this option students need to arrive
having already completed their theory and pool training components. This
course takes three days to complete, after which students will join the Indian
Ocean reef ecology course.
In the Mahamavo forests the students will be based in a camp near to Mariarano
village. Accommodation is in tents next to a building converted for use as a field
laboratory with a library, computers running the biodiversity database, GIS and
statistics software. There are jungle showers and toilets in the camp. In addition
to the camp at Mariarano, a tented forest camp will also be used adjacent to
Matsedroy Lake. At Nosy Be Island for the marine week accommodation is in
tents next to the beach in a walled camp at Maradoka village.
hotels or campsites. Additional guided excursions and day trips to be taken prior
to and after your expedition are available upon request.
*Includes airport meet & greet, any required travel and accommodation and full representation.
Travel Information
The expeditions start on a Sunday at 1600hrs at Mariarano Village and finish
on a Saturday at 0800hrs at Nosy Be Marine Camp.
Groups need to book international flights to arrive in to Antananarivo (Ivato
Airport) on the Friday before the expedition starts and to depart Antananarivo
after 1300hrs on the Sunday after the expedition finishes.
The internal transfer package* between Antananarivo Airport and the expedition
start and end points, and between the expedition sites, will be arranged by
our Internal Travel team and is not included in the expedition cost, unless you
have chosen a fully inclusive expedition package. Travel in Madagascar can
be a slow process and the remote nature of our sites means that to get from
Antananarivo to the forest site, and to get from the forest site to the marine site,
you will be spending several days travelling. You will take a combination of
flights, buses, and 4x4 vehicles to move around Madagascar and will stay in
Research objectives and structure of the expedition
The Mexican research project is run in the vast Mayan Jungle (Selva Maya) that
covers the southern section of the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, and extends into
the neighbouring state of Chiapas to the east and the Petén region of Guatemala
to the south. This dense jungle is the largest expanse of tropical forest in the
Neotropics outside of the Amazon. In addition to housing a large collection
of Ancient Mayan ruins, the Selva Maya is one of the largest remaining
strongholds of endangered mammals such as jaguar and tapir. The Operation
Wallacea research project is based in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve which
is an UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Yucatan Peninsula. The data
collected by students is being used to apply for long-term funding to protect the
Calakmul forests and wildlife from deforestation and hunting using GEF funding
received by the Mexican government to protect their biodiversity. The specific
research objectives are:
■To record data on tree diversity and tree volume in order to calculate reliable
estimates of the carbon biomass contained in Calakmul, which will determine
the extent of funding that can be obtained from REDD.
■To assist in the biodiversity surveys of mammals, reptiles, amphibians and
birds completed by specialists, which will also determine the extent of
funding that can be obtained from REDD.
■To ascertain population density of large mammals to enable creation of
sustainable hunting quotas for buffer zone communities.
The second week of the expedition will be run from the marine research site
operated by Operation Wallacea in Akumal or in Xpu Ha. Akumal and Xpu Ha are
popular tourist spots due to the beautiful beaches, coral reefs and permanent
presence of turtles. Akumal is the more developed of the two. However, if not
carefully managed, tourism will start to impact on the coral reef ecosystem
causing irrevocable damage. The main research objective at Akumal and Xpu
Ha is to complete annual monitoring of the coral and reef fish communities in
areas with different tourism levels. During this week the students will mainly be
completing dive training or the Caribbean reef ecology course (if already dive
certified or wishing only to snorkel). They will also contribute to some ongoing
data collection. During in-water practicals (diving or snorkelling) students will
assist with abundance surveys of lion fish (an invasive species) and sea urchins
(important grazers that maintain coral health). In their spare time, students will
be helping with surveys to determine the annual abundance and distribution of
turtle nesting sites, abundance and health of juvenile turtles in the sea grasses
and tourist surveys used to determine the carrying capacity of the bay.
Week 1 Calakmul forests
The teams will spend their time in the jungle field camps distributed across the
Calakmul reserve, with a day visit to a Mayan archaeological site. During their
week in the Mayan jungle the students will complete activities as follows:
■Introduction to the Ancient Maya: Includes a museum tour, a visit to the
breathtaking Calakmul ruins, and information relating to the effect of Ancient
Mayan agro-forestry on tree and wildlife diversity in the reserve.
■Jungle skills training: Learning to work safely in a forest research site.
■Carbon biomass and habitat surveys: Students will work alongside the
habitat survey team to mark and then survey 20m x 20m forest quadrats.
Surveys will involve numbering all trees for subsequent species identification,
measuring the diameter at breast height (DBH) and height of each tree,
measuring all dead wood (because even dead wood contains carbon), and
counting the number of the saplings in the quadrat.
■Bird surveys: The students will be helping the survey teams with assessing
bird communities from point counts for birds and mist net surveys where the
students will learn how to identify birds in the hand and take morphometric
■Herpetofauna surveys: The reptile and amphibian communities will be
assessed from standard time search surveys and pitfall trapping. Species are
identified and GPS coordinates taken.
■Large mammal surveys: These are conducted by DISTANCE based transect
surveys for the species where visual encounters can be used (e.g.primates)
and on patch occupancy analysis for those species recorded by tracks or
droppings (e.g. jaguar, tapirs etc.). Students will also be shown how camera
trapping is being used to estimate population levels of the cat species.
In addition to these activities the students will also complete a Mayan forest
ecology and conservation course including lectures on the following topics:
Biodiversity, evolution and classification, Endemism, biodiversity hotspots and
forest structure in Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Herpetofauna and adaptation
(reptile and amphibian diversity in Calakmul, snake teeth and venom, Batesian
mimicry, herpetofauna survey methods), Neotropical birds (bird identification
and ecology, birds as indicators of forest health, bird survey methods),
Neotropical mammals (effect of forest disturbance on bat diversity, forest
ungulates and seed predation, spider monkey social structure, jaguar ranging
patterns in Calakmul, mammal survey methods) and Conservation synthesis (the
use of Opwall datasets to monitor changes to forest cover and biodiversity over
time, GIS and modelling species distribution patterns, sustainable hunting of
peccary and deer, REDD+ scheme).
Week 2 Akumal or Xpu Ha marine sites
During their marine week the groups will be based at either Akumal or Xpu
Ha, which are both located along the same stretch of coastline in the Yucatan
Peninsula. At both sites the students will be completing one of the following
■PADI Open Water dive training course: This course involves a
combination of theory lessons, confined water dives, and open water dives to
gain an official SCUBA qualification.
■Caribbean coral reef ecology course: Lectures cover a wide range of
topics including the ecology and biology of coral reefs, seagrass beds and
mangrove forests, important Caribbean species identification for coral,
algae and fish, common marine biology survey techniques and conservation
priorities for Mexican coral reefs.
■PADI Open Water referral course: For this option students need to
arrive having already completed their theory and pool training components.
This course takes three days to complete, after which students will join the
Caribbean coral reef ecology course.
In addition to the above, students will also participate in the following activities:
■Turtle nesting site monitoring: This takes place at night on the beaches in
Akumal and Xpu Ha.
■Lionfish morphology and gut content analysis: This involves the
dissection of speared lionfish from the nearby reefs and forms part of a
Caribbean-wide project.
■Tourist surveys: These are conducted in the nearby bays and lagoons to
help quantify the number of tourists present and their impacts on the sea
grass beds and turtle feeding behaviour.
In the forest, camps are set up with tents, communal eating areas and with field
type bathroom facilities. So as to minimise water usage showers are replaced
by rustic bucket showers. The second week is a little more comfortable with
students based in bunk bed shared dormitories from 8 - 12 people.
Travel Information
The expeditions start on a Monday at 1300hrs at the Calakmul Biosphere
Reserve and finish on a Sunday at 1200hrs at Akumal or Xpu Ha.
Groups need to book international flights to arrive in to Cancun before 1800hrs
on the Sunday before the expedition starts and to depart Cancun after 1800hrs
on the Sunday the expedition finishes.
The internal transfer package* between Cancun Airport and the expedition start
and end points will be arranged by our Internal Travel team and is not included
in the expedition cost, unless you have chosen a fully inclusive expedition
*Includes airport meet & greet, any required travel and accommodation and full representation.
Research Objectives and Structure of Expedition
This expedition is run in one of the most unspoiled islands in the Caribbean.
Forests cover much of the island and there are many deep unsurveyed gorges.
Steep forested cliffs rise straight out of the sea and sheer slopes leading
into deep canyons with huge waterfalls have made use of mechanical forest
clearance methods impossible in Dominica and thereby protected the forests.
20% of the island is now protected as national parks or forest reserves and the
island has the largest stands of primary forest of all the Caribbean islands. The
students spend their first week in the Clemson University rainforest research
centre and will be on site with an international team of academics who are
collecting data on biodiversity of key taxa (woody plants, various invertebrate
groups, freshwater fish) and examining the impact of invasive species (e.g. a
Puerto Rican anole species that has invaded the island and spread rapidly).
The second week will be staying in student accommodation in a renovated
British fort in the north of the island. The students will be completing a PADI
Open Water dive training course or a Caribbean reef ecology course which
consists of two lectures and two in-water activities each day. In addition they will
learn about the whale research taking place just off the coast, as well as possibly
seeing Sperm Whales and other marine mammals.
Week 1 Clemson Forest Research Centre
The first day will be spent on lectures and orientation in the research centre. The
first part of the Caribbean Island ecology course will also be run on this first
day and will cover topics such as the importance of the Caribbean biodiversity
hotspot, the formation of the Lesser Antilles and biodiversity of Dominica and
survey techniques being used on the various projects during the week. The
group will then divide into teams and complete the activities below:
■Boiling Lake or Canyoning and hiking day: Students will be taken on
a day excursion to ‘Boiling Lake’ in the Morne Trois Pitons National Park, a
World Heritage site. Boiling Lake is the second largest hot water lake in the
world and is a stunning example of Dominica’s geothermal activity. Water
temperature in the lake can be as much as 91C (197F). The lake can only
be reached by a three hour hike (each way), during which students will
experience and learn about altitudinal gradients in forest structure and species
composition. Alternatively, students have the opportunity to complete a half
day canyoning course and learn how to abseil down into the deep gorges
that cover much of the island. This course is an optional extra and is run by
Extreme Dominica for a discounted price of $120.
■Forest structure and bird survey teams: On this day the team will start
by completing early morning mist net surveys for birds around the research
centre in order to monitor species diversity and abundance. The team will
then be collecting data on size, class, structure of the trees, amount of light
penetrating to the forest floor, regeneration rates as estimated from sapling
counts and helping with collection of a woody plant species distribution
survey. The forest structure team will be collecting data from a mosaic of
primary and secondary forest plots.
■Herpetofauna team: This team is documenting the spread and abundance
of an invasive anole species as well as collecting data on thermal and
habitat niche partitioning between the invasive and endemic anole species.
Additionally, tree frogs will be captured during nocturnal surveys and
swabbed for chytrid to establish if they are carrying the infectious disease and
potentially contributing to its spread around the island. Opportunistic records
will also be made of all other reptile and amphibian species encountered
during these surveys.
■Freshwater ecology and electrofishing team: This team will be
completing kick samples for aquatic macro-invertebrates which are being
identified so that a biological water quality index can be developed. In
addition, the teams will be electrofishing in some of the most remote
streams on the island in order to complete an inventory of freshwater fish
communities. Students can also snorkel to assess invertebrate and fish
communities. Samples will be collected for laboratory analysis at SUNY ESF
to assess bioaccumulation of pollutants in different waterways on the island.
■Invertebrate team: There is still incomplete knowledge of the diversity
of a number of the invertebrate taxa and there will be an invited specialist
invertebrate taxonomist each season working on completing collections
of specimens from across the island. Initial taxa to target will be beetles,
arachnids and freshwater invertebrate fauna.
During the week, students will be completing surveys or practical sessions at
remote field sites for at least three days, two days will be spent completing
surveys in the forest surrounding the research centre and one day will be spent
completing orientation and lectures at the research centre, with the remaining
lectures and seminars being delivered each evening throughout the week.
Additionally, groups will spend one night during the week joining the bat
survey team to complete either mist netting or harp trapping for bats in order
to document species diversity and abundance around the research centre and,
whenever possible, at additional sites around the island.
Week 2 Fort Shirley Marine Centre
On the Sunday groups will travel to nearby Roseau, the capital of Dominica,
where they will join a sea mammal search on a small catamaran. Here they will
learn about some of the sea mammal research taking place around Dominica,
and hopefully locate a sperm whale pod using hydrophones. The sea mammal
search will end in Portsmouth in the north of Dominica where groups will make
the short transfer to Fort Shirley in the Cabrits National Park. The fort grounds
have stunning views out over the island. During their second week students will
be completing one of the following:
■PADI Open Water dive training course: This course involves a
combination of theory lessons, confined water dives, and open water dives to
gain an official SCUBA qualification.
■Caribbean reef ecology course: This consists of lectures and in water
practicals either by diving (if a qualified diver) or snorkelling. The lectures
cover an introduction to coral reef ecosystems, coral and algal species
(growth forms and common species), mangrove and seagrass ecology ,
tourism development impacts on Caribbean mangroves and reefs ecologically
important invertebrates (lobster fishery, conch fishery), identification of coral
reef fish (main reef fish families), reef survey techniques (quadrats, transects,
stereo video), threats to reefs (climate change, fisheries, invasive species)
and marine conservation strategies in the Caribbean.
■PADI Open Water referral course: For this option students need to
arrive having already completed their theory and pool training components.
This course takes three days to complete, after which students will join the
Caribbean coral reef ecology course.
Accommodation in the Clemson University Research Centre is in single sex
dormitory rooms with fans. There are flush toilets and showers, meals are taken
in the Centre often on the patio overlooking the forest. Accommodation at Fort
Shirley is also in single sex dormitory rooms, in a renovated barracks building
overlooking the bay. All meals, lectures and diving/snorkelling will be run from
the fort.
Travel Information
The expeditions start on a Monday at 0800hrs at the Clemson Research Centre
and finish on a Saturday at 0800hrs at The Fort Shirley Marine Centre.
Groups need to book international flights to arrive in to Dominica (Melville Hall
Airport) on the Sunday before the expedition starts and to depart Dominica after
1000hrs on the Saturday the expedition finishes.
The internal transfer package* between Dominica Airport and the expedition start
and end points will be arranged by our Internal Travel team and is not included
in the expedition cost, unless you have chosen a fully inclusive expedition
*Includes airport meet & greet, any required travel and accommodation and full representation.
Research Objectives and Structure of Expedition
These expeditions will take place in the stunning eastern Aegean islands
in Greece just off the Turkish coastline. The area represents a unique
biogeographical crossroad between three continents; Europe, Asia and Africa.
This biodiversity hotspot has been established by a complex series of geological
events and climatic shifts which have formed the Greek archipelagos and
isolated many terrestrial species throughout the Pleistocene glaciations and
corresponding fluctuations in the Aegean sea-level. Tectonic movements and
eustatic sea levels have formed islands that were once mountain tops of plateaus
which, in times of lower sea levels, were landmasses that linked Europe
and Asia.
The Aegean sea, where the Cyclades and Dodecanese Islands are situated,
support a rare and unique biodiversity that includes some of the most important
remaining populations of marine mammals and turtles in the Mediterranean and
have extensive areas of protected habitats such as Posidonia seagrass beds and
Coralligene reefs. These marine habitats and the fauna that they house are also
threatened by disturbances (e.g. development, illegal fishing practices, byecatch and persecution of marine mammals). The Opwall teams will be part of a
long term monitoring effort being implemented in order to advise management
efforts and protection strategies.
This expedition is unlike all other Opwall projects in that there are both marine
and terrestrial elements of the projects but these are mixed together as part of
one combined research programme. The first week is spent at a research centre
on Samos Island and the second week travelling south on a traditional Aegean
sailboat and staying on two of the more remote islands – Arki and Leros.
Week 1 Samos Island
During this week the students will complete the following:
■PADI Open Water dive training course: This course involves a
combination of theory lessons, confined water dives, and open water dives to
gain an official SCUBA qualification.
■Seagrass Surveys: Learning the survey methods for completing Seagrass
Watch surveys on 50m X 50m quadrats. Those students who are already dive
trained when they arrive will learn the Seagrass Watch survey methods and
will then be helping with collecting data on permanent monitoring seagrass
plots in depths of up to 18m whilst the other students complete their dive
training course.
■Mammal Surveys: Helping with nocturnal call back surveys for the
Golden Jackal which has a surviving population on Samos. In addition these
nocturnal surveys will also include spotlighting for chameleons. These data
together with camera trap data for the jackals are being used to determine
jackal population size and habitat preferences and abundance of chameleons.
■Herpetofauna Surveys: Scan search sampling, timed searches, and pit fall
trapping for herpetofauna. The students will practice transect sampling by
walking along a sample route and searching for reptiles and amphibians on
either side of the transect line. All animals caught along the transect line or
in the stream will be identified. In addition, pit fall traps will be set up
for herpetofauna and groups will spend time checking under rocks and
around the ancient and modern stone walls which network across the
islands’ landscape.
■Bird Surveys: From within a saline lagoon area where flamingos are seen
throughout much of the year and is a breeding site for Ruddy Shelduck and
Black-winged Stilts. This lagoon dries up in the summer months and the
Archipelagos Institute is proposing that the lagoon is artificially flooded in
these months and small raised areas above the flood line created so that the
Greater Flamingos can breed.
The students will also be completing the first 6 lectures and practicals in an
Aegean Island ecology course. The remaining part of this course is run in the
evenings of week 2.
Week 2 Sailing boat week and visits to Arki, Lipsi and Leros Islands
For the second week the teams will be travelling by 16m sailboat to some of the
more remote island south of Samos. The teams will spend 3 days on Arki Island
(population 45) and then their last 2 days on Leros island. During this time the
teams will be helping different scientists with the following projects:
■Bird and Invertibrate Surveys: Helping with bird and invertebrate surveys
of some of the uninhabited islands around Arki that have been designated
as Wildlife Refuges. Some of these islands are home to breeding Eleanora’s
Falcons, Audouin Gulls and Yelkouan Shearwaters.
■Seagrass Surveys: Completing snorkel survey of standard Seagrass Watch
monitoring sites around the islands.
■Fisheries Monitoring: Helping with a fishery landing survey on Lipsi Island,
and also, with setting and retrieving fyke nets and video systems aimed at
assessing fish stocks at different depths.
■Marine Mammal Surveys: Completing sea mammal survey transects and
recording oceanographic data.
■Fisheries and Seagrass Surveys: Helping with fish community and
seagrass monitoring in a bay on Leros Island which is being established as an
open sea aquarium.
On Samos Island students will stay in a research base near the fishing village of
Pythagorio. There are dormitory sleeping facilities with running water and shared
bathrooms, along with a communal dining room area which also doubles up
as a lecture theatre. The base is located only a few meters from the beach and
is on the southwestern part of Samos. On a clear morning you can see the sun
rising behind the Turkish mountains. The terrestrial surveys will be conducted
across the island. The second week the students will be based in similar
accommodation on Arki and Leros islands and travelling between them on a
traditional Aegean sailing boat.
Travel Information
The expeditions start on a Thursday at 1200hrs at the Archipelagos Research
Centre and finish on a Wednesday at 1300hrs at the same location.
Groups need to book international flights to arrive in to Samos before 1000hrs
on the Thursday the expedition starts and to depart Samos after 1500hrs on the
Wednesday the expedition finishes.
The internal transfer package* between Samos Airport and the expedition start
and end points will be arranged by our Internal Travel team and is not included
in the expedition cost, unless you have chosen a fully inclusive expedition
package. Additional guided excursions and day trips to be taken prior to and
after your expedition are available upon request.
*Includes airport meet & greet, any required travel and accommodation and full representation.
Research Objectives and Structure of Expedition
This expedition combines working on a biodiversity research project with the
Huaorani Indians in the Amazon with a week visiting the Galapagos Islands,
learning to dive and completing a course on Galapagos Island ecology.
Much of the Amazonian forests of Ecuador is under threat from oil extraction.
Oil extraction in the Amazon has traditionally been followed with deforestation
of the areas of extraction and has often been of little benefit to the native people
on whose land the oil extraction is occurring. The Huaorani Amerindians though
have managed to protect their forests against proposed oil extraction and
Tropiceco, an Ecuadorian ecotourism operator, has been working with them to
develop ecotourism income that provide the Huaorani with sustainable jobs and
income from leaving their forests intact. What is needed though is evidence
of the biological importance of these forests to potentially upgrade their
conservation status. The first week of the expedition will be spent in the remote
Nenkepare forest camp which is accessed by long boat along the Sipuruni river
and the groups based at this camp will be helping a team of specialists with
surveying different taxa.
The second week is spent on Floreana Island in the Galapagos Islands. Floreana
Island has only 120 inhabitants and is the least developed for tourist visits of
all the Galapagos Islands. Tropiceco are working with the Floreana community
to develop homestay tourism to the island which will help substantially
increase the economic benefits of tourism to the islanders. The cooperation
and active support of the local community is needed to ensure the success of
re-introductions of local extinct species such as the Florana Mockingbird, now
found on just one small islet offshore. The Galapagos Racer, a species of snake
also found only on a tiny offshore islet is also being re-introduced, and the
survival of species such as the Dark-rumped Petrel, which breeds on the cloud
forest areas on the island is dependent on local community support. The
community are developing a dive training centre and in the future are looking to
implement a marine monitoring programme around the island.
Amazonian forest week
During this week the groups will complete the following surveys on a series of
transects radiating out from the camp:
■Bird point counts and sounds analysis: Students will be completing bird
point counts and analysing sound recordings of the dawn chorus to complete
species lists for the forests.
■Fish community surveys: Students will be helping with fish surveys of
the Sipuruni River using gill nets and rod and line. All fish captured will be
measured and identified to build a database on species diversity in the river.
■Reptile and amphibian surveys: Students will be helping with boat based
spotlight surveys of caiman and foot based spotlight surveys to determine
amphibian diversity. Pitlines will be installed and checked for reptile and
insectivore catches and observational transects completed during the day for
larger species.
■Camera trap and live trap surveys: Students will be helping with setting
and checking camera traps in a wide range of habitats to determine the large
mammal diversity. Small mammal community structure will be assessed from
live trap captures.
■Forest structure and habitat surveys: Students will be helping with forest
structure and habitat surveys around some of the sample points for birds,
herpetofauna and position of camera traps so that species distribution can be
related to habitat and forest structure.
In addition to these surveys the groups will also be completing an Amazonian
Wildlife and Conservation course which comprises lectures and related
activities/discussions on Amazon geography and biodiversity (definition of
biodiversity, formation of the Amazon, white and black water rivers), flooded
forest and upland forest ecology (terrestrial, arboreal and aquatic wildlife of
upland and flooded forests), conservation strategies in the Amazon (protected
areas, community based conservation, certification strategies), survey methods
(theory of survey techniques and how the data are used), Ecuadorian Amazonian
birds (macaws, trogons and kingfishers, toucans, sexual selection in birds),
mammals of the forest (anteaters, sloths, cats, dolphins and manatees),
Amazonian fish (species richness, piranha, electric eels, arapaima), amphibians
and reptiles (poison dart frogs, dangerous snakes, caiman, turtles), wildlife
monitoring and calculating sustainable hunting levels, examples of best practice
conservation management in the Amazon. There will also be the opportunity
to visit a Huaorani Indian village and learn about some of their culture and
customs. Note this area of the Amazon is within a few miles of Amerinidan tribes
that have yet to be contacted by the outside world.
Galapagos week
The group will fly to Baltra Island just north of Santa Cruz, the largest and most
populated of the Galapagos Islands. From here they will transfer by boat to
Floreana Island and during this week will complete a Galapagos Island Ecology
course which will cover the following topics: Volcanic origin of the Galapagos
and arrival of founder species which then speciated on the various islands, the
voyage of the Beagle and how the visit to the Galapagos influenced Darwin’s
thinking on evolution, Darwin’s finches and measuring evolutionary changes in
these birds, threats to the survival of the island fauna and flora from introduced
plants and fauna such as rats, goats and pigs and disease vectors, extinctions on
the islands and conservation success stories, managing tourism impacts on the
islands, key species in the marine environment (marine iguanas, penguins, sea
lions etc) and management of the local fisheries.
In addition to this lecture course the students will also complete one of the
following options:
■PADI Open Water dive training course: This course involves a
combination of theory lessons, confined water dives, and open water dives to
gain an official SCUBA qualification. Students should arrive having completed
the theory sections of the course on line.
■Ecology of Floreana Island site visits: For those students already dive
trained or who wish only to snorkel, then during the time when the others are
completing the dive training course, this group will be completing site visits
around the island to see some of the endemic birds, visiting the sites where
the Dark-rumped Petrels breeding colonies are being protected and learning
about the proposed reintroduction of the Florana Mockingbird, learning about
the colonisation history of the island and the extirpation of species such as
the Floreana Giant Tortoise, Galapagos Hawk, Galapagos Barn Owl and others,
visiting some of the marine sites to see the marine fauna and completing
dives (or snorkels if not dive trained) at a few sites around the island.
In the Amazonian forest week students will be staying in tents in the Nenkepare
Research Camp which is accessed by a 2 hour long boat ride along the Sipuruni
river. There are flush toilets and hot showers at this site. Meals are cooked
by research camp Huaorani staff and combine traditional Ecuadorian and
international recipes. The second week in the Galapagos Islands will be spent in
local homestays on Floreana Island. Students will be in shared rooms in small
groups and have shared bathroom facilities. Meals will be taken in a communal
building and will be prepared by local staff.
Travel Information
The expeditions start on a Tuesday at 1800hrs at the Nenkepare Forest
Research Camp and finish on a Monday at 0900hrs at Floreana Island in The
Groups need to book international flights to arrive in to Quito on the Monday
before the expedition starts and to depart Quito on the Tuesday after the
expedition finishes.
The internal transfer package* between Quito Airport and the expedition start and
end points will be arranged by our Internal Travel team and is not included in the
expedition cost, unless you have chosen a fully inclusive expedition package.
*Includes airport meet & greet, any required travel and accommodation and full representation.
Research Objectives and Structure of Expedition
The South African expeditions are run alongside a South African NGO, Wildlife
and Ecological Investments (WEI), who are coordinating a large scale research
programme on the impact of the expansion of elephant populations on
vegetation and diversity. The research programme covers a series of reserves
across the country, each using slightly different management strategies to tackle
the problem of controlling their elephant populations. The majority of big game
areas in South Africa are fenced in order to avoid conflicts between communities
and dangerous animals. However, this restricts movement of species such as
elephants, which can lead to excessive habitat damage within reserves where
elephant feeding pressure is too high. The school teams are using identical
monitoring methods to those being used by university teams in other reserves
around South Africa and together these projects have the following objectives:
■To quantify the impact of elephants around artificial and natural waterholes.
■To utilise these data to calculate carrying capacity of reserves for elephants.
■To assist with data collection on the distribution of large herbivores
and predators.
■To complete annual surveys of winter bird community structure and density in
areas of habitat with differing levels of elephant impact.
At the end of the first week the groups will move to a marine training centre in
Sodwana Bay, South Africa, located nearby the UNESCO World Heritage Site,
iSimangaliso Wetlands Park.
Week 1 Balule Reserve
During the first week the groups will spend half their time in the bush, either
in game viewer vehicles or on foot with armed guards, and half their time
in the large fenced camps learning about bush skills, African ecology and
conservation. The bush skills teaches students about a number of different
aspects of bush life, for example safe distances for viewing game, how to
identify tracks and signs of large mammals, how to respond if a large herbivore
or predator is encountered and how to use a GPS and compass for navigation.
The lectures on ecology and conservation cover a diverse number of topics,
mainly focused on savannah ecology: Africa’s biodiversity (formation of
biomes in southern Africa), southern African birds (classification, sample
techniques, conservation), herbivores of southern Africa (adaptation in rhinos,
buffalo, impala, nyala, wildebeest, zebra), predators (niche separation in
lion, leopard, cheetah, wild dog and hyena), managing elephant populations
(social structure, impact on habitat, methods of controlling elephant numbers),
African conservation issues (fenced reserves, maintaining balanced herbivore
and predator communities, fire management) and a conservation synthesis
(calculating elephant carrying capacity).
The groups will also undertake a couple of days of practical sessions focusing
on showing them the African bush, before starting field based surveys that
■Game Transects: each group will have the opportunity to undertake
monitoring of large mammal populations. Game transects are undertaken in a
vehicle driving a pre-planned route marking all game sightings on a GPS.
■Bird point counts: small groups together with an experienced ornithologist
will trek to the start point of the count and then form an outward facing circle.
All bird species seen or heard over a 10 minute period are identified.
■Elephant impact surveys: each group will spend 2 half days completing
habitat surveys on foot, in one hectare blocks. Items such as grass density,
size and tree structure, and levels of elephant damage are all surveyed.
Week 2 Sodwana Bay
The students will spend their second week in Sodwana Bay in Kwa Zulu Natal,
South Africa and will be completing one of three options:
■PADI Open Water dive training course: This course involves a
combination of theory lessons, confined water dives, and open water dives to
gain an official SCUBA qualification.
■Indian Ocean reef ecology course: This consists of lectures and in
water practicals either by diving (if a qualified diver) or snorkelling. The
lectures in Sodwana Bay cover an introduction to coral reef ecosystem
(characteristics of a reef, distribution of reefs in east Africa), coral and algal
species (growth forms and common species), megafauna (whales, sharks,
manta rays), mangrove and seagrass ecology (importance of connective
systems, threats to mangroves), economically important invertebrates (lobster
fishery, aquarium trade), identification of coral reef fish (main reef fish
families), reef survey techniques (quadrats, transects, stereo video), threats
to and conservation of reefs (protected marine areas in South Africa and
■PADI Open Water referral course: For this option students need to arrive
having already completed their theory and pool training components. This
course takes three days to complete, after which students will join the Indian
Ocean coral reef ecology course.
During the terrestrial section of the expedition students will be staying in
single-sex shared accommodation in either dormitory style rooms or large tents.
Each site has access to hot running water and electricity, and camps within the
reserves are surrounded by electric fences.
For the marine section of the expedition students will be living in a camp site
just outside the iSimangaliso Wetlands Park. Each day they will transit to the
ocean or the dive training centre on the back of 4x4 vehicles from the camp
which is situated up on the sand dunes a few km from the beach. In the camp
site students will stay in tents, with shared hot and cold shower facilities and
there is a lecture room and communal eating area.
Travel Information
The expeditions start on a Saturday at 0800hrs in the Balule Reserve and
finish on a Friday at 0800hrs at Sodwana Bay.
Groups need to book international flights to arrive in to Johannesburg before
0830hrs on the Friday before the expedition starts and to depart Johannesburg
after 2000hrs on the Friday the expedition finishes.
The internal transfer package* between Johannesburg Airport and the expedition
start and end points will be arranged by our Internal Travel team and is not
included in the expedition cost, unless you have chosen a fully inclusive
expedition package.
*Includes airport meet & greet, any required travel and accommodation and full representation.
Research Objectives and Structure of Expedition
The Cuba expedition is run on the reefs of the Punta Frances National Park
in the southern Island of Youth. The first week is spent learning to dive and
how to identify the reef fish and coral communities. The second week is then
spent helping with the stereo video fish surveys, line intercept video surveys of
coral cover, belt transect surveys for macro-invertebrates, analysing the stereo
video and line transect data, helping with the manatee monitoring and capture
programme and the shark tagging programme. The research objectives are:
■To quantify the reef fish communities in the Punta Frances National Park and
identify any significant changes from previous years.
■To quantify coral cover and community structure in the Punta Frances National
Park and identify any significant changes from previous years.
■To quantify macro-invertebrate diversity and abundance on the reef systems of
the southern Isle of Youth.
■To identify the manatee population and preferred feeding areas in the southern
Isle of Youth.
■To assist with shark tagging as part of a Cuba wide study of shark migration
patterns and population levels.
Week 1 Training week
During this training week the school will be completing one of the
following options:
■PADI Open Water dive training course: This course involves a
combination of theory lessons, confined water dives, and open water dives to
gain an official SCUBA qualification. Students should arrive having completed
the theory sections of the course on line.
■Caribbean reef species course: This week long course is designed to give
practical training in the survey techniques being used. Students will learn how
to collect stereo video data on the fish communities and how to analyse those
data in the lab. A large proportion of this course concentrates on learning to
identify the reef fish commonly encountered on the surveys. In addition the
students will learn how to complete video line intercept transects and how to
analyse the footage to determine coral cover and coral community structure.
Training will be given on belt transect surveys for macro-invertebrates and
how to complete these effectively. Each part of the course (stereo video
surveys of fish, line intercept video surveys and macro-invertebrate belt
transects) will have tests with high marks required for passing.
■PADI Open Water referral course: For this option students need to
arrive having already completed their theory and pool training components.
This course takes three days to complete, after which students will join the
Caribbean reef species course
Week 2 Research week
In week 2 the teams will be divided into groups and will rotate between the
following surveys:
■Reef Fish surveys: This project involves diving to complete the stereo video
reef fish surveys of the reef fish communities. Once video data have been
collected then the students are involved in the identification and measurement
of the species from analysis of the video. Note only those students who have
passed their Caribbean reef fish species identification test will be able to
participate in this activity.
■Coral surveys: This project involves diving to help complete video line
intercept surveys on the reefs by diving. Back in the lab these videos
are analysed by the students to identify the hard and soft coral species
intercepting the line and total coral cover.
■Macro-invertebrate surveys: This project involves diving to help with 5m
wide belt transects to identify the distribution and abundance of macroinvertebrate species (e.g. sea cucumbers, molluscs, lobsters etc).
■Shark tagging: In the evening long baited lines are set from the research
ship and in the early morning these long lines are checked for sharks. All
captured sharks are measured and tagged before release.
■Lionfish surveys: This involves processing of captured Lionfish specimens
to examine size class structure and stomach contents.
■Manatee surveys and capture: The manatee surveys are conducted in
the mangrove channels and lagoons using side scan sonar surveys and
observational transects. The position of all sighted manatees are logged and
environmental data (salinity, temperature, aquatic vegetation) collected at
each site to determine the importance of freshwater upwellings and vegetation
communities in affecting the distribution of manatees. In addition the
movement of manatees is being studied using marked animals and students
will be helping with manatee captures using nets. Any manatees captured
will be measured, the sex determined, DNA and blood samples taken and the
animal marked before release.
All the teams will be staying in the Colony Hotel for the first week and 3-4
nights in the second week. The Colony Hotel has fan cooled rooms, swimming
pool, showers and many of the luxuries you would not expect on an Operation
Wallacea research expedition! Breakfast and dinner are taken at the hotel with
packed lunches provided for the field team. Two nights will be spent on a live
aboard research vessel, the Felipe Poey, which is being used as the platform
for the stereo video surveys and shark tagging. The Felipe Poey has berths both
above and below decks, though most people choose to sleep under the stars on
the top deck.
Travel Information
The expeditions start on a Friday at 0800hrs at the Colony Hotel, Isle de la
Juventud and finish on a Thursday at 0800hrs at the same location.
Groups need to book international flights to arrive in to Havana on the
Wednesday before the expedition starts and to depart Havana on the Friday after
the expedition finishes.
The internal transfer package* between Havana Airport and the expedition start
and end points will be arranged by our Internal Travel team and is not included
in the expedition cost, unless you have chosen a fully inclusive expedition
package. Additional guided excursions and day trips to be taken prior to and
after your expedition are available upon request.
*Includes airport meet & greet, any required travel and accommodation and full representation.
Research objectives and structure of the expedition
During the two weeks of this Amazonian expedition the students will be based
on research ships in the Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve which is the second
largest protected area in Peru, spanning over 20,000 km2 of tropical rainforest
and is a truly exceptional wilderness area. There are two main objectives of the
research programme;
■To collect data on the sustainability of forest resource use by the Cocama
Indians within the Reserve.
■To provide information on the impacts of climate change and anthropogenic
disturbance in the Amazon.
The second objective is made possible by long-term datasets that are gathered
using standardised methods and effort. Flooded forests are more sensitive to
climate change than non-flooded forests, because very high water levels reduce
the amount of dry land available in the reserve to around 2% thereby affecting
population levels of species such as agouti, deer and peccaries, whilst very low
water levels cause problems for the fish populations and consequently dolphins.
Therefore the Samiria Reserve is a perfect site to study the impacts of both
climate change and exploitation on wildlife and overall biodiversity.
Dolphins, wading birds and fishing bats are being used as indicators of the
aquatic hydroscape. Macaws, small primates and understorey birds are used
as indicators of the terrestrial landscape. Fish are used as indicators of the
impact of fisheries, primates and other terrestrial wildlife as indicators of wildlife
management of bushmeat, caimans as indicators of the recovery of species
after excessive overhunting and turtles as indicators of intensive restocking
Expeditions from January to March are in the high water season (water rising
from January to March) and from late June until August are in the low water
season (water levels falling from June to August). Over these seasons, surveys
of two sites will be completed on the Samiria River – the mouth and Tacshcocha
but the exact schedule depends on water levels and when sites can be reached.
During their two weeks in the Amazon the students will be undertaking two
main tasks; helping with the biodiversity surveys and completing an Amazonian
Wildlife and Conservation course.
Weeks 1 & 2 Pacaya Samiria Reserve
Students will be split into small groups and will have the opportunity to take
part in the following research projects over the two weeks. Each student will be
expected to join one of the morning and one of the afternoon/evening activities
alongside assisting with data entry.
■Primates, large mammals and game birds: DISTANCE based survey
transects will be completed by the students for these groups along 2 – 3 km
trails. The method and theories behind DISTANCE sampling will be explained
to students and they will be taught how to recognise different species and the
main identification features. These data are then combined with the camera
trap data to estimate abundance of the main species and using time-space
analyses to estimate densities. The density data are then used to calculate
whether hunting levels are sustainable.
■Macaw Surveys: Boat based point counts are used to monitor macaws with
each site separated by 500m. Fifteen minutes will be spent at each point with
censuses carried out twice a day. Within the fifteen minute counts, all macaw
species either perched or flying are noted and the time of observation and
distances of the birds from the observer estimated.
■Wading bird surveys: These surveys include 5km river transects divided
into 500m subsections where all river edge bird species are recorded. Please
note this survey is dependent on water levels.
■Understorey birds: Standard length mist nets are set at replicate sites in a
range of habitats (riverine forest, closed canopy forest, levees, liana forest,
palm forest). All birds captured are identified and measured. Catch per unit
effort data are compared between years to identify population trends.
■River Dolphin Transects: 5km transects at each site are travelled
downstream using a boat with the engine turned off. Information collected
on sightings includes: species, group size, group composition, behaviour
(travelling, fishing, playing), time and position at first sighting. During these
surveys students will be taught how to record the distribution and behaviour
of both pink and grey river dolphins. Expeditions later in the survey season
(depending on water levels being low enough) may also include turtle
monitoring. The turtle monitoring method consists of registering the number
of individuals sighted, either sunbathing or swimming. Students will be taught
how to differentiate between the two turtle species found in the reserve.
■Fish Surveys: Students will be able to work with a team who are setting
standard gill nets to quantify the catch per unit effort (CUPE) experienced
by the Cocama Indians. The students will learn how gill-net surveys are
implemented and will help with measuring, weighing and identifying all fish
captured. They will also take part in surveys using fishing lines.
■Habitat surveys: These surveys are designed to produce quantitative data on
the various forest habitats (size structure and biomass of trees, levels of light
penetration and ground vegetation, regeneration rates).
■Night time caiman surveys: This survey involves spotlight surveys of the
river after dark to locate and identify caiman species in order to estimate
population size and distributions. Noosing is used to capture caiman to obtain
data on morphological measurements, sex and age.
■Fishing Bat surveys: This river survey involves travelling along the river for
a 1hr period during dusk recording the number of fishing bats seen flying over
the river. The students will also use a batbox (ultrasonic bat detector) to help
detect and identify the bats.
The students will also be completing an Amazonian Wildlife and Conservation
course which comprises lectures and related activities/discussions on
Amazon geography and biodiversity (definition of biodiversity, formation of
the Amazon, white and black water rivers), flooded forest and upland forest
ecology (terrestrial, arboreal and aquatic wildlife of upland and flooded
forests), conservation strategies in the Amazon (protected areas, community
based conservation, certification strategies), survey methods (theory of survey
techniques and how the data are used), Pacaya-Samiria bird (macaws, trogons
and kingfishers, toucans, sexual selection in birds), mammals of Pacaya-Samiria
(anteaters, sloths, cats, dolphins and manatees), Amazonian fish (species
richness, piranha, electric eels, arapaima), amphibians and reptiles (poison dart
frogs, dangerous snakes, caiman, turtles), wildlife monitoring and calculating
sustainable hunting levels, examples of best practice conservation management
in the Amazon. During the course the students will also get the opportunity to
visit a Cocama Indian community.
Accommodation will be on the Rio Amazonas research ship where students
are in shared cabins (4-10 people) with fans. There are manual flush toilet and
shower facilities on board, electricity for charging computers and other items
when the generator is on. Living on a research ship in the heart of the biodiverse
rich Amazon is a truly memorable experience.
Travel Information
The expeditions start on a Sunday at 1330hrs in Nauta and finish on a Friday
at 1600hrs at the same location.
Groups need to book international flights to arrive in to Iquitos on the Saturday
before the expedition starts and to depart Iquitos on the Saturday after the
expedition finishes.
The internal transfer package* between Iquitos Airport and the expedition start
and end points will be arranged by our
Internal Travel team and is not included
in the expedition cost, unless you have
chosen a fully inclusive expedition
*Includes airport meet & greet, any
required travel and accommodation and
full representation.
Research Objectives and Structure of Expedition
The Guyana research project is run in the heart of the vast Guiana Shield forests
that make-up Northern South America. This 2-week expedition gives students
the opportunity to see much of the stunning wildlife of the Guiana Shield and
to help with data collection for a biodiversity assessment survey. The Guyana
expedition takes students into the heart of one of the last strongholds of intact
tropical rainforest left on the planet.
Preservation of rainforests is a matter of ensuring that surrounding communities
can have a financial benefit from conservation of the forests. This is the basis
of many of the REDD+ type data collection monitoring projects being run by
Opwall (e.g. Indonesia, Honduras, Mexico) where funds are raised through
preservation of the carbon content of the forests. However, an alternative
approach is to sustainably exploit the timber in the forest using a Reduced
Impact Logging protocol developed by the Iwokrama International Center
for Rainforest and Development so that conservation can pay for itself and
communities can have financial benefits, while the biodiversity of the forest
can be maintained. Just under half of the Iwokrama Forest Reserve has been
designated for sustainable use.
Within this area a 60 year rotation has been agreed where approximately 1% of
the trees in the blocks to be logged are removed, with detailed planning, so that
the cut and skid trails to remove the timber minimise the impact. This level of
cutting for the most part allows the canopy structure and overall age structure
of the trees to be maintained even in the harvested blocks, but since the trees
removed are the high value commercial species, it generates substantial income
for the local communities. This is a very impressive harvesting system and if it
can be demonstrated to have short term and minimal impacts on biodiversity
whilst at the same time generating much of the income that would have been
achieved from much less sensitive ways of harvesting, then this approach
may have much wider applications worldwide. The Opwall teams are helping
to provide detailed and verifiable data sets on target biodiversity taxa in the
Iwokrama forests both to examine the impacts of selective logging but also to
quantify long term changes in the biodiversity of the forests.
The teams will start at the beautiful Iwokrama River Lodge and Research Centre
(IRL) situated on the bank of the Essequibo River and after 3 days will travel to
one of the field camps in the Iwokrama/Surama forests where they will spend
a week completing data collection. During the last few days, the groups will
be completing a boat survey along the Burro-Burro River running from Surama
Village through the centre of the Iwokrama Forest where there is a chance of
encountering large animals such as anacondas, jaguars, and giant river otters.
Part 1 Training Course on Guiana Shield Forest Ecology
and Survey Techniques
The first 3 days of the expedition are based at the Iwokrama Research Centre
where the students will be completing a Guiana Shield forest ecology course
comprising lectures on Guiana Shield geography and structure, survey methods
and how the data are used to describe community structure of key taxa,
examples of species likely to be encountered and how Reduced Impact Logging
is carried out. Mornings, late afternoons and evening will be taken up with small
groups of students joining the biologists demonstrating the survey techniques
used to quantify bird communities, bat communities, dung beetle communities,
amphibians and reptiles, and abundance of target mammal species (e.g.
jaguars, tapirs, brocket deer etc) as well as how to measure forest structure and
dynamics. In addition there will be short training sessions on forest survival
skills such as how to live in field camps in hammocks, navigation and trekking
skills as well as the main risks posed by animals and diseases in the forests and
rivers and how to reduce those risks.
Part 2 Biodiversity Surveys in Forest Camps
For the next 6 days the teams will be based in one of the forest field camps and
will be completing the standardised surveys required to quantify the diversity
of the various taxa. These sites will either be in areas that have already been
selectively logged, are due to be logged, or will never be logged (control sites).
These surveys include:
■Bird surveys: These surveys using standardised mist net hours help quantify
the changes in understory bird communities. All birds captured are measured,
data taken on moult and breeding condition to determine breeding cycles,
photographed and rings attached to collect data on movements and longevity
of the various species before the birds are released. In addition soundscape
recordings from a series of sites 1km apart will be made from 30 minutes
before dawn to after dawn. These recordings will then be analysed by the
ornithologist to identify the bird calls and compile species lists and details of
relative abundance.
■Herpetofauna surveys: Students will assist with standard search scan
surveys for reptiles and amphibians. In the evenings transects will be
completed to record the soundscapes and these recordings will be analysed
by the herpetologist for amphibian diversity and relative abundance from the
calls and by the ornithologist for nocturnal birds.
■Dung beetle surveys: Students will be helping with installing and emptying
baited pit fall trap arrays to quantify the dung beetle communities since these
are excellent indicators of forest changes.
■Large mammal surveys: Students will be helping to install camera traps
around the camps which will be left for up to 2 months to collect data on
ground based mammal abundance including the big cats and herbivores
such as tapirs, deer and agouti. In addition the students will be completing
transect surveys to collect data on primate abundance which will not be
sampled by the camera traps.
■Bat surveys: Mist nets run for standard periods of time are being used to
quantify the bat communities and students will observe the processing of
the captured bats (identification of the species, photographing each bat,
measurements, wing punctures etc) and their release.
■Forest structure and dynamics surveys: Students will be helping with
quantifying the forest structure (age, class, structure of trees, amounts of
understorey vegetation, sapling regeneration, canopy cover etc) of permanent
monitoring plots and these data re-used to quantify changes in the forest.
In some sites though there are no permanent forest plots nearby so these
surveys are working on smaller plots and quantifying the forest structure
around the survey sites for different taxa.
Part 3 River Based Surveys
The last 3 days of the surveys will be spent on a river based survey along the
Burro Burro River through the heart of the Iwokrama rainforest to complete
annual monitoring of key wildlife indicators to the health of the river. These
include Giant River Otters, Arapaima (a type of huge fresh-water fish), Caiman,
Anaconda and many species of water birds. The teams will start at Surama
village in the savannahs of the North Rupununi. For two days downstream drift
surveys will be completed and the wildlife records completed. This is a deep
forest experience and the teams will be setting up camp on the river bank in
hammocks each night and helping the boat drivers and guides porter the boats
around fallen trees. The teams will sleep at camps on the banks of the river
each night and on the last day will motor back up to Surama.
The first part of the expedition will be at the Iwokrama River Lodge on the
bank of the Essequibo river. Accommodation is in dormitories with communal
bathrooms. There is a well equipped research centre with a lecture room and
restaurant overlooking the river. The second part of this expedition will be in a
remote field camp where accommodation will be in hammocks with bashas and
integral mosquito nets. There are temporary field toilets and washing will be
done in the rivers, or from a bucket. For the river survey based week the groups
will be in hammocks in temporary overnight camps. This is the most remote
and toughest of all the expeditions but probably the one with the best sightings
of forest based animals.
Travel Information
The expeditions start on a Tuesday at 1700hrs at the Iwokrama Research
Centre and finish on a Monday at 0800hrs at Surama Village.
Groups need to book international flights to arrive in to Georgetown on the
Monday before the expedition starts and to depart Georgetown on the Tuesday
after the expedition finishes.
The internal transfer package* between Georgetown Airport and the expedition
start and end points will be arranged by our Internal Travel team and is not
included in the expedition cost, unless you have chosen a fully inclusive
expedition package. Additional guided excursions and day trips to be taken
prior to and after your expedition are available upon request.
*Includes airport meet & greet, any required travel and accommodation and full representation.
Research Objectives and Structure of Expedition
During this expedition the teams will split their two weeks between two
picturesque and remote Saxon villages in the foothills of the Carpathians,
within the Tarnava Mare Natura 2000 Region. This area comprises 85,000ha of
particularly rich landscape and is one of Europe’s last medieval landscapes,
with probably the most extensive flower-rich grasslands remaining in lowland
Europe, as well as the continent’s last lowland bears and wolves. The landscape
still presents a medieval land-use pattern: forested ridges and gullies, pasture
and hay meadows on gentler slopes and terraces, and arable land and smaller
meadows on the flat valley bottoms near villages.
Inclusion of the area in the EU Natura 2000 network enables funding to
be obtained to maintain the low input traditional based farming that has
created such a high biodiversity. The Opwall teams are completing an annual
biodiversity survey of the region in order to assess the effectiveness of
maintaining the traditional farming practices in protecting this outstanding area.
The work is being completed with ADEPT, a Romanian based NGO, with the
Opwall teams providing annual data on a series of biodiversity performance and
farming criteria.
The study sites have been paired into villages and over the course of the
expedition each group of students will spend 5 – 6 days surveying in each of the
target valleys and will then trek over the hills to the next village. In each valley
the students will be split into one of several study teams and over the course of
the two weeks will have the chance to participate in each of the teams for at least
two days.
■Large mammals: This team will position camera traps in key locations in
the forests and on the valley transects in order to capture sightings of large
mammals such as bears, wolves, wild boar and deer. The team will also carry
out track and sign transects surveys checking for scat and any additional
evidence of large mammals.
■Small Mammals and Herpetofauna: This team will set small mammal
traps late at night which will be checked and emptied each morning; students
will assist with taking metamorphic measurements of any mammals captured.
They will also complete standard searches around the edge of river and
wetland areas for amphibians and reptiles.
■Birds: The bird team will be leaving at dawn and walking the long transect
sample routes that traverse the valleys either side of the village. They
will complete point count surveys at 500m intervals en-route, looking for
sightings and listening for calls of the wide range of birds found in the
area. The bird assemblage includes an abundance of woodpeckers, shrikes,
warblers and many birds of prey (such as eagles and hawks). In the evening
call-back surveys are also completed for corn crake and owls. There may also
be the opportunity to observe and assist with a bird ringing program where
species can be seen up close.
■Plants: The plant team will be focusing on target species which are good
indicators of grassland types or have medicinal use. Transects will be
completed in low, medium and high nature value grasslands along the
different sample routes where the presence of different key species will be
noted. Because this area contains some of the most diverse grasslands in
Europe this project will be a chance to work in a rarely seen and spectacular
■Butterflies: The butterfly team will be covering the same 50m transects as
the plant team, recording the butterflies encountered and using sweep nets
to catch and identify the rarer species. Light trapping will be completed for
moths in the evenings, with early mornings then spent identifying those
species caught.
■Bats: The bat team will be using a number of methods to establish the
species present in the area which may include the use of recordable bat
detectors, observation of roosting bats and mist netting. To quantify the
species present, survey techniques will be used such as, counting bats
emerging from roost and using handheld bat detectors on walking transects.
■Farms: The traditional farming methods used in this region play a crucial role
in the maintenance of high biodiversity. Part of the monitoring effort therefore
includes visiting a number of farms in each village and recording the numbers
of livestock, dates of grassland cutting, type of arable crops etc. They will
also be gathering data on bear and wolf attacks on the livestock and will have
a unique opportunity to experience methods of farming which were lost many
years ago in most of the world.
The students will also be completing a Transylvanian ecology course
comprising the following lectures: Transylvanian landscapes (Saxon history,
management and threats to the landscape and farming strategies), sampling
techniques (the types of survey methods employed and how certain species
can act as indicators), biodiversity in Tarnava Mare (biodiversity and endemism
in general terms and specific to the region), classification focusing on the
mammals and herpetofauna of the region (amphibians and snakes of Europe
and bears, wolves and cats), bird diversity and classification, and conservation
strategies in Transylvania (Habitats and Bird Directives, ecotourism, traditional
This Opwall expedition gives students the chance to join a small team which
will move from remote village to village across the region. Each village is
nestled in one of many valleys running North to South, and so after completing
surveys for 5-6 days in each village the team will trek up the side of the
adjacent valley and down into the next one. Luggage can be transported on
oxcart or on a 4×4 vehicle.
When in the villages, teams will usually be staying in basic campsites where
they can pitch their tents under the fruit trees and where the water in the
showers is heated by the sun each day. Meals are locally prepared and the
majority of the food on the expedition is baked, grown, or farmed in the same
village in which it is consumed. In some villages volunteers will be able to stay
in local guesthouses, which gives a fantastic insight into the Saxon culture
and traditions.
It should be noted that on this expedition almost all surveys are conducted on
foot. Volunteers can be out in the sun surveying the remote forests, meadows
and grasslands for long periods of time each day, in addition to collecting more
data during the evenings where possible, so it is helpful to have a reasonable
level of fitness.
Travel Information
The expeditions start on a Wednesday at 1600hrs in your first village and
finish on a Tuesday at 1000hrs in your last village.
Groups need to book international flights to arrive in to Targu Mures before
1330hrs on the Wednesday the expedition starts and to depart Targu Mures on
the Wednesday after the expedition finishes.
The internal transfer package* between Targu Mures Airport and the expedition
start and end points will be arranged by our Internal Travel team and is not
included in the expedition cost, unless you have chosen a fully inclusive
expedition package.
*Includes airport meet & greet, any required travel and accommodation and full representation.
Structure of the expedition
This expedition consists of a week working with Chinese biodiversity research
academic teams in the Qinghai Plateau (part of the Tibetan plateau) in western
China followed by a week in the Minsham mountains in South West China.
During the first week the groups will learn about Tibetan Plateau Ecology and
help with some research projects whilst in the second week in Wanglang
Reserve they will be learning about Chinese Wildlife Conservation Issues and
helping with a different range of research projects.
The Tibetan Plateau is a vast (2,500km2) high plateau (3000 to 5000 metres) in
southwestern China which encompasses all of the Tibet Autonomous Region and
much of Qinghai province. The region lies to the north of the Himalayas and the
world’s highest peak, Mount Everest on the China-Nepal border. Qinghai Lake
in the Qinghai Province is China’s largest lake and is located at the crossroads
of several bird migration routes across Asia. Many birds use Qinghai as an
intermediate stop during migration and it is an important breeding area for a
number of threatened species. In addition the grasslands surrounding the lake
are the sole remaining habitat for the Critically Endangered Przewaslki’s Gazelle.
The Chinese Academy of Sciences has reported that the lake is threatened with
loss of surface area due to livestock over-grazing, land reclamations and natural
causes and lake surface area has decreased 12% in the last century. The Beijing
Forestry University is completing a series of long term studies on key taxa in
the Qinghai Lake region and has developed a database to bring together the
various types of census data available on the region. The Opwall teams have the
opportunity to join these research projects and contribute to the monitoring in
order to assist with best practice conservation in Qinghai.
At the end of the Qinghai Lake week the group would be transferred back to
Xining airport and would fly to Mianyang before taking the long bus journey
north over the winding mountain roads to Pingwu county and on into the
Wanglang Reserve.
The Wanglang Nature Reserve is situated in the Minshan mountains in the
Sichuan province of China. With altitudes of up to 5000m, this remote and
mountainous region is China’s best stronghold for the Giant Panda. Only about
1000 Giant Panda are thought to live in the wild, and all of them are contained
within six isolated forest areas in central China. The Wanglang reserve, which
covers an area of about 350 square kilometres, has an estimated population
of 66 Pandas and as such is of critical importance in the survival of these
endangered animals.
The reserve covers an altitudinal range of 2400-4200m and consists of pristine
primary broadleaf forest, dense bamboo thickets, tandra meadow, and rock
dominated habitat in the higher regions. There has been virtually no tourist
activity in the reserve since its establishment in 1963, mainly due to its
inaccessibility. However the road into the reserve is currently being resurfaced
and from 2015 onwards it will be more accessible for members of the public.
In addition to the Panda populations Wanglang is home to over 200 bird species,
several iconic mammals such as the mountain leopard and wild boar, 60 orchid
species, some of which only exist in the high mountain lakes and are not open
to the public.
Since 2001 the Wanglang National Nature Reserve (Wanglang NNR)has been
collaborating with Beijing Forestry University and the Chinese Academy of
sciences to monitor the reserve’s flora and fauna. From 2015 a much more
detailed monitoring plan is being implemented and the Opwall teams will
provide much needed extra manpower for the survey efforts.
Qinghai Plateau
During this first week the students will complete a lecture course on Tibetan
Plateau Ecology. The first day will comprise lectures about Tibetan culture and
an introduction to the ecology of the area and is designed to get the students
accustomed to the 3000m altitude and a little more rested before starting on
their field research. Then for the next 5 days the group will be split into smaller
groups and will be rotating between the following projects:
■Przewalski’s Gazelle: These teams would be walking transects across the
grasslands to complete DISTANCE transects to estimate populations in the
different areas of the reserve. The entire world population (approximately
1000) of these Critically Endangered deer occurs in this area and studies
are being undertaken to assess the best grassland management strategy to
protect this species.
■Behaviour of Black necked Cranes and Bar-headed Geese: Qinghai
lake has 20% of the world’s population of Black-necked Cranes and
10% of the world’s population of Bar-headed Geese – a species that
has physiological adaptations enabling it to fly high enough to cross the
Himalayas. Qinghai Lake is a major breeding site for this species and the
researchers have established 19 live feed video monitoring cameras to
record breeding behaviour. Students on this project will be helping with
analysis of breeding behaviour of these two species.
■Water bird and grassland bird surveys: Students on this project will be
working with an ornithologist completing counts of water birds and grassland
birds at a series of sites around the Qinghai Lake.
■Small mammals: Pikas are the most abundant small mammals on the
plateau grassland and students working on this project would be helping with
surveys of population densities and their impact on nitrous oxide fluxes.
■Grassland management: Students on this project would be helping with
quadrat studies of the effects of different grazing regimes on floristic diversity
and on greenhouse gas emissions.
Wanglang Reserve
The students at this site would complete a Chinese Wildlife Conservation
Issues lecture course over the course of their second week. The group will be
subdivided and will be rotating between the following projects and working for
approximately one day on each of them:
■Large mammal population monitoring: A network of camera traps (one
every square kilometre) has been established throughout the reserve. These
can be accessed via the 24 steep trails that are used by the rangers. The
camera traps are designed to monitor populations of Giant Panda, Golden
Takin (a member of the goat-antelope family), wild boar, leopard, and many
other large mammals. In addition to checking and resetting these camera
traps, students will be looking for prints and dung along the trails in order to
gather data on large mammal densities and distributions.
■Habitat monitoring: A macro survey plot (800m x 300m) has recently been
established in the reserve in order to enable much more detailed data to be
collected on habitat structure. From 2015 all the trees with a diameter
>1cm will be labelled and identified, and measurements of soil type,
canopy density and tree height recorded.
■Herpetofauna and small mammal diversity: Pitfall traps and Sherman
traps have been installed in the macro survey plot and these will need to
be regularly checked for herpetofauna (reptiles and amphibians) and small
■Bird population monitoring: The avifauna of the reserve is highly diverse
and the high mountain bamboo forests of Wanglang are home to over 200
species. Teams will complete point count surveys on the trails and in the
macro plot to establish baseline data on bird communities.
At the Qinghai Lake the students will be based in a Tibetan camp site by the
lake. Accommodation will either be in tents or in small dorm rooms in bunk
beds. In the Wanglang Reserve accommodation will be in the research centre
where students will be staying in dorm rooms with hot showers and flush
Travel information
The expeditions start on a Tuesday at 1800hrs at the Beijing Forestry
University Research Camp at Qinghai Lake and finish on a Monday at 1300hrs
at the Wanglang Reserve Research Centre.
Groups need to book international flights to arrive in to Beijing on the Monday
before the expedition starts and to depart at on the Tuesday after the expedition
The internal transfer package* between Beijing Airport and the expedition
start and end points, and between the expedition sites, will be arranged by our
Internal Travel team and is not included in the expedition cost, unless you have
chosen a fully inclusive expedition package.
*Includes airport meet & greet, any required travel and accommodation and full representation.
Research Objectives and Structure of Expedition
This expedition in western Tanzania is ideal for those who want to learn more
about genetics and speciation and will involve working on a series of crater
lakes north of Lake Malawi in the first week. The second week the group will be
helping with monitoring the effectiveness of different conservation management
strategies in Ruaha National Park and the adjacent buffer zone areas which have
elephant, buffalo, lion and other species.
The expedition starts on the shores of Lake Malawi and the first week is spent
working with a team of high impact publishing scientists who are looking at how
speciation occurs in lakes. The teams will be based in the small community
of Masoko just north of Lake Malawi in Tanzania for the first week and will
be travelling out to different, mainly unsurveyed, volcanic crater lakes in the
area and helping with limnology, fish community and invertebrate surveys. In
addition the students will be completing a course on the Evolution of Species
which covers much of the A-level, AP or IB syllabus on genetics and speciation
but which goes into more depth on mechanisms of speciation. Living in a small
Tanzanian rural community will also give students the chance of learning about
local agriculture and experience living in a different culture and community from
their own.
At the end of the first week the group will be transferred to a newly formed
Wildlife Management Area (WMA) on the edge of Ruaha National Park, the
second largest National Park in Tanzania. WMA’s are at the forefront of efforts to
ensure local communities are fully integrated in conservation programmes in
Eastern Africa. Students will join a long-term ecological monitoring programme
to assess the impact of the WMA on game populations and ecosystem health.
Our camp is inside the Piwaga-Idodi Wildlife Management Area in a village
called Tungamalenga. From here teams will head out with experienced Field
Technicians to join game tracking and transect work, bird surveying and habitat
analyses. Time in camp will be spent completing the WEI/OpWall Savannah
Ecology and African Conservation courses.
Week 1 Crater Lakes
Lake Malawi has the highest diversity of endemic fish species in the world
with more than 650 species of cichlids. Normally speciation occurs when
two populations become isolated and adaptive changes in their separate
environments cause the two populations to drift apart. Such that, after several
thousand years, if the two populations meet again they are so different that
interbreeding does not occur. How does this happen in a lake? One theory is
that changes in water level in the lake have caused separation into smaller
lakes which then joined together as water levels rose, but is this sufficient to
see the huge diversity that appears to have happened? Studies in a volcanic
crater lake called Lake Barombi Mbo in Cameroon casts doubt on the possibility
of speciation occurring only by geographical isolation. The crater lake is
essentially a cone of water so that changes in water level do not result in
separate lakes forming. Yet the dozen or so species of cichlid in this lake were
revealed from DNA analysis to be more closely related to each other than to any
other fish species suggesting that speciation had occurred within the lake from a
single founder species. The mechanism for sympatric speciation like this though
is unknown.
North of Lake Malawi there are 14 crater lakes which provide an ideal natural
laboratory to study how sympatric speciation might occur. Each lake appears
to have been invaded independently by an ancestral species of Haplochromine
cichlid from Lake Malawi that has then speciated within the lake. The crater
lakes have different habitats (e.g. depth, size) and different fish communities
yet are relatively simple systems compared to the much larger Lake Malawi so
will hopefully provide clues as to how this speciation occurred. Samples of the
fish from each lake will be taken back to UK universities for complete genome
sequencing and in addition small numbers of live fish will be exported for mate
choice studies.
Week 2 Ruaha National Park and Piwaga-Idodi
Wildlife Management Area week
The Ruaha National Park, at 10,000 km2, is the second largest National Park in
Tanzania. If you include the neighbouring Usanga Game Reserve and a number
of other important adjacent wetlands, it may lay claim to the title of largest
conservation area in East Africa. The Park is remote and as a result does not
attract the same volume of visitors as the more famous Serengeti National Park
and Selous Reserve. However, its importance in African conservation cannot be
debated, as a home to over 10,000 African elephant, approximately 475 species
of bird and as a vital sanctuary for the endangered wild dog, and sable and roan
antelopes. The reserve also hosts lion, leopard, cheetah, zebra and a number of
other important antelope species.
The vast majority of Parks in eastern Africa are unfenced. This allows important
natural movements and migrations throughout the region but also brings with it
a suite of other, rather more unnatural problems, mainly through high incidences
of human-wildlife conflict. The Piwaga-Idodi Wildlife Management Area has a
low human population density and acts as a buffer zone along the eastern edge
of the National Park. Here the Wildlife Conservation Society have worked with
the local communities to find ways in which community members can actually
benefit from living in this buffer zone, despite the risks of crop-raiding elephant
and losing livestock to mammalian carnivores and birds of prey.
The WMA is split up into different land-use zones, one allowing game viewing,
another allowing mixed land-use (e.g. small scale farming) and one allowing
trophy hunting for income generation. The Wildlife Conservation Society have
asked Operation Wallacea and Wildlife & Ecological Investments to help monitor
how these different land-use zones are affecting the ecology and game densities
in the WMA.
will stay in tents, again, with bucket showers and basic field toilet. The camp is
also often used by another local conservation programme that specially focuses
on ways to decrease crop raiding by elephant, including using novel methods
like surrounding farms with bee hives, the presence of which seems to be a very
effective deterrent. Both camps have a limited electricity supply for students to
charge small electrical items and for lecturers to power up the projectors for the
in-camp sessions.
Travel information
The expeditions start on a Tuesday at 1600hrs in Kyela and finish on a
Monday at 1000hrs at the Ruaha National Park.
Groups need to book international flights to arrive in to Dar Es Salaam on the
Monday before the expedition starts and to depart Dar Es Salaam after 2300hrs
on the Monday the expedition finishes.
The internal transfer package* between Dar Es Salaam Airport and the expedition
start and end points will be arranged by our Internal Travel team and is not
included in the expedition cost, unless you have chosen a fully inclusive
expedition package.
*Includes airport meet & greet, any required travel and accommodation and full representation.
During the first week at the Crater Lakes, groups will be staying at a local
community school, a short walk from the beautiful Masoko Lake. For the
Operation Wallacea season we convert a number of large unused classrooms
into single-sex dormitories, eating areas and lecture rooms. There are basic
long-drop toilets on the edge of the school site. The Operation Wallacea season
falls in the dry season in Ruaha, with temperatures regularly reaching 35°C so
you will also welcome the chance to cool off with a bucket shower at the end of
a day in the field. There is plenty of space around camp to play sport with some
of the local students or just simply to find a quiet spot whilst you take in the
remarkable view all the way down to Lake Malawi on the horizon. Our camp in
the Piwaga-Idodi WMA is designed to have minimal ecological footprint. Groups
2016 DATES
7 June
20 June
23 March
5 April
19 June
2 July
13 June
26 June
13 June
25 June
16 June
29 June
14 June
27 June
30 March
12 April
26 June
9 July
20 June
3 July
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28 June
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22 June
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3 August
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1 August
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31 July
13 August
25 July
7 August
25 July
6 August
28 July
10 August
26 July
8 August
13 July
26 July
2 August
15 August
20 July
2 August
27 July
9 August
Expedition costs
The cost of all the expeditions payable to Opwall is £1,210 (UK, Europe, Middle
East), US$1,940 (US, China, SE Asia, Central and South America, South Africa,
Australia and New Zealand), Can$2,000 (Canada). This cost covers all the
transport around the sites from the start and finish points of the expedition at
all sites except Madagascar, South Africa, China and Ecuador. The cost also
covers food, accommodation, training courses that form part of the schools
programmes (e.g. PADI Open Water dive training), diving or snorkelling,
participation in the various science projects, safety and medical cover and
medical and evacuation insurance cover. In addition one teacher goes free for
each group of every 8 students or part-thereof.
1 August
14 August
4 August
17 August
Our most popular dates
are printed in bold
Travel costs
The travel costs to and from the start and finish point of the expeditions are
not included in the expedition costs. The international and in-country travel
costs vary enormously depending in which country the school is based and the
distance/cost of travel once in-country. For some countries (e.g. Transylvania,
Honduras, Mexico) the start of the expeditions is not far from the international
arrival point, whereas for others (e.g. Madagascar, Indonesia) the travel is much
more extensive. When deciding which of the expeditions would be of most
interest please ask your local Opwall office to send you a costings sheet for the
expedition which includes the per person expedition costs, an estimate of the
international travel costs, the internal travel costs and sum to cover the costs of
the accompanying teacher.
7 June
20 June
11 June
24 June
10 June
23 June
20 March
1 April
14 June
27 June
15 June
28 June
14 June
27 June
14 June
27 June
14 June
27 June
18 June
1 July
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30 July
3 April
15 April
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21 June
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21 June
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24 June
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24 June
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28 June
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28 June
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1 July
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26 June
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5 July
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1 August
19 July
1 August
19 July
1 August
23 July
5 August
22 July
4 August
26 July
8 August
27 July
9 August
26 July
8 August
30 July
12 August
3 August
16 August
December & January Expeditions
The whole purpose of joining an Opwall expedition is to be able to experience working alongside university
academics and doctoral students on biodiversity research projects. The vast majority of these staff, since
they are mainly from the northern hemisphere, are available to run the projects only on the listed dates.
Increasingly though, schools from the southern hemisphere are wanting to join the expeditions and if it is
not possible to join in the published dates (this should be the preferred option wherever possible because
of the greater choice of projects) then we have three sites where dates for a January/December expedition
would be possible: South Africa, Ecuador & Galapagos and Greece. They will still be slightly reduced
versions of the main expeditions but if there is interest please contact your local Opwall office to discuss
possible dates and itineraries.
Organising the packages
For UK schools, Opwall can provide a complete package for the expedition
including international travel, in-country travel and teacher flights costs so
the whole expedition can be invoiced through the Opwall office. In Canada the
expeditions are packaged through Victor Travel who offer a similar service.
All schools outside the UK or Canada will need to organise their international
flights, although the various regional Opwall offices will help with getting flight
quotes and have preferred flight agents who are generally quoting the best
prices. Once the international flights are organised then Opwall will organise
your in-country travel to and from the start and finish points of the expeditions
and this will be invoiced separately.
Opwall has insurance in place to provide medical and repatriation cover up
to £1million for all participants in the expedition. In addition to this medical
cover it is advisable to check that the school insurance cover for participants on
school trips also includes medical cover for existing medical conditions, trip
cancellation, flight interruption and loss of personal baggage or other items.
If the policy does not include these elements then additional insurance can be
purchased. See travel advice ( for more details
about insurance.
Schools can book as a group and collect the part payments for the expedition.
There is also the option for each of the group members to be invoiced
individually by Opwall for the various part payments.
Wallace House, Old Bolingbroke
t: +44 (0)1790 763194
New Zealand
United Arab Emirates
PO Box 3068, Staunton
VA 24401 USA
t: +1 (973) 920-0487
PO BOX 43, Whitby, Ontario
t: +1 (905) 231-2095
976 Justice Mahomed, (262 Charles St),
Brooklyn, Pretoria 0181 SOUTH AFRICA
t: +27 12 346 0272
Jalan Bintara No 7C, Bau-Bau,
Sulawesi Tenggara 93717,
t: +62 (0)8124 572 4054
Rymdvägen 4,
281 43 Hässleholm, SWEDEN
t: +46 765 264 895
PARTNERS: We have a number of partners in each country but the principal ones for each country are listed below:
PO BOX 806,Tegucigalpa,
t: +504 9990-6894 or
+504 2232-2436
Calle 11, M.30, L.3,
Fraccionamento Villas Tulum
Tulum, MEXICO 77780
t: +52 984 127 9521
IMPORTANT NOTE: The details of the expedition programmes described in this brochure are correct at the time of going to print. However, note that you will be joining a real scientific expedition and that on occasions the work
carried out on individual projects will differ from that described in order to respond to scientific priorities. Please keep checking our website for the most up-to-date information about the expeditions.
The Association of Bonded Travel Organisers Trust Limited (ABTOT) provides financial protection under the Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours
Regulations 1992 for Operation Wallacea, and in the event of their insolvency, protection is provided for the following:
1. non-flight packages commencing in and returning to the UK;
2. non-flight packages commencing and returning to a country other than the UK
1, and 2 provide for a refund in the event you have not yet travelled. 1 provides for repatriation. Please note that bookings made outside the UK are only protected by
ABTOT when purchased directly with Operation Wallacea.
Flight inclusive packages travelling from the UK are covered under the ATOL scheme.
ATOL protection does not apply to all services listed in this brochure. Please ask us to confirm what protection may apply to your booking. If you do not receive an ATOL
Certificate then the booking will not be ATOL protected. If you do receive an ATOL Certificate but all the parts of your trip are not listed on it, those parts will not be ATOL
protected. Please see our booking conditions for information, or for more information about financial protection and the ATOL Certificate go to: