

Architectural Drawings for the New
School have Arrived!
Share the Holidays with Sakka
Thanks to your generous help, we are happy to
report the progress of the proceeds from our
October 23rdfundraiser.
The good news is that our friends at CamKids (UK
based nonprofit helping children in Cambodia) have
joined together with Sakka Foundation to expand the
In the spirit of the holidays, we encourage you to
share your generosity with your friends and
family by making a donation in their honor.
We’ll send your gift recipient a Sakka e-card to
tell them you’ve made a gift in their name. Simply
email us at
With the combined resources of Sakka Foundation
and Cam Kids, we have expanded our original plan of
building 2 basic classrooms to instead create a larger
building that includes classrooms, an office and toilet
facilities. This is the beginning of a larger community
dream of the management of Who Will Children’s
Architectural drawings are complete for the projects,
timeline is to finish the project by March 2010!
Please check out the drawings on our website!
Our sincere gratitude again for those people who
attended and donated at the October 23rd fundraiser.
Check out our website for other gift ideas!
Surfing for
New Photos from the October
Fundraiser posted online now
Hope you had a great time at our October
winetasting! New photos have been posted on
the News page of the website. Please click here
to see the photos! If you are interested in copies
of any of the photos, please send us an email to
Professional Surfer Robert “Wingnut”
Weaver donates contest winnings to
Sakka Foundation
Robert “Wingnut” Weaver,
a professional
longboard surfer who has appeared in several of
Bruce Brown's surf movies including “Endless
Summer II,” recently visited Hainan Island China
to lend his support to a surf contest there.
Wingnut won the longboard division of the
Surfing Hainan Open and then donated 100% of
his financial winnings to the Sakka Foundation.
Thanks Wingnut for your positive energy, and sup
port of the Sakka kids.
University Scholarship Update!
Samorn & Samet Heang, aged 21 and 19, are the two
eldest of five siblings. Their parents died of AIDs
related causes several years ago, and all five children
are living at Wat Opot.
It was their father’s dying wish that all of his children
go to University. Sakka Foundation, with the support
of our generous donors, is now funding both of their
university educations. Samorn is in nursing school
and Samet is studying to be a lawyer.
If you are interested in supporting further education
for Cambodian orphaned or impoverished children,
please contact us at
Donors and Volunteers Needed!
We could use your help…
Want to REALLY make a difference?
• Donate Financially to Sakka. 100% of your
donation will go directly to the kids in
need. Please click here to learn more.
• Donate Silent Auction Items for our next
• Throw a fundraiser!
• Link Sakka into your company’s next event
(any donation is put to good use)
• Introduce us to your corporation
• Volunteer your time!
Two of the children that inspire us from Wat Opot Children’s Community –
a community of children orphaned due to AIDs living outside Phnom Penh.
Savanarith came to Wat Opot because his grandmother could not take care of him.
He has a working mother who, like him, is HIV Positive. He had fallen from a tree a
few months prior and, because it went unattended, his leg was swollen and he
could not walk. He insisted on being carried and to being spoon fed his meals when
he first came but that didn't last long once he saw the other children playing. He is
about seven years old and is in the second grade. Because he did not take his
medicine regularly he failed first line treatment and is now on second line drugs.
Srey Nak came to Wat Opot along with her mother when she was three years old.
Her mother died a short time later. In the beginning she was quite withdrawn but
over time has become very outgoing. She is now seven years old and in the second
grade at the local public school but because she is HIV Positive she will most likely
never be adopted like some of her friends have been. Srey Nak is a happy, playful,
affectionate child who loves drawing, hugs and meeting new people!
“I am lucky enough to live in Hong
Kong and have a great life. Yet, just a
few hours away many children are
suffering in poverty. What I can give
is small, but I know it is meaningful.
Thanks to Sakka for giving me the
opportunity to do something good.”
(HK Sakka foundation donor).
Buy a tee…160 HKD (20
USD) will buy a bag of rice
to feed 20 children for one
Buy a wristband…40 HKD
(5 USD) will give 2 children
daily necessities for a day.
Buy a Wristband…40 HKD (USD 5) will provide 2 children