Conchita Wurst


Conchita Wurst
Press Conference
Hotel Imperial, Vienna | May 16th 2015
16th MAY 2015
Press Conference Life Ball 2015
Saturday, May 16th 2015
Hotel Imperial, Vienna
Attendees are greeted by Klaus Christandl,
General Manager Hotel Imperial
Life Ball Press Office:
Katharina Karmel, Michaela Zach, Nicole Ustupska
Phone +43 (0) 1 595 56 00 12, Fax +43 (0) 1 595 56 77, |
For printing this press kit free of change, we kindly thank:
Layout: vierpunkt - Birgit Seese
Cover: © Ellen von Unwerth “Golden Adele”, 2015. Model: Conchita Wurst
Graphics: trafikant – Handel mit Gestaltung.
For pictures of the press conference, please refer to the Life Ball’s photo data base on –
a voluntary service of Agentur Wulz Services.
We kindly thank Marina Stadlbauer for translating this press kit into English on a voluntary basis.
16th MAY 2015
Preface Gery Keszler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The HIV/AIDS Millennium Goal of the United Nations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Numbers describing the HIV/AIDS situation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
“HIV/AIDS was and continues to be a global health problem”
– commentary by Dr. Brigitte Schmied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
AIDS LIFE in an international context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
The Life Ball as an international mouthpiece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Crystal of Hope Award donated by Swarovski. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Vienna under the sign of the Red Ribbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Salon Imperial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Red Ribbon Celebration Concert 2015 – Building Bridges for Peace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Welcome Cocktail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
First Ladies Luncheon .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
AIDS Solidarity Gala .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Life Ball Opening on the City Hall Square .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Life Ball inside the City Hall .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Accompanying events of the Life Ball .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Life Ball Ticketing .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Life Ball online & offline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Life Ball Products & Ambassadors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Sponsors & Partners .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
16th MAY 2015
© Raphael Lugassy
Dear media representatives,
As I just returned from a trip to the Kingdom of Lesotho, I would like to use these lines to
share at least some of my thoughts with you. The few days I spent in one of the poorest countries in the world, located in southern Africa, made a great impression on me. I was hosted by
the project Sentebale, which means “Forget me not” in English. It is a help project founded by
Prince Harry of Great Britain and Prince Seeiso of Lesotho. The goal of Sentebale: to improve
the situation of children and adolescents through education and psychosocial support. No,
actually, it is rather: to enable the young people to improve their own situation as well as their
families’ and their whole communities’ situations.
Lesotho is a mountainous country, life expectancy is the lowest in all of sub-Saharan Africa, and around 23 percent of
all people aged 15 to 49 are HIV-positive. 37,000 children under 14 are living with HIV. In the almost impassable land, it
is hard to supply people with medications, and educational work is difficult, too. In these inaccessible areas, rumors and
disinformation about the virus spread rapidly. This is exactly where the “Herd Boys Education Programme” comes in and
offers night schools.
Lesotho’s proud herd boys often start tending livestock when they are only 5 years old. They leave their families and
homes to live in primitive huts in Lesotho’s remote highland country. Without education, it is almost impossible for them
to break the cycle of poverty once they have returned to their communities. The herd boys are aware of the importance
of education. Many of them put up with hour-long walks after they tended livestock during the day, so that they can go
to school at night. What is particularly important, apart from reading, writing, arithmetics, and basic social competences,
is education on HIV and AIDS. The boys are told about transmission of the virus and how to live with it, as well as about
sexual and reproductive health. This gives them a chance. They become responsible and well-informed people who are
able to take control of their destiny. This is the project we would like to particularly support this year by awarding it with
the Crystal of Hope Award donated by Swarovski. Thus, we hope that we can play an important role in changing the lives
of future generations in Lesotho.
Giving you further details about the project would go beyond the scope of this press conference, but hope that I could
make you curious. Curious not only about the Herd Boys Education Programme, but also about many other projects that
AIDS LIFE supports.
When you leave this press conference, with your note books full of names of famous people and with a full schedule for
the second week of May, I would like to ask you to think about the following one more time: There is only one reason for
all these events and all those famous names you can read on the supplement of your press kit: We want to, and have to,
make a change. We need your help for achieving this.
I would like to thank you, dear media representatives, in the name of the Life Ball team. Thank you for reporting on
the Life Ball, but especially on the current situation of our common fight against HIV and AIDS. This is how you make a
contribution to the fact that, one day, we will defeat the virus and give “social ADS” no more chance.
Gery Keszler
Chairman of AIDS LIFE and Life Ball CEO
16th MAY 2015
In 2000, the U.N.’s then 189 member states adopted the Millennium Declaration, a catalog of mandatory goals for all member
states that signed it. Fighting poverty, keeping the peace, protecting the environment as well as improving access to
health care were defined as the most important goals of the international community.
The objectives are supposed to remind developing and industrialized countries alike of their duties: Developing countries
should use their financial means for the poor and promote democratic processes, while industrialized nations should use
their power to achieve equality between all countries, especially through development aid of higher quality.
In the summer of 2014, UNAIDS (the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS) presented the global target 90-90-90
as a continuation of the Millennium Declaration. It is a new means for fighting the epidemic.
The following goals have been formulated as decisive turning points in the fight against HIH/AIDS:
“By 2020, 90 percent of all people living with HIV will know their
HIV status”
“By 2020, 90 percent of all people with diagnosed HIV infection will
receive antiretroviral therapy”
“By 2020, 90 percent of all people receiving antiretroviral therapy
will have viral suppression.”
In the 2014 United Nations’ report on the Millennium Development Goals, some successes in fighting
HIV and AIDS were stated...
HIV infections decreased by 44 percent between 2001 and 2012.
In 2013, 12.9 million people had access to antiretroviral therapy.
Within eight years (2005-2013), the number of children who died as a result of of HIV and AIDS could be reduced from
320,000 to 240,000.
In southern and central Africa, the two regions where most infections occur, the number of new infections could be
reduced by half.
… but it also contained alarming figures:
Only 30 percent of all people infected worldwide have access to antiretroviral therapy (ART).
In 2012, 600 children every day died as a result of HIV/AIDS in developing countries.
Thus, 2020 can be seen as the decisive year for the global fight against HIV and AIDS. The member states could not only
see the progress that has been made by joint efforts, but also new challenges and goals for the fight against HIV and AIDS
that have emerged.
16th MAY 2015
The following facts and figures concerning HIV and AIDS are particularly important with regard to UNAIDS’ concept
The global situation
Currently, a total of over 35 million people are living with HIV and AIDS. In the last years, this number has increased
because more of them have received antiretroviral therapy and thus, the mortality rate has decreased.
In 2013, 2.1 million people worldwide contracted HIV. This corresponds to a decline by 200,000 new infections compared
to 2012.
In 2013, 1.5 million people died from the consequences of AIDS – 100,000 fewer than in 2012.
S ince the beginning of the epidemic, around 78 million people have contracted HIV – 39 million of them died as a
result of their HIV infection. However, it is to be feared that the number of unreported cases is much higher.
Regions most affected
S ub-Saharan Africa remains the region that is most affected, with 25 million HIV-positive people – which corresponds
to over 70 percent of all HIV-positive people in the world. 88 percent of all HIV-positive children and 58 percent of all
HIV-positive women in the world are living in this region.
T he situation is particularly dramatic in Nigeria, where 80 percent of all people affected do not have access to
treatment. In Eastern Europe and Central Asia, 1.1 million people are living with HIV; the number of new infections
increased by 5 percent until 2013.
Women with HIV/AIDS
More than half of all cases of HIV/AIDS worldwide are women (16 million).
A woman’s risk of contracting HIV from a man while they are having sex is twice as high as his risk of contracting it
from her.
Globally, HIV/AIDS is still the number one cause of death for women of childbearing age (15-49 years).
HIV/AIDS in children
orldwide, about 3.2 million children under the age of 15 are living with HIV – in 2013 alone, 240,000 children from
low- and middle-income countries contracted it.
O nly three in ten children with HIV currently receive antiretroviral therapy in countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
16th MAY 2015
Mother-to-child transmission of HIV
hile in the western world, hardly any children are born with HIV, a child’s risk of contracting HIV from its mother is
very high in developing countries. Without medical treatment, it is up to 45 percent.
30 percent of all children who contract HIV in the womb, during birth or during breastfeeding, and who do not receive
HIV therapy, die before their first birthday, and 50 percent of them die before their second birthday. 80 percent of
these children die of an untreated HIV infection before their fifth birthday.
Thus, reducing mother-to-child transmission is vital. In 2013, 66 percent of all pregnant, HIV-positive women had access
to medications that could almost fully prevent the risk of transmission.
O n a regional level, access to medications for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV is best in Eastern
and Central Europe as well as in the Caribbean (95 percent covered). In Asia and the Pacific region as well as in the
Middle East and in northern Africa, on the other hand, less than 20 percent are covered.
Discrimination & Stigmatization
U p until today, HIV particularly concerns socially marginalized, stigmatized and/or criminalized groups and people:
Users of injecting drugs and their sexual partners, men who have sex with men, sex workers, prison inmates, and
O ften, these groups lack access to HIV prevention, diagnosis and therapy. Moreover, existing offers are limited and
badly integrated into other health services.
Important successes…
In 2013, 12.9 million people had access to antiretroviral therapy – in total, this corresponds to 37 percent of all people
affected worldwide.
Worldwide, the number of new infections per annum dropped by more than a third (38 percent) between 2001
(3.4 million) and 2013 (2.1 million).
HIV infections in children have decreased on a global scale by 58 percent since 2001.
Sub-Saharan Africa is still the region most affected by the epidemic. But even there, the number of adults who
contracted HIV has dropped by 33 percent since 2005. A big success was achieved in the Caribbean, where new
infections could be reduced by 40 percent since 2005.
… and alarming setbacks in the fight against HIV/AIDS
While prevention and therapy programs have succeeded in stemming HIV infections sustainably in nearly all countries
and regions of the world, HIV is still advancing in the Middle East and northern Africa – since 2005, new infections
have increased by 7 percent.
Sources (2015): United Nations. The Millenium Development Goals Report 2014; Aktionsbündnis AIDS. Weltfrauentag 2015; UNAIDS. Fact Sheet 2014.
Global Statistics; AIDS-Hilfen Österreich. Med Update 12/2014; UNAIDS. Global Aids Response Progress Reporting 2014.;
16th MAY 2015
“HIV/AIDS was and continues to be a global health problem”
An overview by Dr. Brigitte Schmied, Consultant at the 2nd Internal Department at the Social Medical Center
Baumgartner Höhe & Board member of AIDS LIFE
Number of people infected with HIV worldwide:
35 [33.2–37.2] million
© Jürgen Hammerschmid
Global new infections in 2013:
2.1 [1.9–2.4] million
Number of people deceased internationally as a result of an HIV infection in 2013:
1.5 [1.4–1.7] million
Number of people deceased internationally since the beginning of the epidemic:
39 million
Epidemiology Austria1
An overview of the figures:
• In Austria, more than 8,000 people are living with HIV.
• 5,300 of them currently receive medical care.
• Around 30 percent of them are women.
• 40.8 percent contracted HIV because of heterosexual risk behavior.
• 39.0 percent because of homosexual contacts.
• 14.1 percent because of intravenous drug use.
The HIV-positive population is getting older
The average age at the time of infection rose from 39.3 years in 2002 to 45.8 years in January 2015. 96.5 percent of patients
that receive medical care in Austria are treated with ART (antiretroviral therapy). Even in Austria, 30-40 percent of all
people affected are only diagnosed with HIV at a later time.
The number of people who were 50 or older and undergoing HIV therapy has doubled in Great Britain within only
ten years (between 2003 and 2012) to 25 percent2. Older patients are more difficult to treat because of age-related
accompanying illnesses, combined with polypharmacy (i.e. the permanent use of more than five medications), drug-drug
interactions, and functional deterioration.3
16th MAY 2015
The main goal is an effective HIV test strategy
At least one third of the 2.3 million people in Europe who are infected with HIV do not know that they are infected! Thus,
the people affected only have access to therapy at a later time. This reduces the effectiveness of therapy and can lead
to complications that are a burden to the individual, but also to the health care system. An efficient HIV test strategy
that leads to an earlier diagnosis of HIV infections should be considered the main goal. This is the only way to positively
influence the course of the disease and reduce new infections and the financial burden on the health care system.
Global epidemiology4
Sub-Saharan Africa remains the region most affected. 24.7 [23.5–26.1] million people infected with HIV are living here and
70 percent of all new infections worldwide are documented here.
In 2013, 12.9 million people had a chance to receive antiretroviral therapy (ART). This therapy controls the virus and leads
to a normal life expectancy, even if it is not a cure. Furthermore, this effective therapy also reduces or prevents the
transmission of the infection. 11.7 million people – this corresponds to about 36 percent of the 32.6 million people who
are infected with HIV and receive ART – are living in low- and middle-income countries. In 2013, a total of 2 million people
were given ART for the first time – this is the biggest increase ever achieved.
Affected most: the youngest members of society
Children’s chances for therapy and medical care are still the lowest. Only one in four children (23 percent) in low- and
middle-income countries has access to therapy (in comparison: one in three adults, 37percent). Furthermore, HIV-positive
children carry a huge stigma and are excluded, which drastically reduced their opportunities to receive education and
The elimination of mother-to-child transmission thus gets even more important. Some progress has been made in
this area, as well. In 2013, 67 percent of all HIV-positive pregnant women (970,000) had access to ART. The number of pregnancies remains more or less the same. Antiretroviral combination therapy with three drugs has in the meantime
also become the standard for pregnant women all over the globe.
The number of newly infected children could be reduced by 40 percent to 240,000 in 2013. 400,000 children got infected
back in 2009. Thus, eliminating mother-to-child transmission could become possible.4
1 Kohortenbericht ÖHIVOS, Jänner 2015 WHO
2 Public Health England. HIV in the United Kingdom: 2013 report;
3 Levett T, et al. Rev Clin Gerontol 2014;24:10–24
4 WHO, Global Update on the Health Sector Response to HIV, July 2014
16th MAY 2015
Since 2001, AIDS LIFE, the charitable association that organizes the
Life Ball, has supported not only Austrian initiatives like the AIDS
Helps, but also more and more projects of international partners. It
has become a reliable and renowned supporter of non-profit organizations like the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), the Elton John AIDS Foundation (EJAF), amfAR – The Foundation for
AIDS Research, UNAIDS – the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, or the MTV Staying Alive Foundation.
With the projects supported, AIDS LIFE sets priorities when it comes to countries and focus groups:
ith CHAI, it mainly supports African projects. Since 2012, they have cooperated to specifically stem the
mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
AIDS LIFE’s monies for EJAF mostly go to projects in Eastern Europe and to groups there that carry a particular stigma.
T he pediatric network of TREAT Asia, which works for better HIV treatment for children in Asia and the Pacific region,
has been supported side by side with amfAR.
The biggest Austrian fundraiser for HIV/AIDS projects and its work have gained an important status on an international
level, as well.
Thus, in the report “U.S. and European Philanthropic Support to Address HIV/AIDS in 2013”, which ranked around 300 private fundraisers around the world according to their expenditures for HIV and AIDS projects, AIDS LIFE/the Life Ball was ranked
10th of all European fundraisers.
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16th MAY 2015
The Life Ball acts as an international platform for the most important HIV/AIDS organizations and their representatives
– not limited to the global goals for 2020 – and contributes to sharing their work and vision with as many people as
possible, worldwide beyond the borders of Austria.
In 2015, AIDS LIFE is cooperating closely with the following international organizations (in alphabetical order):
amfAR – The Foundation for AIDS Research
amfAR is one of the biggest non-profit organizations in the world and focuses on AIDS prevention, AIDS research, and
training of specialized personnel for the fight against HIV/AIDS, as well as on direct care for patients. Since 1985, amfAR
has invested more than $366 million in its mission – ending the AIDS epidemic through innovative research – and financially supported more than 2,000 research teams worldwide.
In 2005, AIDS LIFE partnered with amfAR for the first time. The organization, which received the first Crystal of Hope
donated by Swarovski for their TREAT Asia project in 2005, was founded by Liz Taylor and Mathilde Krim. TREAT Asia
is a network of medical facilities to ensure HIV/AIDS treatment in Southeast Asia. Its goal is to counteract the prevailing
lack of doctors by training health care professionals. In 2006, amfAR and AIDS LIFE expanded the TREAT Asia project to
pediatrics. Since then, AIDS LIFE has been the biggest donor of the TREAT Asia Pediatric Network every year and will
continue to support it in 2015.
“I’m thrilled to be here in Vienna for the Life Ball, which does such an incredible job of
raising money for the fight against aids. I’m also delighted to be here on behalf of amfAR,
The Foundation for AIDS Research, which has been a leader in the international AIDS response
for 30 years. It’s my great hope that amfAR will succeed in its efforts to find a cure for this
disease so that we can end the epidemic once and for all.”
– Mary J. Blige, American R&B singer and amfAR spokesperson
at the Life Ball 2015
Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
CHAI was founded in 2002 by President Bill Clinton and is a global health organization. Its goal is to establish integrated
health systems in developing countries and to ensure broad access to HIV/AIDS treatment and care. Worldwide, CHAI
negotiates price reductions for medications and works on improving their quality. As a result of CHAI’s cooperation with
pharmaceutical companies, over 70 countries now have access to more affordable medications. In order to end the epidemic,
CHAI has been specifically working on eliminating mother-to-child transmission of the virus since 2008.
CHAI realized that the key to fighting poverty-related diseases often is improving organizational and administrative
processes and making distribution of health-related resources more efficient. Thus, CHAI is a recognized consultant
that supports governments if they want to improve their health care systems sustainably. AIDS LIFE has been working
with CHAI since 2007. Today, AIDS LIFE is one of CHAI’s critical partners when it comes to driving international support.
Donations raised during the Life Ball not only go toward CHAI‘s global HIV strategy, but furthermore make an important
contribution to preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
For the past three years, AIDS LIFE has been supporting one of the projects that CHAI funds in India. This year, the project
will once again be co-financed with resources raised at the Life Ball.
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16th MAY 2015
“The road behind us has been more than three decades long, and the road ahead will bring its own challenges. But today, I have hope
there is an end in sight. For our part, thanks to the support of Life Ball and of AIDS LIFE, the Clinton Health Access Initiative will
continue our work fighting HIV/AIDS and TB in developing countries from Swaziland to India, from Ukraine to Lesotho, now and for the
years to come.”
– Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States and Founder of the Clinton Health Access Initiative
© Getty
Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project (CTAOP)
CTAOP was founded in 2007 by U.N. Messenger of Peace and Academy Award winner Charlize Theron. It does everything
it can to prevent adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa from contracting HIV. CTAOP supports various smaller organizations
that raise awareness for HIV through particularly innovative ideas. CTAOP offers these initiatives direct financial support,
as well as networking opportunities, and helps them with outreach and increased visibility in their respective regions.
All organizations and projects supported by CTAOP focus on local and direct support and work primarily with adolescents
aged 10 to 20. Education is key to their approach in fighting the epidemic – they organize trainings on topics like sexual
and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS, so that young men and women understand how the virus is transmitted, what it
means to live with it, and how to prevent future infections.
CTAOP prioritizes its efforts in sub-Saharan Africa, a region where people with the highest rates of HIV infection are
living. One person in twenty is HIV-positive here. More than 200,000 young people have been able to benefit form the
work and support of CTAOP in this region.
In 2015, CTAOP and AIDS LIFE will work together for the first time. Charlize Theron will give a keynote speech at the First
Ladies Luncheon, where she will present her project and her vision of an AIDS-free future.
“The First Ladies Luncheon is an incredible opportunity to highlight and address the disproportionate and devastating impact
HIV is having on women and girls, and combine efforts for a
better, healthier future for females around the world. By keeping
adolescent girls and young women HIV-free and in school, it will
not only impact the HIV epidemic but could create a pandemic
of healthy, educated women who get married later, have children
later — if they decide to have them — gauge the size of the
family they can support, and take part in the economic growth
of their countries while reducing poverty. They would have a
chance at equal opportunity. I truly believe that by empowering
young girls to make healthy decisions, we can overcome one of
the biggest roadblocks of ending this epidemic.”
– Charlize Theron, founder “Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project” (CTAOP)
Elton John AIDS Foundation (EJAF)
The Elton John AIDS Foundation was founded in 1992 by Sir Elton John and originally had its headquarters in New York.
Since 1993, the foundation has also been registered in Great Britain. The two offices act independently when it comes
to who they support, but they have common goals: reducing HIV/AIDS through innovative prevention programs, fighting
stigma and discrimination of people living with HIV/AIDS, as well as offering direct help and medical, psychological, and
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16th MAY 2015
legal support for people affected. Today, EJAF is one of the globally leading non-profit organizations for HIV/AIDS and has
raised more than $300 million to support HIV and AIDS programs since its founding.
EJAF was AIDS LIFE’s first international project partner and was supported from 2001 through 2006 as well as in 2009,
2010, 2013, and 2014. Resources raised by the Life Ball has gone to EJAF projects in Cambodia, Kenya, Russia, Zambia,
South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and Ukraine. Supported projects mainly target particularly stigmatized and discriminated
people, who are marginalized by society and therefore have difficulty gaining access to therapy and counseling.
“As a Trustee of the Elton John AIDS Foundation, I’m delighted to attend Life Ball this year. The partnership between the Foundation and Life Ball goes back over 15 years and has generated enough support to
reach more than four million people at risk of or living with HIV across Africa and Eastern Europe. This
work is helping to create an AIDS free future and it must continue.”
– Graham Norton, BBC talk idol and EJAF spokesperson at the Life Ball 2015
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
The Global Fund prioritizes efforts to reduce the burden specifically of AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. It was founded in
2002 and to date, it is the only partnership between governments, members of the civil society and the private sector
as well as impacted communities. A common goal is to significantly increase the availability of resources to fight the
pandemics. By supporting prevention and therapy programs as well as health care systems in more than 140 countries,
the Global Fund currently is the largest multilateral sponsor in global health care. More than one fifth of global financial
means against AIDS are distributed by the fund.
When working with different partners, the Global Fund makes sure that the resources administered go toward those men,
women, and children who are most affected by AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. By the end of 2013, the programs supported
by the Global Fund provided about 6 million people with antiretroviral therapy (ART).
The Global Fund collaborated with the Life Ball for the first time in 2014 when it. It became a partner for the First Ladies
Luncheon, which was a new event during the Life Ball Weekend focusing on reducing mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
In 2015 the partnership continues.
“Life Ball is a unique occasion to honor diversity and to raise public awareness about HIV. The Global Fund
is thrilled to be a partner of the Life Ball 2015. We can end this epidemic if we create an inclusive human
family and overcome the barriers that prevent every human being from leading a healthy life. Working as
partners, we can achieve amazing things, and achieve the end of HIV.”
– Mark Dybul, Executive Director The Global Fund and guest at the Life Ball 2015
MTV Staying Alive Foundation
The MTV Staying Alive Foundation was founded in 1998 as an international initiative to promote HIV prevention and a
healthy lifestyle, especially with young people, and to react to the consequences of discrimination of people with HIV/
AIDS. In order to achieve this, the foundation uses innovative approaches: On the one hand, creative, local prevention
programs that are promoted by adolescents or that were created by young opinion leaders are supported. On the other
hand, MTV Staying Alive is the biggest mass-media prevention campaign in the world. Thus, specific TV content – including concerts, documentaries, movies, and competitions – is created and broadcast on MTV as well as on other stations.
Its message: don’t give HIV a chance by means of safer sex and making the right decisions in life. Numerous celebrities
support the foundation‘s work.
– 13 –
16th MAY 2015
© MTV Staying Alive Foundation
During the auction at the AIDS Solidarity Gala 2015, select items provided by the MTV Staying Alive Foundation will be
made exclusively available, including tickets for the European Music Awards 2015 in Milan, as well as packages for the New
York Fashion Week. With its proceeds, the Life Ball supports innovative initiatives of the MTV Staying Alive Foundation.
“In 2014, the proceeds of Life Ball helped to fund 4 of those projects in Cameroon, Kenya, Moldova and
Macedonia. Through these projects which include raising awareness of HIV through dance among the
Masai population, training DJs in clubs to become peer educators, performing theatre and producing local
radio programmes, they reached out to a total of 43,537 young people and distributed 56,480 condoms.
Funds raised at this year’s Life Ball will go to similar youth-led organisations using creative approaches to
raise awareness of HIV among their peers.”
– Bill Roedy, Chairman MTV Staying Alive Foundation and guest at the Life Ball 2015
The „Joint United Nations Programme“ for the reduction of HIV/AIDS was founded in 1994. Its goal is to fight the HIV/
AIDS epidemic in a coordinated and concentrated way. It is the United Nations‘ most important programme and a leading
platform for global actions in order to establish worldwide political consensus on fighting the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The
programme‘s task is to globally control, strengthen, and support efforts for stemming the epidemic.
These efforts are focused on preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS, improving treatment and care for sick people, reducing
the social and personal consequences of the epidemic, as well as the proneness to HIV/AIDS of individual people or entire
sections of the population. To achieve these goals, UNAIDS builds knowledge networks, scales experiences and supports
other organizations and institutions on all levels in the fight against the epidemic.
The cooperation between UNAIDS and AIDS LIFE started at the XVIII International AIDS Conference in 2010, which the
Life Ball officially kicked off. Since 2011, UNAIDS has been co-hosting the „AIDS Solidarity Gala“, which takes place before
the Life Ball at the Vienna Hofburg Palace and provides an opportunity for the international AIDS community to discuss
current challenges in the fight against HIV and AIDS.
“UNAIDS is a proud partner of AIDS LIFE in fighting HIV/AIDS. Only by joint action, we will reach our goal
of an AIDS-free generation until 2030. Globally, the AIDS response has averted 10 million new infections
since 2002 and avoided more than 7 million deaths. Today, almost 14 million people are on life-saving
HIV treatment. What a great collective achievement. But, to quote Nelson Mandela: “After climbing a
great hill, we find that there are many more hills to climb.” We have been climbing this
epidemic one hill at a time. Now we must finish our journey with a final climb, and we cannot lose
anyone along the way.
My vision for ending AIDS looks like this: voluntary testing and treatment reaching everyone, everywhere; each person living with HIV reaching viral suppression; no one dies from an AIDS-related illness or
is born with HIV; and people living with HIV live with dignity, protected by laws and free to move and live anywhere in the world.”
– Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS
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16th MAY 2015
It is already for the 11th time now that AIDS LIFE will award an outstanding and particularly innovative initiative in the
fight against HIV/AIDS with the ‘Life Ball Crystal of Hope Award’ during the opening ceremony of the Life Ball. The award
– a heart-shaped Red Ribbon adorned with red Swarovski crystals and designed by Darko Mladenovic – was created in
cooperation with Swarovski in order to honor extraordinary achievements and to support the work of people who are
particularly committed.
The Crystal of Hope Ceremony presents the vision and work of the honored project and each year, it is the most emotional
part of the Life Ball opening. In order to make the message of the Red Ribbon even more visible, an oversized Crystal
of Hope is carried to the stage, where it hangs above the guests’ and the audience’s heads during the entire evening
as a symbol of hope and solidarity. In 2015, the award is again endowed with EUR 100,000 and constitutes important
financial support for the HIV/AIDS projects that receive it.
2015 “Sentebale”
2014 “SWAP Kenya”
Presented by Marcia Cross & Billy Zane
2013 “The Girl Effect”
Presented by Hilary Swank
2012 “Operation Bobbi Bear”
Presented by Naomi Campbell & Antonio Banderas
2011 Andrey Rylkov Foundation for Health and Social Justice
Presented by Brooke Shields
2010 Elton John AIDS Foundation – “The Way Home Project”
Presented by Nastassja Kinski
2009 Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative – “Access” Programm
Presented by Fran Drescher & Bill Clinton
2008 CARE Austria – “Yier Nigma”
Presented by Kim Cattrall
2007 Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung – “Youth2Youth”
Presented by Vivienne Westwood
2006 Médecins Sans Frontières – “SAMBA Project”
Presented by Catherine Deneuve
2005 The Foundation for AIDS Research – “Treat Asia Project”
Presented by Liza Minnelli
– 15 –
16th MAY 2015
Sentebale is a charity from southern Africa that was founded in 2006 by Prince Harry of Wales and Prinz Seeiso of the
Lesotho Royal Family. Its goal is to help the most vulnerable people of Lesotho – the children that are victims of the HIV
epidemic and extreme poverty in the country. The name “Sentebale” comes from the Sesotho language and means “forget
me not” – three words that can change lives.
The focus of the Crystal of Hope’s support lies on Sentebale’s “Herd Boys Programme”:
Boys as young as five tend livestock in the isolation of Lesotho’s remote highland country. More than 15,000 herd boys
leave their families and homes to live in primitive huts, enduring the extreme weather conditions of mountain cattleposts. Around 29 percent of all herd boys receive no education whatsoever – in some areas, this percentage is even higher.
Deprived of an education, many boys do not rejoin their families until their late teens. Then, they have no chance to find
a job. Literacy for males is just 56 percent, compared to 70 percent for girls.
“I founded the organization Sentebale with my friend, Prince
Seeiso, in order to help young people who are HIV-positive. We
wanted to understand their situation, enable them to go to
school, and give them the what they need to lead a healthy life
full of hope. For over ten years, we have now been carrying the
stories of young people from Lesotho into the world, collecting
funds for projects, and working with communities, in order for the region to make progress. Although we have already achieved a lot
in Lesotho, there are still many HIV-positive children in the world, who cannot get therapy because they are afraid of other people’s
reactions. It does not have to be like this! Together we can change public perception and remove stigmata about the illness,“ says
Prince Harry.
Prince Harry’s quote has been extracted from Prince Harry’s video message to be shown at The Life Ball Opening Ceremony, 16th May 2015
– 16 –
© Chris Jackson
The Herd Boys Education Programme aims to improve these boys’ access to basic education in order to give them a better
perspective for the future. While the herd boys fulfill their cultural obligation to tend livestock in the mountains during
the day, Sentebale supports twelve night schools. In order to be able to attend school, the herd boys often walk for up
to two hours – they realize that an education is important for them. As with all of Sentebale’s projects, education on
HIV/AIDS plays an important role for the herd boys. This is the reason why several classes on topics like sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS are offered. The boys need
to understand how the virus is transmitted and what it
means to live with it. HIV tests are conducted, as well.
Furthermore, the program provides the boys with warm
meals and survival kits to help them endure Lesotho’s
cold winters.
16th MAY 2015
In 2015, the Life Ball pursues two central goals again: to create as much public awareness as possible for HIV/AIDS, and
to raise as much funds as possible to be able to support important projects of its Austrian and international partner
In order to broaden its range of action and to reach more and more people with the Red Ribbon’s message, AIDS LIFE
has organized further, high-class events around the Life Ball, which together make up the Life Ball Weekend 2015 – it will
almost be an entire Life Ball Week:
ednesday, May 13, 2015, 7 p.m. // Hotel Imperial
Salon Imperial
Prelude to the Life Ball and ensuring sustained impacts of the Crystal of Hope Award
F riday, May 15, 2015, 7:30 p.m. // Burgtheater Vienna
Red Ribbon Celebration Concert 2015 – Building Bridges for Peace
in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs
to support the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
F riday, May 15, 2015, 10 p.m. // Le Méridien
Welcome Cocktail
in cooperation with (RED)
S aturday, May 16, 2015, 11:15 a.m. // Belvedere palace
First Ladies Luncheon 2015
hosted by Fashion4Development & AIDS LIFE
presented by Tiffany & Co.
in cooperation with the Global Fund
S aturday, May 16, 2015, 5 p.m. // Hofburg palace
AIDS Solidarity Gala 2015
hosted by UNAIDS & AIDS LIFE
S aturday, May 16, 2015, 9:30 p.m. // Vienna City Hall Square & City Hall
23. Life Ball under the motto
Opening Ceremony on the City Hall Square & Life Ball inside the Vienna City Hall
– 17 –
16th MAY 2015
Prelude to the Life Ball and ensuring sustained impacts of the Crystal of of Hope Award
This year, the SALON IMPERIAL takes place for the second time. It serves as a prelude to the Life Ball Weekend and takes
place on Wednesday, May 13. The event at the Hotel Imperial on the Vienna Ringstraße features the latest efforts of the
Safe Water and AIDS Project (SWAP) – the 2014 Crystal of Hope laureate.
SWAP trains HIV-positive women in Kenya as well as their families and friends to become “community health promoters”.
They learn about basic health prevention measures as well as how to purify fresh water, so that they can pass on this
knowledge to the local population. As starting capital, the women receive health and sanitary products as well as soap,
cleaning products, disinfectants, diapers, and condoms. Selling these products within their communities provides double
gains: The population benefits from greater public health awareness and improved practices that minimize the risk for
contracting HIV, and the community health promoters benefit from increased financial security and independence.
PuR, a powder for purifying and disinfecting water from rivers or wells, provides an important locally available measures
for staying healthy and and ensures wide-scale success owed to its broad distribution in the areas where SWAP works.
When dirt, parasites, bacteria, and viruses are removed from contaminated water, diseases that often occur in connection
with HIV/AIDS critically cannot spread as easily.
Alie Eleveld, Country Director of SWAP, will share recent successes of the organization that could be achieved after
receiving the 2014 Crystal of Hope Award donated by Swarovski. A short summary of key items that could be co-financed
with the generous donation of EUR 100,000 includes:
• 2 vehicles that enable training and products sold in remote areas.
• Building a stock of basic food, sanitary products, etc. for community health promoters.
• T-shirts, bags, and sales catalogs distributed.
• Cell phones and solar lights distributed.
• Bikes distributed, to reach more homes and therefore more people.
The co-speaker is Dr. Trevor Peter, the Senior Scientific Director for Diagnostics at the Clinton Health Access Initiative
(CHAI), where he has worked since 2005. He is based in Botswana and has over 20 years experience in the fields of diagnostics, infectious diseases research and public health research. He will also hold a speech on his share experiences and his
view on the HIV/AIDS epidemic and more on CHAI’s efforts to improve prevention, treatment and care.
Austrian fashion designer Lena Hoschek will present a check to Alie Eleveld and SWAP Kenya during the Salon Imperial.
She will donate 2 euros per sold item from her new collection „Hot Mama Africa“ to the organization. This demonstrates
the potential for sustained impact and added value of the Crystal of Hope Award, one year beyond its initial conferral.
– 18 –
16th MAY 2015
for Peace
in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs
to support the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
On May 15, once again international opera and theater stars like Anna Netrebko,
Diana Damrau, Juan Diego Flórez, Piotr Beczala, Thomas Quasthoff, Yusif
Eyvazov, Elena Maximova, and Gregory Porter will lend their unique voices to
the good cause during the Red Ribbon Celebration Concert for Peace at the Vienna
Burgtheater. Star actresses and actors Hannelore Elsner, Birgit Minichmayr,
Erwin Steinhauer, Michael Köhlmeier and Konstanze Breitebner will read texts between the musical performances.
The soloists will be accompanied by the Tonkünstler Orchestra conducted by Yutaka Sado.
“In the name of every single member of the Tonkünstler Orchestra family, I would like to express our deepest appreciation for being
invited to the Red Ribbon Celebration Concert during the Life Ball Weekend. We will let our music carry the message of the Red Ribbon!,”
Yutaka Sado is excited.
For the forth time already, the Red Ribbon Celebration Concert takes place as a prelude to the Life Ball Weekend. Under
this year’s motto “Building Bridges for Peace”, it will be part of the official festivities on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Austrian State Treaty and the 70th anniversary of the United Nations, which are held in cooperation with
the Federal Ministry of Europe, Integration, and Foreign Affairs. Our common goal to build bridges for peace and
humanity is the fundamental condition for a tolerant society. Interacting openly is a prerequisite for successfully fighting
HIV/AIDS and their sociopolitical consequences.
The net profit of the concert will go to Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), which was founded by President Bill
Clinton. By buying a ticket, every guest actively participates in reaching an important interim target on the way to an
AIDS-free generation: stemming the mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
“This year, the concert is inspired by the atmosphere of awakening of ‘Ver Sacrum’. We indulge in gold and lines of floral forms that are
typical for art nouveau and follow authors like Arthur Schnitzler, Alfred Polgar, and Stefan Zweig, but mostly we follow the Golden
Knight from Klimt’s Beethoven Frieze on his quest for love, happiness, and freedom of spirit. Ultimately, we build a bridge to the present
with the word freedom: We remind the audience of the signing of the Austrian State Treaty 60 years ago. This concert will be a spring
festival that celebrates diversity, freedom, and life.” says Alexander Wiegold, the director, about the overall concept of the
Another thing that is inspired by the motto of this year’s Life Ball are the video installations that were created by the
Viennese art and design collective Atzgerei. They lead guests at the Burgtheater on a journey to the world of art nouveau.
Drawings, animations, patterns, and ornaments will visually accompany readings and songs.
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16th MAY 2015
“Red Ribbon Celebration Concert – Building Bridges for Peace”
Friday, May 15, 2015, beginning of the concert 7:30 p.m.
Burgtheater, Universitätsring 2, 1010 Vienna
Admission: 30 / 50 / 90 / 190 / 250 euros
Dress code: Elegant evening attire
Official ticketing:
The ticket sale for the Red Ribbon Celebration Concert 2015 started on March 12, 2015, at 3 p.m. – tickets may be
purchased at the central ticket offices of the Austrian Bundestheater, at the box offices of the Burgtheaters as well as
the Volksoper, or on the Internet, on or
Exclusive Donators’ boxes
At the Red Ribbon Celebration Concert 2015, there will be a limited number of donators’ boxes packages again. These
packages include two high-class events in one evening. First, you can enjoy the concert in an exclusive box with family,
friends, or business partners, or with a donator’s ticket on a seat of the best category. To conclude the evening, you are
invited to celebrate with artists and soloists after the concert at the Liechtenstein City Palace. This event is hosted by
LGT Bank Austria and Marie, Princess of Liechtenstein. Depending on the category, the packages for a box for four
people are either 3,200 euros (parterre or 1st balcony) or 900 euros (seat category 1) .
The concert will take place in cooperation with the Vienna Burgtheater.
Patronage: Elisabeth Himmer-Hirnigel
Director: Alexander Wiegold – 20 –
16th MAY 2015
in cooperation with (RED)
In order to welcome all international guests – who arrive at Vienna International Airport at noon on the Life Ball plane
by Austrian Airlines – the Life Ball invites them every year to the traditional Welcome Cocktail at Le Méridien on the
Vienna Ringstraße street.
This is the first year that there is a partner in terms of content – the (RED) initiative was founded in 2006 by U2’s front
man Bono and Bobby Shriver, member of the Kennedy family & activist. The organization’s goal is to engage millions of
people in one of the biggest challenges of our time – the fight against HIV/AIDS.
(RED) works with global brands and organizations to develop (RED)-branded products. These products are sold as “red”
versions. Participating companies include Apple, Microsoft, Starbucks, Nike, or American Express, just to name a few.
50 percent of the profit of the products’ sale go to the Global Fund, which closely cooperated with (RED). 100 percent
of the monies are invested in HIV/AIDS help projects. The focus is on stemming mother-to-child transmission of HIV in
Following this model, the Welcome Cocktail will present itself all red this evening – including red finger food. There will
also be goody bags by Princess Skincare and Mentadent. a/fund supports the organization of the event.
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16th MAY 2015
hosted by Fashion 4 Development & AIDS LIFE
presented by Tiffany & Co.
in cooperation with the Global Fund
AIDS LIFE, Fashion 4 Development, and the Global Fund invite you to the second
annual First Ladies Luncheon presented by Tiffany & Co. at the Belvedere Palace on May 16, 2015.
The First Ladies Luncheon is particularly dedicated to fighting the HIV/AIDS burden in women and girls and supports one
of the central goals in the global fight against the AIDS epidemic: stemming mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Preventing it and promoting gender equality are key factors when it comes to reducing HIV infections worldwide and realizing
the vision of an HIV-free generation.
© 2014 österreichische Galerie Belvedere
The official First Ladies Luncheon, organized by Fashion 4 Development founder Evie Evangelou, was held during the
General Assembly of the United Nations in New York. It benefited from the patronage and participation of First Ladies
from over 60 countries and included Her Royal Highness Mette-Marit, Crown Princess of Norway, as well as Ban Soon-taek,
First Lady of the United Nations.
The Austrian First Ladies Luncheon presented by Tiffany & Co.
enjoys the patronage of Margit Fischer, the wife of Austrian
Federal President Heinz Fischer, who has stated: “It is with great
pleasure that I assume the patronage of the First Ladies Luncheon again
in 2015. I am looking forward to welcoming numerous First Ladies in
the Marble Hall of the Belvedere Palace. Leading ladies from politics,
business, and society will set an example here.”
Michaela Roiss will co-host the First Ladies Luncheon presented by Tiffany & Co. on the part of AIDS LIFE. Agnes
Husslein-Arco, Director of the Belvedere Palace and one of the leading cultural curators in Austria, will open the doors of
the magnificent Marble Hall for this important event.
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria has also partnered with the First Ladies Luncheon to support the
common goal of protecting women and children from HIV. Academy Award winner and U.N. Messenger of Peace Charlize
Theron will give a keynote speech presenting her work and that of the “Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project” in
South Africa. She will also share her vision of an AIDS-free generation.
At the beginning of the event, there will be a champagne reception by Moët, followed by a lunch prepared by the team
of Gerstner Catering. Schlichtbarock has provided the elaborate floral decorations. The perfectprops and Tiffany & Co.
teams have collaborated closely to provide a unique setting for the luncheon.
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16th MAY 2015
On May 15, 2015, in the run-up to the Life Ball opening ceremony, UNAIDS and AIDS LIFE
invite you to the fifth annual AIDS Solidarity Gala in the Vienna Hofburg palace.
Under the patronage of Federal President Heinz Fischer and the auspices of Franca
Sozzani, editor-in-chief of the Italian VOGUE, the gala banquet serves as a platform
for international key partners in the fight against HIV and AIDS as well as opinion
leaders from business, arts, and culture, who unite during this charitable and inspiring event. U.N. Messenger of Peace and Academy Award winner Charlize Theron,
founder of her Africa Outreach Project, Jean Paul Gaultier as well as Sean Penn will attend the gala.
“Year after year, AIDS LIFE succeeds in making a clear statement for open-mindedness and tolerance and against exclusion and
disparagement. This is emphasized by the collaboration of representatives of Austrian and international partner organizations as
well as famous personalities,” said Federal President Heinz Fischer during the AIDS Solidarity Gala 2014
The program starts with a champagne reception by Moët at the Schweizerhof restaurant – where guests may also admire
this year’s Life Ball Audi A3 Sportback e-tron designed by Jean Paul Gaultier – followed by an exclusive gala dinner by
Gerstner Catering. A performance by German opera singer René Pape guarantees high-class musical entertainment. The
evening is hosted by Sonya Kraus.
The highlight of the evening will be a live auction of select unique pieces by Dorotheum’s auctioneer Rafael Schwarz
and internationally celebrated comedian Roseanne Barr. But not only guests of the gala can place bids. Before the live
auction at the Hofburg, bids for the unique designer pieces can be placed online on
Once again, the AIDS Solidarity Gala is organized by the events_by_spitz team headed by Claudia Spitz. Andreas
Bamesberger of Zweigstelle – florale Konzepte is responsible for floral decorations.
All profits from the AIDS Solidarity Gala contribute to the net proceeds of the Life Ball 2015 and will be directly allocated
to support HIV/AIDS projects worldwide.
A few of the select items:
This year, Jean Paul Gaultier, who has supported the Life Ball for many
years, is not only responsible for the fashion show during the opening
ceremony on the Vienna City Hall Square, but he also designed this
year’s Life Ball Audi – the Audi A3 Sportback e-tron. Unmistakable are
the blue and white stripes, a signature style of the designer.
© Audi
Life Ball Audi A3 Sportback e-tron
designed by Jean Paul Gaultier
– 23 –
16th MAY 2015
Freedom grows where rules break.
Acceptance is a daughter of freedom.
Home of great daughtersons.
According to the motto of the Life Ball, one of the most famous works
of Vienna Secessionist Gustav Klimt adorns the Life Ball poster 2015.
It was created by star photographer Ellen von Unwerth, who not
only reproduced Klimt’s painting, but very sensitively and respectfully
created her own interpretation of the portrait of “Adele Bloch-Bauer I.”
Just like Gustav Klimt, who was not always praised for the portrait of
his muse Adele, Conchita Wurst is a trailblazer and ambassador for
acceptance, progressive thinking and free development of the individual.
In 2013, the Life Ball started its series of art posters with a work of the
two photographers Pierre et Gilles. In 2014, the series was continued
with David LaChapelle’s poster showing transgender model Carmen
Carrera. The art posters are not only an artistic interpretation of the
motto of the Life Ball; first and foremost, they manifest its message in
large format in Vienna.
© Life Ball / © Ellen von Unwerth
onchita, photographed by Ellen von Unwerth
Artist Proof, signed “Ellen von Unwerth”
Size of the original 138 x 138 cm
The Adele-Conchita dress
The dress, which was provided by ART for ART (it was originally designed
by Cathy Strub for the Vienna Volksoper) was embroidered with over
12,000 Swarovski crystals, 0.5 kg of pearls and 2.5 kg of gold color during
about 1,250 work hours.
© Klaus Vyhnalek
Worn by Conchita Wurst in January 2015 during the photo shoot with Ellen
von Unwerth in Paris, this unique, handmade piece of art is a sought-after
collector’s piece not only for fans of the singer. Art lovers and admirers of
the big Vienna Secessionist Gustav Klimt may also take home with them a
contemporary interpretation of a piece of art nouveau. The making-of video
of this year’s Life Ball poster is hidden behind the QR code.
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16th MAY 2015
Every year since 2012, the Austrian Mint has dedicated a coin to the works of
Gustav Klimt. By now, the series comprises the paintings Adele Bloch-Bauer I, The
Expectation, Judith II and Medicine. As a highlight, the Life Ball Medal 2015 was
added to the collection, which comes in a black wooden case. It is the gold medal
Conchita, which immortalizes the Life Ball poster motif of 2015 in gold.
© Münze Österreich
Coin set “Klimt and his Women” with Life Ball Medal 2015
Marina Abramovic | Life Ball 2015 – Gold
© Marina Abramovic
When world-famous artist Marina Abramovic interpreted the illy art
collection from her perspective, she used gold. A precious metal, ideally suited
for holding a drink as precious as coffee. The hole on the side of the cup has a
special function: the coffee floating out of it while you are drinking touches the
soul. This is how the “spirit cup” was created. Marina interpreted the gesture of
drinking according to her own visual language. It fits perfectly with the motif of
the Life Ball 2015: Awakening and overcoming the outmoded.
Marina also offered a work from her personal collection: a self-portrait in
combination with the illy art cup, with which she renders her campaign
immortal. AIDS Solidarity Cooler designed by Cavalli manufactured by Lobmeyr
The “AIDS Solidarity Cooler designed by Cavalli manufactured by Lobmeyr” impresses with
its unique design. Moreover, it is the piece bearing the highest sentimental value of all the
items in the auction. The champagne cooler designed by Roberto Cavalli was purchased
by Karolína Kurková and her husband Archie Drury during the AIDS Solidarity Gala
2012. Due to the great interest in it, they donated it back into the auction the following
year, but not without leaving their mark on it by means of an engraving. In 2013, Tereza
Maxová’s and her husband Burak Oymen’s bid was accepted. In 2014, James L. Ferraro
and Alena Gavrikovader placed the highest bid.
The cooler, which was hand-made in the Lobmeyr manufacture, will from now on be auctioned at every AIDS Solidarity Gala. The purchase price of one year will be the opening bid
in the following year. Additionally, the new buyer receives six exclusive champagne glasses
by Lobmeyr and can have the cooler itself for one year. The name of each buyer is engraved
into the pedestal of the cooler, thus increasing the sentimental value of this elegant piece.
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16th MAY 2015
The Golden Globes are probably the hottest award show. Only 1,300 guests get a chance to attend
the event in the International Ballroom of the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills – and you have a
chance to be one of these guests. The two tickets that will be auctioned include a walk down the
red caret, a champagne reception, a dinner, and of course the show itself. The Golden Globes will
take place on January 10, 2015, at 2:30 p.m.
Louis Vuitton © Louis Vuitton / Jean-Marc Cedile
Louis Vuitton offers a luggage set as well as a trip to Paris for two. The trip includes two days full of amazing experiences,
lots of luxury, and a very exclusive visit of the Louis Vuitton Family House including a work shop in Asniéres, near Paris.
The future holder of the package will visit the birth place of Louis Vuitton, take a look behind the scenes of the legendary
luggage work shop, and visit the museum that shows fascinating creations from the last 160 years. This experience will be
truly exceptional, because you can only visit this place upon invitation.
– 26 –
© Hollywood Foreign Press Association
Golden Globe Tickets 2016
16th MAY 2015
Again, the Life Ball invites people from Vienna as well as visitors of the city to watch the opening ceremony at the City
Hall Square. The opening show on the City Hall Square, which will take about 2 hours, is free of charge and open to the
Drinks and snacks will be available on the City Hall Square from 3 p.m. for all those who already want to stroll around the
site and reserve a good spot hours before the opening ceremony begins. The voluntary teams include: Campari, AFRO
COFFEE, DACHBODEN im 25hours Hotel, Flatschers Bistrot und Bar, Inside Club Bar, hotel roomz vienna, Ristorante
Francesco and ULRICH Cafe Restaurant Bar. Until 8 p.m., the Austrian Mint also treats guests to special chocolate
medals. Steamzone offers a booth with electronic cigarettes in fruity flavors like Iced Cherry. All the profits contribute to
the net proceeds of the Life Ball 2015.
From 6 p.m. Ringstraße road will be closed between Schwarzenbergplatz and Schottentor. All holders of Style Tickets as
well as famous guests of the Life Ball will still be able to drive up to the Magenta Carpet. Guests in costumes may access
the closed Ringstraße by car until 8.45 p.m.
from 7.30 p.m.
The first people to walk down the carpet will be the judges of the Life Ball Style Contest 2015 presented by Wolford,
who will enter the ball venue through the big T-Mobile entrance portal. The judges, Kelly Osbourne, actor and YouTube
star Frankie Grande, Julian F. M. Stoeckel, Ladyfag, VOGUE Fashion Editor Lynn Yaerge and Beyoncé’s stylist Ty
Hunter will judge the Life Ball guests’ creativity and styles at the end of the magenta carpet. The Life Ball Queen 2015
awarded by Wolford will be crowned during the opening show.
When they enter the ball venue, the guests’ costumes’ appropriateness in terms of the Life Ball’s Style Conditions is
evaluated by the Style Police, consisting of Sisters of the “Order of Perpetual Indulgence”. The Order belongs to a global
movement with around 1,500 members, who distribute safer sex materials and collect money for people with HIV/AIDS on
a voluntary basis.
100 members of the Life Ball Family, who will arrive directly at the magenta carpet in the Life Ball tram of the Wiener
Linien, are the first ones to walk down the magenta carpet in their fantastic costumes. Afterwards, more and more
Austrian and international star guests will arrive. They will be greeted with Austrian hospitality and guided to their seats
by employees of the Austrian Airlines.
Other guest that will arrive on the magenta carpet by Wiener Linien means of transportation are the guests of Wien
Energie. 150 guests will be picked up at the Volkstheater and may take their seats in the specially branded Wien Energie
area, where they can enjoy the opening festivities from pole position.
After the Life Ball guests of honor have arrived, the Magenta Carpet entrée ends at 9.15 p.m., when the Life Ball Audi A3
Sportback e-tron designed by Jean Paul Gaultier is presented.
The Audi will be driven by Eurovision Song Contest 2012 winner Loreen and Jean Paul Gaultier and will be accompanied
by the Sinfonisches Jugendblasorchester Wien/ Symphonic Band and dancers styled by the French Hair Artist
Charlie Le Mindu. Loreen will afterwards present her new song “Paper Light”.
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from 9.30 p.m.
Concept of the opening show: Gery Keszler
Stage direction and choreography opening show: Giorgio Madia
Visuals of the opening show: Opium Effect
Musical directors: Beat4Feet [Martin Gellner / Werner Stranka]
Conductor: Mario Košik
Orchestra: Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra as well as Sinfonisches Jugendblasorchester Wien
Choir: Neue Wiener Stimmen
Costumes: Costume collection of ART for ART
The opening ceremony of the Life Ball 2015 takes you on a journey through history as well as Klimt’s Beethoven Frieze
and the revolutionary ideas and motifs of the Vienna Secession. The stage has a total diameter of 29m and is an enlarged
reproduction of the Vienna Secession building. It is open on three sides and can therefore be used on 270 degrees. The
golden dome, which is not only known by people from Vienna, protects the stage. Visuals by Opium Effect complement
the entire opening show.
The traditional Life Ball fanfare, composed by Belá Fischer, marks the beginning of the opening show.
Music: Sacre du Printemps; Beethoven #9; Beat4Feet Composition
Choreography “Prelude”: Marcus Tesch & Christian Tichy [Vienna Waltz Project]
The classical beginning of the opening is influenced by the mythological figures Mars, the warlike bull, and the Sacrani,
the young men who are traditionally sent away from their own tribes in order to found new communities with new goals
and values. During their quest, Mars protects them. An sense of awakening and the spirit of Holy Spring – “Ver Sacrum” –
arrive at the Ball.
Accompanied by parts of Igor Strawinski’s “Sacre du Printemps” that were only made available once for the Life Ball
opening, the Sacrani begin their journey and introduce the debutantes to the magenta carpet. Their performance has
been choreographed for the seventh time by Prof. Dkfm. Thomas Schäfer-Elmayer and Dominik Truschner.
In a special digital production by the creative heads of Opium Effects, the original Beethoven Frieze will transform into
that of the Style Bible and the protagonists will come to life. American actor and singer Trevor Jackson will play the role
of the Golden Knight and will set a melodious example for acceptance and solidarity with all people affected by HIV/AIDS
with his song “Love Child”. The liberating kiss from the Beethoven Frieze will mark the grand finale of the first part of the
Opening Show.
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Alice Tumler will host the opening show; during the show, she will be accompanied by male hosts like Graham Norton,
Andreas Vitásek and Jürgen Maurer. The men will take on different roles from this year’s Life Ball Style Bible and will
thus bring the characters to life.
The prelude of the opening ceremony traditionally ends with a welcoming speech by Michael Häupl, mayor of Vienna.
Life Ball Crystal of Hope Award 2015 donated by Swarovski
Music: Gustav Mahler [Der Tamboursg’sell & Die himmlischen Freuden] as well as Anatoly Lyadov Polonaise Op.55
Project video “Sentebale”: Sabotage Films
The Spanish Riding School in Vienna will add some enchantment of old times, when their Lippizaner horses pull two
identical carts in different colors.
The first one, black all over, stands for the devastating power of HIV/AIDS. It will pick up ‘Death’ – played by
Jürgen Maurer – who a minute before was still talking with Alice Tumler. He says goodbye while Gustav Mahler’s
“Der Tamboursg’sell” is playing, and leaves the ball venue via the Ringstraße.
Right afterwards, the second cart arrives – this one is all golden. Again, Gustav Mahler’s music is playing. Immediately,
we hear ‘Die himmlischen Freuden’, sung by star soprano Diana Damrau, who will be brought to the ball venue on this
cart. It is exactly this magnificent cart that represents life, because like every year, life and all its diversity are celebrated
during the Life Ball. It brings the oversized Crystal of Hope, which will be on stage for the rest of the evening as a
glamorous sign for solidarity.
The Crystal of Hope Award donated by Swarovski is endowed with EUR 100,000 and has been given to an outstanding
initiatives in the fight against HIV/AIDS every year since 2005. Projects that follow a particularly innovative approach but
are not very well-known yet, do not only receive financial means to broaden their field of action through this award, but
also raise important awareness for the causes they stand for. Nadja Swarovski will to attend the event this year.
In 2015, the Crystal of Hope Award goes to Sentebale, an organization founded by British Prince Harry of Wales and
Prince Seeiso of the Lesotho Royal Family. Prince Seeiso, who co-founded the organization with the name that means
“forget me not” in English, will attend the Ball.
Speeches of Life Ball’s partner organizations
The global AIDS community agrees on one thing: The epidemic can only be stopped if every person with HIV/AIDS can talk
about it and receives the help he or she needs, and nobody has to fight HIV alone. In order to achieve this, it is particularly
important to know the different faces of AIDS, and to understand that everybody could contract it.
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As representatives of this diversity of people affected, representatives of some of the Life Ball’s international partner
organizations will deliver the probably most emotional speeches of the night. They will talk about difficulties and
obstacles, but also about chances and progress of their work. Among them are: Graham Norton, spokesperson of the
Elton John AIDS Foundation, American singer and winner of nine grammy awards Mary J. Blige for amfAR, and Academy
Award winner Charlize Theron as founder of her Africa Outreach Project.
Afterwards, Mary J. Blige will give a unique performance.
Coronation of the Life Ball Queen 2015 – awarded by Wolford
100 guests and their costumes could win over the judges on the magenta carpet. Right before the Life Ball Queen 2015 is
chosen, all contestants are asked by the mythological figure Pan – represented by Andreas Vitásek – to come to the
stage, where they will show their creations to the spectators on the City Hall Square as well as to the TV audience.
Madcon will sing their song “Don’t worry” to musically accompany the costumed guest.
Kelly Osbourne and Grit Seymour, creative director of Wolford, will award the guest with the best costume with the
Life Ball Queen Award 2015. The award, which is donated by Wolford, is a unique sculpture that was handcrafted by artists
NONOS from the Austrian province of Vorarlberg.
Furthermore, the winner receives a trip to Paris for his or her creativity. He or she will be able to attend Jean Paul
Gaultier’s fashion show during the next Paris Fashion Show.
Life Ball Fashion Show 2015 presented by Jean Paul Gaultier
Concept & Styling: Jean Paul Gaultier
Director & Visuals: Marco Maccapani
Head of Hair: Danilo Dixon
Head of Make-up: Paulo Almeida / MAC
Traditionally, the fashion show is the grand finale of the Life Ball opening. In 2015, French designer Jean Paul Gaultier
will present select haute couture pieces as well as golden outfits that are inspired by this year’s topic of the Life Ball and
Gustav Klimt’s art. Exactly 20 years after his first appearance at the Life Ball in 1995, the fashion designer will again light
a creative fire on the runway. Jean Paul Gautier has been active in the fight against HIV and AIDS for many years and he
received several awards for his committment.
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Professional models as well as numerous celebrities will wear the French designer’s creations on the runway. They include
star photographer Ellen von Unwerth, transgender model Carmen Carrera, burlesque queen Dita von Teese, Kelly
Osbourne, Anna Cleveland, Amanda Lepore, Carmen Electra, Irish singers Jedward, Ladyfag, model Lydia Hearst,
Paula Abdul, Sonya Kraus, Gregor Schlierenzauer as well as professional boxing world champion Nicole Wesner. She
made a legendary appearance at the Life Ball Fashion Show 1995 and will also be part of this year’s show: Dagmar Koller.
Azerbaijani tenor Yusif Eyvazov will complement the fashion show with a musical performance.
Conchita Wurst, who won the Eurovision Song Contest 2014, will also give a glamorous musical performance during the
opening show. Afterwards, she will be the opening act at the Heaven Dancefloor in the Arkadenhof courtyard.
Prêt-à-porter by Jean Paul Gaultier
Costume collection of ART for ART
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Backstage @ Life Ball
The make-up for all the artists and actors/actresses who are part of the Life Ball Opening comes from perfect in Make-Up
by Gabi Grünwald – the hair styling, glamorous to edgy, is created by Christine Wegscheider and the team of Sturmayr
Coiffeure. Make-up and hair styling of the debutante committee is done by headquarters. With her big team of dressers,
Gabi Sulzgruber-Schartl makes sure that every outfit during the opening and the fashion show fits. Her team also helped
making many costumes for the Life Ball.
Once again, body painting world champion Birgit Mörtl and her team are responsible for the body painting.They already
made art nouveau come to life for the Style Bible and artistically painted the characters of the Beethoven Frieze and
This year, the Creative Team of M·A·C Cosmetics is once again responsible for the perfect look of the fashion show.
Furthermore, M·A·C is the official make-up provider of the Life Ball and supports the charity event by sponsoring
products. Because of the M·A·C AIDS Fund, which was created in 1994, M·A·C is the largest non-pharmaceutical corporate
donor in the field of HIV/AIDS – until today, the M·A·C AIDS Fund has raised over $350 million with the sale of the VIVA
GLAM Lipstick and Lipgloss alone. 100 percent of the turnover of these products (excluding sales tax) contribute to the
fight against HIV/AIDS.
Since the very first Life Ball, top hair stylist Danilo Dixon of The Wall Group from the U.S. and his team determine
the look of the numerous models and celebrities who participate in the fashion show. He is joined by hairdressers of
Sturmayr, perfectprops and Hair by Grecht.
All the technical coordination of the Life Ball is once again done by the Life Ball production team in cooperation with
Puls Multimedia Production – Eventservice und Multimediawerkstatt, headed by Andreas Brandl and Andreas Ratz.
ART for ART has been a partner of the Life Ball for many years and provides numerous costumes. Apart from the artists
on stage, they also equipped voluntary helpers – called Life Ball Angels – with shirts for the time of the construction
work and the day of the Ball. Partner Komolka provided fabric for making new costumes.
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Inside the City Hall, time-honored art nouveau meets modern interior design with complex visuals, golden cubes in
various sizes, and projections. There are a few dance floors in elegant black and gold that have different topics, and
stylish oases of peace invite guests to stop and relax.
perfectprops headed by Andreas Lackner and Roswitha Kladnig designed all the rooms of the Vienna City Hall – fabric,
sceneries, and decorations are brought from their respective storage places to the City Hall and back by our logistics
partner DB Schenker. Various prints and barriers inside as well as those on he City Hall Square were done by Plakativ.
About 40,000 cable ties are used during this weekend.
Food and drinks at the Life Ball
The profits of every drink sold will contribute to the net proceeds of the Life Ball. This is only possible because
30 restaurateurs provide guests with food and drinks on a voluntary basis. Event and catering expert *any.act, led by
Philip Keller, coordinates the restaurant partners as well as hundreds of voluntary helpers before, during and after the
ball night.
In total, drinks will be sold on 300 meters of bar at the Life Ball. 60,000 glasses and returnable cups as well as
eight tons of ice cubes are used. The Life Ball’s sponsors delivered 105 trucks full of beverages. The Life Ball catering is
supported by over 100 suppliers. Every year, the logistic preparation alone takes about six months.
The festive hall of the City Hall will be turned into an exquisite VIP area, where guests will be treated to an exclusive
show program and culinary surprises all night long. The team of NENI Catering serves oriental specialties like lamb-beef
kofta on baba ganoush (smoked eggplant purée) or chicken tagine with Moroccan spices on scented couscous.
According to the Life Ball’s motto, the whole hall will be covered in gold color: Floor, tables, chairs, bar, and even goblets;
almost everything will be the color of the metal. This is not the only place where the story of King Midas is artistically
brought to life.
At the Life Ball, the setting of the festive hall serves as a sparkling scene not only for culinary delights, but also for unique
entertainment: Thus, Norwegian hip-hop and reggae band Madcon will create a lively atmosphere with catchy tunes like
Beggin’ or Glow. Loreen will give a unique performance. On turntables: Me & Mrs. Jones aka Sophie Ellis Bextor DJ Set,
Canadian DJ Frank Walker, German DJ Felix Jaehn as well musician Matthew Koma from the U.S. The American group
Naturally 7 brings a cappella flair from New York to Vienna.
But not only guests with VIP tickets can enjoy the live gigs and DJ sets: the gallery of the festive hall is open to all
guests – additionally, there are specially built platforms that are situated two to seven meters above the ground. From
there, guests have a great view on what is happening in the hall and are invited to celebrate together. On the gallery,
drinks are served by Bar Hosts Lutz – die Bar and Hotel Boltzmann.
Chris Hardwick & Bianca Del Rio
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“Austrian Senator Lounge” hosted by Austrian Airlines
The Austrian Senator Lounge is open to all VIP and gala guests who would like to just stay there or network in a relaxed
On Turntables
EL:MO | DJane Kamikace | J’aime Julien
Bar Host
hosted by Matinee USA & NuCoast Entertainment
There is no stopping in the Wappensaal, when golden dancers on rostrums animate guests to dance with them all night
long. Electronic beats by Austrian and international DJs add to the party mood.
On Turntables
Hector Fonseca | DJ Theresa | DJ Marcus Quarter | BeatToxic | DJ Dawson
Bar Host
Flatscher’s Bistro
In the Grauer Salon, you will find peace and quiet at the wellness & SPA temple by Shofah Spa. Thai massages relax your
muscles and make you feel good after long intervals of shaking it on the different dance floors.
At the “Hall Of Hair” by Sturmayr Coiffeure, you may not only get a creative finish done by experts – the motto
“Gold – Ver Sacrum” is also staged masterly with highly imaginative styles and accessories.
Bar Hosts
hosted by Titan International
In the Kleiner Salon, lively rhythms by young and fresh acts entice guests to step onto the dance floor. “Deep house”
is on the agenda here.
Live on Stage
Die Möwe
On Turntables
Felix Jaehn | Steve Hope | Der Wanderer | Charlie don’t Surf
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Bar Hosts
LMC | Radatz
hosted by Nordsee
A Fish buffet by Nordsee offers snacks in a Mediterranean atmosphere. Six different red and white wines that are offered
by GOMARIN go well with the delicious food.
Bar Host
hosted by Room Service London x Club Sandwich Paris
Geometric shapes as far as the eye can see await the ball guests in the Stadtsenatssitzungssaal. There will also be screens
where different Vjings “Visuals Jockeys”, will entertain the party crowd on an audiovisual level with vibes and beats.
Live Act
Alanah Star and the House of Drama
On Turntables:
Anglo & Noiz’Art | Terry Vietheer | Larry Tee
Produced by
Emmanuel d‘Orazio and Marc Zaffuto | Jodie Harsh
Bar Host
Le Méridien
hosted by Miss Candy
Dance and celebrate under the open sky with Heaven Vienna – the biggest dance floor of the Life Ball. This year, there
will be big screens showing the Style Bible visuals, which make the Arkadenhof a unique party setting with special light
effects. Right in the middle of the floor, cool drinks are served at the round cult bar of Red Bull.
Right after the end of the opening show, an amazing “Song Contest Special” will turn up the heat for the audience in
the Arkadenhof. Great performers and former Song Contest competitors like Conchita Wurst, Jedward from Ireland,
Israeli pop singer Dana International and Loreen from Sweden will come to the Heaven stage to bring Eurovision Song
Contest flair to the City Hall. This special will be presented by the Austrian “Song Contest Ladies” Alice Tumler, Mirjam
Weichselbraun and the fabulous Heaven crew!
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On Turntables
Sin Morera. | Herb! | Alecante | Cem & Gerald van der Hint
Bar Hosts
Heaven | Red Bull
Inspired by the revolutionary works of art nouveau, geometry and structure enter the Arkadenhof and create a very
futuristic atmosphere by the use of golden cubes and extraordinary light effects.
Exotic delicacies are offered by GEROmichalos. Under the archway, you can buy more drinks, snacks, and little refreshments at the OMV “Viva Lounge”. There, you can fuel up for doing more exciting dance moves on the different dance
floors. Golden coffee will be the visual highlight of the bar.
If you always wanted to “emoticonize” your face, we recommend you to visit T-Mobile’s booth. Special graphic designers
turn the faces of the ball guests into individually created emoticons that can immediately be sent via text message.
Another specialty in the Arkadenhof is the “Social Gold Carpet” by Johannes Angerbauer-Goldhoff – an installation that
makes every ball guests a social artist.
Bar Hosts
Club Palffy | Samy Lokal 2
hosted by Boylesque Festival Vienna
International top performers of the second Boylesque Festival Vienna (May 14 & 15 in the Stadtsaal) prolong their stay in
Vienna and present burlesque, boylesque, vaudeville, artistry, drag and trans performances and everything in between in
the wood-like atmosphere of the room hosted by Jägermeister.
Hosted by
Jackie Beat
Live on Stage
Amanda Lepore | Carmen Carrera | Joey Arias | Courtney Act | Jinkx Monsoon | Dina Delicious
On Turntables
Barbie Breakout & Melli Magic | Alessandro Caruso | DJ Mauri Q
Bar Host
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hosted by DJs of “Radio Superfly”
Disco, funk, and house ae offered at the Hof III – in a real disco ball landscape, amusement and happiness are capitalized.
Funny photos and cute souvenir pictures can be taken in the Mentadent foto booth – guests show off their prettiest
smile and spread happiness all over the web with #SmileForLife.
On Turntables
Mannix & WaX | Saliva | Patrick Dudek | Troyanova & Lucas Gaarden
Bar Host
Chaya Fuera
Bar Host
Bar Mephisto
In 2015, there is an official Life Ball raffle again – 4,000 tickets will be sold by our charismatic raffle ladies and gentlemen.
Two out of three tickets win. This year, the raffle is presented by INTERSPAR.
The profits of the raffle contribute to the net proceeds of the Life Ball and so, the raffle supports important HIV/AIDS
projects. Among other things, you can win a trip to Barcelona by RUEFA, a tandem jump, an EF language trip, an LG flat
screen designed by Swarovski or wellness vouchers by Moser Milani Medical SPA in Vienna.
For the eleventh time already, Ströck treats all Life Ball guests to savory and sweet snacks for a long Life Ball night in its
snack corner.
Delights by Ströck as well as aromatic coffee creations by illy will recreate the relaxed atmosphere of a typical Viennese
coffee house.
Official end of the ball: 5 a.m.
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The Beethoven Frieze – the original by Gustav Klimt
One of the central motifs of the Style Bible 2015 is the Beethoven
Frieze by Gustav Klimt, which photographer Inge Prader interpreted
in a contemporary way for the Life Ball. With its history, it is a great
metaphor for the goals of the Life Ball. In the Life Ball’s interpretation,
the final scene, an intimate hug and a “kiss to the whole world”
symbolizes the fight against fear of contact and “social AIDS”.
The original Frieze can be viewed in the Vienna Secession building on
Karslplatz square. For press information and visits, please contact Katharina Schniebs Press and Public Relations
Secession,, Phone +43-1-587 53 07-10 and visit
© Oliver Ottenschlaeger
April 21 - May 16, 2015
Life Ball – Zaruba Pop Up Store at Gerngross
This year again and in cooperation with Zaruba, a design and decoration specialist, there is a Life Ball Pop Up Store at
the Gerngross shopping center on Mariahilfer Straße. If you want to interpret the motto “Gold – Ver Sacrum” individually
with an extraordinary costume, you will find lots of accessories and decorations to make your ideas become reality here.
With a little bit of fantasy and time, everybody can create an extraordinary styling. This creativity pays off, because 10
percent of all profits will go to Austrian and international HIV/AIDS projects that AIDS LIFE supports.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Arrival of the Red Ribbon Life Ball Aircraft
For the tenth time already, a special Life Ball plane will bring numerous international guests from New York to Vienna and
back on the day after the ball in cooperation with Austrian Airlines AG, WienTourismus, and OMV. About 210 VIPs will
arrive at Vienna International Airport in the morning of May 15, 2015.
Among them will be the American stars of the Life Ball, international
models, musicians, DJs and the creative heads of the Life Ball Fashion
Show (like the M·A·C make-up artists and hair stylists). Thanks to the
support of the Flughafen Wien AG, the Life Ball guests will present
themselves to the media on a runway which will be closed for this
occasion. There, guests may also give their first interviews. The guests
are greeted by our long-standing partner Red Bull, who will welcome
the passengers to Vienna with an energy drink that gives you wings.
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© Austrian Airlines
GERNGROSS // Mariahilfer Straße 42 – 48, 1070 Vienna
Monday - Wednesday 09:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Thursday - Friday
09:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
09:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
16th MAY 2015
Saturday, May 16 & Sunday, May 17, 2015
Life Ball Party and Life Ball After Hour at the Volksgarten club
The Life Ball Party and the Life Ball After Hour have long become part of a boisterous Life Ball night. They take place
exclusively in the Volksgarten Clubdiskothek. This year, music lovers are treated to a high-class DJ line-up again.
Lux Lutious | Nils | Saliva | David Mogyoro | Flo Lipok |
Crazy Sonic | Ruuk
01:00 a.m. – 02:30 a.m. Anna Ullrich
02:40 a.m. – 03:30 a.m. Friedrich Locke
03:30 a.m. – 05:00 a.m. Der Wanderer
05:30 a.m. – 06:30 a.m. Ken Hayakawa
06:30 a.m. – 09:00 a.m. Modern Stalking
09:00 a.m. – End Andy Catana, Dennes Deen
© Volksgarten/ Anna Ulrich
11:00 p.m. – 01:00 a.m. Matthäus Seiringer, Daniel Schart, Ilyas Heckmann
Säulenhalle - hosted by 20 years of HipHop
Life Ball Party at the Volksgarten club
After the opening ceremony and the fashion show on the Vienna City Hall Square, all those who do not have a ticket for
the Life Ball can appropriately celebrate Life Ball Night at the Volksgarten club.
May 16, 2015 – admission starts at 11 p.m.
Life Ball After Hour 2015 at the Volksgarten club
For all night owls who still have enough energy to party even after sunrise, the Life Ball After Hour in the Volksgarten
offers the perfect party program.
May 17, 2015 – admission starts at 5 a.m.
Tickets for the Life Ball Party are available for EUR 20 each on Tickets for the Life Ball After Hour
are available for EUR 20 on and These are One-Way Tickets: if you leave the
party venue, the tickets are no longer valid. Dress code is fancy club wear – strictly over 21. General admission criteria
apply to all ticket holders. All profits from the ticket sale go to the net proceeds of the Life Ball 2015.
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Sunday, May 17, 2015 – Mai 23, 2015
City Hall Square as Eurovision Village
The Life Ball stage, which will be 29m in diameter, will be an enlarged reproduction of the Vienna Secession building. A special challenge for the Life Ball
team: copying the famous golden dome with a diameter of 14m and a total
height of 8m. The stage will be open on three sides and can therefore be used
on 270 degrees. After the Life Ball, the stage will become a central element of
the Eurovision Village, where many live performances will take place during
public screening.
As usual, you could choose between two categories of tickets for the Life Ball 2015 during the regular ticket sale: There
were Regular Tickets for EUR 160 each for all those want to participate in the Life Ball in a classical, elegant way; and
Style Tickets for EUR 90 each for the more creative Life Ball guests, who are awarded for creating an imaginative styling
with the lower ticket price.
On February 26, the direct ticket sale started at 3 p.m. on – tickets for the Life Ball 2015 could be
purchased directly, there was no preregistration or raffle.
Over 4,500 artists, media representatives, voluntary helpers, and technicians who work during the Life Ball 2015 are
registered on a accreditation system that has been programmed specially for the Life Ball by Webges.
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Live on ORF & Highlights on 3Sat
On May 16, there will be as many as three live broadcasts on ORF eins – the whole evening is dedicated to the Life Ball
First of all, Mirjam Weichselbraun will welcome Austrian and international stars in the VIP lounge at 8.15 p.m. during
the program “Life Ball – Der Auftakt”. At 9 p.m., Kati Bellowitsch and Alfons Haider will present interviews and statements from the “Red Carpet” and report live about the colorful hustle and bustle in front of Vienna City Hall. Afterwards,
from 9.30 p.m., the whole opening of the 23nd Life Ball will be broadcast on ORF eins. Ö3 radio announcers Sandra König
and Peter L. Eppinger will comment on the “Life Ball 2015” for TV audiences.
With twelve cameras – among them one Flycam, one Steadycam, pan & tilt cameras, one camera crane and one camera on
the rooftop of the Burgtheater – the opening show on the City Hall Square will also be a great TV experience.
3sat broadcasts the highlights on Tuesday, May 19, from 10.25 p.m.
The Life Wall 2015: Taking part live via social media
This year, the Social Media Wall of the Life Ball – called “Life Wall” – will once again present all interactions about the
Life Ball on social media in real time. This includes Twitter or Facebook posts from all over the world as well as Instragram
pictures and videos. Just post something with #lifeball and you will become part of the Life Wall.
The Life Wall is also incorporated into the Life Ball’s website on This way, the boisterous atmosphere
of the Life Ball 2015 will be shown on the web in real time and unites all Life Ball fans around the world.
“Be creative”: After its successful launch at the Life Ball 2014, there will again be a huge LED wall hosted by Red Bull on
the Heaven stage in the Arkadenhof courtyard. Next to the popular White Moments Bar, which has already become a
tradition, particularly creative postings are adorned with visuals and projected in large format – like this, messages and
pictures of the social community merge with what is currently happening at the party on the biggest dance floor of the
Life Ball.
As of now, the Life Wall is publicly available on
· as well as on
The Life Wall was developed and adapted for the Life Ball by the Viennese social software agency Buzz marketing
agency ambuzzador edits posts during the Life Ball night.
With #lifeball, fans may already post content on the wall by using Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, and other
social media – be part of it!
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Life Ball Magazine 2015
On April 28, the third edition of the “Life Ball Magazine” will be
published. It will be presented for the third time already by
RG Verlag. Nicole Adler – author, journalist and fashion insider –
is the editor-in-chief.
There will be around 25,000 copies of the high-quality magazine,
which consists of around 100 pages with all information concerning
the Life Ball. It will contain not only a sneak peek of highlights,
events and hot spots of the Life Ball 2015, but also interviews with
people like Charlize Theron and Conchita Wurst, a big feature on
the making-of of this year’s Life Ball poster by Ellen von Unwerth, a
Jean Paul Gaultier special about the Life Ball fashion show 1995 and
a sneak peek of this year’s fashion show, as well as interviews with
experts focusing on the topic “living with HIV/AIDS.”
© Münze Österreich
The magazine will be distributed to all guests of the Life Ball 2015
and will also be exclusively available in Life Ball partner hotels,
boutiques, spas, culinary hot spots as well as in cafés and lounges
of the Austrian Airlines and in select branches of the book store
“Conchita-Adele” – Life Ball Medal 2015
Conchita Wurst, icon of tolerance and open-mindedness, was minted in gold
by the Austrian Mint and depicts one of the most famous women of art
history on the medal: Gustav Klimt’s Golden Adele The medal, which was
designed according to the original photograph taken by Ellen von Unwerth,
turns two famous women into one. “Adele Bloch-Bauer I” (1907) – who is
also on the first medal of the “Klimt and his Women” series – and “Conchita
Wurst.” EUR 40 of the purchase price go to AIDS LIFE as a donation.
Limited Life Ball Wine Edition
It is already for the fifth time that six Austrian wine-growers prove that they have style and taste and support the Life
Ball with their top-quality wines. At the instigation of GOMARIN (Gourmet Marketing International), the following
wineries devoted themselves to the good cause: GOBER from Horitschon, HAUTZINGER from Tadten, HIRTL from Poysdorf,
KRUG from Gumpoldskirchen, STEINSCHADEN from Langenlois, and ZOTTL from Weißenkirchen.They not only want to
carry love of life, but also the message for more solidarity in the fight against HIV/AIDS to wine lovers around the world.
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As a limited edition, the red and white wines, which have been specially bottled for the Life Ball, will be served at the Life
Ball, the AIDS Solidarity Gala as well as other side events. They also have been available at the six wineries since April 20.
A part of the profits will go to AIDS LIFE and therefore to important HIV/AIDS projects in Austria as well as in the regions
of the world that are most affected by the epidemic.
The labels were created by the agency trafikant – Handel mit Gestaltung and match the motto of this year’s
Life Ball “Gold – Ver Sacrum”.
gloryfy Life Ball Red Ribbon Collection
Unbreakable... this word describes the Life Ball community’s belief
in the fight of the medical and social consequences of HIV/AIDS. Unbreakable... The same goes for the sunglasses of the “gloryfy Life Ball
Red Ribbon Collection” that were exclusively designed for the Life
Ball. 100 percent of their net profit goes to AIDS LIFE and therefore
to important Austrian and international HIV/AIDS projects.
The medal, the wines, the sunglasses and many more things may be purchased
at the official Life Ball Online Shop by FROMAUSTRIA.COM
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16th MAY 2015
Life Ball Tram
Until the beginning of June, a lavishly designed low-floor tram of the Wiener Linien will get people’s attention. Since
April 10, it has been taking the Beethoven Frieze, photographed by Inge Prader for this year’s Style Bible, to the streets of
Vienna on tram routes 1 and D.
On this year’s tram, the Life Ball censors itself before somebody else can do it, and therefore encourages self-examination:
On “apparently explicit” parts of the contemporary interpretation of the Beethoven Frieze, panels containing ironic
statements warn you about the consequences of the nakedness that they hide. From “Art can be distressful. Don’t even look
at it.” to the message that “Art could hurt your moral feelings”, they encourage you to think about the stereotypes you might
have. The Life Ball Tram will make its most exciting appearance on May 16: It will bring the 100 members of the “Life Ball
Family” to the opening of the Life Ball, where they will be the first ones who stylishly walk down the magenta carpet in
their sumptuous, flamboyant costumes.
T-Mobile Lifemoticons
“Lifemoticons” that have specially been designed for the
Life Ball will carry the Life Ball’s message into the world.
They are the first emoticons with which you can show
solidarity with and acceptance of people living with HIV.
They are fun, but they also serve a good cause, because each
time the app is downloaded, T-Mobile donates 99 cents and
thus supports the fight against HIV/AIDS.
The Lifemoticons are available for iOS and Android and you
can find them on
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16th MAY 2015
Mehr zum Life Ball auf
Ich will, dass es
den Life Ball
bald nicht mehr
geben muss.
Warum, erzählt Gery Keszler auf
Das Leben feiern, AIDS besiegen. T-Mobile unterstützt die Vision des Life Ball und feiert auch dieses
Jahr für das gemeinsame Ziel. Wie Sie den Life Ball unterstützen können erfahren Sie auf
Akzeptanz. Das verbindet uns.
Foto: © R. Torrado
Wie erzählt Jean Paul Gaultier auf
Das Leben feiern, AIDS besiegen. T-Mobile unterstützt die Vision des Life Ball und feiert auch dieses
Jahr für das gemeinsame Ziel. Wie Sie den Life Ball unterstützen können erfahren Sie auf
Akzeptanz. Das verbindet uns.
Foto: © Raphael Lugassy
Das Leben feiern, AIDS besiegen. T-Mobile unterstützt die Vision des Life Ball und feiert auch dieses
Jahr für das gemeinsame Ziel. Wie Sie den Life Ball unterstützen können erfahren Sie auf
Akzeptanz. Das verbindet uns.
I want to play
a role in
ending AIDS.
I want us to seize
this moment
in history to end
Mehr zum Life Ball auf
Foto: © Greg Gorman
I want us to win
the fight against
Foto: © Dean Stockings
T-Mobile “WIE ICH WILL” (“I WANT”)
For the Life Ball 2015, T-Mobile and the Life Ball developed an awareness campaign: Testimonials such as Sir Elton John,
Jean Paul Gaultier, Boy George and Gery Keszler make short statements to raise awareness for HIV/AIDS.
The campaign can be seen on the streets of Vienna from April 28, 2015 and will continue to raise awareness after the
event on May 16.
Das Leben feiern, AIDS besiegen. T-Mobile unterstützt die Vision des Life Ball und feiert auch dieses
Jahr für das gemeinsame Ziel. Wie Sie den Life Ball unterstützen können erfahren Sie auf
Akzeptanz. Das verbindet uns.
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16th MAY 2015
Sponsors and Partners of the Life Ball 2015
– we kindly thank:
25hours Hotel Wien
A faire Milch
Abfallwirtschaft, Straßenreinigung und Fuhrpark (MA 48)
AKG Acoustics
Andys and Mikes
Austria Trend
Austrian Airlines
Bar Mephisto
Bauphysik Röhrer
Beat 4 Feet Productions
Bernie Boess FilmProduktion
Berufsfeuerwehr der Stadt Wien (MA 68)
Brauneis Klauser Prändl Rechtsanwälte
Birgit Mörtl Design
Casa Nova Vienna
Chaya Fuera Exile
Christine Wegscheider
Coiffeur Sturmayr
Concept Patrizia Grecht
Dachboden im 25hours Hotel Wien
DB Schenker
Die Serviette
Die Mietbar Flauger
Dipl.-Ing. Ianko Ivanov
Do & Co
Dunkin’ Donuts
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Eblinger & Partner
Erste Bank
Event Electric
Event & Rent
Felix Austria
FirstSpot media
Flatschers Bistrot und Bar
Fleming’s Deluxe
Flughafen Wien
From Austria
Funktechnik Böck
Gabi Sulzgruber-Schartl
Gerstner Catering
Giorgio Madia
Hair by Grecht
Heaven Vienna - Holger Thor
Hilton Vienna
Hitradio Ö3
Hotel Boltzmann
Hotel Imperial
Hotel Le Méridien
HPD Security Service
IG Immobilien Management
IG Service Apartments
16th MAY 2015
Iglo Austria GmbH
Inside Club Bar
Kapper Network Communications GmbH
LIVE Lasersystems
LMC Vienna
Logwin AG
Loomis Österreich
Lutz - Die Bar
M.A.C Cosmetics
M Mal M Design, Magdalena Vogl Grafik & Design
mediamap - agentur wulz services
Medical Health Technology
Münze Österreich
NENI Catering
Notar Dr. Gerhard Schüssler
Opium Effect
Palffy Club
perfectinmakeup by Gabi Grünwald
perfectprops Styling und Produktionen
Positiver Dialog
Puls Multimedia Productions
Quantis Aurum Qualis
Radatz Fleischwaren
Red Bull
Ristorante Francesco
RG Verlag
Roomz - Budget Design Hotel
Sabotage Film
Salesianer Miettex
Salzburg Milch
Shofah Spa
SMD - Sozial Medizinischer Dienst
Social Gold
Stadt Wien
T-Mobile Austria
Tanzschule Willy Elmayer-Vestenbrugg
The Wall Group
Thomas Henry
Tiffany & Co
Toi Toi Mobile Sanitärsysteme
Toni´s Freilandeier
trafikant - Handel mit Gestaltung.
Tüchler Bühnen- und Textiltechnik
ULRICH Cafe Restaurant Bar
Ultimative Group
Univeg Austria
Vienna Paint Bildbearbeitung
Wien Energie
Wiener Linien
Wiener Städtische Versicherung
WIPARK Garagen
Zweigstelle - florale Konzepte & Store
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Vienna, April 2015 – Swarovski is delighted to support the 2015 Life Ball in Vienna. For
the ninth consecutive year, Swarovski is giving the Crystal of Hope Award to honor an
international organization that has made an outstanding contribution to fight HIV/AIDS. Set
to take place on May 16th at Vienna’s City Hall, the annual Life Ball is one of the world’s
largest charity events, designed to send a strong signal against the stigma of HIV/AIDS and
raise funds to combat the disease.
The 2015 recipient of the six-digit Euro award is “Sentebale”, a charity founded in 2006 by
Prince Harry and Prince Seeiso of Lesotho. Sentebale works with local grassroots
organizations in Lesotho, Africa to help the victims of extreme poverty and Lesotho’s
HIV/AIDS epidemic to get the support they need to lead healthy and productive lives.
Gery Keszler, organizer and founder of the Life Ball: “We always select programs to receive
this award that are relatively unsung and unknown heroes doing interesting, innovative, and
important work.
This award not only donates substantial funds, but also brings an international spotlight to
the work. The program helps children living with HIV/AIDS educationally, emotionally, and
physically – it is really exceptional and we are proud to be working with them.”
Nadja Swarovski, Member of the Swarovski Executive Board, commented: “We are thrilled to
once again be a part of this dynamic international event, which raises important awareness
for ground-breaking work to combat HIV/AIDS. This year’s featured charity, Sentebale, is a
perfect candidate being supported by the Swarovski Corporation and the Swarovski
Foundation which focuses on well-being besides art, culture and design/environment.
Swarovski and the Swarovski Foundation honor the philanthropic spirit and humanitarian
values of the company’s founder Daniel Swarovski with projects that foster creativity and
culture, promote well-being, and conserve natural resources.
For further information please contact:
Anna Georgiades
Email:; Tel.: +43 (0) 664 8834 3323
Tiffany & Co supports the First Ladies Luncheon as an initiative raising both funds and
awareness to address the impact the disease is having on women and girls around the world
and uniting efforts for a better, healthier future.
Tiffany & Co. has a longstanding history of civic engagement in the cities around the world
where we operate. By supporting nonprofit organizations, we’re building strong relationships
in our local communities. Our goal is to support organizations that work to make these communities better places to live. As we continue to expand globally, our investments in charitable organizations are expanding as well.
In addition, The Tiffany & Co. Foundation was established in 2000 to focus the Company’s
philanthropic endeavors. The Foundation supports organizations dedicated to the stewardship
of natural resources and awards grants to nonprofit organizations focused on responsible mining, coral conservation and urban parks. Specifically, the Foundation promotes responsible
mining through remediation, land preservation, community development and standardssetting efforts; healthy marine ecosystems through key research and targeted educational outreach; and the enhancement of urban parks through beautification and infrastructure improvements.
We are proud of our legacy of providing support for nonprofit organizations and engaging
with civic groups around the globe.
Stefanie Wirnshofer PR
Schumannstraße 5
D-81679 München
Tel +49 89 7474707-0
Fax +49 89 7474707-16
Werdertorgasse 1 | 1010 Vienna | Tel: +43 1 595 56 00 | www.