RemPlazaMediaKit2012 - PDF version
RemPlazaMediaKit2012 - PDF version
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To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is what I want for you. —Ralph Waldo Emerson PRESENTATION OF COLORS Boca Raton Fire Rescue and Police Honor Guard Team Boca Raton Fire Rescue Pipes and Drums Corps INVOCATION Reverend Martin Devereaux AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL Lyrics by Katherine Lee Bates, music composed by Samuel A. Ward Dimensional Harmony Boynton Beach Community High School Under the direction of Mr. Sterling Frederick WELCOME Kevin M. Ross President PRESENTATION OF HONORARY DEGREES Kevin M. Ross President Presented by Christine E. Lynn Chairwoman, Board of Trustees Presented by Gregg Cox Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Richard Bruno Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa Dr. Patrick Hartwick Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa 2 CONFERRING OF ACADEMIC DEGREES Presented by Gregg Cox Vice President for Academic Affairs Conferred by Kevin M. Ross President Stephanie Crispinelli Bachelor of Arts, Human Services, College of Liberal Education Britney Gengel Bachelor of Arts, Communication, Media and Politics, College of International Communication Christine Gianacaci Bachelor of Arts, Communication, College of International Communication Courtney Hayes Bachelor of Science, Biology, College of Liberal Education Intermezzo from the Opera “Cavalleria Rusticana” by Pietro Mascagni String Quartet from the Lynn University Conservatory of Music COMMENTS FROM FAMILY REPRESENTATIVES MUSICAL INTERLUDE Dimensional Harmony COMMENTS FROM GWENDOLINE DARGUSTE Class of 2014 DEDICATION OF THE REMEMBRANCE PLAZA Kevin M. Ross President PRAYER OF DEDICATION Reverend Martin Devereaux RECESSIONAL Kindly stay seated as the faculty recess. 3 ABOUT THE LYNN UNIVERSITY REMEMBRANCE PLAZA The Lynn University Remembrance Plaza is designed to honor the legacies of the four students and two faculty members who died in the 2010 earthquake in Haiti while performing community service there. Using the elements of light, water, stone and trees, this memorial will be a special place of remembrance and reflection…a place of inspiration. The Remembrance Plaza features: 4 UÊ Six prisms shimmering with light, each representing one of the lost individuals and their selfless spirits that remain part of the fabric of the university UÊ Each prism containing the name and loving description of the students or professors written by their families UÊ Additional illumination complementing the daily and ever-changing natural light UÊ A perpetual waterfall cascading from the roof of the memorial onto six steps UÊ The arrangement of the steps—one large, four smaller, one large—represent the two professors surrounding and protecting the four students UÊ Six native flowering trees blooming with the color of friendship: yellow UÊ A bas relief map of Haiti and a royal palm, the national tree of Haiti UÊ A plaque telling the story of the Journey of Hope J-term humanitarian mission UÊ An overlook reaching out onto the lake and a meditation bench donated by the 2012 Class Gift UÊ A wall of beautiful granite from Madagascar, cut and polished in Italy, carrying an inspirational quote on the inside and a listing of leadership donors next to the outside entrance UÊ Six additional benches, one in front of each prism, where students, faculty, staff and other guests may reflect, study and visit. THE JOURNEY OF HOPE Fourteen members of the Lynn University family were in Haiti when the 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck the island on January 12, 2010. They were staying at the Hotel Montana, located in a suburb of the country’s capital, Port-au-Prince. The twelve students and two faculty traveled there on a January term course titled "Journey of Hope" – to serve the people of one of the poorest nations in the world. The "Journey of Hope" members were there to feed the hungry, befriend the lonely and spread a message of hope. Arriving a day before the deadly earthquake, the group was still able to make a difference at a school for the handicapped and a girls’ orphanage. In the very worst of situations, the best of the human spirit was witnessed as countless offers of assistance poured into the university. Eight members of the "Journey of Hope" returned home safely: Michael DeMatteo, Lindsay Doran, Melissa Elliott, Nikki Fantauzzi, Daniela Montealegre, Julie Prudhomme, Thomas Schloemer, and Paul Tyska. Professors Richard Bruno and Patrick Hartwick and students Stephanie Crispinelli, Britney Gengel, Christine Gianacaci and Courtney Hayes, who spent the last hours of their lives serving others, leave behind a legacy of compassion and strength that will always be remembered. JANUARY 12, 2010 5 DR. RICHARD BRUNO Dr. Bruno was a proud father and committed teacher who instilled immeasurable values in his children and in his students. He taught by example and, in so doing, inspired others to take part in volunteer work throughout their lives. Dr. Bruno cared for his patients with a kind heart and an open mind, believing medicine was a gift he could share with all people. The consummate global citizen, he was an advocate for human dignity, social justice and international cooperation. He was a charismatic storyteller who could captivate an audience with any number of stories about things he had done or seen around the world. STEPHANIE CRISPINELLI Stephanie loved her family and friends deeply And kept them close to her heart Even when she was miles away They were never really far apart. She didn’t take life too seriously And made it a priority to have fun. She was silly and crazy; Her smile bright like the sun. She broadened her horizons And bravely traveled to far away lands To feed the poor and hungry And extend her helping hands. Stephanie cared for those in need And made this world a better place Through grand acts of kindness And small ones like a warm embrace. Dr. Bruno was fun-loving, enthusiastic and always ready with a smile. He enriched every life he ever touched. 6 7 BRITNEY GENGEL CHRISTINE GIANACACI In many ways she was a typical teenage girl. Her humor, passion and deep sense of caring for the less fortunate made Britney memorable to all who met her. She had a kind and generous heart. Her learning differences and difficulties made her compassionate and caring to others. It made her stronger and built her character. Brit was confident, charismatic, entertaining and a born leader. She was always considerate and respectful to those less fortunate and had a special passion to help children. She was a voice for those who didn’t have one. Britney had a strong faith in God and a deep love for her family and friends. Christine had a wonderful giving spirit. Her warm smile and quick wit touched everyone who knew her. She was a true inspiration who brought joy and comfort to so many. She had a joy for life and was the kindest person you would ever meet. “Be Like Brit” She always saw the good in others and had a positive outlook on life. Her family was everything to her. Christine loved her family, her friends and Lynn University. 8 9 COURTNEY HAYES DR. PATRICK HARTWICK When Courtney walked past someone, she brightened their day. There was always a smile on her face and she saw the positive in everything. Dr. Hartwick was a passionate lifelong educator, a leader and motivator with vision, energy and enthusiasm. To know Courtney was to have your life irrevocably changed for the better. She had a happiness about her that was contagious. A bad mood around her was not tolerated and after only a few minutes, Courtney’s southern accent would have you smiling right along with her. Courtney’s beauty was exquisite, her personality was magnificent and her spontaneity was in a league of its own. Her true genius lay in loving and helping other people; however, she had the ability to make anyone around her feel loved. It did not matter if it was her family, her friends, her dogs or someone she met only briefly. Courtney set the bar high in both life and love. She was the text book definition of a southern belle while at the same time having the ferocity to get done whatever she thought was right. The wonderful thing about Courtney was that she did not even know she was doing it. It was the only way she knew how to live. She never let a day or night go to waste. To take a page from the way Courtney lived her life would do nothing but make the world a better place. 10 He recognized that every student has unique qualities and skills. Dr. Hartwick garnered the respect of faculty and students with his uncompromising commitment to making a difference. He was a proud parent and loving husband who was committed to his family. Dr. Hartwick was strong physically, spiritually and emotionally. He believed in the power of education to eradicate ignorance and promote justice. 11 With heartfelt gratitude, Lynn University acknowledges the The Urso Family Marble of the World Mrs. Christine E. Lynn E.M. Lynn Foundation The Faculty of Lynn University Elaine J. Wold generous donors whose gifts made this memorial possible: The Sanger Family Mr. and Mrs. James B. Karman and Family Scott '10, Valerie Susan and Richard Finkelstein Bill and Sharon Shubin David, Barbara, Debra, Patrick, Kathleen and Julie Gerrits Kevin, Ainsley and Graham Ross Mr. and Mrs. William Rehrig Katie Baker '09 and Harrison Baker '11 Prof. Sindee Kerker and The Kerker Family Jamie and Stephen Snyder Amanda E. Cartine '10 In loving memory Richard and Barbara Heffernan In memory of the beloved Stephanie G.P. Welles Mr. and Mrs. John G. Ordway III Mr. Daniel Ordway '11 Drew Lucot The Lucot Family The DeMatteo Family The Kunik Family Mr. and Mrs. Leland Morris Melissa Elliott '12 and Grandparents William and Judith Koppelman Ms. Alicia I. de Olano Mathew '99 and Betsy '02 Jaeger Laurie and Robert Levine and Family Brad and Beth Osborne Tom Schloemer '12 Schloemer Family EWH Inc. DBA Sunnyland Irrigation Dr. and Mrs. Edmund A. Geller W. Spencer Carey '12 Judge Chad and Tammy Carey Family Farley Mitchell Rentschler Faculty, Staff, Students and Alumni Ross College of Education Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Peace Harris O. Peace '11 Ezekiel Kaufman and Mark Radi Marksman Security Corp. Jennifer M. Schard '12 Dr. William J. (Lucy) Fanizzi Bill '86 Fabiola C. Leal, Edson Chung, Mirsa Y. Lorente Rebecca Bonilla-Perez, Nicholas E. Rozwadowski Judith L. Nelson and Daniel M. Varalli In honor of my parents Silvia and Julian A. Sousa Reliance Engineering Sankar and Ranjana Warier Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Smith Alexander Morgan Berger '13 Grant and Diana Thornbrough Brooks and Maria Eden Dr. and Mrs. Scott Roteman Michele Martin Morris In honor of Cristina C. Morris '07 Maurice and Dorothy Bucksbaum Seth Bradley Roteman '11 Zachary Marc Roteman Brian N. Siliquini Bonnie E. Miskel, P.A. 12 designbasis, Inc. Our love for glass, humbly shared with You Debbie, Philip, Laura and William McKenna In memory of Henry and Annacile Gajewski 2012 Class Gift Daniel Esden '11 Horton/Jones Electric The Bates Foundation T.W. Signs Southeastern Printing Heather M. Jurgielewicz Jacqueline O. Pedraza, Alexandra K. Rivera George San Juan, Marta Villazon and the Delta G Engineers' Families Andrew J. Bartlett, Daniel Ramirez, Rene A. Santana, Gabriel A. Diez Incapital Charles '92, '96 and Rosemarie Maltrotti 13 ABOUT THE DESIGN FIRM—SOUSA ARCHITECTURE, INC. Sousa Architecture, Inc. is a Miramar-based design firm that embraces the South Florida community through its design innovation. Specializing in institutional projects, including universities and hospitals, Sousa Architecture believes in commemorating the past while being inspired by the future. In addition to Lynn University’s Remembrance Plaza, the nine-year-old firm also is working on the design of a 9/11 memorial for the City of Miramar Fire and Police departments. Principal Luis Sousa’s passion for designing monuments and memorials dates back to his master’s thesis research at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Sousa, a Fulbright Scholar, received honorable mention for his entry in the Korean Veterans War Memorial national design competition. His work was exhibited by the prestigious Smithsonian National Building Museum in Washington, D.C. ABOUT THE BUILDER—GERRITS CONSTRUCTION Gerrits Construction, established in South Florida in 1945, is a third-generation company that embraces the principles of a quality-oriented and owner-friendly business. The company has been a friend to Lynn University for more than 20 years, having done projects in every building on the Lynn campus. Gerrits Construction has built buildings around the world in such places as England, Scotland, Saudi Arabia, Brazil and Argentina; and 17 different states where projects have included hospitals, Pepsi Cola plants, libraries, retail and industrial projects. Its main focus of business is to become a team member with clients and use its 65 years of experience to assist throughout the design, thereby ensuring that every project is completed within budget and on schedule. ABOUT THE STONE—MARBLE OF THE WORLD The beautiful iridescent blue/green granite with translucent qualities used in the Remembrance Plaza was selected by Mr. Charles Urso and imported from Italy by his company, Marble of the World. Originating in Madagascar, then cut and polished in Italy, over 4000 feet or 60,000 lbs. of this exotic granite was donated for the Lynn University Remembrance Plaza by Marble of the World. Having recently celebrated its 25th year in business, Marble of the World is proud to support the local community and to be a partner in the making of this inspiring memorial. 14 THANK YOU Gifts to the Lynn University Remembrance Plaza were received through February 27, 2012 from: Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Acciavatti Mr. Ricardo A. Acuna Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Adkins Adults Supporting Kids (ASK) Debra L. Ainbinder Ph.D. and Mr. Steven Ainbinder Mr. Mohammed H. Al Rasheed Ms. Alexandra M. Alberti Mr. and Mrs. James F. Aldrich Mr. Oday O. Al-Salem Ms. Cristina Amor Lt. Michael C. Anderson Dr. Rebecca Andre Mr. Kyle A. Antonucci Miss Danielle M. Antonuccio Ms. Evelyn Asher Ms. Tara L. Atsalis Mr. and Mrs. James B. Ault Ms. Jordan R. Austin Ms. Samantha L. Austin Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Tommy B. Baker Ms. Linda K. Baldree Mr. and Mrs. Rocco A. Balesano Mr. and Mrs. Keith S. Balot Mr. Allan Baquerizo and Mrs. Ileana Neumane Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barbier Mr. and Mrs. James Barenboim Ms. Angela L. Barioli Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Barioli Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Barker Mr. and Mrs. Burton K. Barlow Dr. Charles and Mrs. Anna Barr Dr. Barbara Barry Mr. and Mrs. William Bartlett Mr. Daniel Bass Mr. John C. Bates Mrs. Bianca Bayser Mr. and Mrs. Felipe de Jesus Bazua Mrs. Nancy T. Beane Ms. Taylor C. Bearden Benchmark III Mr. John M. Bennardo Mr. and Mrs. Ronaldo T. Berdelao Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Berganski Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Berger Dr. and Mrs. Eldon H. Bernstein Ms. Stephanie Berry Mrs. Denise E. Bettinger Ms. Betty Sue Beurer Ms. Catherine E. Birkett Mr. and Mrs. Richard Birnback Mr. Kudakwashe M. Biza Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Black Ms. Kimberly A. Blair Ms. Rachel L. Bloch Miss Rebecca Block Ms. Alyssa A. Blodgett Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blum Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Boccellari Dr. Priscilla A. Boerger and Mr. Eric J. Boerger Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Bogacki Ms. Elena Bonardell Dr. Denisha Bonds and Mr. Scott Bonds Mr. Christian G. Boniforti and Ms. Shelly L. Hall Ms. Gloria A. Bouras Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Bouricius Mr. and Mrs. Lance T. Brandl Mr. and Mrs. Jay Brandt Mrs. Jane Braus Dr. and Mrs. Gary H. Breen Ms. Andrea P. Bregstone Mr. Lewis B. Brockman III Mr. Christopher R. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Brown Ms. Laura J. Brown Mrs. Anuch Browne Sanders Ms. Denise B. Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Buck Mr. and Mrs. Maurice S. Bucksbaum Dr. Andrew Burnstine Ms. Julissa L. Caballero Ms. Mary M. Cafasso Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cain Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Calabro Ms. Ashley D. Calixte Dr. Mayra Camacho and Mr. Juan Camacho Ms. Alfreka N. Campbell Mrs. Wilhelmina F. Cap Mr. and Mrs. David L. Caple Judge and Mrs. Chad L. Carey Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Carey Mr. and Mrs. Jan Carlsson Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Carney Mr. James Carr Ms. Georgia R. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Maury Cartine 15 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Casale Mr. Steven Casey Mr. William C. Castellano Ms. Ximena Castillo Ms. Angella Ceant Mr. and Mrs. David Cesar Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Chaloux Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert E. Chalstrom Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Chavez Mr. Stephen F. Chefan Ms. Ashley M. Chiera Mr. and Mrs. Peter Chin Mr. Marco J. Cibischino Dr. and Mrs. Rolando Cibischino Ms. Kathleen K. Clunan Mrs. Silvia Coello-Forntran Dr. and Mrs. Philip B. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Sherman A. Conrad Mr. and Mrs. James Cook Mrs. Joanne C. Costides Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cox Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Creedy Mr. and Mrs. William D. Crickenberger Mr. and Mrs. Steven Cutler Mr. Frank D’Aprile of designbasis, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Antonio M. DaCunha Mr. Andrew DaCunha Mr. Stefano Dal Maso Ms. Natalie Dalton Mr. and Mrs. William Daniels Mrs. Laurie A. Dankowski Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Daugherty Mr. and Mrs. John L. Davidson Ms. Alyssa A. Davis Mr. Heath Davis Mr. Teddy Davis 16 Mr. Marco De Grandi Dr. and Mrs. Enzo DeBenedetti Ms. Gail Decina Ms. Michele DeGeorge Delta G-Consulting Engineers, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. DeMatteo Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Denby Reverend Martin Devereaux Ms. Lisa Dorr Ms. Jinnie Dorvil Dr. James Downey Ms. Claire Drattell Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Drettmann Ms. Edme R. Duarte Ms. Mary Dunay Ms. Jennifer L. Edelman Mr. and Mrs. Brooks D. Eden Mr. Casey Edison Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Edison Mrs. Ana Maria Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Edwards Ms. Sally Edwards Mr. John T. Ehrlein Mr. and Mrs. J. Hagood Ellison Mrs. Eva Encarnacion Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Y. Epler Mr. David A. Everett EWH Inc. DBA Sunnyland Irrigation Mr. Amos Eyal Mr. William D. Fanizzi Ms. Tamara J. Farrell-Champeau Mr. Ryan S. Feigenblatt Mr. Joel Feigenheimer Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Feldman Ms. Michele N. FeldmanFerguson Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Feldschneider Ms. Cristina A. Fernandez Mr. Thomas H. Fey, Jr. Ms. Anne Marie S. Fico Mrs. Patricia L. Fiduccia Mr. and Mrs. William T. Figart Mr. and Mrs. Jim Filiberto Mr. and Mrs. Richard Finkelstein Ms. Tanya Firlit Ms. Anna L. Fischer Mr. Matthew D. Fischer Susan and David Fleisher Dr. Kathia Flemens Mrs. Toni Fogarty Mr. and Mrs. Chester F. Forman Ms. Anne E. Forthofer Mrs. Joseph Fowler Ms. Grace A. Fox-Gardiner Mr. Peterson Francois Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Freebery Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence A. Freedman Ms. Karen R. Friedenberg Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Fromkin Ms. Joy L. Fuller G4S Secure Solutions (USA) Inc. Mr. Peter A. Gabriel Mr. John J. Gallo, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Gans Miss Lisa M. Gasparro J.D. Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell L. Gaynor Dr. and Mrs. Edmund A. Geller Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gerlitz Ms. Melissa Gerlitz Mr. and Mrs. David Gerrits of Gerrits Construction Mr. and Mrs. Byron Gerson Mr. Neal A. Gertner Mr. and Mrs. David Gewertz Mr. Victor R. Giardino Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gilli Mr. and Mrs. John J. Glynn Mr. and Mrs. David C. Goering Mr. Shmuel Goldring and Dr. Ellen Goldring Mrs. Marlene J. Goldstein Mr. Gary J. Gondos Mr. and Mrs. Luis M. Gonzalez Ocque Mr. Lawrence D. Gorman Jr. Mr. Trevor A. Grafflin Mr. Jacob D. Greenbaum Ms. Elissa H. Greenberg Ms. Amy Greene Ms. Barbara Greene Ms. Tasha M. Greer Mr. Shane E. Gregg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Griffen Ms. Celeste M. Gross Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Gross Mr. and Mrs. Richard Guenzel Mr. Julian Guzman-Ballen Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Haberman Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hadley Mr. and Mrs. Barry I. Halpern Mr. and Mrs. Duane Hammer Ms. Bertha S. Hammett Mr. and Mrs. John W. Harper Mr. Richard A. Harriman and Mrs. Kristen Wainwright Ms. Susan M. Harrington Mrs. Wilma Harris Ms. Jane D. Hart William Hartwick, Mary Hartwick, Anna Maria Wells and members of St. Jude's congregation in memory of Patrick J. Hartwick Dr. and Mrs. Howard A. Hassman Mr. and Mrs. Alden J. Hawkes Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hayden Mr. Joseph L. Healy Mr. Thomas J. Heffernan Mr. Aaron Heine Ms. Deidra Hendricks Ms. Carol A. Herz Ms. Jacqueline A. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hobbs Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Hodgson Mr. Ryan H. Hoffman Ms. Kimberly Hoffmann Ms. Rea D. Hoffmann Drs. L. Lynn and Carol J. Hogue Ms. Peggy L. Holmes Mr. Jonathan R. Hopmayer Ms. Patrice M. Horn Mr. George A. Horton and Mr. Tom Jones of Horton/Jones Electric Mr. Joseph R. Horvath Mr. and Mrs. Ryan M. Howard Mr. John F. Huffe Mr. Allen P. Huntington Mr. John A. Iamascia Incapital Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Matthew B. Jaeger Mrs. Mary Jelnek Ms. Lucy A. Jervis Calle Mr. and Mrs. David C. Johnson Ms. Sigrid M. Johnson Mrs. Cerrelda M Jones Mr. and Mrs. Paul Juliano Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Kaczmarek Mr. and Mrs. Jason Kahan Mr. and Mrs. David R. Kaiser-Cross Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) Mr. and Mrs. James R. Karabec Mr. and Mrs. James B. Karman Mr. and Mrs. James Kassar Dr. and Mrs. Howard R. Katelman Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Kayne Mr. Stephen J. Keller and Dr. Cassandra L. Keller Ms. Mary A. Kelly Sindee R. Kerker J.D. Mr. Kevin A. Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Kessler Mr. Alan Kesten Ms. Maureen P. Kirby Mr. and Mrs. David L. Klein Ms. Robyn L. Klein Dr. and Mrs. Norton Klotz Mr. Clifford Knaggs Ms. and Mr. Ellen T. Koessler Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kondratiuk Mr. Jesse P. Kopp Mr. and Mrs. William Koppelman Mr. Benjamin A. Koshkin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kristoff Mrs. Jane Kruse Skatell Ms. Lori D. Kukuck Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Kull Mr. Robert J. Kunik Ms. Julie A. Kuper Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Kuskin Mr. Robert D. La Rocca Ms. Jo Beth Lackey Mr. and Mrs. Soterios P. Lallas Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Landgren Mr. and Mrs. John P. Langan Mr. Ian A. LaQua Mr. Gerard R. LaTortue Ms. Katherine Elizabeth Lawrence Dr. and Mrs. William J. Leary Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Lee Mr. Joseph J. Lehrer Mr. Joshua P. Lentin Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Leonard Mr. Craig Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levine Mr. Tyler D. Levine Mr. William Levy Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Lewis 17 Mr. and Mrs. Walter N. Lewis Mr. Tom R. Lockie Ms. Kimberly E. Logan Mr. and Mrs. Carlos M. Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. LoVerde Mr. Andrew J. Lucot Mr. and Mrs. John Lucot Mr. and Mrs. David Luski Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Lussier Dr. Mark D. Luttio Mr. Kevin M. Lynch Mrs. Christine E. Lynn Mr. Martin P. Lyus Mr. Douglas J. MacCallum Mr. Garrett T. MacPherson Macs Sales of South Florida Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Magill Mr. Yousef A. Mahraji Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Malfitano Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mallimson Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Maltrotti Mrs. Kathryn K. Mandel Ms. Anne R. Manley Ms. Erin P. Manley Mr. Anibal A. Manzano Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mariani Mr. Ezekiel Kaufman and Mr. Mark Radi of Marksman Security Corporation Mr. Kenneth R. Maroney Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Marrow Jr. Mr. Kevin G. Martin Mrs. Lara Martin Mr. Marcos E. Martinez Ms. Yolanda V. Martinez Mr. Peroni Masserano della Marmora Mr. and Mrs. Luis C. Mateos Mr. Jeremy D. Mattia Mr. and Mrs. James R. Mayfield Ms. Deborah A. Mazzeo Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McIntyre 18 Ms. Deborah Jane McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Dwight M. McKey Mr. Gary P. McLinton Mr. Mark A. McNerney Mr. and Mrs. James W. McPhillips Mr. and Mrs. C. Edwards Meehan Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mellor Mrs. Barbara Melvin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mendelsberg Mr. Evan R. Mensch Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Merrill Dr. and Mrs. Craig A. Mertler Mr. Richard Meshulam Mr. and Mrs. David V. Mesiano Mr. Blair G. Midkiff Mr. Jean Mignault and Mrs. Sylvie Dagenais Mr. John W. Miller and Mrs. Diane M. Miller-Rogers Ms. Anna Yah A. Miller Dr. Lisa A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Russell Milnes Bonnie Lund Miskel Esq. and John J. Miskell III Mr. and Mrs. James M. Mitsch Mrs. Roy H. Mobley Mr. Jared Moloshok Ms. Karin P. Montejo Ms. Erin S. Moore Ms. Ann Marie Moosai Ms. Meredith C. Morgan Prof. E.K. Morice Jr. Ms. Eliza G. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Leland M. Morris Ms. Michele M. Morris Ms. Faith A. Morrison Mr. Thomas F. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Morse Dr. and Mrs. Rodrique Mortel Ms. Mary Moulton Ms. Hallie Muchnick Mr. and Mrs. Robert Muir Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Mulhall Mr. Welles Murphey Jr. Mr. Harry Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Murray Mr. Christian C. Nath Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Nelson Ms. Judith L. Nelson and Mr. Daniel M. Varalli Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Nettesheim Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Newman Ms. Sarah L. Newton Mr. Jean D. Nezivar Mr. and Mrs. Jean A. Nezivar Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Nissani Ms. Lynette L. Nixon Jessica Norcio and Drew Romano Dr. Ralph Norcio Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Novo Mr. and Mrs. William A. Nurthen Mr. and Mrs. Carlos H. Ojeda Mr. and Mrs. Francisco B. Olano Mr. and Mrs. Peter X. O'Neill Mr. Edward J. O'Neill Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Ordway III Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Orgler Mr. and Mrs. R. Brady Osborne, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James B. O'Shea Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. O'Toole Mr. Romano Palenzona Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Parnes Mrs. Isabelle M. Paul Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Peace Mr. Matteo Peroni Mrs. Peggy Peterson Mr. and Mrs. George T. Pew Mr. James Phelps Ms. Kim Pillar Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pistilli Mr. Miguel Plopschi Mrs. Jannette Porta-Avalos Libby Postlethwaite Ms. Jane M. Price Mrs. Nancy Przetak Mr. Kevin W. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Roger C. Quinn Mr. Matthew J. Rabenstine Mr. and Mrs. Hal I. Rabinowitz Mr. Morris Rabinowitz Ms. Annette Ramos Ms. Fanny Ramos Mr. and Mrs. David L. Rawlinson Mr. and Mrs. Marc B. Reese Mr. and Mrs. William J. Rehrig II Ms. Deidre A. Reid-Thomas Dr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Reilly Sankar & Ranjana Warier of Reliance Engineering, Inc. Ms. Farley M. Rentschler Ms. Kimberly R. Restaino Dr. Robert G. Riedel Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rinschler in memory of Patrick Casale Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Riordan Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rixon Capt. and Mrs. Stephen A. Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nava of Robert Nava Ins. Agency, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Robertson Ms. Caroline L. Robino Mr. Anthony Rocco Ms. Elisa C. Rodezno Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Rodrigues Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rodriguez Mr. Michael A. Rodzianko Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Rohe Mrs. Jenny Rollins Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Roos Mr. and Mrs. Mario Roselli Mr. Leonard N. Rosenberg and Ms. Colombe M. Nicholas Dr. Kevin M. Ross Ms. Mary S. Ross Dr. and Mrs. Scott A. Roteman Ms. Debbie A. Rowlands Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rudich Dr. Roberta Rust Ms. Rachel A. Ruzgis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rychalski Mr. and Mrs. Carter F. Sackman Sr. Ms. Emily B. Salad Mr. and Mrs. Louis Salerno Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Sanger Sasson-Thomas Co Inc Ms. Christina M. Saunders Eugene G. Savage Ph.D. Save and Earn Marketing Corp Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Scapusio Ms. Suzanne C. Schaly Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Schard Mr. Sean P. Scheidt Mr. and Mrs. James Schloemer Mr. Pascal D. Schuler Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schulz Mr. and Mrs. William Schwab Mr. Paul A. Schwabe Ms. Sally G. Seaman Mrs. Chenelle A. Seraphin Ms. Barbara Shafer and Mr. Maurice Grosby Ms. Deborah K. Shaffer Mr. and Mrs. Syed M. Shah Ms. Sheila M. Sheppard Ms. Havovi B. Shroff Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shubin Mr. Brian Siliquini Siegel, Lipman, Dunay & Shepard & Miskel, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Adam Simpson Mr. Christian J. Sippus Ms. Maggie Sis Dr. Constance T. Siskowski Mr. Kevin J. Skaggs Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Grant Ms. Michaelina E. Slattery Ms. Mary Jo Slavin Mr. Peter H. Smith Mr. Ryan C. Smith Ms. Sharon C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Tavit K. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Snyder Mr. Julio E. Solares Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Solomon Ms. Rhonda Sommer Mr. and Mrs. Luis Sousa of Sousa Architecture, Inc. Southeastern Printing Mrs. Terri L. Spears Mr. Mark S. Spiro Mr. and Mrs. Randy Springer Ms. Karen Stedman Ms. Patricia M. Colbert and Mr. Russell W. Steenberg Mr. Jeffrey A. Stein Mr. and Mrs. Murray Stein Ms. Debbie Stern Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Stern Ms. Vanessa E. Stolar Mr. Carrick L. Stomp Ms. Valerie Storey Mr. John R. Stowe and Dr. Alexandra Stowe Dr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Stratton Ms. Sarah Stubins Ms. Marlene Sude Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. James Sundermeier Dr. Peter M. Suresky and Mrs. Marcela Cardoso Ms. Meagen G. Surowiecki Mr. Brian Susbielles Mr. Scott M. Swanson Mr. and Mrs. Hampden Swift Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Tabor 19 Ms. Evelyn R. Talbert Mr. Juan C. Tamayo Mr. Robert Tannebring Ms. Elba Taveras Tebes Family Ms. Alicia M. Tedeschi Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Teich Ms. Irka Templeton and Mr. Ryan C. Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Theisen Mrs. Patricia A. Thomas Ms. Susan B. Thomas Mrs. Georgina E. Thomen De Martinez Mr. and Mrs. William S. Thompson Mr. A. Grant Thornbrough A.S.L.A. Ms. Jennifer E. Tinker Mrs. Terri J. Tomassi Ms. Shannon L. Tousignant Mr. James T. Tramutola Sr. Mr. Denis Tranchida and Mr. Richard Landry of T.W. Signs Mr. Patricio D. Traversone Ms. Brooke A. Trindle Mrs. Patsy A. Tubbs Ms. Karen Tuddenham Ms. Fran B. Turner Mr. Kurt S. Undorfer Ms. Cayetana Uranga Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Urso of Marble of the World Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Vassilaros Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Veselica Mr. Louis A. Viamontes Mr. Ernesto Villa Abascal Jr. Mr. Benjamin L. Vine Mr. Paul J. Viola Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Virgili Ms. Diana A. Vitale Ms. Nikki L. Wagner 20 Ms. Alannah Wagstaff Mr. Ashton R. Walker Mr. and Mrs. William H. Walker Ms. Elizabeth Wallace Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace Ms. Christina M. Walser Mrs. Lisa M. Ward Dr. and Mrs. Harold Wayser Ms. Annjanette Weaver Mr. and Mrs. R. Christopher Weber Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Wegmann Mr. Clayton E. Weingartner Dr. and Mrs. Harold B. Welch Mr. George M. Wenstrup Ms. Rosa L. Werthwein Mr. and Mrs. T. Conrad Wetterau Mr. and Mrs. Peter I. Wexler Ms. Donna Whalen Ms. Kristy L. Wheless Mr. Keith A. Whitaker Mrs. Carol A. White Mr. Kyle S. Whiting Ms. Ashley Wilchar Mr. Mark W. Wilchinsky Mrs. Ann M. Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Rickey G. Williams Ms. Audra N. Wilson Mr. Dennis J. Wilson Mrs. Sarah A. Wilson Dr. Thomas A. Wilson Mr. Gordon L. Winer Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Winer Mr. and Mrs. Ted P. Withall Mr. Douglas A. Witham Ms. Millicent Witkin Ms. Laila Witwicky Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wohl Mrs. Elaine J. Wold Dr. Ann Wolf Mr. Thomas R. Wood Ms. Erika D. Yagodzinski Mrs. Mary A. Young Ms. Lee M. Zoretic Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zoretic Mr. Stephen S. Zwick ! A)*('&(!E*+)14'(%)*! ! -'?1'!B(#T,#*2,!H+==!I=%<#*>%(+!B7K8%-!*#8&(%9=>!>B#-%&8%>(! 8>(#B.#=>r8+==3#$7!9*!-&88!F0/@1?R@RV0R!C!F0/@1SV@2/FV!^4_! ! ^)2,?'!F7'*8#1,!H+==!I=%<#*>%(+!$%*#-(9*!9:!B7K8%-!*#8&(%9=>! dE8&=M#*r8+==3#$7!9*!-&88!F0/@1?R@RR0/!C!F0/@1/1@1V1A!^4_! !