SUMMER 2016 - Umpqua Community College
SUMMER 2016 - Umpqua Community College
schedule SUMMER 2016 SUMMEERR FFU UNN FORR KKIID DSS!! Dayy CCaam m SpoorrttssCCaa ppss:: ppgg. .1100 mmppss: SSwwim immminingg: : :ppgpgg. .1177 pg. .1188 WELCOME UCC CONTACTS UCC Campus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4600 Toll Free. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-820-5161 Nursing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4614 Dental Assisting. . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4710 PE / Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4686 Academic Advising & Career Service Center. . . . . . . . 541-440-4610 Early Childhood Education . . 541-440-7848 Peer Mentors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7949 Academic Success Center. . . . 541-440-7733 Educational & Technology Center. . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7685 President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4622 Accessibility Services. . . . . . . . 541-440-7655 Admissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7743 Adult Basic Education. . . . . . . 541-440-4603 Alumni Association. . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7847 Apprenticeship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4675 Arts & Sciences Division. . . . . 541-440-7652 ASUCC Student Leadership. . 541-440-7849 Athletics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4686 Automotive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4695 541-440-7782 Bookstore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4664 Business Administration . . . . 541-440-7646 Career and Technical Education. . . . . . . . . 541-440-4713 Cashier Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7660 Chief Financial Officer . . . . . . . 541-440-4636 Community and Workforce Training. . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4668 Community and Workforce Training: Register by Phone. . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7744 Computer Information Systems. . . . . . . . 541-440-7686 Commercial Truck Driving (CDL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7691 Community Relations . . . . . . . 541-440-4628 Cooperative Work Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4713 2 Criminal Justice . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7668 Educational Partnerships. . . . 541-440-7813 EMT/Paramedic . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7680 Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4683 Financial Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4602 Fine Arts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4691 Fire Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7829 Ford Childhood Enrichment Center . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7741 Forest Engineering. . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4683 Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7847 GED Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4603 HelpDesk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7808 Hospitality-Restaurant Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7646 Human Resources. . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4626 Humanities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4648 Human Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4679 Job Corps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-496-3507 Job Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7797 JOBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7664 Learning Skills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4715 Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4640 Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7652 Natural Resources . . . . . . . . . . .541-440-7641 FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO Registrar’s Office . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4604 541-440-4617 Reserve Officer Training Academy . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7668 Scholarship Office. . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7674 Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7652 Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7777 Small Business Development Center. . . . . . . . 541-440-7824 Social Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4647 Student Ambassadors . . . . . . 541-440-7873 Student Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7749 Testing Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4610 Theatre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4694 Title IX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7690 Transfer Opportunity Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4712 Tutoring Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7733 UCCOnline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7685 Veterans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4621 V.P. Instructional Services . . . 541-440-4682 V.P. Student Services . . . . . . . . 541-440-4631 Viticulture & Enology. . . . . . . . 541-440-4709 Welcome Center . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7774 Welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7819 COLLEGE OVERVIEW UCC MISSION STATEMENT GOALS UCC Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Mission Statement & Goals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Campus Map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Off Campus Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Academic Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Campus Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 General Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Arts Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Community Interest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 SUMMER CAMPS & RECREATION Roseburg Summer Fun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Summer Sports Camps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Summer Swim Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 • The College will increase opportunities for enrollment in Adult Basic Skills Development programs for students who are not college or work prepared. Degrees At-A-Glance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New & Returning to UCC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Online Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resources for Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Application for Admissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • The College will promote and support a positive learning and working environment to encourage student and employee success. 22 23 23 26 63 CREDIT SCHEDULE Summer Credit Courses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Summer Online Courses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Fall Preview Courses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Adult Basic Education (ABE) and Pre-GED. . GED, College and Career Preparation. . . . . . Skill Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . English Language Acquisition. . . . . . . . . . . . . ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT • The College will develop new strategies, methods, and resources to access post-secondary educational programs and life-long learning services. GETTING STARTED CREDIT SCHEDULE • The College will expand opportunities in current and new post-secondary transfer and professional/technical education programs that lead to continued learning activities and desired employment. • The College will enhance life-long learning programs that increase opportunities in workforce training, economic development, job preparation and upgrading, personal enrichment, and cultural well-being for our students and community. GETTING STARTED Umpqua Community College provides high-quality college degree programs, workforce development, and community learning opportunities. WELCOME 45 45 45 45 Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hours / Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gold Card Discount. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Registration Policies & Procedures. . . . . . . . . Community and Workforce Training Staff. . Community and Workforce Training Registration Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Classes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE COMMUNITY AND WORKFORCE TRAINING 46 46 47 47 47 48 47 SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER. . . . . . . . . 59 (USPS #009429) Summer 16, Volume 47, Number 1 is published quarterly by Umpqua Community College, 1140 Umpqua College Rd, PO Box 967, Roseburg, OR 97470-0226. Periodical Postage paid at Roseburg, OR. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Umpqua Community College, PO Box 967, Roseburg, OR 97470-0226. This publication is intended to inform students and residents about Umpqua Community College’s programs and services. It includes a listing of Community and Workforce Training and credit classes for the term and registration information. Every effort is made to insure accuracy at the time of publication; however, the college reserves the right to make changes without prior notice. UCC SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 3 COLLEGE OVERVIEW CAMPUS MAP Parking Umpqua Community College provides ample parking spaces near and around all campus buildings. Students may park in any space, except for staff (green) and visitor (white) and those reserved for persons with a disabled person parking permit, which are marked in blue with signs. Stickers and placards required to park in disabled parking spaces are issued by the Oregon Division of Motor Vehicles. Please note that traffic citations will be issued for improperly parked vehicles. For more information, go to 4 How to get to UCC Easy I-5 access. Take exit 129. If coming from the south, turn right at the stop, and left onto Umpqua College Road. If coming from the north, turn left at the stop sign. Continue traveling east on Umpqua College Road. Umpqua Community College is about one mile. FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO SUBHEAD OFF CAMPUS LOCATIONS COLLEGE OVERVIEW Umpqua Community College 1140 Umpqua College Rd. (I-5 exit 129) H. Woolley Adult Basic Education Center 1634 W. Harvard GETTING STARTED Community and Workforce Training Workforce Training Center 2555 NE. Diamond Lake Blvd CREDIT SCHEDULE ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Small Business Development Center Umpqua Business Center 522 SE. Washington Ave community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER Commercial Truck Driving Center 6482 Dole Road, Myrtle Creek (I-5 exit 113, Round Prairie) UCC South County Campus 560 SW Chadwick (I-5 exit 103, Tri-City/Myrtle Creek) UCC SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 5 COLLEGE OVERVIEW ACADEMIC CALENDAR SUMMER 2016 CAMPUS HOURS Summer and Fall Registration Registration dates for undergraduate students are based on overall credit hours earned (credit hours are not earned until they are graded). Earned credit hours are shown on the academic transcript (see example below) which may be viewed in Student Records under Student Self Service. Please see the following list for your dates to register. LaVerne Murphy Student Center and Welcome Centers Mon-Thurs 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday, June 20 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. May 9–11 May 12–15 May 16–18 May 19–22 May 23 & on >= 45 earned credit hours >= 30 earned credit hours >= 15 earned credit hours >= 1 earned credit hour Open Registration Note: Registration begins at 8 a.m. on May 9. All other registration will run continuously. Please see page 46 for non-credit registration dates. TRANSCRIPT TOTALS (UNDERGRADUATE) -TOP Total Institution: Totals Passed EarnedGPA Hours Hours Hours Hours QualityGPA Points 0.0000.000 0.0000.0000.00 0.00 Total Transfer: 0.0000.000 0.0000.0000.00 0.00 Overall: 0.0000.000 0.0000.000 0.00 0.00 Check our website for Student Orientation schedule May 9 Registration Begins for Continuing I Monday Undergraduate Students 23 Monday Registration Begins for New I Undergraduate Students 30 Campus Closed I Monday June Textbook Sales for Summer classes Begin 13 I Monday Monday Buss Pass Sales Begin 13 I 22 Monday Final Deposit Deadline For All Summer Sessions I FIRST 5 WEEK SESSION June 20 I Monday Classes Begin 23 I Thursday Refund Deadline Audit Deadline Drop/Delete Deadline July 14 I Thursday Withdrawal Deadline 21 I Thursday Classes End SECOND 5 WEEK SESSION July 25 I Monday Classes Begin 28 I Thursday Refund Deadline Audit Deadline Drop/Delete Deadline August 18 I Thursday Withdrawal Deadline 25 I Thursday Classes End 6 10 WEEK SESSION June 22 I Monday Classes Begin 25 I Thursday Refund Deadline Drop/Delete Deadline 1 I Wednesday Audit Deadline July 7 I Thursday Student Educational Planners Begin August 11 I Thursday Withdrawal Deadline 25 I Thursday Classes End FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO Bookstore Mon-Thurs June 20 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Library Mon-Thurs 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. (For library hours between terms please call 541-440-4640 or check online at Loggers Café Mon-Thurs 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. Food service is also available in the bookstore and vending machines. Success Center Mon-Thurs Tutoring: Mon-Thurs 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Campus Closed May 30 Fridays, June 17 – Sept 9 SUBHEAD CREDIT TUITION AND FEES Tuition and fees are payable by the deadline listed for each term. Tuition and fee rates are subject to change without prior notice. Oregon Resident Tuition per Credit *. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $88 Global fee per credit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.50 (Student Activity Fee, Student Fee for SUCCESS program and Technology Fee) Legacy fee per credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7 Total tuition & technology fee per credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $105.50 GETTING STARTED Out-of-State / International Tuition per Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $205 Global fee per credit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.50 (Student Activity Fee, Student Fee for SUCCESS program and Technology Fee) Legacy fee per credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7 Total tuition & technology fee per credit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $222.50 International students are required to enroll as full-time students. Gold Card Discounts — Credit Classes Senior Gold Card holders (age 60+) receive 50% discounts on credit course tuition and pay 100% of fees. CREDIT SCHEDULE Other Fees Credit registration fee per term (non-refundable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25 Student Insurance Fee (non-refundable). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 UCC Online class fee per course. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25 UCC Hybrid class fee per course. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25 Non-credit online classes through Community and Workforce Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 Graduation application fee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30 Graduation Fee ABSD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15 Proctored test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 Placement Assessments Retest fee - single session. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 Complete retest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15 Return check/stop payment charge fee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35 Course challenge fee per course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10 U.S. fax for transcript fee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3 International fax for transcript fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10 Rush transcript fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10 Other fees vary from class to class. Fees are listed in the fee column for each class requiring this additional payment. *Umpqua Community College provides free tuition to the dependents of fallen Oregon United States military personnel who died while participating in operations as part of the Global War on Terrorism. For further clarification, see policy 710.7 at SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER SUMMER 2016 community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE UCC SCHEDULE ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT STUDENT FEES At UCC a student may be required to pay for fees in addition to tuition. Credit classes require some “per credit” fees; term fees are charged each term; and course fees are associated with a specific class. Student Activity Fee Paid by students taking credit classes, this fee helps fund the operations of the Student Life office and supports student activities (including athletics). The fee funds the college contract with Umpqua Transit, which provides credit students with a reduced priced bus pass for the term. Student Fee for SUCCESS Program Paid by students taking credit classes, this fee supports the Success Center and Peer Mentor program. Technology Fee Provides for the upkeep and renewal of campus technology infrastructure in support of classrooms, computer labs, and campus information systems. Credit Registration Fee This fee is charged each term to students who enroll in undergraduate credit classes. The proceeds go toward placement testing, degree/certificate application process, academic transcripts, degree verifications, and other record keeping. Student Insurance Fee This fee covers the premium for accident insurance while students are involved in college classes and activities, or traveling on college business. For more information, contact the Student Life Office at 541-4407749. UCC Online & Hybrid Class Fees Fees pay for costs associated with providing students with online courses, including the delivery platform. Course Fees Course fees pay for the materials & supplies associated with the class you are taking (ie: lab supplies for a Science class or liability insurance for Nursing). Some courses are offered as self support and carry a fee amount that is required for course delivery and materials. GENERAL INFORMATION 7 COLLEGE OVERVIEW ARTS CALENDAR SPOTLIGHT ON UCC’S NURSING For the most updated list of arts events, visit the UCC website at www.umpqua. PROGRAM edu/fine-art-events Art Gallery Annual Juried Student Art Exhibit May 5–June 2 Gallery Hours: Mon–Thurs, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Portland2016 Biennial July 9–September 18 Gallery Summer Hours: Mon–Thurs, 10 a.m.– 2 p.m., and occasional Fridays and Saturdays. Please check website for details. Music Young Soloist Concert Umpqua Chamber Orchestra and UCC Chamber Choir May 24 7:30 p.m. First Presbyterian Church Umpqua Singers in Concert June 3 7:30 p.m. Centerstage Theatre Canyonville Jazz Festival The Big Horn Band, Umpqua Singers, Moment’s Notice, and more! FREE! June 4 11 a.m.–5 p.m. Pioneer Park in Canyonville Star Trek Musical July 28, 29, 30, 31* and Aug 4, 5, 6, 7* Show starts at 7:30 p.m. *Matinee at 2 p.m. Centerstage Theatre Theatre Tickets available online at or by phone at 541-440-7700. Dates and times are subject to change. Sylvia 8 UCC Theatre Arts & Saving Grace Pet Adoption Center present SYLVIA, by A.R. Gurney. Directed by Stephanie Newman. May 17 (Tues) 3 p.m. Preview* May 19 (Thurs) 3 p.m. Preview* May 20 (Fri) 7 p.m. May 21 (Sat) 7 p.m. May 22 (Sun) 2 p.m. Ticket Price: $12 adult, $10 Seniors/Students/ Under 18; assigned seating *Previews: free but reservations required and donations welcome. No apps/wines at previews Greg brings home a dog he found in the park—played by an actress—bearing only the name “Sylvia” on her name tag. Sylvia becomes a major bone of contention between Greg and his wife Kate. The marriage is put in serious jeopardy with hilarious and touching complications. . Amelia Snow – UCC Student By the time Amelia Snow graduated from Crook County High School in Central Oregon she had already decided to join a nursing program. After hearing from others how exceptional the program was at UCC, she visited the campus, met staff and immediately knew this was the place she would pursue her dreams. The day before classes began, Amelia moved to Roseburg, and the next day she was hard at work in a local restaurant and attending classes at UCC. It’s hard not to be pulled along by the enthusiasm in Amelia’s voice as she details her future plans. “I only have one term left before I receive my Associate of Applied Science degree in nursing! From there a Bachelor’s degree through Oregon Health and Science University becomes my next step. Being a nurse has been my goal for such a long time. After I leave UCC, I plan to continue my education and go as far I can. Starting school at a community college is a great first step, no matter how big your goals happen to be”. should start out at UCC. The classes are inexpensive (compared to other colleges), the small class sizes allow for more student-teacher interaction, and the campus is beautiful!” Amelia hopes she will be able to somehow give back to UCC. “Without UCC”, she says “I would not be this close to reaching my goals.” She openly talks about encouraging anyone who is interested in going to college to give UCC a chance. “I don’t think people in our community, especially high school students, realize what a great school UCC is.” Her effortless recruiting style shines as she enthusiastically shares her views on transfer opportunities. “Even students who want to go to a university A few words for students define Amelia’s personality best. “Collaborate! Definitely step out of your comfort zone and get to know other people. Get comfortable working with other people. College is hard! Studying in groups and having a friend to discuss the material with will help you succeed.” And succeed she will, the young woman whose reason for becoming a nurse is to “make people comfortable” has a bright future ahead of her. Keep reaching for that next goal Amelia, you’ll do just fine. FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO SUBHEAD COLLEGE OVERVIEW April Myler – Director of Nursing/Department Chair As the current Director of Nursing/ Department chair for the college since January of 2016, April takes pride in giving back. “My UCC and Nursing Program family have done so much for me, I’m proud to give back to the campus and watch other students improve their futures through education. I hope to work for UCC for many years and along the way I will work diligently to continuously improve the learning environment for our students.” The opening of the new Bonnie J. Ford Health, Nursing & Science Center next fall will provide a place where April, staff and students can all be together on campus at the same time. Classrooms, learning labs and simulation labs all under one roof will make the UCC nursing program the best it can be. CREDIT SCHEDULE April honestly admits that having been 10 years removed from high school and then considering starting college brought her a level of anxiety. “My biggest fear of returning to college was my lack of mathematical knowledge. Mike Matteo, my first math instructor on campus, helped me to discover that I could defeat my fear of math, and also be good at it! Since graduating in 2008, April has gone on to receive her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Oregon Health Sciences University in 2009, and her Master’s Degree in Nursing Education in 2015 from Western Governors University. GETTING STARTED A chance visit with neonatal intensive care unit nurses in Eugene helped April Myler visualize her path to the nursing program at Umpqua Community College. She recalls setting out a personal goal to start prerequisites for nursing school by the time her newborn daughters turned two years old and her son turned eight. After graduating from Umpqua Community College, Matthew went to work as a perioperative nurse at the Oregon Surgery Center. He is currently cross-training to work in the operating room of the surgery center, as a circulating nurse. “I feel that part of being a great nurse is ensuring the community knows that healthcare professionals care about them and have their well-being in mind. My personal goal is that patients and family members know that I care about them. I strive to deliver care that I would want my friends and family to have.” SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER Matthew credits multiple instructors that helped influence and encourage him along the way. From clinical instructors like Patrice Coates, who pushed him to strive for more than status quo, to April Myler, who supported and encouraged him to succeed and make it through stressful situations. “I never felt like I was on my own or without resources I could reach out to.” community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE Between 2005 and 2010, Matthew Gatton was in and out of four different colleges trying to find direction in life. At one point he obtained a nursing assistant certification that would serve him well after he and his new wife made the decision to move back to her hometown of Roseburg, Oregon. Matthew explains, “Since I was still unsure of exactly what I wanted to do with my life, and in need of work, I obtained a position as a CNA in a care center/rehabilitation facility. During my time there I gained a lot of valuable experience and was struck by the realization that I wanted to continue my work in the nursing field, but at the next level. After being accepted into the nursing program and getting my prerequisites done I began my journey into the UCC Nursing Program.” ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Matthew Gatton – Perioperative Nurse Are you interested in a HEALTH SERVICES career? Links to UCC’s Health Services degree and certificate options can be found at UCC SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 9 COLLEGE OVERVIEW Learn. Play. Explore. UMPQUA COMMUNITY COLLEGE COMMUNITY AND WORKFORCE TRAINING DISCOVERY COLLEGE FOR KIDS (1ST - 3RD) & (4TH - 6TH) GRADES Discovery College for Kids is designed for youth entering 1st - 6th grades. Younger and older students cannot be accommodated in these camps. Please read the descriptions for each activity and sign up for either the 1.) Morning, 2.) Afternoon, or 3.) Full Camp sessions for each week! This year is going to be great! Call 541-440-4668 for information. JUNE 20 - 23 JURASSIC WORLD CAMP 1ST - 3RD GRADE BEFORE CAMP ACTIVITIES JURASSIC WORLD 1ST - 3RD Do you need a little extra time in your morning? We will provide supervised games and activities before camp. Drop your child off any time after 7:30 am and we will provide the fun! $15 12337 6/20 - 6/23 M, T, W, R 7:30 - 8:45 am Technology Center 106 UCC Campus 10 Sports Camps: Discovery & Matrix: Swim Classes & Activities: Registration: JURASSIC REACTION Make the world of Jurassic Park come alive this summer through hands-on science! Grow and measure your own dinosaurs, make your own crystallized dinosaur egg and erupt with excitement for a volcano that you can design yourself! 9 - 10:15 am Science 11 SURVIVE THE JURASSIC Learn how to survive in the wilderness with Isaac Ashby! He will show you how to signal, find shelter, build a fire, and scrummage for food and water. Would you be able to live with the dinosaurs? Come find out! 10:30 - 11:45 am Science 17 PALEOLITHIC DINING Eat like an herbivore! Not only will you learn about healthy nutrition in this class, you get to eat AND cook! Instructor, Amy Rose, will be your culinary expert! 12:30 - 1:45 pm Kitchen THE WATERING HOLE Cool off and relax after a day of Dinosaur fun! You will enjoy one hour of swimming. Bring swimsuits and towels. There will be adult supervision. 2 - 3 pm Pool FOSSIL ART Make dinosaur fossil casts! Use clay to create your very own Jurassic fossils. Instructor, Angie Horton, will help your fossils look so real you think you’d be an archaeologist! You will make several fossil casts! 3:15 - 4:30 pm Jackson Hall 11 FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO 541 - 440 - 4686 541 - 440 - 4668 541 - 440 - 7845 541 - 440 - 7744 EXTREME T-REX GAMES Be the roughest, toughest dinosaur around! Fitness instructor, Bill Storey, will show you how to be fit, have fun, and be at the top of the food chain. 4:45 - 5:30 pm Physical Education 14 JURASSIC WORLD CAMP 1ST- 3RD MORNING The Morning Session of camp includes: Jurassic Reaction, Survive the Jurassic and Paleolithic Dining! Camp begins at 9 am and ends at 1:45 pm! Get ready to have a blast! $109 12338 6/20 - 6/23 M, T, W, R 9 am - 1:45 pm Various UCC Campus JURASSIC WORLD CAMP 1ST- 3RD AFTERNOON The Afternoon Session of camp includes: Paleolithic Dining, the Watering Hole, Fossil Art and Extreme T-rex Games! Camp begins at noon and ends at 5:30 pm! Get ready to have a blast! $109 12339 6/20 - 6/23 M, T, W, R noon - 5:30 pm Various UCC Campus JURASSIC WORLD CAMP 1ST- 3RD FULL CAMP Take the WHOLE camp for a discounted price! This Jurassic World themed camp includes: Jurassic Reaction, Survive the Jurassic, Paleolithic Dining, the Watering Hole, Fossil Art, and Extreme T-rex Games. Get ready to feel a part of the Dino world! $199 12340 6/20 - 6/23 M, T, W, R 9 am - 5:30 pm Various UCC Campus SUBHEAD JUNE 20 - 23 4TH - 6TH GRADE PALEOLITHIC DINING Eat like an herbivore! Not only will you learn about healthy nutrition in this class, you get to eat AND cook! Instructor, Amy Rose, will be your culinary expert! All supplies included. 9 - 10:15 am Kitchen JURASSIC WORLD CAMP 4TH - 6TH FULL CAMP Take the WHOLE camp for a discounted price! This Jurassic World themed camp includes: Paleolithic Dining, Jurassic Reaction, Extreme T-rex Games, the Watering Hole, Survive the Jurassic and Dino-ramas! Get ready to feel a part of the Dino world! $199 12344 6/20 - 6/23 M, T, W, R 9 am - 5:30 pm Various UCC Campus DINO-RAMAS! Dino-rama! Create an exciting 3-D Jurassic diorama! Instructor, Angie Horton, will assist you in making your Jurassic world come to life! All supplies included. 4:30 - 5:30 pm Science 17 STAR WARS CAMP 1ST - 3RD GRADE BEFORE CAMP ACTIVITIES - STAR WARS 1ST - 3RD Do you need a little extra time in your morning? We will provide supervised games and activities before camp. Drop your child off any time after 7:30 am and we will provide the fun! $15 12454 6/27 - 6/30 M, T, W, R 7:30 - 8:45 am Technology Center 106 UCC Campus AWAKEN YOUR INNER FORCE Are you practicing to be a Jedi? Or are you training to be a Storm Trooper? Find out with instructor Bill Storey which one is best for you. This boot camp will condition you for both! 9 - 10:15 am Physical Education 11 STAR WARS CAMP 1ST - 3RD AFTERNOON The Afternoon Session of camp includes: Galactic Goodies, the Ocean Planet and Suit Up! This camp begins at 12:30 pm and ends at 5:15 pm. $109 12456 6/27 - 6/30 M, T, W, R 12:30 - 5:15 pm Various UCC Campus STAR WARS CAMP 1ST - 3RD FULL CAMP The Full Camp includes: Awaken Your Inner Force, Skywalker Science, Galactic Goodies, the Ocean Planet and Suit Up! This camp begins at 9 am and ends at 5:15 pm. You will be Star Wars certified by the end of this camp! $199 12461 6/27 - 6/30 M, T, W, R 9 am - 5:15 pm Various UCC Campus UCC SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER SURVIVE THE JURASSIC Learn how to survive in the wilderness with Isaac Ashby! He will show you how to signal, find shelter, build a fire, and scrummage for food and water. Would you be able to live with the dinosaurs? Come find out! 3 - 4:15 pm Science 17 JUNE 27 - 30 STAR WARS CAMP 1ST - 3RD MORNING The Morning Session of camp includes: Awaken Your Inner Force, Skywalker Science and Galactic Goodies! This begins at 9 am and ends at 1:45 pm. $109 12455 6/27 - 6/30 M, T, W, R 9 am - 1:45 pm Various UCC Campus community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE THE WATERING HOLE Cool off and relax after a day of Dinosaur fun! You will enjoy one hour of swimming fun. Bring swimsuits and towels. There will be adult supervision. 1:45 - 2:45 pm Pool SUIT UP! Come join us for a week creating your own Star Wars gear! Create your own lightsaber, a Storm Trooper helmet, and bring Chewbacca on all of your adventures. We’ll be making everything you need to succeed on your missions, so suit up! 4 - 5:15 pm Jackson Hall 12 ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT EXTREME T-REX GAMES Be the roughest, toughest dinosaur around! Fitness instructor, Bill Storey, will show you how to be fit, have fun, and be at the top of the food chain. 12:30 - 1:30 pm Physical Education 14 THE OCEAN PLANET Kids will enjoy one hour of swimming fun. Bring swimsuits. There will be adult supervision. 2 - 3:45 pm Pool CREDIT SCHEDULE JURASSIC REACTION Make the world of Jurassic Park come alive this summer through hands-on science! Grow and measure your own dinosaurs, make your own crystallized dinosaur egg and erupt with excitement for a volcano that you can design yourself! 10:30 - 11:45 am Science 11 JURASSIC WORLD CAMP 4TH-6TH AFTERNOON The Afternoon Session of camp includes: The Watering Hole, Survive the Jurassic and Dino-ramas! Camp begins at 1:45 pm and ends at 5:30 pm. Get ready to have a blast! $109 12343 6/20 - 6/23 M, T, W, R 1:45 - 5:30 PM Various UCC Campus GALACTIC GOODIES Feed your inner Jedi or Storm Trooper! You need to have energy during a camp like this! Not only will you learn about healthy nutrition in this class, you get to eat AND cook! Instructor, Amy Rose, will be your culinary expert! All supplies included. 12:30 - 1:45 pm Kitchen GETTING STARTED BEFORE CAMP ACTIVITIES JURASSIC WORLD 4TH-6TH Do you need a little extra time in your morning? We will provide supervised games and activities before camp. Drop your child off any time after 7:30 am and we will provide the fun! $15 12341 6/20 - 6/23 M, T, W, R 7:30 - 8:45 am Technology Center 106 UCC Campus SKYWALKER SCIENCE Explore two themes from the Star Wars universe, space travel and the force, with hands-on science! Build your own balloon rocket to achieve hyper drive speeds. Use the force to build a levitating orb, bend water and drop supplies to Luke with pinpoint accuracy. 10:30 - 11:45 am Science 11 COLLEGE OVERVIEW JURASSIC WORLD CAMP JURASSIC WORLD CAMP 4TH-6TH MORNING The Morning Session of camp includes: Paleolithic Dining, Jurassic Reaction, and Extreme T-Rex Games! Camp begins at 9 am and ends at 1:30 pm! Get ready to have a blast! $109 12342 6/20 - 6/23 M, T, W, R 9 am - 1:30 pm Various UCC Campus 11 COLLEGE OVERVIEW JUNE 27 - 30 STAR WARS CAMP 4TH - 6TH GRADE BEFORE CAMP ACTIVITIES STAR WARS 4TH - 6TH Do you need a little extra time in your morning? We will provide supervised games and activities before camp. Drop your child off any time after 7:30 am and we will provide the fun! $15 12457 6/27 - 6/30 M, T, W, R 7:30 - 8:45 am Technology Center 106 UCC Campus DIGITAL STORYTELLERS Whether you want to rewrite the ending to Star Wars, add yourself to a Divergent tale, or create a new adventure about your friends - any topic is possible in this class! Start with a concept, design the storyboard, add some dialogue, and watch as the characters in your imagination come to life in your first graphic novel! Projects will be available on a Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. 9 am - Noon SKYWALKER SCIENCE Explore two themes from the Star Wars universe, space travel and the force, with hands-on science! Build your own balloon rocket to achieve hyper drive speeds. Use the force to build a levitating orb, bend water and drop supplies to Luke with pinpoint accuracy. 12:45 - 2 pm Science 14 THE OCEAN PLANET Kids will enjoy one hour of swimming fun. Bring swimsuits. There will be adult supervision. 2:15 - 3:30 pm Pool GALACTIC GOODIES Feed your inner Jedi or Storm Trooper! You need to have energy during a camp like this! Not only will you learn about healthy nutrition in this class, you get to eat AND cook! Instructor, Amy Rose, will be your culinary expert! All supplies included. 3:45 - 5 pm Kitchen STAR WARS CAMP 4TH - 6TH MORNING The Morning Session of camp includes: Digital Storytellers and Skywalker Science! This camp begins at 9 am and ends at 2 pm. $109 12458 6/27 - 6/30 M, T, W, R 9 am - 2 pm Various UCC Campus 12 STAR WARS CAMP 4TH - 6TH AFTERNOON The Afternoon Session of camp includes: Skywalker Science, the Ocean Planet and Galactic Goodies! This camp begins at 12:45 pm and ends at 5 pm. $109 12459 6/27 - 6/30 M, T, W, R 12:45 - 5 pm Various UCC Campus STAR WARS CAMP 4TH - 6TH FULL CAMP The Full Camp includes: Digital Storytellers, Skywalker Science, the Ocean Planet and Galactic Goodies! This camp begins at 9 am and ends at 5 pm. You will be Star Wars certified by the end of this camp! $199 12460 6/27 - 6/30 M, T, W, R 9 am - 5 pm Various UCC Campus JULY 11 - 14 EXPRESS YOURSELF CAMP 1ST - 3RD GRADE BEFORE CAMP ACTIVITIES EXPRESS YOURSELF 1ST-3RD Do you need a little extra time in your morning? We will provide supervised games and activities before camp. Drop your child off any time after 7:30 am and we will provide the fun! $15 12462 7/11 - 7/14 M, T, W, R 7:30 - 8:45 am Technology Center 119 UCC Campus DANCE IT OUT! Join Isaac Ashby for a week of dance lessons! He will guide you in line dancing, solo jazz, 70’s & 80’s hip-hop. Show off your moves! 9 - 10:15 am Physical Education 11 WHAT’S YOUR NAME? Make a name plate poster! You will learn how to use stencils and different mediums to create your name in beautiful designs. Instructor, Angie Horton, will assist you in mounting and framing your masterpiece so you can hang them to show off! All supplies included. 10:30 - 11:45 am Jackson Hall 12 IMAGINATION CREATION! Show off your imagination! Make, play, and design your own cardboard guitars, coffee can drums and popsicle harmonicas! Learn songs and coordinated dances! On the final day of camp, parents are invited to join the camp for the final 15 minutes to see a showcase of what everyone has learned at Express Yourself! 12:30 - 1:45 pm Jackson Hall 17 FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO WET & WILD Cool off and relax by the pool! Enjoy swimming and having fun in the sun. Bring swimsuits. There will be adult supervision! 2 - 3:15 pm Pool CRAFTS GALORE Crafts with Madison! Make decals, rainbow fish, tissue transfers and spinners! Take a craft home every day that really lets you express yourself! 3:30 - 4:45 pm Jackson Hall 11 EXPRESS YOURSELF CAMP 1ST-3RD MORNING The Morning Session of Express Yourself includes: Dance It Out!, What’s Your Name? and Imagination Creation. Camp starts at 9 am and ends at 1:45 pm. $109 12463 7/11 - 7/14 M, T, W, R 9 am - 1:45 pm Various UCC Campus EXPRESS YOURSELF CAMP 1ST3RD AFTERNOON The Afternoon Session of Express Yourself includes: Imagination Creation, Wet & Wild and Crafts Galore! Camp starts at Noon and ends at 4:45 pm. $109 12464 7/11 - 7/14 M, T, W, R Noon - 4:45 pm Various UCC Campus EXPRESS YOURSELF CAMP 1ST-3RD FULL CAMP Take the WHOLE camp at a discounted price! Express Yourself includes: Dance It Out!, What’s Your Name?, Imagination Creation, Wet & Wild and Crafts Galore! Camp starts at 9 am and ends at 4:45 pm. $199 12465 7/11 - 7/14 M, T, W, R 9 am - 4:45 pm Various UCC Campus JULY 11 - 14 EXPRESS YOURSELF CAMP 4TH - 6TH GRADE BEFORE CAMP ACTIVITIES EXPRESS YOURSELF 4TH-6TH Do you need a little extra time in your morning? We will provide supervised games and activities before camp. Drop your child off any time after 7:30 am and we will provide the fun! $15 12466 7/11 - 7/14 M, T, W, R 7:30 - 8:45 am Technology Center 106 UCC Campus SUBHEAD CRAFTS GALORE Crafts with Madison! Take home a personalized craft every day! You will create collages, keychains, lava lamps and more! Madison really knows how to have fun and make things exciting! 12:30 - 1:45 pm Jackson Hall 16 MAD SCIENTIST Become a mad scientist with Bill Storey! Make Eggshell Geode Crystals, Foamy Fountains, Slime, a Balloon Rocket and a Hoop Glider! 9 - 10:15 am Science 11 SPY GAMES Learn how to be a sneaky spy! Isaac Ashby will teach you all about disguises, stealthy surveillance, how to tail or lose someone, how to code messages, and give you scenario games! You’ll never get caught! 10:30 - 11:45 am Jackson Hall 11 INVESTIGATION CREATIONS Spies have to be very crafty! Join instructor, Madison Holborow, with fingerprinting, creating secret decoders, making magnifying glasses and walkie talkies! You will have your very own “TOP SECRET” folder to take home! 12:30 - 1:45 pm Jackson Hall 11 BLUE SECRET Cool off and relax by the pool! Enjoy swimming and having fun in the sun. Bring swimsuits. There will be adult supervision! 2 - 3:30 pm Pool TRAIN LIKE A SECRET AGENT Be stealthy and fit with David Hunt! Play Agent Down, Dynamite Down, do a Mine Field Training Obstacle Course, and play Tug-of War! You will be the best trained spy around! 3:45 - 5 pm Physical Education 14 SPY CAMP 1ST-3RD FULL CAMP The Full Camp includes: Mad Scientist, Spy Games, Investigation Creation, Blue Secret, and Secret Agent Training. This camp begins at 9 am and ends at 5 pm. You will be impressed with your Spy abilities! $199 12473 7/18 - 7/21 M, T, W, R 9 am - 5 pm Various UCC Campus JULY 18 - 21 SPY CAMP 4TH - 6TH GRADE BEFORE CAMP ACTIVITIES SPY CAMP 4TH-6TH Do you need a little extra time in your morning? We will provide supervised games and activities before camp. Drop your child off any time after 7:30 am and we will provide the fun! $15 12474 7/18 - 7/21 M, T, W, R 7:30 - 8:45 am Technology Center 106 UCC Campus SPY GAMES Learn how to be a sneaky spy! Isaac Ashby will teach you all about disguises, stealthy surveillance, how to tail or lose someone, how to code messages, and give you scenario games! You’ll never get caught! 9 - 10:15 am Jackson Hall 11 SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER EXPRESS YOURSELF 4TH-6TH AFTERNOON The Afternoon Session of Express Yourself includes: Crafts Galore!, Wet & Wild and Acting Up! Camp starts and noon and ends at 4:45 pm. $109 12468 7/11 - 7/14 M, T, W, R noon - 4:45 pm Various UCC Campus BEFORE CAMP ACTIVITIES SPY CAMP 1ST-3RD Do you need a little extra time in your morning? We will provide supervised games and activities before camp. Drop your child off any time after 7:30 am and we will provide the fun! $15 12470 7/18 - 7/21 M, T, W, R 7:30 - 8:45 am Technology Center 106 UCC Campus community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE EXPRESS YOURSELF 4TH-6TH MORNING The Morning Session of Express Yourself includes: What’s Your Name?, Dance It Out! And Crafts Galore! Camp starts at 9 am and ends at 1:45 pm. $109 12467 7/11 - 7/14 M, T, W, R 9 am - 1:45 pm Various UCC Campus 1ST - 3RD GRADE ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT ACTING UP! Join us while we play fun acting games, learn awesome cup songs, and create our own songs! We’ll be pantomiming, creating our own characters, and decorating our cups to perform with. On the final day, parents are invited to join the camp for the last 15 minutes to see a showcase of what everyone has learned! 3:30 - 4:45 pm Jackson Hall 17 SPY CAMP SPY CAMP 1ST-3RD AFTERNOON The Afternoon Session of this camp includes: Investigation Creation, Blue Secret and Secret Agent Training. This camp begins at Noon and ends at 5 pm. $109 12472 7/18 - 7/21 M, T, W, R Noon - 5 pm Various UCC Campus CREDIT SCHEDULE WET & WILD Cool off and relax by the pool! Enjoy swimming and having fun in the sun. Bring swimsuits. There will be adult supervision! 2 - 3:15 pm Pool JULY 18 - 21 SPY CAMP 1ST-3RD MORNING The Morning Session of this camp includes: Mad Scientist, Spy Games and Investigation Creation. This camp begins at 9 am and ends at 1:45 pm. $109 12471 7/18 - 7/21 M, T, W, R 9 am - 1:45 pm Various UCC Campus GETTING STARTED DANCE IT OUT! Join Isaac Ashby for a week of dance lessons! He will guide you in line dancing, solo jazz, 70’s & 80’s hip-hop. Show off your moves! 10:30 - 11:45 am Physical Education 11 EXPRESS YOURSELF 4TH-6TH FULL CAMP Take the WHOLE camp at a discounted price! Express Yourself includes: What’s Your Name?, Dance It Out!, Crafts Galore!, Wet & Wild and Acting Up! Camp starts at 9 am and ends at 4:45 pm. $199 12469 7/11 - 7/14 M, T, W, R 9 am - 4:45 pm Various UCC Campus COLLEGE OVERVIEW WHAT’S YOUR NAME? Make a name plate poster! You will learn how to use stencils and different mediums to create your name in beautiful designs. Instructor, Angie Horton, will assist you in mounting and framing your masterpiece so you can hang them to show off! All supplies included. 9 - 10:15 am Physical Education 11 MAD SCIENTIST Become a mad scientist with Bill Storey! Make eggshell geode crystals, foamy fountains, slime, a balloon rocket and a hoop glider! 10:30 - 11:45 am Jackson Hall 11 UCC SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 13 COLLEGE OVERVIEW TRAIN LIKE A SECRET AGENT Be stealthy and fit with David Hunt! Play Agent Down, Dynamite Down, do a Mine Field Training Obstacle Course, and play Tug-of War! You will be the best trained spy around! 12:30 - 1:15 pm Physical Education 11 BLUE SECRET Cool off and relax by the pool! Enjoy swimming and having fun in the sun. Bring swimsuits. There will be adult supervision! 1:30 - 2:15 pm Pool CODE BREAKERS Calling all future coders, programmers, & designers! Learn the basics of coding languages like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS through a series of web projects and design challenges each day and be on your way to becoming the next tech star! Projects will be available on a Black Rocket website to share with friends and family 2:30 - 5:30 pm Technology Center 104 SPY CAMP 4TH-6TH MORNING The Morning Session of this camp includes: Spy Games, Mad Scientist, Blue Secret and Secret Agent Training! This camp begins at 9 am and ends at 2:15 pm. $109 12475 7/18 - 7/21 M, T, W, R 9 am - 2:15 pm Various UCC Campus SPY CAMP 4TH-6TH AFTERNOON The Afternoon Session of this camp includes: Blue Secret and Code Breakers. This camp begins at 1:30 and ends at 5:30 pm. $109 12476 7/18 - 7/21 M, T, W, R 1:30 - 5:30 pm Various UCC Campus SPY CAMP 4TH-6TH FULL CAMP The Full Camp includes: Spy Games, Mad Scientist, Blue Secret, Secret Agent Training and Code Breakers. This camp begins at 9 am and ends at 5:30 pm. You will be impressed with your Spy abilities! $199 12477 7/18 - 7/21 M, T, W, R 9 am - 5:30 pm Various UCC Campus JULY 25 - 28 TECH CAMP 4TH - 6TH GRADE BEFORE CAMP ACTIVITIES TECH CAMP 4TH-6TH Do you need a little extra time in your morning? We will provide supervised games and activities before 14 camp. Drop your child off any time after 7:30 am and we will provide the fun! $15 12478 7/25 - 7/28 M, T, W, R 7:30 - 8:45 am Technology Center 106 UCC Campus MINECRAFT ANIMATORS Bring your favorite Minecraft® characters to life in an animated short film! Learn how studios like Pixar and Disney make movies like Inside Out and Frozen by using techniques like keyframing, tweening, texturing, and animating rigged 3D models! Student projects will be available on a Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. 9 am - Noon Technology Center 104 DIGITAL SWIMMERS Cool off and relax by the pool! Enjoy swimming and having fun in the sun. Bring swimsuits. There will be adult supervision! 1 - 2:15 pm Pool MAKE YOUR FIRST VIDEO GAME If you love playing video games, this is the camp for you! Make your first video game in this one-ofa-kind class that shows you the keys to designing your first 2D platformer game. Conceptualization, play experience, challenge levels, graphics, sounds, and simple coding are just some of the concepts that we’ll explore. Student created games will be available on a password protected Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. 2:30 - 5:30 pm Technology Center 104 TECH CAMP 4TH-6TH MORNING The Morning Session of this camp includes: Minecraft Animators and Digital Swimmers! This camp begins at 9 am and ends at 2:15 pm. $125 12479 7/25 - 7/28 M, T, W, R 9 am - 2:15 pm Various UCC Campus TECH CAMP 4TH-6TH AFTERNOON The Afternoon Session of this camp includes: Make Your First Video Game and Digital Swimmers! This camp begins at 1 pm and ends at 5:30 pm. $125 12480 7/25 - 7/28 M, T, W, R 1 - 5:30 pm Various UCC Campus TECH CAMP 4TH-6TH FULL CAMP The Full Camp includes: Minecraft Animators, Make Your First Video Game, and Digital Swimmers! Go Tech Superstars! This camp begins at 9 am and ends at 5:30 pm. $225 12481 7/25 - 7/28 M, T, W, R 9 am - 5:30 pm Various UCC Campus FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO MATRIX FOR TEENS 7TH + GRADES Matrix for Teens is designed for youth entering 7th grade and up. Older and younger students cannot be accommodated in these camps. Please read the descriptions for each activity and sign up for either the 1.) Morning, 2.) Afternoon, or 3.) Full Camp sessions for each week! This year is going to be great! Call 541-440-4668 for information. JUNE 20 - 23 JURASSIC WORLD CAMP 7TH - 12TH GRADE BEFORE CAMP ACTIVITIES JURASSIC WORLD 7TH-12TH Do you need a little extra time in your morning? We will provide supervised games and activities before camp. Drop your child off any time after 7:30 am and we will provide the fun! $15 12482 6/20 - 6/23 M, T, W, R 7:30 - 8:45 am Technology Center 106 UCC Campus EGG-CRYLIC Learn how to make a Dinosaur Egg Acrylic Rock! Instructor, Angie Horton, will guide you in creating rocks that will look like a baby Dino is breaking its way through! This class will really be egg-citing! All supplies included. 9 - 10:15 am Jackson Hall 12 “HUNGER” GAMES Eat like an herbivore! Not only will you learn about healthy nutrition in this class, you get to eat AND cook! Instructor, Amy Rose, will be your culinary expert! All supplies included. 10:30 - 11:45 am Kitchen SCIENCE EXTINCTION Make the world of Jurassic Park come alive this summer through hands-on science! Grow and measure your own dinosaurs, make your own crystallized dinosaur egg and erupt with excitement for a volcano that you design yourself! 12:30 - 1:45 pm Science 14 THE WATERING HOLE Kids will enjoy one hour of swimming fun. Bring swimsuits. There will be adult supervision! 2 - 3 pm Pool SUBHEAD JUNE 27 - 30 7TH - 12TH GRADE BEFORE CAMP ACTIVITIES - STAR WARS 7TH - 12TH Do you need a little extra time in your morning? We will provide supervised games and activities before camp. Drop your child off any time after 7:30 am and we will provide the fun! $15 OCEAN PLANET Cool off and relax by the pool! Enjoy swimming and having fun in the sun. Bring swimsuits and towels. There will be adult supervision. 1:30 - 2:15 pm Pool DIGITAL STORY TELLERS Whether you want to rewrite the ending to Star Wars, add yourself to a Divergent tale, or create a new adventure about your friends – any topic is possible in this class! Start with a concept, design the storyboard, add some dialogue, and watch as the characters in your imagination come to life in your first graphic novel! Projects will be available on a Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. 2:30 - 5:30 pm Technology Center 104 STAR WARS CAMP 7TH - 12TH MORNING The Morning Session of camp includes: The Darth Science, “Chew”bacca and Feel The Force! This camp begins at 9 am and ends at 1:15 pm. $109 12487 6/27 - 6/30 M, T, W, R 9 am - 1:15 pm Various UCC Campus STAR WARS CAMP 7TH - 12TH AFTERNOON The Afternoon Session of camp includes: the Ocean Planet and Digital Storytellers. This camp begins at 1:30 pm and ends at 5:30 pm. $109 JULY 11 - 14 EXPRESS YOURSELF CAMP 7TH - 12TH GRADE BEFORE CAMP ACTIVITIES EXPRESS YOURSELF 7TH-12TH Do you need a little extra time in your morning? We will provide supervised games and activities before camp. Drop your child off any time after 7:30 am and we will provide the fun! $15 12490 7/11 - 7/14 M, T, W, R 7:30 - 8:45 am Technology Center 106 UCC Campus CRAFT JUNKIES Take home a personalized craft every day! You will create collages, keychains, lava lamps and more! Madison really knows how to have fun and make things exciting! Do you love Pinterest? She will show you special techniques to help you get along! 9 - 10:15 am Jackson Hall 14 BOUNCING BUCKETS You’ll get to think on your feet, create your own acting scenes, and learn how to bucket drum! We’ll be enjoying improvisation in acting and music while having a blast! On the final day of camp, parents are invited to join the camp for the final 15 minutes to see a showcase of what everyone has learned! 10:30 - 11:45 am Jackson Hall 14 GRAFFITI ART Did you ever want to become a graffiti artist? Come have a blast with Angie Horton. She will show you how to graffiti your name on foam board! Decorate your room with customized art. All supplies included. 12:30 - 1:45 pm Jackson Hall 17 SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER STAR WARS CAMP FEEL THE FORCE Are you practicing to be a Jedi? Or are you training to be a Storm Trooper? Find out with instructor Bill Storey which one is best for you. This boot camp will condition you for both! 12:30 - 1:15 pm Physical Education 14 STAR WARS CAMP 7TH - 12TH FULL CAMP The Full Camp includes: The Darth Science, “Chew”bacca, Feel The Force, the Ocean Planet and Digital Storytellers! This camp begins at 9 am and ends at 5:30 pm. You will be Star Wars certified by the end of this camp! $199 12489 6/27 - 6/30 M, T, W, R 9 am - :30 pm Various UCC Campus community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE JURASSIC WORLD 7TH - 12TH FULL CAMP Take the WHOLE camp for a discounted price! This Jurassic World themed camp includes: Egg-Crylics, the “Hunger” Games, Science Extinction, Intense T-Rex Challenge, The Watering Hole and Conquering the Jurassic! Get ready to feel a part of the Dino world! $199 12485 6/20 - 6/23 M, T, W, R 9 am - 5:30 pm Various UCC Campus “CHEW”BACCA You need to have energy during a camp like this! Not only will you learn about healthy nutrition in this class, you get to eat AND cook! Instructor, Amy Rose, will be your culinary expert! All supplies included. 10:30 - 11:45 am Kitchen 1:30 - 5:30 pm UCC Campus ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT JURASSIC WORLD 7TH-12TH AFTERNOON The Afternoon Session of camp includes: The Watering Hole, Intense T-rex Challenge and Conquering the Jurassic! Camp begins at 12:30 pm and ends at 5:30 pm. Get ready to have a blast! $109 12484 6/20 - 6/23 M, T, W, R 12:30 - 5:30 pm Various UCC Campus THE DARTH SCIENCE Explore two themes from the Star Wars universe, space travel and the force, with hands-on science! Build your own balloon rocket to achieve hyper drive speeds. Use the force to build a levitating orb, bend water and air drop supplies to Luke with pinpoint accuracy. 9 - 10:15 am Science 11 12488 6/27 - 6/30 M, T, W, R Various CREDIT SCHEDULE JURASSIC WORLD 7TH-12TH MORNING The Morning Session of camp includes: Egg-Crylics, “Hunger” Games, and Science Extinction! Camp begins at 9 am and ends at 1:45 pm! Get ready to have a blast! $109 12483 6/20 - 6/23 M, T, W, R 9 am - 1:45 pm Various UCC Campus 7:30 - 8:45 am UCC Campus GETTING STARTED CONQUERING THE JURASSIC Learn how to survive in the wilderness with Isaac Ashby! He will show you how to signal, find shelter, build a fire, and scrummage for food and water. Would you be able to live with the dinosaurs? Come find out! You will take away so much useful knowledge from this class! 4:15 - 5:30 pm Physical Education 11 12486 6/27 - 6/30 M, T, W, R Technology Center 119 COLLEGE OVERVIEW INTENSE T-REX CHALLENGE Challenge yourself with Bill Storey! You will learn self-defense, how to be aware of danger, stance walks, how to escape holds and much, much more! Defend yourself in a Jurassic World! 3:15 - 4 pm Physical Education 14 WET & WILD Cool off and relax by the pool! Enjoy swimming and having fun in the sun. Bring swimsuits and towels. There will be adult supervision. 2 - 3:15 pm Pool UCC SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 15 COLLEGE OVERVIEW SHAKE IT UP! Join Isaac Ashby for a week of Dance lessons! He will guide you in line dancing, solo jazz, 70’s and 80’s hip-hop. Show off your moves! 3:30 - 4:45 pm Physical Education 14 EXPRESS YOURSELF CAMP 7TH-12TH MORNING The Morning Session of Express Yourself includes: Craft Junkies, Bouncing Buckets and Graffiti Art! Camp starts at 9 am and ends at 1:45 pm. $109 12491 7/11 - 7/14 M, T, W, R 9 am - 1:45 pm Various UCC Campus EXPRESS YOURSELF CAMP 7TH-12TH AFTERNOON The Afternoon Session of Express Yourself includes: Graffiti Art, Wet & Wild and Shake It Up! Camp starts and 12:30 and ends at 4:45 pm. $109 12492 7/11 - 7/14 M, T, W, R 12:30 - 4:45 pm Various UCC Campus EXPRESS YOURSELF CAMP 7TH-12TH FULL CAMP Take the WHOLE camp at a discounted price! Express Yourself includes: Craft Junkies, Bouncing Buckets, Graffiti Art, Wet & Wild, and Shake It Up! Camp starts at 9 am and ends at 4:45 pm. $199 12493 7/11 - 7/14 M, T, W, R 9 am - 4:45 pm Various UCC Campus JULY 18 -21 SPY CAMP 7TH - 12TH GRADE BEFORE CAMP ACTIVITIES SPY CAMP 7TH-12TH Do you need a little extra time in your morning? We will provide supervised games and activities before camp. Drop your child off any time after 7:30 am and we will provide the fun! $15 12494 7/18 - 7/21 M, T, W, R 7:30 - 8:45 am Technology Center 119 UCC Campus CODE BREAKERS Calling all future coders, programmers, and designers! Learn the basics of coding languages like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS through a series of web projects and design challenges each day and be on your way to becoming the next tech star! Projects will be available on a Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. 9 am- Noon Technology Center 104 16 STEALTH NATION Learn how to be a sneaky spy! Isaac Ashby will teach you all about disguises, stealthy surveillance, how to tail or lose someone, how to code messages, and give you scenario games! You’ll never get caught! 12:45 - 2 pm Jackson Hall 12 BLUE SECRET Cool off and relax by the pool! Enjoy swimming and having fun in the sun. Bring swimsuits and towels. There will be adult supervision! 2:15 - 3:30 pm Pool MAD SCIENTIST Become a mad scientist with Bill Storey! Make eggshell geode crystals, foamy fountains, slime, balloon rockets and hoop gliders! 3:45 - 5 pm Science 11 SPY CAMP 7TH-12TH MORNING The Morning Session of this camp includes: Code Breakers and Stealth Nation! Camp starts at 9 am and ends at 2 pm. $109 12495 7/18 - 7/21 M, T, W, R 9 am - 2 pm Various UCC Campus SPY CAMP 7TH-12TH AFTERNOON The Afternoon Session of this camp includes: Stealth Nation, Blue Secret and Mad Scientist. This camp begins at 12:45 pm and ends at 5 pm. $109 12496 7/18 - 7/21 M, T, W, R 12:45 - 5 pm Various UCC Campus SPY CAMP 7TH-12TH FULL CAMP The Full Camp includes: Code Breakers, Stealth Nation, Blue Secret and Mad Scientist. This camp begins at 9 am and ends at 5 pm. $199 12497 7/18 - 7/21 M, T, W, R 9 am - 5 pm Various UCC Campus ROBOTICS CAMP 9TH - 12TH GRADES Robotics Camps are designed for youth entering 9th - 12th grades. Older and younger youth cannot be accommodated in these camps. Please read the descriptions for each activity and sign up! A limited number of scholarships are available for students that quality for free or reduced lunches. Contact 541-440-7650 for information on scholarships! Call 541-440-4668 for information. FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO ROBOTICS RINGO-BOTS JULY 11 - 14 9TH-12TH GRADES RINGO-BOTS Ringo is a STEM educational program! Ringo was designed to inspire people learning to write code to breathe life and real personality into their own robotic pet. He is loaded with tons of sensors allowing you to build thousands of possible behaviors. Check out their website: http://www. **If you qualify for free or reduced lunches please call: 541-440-7650 for scholarship options 9 am - Noon Technology Center 106 SWIM BOTS Cool off and relax by the pool! Enjoy swimming and having fun in the sun. Bring swimsuits and towels. There will be adult supervision! 1 - 2:05 pm Pool RINGO-BOTS FULL CAMP This camp includes Ringo-Bots and Swim Bots! Camp begins at 9 am and ends at 2:05 pm. $125 12498 7/11 - 7/14 M, T, W, R 9 am - 2:05 pm Various UCC Campus RASPBERRY PI CAMP 9TH-12TH GRADES RASPBERRY PI A Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that has the ability to interact with the outside world, and has been used in a wide array of digital maker projects, from music machines and parent detectors to weather stations and tweeting birdhouses with infra-red cameras. Learn how to program them. For grades 9-12. **If you qualify for free or reduced lunches please call: 541-440-7650 for scholarship options 9 am- Noon Technology Center 106 SWIM BOTS Cool off and relax by the pool! Enjoy swimming and having fun in the sun. Bring swimsuits and towels. There will be adult supervision! 1 - 2:05 pm Pool RASPBERRY PI FULL CAMP This camp includes Raspberry Pi and Swim Bots. Camp begins at 9 am and ends at 2:05 pm. $125 12499 7/18 - 7/21 M, T, W, R 9 am - 2:05 pm Various UCC Campus SUBHEAD SUMMER RECREATION Swim Classes and Activities 440-7845 COLLEGE OVERVIEW Sports Camps 440-4686 BASKETBALL DAY CAMPS GETTING STARTED Boys & Girls - Grades 1-6 Wednesday & Thursday, June 29-30 12352 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. PE Gym (Leeworthy) $50 PE Gym (Leeworthy) $50 PE Gym (Leeworthy) $50 PE Gym (Leeworthy) $50 PE Gym (Pinard) $90 PE Gym (Pinard) $90 PE Gym (Pinard) $30 Boys & Girls - Grades 1-6 Friday & Saturday, June 24-25 12350 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. CREDIT SCHEDULE Boys & Girls - Grades 6-10 Monday & Tuesday, June 27-28 12354 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Boys & Girls - Grades 10-12 ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT The Basketball Day Camps focus on the fundamentals of passing, dribbling, shooting, and playing. Participants learn team concepts on the defensive and offensive sides of the ball while engaging in active, fun drills and games. The camp is beneficial for all ability levels. A camp T-shirt can be purchased for $10. Registration fee $50. Camp director is Daniel Leeworthy, UCC men’s basketball coach. THESE ARE TWO-DAY CAMPS. Wednesday & Thursday, June 22-23 12357 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Grades 3-5 Monday & Tuesday, July 25-26 12377 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER UCC’s volleyball camps cover all aspects of the game: passing, setting, serving, and offenses and defenses. A free camp T-shirt or water bottle will be given to each participant in camps grade 3-8. A free one-day swim pass for one day will be given to each camp participant. Camp director is UCC Women’s Volleyball Coach Lacy Pinard. THESE ARE TWO-DAY CAMPS AND A ONE-DAY CAMP. community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE SUMMER VOLLEYBALL CAMPS Grades 6-8 Wednesday & Thursday, July 27-28 12379 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Grades 9-12 Friday July 29 12381 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. UCC SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 17 COLLEGE OVERVIEW SUMMER SWIM RECREATION Sports Camps 440-4686 Swim Classes and Activities 440-7845 GENERAL POOL INFORMATION goal is to help children feel comfortable in the water without a parent. Children learn basic aquatic skills, such as entering and exiting the water, blowing bubbles through their mouth and nose, going underwater, bobbing, gliding, and staying safe. Skills presented in Preschool Levels 1 and 2 are done with instructor assistance, and set the foundation for Level 3 instruction. June 20 – Aug. 27 Monday – Saturday: 1-4 p.m. & 7-9 p.m. No open swim on July 4, 15, 16 Cost Under 3: Free Ages 4+: $3 or $30 for 15-Swim Mini Pass UCC Students (with ID): $1.50 Group (15+ swimmers): $1.50/swimmer Family Pass (2 adults & up to 4 children): $150.00 POOL RENTAL UCC’s pool is available for rental to churches, clubs, civic groups, and private parties. It may be rented on Fridays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. or Sundays from 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. For information on rates, rental information, or reservations, call 541-4404705. LAP SWIM Lap swim is available June 20 – August 25 from 7 – 9 am, and 5 – 7 pm Monday – Thursday. The cost for lap swim is $25 and the CRN is 12500. There will be no lap swim on July 4 holiday and July 15 due to Roseburg Swim Meet. See below on how to register. SUMMER SWIM CLASSES Session 1: June 20-30 Session 2: July 5-14 (note: first week only will run Tuesday–Friday due to July 4 holiday) Session 3: July 18-28 Session 4: Aug. 1-11 Session 5: August 15-25 REGISTRATION Register for all swim classes and lap swim through the Registration Office in the Administration Building. Early registration is encouraged as enrollment is on a first come, first serve basis. Mail-in registration does not guarantee a spot in a class; late mail-ins are discouraged as classes fill up quickly. Convenient call-in registration utilizing a Visa or MasterCard is available at 541-440-7744. 18 WAITING LISTS Waiting lists are available for all swim classes that have reached capacity. Adding swimmers to a class depends on both pool and instructor availability. To be placed on a waiting list, call 541-440-7717. SWITCHING CLASSES OR SESSIONS Changes to a student’s enrollment must be done no later than the Thursday before the session begins. Contact the Registration Office at 541-440-7744 or speak with the pool director to change classes. CLASS CANCELLATIONS Classes may be cancelled if there are fewer than three students enrolled. Classes may be combined to reach enrollment requirements. REFUNDS No refunds will be issued after the second day of instruction. COST 30-Minute Group Lessons - $40 60-Minute Group Lessons - $60 Private Lessons - $75 CLASS DESCRIPTIONS Note: All classes are 30 minutes, except where noted. PARENT & CHILD AQUATICS COMBINED LEVEL 1 & 2 (6 months-3 years*) This is a combination of American Red Cross Parent & Child Levels 1 and 2, and introduces parents and children to basic aquatics skills. Parents are taught to safely work with their child in the water, including how to support and hold them and to encourage participation and trying new skills. Children receive a foundation for learning to swim. Parents are actively in the water with the children. *All children wearing diapers must wear swim diapers. PRESCHOOL AQUATICS (ages 4-5) The American Red Cross preschool program is for beginning swimmers (ages 4 and 5) with little or no prior swim instruction. The FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO LEARN-TO-SWIM (ages 6 and up) Level 1 - Introduction to Water Skills Level 1 is for beginning swimmers who have had very little or no swim instruction. The focus is on developing elementary aquatics skills, positive attitudes, good swimming habits, and safe practices in and around the water. Level 1 skills include: safely entering/ exiting the water, blowing bubbles, bobbing, opening eyes underwater to retrieve submerged objects, front and back floating and gliding, alternating arm and leg action, combining stroke movements, and treading water. Most skills are performed with support. Level 2 - Fundamental Aquatic Skills The goal of Level 2 is to help swimmers gain familiarity with fundamental skills and achieve success without support. Swimmers learn to float and glide on their front and back, develop simultaneous and alternating arm and leg actions, and lay a foundation for future strokes, all without support from the instructor. Students work on floating, gliding, flutter kicking, front and back crawling, turning over from front to back and back to front, retrieving objects, and jumping into water over their head. Level 3 - Stroke Development Level 3 builds on the skills in Level 2 through additional guided practice. Students should be very comfortable in the water and be able to swim with combined strokes on front and back without assistance. Level 3 focuses on making swimmers comfortable and safe in deep water, teaches front crawl, elementary backstroke, breath control, and submerging, builds on the fundamentals of treading water, introduces scissor and dolphin kicks, and reviews the rules for headfirst entries (seated entry dives). SUBHEAD COLLEGE OVERVIEW SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER SUMMER 2016 community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE UCC SCHEDULE ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT WATER SAFETY INSTRUCTOR AIDE (1 HOUR) Participants learn how to assist Water Safety Instructors (WSI) in teaching American Red Cross swimming classes. Participants must have the skills or hold a basic-level certificate for Learn-to-Swim Level 4. They must also exhibit a strong sense of maturity and responsibility and be comfortable communicating and working with small children. WSI-Aides must be at least 12 years old. This course is only available in Session 1. SWIM CLASS INFORMATION AND POLICIES Session Length and Class Time: All swimming sessions are eight days (Monday-Thursday). Level 1-4 classes are 30 minutes. Level 5 and 6 classes are 60 minutes. Instructors: The majority of UCC instructors are local high school and college students who are American Red Cross certified instructors, have experience teaching swim lessons, or are accomplished swimmers themselves. Instructors follow the American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor guidelines and are certified in First Aid, CPR and AED. Every attempt is made to ensure students learn from the same instructor(s) during the course of a swim session. However, when an instructor is ill, it may be necessary to use a substitute. Concerns regarding pool instruction should be directed to the head lifeguards and/or pool director. Attire: Swimsuits are required. All students not toilet trained must wear a swim diaper. Students dressed and ready to swim before the designated class time. First Class: Parents/guardians and students will meet in the pool bleachers for the first five minutes with the instructor(s). Students will be assessed to ensure they are in the appropriate level. If a student’s skill level is not appropriate for the level in which he/ she is enrolled, the student will be moved appropriately. Last Class: The last day of class is “graduation”, when students will receive their certificates and participate in recreational swimming. Class Completion & Level Progression: Without practice, swimming skills may diminish. If several months have elapsed between swim lessons, it may be necessary to place a student in a class that he/she previously passed due to the skill level at the time of enrollment. Students should be able to perform previous level skills before moving on to the next level. Completion or participation certificates are handed out the last day of class. In addition, a copy of a blank class progression certificate listing the level skills is available from the pool director. Keep all certificates for an accurate record of student(s) progress. Missed Classes: A student who misses class(es) will not be able to make it up; this may impede the student’s ability to pass the level in which they are enrolled. If a class is unable to meet in the pool (due to an electrical storm or a pool contamination, for example) in-classroom instruction on water safety will be substituted. Reminders for Parents/Guardians: Parents/guardians are asked to drop off and pick up their student(s) on time. Parents/guardians are asked to observe classes from the bleachers and to remain off the pool deck. If a parent/guardian creates a distraction to the class, the pool director reserves the right to request that the parent/ guardian relocate. Unless otherwise deemed necessary (see above), parents/guardians are asked to remain in the pool area throughout the entire lesson in case of an emergency (or if the swim class student needs to use the restroom during class). Parents/guardians are asked to have their swim class student(s) use the bathroom before each class. If a student needs to use the bathroom while the class is in progress, the instructor will signal the parent/guardian to get the student. Swim instructors cannot leave a class unattended to take students to the bathroom. Students will not be allowed to go into the locker room alone. Do not leave valuables in unlocked lockers in the locker rooms. The security of items in unsecured lockers cannot be guaranteed. CREDIT SCHEDULE PRIVATE SWIMMING LESSONS Individual instruction is available at all levels in 30-minute sessions. Private lessons allow swimmers to benefit from a one-on-one environment, work on a specific set of skills, or address special needs or concerns that may limit the swimmer’s ability to participate in a group setting. Semi-private lessons are available for up to three children, upon request and for a small additional fee. SNORKELING This class is open to anyone 10 years and older. Students become familiar with a mask, snorkel, and fins for exploring the underwater world. This course is only available in Session 4. GETTING STARTED Level 4 - Stroke Improvement The goal of Level 4 is to develop confidence in the strokes and improve overall aquatic skills. Students improve skills and endurance for freestyle and backstroke, are introduced to breaststroke, sidestroke, and the basics of turns, and continue work on headfirst entries. Students must be comfortable in deep water. Level 5 – Stroke Refinement (1 Hour) The goal of Level 5 is to coordinate and refine strokes in swimmers who are competent in all strokes and basic diving techniques. Level 5 swimmers focus on refining their techniques, incorporating flip turns, and increasing their swimming distance. Students should be able to do one length of front and back crawling, know the elementary back, and tread water for one minute. Level 6 – Swimming and Skill Proficiency (1 hour) The goal of Level 6 is to refine strokes to allow students to swim with more ease, efficiency, power, and smoothness at greater distances and to increase endurance and aquatic fitness. Level 6 has three options – Fitness Swimmer, Fundamentals of Diving, and Personal Water Safety. 19 COLLEGE OVERVIEW Session 1 CRN 12228 12229 12230 12231 12232 12233 12234 12235 12236 12237 12238 12239 12240 12241 12242 12243 12244 12245 12246 12247 12248 12249 12250 12251 12252 12253 12254 12255 12256 12257 12258 12259 12260 12261 12262 12263 12264 12265 12266 12267 12268 12269 12270 12271 12272 12273 12274 12275 12276 12277 12278 12279 12280 12281 12282 12283 12284 ARC Learn to Swim - June 20 – 30, 2016 (8 Days) Course Title Day Time Cost Group (School) Lessons M-R 9:30-10:00 $40 Preschool Level 1 M-R 10:00-10:30 $40 Preschool Level 1 M-R 10:30-11:00 $40 Preschool Level 1 M-R 5:00-5:30 $40 Preschool Level 1 M-R 5:30-6:00 $40 Preschool Level 2 M-R 10:00-10:30 $40 Preschool Level 2 M-R 10:30-11:00 $40 Preschool Level 2 M-R 5:00-5:30 $40 Preschool Level 2 M-R 5:30-6:00 $40 Preschool Level 3 M-R 10:00-10:30 $40 Preschool Level 3 M-R 10:30-11:00 $40 Preschool Level 3 M-R 5:00-5:30 $40 Preschool Level 3 M-R 5:30-6:00 $40 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills M-R 10:00-10:30 $40 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills M-R 10:30-11:00 $40 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills M-R 11:00-11:30 $40 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills M-R 5:00-5:30 $40 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills M-R 5:30-6:00 $40 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills M-R 6:00-6:30 $40 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills M-R 6:30-7:00 $40 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills M-R 10:00-10:30 $40 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills M-R 10:30-11:00 $40 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills M-R 11:00-11:30 $40 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills M-R 11:30-Noon $40 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills M-R 5:00-5:30 $40 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills M-R 5:30-6:00 $40 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills M-R 6:00-6:30 $40 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills M-R 6:30-7:00 $40 Level 3 Stroke Development M-R 10:00-10:30 $40 Level 3 Stroke Development M-R 10:30-11:00 $40 Level 3 Stroke Development M-R 11:00-11:30 $40 Level 3 Stroke Development M-R 11:30-Noon $40 Level 3 Stroke Development M-R 6:00-6:30 $40 Level 3 Stroke Development M-R 6:30-7:00 $40 Level 4 Stroke Improvement M-R 10:00-10:30 $40 Level 4 Stroke Improvement M-R 10:30-11:00 $40 Level 4 Stroke Improvement M-R 11:00-11:30 $40 Level 4 Stroke Improvement M-R 11:30-Noon $40 Level 4 Stroke Improvement M-R 6:00-6:30 $40 Level 4 Stroke Improvement M-R 6:30-7:00 $40 Level 5 Stroke Refinement M-R 11:00-Noon $60 Level 5 Stroke Refinement M-R 6:00-7:00 $60 Level 6 Fitness Swimmer M-R 11:00-Noon $60 Level 6 Fitness Swimmer M-R 6:00-7:00 $60 Water Safety Aide M-R 11:00-Noon $60 Water Safety Aide M-R 6:00-7:00 $60 Parent/Child Swim M-R 11:30-Noon $40 Parent/Child Swim M-R 5:00-5:30 $40 Parent/Child Swim M-R 5:30-6:00 $40 Private Swim Lesson M-R 10:00-10:30 $75 Private Swim Lesson M-R 10:30-11:00 $75 Private Swim Lesson M-R 11:00-11:30 $75 Private Swim Lesson M-R 11:30-Noon $75 Private Swim Lesson M-R 5:00-5:30 $75 Private Swim Lesson M-R 5:30-6:00 $75 Private Swim Lesson M-R 6:00-6:30 $75 Private Swim Lesson M-R 6:30-7:00 $75 Summer Camps 12350 12354 12357 12352 Boys & Girls Day Camp Grades 1-6 June 24-25 (2 days) Boys & Girls Day Camp Grades 6-10 June 27-28 (2 days) Boys & Girls Day Camp Grades 10-12 June 22-23 (2 days) Boys & Girls Day Camp Grades 1-6 June 29-30 (2 days) Session 2 F-S Max 50 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 8 8 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 9:00 am-4:00 pm $50 200 M-T 9:00 am-4:00 pm $50 200 W-R 9:00 am-4:00 pm $50 200 W-R 9:00 am-4:00 pm $50 200 ARC Learn to Swim - July 5 - July 14, 2016 (8 days) NOTE: 1st week runs T-F only and 2nd week runs M-R due to July 4 holiday. CRN 12285 12286 12287 12288 20 Course Title Preschool Level 1 Preschool Level 1 Preschool Level 1 Preschool Level 1 Day note note note note Time 10:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 5:00-5:30 5:30-6:00 Cost $40 $40 $40 $40 Max 5 5 5 5 12289 Preschool Level 2 12290 Preschool Level 2 12291 Preschool Level 2 12292 Preschool Level 2 12293 Preschool Level 3 12294 Preschool Level 3 12295 Preschool Level 3 12296 Preschool Level 3 12297 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills 12299 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills 12300 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills 12301 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills 12303 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills 12304 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills 12306 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills 12308 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills 12309 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills 12310 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills 12311 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills 12312 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills 12313 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills 12314 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills 12315 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills 12356 Level 3 Stroke Development 12358 Level 3 Stroke Development 12359 Level 3 Stroke Development 12360 Level 3 Stroke Development 12361 Level 3 Stroke Development 12362 Level 3 Stroke Development 12363 Level 4 Stroke Improvement 12364 Level 4 Stroke Improvement 12365 Level 4 Stroke Improvement 12366 Level 4 Stroke Improvement 12367 Level 4 Stroke Improvement 12368 Level 4 Stroke Improvement 12369 Level 5 Stroke Refinement 12370 Level 5 Stroke Refinement 12371 Level 6 Fitness 12372 Level 6 Fitness 12373 Parent/Child Swim 12374 Parent/Child Swim 12375Parent/Child 12383 Private Swim Lesson 12384 Private Swim Lesson 12385 Private Swim Lesson 12386 Private Swim Lesson 12387 Private Swim Lesson 12388 Private Swim Lesson 12389 Private Swim Lesson 12390 Private Swim Lesson Session 3 CRN 12391 12392 12393 12394 12395 12396 12397 12398 12399 12400 12401 12402 12403 12404 12405 12406 12407 12408 12409 12410 12411 12412 12413 12414 note 10:00-10:30 note 10:30-11:00 note 5:00-5:30 note 5:30-6:00 note 10:00-10:30 note 10:30-11:00 note 5:00-5:30 note 5:30-6:00 note 10:00-10:30 note 10:30-11:00 note 11:00-11:30 note 5:00-5:30 note 5:30-6:00 note 6:00-6:30 note 6:30-7:00 note 10:00-10:30 note 10:30-11:00 note 11:00-11:30 note 11:30-Noon note 5:00-5:30 note 5:30-6:00 note 6:00-6:30 note 6:30-7:00 note 10:00-10:30 note 10:30-11:00 note 11:00-11:30 note 11:30-Noon note 6:00-6:30 note 6:30-7:00 note 11:00-11:30 note 10:00-10:30 note 10:30-11:00 note 11:00-11:30 note 6:00-6:30 note 6:30-7:00 note 11:00-Noon note 6:00-7:00 note 11:00-Noon note 6:00-7:00 note 11:30-Noon note 5:00-5:30 note5:30-6:00 note 10:00-10:30 note 10:30-11:00 note 11:00-11:30 note 11:30-Noon note 5:00-5:30 note 5:30-6:00 note 6:00-6:30 note 6:30-7:00 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 5 $40 10 $40 10 $40 10 $40 10 $40 10 $40 10 $60 10 $60 10 $60 5 $60 5 $40 8 $40 8 $40 8 $75 5 $75 5 $75 5 $75 5 $75 5 $75 5 $75 5 $75 5 ARC Learn to Swim - July 18 – July 28, 2016 (8 days) Course Title Day Time Cost Max Preschool Level 1 M-R 10:00-10:30 $40 5 Preschool Level 1 M-R 10:30-11:00 $40 5 Preschool Level 1 M-R 5:00-5:30 $40 5 Preschool Level 1 M-R 5:30-6:00 $40 5 Preschool Level 2 M-R 10:00-10:30 $40 5 Preschool Level 2 M-R 10:30-11:00 $40 5 Preschool Level 2 M-R 5:00-5:30 $40 5 Preschool Level 2 M-R 5:30-6:00 $40 5 Preschool Level 3 M-R 10:00-10:30 $40 5 Preschool Level 3 M-R 10:30-11:00 $40 5 Preschool Level 3 M-R 5:00-5:30 $40 5 Preschool Level 3 M-R 5:30-6:00 $40 5 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills M-R 10:00-10:30 $40 5 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills M-R 10:30-11:00 $40 5 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills M-R 11:00-11:30 $40 5 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills M-R 5:00-5:30 $40 5 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills M-R 5:30-6:00 $40 5 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills M-R 6:00-6:30 $40 5 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills M-R 6:30-7:00 $40 5 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills M-R 10:00-10:30 $40 5 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills M-R 10:30-11:00 $40 5 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills M-R 11:00-11:30 $40 5 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills M-R 11:30-Noon $40 5 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills M-R 5:00-5:30 $40 5 FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO SUBHEAD Summer Camps 12377 12379 12381 Volleyball Camp Grades 3-5 MT July 25 – 26 (2 days) Volleyball Camp Grades 6-8 WR July 27 – 28 (2 days) Volleyball Hitting Clinic Grades 9-12 F July 29 (1 day) 5:30-6:00 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:00 10:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:30-Noon 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:00 10:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:30-Noon 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:00 11:00-Noon 6:00-7:00 11:00-Noon 6:00-7:00 11:30-Noon 5:00-5:30 5:30-6:00 10:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:30-Noon 5:00-5:30 5:30-6:00 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:00 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $60 $60 $60 $60 $40 $40 $40 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 8 8 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 9:30 am – 4:30 pm $90 100 9:30 am – 4:30 pm $90 100 9 am - 12:30 pm $30 100 Session 4 ARC Learn to Swim - August 1 - August 11, 2016 (8 days) Time 10:00-10:30 5:00-5:30 10:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 5:00-5:30 5:30-6:00 10:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 5:00-5:30 5:30-6:00 6:00-6:30 10:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30 5:00-5:30 5:30-6:00 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:00 10:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:30-Noon 5:00-5:30 5:30-6:00 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:00 10:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:30-Noon 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:00 10:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:30-Noon Cost $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 Max 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 Session 5 ARC Learn to Swim - August 15 - August 25, 2016 (8 days) CRN Course Title Day Time Cost Max 12557 Preschool Level 1 M-R 10:00-10:30 $40 5 12558 Preschool Level 2 M-R 10:00-10:30 $40 5 12559 Preschool Level 2 M-R 10:30-11:00 $40 5 12560 Preschool Level 2 M-R 11:00-11:30 $40 5 12561 Preschool Level 2 M-R 5:00-5:30 $40 5 12562 Preschool Level 2 M-R 5:30-6:00 $40 5 12563 Preschool Level 3 M-R 10:00-10:30 $40 5 12564 Preschool Level 3 M-R 10:30-11:00 $40 5 12565 Preschool Level 3 M-R 5:00-5:30 $40 5 12566 Preschool Level 3 M-R 5:30-6:00 $40 5 12567 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills M-R 10:00-10:30 $40 5 12568 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills M-R 10:30-11:00 $40 5 12569 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills M-R 5:00-5:30 $40 5 12570 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills M-R 5:30-6:00 $40 5 12571 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills M-R 10:00-10:30 $40 5 12572 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills M-R 10:30-11:00 $40 5 12573 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills M-R 11:00-11:30 $40 5 12574 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills M-R 11:30-Noon $40 5 12575 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills M-R 5:00-5:30 $40 5 12576 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills M-R 5:30-6:00 $40 5 12577 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills M-R 6:00-6:30 $40 5 12578 Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills M-R 6:30-7:00 $40 5 12579 Level 3 Stroke Development M-R 10:00-10:30 $40 5 12580 Level 3 Stroke Development M-R 10:30-11:00 $40 5 12581 Level 3 Stroke Development M-R 11:00-11:30 $40 5 12582 Level 3 Stroke Development M-R 11:30-Noon $40 5 12583 Level 3 Stroke Development M-R 6:00-6:30 $40 5 12584 Level 3 Stroke Development M-R 6:30-7:00 $40 5 12585 Level 4 Stroke Improvement M-R 10:00-10:30 $40 10 12586 Level 4 Stroke Improvement M-R 10:30-11:00 $40 10 12587 Level 4 Stroke Improvement M-R 11:00-11:30 $40 10 12588 Level 4 Stroke Improvement M-R 11:30-Noon $40 10 12589 Level 4 Stroke Improvement M-R 6:00-6:30 $40 10 12590 Level 4 Stroke Improvement M-R 6:30-7:00 $40 10 12591 Level 5 Stroke Refinement M-R 11:00-Noon $60 10 12592 Level 5 Stroke Refinement M-R 6:00-7:00 $60 10 12593 Level 6 Fitness M-R 11:00-Noon $60 5 12594 Level 6 Fitness M-R 6:00-7:00 $60 5 12595Parent/Child M-R 11:00-11:30 $40 8 12596Parent/Child M-R 11:30-Noon $40 8 12597Parent/Child M-R 5:00-5:30 $40 8 12598Parent/Child M-R 5:30-6:00 $40 8 12599 Private Swim Lesson M-R 10:00-10:30 $75 5 12600 Private Swim Lesson M-R 10:30-11:00 $75 5 12601 Private Swim Lesson M-R 11:00-11:30 $75 5 12602 Private Swim Lesson M-R 11:30-Noon $75 5 12603 Private Swim Lesson M-R 5:00-5:30 $75 5 12604 Private Swim Lesson M-R 5:30-6:00 $75 5 12605 Private Swim Lesson M-R 6:00-6:30 $75 5 12606 Private Swim Lesson M-R 6:30-7:00 $75 5 UCC SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER Day M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R $40 10 $60 10 $60 10 $60 5 $60 5 $40 8 $40 8 $40 8 $40 8 $75 5 $75 5 $75 5 $75 5 $75 5 $75 5 $75 5 $75 5 $40 15 $60 15 community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE Course Title Preschool Level 1 Preschool Level 1 Preschool Level 2 Preschool Level 2 Preschool Level 2 Preschool Level 2 Preschool Level 3 Preschool Level 3 Preschool Level 3 Preschool Level 3 Preschool Level 3 Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills Level 1 Introduction to Water Skills Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills Level 3 Stroke Development Level 3 Stroke Development Level 3 Stroke Development Level 3 Stroke Development Level 3 Stroke Development Level 3 Stroke Development Level 4 Stroke Improvement Level 4 Stroke Improvement Level 4 Stroke Improvement Level 4 Stroke Improvement M-R 6:30-7:00 M-R 11:00-Noon M-R 6:00-7:00 M-R 11:00-Noon M-R 6:00-7:00 M-R 11:00-11:30 M-R 11:30-Noon M-R 5:00-5:30 M-R 5:30-6:00 M-R 10:00-10:30 M-R 10:30-11:00 M-R 11:00-11:30 M-R 11:30-Noon M-R 5:00-5:30 M-R 5:30-6:00 M-R 6:00-6:30 M-R 6:30-7:00 M-R 10:30-11:00 M-R 6:00-7:00 ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT CRN 12502 12503 12504 12505 12506 12507 12508 12509 12510 12511 12512 12513 12514 12515 12516 12517 12518 12519 12520 12521 12522 12523 12524 12525 12526 12527 12528 12529 12530 12531 12532 12533 12534 12535 12536 12537 12538 Level 4 Stroke Improvement 12539 Level 5 Stroke Refinement 12540 Level 5 Stroke Refinement 12541 Level 6 Diving 12542 Level 6 Diving 12543 Parent/Child 12544 Parent/Child 12545Parent/Child 12546Parent/Child 12547 Private Swim Lesson 12548 Private Swim Lesson 12549 Private Swim Lesson 12550 Private Swim Lesson 12551 Private Swim Lesson 12552 Private Swim Lesson 12553 Private Swim Lesson 12554 Private Swim Lesson 12555 Snorkeling (need own gear) 12556 Snorkeling (need own gear) CREDIT SCHEDULE M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R M-R GETTING STARTED Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills Level 2 Fundamental Aquatic Skills Level 3 Stroke Development Level 3 Stroke Development Level 3 Stroke Development Level 3 Stroke Development Level 3 Stroke Development Level 3 Stroke Development Level 4 Stroke Improvement Level 4 Stroke Improvement Level 4 Stroke Improvement Level 4 Stroke Improvement Level 4 Stroke Improvement Level 4 Stroke Improvement Level 5 Stroke Refinement Level 5 Stroke Refinement Level 6 Diving Level 6 Diving Parent/Child Swim Parent/Child Swim Parent/Child Swim Private Swim Lesson Private Swim Lesson Private Swim Lesson Private Swim Lesson Private Swim Lesson Private Swim Lesson Private Swim Lesson Private Swim Lesson COLLEGE OVERVIEW 12415 12416 12417 12418 12419 12420 12421 12422 12423 12424 12425 12426 12427 12428 12429 12430 12431 12432 12433 12434 12435 12436 12437 12438 12439 12440 12441 12442 12443 12444 21 COLLEGE OVERVIEW DEGREES AT-A-GLANCE Scan here with your smartphone to explore programs TRANSFER EDUCATION ASSOCIATE OF ARTS AAOT Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE AS-ABM Agricultural Business Management AS-BASOU Business Administration – SOU AS-CS Computer Science AS-CJ Criminal Justice– SOU AS-ECD Early Childhood Development – SOU AS-ENGREngineering AS-HS Human Services – SOU AS-MUS Music – SOU AS-SUR Surveying and Geomatics ASSOCIATE OF GENERAL STUDIES AGS Associate of General Studies CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION – ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE & CERTIFICATES Apprenticeships and Industrial: AAS-EAT Electrician Apprenticeship Technologies AAS-IMMT Industrial Mechanics & Maint. Technologies Apprenticeship C-EAT Electrician Apprenticeship Technologies C-LEAT Limited Electrical Apprenticeship C-IMMT Industrial Mechanics/Maint. Technology Apprenticeship AAS-WLD Welding C-WLDWelding Automotive Technology: AAS-AUTO AAS-AUTT C-AUP1 C-AUP2 C-AUP3 C-AUP4 Automotive Technology Automotive Technology - T-TEN Automotive Basic Technician* Automotive Advanced Technician* Automotive Basic Technician - T-TEN* Automotive Advanced Technician T-TEN* Business Technology: AAS-ACCTAccounting AAS-MGMT Entry Management AAS-MRKTMarketing C-ENTREntrepreneurship* C-FS Financial Services C-RETL Retail Service (WAFC) C-RMBE Retail Management Business Essentials* C-SDPSupervision Communication Studies: C-PRS C-PRCA C-CSO Public Relations Specialist Public Relations Communications Assistant* Communication Specialist in Organizations* * Indicates Pathway Certificate 22 Computers: AAS-CIS AAS-HI C-CIS C-CINS C-CIMN C-CISA C-CIDA C-CIPR C-CIWD Criminal Justice: AAS-CJ C-JC Computer Information Systems Health Informatics Computer Information Systems CISCO Networking Support Technician* Microsoft Networking Support Technician* Server Administrator* Junior Database Administrator* Junior Programmer* Junior Web Developer* Criminal Justice Juvenile Corrections Early Childhood Education: AAS-ECE Early Childhood Education C-ECE Early Childhood Education C-ECEPInfant/Toddler* C-ECEPPre-school* C-PAED Paraeducator (Instructional Assistant) Engineering Technology: AAS-CIVS Civil Engineering & Surveying C-DFT Engineering and Drafting Technician C-DFTPDrafting* C-SURPSurveying* C-WQT Water Quality* Fitness & Recreation: C-FT Fitness Technician Hospitality & Restaurant Management: C-HRM Hospitality & Restaurant Management Human Services/Public Safety & Health: C-DA Dental Assisting AAS-EMSParamedicine C-EMS Emergency Medical Services* AAS-FRP Fire Science AAS-HS Human Services C-HSAS Addiction Studies C-HSAT Addiction Treatment* C-HSCA Case Aide* AAOT-NUR Pre-Nursing – Practical and Registered Office Technology/Legal and Medical: AAS-EBA Executive Business Assistant AAS-MOA Medical Office Administration C-FOM Front Office Medical Assistant C-MCB Medical Billing & Collections Clerk C-MOT Microsoft Office Technology* C-OA Office Assistant AAS-PARAParalegal C-LA Legal Assistant Transportation: C-TD Professional Truck Driver Viticulture and Enology: AAS-ENO Viticulture and Enology AAS-WBE Wine Business and Entrepreneurship C-VITViticulture C-WMA Wine Marketing Assistant* FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO SUBHEAD GETTING STARTED NEW TO UCC Returning students who have taken college credit classes at UCC in the past, but have been absent for a year or more, need to complete a new application for admission (no fee) to update their records. 1. Complete an Application for Admission online at, or in person at the Welcome Center in the Administration building Review your education path with an advisor in the Advising and Career Service Center. • 2. Submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at by April 1 for priority consideration. Review the current Schedule of Classes and select the courses you wish to register for. • Clear outstanding debt or prior term balances with Student Accounts. • Register online at register-for-classes or in person at the Registration Office at the Welcome Center in the Administration building. 3. Students who have completed coursework at another college or university and are seeking a degree, must submit official transcripts from the previous schools. 4. Complete the mandatory online orientation at and complete the quiz with a 70% or better. Call 541-440-4610 for any questions. 6. Meet with an Academic Advisor to discuss your chosen program, your placement results, and/or choose your first term classes. Must meet with an advisor before registering for classes. Call 541-440-4610 for any questions or scheduling. REGISTRATION IS AVAILABLE FOR ADMITTED, ENROLLED AND RETURNING STUDENTS ONLINE OR IN PERSON. • Update your student record with the Registration Office if your name, address, phone number and/or program of study have recently changed. Details for the classes offered for the term are listed on the following pages. For the most current information on class details (days, times, location, etc.) please check the online class schedule. Follow the instructions below to view what’s available and then to register. TO VIEW OR BROWSE SCHEDULE 1. Go to 2. Click on the Browse the Online Class Schedule button 3. Search by Term: Select Term 4. Click on Submit 5. Select Subject 6. Click on Class Search 7. For more information on any class, including additional fees, space availability, etc. click on course title 2. Click on the Register online now! button 3. Review online instructions, then click on Go to your Student Self service button 4. To login: Enter User ID: Student ID # (8xxxxxxxx) 5. Enter PIN Number (6-15 characters) 6. Click on: STUDENT 7. Click on: REGISTRATION 8. Click on: SELECT TERM; choose the term & click SUBMIT 9. Click on: ADD OR DROP CLASSES 10. Add classes by entering the CRN in the Add Classes Worksheet and click SUBMIT CHANGES, or click CLASS SEARCH to find classes to add 11. When you are done, click on: RETURN TO MENU SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER Please refer to pages 6-7 and 24-25 in this Schedule, which provides additional information with regard to dates, tuition rates, policies and academic regulations. The following is a suggested checklist for students to complete their registration ONLINE CREDIT SCHEDULE 1. Go to: community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE RETURNING TO UCC Make arrangements for payment with Student Accounts. WEB REGISTRATION STEPS ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT 5. Take the college placement tests. Call 541-440-4610 for available times. Want to prepare for the placement tests? Call 541-440-4610 for more info. • Listed below are instructions for web registration. If you encounter any technical problems, call 541-440-7808 Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. - 4 p.m., fall, winter and spring terms. Once you have applied for admission and been admitted to UCC, then seen an advisor, the registration process is easy! Simply click through the lists of options, enter the #s for the courses you wish to take and you’re done! To complete the process, you will need to have your user ID and password ready. CREDIT SCHEDULE • ONLINE REGISTRATION GETTING STARTED IF YOU ARE NEW TO UCC, WE RECOMMEND THE FOLLOWING STEPS TO GET YOU OFF TO A SUCCESSFUL START: • 12. Click on: CONCISE STUDENT SCHEDULE to see your registration 13. Be sure to click the EXIT when finished UCC SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 23 COLLEGE OVERVIEW WHO MAY ENROLL? UCC has an open door policy and admits students in the following categories: • Graduates from accredited secondary schools. • Individuals who have earned the GED Certificate of Equivalency or an Adult High School Diploma. • Non-high school graduates who are 18 years old or over and whose high school class has graduated. • Individuals who are 16 or 17 years old who are not required to attend high school and who furnish a written Release from Compulsory School Attendance may make application as a special student (ORS 339.030). • High school as juniors or seniors who present written approval from their school officials. (Course load must be approved by both schools.) • Some programs have special program requirements other than listed above. Citizens of other countries must meet certain federal immigration and college requirements before admittance to Umpqua Community College. International students can request special application materials from the UCC website. Non-credit students are not required to submit a formal application. EARLY REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT Student who register early for a subsequent term(s) must pay the tuition and fees due. Students with no schedule changes may mail or drop off a check (with their name and identification number) in the Welcome Center by the dates listed for each term. PAYMENT OF TUITION AND FEES Tuition and fees for each term may be paid in one of the following ways: 1. Payment in full or online payment plan by June 20. 2. Approved Financial Aid. Registration AFTER June 20 must be accompanied by payment in full or online payment plan. Failure to pay may result in being dropped from classes. Any unpaid debts will be put into the collections process 30 days after the end of the quarter. Appeals may be submitted to the Finance Office. OUTSTANDING FINES / DEBTS Students who owe library fines or other monies to the college will not be allowed to register until all such debts have been cleared through the Finance/Accounts Office. 24 CANCELLATION OF CLASSES The college reserves the right to cancel any class because of extenuating circumstances, such as low enrollment. REFUNDS Credit Tuition Refunds www.umpqua. edu/cost-aid/tuition-fees Students who withdraw from one or more UCC courses and who have complied with regulations governing withdrawals are entitled to certain refunds of tuition depending on the time of withdrawal. Refunds are limited to students who comply with withdrawal procedures. Consequences for Not Paying The college may take any or all of the following actions if students fail to pay their accounts: • Require immediate payment in full • Block enrollment for future terms • Decline to provide official transcripts • Turn accounts over to collections for non-payment after three months • Assign the debt to the Oregon Department of Revenue to offset any refunds or sums due For more information go online at: FINANCIAL AID Students must apply for financial aid every year by filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA may be submitted as early as January for the next academic year. Applying for financial aid can be time-consuming; a quick response to UCC requests for information can shorten the process. Notification of financial aid awards are e-mailed to student e-mail addresses. More info: Using Student Self Service for Financial Aid 1. Go to 2. Click on Student Self Service 3.Enter: User ID Number (8xxxxxxxx), NOT username (jsmith01) 4.Enter PIN Number 5. Click on FINANCIAL AID UCC reserves the right to adjust student aid funds based on changes in anticipated cost of education, enrollment status, other student resources, and the availability of funds. For additional information, refer to the Student Financial Aid Award Information Booklet at PLACEMENT ASSESSMENT The placement assessment is required for all credit students. It is given on a walk-in basis in Testing Service in the LaVerne Murphy Student Center building. FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO Call 541-440-4610 or come by for available days and times. DROPS / WITHDRAWALS Students registered for classes are considered to be in attendance. Students discontinuing attendance without filing the official drop/ withdrawal form in the Registration Office may receive a failing grade. Recipients of Title IV financial aid are subject to the federal regulations for withdrawals from classes for a term. Students wishing to drop/delete (which does not appear on the academic transcript) from a course(s) must initiate the withdrawal procedure within the first five instructional days of each term (except for classes less than 10 weeks in length). The appropriate form must be filed in the Registration Office. After five days, the following withdrawal (appears on the academic transcript as a “W”) procedures must be followed. WITHDRAWAL FROM UCC To withdraw from all courses, students must get signatures from a counselor and the financial aid office. The withdrawal form must be completed and filed in the Enrollment Services Office. WITHDRAWAL BY INSTRUCTOR Students who register for a class but do not attend the first class, or who contact the instructor before the first class meeting of the term, may be withdrawn by the instructor. STUDENT EDUCATIONAL RECORDS The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), also known as the Buckley Amendment, covers the release and inspection of student educational records. In compliance with FERPA, Umpqua Community College has formulated the Student Records Policy to outline the proper handling and release of these records. See the UCC catalog at www.umpqua. edu. DIRECTORY INFORMATION Umpqua Community College defines certain information as “directory information,” which may be released to a third party upon written request. Students may sign a Directory Information Hold Form to prevent the release of this information. Students who sign the request will not be listed in news releases concerning honor rolls or in commencement publications. ACCESSIBILITY SERVICES Accessibility Services advocates for and empowers students with disabilities. Persons with questions about services or requests for accommodations should contact Accessibility Services at Umpqua Community College, 1140 Umpqua College Road, Roseburg, Oregon 97470. 541-440-7655 / 1-800-735-1232 Oregon Relay TTY 1-800-735-2900 SUBHEAD EQUAL OPPORTUNITY It is the policy of Umpqua Community College to provide equal educational and employment opportunities and to provide service benefits to all students and employees without regard to sex, race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or any other status or characteristic protected by applicable state or federal law. This policy is in accordance with the laws enforced by the Department of Education and Department of Labor, including Presidential Executive Order 11246, as amended by the Civil Rights Act of 1991, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act UCC SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER ONLINE COURSES Online courses appeal to students who need a more flexible schedule, are self-motivated, and able to accomplish much of the required course work independently. Interested students are encouraged to visit www. to view “Is Online Learning for You” or contact an academic advisor at 541-440-4610. TITLE IX UCC is committed to diversity and equal employment/education opportunity. We comply with Title IX, the federal civil rights law. It prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in federally-financed education programs. UCC protects and supports the 1972 Educational Amendments of Title IX. We work to: · Promote equity in academic and athletic programs. · Prevent hostile environments on the basis of sex. · Prohibit sexual harassment and sexual violence. · Protect from retaliation and remedy the effects of other gender-based forms of discrimination. · Investigate and notify the college community of serious or ongoing threats. We work to prevent a recurrence. For more information on Title IX issues or to file a sex discrimination complaint, contact Lynn Johnson, Director of Human Resources: 541.440.7690 or community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE BUS SERVICE UCC students (enrolled for college credit or other credit) can ride the bus at a reduced cost. The “U” pass can be purchased from the Cashier in the Finance Office in Lockwood Hall. For more information, call Umpqua Transit at 541-440-6500. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Students are to read and abide by the contents of the current UCC Catalog, which sets forth the terms and conditions of enrollment and supersedes and replaces any previous Catalog. Circumstances will undoubtedly require that the policies, procedures, rules, and benefits described in this Catalog change from time to time as the College deems necessary or appropriate, and those changes will be valid when approved by UCC administration and/ or voted by the Board of Trustees. Those changes will be posted on the UCC website and when appropriate, will be incorporated in future editions of the UCC Catalog. ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT SMOKING Smoking and tobacco use are not permitted inside the perimeter of any Umpqua Community College property. Designated smoking areas are provided near parking lots on the outside perimeter of campus. Marijuana is not permitted on campus. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE A grievance procedure and binding arbitration is provided for any dispute or claim (including those based upon a statute, tort, or public policy) that a student has with the College regarding the terms and conditions of enrollment by the College CREDIT SCHEDULE PARKING Umpqua Community College provides ample parking spaces near and around all campus buildings. Students may park in any space, except for staff (green) and visitor (white) and those reserved for persons with a disabled person parking permit, which are marked in blue with signs. Stickers and placards required to park in disabled parking spaces are issued by the Oregon Division of Motor Vehicles. Please note that traffic citations will be issued for improperly parked vehicles. For more information, go to STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT Students at Umpqua Community College are expected to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with an educational environment and in accordance with standards of the college that perpetuate its educational purpose. Students can access the Student Code of Conduct online at A hard copy of the document is available in the Student Life Office in the Campus Center. of 1973, the Age Discrimination Acts of 197475, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Oregon Revised Statute 659.030. Inquiries regarding application of these and other regulations should be directed to the College’s Human Resources Office 541-4404626, the Office of the Vice President of Student Services 541-440-4631; the Office of Civil Rights, Department of Education Office, Seattle, Washington; or the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Department of Labor, San Francisco, California. It is the policy of Umpqua Community College and their Board that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of sex, race, color, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, age or disability in any educational programs, activities, or employment. Persons having questions about equal opportunity and nondiscrimination should contact the Vice President of Student Services, phone 541440-4631 or Oregon Relay 800-735-2900. Persons having questions about or requests for special needs and accommodation should contact the Accessibilities Services Coordinator at Umpqua Community College Counseling Office, 1140 Umpqua College Road, Roseburg, Oregon 97470. Phone 541-440-7655. Contact should be made 48-72 hours in advance of the event. (Oregon Relay TTY 1-800-735-2900). GETTING STARTED STUDENT ID CARDS All registered students are entitled to an ID card. The ID card serves as official UCC photo identification and can be used as a UCC library card. ID cards are available from the Information Desk in the Student Center. Students must show a copy of their current class schedule and another form of photo id. Call 541-440-4600 for ID processing hours. ID cards must be validated each term. Validation stickers are available from the Information Desk in the LaVerne Murphy Student Center, from the cashier in the Del Blanchard Welcome Center/Administration building, and at the library desk. CAMPUS SECURITY POLICY Campus security coverage is maintained seven days a week. Security staff may be contacted by calling 541-440-7777 or dialing 7777 from any campus extension. In addition to providing a safe working environment, Campus Security enforces traffic and parking regulations, promotes crime prevention and secures the college buildings and facilities. Campus crime information is collected annually and is available upon request. COLLEGE OVERVIEW STUDENT HEALTH (ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS) INSURANCE Umpqua Community College no longer offers student accident/sickness insurance. For more information, contact the Student Life Office at 541-440-7749. 25 COLLEGE OVERVIEW RESOURCES FOR SUCCESS ADVISING, COUNSELING, AND RECRUITMENT SERVICES PROGRAM ADVISING & CLASS SELECTION STUDENT ADVISING Unofficial Degree Evaluations Mary Morris. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4610 CAREER NETWORK Experiential Learning Student Employment Opportunities Ben Horvath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7797 COUNSELING SERVICES Confidential Crisis Counseling Short-term 1 Hour Appointments Cafeteria-Bistro. . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7900 ACCESSIBILITY SERVICES Educational Accommodations Learning, Physical, Psychological & Other Danielle Haskett. . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7655 ATHLETICS LIBRARY UCC actively participates in men’s basketball, women’s basketball, and women’s volleyball. UCC is a member of the Northwest Athletic Association of Community Colleges (NWAC). Competition comes from community colleges in Oregon, Washington, and Northern California. Contact: Cheryl Yoder, Athletic Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7729 Call 541-440-4640 or visit www.ucclibrary. com for information and hours. BOOKSTORE The UCC Bookstore is located in the Campus Center Building. Bookstore hours are listed at the front of this schedule. Students are encouraged to bring their class schedules to ensure the purchase of the correct textbooks for all classes. Many textbooks can now be purchased online from the UCC Bookstore at www.umpqua. edu/ bookstore. The textbook buy-back is Wednesday and Thursday of finals week for fall, winter and spring terms, and during August for Summer term. TESTING SERVICES GED Test, Placement Test & Proctor Exams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4610 ENROLLMENT SERVICES Located in the Welcome Center Services include: Admissions Registration Academic Transcript requests Verification of Enrollment requests Evaluation of transfer credit Degree Audit Evaluations Graduation Cashier Contacts: Admissions LaVera Noland. . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4662 Registration assistance Brenna Hobbs. . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4617 Academic transcripts Amanda Shirley. . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4604 26 FORD CHILDHOOD ENRICHMENT CENTER The Center offers quality child care on campus and provides a safe and nurturing environment that promotes social, physical, and cognitive development for children 6 weeks through 5 years of age. The Center also functions as a training laboratory for students in Early Childhood Education. Children may attend part or full time. Cost is determined by the number of hours care is needed. Some financial assistance is available from a federal grant for qualified student candidates. Applications are accepted throughout the year. For more information, visit the child care office in the Ford Childhood Enrichment Center, or phone Nora Bing, Center Director at 541-440-4650 or 541-440-7741. Child care is available Monday through Friday, 7:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO STUDENT LIFE AND CAMPUS ENGAGEMENT OFFICE The Student Life and Campus Engagement Office provides programs and opportunities for students that enhance the UCC experience and promote a sense of community; we support student leadership, clubs and organizations, student programs and campus activities. Located in the LaVerne Murphy Student Center Contact: Diana Kelly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7749 STUDENT AMBASSADORS Student Ambassadors are a first point of contact for prospective students, current students, the campus and community, providing direction and assistance as needed. LaVerne Murphy Student Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7873 PEER MENTORS Peer Mentors assist students on a variety of academic and non-academic issues and help students navigate the college from the perspective of a student who has already done so. LaVerne Murphy Student Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7949 Veteran Peer Mentor. . . . . . . 541-440-4669 ASUCC STUDENT LEADERSHIP The student leadership team is comprised of both elected and appointed student leaders, who provide representation for student interests and needs. ASUCC provides several student support services, including Project CANS (Food Pantry), Emergency Gas Vouchers, Subsidized Bus Passes, Backpacks/ Supplies and the Textbook Reserve. Student Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7849 FINANCIAL AID The Financial Aid Office serves as a resource for students wishing to further their educational goals. Resources available include: Federal Aid awarded through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). These awards consist of Pell Grants, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, Work Study and the Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans. The Oregon Opportunity Grant is available from the state also through the FAFSA application. Located in the Laverne Murphy Student Center: Director: Michelle Bergmann Financial Aid Office . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4602 SUBHEAD UCCOnline is here to help you! UCC offers many courses that are fully online or face-to-face with online enhancements. For students new to online learning, UCCOnline offers orientations the first and second day of each term. For current orientation and Help Lab information, Canvas and Angel tutorials, please visit our website. UCC ONLINE & EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ESB 34 • Monday–Thursday • 8 a.m.–5 p.m. • 541.440.7685 Putting the Scholarship Pieces Together Help Pay for College Need help putting theTo scholarship pieces together ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT to help pay for college? Visit UCC’s website at community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE for scholarship information and resources. Outside Agency Opportunities UCC Foundation Scholarships OSAC and state specific scholarships FAFSA and Federal Scholarship Opportuniies UCC SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 27 Visit UCC’s website at for scholarship information and resources. SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER VETERANS’ STUDENT CENTER A dedicated space for our students who served or are serving in the armed forces. Located in the Educational Skills Building Contact: Diana Kelly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4600 Veterans Work Study. . . . . . . . 541-440-4669 Students can also access 24/7 tutoring through SmarThinking on personal Canvas accounts in the majority of subject areas. Students who need assistance with navigating the financial aid process to gaining tips on how to manage test anxiety also have access to StudentLingo. Please check out the Success Center website at CREDIT SCHEDULE VETERANS & FEDERAL WORK STUDY Located in the Laverne Murphy Campus Center The Veterans Services Office provides assistance to veterans and their eligible dependents to apply for and receive Veterans Administration educational benefits, VA work study and other supportive services. This office also assists students who have been awarded Federal Work study with securing a position. Contact: Ann Abel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4621 The Success Center is dedicated to providing resources to students on campus to supplement their coursework and augment personal studying. Students can visit the Success Center to receive tutoring in most subject areas. There are also sixteen desktop computers that can be used for printing and completing class work in addition to laptops that can be checked out at the student’s convenience. GETTING STARTED TRiO SSS/TRANSFER OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM The TRiO SSS/Transfer Opportunity Program is a federally funded program to help low-income and first-generation students complete transfer coursework at UCC and transition to a university. We provide advising, financial aid assistance, tutoring, campus visits and mentorship. Director: Caroline Randall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-7771 Program Assistant: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4712 SUCCESS CENTER COLLEGE OVERVIEW TRiO EDUCATIONAL TALENT SEARCH (ETS) AND UPWARD BOUND (UB) ETS serves seven high schools (Roseburg, Douglas, South Umpqua, Riddle, Sutherlin, Oakland, and Glide) and five middle schools (Fremont, Joseph Lane, Coffenberry, Winston, and Sutherlin) in Douglas County. Advisors guide students through information on careers, financial literacy, college fit, study skills, and class advising. High school seniors receive hands-on assistance in college and scholarship applications. UB serves 3 high schools (Roseburg, Douglas, and South Umpqua) in Douglas County. Coordinators meet with their students many times throughout the year and hold Saturday Seminars with college admission test preparation and community service projects. In addition there is a 6-week summer academy that builds skills in core subject areas. Contacts: Missy Olson, Director. . . . . . . . 541-440-7765 Cathy Adkins, Assistant. . . . . . 541-440-4606 CREDIT SCHEDULE SEE PAGE 6 FOR SUMMER TERM DATES CRNSUBJ CRSE # COURSE TITLE CR DAYS TIME LOCATION INSTRUCTOR TUIT FEE BEG / END DIST CREDIT SCHEDULE READING THE SCHEDULE CRN course tuition (see terms below) dates of class number title day of week class location CRNSUBJCRSE # COURSE TITLE CR DAYS TIME LOCATION INSTRUCTOR TUIT 12036 WR 12037 WR 12039 WR 12038 WR 115 115 121 121 4 4 4 4 T R Online T R T R 1100 - 1250 1100 - 1250 1300 - 1450 RV 103 RV 102 RV 102 Ory Hendee 25.00 Friedman Friedman subject course number (see the 2016-17 UCC Catalog for class descriptions.) Intro to Expos Writing Intro to Expos Writing English Comp: Expo English Comp: Expo TERMS TUITION A “blank” space in the tuition column refers to standard rates per credit outlined on page 7. DISTRIBUTION ATTRIBUTE Meets degree distribution requirement. EVENING CLASSES Evening classes are shaded. DAYS OF THE WEEK M=Monday T=Tuesday W=Wednesday R=Thursday F=Friday S=Saturday U=Sunday The class meets all days listed. For example: TR = class meets Tuesday AND Thursday SU = class meets Saturday AND Sunday MTWF = class meets Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday AND Friday 28 credits time of day ABBREVIATIONS ADM Welcome Center/ Administration Building LaVerne Murphy Student Center CC CDFD2 Douglas County Fire District 2 1290 NE Cedar St., Roseburg DDEN Diver’s Den – 2333 NE Diamond Lk Blvd., Roseburg ESB Educational Skills Bldg. FFC Ford Childhood Enrichment Center FLCH Faith Lutheran 820 W. Kenwood, Roseburg HNSC Bonnie Ford Health, Nursing and Science Center HOSP Mercy Hospital 2460 Stewart Parkway, Roseburg IDLEYLD Oregon Ridge & Rivers Excursions (or ORRE) 121 Tioga Ln., Idleyld LIBLibrary JH Jackson Hall LANG Lang Teaching, Learning & Event Center (SOWI) LH Lockwood Hall LTC Long-Term Care Facility– check with instructor NDFD North County Fire & EMS (or DRFD) 531 Cedar St., Drain NSRC Mercy Hospital Nursing Science Resource Center 2460 Stewart Parkway, Rsbg PRESBY Presbyterian Church 823 SE Lane, Roseburg PE (or GYM) Physical Education Bldg. RPC Round Prairie Campus (Truck Driving 6482 Dole Rd. I-5 Classes) (exit 113) Round Prairie instructor FEE fee BEG / END DISTR 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 distribution attribute (see terms below.) RHS Roseburg High School RMA Roseburg Municipal Airport RV Riverview (Modular Buildings) SCI Science Building SCJC South County JOBS Center 560 SW Chadwick, Myrtle Crk SHARP Dr. Sharp 1683 W. Harvard, Roseburg SNY Snyder Hall Southern Oregon Wine Institute SOWI Danny Lang Teaching, Learning & Event Center SUHS South Umpqua High School TBA Location to be arranged TC Technology Center TENDWN TenDown Bowling Alley 2400 NE Diamond Lake Blvd. Roseburg TOWER Tower Building UGR Umpqua Golf Resort Sutherlin UMPBUS Umpqua Business Center 522 SE Washington Ave. Roseburg VAMC Veterans Administration Medical Center 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd. Roseburg WCH Wayne Crooch Hall WFA Whipple Fine Arts Building WOOLLEY CTR H. Woolley Center 1634 W. Harvard, Roseburg WTC Workforce Training Center 2555 NE Diamond Lake Blvd. Roseburg FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO CREDIT COURSES FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON UCCONLINE COURSES, see page 23. ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT / ADULT HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA, see page 44. CONTACT WOOLLEY CENTER AT 440-4603 FOR INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION CRNSUBJ CRSE # COURSE TITLE CR DAYS TIME LOCATION 3 3 T R T R 1700 - 1950 1700 - 1950 SUHS SHOP SUHS SHOP 12610 MFG 111 12611 MFG 112 Machine Shop I Machine Shop II FEE BEG / END DIST COLLEGE OVERVIEW APPRENTICESHIP INSTRUCTOR TUIT CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES ART Mack Mack 125.00 125.00 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES Raku-Alternative Ceramics 3 M W 1600 - 1820 WFA 23 Price, G 25.00 Ceramics 3 T R 1300 - 1520 WFA 23 Isto 25.00 Ceramics 3 T R 1600 - 1820 WFA 23 Isto 25.00 Ceramics Hand Building 3 M W 1530 - 1750 WFA 23 Price, G 25.00 *CWE: Graphics Arts 1v TBA TBA TBA Rochester 50% tuit 17.50/cr *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. Must be pursuing a certificate or AAOT in Art. *Ind Study - Ceramics 1v TBA TBA TBA STAFF 50% tuit 17.50/cr *Ind. Study requires consultation with the supervising instructor and approval by the department chair before registration. Add’l fee $25. *Intro to PhotoShop 3 Online Horne 25.00 *This course requires students to subscribe to Adobe Creative Cloud. Contact instructor for information. AUTOMOTIVE 12008 AUT 280 12009 TTEN 280 TBA TBA TBA TBA Blakely Blakely 50% tuit 17.50/cr 50% tuit 17.50/cr 06/20 - 08/25 TECH 06/20 - 08/25 TECH CREDIT SCHEDULE COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 07/21 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 TECH TECH TECH TECH STAFF 25.00 STAFF STAFF Joyce 25.00 Joyce 25.00 STAFF 25.00 STAFF STAFF 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 07/11 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH STAFF 06/20 - 08/25 TECH,HUMA 25.00 TECH TECH community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE T R 0900 - 1150 RV 101 M T W R 1300 - 1450 RV 101 Online Listening 3 Fund of Speech 4 Interpersonal Communications 3 Armstrong, B 25.00 STAFF 25.00 STAFF 25.00 Armstrong, B 25.00 STAFF 25.00 Gresham 25.00 Joyce Joyce Joyce Joyce ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT 12075 SP 12076 SP 12077 SP CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES Intro to Windows and PC’s 3 M T W 1300 - 1450 WCH 11 Intro to CIS 4 M T W R 1000 - 1150 WCH 11 Intro to CIS 4 Online Intro to CIS 4 Online Computer Apps-Databases 3 Online Computer Apps-E-mail 2 Online Computer Apps - Presentation SW2 Online Computer Apps - Spreadsheets 2 Online Intro to Linux OS 4 Online *CWE: CIS 1v TBA TBA TBA *CWE: Health Informatics 1v TBA TBA TBA *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. Cosby Cosby Usrey 25.00 06/20 - 07/21 HUMA 06/20 - 07/21 HUMA 06/20 - 07/21 HUMA CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES Miller, K. Blackwood, J 5.00 Blackwood, J 25.00 Miller, K. 25.00 Miller, K. 25.00 Miller, K. 25.00 Miller, K. 25.00 Miller, K. 25.00 Blackwood, J 25.00 Blackwood, J 50% tuit 17.50/cr Blackwood, J 50% tuit 17.50/cr 07/25 - 08/25 06/20 - 07/21 06/20 - 07/21 07/25 - 08/25 07/25 - 08/25 07/25 - 08/25 07/25 - 08/25 07/25 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 UCC SCHEDULE TECH SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER 12058 CIS 100 12059 CIS 120 12060 CIS 120 12061 CIS 120 12062 CIS 125D 12063 CIS 125E 12064 CIS 125R 12065 CIS 125S 12066 CIS 140L 12067 CIS 280 12096 CIS 280D 06/20 - 08/25 CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES Intro to Business 4 Online Customer Service 3 Online Business Math I 3 Online Principles of Acctg III 3 Online Business Communications 3 Online Business Law 4 Online *CWE: Business 1v TBA TBA TBA *CWE: Accounting 1v TBA TBA TBA *CWE: Marketing 1v TBA TBA TBA *CWE: Management 1v TBA TBA TBA *For BA 280, 280A, B, C - Credits variable. Instructor approval required. CWE: Seminar I 1 Online CWE: Seminar II 1 TBA TBA TBA CWE: Seminar III 1 TBA TBA TBA Medical Terminology I 3 Online Medical Terminology II 3 Online Alpha Keyboarding 2 Online *CWE: Admin Asst 1v TBA TBA TBA *CWE: Medical Admin Asst 1v TBA TBA TBA *For OA 280A, C - Credits variable. Instructor approval required. Human Relations-Supervisors 3 Online COMMUNICATION STUDIES 105 111 218 06/20 - 08/25 CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES *CWE-Automotive 1v TBA *CWE: Automotive Toyota 1v TBA *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. BUSINESS 12010 BA 101 12011 BA 165 12012 BA 180 12014 BA 213 12015 BA 214 12017 BA 226 12018 BA 280 12019 BA 280A 12020 BA 280B 12021 BA 280C 12022 CWE 161 12094 CWE 162 12095 CWE 163 12068 MED 111 12069 MED 112 12071 OA 110 12072 OA 280A 12073 OA 280C 12074 SDP 113 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 TECH GETTING STARTED 12627 ART 199 12001 ART 250 12002 ART 250 12003 ART 253 12004 ART 280 12005 ART 298 12006 VC 130 TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH SUMMER 2016 29 CREDIT SCHEDULE SEE PAGE 6 FOR SUMMER TERM DATES CRNSUBJ CRSE # COURSE TITLE CR CRIMINAL JUSTICE 12078 CJ 105 12079 CJ 232 12080 CJ 280 INSTRUCTOR TUIT FEE BEG / END DIST CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES Vogel 25.00 Pierce Willbanks 50% tuit 17.50/cr 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 TECH CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES Learning & Development EMT Part 2 Paramedic Part 4 Paramedic Field Internship ENGINEERING 12085 CIV 280 12086 WQT 280 LOCATION 3 MW 5 6 4 T R M W TBA EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 12082 EMS 152 12083 EMS 254 12084 EMS 263 TIME Concepts of Criminal Law 3 Online Intro to Corrections Casework 3 M 1400 - 1650 JH 12 *CWE: Criminal Justice 1v TBA TBA TBA *For CJ 280 - Credits variable. Instructor approval required. EDUCATION 12081 ED 229 DAYS 0900 - 1150 RV 104 1200 - 1550 1200 - 1550 TBA PE 10 PE 10 TBA Bernhardson 06/20 - 07/21 CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES Pospisil Kennedy Kennedy 350.00 500.00 200.00 06/20 - 08/25 TECH 06/20 - 08/25 TECH 06/20 - 08/25 TECH CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES *CWE: Engineering 1v TBA TBA TBA Baumgartner 06/20 - 08/25 TECH *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. *CWE: Water Quality 1V TBA TBA TBA Baumgartner 06/20 - 08/25 TECH *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. FIRE SCIENCE CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES 12087 FRP 201B Swiftwater Rescue 1 F 1830 - 2130 SUTHFD Wecks 50.00 S 0800 - 1800 TC 101 Wecks U 0800 - 1800 Field Day Wecks *Instructor approval required. 12088 FRP 280 *Fire Related Skills 2 TBA TBA TBA King, J 50% tuit 17.50/cr *Instructor approval required. Add’l $50 fee. HUMANITIES 07/08 - 07/08 TECH 07/16 - 07/16 07/17 - 07/17 06/20 - 08/25 TECH CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES 12092 ENG 105 *Intro to Literature 4 W R 1000 - 1350 RV 102 Michell 185.00 08/31 - 09/01 A&L T 1000 - 1150 RV 102 09/06 - 09/06 T W R 1000 - 2200 ASHLD 09/06 - 09/08 12093 ENG 201 *Shakespeare 4 W R 1000 - 1350 RV 102 Michell 185.00 08/31 - 09/01 A&L T 1000 - 1150 RV 102 09/06 - 09/06 T W R 1000 - 2200 ASHLD 09/06 - 09/08 *$185.00 NON-Refundable course fee covers the cost of OSF tickets and classes. Students will travel to Ashland for an 8 pm performance on Tuesday 9/6 and additional performances on Wednesday 9/7 and Thursday 9/8. Students may contact Jill Michell at 541-440-2253 for questions or more information. 12097 ENG 250 Intro to Mythology 4 Online Smith, G 25.00 06/20 - 08/25 A&L HUMAN SERVICES 12090 HS 265 12091 HS 280 Counseling Skills II 3 T R *CWE: Human Svcs. 1v TBA *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES 0900 - 1150 TBA JH 10 TBA Martel Angeli-Gade 50% tuit 17.50/cr 06/20 - 07/21 06/20 - 08/25 TECH DEDICATED LEARNING COMMUNITIES For information on Dedicated Learning Communities classes and to register, see Clara Smithey in the Learning Commons or call 541-440-4715. Practicing Success - Students must register for the following 4 classes as a group - no substitutions. 12298 RD 090 College Text Reading 3 T W R 1000 - 1050 ESB 9 Gambill 12302 HD 136 Strategies for Success 3 T W R 1100 - 1150 ESB 9 Gambill 12305 WR 095 College Writing Fund 3 T W R 1300 - 1350 ESB 9 Gambill 12307 HD 107 Practicing Study Skills 2 T R 1400 - 1450 ESB 9 Gambill MATHEMATICS 12164 MTH 020 12046 MTH 060 12047 MTH 065 12048 MTH 095 12049 MTH 111 12050 MTH 020 12051 MTH 060 12052 MTH 065 12053 MTH 095 12054 MTH 111 12055 MTH 112 12057 MTH 243 30 Pre-Algebra 4 M T W R 1000 - 1150 Intro to Algebra 4 M T W R 0800 - 0950 Elementary Algebra 4 M T W R 0800 - 0950 Intermediate Algebra 4 M T W R 1000 - 1150 College Algebra 5 M T W R 1000 - 1215 Pre-algebra 4 M T W R 1000 - 1150 Intro to Algebra 4 M T W R 0800 - 0950 Elementary Algebra 4 M T W R 1000 - 1150 Intermediate Algebra 4 M T W R 0800 - 0950 College Algebra 5 M T W R 1000 - 1215 Elementary Functions 4 M T W R 1000 - 1150 *Intro to Probability-Stats 5 Online *Required orientation session Monday, 6/20, 1730 - 1830 in WCH 11. 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES JH 17 JH 17 JH 16 JH 11 WCH 14 JH 14 JH 11 JH 11 JH 16 JH 16 WCH 14 Matteo Provencal Matteo STAFF Stinnett Frank Vogt Vogt Kramer Kramer Stinnett Stinnett 25.00 FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO 06/20 - 07/21 06/20 - 07/21 06/20 - 07/21 06/20 - 07/21 06/20 - 07/21 07/25 - 08/25 07/25 - 08/25 07/25 - 08/25 07/25 - 08/25 07/25 - 08/25 07/25 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 MTH MTH MTH MTH SUMMER TERM CLASSES REGISTRATION IS EASY: IN PERSON PAGE 23 ONLINE PAGE 23 CRNSUBJ CRSE # COURSE TITLE MUSIC CR DAYS TIME LOCATION INSTRUCTOR TUIT FEE BEG / END DIST CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES NURSING CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES OUTDOOR RECREATION 06/20 - 08/25 TECH STAFF 375.00 STAFF 06/20 - 08/25 TECH 06/20 - 08/25 Sullivan, C 25.00 Sullivan, C 25.00 Zammetti 25.00 Sullivan, C 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 TECH TECH TECH TECH CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES S U S M S M S R F S U T R T R S U 0800 - 1750 0800 - 1750 0800 - 1750 1800 - 2120 1030 - 1230 1800 - 2120 1030 - 1230 1900 - 2120 1200 - 1750 1900 - 2220 1900 - 2220 1900 - 2120 1900 - 2220 TBA ADM ADM ADM PE 11 POOL PE 11 POOL POOL POOL DDEN POOL DDEN POOL TBA Orton 90.00 Orton 90.00 Orton 100.00 Ferris 75.00 Ferris Ferris 215.00 Ferris Ferris 175.00 Ferris Ferris 175.00 Ferris Ferris 125.00 Ferris Ferris 07/09 - 07/16 07/10 - 07/17 07/24 - 07/31 07/25 - 08/01 07/30 - 08/06 07/25 - 08/15 07/30 - 08/20 08/04 - 08/04 08/05 - 08/07 08/09 - 08/23 08/11 - 08/25 08/30 - 08/30 09/01 - 09/01 09/03 - 09/04 ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT 12126 PE 110 Intro to Rock Climbing 1 12127 PE 110 Intro to Rock Climbing 1 12128 PE 210 Rock Climbing I 1 12130 PE 115 Discover SCUBA 1 12131 PE 211 Open Water SCUBA 2 12132 PE 242 Adv. SCUBA 1 12133 PE 294S Rescue Diver 1 12134 PE 243 Altitude Diver 1 CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES First Aid 3 M T W R 1330 - 1450 PE 11 Snook 5.00 06/20 - 07/21 Wellness-Hlth Assess 3 M T W R 1000 - 1150 PE 10 Snook 5.00 06/20 - 07/21 Wellness-Hlth Assess 3 Online Stricklin 30.00 06/20 - 08/25 Wellness-Hlth Assess 3 Online Stricklin 30.00 06/20 - 07/21 Wellness-Hlth Assess 3 Online Leeworthy 30.00 07/25 - 08/25 *Fitness Center - Aerobic 1 TBA TBA PE 12 Bartram 35.00 06/20 - 08/25 *Fitness Center - Basics 1 TBA TBA PE 12 STAFF 35.00 06/20 - 08/25 *Fitness Center - Strength 1 TBA TBA PE 12 Leonard 35.00 06/20 - 08/25 *Students for PE 185F Fitness Center must attend orientation on either M, W or F, 1st week of class, 1200 - 1300, OR instructor must be contacted by Thursday, 6/23. *Students must have completed PE 185FB Basics before registering for PE 185FA Aerobic and/or PE 185 FS-Strength. Fitness Center 1 TBA TBA PE 12 Bartram 35.00 06/20 - 08/25 Self Defense A 1 M W 1100 - 1220 PE 14 Leonard 10.00 06/20 - 08/25 Self Defense B 1 M W 1100 - 1220 PE 14 Leonard 10.00 06/20 - 08/25 Self Defense C 1 M W 1100 - 1220 PE 14 Leonard 10.00 06/20 - 08/25 Beginning Waterpolo 1 M T W R 1200 - 1320 POOL Snook 5.00 06/20 - 07/21 Swim Fitness 1 M W 1200 - 1320 POOL STAFF 5.00 07/25 - 08/25 Beginning Golf 1 M T W R 0800 - 0920 UGR COURSE Snook 51.00 06/20 - 07/21 Step and Pump 1 T R 0830 - 0950 PE 14 Conn 5.00 06/20 - 07/21 SUMMER 2016 SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER UCC SCHEDULE community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE 12135 HE 252 12136 HPE 295 12137 HPE 295 12138 HPE 295 12139 HPE 295 12140 PE 185FA 12141 PE 185FB 12142 PE 185FS 12143 PE 0.582 12145 PE 185MA 12146 PE 185MB 12147 PE 185MC 12148 PE 185O 12149 PE 185QF 12150 PE 185G 12151 PE 185S Myler CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES Legal Terminology 3 Online Civil Procedures 3 Online Ethics for Legal Profession 3 Online *CWE: Legal Assistant 1v TBA TBA TBA *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. PHYSICAL EDUCATION 06/20 - 07/19 TECH 06/23 - 07/14 07/20 - 08/04 CREDIT SCHEDULE 12122 LA 102 12123 LA 105 12124 LA 132 12125 LA 280 Helsley 175.00 Helsley Helsley GETTING STARTED 12118 NRS 101 Nursing Assistant 9 MTW 0800 - 1150 WCH 20 R 0800 - 1530 WCH 20 M T W R 0600 - 1430 HOSP *Instructor approval required. Contact Nursing Department to register - 541-440-4614. 12119 NRS 280 *CWE: Nursing 1v TBA TBA TBA *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. 12120 PN 103 *Practical Nursing-Lab Reqd 9 W 0800 - 1150 WCH 10 12121 PN 103 Practical Nursing Lab W 1300 - 1700 NSRC PARALEGAL COLLEGE OVERVIEW *Individual lessons are variable credits—specify 1 or 2 credits when you register. Any student registering for an Individual Music Lesson MUST contact the Fine and Performing Arts Program Assistant (541-440-4691) in order to get contact information for the instructor. It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to establish contact with the instructor during or before the FIRST WEEK OF CLASSES. Failure to do so will result in the student being dropped from roster, and possible forfeiture of tuition and fees. 12034 MUP 114 General Ensemble 1 TBA WFA CNTRSTAGE Heald, J 06/20 - 08/25 12114 MUP 151 Music Theatre 3 TBA WFA CNTRSTAGE Heald, J 06/20 - 08/25 12115 MUP 180A *Ind. Lessons: Guitar 1v TBA TBA TBA Heald, J 150/cr 06/20 - 07/21 12116 MUP 280A *Ind. Lessons: Guitar 1v TBA TBA TBA Heald, J 150/cr 06/20 - 07/21 *For Individual lessons, most are variable credits (1-2). 12117 MUS 105 Intro to Rock History 3 T R 1300 - 1550 CNTRSTAGE Heald, J 06/20 - 07/21 31 CREDIT SCHEDULE SEE PAGE 6 FOR SUMMER TERM DATES CRNSUBJ CRSE # COURSE TITLE CR DAYS TIME LOCATION INSTRUCTOR TUIT FEE BEG / END DIST PHYSICAL EDUCATION, continued 12152 PE 185Y 12153 PE 185Y 12154 PE 185YI 12155 PE 185VW 12156 PE 280 Yoga 1 T R 0730 - 0850 GYM Williams, S 5.00 06/20 - 08/25 Yoga 1 M W 0730 - 0850 GYM Brodun 5.00 06/20 - 08/25 Intermediate Yoga 1 M W 0730 - 0850 GYM Brodun 5.00 06/20 - 08/25 Volleyball-Phys Cond 1 M T W R F 0900 - 0950 GYM Pinard 5.00 07/25 - 08/25 *CWE-Fitness Tech 1v TBA TBA TBA Leonard 17.50/cr 07/25 - 08/25 *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. SCIENCE 12607 BI 12608 BI 12157 BI 12098 BI 12099 BI 12100 BI 12101 BI 12102 BI 12104 BI 12105 CH 12106 CH 12108 CH 12109 CH 12158 FN 12159 GS 12160 GS 101 101 222 233 233 233 233 233 234 104 104 112 112 225 107 107 CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES Gen Biology-Lab Reqd Gen Biology Lab Genetics Anat and Phys-Lab Reqd Anat and Phys-Lab Reqd Anat and Phys Lab Anat and Phys Lab Anat and Phys Lab Microbiology Intro to Chem-Lab Reqd Intro to Chem-Lab Fund-Chemistry-Lab Reqd Fund-Chemistry Lab Human Nutrition Beginning Astronomy Beginning Astronomy SOCIAL SCIENCES 12023 HST 12024 HST 12025 PSY 12026 PSY 12027 PSY 12028 PSY 12029 PSY 12030 PSY 12031 SOC 12032 SOC 104 201 101 101 101 201 202 203 204 205 4 0 3 4 4 0 0 0 4 4 0 5 0 4 4 4 Online T 0900 - 1450 SCI 16 R 0800 - 1050 SCI 17 W 1800 - 2050 SCI 10 R 1500 - 1750 SCI 10 T 1200 - 1450 SCI 11 T 1500 - 1750 SCI 11 M 1800 - 2050 SCI 11 M W R 1200 - 1350 SCI 16 M T W 0900 - 1050 SCI 10 M T 1100 - 1350 SCI 15 M T W 0900 - 1120 SCI 10 M T 1140 - 1430 SCI 15 Online Online Online 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 M W 1700 - 1950 JH 10 M W 1200 - 1450 JH 10 M T W R 1000 - 1150 JH 18 M T W R 1100 - 1215 RV 104 Online Online Online Online M W 0900 - 1150 JH 18 T R 0900 - 1150 JH 18 World History History of United States Psy of Human Relations Psy of Human Relations Psy of Human Relations General Psychology General Psychology General Psychology Intro to Sociology Inst-Social Change THEATRE Young Young Woodcock Diemer Vannice, L 25.00 Vannice, L 25.00 Willis 25.00 Willis 25.00 Smith, E Smith, E 06/20 - 07/21 06/20 - 07/21 06/27 - 07/21 07/25 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 07/25 - 08/25 07/25 - 08/25 SOSC SOSC HUMR,SOSC HUMR,SOSC HUMR,SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES Truck driving courses are offered in 4-week sessions. For more information and session dates, please contact Judy Ode at 541-440-7691. 12161 VE 103 12162 VE 103 12163 VE 280 12113 SPAN 103 WRITING 115 115 121 121 121 122 122 123 227 227 CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES Soils-Nutri-Irrig-Lab Reqd 4 Hybrid *Soils-Nutri-Irrig-Lab 0 S 0800 - 1700 VIT LAB *Required labs scheduled Saturday, 6/25, 7/9, 7/23, and 8/6, 9 am - 5 pm in the Viticulture Lab *CWE-Viticulture 2 TBA TBA TBA *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. WORLD LANGUAGES 32 SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES VITICULTURE AND ENOLOGY 12036 WR 12037 WR 12039 WR 12038 WR 12040 WR 12110 WR 12041 WR 12042 WR 12043 WR 12044 WR 06/20 - 07/21 06/20 - 07/21 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 07/21 06/20 - 07/21 07/25 - 08/25 07/25 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES TRUCK TRANSPORTATION AND LOGISTICS Green 25.00 Green 14.00 Benz Richards Richards Richards 14.00 Richards 14.00 Richards 14.00 Richards 14.00 Villa Villa 14.00 Breslin Breslin 14.00 Young Seidemann 25.00 Morgan 39.00 Morgan 39.00 First Year Spanish 25.00 25.00 Mann 06/20 - 08/25 TECH 06/20 - 08/25 TECH 06/20 - 08/25 TECH CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES 4 M T W R 1000 - 1150 JH 16 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 M W 1100 - 1250 RV 103 Online T R 1100 - 1250 RV 102 T R 1300 - 1450 RV 102 Online M W 1300 - 1450 RV 103 Online Online Online Online Intro to Expos Writing Intro to Expos Writing English Comp: Intro to Arg English Comp: Intro to Arg English Comp: Intro to Arg English Comp: Style-Arg English Comp: Style-Arg English Comp: Research Technical Writing Technical Writing STAFF STAFF Tratz 06/20 - 07/21 CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES Ory Hendee 25.00 Friedman Friedman Hendee 25.00 Ory Davis, G 25.00 Davis, G 25.00 Fair 25.00 Feist 25.00 FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 06/20 - 08/25 SUMMER TERM CLASSES REGISTRATION IS EASY: IN PERSON PAGE 23 ONLINE PAGE 23 ONLINE COURSES SUBJ CRSE # COURSE TITLE CREDITS INSTRUCTOR CRN SUBJ CRSE # COURSE TITLE CREDITS INSTRUCTOR Intro to Business 4 Armstrong 12137 HPE 295 Wellness/Health Assessment 3 Stricklin 12011 BA 165 Customer Service Class scheduled 6/20 – 7/21 3 STAFF 12138 HPE 295 Wellness/Health Assessment Class scheduled 6/20 – 7/21 3 Stricklin 12012 BA 180 Business Mathematics I 3 STAFF Leeworthy Principles of Accounting III 3 Armstrong Wellness/Health Assessment Class scheduled 7/25 – 8/25 3 12014 BA 213 12139 HPE 295 12015 BA 214 Business Communications 3 STAFF 12122 LA 102 Legal Terminology 3 Sullivan, C 12017 BA 226 Business Law 4 Gresham 12123 LA 105 Civil Procedure 3 Sullivan, C Blackwood, J 12124 LA 132 Ethics for Legal Profession 3 Sullivan, C 12068 MED 111 Medical Terminology I 3 Joyce Milller, K 12069 MED 112 Medical Terminology II 3 Joyce Intro to Probability & Statistics 5 Beck Required orientation Monday, 6/20, 1730-1830 in WCH 11. Intro to CIS Class scheduled 6/20 – 7/21 4 12061 CIS 120 Intro to CIS Class scheduled 6/20 – 7/21 4 12062 CIS 125D Computer Applications-Database 3 Class scheduled 6/20 – 7/21 Milller, K 12057 MTH 243 Milller, K Alpha Keyboarding Class scheduled 7/11 – 8/25 STAFF Computer Applications-Email 2 Class scheduled 6/20 – 7/21 12071 OA 110 1 12063 CIS 125E 12027 PSY 101 Psych of Human Relations 3 Vannice, L 12064 CIS 125R Computer ApplicationsPresentation Software Class scheduled 6/20 – 7/21 2 Milller, K 12028 PSY 201 General Psychology 3 Vannice, L 12029 PSY 202 General Psychology 3 Willis 12065 CIS 125S Computer ApplicationsSpreadsheets Class scheduled 6/20 – 7/21 12030 PSY 203 General Psychology 3 Willis 2 Milller, K 12074 SDP 113 Human Relations for Supervisors3 STAFF Intro to Linux OS Class scheduled 6/20 – 7/21 4 Blackwood, J 12077 SP 218 Interpersonal Communications 3 Class scheduled 6/20 – 7/21 Usrey 12066 CIS 140L 12078 CJ 105 Concepts of Criminal Law 3 Vogel 12022 CWE 161 CWE: Seminar I 1 STAFF 12006 VC 130 Intro to PhotoShop 3 Horne This course requires students to subscribe to Adobe Creative Cloud. Contract instructor for information. 12097 ENG 250 Intro to Mythology 4 Smith, G 12037 WR 115 Intro to Expository Writing 4 Hendee 12158 FN 225 Human Nutrition 4 Young Seidemann 12040 WR 121 English Comp – Intro to Arg 4 Hendee English Comp – Style-Arg 4 Davis, G Beginning Astronomy 4 Morgan 12160 GS 107 Beginning Astronomy 4 Morgan 12042 WR 123 English Comp – Research 4 Davis, G 12043 WR 227 Technical Report Writing 4 Fair 12044 WR 227 Technical Report Writing 4 Feist ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT 12159 GS 107 12041 WR 122 CREDIT SCHEDULE 12060 CIS 120 GETTING STARTED 12010 BA 101 COLLEGE OVERVIEW CRN For more information about online courses and how to get started, visit the UCCOnline webpage ( community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER UCC SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 33 CREDIT SCHEDULE REGISTRATION IS EASY: IN PERSON PAGE 23 ONLINE PAGE 23 FALL PREVIEW CREDIT COURSES FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON UCCONLINE COURSES, see page 23. ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT / ADULT HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA, see page 44. CONTACT WOOLLEY CENTER AT 440-4603 FOR INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION CRNSUBJ CRSE # COURSE TITLE DAYS CR TIME LOCATION INSTRUCTOR TUIT FEE BEG / END DIST ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT CONTACT WOOLLEY CENTER AT 541-440-4603 FOR INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION APPRENTICESHIP 22402 APR 22403 APR 22404 APR 22405 APR 22406 APR 22178 DRF 22179 DRF 22407 MFG 22464 MFG 22408 MFG 22412 WLD 22413 WLD 151 228 251 253 269 112 112 111 112 121 131 131 Basic Electronics - Electricity Rigging Fundamentals Electrical Sensors-Controls Electrical Code Study 3 Journeyman Exam Prep CAD I CAD I Machine Shop I Machine Shop II Hydraulics I Basic Metallurgy Basic Metallurgy CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 M W W T R M M W T R M W M W M M W T R 1800 - 2020 1700 - 2050 1800 - 2050 1800 - 1950 1800 - 2050 1500 - 1650 1500 - 1650 1700 - 1950 1700 - 1950 1700 - 1950 1800 - 2020 1800 - 2020 TC 106 LH 10 TC 106 TC 106 TC 120 TC 104 TC 104 SUHS SHOP SUHS SHOP SUHS WCH 14 WCH 14 ART Basic Design 3 T R 1300 - 1520 WFA 22 Couture 25.00 Intro to Drawing 3 T R 1600 - 1820 WFA 20 Couture 25.00 History of Western Art 3 Online Rochester 25.00 Ceramics 3 T R 1300 - 1520 WFA 23 Isto 25.00 Ceramics 3 T R 1800 - 2020 WFA 23 Isto 25.00 Ceramics-Hand Bldg 3 M W 1530 - 1750 WFA 23 Price, G 25.00 Black and White Film Photo 3 M W 1600 - 1820 WFA 20 Rochester 25.00 Sculpture 3 T R 1300 - 1520 WFA 23 Isto 25.00 *Ind Study - Art 1v TBA TBA TBA Isto *Ind. Study requires consultation with the supervising instructor and approval by the department chair before registration. Add’l fee $25. American Film History 4 M W 1500 - 1650 CNTRSTAGE Wheeler, M *Intro-Adobe InDesign 3 Online Horne 25.00 *This course requires students to subscribe to Adobe Creative Cloud. Contact instructor for information. AUTOMOTIVE TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH BUSINESS 101 101 106A 128 165 180 180 206 211 211 211 214 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 TECH 09/26 - 12/10 A&L 09/26 - 12/10 TECH CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES *Instructor approval required for all Automotive classes. 22391 TTEN 100 *Intro to Toyota 5 M T W R F 0900 - 1620 LH 10 22393 TTEN 168 *Auto Electricity I-TTEN 6 M T W R F 0900 - 1620 LH 10 22394 TTEN 169 *Auto Electricity II-TTEN 6 M T W R F 0900 - 1620 LH 10 22395 AUT 100 Orientation to Auto Tech 1 MTW 0800 - 1150 LH 10 22396 AUT 168 *Auto Electric I 5 M T W R F 0800 - 1220 LH 10 22397 AUT 169 *Auto Electric II 5 M T W R F 0800 - 1220 LH 10 22398 AUT 259 *Electronic Engine Controls I 5 M T W R F 1300 - 1650 LH 10 22399 AUT 260 *Electronic Engine Controls II 5 M T W R F 1300 - 1650 LH 10 22400 AUT 280 *CWE: Automotive-NonToyota 1v TBA TBA TBA 22401 TTEN 280 *CWE: Automotive-Toyota 1v TBA TBA TBA *Instructor approval required for all Automotive classes. Credits variable for AUT 280: CWE. 34 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES 22416 ART 115 22417 ART 131 22418 ART 204 22419 ART 250 22420 ART 250 22421 ART 253 22422 ART 261 22423 ART 291 22424 ART 298 22425 FA 256 22426 VC 114 22129 BA 22130 BA 22131 BA 22132 BA 22270 BA 22135 BA 22136 BA 22137 BA 22138 BA 22139 BA 22140 BA 22141 BA STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF 5.00 Baumgartner 5.00 Mack 125.00 Mack 125.00 STAFF 125.00 Thompson, D 55.00 Fisher 55.00 STAFF 25.00 STAFF 25.00 STAFF 25.00 STAFF STAFF 25.00 STAFF 25.00 STAFF 25.00 STAFF 25.00 Blakely 50% tuit 17.50/cr Blakely 50% tuit 17.50/cr 09/26 - 10/14 10/17 - 11/10 11/14 - 12/09 09/26 - 09/28 09/26 - 10/31 11/02 - 12/08 09/26 - 10/31 11/01 - 12/09 TBA TBA TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES Intro to Business Intro to Business Business Leadership I Accounting Applications I Customer Service Business Mathematics I Business Mathematics I Management Fundamentals Principles of Accounting Principles of Accounting Principles of Accounting Business Communications 4 4 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 T R 1300 - 1450 WCH 16 Online Online M W F 0900 - 0950 WCH 11 Online T R 1300 - 1415 WCH 14 Online Online M W F 1000 - 1050 WCH 15 Online Online Online STAFF 3.00 Armstrong, B 25.00 Clough 25.00 Gray 5.00 STAFF 25.00 STAFF STAFF 25.00 Joyce 25.00 Joyce Armstrong, B 25.00 STAFF 25.00 Gresham 25.00 FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 TECH TECH TECH TECH SUMMER FALL PREVIEW TERMCLASSES CLASSES CRNSUBJ CRSE # COURSE TITLE REGISTRATION IS EASY: IN PERSON PAGE 23 ONLINE PAGE 23 CR DAYS TIME LOCATION INSTRUCTOR TUIT FEE BEG / END DIST STAFF STAFF 25.00 STAFF 25.00 STAFF 25.00 STAFF 25.00 STAFF 50% tuit 17.50/cr STAFF 50% tuit 17.50/cr STAFF 50% tuit 17.50/cr STAFF 50% tuit 17.50/cr 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 TECH TECH TECH TECH STAFF Gray 25.00 25.00 09/26 - 12/10 TECH 09/26 - 12/10 Gray Joyce STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF Gresham 50% tuit Gresham 50% tuit 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 17.50/cr 17.50/cr 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 11/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH Clough STAFF Gresham Gresham 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 TECH TECH TECH TECH BUSINESS, continued CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS Benton 09/26 - 12/10 TC 103 TBA Benton Benton 50% tuit 17.50/cr 09/26 - 12/10 A&L 09/26 - 12/10 TECH RV 101 RV 101 RV 101 TC 119 TC 119 RV 101 RV 101 Cosby Cosby Sitt Sitt Sitt Cosby Cosby 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 A&L A&L A&L A&L A&L A&L A&L CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES M T W 1000 - 1050 WCH 11 STAFF 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 MTWR 0900 - 0950 WCH 19 STAFF 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 MTWR 1400 - 1450 WCH 11 STAFF 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 Online STAFF 25.00 09/26 - 12/10 Online STAFF 25.00 09/26 - 12/10 M W 1400 - 1550 ESB 32 Yip 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 F 0900 - 0950 TC 104 Yip 09/26 - 12/10 Online STAFF 25.00 09/26 - 12/10 Online STAFF 25.00 09/26 - 12/10 M T W 1300 - 1350 TC 106 Blackwood, J 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 F 1000 - 1150 TC 106 09/26 - 12/10 MTW 1100 - 1150 TC 106 Blackwood, J 09/26 - 12/10 R 1200 - 1350 TC 106 Online Yip 25.00 09/26 - 12/10 F 1000 - 1150 TC 104 09/26 - 12/10 Online Yip 25.00 09/26 - 12/10 F 1300 - 1450 TC 104 UCC SCHEDULE TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER 22428 CIS 100 Intro to Windows-PCs 3 22429 CIS 120 Intro to CIS 4 22430 CIS 120 Intro to CIS 4 22431 CIS 120 Intro to CIS 4 22432 CIS 120 Intro to CIS 4 22433 CIS 122 *Intro to Programming 4 22434 CIS 125E Computer Apps - E-mail 2 22435 CIS 125R Computer Apps-Present Sftwar 2 22436 CIS 140M Intro-MS Operating Systems 4 22437 CIS 152C Intro to Basic Routers 4 22438 CIS 195 Authoring for the Web 4 22439 CIS 276 Adv DBMS Programming II 4 TC 103 community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE *Journalism Production 3 W R 1230 - 1345 *Credits variable. Alternate times may be arranged with instructor. Writing for the Media 3 MW 1400 - 1515 *CWE: Journalism 1v TBA TBA *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. Fund of Speech 4 M T W R 0900 - 0950 Fund of Speech 4 M T W R 1100 - 1150 Fund of Speech 4 M T W R 1000 - 1050 Fund of Speech 4 MW 1300 - 1450 Fund of Speech 4 T R 1300 - 1450 Interpersonal Comm 3 T R 1300 - 1415 Gender Communications 3 MW 1300 - 1415 ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT 22222 J 215 22223 J 251 22224 J 280 22225 SP 111 22226 SP 111 22228 SP 111 22227 SP 111 22229 SP 111 22231 SP 218 22232 SP 237 CREDIT SCHEDULE COMMUNICATION STUDIES GETTING STARTED Business Law 4 MW 1300 - 1450 WCH 15 Computers in Business 4 Online Computers in Business 4 Online Professional Selling 3 Online Retailing 3 Online *CWE: Business 1v TBA TBA TBA *CWE: Accounting 1v TBA TBA TBA *CWE: Marketing 1v TBA TBA TBA *CWE: Management 1v TBA TBA TBA *For BA 280, 280A,B,C - Credits variable. Instructor approval required. CWE: Seminar I 1 Online *Intro to Economics 3 Hybrid *ECON 115 is a hybrid class. Required attendance M W 1730 - 1820 WCH 15. Medical Terminology I 3 Online Medical Terminology I 3 Online Medical Terminology II 3 Online Medical Office Procedures I 3 Online Medical Office Procedures I 3 Online Alpha Keyboarding 2 Online Admin Office Professional 3 Online Records Management 2 Online Keybd Skill Enhance 3 Online Editing for Business 3 Online Ten-Key Calculator 1 Online Ten-Key Calculator 1 Online *CWE: Admin Asst/Office Asst 1v TBA TBA TBA *CWE: Medical Admin Asst 1v TBA TBA TBA *For OA 280A,C - Credits variable. Instructor approval required. Elements of Supervision 3 Online Human Rltns-Supervisors 3 Online Human Rltns-Supervisors 3 Online Human Rscs for Supervisors 3 Online COLLEGE OVERVIEW 22143 BA 226 22145 BA 231 22146 BA 231 22148 BA 238 22149 BA 249 22150 BA 280 22151 BA 280A 22152 BA 280B 22153 BA 280C 22154 CWE 161 22155 ECON 115 22156 MED 111 22157 MED 111 22158 MED 112 22159 MED 220 22160 MED 220 22161 OA 110 22162 OA 115 22163 OA 116 22164 OA 124A 22165 OA 128 22166 OA 131 22167 OA 131 22168 OA 280A 22169 OA 280C 22170 SDP 109 22171 SDP 113 22172 SDP 113 22173 SDP 208 TECH TECH TECH SUMMER 2016 35 CREDIT SCHEDULE SEE PAGE 6 FOR SUMMER TERM DATES CRNSUBJ CRSE # COURSE TITLE CR DAYS TIME LOCATION INSTRUCTOR TUIT FEE BEG / END DIST TBA Yip 50% tuit 17.50/cr 09/26 - 12/10 TECH TBA Yip 50% tuit 17.50/cr 09/26 - 12/10 TECH TC 106 TC 106 ESB 32 TC 104 ESB 32 TC 104 Blackwood Blackwood, J Yip 5.00 Yip Yip Yip COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS, continued 22440 CIS 280 *CWE: CIS 1v TBA TBA *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. 22441 CIS 280D *CWE: Health Informatics 1v TBA TBA *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. 22442 CIS 288M MS Server Admin II 4 M T W 1000 - 1050 R 1000 - 1150 22443 CS 160 Intro to Computer Science 4 M W 0900 - 1050 F 1200 - 1250 22444 CS 260 Data Structures 4 M W 1100 - 1250 F 1500 - 1550 CRIMINAL JUSTICE 22310 CJ 100A 22311 CJ 101 22312 CJ 105 22313 CJ 105 22314 CJ 110 22315 CJ 110 22316 CJ 243 22317 CJ 261 22318 CJ 275 22319 CJ 280 22320 CJ 298 1500 - 1720 PE 11 O’Dell 50.00 09/17 - 12/03 TECH 0700 - 1050 PE 11 Ruble 25.00 O’Dell 09/26 - 12/10 SOSC 09/17 - 12/03 1800 - 2050 1100 - 1450 JH 18 PE 11 Vogel O’Dell 09/26 - 12/10 09/17 - 12/03 SOSC 1800 - 2050 1100 - 1215 1300 - 1415 0930 - 1045 TBA JH 18 JH 18 JH 18 TBA Swenson Ruble Willbanks Ruble Willbanks 50% tuit 17.50/cr 09/26 - 12/10 SOSC 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 SOSC 09/26 - 12/10 TECH TBA TBA Willbanks 09/26 - 12/10 CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES *Instructor approval required for all Dental Assisting classes. 22271 DA 103 *Dentistry Law and Ethics 1 Online 22272 DA 107 *Dental Health Education I 1 M 1300 - 1350 HSNC 22274 DA 108 *Dental Health Education II 1 W 1300 - 1350 HSNC 22273 DA 110 *Health Sciences 3 T R 1300 - 1420 HSNC 22275 DA 192 *Dental Materials II-Lab Reqd 3 T R 1430 - 1520 HSNC 22462 DA 192 Dental Materials I Lab A 0 M W 0830 - 0945 HSNC 22463 DA 192 Dental Materials I Lab B 0 F 1200 - 1440 HSNC 22276 DA 195 Chairside Proc I-Lab Reqd 4 T R 1000 - 1115 HSNC 22460 DA 195 Chairside Proc I Lab A 0 T R 0830 - 0945 HSNC 22461 DA 195 Chairside Proc I Lab B 0 T R 1130 - 1245 HSNC 22277 DA 210 Dental Radiology I-Lab Reqd 4 T R 1000 - 1115 HSNC 22456 DA 210 Dental Radiology I-Lab A 0 M W 1130 - 1245 HSNC 22457 DA 210 Dental Radiology I-Lab B 0 M W 1400 - 1515 HSNC 22458 DA 210 Dental Radiology I-Lab C 0 M W 1530 - 1645 HSNC 22459 DA 210 Dental Radiology I-Lab D 0 F 0830 - 1110 HSNC 22278 DA 280 *CWE: Dental Assisting 3 TBA TBA TBA *Instructor approval required. Add’l fee $25. EDUCATION 22340 ED 100 22341 ED 101 22342 ED 102 22343 ED 103 22344 ED 104 22345 ED 105 22346 ED 106 22347 ED 130 22348 ED 131P 22349 ED 140 22350 ED 235 22351 ED 280 22352 HDFS 225 22103 HDFS 240 36 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES *Law Enf Skills Trng 2 S *Police Reserve Academy. Instructor approval required. Intro to Criminology 3 Online *Concepts of Criminal Law 3 S *Police Reserve Academy. Instructor approval required. Concepts of Criminal Law 3 R *Intro to Law Enforcement 3 S *Police Reserve Academy. Instructor approval required. Intro to Law Enforcement 3 T Narcotics-Dangerous Drugs 3 T R Intro to Parole and Probation 3 T R Comparative CJ Systems 3 T R *CWE: Criminal Justice 1v TBA *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. *Ind. Study: Criminal Justice 3 TBA *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. DENTAL ASSISTING 09/26 - 12/10 TECH *Intro to Education 3 T 1630 - 1720 *ECE: Sem-Prac I 4 M 1900 - 2050 *Instructor approval required for ED 100 and ED 101. ECE: Sem-Prac II 4 M 1900 - 2050 ECE: Sem-Prac III 4 M 1900 - 2050 ECE: Sem-Prac IV 4 M 1900 - 2050 ECE: Sem-Prac V 4 T 1700 - 1850 ECE: Sem-Prac VI 4 T 1700 - 1850 Classroom Management 3 T 1730 - 2020 Instructional Strategies 3 R 1700 - 1950 Intro to ECE 2 M 1700 - 1850 Educational Technology 3 W 1700 - 1950 *CWE: Education 3-6 TBA TBA *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. Child Development 3 R 1730 - 2020 Cont American Family 3 M W F 0900 - 0950 Bartley 25.00 Loosli Loosli Loosli Bartley Oilar Bartley Loosli 350.00 Oilar Oilar Loosli 350.00 Daigle Daigle Daigle Bartley Loosli 50% tuit 17.50/cr 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES TC 119 TC 101 Soderberg-Chase,G Bernhardson 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 TC 101 TC 101 TC 101 TC 101 TC 101 TC 119 TC 119 TC 101 TC 101 TBA Bernhardson Bernhardson Bernhardson Bernhardson Bernhardson Price, D Soderberg-Chase,G Bernhardson Zeedyk Soderberg-Chase,G 50% tuit 17.50/cr 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 TC 101 JH 18 Lybarger, S Smith, E 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 SOSC FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO TECH TECH TECH TECH SUMMER FALL PREVIEW TERMCLASSES CLASSES REGISTRATION IS EASY: IN PERSON PAGE 23 ONLINE PAGE 23 CRNSUBJ CRSE # COURSE TITLE CR DAYS EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TIME LOCATION TBA TBA M 1600 - 1850 T R 1600 - 1750 TBA TBA JH 17 PE 10 TBA 09/26 - 12/10 TECH 09/26 - 12/10 TECH 09/26 - 12/10 Kennedy 09/26 - 12/10 TECH 50% tuit 17.50/cr Baumgartner 50% tuit 17.50/cr 09/26 - 12/10 TECH STAFF 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 Baumgartner 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 STAFF 25.00 09/26 - 12/10 Hoffman 09/26 - 12/10 Hoffman 09/26 - 12/10 Hoffman 09/26 - 12/10 Hoffman 09/26 - 12/10 Hoffman 09/26 - 12/10 Hoffman Baumgartner 09/26 - 12/10 Thompson 09/26 - 12/10 Thompson 09/26 - 12/10 Baumgartner 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 Baumgartner 09/26 - 12/10 Bahr 09/26 - 12/10 Bahr 25.00 09/26 - 12/10 Baumgartner 50% tuit 17.50/cr 09/26 - 12/10 TECH SCI TECH TECH TECH TECH STAFF 50.00 Bryan Pilley 50.00 King 50% tuit 66.50 09/30 - 09/30 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 TECH TECH TECH TECH CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES College Success 3 *College Success 1 *College Success 1 *Instructor approval required. *Transition to University 1 *Transition to University 1 *Instructor approval required for HD 214. CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES Online W 1200 - 1250 WCH 12 R 1200 - 1250 WCH 12 Moore, K 25.00 Rogers Rogers 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 M T Randall Randall 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 1200 - 1250 0800 - 0850 WCH 12 ESB 32 CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES 4 4 4 3 3 3 T R 1100 - 1250 RV 102 M T W R 1300 - 1350 TC 120 Online Online Online M 1730 - 2020 JH 18 Michell Smith, G Fair 25.00 Lantrip 25.00 Canzanella 25.00 Woodcock 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 UCC SCHEDULE A&L A&L A&L SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER Intro to Literature Survey of English Lit Contemporary American Lit Library-Internet Rsch Intro to Philosophy World Religions Ferguson 25.00 Kennedy 500.00 Kennedy community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE 104 204 288 127 201 201 TECH TECH TECH TECH ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT 22216 ENG 22217 ENG 22218 ENG 22219 LIB 22220 PHL 22221 R 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 CREDIT SCHEDULE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT HUMANITIES 350.00 700.00 350.00 350.00 CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES 4 3 4 2 HOSPITALITY AND RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT 22353 HD 100 22354 HD 100 22355 HD 100 22356 HD 214 22357 HD 214 Pospisil King Barrone Barrone CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES Elementary Science Part 1 Fund of Fire Prevention Hazardous Materials *Fire Related Skills *Instructor approval required. DIST GETTING STARTED 22451 FRP 121A 22450 FRP 122 22452 FRP 123 22453 FRP 280 BEG / END COLLEGE OVERVIEW 22177 CIV 280 *CWE: Engineering 1v TBA TBA TBA *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. 22178 DRF 112 CAD I 3 M W 1500 - 1650 TC 104 22179 DRF 112 CAD I 3 T R 1500 - 1650 TC 104 22466 DRF 112 CAD I 3 Online 22180 ENGR 111 Eng Orientation I 3 M W 0750 - 0840 TC 104 F 0750 - 0840 PE 10 22181 ENGR 111 Eng Orientation I 3 T R 0750 - 0840 TC 104 F 0750 - 0840 PE 10 22182 ENGR 201 Electrical Fundamentals 4 T 1200 - 1350 ESB 32 R 1100 - 1450 TC 101 22183 ENGR 211 Statics 4 M W 1200 - 1350 TC 104 22184 GIS 203 The Digital Earth 4 T 1700 - 1850 TC 104 R 1700 - 1950 TC 104 22185 SUR 162 Plane Surveying -Lab Reqd 4 W 0900 - 1050 TC 104 22186 SUR 162 Plane Surveying- Lab 0 R 0800 - 1350 TC 104 22187 WQT 261 Water Distribution 4 M W 1700 - 1850 TC 104 22465 WQT 261 Water Distribution 4 Online 22188 WQT 280 *CWE: Water Quality 1v TBA TBA TBA *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. FIRE SCIENCE FEE CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES 22174 EMS 151 *EMT Part 1 5 T R 1300 - 1550 PE 10 22176 EMS 9.429 Advanced EMT 0 T R 1730 - 2130 PE 11 22445 EMS 151 *EMT Part 1 5 M R 1830 - 2130 DRFD 22446 EMS 9.429 *EMT Part 1 0 M R 1830 - 2130 DRFD *Instructor approval required for EMT Part 1. 22447 EMS 175 Intro to EMS 3 Online 22448 EMS 251 *EMT Paramedic Part 1 10 M W 1200 - 1550 TBA F 1200 - 1550 PE 10 *Instructor approval required for EMS 251. 22449 EMS 280 *CWE: EMS 1v TBA TBA TBA *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. ENGINEERING INSTRUCTOR TUIT A&L A&L SUMMER 2016 37 CREDIT SCHEDULE SEE PAGE 6 FOR SUMMER TERM DATES CRNSUBJ CRSE # COURSE TITLE CR HUMAN SERVICES DAYS TIME LOCATION INSTRUCTOR TUIT FEE BEG / END CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES 22090 HS 100 Intro to Human Services 3 T R 1300 - 1415 JH 12 Woodcock 09/26 - 12/10 22091 HS 100 Intro to Human Services 3 T R 1100 - 1215 JH 12 Woodcock 09/26 - 12/10 22092 HS 150 Personal Effect-HS Workers 3 T R 1430 - 1545 JH 17 Woodcock 09/26 - 12/10 22093 HS 217 Group Counseling Skills 3 T 1800 - 2050 JH 12 Martel 09/26 - 12/10 22094 HS 227 Understanding Dysf Families 3 T R 1300 - 1415 JH 17 Martel 09/26 - 12/10 22095 HS 267 Cultural Competence in HS 3 F 1600 - 2050 JH 17 Martel 10/14 - 10/29 S 0900 - 1400 JH 17 Martel *Class will meet 3 weeks, Friday and Saturday, October 14-15; October 21-22 and October 28-29 at times shown above. 22096 HS 280 *CWE: Human Svcs 1v TBA TBA Angeli-Gade 50% tuit 17.50/cr 09/26 - 12/10 *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. TBA 22097 HS 298 *Ind. Study: Human Svcs. 1v TBA TBA Angeli-Gade 09/26 - 12/10 *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. LEARNING SKILLS 22472 ED 125 22473 DLSC 020 22353 HD 100 22189 WR 080 22190 WR 081 22191 WR 082 1500 - 1750 1500 - 1750 1200 - 1250 1200 - 1250 1200 - 1250 ESB 9 ESB 9 TBA TBA TBA 22279 MTH 020 22280 MTH 020 22281 MTH 020 22282 MTH 060 22283 MTH 060 22284 MTH 060 22285 MTH 060 22286 MTH 060 22287 MTH 063 22288 MTH 065 22289 MTH 065 22290 MTH 065 22291 MTH 065 22292 MTH 065 22293 MTH 093 22294 MTH 095 22295 MTH 095 38 TECH TECH Pre-algebra 4 M T R 0830 - 0945 Pre-algebra 4 M W F 0900 - 1015 Pre-algebra 4 T R 1800 - 1950 Intro to Algebra 4 M T W F 0900 - 0950 Intro to Algebra 4 M W F 1100 - 1215 Intro to Algebra 4 M W F 1300 - 1415 Intro to Algebra 4 T R 1830 - 2020 *Intro to Algebra 4 Online *Required orientation session is online. Using Scientific Calculator 1 M W 1200 - 1250 Elementary Algebra 4 M T W F 1000 - 1050 Elementary Algebra 4 M T W F 1100 - 1150 Elementary Algebra 4 M W F 1430 - 1515 Elementary Algebra 4 M W 1830 - 2020 *Elementary Algebra 4 Online *Required orientation session is online. Using Graphing Calculator 1 TBA TBA Intermediate Algebra 4 M T W F 0900 - 0950 Intermediate Algebra 4 M T W F 1100 - 1150 Ramos Ramos Moore, K 25.00 STAFF STAFF STAFF 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES For information on Dedicated Learning Communities classes, see Clara Smithey, 541-440-4715. Gateway to Success - Students must register for the following 3 classes as a group - no substitutions. 22358 HD 100 College Success 3 M W F 1000 - 1050 WCH 14 22359 RD 080 Basic Reading 3 M W F 1100 - 1150 WCH 14 22360 WR 090 Writing Skills 3 M W F 0900 - 0950 WCH 16 Practicing Success Cohort 1 - Students must register for the following 4 classes as a group - no substitutions. 22361 HD 136 Strategies for Success 3 T R 0930 - 1045 ESB 9 22362 WR 095 College Writing Fund 3 T R 1100 - 1215 ESB 9 22363 RD 090 College Text Reading 3 T R 1300 - 1415 ESB 9 22364 HD 107 Practicing Study Skills 2 T R 1430 - 1520 ESB 9 Cohort 2 - Students must register for the following 4 classes as a group - no substitutions. 22365 HD 136 Strategies for Success 3 M W F 0900 - 0950 ESB 9 22366 RD 090 College Text Reading 3 M W F 1000 - 1050 JH 11 22367 WR 095 College Writing Fund 3 M W F 1100 - 1150 ESB 9 22368 HD 107 Practicing Study Skills 2 MW 1300 - 1350 ESB 9 Mainstream Writing Students must register for the following 3 classes as a group - no substitutions. 22375 WR 115 Intro to Expos Writing 4 T R 1000 - 1150 JH 17 22376 WR 095 College Writing Fund 3 M W F 1000 - 1050 ESB 9 22378 RD 115 Critical Reading Strategies 3 M W F 1100 - 1150 JH 12 MATHEMATICS SOSC SOSC CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES Foundations-Learn Assist 3 F Foundations-Learn Assist 0 College Success 3 Online *Writing Skills Ind. Study 1 T *Writing Skills Ind. Study 1 T *Writing Skills Ind. Study 1 T *Required meeting Tuesday, 9/27, 1200 - 1250 in JH 11. DEDICATED LEARNING COMMUNITIES DIST Moore, K Frank STAFF 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 STAFF STAFF Garrison Deweese 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 Moore, K Gambill STAFF STAFF 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 Fair STAFF Moore, K 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES WCH 10 JH 12 JH 11 JH 14 JH 17 JH 11 JH 16 STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF 25.00 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 JH 11 JH 14 JH 16 JH 11 JH 14 Frank STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF 25.00 10/05 - 11/04 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 TBA TBA PE 11 STAFF STAFF STAFF 10/05 - 11/04 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO SUMMER FALL PREVIEW TERMCLASSES CLASSES CRNSUBJ CRSE # COURSE TITLE REGISTRATION IS EASY: IN PERSON PAGE 23 ONLINE PAGE 23 CR DAYS TIME LOCATION INSTRUCTOR TUIT FEE JH 14 JH 17 STAFF STAFF STAFF 25.00 BEG / END DIST MATHEMATICS, continued JH 10 Winn 09/26 - 12/10 JH 11 STAFF 09/26 - 12/10 PE 10 STAFF 09/26 - 12/10 PE 10 WCH 16 STAFF 09/26 - 12/10 WCH 16 WCH 16 STAFF 09/26 - 12/10 WCH 16 STAFF 25.00 09/26 - 12/10 JH 18 STAFF WCH 14 STAFF JH 17 Winn JH 17 WCH 14 Stinnett JH 11 Winn MTH MTH MTH MTH GETTING STARTED MUSIC 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 COLLEGE OVERVIEW 22296 MTH 095 Intermediate Algebra 4 M T W F 1300 - 1350 22297 MTH 095 Intermediate Algebra 4 T R 1830 - 2020 22298 MTH 095 *Intermediate Algebra 4 Online *Required orientation session is online. 22299 MTH 98 Math Literacy 4 M T W F 1000 - 1050 22300 MTH 111 College Algebra 5 M T W F 0845 - 0950 22301 MTH 111 College Algebra 5 M W 0900 - 1050 F 0900 - 0950 22302 MTH 111 College Algebra 5 M W 1000 - 1150 F 1000 - 1050 22303 MTH 111 College Algebra 5 T R 1000 - 1150 F 1100 - 1150 22304 MTH 111 *College Algebra 5 Online *Required orientation session is online. 22305 MTH 112 Elementary Functions 4 M W 1400 - 1550 22306 MTH 211 Fundamentals/Elem Math I 4 M W 1400 - 1550 22307 MTH 243 Intro to Probability/Stats 5 M W 1300 - 1450 F 1300 - 1350 22308 MTH 251 Calculus I 5 M T W F 0845 - 0950 22309 MTH 254 Vector Calculus I 4 M T W F 1100 - 1150 MTH 09/26 - 12/10 MTH 09/26 - 12/10 MTH 09/26 - 12/10 MTH 09/26 - 12/10 MTH 09/26 - 12/10 MTH CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER SUMMER 2016 ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT UCC SCHEDULE CREDIT SCHEDULE *Individual lessons are variable credits—specify 1 or 2 credits when you register. Any student registering for an Individual Music Lesson MUST contact the Fine and Performing Arts Program Assistant (541-440-4691) in order to get contact information for the instructor. It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to establish contact with the instructor during or before the FIRST WEEK OF CLASSES. Failure to do so will result in the student being dropped from roster, and possible forfeiture of tuition and fees. 22053 MUP 114 General Ensemble 1 TBA TBA TBA Heald, J 09/26 - 12/10 22054 MUP 121 Symphonic Choir 1 R 1730 - 1930 PRESBY Spicer, D 09/16 - 12/16 22055 MUP 158A *Ind Lessons-Indian Music 1v TBA TBA TBA Wheeler, M 150/cr 09/26 - 12/10 22056 MUP 161A *Ind Lessons: Jazz Improv 1v TBA TBA TBA Manis 150/cr 09/26 - 12/10 22057 MUP 171A *Ind Lessons: Piano 1v TBA TBA TBA Spicer, D 150/cr 09/26 - 12/10 22058 MUP 174A *Ind Lessons: Voice 1v TBA TBA TBA Holmquest 150/cr 09/26 - 12/10 22059 MUP 174A *Ind Lessons: Voice 1v TBA TBA TBA Spicer, D 150/cr 09/26 - 12/10 22060 MUP 175A *Ind Lessons: Strings 1v TBA TBA TBA Riley, K 150/cr 09/26 - 12/10 22061 MUP 175A *Ind Lessons: Strings 1v TBA TBA TBA Heald, J 150/cr 09/26 - 12/10 22062 MUP 180A *Ind Lessons: Guitar 1v TBA TBA TBA Hansen 150/cr 09/26 - 12/10 22063 MUP 181A *Ind Lessons: Woodwinds 1v TBA TBA TBA Manis 150/cr 09/26 - 12/10 22064 MUP 186A *Ind Lessons: Brass 1v TBA TBA TBA Gronberg 150/cr 09/26 - 12/10 *Individual lessons are variable credits, 1-2 credts. 22065 MUP 189A Chamber Choir 2 M W F 1400 - 1550 WFA 12 Heald, J 09/26 - 12/10 22066 MUP 191A *Ind Lessons: Percussion 1v TBA TBA TBA Hansen 09/26 - 12/10 22067 MUP 196A Chamber Orchestra 1 M 1900 - 2050 PRESBY Heald, J 09/26 - 12/10 22068 MUP 197A Concert Choir 1 M W F 1200 - 1250 CNTRSTAGE Heald, J 09/26 - 12/10 22069 MUP 271A *Ind Lessons: Piano 1v TBA TBA TBA Spicer, D 150/cr 09/26 - 12/10 22070 MUP 274A *Ind Lessons: Voice 1v TBA TBA TBA Holmquest 150/cr 09/26 - 12/10 22071 MUP 274A *Ind Lessons: Voice 1v TBA TBA TBA Spicer, D 150/cr 09/26 - 12/10 22072 MUP 275A *Ind Lessons: Strings 1v TBA TBA TBA Riley, K 150/cr 09/26 - 12/10 22073 MUP 275A *Ind Lessons: Strings 1v TBA TBA TBA Heald, J 150/cr 09/26 - 12/10 22074 MUP 280A *Ind Lessons: Guitar 1v TBA TBA TBA Hansen 150/cr 09/26 - 12/10 22075 MUP 281A *Ind Lessons: Woodwinds 1v TBA TBA TBA Manis 150/cr 09/26 - 12/10 22076 MUP 286A *Ind Lessons: Brass 1v TBA TBA TBA Gronberg 150/cr 09/26 - 12/10 *Individual lessons are variable credits, 1-2 credts. 22077 MUP 295 Jazz Band 1 W 1900 - 2050 CNTRSTAGE Irby 09/26 - 12/10 22078 MUP 297A Concert Choir 1 T 1900 - 2050 PRESBY Heald, J 09/09 - 11/30 22079 MUS 100A Music Fundamentals 3 T R 1400 - 1520 WFA 16 Wheeler, M 09/26 - 12/10 22080 MUS 105 Intro to Rock Music 3 M W F 1300 - 1350 CNTRSTAGE Manis 09/26 - 12/10 A&L 22081 MUS 111 Music Theory I 3 M W F 1100 - 1150 WFA 12 Heald, J 09/26 - 12/10 22082 MUS 114 Aural Skills I 1 F 1000 - 1050 WFA 16 Holmquest 09/26 - 12/10 22083 MUS 117 Intro to Music/Technology 2 T R 1600 - 1650 WFA 12 Wheeler, M 09/26 - 12/10 22084 MUS 131 Class Piano 2 M W 1000 - 1050 WFA 16 Spicer, D 09/26 - 12/10 22085 MUS 201 Intro to Music & Its Lit 3 M W F 0900 - 0950 CNTRSTAGE Holmquest 09/26 - 12/10 A&L 22086 MUS 211 Music Theory II 3 M W F 1000 - 1050 WFA 12 Heald, J 09/26 - 12/10 22087 MUS 214 Int. Piano I 2 M W 1100 - 1150 WFA 16 Holmquest 09/26 - 12/10 22088 MUS 224 Aural Skills II 1 F 1100 - 1150 WFA 16 Holmquest 09/26 - 12/10 22089 MUS 280 *CWE: Music 1v TBA TBA TBA Heald, J 50% tuit 17.50/cr 09/26 - 12/10 TECH *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. 39 CREDIT SCHEDULE SEE PAGE 6 FOR SUMMER TERM DATES CRNSUBJ CRSE # COURSE TITLE NURSING CR DAYS TIME LOCATION INSTRUCTOR TUIT FEE BEG / END CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES 22454 NRS 12 *CNA 2 - Acute Care 3 T F 0800 - 1630 WCH 20 Helsley 200.00 10/18 - 11/10 S 0630 - 1900 HOSP 11/12 - 11/12 U T 0630 - 1430 HOSP 11/13 - 11/15 *Instructor approval required. Contact Nursing Department to register - 541-440-4614. 20453 NRS 101 *Nursing Assistant 9 M W F 1300 - 1650 NRSC 210 Helsley 175.00 10/10 - 11/14 *Instructor approval required. Contact Nursing Department to register - 541-440-4614. 20455 NRS 110 *Found of Nrsg-Health Promotion9 M 0800 - 1050 WCH 20 Samson 375.00 09/26 - 12/10 M 1100 - 1250 WCH 20 *TBA TBA NSRC/LTC *Additional lab time required, to be arranged with instructor. 20459 NRS 221 *Chronic Illness II 9 W 0900 - 1150 WCH 20 Myler 375.00 09/26 - 12/10 W 1300 - 1450 WCH 20 *TBA TBA HOSP/NSRC *Additional lab time required, to be arranged with instructor. 20473 NRS 280 *CWE: Nursing 1v TBA TBA TBA Samson 50% tuit 17.50/cr 09/26 - 12/10 *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. 20733 PN 101 Practical Nursing-Lab Reqd. 9 W 0800 - 1250 WCH 10 McClendon 375.00 09/26 - 12/10 R 0800 - 1250 NSRC/LTC 20734 PN 101 Practical Nursing Lab 0 R TBA NSRC/LTC McClendon 09/26 - 12/10 PARALEGAL 22369 LA 100 22370 LA 102 22371 LA 204 22372 LA 208 22373 LA 210 22374 LA 280 OUTDOOR RECREATION 22001 PE 254 Compass, Maps and GPS 2 22003 PE 110 Intro to Rock Climbing 1 22004 PE 110 Intro to Rock Climbing 1 22005 PE 210 Rock Climbing I 1 22006 PE 240 Rock Climbing 2 1 22007 PE 294R *Rock Climbing Instr Aide 3 *Instructor approval required. 22008 PE 115 Discover SCUBA 1 22009 PE 211 Open Water SCUBA 2 22010 PE 242 Adv. SCUBA 1 22011 FN 230 22012 HE 252 22013 PE 194F 22014 HPE 295 22015 HPE 295 22016 HPE 295 22017 HPE 295 22018 HPE 295 22019 HPE 295 22020 HPE 295 22021 PE 185R 22022 PE 185MA 22023 PE 185MB 22024 PE 185MC 22025 PE 185G 22026 PE 185L 22027 PE 185A 22028 PE 185P 22029 PE 185PI 22030 PE 185W 40 TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES Legal Procedures I 4 Online Legal Terminology 3 Online Legal Research-Writing 4 Online Family Law 3 Online Wills-Probate-Estates 3 Online *CWE: Legal Assistant 1v TBA *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. PHYSICAL EDUCATION DIST Sullivan, C Sullivan, C Vogel Sullivan, C Sullivan, C Sullivan, C 50% tuit 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 17.50/cr 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES M W S U S U S U 1100 - 1220 0800 - 1750 0800 - 1750 0800 - 1750 0800 - 1750 0800 - 1750 PE 10 ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM STAFF Orton Orton Orton Orton Orton 20.00 90.00 90.00 100.00 85.00 100.00 09/26 - 12/10 10/01 - 10/08 10/02 - 10/09 10/08 - 10/15 10/16 - 10/23 10/01 - 10/23 M T M S R F S U 1900 - 2120 1900 - 2120 1900 - 2100 TBA PE11/POOL PE11/POOL PE 11 TBA Ferris 75.00 Ferris 215.00 Ferris 175.00 Ferris 09/26 - 10/08 09/26 - 10/22 11/17 - 11/17 11/18 - 11/20 CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES Personal Nutrition 3 Online STAFF 25.00 09/26 - 12/10 First Aid 3 T R 1100 - 1250 PE 14 Snook 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 Fitness Assess-Exercise 2 M W 1000 - 1150 PE 14 Hellenthal, K 25.00 09/26 - 12/10 Wellness-Hlth Assess 3 M T W R 0900 - 0950 PE 11 STAFF 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 Wellness-Hlth Assess 3 M T W R 1000 - 1050 PE 11 Snook 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 Wellness-Hlth Assess 3 M W 1200 - 1350 PE 11 Hellenthal, K 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 Wellness-Hlth Assess 3 Online Leeworthy 30.00 09/26 - 12/10 Wellness-Hlth Assess 3 Online Stricklin 30.00 09/26 - 12/10 Wellness-Hlth Assess 3 Online Stricklin 30.00 09/26 - 12/10 Wellness-Hlth Assess 3 Online Leeworthy 30.00 09/26 - 12/10 RIPPED 1 T R 1000 - 1120 PE 12 Bartram 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 *Self Defense A 1 M W 1300 - 1420 PE 14 Leonard 10.00 09/26 - 12/10 *Self Defense B 1 M W 1500 - 1620 PE 14 Leonard 10.00 09/26 - 12/10 *Self Defense C 1 T R 1300 - 1420 PE 14 Leonard 10.00 09/26 - 12/10 *For Self Defense, PE 185 MA, MB, MC, students have the option of attending class M W from either 1300 - 1420 or 1500 - 1620, or T R 1300 - 1420 in PE 14. Beg Golf 1 T R 1300 - 1520 UGR Snook 51.00 09/27 - 10/27 Beg Bowling 1 T R 1300 - 1520 TENDWN Snook 60.00 11/01 - 12/01 Aerobic Fitness 1 M W F 0900 - 0950 PE 12 Snook 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 Physical Conditioning 1 M W F 0900 - 0950 GYM Leonard 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 Pilates 1 M W F 1100 - 1150 GYM Conn 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 Weight Training 1 M W F 1100 - 1150 PE 12 Snook 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO SUMMER FALL PREVIEW TERMCLASSES CLASSES CRNSUBJ CRSE # COURSE TITLE REGISTRATION IS EASY: IN PERSON PAGE 23 ONLINE PAGE 23 CR DAYS TIME LOCATION INSTRUCTOR TUIT FEE BEG / END DIST PHYSICAL EDUCATION, continued COLLEGE OVERVIEW 22031 PE 185Y Yoga 1 M W 0730 - 0850 GYM Brodun 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 22032 PE 185Y Yoga 1 T R 1000 - 1120 GYM Williams, S 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 22033 PE 185YI Intermediate Yoga 1 M W 0730 - 0850 GYM Brodun 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 22034 PE 185Z Zumba 1 T R 0830 - 0950 GYM Bartram 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 22035 PE 185QF Swim Fitness 1 M W F 1200 - 1250 POOL STAFF 5.00 09/26 - 10/28 22036 PE 185QI Int Swim for Fitness 1 M W F 1200 - 1250 POOL STAFF 5.00 09/26 - 10/28 22037 PE 185FA *Fitness Center-Aerobics 1 see note PE 12 Bartram 35.00 09/26 - 12/10 22038 PE 185FB *Fitness Center-Basics 1 see note PE 12 Conn 35.00 09/26 - 12/10 22039 PE 185FS *Fitness Center-Strength 1 see note PE 12 Leonard 35.00 09/26 - 12/10 *Students for PE 185FA, FB, FS Fitness Center must attend orientation on either M, W or F, 1st week of class, 1200 - 1300, OR instructor must be contacted by Friday 9/30. 22040 PE 0.582 Fitness Center 0 TBA PE 12 Leonard 35.00 09/26 - 12/10 22042 PE 190 *Athletic Orientation 1 U 1000 - 1550 PE 11 Stricklin 5.00 09/25 - 09/25 TBA TBA TBA Stricklin 09/26 - 10/12 *Students must attend Sunday, 9/27, 10 am - 4 pm in PE 11. Additional time to be arranged with instructor. 22043 PE 185VS Volleyball Strategy-Tm 1 M T W R F 1200 - 1250 GYM Pinard 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 22044 PE 185VA Adv Volleyball-Tm 1 M T W R F 1300 - 1350 GYM Pinard 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 22045 PE 185VW Phys Cond-Volleyball-Tm 1 M T W R F 1400 - 1450 GYM Pinard 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 22046 PE 185BW Phys Cond-Bsktbl Wmn-Tm 1 M T W R F 1500 - 1550 GYM Stricklin 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 22047 PE 185BS Bsktbl Strategy-Wmn-Tm 1 M T W R F 1600 - 1650 GYM Stricklin 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 22048 PE 185BA Adv Basketball-Wmn-Tm 1 M T W R F 1700 -1750 GYM Stricklin 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 22049 PE 185BT Bsktbl Strategy-Men-Tm 1 M T W R F 1800 - 1850 GYM Leeworthy 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 22050 PE 185BM Phys Cond-Bsktbl-Men-Tm 1 M T W R F 1900 - 1950 GYM Leeworthy 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 22051 PE 185BB Adv Bsktbl-Men-Tm 1 M T W R F 2000 - 2050 GYM Leeworthy 5.00 09/26 - 12/10 22052 PE 280 *CWE: Fitness Center 1v TBA TBA PE 12 Leonard 50% tuit 5.00, 17.50/cr09/26 - 12/10 TECH *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. GETTING STARTED CREDIT SCHEDULE SCIENCE CHECK ONLINE FOR LATEST UPDATES & ROOM ASSIGNMENTS. CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 3 4 4 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 M W F M W F T T R R R M W F M W R M W F M W F W R R R M W F M W F T T T M W M T M W F M W F M W W R R R M W F R T R 1300 - 1350 1400 - 1450 1200 - 1450 1500 - 1750 0900 - 1150 1200 - 1450 1500 - 1750 1100 - 1150 1200 - 1350 1200 - 1450 0800 - 0850 1500 - 1550 1800 - 2050 0900 - 1150 1200 - 1450 1500 - 1750 0900 - 1050 1200 - 1250 0900 - 1150 1200 - 1450 1500 - 1750 1600 - 1750 0900 - 1150 1800 - 2050 1000 - 1050 1400 - 1450 1600 - 1650 1600 - 1650 1700 - 1750 1200 - 1450 1500 - 1750 1800 - 2050 1500 - 1550 0900 - 1150 1000 - 1150 SCI 10 SCI 10 SCI 16 SCI 16 SCI 16 SCI 16 SCI 16 SCI 16 SCI 16 SCI 17 SCI 10 SCI 10 SCI 11 SCI 11 SCI 11 SCI 11 SCI 16 SCI 10 SCI 15 SCI 15 SCI 15 SCI 10 SCI 15 SCI 15 SCI 10 SCI 17 SCI 17 SCI 17 SCI 17 SCI 15 SCI 15 SCI 15 SCI 17 SCI 15 SCI 17 Green, Y Green, Y Green, Y 14.00 Green, Y 14.00 Benz 14.00 Benz 14.00 Figueroa 14.00 Carloni Carloni 14.00 Carloni Richards Richards Richards 14.00 Richards 14.00 Richards 14.00 Richards 14.00 Figueroa 14.00 Villa Villa 14.00 Villa 14.00 Villa 14.00 Villa Villa 14.00 Villa 14.00 Breslin Breslin Breslin Breslin Breslin Breslin 14.00 Breslin 14.00 Breslin 14.00 Breslin Breslin 14.00 Young Seideman 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 UCC SCHEDULE SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER Gen Biology-Lab Reqd Gen Biology-Lab Reqd Gen Biology Lab Gen Biology Lab Gen Biology Lab Gen Biology Lab Gen Biology Lab Prin of Bio - Lab Reqd Prin of Bio Lab Intro to Genetics Anat and Phys-Lab Reqd Anat and Phys-Lab Reqd Anat and Phys Lab Anat and Phys Lab Anat and Phys Lab Anat and Phys Lab Microbiology Intro to Chem-Lab Reqd Intro to Chem Lab Intro to Chem Lab Intro to Chem Lab Fund-Chemistry-Lab Reqd Fund-Chemistry Lab Fund-Chemistry Lab Gen Chem-Lab-Recit-Reqd Gen Chem-Lab-Recit-Reqd Gen Chem Recit Gen Chem Recit Gen Chem Recit Gen Chem Lab Gen Chem Lab Gen Chem Lab Organic Chem-Lab Reqd Organic Chem Lab Human Nutrition community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 211 211 222 231 231 231 231 231 231 234 104 104 104 104 112 112 112 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 241 241 225 ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT 22237 BI 22238 BI 22239 BI 22240 BI 22241 BI 22242 BI 22243 BI 22244 BI 22245 BI 22246 BI 22247 BI 22248 BI 22249 BI 22250 BI 22251 BI 22252 BI 22253 BI 22255 CH 22256 CH 22257 CH 22258 CH 22259 CH 22260 CH 22261 CH 22262 CH 22263 CH 22264 CH 22265 CH 22266 CH 22267 CH 22268 CH 22269 CH 22321 CH 22322 CH 22323 FN SCI SCI SUMMER 2016 41 CREDIT SCHEDULE SEE PAGE 6 FOR SUMMER TERM DATES CRNSUBJ CRSE # COURSE TITLE SCIENCE, continued CR DAYS TIME LOCATION INSTRUCTOR TUIT FEE BEG / END DIST CHECK ONLINE FOR LATEST UPDATES & ROOM ASSIGNMENTS. 22324 G 201 Gen Geology-Lab Reqd 4 M W F 0900 - 0950 SCI 10 Carroll 09/26 - 12/10 SCI 22325 G 201 Gen Geology Lab 0 R 0900 - 1150 SCI 14 Carroll 14.00 09/26 - 12/10 22326 G 201 Gen Geology Lab 0 R 1200 - 1450 SCI 14 Carroll 14.00 09/26 - 12/10 22327 G 221 Environ Geology-Lab Reqd 4 M W F 1100 - 1150 SCI 17 Carroll 09/26 - 12/10 SCI 22328 G 221 Environ Geology Lab 0 T 1200 - 1450 SCI 14 Carroll 14.00 09/26 - 12/10 22329 GS 105 *Phys Sci Lecture and Lab 4 Online Nuffer 25.00 09/26 - 12/10 SCI *Lab kit available through the UCC bookstore. Students should attend an online orientation session -- check for schedule and info. 22330 GS 106 *Phys Sci Lecture and Lab 4 Online 1100 - 1150 SCI 10 Carroll 25.00 09/26 - 12/10 SCI *Lab kit available through the UCC bookstore. Students should attend an online orientation session -- check for schedule and info. 22332 GS 112 Making Sense-Science-Lab Rqd 4 M W F 1000 - 1050 SCI 17 Richards 09/26 - 12/10 SCI 22333 GS 112 Making Sense-Science Lab 0 T 0900 - 1150 SCI 11 Richards 14.00 09/26 - 12/10 22334 NR 201 Intro to Natural Resources 3 T R 1600 - 1720 SCI 17 Benz 09/26 - 12/10 SCI 22335 PH 201 Gen Physics-Lab Reqd 5 M W F 0900 - 0950 SCI 17 Davis, L 09/26 - 12/10 SCI Gen Physics-Recit 0 F 1000 - 1050 SCI 14 Davis, L 09/26 - 12/10 22337 PH 201 Gen Physics-Lab 0 T 0900 - 1150 SCI 14 Davis, L 14.00 09/26 - 12/10 22338 PH 211 Gen Phys-Calc-Lab Reqd 5 M W F 1400 - 1450 SCI 16 Davis, L 09/26 - 12/10 SCI F 1300 - 1350 SCI 16 Davis, L 22339 PH 211 Gen Phys-Calc Lab 0 T 1500 - 1750 SCI 14 Davis, L 14.00 09/26 - 12/10 SOCIAL SCIENCES 22098 ANTH221 22099 ECON 201 22100 HDFS 201 22101 HDFS 201 22103 HDFS 240 22107 HST 104 22108 HST 104 22109 HST 201 22110 HST 201 22102 HST 201 22111 PS 201 22112 PSY 101 22113 PSY 101 22114 PSY 101 22115 PSY 101 22104 PSY 101 22116 PSY 201 22117 PSY 201 22118 PSY 201 22105 PSY 201 22106 PSY 202 22119 SOC 204 22120 SOC 204 22121 SOC 205 22122 SOC 213 THEATRE 22123 TA 141 22124 TA 253 22455 TA 257 22125 TA 261 22126 TA 265 22128 TA 280 42 CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Online M W 1500 - 1615 WCH 15 T R 1400 - 1515 JH 14 M W F 1200 - 1250 JH 14 M W F 0900 - 0950 JH 18 T R 1100 - 1215 JH 10 M W F 1400 - 1450 JH 10 M W F 0800 - 0850 JH 10 M W F 1300 - 1350 JH 10 Online M W F 0900 - 0950 JH 10 M W F 1000 - 1050 TC 119 M W F 1100 - 1150 TC 119 T R 1100 - 1215 TC 119 T 1700 - 1950 JH 18 Online M W F 1100 - 1150 JH 14 M W F 1400 - 1450 JH 14 T R 1100 - 1215 JH 14 Online Online M W F 1100 - 1150 JH 18 Online M W F 1300 - 1350 JH 18 M W F 1000 - 1050 JH 18 Barlow 25.00 Peterson Willis Willis Smith, E Young Young Young Young Osborn 25.00 Young Diemer Diemer Diemer Woodcock Vannice 25.00 Willis Willis Willis Vannice 25.00 Vannice 25.00 Smith, E Smith, E Smith, E Smith, E 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC SOSC CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES Acting 1 3 T R 1300 - 1420 CNTRSTAGE Performance 2v T R 1500 - 1620 CNTRSTAGE *Variable credits 2-4. Days and times shown for 2 credits; TBA for additional credits. Musical Theatre Dance 3 T R 1030 - 1150 CNTRSTAGE Intro to Costume Design 3 T R 0800 - 1020 CNTRSTAGE Production 1v TBA TBA CNTRSTAGE *Credits variable - 1-2 credits *CWE: Theatre 1v TBA TBA TBA *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. TRUCK DRIVING Cultural Anthropology Intro to Microeconomics Ind-Family Development Ind-Family Development Cont American Family World History World History History of United States History of United States History of United States US Government Psy of Human Relations Psy of Human Relations Psy of Human Relations Psy of Human Relations Psy of Human Relations General Psychology General Psychology General Psychology General Psychology General Psychology Intro to Sociology Intro to Sociology Inst-Social Change Race Class and Ethnicity Newman Newman 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 Newman Newman Newman 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 Newman 09/26 - 12/10 50% tuit 17.50/cr CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES Truck driving courses are offered in 4-week sessions. For more information and session dates, please contact Judy Ode at 541-440-7691. FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO SUMMER FALL PREVIEW TERMCLASSES CLASSES REGISTRATION IS EASY: IN PERSON PAGE 23 ONLINE PAGE 23 CRNSUBJ CRSE # COURSE TITLE CR VITICULTURE AND ENOLOGY BEG / END DIST STAFF 25.00 STAFF 25.00 STAFF 09/26 - 12/10 TECH 09/26 - 12/10 TECH 09/26 - 12/10 TECH STAFF 50.00 STAFF 09/26 - 12/10 TECH 09/26 - 12/10 TECH Mann 100.00 Mann 09/26 - 12/10 TECH 09/26 - 12/10 TECH Mann 50.00 Mann 09/26 - 12/10 TECH 09/26 - 12/10 TECH Swan 50.00 Swan 09/26 - 12/10 TECH 09/26 - 12/10 TECH Mann 09/26 - 12/10 TECH CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES 0800 - 1150 0800 - 1150 TBA 1800 - 2020 1800 - 2020 1300 - 1450 0800 - 1150 TBA WCH 16 WCH 16 TBA WCH 14 WCH 14 WCH 12 WCH 16 TBA 1000 - 1050 1200 - 1250 1300 - 1350 0900 - 0950 JH 16 JH 16 JH 16 JH 16 Fisher 85.00 Fisher 85.00 Fisher 85.00 Thompson, D 55.00 Fisher 55.00 Thompson 85.00 Thompson 85.00 Fisher 09/26 - 10/27 10/31 - 12/01 09/26 - 10/27 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH TECH CREDIT SCHEDULE CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES 4 4 4 4 M T W R M T W R M T W R M T W R 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES STAFF STAFF STAFF 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 JH 10 WCH 15 RV 104 JH 17 TC 120 RV 102 TC 120 RV 103 TC 120 WCH 15 RV 103 RV 103 RV 104 RV 102 RV 102 RV 104 RV 104 JH 12 Fair Ory Madaus Fair Countryman 25.00 Smith, G STAFF Smith, G Friedman Smith, G Ory Friedman Friedman Madaus Countryman 25.00 Hendee Michell Michell Davis, G 25.00 Davis, G 25.00 Benton Benton Fair Hendee 25.00 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 09/26 - 12/10 UCC SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER TBA TBA TBA community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE *Writing Skills Ind. Study 1 T 1200 - 1250 *Writing Skills Ind. Study 1 T 1200 - 1250 *Writing Skills Ind. Study 1 T 1200 - 1250 *Required meeting Tuesday, 9/27, 1200 - 1250 in JH 11. Intro to Expos Writing 4 T R 0800 - 0950 Intro to Expos Writing 4 M T W R 0900 - 0950 Intro to Expos Writing 4 M W 1600 - 1750 Intro to Expos Writing 4 T R 1000 - 1150 Intro to Expos Writing 4 Online English Comp: Intro to Arg 4 M T W R 0800 - 0850 English Comp: Intro to Arg 4 M T W R 0800 - 0850 English Comp: Intro to Arg 4 M T W R 1000 - 1050 English Comp: Intro to Arg 4 M T W R 1000 - 1050 English Comp: Intro to Arg 4 M T W R 1100 - 1150 English Comp: Intro to Arg 4 M T W R 1100 - 1150 English Comp: Intro to Arg 4 M T W R 1100 - 1150 English Comp: Intro to Arg 4 M T W R 1300 - 1350 English Comp: Intro to Arg 4 M W 1400 - 1550 English Comp: Intro to Arg 4 Online English Comp: Intro to Arg 4 Online English Comp: Style-Arg 4 M T W R 1000 - 1050 English Comp: Style-Arg 4 M T W R 1300 - 1350 English Comp: Style-Arg 4 Online English Comp: Research 4 Online Technical Report Writing 4 M W F 0930 - 1045 Technical Report Writing 4 M W F 1100 - 1215 Technical Report Writing 4 M W 1300 - 1450 Technical Report Writing 4 Online Tratz Tratz Tratz Tratz ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT 22189 WR 080 22190 WR 081 22191 WR 082 22192 WR 115 22193 WR 115 22467 WR 115 22194 WR 115 22195 WR 115 22196 WR 121 22197 WR 121 22199 WR 121 22200 WR 121 22201 WR 121 22202 WR 121 22469 WR 121 22203 WR 121 22468 WR 121 22204 WR 121 22205 WR 121 22207 WR 122 22208 WR 122 22210 WR 122 22211 WR 123 22212 WR 227 22213 WR 227 22214 WR 227 22215 WR 227 FEE CHECK COLLEGE CATALOG FOR PREREQUISITES First Year Spanish First Year Spanish First Year Spanish Second Year Spanish INSTRUCTOR TUIT GETTING STARTED WRITING Welding Processes/Apps 4 M T W R Shielded Metal Arc Welding 4 M T W R Adv Welding III 3 TBA Basic Metallurgy 3 M W Basic Metallurgy 3 T R Gas Tungsten Arc Wldg II 3 M T W R Alum Arc Welding-Fab II 3 F *CWE: Welding 1v TBA *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. WORLD LANGUAGES 22233 SPAN 101 22234 SPAN 101 22235 SPAN 101 22236 SPAN 201 LOCATION Intro to the Wine Industry 1 Online Vineyard Prac I-Lab Rqd 4 Hybrid *Vineyard Prac I-Lab 0 F 0900 - 1600 VIT LAB *Labs scheduled Fridays, 9 am - 4 pm 10/7, 10/21, 11/04 and 11/18, in the Viticulture Lab. *Winemkg-Viticult-Lab Reqd 3 Hybrid *Winemkg-Viticult Lab 0 S 0900 - 1600 VIT LAB *Labs scheduled Saturdays, 9 am - 4 pm 10/08; 10/22; 11/5, 11/19 Viticulture Lab *Wines of Europe-Lab Reqd 3 Hybrid *Wines of Europe Lab 0 F 1700 - 1950 ENOL LAB *Labs scheduled Fridays, 5 - 8 pm 10/7, 10/21, 11/04 and 11/18 in the Enology Lab *Lab Must & Wine-Lab Reqd 4 Hybrid *Lab Must & Wine-Lab 0 F 0900 - 1600 ENOL LAB *Labs scheduled Fridays, 9 am - 4 pm 9/30, 10/14, 10/28, and 12/2 in the Enology Lab *Sci Wnmkg I-Lab Reqd 5 Hybrid *Sci Wnmkg I-Lab 0 S 0900 - 1600 ENOL LAB *Labs scheduled Saturdays, 9 am - 4 pm 10/1, 10/15, 10/29, 12/2, and 12/3 in the Enology Lab *CWE: Viticulture-Enology 1v TBA TBA TBA *Credits variable. Instructor approval required. WELDING 22409 WLD 101 22410 WLD 111 22411 WLD 123 22412 WLD 131 22413 WLD 131 22414 WLD 251 22474 WLD 261 22415 WLD 280 TIME COLLEGE OVERVIEW 22379 VE 101 22380 VE 110 22381 VE 110 22382 VE 201 22385 VE 201 22384 VE 203 22386 VE 203 22387 VE 209 22388 VE 209 22389 VE 210 22383 VE 210 22390 VE 280 DAYS 43 CREDIT SCHEDULE SEE PAGE 6 FOR SPRING TERM DATES ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT GED, PRE-GED, ENGLISH LANGUAGE ACQUISITION AND SKILL BUILDING GENERAL INFORMATION: 541-440-4603 To find out more about our most current schedule of classes, orientation schedules, and more, please visit us on Facebook or call 541-440-4603. UMPQUA COMMUNITY COLLEGE IS DEDICATED TO ASSISTING ADULTS WHO WANT AND NEED TO DEVELOP STRONG BASIC ACADEMIC SKILLS. Adult Basic Skills Development (ABSD) programs include: • Adult Basic Education • GED, College, and Career Preparation • English Language Acquisition (ELA) • Skill Building Classes Students in the program can take advantage of free tutoring, a school to career program and several computer labs. Taking ABSD classes is very affordable! • Classes cost $18 per term. These fees remain the same whether a student signs up for one class or four. In addition, all classes have a $2 technology fee per term. To find out more about our most current schedule of classes, orientation schedules, and more, please call 541-440-4603. ORIENTATION FOR ABSD CLASSES Students interested in taking an ABSD class must first attend an orientation. During orientation, students fill out registration paperwork, set goals, learn about program options and complete a basic skills assessment. Orientations are free and are held at the Woolley Center (1634 W. Harvard), at the main UCC campus, and in Tri-City. Call 541-440-4603 to learn more about scheduling an orientation. READING THE ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT CLASS SCHEDULE course title class dates day(s) of week ROSEBURG EVENING GED CLASS Students must attend an orientation before attending the class. Call 541-440-4603 for more information. 6/20 - 8/25 5:30 - 8:30 pm Woolley Center, Rm TBA M, T, W, R Roseburg class hours class location Days of the Week 44 M T W R F S U Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO The class meets all days listed. For example: T, R = class meets Tuesday AND Thursday S, U = class meets Saturday AND Sunday M, T, W, F = class meets Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday AND Friday REGISTRATION IS EASY: IN PERSON PAGE 23 ONLINE PAGE 23 Orientation is required for ABSD classes. Call 541-440-4603. 6/20 - 8/25 10 am - 12 pm M, T, W, R Woolley Ctr, Rm TBA Roseburg ROSEBURG AFTERNOON PRE-GED CLASS 6/20 - 8/25 12:30 - 2:30 pm M, T, W, R Woolley Ctr, Rm TBA Roseburg 6/20 - 8/25 5:30 - 8:30 pm M, T, W, R Woolley Ctr, Rm TBA Roseburg TRI CITY PRE-GED CLASS 6/21 - 8/24 9 am - 12 pm S Umpqua Admin Bldg T, W 558 Chadwick Lane, Myrtle Creek 6/20 - 8/25 12:30 - 3:30 pm Woolley Center, Room TBA M, T, W, R Roseburg ROSEBURG EVENING GED CLASS 6/20 - 8/25 5:30 - 8:30 pm Woolley Center, Room TBA M, T, W, R Roseburg MAIN CAMPUS GED CLASS 6/20 - 8/25 9 am - 2 pm M, T, W, F Jackson Hall, Rm 15 UCC Main Campus TRI-CITY GED CLASS 6/21 - 8/24 9 am - 12 pm S Umpqua Admin Bldg T, W 558 Chadwick Lane, Myrtle Creek SKILL REVIEW Those students who have finished high school or completed their GED but still need further instruction to improve their skills for college or work, should sign up for a Skill Review class. These classes are designed to help students improve their COMPASS test scores prior to taking college classes or to be better prepared for the workplace. Skill review classes cost $18 plus a $2 technology fee. 6/20 - 8/25 9 am - 2 pm M, T, W, R Jackson Hall, Rm 15 UCC Main Campus TRI-CITY SKILL REVIEW CLASS 6/21 - 8/24 9 am - 12 pm S Umpqua Admin Bldg T, W 558 Chadwick Lane, Myrtle Creek ENGLISH LANGUAGE ACQUISITION (ELA) Adults who need to learn to speak, listen to, read and write English must attend an orientation before they can sign up for classes. Based on their skills, students are placed into either beginning or intermediate level classes, and receive instruction in speaking, reading, writing and listening to English. Clases focus primarily on language skills for the workplace. Students who have intermediate to advanced ELA skills may also be eligible to sign up for ABE, pre-GED classes, and GED classes. ELA classes cost $18, plus a $2 technology fee. MAIN CAMPUS ELA CLASS, BEGINNING 6/21 - 8/25 9 - 11 am T, R TBA UCC Main Campus MAIN CAMPUS ELA CLASS, INTERMEDIATE 6/21 - 8/24 9 - 11 am M, W TBA UCC Main Campus Orientation is required for ABSD classes. Call 541-440-4603. WOOLLEY CENTER ELA CLASS, ALL LEVELS ROSEBURG MORNING SKILL REVIEW CLASS 6/21 - 8/25 5:30 - 7:30 pm Woolley Center, Room TBA T, W, R Roseburg 6/20 - 8/25 10 am - 12 pm M, T, W, R TRI-CITY ELA CLASS, ALL LEVELS Woolley Ctr, Rm TBA Roseburg ROSEBURG AFTERNOON SKILL REVIEW CLASS 6/20 - 8/25 12:30 - 2:30 pm M, T, W, R 6/21 - 8/24 9 am - 12 pm S Umpqua Admin Bldg T, W 558 Chadwick Lane; Myrtle Creek Woolley Ctr, Rm TBA Roseburg SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER For adults who have not yet completed high school, UCC provides classes to prepare students to enter college or the workplace, while also preparing to pass the GED. • The classes focus instruction on literacy, mathematics, and analytical thinking, the skills necessary to be successful on the GED, college, and at work. • There are group classroom lessons as well as individualized lessons based on each student’s needs. ROSEBURG AFTERNOON GED CLASS MAIN CAMPUS SKILL REVIEW CLASS community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE GED, COLLEGE AND CAREER PREPARATION 6/20 - 8/25 10 am - 12 pm Woolley Center, Room TBA M, T, W, R Roseburg Woolley Ctr, Rm TBA Roseburg ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT ROSEBURG EVENING PRE-GED CLASS ROSEBURG MORNING GED CLASS 6/20 - 8/25 5:30 - 8:30 pm M, T, W, R CREDIT SCHEDULE ROSEBURG MORNING PRE-GED CLASS Orientation is required for ABSD classes. Call 541-440-4603. ROSEBURG EVENING SKILL REVIEW CLASS GETTING STARTED Adult Basic Education and Pre-GED classes provide instruction in basic skills up through High Intermediate Basic Education level. • Group classes and individual lessons are available in reading, grammar, writing, spelling and mathematics. • After students increase their reading level, they can transfer into more advanced classes, including GED, college and career preparation classes. Classes in ABE and Pre-GED cost $18, plus a $2 technology fee. Classes in GED, and College & Career Preparation cost $18, plus a $2 technology fee. Please contact the Woolley Center, at 541-440-6403 to sign up for the mandatory New Student Orientation. COLLEGE OVERVIEW ADULT BASIC EDUCATION (ABE) AND PRE-GED UCC SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 45 ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY AND WORKFORCE TRAINING CONTENTS REGISTRATION POLICIES AND PROCEDURES.........................................47 FITNESS & HEALTH Exercise..............................................................54 COMMUNITY AND WORKFORCE TRAINING STAFF ..............................................47 HOME & GARDEN Food & Beverage...........................................55 SAFETY Boater Safety...................................................55 Handgun/Self Defense...............................55 GOLD CARD 50% DISCOUNT.................47 COMMUNITY AND WORKFORCE TRAINING REGISTRATION FORM .......48 SUMMER TERM CLASSES ARTS & CRAFTS Creative Arts....................................................49 COMPUTERS Basic Skills.........................................................49 Software Applications.................................49 Consumer Electronics.................................51 Web-Based Applications...........................51 CPR / FIRST AID For Health Care Professionals..................52 For Community Members.........................53 SPECIAL INTEREST Parenting..........................................................55 YOUTH & FAMILY Summer Recreation..............................10-21 CAREER AND CONTINUING EDUCATION Computer.........................................................56 Skill Enhancement........................................57 Continuing Education for Teachers......57 Occupational & Licensing.........................58 Childcare...........................................................58 Medical Professional....................................58 Flagger...............................................................58 HOURS Community and Workforce Training Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-440-4668 Regular Hours Mon - Thurs 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Welcome Center Registration Hours Mon - Thurs 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. DATES May 9 IMonday Community Education Registration Begins (via phone or in person) 30I Memorial Day (campus closed) August 25IFriday– End of Term DRIVER EDUCATION .........................53 READING THE COMMUNITY AND WORKFORCE TRAINING SCHEDULE Days of the Week M T W R Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday course title F Friday S Saturday U Sunday Class meets all days listed. For example: TR= meets Tuesday AND Thursday SU= meets Saturday AND Sunday MTWF=meets Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 46 CRN number class dates class location EXCEL BASICS Learn more about what the popular MS Excel program can do you for you! In this Basic Excel class, learn features such as creating, navigating, formatting and editing worksheets and workbooks. Enter various types of data, work with common formulas and functions, and create a simple chart. Learn the shortcuts. Instructor: K. Miller. $69 12218 7/12 - 7/19 T, R 10 am - Noon Workforce Training Center 13 2555 NE Diamond Lk., Rsbg FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO total cost day(s) of week class hours SUMMER TERM CLASSES REGISTRATION POLICIES & PROCEDURES REGISTRATION Pre-registration for Community Education classes is strongly encouraged. Registration at the first class session cannot be guaranteed in cases where the class is full or cancelled due to low enrollment numbers. QUESTIONS? CAMPUS PARKING Umpqua Community College provides ample parking spaces near and around all campus buildings. Students may park in any space, except for staff (green) and visitor (white) and those reserved for persons with a disabled person parking permit, which are marked in blue with signs. Stickers and placards required to park in disabled parking spaces are issued by the Oregon Division of Motor Vehicles. Please note that traffic citations will be issued for improperly parked vehicles. For more information, go to www. Call the numbers below for more information about Community Education and Workforce Training classes. NAME CONTACT INFORMATION RESPONSIBILITIES 541-440-4668 General Information Robin VanWinkle 541-440-4651 Program Administrator Judy Ode 541-440-7691 541-440-7650 Candice Van Loon 541-440-4655 SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER Laura Martinson Susan Neeman INCLEMENT WEATHER UCC Community Education Classes held on campus are closed when UCC is officially closed due to severe weather. If your class is held at a local school and the school is closed due to weather, your class will be cancelled for the evening. Listen to local radio stations or visit the UCC website for weather closure information. community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE COMMUNITY AND WORKFORCE TRAINING STAFF Douglas County Residents who are 60 years of age or older, and Disability Gold Card holders are eligible for a 50% discount off the costs of selected Community Education classes. Look for the symbol for classes that qualify for the Gold Card discount. Eligible residents should select the Gold Card class course number at time of registration. Information about the Gold Card program is available by calling 541-440-4668. ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT 2. By Mail or Fax Mail a completed Community Education Registration form (page 48) with payment to Umpqua Community College, Registration, PO Box 967, Roseburg OR 97470. Please do not send cash. Mail-in registration does not guarantee space. Fax to 541-440-7721. GO TO CLASS Unless you hear from us, go to the class or classes you have registered for. The only time you will hear from us is: • If the class is cancelled • If there is a change in time, facility or location • If the class is full • Community Education and Workforce Training uses auto calls to communicate class changes and cancellations to students. Please update your contact information each time you register to ensure we can reach you. GOLD 50% CARD CREDIT SCHEDULE 3 WAYS TO REGISTER 1. In Person Register at the UCC Welcome Center (Del Blanchard Bldg.) registration window on a walk-in basis. We are located at 1140 Umpqua College Rd. Registration hours are 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Registration is closed on Fridays from mid-June through mid-September. GOLD CARD PROGRAM — SENIOR DISCOUNT GETTING STARTED PAYMENT Payment is due at time of registration. Make checks payable to UCC. Visa or MasterCard are accepted. 3. By Phone Call 541-440-7744 weekdays between 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Please have your registration information and Visa/ MasterCard information ready. Registration line is closed on Fridays from mid-June through August. REFUNDS • Full refunds will be issued to all students if UCC must cancel a class. • Students are eligible for a refund if they drop a class two business days prior to the class start date. To cancel a class, contact UCC Registration Department at 541-440-7744. • Financial credit towards future classes may be considered based on special circumstances but is not guaranteed. Requests based on special circumstances must be requested in writing to the Community Education and Workforce Training Office, 2555 NE Diamond Lake Blvd., Roseburg. COLLEGE OVERVIEW UCC Community Education Classes are open to the public. Classes are open to students 16 years and older unless otherwise stated. Youth and Family classes are specifically designed for young people, teens, or families. Community Education and Workforce Training classes are separate from credit offerings and do not count towards degrees, diplomas, or certificate programs. CPR/First Aid, Bus/Van Training, Driver Education, Flagger, OSHA, Pharmacy Technician, Phlebotomy, Business & Career Training, CDL Arts, Crafts, Fitness, Home & Garden, Special Interest, Discovery College for Kids, Matrix Classes for Middle/HS Students, Dance, Recreation, Languages, Writing, Genealogy Computers, Online, Photo Editing, Business & Career Training, CEUs, Special Interest, Workforce & Customized Training UCC SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 47 COMMUNITY AND WORKFORCE TRAINING Looking for Fun this Summer? Head to the front of this schedule to find all of the camps and activities we have to offer! Learn. Play. Explore. See pages 10 - 21 for more information or visit us at: RoseburgSummerFun.Com Visit our website at Find us on Facebook “UCC Community and Workforce Training” REGISTRATION: 541-440-7744 BIRTH DATE: (Required) _____________ UMPQUA COMMUNITY COLLEGE 1140 College Road - PO Box 967 Roseburg, OR 97470 (541) 440-7744 DATE:______________________TERM: SEX: MALE □ FEMALE □ COMMUNITY & WORKFORCE TRAINING NAME: Last First State HOME PHONE: OTHER PHONE: CRN # COURSE TITLE WI SP UNITED STATES CITIZEN YES □ NO □ SU ETHNIC (Optional): WHTE □ ASIAN □ BLACK □ HISPANIC □ AMERICAN INDIAN □ MI ENROLLMENT STATUS: MAILING ADDRESS: City FA __ □ ENROLLING FOR THE FIRST TIME □ CONTINUING (ENROLLED LAST TERM) □ RETURNING (ENROLLED PREVIOUSLY BUT NOT LAST TERM) Zip EMAIL:___________________________________________________ FEE CRN # COURSE TITLE FEE Student Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL DUE PAID BY: CHECK (NO.) MASTERCARD OR VISA NUMBER Student/Cardholder Signature Signifying Approval & Authorization CASH 3-DIGIT CODE (BACK OF CARD) EXP DATE ___________________________________________________________________ Address if other than Student __________ Date In case of refund, check is issued to the student regardless of the payment method, i.e. credit card, unless a formal third party sponsored account agreement is set up with UCC. 48 FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO FOR MORE COMMUNITY AND WORKFORCE TRAINING INFO CALL 541-440-4668; TO REGISTER CALL 541-440-7744 SUMMER TERM CLASSES COMPUTERS CREATIVE ARTS BASIC SKILLS 50% $45, register with 12211 see pg. 45 for Gold Card class details. COMPUTER ESSENTIALS 1 6/20 - 6/23 M, T, W, R 3 - 5 pm Wayne Crooch Hall 12 UCC Campus ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT COMPUTER ESSENTIALS 2 This class is the next step in getting comfortable with and understanding your computer. Explore the Microsoft store and learn about applications; how to install, launch and customize their privacy. You will explore the Internet and dive into word processing, spreadsheets, sticky notes and much more. Learn to use the personalization settings and make your computer your own. Early registration is encouraged for this popular class. Instructor: C. McCormick. $89 12212 7/11 - 7/14 M, T, W, R 3 - 5 pm Wayne Crooch Hall 12 UCC Campus 50% SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER GOLD CARD community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE EXCEL BASICS Learn more about what the popular MS Excel program can do you for you! In this Basic Excel class, learn features such as creating, navigating, formatting and editing worksheets and workbooks. Enter various types of data, work with common formulas and functions, and create a simple chart. Learn the shortcuts. Instructor: K. Miller. $69 12218 7/12 - 7/19 T, R 10 am - Noon Workforce Training Center 13 2555 NE Diamond Lk., Rsbg GOLD CARD CREDIT SCHEDULE BASIC YARN BASKETRY Diane Smith-Lewsadder will guide you through each step in creating your unique yarn basket! Whether traditional or colorful colors chosen, each basket will bring a new and different dimension to your surroundings. Bring all your old, halfused skeins of yarn, or use the yarns provided to create a one-of-a-kind basket. Filler cord and needles will be furnished! It’s a very fun way to use and share your left-overs! $45 12319 7/9 - 7/16 S 10 am - Noon Technology Center 119 UCC Campus SPEED UP YOUR COMPUTER Is your computer running slow? In this class you will learn how to tune-up your PC, which will help your computer run faster and more efficiently. Regular maintenance can also help to extend the life of your computer. Instructor: M. Butcher. $49 12209 8/2 - 8/11 T, R 4 - 6 pm Workforce Training Center 13 2555 NE Diamond Lk., Rsbg COMPUTER ESSENTIALS 1 Do you want to learn more and feel more comfortable with computers? This class is for you. Learn basic commands and terminology, use a mouse or keyboard and multitasking. You will also learn to keep track of all your information by using Windows file management. Explore keyboard shortcuts and media player. This class is recommended for people who do not have computer experience. Early registration is encouraged for this popular class. Instructor: C. McCormick. $89 12210 6/20 - 6/23 M, T, W, R 3 - 5 pm Wayne Crooch Hall 12 UCC Campus GETTING STARTED ZENTANGLE The Zentangle Method is an easyto-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns of lines and shapes. In each session, seasoned art teacher, Diane Smith-Lewsadder, will give you the opportunity to explore all aspects of the Zentangle Method. Zentangle is meant to be a form of artistic meditation that ANYONE can do! Create notecards, borders for other artwork, or framed works as you become more confident in your pieces. All supplies will be provided for you. You, and the finished products, will definitely start a Zentangle Mania! $39 12318 6/25 S 10 am - Noon Technology Center 119 UCC Campus WINDOWS 10 Learn the ins and outs of the new Windows 10 Operating system. If you have purchased a new computer, or recently upgraded your operating system, this is the class for you. Get your questions answered and learn what this new product from Microsoft has to offer. A laptop with Windows10 is required or be prepared to upgrade to Windows10 after first class. Limited number of laptops available. Call Susan at 541440-4655 to reserve a laptop. Basic computer skills required. Instructor: C. McCormick. $69 12208 6/15 - 6/16 W, R 5 - 7 pm Wayne Crooch Hall 15 UCC Campus SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS COLLEGE OVERVIEW ARTS & CRAFTS $45, register with 12214 see pg. 45 for Gold Card class details. COMPUTER ESSENTIALS 2 7/11 - 7/14 M, T, W,R 3 - 5 pm Wayne Crooch Hall 12 UCC Campus UCC SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 49 COMMUNITY AND WORKFORCE TRAINING COMPUTER ESSENTIALS 1 IN SPANISH ¿Quieres aprender más y sentirte más cómodo usando el computador? Esta clase es para ti. Aprenderás los comandos básicos y la terminología , a usar el ratón, el teclado y el Sistema Multitarea. También aprenderás a organizar toda tu información mediante el uso de la Administración de archivos de Windows. Explora los comandos del teclado y Multimedia. Esta clase es recomendada para personas que no tienen experiencia con el computador. Te recomendamos inscriberte lo más pronto posible ya que es un curso que se llena rápidamente. Instructora M. Butcher. $89 12316 7/11 - 7/20 M, W 5 - 7 pm Workforce Training Center 1 2555 NE Diamond Lk., Rsbg MICROSOFT WORD PART 1 This class is your roadmap to creating documents. You will focus on the basics and learn how to use the ribbon, tabs, toolbars and how to manipulate and format text. Explore page layout options, how to utilize headers and footers as well as create columns and more. Hands on and casually paced. Students should have already completed “Computer Essentials” classes. Early registration is encouraged for this popular class. Instructor: C. McCormick. $69 12215 7/5 - 7/7 T, W, R 9 - 11 am Wayne Crooch Hall 12 UCC Campus MICROSOFT WORD PART 2 Continue your Microsoft Word experience with this class. You will delve into tables, bulleted and numbered lists, heading styles and how to use and create templates. This class will also teach you how to use mail and label merge. Learn to create fillable forms and to convert Word files to PDF files. Hands-on and casually paced. Students should have already completed “Word Part 1”. Early registration is encouraged for this popular class. Instructor: C. McCormick. $69 12216 8/2 - 8/4 T, W, R 9 - 11 am Wayne Crooch Hall 12 UCC Campus 50 Publishing Your Passions Passionate about something? Share it with the world when you learn to create and maintain your very own blog. CRN: 12320 6/21 - 6/30 9:00 -11:00am T, R Workforce Training Center 2555 NE Diamond Lake Blvd. Cost: $45 Register Today! Registration: 541-440-7744 Susan Neeman: 541-440-4655 FIND US ONLINE! Umpqua Community College is an equal opportunity educator and employer. MICROSOFT WORD PART 1 AND 2 Take both Microsoft Word Part 1 and Part 2 for one low price. Instructor: C, McCormick. $99 12217 7/5 - 7/7 & 8/2 - 8/4 T, W, R 9 - 11 am Wayne Crooch Hall 12 UCC Campus EXCEL - BEYOND THE BASICS Go beyond the basics and learn to link and manage worksheet information as well as use shortcuts to become more efficient. You will learn functions like SUM, MIN, MAX, SUBTOTAL, SUMIFS, COUNTIF and more. You will also leave class with the ability to organize, process and analyze worksheet data, link to Word and Power Point documents and much more. Instructor: K. Miller. $69 12219 7/21 - 7/28 T, R 10 am - Noon Workforce Training Center 13 2555 NE Diamond Lk., Rsbg NEXT LEVEL EXCEL This class is for the more advanced user. You will develop an understanding of pivot tables, conditional formatting, basic macros, and other functions. You will also learn to work across several worksheets and workbooks. Take your Excel knowledge to the next level with this class. Prior Excel experience is necessary. Instructor: K. Miller. $79 12220 8/1 - 8/8 M, W 4 - 6 pm Workforce Training Center 13 2555 NE Diamond Lk., Rsbg FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO FOR MORE COMMUNITY AND WORKFORCE TRAINING INFO CALL 541-440-4668; TO REGISTER CALL 541-440-7744 SUMMER TERM CLASSES WEB-BASED APPLICATIONS INTRODUCTION TO iTUNES FOR MAC & WINDOWS iTunes will help you manage and store both your audio and video files on your computer. In this class you will explore installation and updates, downloading and sharing content, and iCloud integration. You will also learn to sync and transfer your content to other devices. This media manager was created for both Macintosh and Windows operating systems. Bring your devices and connecting cables to class. Instructor: M. Butcher. $39 12226 6/28 - 6/30 T, R 4 - 6 pm Workforce Training Center 15 2555 NE Diamond Lk., Rsbg ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE iPHOTO FOR APPLE PRODUCTS This class will introduce you to iPhoto. Learn about installation and updates as well as importing your photos from other devices, iCloud and other storage apps. Improve your photos by learning basic editing, rotating, cropping and how to use filters. You will also learn how easy it can be to share your photos and videos with iPhoto and how to set up slide shows. Bring your devices and/or Macintosh computers to class. Instructor: M. Butcher. $39 12225 7/5 - 7/7 T, R 10 am - Noon Workforce Training Center 15 2555 NE Diamond Lk., Rsbg UCC SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER SAMSUNG/ANDROID PHONE Do you have an Android smartphone? Are you considering buying one? Bring your fully charged Android phone to class and learn about the device’s core functions and settings. Discover fun apps using the Google Play store, sync your device with your Google account, and explore how to connect your home computer to upload and share pictures and videos. Enroll in this class and learn how to get the most from the computer in your pocket. Instructor: K. Miller. $59 12221 8/9 - 8/16 T, R 4 - 6 pm Workforce Training Center 14 2555 NE Diamond Lk., Rsbg CREDIT SCHEDULE IPAD FOR THE BEGINNER Your iPad is a revolutionary tablet computer that will change the way you experience the Web, email, photos and video. Find out more about settings, security, and setting up your email. Search and download apps, use your camera and more. If you have a new iPad or just want to see what they are capable of, this is the class for you. Bring your iPad to class. Some iPads available for use in this course, call 541-440-4655 to reserve an iPad. Instructor: S. Neeman. $59 12224 7/11 - 8/1 M 4 - 6 pm Workforce Training Center 15 2555 NE Diamond Lk., Rsbg GETTING STARTED CONSUMER ELECTRONICS COLLEGE OVERVIEW DISCOVER PICASA: PHOTO EDITING AND ORGANIZING Do you like to take pictures but are unsure of how to edit and organize them? Using this free, web-based application, you will learn how to quickly sort and organize your photos. You will also learn how to edit your digital photography. Discover how to remove red-eye, crop your photos, add text to a picture, adjust the color, retouch images and many more interesting effects. Please bring photos to class on a flash drive or laptop. Instructor: T. Riley. $39 12227 6/20 - 6/27 M, W 5 - 7 pm Workforce Training Center 13 2555 NE Diamond Lk., Rsbg 51 COMMUNITY AND WORKFORCE TRAINING GOOGLE THE CLOUD Do you want to easily access your documents, photos, and videos from any computer, tablet, or smartphone? Google Drive is a safe, cloud-based place for all of your files that allows them to go where you go. You will learn how to upload your files and share them instantly with others, create documents using the word processor, spreadsheet and presentation tool. You will also get a glimpse into other cloud applications such as One Drive and Dropbox. Instructor: K. Miller. $49 12222 7/18 - 7/25 M, W 4 - 6 pm Workforce Training Center 13 2555 NE Diamond Lk., Rsbg PUBLISHING YOUR PASSIONS Do you have a passion you want to share? In this class you will learn how to create and maintain a free webblog. A blog is a frequently updated online journal to express yourself to the world. You will learn how to make pages, place photos, change fonts and use themes to express anything from grandchildren to fishing or any other skill/passion you many have. You can keep your blog private or make it interactive. Come to class and publish what you are passionate about! $45 12320 6/21 - 6/30 T, R 9 - 11 am Workforce Training Center 13 2555 NE Diamond Lk., Rsbg CPR/FIRST AID The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in BLS/ACLS and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the American Heart Association, and any fees charged for such a course do not represent income to the Association. 52 FOR HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS INSTRUCTOR COURSE HCP/FA/CPR This course teaches prospective teachers of First Aid/CPR for both Healthcare Providers and the Lay Responder how to prepare for the class. Pre-requisites for this class are the completion of the Essentials course (contact AHA CTC 541.440.4660 for directions) and a current provider card in the discipline you will be teaching. Instructor Manual not included in course fee, but can be purchased through the Community Ed office or online through World Point. For more information call: Sarah 541-440-4660 or Judy 541- 440-7691. $249 12198 7/23 S 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Wayne Crooch Hall 15 UCC Campus ACLS SKILLS CHECK A three-hour skills check designed to evaluate healthcare professionals in the management of cardiac arrest and near-arrest patients. Must have current BLS/HCP certification and have basic knowledge of rhythm identification and cardiac pharmacology. Student must have completed the online portion of the class before scheduling the skills check. To access the online portion, go to For more information and to arrange date and time, call Sarah, 541-4404660, or Judy, 541-440-7691. $249 12197 Call to arrange session HEALTHCARE PROVIDER SKILLS CHECK The Skill Check session is for people completing the online AHA Healthcare Provider Course (www. At the end of the online session, you must print the certificate of completion. Call Sarah, 541-440-4660 or Judy, 541-440-7691 to set the day and time for your skills check. Skills check takes about one hour. Online and Skills Check must be completed before you will be issued a AHA Healthcare Provider Card good for 2 years. $60 12203 Call to arrange date and time HEALTH CARE PROVIDER CPR This class is for Healthcare Providers. The course covers the Emergency Cardiovascular Care Guidelines including the use of Automatic External Defibrillators and Bag Valve Mask Devices. Adult, child and infant CPR will be covered. This class can be delivered at specific work locations on request. For more information call Sarah 541-440-4660 or Judy 541-4407691. $79 SP16-41025 6/1 - 6/2 W, R 5:30 - 8:30 pm Workforce Training Center 14 2555 NE Diamond Lk., Rsbg 12204 7/13 - 7/14 W, R 5:30 - 8:30 pm Workforce Training Center 15 2555 NE Diamond Lk., Rsbg 12205 8/9 - 8/11 T, R 5:30 - 8:30 pm Workforce Training Center 14 2555 NE Diamond Lk., Rsbg HEALTHCARE PROVIDER RECERTIFICATION This course teaches CPR, AED use, relief of choking in adults and children and infant CPR and relief of choking and the use of barrier devices for all ages. This class is designed for the professional rescuer/ provider requiring recertification. Book included. This course can be offered at specific work locations on request. For more information call Sarah at 541-440-4660 or Judy at 541-440-7691. $69 SP16-41029 6/8 W 5:30 - 9:30 pm Workforce Training Center 14 2555 NE Diamond Lk, Rsbg 12206 7/11 M 8:30 - 12:30 pm Workforce Training Center 14 2555 NE Diamond Lk, Rsbg 12207 8/23 T 5:30 - 9:30 pm Workforce Training Center 14 2555 NE Diamond Lk, Rsbg FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO FOR MORE COMMUNITY AND WORKFORCE TRAINING INFO CALL 541-440-4668; TO REGISTER CALL 541-440-7744 SUMMER TERM CLASSES 12177 $59 Workforce Training Center 1 2555 NE Diamond Lake Blvd. Roseburg 7/7 R 5 - 9:00 pm ADULT DRIVING (PER HOUR) We offer private Drive lessons at your pace with a professional driving instructor. Rate is $60 per hour. Call to schedule. CALL JUDY Today! 541-440-7691 FOR COMMUNITY MEMBERS & FAMILIES 12200 8/18 R 5:30 - 9:30 pm Workforce Training Center 14 2555 NE Diamond Lk, Rsbg DRIVER EDUCATION FOR HS STUDENTS WITH PERMIT- JULY AM 12171 7/5 - 8/3 T, W, R 8 - 10:30 am Wayne Crooch Hall 15 UCC Campus DRIVER EDUCATION DRIVER EDUCATION FOR HS STUDENTS WITH PERMIT- JULY PM 12173 7/5 - 8/3 T, W, R 6 - 8:30 pm Wayne Crooch Hall 15 UCC Campus DRIVER PERMIT TEST PREPARATION Having trouble passing the permit test or just need help studying? This course covers the Oregon Driver Manual and what you need to know to pass the Oregon Driver permit test. Information: J. Ode 541-440-7691. $59 SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER 12202 8/17 - 8/18 W, R 5:30 - 9 pm Workforce Training Center 14 2555 NE Diamond Lk, Rsbg DRIVER EDUCATION FOR HS STUDENTS WITH PERMIT- ROSEBURG 12169 6/6 - 6/30 M, T, W 6 - 8:30 pm Workforce Training Center 2 2555 NE Diamond Lk, Rsbg community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE 12201 7/13 - 7/14 W, R 5:30 - 9 pm Workforce Training Center 14 2555 NE Diamond Lk, Rsbg 12199 7/14 R 5:30 - 9:30 pm Workforce Training Center 14 2555 NE Diamond Lk, Rsbg DRIVER EDUCATION FOR HS STUDENTS WITH PERMITSOUTH COUNTY 12167 6/7 - 7/1 T, W, R 6 - 8:30 pm South County JOBS Center, Modular 1 560 SW Chadwick, Myrtle Creek ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT FIRST AID/CPR/AED This American Heart Association Heartsaver First Aid course teaches how to manage illness and injuries for adults and children in the first few minutes until professional help arrives. This class also teaches CPR, AED use, relief of choking and use of barrier devices for all ages. Book included in course fee. For more information call Sarah at 541-440-4660 or Judy at 541440-7691. $79 SP16-41032 6/11 S 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Wayne Crooch Hall 15 UCC Campus CPR TRAINING This course teaches CPR, AED use, relief of choking in adults and children and infant CPR and relief of choking, and the use of barrier devices for all ages. Book included in course fee. For more information call Sarah, 541-440-4660 or Judy, 541440-7691. $49 SP16-41035 6/11 S 11:30 am - 3:30 pm Wayne Crooch Hall 15 UCC Campus DRIVER EDUCATION FOR HS STUDENTS WITH PERMIT UCC’s High School Driver Ed program is ODOT approved; all instructors are State certified. The course includes 30 hours of classroom instruction and 12 hours in the car. Drive times are scheduled the second night of class and are in addition to the classroom time. Parent(s)/ guardians are an important part of the process and must attend the first night of the driver training class. Students must have their Oregon permit before class starts. Information: J. Ode 541-4407691. $199. If your student qualifies for free or reduced lunches, please call 541440-7691 for info on a discount. If your student is 18 or older, or has a license, see the Adult Driver Education section. CREDIT SCHEDULE 5 - 9 pm GETTING STARTED And more are available! 12177 7/7 R Workforce Training Center 1 COLLEGE OVERVIEW DRIVER EDUCATION PERMIT TEST PREP CLASS SP16-41667 5/26 R 5 - 9 pm Workforce Training Center TBA DRIVER EDUCATION FOR HS STUDENTS WITH PERMIT- ROSEBURG 12175 8/4 - 8/25 M, T, W, R 1 - 4 pm Workforce Training Center 1 2555 NE Diamond Lk, Rsbg UCC SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 53 COMMUNITY AND WORKFORCE TRAINING ADULT DRIVER EDUCATION This class is for anyone with a driver license or for students 18 and up. This course includes 30 hours of classroom instruction and 6 hours in the car. Drive times are scheduled in addition to classroom time. Students must have their Oregon permit or a valid Driver License before class starts. Information: J. Ode 541-4407691. $379 12165 6/6 - 6/30 M, T, W 6 - 8:30 pm Workforce Training Center 2 2555 NE Diamond Lk, Rsbg ADULT DRIVER EDUCATION SOUTH COUNTY 12323 6/7 - 7/1 T, W, R 6 - 8:30 pm South County JOBS Center, Modular 1 560 SW Chadwick, Myrtle Creek ADULT DRIVER EDUCATION-JULY AM 12324 7/5 - 8/3 T, W, R 8 - 10:30 am Wayne Crooch Hall 16 UCC Campus ADULT DRIVER EDUCATION-JULY PM 12325 7/5 - 8/3 T, W, R 6 - 8:30 pm Wayne Crooch Hall 15 UCC Campus ADULT DRIVER EDUCATION-JULY PM 12326 8/4 - 8/25 M, T, W, R 1 - 4 pm Workforce Training Center 2 2555 NE Diamond Lk, Rsbg 127 Main St., Riddle 54 LEARN TO DRIVE YOUR MOTORHOME Need to be able to drive that motorhome if something happens to your partner. This four hour class will take you from checking the vehicle before you take off (pre-trip) to driving it down the road and parking it were you need to. Feel secure in your ability to get where you need to go in an emergency or just enjoy some time behind the wheel. You must have a valid driver license to take this course. Provide your own RV. Training set up around your schedule Call J. Ode 541440-7691 to register. $299 12322 Call to arrange time AQUA ZUMBAFULL SESSION Take the full session for a discounted rate! $69 12329 6/28 - 8/18 T, R 6 - 7 am Pool - Shallow End UCC Campus CHI-KUNG/TAI-CHI Chi-Kung/Tai-Chi techniques rest the mind and strengthen and work the body. This ancient physical form uses stretching, deep breathing and invigorating circular motion to awaken and loosen the entire body. You will tone and strengthen the muscles and clear and relax the mind while increasing your natural energy flow. Beginning and intermediate students of all ages are welcome. Instructor: D. Robison-Bryan. $35 12330 6/21 - 8/2 T 11 am - Noon Roseburg Dance Studio 865 SE Court St., Roseburg 12331 6/23 - 8/4 R 11 am - Noon Roseburg Dance Studio 865 SE Court St., Roseburg FITNESS/HEALTH EXERCISE AQUA ZUMBA-PART 1 Jump in and get a great workout at the start of your day! Instructor, Kemberly Todd, will lead you through an exciting workout that combines some of the traditional elements of aqua fitness classes with the upbeat, Pop and Latin-infused dance moves and music Zumba is famous for. So much fun, you won’t realize you’re exercising! $39 12327 6/28 - 7/21 T, R 6 - 7 am Pool - Shallow End UCC Campus AQUA ZUMBA-PART 2 12328 7/26 - 8/18 T, R 6 - 7 am Pool - Shallow End UCC Campus CHI-KUNG/TAI-CHI Take both days for one low price! $55 12332 6/21 - 8/4 T, R 11 am - Noon Roseburg Dance Studio 865 SE Court St., Roseburg YOGA BASICS & BEYOND Accept our invitation to join a stressfree environment that promotes physical strength, balance and flexibility! This yoga course is your opportunity to familiarize yourself with the asanas (poses), and experience pranayama (breath practice). Discover an appreciation for yoga’s relaxing and meditative qualities in a space that is engaging, informative, and appropriately challenging. Please bring a yoga mat, a blanket, and the curiosity to explore where yoga may lead you. See you on the mat! Nanci Pritchard, RYT - 200, Curvy Yoga Certified Instructor. $35 12333 6/21 - 7/12 T 5:30 - 6:30 pm Roseburg Dance Studio 865 SE Court St., Roseburg FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO FOR MORE COMMUNITY AND WORKFORCE TRAINING INFO CALL 541-440-4668; TO REGISTER CALL 541-440-7744 SUMMER TERM CLASSES HOME & GARDEN Choose Your Party Preference INTRODUCTORY BEER MAKING Calling all Beer Lovers! Instructor Sayer Johnston has been brewing beer for over 10 years! Let his passion become yours! He will teach you about the brewing process, various flavors, different styles of beer, the bottling process, and some beer history via trivia. If you have any questions about the class, call Sayer 541-643-7234. All supplies included. $59 12334 7/16 - 7/30 S 2 - 4:30 pm Campus Center Patio UCC Campus Democratic Party SAFETY BOATER 12180 8/8 M 5 - 9 pm Workforce Training Center 14 2555 NE Diamond Lk, Rsbg PARENTING FOR PARENTS online OF BOYS Boys learn differently than girls, get worse grades than girls, and face certain challenges in school. Find out how you can help your son succeed more in school. Discover why males do 30% less school work than females, fidget more, like new and hard challenges, and more. Take home 9 tips for helping your boy learn and succeed in school. eBook included. Must be registered by 6-10-16. Visit catalog-complete.cfm/Umpqua for more information. $95 12336 6/6 - 7/1 Online UCC SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER 12179 7/211 M 5 - 9 pm Workforce Training Center 14 2555 NE Diamond Lk, Rsbg SPECIAL INTEREST community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE BOATER SAFETY Get practical and relevant instruction from a trained boater safety instructor. Students who pass the course can apply for their boater education card as required by Oregon’s mandatory Boater Education Program. Boater Handbook must be requested and completed prior to class. All operators of 10 hp or larger powerboats are required to carry the Boater Education Card. Information and to request book contact J. Ode 541-440-7691. $20 12178 6/13 M 5 - 9 pm Workforce Training Center 14 2555 NE Diamond Lk, Rsbg ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT INTRODUCTORY WINE TASTING Join SOWI Wine Expert, Joel Mann, for a relaxing and knowledgeable experience! You will get a very special opportunity to enjoy up to ten different wines. Learn all about their compositions, what they pair with and the beautiful art of wine making! All wine will be provided along with snacks and palate cleansers. Take advantage of this very unique occasion! $49 12348 8/13 S 1 - 3 pm Enology Lab UCC Campus ROOFTOP SUMMER SIPPERS WITH BRIX Do you want to learn how to make refreshing summer cocktails? Join us at Brix Grill for a special treat on the rooftop! Could there be a better way to spend a summer evening? 21+ only. Please bring ID. $39 12335 8/23 T 6 - 8 pm Brix Grill Rooftop 527 SE Jackson, Roseburg CREDIT SCHEDULE MEATS & TREATS WITH SMOKIN’ FRIDAY BBQ Join Kathy Standridge, owner of Smokin’ Friday BBQ, for an amazing summer series of classes! During the first class she will share her secrets to a perfect taco, including a tortilla made from scratch! Her second session will cover certain cuts of meat, so you can show off at your next BBQ! Don’t worry, during the final class you will learn all about smokin’! This will be a delicious and informative class. Bring your appetite! $69 12347 7/14 - 7/28 R 6 - 8 pm Campus Kitchen UCC Campus Cocktail Party Write-in HANDGUN SAFETY AND SELF DEFENSE Upon completion, participants will be eligible to apply for a Concealed Weapon Permit. During the classroom session you will gain the knowledge and proficiency to properly use and care for handguns, from a nationally certified instructor. Saturday morning class will meet at the Workforce Training Ctr., to carpool/caravan to the practice site where you will practice safety and marksmanship, utilizing a series of targets. For the field segment of the workshop, provide your own hearing protection, handgun, if available, and 50 rounds of factoryloaded ammunition. If you don’t have a handgun purchase 50 rounds of ammunition for one of the following weapons .22 caliber, .38 or 9mm. More info or to register contact J. Ode 541440-7691. Instructor: T. Troutt $79 12191 8/18 - 8/20 8/18 R 6 - 9 pm WTC 15 8/20 S 9 am - Noon Meet at WTC, field trip Workforce Training Center 15 2555 NE Diamond Lk, Rsbg GETTING STARTED Republican Party COLLEGE OVERVIEW FOOD & BEVERAGE HANDGUN/SELF DEFENSE 55 COMMUNITY AND WORKFORCE TRAINING CAREER & CONTINUING EDUCATION COMPUTER EXCEL BASICS Learn more about what the popular MS Excel program can do you for you! In this Basic Excel class, learn features such as creating, navigating, formatting and editing worksheets and workbooks. Enter various types of data, work with common formulas and functions, and create a simple chart. Learn the shortcuts. Instructor: K. Miller. $69 12218 7/12 - 7/19 T, R 10 am - Noon Workforce Training Center 13 2555 NE Diamond Lk., Rsbg EXCEL - BEYOND THE BASICS Go beyond the basics and learn to link and manage worksheet information as well as use shortcuts to become more efficient. You will learn functions like SUM, MIN, MAX, SUBTOTAL, SUMIFS, COUNTIF and more. You will also leave class with the ability to organize, process and analyze worksheet data, link to Word and Power Point documents and much more. Instructor: K. Miller. $69 12219 7/21 - 7/28 T, R 10 am - Noon Workforce Training Center 13 2555 NE Diamond Lk., Rsbg NEXT LEVEL EXCEL This class is for the more advanced user. You will develop an understanding of pivot tables, conditional formatting, basic macros, and other functions. You will also learn to work across several worksheets and workbooks. Take your Excel knowledge to the next level with this class. Prior Excel experience is necessary. Instructor: K. Miller. $79 12220 8/1 - 8/8 M, W 4 - 6 pm Workforce Training Center 13 2555 NE Diamond Lk., Rsbg 56 MASTERING MICROSOFT EXCEL online A must-have skill to succeed in business is the ability to create, edit and manage spreadsheets. Learn how an Excel worksheet is constructed, populated with content, and edited for delivery. You will leave class with a set of skills that are in high demand. Instructor Betsy Flanagan. Contact Susan at 541-440-4655 to register. Must be registered by 7/8/16. Visit www. umpqua for more information. $195 12349 7/5 - 7/29 Online CREATING CELL PHONE APPS FOR YOUR BUSINESS Organizations across the globe are investing in building smartphone apps. In this four-week course, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how non-technical users can build, deploy and market smartphone applications. This course is ideal for businesses and executives who want to understand how smartphone applications can be inexpensively built. NOTE - This course will not include any programming. Call Susan at 541-440-4655 to register. Must be registered by 7/8/16. Visit cfmumpqua for more information. $245 12445 7/5 - 7/29 Online YOUTUBE FOR online BUSINESS Increase business with YouTube, the online video site and the second largest search engine. Discover the power of video for your organization, and how to use video as a marketing tool to reach and serve customers. See what types of video work best, how businesses are using YouTube and how to create a channel. Learn to get videos on the first page of google and how YouTube can complement marketing and social media strategies. Contact 541-440-4655 to register or for more information. Registered by 7/8/16. $245 12446 7/5 - 7/29 Online PHOTOSHOP FOR PRESENTATIONS online In this class you will gain both a foundational and advanced understanding of the popular software, and practice the most commonly used methods, such as managing text, working with layers, and image file properties. You will find out the purpose of each photoediting tool and walk away with the skills to use them. Contact Susan at 541-440-4655 to register. Must be registered by 7/8/16. Visit http:// for more information. $195 12345 7/5 - 7/29 Online online MANAGING & MARKETING WEBINARS Boost success with webinars by getting the most advanced and latest information on managing and marketing webinars. Find out when and how often to promote webinars, how to do follow-up promotion to those who click-through on your initial emails, and how to generate more leads and inquiries. Contact 541-440-4655 to register or for more information. Registered by 8/5/16.$195. 12448 8/1 - 8/26 Online GOOGLE THE CLOUD Do you want to easily access your documents, photos, and videos from any computer, tablet, or smartphone? Google Drive is a safe, cloud-based, place for all of your files that allows them to go where you go. You will learn how to upload your files and share them instantly with others, create documents using the word processor, spreadsheet and presentation tool. You will also get a glimpse into other cloud applications such as One Drive and Dropbox. Instructor: K. Miller. $49 12222 7/18 - 7/25 M, W 4 - 6 pm Workforce Training Center 13 2555 NE Diamond Lk., Rsbg FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO FOR MORE COMMUNITY AND WORKFORCE TRAINING INFO CALL 541-440-4668; TO REGISTER CALL 541-440-7744 SUMMER TERM CLASSES ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT CONTINUING EDUCATION FOR TEACHERS ne onli ONLINE LEARNING AND TEACHING FOR K-12 TEACHERS Discover the fascinating world of online learning and teaching. Specifically for K-12 teachers, you will find out why and how your students learn online. Explore all the wonderful eTools being used, from drag-and-drop games to virtual labs. See why web-enhanced courses are being introduced in K-12 schools. Contact Susan at 541-440-4655 to register. Must be registered by 6/10/16. Visit catalog-complete.cfm/Umpqua for more information. $145 12453 6/6 - 7/1 Online SUMMER 2016 SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER UCC SCHEDULE community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE CONFLICT MANAGEMENT online A study conducted by the American Management Association revealed that the average manager spends YOUR WORKPLACE, YOUR online EMPLOYEES & THE LAW Designed for non-lawyers, this course will provide business owners, managers, supervisors, and HR professionals with a roadmap for effectively handling complicated employee-related issues that affect today’s legal-prone work environment. Each class contains FATAL LEADERSHIP online ERRORS Discover how fatal leadership errors begin. Learn the leading fatal leadership errors, inappropriate dispositions and attitudes, and lack of knowledge and skills. Take away several practical recommendations to help you minimize these errors and help you to perform your leadership role to an optimal level of efficiency. Contact Susan at 541-440-4655 to register. Must be registered by 8/5/16. Visit catalog-complete.cfm/Umpqua for more information. $295 12452 8/1 - 8/26 Online CREDIT SCHEDULE INTERVIEW SKILLS online Acquire new skills in job interviewing. A study by the Society of Human Resources Management found that 75% of employee performance issues can be identified during the interview process. This class will help you identify the “red flags” during the interview process so that you can avoid the expenses and problems associated with a bad hire. Contact Susan at 541-440-4655 to register. Must by registered by 6/10/16. Visit for more information. $295. 12449 6/6 - 7/1 Online more than 20% of their day engaged in/reacting to conflict situations. This study also identified that out of twenty-five management skills, conflict management was the one positively correlated to higher earnings and promotion. Discover a workable conflict management model. Contact Susan at 541-4404655 to register. Must be registered by 6/10/16. Instructor: S. Follett. Visit for more information. $195 12450 6/6 - 7/1 Online GETTING STARTED SKILL ENHANCEMENT COLLEGE OVERVIEW guidelines, step-by-step compliance instructions, and practical leadership skills, methods, techniques and proven strategies for successfully managing employees and for complying with state and federal workplace laws. Contact Susan at 541-440-4655 to register. Must be registered by 7/8/16. Visit www. Umpqua for more information. $195 12451 7/5 - 7/29 Online 57 COMMUNITY AND WORKFORCE TRAINING OCCUPATIONAL & LICENSING INTRO TO APPLIANCE REPAIR Most homeowners cannot afford to be without a major appliance such as a microwave, dishwasher, washer or dyer, range or refrigerator. Gain introductory skills in appliance repair with this hands-on, lab centered course. Diagnostic, troubleshooting and repair procedures will be covered. Explore basic electrical theory, component function, and testing procedures. Students will provide their own basic hand tools; list provided. Instructor: B. Agee. $349 12223 8/9 - 9/1 T, R 5 - 9 pm Tower Building Bay 1 UCC Campus CHILD CARE FAMILY CHILD CARE OVERVIEW Overview is a requirement for becoming licensed as a registered family child care provider. The overview gives those interested in becoming licensed information about how to become registered, the Oregon rules, local CCR&Rs and an introduction to other agencies and supports for registered providers. For more information or to register, call Family Connections of Lane and Douglas County, 541-440-7706. 8/11 R 10 am - 1 pm TC 119 UCC Campus RECOGNIZING AND REPORTING CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT Child care and education providers are among those persons who are mandatory reporters of suspected incidents of child abuse and neglect in the state of Oregon. Participants will learn the process of reporting incidents of child abuse or neglect for which they have reasonable cause to believe have occurred. Preregistration is required and there is a $10 fee per student. For more information or to register, call Family Connections of Lane and Douglas County, 541-440-7706. 8/18 R 6 - 8 pm TC 119 UCC Campus 58 MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL PHLEBOTOMY This course qualifies students to work in medical laboratories, hospitals, clinics, donor facilities, healthcare insurance providers and more. Classroom, laboratory and clinical experience are included in this 11 week course. Upon successful completion of the Phlebotomy course you will be qualified to take the National Phlebotomy Technician PBT certification exam. Class space is limited. For more information or to register call Judy Ode 541-440-7691 No Class July 5. $999 10/19 6/14 - 8/30 T, R 6 - 9 pm Wayne Crooch Hall 16 UCC Campus FLAGGER CERTIFIED FLAGGER TRAINING Prepare to be a flagger for work zone traffic control. Learn the basics of flagging and traffic safety. Receive Oregon Department of Transportation Credential for Flaggers, valid for three years in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. Class fee includes books. Must be 18 or older to get a job as a Flagger. Information: J. Ode 541-4407691. $95 SP16-40200 6/7 T 4:30 - 10 pm Workforce Training Center 14 2555 NE Diamond Lk, Rsbg 12187 7/26 T 4:30 - 10 pm Workforce Training Center 14 2555 NE Diamond Lk, Rsbg FA16-22427 9/6 T 4:30 - 10 pm Workforce Training Center 14 2555 NE Diamond Lk, Rsbg FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO FOR MORE COMMUNITY AND WORKFORCE TRAINING INFO CALL 541-440-4668; TO REGISTER CALL 541-440-7744 SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER HELPING BUILD OREGON’S BEST BUSINESSES GETTING STARTED Need some direction for your small business? Want to start a business but don’t know how? CREDIT SCHEDULE Don’t go it alone! Call today for a FREE confidential appointment with an advisor. ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Contact us: 541-440-7824 community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE Small Business Development Center SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER Umpqua Business Center 522 SE Washington Ave. Roseburg OR 97470 541-440-7824 The Oregon Small Business Development Centers are partially funded by the US Small Business Administration and the Oregon Business Development Department. All SBA funded programs are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested in advance. Contact the Small Business Development Center of Umpqua Community College, Umpqua Business Center, STE 116, 522 SE Washington Ave., Roseburg OR 97470. Telephone: (541) 440-7824. Umpqua Community College is an equal opportunity educator and employer. UCC SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 59 SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER Oregon Small Business Development Center Umpqua Community College HELPING BUILD OREGON’S BEST BUSINESSES Entrepreneur 101: 1st Steps to Starting Business Let’s get started with our popular FREE workshop to help you get your business going: •Learn how to register your business name •Choose your type of business •Identify key points for entrepreneurs •Network with other startups •Dream$aver Program requirement Please call for available dates and times. Class is FREE, but registration is required. Call 541-440-7662 to register. For more information about these workshops, please call 541-440-7662. Great FALL TERM workshops, coming soon! Small Business Management Real Estate Broker’s License QuickBooks Basics Notary Seminar Govenment Contracting Social Media Crowdfunding Small Business Financing Call 541-440-7662 for more information. 60 FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO Oregon Small Business Development Center COLLEGE OVERVIEW HELPING BUILD OREGON’S BEST BUSINESSES Online Learning! Over 300 online courses to choose from at Start Your Own Small Business Creating a Successful Business Plan Using Social Media in Business Introduction to QuickBooks Online Visit Business and Professional: 103 programs including: Certified Bookkeeper Certified Mediator and Arbitrator Certified Residential Interior Designer Lean Mastery and more! Media and Design 12 programs including: Event Management and Design Graphic Design with Photoshop Web Applications Developer and more! SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER In this course, you’ll learn to manage the financial aspects of your small business quickly and efficiently using QuickBooks Online. Classes begin every six weeks. $86 - register and pay online! 30 programs including: Administrative Medial Specialist with Medical Billing and Coding Certified Electronic Health Records Specialist & Medical Terminology CompTIA Healthcare IT Technician Certified National Pharmaceutical Representative and more! community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE Whether you consider yourself a social media novice or a seasoned veteran, this course will give you a solid foundation and thorough understanding of what social media is and how you can use it to grow your business. Classes begin every six weeks. $86 - register and pay online! Healthcare and Fitness ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Turn your business ideas into a solid plan for financing and long-term success. Committing your idea to paper in the form of a business plan not only increases your chances of obtaining financing, but also in keeping your business strategically focused. Classes begin every six weeks. $86 - register and pay online! Complete Career Training Programs Now Available! Visit: umpqua CREDIT SCHEDULE Learn how to take your dream of starting a business and put it into action. In this class, you’ll learn everything you need to know about starting a business. You’ll begin by discovering the tricks to picking the right opportunity for you. Classes begin every six weeks. $86 - register and pay online! GETTING STARTED This term, join over 6.7 million students who have taken online courses and career training programs! Other categories include: Skilled Trades and Industrial Hospitality and Service Industry Management and Corporate Visit umpqua UCC SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 61 SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER Oregon Small Business Development Center HELPING BUILD OREGON’S BEST BUSINESSES DID YOU KNOW...? Every year, your SBDC partners with several local, state, federal, and nationwide agencies to bring you workshops covering government contracting, social media, marketing, business funding opportunities, notary training, and more! Because we work with so many groups, not all of these workshops can be advertised in the UCC schedule. Stay informed by liking us on Facebook, or by providing us with your email address so we can keep you in the loop on all the great workshops for Douglas County business owners. Call 541-440-7824 for more information! Lunch & Learn Series Join us the third Wednesday of every month (October - June) for a NEW topic for your business! Always FREE! Topics include: Cyber-Security Social Security Planning Marketing your Product Business Funding And much more! Call 541-440-7824 for information on the latest topics! Short on time, long on info! 62 FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE COURSE INFORMATION, GO TO SUBHEAD Application for Admission BID# Admissions Returning Student Intended Term & Year of Enrollment: Fall 20 Winter 20 Office Use ONLY COLLEGE OVERVIEW Disclosure Statement: “Providing your social security number is voluntary. If you provide it, the college will use your social security number for keeping records, doing research, aggregate reporting, extending credit and collecting debts. Your SSN will not be given to the general public. If you choose not to provide your SSN, you will not be denied any rights as a student. Please refer to the disclosure statement in the college catalog and schedule of classes which describes how your number will be used. Providing your social security number means that you consent to use of the number in the manner described.” Spring 20 Scan here to link to online Admission Form Summer 20 Student Information Social Security Number: ___________ - ___________ - ___________ Date of Birth: (month/day/year) _____________ / _____________ / _____________ Last Name:_________________________________ First Name:_________________________________ MI:________ Prior Name:_____________________________ Number & Street/ PO Box City County State GETTING STARTED Current Mailing Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zip/Postal Code Home Phone: (________)__________________________Cell Phone: (________)____________________________Work:____________________________________ Previous Mailing Address________________________________________________Home E-Mail:_______________________________________________________ (If less than 90 days) General Information Gender: (optional) Male Ethnic Category: (optional) Female Yes No Hispanic or Latino Black/African American Unknown/Non-Responsive Hispanic American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian Pacific Islander CREDIT SCHEDULE Race: (optional) White/Caucasian Are you a U.S. Veteran? Not Hispanic or Latino Other______________________________________________________________ Did your parent(s) (natural or adoptive) receive a Bachelor’s Degree from a 4-year college/university? Yes No Residency Permanent resident of Oregon, 90 days prior to first day of the term Permanent resident of CA, ID, WA or NV 90 days prior to the first day of the term Permanent Resident outside of Oregon, CA, ID, WA or NV Other High School/GED Information HS Diploma GED Adult HS Diploma ADULT BASIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Check one and provide date of completion: In Progress Date completed or expected date of completion (month/day/year) ___________ / ___________ / ___________ Did not complete High school or GED school attended or currently attending:___________________________________City & State_________________________________________ Enrollment Information Which Degree are you seeking at UCC? Major/Program CODE _______________________________ (see code listing on prior page) or Non-degree Enrollment Status: (check one) Enrolling at UCC for the first time Enrolling for dual credit (college credit while in high school) Returning Student (absent for more than one full year) Term of last attendance: ___________ / ___________ community COMMUNITY & educationTRAINING WORKFORCE Please list ALL colleges and universities attended. Official college transcripts should be requested from each school and sent to Umpqua Community College. College/University Name City & State Dates Attended _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. What is your goal at UCC? 2. What is the highest degree you have attained beyond high school? 5. Transfer to another 2-year school 6. Transfer to 4-year institution 7. Personal Interest 8. Adult High School Diploma 0. None 1. Some College Credits 2. Certificate 3. Associate Degree 4. Bachelor Degree 5. Master Degree 6. PhD/Professional Degree SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER 1. Associate Degree/Two Year Program 2. Certificate 3. Job Advancement/Preparation 4. Skill Improvement Signature_______________________________________________________________Date________________________________ By signing this form, I certify that the information on this form is correct and I understand that if it is later found otherwise, it is sufficient cause for rejection or dismissal. I authorize the use of my social security number to be used as specified above. Affirmative Action: It is the policy of Umpqua Community College to provide equal educational and employment opportunities and to provide service benefits to all students and employees without regard to sex, race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or any other status or characteristic protected by applicable state or federal law. This policy is in accordance with the laws enforced by the Department of Education and Department of Labor, including Presidential Executive Order 11246, as amended by the Civil Rights Act of 1991, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Acts of 1974-75, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Oregon Revised Statute 659.030. Inquiries regarding application of these and other regulations should be directed to the College’s Human Resources Office 541-440-4626, the Office of the Vice President for Administrative Services 541-440-4631; the Office of Civil Rights, Department of Education Office, Seattle, Washington; or the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Department of Labor, San Francisco, California UCC SCHEDULE SUMMER 2016 63 Umpqua Community College 1140 Umpqua College Road PO Box 967 Roseburg OR 97470 Periodical Postage PAI D Roseburg, OR POSTAL CUSTOMER ECRWSS 34th annual Conference on extraordinaryliving Live Your Bucket List FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. • UCC Campus • Roseburg, OR Highlights: Keynote speaker Annie Holmes – Living Intentionally Flu shots available from Rite Aid – Bring your insurance card Exhibitor tables and door prizes Start to LIVE YOUR BUCKET LIST with topics that focus on: • • • • • Health Travel Finance Gardening Cooking • • • • Recreation Technology Oregon History Looking Your Best At Any Age Co-Sponsored by For More Information 541.440.4668 • COMMUNITY AND WORKFORCE TRAINING UCC is an equal opportunity employer and educator.