New, smart VBG coupling steals the show


New, smart VBG coupling steals the show
New, smart VBG
coupling steals
the show
Order your
Picture of
the Year!
As usual, we are offering
Connection readers a print of our
Picture of the Year, while stocks
last. Read more on page 7!
Still working
– thanks to
Following an occupational
injury, the Danish haulage contractor Søren Sand suffers from
severe leg pain, but with VBG’s
Multi Function Coupling on his
new grain truck he expects to be
able to carry on working for quite
a while still – see page 7!
80 ton vehicle
cuts emissions
by 25 percent!
Photo: Rutger Andersson/TRAILER
More about the new VBG 795V-2 on page 2 – a report from the Elmia Truck
Show is on page 4!
The riddle of asthma
close to being solved
– with help from VBG!
In October, Braås Åkeri,
which delivers raw materials and
finished goods for Benders, took
delivery of its new 80-tonne
vehicle, which is expected to
cut CO2 emissions and fuel
consumption by 25 percent.
Read more on page 2!
New competition
– win a dinner
for two!
With the help of money from VBG’s owners’ foundation,
the riddle of asthma could be close to being solved
– meet Professor Jan Lötvall at Krefting Research
Centre on page 6.
Photo: Mikael Ljungström
Once again, we’ve included a
fun competition in Connection
– answer a few simple questions
for the chance to win a dinner
for two!
New coupling is three-in-one
VBG 795V-2:
The built-in, extended coupling mouth is stronger, lighter and easier to replace.
THERE IS NOW a new generation VBG 795V
with a number of new functions that make connection easier and reduce the risk of damage.
At the same time, the coupling mouth has become both more robust and easier to install.
Correct and easy connection
The VBG 795 V-2 is intended for heavy trailers,
twin steering axle trailers and dollies with 57
mm drawbar eye, and it comes with a builtin coupling mouth extender from the start.
“This means it is easier to ‘hit the mark’
during connection. It also means there is less
risk of damage to other equipment in case
of accidents,” says Gunnar Nyvaller of VBG
Group Truck Equipment AB, adding:
which makes it easier to steer in heavy trailers
where the drawbar ends up below the coupling. The third one has extended jaws both top
and bottom, for optimum function regardless
of coupling height.
ECE certified
The VBG 795V-2 is not just ECE certified
and type approved for whole vehicle approval, but can also be delivered fully mounted
on a drawbeam.
“This ensures that the vehicle complies with
all applicable regulations and is future-proofed
to command a high second-hand value,” said
Gunnar, who regards the new coupling as a
strong addition to the VBG coupling concept.
“All components – couplings, drawbars,
drawbar eyes, endplates, drawbeams, underride protection and accessories – interact in
a robust and well-conceived system in which
every part has been optimised for maximum
“The new VBG 795V-2 is lighter than its
predecessor, and the coupling mouth is now
made from a much more durable material with a much longer service life. It is also
easier to replace – now you just have to loosen
six screws and take them out, which saves
both time and money”.
Three different models
The VBG 795 V-2 is offered in three different basic models from the start, in order to
fit different customer and installation requirements. The first one keeps the two shorter
jaws on the coupling mouth, which works well
when the coupling is to be fitted in tight places. The second one has a longer bottom jaw,
The three new VBG
795V-2 versions.
safety and performance – and naturally also
for a longer service life. This is our model for
creating the most reliable solutions in the industry,” concludes Gunnar Nyvaller.
80-tonne vehicle generates envi
Braås Åkeri, who deliver raw materials and finished products for the landscaping and roofing giant Benders,
has a new heavyweight – an 80-tonne rig that will be carrying gravel and sand between the gravel pit outside
Hjo and the factory in Edsvära, 80 km to the west. The vehicle has been developed in collaboration between the
haulier, Benders, the Swedish Transport Administration and Volvo.
“Emissions per tonne of freight are down by around 25 per cent,” says Håkan Andersson of Braås Åkeri, who
conceived the idea after seeing a 74-tonne forest truck last year:
“We wanted to improve a little on this and so we took a look at the vehicles that have been tested up by the
Pajala mines. With the same number of axles you then end up with 80 tonnes with the permitted axle loads.”
Since none of the short bridges along the route will have to take the concentrated load of the whole vehicle in
one go, the Swedish Transport Administration gave the green light to the trial. Gehab built the truck on one of the
first Volvo FH16 chassis with a 750 bhp Euro6 engine, while Parator built the six-axle trailer.
The coupling is of course a VBG MFC, in which mechanics, electrics, brakes, air and hydraulics are connected
from the cab at the press of a button. The vehicle was delivered at the end of October.
“It is our ambition to introduce similar vehicles at other Benders plants, and also to use vehicles with larger
capacity for transports to customers as soon as possible,” says a satisfied Christer Hofling at Benders, who sees
the new vehicle as an important step on the way to achieving the company’s ambitious environmental goals.
A total of 10 axles make it possib
Haulage contractor Jacob Jenssen, flanked by Jon Kristian Fossli on
the left and Tor Kristian Andreassen on the right.
north of the Arctic Circle
ronmental gains
Ph oto: Rutger Andersson/TRAILER
VBG MFC – what else – holds
the heavy rig together
ble to carry 55 tonnes of sand to Bender’s factory.
JOHN JACOBSEN TRANSPORT AS transports fish food to
salmon farms in the northernmost counties in Norway
– Nordland, Troms and Finnmark. Demand for farmed
salmon is increasing, so there is quite a lot to do.
“We have four vehicles of our own and hire in extra
capacity when required”, says Jacob Jenssen, who owns
the haulier firm.
Positive experiences of VBG MFC
Jacob became curious about VBG MFC after reading an
article in a magazine. When the hydraulic version was
launched some time later, it was time for the company
to test it – the time savings on connection and disconnection seemed very attractive.
“We do several connections and disconnections a day,
in difficult weather conditions. Often we have ferries to
catch, so every minute saved counts. If we miss a ferry
it might be hours until the next one, so the Multi Function Concept has generated huge efficiency gains,” says
Jacob Jenssen.
One more – on latest truck
After successfully testing the VBG MFC on a Volvo rig
for 130,000 kilometres there was no doubt – a Multi
Function Coupling with hydraulics was also fitted on
the haulage contractor’s latest addition, a MercedesBenz Actros.
New coupling premiere
Just over 36,000 visitors made the trip to Jönköping in August to visit
the Elmia Truck 2014 show. Connection took a look around, visiting
some of our cooperation partners – in all there were 425 exhibitors
from 21 countries!
new concepts, ha
was showing a few hicles at the stand.
Roger Åström
fitted on the ve
upling equipment
the ”correct” co
Two minutes since the doors opened
– Bengt Blom is getting ready to
demonstrate the new gen
eration of VBG 795.
displaying a new
of course on site,
r, among other
from JOAB were
Jan Olsson
me and a 26-to
waste recyclin
of course...
lings? From VBG,
things. The coup
The best po
ssible spot
, right in fron
could miss
the VBG st
t of the exit
from the ha
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Tomas Himberg of Lax
and showed a ne
stream of customers
g bands, among
retraction of tensionin
atic not just to its
also to its new crane
ed at Elmia Truck 2014
appy with the
ew system for
g other things.
s vehicles, but
Photo: Per Berner
In the competition for Sweden’s most stylish FH16,
one of the winners was Glenn Jonsson, who was
rewarded with a jacket from JOAB and a VBG
gs Fegen had heavy tim
Robert Lanned of Ber
od chip underlay.
king about starting to
“We are currently thin
rd,” he says,
the VBG Me
showing an example.
from SKAB
was happy
latest VBG
than a hund echMatic installation, show off their
red so far.
“They are ea e of more
the custom
sy to sell on
is,” he says understands how sm
art an idea
Robert Löfkvist and Lars Erfäldt from Zetter
bergs showed the
company’s new, elegant ZD4 dumper, anoth
er vehicle fitted with
the correct kind of coupling!
ll we
In the classics ha
the late summer
got a real urge for
an ice cream in
The riddle of asthma close to being solved?
Ever since Herman Krefting’s Foundation for Allergy
and Asthma Research was set up it has made large
discoveries, and research is now close to being able
to understand and completely cure asthma.
“I believe we will
find the solution
before I retire”
Professor Jan Lötvall,
Krefting Research Centre
NOT SO LONG AGO, ASTHMA could be a severe and
debilitating illness for most people afflicted
by it – but not anymore. Thanks to Krefting
Research Centre (which receives contributions
of around SEK 10 m a year from the foundation), research is moving ahead at speed.
“Today we see far fewer acute attacks and
this is largely due to the fact that the pharmaceuticals industry has developed better medicines,” said Professor Jan Lötvall at the research centre, which began operations in 2008.
Many puzzle pieces
What does all this have to do with VBG, you
may wonder? Herman Krefting, VBG’s founder, had been suffering from asthma since his
youth and often thought about how treatment
of asthma could be improved. Before retiring
he formed the Herman Krefting Foundation
for Asthma and Allergy Research, which received a large number of VBG shares to manage. Since the start nearly 30 years’ ago, the
yield from the shares has contributed to the
financing of research activity in this field at
Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg. Its researchers have contributed hundreds of published scientific articles, just over
Pollen from mugwort is one of the most
common causes of misery for people
suffering from allergies.
230 of them authored by Jan Lötvall himself
– important puzzle pieces that have moved
research forward one step at a time.
In 2006, the foundation initiated the West
Sweden Asthma Study, a survey that comprised some 30,000 people. In the middle of the
study, the team made a discovery that also had
a positive impact on cancer research.
“In 2007, our lab discovered that cells form
nano-sized bubbles, so-called exosomes, which
can deliver complicated messages between cells.
This is very interesting for cancer research,
and we have received funds to continue studying this in parallel with our asthma research,”
says Jan Lötvall.
Krefting Research Centre has also been active
in creating a scientific society in this field
which now comprises nearly seven hundred
delegates from around the world – a good platform for the exchange of knowledge.
Personality matters
An important factor that the
centre has been investigating
in the last few years is whether
personality affects how patients
manage their asthma. Being
overweight and a smoker are
among the biggest risk factors.
“We have seen that people
who are a bit more anxious and
worried are less likely to take
medication and more likely to
smoke,” says Jan Lötvall, adding
that the doctor/patient relationship also plays a part.
”We have two postgraduate
students working on this, and
it has been shown that if the
patient has a good relationship
with his or her doctor, the probability of the patient adhering
to the treatment plan is much
greater than previously thought.
Breakthrough in sight
Jan Lötvall says that the most
important issue in asthma
research right now is to understand and describe the subgroups of asthma sufferers.
“Asthma is really a number of different illness processes. Some people only have airway problems, while others have asthma in
combination with allergies. If we can identify
these groups we can create a better, individually tailored treatment. I would say we are on
the verge of finding the key to the cure and I
believe we will have succeeded before I retire.
And it is important to point out that without
the support of the foundation, this research
could not have been carried out. Very few
financial backers take the long-term view that
is required to be able to make the big advances,” concludes Jan Lötvall.
Photo: Mikael Ljungström
Professor Jan Lötvall leads the work at Krefting Research
Centre at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg
– supported by VBG founder Herman Krefting’s Foundation
for Asthma and Allergy Research for some thirty years.
Søren Sand has a VBG MFC with hydraulics on his new Scania
R580 that is equipped with three-way tipper, Eco Top retractable cover and four-axle trailer.
Haulage contractor Søren Sand from Stakroge
in Denmark had a work accident in 2008, when
he suffered a bad leg break that has led to lasting
pain, which is particularly bad when stepping into
and out of the cab. But his new Scania R580 with
VBG’s Multi Function Coupling has finally made
his working day considerable easier!
”SEVERAL COLLEAGUES WHO , like me, deliver
grains and fodder for Vestjyllands Andel, have
demonstrated their VBG MFC for me. It did
not take me long to realise that such a coupling would save me hundreds of occasions of
painful entering and exiting a year,” said Søren Sand, as he discussed his new ”work mate”.
A hit among grain hauliers
Søren Sand’s new vehicle is built by Skelhøje Vognfabrik, which was very happy to fit a
VBG MFC to the Scania truck. Skelhøje have
specialised in grains and fodder transport
vehicles, a sector in which the number of
daily connections and disconnections is not
especially large. Despite this, many Multi
Function Couplings have been fitted to precisely this type of vehicle all over Denmark:
”This was actually the first vehicle we built
with VBG MFC. It is of course a little more
complicated than fitting a standard coupling,
so it was an exciting challenge. But it went with-
out a hitch and it will be interesting to see
what Søren thinks of the financial gains, aside from the obvious gains concerning work
environment,” said Leif Jørgensen at Skelhøje
Vognfabrik, which expects the concept to become increasingly popular.
Still working!
As you may already know, there is both a
hydraulic and non-hydraulic version of the
VBG MFC coupling. Not surprisingly, Søren
Sand’s vehicle has been fitted with the newest
hydraulic version. Søren expects to see substantial positive effects, not only on his health,
but also his career, thanks to the new coupling:
”Compared with the ordinary coupling on
the previous truck, I save four occasions of
exiting and entering the cab at each connection or disconnection. By avoiding having to
climb in and out so often, I expose my legs
to far less strain. This stops the damage getting worse and should also enable me to carry
on working for a few more years, rather than
ending up unemployed,” concludes a satisfied
and hopeful Søren Sand.
A year passes quickly and it is already time for a new Picture
of the Year! This year’s artwork, entitled ”Connections to the
future”, has been created by Fredrik Fabó, born in Vänersborg,
who in addition to painting also works with graphic art, sculpture and urban environment development. Fredrik’s works can
be found in several national and international collections. One
of his most recent projects, implemented as a collaboration
with an architect, can be seen at the Röda Sten art gallery
at the entrance to the port of Gothenburg.
The Picture of the Year 2014 is intended to ”illuminate the
exciting future that lies ahead of us in view of the rapid technological developments taking place”. How transport will look
in the future and how we communicate in a world where old
and new intermingle are the sort of things that Fredrik Fabó
has been thinking about.
As usual, the picture is available as a reproduction in a limited
number of copies. You can get one (while stocks last) free
– just email your name and address to!
High ranking
officials visit
VBG’s stand at
British trade fair
In connection with this year’s Commercial Vehicle Show at the
NEC in Birmingham in June, the VBG stand received a distinguished visitor in the form of Parliamentary Under Secretary of
State for Transport, Stephen Hammond. Not least in the London
area, accidents involving goods vehicles and cyclists is a serious
problem, and for this reason the underrun protection on show
at the stand attracted a lot of interest – so much so that the
Minister’s visit ran over his schedule! The main theme for the
stand was otherwise type approved package solutions.
The picture shows Stephen Hammond (on the left), together with
Howard Ostle, marketing manager of VBG GROUP SALES LTD (with
his back to the camera), and Lennart Klingzell,
Brand Manager for the VBG brand.
Once again you have the chance of winning a restaurant voucher for dinner for two in our simple competition. Email your entry to with the subject line ‘Competition’. Don’t forget to give your name and full address – Good Luck!
Question 1: In which year did Krefting Research Centre begin operations?
Question 2: How many basic versions of VBG 795V-2 are there?
Question 3: How many exhibitors were there at Lastbil 2014?
VBG GROUP SALES LIMITED • Tel. +44 1925 23 41 11 • Fax +44 1925 23 42 22 • • Member of VBG GROUP
BOX 1216, SE-462 28 VÄNERSBORG