Reflector installation - Radio Frequency Systems
Reflector installation - Radio Frequency Systems
Installation Instructions 3 ft Antennas (with E-Mount) DA, DAX, UA, UDA, UXA SD, SDX, SU, SUX NMT 532-02(e) These installation instructions have been written for qualified, skilled personnel. The antenna shall be inspected once per year by qualified personnel to verify proper installation, maintenance, and condition of equipment. It is important to adhere precisely to all parts of the installation instructions. RFS disclaim any responsibility resulting from improper or unsafe installation. RFS reserves the right to alter details at any time, especially with respect to technical improvements. 200 km/h survival windspeed antenna version 250 km/h survival windspeed antenna version These Installation Instructions are valid for antennas in the following version : - Reflector Ø 0.9 m (3 ft) - Pipe mount for installation on pipe Ø 114 mm (Ø 89 mm optional) - Antenna offset to the left or to the right - Standard installation on Ø 114 mm pipe with offset to the left - Safety collar for easy installation - 2 spindles for fine adjustment of Elevation ±15° and Azimuth ±5° - Reflector with shroud, shroud aperture covered by a flexible radome - 200 km/h version : No sway bar - 250 km/h version : With sway bar Ø 33 mm x 1 m (mandatory) Sales department : Radio Frequency Systems Kabelkamp 20, D-30179 Hannover (Germany) • Tel. +49-511 676-2520 • Fax +49-511 676-2521 Plant: RFS France Trignac (France) • Tel +33 (0)2 40 45 95 45 • Fax +33 (0)2 40 90 41 43 1/8 1 - Tools required for installation (Non not included with antenna) - Hoisting device for 100 daN - Torque wrench from 0 to 50 Nm - Shackle(s), roll(s), pulley(s) and lifting accessories - Water balance, compass, cutter, tape measure - 2 strong ropes (approx. length 1.5x tower high) - 1 strong rope or cable (approx. length 2.5 tower high) - Key for socket screw : M3(2.5), M4(3) - Wrenches for hexagon bolts : M5(8), M6(10), M8(13), M10(17), M12(19) 2 – Antenna Offset Holes for feed with guy wires Reflector “TOP” at the antenna top Offset left Elevation fine adjustment spindle (values in brackets = openings of spanners) Azimuth fine adjustment spindle 3 – Shroud orientation and installation in the reflector Loosen the 4 bolts M5 on the shroud (pre-assembled in factory) in g ck ard Pa dbo r ca Shroud Drain holes of the shroud towards the antenna bottom Offset right Reflector “TOP” at the antenna bottom Remove the last bolt M5 (if pre-installed in factory) Drain holes of the shroud towards the antenna bottom For an offset left For an offset right Shroud junction The shroud must be installed inside of the reflector Reflector “TOP” mark in opposition with shroud junction An ten na A A Ve rtic al Ax is An ing ck ard Pa dbo r ca Shroud junction The shroud must be installed inside of the reflector A ten na Ve rt A ica lA xis ing ck ard Pa dbo r a c Reflector “TOP” mark aligned with shroud junction For the 2 holes rep. A Shroud assembly detail IN 25 screws M5x12 50 washers 5.3 Ø15 25 sl nuts M5 OUT NMT 532-02e DO NOT TIGHTEN bolted joint until RF Braid installation between shroud & reflector rim IN + Add 2 serrated lock washers 5.3 between the 2 washers 5.3 Ø15 + OUT 2/8 4 - Sway bar clamp installation (Only for antenna provided with a sway bar) For an offset left For an offset right (Tighten the assembly, keeping the sway bar clamp 33 and the sway bar terminal free in rotation without gap) SL nut M10 Washer 10.5 Sway bar clamp 33 (L-Profil 40x40) Sway bar clamp 33 (L-Profil 40x40) Sway bar terminal Sway bar terminal Washer 10.5 Ø30 Screw M10x30 Washer 10.5 Ø30 Screw M10x30 Replace the 2 M5 bolts on the reflector rim, 90° counter-clockwise from the shroud junction, by the M8 bolts as described below. (Tighten the assembly, keeping the sway bar clamp 33 and the sway bar terminal free in rotation without gap) SL nut M10 Washer 10.5 Replace the 2 M5 bolts on the reflector rim 90° clockwise from the shroud junction, by the M8 bolts as described below. 2 SL nuts M8 2 washers 8.4 Ø24 2 screws M8x25 2 washers 8.4 Ø24 ing ck ard Pa dbo r ca ing ck ard Pa dbo r ca Shroud junction Shroud junction 2 SL nuts M8 2 washers 8.4 Ø24 2 screws M8x25 2 washers 8.4 Ø24 5 - Feed system installation* (Refer to feed system installation instructions) * For monopolarized feed systems with freq. below 10 GHz, and for dualpolarized feed systems below 11 GHz, the feed system must be installed before radome installation (due to mixed mounting design). If your feed system is not concerned, skip this step, you can install it later. 6 - Radome installation Logotype at the antenna top (at the opposite of shroud junction) Loosen M5 nuts to put them J-Bolt extremity Edge protector installation on reflector rim (mandatory) rd oa db ar C Push C Push ar d bo ar d C li p Shroud junction (alway at the antenna bottom) J-Bolts installation principle 20 mm Shroud rim junction without edge protector Edge protector covering shroud rim junction NMT 532-02e J-Bolts tension - Install the radome over the shroud aperture - Push on the J-Bolt’s springs to hook them in the radome’s eyelets. - After J-Bolts complete installation, adjust the radome tension with the 1st M5 nut to have a spring length of 20 mm on each J-Bolts (proceed by opposite J-Bolts). - Then lock each 1st nut in position with the 2nd one with usual wrenches. 3/8 7 - Pre-assembly of the mount (Feed system not shown) For an easy operation of the bolted joints, and correct torque tightening, « Anti Seize » installation paste must be applied to all threads of bolts and fine adjustment spindles. After this, keep the lubricated threads free of dust and dirt! (a Torque Table is attached for specifications) 7.1 7.2 C ar db oa rd Connecting Support 3 ft E-Mount Carefully turn up the antenna to have the radome face down 7.3 Respect screw’s orientation For an antenna offset left For an antenna offset right 6 screws M10x30 6 SL washers 10 6 nuts M10 (Torque tighten) Respect screw’s orientation 7.4 7.5 3 screws M10x25 3 SL washers 10 3 washers 10.5 Ø30 (Torque tighten) Eye spindle M10x100 2 brass nuts M10 2 washers 10.5 Ø30 Steel U-Mount 3 ft 8 - Feed system installation* (refer to feed system installation Instructions) * For monopolarized feed systems with freq. over 10 GHz, and for dualpolarized feed systems over 11 GHz, the feed system could be installed after radome installation (due to rear mounting design). If have already fitted the feed system you are not concerned, skip this step. 9 - Safety collar installation and orientation on pipe support For an offset left For an offset right Minimum space 340 mm Minimum space 340 mm Minimum space 35 mm NMT 532-02e V-Bolt M10 Steel clamp 2 washers 10.5 Ø30 4 M10 nuts Minimum Space 35 mm 4/8 10 - Hoisting on the tower (Feed system not shown) Strong rope attached on the reflector casting eye (Ø8.5 mm) with a shackle, and linked to winch Shackle Steel mount Shackle Principle for a left offset Strong rope fixed at the tower top. The rope is slipping through a steel roll or a shackle, which is fixed on the reflector casting eye (Ø8.5 mm) Strong rope or cable fixed to antenna steel mount to avoid collision with the tower structure during hoisting NMT 532-02e To winch 5/8 11 - Antenna installation on pipe support (Feed system not shown) 2 U-Bolts M12 4 washers 13 ∅37 4 nuts M12 (handtigthen the V-bolts to permit the antenna free rotation around the pipe, for the azimuth spindle installation) Principle for a left offset Azimuth safety collar installed on pipe support Azimuth spindle installation (Rear view) After Azimuth spindle installation, torque tigthen the 2 M12 bolts (see torque table joined) Principle for a left offset Eye spindle M10x130 M10 nut SL washer 10 Screw M10x30 NMT 532-02e 2 M10 brass nuts 2 washers 10.5 6/8 12 - Azimuth fine adjustment C Principle for a left offset After complete azimuth adjustment, torque tighten the 4 first M12 nuts (V-bolts must have been greased) A Loosen M12 nuts ¾ turn Steel clamp D 4 M12 nuts (tighten with an usual wrench) E B Loosen or tighten M10 brass nuts to adjust the azimuth of the antenna Lock the 2 M10 brass nuts on the steel clamp 13 - Elevation fine adjustment 14 - Sway bar installation (Only for antenna with a sway bar) Principle for a left offset Offset left B A Loosen ¼ turn the 3 M10 bolts Loosen or tighten M10 brass nuts to adjust the elevation of the antenna Feed system not shown Washer 10.5 SL nut M10 Offset right Screw M10x70 After complete elevation fine adjustment, torque tigthen the 3 M10 bolts, and lock the 2 M10 brass nuts on the steel mount NMT 532-02e For antennas provided with a sway bar, the sway bar installation is mandatory ! 7/8 15 - Sway bar / Tower fixation configurations (Only for antenna with a sway bar) Washer 13 Ø24 SL nut M12 Fixing clamp sway bar (L-Profil 60x60) Screw M10x25 Sway bar extremity Screw M12x30 2 U-Bolts M6x33 4 washers 6.4 8 nuts M6 Washer 10.5 SL nut M10 Typical config. for direct mount on tower angle structure Fixing clamp sway bar (L-Profil 60x60) Fixing plate sway bar 33 Alternative config. with optional interface SMA-SKO-UNIVERSAL for installation on tower pipe or angle structure 1 screws M10x25 1 washers 10.5 1 SL nuts M10 Optional interface SMA-SKO-UNIVERSAL 1 screws M10x25 1 washers 10.5 1 SL nuts M10 Sway Bar orientation Offset Left ±25° Offset Right After complete sway bar orientation, torque tighten all bolted joints ±25° Torque wrench 16 - Final Check When the installation of the antenna has been completed, it is necessary to make sure that the installation instructions have been followed in all aspects. It is especially important to check that all bolted joints are torque tightly locked (mandatory). NMT 532-02e 8/8