UWCNM 2-1-1 Directory - United Way of Central New Mexico
UWCNM 2-1-1 Directory - United Way of Central New Mexico
2-1-1 HELPLINE - FARMINGTON Sites 903 West Apache St. Farmington, NM 87401 1. A NEW DAY, INC. 1330 San Pedro Dr NE Ste# 201-B Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 326-1195 Svc/Intake and Admin Call 2-1-1 Toll Free 2-1-1 Comprehensive Information and Referral Line (866) 875-7233 24 Hour Crisis Line (505) 260-9912 Svc/Intake and Admin www.sjunitedway.org Linda.Mickey@sjunitedway.org OVERVIEW: There are many ways to become involved with San Juan United Way. Whether you’re an individual or a business owner, you can make a financial contribution to San Juan United Way. Donations aren't always financial. In-kind donations help stretch financial resources further. You can even volunteer your time! There are many volunteer opportunities all year long that can help you be a part of United Way, and your community as well. SERVICE SUMMARY: 24 hour emergency shelter care for youth 12-17. Programs include crisis intervention, intake assessments, life skills development, case management, therapy, referral services. The shelter has 16 beds and clients have a 30 day maximum stay. The Safe Place Program: emergency services for youth involved in abuse/neglect or domestic violence situations. Educational Program: offers tutoring, family therapy, case management, experiential recreation. Case Management Program: offers case management to youth, children and adults. Therapy Program: offers out-patient therapy to youth, children and adults. Operates 2-1-1 information and referral service for San Juan County, New Mexico. SERVICE SUMMARY: 2-1-1 provides free and confidential information and referral. Call 2-1-1 for help with food, housing, employment, health care, counseling and more. 2. SAFE HOME 2820 Ridgecrest SE Albuquerque, NM 87108 (505) 938-1060 Svc/Intake and Admin Services Services 211 Lead Agencies Comprehensive Information and Referral Fundraising Campaigns Nonprofit/Philanthropic Associations Equestrian Therapy * At Risk Youth Life Skills Education * At Risk Youth Runaway/Homeless Youth Counseling Runaway/Youth Shelters Transitional Case/Care Management * Youth SITES: 1 2 A NEW DAY, INC. 1330 San Pedro Dr NE Ste# 201-B Albuquerque, NM 87110 ABQ G.E.D. (505) 938-1060 24 Hour Crisis Line & Youth Shelter (505) 260-9912 Svc/Intake and Admin 419 Pennsylvania SE Albuquerque, NM 87108-5059 www.ndnm.org Info@NDNM.org (505) 907-9957 Svc/Intake and Admin www.abqged.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides a variety of emergency shelter services for youth and their families.The mission of New Day Youth & Family Services is to engage troubled youth and their families in charting a proactive life course that will help them become meaningful and productive members of our community. HOURS: MTWThFSaSu 24/7 OVERVIEW: ABQ-GED’s vision is to foster an individual’s desire for education, opportunity, and independence. SERVICE SUMMARY: Albuquerque GED, Inc., (ABQ-GED), a 501(c)3 established in 2010 (formerly known as SER de NM ABE/GED Program), is a new non-profit organization with over 10 years of experience providing Adult Basic Education and General Education Development Program focused on serving adults in some of the most under-served communities in the Albuquerque area. Our community-based program operates out of various community centers thanks to the generosity of Bernalillo County and the City of Albuquerque. We are also providing instruction through a new partnership with New Mexico Works SL Start Program. <continued...> 1 ABQ G.E.D.... Services Services GED/High School Equivalency Test Instruction GED/High School Equivalency Test Sites Children's Respite Care Developmental Assessment Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities/Delays Pediatric Occupational Therapy Recreational Therapy * Autism Spectrum Disorders Speech Therapy * Pediatrics PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information ABRAZOS FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES 412 Camino Don Thomas Bernalillo, NM 87004 (505) 867-3396 Svc/Intake and Admin www.swcr.org info@abrazosnm.org ADELANTE DEVELOPMENT CENTER, INC 3900 Osuna Rd NE Albuquerque, NM 87109-4459 OVERVIEW: Agency provides a variety of specialized educational, health, developmental, and parent support services that help families to meet the special needs of their infants, children, and adult family members with disabilities. (505) 341-2000 Svc/Intake and Admin www.GoAdelante.org info@GoAdelante.org We are also a partner in Adaptech4Kids.org, a virtual specialized therapeutic equipment bank developed to enhance services to children with disabilities and their families by making a variety of assistive and adaptive technology products available to families at no cost. OVERVIEW: Adelante is a nonprofit agency that provides individualized support services for over 900 New Mexicans with mental, physical, and developmental disabilities, as well as adults with neuromuscular diseases, disabled veterans, and the elderly. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 4:30 PM Sites HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 4:30 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Our mission is to support children and adults with developmental delays or developmental disabilities through family centered services. 1. ADELANTE COMPADRES SENIOR CENTER 5411 Osuna Rd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 (505) 883-0215 Svc/Intake and Admin Our two major programs are our Family Infant Toddler Services and Respite Services. SERVICE SUMMARY: Low impact exercise including walking, yoga and virtual systems, gardening, music, videos and books on tape Group and individual games, computers and internet access, planning and preparing group meals, snacks and coffee, visiting community centers, shopping, attending cultural and recreational events, arts and crafts and seasonal activities, books and newspaper read aloud, visits to the barber or hairdresser. •Information and Referral •Service Coordination / Case Management •Developmental Screening and Assessment - to help a family learn more about their child's development •Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Evaluations •Specialized Therapy Services (physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech-language therapy, feeding therapy, infant massage, etc.) •Home Visiting and Developmental Play Groups •Respite Care --respite is a flexible family support service that provides, short term, temporary care for persons with disabilities. Respite is a break from the constant care parents must provide to their child with special needs. Respite caregivers care for the child with special needs allowing the family to have freedom to do other things. Parents can take advantage of a well-deserved break knowing that their child is safe, entertained, and involved with their peers in the community. •Medicaid Application Assistance •Abrazos operates a unique recreational respite program for children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Trained and caring staff members who have been screened and subject to background checks 2. ADELANTE DEVELOPMENT CENTER, INC 3900 Osuna Rd NE Albuquerque, NM 87109-4459 (505) 341-2000 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Adelante offers a wide variety of services to meet the needs and goals of people with disabilties. We offer vocational and life skills training, residential services, volunteer opportunities, and employment to over 900 New Mexicans with disabilities. Some of the people who participate in our programs want to work, so we provide vocational training and supported employment. Others want to come during the day to learn to play music or learn life skills, which is why we have a large variety of day services. Still others want to devote their time to helping the community and we support their efforts through programs like <continued...> 2 ADELANTE DEVELOPMENT CENTER, INC... Adelante's Desert Harvest Food Rescue and Meals on Wheels. Services Adelante offers services for people with mental and/or physical disabilities, people with chronic diseases like MS or ALS, and even has a day program for seniors. Use the links to the left to learn more about our programs. Adult Development Centers Assistive Technology Equipment Developmental Disabilities Day Habilitation Programs Disability Related Center Based Employment Health Supportive Services * Alzheimer's Disease * Dementia Licensed Vocational Home Nursing Medical Equipment/Assistive Technology Donation Programs Prevocational Training Senior Centers Vocational Centers * Developmental Disabilities SITES: 1 2 3 4 3. ADELANTE DEVELOPMENT CENTER, INC (BELEN) 414 Reinken Avenue Belen, NM 87002 (505) 864-1950 Service/Intake & Fax SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for a program that offers individual integrated placement in community based work, workbench model placement, enclave placement for adults with developmental disabilities. Promotes personal independence to the highest level of capacity. The Thrift Shop offers training programs for adults with developmental disabilities. Also offers an array of living arrangements for adults with disabilities that will enhance personal independence. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis Clinics SITE: 5 ADOPTION EXCHANGE, THE 4. BACK IN USE 3900 Osuna Rd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 2920 Carlisle Blvd. NE Ste G Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 341-7171 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 247-1769 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: If you have a wheelchair, walker, hospital bed, scooter or other medical or adaptive equipment that you no longer need, Adelante Development Center's BackInUse program will accept it as a donation and make sure it gets used by persons with disabilities who have no means to pay for the equipment. www.adoptex.org OVERVIEW: The Adoption Exchange is dedicated to helping waiting children in New Mexico find safe, loving, permanent homes. In addition, we are here to assist adoptive families by providing resource information and referrals, support, advocacy and education. SERVICE SUMMARY: A resource center for adoption agencies and families, which assists in placement of special needs children . Works to raise public awareness of the need for adoptive families and to support them through the process of adoption. Offers media news segments, seminars for adoptive professionals, "get acquainted" events for families and general information on adoption issues. We can also assist in helping supply donated equipment. Please go to our web site at www.backinuse.com and use the Quick Request button to tell us about a donation, or if you need equipment. You can also call us at 1-505-341-7171. We also accept working computers with licensed software that are no more than 4 years old (Pentium IV). The computer must be working. We are not a recycling center for non-working computers or other electronic equipment. Services Adoption Counseling and Support Adoption Information Adoption Legal Services Donations to the BackInUse program are tax deductible. 5. FRIENDS IN TIME 3900 Osuna NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 ADVOCACY, INC. 6301 4th St. NW Ste. #3 Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 341-2000 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Anyone that is affected with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's Disease), or related disease. Offers visitation, case management and education, communication equipment (loan bank and training), and general support to anyone affected by the disease conditions known as; Multiple Sclerosis or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Caregiver support and education. (505) 266-3166 Svc/Intake and Admin (866) 257-5320 800-Line www.nmadvocacy.org OVERVIEW: Advocacy, Inc.'s mission is to promote the interests of at-risk children by providing legal advocacy and other supportive services. <continued...> 3 ADVOCACY, INC.... AIR CHARITY NETWORK HOURS: Mon-Th 8AM to 4PM Fri 8AM to 12PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Legal guardianship services for children when their parents are unable or unwilling to care for them; provide guardian services for all children in the abuse/neglect system in the 2nd Judicial District. THE NEW MEXICO GUARDIANSHIP PROJECT: Designed to provide coordinated legal representation & social services advocacy to children whose parents are unwilling or unable to care for them. 4620 Haygood Road Suite 1 Virginia Beach, VA 23455 (877) 621-7177 Svc/Intake and Admin - Request Free Flights www.aircharitynetwork.org OVERVIEW: Air Charity Network is a charitable organization that provides access for people in need who are seeking free air transportation to specialized health care facilities or distant destinations due to family, community, or national crisis. Air Charity Network serves all 50 states and its volunteer pilots utilize their own aircraft, fuel and time to provide free air transportation to medical facilities for citizens who are financially distressed or otherwise unable to travel on public transportation. Air Charity Network members also coordinate flights to fly organ transplant candidates, people involved in clinical trials, chemotherapy or other repetitive treatment, victims of abuse seeking relocation, families receiving help from Ronald McDonald Houses, Shriners Hospitals and many other charities, disabled or sick children to special summer camp programs, and for many other humanitarian reasons. Services Advocacy * At Risk Youth Legal Services * At Risk Youth Transitional Case/Care Management * At Risk Youth PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information AFRICAN AMERICAN CULTURAL ASSOCIATION 724 Omaha St. # N-10 Albuquerque, NM 87123 We provide the following free services: (505) 256-8306 Svc/Intake and Admin Free Flights On-call Transplant Service Companion Transport Precious Cargo Transport www.aaca-abq.org director@aaca-abq.org OVERVIEW: Focuses on mentoring, academic, behavioral and health (stay in school) services for at-risk youth in the target community of Albuquerque. Also, focusing on early intervention services for children and adolescents. PLEASE SEE ADDITIONAL SITES TO IDENTIFY AN ANGEL FLIGHT NEAR YOU. Sites 1. AIR CHARITY NETWORK 4620 Haygood Road Suite 1 Virginia Beach, VA 23455 SERVICE SUMMARY: OUR MISSION/GOAL: Working in association with the Albuquerque Public Schools (APS), the African American Cultural Association’s mission and goal is to give academic, cultural and social support to children in grades K-9, who are from low-income families in the greater Albuquerque area. These students are at-risk for academic failure and behavioral issues that affect of the community as a whole. Through our Community Academic Initiative Resource (C.A.I.R.) we are able to align students’ academic needs for improvement in math, language arts and science with APS standards, as well as Health/Wellness, Drugs/Alcohol and Life Skills Training. (877) 621-7177 Svc/Intake and Admin - Request Free Flights SERVICE SUMMARY: Air Charity Network is a charitable organization that provides access for people in need who are seeking free air transportation to specialized health care facilities or distant destinations due to family, community, or national crisis. Air Charity Network serves all 50 states and its volunteer pilots utilize their own aircraft, fuel and time to provide free air transportation to medical facilities for citizens who are financially distressed or otherwise unable to travel on public transportation. Air Charity Network members also coordinate flights to fly organ transplant candidates, people involved in clinical trials, chemotherapy or other repetitive treatment, victims of abuse seeking relocation, families receiving help from Ronald McDonald Houses, Shriners Hospitals and many other charities, disabled or sick children to special summer camp programs, and for many other humanitarian reasons. Services Cultural Heritage Groups * African American Community Mentoring Programs Tutoring Services Youth Development You may qualify as an Angel Flight ™ America passenger if you: Are ambulatory or have some mobility. Are medically stable and able to fly in an unpressurized plane. <continued...> 4 AIR CHARITY NETWORK... Have financial need and are unable to afford other means of commercial transportation. Are any age Have received a medical diagnosis that requires you to be treated at a hospital specializing in that disease or ailment. Accompany a patient who fits the above criteria. 5. ANGEL FLIGHT NORTHEAST 492 Sutton Street North Andover, MA 01845 (800) 549-9980 800-Line SERVICE SUMMARY: Since Angel Flight Northeast's first flight in 1996, our mission coordinators have scheduled more than 65,000 flights. Our 1,000+ Volunteer Pilots have flown over 13 million miles providing more than 62,000 patients and their families free air transportation to medical care. As well, our 200+ Earth Angels are there to greet the patients and their families with open arms and transport them to and from their destinations. Angel Flight Northeast's main service area covers 9 states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. 2. AIRLIFT HOPE OF AMERICA 4620 Haygood Road Ste. 1 Virginia Beach, VA 23455 (800) 325-8908 800-Line SERVICE SUMMARY: Airlift Hope of America is a non-profit organization serving patients in need and their families. We provide air transport to specialized medical facilities for evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. 6. ANGEL FLIGHT SOUTH CENTRAL 2550 Midway Road, Suite 220 Carrollton, TX 75006 (888) 500-0433 Svc/Intake and Admin Airlift Hope of America provides medical air transport for patients departing from: North Carolina and Tennessee. SERVICE SUMMARY: Angel Flight South Central encourages America’s General Aviation pilots to volunteer their skills to provide free transportation for people in need of critical medical treatment not available to them locally. Every year Angel Flight pilots fly thousands of “missions” making it possible for people to access lifesaving medical care which would otherwise be unavailable to them. 3. ANGEL FLIGHT CENTRAL Charles B. Wheeler Downtown Airport 10 Richards Road Kansas City, MO 64116 (800) 474-9464 Evenings and weekends for disaster response ONLY (866) 569-9464 800-Line - (800)474 WINGS 7. ANGEL FLIGHT WEST 3161 Donald Douglas Loop South Santa Monica, CA 90405 SERVICE SUMMARY: Angel Flight Central (AFC) is a volunteer non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to removing the burdens of arranging long-distance transportation at times of personal and community crisis. Today, AFC volunteers and supporters throughout the Midwest have made possible over 18,000 flights "free of charge" covering over 8 million miles. We are helping thousands of families access specialized health care, special needs camps, and other destinations for disaster response efforts and compassionate reasons. Angel Flight Central, in the heart of the midwest, collaborating coast-to-coast as we give hope wings everyday! SERVICE SUMMARY: Angel Flight West is a nonprofit, volunteer-driven organization that arranges free, non-emergency air travel for children and adults with serious medical conditions and other compelling needs. Our network of 1,600 pilots throughout the 13 western states donate their aircraft, piloting skills, and all flying costs to help families in need, enabling them to receive vital treatment that might otherwise be inaccessible because of financial, medical, or geographic limitations. 4. ANGEL FLIGHT MID-ATLANTIC 4620 Haygood Road, Suite 1 Suite 1 Virginia Beach, VA 23455 8. CORPORATE ANGEL NETWORK, INC. Westchester County Airport One Loop Road WHITE PLAINS, NY 10604 (800) 296-3797 800-Line Angel Flight Mid-Atlantic (914) 328-1313 Svc/Intake and Admin (866) 328-1313 Toll-Free Patient Line (800) 413-1360 After-Hours Emergency (888) 426-2643 800-Line - (888) 4 AN ANGEL SERVICE SUMMARY: To ensure that no patient in need is denied access to distant specialized medical evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, or rehabilitation for lack of a means of long-distance medical air transportation. SERVICE SUMMARY: Arranges free plane transportation for cancer patients or bone marrow donors going to/from recognized cancer treatment centers by using empty seats aboard corporate aircraft operating on business flights. Applicants need to be able to physically board a corporate plane without crew assistance as well as not require any form of life support or medical assistance. The cancer patient or traveling companion must call CAN to register over the phone when the patient has a specific travel date. Requests can be taken up to 3 weeks prior to travel date. Angel Flight Mid-Atlantic provides medical air transport for patients departing from: District of Columbia, Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. <continued...> 5 AIR CHARITY NETWORK... Applicant will need to supply the name, address and telephone number(s) of present physicians as well as make back up travel arrangements. THERE IS NO FINANCIAL REQUIREMENT OR LIMIT ON THE NUMBER OF TRIPS. OVERVIEW: Provides AA meetings for anyone who has a desire to stop drinking. HOURS: Call for information SERVICE SUMMARY: Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who help others to recover from alcoholism and share experience, strength and hope in solving their common problem. The only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking. About 350 regular AA meetings per week are held in Albuquerque area. Phone is answered by a recovering alcoholic 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Spanish language answering service, meetings and groups available. 9. MERCY FLIGHT SOUTHEAST, INC. 8864 Airport Boulevard Leesburg, FL 34788 (800) 352-4256 800-Line-Mercy Flight SouthEast SERVICE SUMMARY: Angel Flight™ Southeast is an IRS 501(c)(3) organization of more than 650 volunteer pilots who utilize their own aircraft, fuel and time to provide free air transportation to medical facilities for citizens who are financially distressed or otherwise unable to travel on public transportation. Angel Flight Southeast also coordinates missions to fly organ transplant candidates, people involved in clinical trials, chemotherapy or other repetitive treatment, victims of abuse seeking relocation, families receiving help from Ronald McDonald Houses, Shriners Hospitals and many other charities, disabled or sick children to special summer camp programs, and for many other humanitarian reasons. Angel Flight Southeast coordinates an average of 3,000 missions per year with its group of all volunteer pilots Services Alcohol Dependency Support Groups Alcoholism Counseling Alcoholism Hotlines ALBUQUERQUE BAR ASSOCIATION LAWYER REFERRAL SERVICE 400 Gold SW Ste 620 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 243-2615 Svc/Intake and Admin 10. MERCY MEDICAL AIRLIFT 4620 Haygood Road Ste. 1 Virginia Beach, VA 23455 www.abqbar.org abqbar@abqbar.org OVERVIEW: Albuquerque Bar Association Lawyer Referral Services promotes and enhances professionalism within the Albuquerque legal community; we welcome all lawyers and provide a forum for all members of the Albuquerque legal community. (800) 296-1217 800-Line SERVICE SUMMARY: “MMA’s mission is to ensure that no financially stressed patient is denied access to distant specialized medical evaluation, diagnosis or treatment for lack of a means of long-distance medical transportation; further, to ensure the provision of urgent transportation in situations of compelling human need and homeland security emergencies.” Mission is to educate the public about legal issues that impact the community; foster access to the justice system; and, be a vigorous advocate for justice. HOURS: MTWTHF 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides referral to appropriate lawyer after a review of client's problem. A $50.00 fee entitles client to a maximum of 30 minutes with an attorney. Prepayment necessary-by credit card or in person at our office. There is no further obligation on either party unless specifically agreed upon. Callers not wishing to come into the office may pay by credit card or check debit card by phone, fax or Internet. Services Air Transportation * Cancer Air Transportation * Nonambulatory Emergency Medical Transportation * Nonambulatory Mercy Transportation Mercy Transportation * Nonambulatory PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information SITES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 We can arrange a 30 minute appointment with a licensed attorney in their office or over the phone to discuss any type of legal matter. Quick—appointments can be made within 2-5 business days. Identify your legal options Interview an attorney Gain confidence in making decisions No financial qualification required! ALBUQUERQUE ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 1921 Alvarado Dr. NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 This appointment does not obligate you or the attorney to pursue the case unless you and the attorney agree to it. (505) 266-3688 Spanish Language Answering Service Oficina Intergrupal Hispana (505) 266-1900 Svc/Intake and Admin - 24-hours PAYMENT—The non-refundable $50 fee must be paid before the appointment is made. We accept Visa, Master Card, American Express and Discover over the phone or through our internet www.albuquerqueaa.org anonymous@albuquerqueaa.org <continued...> 6 ALBUQUERQUE BAR ASSOCIATION LAWYER... form. You may also choose to mail us a Money Order. However, NO PERSONAL CHECKS OR CASH are accepted. Services Provides 24 hour long term care in a christian residential group home setting. The age group served is children, ages 5 to 15. Services Lawyer Referral Services Group Homes for Dependent Children ALBUQUERQUE CENTER FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE ALBUQUERQUE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 202 Harvard SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 624 Tijeras Ave NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 268-9557 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 883-6240 Svc/Intake and Admin www.abqpeaceandjustice.org abqpeaceandjusticecenter@gmail.com www.albuquerquefoundation.org foundation@albuquerquefoundation.org OVERVIEW: The Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice provides resources and space for organizations and individuals working on peace and justice issues to network with one another and share information. Through our programs and collaborations, we work locally to support regional and global justice. SERVICE SUMMARY: ACPJ strives to create a world where our collective needs are met sustainably and nonviolently. We value the interconnectedness of all life. We emphasize cooperation and respect for diversity. We are committed to nonviolent conflict resolution. We strive for peace within ourselves while we work towards creating peace in our community and in our world. OVERVIEW: Non-profit, publicly-supported, philanthropic institution that manages a pool of charitable funds whose income is used to benefit the community in grants to local nonprofit organizations, educational programs, and scholarships. The Foundation is a tax-exempt 501 (c)(3) public charity with a mission to serve people in the greater Albuquerque area. The Foundation administers a permanent community endowment comprised of many gifts, large and small, and uses the earnings from that endowment to make grants to other nonprofit organizations and educational institutions. SERVICE SUMMARY: Grant distributions to qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations and educational institutions for programs in the areas of arts and culture, education, health and human services and environmental and historic preservation. No grants to individuals. Services International Understanding/Peace Programs Multicultural Education PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information Community foundations are publicly-supported philanthropic institutions governed by a board of private citizens chosen to represent the public interest and for their knowledge of the community. ALBUQUERQUE CHRISTIAN CHILDREN'S HOME 5700 Winter Haven Rd NW Albuquerque, NM 87120 Community foundations uniquely serve three publics: donors, the nonprofit sector and the community as a whole. (505) 898-5520 Svc/Intake and Admin Community foundations are one of the most enduring and fastest growing sectors of organized philanthropy in the United States and around the world. A catalyst for change, 700 community foundations serve citizens in all 50 states, and in over 46 countries worldwide. Domestically, community foundations hold billions in assets and grant billions annually to various fields of interest including the arts, education, emerging needs, environment, health and human services. www.acch4kids.org dsteinle@ACCH4Kids.org OVERVIEW: Residential group home for children for whom adoption is not an option. HOURS: MTWTHF 9AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: A non-profit organization, is dedicated to providing the very best physical, psychological, and spiritual care for school-aged children who are neglected, abused, or in need of supervision. We care for these children without regard for their race, religion, culture, national origin, financial status, or social status. Our long-term residential care is provided through a family setting centered around Christian love, example, and teaching. We strive to instill individual worth in each child while preparing them for responsible adulthood. Where possible, we work to reunite each child with his/her family. Services Charities/Foundations/Funding Organizations Nonprofit/Philanthropic Associations 7 ALBUQUERQUE HEALTH CARE FOR THE HOMELESS, INC. People 1217 1st Street NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 ALBUQUERQUE HISPANO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (505) 242-8288 Dental Services (505) 248-0817 ArtStreet (505) 242-4644 Medical, Behavioral Health & Children's Outreach (505) 766-5197 Svc/Intake and Admin 1309 4th St SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 842-9003 Svc/Intake and Admin www.ahcnm.org alex@ahcnm.org www.abqhch.org info@abqhch.org OVERVIEW: homelessness. OVERVIEW: Provides for Hispanic and small business promotion and economic development along with technical assistance hotline/networking. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides small business and economic development through international trade groups, conventions and tourism forums. Also publishes a monthly newsletter and conducts a program to encourage youth to stay in school through projects and scholarship endowment programs. To live in a world that is just and without Provides a variety of medical, dental, mental health and substance abuse services for homeless individuals and families. SERVICE SUMMARY: To provide caring and comprehensive health and integrated supportive services, linking people experiencing homelessness to individual and collective solutions, and to be a leader in implementing innovative Services Business Associations * Hispanic/Latino Community Chambers of Commerce * Hispanic/Latino Community Small Business Development * Hispanic/Latino Community Primary medical care; diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic illness; physical exams, specialty care referrals to University Hospital, immunizations: eye, hearing and dermatology exams. Social work assistance, crisis intervention, assistance in applying for benefits, information and referral. Client/Applicant MUST be homeless ALBUQUERQUE INDIAN CENTER INC. 105 Texas St. SE Albuquerque, NM 87108 (505) 268-1751 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 268-5770 Administrative *CHILDREN'S OUTREACH: Call for outreach schedule & location. *DENTAL CLINIC: Call for clinic walk-in & appointment schedules. Services include, emergency, routine and preventive care; restoration, root canals and cleanings. Dentures, partials and a full available. *BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Mental health case management *STEPPING STONES DROP-IN CENTER: Assistance in acquiring additional resources and living/social skills. Substance abuse counseling, assessment, counseling, crisis intervention and referrals to treatment programs and substance-free transitional housing. *HARM REDUCTION OUTREACH: Call for outreach schedule. *DROP-IN CENTER + SYRINGE EXCHANGE *ARTSTREET: www.abqindiancenter.com mary.garica@abqindiancenter.com OVERVIEW: Provides the Albuquerque Native American Community with a variety of programs and services to include counseling, traditional Native American healing and spiritual development, employment and training services, computer instruction, referrals for emergency assistance and homeless care referrals. The Albuquerque Indian Center provides programs which support sobriety and wellness of Native Americans in the city. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 4:30PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides the Albuquerque Native American Community with a variety of programs and services including counseling, traditional Native American healing and spiritual development, employment and training services, computer instruction, referrals for emergency assistance and homeless care referrals. The Albuquerque Indian Center provides programs which support sobriety and wellness of Native Americans in the city. Services Dental Care * Homeless People Health Care * Homeless People Health Care Referrals * Homeless People Homeless Motel Vouchers * Families with Children Medical Public Assistance Programs Mental Health Care and Counseling Needle Exchange/Distribution Programs Substance Abuse Services Transitional Case/Care Management * Homeless *Sobriety and Wellness Support *Traditional Native Counseling and cultural activities *Professional Counseling for Substance abuse, domestic violence, family, intensive outpatient treatment <continued...> 8 ALBUQUERQUE INDIAN CENTER INC.... *Employment/Training Services/Resume Prep *Computer Training *Homeless Care Referrals: referrals for short term emergency food, clothing, shelter and transportation. technical and academic training. SERVICE SUMMARY: At Albuquerque Job Corps Center, we support the Job Corps program's mission of teaching eligible young people the skills they need to become employable and independent and placing them in meaningful jobs or further education. *Housing Assistance/Referrals *Mail, Fax, Phone Message Services *Advocacy *Food Distribution: Every Tuesday of the month. *Volunteer services Services Job Corps Training and Employment Programs * Young Adults Services ALBUQUERQUE METRO CRIME STOPPERS Cultural Heritage Groups * Native American Community Domestic Violence Intervention Programs * Native American Community Family Counseling * Native American Community Food Pantries * Native American Community Native American General Assistance Substance Abuse Services * Native American Community Transitional Case/Care Management * Native American Community PO Box 35207 Albuquerque, NM 87176 (505) 843-7867 843-STOP - Anonymous Tips-line www.crimestoppersnm.org info@crimestoppersnm.com OVERVIEW: Albuquerque Metro Crime Stoppers is a community program that relies on anonymous tips to solve crimes and to locate fugitives from justice. Without anonymity of callers, the program cannot be effective. 24 hour anonymous tips-line (843-STOP). SERVICE SUMMARY: Albuquerque Metro Crime Stoppers provides a 24-hour anonymous Tip line (843-Stop). The Tip line allows citizens to report crime information without fear of retaliation. Also administers CAMPUS CRIME STOPPERS-4TH & 5TH grade levels: The Campus Crime Stoppers Program, at the 4th & 5th grade levels teaches children how to safely tell an adult about an offense they have witnessed. ALBUQUERQUE INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE 5300 Homestead NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 248-4500 Svc/Intake and Admin www.ihs.gov/albuquerque/ Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides medical and dental care to Native American population. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides medical and dental care and related services through a system of directly operated local facilities comprised of hospitals, health centers and field health clinics. Direct services are supplemented by public and private contracted hospital and professional services. Promotes maximum utilization of all community medical, dental and other health resources. Services Community Crime Prevention Programs Crime Reporting General Crime Reporting Non-Emergency Crime Reporting PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information ALBUQUERQUE PUBLIC SCHOOLS-APS Services 6400 Uptown NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 Health Care * Native American Community Native American General Assistance (505) 880-3700 Svc/Intake and Admin www.aps.edu OVERVIEW: Provides for the overall administration and operation of the public education system in the city of Albuquerque. The superintendent is responsible to the Board of Education. ALBUQUERQUE JOBS CORPS CENTER 1500 Indian School Rd. NW Albuquerque, NM 87104 (505) 222-4243 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 733-5627 800-Line www.albuquerque.jobcorps.gov/home.aspx OVERVIEW: Job Corps is a no-cost education and career technical training program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor that helps young people ages 16 through 24 improve the quality of their lives through career <continued...> 9 ALBUQUERQUE PUBLIC SCHOOLS-APS... Sites mothers. Individual health instruction and counseling, including home visits to teenage mothers and their children. WIC, Maternal and Infant care are available on site on a regular basis. 1. ALBUQUERQUE PUBLIC SCHOOLS-APS 6400 Uptown NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 4. FREEDOM HIGH SCHOOL 5200 Cutler NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 880-3700 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Albuquerque Public Schools is a school district based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Founded in 1891, the Albuquerque Public School District (APS) is the largest of 89 public school districts in the State of New Mexico. (505) 884-6012 Svc/Intake and Admin 2. APS COMMUNITY CLOTHING BANK 1730 University SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 Children's Clothing School Clothing Shoes * Children SITE: 2 SERVICE SUMMARY: Alternative High School Services (505) 344-7481 Svc/Intake and Admin How to Order Students or parents can go to the school counselor, nurse or social work to place an order for new socks, underwear and shoes as well as for a new or slightly used coat. Alternative Education Dropout Programs Education Elementary Schools Free School Supplies Middle Schools Preschools Public Schools School Based Teen Parent/Pregnant Teen Programs School Supplies Donation Programs Secondary/High Schools SITES: 1 3 The order will be filled by the Clothing Bank, which will work with schools on getting the items to students. ALBUQUERQUE RESCUE MISSION SERVICE SUMMARY: The APS Community Clothing Bank is partnering with Goodwill Industries of New MexicoThis is an external link. to make sure students in need have clothes, shoes, undergarments and coats so they can focus on learning. How You Can Help 525 Second St. SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 Students are eligible to receive: 1.One pair of shoes per year 2.One coat per year 3.One package of socks two times a year 4.One package of underwear two times a year. (505) 924-1311 Svc/Intake and Admin-Men's Shelter (505) 243-3310 Svc/Intake and Admin-Women's Shelter (505) 346-4673 Administrative www.abqrescue.org info@albqrescue.org Students also will receive a certificate for 3 outfits they can pick out at any Goodwill store in Albuquerque. An outfit consists of pants and shirt or a dress. OVERVIEW: The Restoration Center provides daily life essentials (meals, clothing, day shelter, minor health care) and Christian restorative resources (computer training, education, employment office) to homeless men and women. HOURS: Call for information Students are eligible to receive 3 certificates a year: once in early fall, once before winter break and once before summer break. Sites 1. ALBUQUERQUE RESCUE MISSION 525 Second St. SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 3. APS NEW FUTURES HIGH SCHOOL 5400 Cutler NE Albuquerque, NM 87110-5058 (505) 346-4673 Ext. 254 Service/Intake - Mission location (505) 924-1311 Svc/Intake and Admin-Men's Shelter (505) 243-3310 Svc/Intake and Admin-Women's Shelter (505) 346-4673 Administrative (505) 883-5680 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides courses for high school completion, plus classes designed to meet the special needs of the teenage parent. Individual counseling is available to pregnant and parenting teenagers. Counseling includes personal, vocational, marital, family, educational and life skills. Five day care centers are also offered to the student SERVICE SUMMARY: Albuquerque Rescue Mission provides daily life essentials and Christian restorative resources for homeless men and women. New life program is a one year Christian restoration program. <continued...> 10 ALBUQUERQUE RESCUE MISSION... Provides overnight shelter for homeless men. All men must shave, shower, and shampoo. Drinking is not allowed. In the Restoration Center next door, breakfast and supper meals are provided Monday through Saturday to men women and children at 6:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Rescue Van is available for emergency pick-up of homeless between November 15 and March 15, at 7:00PM to 12:00 AM for transportation to shelter. Emergency overflow shelter (200 beds) available between November 15 through March 15, only for those coming to Mission. Victims of sexual assault and domestic violence are provided care in an empowering setting that addresses emotional and medical needs. All care is comprehensive, timely and patient centered. Our services are always confidential and free and available 24 hours a day. In most cases, reporting to law enforcement is voluntary. An exam may be scheduled by the patient, local police, hospital, family, friends and advocates by calling our dispatch phone number 505-884-SANE (7263). The nurse examiner will perform the medical/forensic exam in a caring, respectful and supportive manner. An advocate is available to provide other support and information to the patient and their family and friends during the exam process. Conducts the NEW LIFE PROGRAM which is a 9 to 12 month program that focuses on discipleship, computer training education, marketable job skills and employment readiness with overnight lodging plus three meals per day. Social service referrals are available. After the exam the patient can shower in a private area and will be provided a new change of clothing, if they choose to have their clothing held as evidence. 2. WOMEN'S CENTER OF HOPE Confidential location (505) 243-3310 Women's Center of Hope Services Sexual Assault Hotlines Sexual Assault Treatment Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment * Sexual Assault Issues SERVICE SUMMARY: The “Women’s Center of Hope,” a 10 bed transitional housing facility for homeless women. Women will be enrolled in a life restoration program designed to be completed in about 12 months. At the completion of the program, the goal is that the women will find employment, move to permanent housing, and lead productive lives. ALBUQUERQUE SIGN LANGUAGE ACADEMY 620 Lomas Blvd. NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 Services (505) 247-1701 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 435-9680 Video Phone Bathing Facilities General Clothing Provision Homeless Shelter * Families Homeless Shelter * Males Homeless Shelter * Women Homeless Shelter Pickup Sites Missions SITES: 1 2 www.aslacademy.com OVERVIEW: The mission of the Albuquerque Sign Language Academy is to improve educational outcomes for deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing students in the greater Albuquerque area by providing a rigorous standards-based bilingual educational program which utilizes American Sign Language and English to achieve academic excellence, support family involvement, and promote multicultural community partnerships. SERVICE SUMMARY: The ASL Academy is a charter school - which simply means that it is a tuition-free public school which operates as its own school district. It is subject to the same teacher certification laws and educational standards as other public schools in New Mexico. Students attending the ASL Academy do not need to meet any admission or eligibility requirements (such as having a hearing loss or living within a specified geographical boundary). The ASL Academy is authorized by the State of New Mexico's Public Education Commission (PEC) and is not affiliated with APS or NMSD. ALBUQUERQUE SANE 625 Silver SW 2nd Floor Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 884-7263 Dispatch 24/7 Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (505) 883-8720 Svc/Intake and Admin www.abqsane.org info@abqsane.org OVERVIEW: Provides a program of kind and gentle care for victims of sexual assault by offering prompt medical & forensic services. HOURS: MTWTHF 8:30 AM to 4PM SERVICE SUMMARY: The Albuquerque SANE Collaborative serves sexual assault and domestic violence victims by providing immediate, compassionate, culturally sensitive, and comprehensive medical treatment and forensic evaluation by nurse experts. Services Charter Schools * Hard of Hearing Sign Language Instruction * Children 11 ALBUQUERQUE SPEECH, LANGUAGE AND HEARING CENTER Mental Health Care and Counseling PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information 9500 Montgomery Blvd NE Ste 215 Albuquerque, NM 87111 ALL FAITHS RECEIVING HOME, INC. 1709 Moon Street NE Albuquerque, NM 87112 (505) 796-5954 Svc/Intake and Admin www.aslhc.org info@aslhc.org (505) 271-0329 Svc/Intake and Admin www.allfaiths.org krose@allfaiths.org OVERVIEW: To be the leading provider of communication and hearing services to patients, referral sources and funding sources in New Mexico. Provides outpatient speech-language pathology and audiology services for people of all ages and income brackets. HOURS: MTWThF 8:30 AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY PROGRAM: Speech-language pathologists assess and treat people with articulation, stuttering, language/learning disabilities, swallowing concerns, voice, augmentative/alternative communication, accent reduction, developmental disabilities, strokes, and head injuries. Public transportation accessible; a pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Provides comprehensive array of services including prevention, investigation, residential, and treatment services for children and families who are dealing with issues of childhood abuse, neglect or trauma. HOURS: 24 hour answering service for emergencies Admin Hours 8:30AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: *Child advocacy services *Services to families in their own communities *Individual and family therapy services for children and their parents *Child-friendly interviews in cases of alleged abuse or when a child has witnessed violence *Abuse prevention and crisis intervention services to families at risk of abuse or neglect *Research-based training and consultation to professionals, parents and children throughout New Mexico AUDIOLOGY PROGRAM: Audiologists conduct hearing evaluations, perform hearing aid evaluations; order and dispense hearing aids, perform Auditory processing Disorder evaluations, and make minor repairs on hearing aids. HEARING AID BANK (HAB) PROGRAM: is designed to assist people with limited resources to obtain quality, basic hearing aids at a reduced cost. This program is made possible by funding from United Way of Central New Mexico. RESIDENTIAL SERVICES: Provides short term out of home care for non-delinquent children up to age 12, whose parents are unable to care for them because of an emergency or crisis in the family, including abuse or neglect. Program includes a variety of on-site clinical and home-based support services. Services CLINICAL SERVICES: Provides outpatient therapy, advocacy, case management and parent education for children and families affected by child sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect or trauma. Audiology Hearing Aid Evaluations Hearing Aids Hearing Augmentation Aids Hearing Screening Speech and Language Evaluations Speech Impairments Speech Therapy CHILDREN'S SAFE HOUSE: Participates in multi-disciplinary investigations of allegations of child sexual abuse or severe physical abuse. Provides forensic interviews in collaboration with NM Department of Children, Youth and Families, law enforcement and District Attorney's office. ALIVIAR COUNSELING SERVICES 1611 Central NW Albuquerque, NM 87104 Services Child Abuse Counseling Child Abuse Medical Evaluations Child Abuse Prevention Child Abuse Reporting/Emergency Response Child Sexual Assault Counseling Children's Protective Services Children's/Adolescent Residential Treatment Facilities Counseling for Children Affected by Domestic Violence Crime Victim Accompaniment Services * Abused Children Family Violence Prevention (505) 247-4622 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Counseling for the following areas: individual, adolescent, family, domestic violence, marriage. See agency services. Services Abuse Counseling Adolescent/Youth Counseling Alcoholism Counseling Family Counseling Individual Counseling Marriage Counseling 12 ALS ASSOCIATION OF NEW MEXICO AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS are provided on an individual or group basis through center-based or home-based model. Services include education, family counseling, physical, occupational and speech therapy. Offers home-based support services to adults who have developmental disabilities and are living in the community with a family. Short term care for children and adults (all ages), with developmental disabilities. Care provided in family homes within the community, client's homes or adult respite home. Overnight care is included. Provides Early Head Start services in Torrance County. 2309 Renard Pl SE Ste. 202 Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 323-6348 Svc/Intake and Admin http://webnm.alsa.org/site/ PageServer?pagename=NM_homepage als@alsanm.org Services OVERVIEW: New Mexico chapter of ALS Association. SERVICE SUMMARY: The ALS Association serves to provide information and support services regarding issues related to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Caregiver Training Children's Respite Care Developmental Assessment Developmental Screening Early Identification Programs Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities/Delays Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs Independent Living Skills Instruction Respite Care Supported Living Services for Adults with Disabilities SITES: 1 2 Services ALS Clinics * Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information ALTA MIRA SPECIALIZED FAMILY SERVICES, INC. 1605 Carlisle Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATION NEW MEXICO CHAPTER (505) 262-0801 Svc/Intake and Admin www.altamiranm.org info@AltaMiraNM.org 9500 Montgomery Rd NE Ste 121 Albuquerque, NM 87111 Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides early intervention, respite care, personal care instruction, family support to children and adults who have developmental disabilities. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 4:30 PM (800) 272-3900 NM Helpline/Hotline (505) 266-4473 Svc/Intake and Admin www.alz.org/newmexico/ info@alz.org Sites Public transportation accessible; a pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Provides information, support services and education to families of Alzheimer's patients, and others who have an interest in the Alzheimer's condition. HOURS: MTWTHF 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for on-going support and assistance to caregivers, development of educational/information programs, establishment of training guidelines for care givers, increase public awareness of Alzheimer's disease and the magnitude of its effect on our society. Also works to expand access to services, information and optimal techniques for care and support for individuals and their families. 1. ALTA MIRA SPECIALIZED FAMILY SERVICES ESTANCIA OFFICE 301 5th Street Estancia, NM 87016 (505) 384-0894 Service/Intake SERVICE SUMMARY: Home based services for pregnant women and families with children under the age of 3. Also provides home visits that focus on child development, prenatal education and family support activities. Also provides respite care and home-based services for children and adults with developmental disabilities. *RESPITE VOUCHER PROGRAM: Vouchers available for family caregivers. *SAFE RETURN HOME PROGRAM: This is a national registry for Alzheimer's patients. Maintains information for the protection of loved ones. *SUPPORT GROUPS *EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS: training's and conferences for family & professional caregivers *INFORMATION AND REFERRAL 2. ALTA MIRA SPECIALIZED FAMILY SERVICES, INC. 1605 Carlisle Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 323-2267 Respite Home (505) 262-0801 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for family focused educational services to families with infants and children through three years who have a delay or are at risk. Services <continued...> 13 ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATION NEW MEXICO... AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION Services PO Box 566 Albuquerque, NM 87109 Dementia Evaluation Mild Alzheimer's Disease Moderate Alzheimer's Disease Severe Alzheimer's Disease (505) 266-5915 Svc/Intake and Admin www.aclu-nm.org info@aclu-nm.org AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY NEW MEXICO REGION Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides assistance in investigating constitutional rights violations. HOURS: MTWThF 9AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides assistance to persons in determining if their constitutional rights have been violated. Makes referrals as indicated. May accept cases involving constitutional issues with precedent-setting significance. Emphasis on public education and enactment of laws to strengthen and protect freedom. 8500 Menual Blvd NE Ste A500 Albuquerque, NM 87112 (505) 260-2105 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 227-2345 800-Line - (800)ACS-2345 www.cancer.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Your local American Cancer Society office is your source for the most relevant information to help guide you. Appointments are needed for all services to ensure we have the right people available to meet your needs. Hours and services vary by location. You can always call our Cancer Information Specialists at 1-800-227-2345, 24 hours a day, every day of the year to connect with our valuable services and resources. HOURS: MTWThF 8:30 AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for information, education, prevention, detection, and smoking cessation program referrals. Transportation services available to cancer patients for treatment and medical appointments (approval of physician required/ must be ambulatory/5 days notice required). Provides for funding research on the causes, prevention and treatment of cancer. Services Community Organizing Assistance Constitutional/Civil Rights Groups Legal Issues Education/Information * Civil Rights Issues AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION 2270 Wyoming Blvd NE Ste# 284 Albuquerque, NM 87110 (800) DIA-BETE Ext. 7134 Hotline (Voice and TDD) (505) 266-5716 Svc/Intake and Admin (888) 342-2383 800-Line 1-888-DIABETES www.diabetes.org AskADA@diabetes.org *REACH TO RECOVERY PROGRAM for breast cancer patient *LOOK GOOD...FEEL BETTER: for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation *CAMP ENCHANTMENT for children ages 7-17 who have been diagnosed with cancer *SUPPORT GROUP: referrals and continuing education to medical professionals Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides education about diabetes, funds research, speakers bureau, health fairs, and camp for children with diabetes. HOURS: MTWThF 8:30AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides public education about diabetes through speakers and printed materials; workshops for health professionals to teach up-to-date information on diabetes; patient education to adults and children with diabetes and to their families. Adult programs are developed around specific needs. Also operates a summer camp for children with diabetes. Provides funds from the American Diabetes Association for research on the causes, prevention and treatment of diabetes. Services Cancer * Information Services Cancer Clinics Cancer Detection * Information Services Medical Appointments Transportation Medical Oncology * Information Services Smoking Education/Prevention Support Groups * Cancer Wigs Services Diabetes Diabetes Management Clinics Diabetes Screening 14 AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION ALBUQUERQUE Services Scholarships * Native American Community PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information 2201 San Pedro NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (800) 242-8721 National 800-Line (505) 353-5800 Svc/Intake and Admin AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF NEW MEXICO www.americanheart.org 5911 Jefferson NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: A volunteer-driven organization fighting heart disease and stroke through funding research and community education programs. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 4:30PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides public education programs on heart disease and stroke prevention, detection and treatment. Provides training and educational opportunities for medical and non-medical personnel. Maintains a free local educational library and National Website featuring literature on heart disease and stroke topics. Supports statewide community training centers that provide community classes in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for basic, advanced and pediatric life support training. Classes include Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) use and first aid. Raises funds for research and education on the local and national levels on the cause, prevention and treatment of heart disease and stroke. (800) 586-4872 800-Line - 1-800-LUNG USA (505) 265-0732 Svc/Intake and Admin www.lungnewmexico.org NMInfo@lungs.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides education and information on disorders affecting the respiratory system. Also supports research into such disorders. HOURS: MTWThF 8:30AM to 4:30PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides educational programs on lung disease, smoking and air pollution to the public and schools. Supplies information on occupational health issues in connection with lung disease. Provides education programs for health professionals. Conducts educational programs for chronic lung disease patients and for asthmatic children. Provides smoking cessation programs, camp program for asthmatic children ages 9 through 12, provides self- help kits for asthmatic children. Also provides for support groups for adults with emphysema, chronic bronchitis and asthma. Services Research * Heart Disease Special Library Collections * Heart Disease Specialized Information and Referral * Heart Disease Services Bronchograms Lung Scans Lung Transplants Smoking Cessation Support Smoking Education/Prevention AMERICAN INDIAN GRADUATE CENTER 3701 San Mateo Blvd. NE Ste 200 Albuquerque, NM 87110 AMERICAN RED CROSS IN NEW MEXICO (505) 881-4584 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 628-1920 800-Line 7445 Pan American Fwy NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 www.aigcs.org web@aigcs.org (505) 265-8514 Svc/Intake and Admin www.redcrossnewmexico.org rahim.balsara@redcross.org OVERVIEW: "Build, promote, and honor self-sustaining American Indian and Alaska Native communities through education and leadership." HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: To administer and provide scholarship benefits and opportunities for students enrolled at institutions of Higher Education who are American Indian and Alaskan Native. Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides assistance to victims of disasters; provides formal and informal health and safety education; provides emergency military family communications; provides international social services such as tracings. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides assistance to victims of disaster. Provides information and community education in the areas of health and safety, disaster preparedness, family safety and well being. Provides emergency communication to military and their immediate family members during times of family crisis; provides same services to community-based military (Guard, Reserve) at time of calling to active duty. Programs of community education cover areas such as: CPR for the community and the <continued...> 15 AMERICAN RED CROSS IN NEW MEXICO... professional rescuer, first aid training basic through first responder, aquatic safety, babysitters training, HIV and disease prevention education, family home safety, family disaster preparedness and safety, injury prevention training, OSHA complaint training in blood borne pathogens, and community and business safety and preparedness presentations. Also offers an Emergency Minor Home Repair program for low income-eligible homeowners in the City of Albuquerque. Provides volunteer opportunities in all lines of service as well as administration; training and orientation for volunteers are provided free of charge. founded in 1999 by two inspired public school teachers started their own charter school determined to hold themselves accountable for a student’s success after high school. They named the school after a young woman from Santa Fe who died tragically while working to end apartheid in South Africa. Like its namesake, the school focuses on scholarship and community service, requiring that every student pass two college classes, and complete a year-long community service project that relates to their college studies. SERVICE SUMMARY: This program aims to cultivate a new generation of Social Profit Leaders who will create meaningful change over a lifetime by increasing the number of individuals from diverse communities who have the experience, understanding, and leadership skills they need to support the work of nonprofits and meet identified community need. Services CPR Instruction Disaster Relief Services Emergency Communications * Families of Military Personnel/Veterans Foreign Disaster Information Post Disaster Crisis Hotlines Post Disaster Housing Assistance Red Cross Disaster Service Centers Volunteer Opportunities Services Charter Schools Education Secondary/High Schools ANIMAL HUMANE NEW MEXICO AMIGO Y AMIGAS, INC 615 Virginia St. SE Albuquerque, NM 87108 1020 Edith SE Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 255-5523 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 247-8770 Svc/Intake and Admin www.ahanm.org info@animalhumanenm.org amigosyamigas.org services@amigosyamigas.org OVERVIEW: The mission of the Animal Humane | New Mexico is to improve the lives of companion animals through sheltering, adoption, community education, providing quality low-cost veterinary services to families in need, and programs that reduce pet overpopulation. OVERVIEW: Provides various activities for the whole family. HOURS: MTWTHF 3:30 PM to 7:30 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides the opportunity for healthy skill-building activities as an alternative to the degenerative activities of crime and drugs. Offering activities for all family members. Supporting the improvement of education in our community. Hosting family oriented seminars and offering family participation classes. These result in a strong community by fostering healthy neighborhoods. SERVICE SUMMARY: Full-Service Veterinary Clinic: Provides full service quality lowcost care for qualifying low-income pet owners. • Spay and Neuter Programs: Sterilize every pet adopted from the facility. Perform low-cost ($10-$20) spay/neuter procedures for qualifying low-income pet owners. Services • Emergency Pet Sheltering: Shelters pets for people who are the victims of domestic violence, temporarily homeless or experiencing complications arising from relocation or divorce. Pets receive medical care, food, exercise, grooming, as well as compassionate care during their stay at the campus. Automobile Donation Programs Children's Arts and Crafts Family Life Education Tutoring Services PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information •Senior Pet & Pets for People Adoption Programs: Subsidizes adoption costs for pets over five years and offers free adoptions for people over the age of 60 selecting pets over two years. AMY BIEHL HIGH SCHOOL 123 4TH St. SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 •Pet Food Bank: Distributes donated pet food to rescue groups statewide. Also partners with the City of Albuquerque Department of Senior Affairs Nutrition Program to help keep pets and seniors together. The program ensures that seniors can provide nutritional meals to their companion pets at no additional cost to their food budget. (505) 299-9409 Svc/Intake and Admin www.amybiehlhighschool.org vgarcia@amybiehlhighschool.org OVERVIEW: Amy Biehl High School (ABHS) was <continued...> 16 ANIMAL HUMANE NEW MEXICO... •Humane Education: educational presentations to school and community groups on humane care of pets and the importance of altering your companion pet. OVERVIEW: TITLE 1 HOMELESS LITERACY PROJECT provides homeless children with school-based services to increase chances for school success. HOURS: Regular school year and summer programs. SERVICE SUMMARY: The program provides assistance with enrollment, preschool program, backpacks, school supplies, tutoring, meals and summer programs. • Pet Loss & Bereavement Counseling: monthly bereavement sessions for grieving pet owners. NE Heights Adoption & Training Center 9132 Montgomery Blvd NE (between Wyoming Blvd and Eubank Blvd) 505.323.PETS (7387) Open Daily, 10 am – 6 pm Services Education Homeless School Transition Programs Literacy Programs PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information Services Animal Adoption Animal Foster Care/Rescue Volunteer Opportunities Foster Care/Temporary Shelter for Animals Mobility Assistance Service Dogs * Older Adults Neuter/Spay Services * Low Income Pet Food Veterinary Services * Low Income ARCA 11300 Lomas Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87112 (505) 332-6700 Svc/Intake and Admin www.arc-a.org aroth@arcaspirit.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides residential support services and employment services to individuals with mental retardation and other developmental disabilities. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 5PM APPLESEED NEW MEXICO 600 Central Ave. SE Ste. 200 Albuquerque, NM 87102 Sites (505) 814-1200 Svc/Intake and Admin www.nmappleseed.org jramo@appleseednetwork.org 1. ARCA 11300 Lomas Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87112 OVERVIEW: Policy recommendations to help alleviate hunger impacting children, the poor and the undeserved. SERVICE SUMMARY: New Mexico Appleseed is a nonpartisan, nonpro?t organization focused on improving the lives of the poor and underserved through systemic change. Our results are high impact and lasting. (505) 332-6700 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: ARCA is New Mexico's largest non-profit residential provider of services to people with mental retardation and developmental disabilities. ARCA services include Community Programs, where individuals live in either supported or assisted living arrangements in an ARCA-owned residence or in their own apartments or homes; A.C.E.S. ( ARCA Community Employment Services), which includes branches: Contract Services, where individuals work on-site at ARCA's work center or are supported in community employment and ARCA'S Family Based Services which places children with mental retardation and developmental disabilities in supportive foster family homes. ARCA operates a state-wide Prader-Willi Syndrome Project that helps people with a life-threatening eating disorder. ARCA'S Literacy Enhancement Center, teaches, adults with mental retardation and developmental disabilities communication skills, to read and write. ARCA strives to provide premier services that continually enhance people's ability to be in and of the community. Full Stomachs ˜ Full Minds (FSFM) will reduce childhood food insecurity by ensuring that students have easy access to school nutrition programs and that their schools can provide healthy meals in a financially sustainable manner. Services Hunger/Poverty Action Groups School Lunches * Public Policy Development Assistance APS TITLE 1 HOMELESS LITERACY PROJECT 1730 University Blvd. SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 256-8239 Ext. 1 Svc/Intake and Admin www.aps.edu/aps/Homeless/index.htm scott_p@aps.edu <continued...> 17 ARCA... ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION SOUTH CENTRAL REGION NEW MEXICO 2. PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME PROJECT OF NM 11300 Lomas NE ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87112 8100 Wyoming Blvd. NE Ste M4 Albuquerque, NM 87113 (844) 302-6868 800-Line (505) 243-3817 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 283-7800 800-Line SERVICE SUMMARY: The mission of the Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) Project for the State of New Mexico is to identify individuals with PWS or PWS-like conditions and to assist these individuals and their families in finding services that will promote their health and allow them to choose and achieve their life goals and fully experience community life. www.arthritis.org/new-mexico info.caz@arthritis.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides for research, education, and information and referral. HOURS: MTWThF 9AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for public education programs on Arthritis and the various treatments. Maintains a information and referral source library for physicians and other services. Provides for support groups for those people and families in dealing with Arthritis. Also operates a therapeutic pool program with physicians referral. A loan closet of adaptive equipment is also maintained. Also provides information on the condition of Fibromyalgia to families and individuals. Services Adult Development Centers Adult In Home Respite Care Adult Out of Home Respite Care Assisted Living Facilities CPR Instruction Daily Living Aids * Prader-Willi Syndrome Disease/Disability Specific Screening/Diagnosis * Prader-Willi Syndrome Family Based Services * Families/Friends of People with Disabilities Family Based Services * Prader-Willi Syndrome First Aid Instruction Group Residences for Adults with Disabilities Supported Living Services for Adults with Disabilities SITES: 1 2 Services Arthritis Treatment Centers Information Services * Fibromyalgia * Arthritis * Rheumatoid Arthritis ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF ALBUQUERQUE 5211 Lomas NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 265-0443 Bargain Box Thrift Store (505) 265-0619 Svc/Intake and Admin ART IN THE SCHOOL, INC. PO Box 3416 Albuquerque, NM 87190-3416 albuquerque.assistanceleague.org alabq@qwestoffice.net (505) 306-0471 Svc/Intake and Admin Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides for philanthropic projects around the community and also operates a thrift store. HOURS: TWThF 9AM to 3:30 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for programs that buy and donate therapeutic equipment for preschool children with disabilities, and provides TEDDY BEARS to police/sheriff agencies to be given to children in traumatic situations. Also operates several sales outlets for craft sales and a thrift store for clothing and household goods. Operates "special seniors" which provides lunch, entertainment, and clothing to persons who are residents of licensed homes. Operation School Bell provides uniform assistance to middle school students, tutorial help in grade schools. Health and Hygiene kits to school students and underwear and socks to grade school nurses. www.artintheschool.org Mail@artintheschool.org A pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Provides a comprehensive program of art education to elementary school children in the Central New Mexico area. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides an integrated, in-school quality arts education for children. The program follows a multi-disciplinary thematic approach in art curricula, training the AIS presenters and delivering the curriculum to children in the school class room. Services Art Therapy * Elementary Schools Arts and Crafts Instruction * Elementary Schools PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information Services Children's Clothing Literacy Programs School Clothing Thrift Shops Work Clothing * Women 18 BARRETT HOUSE FOUNDATION, INC. Barrett House Attic 4308 Lomas NE, 87110 262-1073 (505) 246-9244 Administrative (505) 243-4887 Svc/Intake and Admin www.barrettfoundation.org Info@BarrettFoundation.org 3. BRIDGES SUPPORTIVE HOUSING (BARRETT FOUNDATION, INC.) 10300 Constitution Ave. NE Albuquerque, NM 87112 Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides emergency shelter for homeless women and women with children. HOURS: MTWThFSaSu 7AM to 9PM (505) 246-0944 Service/Intake Sites SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides supportive housing services to qualified individuals who would benefit from a 24-month supportive housing program. Clients must be willing to work on at least a part-time basis, advance their education, participate in life skills classes, weekly case management. Rent is 30% of income. 1. BARRETT HOUSE ATTIC 4308 Lomas NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 246-9244 Svc/Intake and Admin 4. CASA MILAGRO (BARRETT FOUNDATION, INC.) P.O. Box 25823 ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87125 SERVICE SUMMARY: Barrett House Attic sells new and good quality used clothing, accessories, household goods and other items to help fund Barrett Foundation’s operations year-round. It also provides clients with clothing, household items and furnishings. The Attic employs former and current clients and is supported by numerous volunteers. Donations of gently used clothing, household items, furniture and books are welcome. Pick-up service for furniture is available by appointment. (505) 883-8870 Service/Intake Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides transitional housing for homeless women over the age of 40 who suffer from chronic mental illness. Rent is based on 30% income. Aftercare services available. Permanent housing option available to graduates of the program. We accept clothing, household items, small appliances and electronics. 5. CASA VERDE (505) 246-9244 Svc/Intake and Admin * Clothing should be clean and ready to wear. Because of health concerns, underwear, socks, and intimate apparel should be freshly washed. SERVICE SUMMARY: Through the Casa Verde program Barrett Foundation provides affordable, permanent housing for women who have completed Barrett’s Casa Milagro, a transitional housing program. The women, who have all been homeless and suffer from psychiatric disabilities, have “graduated” and are stable enough to live on their own. *Career clothing is always in great demand. *Electronics and small appliances must be in working order. *Household items such as dishes, pots, pans, towels and sheets are always needed. With the help of a generous donor, Barrett bought a16-unit apartment complex in Albuquerque’s Northeast Heights to provide quality housing for these clients. In Casa Verde’s safe and secure setting women are not afraid to leave their apartments to shop for groceries, go to doctors’ appointments, or pick up their essential medications. Each woman pays up to one-third of whatever income she receives, for rent. The women develop a sense of pride and self-esteem from being able to live independently in the pleasant environment. Casa Verde clients may choose to participate in Art Therapy classes and AfterCare, a support program for Casa Milagro graduates. *Gently used furniture is welcome. Mattresses can only be accepted if they are new or near new. Please call us at 246-9244 to schedule a pick-up. 2. BARRETT HOUSE FOUNDATION, INC. (505) 246-9244 Administrative (505) 243-4887 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides emergency shelter services to homeless women and women with children on a limited, short term basis. Services include food, shelter, clothing, and case management. Guest must be away from the shelter between the hours of 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM. No fees are charged. Also operates the Barrett House Attic thrift store. Thrift store benefits the programs of Barrett Foundation. Donations of good salable clothing, household items, furniture, toys etc. are accepted and are tax deductible. Major appliances are not accepted. Services Family Violence Prevention General Clothing Provision * Women Homeless Shelter * Single Parent Families Headed by Mothers Homeless Shelter * Women Household Goods Donation Programs Transitional Housing/Shelter * Women Transitional Housing/Shelter * Women * <continued...> 19 BARRETT HOUSE FOUNDATION, INC.... movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). SERVICE SUMMARY: Our Mission To establish a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Chronic/Severe Mental Illness SITES: 1 2 3 4 5 BELEN CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS 520 North Main Street Belen, NM 87002 (505) 966-1000 Svc/Intake and Admin Our Vision To put Best Buddies out of business. www.belen.schoolfusion.us webmaster@belen.k12.nm.us Our Goals Best Buddies created the 2020 Initiative in 2011, with the goal of opening offices in all 50 states, expanding into 100 countries, and impacting three million people with and without IDD worldwide by the end of 2020. The initiative also includes plans to train 4,000 Buddy Ambassadors, develop 1,000 jobs for people with IDD around the world, and increase the number of school-based chapters to 2,500. As a result of these ambitious expansion efforts, Best Buddies hopes to become a household name by the end of 2020. OVERVIEW: Provides for public education programs, and special education and support programs. HOURS: MTWThF - 8 AM to 4:30 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: SPECIAL EDUCATION: For preschoolers offers early intervention from birth to age 2, services for special needs for children ages 3 and older and individualized education programs for children ages 3 and older. PARENTING TEENS PROGRAM: Offers stay in school guidance through support, encouragement, Medicaid access, teen parenting classes, child development classes,goal setting, school completion and choice options direction. Day care for teen parents. STUDENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Identifies, screens and assists students who may be negatively affected by stress, divorce, grief, school failure, teen pregnancy, peer pressure or use of alcohol and drugs. CHILD FIND: Developmental screening from birth through 5 years and programs for preschool children with special needs. Special education programs for children of all ages with disabilities. HEALTH ISSUES EDUCATION: Concerned primarily with in-school health problems. Provides speakers for school age health topics on substance abuse, life skills and teen sexuality issues. Substance abuse program consists of preventive education, school based student groups that assist with peer education. also provision is made for student assistance, substance abuse materials and community education. Services Buddy Program Volunteer Opportunities Buddy Programs Developmental Disabilities Social/Recreational Programs Mentoring Services Volunteer Opportunities BETHEL COMMUNITY STOREHOUSE 1719 4th Street Moriarty, NM 87035 (505) 832-6642 Svc/Intake and Admin www.bethelstorehouse.org contact@bethelstorehouse.org Services A pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Provides food, clothing and household assistance for Moriarty, surrounding East Mountain area and the Estancia Valley region. HOURS: TWThF 10AM to 5PM Sa 12PM to 4PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides emergency food and clothing assistance for homeless and low income people of the East Mountain and Estancia Valley areas. Food is distributed on Tue, Wed, Thur, and Fri from 12PM to 3:45PM. The thrift store has expanded hours. The thrift store provides quality used merchandise at discount prices. Alternative Education Education Elementary Schools Middle Schools Preschools Public Schools School Based Teen Parent/Pregnant Teen Programs Secondary/High Schools BEST BUDDIES INTERNATIONAL, INC Services 100 Sun Ave. NE Ste. 650 Albuquerque, NM 87109-5052 Food Pantries General Clothing Provision General Furniture Provision Homeless Motel Vouchers * Families with Children Household Goods Thrift Shops (505) 835-6709 Svc/Intake and Admin www.bestbuddiesnewmexico.org NewMexico@BestBuddies.org OVERVIEW: Best Buddies® is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer 20 BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU Services 7007 Jefferson St. NE Ste. A Albuquerque, NM 87109 Adult/Child Mentoring Programs Donation Pickups Household Goods Donation Programs Mentoring Services Volunteer Opportunities (505) 346-0110 Svc/Intake and Admin www.bbbsw.org BIRTHRIGHT OF ALBUQUERQUE, INC. Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Our Vision: An ethical marketplace where buyers and sellers can trust each other. . HOURS: MTWTh 8AM to 5PM F 8AM to 3PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides pre-purchase information on companies and charities locally and nationwide. Also provides general information on offers and trade practices. Mediation of customer complaints against a business on any marketplace transaction. Free arbitration program with participating manufactures. 3228 Candelaria NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 262-2235 Svc/Intake and Admin www.birthright.org info@birthright.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides positive support for pregnant women and free pregnancy tests. HOURS: MW 10AM to 4:30 PM TThF 10AM to 3PM Services Sites Better Business Bureaus Business Associations Consumer Complaints Consumer Education 1. BIRTHRIGHT OF ALBUQUERQUE, INC. 3228 Candelaria NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 262-2235 Svc/Intake and Admin BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF CENTRAL NEW MEXICO SERVICE SUMMARY: BirthRight encourages non-interrupted pregnancy by giving free pregnancy tests, practical and moral support and information about community services. Distribution of donated maternity and baby cloths. Maintains a speaker's bureau available to schools, civic and church groups. 2500 Louisiana Blvd Ste 200 Albuquerque, NM 87110 2. BIRTHRIGHT OF RIO RANCHO, INC. 2704 Southern Blvd. Ste. 7 Rio Rancho, NM 87124 (505) 881-0599 Donation Center (505) 837-9223 Svc/Intake and Admin www.bbbs-cnm.org info@bbbs-cnm.org (505) 891-1430 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 550-4900 800-Line Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides one-to-one mentoring between an adult mentor and at-risk child. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central New Mexico, Inc builds a stronger community through the creation and support of positive, one to one relationships between children and adult volunteers. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides positive support services for pregnant women and free pregnancy tests. Services Baby Clothing Maternity Clothing Pregnancy Testing SITES: 1 2 Big Brothers Big Sisters serves the children who need us most, including those living in single parent homes, growing up in poverty and coping with parental a parental deployment. Starting something begins with finding a great match between a Big and a Little. Making these matches, and performing all the background work involved with them, is possible because of donations from people like you. It's also why we're able to offer such a wide variety of programs that pair children, ages 6 through 18, with role models in one-to-one relationships. BOUND FOR SUCCESS, INC. 836 Camino Del Pueblo Bernalillo, NM 87004 (505) 771-8228 Svc/Intake and Admin www.bound-4-success.org info@bound-4-success.org OVERVIEW: Bound for Success operates NEARLY NEW- A Repeat Boutique-. <continued...> 21 BOUND FOR SUCCESS, INC.... HOURS: TWTHFS 11AM to 4:30 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Bound for Success provides clothing to women and families in transition, impacting their self-esteem and efforts to become self-sufficient and gainfully employed. Sites 1. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF CENTRAL NEW MEXICO 3333 Truman NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 Services (505) 881-0777 Svc/Intake and Admin General Clothing Provision * Women Work Clothing * Women PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides activities for boys and girls ages 6 to 18, including homework assistance, tutoring, job counseling and placement, Smart Moves Program, citizenship and leadership development, dance classes, field trips, arts and crafts, basketball league, karate,tennis, and swimming. Summer breakfast and lunch program at Old Town and Heights branches only. BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA GREAT SOUTHWEST COUNCIL 2. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUBS OF ALBUQUERQUE WEST SIDE 4600 Sundt Road Rio Rancho, NM 87124 5841 Office Boulevard NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 (800) 368-9218 800-Line (505) 345-8603 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 892-3191 Service/Intake www.gswcbsa.org council@gswcbsa.org SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides activities for boys and girls ages 6 to 18, including homework assistance, tutoring, job counseling and placement, Smart Moves Program, citizenship and leadership development, dance classes, field trips, arts and crafts, basketball league, karate, tennis, swimming. Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides many programs designed to promote youth development in all its facets. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides programs which instill values in young people and prepares them to make ethical choices. Conducts aggressive campaigns to combat child abuse, hunger, illiteracy and youth unemployment. Special emphasis programs to promote family living and scouting for children with disabilities. High school program is co-educational and emphasizes vocational and career awareness. Services Boys/Girls Clubs Recreational Activities/Sports * Boys/Girls Clubs SITES: 1 2 BOYS TOWN NATIONAL HOTLINE 14100 Crawford Street Boys Town, NE 68010 Services (800) 448-3000 800 Crisis Hotline 24/7 (402) 498-1300 Administrative Adult/Child Mentoring Programs Mentoring Services Volunteer Opportunities Scouting Programs * Boys Special Interest Camps * Boys www.girlsandboystown.org info@boystown.org OVERVIEW: The Boys Town National Hotline is a 24-hour crisis, resource and referral line. SERVICE SUMMARY: Boys Town is a beacon of hope for America’s children and families through its life-changing youth care and health care programs across the United States. Founded by Father Edward Flanagan in 1917, Boys Town is now 90 years strong. Through a continuum of family services, the nonprofit, nonsectarian organization provides the right services at the right time based on a child’s or family’s needs. Boys Town offers children and families services in their own homes, or, when necessary, family-like out-of-home services to children with special treatment needs. Boys Town works with communities and schools in order to meet the growing and more diverse needs of today’s children and families. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF CENTRAL NEW MEXICO 3333 Truman NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 881-0777 Svc/Intake and Admin www.bgccnm.org tims@bgccnm.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides for social, educational and recreational programs programs for youth ages 6 to 18. HOURS: MTTHF 3PM to 7PM / Wed 1PM to 7PM Summer & School Holidays MTWTHF 7AM to 6PM <continued...> 22 BOYS TOWN NATIONAL HOTLINE... Services SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides before and after school programs, intersession adventures in year-round schools and summer day camps at elementary school sites for children ages 5 12. Program also offered during spring and winter breaks and on some school holidays. Curriculum is designed to build a child's self esteem, self reliance and a concern for others and our community and environment. Programs are supervised by all adult staff in a 12 - 1 child to staff ratio. Activities include arts & crafts, games, indoor and outdoor recreation, sports, music, drama, puppetry, science, nature, cooking, supervised free play, field trips, community service projects and nutritional snacks. Case/Care Management * At Risk Youth Children's/Adolescent Residential Treatment Facilities Runaway Prevention Programs Runaway/Homeless Youth Counseling Runaway/Homeless Youth Hotlines Runaway/Youth Shelters PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information Services BRAIN INJURY ALLIANCE OF NEW MEXICO Child Care Centers Recreational Activities/Sports * Children 7005 Prospect Pl. NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (888) 292-7415 800-Line/Toll Free (505) 292-7414 Svc/Intake and Admin CANCER SERVICES OF NEW MEXICO P.O. Box 51735 Albuquerque, NM 87181-1735 www.braininjurynm.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides for advocacy, education, and information and referral service on issues involving brain/head injury. HOURS: Call for information and times SERVICE SUMMARY: Monthly meetings are held in three communities across the state to help consumers and family members cope more effectively with their head injuries.. The State Resource Center provides general information about traumatic brain injury and referrals to appropriate community providers or government agencies. BIANM sponsors educational seminars and conferences on topics of interest to survivors of head injury, their families, concerned professionals, and community supporters. Headway, the official voice of the New Mexico Head Injury Foundation, is published four times per year. (505) 259-9583 Svc/Intake and Admin www.cancerservicesnm.org info@CancerServicesNM.org OVERVIEW: CSNM focuses on reducing cancer suffering in New Mexico by providing cancer-related services that are not available through other organizations. PROGRAMS INCLUDE: Family Cancer Retreat a free 3-day educational retreat for New Mexico's adult cancer patients and their caregivers focused on the medical and emotional issues associated with living with cancer, Outreach to Kids whose Parents Have Cancer, NM Cancer Services Survey, BioPark Day for Kids with Cancer. HOURS: Services MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM Sites Acquired Brain Injuries * Information and Referral Brain Injuries * Information and Referral Brain Injury Assessment * Information and Referral Brain Injury Rehabilitation * Information and Referral 1. CANCER SERVICES OF NEW MEXICO P.O. Box 51735 Albuquerque, NM 87181-1735 (505) 259-9583 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Cancer Services of New Mexico is a charitable, non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization that provides services to reduce cancer suffering for New Mexico's families. We are the only statewide non-profit organization that looks broadly at addressing gaps in cancer-related services while maintaining a 100% focus on New Mexico. CAMP FIRE USA NEW MEXICO COUNCIL 1613 University NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 842-8787 Svc/Intake and Admin www.campfireabq.org programming@campfireabq.org 2. LEGAL INSURANCE AND PAPERWORK ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (LIPA) (505) 999-9764 Svc/Intake and Admin (888) 668-2766 800-Line Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: To provide, through a program of informal education, opportunities for youth to realize their potential and to function effectively as caring, self-directed individuals, responsible to themselves and to others; and, as an organization, to improve those conditions in society which affect youth. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 5PM <continued...> 23 CANCER SERVICES OF NEW MEXICO... CANINE COMPANIONS FOR INDEPENDENCE Services Families and Individuals Needing Support * Cancer Retreat Centers * Cancer Support Groups * Cancer PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information SITE: 1 (760) 901-4300 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 572-2275 800-Line - (800) 572-BARK www.caninecompanions.org OVERVIEW: A program of providing assistance dogs to individuals with disabilities. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides companion dogs that are trained as service dogs, hearing dogs, and social dogs for individuals with specific needs. This program is nationwide in scope and has been operation since 1975. NM Champions provides initial puppy training through the first 13 to 16 months of the dogs life. After this phase the dogs are sent to a regional center for advanced training and eventual placement with a qualified individual. CANCERCARE 275 Seventh Avenue Floor 22 New York, NY 10001 (212) 712-8400 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 813-4673 800-Line (800)813-HOPE www.cancercare.org info@cancercare.org Services OVERVIEW: CancerCare is a national nonprofit organization that provides free, professional support services to anyone affected by cancer: people with cancer, caregivers, children, loved ones, and the bereaved. CancerCare programs – including counseling, education, financial assistance and practical help – are provided by trained oncology social workers and are completely free of charge. Dog Guides Mobility Assistance Service Dogs Signal Dogs CARE NET PREGNANCY CENTER OF ALBUQUERQUE 9809 Candelaria NE Building 1-A Albuquerque, NM 87112 SERVICE SUMMARY: *Education ~ Learn about your cancer diagnosis, treatment options, managing side effects and more – all in a way that is helpful and easy to understand. (505) 880-0882 Crisis Line (505) 880-8373 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 841-9232 Hotline (Voice and TDD) *Counseling ~ Talk to a social worker – a compassionate professional who is specially trained in cancer issues. Whether you are a patient, caregiver, family member or friend, support can be invaluable. www.carenetabq.org carenetpregnancy@carenetabq.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides for counseling of pregnant women on all issues regarding pregnancy and related factors. A HOURS: Call for hours. *Assistance ~ Cancer often presents financial challenges. Learn about CancerCare’s financial assistance grants and ways to get additional help you may need. Sites *Find Help by Diagnosis ~ CancerCare helps people with all types of cancer. Find out what specific programs we offer for your cancer. 1. CARE NET EAST MOUNTAIN CENTER 809 1st Street Ste 1 Moriarty, NM *Specialized Programs ~ Find out about the special programs CancerCare offers for caregivers, children, post-treatment survivors, the bereaved, and others. (505) 281-5408 Svc/Intake and Admin Services SERVICE SUMMARY: Pregnancy centers enpowering more and more women with life-affirming resources. Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups * Cancer Disease/Disability Information * Cancer Disease/Disability Specific Screening/Diagnosis * Cancer Individual and Family Support Services * Families/Friends of People with Cancer Information and Referral * Cancer Medical Information Lines * Cancer Temporary Financial Assistance * Cancer PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information 2. CARE NET PREGNANCY CENTER OF ALBUQUERQUE 9809 Candelaria NE Building 1-A Albuquerque, NM 87112 (505) 880-0882 Crisis Line (505) 880-8373 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 841-9232 Hotline (Voice and TDD) SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for short term peer <continued...> 24 CARE NET PREGNANCY CENTER OF ALBUQUERQUE... counseling regarding pregnancy and alternatives to abortion. Free pregnancy tests are given. Referrals to medical care, social services, adoption and financial aid. Clothing for mother and baby, ongoing support and friendship throughout the term of pregnancy. Also offers post abortion counseling. Operates a 24 hour helpline service. Services Children's/Adolescent Residential Treatment Facilities CASA ESPERANZA 1005 Yale NE Albuquerque, NM 87106 3. CARE NET PREGNANCY CENTER OF RIO RANCHO 2451 Monterrey Rd. Rio Rancho, NM 87144 (505) 246-2700 Svc/Intake and Admin www.casaesperanzanm.org info@casaesperanzanm.org (505) 896-2305 Svc/Intake and Admin Public transportation accessible; a pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Affordable temporary housing for cancer patients and their families. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 8PM Sat 10AM to 3PM / Sun 2PM to 6PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Lodging. A home away from home for families fighting cancer. The facility houses 28 families at a time for both long and short stays. Private baths, kitchen and laundry facilities available. Convenient to treatment centers. Media center with two computers with Internet access available for use. On availability we serve families facing other medical emergencies. We are Medicaid providers (prior authorization must be obtained by Medicaid provider). SERVICE SUMMARY: Pregnancy centers enpowering more and more women with life-affirming resources. 4. CARE NET VALENCIA COUNTY CENTER 601 Main SE Ste 26 Los Lunas, NM 87031 (505) 565-3838 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Pregnancy centers enpowering more and more women with life-affirming resources. Services Services Adoption Counseling and Support Early Pregnancy Classes Postabortion Counseling Pregnancy Counseling Pregnancy Testing Pro-Life Counseling SITES: 1 2 3 4 Automobile Donation Programs Patient/Family Housing * Cancer PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Cancer patients and their families. CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF CENTRAL NEW MEXICO CASA ANGELICA 3301 Candelaria Rd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 5629 Isleta Blvd. SW Albuquerque, NM 87105 (505) 877-5763 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 724-4670 Svc/Intake and Admin - Marble Location (505) 247-0442 Service/Intake - Bridge Location www.casaangelica.org lturner@casaangelica.org www.ccasfnm.org pandor@ccasfnm.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Casa Angelica is a fully licensed, Intermediate Care Facility for Mentally Retarded Children (ICFMR) directed by the Canossian Daughters of Charity since 1967. Casa Angelica provides a family-centered program for 16 children with personalized, active treatments plans designed to enhance each child's unique gifts. HOURS: MTWThFSaSu 24 HOURS SERVICE SUMMARY: Intermediate Care Facility for the Mentally Retarded for children with developmental disabilities, directed by the Canossian Sisters, Daughters of Charity. Mission is to give children with disabilities every opportunity to achieve personal growth. Each resident has an Individual Program Plan which individualizes their care. Children attend Albuquerque Public Schools. PT, OT, and SLP services are provided at Casa Angelica to support individual goal achievement. Public transportation accessible. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: * Professional therapeutic counseling offered on a sliding fee scale for individuals, couples, and families. * Senior Support Services include home care services and volunteer support with transportation, friendly visiting, respite care, and telephone reassurance for seniors. * Courthouse advocacy project provides rental assistance to families facing court-ordered eviction. * New Dawn substance abuse services. * Self-help housing in Valencia county provides case management support to habitat for humanity. <continued...> 25 CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF CENTRAL... * Proyecto La Luz provides transitional housing, parent education, employment, and case management for homeless women and children. CELL PHONES FOR SOLDIERS * Family Education offers English as a Second Language (ESL), GED, Family Literacy, Early Head start, Child Care, and Vocational training. (866) 716-2220 800-Line * Immigration services include legalization support for a family re-unification, legal assistance for immigrant women who are victims of domestic violence, and citizenship classes. OVERVIEW: Mission: Help our troops call home. SERVICE SUMMARY: Cell Phones for Soldiers hopes to turn old cell phones into more than 12 million minutes of prepaid calling cards for U.S. troops stationed overseas in 2008. To do so, Cell Phones for Soldiers expects to collect 50,000 cell phones each month through a network of more than 3,000 collection sites across the country. 243 Winter Street Norwell, MA 02061 www.cellphonesforsoldiers.com info@cellphonesforsoldiers.com * The Refugee Resettlement Program resettles international refugees fleeing war or persecution, providing housing, orientation, case management, ESL, job training and job placement. *Community Parish Partnership organizes parishes and community groups to respond to the social and economic needs of their communities. The phones are sent to ReCellular, which pays Cell Phones for Soldiers for each donated phone – enough to provide an hour of talk time to soldiers abroad. *Homeless Prevention/Rapid Rehousing Program-The program will service individuals and families who are: 1) Renters only 2) Must be at 50% of the median income for household size 3) For rapid rehousing, must be homeless according to HUD definition 4) For homeless prevention, must either have an eviction notice or judgment for eviction or proof of unemployment 5) It must be reasonable that after assistance ends, the participant will be able to remain in the rental 6) Assistance from one month to twelve months and consists of rental assistance AND Case Management Services Cell Phone Donation Programs CENTER FOR FAMILY & ADOLESCENT RESEARCH 707 Broadway NE Ste 402 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 842-8932 Svc/Intake and Admin www.ori.org/cfarabq cfar.abq@ori.org Services OVERVIEW: Parents, teachers and interested consumers will find information on each of our research topics and on the programs we have developed in several areas, including teen depression, childhood behavioral problems, adolescent substance use, and managing chronic physical illness. SERVICE SUMMARY: Free treatment for substance-abusing adolescents and their families. Intake appointment for teen and parent/guardian, Pre-treatment assesment, therapy once a week for 14 weeks, follow-up visits every 6 mos. English as a Second Language GED/High School Equivalency Test Instruction Head Start Immigrant Visa Application Filing Assistance * Information Services Job Finding Assistance * Women Mortgage Payment Assistance Refugee Resettlement Services Rent Payment Assistance Rent Payment Assistance * Court Ordered Individuals Senior Ride Programs Transitional Housing/Shelter * Women Services Adolescent/Youth Counseling Substance Abuse Services * Adolescents PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information 26 CENTER FOR NON-PROFIT EXCELLENCE Services Fundraising Campaigns Nonprofit Corporation Development 2340 Alamo SE 2nd Floor Albuquerque, NM 87106 CENTRAL NEW MEXICO COMMUNITY COLLEGE (505) 247-3671 Svc/Intake and Admin www.centerfornonprofitexcellence.org 525 Buena Vista SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 OVERVIEW: To enhance the capacity and sustainability of nonprofits in our community. (505) 224-4667 Information Only (505) 224-3000 Svc/Intake and Admin - Main Switchboard (505) 224-4829 Tax Preparation Assistance line - 224-4TAX SERVICE SUMMARY: The Center for Nonprofit Excellence is a resource center designed to enhance the capacity and sustainability of nonprofits in our community. Through trainings and seminars, referrals, and consulting services the Center serves the nonprofit sector of Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance and Valencia counties. www.cnm.edu contactcenter@cnm.edu OVERVIEW: Provides a variety of educational opportunities for Albuquerque and the surrounding area. HOURS: Call for information Services Sites Board Development Support Charities/Foundations/Funding Organizations Directory/Resource List Publication Fundraising Campaigns Material Goods Donation Matching Services Nonprofit Corporation Development Volunteer Development PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information 1. CENTRAL NEW MEXICO COMMUNITY COLLEGE 525 Buena Vista SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 224-3000 Svc/Intake and Admin - Main Switchboard (505) 224-4829 Tax Preparation Assistance line - 224-4TAX SERVICE SUMMARY: TV-I is a Community college providing a variety of educational opportunities that include: Associates Degrees, Certificates in business, Health technologies, Trades Occupations, transfer courses in Liberal Arts, College Prep courses, English as a Second Language, GED Preparation, GED Testing, Reading and Math courses. CENTRAL & NORTHERN NM COMBINED FEDERAL CAMPAIGN Ste. A 1224 Pennsylvania NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 2. CENTRAL NEW MEXICO COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOUNDATION 525 Buena Vista SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 245-1730 Svc/Intake and Admin www.newmexicocfc.org cyndi@cnnmcfc.org (505) 224-4685 Svc/Intake and Admin Public transportation accessible; a pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: New Mexico Charities serves as the Principal Combined Fund Organization for the Central & Northern New Mexico Combined Federal Campaign. HOURS: MTWTHF 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: The mission of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is to support and to promote philanthropy through a program that is employee-focused, cost-efficient and effective in providing all Federal employees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all. SERVICE SUMMARY: The CNM Foundation support's CNM's mission to develop skilled employees by supporting programs that help CNM students reach their educational goals and serve the community. GED Outreach for the Place Bound: provides GED and college preparation classes to Bernalillo County adult and juvenile detention and halfway house residents. 3. LITERACY VOLUNTEERS CENTRAL NEW MEXICO COMMUNITY COLLEGE 525 Buena Vista SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 All Federal employees have the opportunity to contribute to the Combined Federal Campaign. Our campaign services the Central and Northern New Mexico areas. If you are a Federal employee in this area, you may donate to our campaign. SERVICE SUMMARY: Volunteer tutoring serving English as a Second Language and Basic Literacy adult learners. Campus sites: South Valley, Main, Montoya, Rio Rancho, and our new West Side Instructional Facility. It is not necessary to be a TVI student to receive tutoring at TVI. All adult learners are welcome. All tutoring services are free <continued...> 27 CENTRAL NEW MEXICO COMMUNITY COLLEGE... CENTRAL REGIONAL EDUCATION COOPERATIVE 5323 Menaul NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 4. NEW MEXICO RESOURCES SERVICE SUMMARY: NewMexicoResources.org is a web site that provides detailed information about a variety of government-funded assistance programs available to low and moderate-income individuals and families living in New Mexico. It provides practical information on what benefits are available, eligibility requirements, how to apply, benefit amounts, and answers to commonly asked questions. (505) 889-3412 Svc/Intake and Admin www.crecnm.org inquiries@crecnm.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Central Regional Education Cooperation addresses a multitude of education related topics. SERVICE SUMMARY: Central Region Educational Cooperative is a public education agency created under state statute for the main purpose of "cooperative action to furnish programs and services" to public school districts and state-supported schools. REC 5 is: •Locally governed by our members •Cost effective in delivering programs and services to our member districts / state supported schools •Committed to helping local school districts / state supported schools improve teaching and learning •Responsive to local needs and inter-district opportunities •Flexible in creating, adapting and / or enhancing programs Services Adult Education Adult Literacy Programs Community Colleges Continuing Education English as a Second Language GED/High School Equivalency Test Instruction Vocational Education Websites * Benefits Screening SITES: 1 2 3 4 Services CENTRAL NEW MEXICO HOUSING CORPORATION Education Advocacy Groups 703 Osuna Road NE Ste 2 Albuquerque, NM 87113 CEREBAL PALSY PARENT ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 27718 Carrie Tingley Hospital Albuquerque, NM 87125 (505) 345-4949 Svc/Intake and Admin www.centralnmhousing.org contact@centralnmhousing.org (505) 272-5296 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 472-3235 800-Line OVERVIEW: Weatherization for low-income occupant homeowners. SERVICE SUMMARY: The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) is a federally funded grant program that helps Americans with low incomes to significantly reduce their energy costs. it works to improve their health and safety by implementing energy-saving measures in their homes. cppa-nm.chrisquirk.org cppa.nm@gmail.com OVERVIEW: The Cerebral Palsy Parent Association (CPPA) seeks to promote the quality of like for individuals and their families affected by Cerebral Palsy and other special needs. We do this by fostering understanding, communication and a vision for the future. The CPPA will proactively address issues of advocacy, accessibility and public awareness in educational, legal, and politicial arenas. SERVICE SUMMARY: CPPA offers support and understanding for families who share the unique and common bond of having a family member with special needs. CPPA distributes information to assist families with community resources, legal, insurance, medical, and school issues, during monthly upport meetings. We arrange recreational activities and programs for families throughout the year. Families are out strength and through our common bond we seek to fulfill the lives of our children. Typical weatherization services may include: weather-stripping, caulking, replacing broken glass, insulation, tuning up furnace or heating unit, tips on how to save more energy. Services Furnace Maintenance/Repair Weatherization Programs <continued...> 28 CEREBAL PALSY PARENT ASSOCIATION... Services Services Disease/Disability Information * Cerebral Palsy Support Groups * Cerebral Palsy Disease/Disability Information * Cancer * Children Medical Expense Assistance * Cancer Support Groups * Cancer PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information CHECKERBOARD AREA HEALTH SYSTEM CHILDREN'S CHOICE CHILD CARE SERVICES 6349 Main St. Cuba, NM 87013 6501 Lomas Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (575) 289-3291 Svc/Intake and Admin OVERVIEW: Provides a variety of outpatient medical/dental services. EMS program. HOURS: Clinic MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM EMS 24/7 SERVICE SUMMARY: Clinics provide general outpatient medical and dental services, laboratory, radiology, pharmacy, school health, perinatal program, substance abuse, and mental health services for the local communities. Agency accepts private insurance, Medicaid Managed Care, Medicaid fee-for-service, IHS, and uninsured patients. Staff speak Spanish and Navajo. Jemez Valley Clinic located at 8372 State Hwy 4. (505) 296-2880 Svc/Intake and Admin www.childrens-choice.org ashcraft@childrens-choice.org OVERVIEW: Before and after school program offering child care. SERVICE SUMMARY: Children's Choice is dedicated to facilitating the positive development of children by developing and maintaining school-age care programs that are a model of quality care. Services Services Child Care Centers Child Care Providers Childhood Immunizations Dental Care General Medical Care Health Screening/Diagnostic Services Mental Health Care and Counseling CHILDREN'S GRIEF CENTER OF NEW MEXICO, INC. (505) 323-0478 Svc/Intake and Admin www.childrensgrief.org info@childrensgrief.org CHILDREN'S CANCER FUND OF NEW MEXICO OVERVIEW: The Children's Grief Center offers support groups to families who have sustained the death of an important person within the past few years. We serve families with children between 5 and 17 years old; we meet in NE Albuquerque. Families and interested professionals seeking information may call 323-0478. We do a telephone contact and personal interview with the family. Anyone, including families may access the Center by calling 323-0478 HOURS: Call for Meeting times SERVICE SUMMARY: The Children's Grief Center of New Mexico is a non-profit, non-denominational organization that provides a safe and supportive environment for children, teens and their families. We provide ongoing grief support programs to help children and their caregivers move through the healing process 112 14th St. SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 243-3618 Svc/Intake and Admin www.ccfnm.org ccfnm@ccfnm.org OVERVIEW: Helping New Mexico's children and their families with their day to day emotional, financial and educational needs of living with, and fighting cancer since 1972. SERVICE SUMMARY: Through our Helping Hand Program, our goals are: To ensure all families basic needs are being met by providing assistance with rent, utilities, food, transportation, clothing, and special needs based on each individual child. Our Guiding Principles: *Grief is a natural reaction to death for children as well as for adults. *Individuals have the natural capacity to heal themselves. *Grief is a unique and individual experience. *Caring and acceptance help the healing process. To provide playroom supplies, snacks, and toys to the Pediatric Oncology Clinic for our children and their families. To grant any special requests that the families make in their time of need. <continued...> 29 CHILDREN'S GRIEF CENTER OF NEW MEXICO,... Our Services: *Facilitated peer support groups *Supervised play, art and story telling *Informational and referral services for families, professionals and the community *Education Programs for professionals and community members Services Child Care Centers Early Childhood Education PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Eligibility based on income and family size. CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE One Civic Plaza NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 Services Bereavement Counseling * Children Support Groups * Bereaved Parents PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information (505) 768-3000 Mayor's Office - Mayor Richard Berry (505) 768-2000 Svc/Intake and Admin - Information Only Call 3-1-1 Toll Free Information Line www.cabq.gov CHOICES FOR CHILDREN OVERVIEW: This is the central site of the city government. Provides for the administration of all government services that are carried out at various sites throughout the city. 808 Menual Blvd. NW Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 242-6363 Svc/Intake and Admin MAIN NUMBERS: Information Line for City Services #311 Police/Fire/Rescue (EMERGENCY) #911 Police (non-emergency) #242-2677 Air Quality (Air/Pollen) #768-4731 Animal Control #768-1975 Burn/No Burn Advisory #768-2876 Cockroach Hotline #873-7009 Crime Stoppers #768-2285 Fire Department (non-emergency) #833-7390 Poison and Drug Information #272-2222 Public Libraries #768-5140 Refuse Disposal & Recycling #761-8100 www.choicesforchildrendayschool.com cfcds84@yahoo.com Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Childcare services HOURS: MTWThF 6:30AM to 6PM SERVICE SUMMARY: For children ages 6 weeks to 12 years in a group setting. Program includes infant care, day care, preschool, state accredited kindergarten, latchkey service, meals and snacks. Indoor swimming pool, and gymnasium. Certified staff and low student to teacher ratio. Services Child Care Centers Infant Care Centers CHRISTINA KENT EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER Sites 1. ABQ VOLUNTEERS One Civic Plaza NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 423 3rd St. NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 242-0557 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 768-3012 Svc/Intake and Admin www.christinakent.org info@christinakent.org SERVICE SUMMARY: Individuals and Groups: MOVE connects people with volunteer opportunities by doing centralized recruitment and referral of volunteers through our web based searchable database. Current volunteer opportunities for individuals, groups, or seasonal volunteers. This is a referral program, which does not include actual placement of volunteers within organizations. Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Child care, preschool education and nutritional services. HOURS: MTWThF 7:30AM to 5:30PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides high quality child care, play based early education and nutritional services for children between the ages of 2 and 5. Sliding scale tution is charged based on family income. Families served must qualify as low income and must be employed or a full time student. CKDN is accredited by National Association of the Education of Young Children. Agencies & Organizations: MOVE provides agencies with the opportunity to recruit volunteers and post volunteer opportunities through our web based searchable database. Agencies can post fundraising events on the community calendar as well as recruit volunteers for special, one-time events via our web site. This is a referral program, which does not include actual placement of volunteers within organizations. <continued...> 30 CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE... events, VITA income tax services, utility assistance referral, employment referral, and refuse recycle bag distribution. Also operates a lost cost carseat program. 2. CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE (COA) One Civic Plaza NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 6. COA ALBUQUERQUE AND BERNALILLO LIBRARY SYSTEM 501 Copper NW ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87102 (505) 768-2000 Svc/Intake and Admin - Information Only 3. COA ABQ RIDE Alvarado Transit Center 100 1st Street SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 768-5141 Svc/Intake and Admin Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides public transportation within the city of Albuquerque. Honored Citizen bus identification cards are available at the Sun Tran office for $1.00 each. Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides a variety of books, magazines, periodicals and other reference materials. Conducts and sponsors children's programs and also activities that would be of interest to adults. The libraries have copy machines available for the use of the general public. The library system also has a number of special collections available. Talking books are available at Erna Fergusson Branch. There is a book van which stops at several senior facilities. 4. COA ABQ RIDE SUN-VAN 100 1st Street SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 7. COA CHILD AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT OFFICE 2200 University SE ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87106 (505) 243-7433 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 767-6500 Administrative Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Mini Ride provides accessible transportation to persons residing or visiting in the metro area whose mobility impairment makes it impossible to ride the fixed route service. All permanant riders must be ADA-certified through an interview process at the Mini Ride office. Applicants must fill out an application form and call for an interview. Mini Ride provides curb-to-curb service to and from any address in Albuquerque and most of Bernalillo County. The fare is $2.00 for each one way trip, which can be paid for with Mini Ride coupons or cash. Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Case Management: Provides for family advocate visits, refer and directly provide services to program families. Also helps with emergency housing, utility, financial assistance, job development and job referral assistance. Needs assessments are conducted on children in the program, and child development activities are provided. (505) 724-3100 ABQ RIDE Customer Service (505) 243-7433 Service/Intake and Hotline - (243-RIDE) 8. COA DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL SERVICES 400 Marquette Avenue ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87102 (505) 768-3556 Administration Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for a variety of cultural and recreational programs throughout the city of Albuquerque. 5. COA ALAMOSA MULTI-SERVICE CENTER 6900 Gonzales Road Albuquerque, NM 87121 PHONE NUMBERS: Albuquerque Museum #243-7255 Kimo Theater #768-3552 Main Library #764-5140 South Broadway Cultural Center #848-1320 Albuq. Biological Parks: Aquarium, Botanical Gardens, Zoo (closed Mondays) #764-6200 Explora! Science Center and Children's Museum of Albuquerque #224-8300 (505) 836-8800 Alamosa Center (505) 256-2005 Low-cost carseat program SERVICE SUMMARY: Multi-Service Centers provide the following: Program space for women's prenatal and postnatal health care, general family practice health care, dental services, women, infant and children nutrition programs, State of New Mexico Department of Public Health field office, Albuquerque Public Schools (TVI), English as a second language classes, after school tutoring programs, and meeting space for service organizations and neighborhood groups. Health and Social Service Centers also provide family necessities such as; emergency food boxes, notary services, emergency clothing assistance, limited diaper assistance, seasonal Coats for Kids, seasonal Toys for tots, Commodity supplemental food programs, coordinate community special <continued...> 31 CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE... seasonal Coats for Kids, seasonal Toys for tots, Commodity supplemental food programs, coordinate community special events, VITA income tax services, utility assistance referral, employment referral, and refuse recycle bag distribution. Also operates a lost cost carseat program. 9. COA DEPARTMENT OF SENIOR AFFAIRS 714 7th St. SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 764-6400 Service/Intake Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Offering a wide array of information, services and opportunities for active, healthy seniors and frail, homebound elderly, the goal is to provide a continuum of care to keep seniors mentally and physically active and in their homes for as long as safely possible. Information & assistance, recreation, education, sports & fitness, volunteer opportunities, meals, home repair/chores/retrofit, care coordination, in-home services, and transportation services are available at senior centers and other sites in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County. Depending on the program, the minimum age for eligibility varies from 50 to age 60 except for Home Retrofit, which serves City residents of any age. All centers serve breakfast and lunch. Lunch reservations are required at most centers. 11. COA HOUSING SERVICES 1840 University Blvd SE ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87106 (505) 764-3980 Public Housing (505) 764-3920 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 764-3989 Waiting List Line (505) 764-3989 Waiting List Line (505) 764-3994 Service/Intake (Voice and TDD) Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: *SECTION 8 HOUSING: available to lower income, elderly and persons with disabilities and their families. Provides supplemental payments to owners of rental units *PUBLIC HOUSING: open to low income families, elderly and persons with disabilities in city owned and operated housing. *HOUSING REHABILITATION PROGRAM: provides help to qualified families in making essential repairs to privately owned homes. Low interest loans or grants are available. *COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM: aids in the elimination of slums and/or blight areas within the city limits. PROGRAM PHONE LIST: *Senior Information, Care Coordination, Home Repair, Home Retrofit, Home Chores, Home Delivered Meals, Special Needs Transportation, Senior Centers #(505)764-6400 *Foster Grandparents Program, Retired/Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), Senior Companion Program #(505)764-1612 *Transportation #(505)848-1356 *Senior Sports & Fitness #(505)888-8166 *Generation Connection #(505)888-8105 12. COA JOHN MARSHALL MULTI-SERVICE CENTER 1500 Walter St. SE Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 848-1345 John Marshall Center (505) 256-2005 Low-cost carseat program SERVICE SUMMARY: Multi-Service Centers provide the following: Program space for women's prenatal and postnatal health care, general family practice health care, dental services, women, infant and children nutrition programs, State of New Mexico Department of Public Health field office, Albuquerque Public Schools (TVI), English as a second language classes, after school tutoring programs, and meeting space for service organizations and neighborhood groups. 10. COA EAST CENTRAL MULTI-SERVICE CENTER 217 San Pablo SE Albuquerque, NM 87108 (505) 256-2070 East Central Center (505) 256-2005 Low-cost carseat program SERVICE SUMMARY: Multi-Service Centers provide the following: Program space for women's prenatal and postnatal health care, general family practice health care, dental services, women, infant and children nutrition programs, State of New Mexico Department of Public Health field office, Albuquerque Public Schools (TVI), English as a second language classes, after school tutoring programs, and meeting space for service organizations and neighborhood groups. Health and Social Service Centers also provide family necessities such as; emergency food boxes, notary services, emergency clothing assistance, limited diaper assistance, seasonal Coats for Kids, seasonal Toys for tots, Commodity supplemental food programs, coordinate community special events, VITA income tax services, utility assistance referral, employment referral, and refuse recycle bag distribution. Also operates a lost cost carseat program. Health and Social Service Centers also provide family necessities such as; emergency food boxes, notary services, emergency clothing assistance, limited diaper assistance, <continued...> 32 CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE... Services 13. COA LOS GRIEGOS MULTI-SERVICE CENTER 1231 Candelaria NW Albuquerque, NM 87107 Child Care Provider Referrals Child Care Providers SITE: 7 (505) 761-4050 Los Griegos Center (505) 256-2005 Low-cost carseat program Child Care Provider Referrals Child Development Classes Parenting Education SITE: 7 SERVICE SUMMARY: Multi-Service Centers provide the following: Program space for women's prenatal and postnatal health care, general family practice health care, dental services, women, infant and children nutrition programs, State of New Mexico Department of Public Health field office, Albuquerque Public Schools (TVI), English as a second language classes, after school tutoring programs, and meeting space for service organizations and neighborhood groups. Child Passenger Safety Seats Food Pantries General Clothing Provision Multipurpose Centers Recreational Facilities SITES: 5 8 10 12 13 Health and Social Service Centers also provide family necessities such as; emergency food boxes, notary services, emergency clothing assistance, limited diaper assistance, seasonal Coats for Kids, seasonal Toys for tots, Commodity supplemental food programs, coordinate community special events, VITA income tax services, utility assistance referral, employment referral, and refuse recycle bag distribution. Also operates a lost cost carseat program. Housing Authorities Public Housing SITE: 11 City Government Information Lines Constitutional/Civil Rights Groups Disability Related Transportation Human Rights Groups Law Enforcement Services Libraries Local Bus Transit Services Local Transit Passes Paratransit Programs Public Officials Offices Tourist Information SITES: 2 3 4 6 14 15 14. COA OFFICE OF DIVERSITY & HUMAN SERVICES One Civic Plaza NW 2nd Fl, Ste 201 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 768-4589 Service/Intake SERVICE SUMMARY: Investigates complaints of discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin or ancestry, age, or disability status in areas of employment, housing and public accommodation. Provides technical advice and assistance to employers, businesses, contractors, and others in the development of the EEO/AA policies, programs and plans. Conducts workshops and presentations on Sexual Harassment in Employment, Civil Rights Laws and Non-discrimination in employment, Housing and other topical Human Rights issues. Works closely with public and private agencies and civil rights and community organizations to promote nondiscrimination, equality and awareness of human/civil rights issues for dispute resolution. Also works in cooperation with public and private agencies and organizations, property managers and owners and government agencies to promote an awareness and practice of fair housing laws. Case/Care Management * Older Adults Home Rehabilitation Services * Older Adults Senior Centers Senior Housing Information and Referral Specialized Information and Referral * Older Adults SITE: 9 In Kind Contributions Volunteer Development Volunteer Opportunities Volunteer Recruitment/Placement SITE: 1 CITY OF BELEN 100 South Main Street Belen, NM 87002 15. COA POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 Roma NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 966-2730 Information Only (505) 843-7867 Crime Stoppers (___) 911-____ EMERGENCY Only Response (505) 242-2677 NON-EMERGENCY Response 505-242-COPS OVERVIEW: This is the central site of the Belen city government. Provides for the administration of all government services carried throughout the city of Belen. www.belen-nm.gov <continued...> 33 CITY OF BELEN... Sites Services 1. BELEN PARKS AND RECREATION 715 South Main Street BELEN, NM 87002 Parks/Recreation Areas Recreation Centers SITE: 1 (505) 864-2830 Service/Intake Government Information Lines Law Enforcement Services Libraries Literary Societies/Book Reading Clubs Public Health Public Officials Offices Tourist Information WIC SITES: 2 3 4 6 SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides a variety of recreation programs designed to benefit all age groups and interests in the community. Also is charged with maintaining the parks and recreation facilities. 2. BELEN POLICE DEPARTMENT 607 Becker Avenue BELEN, NM 87002 (505) 864-6288 Service/Intake Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites Senior Centers Senior Ride Programs SITE: 5 SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides 24 hour police protection and other related law enforcement services. 3. BELEN PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICE 855 Castillo BELEN, NM 87002 CITY OF RIO RANCHO 3200 Civic Center Circle NE Rio Rancho, NM 87144 (505) 861-0835 Service/Intake SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for immunization programs, STD information, family planning services, and WIC. (505) 891-5000 Svc/Intake and Admin 4. BELEN PUBLIC LIBRARY 333 Becker Avenue BELEN, NM 87002 OVERVIEW: Provides government services for the citizens of the city of Rio Rancho. www.ci.rio-rancho.nm.us Sites (505) 966-2600 Service/Intake 1. CITY OF RIO RANCHO 3200 Civic Center Circle NE Rio Rancho, NM 87144 SERVICE SUMMARY: Computer workshops on Saturdays, Preschool Storytime Tue & Wed. (505) 891-5000 Svc/Intake and Admin 5. BELEN RSVP RETIRED SENIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM 715 A South Main BELEN, NM 87002 SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for a variety of government services and programs to the citizens of Rio Rancho. 2. RIO RANCHO LOMA COLORADO MAIN LIBRARY 755 Loma Colorado Drive NE RIO RANCHO, NM 87124 (505) 864-8630 Service/Intake SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides informal education programs for self enrichment and self improvement for individuals 55 years old and up. Arts and crafts (quilting, oil painting, ceramics), potlucks, trips, and sales. (505) 891-5013 Service/Intake SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides a variety of library services and programs for the citizens of Rio Rancho. 6. CITY OF BELEN 100 South Main Street Belen, NM 87002 3. RIO RANCHO MEADOWLARK SENIOR CENTER 4330 Meadowlawk Lane SE Rio Rancho, NM 87124 (505) 966-2730 Information Only (505) 891-5018 Service/Intake SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for government services to the citizens of the town of Belen. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides meals, senior programs, recreational activities, health screening, and outreach. *MEALS: Congregate meal and home deliverer for homebound individuals. *TRANSPORTATION: Van transportation is available *CORRALES SENIOR CENTER: For information about <continued...> 34 CITY OF RIO RANCHO... services/programs call 897-3818. Services 4. RIO RANCHO PARKS AND RECREATION 3200 Civic Center Circle NE Ste. 100 RIO RANCHO, NM 87124 Housekeeping Assistance * Cancer * Women CLOTHES HELPING KIDS, INC (505) 891-5015 Svc/Intake and Admin 126 Valencia Dr. NE Suite D Albuquerque, NM 87108 SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides opportunities for a large number of leisure activities such as swimming, sports, exercise, photography, and aerobics for all ages. Also is responsible for the planning, development, operation, maintaince, and administration of all city parks, centers, and swimming pools. (505) 266-2002 Svc/Intake and Admin www.clotheshelpingkids.org OVERVIEW: Our mission is to provide financial support to community programs for children and youth in New Mexico. 5. RIO TRANSIT 4330 Meadowlark Lane SE Rio Rancho, NM 87124 SERVICE SUMMARY: Clothes Helping Kids, Inc. a non-profit organization, began as a program of Save the Children, Inc. In 1999, CHK became an independent non-profit organization that supports programs for children and youth in New Mexico by awarding annual grants. (505) 994-1608 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Transportation program for seniors in the Meadowlark area. Telephone representatives contact residents in Central and Northern New Mexico requesting donations of used clothing and household items to be picked up door-to-door. They ask for items that people no longer need or wish to give away. In addition to telephone calls, Clothes Helping Kids, Inc. also has large drop boxes in various neighborhoods where items may be placed at any time. Items can also be dropped off at any Savers Thrift Store. Services Parks/Recreation Areas Recreation Centers SITE: 4 Government Information Lines Law Enforcement Services Literary Societies/Book Reading Clubs Public Libraries Public Officials Offices Tourist Information SITES: 1 2 Services Children's Clothing Clothing Donation Programs Donation Pickups Furniture/Home Furnishings Donation Programs Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites Senior Centers Senior Ride Programs SITES: 1 3 COMADRE A COMADRE CLEANING FOR A REASON (505) 277-2398 Svc/Intake and Admin (877) 725-7770 800-Line 400 Cornell Dr. NE Albuquerque, NM 87131 (877) 337-3348 800-Line www.comadre.unm.edu comadre@unm.edu www.cleaningforareason.org info@cleaningforareason.org OVERVIEW: The Comadre a Comadre program’s mission is to empower the lives of Hispanic/Latina women and their loved ones through advocacy, education, information, resources, and support about breast health and breast cancer. SERVICE SUMMARY: The project is a culturally based intervention for Hispanic women newly diagnosed with breast cancer and for their families. Through this intervention, the project hopes to improve the psychosocial adjustment of Hispanic women with breast cancer by increasing social and practical support, and thereby ultimately improving overall quality-of-life. OVERVIEW: FREE housecleaning - 1 time per month for 4 months for any woman undergoing chemo treatment. SERVICE SUMMARY: Cleaning for a Reason. If you know any woman currently undergoing Chemo, please pass the word to her that there is a cleaning service that provides FREE housecleaning - 1 time per month for 4 months while she is in treatment.All she has to do is sign up and have her doctor fax a note confirming the treatment. Cleaning for a Reason will have a participating maid service in her zip code area arrange for the service. www.cleaningforareason.org Our project provides one-on-one peer support, guidance, information and referrals and Clinic Patient Navigation. We integrate traditional Hispanic cultural values like the importance of This organization serves the entire USA and currently has 547 partners to help these women. I <continued...> 35 COMADRE A COMADRE... family and spirituality. We host a bi-weekly bilingual/bicultural support group for patients and their families. We are funded by Susan G. Koman Breast Cancer Foundation and we provide all of our services free of charge. the State of New Mexico and UNM cardholders. Crown, bridge and denture services for adults and children. Services Dental Care Dental Care Referrals Orthodontics Pediatric Dentistry Services Breast Examinations * Health Care Referrals Breast Self Examination Instruction Information and Referral * Breast Cancer Support Groups * Cancer * Women PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information COMMUNITY OPTIONS, INC. 2720 San Pedro N.E Albuquerque, NM 87110 COMMON BOND INC. (505) 265-7936 Svc/Intake and Admin www.comop.org moreinfo@comop.org Website ONLY Albuquerque, NM 87125 Public transportation accessible; a pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Provides a variety of services in the areas of employment to persons with disabilities. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for a variety of services in the areas of job development, placement and training to persons with disabilities who are seeking employment. Vocational counseling, skill training, referral, Job Club, group instruction and activities to develop job search skills. Provides paid work experiences and skill development in actual work settings for clerical and other occupations. There is on-the-job training and support at the job sites for the trainees. Also provides for interpreters who convert spoken English to the American Sign Language, interpreting not only the linguistic but also the cultural meaning. The service is available to individuals as well as private businesses, government agencies, conferences, schools, hospitals and law enforce/judicial entities. There is a fee for this service. Please call for information. www.commonbondnm.org info@commonbondnm.org OVERVIEW: Albuquerque's oldest Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender "Center of the Community", now entering it's 26th year of service. Common Bond is responsible for the most in-depth informational services in the GLBTQ Community as well as The Under 21 Group, the only place Gay AND Lesbian teens have to gather. SERVICE SUMMARY: Services include: Violence-harassment-abuse support services, youth resources, new to the area information, statewide links, sexual orientation information and support services, health resources, support group listings, events, short list of most requested groups and organizations. Services Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Advocacy Groups Individual and Family Support Services * Bisexuals * Cross Dressers * Transsexual/Transgender Individuals Individual and Family Support Services * Gay/Lesbian Couples * Lesbians PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information Services Supported Living Services for Adults with Disabilities Vocational Rehabilitation COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROGRAM FOR THE DEAF 3908 Carlisle Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 COMMUNITY DENTAL SERVICES 2116 Hinkle SE Ste C Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 255-7636 Service/Intake (Voice and TDD) (505) 765-5683 Svc/Intake and Admin www.copdnm.org interpreterscheduling@copdnm.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Community dental care for low income and medicaid population of New Mexico. HOURS: MTWTh 7AM to 4PM / Fri 7AM to 12PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Services provided include: fillings, extractions, cleaning, x-ray, fluoride treatment, root canal therapy, simple orthodontia and dental health education. Services primarily for low-income families living in Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides a variety of services for the deaf and those with hearing difficulties. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides the following services: Information and referral, case management, vocational planning and placement, peer advocacy, independent living skills training, statewide outreach and community education (including ASL), <continued...> 36 COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROGRAM FOR THE DEAF... counseling and interpreting. Statewide sign language interpreting referral. Deaf or hard of hearing consumers. Referral from DVR required for Vocational Services. ASL classes for deaf or hard of hearing individuals. community consciousness raising. Mentoring programs for youth and adults Ex-offenders. Services Ex-Offender Counseling Offender/Ex-Offender Support Groups Services Case/Care Management * Congenital Deafness Sign Language Interpretation Sign Language Interpreter Registries Specialized Information and Referral * Hard of Hearing COUNTY OF BERNALILLO COB CORNUCOPIA, INC. (505) 468-7000 Svc/Intake and Admin One Civic Plaza NW 10th Floor Albuquerque, NM 87102 www.bernco.gov info@bernco.gov 2002 Bridge Blvd SW Albuquerque, NM 87105 Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides for policy planning and constituent services. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 5PM (505) 877-1310 Svc/Intake and Admin www.cornucopia-ads.org info@cornucopia-ads.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides adult day care services for the elderly and those with physical or developmental disabilities. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Services frail elderly adults and adults with physical or developmental disabilities in a congregate setting. Services: instruction in daily living skills, arts and crafts, gentle exercises, daily hot lunches and snacks, reality orientation recreational, occupational, cultural and other education activities. Transportation to the program in the Southwest part of the city only. Health/Medical services provided by an RN. There may be a waiting list. Sites 1. COB HOUSING DEPARTMENT (BCHD) 1900 Bridge SW Albuquerque, NM 87105 (505) 314-0200 Service/Intake Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for rent supplement services to qualified low income people in the unincorporated areas of Bernalillo County. Payments to owners of approved housing units to subsidize the partial rent payment made by eligible low income tenants ages 62+, or those with disabilities. Rent is established by HUD. Eligible families pay no more than 30% of their adjusted monthly income toward rent. Applicants must find housing outside city limits of Albuquerque to qualify for rent subsidy. Services Adult Day Program Centers Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites Paratransit Programs * Adults With Disabilities 2. COB PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 111 Union Square ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87102 CORRECTIONAL MINISTRY, ARCHDIOCESE OF SANTA FE (505) 314-0400 Service/Intake 4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW Albuquerque, NM 87120 SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for recreation and informal education activities at the community centers for persons of all ages. Sports leagues for adults in basketball and softball; for youth in basketball. Also provides swimming lessons at various aquatic facilities. (505) 831-8174 Svc/Intake and Admin www.archdiocesesantafe.org/Offices/PastoralOutreach/ Pastoral.html Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: The Beginning Experience Program facilitates the grief resolution process for those who have suffered the heartache of loss through death, divorce or separation and is offered to people of all faiths. Beginning Experience Weekends are offered three times a year in Albuquerque and Las Cruces, NM. 3. COB PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICES 1111 Stanford Drive NE ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87106 SERVICE SUMMARY: To persons who are incarcerated and to their families. Programs include religious services, counseling, visitation, education, community resources referral, ecumenical liaison, team development and Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for immunization for children ages 8 weeks and older. Operates STD clinic at Stanford office. Walk-ins accepted, everyone eligible, information is kept (505) 841-4100 Service/Intake <continued...> 37 COUNTY OF BERNALILLO COB... confidential. Provides for screening and detection services for hypertension, heart/chest problems and diabetes; laboratory tests for common cancers. Provides WELL BABY CLINICS and FAMILY PLANNING SERVICE at Northwest Valley and Southeast Heights sites. Fees on a sliding scale are charged for Family Planning Service. Also operates a clinic for SE Asian Refugees. Can provide certified copies of vital records such as birth certificates and death certificates at $10.00/copy. Birth Certificates Community Clinics General Medical Care Health Care Immunizations SITE: 3 Housing Authorities Public Housing Section 8/Rental Assistance Program Rental Listings SITE: 1 4. COB PURCHASING OFFICE One Civic Plaza NW 10th Floor ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87102 Election Information Government Information Lines Law Enforcement Services Polling Places Public Libraries Public Officials Offices Voter Registration Offices SITES: 5 6 (505) 468-7013 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for the disposal of indigent remains by cremation. Family signs over the remains to the county, after eligibility is determined. The county will then keep hold of the remains for 2 years. 5. COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE One Civic Plaza NW 6th Floor Albuquerque, NM 87102 CRIME VICTIMS REPARATION COMMISSION 8100 Mountain Rd NE Ste 106 Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 243-8683 505-243-VOTE SERVICE SUMMARY: County of Bernalillo. Voter information for the (505) 841-9432 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 306-6262 Toll-Free Assistance to Victims 6. COUNTY OF BERNALILLO COB One Civic Plaza NW 10th Floor Albuquerque, NM 87102 www.cvrc.state.nm.us cvrc.office@state.nm.us Public transportation accessible; a pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Assists victims of violent crime with expenses that are incurred as a result of a violent crime. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides assistance to victims of violent crime in applying for reparation funds. Application may be made by victims, family and dependents of deceased victims and individuals acting on behalf of victims. One qualifies on the basis of the following; The crime must have occurred in New Mexico, or the victim must be a resident of New Mexico in the event that the crime occurred in a state where there is no eligible crime victims compensation programs. A police report must have been filed within thirty (30) days of the incident. Application must be filed within (505) 468-7000 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: By direction from the county commission, conducts planning, sets policy and implements all programs under the jurisdiction of the Bernalillo County Government. PHONE NUMBERS: Environmental Health #314-0310 Fire Prevention Hotline #468-1310 Refuse Hotline #224-1639 Cooperative Extension #243-1386 Juvenile Detention Center #761-6600 Metropolitan Court #841-8151 Services Crime Victim Compensation Crime Victim Support PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information Services Recreation Centers SITE: 2 Cremation Services SITE: 4 38 CROSSROADS FOR WOMEN months. All participants are court ordered. 805 Tijeras Ave. NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 Services Case/Care Management * Women * Sex Trade Workers Ex-Offender Counseling * Women Ex-Offender Halfway Houses * Women Recovery Homes/Halfway Houses * Women PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information SITES: 1 2 (505) 242-1010 Svc/Intake and Admin www.crossroadsabq.org info@crossroadsabq.org OVERVIEW: The Crossroads is a transition program for women in prostitution attempting to leave their live on the streets which provides support consistent with individual needs including housing, counseling, and case management to access other needed services. The Crossroads treatment program provides a central component of transition for women trying to leave a life on the streets. It provides life skills education, individual and group counseling, holistic health services and positive social interaction. CUIDANDO LOS NINOS 816 Broadway SE Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 843-6899 Svc/Intake and Admin www.clnkids.org info@clnkids.org Sites 1. CROSSROADS FOR WOMEN 805 Tijeras Ave. NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides child care for homeless children ages 6 weeks through 5 years, Family support services, and well child care. HOURS: Childcare MTWThF 7AM to 5:30 PM Admin Hours MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Licensed child care program services 52 children ages 6 weeks to 5 years. Program is specially designed to meet the needs of homeless children and includes play therapy, meals, transportation, and pediatric preventive healthcare. The Family Support Program assists parents to become rehoused, stable, and self-sufficient. Parents receive supportive counseling and weekly workshops on various life and parenting skills. (505) 242-1010 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: The road from life on the streets to a stable life in the community is a long and hard one. Crossroads is there each step of the way. Crossroads offers: *Four week of life skills education and reintegration asssistance on the treatment unit of the Metropolitan Detention Center *Six months of highly structured treatment at Maya's Place, a congregate living program for women released from jail or prison Services Child Care Centers * Homeless Families Parenting Education * Homeless Families *Two years of supportive housing in the community at the Crossroads for women graduating from Maya's Place or coming directly from the streets CYSTIC FIBROSIS FOUNDATION 400 South Colorado Blvd. Ste. 840 Denver, CO 80246 *Continuing care services to maintain stability in the community after completion of the supportive housing program (877) 296-6610 Svc/Intake and Admin Through these services, Crossroads makes a long term commitment to each woman in the program. www.cff.org/Chapters/newmexico new-mexico@cff.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides information and education on the condition of Cystic Fibrosis. Also supports the Cystic Fibrosis center at University Hospital. HOURS: MTWThF 8:30 AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Programs on Cystic Fibrosis for the public and for professional personnel. Supports UNM Cystic Fibrosis Center at University Hospital. Call for clinic hours. Provides funds for research for the cure and control of Cystic Fibrosis. 2. MAYA'S PLACE 640 Grove St SE Albuquerque, NM 87108 (505) 266-0110 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides support, referral, and direction for women from the time of their incarceration in the BCMDC through their transition to self-sufficiency. The program mission is to support and assist women in accessing services available in the community to meet their specific needs, to enrich their lives and make significant lifestyle changes. Transitional housing for up to 18 women for 6 to 12 <continued...> 39 CYSTIC FIBROSIS FOUNDATION... Services Services Cystic Fibrosis Clinics Information Services * Cystic Fibrosis Dental Care * Homebound Dental Hygiene * Homebound Dental Restoration * Homebound Dentures * Homebound Mobile Dental Care DELANCEY STREET FOUNDATION NEW MEXICO Swan Lake Ranch 125 Old Alcalde Road San Juan Pueblo, NM 87566 DEPRESSION & BIPOLAR SUPPORT ALLIANCE ALBUQUERQUE PO Box 27619 Albuquerque, NM 87125 (505) 852-4291 Svc/Intake and Admin delanceystreetfoundation.org (505) 889-3632 Svc/Intake and Admin OVERVIEW: Provides for a residential drug rehabilitation programs. HOURS: MTWThFSaSu 24 Hours SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides residential rehabilitation program for adult and juvenile drug abusers. Combines residential rehabilitation, vocational training, education and community work. Takes referrals from social workers, parole officers, courts and also takes walk-in clients. www.dbsaalbuquerque.org info@DBSAAlbuquerque.org OVERVIEW: The mission of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) Albuquerque is to improve the lives of people living with mood disorders. SERVICE SUMMARY: We are a non-profit organization that offers support groups, education, recreational activities, and work opportunities for consumers of mental health services and their families. Our activities are run by consumers and/or family members. We offer hope and support for individuals and families at weekly meetings at convenient locations. Each week we create a "safe place" where members and attendees are able to meet together for growth, education and mutual support. Services Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities Substance Abuse Counseling Substance Abuse Services Services DENTAL CARE IN YOUR HOME Specialized Information and Referral * Major Depression * Bipolar Disorder Support Groups * Major Depression PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information Albuquerque, NM 87193 (505) 615-0951 Svc/Intake and Admin www.dentalcareinyourhome.org dentalcareinyourhome@gmail.com DESIGNS FOR LEARNING DIFFERENCES DLD SYCAMORE SCHOOL OVERVIEW: OUR MISSION: To be the access to complete dental care for homebound individuals of all ages in their own or care facility; To remove infection and pain; To teach our patients or care providers how to care for the teeth and gums daily and To help each patient to have a better quality of life by enjoying oral health. SERVICE SUMMARY: Dental care is vitally important for everyone, but homebound individuals have been neglected by the dental community. Dental Care In Your Home, Inc. was founded to care for homebound individuals of all ages in their own home or care facility. We were incorporated in September 2010. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation with a Board of Directors of nine (9)) multi-talented individuals who give generously of their time, talents and funds to further the mission of Dental Care In Your Home, Inc. Additionally we comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy, Security and Breach Notification Rules Our mission is to provide superior dental care to homebound individuals of all ages in their own home or care facility. Our goal is to restore the mouth to good health, to treat and stop oral pain and to educate our patients and their care providers on how to keep the teeth and gums clean and healthy daily. 8600 Academy Rd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87111 (505) 822-0476 Svc/Intake and Admin www.dldsycamoreschool.com dldschool1@aol.com Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides special education programs for children with learning disabilities. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 3PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides services to children with learning disabilities including speech and communication difficulties, attention deficit disorder from 1st grade through high school. Services Behavioral Learning Therapy Learning Disabilities Special Education Special Education Assessment 40 DIAPER BANK OF NEW MEXICO Services 12200 Academy Road NE Ste 731 Albuquerque, NM 87111 Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Disabilities (505) 250-6056 Svc/Intake and Admin DOMESTIC VIOLENCE RESOURCE CENTER RESOURCES, INC. diaperbankofnewmexico.org diaperbankofnm@aol.com 625 Silver Avenue #185 Albuquerque, NM 87119 OVERVIEW: Provide diapers/incontinence products for children, mature men & women and adults/children with disabilities through community partners. SERVICE SUMMARY: OUR MISSION Diapers for children and adults through community partners. (505) 243-8240 Counseling & Case Management (505) 884-1241 Domestic Violence Helpline (505) 243-4300 Legal Helpline (505) 248-3165 Victim's Assistance Line OUR VISION A community where every diaper need for children, mature men and women and adults with disabilities is met through a 501(c)(3). www.dvrcnm.org dvrc@dvrcnm.org OVERVIEW: Resources, Inc. provides a comprehensive array of services to survivors and victims of domestic violence. Our three primary programs are the Victim Assistance Unit, Counseling Services and Legal Services. OUR VALUES All decisions will aim to provide for the best end result for the highest number of our partners, the clients they serve, the issues they address, and the future of our community. All parties to any decision will be treated with respect, dignity, compassion, grace, integrity, honesty and humanity. SERVICE SUMMARY: Victim Assistance Unit: A program that provides an array of services to survivors and witnesses of domestic violence. Partnering with APD, Bernalillo County Sheriff's Office, courts, hospitals, and social service agencies we provide victim advocacy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays Services Baby Clothing/Diaper Donation Programs Diapers * Information Services Services Abuse Counseling Child Abuse Reporting/Emergency Response Children's Protective Services Domestic Violence Hotlines Domestic Violence Intervention Programs Domestic Violence Support Groups Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information DISABILITY RIGHTS NEW MEXICO 1720 Louisiana Blvd. NE Suite 204 Albuquerque, NM 87110 (800) 432-4682 State Wide Toll-free Number. (505) 256-3100 Svc/Intake and Admin www.drnm.org info@drnm.org DWI RESOURCE CENTER, INC. Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Advocacy for people with disabilities. HOURS: MTWThF 8:30AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Advocacy services for persons with developmental disabilities in the community. Assists clients in receiving appropriate services from the State Division of Vocational rehabilitation and from the Commission for The Blind. Protects and advocates for the rights of persons with mental illness in residential and hospital programs. Advocacy for persons with disabilities not otherwise eligible for other Protection and Advocacy programs described above. Advocacy for persons with disabilities who have been denied funding or an evaluation for an assistive technology device or service. Information and Referral regarding disability rights. Training programs. P.O. Box 30514 ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87190 (505) 881-1084 Svc/Intake and Admin www.dwiresourcecenter.org info@dwiresourcecenter.org Public transportation accessible; a pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: The mission of this organization is to reduce the social and economic impact of DWI through public awareness, education, prevention and research. HOURS: MTWTHF 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: The Center provides assistance to victims of DWI, administers a court monitoring system, operates the Victims Impact Panels wherein the court ordered attendees learn of the potential impact of their crime on the innocent victims by survivors. The Center serves as a central clearing house of information on DWI research & statistics and provides DWI <continued...> 41 DWI RESOURCE CENTER, INC.... prevention presentations to schools, professional drivers and the community. In collaboration with the Behavioral Health Center the DWI Center presents our Research Speaker Series. Please contact The DWI Resource Center to learn more about the "Victims Rights Project". Services Alcohol Abuse Education/Prevention Alcohol/Drug Impaired Driving Prevention DUI Related Support Groups DUI Victim Panels PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information Agency Surplus Program (ASP) provides both food and non-food items at or below cost to other non-profit feeding programs. Food and Nutrition (FaN) monthly special diet boxes are provided to individuals on specially prescribed diets (such as medically fragile, diabetes, etc.) who cannot qualify for other programs. Fresh Produce Program (FPP) provides fresh produce as available, free of charge to low income individuals, families and other feeding programs. EAGLES' WINGS YOUTH RANCH 514 N. Manzano Avenue Mountainair, NM 87036 Holiday Food boxes & Operation Merry Christmas food boxes are available during holidays in cooperation with other Service providers. (505) 847-0062 Svc/Intake and Admin www.ewyouthranch.org info@ewyouthranch.org BackPack Program (BPP) provides individually packaged, kid-friendly foods in nondescript backpacks to area Elementary School Food Pantries. OVERVIEW: Eagles' Wings Youth Ranch is a free summer camp and follow-up early intervention program for at-risk new Mexico youth ages 10-12. SERVICE SUMMARY: Free five day camp which includes archery, swimming, horsemanship, care of animals outdoor games and recreation,...campers stay four nights and five days with everything provided for them such as bedding, towels, toiletries, etc. Three meals a day plus three snacks a day. Transportation is also provided for those who need it. Volunteering Program (VIP) provides on the job training to individuals (16 years or older if un-accompanied by adult); a safe, fun, supportive environment for adults to learn skills prior to re-entering the job market; a variety of tasks for community minded families and individuals; corporate groups looking for ways to serve the community while they work on team building skills; college and school clubs and classes, scouts; church youth groups and other civic clubs. Services Camps * At Risk Youth PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Emergency Food Boxes, hygiene kits and infant boxes (EFB) are provided up to 4 times in twelve months for individuals or families in crisis. Community Service Worker Program (CSWP) provides a volunteer job site for youth (16 years or older) and adults who need to satisfy pre-sentencing, court mandated or re-habilitation ordered community service hours. Call for Information ECHO INC. Job Site Programs are provided in cooperation with a number of local job training programs for special needs youth and adults. 300 Menual Blvd. NW #226 Albuquerque, NM 87107 Services (505) 242-6777 Svc/Intake and Admin Commodity Supplemental Food Program www.echoinc.org/foodbank/csfp.html Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides commodity supplemental food program. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides free food to families with children under 6 and elderly age 60 and over. EL PUEBLO HEALTH SERVICES 121 Calle Del Presidente Bernalillo, NM 87004 (505) 867-2324 Svc/Intake and Admin ECHO’s Food Programs: Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) assists income qualified children under 6 and pregnant, breastfeeding & postpartum moms (not on WIC) and seniors 60 years or older monthly with nutritious foods, basic nutrition information and recipes. www.elpueblofamilyhealthcare.org info@elpueblofamilyhealthcare.org OVERVIEW: Provides health services. SERVICE SUMMARY: Agency accepts all forms of payment: private insurance, Medicaid Managed Care, Medicaid fee-for-service, general relief fund, IHS, SCHIP, CHIP, and uninsured. Senior Ride and Safe Ride transportation agencies serve El Pueblo Health Services. The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)- is provided monthly in emergency food boxes for resident low income individuals, families and other feeding programs in the area . <continued...> 42 EL PUEBLO HEALTH SERVICES... Services Albuquerque. Community Clinics General Medical Care Health Care Health Care Referrals Pediatrics PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Services Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing * Frail Elderly ENDORPHIN POWER COMPANY Call for Information 509 Cardenas SE Albuquerque, NM 87108 EL RANCHITO DE LOS NINOS, INC. (505) 268-3372 Svc/Intake and Admin PO Box 2400 Los Lunas, NM 87031 www.EndorphinPower.org info@endorphinpower.org (505) 565-4470 Svc/Intake and Admin OVERVIEW: The EPC is focused on improving the lives of people. One of its fundamental goals is to encourage exercise as a means of therapy for substance-dependent individuals in Albuquerque. www.losninosnm.org ElRanchito@LosNinosNM.org OVERVIEW: El Ranchito de los Ninos, Inc., provides long-term care to children and entire sibling groups displaced from their families. SERVICE SUMMARY: El Ranchito de los Ninos, Inc., is dedicated to providing long-term care to entire sibling groups whose families are not longer willing or able to care for them. El Ranchito de los Ninos program teaches families headed by grandparents how to strengthen and stabilize the family situation, provide legal remedies regarding custody and state services and provide information on maximizing the school as an educational resource. SERVICE SUMMARY: Exercise Center: Providing free exercise equipment, trainers, classes and services for the general public, but geared particularly to the graduates of the County's new detox hospital across the street from our headquarters. A large majority state that exercise helps to maintain their mental well-being as well as sobriety Services Substance Abuse Education/Prevention Substance Abuse Referrals Substance Abuse Services Services Group Homes for Dependent Children Group Homes for Dependent Children * Siblings PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information ENLACE COMUNITARIO ENCINO TERRACE (505) 246-8972 Svc/Intake and Admin P.O. Box 8919 ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87198 www.enlacenm.org info@enlacenm.org 609 Encino Place NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 OVERVIEW: ENLACE Communitario is dedicated to serving the needs and promoting the rights of Spanish-speaking immigrants with particular emphasis on serving victims of domestic violence. HOURS: MTWTHF 9AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Enlace Cumintario provides case management and counseling for victims of domestic violence in spanish. It also provides life skills training, court advocacy and crisis intervention. (505) 247-4185 Svc/Intake and Admin Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides rental housing for elderly and section 8 rent subsidy programs for those that qualify depending on unit availability. HOURS: MTWThF 8:30 AM to 4PM SERVICE SUMMARY: ENCINO HOUSE MIDTOWN: Maintains 152 unfurnished apartments including 30 units in the Section 8 Program for persons 62 or older who must meet federal income requirements and are able to care for themselves. Services Domestic Violence Intervention Programs * Immigrants Domestic Violence Support Groups * Immigrants Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services * Immigrants Immigrant Visa Application Filing Assistance * Women PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information ENCINO HOUSE EAST: Maintains 164 unfurnished apartments including 16 units for elderly persons with disabilities. All units are covered by the Section 8 Program and applicants must meet federal income requirements and be able to care for themselves. The complexes have exercise, recreation, and laundry rooms and beauty shops on the premises. Encino House East has a therapy pool available. Noon meals served Monday through Friday by the City of 43 EPILEPSY FOUNDATION ESTANCIA VALLEY CATHOLIC PARISH 8301 Professional Place East Ste 200 Hyattsville, MD 20785 1400 Third St. S Moriarty, NM 87035 (505) 832-6655 Svc/Intake and Admin (866) 748-8008 Spanish Line (800) 332-1000 800-Line www.estanciavalleycatholicch.org parishoffice@EstanciaValleyCatholicCh.org www.epilepsyfoundation.org ContactUs@efa.org OVERVIEW: Provides various outreach ministries including youth ministry, bereavement ministry, jail ministry as well as emergency basic needs assistance. OVERVIEW: The Epilepsy Foundation leads the fight to stop seizures, find a cure and overcome the challenges created by epilepsy. SERVICE SUMMARY: EVCP Emergency Aid: Provides short term shelter, food, essential supplies and support services to victims of domestic abuse and/or displaced families in Torrance County. SERVICE SUMMARY: The Epilepsy Foundation is the national voluntary agency dedicated solely to the welfare of the almost 3 million people with epilepsy in the U.S. and their families. The organization works to ensure that people with seizures are able to participate in all life experiences; to improve how people with epilepsy are perceived, accepted and valued in society; and to promote research for a cure. In addition to programs conducted at the national level, people with epilepsy throughout the United States are served by more than 50 Epilepsy Foundation affiliates around the country. Services Food Pantries PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information EXPLORA! 1701 Mountain Road NW Albuquerque, NM 87104 Services (505) 224-8300 Svc/Intake and Admin Disease/Disability Information * Epilepsy Health Education * Epilepsy Support Groups * Epilepsy www.explora.us explora@explora.us OVERVIEW: Creating opportunities for inspirational discovery and the joy of lifelong learning through interactive experiences in science, technology and art. ESTANCIA MUNICIPAL SCHOOLS PO Box 68 Estancia, NM 87016 SERVICE SUMMARY: Explora is part science center, part children’s museum, part free-choice school, part grandma’s attic, part grandpa’s garage, part laboratory, part neighborhood full of interesting people, and part of many people’s lives. (505) 384-2000 Svc/Intake and Admin www.estancia.k12.nm.us OVERVIEW: Provides various educational programs as public education in the town of Estancia. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 4PM SERVICE SUMMARY: The Estancia Municipal School District believes in educating ALL students to become productive and successful citizens. Instructional programs must challenge all students to reach their potential. All other programs offered are in support of this. Provides a comprehensive public education program from kindergarten through the 12th grade. Also provides special education programs to those students that are identified as requiring such programs. Services Museums EYECARE AMERICA 655 Beach St. San Francisco, CA 94109 (877) 887-6327 Svc/Intake and Admin www.eyecareamerica.org pubserv@aao.org Services Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: EyeCare America a public service foundation of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 4PM PST SERVICE SUMMARY: Founded in 1980, EyeCare America, a public service foundation of the American Academy of Opthalmology, is a leader in the preservation of sight. In the United States, EyeCare America provides eye care services for the medically underserved and educates the general public about the eye and vision. Internationally, EyeCare America provides free Education Elementary Schools Middle Schools Preschools Public Schools Secondary/High Schools <continued...> 44 EYECARE AMERICA... educational materials and opportunities to Opthalmic training institutions throughout developing nations in order to increase the number of Opthalmologists in these regions of the world. EyeCare America is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose success is fueled by its corps of more than 7,500 volunteer Opthalmologists and funded by individual, corporate, and foundation donations. 5. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE RESOURCE CENTER (505) 243-4300 D V Legal Resources Hotline (505) 884-1241 Domestic Violence Helpline (505) 248-3165 Immediate Victim's Assistance Line (877) 974-3400 Statewide (505) 243-2333 Organization Central Operator SERVICE SUMMARY: Resources Inc. provides advocacy services for victims of domestic violence and is available 24 hours a day. Services Eye Care Ophthalmology 6. ENLACE COMMUNITARIO (505) 246-8972 Svc/Intake and Admin FAMILY ADVOCACY CENTER SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides victim advocacy services to Latino immigrants to eliminate domestic violence and strengthen their community. (505) 245-7867 505-245-STOP (505) 243-2333 Svc/Intake and Admin Call 9-1-1 Emergency 7. FAMILY ADVOCACY CENTER (505) 245-7867 505-245-STOP (505) 243-2333 Svc/Intake and Admin www.abusestopshere.org OVERVIEW: The AFAC is a multi-agency facility, serving the Albuquerque Metropolitan area. The center combines emergency medical staff, victim advocates, legal and financial assistance along with law enforcement and prosecution in a unique system designed to dramatically decrease the stress and trauma often placed on victims. SERVICE SUMMARY: The Albuquerque Family Advocacy Center is a safe, secure and caring environment that focuses on the needs of victims of interpersonal crime. The center is committed to providing victims of domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault and their families with a safe setting to assist in addressing and overcoming the trauma of their experience and break the cycle of violence that destroys families. Sites 1. ALBUQUERQUE RAPE CRISIS CENTER (505) 243-2333 Organization Central Operator Our trained staff and volunteers can provide personal assistance to victims and their families. The AFAC is located at 625 Silver SW, Suite 200. Hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, no appointment is necessary. SERVICE SUMMARY: The Albuquerque Rape Crisis Center provides emotional support and advocacy to survivors of sexual assault and abuse within the greater Albuquerque area, and serves as a community resource on issues regarding prevention and awareness of sexual assault and abuse. For after hours assistance: *FOR EMERGENCIES, PLEASE CALL 911 *For Non-emergencies, please call (505) 242-2677 2. ASIAN FAMILY CENTER (505) 243-2333 Organization Central Operator After hours, the Albuquerque Family Advocacy Center phone number (505) 243-2333 will be answered by victim advocates who can assist or make referrals to address your crisis situation. For basic or non-emergency contact with service providers please call back Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. SERVICE SUMMARY: The New Mexico Asian Family Center provides assistance to Asians and their families cope with issues such as family conflict, immigration rights, cultural adaptation and parenting issues. 3. CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES (505) 243-2333 Organization Central Operator 8. NEW MEXICO LEGAL AID (505) 243-2333 Organization Central Operator SERVICE SUMMARY: As part of the State of New Mexico's Children, Youth and Families Department, Child Protective Services works with child advocacy agencies and law enforcement to investigate reports of child abuse SERVICE SUMMARY: New Mexico Legal Aid is a nonprofit law office providing free legal representation to the poor throughout New Mexico in civil cases to increase access to the justice system for vulnerable populations and preserve basic legal rights including safety, financial stability and shelter. 4. CRIME VICTIMS REPARATIONS (505) 243-2333 Organization Central Operator SERVICE SUMMARY: The New Mexico Crime Victims Reparation Commission was formed in 1981 under the Crime Victims Reparation Act to assist victims of violent crime with expenses incurred as a result of their victimization. <continued...> 45 FAMILY ADVOCACY CENTER... Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention Stalking/Harassment Orders Youth Violence Prevention PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information SITES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 9. PARA LOS NINOS (505) 243-2333 Organization Central Operator SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides pediatric sexual abuse examinations and treatment services. Exams are available on both emergency and an appointment basis FAMILY FOCUS CENTER 10. SECOND JUDICIAL COURT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE DIVISION (505) 243-2333 Organization Central Operator 441 Monroe NE Albuquerque, NM 87108 (505) 260-6106 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: The Domestic Violence Division serves persons seeking to petition the Court for a Protection Order who are victims of actual or threatened abuse by a family or household member. This process can take up to two hours to complete www.ziafamilyfocuscenter.org familyfocuscenter@yahoo.com OVERVIEW: FFC, based at Zia Elementary School, provides quality before and after-school programs for youth that enrich their lives, the lives of their families and the community in which they live. 11. SEXUAL ASSAULT NURSE EXAMINERS (SANE) (505) 243-2333 Organization Central Operator SERVICE SUMMARY: The program offers classes that a student would not otherwise experience in school, including art, dance, orchestra, bookmaking, cooking, creative writing, karate, basketball, football and cheering. Services Abuse Counseling Abuse/Violence Related Support Groups Adult Sexual Assault Prevention Child Abuse Counseling Child Abuse Hotlines Child Abuse Medical Evaluations Child Abuse Prevention Child Abuse Reporting/Emergency Response Child Abuse Support Groups Child Kidnapping Alert Programs Child Kidnapping Prevention Child Sexual Assault Counseling Child Sexual Assault Prevention Child Sexual Exploitation Reporting Children's Protective Services Crime Victim Accompaniment Services Crime Victim Support Criminal Temporary Protective Orders Dating Violence Prevention Domestic Violence Hotlines Domestic Violence Intervention Programs Domestic Violence Motel Vouchers Domestic Violence Shelters Domestic Violence Support Groups Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services Family Violence Prevention Food Pantries * Victims/Survivors General Clothing Provision * Victims/Survivors Physical Examinations * Sexual Assault Treatment Protective/Restraining Orders Sex Offender Counseling Sex Offender Registration/Community Notification Sexual Assault Counseling Sexual Assault Hotlines Sexual Assault Prevention Sexual Assault Shelters Sexual Assault Treatment Sexual Assault/Incest Support Groups Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling Services Recreational Activities/Sports * Youth Tutoring Services PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information FAMILY PROMISE OF ALBUQUERQUE 2801 Lomas Blvd NE B-4 Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 268-0331 Svc/Intake and Admin www.familypromiseabq.org fpa.assistant@gmail.com OVERVIEW: Provides homeless families with assistance in securing housing. A collaboration of churches providing transportation, a day center, and social service information. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: The primary program operated by Family Promise of Albuquerque is a shelter for homeless families with minor children. We currently shelter four families at a time, providing beds, 3 meals a day, job search assistance, literacy training, and skills classes as well as assistance finding sustainable housing. We also have a literacy program, where we match tutors with students needing assistance reaching their goals. Services Homeless Shelter * Families Transitional Case/Care Management * Homeless Families Transitional Housing/Shelter * Families PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information 46 FAMILYWIZE Services 1720 Spillman Drive Ste 100 Bethlehem, PA 18015 Elementary Schools PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: (800) 222-2818 800-Line Call for Information FEMA-FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY www.familywize.org OVERVIEW: BE WIZE, BE HEALTHY! Almost every family in the United States today faces health or financial challenges. FamilyWize provides prescription assistance and information to help everyone be healthy, physically and financially. Together, with our 50,000 like-minded national and local non-profit, public and corporate partners, the FamilyWize Community Service Partnership has helped six million people save more than $600 million on the cost of their medicine. 701 North Fairfax Street Ste 310 Alexandria, VA 22314 (800) 621-3362 800-Line (800) 462-7585 Hotline (Voice and TDD) www.efsp.unitedway.org FEMA-Correspondence-Unit@dhs.gov OVERVIEW: DISASTER. It strikes anytime, anywhere. It takes many forms -- a hurricane, an earthquake, a tornado, a flood, a fire or a hazardous spill, an act of nature or an act of terrorism. It builds over days or weeks, or hits suddenly, without warning. Every year, millions of Americans face disaster, and its terrifying consequences. Visit www.familywize.org to print a card or call (800) 222-2818 to have a Prescription Savings Card mailed HOURS: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm (Eastern Time) Monday-Friday SERVICE SUMMARY: Program is a free resource for immediate savings on prescription medications. Present your card with each prescription to the pharmacy at the time of purchase to receive your discount. Savings average 40% but can be as high as 75% on some generics. The card is really just like a reusable prescription coupon on all FDA approved medicines. Sites 1. EFSP BERNALILLO COUNTY 2340 Alamo SE 2nd Floor Albuquerque, NM 87106 To get immediate help text "family" to 700700 to receive a free FamilyWize-United Way prescription discount card via text. No smart phone required. To print a card, look up medication costs or participating pharmacies visit www.familywize.org (505) 247-3671 Administrative SERVICE SUMMARY: Program funds are used to provide the following, as determined by the Local Board in funded jurisdictions: No eligibility or registration is required Food, in the form of served meals or groceries. Lodging in a mass shelter or hotel. One month's rent or mortgage payment. One month's utility bill. Minimal repairs to allow a mass feeding or sheltering facility to function during the program year. Equipment necessary to feed or shelter people, up to a $300 limit per item. Services Prescription Drug Discount Cards FELICIDAD FOUNDATION DBA SERENDIPITY DAY SCHOOL 124 Richmond SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 2. EFSP CHAVES COUNTY 1002 S. Plains Park Roswell, NM 88203 (505) 255-7336 Svc/Intake and Admin www.serendipitydayschool.com sdipity@mcleodusa.net (505) 623-3323 Administrative OVERVIEW: Serendipty Day School is a non-profit, accredited school. HOURS: MTWTHF 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Serendipity Day School offers a nurturing staff who are committed to providing a rich learning environment for children ages 2-Kindergarten. CYFD & some scholarships available. SERVICE SUMMARY: Program funds are used to provide the following, as determined by the Local Board in funded jurisdictions: Food, in the form of served meals or groceries. Lodging in a mass shelter or hotel. One month's rent or mortgage payment. One month's utility bill. Minimal repairs to allow a mass feeding or sheltering facility to function during the program year. <continued...> 47 FEMA-FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT... Equipment necessary to feed or shelter people. 7. EFSP EMERGENCY FOOD AND SHELTER PROGRAM 3. EFSP CIBOLA COUNTY 1150 Elm Street Grants, NM 87020 8. EFSP LEA COUNTY 200 E. Park c/o Southwestern NM Chapter, ARC Hobbs, NM 88240-8824 (505) 287-8262 Administrative SERVICE SUMMARY: Program funds are used to provide the following, as determined by the Local Board in funded jurisdictions: (505) 393-7516 Administrative SERVICE SUMMARY: Program funds are used to provide the following, as determined by the Local Board in funded jurisdictions: Food, in the form of served meals or groceries. Lodging in a mass shelter or hotel. One month's rent or mortgage payment. One month's utility bill. Minimal repairs to allow a mass feeding or sheltering facility to function during the program year. Equipment necessary to feed or shelter people. Food, in the form of served meals or groceries. Lodging in a mass shelter or hotel. One month's rent or mortgage payment. One month's utility bill. Minimal repairs to allow a mass feeding or sheltering facility to function during the program year. Equipment necessary to feed or shelter people. 4. EFSP COLFAX COUNTY 5101 Copper, Northeast Albuquerque, NM 87108 9. EFSP LUNA COUNTY Deming, NM 88031 (505) 265-3717 Administrative (575) 546-6593 Administrative 5. EFSP CURRY COUNTY 1200 Thornton Ste. G Clovis, NM 88101 SERVICE SUMMARY: Program funds are used to provide the following, as determined by the Local Board in funded jurisdictions: (575) 769-2103 Administrative Food, in the form of served meals or groceries. Lodging in a mass shelter or hotel. One month's rent or mortgage payment. One month's utility bill. Minimal repairs to allow a mass feeding or sheltering facility to function during the program year. Equipment necessary to feed or shelter people. SERVICE SUMMARY: Program funds are used to provide the following, as determined by the Local Board in funded jurisdictions: Food, in the form of served meals or groceries. Lodging in a mass shelter or hotel. One month's rent or mortgage payment. One month's utility bill. Minimal repairs to allow a mass feeding or sheltering facility to function during the program year. Equipment necessary to feed or shelter people. 10. EFSP MCKINLEY COUNTY 506 W. Highway 66 Gallup, NM 87301 SERVICE SUMMARY: Program funds are used to provide the following, as determined by the Local Board in funded jurisdictions: 6. EFSP DONA ANA COUNTY 999 W. Amador Las Cruces, NM 88005 (575) 525-1277 Administrative Food, in the form of served meals or groceries. Lodging in a mass shelter or hotel. One month's rent or mortgage payment. One month's utility bill. Minimal repairs to allow a mass feeding or sheltering facility to function during the program year. Equipment necessary to feed or shelter people. SERVICE SUMMARY: Program funds are used to provide the following, as determined by the Local Board in funded jurisdictions: Food, in the form of served meals or groceries. Lodging in a mass shelter or hotel. One month's rent or mortgage payment. One month's utility bill. Minimal repairs to allow a mass feeding or sheltering facility to function during the program year. Equipment necessary to feed or shelter people. <continued...> 48 FEMA-FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT... Food, in the form of served meals or groceries. Lodging in a mass shelter or hotel. One month's rent or mortgage payment. One month's utility bill. Minimal repairs to allow a mass feeding or sheltering facility to function during the program year. Equipment necessary to feed or shelter people. 11. EFSP OTERO COUNTY 1601 Tenth Street Ste B Alamogordo, NM 88310 (575) 437-8400 Administrative SERVICE SUMMARY: Program funds are used to provide the following, as determined by the Local Board in funded jurisdictions: 15. EFSP SAN MIGUEL COUNTY 220 Bernalillo Street Las Vegas, NM 87701 Food, in the form of served meals or groceries. Lodging in a mass shelter or hotel. One month's rent or mortgage payment. One month's utility bill. Minimal repairs to allow a mass feeding or sheltering facility to function during the program year. Equipment necessary to feed or shelter people. (505) 454-1390 Administrative SERVICE SUMMARY: Program funds are used to provide the following, as determined by the Local Board in funded jurisdictions: Food, in the form of served meals or groceries. Lodging in a mass shelter or hotel. One month's rent or mortgage payment. One month's utility bill. Minimal repairs to allow a mass feeding or sheltering facility to function during the program year. Equipment necessary to feed or shelter people. 12. EFSP RIO ARRIBA COUNTY 1302 C Calle La Merced Espanola, NM 87532 (505) 753-7181 Administrative SERVICE SUMMARY: Program funds are used to provide the following, as determined by the Local Board in funded jurisdictions: 16. EFSP SANDOVAL COUNTY 2340 Alamo SE 2nd Floor Albuquerque, NM 87106 Food, in the form of served meals or groceries. Lodging in a mass shelter or hotel. One month's rent or mortgage payment. One month's utility bill. Minimal repairs to allow a mass feeding or sheltering facility to function during the program year. Equipment necessary to feed or shelter people. (505) 247-3671 Administrative SERVICE SUMMARY: Program funds are used to provide the following, as determined by the Local Board in funded jurisdictions: Food, in the form of served meals or groceries. Lodging in a mass shelter or hotel. One month's rent or mortgage payment. One month's utility bill. Minimal repairs to allow a mass feeding or sheltering facility to function during the program year. Equipment necessary to feed or shelter people. 13. EFSP ROOSEVELT COUNTY 1100 Community Way Portales, NM 88130 (575) 356-8576 Administrative SERVICE SUMMARY: Program funds are used to provide the following, as determined by the Local Board in funded jurisdictions: 17. EFSP SANTA FE COUNTY 440 Cerrillos Road, Ste A c/o United Way Of Santa Fe County (505) 216-2977 Administrative Food, in the form of served meals or groceries. Lodging in a mass shelter or hotel. One month's rent or mortgage payment. One month's utility bill. Minimal repairs to allow a mass feeding or sheltering facility to function during the program year. Equipment necessary to feed or shelter people. SERVICE SUMMARY: Program funds are used to provide the following, as determined by the Local Board in funded jurisdictions: Food, in the form of served meals or groceries. Lodging in a mass shelter or hotel. One month's rent or mortgage payment. One month's utility bill. Minimal repairs to allow a mass feeding or sheltering facility to function during the program year. Equipment necessary to feed or shelter people. 14. EFSP SAN JUAN COUNTY 209 South Oliver Aztec, NM 87410 (505) 334-1180 Administrative SERVICE SUMMARY: Program funds are used to provide the following, as determined by the Local Board in funded jurisdictions: <continued...> 49 FEMA-FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT... flood plain management...teaching people how to get through a disaster...helping equip local and state emergency preparedness...coordinating the federal response to a disaster...making disaster assistance available to states, communities, businesses and individuals...training emergency managers...supporting the nation's fire service...administering the national flood and crime insurance programs...the range of FEMA's activities is broad indeed and spans the life cycle of disasters. 18. EFSP STATE SET-ASIDE COMMITTEE, NM 2340 Alamo SE, 2nd Fl c/o United Way Of Central New Mexico (505) 247-3671 Administrative SERVICE SUMMARY: Program funds are used to provide the following, as determined by the Local Board in funded jurisdictions: Food, in the form of served meals or groceries. Lodging in a mass shelter or hotel. One month's rent or mortgage payment. One month's utility bill. Minimal repairs to allow a mass feeding or sheltering facility to function during the program year. Equipment necessary to feed or shelter people. The disaster life cycle describes the process through which emergency managers prepare for emergencies and disasters, respond to them when they occur, help people and institutions recover from them, mitigate their effects, reduce the risk of loss, and prevent disasters such as fires from occurring. And at every stage of this cycle you see FEMA -- the federal agency charged with building and supporting the nation's emergency management system. 19. EFSP TAOS COUNTY 5101 Copper NE Albuquerque, NM 87108 (505) 766-4950 Administrative Services SERVICE SUMMARY: Program funds are used to provide the following, as determined by the Local Board in funded jurisdictions: Federal Emergency Management ESF Local FEMA Boards PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information SITES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Food, in the form of served meals or groceries. Lodging in a mass shelter or hotel. One month's rent or mortgage payment. One month's utility bill. Minimal repairs to allow a mass feeding or sheltering facility to function during the program year. Equipment necessary to feed or shelter people. FIRST CHOICE COMMUNITY HEALTH CARE 2001 North Centro Familiar SW Albuquerque, NM 87105 (505) 873-7400 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 873-7041 Administrative 20. EFSP TORRANCE COUNTY 2340 Alamo SE, 2nd Fl c/o United Way Of Central New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87106 www.fcch.com webmaster@fcch.com (505) 247-3671 Administrative Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: First Choice Community Healthcare is dedicated to improving the health, life skills and well-being of all members of the communities we serve. Provides medical and dental care services, WIC program, and maternal child health care services. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: First Choice Community Healthcare is a health care organization that maintains excellence in programs and services with a constant focus on the changing needs of individuals and communities. Provides medical health services to persons in need of preventive or health maintenance care. Each clinic is staffed by physicians, family nurse practitioners and/or physician assistants. Dental care includes cleanings, extractions and dental health education at the South Valley, Los Padillas, Belen Clinic and West Side Clinics. Emergency dental care is provided daily. SERVICE SUMMARY: Program funds are used to provide the following, as determined by the Local Board in funded jurisdictions: Food, in the form of served meals or groceries. Lodging in a mass shelter or hotel. One month's rent or mortgage payment. One month's utility bill. Minimal repairs to allow a mass feeding or sheltering facility to function during the program year. Equipment necessary to feed or shelter people. 21. FEMA-FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY 701 North Fairfax Street Ste 310 Alexandria, VA 22314 Services (800) 621-3362 Svc/Intake and Admin - 800-Line (800) 462-7585 Hotline (Voice and TDD) SERVICE SUMMARY: Advising on building codes and <continued...> 50 FIRST CHOICE COMMUNITY HEALTH CARE... FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Community Clinics Dental Care General Medical Care Health Care Medical Public Assistance Programs 314 Lead Avenue SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 243-5646 Svc/Intake and Admin www.fumconline.org artc@fumconline.org FIRST NATIONS COMMUNITY HEALTH SOURCE Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides emergency Food assistance to the homeless. Partners with Interfaith Hospitality Network to provide transitional shelter for homeless families. HOURS: MTWTh 9AM to 4PM / Fri 8AM to 1PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides noon meal for the homeless every Monday. Provides snack bags for the needy as resources are available. Does NOT provide food boxes. 5608 Zuni Rd SE Albuquerque, NM 87108 (505) 262-2481 Svc/Intake and Admin www.fnch.org linda.son-stone@ihs.gov Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides community health care and limited emergency assistance to Native Americans primarily. HOURS: MWThF 8AM to 5PM. SERVICE SUMMARY: Agency is a comprehensive community health center that provides preventive, primary and behavioral health services to Native Americans and other under-served populations living in Central New Mexico. Primary Care Services include, immunizations, well child care, family planning, women's health care, public health nursing, HIV testing, counseling, prevention education and WIC services. The Behavioral Health Services Department offers comprehensive outpatient mental health and substance abuse services which include, behavioral health assessments, drug and alcohol evaluations, early intervention children 0-12, family therapy, individual and couples counseling, alcohol and substance abuse assistance. In addition our outreach services include Medicaid on-site application assistance to facilitate medical prevention services, speakers on health related topics, presentations at health fairs and American Heart Association CPR certification training. The organization also has a research unit which is charged with coordination of evaluation of health care services, development implementation of model services delivery systems. Car seats distributed once a month based on supply (call to apply). Interfaith Hospitality Network partnership: First United Methodist Church and seven other local churches take homeless families into our church for one week. Each family we host must have children and be free of drug and alcohol addictions. During the week that First Church hosts families, they are fed dinner, spend the night on the third floor, and are fed breakfast before being taken to the day center. At the day center, the children attend day care or school while their parents look for housing and jobs. The families are brought back to the church at the end of the day. During the week that First Church hosts families, they are fed dinner, spend the night on the third floor, and are fed breakfast before being taken to the day center. At the day center, the children attend day care or school while their parents look for housing and jobs. The families are brought back to the church at the end of the day. The phone number is (505)268-0331 and it is located at: Interfaith Hospitality Network, Albuquerque 2801 Lomas Blvd NE, B-4 Albuquerque, NM 87106-2720 Services Food Pantries Soup Kitchens Transitional Housing/Shelter * Families Amachi Mentorship Program: for children whose parents are incarcerated. We are affiliated with Bernalillo county Metropolitan Detention Center and with 3100+ inmates. Services FIVE SANDOVAL INDIAN PUEBLOS, INC Abuse Counseling * Native American Community Alcoholism Counseling * Native American Community Community Wellness Programs * Native American Community Cultural Heritage Groups Dental Care Domestic Violence Intervention Programs * Native American Community Food Pantries Health Care Native American General Assistance 4321 - B Fulcrum Way NE Rio Rancho, NM 87144 (505) 867-3351 Svc/Intake and Admin www.fsipinc.org OVERVIEW: FSIP administers federal and state grants and contracts and private foundation grants for over 5,000 Pueblo indians of Cochiti, Jemez, Sandia, Santa Ana and Zia. Many services are provided to other area Pueblos as needed. Programs are administered in four general areas: health services, human services, job services and education. Must be a resident of consortium pueblos. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Services available at Five Sandoval <continued...> 51 FIVE SANDOVAL INDIAN PUEBLOS, INC... Indian Pueblos Inc Behavioral Health Services Program in Bernalillo, NM include outpatient rehab programs, adolescent and youth drug rehab, and treatment of mental health along with alcohol and drug addiction rehab. Specialized programs for addition treatment and drug rehab include criminal justice programs, DUI/DWI offenders. Literacy Programs * Children Transitional Case/Care Management * Single Parents PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information FUTURES FOR CHILDREN 9600 Tennyson Street, NE Albuquerque, NM 87122 Services Community Clinics Cultural Heritage Groups Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities/Delays Health Care Health Care Referrals Immunizations Native American General Assistance Senior Centers Substance Abuse Services WIC (800) 545-6843 800-Line www.futuresforchildren.org info@futuresforchildren.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Since 1968, Futures for Children has provided mentoring and training in Hopi, Navajo and New Mexico Pueblo tribal communities to more than 15,000 American Indian students and their families. Provides an educational program that assists American Indian children complete high school and reach for postsecondary educational opportunities. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Futures for Children improves the quality of education for American Indian children through mentoring and training. FROM THE HEART FOUNDATION 300 San Mateo Blvd NE Ste. B-2 Albuquerque, NM 87108 (505) 256-7664 Svc/Intake and Admin The primary goal of Futures for Children is to increase the breadth and depth of our program, the Three Circles of Support: Mentorship, Youth Leadership and Families in Action (click links above for more information on each Circlle of Support). We receive requests from American Indian tribes across the nation to include their youth in our program. In order to manage expansion, Futures for Children must increase revenue and mentor involvement. www.fromtheheartfdn.org Fromtheheartfdn@yahoo.com OVERVIEW: Our mission is to provide our clients with the basic needs to help them support their families and give them opportuntiies to better themselves and their situations. One year program that helps with food, furniture and clothing for single parent, homeless and low-income families. Employment and resume writing services available. Through ongoing development with your help, FFC will continue to increase the number of American Indian students who participate in and benefit from the program, increase high school graduation rates, and increase the number of American Indian students that enter and complete postsecondary programs. Additionally, Futures for Children will expand and deepen capacity building opportunities for FFC families and communities. A CHANCE TO READ program-helps children be become better readers. Program meets at participating libraries. HOURS: MTWTHF 10AM to 3PM SERVICE SUMMARY: From the Heart Foundation is a local non-profit organization that has been serving the Albuquerque, New Mexico area for over 12 years . We are dedicated and committed to serving the needs of the homeless, families or individuals who are experiencing financial difficulties, and anyone facing emotional, verbal or physical abuse. With support from our foundation and all of our generous donors, our clients are able to receive goods and services to help improve their current situation. Our clients are provided with food, furniture, clothing, job training, and counseling. Services Native American General Assistance * Youth Youth Development * Native American Community GALLOPING GRACE YOUTH RANCH 4349 Irving Blvd NW Albuquerque, NM 87114 Services (505) 991-1885 Svc/Intake and Admin www.ggyr.org maxwade@ggyr.org Appliance Donation Programs Employment Preparation Furniture/Home Furnishings Donation Programs General Clothing Provision General Furniture Provision OVERVIEW: Galloping Grace Youth Ranch is a non-profit 501c3 organization. Our mission is to bring pure joy to children. This joy is a result of a child's relationship with one of the many <continued...> 52 GALLOPING GRACE YOUTH RANCH... horses on the ranch. Participants in our program call or email us to schedule a session. We operate on an all volunteer staff so session times are coordinated based on their availability. SERVICE SUMMARY: Our program is offered free to participants. The ranch is funded entirely through donations, fundraising and grants. Horses require a significant amount of money to keep them fed and healthy. This typically means that it is also very expensive for someone to experience the horses first hand. Because it is so expensive, many children miss out on this incredible opportunity. We have made it a priority at GGYR to offer our program free so that these children have the chance to be around horses. Rancho Del Chaparral Girl Scout Camp. HOURS: MTWTH 8AM to 5:30 PM Fri 8AM to 12PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for a variety of youth development activities that are offered throughout the year at different venues. These activities are both day and resident camping programs at Rancho Del Chaparral camp near Cuba, NM. Also the are programs that are offered through local Girl Scout Troops under the guidance of adult volunteers. Programs are open to girls, kindergarten through the 12th grade. Services Adult/Child Mentoring Programs * Girls Special Interest Camps * Girls Youth Development * Girls Services Adult/Child Mentoring Programs Equestrian Therapy Equestrian Therapy Volunteer Opportunities PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information GOOD SAMARITAN SOCIETY MANZANO DEL SOL VILLAGE GENTIVA HOSPICE (505) 262-2311 Svc/Intake and Admin 5201 Roma Ave. NE Albuquerque, NM 87108 5600 Wyoming Blvd NE Ste 10 Albuquerque, NM 87109 www.good-sam.com Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides apartment living to retirees along with skilled and intermediate nursing care. HOURS: MTWThF 8:30 AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Licensed home health agency providing apartment living to retirees along with special care unit for Alzheimers and dementia. 152 units of one and two bedrooms and handicap accessible apartments for residents capable of living independently. 117 resident health care center services, with 14 bed special care units, emergency nursing services and geriatric nurse program. Includes 24 hour nursing care, furnished private and semiprivate rooms, food service, housekeeping, laundry, activities and educational programs. Residents must meet certain State/Federal criteria and have physician certifications. Medicaid and Medicare certified. (505) 821-5404 Svc/Intake and Admin (888) 283-7290 800-Line www.albuquerque.gentivahospice.com OVERVIEW: Provides for a program designed to meet the physical and emotional needs of terminally ill patient and their families at home, in the hospital, in nursing homes and retirement centers. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 6PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides a program of palliative and supportive care by a team of professionals and volunteers. Help is provided to patients and families in coping with physical, emotional, social, financial and spiritual aspects of terminal illness. Bereavement support provided after the patients death. Services Independent Living Communities/Complexes for Older Adults PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Residents must meet certain state/federal criteria and have a physicians certification. Services Bereavement Counseling Hospice Care Pastoral Counseling GOOD SHEPHERD CENTER 218 Iron Street SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 GIRL SCOUTS OF NEW MEXICO TRAILS (505) 243-2527 Svc/Intake and Admin 4000 Jefferson Plaza NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 www.lbgs.org/locations-albuquerque.php webmaster@gs-center.com (505) 343-1040 Svc/Intake and Admin Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides emergency shelter and meals for the homeless. HOURS: MTWThFSaSu 24/7 SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for the minimum necessities www.nmgirlscouts.org GSNMTInfo@GS-NMTrails.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides a variety of youth development programs locally and operates a camping program at the <continued...> 53 GOOD SHEPHERD CENTER... of life on a limited, short term basis for men who are transient or homeless. Program includes shelter, meals, clothing and referrals as needed. Limit of 7 nights every 6 months. Free meals are served to anyone. Bedrolls are provided on a seasonal basis. Services GREATER ALBUQUERQUE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 115 Gold Avenue SW Ste 201 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 764-3700 Svc/Intake and Admin Homeless Shelter * Males Soup Kitchens www.abqchamber.com info@abqchamber.com GOODWILL INDUSTRIES OF NEW MEXICO Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: The mission of the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce is to be a membership organization dedicated to meeting the identified needs of the Albuquerque metropolitan area by fostering economic opportunity and a favorable business climate within the region. 5000 San Mateo NE Albuquerque, NM 87109-2499 (505) 881-6401 Svc/Intake and Admin (866) 376-0182 800-Line HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: The Chamber is a membership organization dedicated to meeting the identified needs of the Albuquerque metropolitan area by fostering economic opportunity and a favorable business climate within the region. Also provides information to individuals and businesses seeking to relocate or expand in Albuquerque. www.goodwillnm.org bkesatie@goodwillnm.org Public transportation accessible; a pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Provides employment and training, case management services, youth at risk mentoring program, and retail store operations. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides low cost goods and clothing for sale in the thrift stores. Also provides for collection and pick-up of items to be repaired and sold. Employment and Training programs are open to persons with disabilities or disadvantages who are experiencing barriers to employment. On-site vocational evaluation/testing, work adjustment and work services. Community based job development and job club with placement and coaching as needed Supported employment for persons with severe disabilities. Job placement for people who are homeless. Individualized case management provided in support of rehabilitation programs; case management for veterans and people with traumatic brain injury, and those on the disabled and elderly waiver. Community-based services available in surrounding counties. Services Business Associations Small Business Development Tourist Information GREATER ALBUQUERQUE HABITAT FOR HUMANITY 4900 Menaul Blvd. NE Ste. E Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 265-0057 Svc/Intake and Admin www.habitatabq.org info@habitatabq.org Goodwill GoodGuides is a national initiative youth mentoring program. Goodwill GoodGuides is a youth mentoring program that matches an adult mentor with an at risk youth. We are targeting youth between the ages 14-17 years old, who are at-risk of delinquency due to factors such as disabilities, homelessness, incarceration, drug or alcohol abuse, physical or sexual abuse, family violence, gang membership and even just at-risk of dropping out of high school. Our program focuses on career skill development and family strengthening. We want to help youth gain skills needed to make positive choices in their lives. Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Greater Albuquerque Habitat for Humanity is a locally run affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International, a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing organization. Habitat for Humanity works in partnership with people in need to build and renovate decent, affordable housing. Sites 1. GREATER ALBUQUERQUE HABITAT FOR HUMANITY 4900 Menaul Blvd. NE Ste. E Albuquerque, NM 87110 Services Disability Related Center Based Employment Household Goods Thrift Shops Vocational Rehabilitation (505) 265-0057 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Uses donations of volunteer labor, materials and money to build simple, decent, affordable housing for Albuquerque's low income families. <continued...> 54 GREATER ALBUQUERQUE HABITAT FOR HUMANITY... Annually, the Family Selection Committee solicits applicants for Partner Families throughout Greater Albuquerque Area, whose income is between 30% and 50% of the median. Applicants must be legal residents and have lived in Greater Albuquerque Area for at least one year. Families are selected based on their need, ability to pay and willingness to partner with Habitat. Selected families who are successful in completing the requirements will receive a no-interest mortgage on a house built to accommodate their family size and budget. constructed by our partner families etc. at greatly reduced prices. ReStore is one of over 300 Habitat for Humanity affiliates throughout the country that have a ReStore. The income generated from ReStore is used to build more homes for GAHH clients and for administrative expenses. ReStore also benefits the community by keeping reusable items out of the landfill and providing a source for discounted materials needed by homeowners to maintain their homes. Services Furniture/Home Furnishings Donation Programs Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling Large Appliance Pickup/Recycling Programs Low Cost Building Materials/Supplies Low Cost For Sale Homes/Housing Units SITES: 1 2 3 Also operates RESTORE a program that recycles and sells new and used building material to the public, call for information. 2. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF GALLUP Gallup, NM 87305 (505) 722-4226 Svc/Intake and Admin GREATER ALBUQUERQUE HOUSING PARTNERSHIP (GAHP) SERVICE SUMMARY: Habitat for Humanity of Gallup Is Looking for Families Who: 320 Gold Ave.SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 Need more adequate housing (505) 244-1614 Svc/Intake and Admin •Our housing is structurally unsafe, or •Our housing is overcrowded, or •We pay more than 1/3 of our monthly income for housing, and •We are unable to qualify for any mortgage, and •Our household income can support payments of at least $400 per month. www.abqgahp.org abqgahp@msn.com Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Home-ownership counseling, single family home-ownership opportunities, and financial assistance to first time homebuyers. HOURS: MTWTHF 8:30 AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: The GAHP develops quality affordable housing opportunities in Albuquerque's older neighborhoods, for first time homebuyers with limited resources, and provides the associated housing counseling and financial assistance to families and individuals interested in purchasing their first home. The GAHP's homes are built for families with incomes at or below 80% of median income ($41, 100 for a family of 4) who have never owned a home, or have not owned a home in the last three years. Are Able to Pay on a no-interest 20 Year Mortgage •Permanent residents of US •Free from liens that might take your house •Is up to 30% of your income available for housing? (Habitat mortgage payments include taxes and insurance.) Are Willing to Partner with Habitat for Humanity •Are you willing to attend Financial Management classes for several weeks? •Are you willing to complete 500 hours of volunteer work for Habitat before you home is completed? (250 of these hours may be worked by friends or extended family.) These are called “sweat equity”. •Are you willing to be responsible for all maintenance and repairs of your home after you move in? Services Home Purchase/Mortgage Refinance Loans Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling Low Cost For Sale Homes/Housing Units Low Income Home Loans PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information HAVEN HOUSE / PROJECT SANDOVAL COUNTY, INC. 3. RESTORE 200 San Mateo SE Ste. E Albuquerque, NM 87108 PO Box 15611 Rio Rancho, NM 87174 (800) 526-7157 Hotline/Talkline/Warmline (505) 896-4869 Svc/Intake and Admin Call 9-1-1 Emergency (505) 217-0130 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: ReStore is a retail store which sells donated new and used building material, electrical fixtures, appliances, kitchen cabinets, even dog houses www.havenhouseinc.org roberta@havenhouseinc.org <continued...> 55 HAVEN HOUSE / PROJECT SANDOVAL COUNTY,... OVERVIEW: Domestic violence shelter, provides emergency crisis intervention, legal advocacy, personal empowerment training, shelter, food, and support groups. HOURS: Shelter 24/7 SERVICE SUMMARY: - 24 hour crisis support - information about the court system - assistance with restraining orders - accompanying victims to court hearings - referrals to social service agencies, legal assistance and individual counseling -shelter to house up to 25 women and children 2. COMMUNITY VOICE MAIL 715 Candelaria NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 340-3004 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Community Voice Mail offers people in transition a safe and reliable way to receive information at no cost to them. Clients of the program are issued their very own local phone number which they can give out as needed, such as on job applications, to case workers or family, or in pursuit of housing. Clients record their own voice mail greeting and callers can leave messages which can be checked at any time. Another benefit to using the program is that important information on local opportunities such as jobs, service provisions, and events is regularly broadcast to all mail boxes. Partnering agencies who distribute the numbers to their clients can also broadcast information to their clients only, such as reminders of meetings, thereby ensuring their clients get the information. Services Abuse Counseling Domestic Violence Shelters Family Violence Prevention Transitional Case/Care Management * Women HEADING HOME AOC ALBUQUERQUE OPPORTUNITY CENTER 3. HEADING HOME AOC ALBUQUERQUE OPPORTUNITY CENTER 715 Candelaria NE Albuquerque, NM 87125 715 Candelaria NE Albuquerque, NM 87125 (505) 344-2323 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 266-1700 Svc/Intake and Admin-Heading Home (505) 344-2323 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 266-1700 Svc/Intake and Admin-Heading Home www.mhp-nm.org info@abqheadinghome.org Services OVERVIEW: The Metropolitan Homelessness Project provides safe emergency shelter and services with the goal of helping people to exit homelessness. HOURS: Call for information Community Voicemail Dental Care * Homeless People Employment Transition Counseling * Males Homeless Shelter * Males Substance Abuse Counseling * Males Transitional Housing/Shelter * Males PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information SITES: 1 2 3 Sites 1. ALBUQUERQUE OPPORTUNITY CENTER 715 Candelaria NE Albuquerque, NM 87125 (505) 344-4340 Reservations (505) 344-2323 Svc/Intake and Admin HEALING THE CHILDREN SOUTHWEST CHAPTER SERVICE SUMMARY: AOC is a point of entry for homeless men and offers residential stability and supportive services to help residents exit homelessness permanently and regain self-sufficiency. 59 bed emergency and supportive services center for adult, homeless men. Clients may stay an average of 30 days and are provided transportation. Clients use a bed reservation system operating from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM Monday through Sunday, by calling (505)344-4340. Along with one-on-one supportive services, AOC provides in-reach services and referrals that include: Mental health treatment, dental care, case management, medical, Veterans Administration, substance abuse treatment, employment. 1112 San Pedro NE Ste. 203 Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 228-1404 Svc/Intake and Admin www.healingthechildrensw.org htc_sw@hotmail.com OVERVIEW: Healing the Children Southwest Chapter is a volunteer, non-profit organization, composed of people like you who seek to help others, and who strive to provide medical care in the United States and around the world for children who otherwise are unable to receive it due to lack of medical or financial resources. HOURS: On Call 24/7 (medical needs) SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides medical care and related services to children in NM and abroad. Services include, but are not limited to: Financial aid, Donated medical services, Medical Equipment not covered by insurance or other means. Also sends medical teams abroad. Healing the Children began in Spokane, <continued...> 56 HEALING THE CHILDREN SOUTHWEST CHAPTER... WA in 1979; NM chapter started in 1989. The Hearing Loss Association of America exists to open the world of communication for people with hearing loss through information, education, advocacy and support. Services Health Care * Children * Information and Referral Pediatrics * Information and Referral PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information SERVICE SUMMARY: HLAAbq you can ......... If you suffer from hearing loss, with *Make new friends who will help you learn to cope with your hearing loss, allowing you to enjoy a more full and productive life. HEALTH INSURANCE MARKETPLACE *Talk to people who have had a cochlear implant about their experience.\You can meet people who have tried the newest technology in hearing aids and will give you honest, unbiased answers about whether they benefited from them. (800) 318-2596 800-Line www.healthcare.gov OVERVIEW: The Health Insurance Marketplace helps uninsured people find health coverage. SERVICE SUMMARY: The Marketplace is a new way to find quality health coverage. It can help if you don’t have coverage now or if you have it but want to look at other options. *You can learn from the experience of others about how to cope with your hearing loss and its impact on your work. *Attend meetings where experts share their knowledge, teaching you about the many ways you can improve your communication with others. With one Marketplace application, you can learn if you can get lower costs based on your income, compare your coverage options side-by-side, and enroll. *Learn all of this and much more, by joining the Hearing Loss Association of Albuquerque and attending our meetings. Services You can apply for Marketplace coverage several ways: online, by phone, or in person with the help of a Navigator or other qualified helper. Telephone help and online chat are available 24/7. Specialized Information and Referral * Hard of Hearing Support Groups * Hard of Hearing PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information Insurance plans in the Marketplace are offered by private companies. They all cover the same essential health benefits. No plan can turn you away or charge you more because you have an illness or medical condition. They must cover treatments for these conditions. Plans can't charge women more than men for the same plan. Many preventive services are covered at no cost to you. HOME EDUCATION LIVELIHOOD PROGRAM (H.E.L.P.) 5101 Copper Avenue NE Albuquerque, NM 87108 (505) 265-3717 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 766-4918 Administrative Services www.helpnm.com Mike.Gutierrez@helpnm.com Affordable Care Act Information/Counseling Affordable Care Act Qualified Health Plans Federal Health Insurance Marketplace Call Center/Website Health Insurance Information/Counseling Health Insurance Marketplaces State Health Insurance Marketplace Call Centers/Websites Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides assistance in employment training programs, drop out prevention programs, sponsor childcare and adult food program, utility assistance program, rent assistance and childcare for low income individuals in SE and SW New Mexico. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM Sites 1. H.E.L.P. NEW MEXICO 109 Tulane Ave. Moriarty, NM 87035 HEARING LOSS ASSOCIATION OF NEW MEXICO P.O. Box 36792 Albuquerque, NM 87176 (505) 832-5648 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 554-7186 Ask for Hearing Loss Association Specialist OR view web site for meeting information www.hlaabq.com hlaabq@gmail.com OVERVIEW: The Hearing Loss Association of America is the nation’s largest organization for people with hearing loss. <continued...> 57 HOME EDUCATION LIVELIHOOD PROGRAM... HOMESTART 2. HOME EDUCATION LIVELIHOOD PROGRAM (H.E.L.P.) 5101 Copper Avenue NE Albuquerque, NM 87108 4401 Lomas Blvd. NE Ste. B Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 243-6566 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 265-3717 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 766-4918 Administrative www.homestartnm.org info@homestartnm.org SERVICE SUMMARY: * CLAIMS FILING ASSISTANCE: Youth, elderly , and migrant/seasonal farm workers to obtain benefits. * CHILD CARE FOOD PROGRAM * EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SERVICES * EMERGENCY SERVICES FOR MIGRANT WORKERS * DROPOUT PREVENTION: Employment and training to low income youth emphasizing staying in school. * CHILD CARE for TANF and low income in SE and SW NM. * RENT & UTILITY ASSISTANCE for eligible applicants. OVERVIEW: Homestart is a full-service, non-profit agency promoting affordable homeownership through financial counseling and educational classes, designed to help New Mexico’s moderate-income residents become successful home owners. SERVICE SUMMARY: At Homestart you will experience one-on-one financial coaching. Realtors will then work with you to help you find a new or existing home you can afford in a neighborhood you choose in the greater Albuquerque area. Our lending staff will provide you with a low-interest 30-year fixed rate mortgage. Down-payment and closing cost assistance is also available to those who qualify. You can be a successful homeowner! Services Now is the time to buy! • Low interest rates • Low home prices • Rents are increasing English as a Second Language Family Based Services Literacy Programs Rent Payment Assistance Utility Service Payment Assistance SITES: 1 2 Why Wait? Take the first step to owning your own home. Services HOME OWNERSHIP PRESERVATION FOUNDATION Financial Assessment Tools * Homebuyers Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling 7645 Lyndale Avenue S. Suite 250 Minneapolis, MN 55423 ID THEFT RESOLUTIONS P.O. Box 10243 Albuquerque, NM 87184-0243 (888) 995-4673 Svc/Intake and Admin - (888)995-HOPE www.995hope.org (505) 417-1902 Svc/Intake and Admin (888) 484-9118 800-Line OVERVIEW: Counseling and information for homeowners facing foreclosure. SERVICE SUMMARY: Through the 888-995-HOPE™ Hotline, the Homeownership Preservation Foundation can provide answers, connection to a counselor, and comprehensive telephone counseling to help homeowners avoid foreclosure. We are an independent nonprofit that provides counselors from HUD-approved agencies dedicated to helping homeowners. www.IDTheftResolutions.org OVERVIEW: To be recognized as the primary New Mexico organization to support victims of identity theft. SERVICE SUMMARY: Prevention through education and remediation. Our goal is to implement effective tools at all levels. Identify and research ID theft laws from other states. Utilize the information to educate New Mexico legislators to effect possible legislation in support of victims of identity theft. Services Identify and contact individuals and organizations as potential supporters of the mission of ID Theft Resolutions. Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling Mortgage Fraud Reporting Interface with the community to raise awareness of the impact of identity theft on individuals and how ID Theft resolutions can assist them. <continued...> 58 ID THEFT RESOLUTIONS... Services vehicle adaptations, deaf equipment, and various types of assistive technology. Identity Theft Prevention Identity Theft Reporting/Recovery Programs Services Assistive Technology Equipment Attendant Services for People with Physical Disabilities Automobile/Van Adaptations Centers for Independent Living Independent Living Skills Instruction Vocational Education SITES: 1 2 INDEPENDENT LIVING RESOURCE CENTER 4665 Indian School RD NE STE 100 Albuquerque, NM 87110 (800) 260-5022 Svc/Intake and Admin - (Voice and TTY) (505) 266-5022 Service/Intake (Voice and TTY) http://ilrcnm.com/ ISLETA SOCIAL SERVICES Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: ILRC is a private, nonprofit organization providing services and programs that assist people with disabilities to achieve greater independence. The facility is accessible to public transportation. HOURS: MTWThF 9AM to 5PM 11000 Broadway Blvd. Trailer D Albuquerque, NM 87105 (505) 869-2772 Svc/Intake and Admin www.isletapueblo.com OVERVIEW: Provides for child welfare and family violence prevention/intervention services. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 4:30 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Child protective services, crisis intervention, family counseling, community outreach, and child welfare assistance. Additional services include financial assistance and information and referral. Only members of the Isleta pueblo and other American Indian individuals and families who reside within the exterior boundaries of the Pueblo. Please call for further information about programs. Sites 1. INDEPENDENT LIVING RESOURCE CENTER 4665 Indian School RD NE STE 100 Albuquerque, NM 87110 (800) 260-5022 Svc/Intake and Admin - (Voice and TTY) (505) 266-5022 Service/Intake (Voice and TTY) Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides such services as advocacy, information & referral, peer counseling and independent living skills training. The Technical Services Program provides home modifications, vehicle adaptations, deaf equipment and other various types of assistive technology. There is a Deaf Independent Living Program and American Sign Language classes are offered. ILRC provides services in Bernallio, Valencia, Sandoval, Torrance, Guadalupe, DeBaca, and Cibola Counties. Information and Referral is available nationwide, the Technical Services Program serves most of central and southwestern New Mexico, and fee for service programs are available on a statewide basis. Services Children's Protective Services Crisis Intervention * Native American Community Outreach Programs * Native American Community Public Assistance Programs * Native American Community JEMEZ HEALTH CLINIC 110 Sheepsprings Way Jemez Pueblo, NM 87024 (575) 834-7413 Svc/Intake and Admin www.jemezpueblo.org OVERVIEW: Provides physical and mental health services, as well as information and referral. Staff speaks Towa. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM 2. INDEPENDENT LIVING RESOURCE CENTER MORIARTY 1208 Route 66 Ste E Moriarty, NM 87035 Services Dental Care General Medical Care Health Care Health Screening/Diagnostic Services Immunizations Mental Health Care and Counseling School Based Teen Parent/Pregnant Teen Programs WIC (505) 832-1128 Service/Intake SERVICE SUMMARY: Moriarty services include: advocacy, information and referral, personal care option, ADA consultation and training, independent living skills training, technical services program home modifications, 59 JEWISH FEDERATION OF GREATER ALBUQUERQUE JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF NEW MEXICO, INC. 5520 Wyoming Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 4700 Lincoln Rd. NE Suite 108 Albuquerque, NM 87109 (505) 821-3214 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 344-0861 Svc/Intake and Admin www.jewishnewmexico.org info@jewishnewmexico.org www.newmexico.ja.org office@newmexicoja.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides community programs such as senior and youth activities, education, and fundraising. HOURS: MTWTh 8AM to 5PM / Fri 8AM to 4PM SERVICE SUMMARY: *COMMUNITY EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT: Raises funds from the Jewish Community through one united appeal to provide educational and social services for local, national and overseas needs. *CULTURAL AND SOCIAL SERVICE PROGRAMS: Provides educational and leadership programming of Jewish content to all ages. Sponsors interfaith activities. Public transportation accessible; a pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Junior Achievement of New Mexico, Inc. will ensure that every child in New Mexico has a fundamental understanding of the free enterprise system. SERVICE SUMMARY: Junior Achievement recruits and trains volunteer role models who visit schools to teach basic business and economic concepts, workforce readiness skills and the value of education. All volunteers attend a two hour training session and then visit an assigned classroom five times for 45 minutes each time. Services Services Adult/Child Mentoring Programs Mentoring Programs Volunteer Opportunities Community Action/Social Advocacy Groups * Jewish Community Cultural Heritage Groups * Jewish Community JUNIOR LEAGUE OF ALBUQUERQUE JOY JUNCTION 3900 Osuna Road NE Ste 128 Albuquerque, NM 87110 4500 Second Street SW Albuquerque, NM 87105 (800) 924-0569 800-Line (505) 877-6967 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 260-0199 Svc/Intake and Admin www.jlabq.org info@jalbq.org www.joyjunction.org Info@JoyJunction.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: We are an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Our purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. We reach out to women of all races, religions and national origins who demonstrate an interest in and commitment to voluntarism. Public transportation accessible; a pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Provides emergency shelter and services for homeless and transient individuals and couples with or without children. HOURS: MTWThFSaSu 24/7 SERVICE SUMMARY: EMERGENCY SHELTER: Provides emergency and longer term shelter for single women and couples with or without children and single men with children. Program includes shelter, meals, clothing and referrals as needed. Attendance at religious services on Sunday and Tuesday is required if this does not interfere with gainful employment. Also, upon a referral from a social worker, priest or religious worker from a hospital, will accept a limited number of single men. Van available 24hrs. to transport homeless individuals and families to the shelter. HOURS: MTWTHF 10AM to 2PM SERVICE SUMMARY: *VOLUNTEERISM: A program designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of trained volunteers and to promote the concept of volunteerism. *PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT Through membership, annually develops programs in community service to meet identified needs. Training in leadership and personal skills. *ARTS: Arts Reaching the Stars - a program of arts related activities for students, teachers, and families in the Albuquerque Public Schools and the community including homeless shelters. Services Homeless Shelter * Families Homeless Shelter Pickup Sites Missions * Families Transitional Housing/Shelter * Families <continued...> 60 JUNIOR LEAGUE OF ALBUQUERQUE... Services Sites 1. KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE 377TH MEDICAL GROUP (KAFB CLINIC) 1501 San Pedro SE Building 47 ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87108 Family Based Services Parenting Education Volunteer Development Women's Advocacy Groups (505) 846-3200 Service/Intake KESHET DANCE COMPANY Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for complete medical services to both inpatient and outpatient individuals. Services are for active military and dependents and retired military and dependents. 4121 Cutler Ave. NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 224-9808 Svc/Intake and Admin www.keshetdance.org info@keshetdance.org 2. KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE AIRMAN AND FAMILY READINESS CENTER 377 FSS/FSFR KIRTLAND AFB, NM 87117 OVERVIEW: A vibrant non-profit modern dance company using concepts of mentorship with low-income and at-risk youth to involve them in the arts, build self-esteem and augment literacy, conflict resolution and social skills. (505) 846-0741 Svc/Intake and Admin *LITERACY & MENTORSHIP through DANCE OUTREACH: This project works with incarcerated girls at the Youth Diagnostic and Development Center. Mentors/facilitators use dance as a vehicle to teach literacy and social skills while building self-esteem in young women between the ages of 13 and 21. SERVICE SUMMARY: Keshet’s dedicated dancers act as role models, mentors and instructors, teaching over 75 classes per week and reaching over 6,000 community members each year through the following programs: SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides a variety of support services to all DOD personnel and their families, including all services, active duty, Guard/Reserve personnel and retired Military and their eligble family members. Assist commanders in maintaining the health and welfare of military families and to help families adapt to the demands of military life. Services include:Transition Assistance, Volunteer Resources, Relocation Assistance, Personal Financial Management, Air Force Aid Society Program, Career Focus, Information and Referral, Family Life Education, Family Readiness Program. Keshet's Pre-Professional Program (KP3) 3. KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE FAMILY ADVOCACY PROGRAM 1501 San Pedro SE 377MDOS/SGOWF KIRTLAND AFB, NM 87108 Community Classes Physically Integrated Dance Community Outreach (505) 846-0139 Service/Intake Young Audiences Program Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for programs that identify, intervene, and treat situations of alleged cases of child/spouse abuse or neglect. Provides assistance to families with a disabled family member or child with special needs, including ensuring services at a new base assignment. Also identifies "at risk" groups with training and information provided. Youth Scholarship & Adult Work Study Services Dance Instruction Dance Therapy Literacy Programs * Girls Mentoring Programs 4. KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE SERVICES 2051 Wyoming SE Building 20449 Kirtland AFB, NM 87117 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE SERVICES (505) 846-0011 Svc/Intake and Admin - Base Operator 2051 Wyoming SE Building 20449 Kirtland AFB, NM 87117 Services (505) 846-0011 Svc/Intake and Admin - Base Operator Abuse Counseling * Active Military Domestic Violence Intervention Programs Family Counseling * Active Military Family Violence Prevention * Active Military Military Family Service/Support Centers Specialized Information and Referral * Families of www.kirtland.af.mil Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides a source of information regarding the Air Force at Kirtland Base. <continued...> 61 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE SERVICES... Military Personnel/Veterans PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Active Military SITES: 1 2 3 4 and mothers-to-be with all aspects of breastfeeding. They are available by phone whenever you have breastfeeding questions or concerns. Military Hospitals PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: SITE: 1 ALBUQUERQUE LLL HOTLINE 821-2511 Active Military Services Breast Pumps Breastfeeding Support Programs LA FAMILIA, INC. 2400 Wellesley Dr. NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 LA PASADA ALTERNATIVE HOUSING (505) 766-9361 Svc/Intake and Admin 22064th St. NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 www.la-familia-inc.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides mental health outpatient services, treament foster care, adoption services (domestic and international), senior referral services including guardianship, conservatorship and asset management. HOURS: MTWThF 9AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: La Familia is a non-profit social service agency. We are licensed by the State of New Mexico to provide adoption, treatment foster care, and outpatient counseling services. We provide care management services for adults and support services for adolescents who are aging out of the foster care system. We are dedicated to finding permanent, loving homes for children through our Adopt New Mexico’s Children Program. (505) 242-4676 24 Hour Line (505) 242-5606 Svc/Intake and Admin Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides court ordered transitional care for inmates coming from federal prison facilities. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for supervised living, counseling, education, employment and referral to other community services for ex-offenders. MUST BE COURT ORDERED. Services Ex-Offender Halfway Houses * Males Offender/Ex-Offender Support Groups Services LA VIDA FELICIDAD, INC. Adoption Counseling and Support Adoption Information Parenting Education Pregnancy Counseling Therapeutic Foster Homes 530 Sun Ranch Village Road Los Lunas, NM 87031 (505) 565-1614 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 474-4651 800-Line www.lavidafelicidad.org katie@lavidafelicidad.org LA LECHE LEAGUE Call For Locations/Online Schedule Albuquerque, NM OVERVIEW: The mission of La Vida Felicidad, Inc. is life quality for individuals and families with special needs through individualized family services that promote full participation in the community, independence, and well-being. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 4PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides various services to individuals with special needs including therapy & service coordination to children birth to three years of age with or at risk for developmental delays. Services include respite care, personal/companion services, personal attendant care, homemaker services, family focused therapeutic services to children birth to three years with confirmed-at risk developmental disabilities. For frail elderly or person with a disability who requires assistance to maintain independence. Title XX funding income eligibility. Short term care for a family member of any age with a developmental disability. Limited number of hours available. A structure program with planned activities, socialization, and intergenerational opportunities for individuals who are frail, elderly and adults with developmental disabled. Title XX funding income eligibility or sliding scale fee. (505) 821-2511 Svc/Intake and Admin www.lllnm.org albuquerquelll@gmail.com Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: La Leche League is an international, nonprofit, nonsectarian organization dedicated to providing education, information, support, and encouragement to women who want to breastfeed. HOURS: Call for information SERVICE SUMMARY: All breastfeeding mothers and mothers-to-be interested in breastfeeding are welcome to come to our meetings or call one of our Leaders for breastfeeding help or information. Babies are always welcome at our meetings. La Leche League Leaders are experienced mothers who have breastfed their own babies and who have been trained and accredited by La Leche League International to help mothers <continued...> 62 LA VIDA FELICIDAD, INC.... Services in the legal issues that most affect New Mexico seniors. LREP staff attorneys provide legal advice and brief services in most areas of civil law. LREP provides services in both English and Spanish. Adult Day Program Centers Attendant Services for People with Physical Disabilities Early Identification Programs Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities/Delays Respite Care If the LREP staff attorneys determine the caller requires legal assistance beyond the capabilities of the helpline, they can refer callers to one of 650 private attorneys throughout New Mexico. Legal assistance provided by private attorneys may be free, reduced fee or full-fee, depending on the circumstances. LAW ACCESS NEW MEXICO Services (505) 217-1660 Guardianship Helpline (505) 998-4529 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 340-9771 800-Line Elder Law Lawyer Referral Services * Older Adults Legal Counseling * Older Adults www.lawaccess.org OVERVIEW: Law Access NM is a free telephone advisory service for low-income New Mexicans to help them solve CIVIL legal problems. SERVICE SUMMARY: We operate a toll-free hotline that can be accessed from anywhere in NM during regular weekday work hours. By calling the hotline--or "HELP-LINE" caller meeting low-income criteria receive help in one of two ways: 1. Lawyers answering the telephone in the Law Acees office will give immediate information and advice to the caller. 2. Referrals are availbale to the caller to agencies better equipped to help with the particular issue. LDS FAMILY SERVICES 4400 Presidential Dr. NE Ste C Albuquerque, NM 87109 (505) 345-3046 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 537-2229 800-Line www.itsaboutlove.org contactus@ldsfamilyservices.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides pregnancy counseling and adoption services. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: RESIDENTIAL CARE: Provides counseling and casework support to pregnant, unmarried women regardless of religious affiliation. Financial assistance for medical expenses and foster home placement during pregnancy are available. Provides adoption placement if desired. Services Benefits Assistance Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution Lawyer Referral Services Legal Counseling Legal Education/Information Legal Information Lines PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information Services Adoption Counseling and Support Adoption Information Pregnancy Counseling LAWYER REFERRAL FOR THE ELDERLY PROGRAM (LREP) 5121 Masthead NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS ALBUQUERQUE/ BERNALILLO COUNTY (800) 876-6657 800-Line (505) 797-6005 Service/Intake 2315 San Pedro Dr. NE Ste F-6 Albuquerque, NM 87110 www.nmbar.org/Public/LREP/ sbnm@nmbar.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides legal assistance for the elderly and operates a legal hotline. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: LREP is a free legal helpline funded by the New Mexico State Bar Foundation, and the New Mexico Aging and Long Term Services Department. The LREP helpline provides legal advice and brief services to more than 4,000 New Mexico seniors annually. The program serves New Mexico residents age 55 and older, and has no income or asset qualifications. Each caller speaks with one of LREP's four staff attorneys, each of whom is highly qualified (505) 884-8441 Svc/Intake and Admin www.lwvabc.org info@lwvcnm.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active citizen participation in government. We work to influence public policy through education and advocacy. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides non-partisan educational activities on a variety of governmental issues. Purpose is to <continued...> 63 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS ALBUQUERQUE/... encourage active participation and involvement in government. Also provides non-partisan information to the public about candidates and election issues, and maintains a speakers bureau. Voter registration Assists individuals in voter registration, education, public policy and participation in the political process. Sites 1. LIFEROOTS, INC. 1111 Menual Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 255-5501 Svc/Intake and Admin Services SERVICE SUMMARY: *EARLY INTERVENTION for children from birth to the age three who have developmental delays or at risk for them. Evaluation, service coordination and individual service plans are available to all families regardless of income. Programs include intervention in natural environments from developmental specialist, speech and language therapist, occupational therapists, physical therapists, nurses and nutritionists. *THERAPY PROGRAMS, for persons of all ages, are designed to help restore or increase functioning levels through the use of adaptive equipment or caregiver assistance. *COMMUNITY SERVICES PROGRAMS provide the opportunity for adults with special needs to receive services designed to help them achieve their goals in the community. Services may include supported employment, job development, day habilitation, literacy and/or career discovery. Programs are designed on an individual basis to achieve the maximum level of success. Small group instruction in communication and/or basic literacy skills according to learners' needs and goals. Literacy instruction includes computer training and assistive technology, innovative approaches to enhance education, age-appropriate materials and methodology specific to individual student's challenges. Election Information Polling Places Voter Registration Offices LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA SOCIETY 6100 Indian School Rd Ste. 225 Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 872-0141 Svc/Intake and Admin www.lls.org infocenter@lls.org OVERVIEW: Information, support and education for individuals and families. First Connection: A peer-to-peer support program for patients and survivors Patient Education: Current information on leukemia Information Resource Center: The Society's Information Resource Center (IRC) offers accurate, current disease-specific, treatment and coping information on blood cancers. SERVICE SUMMARY: Dedicated to finding cures for Leukemia, lymphoma, Myeloma and Hodgkin's and providing support to patients through financial aid, support groups, educational workshops and information. Back-to-School-Program for the Child with Cancer Program educates school personnel and students to help children returning to school after cancer treatment. 2. LIFEROOTS, INC-RIO RANCHO 1009 Golf Course Ste 105 & 106 Rio Rancho, NM 87124 (505) 962-0270 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: LifeROOTS (Formerly RCI Inc.) is an Albuquerque-based tax-exempt non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that provides the community with a broad range of programs and services for children and adults with developmental, physical and behavioral disabilities in Albuquerque, Rio Rancho and surrounding areas. Our innovative programs and services, led by certified, experienced and professional staff, assist people with disabilities of all ages to reach their highest levels of self-sufficiency. - See more at: http://www.liferootsnm.org/about.aspx#sthash.1wVT07bz.dpuf Services Specialized Information and Referral * Leukemia Specialized Information and Referral * Lymphoma Support Groups * Leukemia PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information LIFEROOTS, INC. Services 1111 Menual Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 Literacy Programs * Developmental Disabilities Occupational Therapy * Developmental Disabilities Physical Therapy * Developmental Disabilities Rehabilitation/Habilitation Services * Developmental Disabilities Vocational Rehabilitation * Developmental Disabilities SITES: 1 2 (505) 255-5501 Svc/Intake and Admin www.liferootsnm.org info@LifeROOTSnm.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides programs and services for adults and children with special needs. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM 64 LIGHT AND LIBERTY MINISTRIES Lake Worth, FL 33461-3099 ALBUQUERQUE, NM *Please be sure to use the entire zip code when mailing. Thank you! SERVICE SUMMARY: Our recipients are financially disadvantaged children, age 18 and under, suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. Most of our children suffer from an autoimmune disorder called alopecia areata, which causes the hair follicles to shut down. In addition to the loss of scalp hair, many also lose their eyelashes, eyebrows and all body hair. This hair loss is permanent in most cases, and there is no known cause or cure. Other recipients have been victim to severe burns, endured radiation treatment to the brain stem as a treatment for cancer, or suffer from any number of skin disorders that cause permanent hair loss. (505) 341-3113 Svc/Intake and Admin www.lightandlibertyministries.org info@lightandlibertyministries.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Chaplain program for detention center. HOURS: MTWTHF 10AM to 6PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Operates the chaplain program for the detention center; coordinates religious services and clergy visitation; trains and supervises volunteers in counseling and Bible studies. Christian counseling for residents and families. Bible and literature distribution; release follow-up and referrals to programs, service agencies, and churches. Services Natural Hair/Wig Donation Programs Wigs PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information Services Ex-Offender Counseling Offender/Ex-Offender Support Groups LOS LUNAS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE LOCKS OF LOVE 751 Juan Perea Rd. Los Lunas, NM 87031 234 Southern Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL 33405 (505) 352-3596 Svc/Intake and Admin (561) 833-7332 Svc/Intake and Admin (888) 896-1588 800-Line www.loslunaschamber.com vcchamber@loslunasnm.gov www.locksoflove.org info@locksoflove.org OVERVIEW: Provides promotion and other services to improve the community business climate. HOURS: MTWThF 9AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Coordinates and directs civic, economic and governmental activities directed to the promotion and improvement of the business climate including information to individuals wishing to relocate to Los Lunas. Tourism promoted through "Cruzin' South RT66" OVERVIEW: Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children under age 18 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. We meet a unique need for children by using donated hair to create the highest quality hair prosthetics. Services HOW TO DONATE: *10 inches measured tip to tip is the minimum length needed for a hairpiece. Community Economic Development and Finance Small Business Development *Hair must be in a ponytail or braid before it is cut. LOS LUNAS SCHOOLS *Hair must be clean and completely dry before it is mailed in. 119 Luna Street Los Lunas, NM 87031 *Place the ponytail or braid inside of a plastic bag, and then inside of a padded envelope. (505) 865-9636 Svc/Intake and Admin *If you wish to receive our personalized thank-you card, please fill out the hair donation form, or write your name and address on a full size separate sheet of paper and include inside the envelope. We cannot acknowledge donors who do not send their name and address according to these instructions. OVERVIEW: Provides a variety of public educational programs and services. Operates the public school system in the town of Los Lunas. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 4:30 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides basic education, school health concerns, parenting programs and special education. Developmental screening for ages birth through five years, programs for preschool children with special needs, and special education for children of all ages with disabilities. www.llschools.net *All hair donations must be mailed to Locks of Love at: 2925 10th Avenue N Suite 102 <continued...> 65 LOS LUNAS SCHOOLS... Services Sites 1. LOVELACE 601 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 Dropout Programs Education Elementary Schools Middle Schools Preschools School Based Teen Parent/Pregnant Teen Programs Secondary/High Schools (505) 727-8000 Service/Intake and Administration SERVICE SUMMARY: Lovelace Westside Hospital is the only hospital on Albuquerque's West Side. The hospital provides 24-hour emergency care to thousands of patients a year and offers numerous services, including lab, x-ray, cardiopulmonary and occupational therapy. LOVE INC (IN THE NAME OF CHRIST) OF SOUTH ALBUQUERQUE 2. LOVELACE HEALTHCARE CENTER-GIBSON 5400 Gibson Blvd SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 255-5683 505-255-LOVE www.loveincabq.org info@loveincabq.org (505) 262-7000 Administrative SERVICE SUMMARY: Lovelace Medical Center - Gibson includes a hospital with 221 acute care licensed beds and a multi-specialty outpatient center with over 40 medical specialties. The Lovelace Physician Group attracts high calibre physicians and works to acquire the latest technology for patient care. OVERVIEW: Love INC was founded in 1977 as a way to encourage churches to become more engaged with the poor and to inspire a greater number of Christians to put their faith in action. 3. LOVELACE WESTSIDE HOSPITAL 10501 Golf Course Rd NW Albuquerque, NM 87114 SERVICE SUMMARY: Love In the Name of Christ enables churches in a community to pool their resources and services so that those in need are not turned away. (505) 727-2000 Svc/Intake and Admin +Families in need receive immediate and long-term help. 4. LOVELACE WOMEN'S HOSPITAL 4701 Montgomery Blvd. NE ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87109 +Church members use their gifts and talents through specific, manageable opportunities to serve others. (505) 727-7800 Svc/Intake and Admin +Local churches come together, across denominational lines, modeling unity of the Body of Christ. SERVICE SUMMARY: *ADULT/CHILD MENTORING PROGRAMS: The Wonder of Myself program is a one day class for parents and their teens (11-14), on self-esteem, healthy habits, nutrition, hygiene, peer pressure, decision-making, and the physical changes of puberty. *BIRTH CONTROL COUNSELING: FertiliCare is an innovative approach to tracking and understanding your natural procreative cycle for purposes of family planning or mentoring your gynecological health. Taught by professionals certified by the American Academy of Natural Family Planning. *ADULT EDUCATION/ HEALTH EDUCATION: SJWC provides health education opportunities on a wide range of topics. *CHILDHOOD IMMUNIZATIONS/ IMMUNIZATIONS: Albuquerque Regional offers free immunizations for infants and children year-round. Call for information. *HEALTH SCREENING/ NUTRITION EDUCATION PROGRAMS: Cholesterol and Your Heart; Women Take Heart; Nutrition Assessment; Evaluate Your Supplements; Weight Management. *PARENTING EDUCATION: Free lending library, parenting education class (scholarships available), parenting education newsletter, educational TIP/Fact sheets on topical parenting information, new parents birthing/parenting manual. +Lives and communities are transformed. Services Construction/Home Maintenance Volunteer Opportunities Donation Pickups PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information LOVELACE 601 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 727-8000 Service/Intake and Administration www.lovelace.com OVERVIEW: The mission of Lovelace Health System is to be a premier provider of health care services, delivered with compassion for patients and their families, respect for employees, physicians and other health professionals, accountability for our fiscal and ethical performance, and responsibility to the communities we serve. <continued...> 66 LOVELACE... Services Disease/Disability Information * Lupus Erythematosus Health/Disability Related Counseling * Lupus Erythematosus Support Groups * Lupus Erythematosus General Medical Care Health Care Health Screening/Diagnostic Services Hospital Based Outpatient Services Hospitals Intensive Care Trauma Centers Urgent Care Centers Women's Health Centers SITES: 1 2 3 4 MAKE A WISH NEW MEXICO CHAPTER 144 Louisiana Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87108 (800) 884-5276 800-Line (NM Only) (505) 888-9474 Svc/Intake and Admin - 888-WISH www.wishnm.org magic@wishnm.org LOVING ARMS DAY CARE TOO Public transportation accessible; a pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Works to fulfill special wishes for children between the ages of 2 to 18 who have medically diagnosed life-threatning illness. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: The New Mexico Chapter was founded in 1986 and granted its first wish in January 1987, to Donovan who wanted a bicycle. The Foundation has granted over 1000 wishes to children in our communities since its inception in 1986.Wishes uplift the human spirit by creating hope, strength and joy! If you would like to make a difference in the life of a child and create a lifetime of memories for families, contact us today. 30 Church Street Ste A Edgewood, NM 87015 (505) 281-8992 Svc/Intake and Admin Public transportation accessible; a pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Provides childcare and extended care programs. Summer program is available for children ages 6 to 12. HOURS: MTWThF 6:30 AM to 6PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Child care services for the East Mountain area of Central new Mexico. Services Child Care Centers Child Care Providers Services Wish Foundations * Children LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA 2000 L Street, N.W Ste 410 Washington, DC 20036 MANDY'S SPECIAL FARM 346 Clark Road Southwest Albuquerque, NM 87105-7546 (800) 558-0121 800-Line www.lupus.org info@lupus.org (505) 873-1187 Svc/Intake and Admin Public transportation accessible; a pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Education about and support services for people with lupus. HOURS: MWF 10AM to 3PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Our mission is educate, provide support services for those affected by lupus and to help find the cure. We do so by providing brochures and other information to the general public as well as to those affected by lupus, provide free support by telephone and through support group meetings to those affected by lupus, and raise funds for our non-profit organization, a portion of which goes towards research to help find the cure. OVERVIEW: The mission of Mandy's Special Farm (MSF) is to provide residential services for women with autism with dignity and respect, and through a safe, structured, healthy, home-like environment. Residents are encouraged to reach their full potential, feeling safe, secure, needed, and wanted. SERVICE SUMMARY: MSF provides supported living services that include 24-hour care by qualified direct support staff. MSF is homey, with “family” dinners and a cozy house. MSF strives to be more than just a place to live; it is a structured environment that fits well with those who have characteristics of autism. www.mandysfarm.org MSF is on 4.22 acres of land in the South Valley of Albuquerque, near the Rio Grande River. There are goats, chickens, guinea hens, turkeys, cats, dogs, and horses for riding and therapy. MSF also has a large organic garden, an orchard, pasture, and an indoor swimming pool. Services MSF is the residents’ home; they help take care of it, doing simple <continued...> 67 MANDY'S SPECIAL FARM... chores around the house. With any needed assistance, residents feed, groom, and tend to the animals, and even harvest the garden for fruits and vegetables they can eat and help prepare for meals. Along with participating in fun activities at home, residents go on community outings of their choice several times a week. Sites 1. MCLEOD MEDICAL CENTER 1108 Old Route 66 Moriarty, NM 87035 (505) 832-4434 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Offers Pediatric care, Geriatric care, Family Practice and General Practice. Pregnancy testing, Prenatal care, Internal Medicine, DOT and Drug Screening, Sports Physicals and Immunizations. Chiropractic and Foot/Ankle Specialist. Services Adult Residential Care Homes * Women * Autism Autism Therapy 2. MCLEOD MEDICAL CENTER EDGEWOOD 1851 Old Hwy 66 Unit 1 Edgewood, NM 87015 MARCH OF DIMES 7007 Wyoming Blvd. NE Suite E-2 Albuquerque, NM 87109 (505) 286-2396 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 344-5150 Svc/Intake and Admin (914) 997-4488 National Office Services www.marchofdimes.com/NewMexico NM410@marchofdimes.com General Medical Care Health Care Health Screening/Diagnostic Services Immunizations Prenatal Care PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information SITES: 1 2 Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides information and education relative to birth defects prevention, preventing low birth weight and prenatal health information. HOURS: MTWThF 9AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides variety of educational opportunities for individuals, groups and professionals about birth defects prevention and prenatal care. Free film library ( VHS and 16 mm) available for two week rentals. Numerous educational materials given free or low cost to classes, patients and individuals; free lending library. Grant funds available to agencies or organizations involved in low-birth weight prevention or prenatal care programs. Provides funds for research, nationally, on birth defects prevention and for some local research at the UNM School of Medicine directed toward prevention and treatment of birth defects. MEALS ON WHEELS OF ALBUQUERQUE 5901 Harper Drive NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 (505) 823-8061 Volunteer/Outreach (505) 823-8060 Svc/Intake and Admin www.mow-nm.org shauna-ed@mow-nm.org OVERVIEW: Provides home delivered meals to the home bound and elderly, convalescing or disabled persons living at home. HOURS: MTWThF 9AM to 4PM SERVICE SUMMARY: A meal delivery service designed to prevent people from entering nursing homes or hospitals due to improper health, malnutrition or neglect. Delivery of a hot noon meal to the homebound, convalescent, and persons with disabilities who live at home and are unable to shop and/or cook for themselves. Special Medical diets are available. No age or income restrictions. Services Congenital Conditions/Anomalies Prenatal Care * Pregnancy/Birth Problems MCLEOD MEDICAL CENTER 1108 Old Route 66 Moriarty, NM 87035 Services (505) 832-4434 Svc/Intake and Admin www.mcleodmedicalcenter.com moriarty@mcleodmedicalcenter.com Home Delivered Meals OVERVIEW: Primary Care, Family and General Practice HOURS: MTWTHF 8:30 AM to 5PM 68 MEDIC ALERT FOUNDATION MIDWEST NEW MEXICO COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM 2323 Colorado Ave. Turlock, CA 95382 549 Don Pasqual Rd. NW Los Lunas, NM 87031 (800) 432-5378 800-Line - 24 Hour Customer Service (505) 865-9697 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 866-0466 Svc/Intake and Admin www.medicalert.org OVERVIEW: Provides medical information and identification services via the Medic Alert bracelet or necklace. HOURS: MTWThFSaSu 24/7 Hotline SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides bracelet or necklace identification of wearer's hidden medical condition. Emblems lists patient primary medical condition, identification number, telephone number to emergency line operations and the nature of the medical problem. Medical records are kept on computer and can be accessed by collect call from anywhere in the world. Neck chains are also available for $35.00. Free materials will be mailed upon request. OVERVIEW: Provides direct services to low-income individuals and families in Valencia County. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM Sites 1. ADELINO HEADSTART MIDWEST NEW MEXICO COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM 2747 Highway 47th LOS LUNAS, NM 87031 (505) 864-6700 Svc/Intake and Admin Services SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides education for preschool children from low-income families or those who have disabilities, including mental illness. Also provides these additional services; parent training, dental, physical and social services, and nutritional information. Also serves breakfast and lunch to program participants. Identification Devices Medic Alert Personal Alarm Systems METHODIST CHILDREN'S HOME 2. MIDWEST NEW MEXICO COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM 549 Don Pasqual Rd. NW Los Lunas, NM 87031 6755 Academy Rd. NE Ste A Albuquerque, NM 87109 (505) 255-8740 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 964-9226 800-Line (505) 866-0466 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 865-9697 Svc/Intake and Admin www.methodistchildrenshome.org SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides financial assistance on a one-time basis for utilities, rent/mortgage, medical prescriptions and referral services. Also offers, during tax season, tax assistance to low-income families. Provides children of low-income families with comprehensive health, educational and nutritional services. Services are provided on a funds available basis. Serves Valencia, Socorro, Catron, Cibola, and McKinley Counties of New Mexico. Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides services for family preservation and residential care. HOURS: MTW 9AM to 4:30 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides counseling, case management, parent training, resource referrals and life skills training for at-risk families. The goal is to identify family strengths and provide tangible services to help the family stay together and become self-sustaining. Albuquerque Outreach Office serves as a link and referral agent to the Methodist Home Campus in Waco, Texas which provides care for children in family crisis situations and who are dependent, neglected, in need of supervision, have mild learning and behavior disorders and those who are mildly emotionally disturbed. Includes residential care, Children's Guidance Center, Boy's Ranch. Serves children ages birth to 18. Services Food Pantries Head Start Mortgage Payment Assistance Prescription Expense Assistance Rent Payment Assistance Tax Preparation Assistance Utility Service Payment Assistance SITES: 1 2 Services Group Homes for Dependent Children 69 MONEY MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL Credit Counseling Debt Management 14141 Southwest Freeway Suite 1000 Sugar Land, TX 77478 MORIARTY - EDGEWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT (866) 889-9347 800-Line 200 Center Street Moriarty, NM 87035 www.MoneyManagement.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Money Management International (MMI) offers solutions and tools to help you achieve your financial goals. We provide professional financial guidance, credit counseling, debt management solutions, housing counseling assistance, bankruptcy counseling and education services, and educational programs by phone, Internet, and in-person sessions. (505) 832-4471 Svc/Intake and Admin www.mesd.us cecilia.williams@mesd.us OVERVIEW: Moriarty Municipal Schools SERVICE SUMMARY: Public school district for Moriarty, NM. Services SERVICE SUMMARY: Money Management International (MMI) is the largest nonprofit, full-service credit counseling organization in the nation. MMI provides professional financial guidance, credit counseling, community-wide educational programs, debt management assistance, bankruptcy counseling and education services, and housing counseling assistance to consumers via phone, Internet and in-person sessions at more than 100 local offices throughout the country. MMI is a HUD-approved housing counseling agency, and also a member of the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) and The Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies (AICCCA). Please visit www.MoneyManagement.org for more locations in your area. Dropout Programs Education Elementary Schools Middle Schools Preschools Public Schools School Based Teen Parent/Pregnant Teen Programs Secondary/High Schools Albuquerque Central Branch 2727 San Pedro NE Suite 117 Albuquerque, NM 87110 www.cityofmoriarty.org mayorhart@moriartynm.gov MORIARTY CITY GOVERNMENT 201 Broadway Street Moriarty, NM 87035 (505) 832-4406 Svc/Intake and Admin OVERVIEW: Provides for the normal government services and programs. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM Albuquerque-West Branch 2518 Southern Blvd. SE Albuquerque, NM 87124 Sites 1. MORIARTY CITY GOVERNMENT 201 Broadway Street Moriarty, NM 87035 Santa Fe Branch 228 St. Francis Dr. Suite C-2 Santa Fe, NM 87501 (505) 832-4406 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for, and administers normal government services and programs. These include Police and Fire protection, public administration, and other services for the general welfare of the citizens of the town of Moriarty. Las Cruces Branch 1065-B South Main St. Suite B Las Cruces, NM, 88005 2. MORIARTY MUNICIPAL SCHOOLS 200 Center Street Moriarty, NM 87035 Services (505) 832-4471 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: General public educational programs and services for the Moriarty School District. This includes provision for facilities, staff, and equipment needed to operate a public education district. This district operates under the guidance <continued...> 70 MORIARTY CITY GOVERNMENT... and mandate of the local Board of Education and the State Board of Education. MOUNTAINAIR PUBLIC SCHOOLS 3. SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 120 Roosevelt Avenue Moriarty, NM 87035 (505) 847-2333 Svc/Intake and Admin 512 N. Ross Ave. Mountainair, NM 87036 www.mps-nm.schoolloop.com (505) 832-4425 Service/Intake OVERVIEW: Provides for general public education services and programs in the Mountainair Public School District. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 4:30 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for general Public Education services and programs for the Mountainair Public School District. This includes the provision of facilities, staff and equipment to operate the school district. The district operates under the mandate and direction of the local School Board of Education and also the State Board of Education. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides services to people 55 years and older. These include congregate meals, recreational programs, and educational/public awareness programs. Services Education Elementary Schools Parenting Education School Based Teen Parent/Pregnant Teen Programs Secondary/High Schools Substance Abuse Education/Prevention SITE: 2 Services Dropout Programs Education Elementary Schools Middle Schools Preschools School Based Teen Parent/Pregnant Teen Programs Secondary/High Schools PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites Government Information Lines Law Enforcement Services Public Libraries Public Officials Offices SITES: 1 3 MOUNTAINAIR TOWN GOVERNMENT Mountainair City Hall 109 N. Roosevelt Avenue Mountainair, NM 87036 MOTHERS AGAINST DRUNK DRIVING 3411 Candelaria NE Ste B Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 847-2321 Svc/Intake and Admin www.mountainairnm.gov TownClerk@MountainairNM.gov (877) 623-3435 877-MADD-HELP (505) 255-2955 Svc/Intake and Admin OVERVIEW: Provides for and administers the government of the town of Mountainair. HOURS: MTWThF 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM www.madd.org NM.STATE@MADD.ORG Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides aid to families and victims of DWI crashes and programs to enhance the publics understanding of the problem of DWI in New Mexico. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 4PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides speakers and educational materials for public education and awareness relating to DWI, no fee. Support groups are available with professionals and other victims. Sites 1. HOUSING AUTHORITY TOWN OF MOUNTAINAIR 107 1/2 Roosevelt MOUNTAINAIR, NM 87036 (505) 847-2321 Service/Intake SERVICE SUMMARY: Subsidizes rent payments for eligible low income tenants. Rents is established by HUD. Eligible families pay no more than 30 percent of their adjusted monthly income towards rent. Services Alcohol Abuse Education/Prevention Alcohol/Drug Impaired Driving Prevention 2. MOUNTAINAIR TOWN GOVERNMENT Mountainair City Hall 109 N. Roosevelt Avenue Mountainair, NM 87036 (505) 847-2321 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for, and administers normal government services and programs. These include police and fire protection, public administration, and other services for the <continued...> 71 MOUNTAINAIR TOWN GOVERNMENT... NACIMIENTO MEDICAL FOUNDATION general welfare of the citizens of the town of Mountainair. 6362 Hwy 550 Cuba, NM 87013 3. POLICE DEPARTMENT 109 N. Roosevelt MOUNTAINAIR, NM 87036 (575) 289-3718 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 847-2806 Service/Intake cbethhamilton@gmail.com SERVICE SUMMARY: the town of Mountainair. OVERVIEW: Nacimiento Medical Foundation's(NMF) mission is to provide a vehicle for health professionals and community leaders to address health and wellness issues and to empower individuals to improve their health and welfare through education, matching resource to need and emergency financial assistance. SERVICE SUMMARY: The Nacimiento Medical Foundation provides public health, WIC nutrition and client assistance services to the Cuba-Eastern Navajo-Jemez Mountain area. Client Assistance Services provides public health, WIC nutrition and client assistance to Jemez Mountain Area. Provides police protection for Services Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing Subsidized Housing Administrative Organizations SITE: SITE: 1 Government Information Lines Law Enforcement Services Public Officials Offices SITES: 2 3 Nacimiento Medical Foundation's(NMF) Client Assistance Program intervenes in times of crisis by providing food, housing, utility and prescription medication assistance. MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ASSOCIATION MDA In-house and community-wide financial literacy resources available. 8212 Louisana Blvd NE #C Albuquerque, NM 87113 Referral of clients to case management is offered when assessment demonstrates that additional help is appropriate. (505) 828-1331 Svc/Intake and Admin NMF sponsored Checkerboard Food Pantry provides food to over 240 area families by food distribution on the first and third Thursday of every month. www.mda.org/office/albuquerque albuquerquedistrict@mdausa.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: The Muscular Dystrophy Association is dedicated to finding treatments and cures for muscular dystrophy,and other neuromuscular diseases. MDA provides funds for research, family services and helpful information to adults and children affected by neuromuscular diseases. HOURS: MTWThF 9AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: The Muscular Dystrophy Association provides services to people who are affected by any one of forty neuro-muscular diseases. MDA provides education, orthopedic equipment, adult and pediatric clinics, summer camp, flu inoculations, support groups and research. All services are provided to those with a neuromuscular disease that have been seen by our clinic. Cuba Community Garden, sponsored by NMF, provides a central location for community members to grow their own vegetables and learn about the health benefits of eating fresh fruit and vegetables. Step Into Cuba, coordinated by NMF, is a trails, walkways and physical activities program designed to promotes a healthy lifestyle by increasing walking and hiking in Cuba and on the surrounding scenic Federal lands. Services General Medical Care Health Care Health Screening/Diagnostic Services PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information Services Muscular Dystrophy Muscular Dystrophy Clinics 72 NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS NEW MEXICO NATIONAL CENTER FOR MISSING AND EXPLOITED CHILDREN 2015 Wyoming Blvd. NE Suite E Albuquerque, NM 87110 Charles B. Wang International Children's 699 Prince Street Alexandria, VA 22314 (800) 953-6745 Warm Line (505) 260-0154 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 843-5678 Svc/Intake and Admin - 1-800-THE-LOST (703) 224-2150 Administrative www.naminewmexico.org naminm@aol.com www.missingkids.com OVERVIEW: Information for missing and exploited children. HOURS: 24/7 Hotline SERVICE SUMMARY: A non-profit agency assisting parents of missing and exploited children, we assist law enforcement, social service agencies and the community regarding missing and exploited children. Brochures and child protection are available to the public, law enforcement, social services and the community. Report missing and exploited children cases to this agency. Public transportation accessible; a pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Educate and advocate for the mentally ill. Train Treatment Guardians. Present for Anti-stigma and Outreach. Support a drop-in Center. Train family members to deal with their loved one through a family-to-family program. HOURS: MTWTh 9:00AM to 12PM and 1PM to 4PM Sites Services 1. NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS ALBUQUERQUE 2501 San Pedro Dr. NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 Children's Protective Services Children's Rights Groups Sexually Exploited Children Specialized Information and Referral * Families/Friends of Missing Persons (505) 256-0288 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: ALBUQUERQUE OFFICE-Provides educational materials to families and friends of persons with mental illness. Provides speakers and materials for public education. Also offers information about other resources. Offers a support group to families and friends of the mentally ill. The consumer council provides support on consumer issues as they relate to those with mental illness. NATIONAL DANCE INSTITUTE OF NEW MEXICO NDI-NM Highland Theatre 4800 Central Ave. SE Albuquerque, NM 87108 (505) 872-1800 Svc/Intake and Admin 2. NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS NEW MEXICO 2015 Wyoming Blvd. NE Suite E Albuquerque, NM 87110 www.ndi-nm.org infoabq@ndi-nm.org OVERVIEW: NDI New Mexico is founded with the knowledge that the arts have a unique power to engage and motivate children. The purpose of our distinctive programs is to help children develop discipline, and standard of excellence, and a belief in themselves that will carry over into all aspects of their lives. (505) 260-0154 Svc/Intake and Admin Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides educational materials to families and friends of persons with mental illness. Provides speakers and materials for public education. Also offers information about other resources. Offers a support group to families and friends of the mentally ill. The consumer council provides support on consumer issues as they relate to those with mental illness. SERVICE SUMMARY: At NDI New Mexio, we care about the whole student: challenging tasks develop their minds; vigorous physical activities make their bodies strong; a high standard of excellence sets a new bar for what can be achieved; and team-building exercises boost their confidence and enrich their spirit. NDI New Mexico has been teaching children excellence in Albuquerque since 1997. With our motto of “work hard, do your best, and never give up”, we use movement as a tool to teach children life skills such as teamwork, confidence, and a standard of excellence. In partnership with Albuquerque Public Schools, NDI New Mexico will reach 1,170 students at 16 schools next year. Plans for the future include doubling the number of students we serve, opening the doors to a local facility, and offering after-school programs. Services General Mental Health Information/Education Mental Health Hotlines Mental Health Information/Education Mental Health Support Services SITES: 1 2 <continued...> 73 NATIONAL DANCE INSTITUTE OF NEW MEXICO... Services Services: At-risk youth, outreach, youth development, health & wellness, arts education AIDS/HIV Issues Confidential HIV Testing Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information Services Dance Instruction * Children NATIONAL INDIAN YOUTH COUNCIL, INC. NATIONAL EATING DISORDERS ASSOCIATION - NEDA 318 Elm Street SE Albuquerque, NM 87102 165 West 46th Street Ste. 402 New York, NY 10036 (505) 247-2251 Svc/Intake and Admin www.niyc-alb.org NRation@niyc-alb.org (216) 575-6200 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 931-2237 800 Helpline Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Acts in the role of advocate for Native Americans on many issues and also assists on issues of education and employment. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Seeks to preserve the traditional religion and works with traditional Indian religious leaders. Conducts political attitudes and political behavior polling. Has nongovernmental organization status with the economic and social council of the United Nations. NYC publishes AMERICANS BEFORE COLUMBUS and produces timely reports on Indian political behavior and current issues. www.nationaleatingdisorders.org info@NationalEatingDisorders.org OVERVIEW: Dedicated to providing education, resources and support to those affected by eating disorders. . SERVICE SUMMARY: If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, we are here to help. Call our toll free, confidential Helpline Monday-Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, pacific time: 1-800-931-2237. Our helpline volunteers will be there to offer support and guidance with compassion and understanding. Services Services Advocacy * Native American Community Cultural Heritage Groups Youth Development * Native American Community Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Eating Disorders Screening Eating Disorders Treatment PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF NEW MEXICO, INC. 650 S. Cherry Street Ste 435 Denver, CO 80246 NATIONAL HIV AND STD TESTING RESOURCES (720) 748-9991 Colorado and New Mexico Chapter (855) 653-2273 800-Line PO Box 6003 Rockville, MD 20849-6003 www.kidney.org nkfconm@kidney.org (800) 232-4636 1-800-CDC-INFO (800) 448-0440 1-800-HIV-0440 (800) 458-5231 1-800 Hotline Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides a variety of services for kidney patients and their families. T HOURS: MTWThF -9AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides a variety of education materials to the public to increase awareness and understanding of kidney disease. Encourages individuals to become organ donors and supplies donor cards to the public. Provides educational opportunities to renal professionals in the care and treatment of kidney disease. Provides limited financial assistance to patients for emergency situations. Need must be established and reviewed by Patient Services Committee. All kidney disease patients may purchase medication at a reduced cost as prescribed by their physicians. Physician referral is required. Provides funds for www.hivtest.org info@cdcnpin.org OVERVIEW: Specialized information about STD and HIV services and testing. SERVICE SUMMARY: Information and referral resources about Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD's) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). <continued...> 74 NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF NEW... research on the causes prevention and treatment of kidney disease. Services Services Homeless Family Reunification Services Internet Based Crisis Intervention Long Distance Transportation * At Risk Youth Runaway Prevention Programs Runaway/Homeless Youth Counseling Runaway/Homeless Youth Hotlines Hemodialysis Kidney Transplants Lithotripsy Organ Donor Cards/Registries Organ Transplants NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION LIFELINE NATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY NEW MEXICO OFFICE 50 Broadway, 19th Floor New York, NY 10004 3540 Pan American Frwy. NE Ste F Albuquerque, NM 87107 (800) 784-2433 (800) SUICIDE (888) 628-9454 800 Line Spanish (800) 273-8255 800-273-TALK (800) 344-4867 800-Line/Information Line (505) 243-2792 Svc/Intake and Admin www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org www.nationalmssociety.org/chapters/NMX/index.aspx nmx@nmss.org OVERVIEW: Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides information and educational materials/meetings relative to the condition of Multiple Sclerosis. HOURS: MTWThF 9AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides information, programs, services, resources and education to those diagnosed with MS, and those affected by the disease including caregivers, family, friends and employers, and to the public. Financial assistance. Referral services. Support services. Research into the cause, treatment and prevention of MS. Suicide prevention lifeline, 24/7. What Are The Warning Signs For Suicide? Seek help as soon as possible by contacting a mental health professional or by calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK if you or someone you know exhibits any of the following signs: •Threatening to hurt or kill oneself or talking about wanting to hurt or kill oneself •Looking for ways to kill oneself by seeking access to firearms, available pills, or other means •Talking or writing about death, dying, or suicide when these actions are out of the ordinary for the person •Feeling hopeless •Feeling rage or uncontrolled anger or seeking revenge •Acting reckless or engaging in risky activities - seemingly without thinking •Feeling trapped - like there's no way out •Increasing alcohol or drug use •Withdrawing from friends, family, and society •Feeling anxious, agitated, or unable to sleep or sleeping all the time •Experiencing dramatic mood changes •Seeing no reason for living or having no sense of purpose in life HOURS: Monday through Sunday, 24 hours per day. SERVICE SUMMARY: The program provides mental health services for all individuals of all ages, including veterans and families of military personnel and veterans. Services include crisis intervention, and suicide prevention hotlines. There are no geographic restrictions. The hotline is a national, 24 hour, suicide prevention service available to individuals seeking help with emotional distress or a suicidal crisis. After a short automated message, callers will be connected to the nearest available suicide prevention and mental health call center participating in the network. Military personnel, veterans, and families of military personnel and veterans must select Option #1 on the menu to be connected to the appropriate call center. The agency provides telephone assessment, support and referral information for people in emotional distress and/or suicidal crisis. Services Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis Clinics Temporary Financial Assistance * Multiple Sclerosis NATIONAL RUNAWAY SWITCHBOARD 3080 North Lincoln Ave. Chicago, IL 60657 (800) 786-2929 1-800-RUNAWAY - Crisis Line (773) 880-9860 Svc/Intake and Admin www.1800runaway.org info@1800runaway.org A pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Provides information and referral and crisis intervention for youth and their families. HOURS: 24/7 Hotline SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides information about options to youth in need, and helps caller develop a plan of action. Also provides information and referrals for crisis intervention, youth in crisis, message delivery and conferencing services. <continued...> 75 NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION LIFELINE... Services Services Suicide Prevention Hotlines Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing * Frail Elderly Older Adult/Disability Related Supportive Housing Supported Living Services for Adults with Disabilities PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information NATIVE AMERICAN PROFESSIONAL PARENT RESOURCES (NAPPR), INC. 2201 San Pedro NE Bldg. 3, Ste 210 Albuquerque, NM 87110 NEW MEXICO ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION 6600 Palomas Ave NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 (505) 345-6289 Svc/Intake and Admin www.nappr.org info@nappr.org (505) 923-3110 Svc/Intake and Admin (888) 820-6622 800-Line OVERVIEW: “NAPPR empowers, educates and provides supportive services to build healthy Native American children and families” SERVICE SUMMARY: Native American Professional Parent Resources Inc. is an independent 501c3 nonprofit corporation and is a predominate resource for Native American families residing in the four county area- providing comprehensive, accessible direct services in the natural environments. Services provided by NAPPR are responsive and relevant to the needs of Native American families. NAPPR is a source of information and services for families and organizations, and advocates for quality services for Native American children and their families an local, state and national levels. www.nmact.org feedback@nmact.org OVERVIEW: New Mexico Activities Association offers comprehensive information regarding statewide interscholastic activities. SERVICE SUMMARY: The New Mexico Activities Association was formed in 1921 as a private/non-profit organization whose principle purpose is the regulation, direction, administration and supervision of interscholastic activities in the State of New Mexico. The NMAA prides itself in its leadership, providing educational and social experiences for the students and communities of New Mexico. The NMAA has taken a leadership role nationally in several areas, including sportsmanship, media relations, coaches’ preparation and interscholastic activities. Services Services Advocacy * Native American Community Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities/Delays * Native American Community Native American General Assistance Parenting Education * Native American Community Recreational Activities/Sports Team Sports/Leagues PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information NEW MEXICO AGING & LONG TERM SERVICES DEPARTMENT NEW LIFE HOMES, INC. 6101 Central Ave. NE Albuquerque, NM 87108-5052 1015 Tijeras NW, Suite 200 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 266-7000 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 293-7553 Administrative (505) 841-4500 Adult Protective Services Albuquerque (505) 476-4912 Adult Protective Services Santa Fe (866) 654-3219 Adult Protective Services- Statewide Intake (505) 222-4500 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 432-2080 800-Line www.newlifehomesnm.com OVERVIEW: NLH provides safe, affordable, quality housing for the most vulnerable members of the community, specifically persons with mental illness, physical disabilities, seniors, and persons who have been homeless. www.nmaging.state.nm.us OVERVIEW: The New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department is dedicated to promoting the independence and dignity of elders and individuals living with a disability. SERVICE SUMMARY: Housing: The program is for predevelopment costs for an anticipated housing development of 48 new housing units for Albuquerque's most vulnerable; the homeless, the elderly, and the mentally ill. Mental Health: Service coordination for residents with local support services (case management, nutrition, health, legal), and educational and social activities creating a community of residents who support each other. <continued...> 76 NEW MEXICO AGING & LONG TERM... Sites With services ranging from Case Management, Food Bank access, Assisted Living & Housing Assistance, and Emotional Support, NMAS strives to provide all necessary assistance to clients living with HIV or AIDS. Other programs include Medical Case Management,HIV Case Management, Testing Services, Syringe Exchange, and Support Groups. 1. ADULT PROTECTIVE SERVICES 625 Silver SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 (866) 654-3219 Adult Protective Services- Statewide Intake (505) 841-4500 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Adult Protectice Services 2. NEW MEXICO AGING & LONG TERM SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1015 Tijeras NW, Suite 200 Albuquerque, NM 87102 Services AIDS/HIV Clinics AIDS/HIV Issues AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling Confidential HIV Testing (505) 841-4500 Adult Protective Services Albuquerque (505) 476-4912 Adult Protective Services Santa Fe (505) 222-4500 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 432-2080 800-Line NEW MEXICO ASIAN FAMILY CENTER SERVICE SUMMARY: Our mission is to achieve the highest quality of life for older persons, people with disabilities and their families by enhancing autonomy, health, economic well-being, community involvement, and personal responsibility. 128 Quincy St. NE Albuquerque, NM 87108 (505) 717-2877 Svc/Intake and Admin www.nmafc.org info@nmasianfamilycenter.org Services OVERVIEW: The New Mexico Asian Family Center is a place for Asian immigrants and their families to share their concerns, to learn about their own and others’ cultures, to build supportive networks, and to increase self-sufficiency. SERVICE SUMMARY: NMAFC currently provides 4 programs. Adult Day Program Centers Adult Protective Services Case/Care Management * Frail Elderly Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites Independent Living Communities/Complexes for Older Adults Senior Advocacy Groups Senior Centers Senior Housing Information and Referral Specialized Information and Referral * Older Adults PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information SITE: 2 1. Crime Victim Support Program: assists Asian crime victims and their families. 2. Tobacco & Health Program: provides free tobacco cessation counseling in Asian languages and also tobacco use prevention for Asian youth. 3. Responsible Gambling Program: provides free counseling and case-management services for problem/compulsive Asian gamblers and their families. NEW MEXICO AIDS SERVICE, INC. 625 Truman St. NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 4. Adjustment Support Program: support Asian children and families in need. (505) 938-7100 Svc/Intake and Admin (888) 882-2437 800-Line (888)882-AIDS www.nmas.net qa@nmas.net Services Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: New Mexico AIDS Services (NMAS) is a 501(c)3 non-profit community based organization whose mission is to enhance the quality of life for people and communities affected by HIV/AIDS through innovative and comprehensive services, support and prevention education. HOURS: MTWThF 9AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: At New Mexico AIDS Services (NMAS), we think it is truly important to treat the whole person. Because of this philosophy, we provide various programs to our clients to assist them with their HIV or AIDS diagnosis. Crime Victim Support Groups Cultural Heritage Groups Family Based Services Gambling Addiction Prevention Programs Refugee Resettlement Services Smoking Education/Prevention 77 NEW MEXICO ASSOCIATION FOR HOME & HOSPICE CARE Services Autism Therapy Automobile Donation Programs Specialized Information and Referral * Autism PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information 3200 Carlisle Blvd. NE Suite 117 Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 889-4556 Svc/Intake and Admin www.nmahc.org joieg@nmahc.org NEW MEXICO BOYS AND GIRLS RANCHES, INC. THE RANCHES OVERVIEW: The New Mexico Association for Home and Hospice Care serves its membership through advocacy, networking, education and communication by promoting success and best practices for home care, hospice and related home health support services SERVICE SUMMARY: NMAHHC represents approximately 120 home care agency members who provide hands-on care to New Mexico residents in their homes. NMAHHC includes in its membership all types of agencies: licensed and certified, private and hospital-based home care and hospice programs, proprietary, and non-profit, case management, home medical equipment/infusion & supplies, and affiliated businesses. The agencies are located within 5 regions throughout New Mexico. There is representation on the NMAHHC board from each region. 6209 Hendrix Road NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (800) 660-0289 Svc/Intake and Admin - Placement Information (505) 881-3363 Svc/Intake and Admin www.theranches.org referral@theranches.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: The Mission Statement for The Ranches is, “Rekindling Hope in Today’s Youth.” When combined with the purpose statement, “To provide services for young people and families in pursuit of a brighter tomorrow,” a truth emerges: the power of hope to transform lives. Our Mission statement not only defines what we do, but the difference we want to make. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Everything that is done in the world is done by hope.” As a Christian organization we know the importance of good values, including hope. However, such values are useless unless they also become important to the individual young people who utilize our programs. Hope includes many facets: seeing ourselves as valuable, having a vision for our future, having the skills needed to provide for our own needs, finding a profession that we enjoy, feeling safe, knowing how to develop a healthy support system, finding love and knowing there is a loving God who cares about us. While development of this vision for our future often takes years, when young people believe such things are possible, they are transformed by their hope. HOURS: Call for information SERVICE SUMMARY: Residential group home in rural setting providing structure, training and community living experiences for boys 10-18. Voluntary, goal-oriented program includes behavioral modification based upon Christian values with an emphasis upon helping teens deal with authority issues. Individual and family therapy provided for residents and parent/guardians. Campus school enhanced by computer/technological training. Admissions decisions based upon the youth's (and family, when appropriate) potential to benefit from the Ranch program. NMAHHC provides a variety of services to its members including information, education, advocacy for adequate reimbursement, appropriate regulation and a code of ethics for home care and hospice. Services In Home Assistance Registries In Home Hospice Care Information and Referral * Caregivers PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information NEW MEXICO AUTISM SOCIETY Albuquerque, NM (800) 328-8476 (800)-3AUTISM (505) 332-0306 Svc/Intake and Admin Services www.nmautismsociety.org Adolescent/Youth Counseling Behavior Modification Group Homes for Dependent Children OVERVIEW: Provides for advocacy and public awareness education on the condition of Autism. HOURS: Call for information SERVICE SUMMARY: Advocacy, program development, information and referral, public education and awareness for persons with autism in New Mexico. 78 NEW MEXICO CANCER CARE ALLIANCE the mission of addressing systemic issues that affect the poor. We work to assure that the policies, laws and practices intended to address the problems of those living in poverty are well designed and are implemented legally, fairly and effectively. UNM Cancer Center Admin. Bldg. 1201 Camino De Salud NE 2nd Floor Albuquerque, NM 87106 The Center carries out its mission in several ways with one common theme: to bring the voice and perspective of low-income New Mexicans to processes which may impact their lives, and from which they are often excluded. (505) 272-7813 Svc/Intake and Admin www.nmcca.org info@nmcca.org OVERVIEW: NMCCA offers New Mexico cancer patients and physicians access to up-to-date clinical research studies in cancer treatment. New Mexico Cancer Care Alliance (NMCCA) is a New Mexico nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization. We are dedicated to providing New Mexico cancer patients, their families and loved ones with access to the latest information on cancer treatment. SERVICE SUMMARY: To increase the quality of cancer care in New Mexico by bringing to the state cancer clinical trials offered through government agencies and private sponsors. Cancer clinical trials test on people new combinations of treatments, drugs, approaches to surgery and radiation, and other treatments. They frequently provide the best new therapies for cancer patients. Clinical trials address the individuals’ health needs and the medical knowledge gained through them directly affects the progress toward cures. These studies are necessary to meet our goals of contributing to the medical knowledge base, increasing the quality of life for patients and providing access to and information about the latest research, technologies and clinical services. We are a central location that completes paperwork required to open cancer clinical research studies. The paperwork includes contracts, budgets and forms required by the United States government to make sure investigators conduct the trial properly. Services Benefits Assistance Human Rights Groups Political Action/Lobbying Groups PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information NEW MEXICO CHILD ADVOCACY NETWORK (505) 217-0220 Svc/Intake and Admin http://nmcasa.org/ info@nmcan.org OVERVIEW: The New Mexico CASA Network’s mission is to support volunteer advocacy for the best interests of abused and neglected children involved in the court system. We work with local CASA programs to promote and support quality volunteer advocacy to help assure each child a safe, permanent, nurturing home. Court appointed special advocates for child protective service clients. Advocacy for abused children. Our vision is to protect a child's inherent right to grow up in a safe, supportive, and permanent home. Services Research * Cancer Specialized Information and Referral * Cancer PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information Sites 1. ALBUQUERQUE CASA, INC. 2340 Alamo Ave SE Ste 112 Albuquerque, NM 87106 NEW MEXICO CENTER ON LAW AND POVERTY (505) 903-0305 Svc/Intake and Admin 924 Park Avenue, SW Ste. C Albuquerque, NM 87102 SERVICE SUMMARY: The mission of Albuquerque CASA, Inc. is to provide expressly trained volunteer advocates to preserve and protect the rights and interests of children involved in all aspects of the Children’s Court system. (505) 255-2840 Svc/Intake and Admin www.nmpovertylaw.org contact@nmpovertylaw.org 2. NEW MEXICO CHILD ADVOCACY NETWORK (505) 217-0220 Svc/Intake and Admin OVERVIEW: The New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty works to assure that the policies, laws and practices intended to address the problems of those living in poverty are designed and administered legally, fairly and effectively. Our approach is to focus on areas that present the greatest opportunity for systemic improvement. Visionary and proactive – Our dream is that every child who needs a CASA volunteer will have one. SERVICE SUMMARY: The New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty is a non-profit law firm and advocacy group with Persistent and committed – We will work tirelessly to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children. SERVICE SUMMARY: The New Mexico CASA Network strives in all of its relationships to be: <continued...> 79 NEW MEXICO CHILD ADVOCACY NETWORK... NEW MEXICO CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILY DEPARTMENT - CYFD Culturally appropriate and community oriented – Our advocacy is provided in a context of language and culture that is familiar for each child. PO Drawer 5160 Santa Fe, NM 87502 Quality-centered and innovative – We believe children deserve the finest, most effective and efficient advocacy possible. (800) 797-3260 800-Line (Statewide Incident Report Line) (855) 333-7233 (855)333-SAFE -Repot Abuse or Neglect (866) 654-3219 Adult Protective Services (505) 841-6100 Child Protective Services Caring and ethical – We seek to always serve in ways that are ethical and considerate. We are open, forthright and trustworthy. http://www.cyfd.org/ Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides a full gamut of services throughout the State of New Mexico to children, youth and families. Effective and accountable – Our advocacy produces measurable and positive outcomes for children. Sites Committed to the development of leaders – Our organization provides opportunities for and encourages staff, volunteers and board members to become better leaders in their communities. 1. CYFD CHILD CARE SERVICES BUREAU ASSISTANCE METRO REGION 3401 Pan American Freeway Albuquerque, NM 87107 Responsive – We will promptly and efficiently serve local program needs. (505) 841-4801 Service/Intake Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for income based day care. Parent must be working or attending school and must be below 150% of federal poverty guidelines. There may be a waiting list. Also offers a program of transitional day care for those just coming off of TANF and who are entering the work force. Also offers a program for working parent. Volunteer-oriented – We are committed to the spirit of volunteerism and strive to nurture well-trained and well-appreciated volunteers. 3. SANDOVAL COUNTY CASA Rio Rancho, NM 2. CYFD FAMILY NUTRITION BUREAU 3401 Pan American Freeway Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 720-7030 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Sandoval County CASA is based in Rio Rancho and Bernalillo, New Mexico (northwest of Albuquerque). (800) 328-2665 (800) EAT-COOL (505) 841-4856 Service/Intake 4. VALENCIA COUNTY CASA P.O. Box 730 Los Lunas, NM 87031 Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides administrative direction to all nutrition offices statewide. (505) 352-3483 Administrative Provides for a child care food program to children ages 12 and younger if enrolled at a non-profit day care center, or persons with physical or mental disabilities with a home day care provider; (if they receive care with a home day care provider where the majority of the children cared for are ages 18 and under). Also provides nutritious meals in the summer to children who are on school year food program. Call for designated sites. SERVICE SUMMARY: With the help of volunteer advocates, Valencia County Casa stands up for abused and neglected children, by helping them find safe, permanent homes. Services Advocacy * Abused Children Children's Protective Services PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information SITES: 1 2 3 4 3. CYFD JUVENILE PROBATION-AFTERCARE 5100 Second St NW Ste 700 ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87107 (505) 841-7302 Service/Intake Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides juvenile probation/parole for youth who are referred by law enforcement agencies. Provides opportunities for community service as a condition of their probation. Juvenile Intensive Probation Services works with probationers who have exhausted all other alternatives and are repeat offenders. Offers an alcoholism prevention education <continued...> 80 NEW MEXICO CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILY... program for the exclusive use of juvenile probation/parole office and children's court. It is not a treatment program. Provides a Victim-Offender Mediation program that brings together offenders and victims in mediation to negotiate as a restitution agreement. Alcohol Abuse Education/Prevention Juvenile Probation Substance Abuse Education/Prevention Youth Courts SITE: 3 4. NEW MEXICO CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILY DEPARTMENT - CYFD PO Drawer 5160 Santa Fe, NM 87502 NEW MEXICO COALITION AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 1210 Luisa Street, Suite 7 Santa Fe, NM 87505 (855) 333-7233 (855)333-SAFE -Repot Abuse or Neglect (866) 654-3219 Adult Protective Services (505) 841-6100 Child Protective Services (800) 797-3260 800-Line (505) 841-7800 Service/Intake (505) 246-9240 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 773-3645 800-Line (In-State Only) (800) 799-7233 Hotline/Talkline/Warmline Call 9-1-1 Emergency SERVICE SUMMARY: Protective Services investigates allegations of child abuse or neglect within the family setting. Referrals are made to community services. For higher risk families, services are provided by CYFD through Family Preservation Services or Voluntary Family Services. When children cannot be safely maintained in the family home, a legal case is filed and children are placed in a foster care setting. Foster families are recruited, studied, trained, approved and supported by CYFD staff. When children are freed for adoption, they are placed in an adoptive home and CYFD continues to support the placement until finalization. www.nmcadv.org info@nmcadv.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: The NMCADV is comprised of people dealing with concerns of victims of domestic violence. We represent both rural and urban areas. Our programs support and involve people of all racial, social, religious, and economic groups, gender and gender identity, ages and life-styles. We oppose the use of violence as a means of control over others and support equality in relationships and the concept of helping people assume power over their own lives. Services Adoption Information Foster Home Licensing Foster Home Placement * Foster Parents Parent Counseling * Adoptive Parents Parenting Education * Adoptive Parents Preadoptive Foster Care SITE: 4 HOURS: Call for information SERVICE SUMMARY: Mission is to improve the response to and reduce the impact of domestic violence in New Mexico. We accomplish this by advocating for positive social change at all levels & providing support and resources to members of the Coalition. Since its inception in 1982, New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NMCADV) has been at the forefront working to achieve a coordinated local, regional, and statewide response to domestic violence. NMCADV members, affiliates, and advocates are committed to ending domestic violence. The vision of NMCADV is that children will grow up without witnessing and experiencing violence in their homes. The Coalition has, and will continue to, educate the public about domestic violence and make it everyone's business! Child Care Complaints Child Care Provider Licensing Child Care Providers * Low Income SITE: 1 Child Abuse Hotlines Child Abuse Reporting/Emergency Response Children's Protective Services Foster Homes for Dependent Children SITE: 4 NMCADV serves as a clearinghouse for information and referral. It collaborates with agencies and advocates in the areas of program development, public policy, education, training, and funding proposals. Children's/Adolescent Residential Treatment Facilities Juvenile Probation SITE: 3 Services Nutrition Education Nutrition Related Public Assistance Programs SITE: 2 Domestic Violence Hotlines Family Violence Prevention Legal Information Lines * Domestic Violence Issues 81 NEW MEXICO COALITION OF SEXUAL ASSAULT PROGRAMS, INC. reasonable accommodation and equal access to services. We stand committed to advocate for all deaf, deaf-blind, and hard of hearing persons equitably, acknowledging the individual’s preferred mode of communication and educational methods. It is also our commitment to promote and maintain highly qualified interpreters throughout the state. Provides information and referral, advocacy, education and training programs for individuals with hearing problems. Also provides assistive equipment distribution/loan, sign language interpreter referral and real time captioning referral. 3909 Juan Tabo NE Suite 6 Albuquerque, NM 87111 (505) 883-8020 Svc/Intake and Admin (888) 883-8020 800-Line www.swcp.com/nmcsap nmcsap@swcp.com 2. RELAY NEW MEXICO (800) 327-1857 SPANISH (888) 659-3952 SPEECH TO SPEECH (800) 659-8331 TTY (877) 659-4174 VCO (800) 659-1779 VOICE Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides education, information and literature on sexual assualt issues. SERVICE SUMMARY: NMCSAAS has the privilege of offering unique services, as well as directing you to other remarkable statewide and national resources and services to address your sexual abuse and sexual assault information needs. SERVICE SUMMARY: New Mexico Relay Network offers a free telecommunications relay service (TRS) that links Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Speech Impaired, and Hearing people via the telephone through Relay New Mexico (RNM). The Relay is available 24-hours a day and all calls are strictly confidential. Services Adult Sexual Assault Prevention Child Sexual Assault Prevention Sexual Assault Hotlines Sexual Assault Prevention Turbo Code This feature allows for a transmission rate of 100 wpm, as compared to a transmission rate of 45.5 wpm without this feature. Speech to Speech (STS) 1-888-659-3952 This feature enables persons with speech disorders to utilize TRS. NEW MEXICO COMMISSION FOR THE DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING 505 Marquette Ave NW Ste 1550 Albuquerque, NM 87102 Voice Carry Over (VCO) 1-877-659-4174 VCO is established for consumers who have difficulty hearing, but prefer to use s his/her own voice to communicate. (800) 489-8536 800-Line (505) 383-6541 Service/Intake (Voice and TDD) (505) 435-9319 TDD Hearing Carry Over (HCO) Relay New Mexico provides HCO to individuals who wish to listen to what is said by the standard phone user and then will reply by typing their message on the TTY. www.cdhh.state.nm.us NMCDHHA@doh.state.nm.us 2-Line VCO In order to use this feature through Relay New Mexico, the VCO user must have two telephone lines (one with conference calling capabilities). OVERVIEW: It is the mission of the New Mexico Commission for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons to create awareness and to provide advocacy and ensure equal accessibility for deaf, deaf-blind and hard of hearing persons in the State of New Mexico HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM Spanish Translation 1-800-327-1857 Relay New Mexico (RNM) provides Spanish-to-Spanish, English-to-Spanish, and Spanish-to-English translation as part of our standard relay service. Sites 1. NEW MEXICO COMMISSION FOR THE DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING 505 Marquette Ave NW Ste 1550 Albuquerque, NM 87102 Pay per Service Access 1-900-230-6060 Relay consumers may place a 1-900 call. Roaming You can call Relay New Mexico from anywhere within the United States. (800) 837-8897 TDD - Newsline (800) 489-8536 800-Line - Interpreter referral service (505) 383-6541 Service/Intake (Voice and TDD) (505) 435-9319 TDD 711 You can reach Relay service anywhere in the United States. SERVICE SUMMARY: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that persons with disabilities be provided <continued...> 82 NEW MEXICO COMMISSION FOR THE... Services clothes closet. In short, it is our commitment as a staff to reach out to each participant to offer her extensive support in her process of meeting her stated goals. Hearing Aids Hearing Augmentation Aids Hearing Loss Hearing Screening Sign Language Interpretation Specialized Telecommunications Equipment Telecommunication Relay Services PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: none SITES: 1 2 NM Girls Institute The purpose of the NM Girls Institute is to: * Act as a stimulus of direct action amoung those who work for and with girls. * Collaborate with organizations to form a strong statewide support network for girls. NEW MEXICO COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN *Make information and resources for girls both accessible and affordable. 300 San Mateo Blvd. NE Ste. 101 Albuquerque, NM 87108 * Create safe and dynamic programs for girls to foster leadership skills and qualities that increase girls' abilities to act as social change agents intheir lives. (800) 432-9168 800-Line (Nation-wide) (505) 222-6600 Svc/Intake and Admin * Address issues of girls in rural areas by helping communities identify specific needs for girls and, in response to those needs, organize programs to improve the environment in which girls grow. ________________________________________ www.womenscommission.state.nm.us questions@nmwomenscommission.org Public transportation accessible. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: The agency provides information, recognition, referral, and advocacy for women and families. The mission of the NMCSW is accomplished by reporting the needs of women to state government, by advising women of their rights, and by providing workshops and conferences to inform women of their educational and employment opportunities. The Commission conducts town hall meetings and conferences on issues such as employment, economic development, pay equity, health care. The Displaced Homemakers Office provides support groups in the Albuquerque area and in-service training and assistance to communities throughout the state. The Commission also honors women's accomplishments through our annual awards programs. Services Career Exploration * Women Community Economic Development and Finance * Women Crime Victim Support * Women Economic Self Sufficiency Programs * Women Job Search Resource Centers * Women Public Internet Access Sites * Women Support Groups * Displaced Homemakers * Women Women's Advocacy Groups Workshops/Symposiums * Women TEAMWORKS Begun in 1998, the TeamWorks program serves TANF-eligible women who are heads of single-parent households in transitioning from welfare to work. Using best practice models from across the nation, TeamWorks offers participants an extensive variety of services based on assessed individual needs. To that end, both State and Contract employees provide these direct services to a yearly matrix of 1000 women in Albuquerque (700) and Las Cruces (300). The goal of TeamWorks is to support TANF-eligible women in overcoming barriers that have impacted their transition to self-sufficiency through successful employment. The purpose of the program is to equip participants with researched, required skills necessary to compete effectively in the market place. On the basis of assessed client needs, Case Managers refer participants to agencies and services to assist them in meeting those needs. On-site, qualified TeamWorks instructors offer a program of personal and professional development skills as well as computer skills training deemed important in the work place. Employment consultants guide career exploration, resume preparation and job search. Clients are able to select professional clothing from out NEW MEXICO COMMUNITY AIDS PARTNERSHIP 903 West Alameda Box 764 Santa Fe, NM 87501 (505) 670-7900 Svc/Intake and Admin www.nmaidspartnership.org nmcap@yahoo.com OVERVIEW: The National AIDS Fund is one of America’s largest philanthropic organizations dedicated to eliminating HIV/AIDS as a major health and social problem. SERVICE SUMMARY: Reorganized in 2003 in cooperation with the New Mexico POZ Coalition and the New Mexico Community Foundation Community, the New Mexico AIDS Partnership (NMCAP) supports community-based projects and organizations around New Mexico that provide HIV/AIDS prevention, education, harm reduction and direct services. NMCAP is sponsored by the National AIDS Fund and has been a statewide initiative in New Mexico since 1993. <continued...> 83 NEW MEXICO COMMUNITY AIDS PARTNERSHIP... NEW MEXICO COUNCIL ON PROBLEM GAMBLING NMCPG Services AIDS/HIV Clinics AIDS/HIV Issues AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling Confidential HIV Testing PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information 5850 Eubank NE Ste. B14 Albuquerque, NM 87111 (505) 897-1000 Svc/Intake and Admin www.nmcpg.org copgambl@qwest.net NEW MEXICO COUNCIL ON CRIME AND DELINQUENCY OVERVIEW: NMCPG is a non-profit organization providing crisis counseling and referral service for problem gamblers and their families. HOURS: MTWTHF 9AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: The New Mexico Council on Problem Gambling (NMCPG), established in 1998, is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help compulsive gamblers and their families by providing crisis intervention via our 24 hr. gambling specific statewide bi-lingual helpline. (505) 242-2726 Svc/Intake and Admin nmccd@aol.com Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: To address the causes of crime and delinquency and improve New Mexico's responses through education and citizen advocacy. HOURS: MTWThF 8:30 AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: PUBLIC EDUCATION Conferences, workshops, seminars Public hearings/Town meetings Pamphlets, brochures, paid advertisement Lectures, speeches, speakers bureau Public policies and positions articulated through the media Publication of the results and conclusions of studies and evaluations of the system Publication of a newsletter Members and staff involvement on boards and commissions Services Compulsive Gambling Gambling Gambling Counseling/Treatment Helplines/Warmlines * Gambling PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information ADMINISTRATIVE/PROGRAM CHANGE Resource development and funding Encourage internal change to promote service delivery Avoid duplicative, overlapping and ineffective services Monitor cost/benefit analysis Monitor agency budget process, including expansion item(s) Information and Support Services: surveys; studies; consultants; library and specialists Develop, review or change agency regulations, policies or rules Administrative hearings Investigations Mediation NEW MEXICO CRISIS AND ACCESS LINE EXECUTIVE/JUDICIAL DIRECTION Encourage executive orders Encourage appropriate Supreme Court rule-making powers Grand jury investigations and reports Attorney General's opinions We’re here to help any New Mexico resident with any situation involving a behavioral health crisis. Our services include: •Crisis intervention for suicidal and homicidal thoughts •Assistance with non-life-threatening mental health emergencies •Trauma response •Assistance with finding treatment resources •Assistance for those who have family members or loved ones who are experiencing a mental health crisis. (855) 662-7474 855-NMCRISIS Call 9-1-1 Emergency (855) 227-5485 Hotline (Voice and TDD) www.nmcrisisline.com OVERVIEW: LITIGATION Encourage and support appropriate litigation Encourage greater involvement by attorneys and law firms LEGISLATION Analysis leading to: new laws, changes in current law, repeal of outdated or poorly working laws, or support for current law Development of coalitions of other interested organizations, New Mexico Crisis and Access Line Services If you have a life threatening emergency, please dial 911 immediately. Contact Us toll-free 24/7: Services 1 (855) NMCRISIS (662-7474) Community Crime Prevention Programs General Crime Prevention Programs Juvenile Delinquency Prevention For administrative purposes such as requesting materials for a business, please feel free to call our number listed above. Accessibility The New Mexico Crisis and Access Line maintains a variety of accessible options for hearing impaired and/or non-English <continued...> 84 NEW MEXICO CRISIS AND ACCESS LINE... speaking clients. TTY Line: 1 (855) 227-5485 3. FORT BAYARD MEDICAL CENTER 41 Fort Bayard Rd Santa Clara, NM 88026 We contract with Language Services for an interpreter when necessary (575) 537-8600 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 541-6966 800-Line SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides skilled and intermediate long term care and also a chemical dependency treatment program, Adult day health, Adult Wellness, and CCIC. Services Crisis Intervention Hotlines General Crisis Intervention Hotlines Helplines/Warmlines Mental Health Hotlines Suicide Prevention Hotlines Telephone Reassurance Telephone Reassurance * Families/Friends of Mentally Ill 4. NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Harold Runnels Bldg., 1190 St. Francis Drive Santa Fe, NM 87502 (505) 827-2613 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides public and community programs to New Mexico citizens requiring substance abuse treatment, long term care, rehabilitation services and veterans services through residential and outpatient facilities. Provides rehabilitation services to individuals with developmental disabilities. Also provides a core of mental health services to meet the needs of the seriously mentally ill, both adults and youth. Deliver's public health services in 46 health offices located throughout the state. Many conduct satellite clinics and extensive outreach in their communities and local schools. Also provides laboratory support, consultation and analytical services for the department as well as for other municipal, state, and federal agencies that administer programs for New Mexicans. Call for branch locations. NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Harold Runnels Bldg., 1190 St. Francis Drive Santa Fe, NM 87502 (505) 827-2613 Svc/Intake and Admin www.health.state.nm.us Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides for and administers health programs and services throughout the State of New Mexico. 5. NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CANCER PREVENTION AND CONTROL 5301 Central Ave. NE Suite 800 Albuquerque, NM 87108 Sites 1. BUREAU OF VITAL RECORDS AND HEALTH STATISTICS 1105 St. Francis Drive Santa Fe, NM 87502 (505) 222-8613 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Mission: To promote the health of New Mexicans through comprehensive cancer prevention and control efforts. (505) 827-0121 Svc/Intake and Admin (866) 534-0051 800-Line SERVICE SUMMARY: Vital Records and Health Statistics registers births and deaths that occurr in New Mexico. Programs: The New Mexico Department of Health Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program is dedicated to improving access to high-quality breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services for women who are underserved, and to increasing public awareness about the importance of annual well-woman exams for early detection. The BCC Program offers FREE MAMMOGRAMS and PAP TESTS! Call to find out if you MAY be eligible for the BCC Program. The BCC Program’s bilingual, toll-free information line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 2. DOH DIABETES PREVENTION AND CONTROL PROGRAM (505) 476-7615 Svc/Intake and Admin (888) 253-2966 800-Line SERVICE SUMMARY: In New Mexico, more than 120,000 people have diabetes, but only 84,000 people know they have it. The Diabetes Prevention and Control Program provides Information about prevention and treatment of Diabetes. <continued...> 85 NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH... 6. NEW MEXICO REHABILITATION CENTER New Mexico Rehabilition Center 31 Gail Harris Avenue ROSWELL, NM 88201 (575) 347-3400 Service/Intake SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides short-term inpatient treatment programs for alcohol and drug problems for adults. Program consists of detoxification and 21 days of rehabilitation. Call for pre-admission interview and bed availability. 7. NEW MEXICO WIC-WOMEN, INFANTS AND CHILDREN 2040 S. Pacheco Street Ste. 150 Santa Fe, NM 87505 (505) 476-8828 Svc/Intake and Admin - Main Office SERVICE SUMMARY: WIC provides supplemental food to program participants, along with nutrition education, information on breastfeeding and referrals to health and social programs. WIC Offices: Standard Public Health Office 1111 Stanford NE Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 841-4173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Northeast Heights Public Health Office 8120 La Mirada NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 (505) 332-4850 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Northwest Valley Public Health Office 7704 2nd St. NW Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 897-5700 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Westside Public Health Office 6911 Taylor Ranch Rd NW, Suite C-11 Albuquerque, NM 87120 (505) 899-8574 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------First Choice Community HealthCare North Valley WIC Office 1231 Candelaria, NW Albuquerque, NM 87017 (505) 345-8181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------First Nations Community Health Source 5608 Zuni SE Albuquerque, NM 87108 (505) 262-2481/6532/6531/6535 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Southeast Heights WIC Office Southeast Heights Public Health Office 7525 Zuni SE Albuquerque, NM 87108 (505) 841-8929 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------First Choice Community HealthCare South Broadway WIC Office 1316 Broadway SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 764-0271 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------First Choice Community HealthCare South Valley WIC Office 2001 North Centro Familiar SW Albuquerque, NM 87105 (505) 873-7416 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------First Choice Community HealthCare Alamosa WIC Office 6900 Gonzales Rd. SW Suite J Albuquerque, NM 87105 (505) 831-4245 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sandoval Health Commons 1500 Idalia BLDG, B Bernalillo, NM 87004 (505) 867-2291 ext: 1704; 1725; 1728 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Los Lunas Public Health Office 1000 Main St., Bldg. #3 Los Lunas, NM 87031 (505) 841-5318 or 841-5315 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Belen Public Health Office P.O. Box 686 855 W. Castillo Dr. Belen, NM 87002 (505) 864-7745 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pueblo of Isleta WIC P.O. Box 670 Isleta, NM 87022 (505) 924-3180 or 924-3181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Estancia Public Health Office 300 S. 8th Street Estancia, NM 87016 (505) 384-2351 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Moriarity Public Health Office 1110 Route 66 P.O. Box 2460 Moriarity, NM 87035 (505) 832-6782 8. NURSE ADVICE HOTLINE (877) 725-2552 800-Line SERVICE SUMMARY: Mexico. Nurse Hotline for the State of New <continued...> 86 NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH... NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES 9. TURQUOISE LODGE 6000 Isleta SW Albuquerque, NM 87105 2009 S. Pacheco Street Pollon Plaza Santa Fe, NM 87504 (505) 841-8978 Service/Intake (800) 432-6217 800-Line Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Turquoise Lodge is a 34 bed, chemical dependency treatment hospital, licensed as a specialty hospital in the State of New Mexico. Provides short-term voluntary in-patient medical detoxification and rehabilitation programs for alcoholics and persons who are addicted to drugs. Hospitalization usually four to six weeks. Program also includes counseling, family services, social services, educational activities, group interaction therapy, orientation to community based programs, and out-patient after care and relapse prevention services for continuing recovery support. Call for pre-admission interview and bed availability. http://www.hsd.state.nm.us/ Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides a variety of human care and service programs on a state wide basis. These include income support programs: TANF; Food Stamps; Medicaid; Medicare; Child Support Enforcement, LIHEAP (utility bill payment assistance). Important numbers within the District Court Offices: Children's Court Division 841-5906 Court Clinic (referrals from court only) 841-7409 Domestic Relations Division, 841-6773 Youth and Family Counseling 841-7374 Court Appointed Special Advocate (C.A.S.A.) 841-7388 HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM Services Alcoholism Counseling Birth Certificates Breast Examinations Cancer Clinics Cancer Detection Community Clinics Community Mental Health Agencies Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Death Certificates Diabetes Management Clinics Diabetes Screening General Medical Care Health Care Health Care Referrals Health Education Helplines/Warmlines * Registered Nurses Inpatient Alcoholism Treatment Facilities Inpatient Drug Abuse Treatment Facilities Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities Mental Health Care and Counseling Research * Cancer Substance Abuse Counseling Substance Abuse Services Support Groups * Cancer WIC WIC Applications/Certification Women's Health Centers SITES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sites 1. CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 1015 Tijeras NW Ste. 100 ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87102 (505) 841-4491 Alternate Office (800) 288-7207 In-State Customer Service Number (505) 222-9400 Service/Intake Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides assistance in efforts to collect child support from parents legally obligated to pay. The goals are to ensure that children are supported by their parents, to foster family responsibility and to reduce cost of welfare to the taxpayer. The program also locates absent parents, establishes paternity, establishes and enforces court orders and collects support payments. 2. EBT CARD INFORMATION 4501 Indian School Rd. NE Ste. 201 Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 222-9160 Card Information, EBT Balance & Customer Service (888) 473-3676 EBT Help Desk (800) 283-4465 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 283-4465 800-Line 3. INCOME SUPPORT DIVISION BERNALILLO COUNTY (MAIN) 1041 Lamberton Place NE ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87107 (800) 283-4465 Low-income Telephone Assistance Program (505) 222-9600 Northeast Bernalillo Location (505) 841-7700 Northwest Bernalillo Location (505) 383-2600 Southeast Bernalillo Location (505) 841-2300 Southwest Bernalillo Location <continued...> 87 NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN... Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: TANF: time-limited cash assistance for needy families with (or expecting) children as well as job preparation, work opportunities and access to supportive services such as child care which enable parents receiving assistance to leave the program and become self-sufficient. TANF requires that recipients be working or participating in a work-related activity within two years and cooperate with comprehensive child support enforcement efforts including paternity establishment; and contains special live at home and stay in school provisions for teenage parents. Albuquerque, NM 87107 Phone: (505)841-7700 Valencia County Branch 100 S. 5th Street 2nd Floor Belen, NM 87002 Phone: 505)864-5200 Sandoval County Branch 4363 Jagar Drive Rio Rancho, NM 87144 Phone: (505)383-6300 (800) 926-9425 FOOD STAMPS: program that enables low-income and indigent households to obtain (EBT) "debit" cards which can be used to purchase food in nearly all grocery stores. Approved households are entitled to receive a monthly allotment of food stamp credit based on net income and household size. Expedited food stamps are available within five days for people who are in an emergency situation and whose income and spendable resources for that month are within specified limits. PROJECT FORWARD: this program provides job search information, education, and work experience for qualified TANF and Food Stamp recipients. Call for information. MEDI-CAL/MEDCAID: provides comprehensive medical benefits for AFDC, SSI, IHSS and Refugee Cash Assistance recipients. People who are eligible for Medi-Cal/Medicaid are entitled to health care, both in and out of a hospital or nursing home, from the participating health provider of their choice. 4. NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES 2009 S. Pacheco Street Pollon Plaza Santa Fe, NM 87504 (800) 432-6217 800-Line SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides a variety of human care and service programs on a state wide basis. These include income support programs; TANF; Food stamps; Medicaid; GA; LIHEAP (energy assistance.) LOW-INCOME HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (LIHEAP): Assists income-eligible households by giving a one-time payment toward energy bills October through August. LOW-INCOME TELEPHONE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (LITAP):A link-up service that provides a discount on telephone service to Medicaid, Qualified Medicare Beneficaries (QMB) and LIHEAP recipients. 5. STATE OF NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BELEN 100 S. 5th Street 2nd Floor Belen, NM 87002 OFFICE LOCATIONS: (505) 864-5200 Svc/Intake and Admin Southeast Bernalillo County Branch (By Airport - off of Gibson) 1711 Randolph Rd SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 Phone: (505)383-2600 SERVICE SUMMARY: Cash assistance for needy dependent children. Payments made for child and also one or both parents. Determine eligibility for food stamps/ cash assistance/ medicaid. Provides for preventive health program to children under 21 years of age. 6. STATE OF NEW MEXICO DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES LOS LUNAS 445 Camino Del Rey Los Lunas, NM 87031 Southwest Bernalillo County Branch 3280 Bridge Blvd. SW Albuquerque, NM 87105 Phone: (505)841-2300 (505) 222-0800 Svc/Intake and Admin Northeast Bernalillo County Branch 4300 Cutler NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 Phone: (505)222-9600 SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides a variety of human services to the residents of Valencia County Northwest Bernalillo County Branch 1041 Lamberton Place NE <continued...> 88 NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN... These VSO's are also veterans themselves and will be more than happy to assist any way they can. 7. STATE OF NEW MEXICO DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES TORRANCE COUNTY 109 Tulane Avenue Moriarty, NM 87035 Services (505) 832-5640 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 335-7293 800-Line Advocacy * Veterans Health/Disability Related Counseling * Veterans Veteran Benefits Assistance Veteran Burial Benefits Veteran Disability Compensation Benefits Veteran Education Benefits Veteran Employment Programs Veteran Life Insurance Veteran Pensions Veteran Reintegration Counseling Veteran/Military Health Insurance SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides a variety of human services to the residents of Torrance county. Services Child Support Assistance/Enforcement EBT Card Services Food Stamps/SNAP Medicaid Medicare Paternity/Maternity Establishment Public Assistance Programs TANF Telephone Service Payment Assistance Utility Service Payment Assistance PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information SITES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS 501 Mountain Road NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 824-6838 Labor Relations Division (505) 843-1900 Svc/Intake and Admin http://www.dws.state.nm.us/ infodws@state.nm.us NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF VETERAN'S SERVICES Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides employment listings, job banks, training programs, and services. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM 5201 Eagle Rock NE Suite 2A Albuquerque, NM 87113 (505) 383-2414 Svc/Intake and Admin Sites www.dvs.state.nm.us 1. HUMAN RIGHTS BUREAU Aspen Plaza 1596 Pacheco Street SANTA FE, NM 87505 OVERVIEW: Our Vision: To be the premier veterans’ service provider and advocate in the nation. (800) 566-9471 800-Line (505) 827-6838 Service/Intake Our Mission: To assist veterans, their widows, and their children in establishing the privileges which they are legally entitled. Our Legacy: The New Mexico Department of Veterans’ Services (NMDVS) was established in 2003 to provide veterans with a cabinet-level agency to address their needs. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for enforcement of laws and investigation of violations of those laws. These include human rights, housing, and employment violation/disputes. Written complaints are required and the prevailing statute of limitations is strictly followed. It is because of the hard work by the NMDVS staff that New Mexico consistently ranks near the top of the list for successfully-filed VA benefits claims by states on behalf of veterans. 2. NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS 501 Mountain Road NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 824-6838 Labor Relations Division (505) 843-1900 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Veterans have risked their lives and made other sacrifices to protect and serve our country. As a result they've earned the right along with their dependents to collect state and federal benefits and to utilize various services. The New Mexico Department of Veterans' Services is honored to help our state's veterans file for these benefits. The NMDVS has 19 field offices around the state which are staffed by nationally-certified Veterans' Service Officers. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides free employment services to anyone looking for employment. Maintains extensive listing of job opportunities in New Mexico and refers registrants to potential employers. Solicits job listings from employers. Networks with new and expanding business for work force recruitment. Provides training and placement through the JTPA and the State Training <continued...> 89 NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF WORKFORCE... Program (Industrial Development Training Board). Also processes claims and handles all matters related to unemployment compensation. Provides free publications on the current and future economic developments and job opportunities in New Mexico. Acts as an adjudication unit that hears and settles employee/employer disputes on labor related subjects such as; unemployment compensation, human rights, discrimination, wage and hour disputes, and workers compensation claims. 3. NM DEPARTMENT OF WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS MAIN OFFICE-UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS 401 Broadway NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 Services Career Development Employment Discrimination Assistance Employment Preparation Job Finding Assistance State Unemployment Insurance State Unemployment Insurance Appeals/Complaints State Unemployment Insurance Applications Training and Employment Programs Unemployment Insurance Work Registration SITES: 1 2 3 4 NEW MEXICO DONOR SERVICES (505) 841-8617 Department TTY Line (877) 664-6984 UI Initial Claims & Call Center 1609 University Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 SERVICE SUMMARY: *Weekly benefit amounts are based upon your previous earnings and are generally 60 percent of the amount you earned while employed, up to a maximum amount. In New Mexico, the amount of your unemployment check will be between $67 and $403 per week, minus any wages you earn while unemployed. Benefits are payable for up to 26 weeks, depending on your employment history (877) 401-2511 800-Line (505) 843-7672 Svc/Intake and Admin www.donatelifenm.org nmds.info@dcids.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides education materials about the need for life-saving organ and tissue donations and NM Driver's License donor registry. HOURS: Call for information SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides organs and allograft tissues for transplantation and/or research. Collaborates with NM hospitals, motor vehicle department, schools and community organizations. Works closely with NM families to facilitate the donation of desperately needed organs and tissues for waiting patients. Offers families of recently deceased patients the opportunity to donate tissues and organs. Provides information to the public regarding organ and tissue donation and transplantation. *Extended benefits may be available during times of high unemployment, and some states provide additional benefits for specific purposes (such as training, or trade adjustment assistance) *You must remain eligible for unemployment benefits during every week in which you file a claim. You are allowed to work part time while you're receiving unemployment benefits, but a portion of those earnings will be deducted from your weekly benefit amount Services *Other types of income such as holiday, vacation, paid leave, sick time, pension or worker's compensation might also be deducted from your weekly benefit amount Organ and Tissue Banks Organ Donor Cards/Registries *Unemployment benefits are subject to federal income taxes and must be reported on your income tax returns. If you choose, federal income taxes will be withheld from your check for you NEW MEXICO FAMILY NETWORK *If you have further questions about unemployment insurance claims, you can contact the New Mexico Department of Labor's Unemployment Insurance Customer Service Line at 841-2000. (855) 729-4238 800-Line - Parent Line (505) 265-0430 Svc/Intake and Admin 1101 Cardenas NE Ste 101 Albuquerque, NM 87110 www.newmexicofamilynetwork.org administrator@newmexicofamilynetwork.org 4. RIO RANCHO WORKFORCE SOULTIONS 661 Quantum RIO RANCHO, NM 87124 Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides support, advocacy, information and training for families with children (0-21) with neurobiological, emotional or behavioral differences and for the providers who work with them. HOURS: MTWThF 9AM to 5:30 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Parent-run self-help and advocacy organization for families with children and youth ( 0-21) with neurobiological, emotional and behavioral differences (505) 896-1765 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides current job market information, resource materials and other services to assist job seekers. Provides special counselors for veterans who are seeking employment. <continued...> 90 NEW MEXICO FAMILY NETWORK... (NBD/SED). Provides a collective voice to improve services and the service delivery system. Works with local, state, and federal legislators, professionals in the fields of mental health/mental illness and education, as well as professionals in the juvenile justice system. Provides information and support to families on children with neurobiological, emotional and behavioral differences and providers that work with them, Newsletter, resource library and website are also available. Services Albuquerque Downtown Growers' Market, Central and 8thRobinson Park, Albuquerque Albuquerque Downtown Growers' Market: Wednedsay Satellite Albuquerque Civic Plaza, Marquette Ave NW & 4th, Albuquerque Albuquerque Growers' Market at Presbyterian,1100 Central Ave. SE, Presbyterian Hospital Parking Lot, Albuquerque Albuquerque: Rail Yards Market, Albuquerque Rail Yards, 777 1st St. SW, Albuquerque Behavior Modification * Children Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Counseling Services * Children Mental Illness/Emotional Disabilities * Children Play Therapy South Valley Gateway Growers' Market, 100 Isleta Blvd. SW, Albuquerque Armijo Village Growers' Market, Isleta Blvd. and Arenal Rd. SW, Albuquerque NEW MEXICO FARMERS MARKETING ASSOCIATION CURRY COUNTY Clovis Farmers' Market, 3200 Block of N. Prince St., Clovis (888) 983-4400 800-Line DONA ANA COUNTY Farmers' & Crafts Market of Las Cruces,125 N. Main Street, Las Cruces www.DoubleUpNM.org OVERVIEW: SNAP Double Up Food Bucks provides people who participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) with a FREE match for what they spend using their EBT card at the farmers' market. If they spend $20 from their EBT card, they get $20 FREE to spend on locally-grown fresh fruits and vegetables. If they spend $40, they get $40 for FREE produce. Some markets may have daily limits, but that's the general idea. There are 33 farmers' markets around the state participating in the program. You can find a list of participating at www.DoubleUpNM.org or see the attached list. Most markets are open through October, and a few run year-round, but August and September are prime months at farmers' markets. For more info, call (888) 983-4400 or visit www.DoubleUpNM.org SERVICE SUMMARY: What is Double Up Food Bucks? The New Mexico Farmers’ Marketing Association ’s Double Up Food Bucks program is New Mexico ’s statewide healthy food incentive program. This program doubles the value of federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) nutrition benefits spent at participating farmers’ markets , helping people bring home more locally grown fruits and vegetables. How does Double Up work? Double Up provides SNAP recipients with a one-to-one match to purchase healthy, New Mexico grown fruits and vegetables when they use their SNAP EBT Card at participating locations. Who qualifies for Double Up? It’s easy! Anyone receiving SNAP benefits is automatically eligible: if you have a SNAP EBT Card, you can use this program. What can you buy with Double Up Food Bucks? Double Up Food Bucks can only be used to purchase New Mexico grown fruits and vegetables. How do people sign up? No sign-up is needed. EDDY COUNTY Carlsbad Downtown Farmers' Market,102 N. Canal St., Carlsbad GRANT COUNTY Silver City Farmers' Market, 614 N Bullard St., Silver City HIDALGO COUNTY Hidalgo Farmers' Market and Mercado, 701 N Main Street Lordsburg (cont.) MCKINLEY COUNTY Ramah Farmers' Market, Lewis St & Bloomfield St., Ramah MORA COUNTY Mora Valley Farmers' Market, 375 State Road 518, Mora OTERO COUNTY Alamogordo Alameda Park Farmers' Market, 1987 White Sands Blvd., Alamogordo Mescalaro Farmers' Market,101 Chiricahua Plaza, Mescalero QUAY COUNTY Tucumcari Farmers' Market, Tucumcari Railroad Station, Tucumcari RIO ARRIBA COUNTY Española Farmers' Market, 1005 N Railroad Ave., Española Dixon Farmers' Market, 215 Hwy. 75, Dixon ROOSEVELT COUNTY Portales Farmers' Market, First St. and Avenue B, Portales LOCATIONS: BERNALILLO COUNTY ABQ Uptown Growers' Market, 2200 Louisiana Boulevard Northeast, Albuquerque SAN MIGUEL COUNTY Tri-County Farmers' Market, 6th and University, Las Vegas <continued...> 91 NEW MEXICO FARMERS MARKETING... SANDOVAL COUNTY Cuba Farmers' Market, NM Hwy 126, Cuba maternity care, tests and more. 3 You have a choice between popular health plans with easy to use comparison tools. SANTA FE COUNTY Santa Fe Southside Farmers' Market, 4250 Cerrillos Rd, Santa Fe 4 Financial assistance may be available to help you pay for your coverage. Santa Fe Farmers' Market, Railyard, 1607 Paseo de Peralta at Guadalupe, Santa Fe 5 Help is available 24/7. Pojoaque Farmers' Market, 78 Cities of Gold Rd., Santa Fe, NM 87506 SERVICE SUMMARY: The New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange (NMHIX) is here to give you access to quality health care like never before. We were created to cover the uninsured, people who can’t afford their employer plans and those buying their own insurance but want better options. We are also able to provide new coverage options to owners of small businesses with 50 employees or fewer. We offer a variety of health insurance plans from such popular commercial providers as Blue Cross Blue Shield, Lovelace, Molina, New Mexico Health Connections and Presbyterian. Finally, a new and simple way to get affordable health insurance is here. SIERRA COUNTY Sierra County Farmers' Market, Ralph Edwards Park, Truth or Consequences (cont.) SOCORRO COUNTY Socorro Farmers' Market, Plaza Socorro, Socorro SAN JUAN COUNTY Aztec Farmers' Market, 1409 W. Aztec Blvd., Aztec Services Farmington Growers' Market, 3041 E Main St., Farmington Affordable Care Act Information/Counseling Affordable Care Act Qualified Health Plans Federal Health Insurance Marketplace Call Center/Website Health Insurance Information/Counseling Health Insurance Marketplaces State Health Insurance Marketplace Call Centers/Websites State/Local Health Insurance Information/Counseling SANDOVAL COUNTY Zia Bernalillo Farmers' Market, 335 S. Camino del Pueblo, Bernalillo TAOS COUNTY Taos Farmers' Market, N Plaza, Taos VALENCIA COUNTY Belen Growers' Market, Anna Becker Park, 309 Reinken Avenue, Belen NEW MEXICO HOLOCAUST AND INTOLERANCE MUSEUM Bosque Farms Growers' Market, 1090 North Bosque Loop, Bosque Farms 616 Central Avenue NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 Services (505) 247-0606 Svc/Intake and Admin www.nmholocaustmuseum.org info@nmholocaustmuseum.org Farmers Markets * Food Stamps/SNAP Food Outlets * Food Stamps/SNAP Markets/Restaurants Accepting EBT Cards Nutrition Related Public Assistance Programs OVERVIEW: We are one of the few organizations of our type in the United States as our purpose is not just to educate people about the Holocaust, but to include other genocides that have affected people around the world. We are not limited to one religion, culture, geographic area or time. SERVICE SUMMARY: In addition to the museum's exhibits and history of genocide, services include: NEW MEXICO HEALTH INSURANCE EXCHANGE BE WELL NEW MEXICO (855) 996-6449 800-Line www.bewellnm.com Resource Library: Our library contains hundreds of books and other materials that are available at no charge for use in research projects. We also have a limited lending library with materials that can be used off-site. OVERVIEW: The NMHIX is a new way to help you find health coverage that meets your needs and fits your budget. Top Five NMHIX Benefits: Educational Donations: We have a number of items that we can provide to local educational institutions at no charge. We can also provide these materials for a small shipping and handling fee to organizations outside of the greater Albuquerque area. Our available materials include: 1 You can’t be denied coverage for pre-existing health conditions. 2 All plans cover doctor’s visits, prescriptions, hospital stays, <continued...> 92 NEW MEXICO HOLOCAUST AND INTOLERANCE... *Video programs *Posters *Educational pamphlets and booklets. 2. NEW MEXICO LEGAL AID NATIVE AMERICAN PROGRAM 7 Eagle Drive Santa Ana Pueblo BERNALILL0, NM 87004 Community Education: We speak on a regular basis to students and teachers at schools all around Albuquerque as well as to interested groups at the museum. These presentations focus on both historical events and strategies for dealing with hate and intolerance in today's world. We stress the need for "respect and acceptance" of other people and other cultures. (800) 867-3452 Help Line (505) 867-3391 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides free legal assistance to low-income people. Our primary mode of assistance is the provision of legal advice and brief legal service, but on occasion we provide full representation in tribal, state, and federal court. CILS priorities are cases involving jurisdictional issues, Indian status issues, domestic violence issues, and individual or family economic stability. We can provide assistance with matters such as restraining orders, consumer problems, Indian Child Welfare Act cases, denial of government benefits, housing discrimination, civil rights, and defense in actions that may result in substantial loss of income or property. CILS has offices at Santa Ana Pueblo. Must be income-eligible according to Federal Legal Services guidelines. Staff speaks Spanish, Keres, and other Native American Dialects. Services Cultural Heritage Groups * Jewish Community Museums NEW MEXICO LEGAL AID 301 Gold Avenue SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 Agency serves Pueblos of Cochiti, Santo Domingo, San Felipe, Santa Ana, Sandia, Isleta, Zia, Acoma, Laguna, Jemez, Zuni, Tesuque, Pojoaque, Nambe, San Ildefonso, Santa Clara, San Juan, Picuris and Taos. (505) 243-7871 Svc/Intake and Admin (866) 416-1922 Svc/Intake and Admin www.nmlegalaid.org contact@nmlegalaid.org Services Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: The mission of New Mexico Legal Aid, Inc. (NMLA) is to be the voice, defender and advocate for poor people who are seeking justice in all forums, particularly in the communities in which they live. NMLA is committed to help poor people in their struggle to access food, shelter, security, and to preserve their unique cultural heritages. Benefits Assistance Certificates/Forms Assistance Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services Family Law Housing Discrimination Assistance Landlord/Tenant Assistance Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution Legal Counseling Native American/Tribal Law SITES: 1 2 legal assistance on civil legal matters for low income persons. Persons seeking help with criminal matters should call the Public Defender. HOURS: MTWTHF 8:30 AM to 5PM Sites NEW MEXICO LIONS EYE BANK 1. NEW MEXICO LEGAL AID 301 Gold Avenue SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 2501 Yale Blvd SE Suite 100 Albuquerque, NM 87106 (866) 416-1922 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 243-7871 Svc/Intake and Admin (888) 616-3937 800-Line 888-616-EYES (505) 266-3937 NM Lions Club Eye Glasses Hotline SERVICE SUMMARY: NMLA Specializes in, Domestic Violence, Housing, Public Benefits, Disabilities, Predatory Lending, Land Grant and Water Issues, Farmer and Migrant Issues. NMLA also provides family law services (orders of protection, divorce, child custody, paternity, child support) ONLY to victims of domestic violence. Victims of DV should call their local shelter, which will then refer them to NMLA when legal services are needed. www.nmleb.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: The community-based New Mexico Lions Eye Bank is a pioneer and leader in providing eye banking services to patients, surgeons and hospitals in our state for more than 50 years. The mission of the New Mexico Lions Eye Bank is to relieve human suffering by providing human tissue for transplant, research, and medical education in our community and around the world. The non-profit, non-governmental New Mexico Lions Eye Bank <continued...> 93 NEW MEXICO LIONS EYE BANK... is a member of the TBI/Tissue Banks International non-profit network of vision and certified by Eye Bank Association of America. NEW MEXICO MORTGAGE FINANCE AUTHORITY (MFA) HOURS: MTWThF 9AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Donations of eyes after death for use in transplant surgery or research and study. Provides referrals to Lions Clubs throughout New Mexico concerning projects and programs. (505) 843-6880 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 444-6880 800-Line (800) 659-8331 Service/Intake (Voice and TDD) 344 4th Street SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 www.housingnm.org Call the New Mexico Lions Eye Glasses Hotline to request an application for free or low cost eye glasses. Donations of eye glasses are accepted and redistributed to eligible applicants. Applications are reviewed by local Lion Club members. OVERVIEW: "Our mission is to make New Mexico a better place to live by investing in community efforts to preserve and expand affordable housing opportunities for those underserved by traditional markets." SERVICE SUMMARY: THE MFA HOMEOWNERSHIP PROGRAMS ~provide a variety of assistance to first time home buyers of low- to moderate-income New Mexicans including below market interest rates, closing cost assistance and down payment assistance programs. (505)938-3124 Services Eye Banks Glasses Donation Programs Glasses/Contact Lenses EXISTING MFA LOAN HOLDER~Loan Servicing assistance and information is available to those who have obtained or participate in MFA's loan finance programs. NEW MEXICO MESA, INC. RENTAL OCCUPANCY~ provides resources for occupants of subsidized living and information for locating available units in New Mexico. 2808 Central SE Suite 124 Albuquerque, NM 87106 SPECIALIZED GROUPS AND SERVICES~The MFA's mission includes helping those with special housing needs that are generally not met traditional services. (505) 366-2500 800-Line (800) 544-2614 800-Line www.nmmesa.org nvillamil@nmmesa.org REQUEST FOR INFORMATION~ Information about each of the programs the MFA offers can be requested online. Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides for a program of enrichment education in math, engineering, and science for underrepresented pre-college ethnic groups. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 4:30 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: New Mexico Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (NM MESA), Inc., a non-profit organization, is part of a national initiative promoting educational enrichment for pre-college students from historically under-represented ethnic groups. NM MESA prepares these students for college majors and careers in mathematics, engineering, science and related fields. Activities include tutoring, independent study; academic, university and career counseling; field trips; competitions; leadership development; summer programs; and scholarship incentives. Students must maintain a 2.0 average in all classes, enroll in college prep math, science and English and fulfill other requirements. Program is currently available in 93 schools and 30 school districts. Open only to students in schools with MESA programs. HOUSING SERVICES DIRECTORY~A directory of all of MFA's partners and affiliated housing service providers. Services Housing Search and Information Low Cost Home Rental Listings Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information NEW MEXICO RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE 1011 Yale Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 842-8960 Svc/Intake and Admin (877) 842-8960 800-Line Services www.rmhc-nm.org contactus@rmhc-nm.org Academic Counseling Career Counseling Science and Mathematics Clubs/Societies OVERVIEW: Provides low cost temporary housing for families of ill children who are receiving treatment in Albuquerque. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 6PM /Sat & Sun 9AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: For out of town families of seriously <continued...> 94 NEW MEXICO RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE... ill children receiving medical care in an Albuquerque hospital on an outpatient or inpatient basis. Families must live at least 50 miles outside of Albuquerque area. Full kitchen facilities, laundry and children's playground available. Families furnish their own food. No child care services available. Services Patient/Family Housing * Families with Children HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 4PM Sites 1. NEW MEXICO SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF 1060 Cerillos Road Santa Fe, NM 87505 (505) 476-6300 Service/Intake (Voice and TTY) (800) 841-6699 800-Line Voice and TTY (505) 216-2000 TDD NEW MEXICO SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED SERVICE SUMMARY: A preschool and kindergarten program providing children with the building blocks for language and literacy. 801 Stephen Moody SE Albuquerque, NM 87123 (505) 271-3060 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 437-3505 800-Line 2. STATE OF NEW MEXICO STEP HI PROGRAM 1060 Cerrillos Rd SANTA FE, NM 87503 www.nmsbvi.k12.nm.us (505) 275-5433 Service/Intake Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides programming for young children birth to 8 with visual impairment or deaf-blindness. HOURS: MTWThF 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides early intervention statewide to infants and toddlers with visual impairment or who are at risk for visual impairment. Provides pre-school and early elementary services in a center based or outreach model to children and families in the extended metro area. Must have a visual impairment that adversely affects learning services include braille, large-print technology, orientation and mobility, physical, occupational and speech therapy. Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: For parents and families of hearing impaired birth through age 6. Information and skills to provide auditory, speech and language stimulation and service coordination. Services Hearing Screening * Infants/Toddlers Preschools * Speech Impairments Special Education * Hard of Hearing Speech and Hearing Speech Therapy SITES: 1 2 Services Braille and Tactile Aids Preschools * Blindness Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic Vision Screening Visual Impairments Visual/Reading Aids NEW MEXICO SUICIDE PREVENTION COALITION P.O. Box 3631 Albuquerque, NM 87190 (855) 662-7474 855-NMCRISIS (800) 273-8255 Suicide Crisis Line (505) 401-9382 Svc/Intake and Admin NEW MEXICO SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF 1060 Cerillos Road Santa Fe, NM 87505 www.nmsuicideprevention.org (505) 476-6300 Service/Intake (Voice and TTY) (800) 841-6699 800-Line Voice and TTY (505) 216-2000 TDD OVERVIEW: The New Mexico Suicide Prevention Coalition is devoted to suicide prevention, intervention and postvention; and provides education, support and advocacy to reduce the suicide rate in New Mexico. www.nmsd.k12.nm.us Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: As a School, NMSD provides a comprehensive, accessible and language-rich learning environment for children and youth who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing ages two through twenty-one. SERVICE SUMMARY: More than 30,000 people in the United States die by suicide every year. It is this country's 11th leading cause of death, and is often characterized as a response to a single event or set of circumstances. However, unlike these popular conceptions, suicide is a much more involved phenomenon. The factors that contribute to any particular suicide are diverse and complex, so our efforts to understand it must incorporate many approaches. The clinical, neurobiological, legal, and psychosocial aspects of suicide are some of the major lines of inquiry into suicide. As an Outreach Agency, NMSD works collaboratively with families, agencies and communities statewide to meet the unique communication, language and learning needs of children and youth who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing ages birth through twenty-one. <continued...> 95 NEW MEXICO SUICIDE PREVENTION COALITION... also serves as lead agency and fiscal agent for programs that work with children, families and neighborhoods. In this way, we foster empowerment and community development to enable children and families to be advocates for themselves. Services Suicide Counseling Suicide Prevention Hotlines Suicide Prevention Programs Suicide Survivors Support Groups PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information Services Advocacy * Children's Issues Children's Rights Groups NOON DAY MINISTRY - THE ROCK NEW MEXICO TEEN PREGNANCY COALITION 2400 2nd Street NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 540 Chama St NE Ste 10 Albuquerque, NM 87108 (505) 246-8001 Svc/Intake and Admin www.therockabq.com director@TheRockABQ.com (505) 254-8737 Svc/Intake and Admin Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Noon Day provides day shelter services, showers, laundry, phones, clothes, haircuts, legal assistance by volunteer attorneys, rent/utility programs (volunteer work is REQUIRED to receive rent or utility assistance) and occasional financial assistance for traveler's aide. Call for information and times. HOURS: TWThF 9AM to 2PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Operates a soup kitchen as well as provides funding for individuals in need of rent and or utility assistance. Program operates by using large network of volunteers and the community. director@nmtpc.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Addresses issues related to adolescent sexuality, pregnancy, pregnancy prevention, and parenting. Also implements the New Mexico Young Fathers Project in Albuquerque, Las Cruces, Silver City and Santa Fe. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: The New Mexico Teen Pregnancy Coalition is dedicated to sponsoring programs and activities aimed at reducing teen pregnancy and the negative consequences of teen pregnancy and parenting in New Mexico. Services Services School Based Teen Parent/Pregnant Teen Programs Teen Family Planning Programs Teen Pregnancy Prevention Homeless Drop In Centers Legal Counseling Rent Payment Assistance Soup Kitchens Utility Service Payment Assistance NEW MEXICO VOICES FOR CHILDREN OUTCOMES, INC. 1503 University Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 625 Silver Ave. SW Ste 195 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 243-2551 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 244-9505 Svc/Intake and Admin www.outcomesnm.org info@outcomesnm.org www.nmvoices.org info@nmvoices.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Outcomes, Inc. provides psychotherapy, counseling, educational workshop presentations, grandparent services, support groups/training, Sandoval Senior Connection, employee assistance/career services and a warm line to help with parenting or child development questions or concerns. HOURS: Mon & Fri 8AM to 5PM/TWTh 8AM to 9PM/Sat 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: NMVC provides education, advocacy and community networking with those systems and organizations that create policies that affect children. HOURS: MTWThF 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. SERVICE SUMMARY: NMVC provides education, advocacy and community networking with those systems and organizations that create policies that affect children. These activities are indirect and provided through community initiatives, partnership and collaborations. Through legislative action and policy monitoring, we scrutinize such issues as poverty, violence prevention, health care, juvenile justice, racial equality, child abuse and neglect, and education. NMVC <continued...> 96 OUTCOMES, INC.... PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA, INC., ZIA CHAPTER Sites 1. MEDIATION/CONFLICT RESOLUTION 1503 University NE ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87110 833 Gibson Blvd. SE Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 243-2551 Administrative (505) 247-4381 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 597-5580 800-Line SERVICE SUMMARY: NMCDR is a community based mediation center that utilizes trained volunteers to provide comprehensive mediation services: parent/teen mediation, victim/offender mediation, and mediation programs in the schools and youth corrections facilities. Professional trainers provide training in all types of mediation, including gang mediation, on a state and national basis. Custom training in conflict resolutions is offered for small groups and agencies. www.newmexicopva.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Assist, advise, inform, and represent veterans of military service who are impaired by spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, amytrophic lateral sclerosis, or other damage to the spinal cord. HOURS: MTWThF 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for advocacy, referral, and information for all persons affected by spinal cord injury or disease. Also provides information on wheelchair sports, veterans benefits, architectural barriers, peer counseling, advice and consultation to federal, state, and local governments, businesses and others about needs of mobility-impaired persons. 2. OUTCOMES, INC. 1503 University Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 243-2551 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: *The Psychotherapy & Counseling Division: provides outpatient mental health counseling, psychiatric evaluations and medication services. *Parentcraft: provides family life education programs for parents, children and early childhood staff working with children. *Sandoval Senior Connection: benefits elders in Sandoval County through peer counseling, and caregiver support groups. Please call for dates and sites. *Career and Job Services: provides career testing and assessment, vocational counseling, vocation evaluation for persons with disabilities, career exploration, college selection assistance, help with resume writing and interviewing skills, job placement assistance, out-placement counseling. Services Advocacy * Veterans Assistive Technology Information * Veterans Health/Disability Related Counseling * Veterans Specialized Information and Referral * Spinal Cord Injuries * Veterans Veteran Education Benefits PARENTS REACHING OUT 1920 Columbia Dr. SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 (800) 524-5176 800-Line (505) 247-0192 Svc/Intake and Admin www.parentsreachingout.org info@parentsreachingout.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Connecting and enpowering New Mexico families through support education and information. HOURS: MTWThF 9AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: * Workshops for families, parents, educators, service providers and other professionals. * Networking and support through Parent to Parent connections * Resource Center and Lending Library offering information and referral about resources throughout New Mexico and beyond. *Encouragement, problem solving and information to help parents make informed decisions. *Information and materials about the programs and systems use. *PRO-website featuring important articles, current information and special events * Annual Partnership Conference Services Abuse Counseling Anger Management Early Intervention for Mental Illness Family Counseling Group Counseling Individual Counseling Mediation Mental Illness/Emotional Disabilities Parent Counseling Parenting Education Psychiatric Disorder Counseling SITES: 1 2 <continued...> 97 PARENTS REACHING OUT... Services programs offered by pharmaceutical companies. Developmental Assessment Specialized Information and Referral * Parents of People With Disabilities Support Groups * Parents of People With Disabilities SERVICE SUMMARY: The Partnership for Prescription Assistance brings together America’s pharmaceutical companies, doctors, other health care providers, patient advocacy organizations and community groups to help qualifying patients who lack prescription coverage get the medicines they need through the public or private program that is right for them. Many patients will get them free or nearly free. Our mission is to increase awareness of patient assistance programs and boost enrollment of those who are eligible. Through this site, the Partnership for Prescription Assistance offers a single point of access to more than 275 public and private patient assistance programs, including more than 150 programs offered by pharmaceutical companies. To access the Partnership for Prescription Assistance by phone call toll-free, 1-888-4PPA-NOW (1-888-477-2669). PARENTS, FAMILIES, AND FRIENDS OF LESBIAN AND GAYS, PFLAG P.O. Box 30771 Albuquerque, NM 87190 (505) 873-7373 Svc/Intake and Admin www.pflagabq.org contact@pflagabq.org Services OVERVIEW: Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays (PFLAG) is a national non-profit organization with over 200,000 members and supporters and over 500 affiliates in the United States. This vast grassroots network is cultivated, resourced and serviced by the PFLAG national office, located in Washington, D.C., the national Board of Directors and 14 Regional Directors. Prescription Drug Information Clearinghouses Prescription Expense Assistance PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information PATHWAYS ACADEMY 1776 Montano Blvd. NW Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM 87107 SERVICE SUMMARY: PFLAG promotes the health and well-being of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons, their families and friends through: support, to cope with an adverse society; education, to enlighten an ill-informed public; and advocacy, to end discrimination and to secure equal civil rights. Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays provides opportunity for dialogue about sexual orientation and gender identity, and acts to create a society that is healthy and respectful of human diversity. (505) 341-0555 Svc/Intake and Admin pathwaysacademynm.org pathwaysacademy1@gmail.com OVERVIEW: The school provides a learning environment for children with special needs. Each child has unique needs the school addresses these with individual attention. Learning skills are increased through evidence-based teaching and nurturing. SERVICE SUMMARY: Pathways Academy: a nurturing learning environment that maximizes children's opportunities to succeed academically and socially. We build upon each child's strengths and weaknesses so that we can individualize teaching and learning strategies best suited for each child. Services Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Advocacy Groups Gender Identity Counseling Specialized Information and Referral * Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Support Groups * Families/Friends of GLBT Individuals Services Alternative Education Education * Learning Disabilities Special Education PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information PARTNERSHIP FOR PRESCRIPTION ASSISTANCE PB & J FAMILY SERVICES, INC. PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY (888) 477-2669 Svc/Intake and Admin 888-4PPA NOW (800-Line) 1101 Lopez Rd. SW Albuquerque, NM 87105 www.pparx.org contact@pflagabq.org (505) 877-7060 Svc/Intake and Admin www.pbjfamilyservices.org info@pbjfamilyservices.org OVERVIEW: Our mission is to increase awareness of patient assistance programs and boost enrollment of those who are eligible. The Partnership for Prescription Assistance offers a single point of access to more than 275 public and private patient assistance programs, including more than 150 Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: PB & J Family Services, Inc., provides an array of services for families with multiple challenges. The agency works <continued...> 98 PB & J FAMILY SERVICES, INC.... with children within their families and is committed to preserving the family whenever possible. Services include child abuse prevention & treatment programs, services for children of prisoners, therapeutic preschools in Albuquerque and Bernalillo, in home-based and supported living programs, ImPACT, KidPACT, school-based services in the South Valley. Services: *Therapeutic Preschool that includes *School Based Health Center *Parenting and life skills education *Bonding and attachment guidance *Transportation *Food service *Case Management *Counseling *Play Therapy *Art Therapy *Group Counseling *Individual Counseling *Family Counseling *Advocacy *Nutritionist HOURS: Call for information Services Caregiver Training * High Risk Infants/Children Developmental Assessment * High Risk Infants/Children Early Identification Programs * High Risk Infants/Children Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities/Delays Health/Disability Related Counseling * High Risk Infants/Children Parenting Education * High Risk Infants/Children Pediatric Occupational Therapy * High Risk Infants/Children Play Therapy * High Risk Infants/Children SITES: 1 2 PEGASUS LEGAL SERVICES FOR CHILDREN (505) 244-1101 Svc/Intake and Admin www.pegasuslaw.org info@pegasuslaw.org OVERVIEW: To improve child well-being through legal advocacy using a collaborative, child-centered approach. SERVICE SUMMARY: Legal services to children and families, community legal education, and policy advocacy in metro-Albuquerque in three areas: Freedom from abuse, neglect and violence; Access to medical/mental health care; and Access to education. Legal services to kinship caregivers in certain contested guardianship cases. Sites 1. PB & J FAMILY SERVICES, INC. PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY 1101 Lopez Rd. SW Albuquerque, NM 87105 Services (505) 867-2357 FAX (505) 867-2356 Service/Intake (505) 877-7060 Svc/Intake and Admin Children's Protective Services Children's Rights Groups Grandparent Rights Legal Services * Children PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information SERVICE SUMMARY: To help at risk children to grow and develop to their full potential in nurturing families within a supportive community. PEOPLE LIVING THROUGH CANCER 3411 Candelaria NE Ste. M Albuquerque, NM 87107 2. PB&J FAMILY SERVICES, INC. SATELLITE OFFICE AND PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY THERAPEUTIC PRESCHOOL 255-A Camino Del Pueblo Bernalillo, NM 87004 (505) 242-3263 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 441-4439 800-Line (505) 867-2356 Svc/Intake and Admin www.pltc.org pltc@pltc.org SERVICE SUMMARY: PB&J has two therapeutic classrooms. Each classroom is staffed with at least two Family Intervention Specialists. PB&J also has licensed clinicians, including Master's Level Counselors and Social Workers, Art and Play Therapists, as well as Nursing services including a Family Nurse Practitioner. Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: To connect and support cancer survivors and caregivers by transforming shared individual experiences into enduring hope. HOURS: MTWThF 9AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Emotional support groups for cancer survivors, family, and friends. Networking to other support groups and resources. Lending library of books, tapes, and videos on emotional, physical, spiritual, medical, legal, insurance, and wellness issues. One-to-one linking to those with similar diagnoses. Quarterly journal. Annual statewide conference. American Indian training for survivors serving their communities. <continued...> 99 PEOPLE LIVING THROUGH CANCER... Services Free walk-in pregnancy tests, call in advance. Health Supportive Services * Cancer Special Library Collections * Cancer Support Groups * Cancer Abortion Services, Birth Control Education for teens and adults, Dispensing of various Birth Control Methods, Confidential HIV Testing, Family Planning, Gynecology, Gardasil, Pills Now Pay Later Program™, Pregnancy Education, Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening and Treatment, Well Woman Exam, Colposcopy, Sterilization services. PEOPLEWORKS-NM Meadowlark Senior Center 4330 Meadowlark Lane SE Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Services (505) 891-5018 Meadowlark Senior Center (505) 990-4186 Svc/Intake and Admin Abortion Services Birth Control Birth Control Counseling Confidential HIV Testing Contraception Postabortion Counseling Pregnancy Counseling Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening Teen Family Planning Programs www.peopleworksnm.org peopleworksnm@gmail.com OVERVIEW: Older adults will have access to high quality of mental health care and services no matter their economic status. SERVICE SUMMARY: PeopleWorks – NM, a nonprofit organization, provides multiple services, including counseling and geriatric care management, to enhance general well-being. We are based in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, with a special emphasis on services geared toward older adults and the city's at-risk population. PRESBYTERIAN HEALTHCARE SERVICES AND HOSPITALS Services 2501 Buena Vista SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 Case/Care Management * Frail Elderly Case/Care Management * Older Adults Friendly Visiting * Frail Elderly Geriatric Counseling Individual Counseling * Older Adults (505) 841-1234 Main Switchboard (866) 388-7737 800-Line Presbyterian Health Plan www.phs.org info@phs.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides administrative direction and support to all Presbyterian Healthcare facilities throughout New Mexico. Presbyterian Healthcare Services is a not-for-profit system of hospitals, a health plan and a growing medical group. Presbyterian is committed to a single purpose -- improving the health of individuals, families and communities throughout New Mexico. HOURS: Admin hours MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM Site locations call for information PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF NEW MEXICO, INC. 3625 Central NE Albuquerque, NM 87108 (505) 265-3722 Nob Hill Office (505) 294-1577 Northeast Heights Office (505) 899-7900 Sandoval County – Rio Rancho Office (505) 265-5976 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 230-7526 800-Line Sites www.pprm.org 1. PMS ESPERANZA FAMILY HEALTH 903 C 5th Street ESTANCIA, NM 87016 Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides family planning assistance, clinical services and low cost abortion services and counseling. Pregnancy testing daily. SERVICE SUMMARY: Comprehensive and confidential family planning services, pregnancy testing, counseling, infertility counseling. Family planning educational programs, speakers and films. Routine gynecological exams for women, marriage license blood testing, diagnosis and treatment of venereal diseases for men and women, diagnosis and treatment of vaginal and urinary tract infections and AIDS testing, vasectomies. Provides abortion services in a low cost non-hospital setting. Must make appointment to schedule services. Tubal legations (sterilization) performed with general or local anesthetic. Insurance and Medicaid accepted. (505) 384-2777 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides a variety of medical, dental and behavioral health services to individuals and families that have no insurance or inadequate insurance to cover the costs of care. Also operates a Head start Program and the senior program of Torrance county. Provides a variety of primary medical care. Dental services and behavioral health services to individuals and families on a sliding fee scale based on income and family size. We also accept Medicare, Medicaid (contract w/ all 3 Salud HMO's), a wide array of private insurance companies. Please call office for more information for up to 90 individuals. Call for more information. Provides service mostly to Torrance county residents <continued...> 100 PRESBYTERIAN HEALTHCARE SERVICES... and Southern Santa Fe County. 2. PMS MOUNTAINAIR FAMILY HEALTH 105 East Pinon St MOUNTAINAIR, NM 87036 7. PRESBYTERIAN HOME HEALTHCARE SERVICES 8100 Constitution Place, NE Ste 400 ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87110 (505) 847-2271 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 559-1144 Service/Intake SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides skilled nursing care, rehabilitation therapies and home health aide services to people in their own homes. Special services are antepartum nursing, pediatric care, new mother and infant care, intravenous (IV) therapy, oncology, psychiatric and respiratory nursing care, wound care, diabetes, cardiac, laboratory tests, medical social services, physical , occupational and speech therapies. 3. PRESBYTERIAN EAR INSTITUTE 415 Cedar St. SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 224-7020 Service/Intake SERVICE SUMMARY: Plays an active role in hearing and speech disorders, cochlear implantation and skull base surgical procedures. Services include La Voz de Ninos Oral School, speech/language and auditory training, instructional groups, the Cochlear Implant Program, pediatric/adult implant evaluations, diagnostics, rehabilitation for post implantation for adults and children with cochlear implants, Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Program, a rehabilitation center. 8. PRESBYTERIAN HOSPICE SERVICES Kaseman Hospital 8300 Constitution NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 559-1122 Service/Intake SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides a comprehensive program of palliative care for the terminally ill patients. Provides special services such as; nursing care, pastoral care, medical services, counseling, in-patient hospice, therapists, home health aides, and homemakers. 4. PRESBYTERIAN FAMILY HEALTHCARE OF BELEN 609 South Christopher Road BELEN, NM 87002 9. PRESBYTERIAN MEDICAL SERVICES HEAD START TORRANCE COUNTY 600 10TH St ESTANCIA, NM 87016 (505) 864-5454 Service/Intake SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides a full range of outpatient medical services, including physical therapy. (505) 384-2302 Service/Intake Estancia (505) 832-2588 Service/Intake Moriarty (505) 847-0547 Service/Intake Mountainair 5. PRESBYTERIAN HEALTH SYSTEM SANDOVAL 4100 High Resort, Boulevard RIO RANCHO, NM 87124 SERVICE SUMMARY: Free social, health, and educational program for 3-5 year old children for low-income families in Torrance County. (505) 462-8888 Service/Intake SERVICE SUMMARY: At the High Resort location, pediatric services are provided, in addition to an Urgent Care. Presbyterian Health System accepts: private insurance, Medicaid Managed Care, and uninsured patients for most of their services. In addition, IHS coverage and Medicaid fee-for-service is accepted for some services. Please call to verify. Locations: 6001 10th Street Estancia, NM 87016 (505)384-2302 704 Union Street Moriarty, NM 87035 (505)832-2588 109 Sunset Avenue Mountainair, NM 87036 (505)847-0547 6. PRESBYTERIAN HEALTHCARE SERVICES AND HOSPITALS 2501 Buena Vista SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 10. RIO RANCHO FAMILY HEALTH CENTER 184 Unser Blvd. NE RIO RANCHO, NM 87124 (505) 841-1234 Main Switchboard (866) 388-7737 800-Line Presbyterian Health Plan (505) 896-0928 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Substance abuse services for children, adolescents, and adults. As a community health center we provide mental health, substance abuse and general outpatient medical. Accepts Medicare, Medicaid, Salud and most commerical Insurance programs. A sliding scale is available for uninsured indiv. <continued...> 101 PRESBYTERIAN HEALTHCARE SERVICES... QUOTE... UNQUOTE, INC. Services Dental Care General Medical Care Health Care Health Care Referrals PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: SITE: 1 Ste 5 Peace and Justice Center 202 Harvard SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 417-9178 Svc/Intake and Admin Call for Information www.quote-unquote.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides for free access to Community Television Channel 27 for non-profits, groups, and individuals. HOURS: Call for information Child Development Classes Head Start SITE: 9 Emergency Room Care General Medical Care Health Care Health Screening/Diagnostic Services Hearing Aids Hearing Screening Home Health Care Hospice Care Hospitals Inpatient Alcoholism Treatment Facilities Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities Intensive Care Speech and Hearing Substance Abuse Services Terminal Illness Counseling Urgent Care Centers SITES: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Services Community Access Channels RAINN RAPE, ABUSE & INCEST NATIONAL NETWORK 1220 L Street NW Suite 505 Washington, DC 20005 (800) 656-4673 Svc/Intake and Admin National Sexual Assault Hotline Call 9-1-1 Emergency www.rainn.org info@rainn.org OVERVIEW: The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) is the nation's largest anti-sexual assault organization and has been ranked as one of “America’s 100 Best Charities by Worth magazine. PUEBLO OF ISLETA SOCIAL SERVICES Isleta, NM 87022 (505) 869-2772 Social Services SERVICE SUMMARY: NATIONAL SEXUAL ASSAULT HOTLINE: 1.800.656.HOPE(4673). Free. Confidential. 24/7. At any given moment, more than 1,100 trained volunteers are on duty and available to help victims at RAINN-affiliated crisis centers across the country. www.isletapueblo.com/directory.html OVERVIEW: Provides government services and administration for the Pueblo of Isleta. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Child Welfare and Family Violence Prevention and Intervention. Child protective services, crisis intervention, family counseling community outreach, and child welfare assistance. Additional services include financial assistance and information and referral. GET CARDED: Every fall, RAINN, local rape crisis centers and thousands of volunteers across the US participate in Get Carded, a program to educate college students about sexual assault. Services SOCIAL NORMS CAMPAIGN: RAINN is proud to present the first national social norms media campaign focusing on the role that that men play in preventing sexual assault. Early Head Start * Native American Community Head Start * Native American Community Native American General Assistance Substance Abuse Education/Prevention * Native American Community Substance Abuse Intervention Programs * Native American Community NATIONAL SEXUAL ASSAULT ONLINE HOTLINE: Launching in 2006, the National Sexual Assault Online Hotline will provide live, anonymous, secure crisis support to victims of sexual assault and their families and friends. ANTI-VIOLENCE LEGISLATION In 2004, RAINN was proud to announce that the US Congress passed the Justice for All Act, which incorporates the Advancing Justice Through DNA Technology Act and the Debbie Smith Bill. The legislation was signed into law by the President. <continued...> 102 RAINN... READING WORKS, INC. 1113 Rhode Island St. NE, Ste. B Albuquerque, NM 87110 Services (505) 321-9620 Svc/Intake and Admin Adult Sexual Assault Prevention Internet Information Resources * Sexual Assault Issues Sexual Assault Hotlines Sexual Assault/Incest Support Groups Support Groups * Sexual Assault Issues PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information www.reading-works.org info@reading-works.org OVERVIEW: Reading Works, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization. Our mission is to teach adults to read and write. SERVICE SUMMARY: Reading Works, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization. Our mission is to teach adults to read and write. We use trained volunteers to teach adults on a one-on-one basis, with a learner-goal based teaching system. We teach basic literacy (teaching native English speakers to read and write English) and English as a Second Language (teaching other language speakers to speak and understand English). All services are free to any adult living in Bernalillo County. RAPE CRISIS CENTER OF CENTRAL NEW MEXICO 9741 Candelaria NE Albuquerque, NM 87112 Services (800) 656-4673 Service/Intake and Hotline Rape Abuse and Incest National Network (505) 266-7712 Svc/Intake and Admin (888) 811-8282 800-Line Call 9-1-1 Emergency (505) 266-7711 Hotline/Talkline/Warmline Adult Literacy Programs English as a Second Language Literacy Programs Literacy Volunteer Opportunities Tutoring Volunteer Opportunities www.rapecrisiscnm.org info@rapecrisiscnm.org READWEST, INC OVERVIEW: The Albuquerque Rape Crisis Center provides emotional support and advocacy to survivors of sexual assault and abuse within the greater Albuquerque area, and serves as a community resource on issues regarding prevention and awareness of sexual assault and abuse. Provides crisis services, counseling to victims of sexual assault and their families, prevention education programs and professional training. SERVICE SUMMARY: 24-hour services for survivors of sexual assault, and their loved ones, through a telephone hotline and hospital advocacy. Counseling services for anyone who has been affected by sexual assault which includes individuals, couples, and groups. Sexual assault prevention programs and training for schools, colleges, businesses, and organizations. 2009 Grand Blvd. Rio Rancho, NM 87124 (505) 892-1131 Administrative www.readwest.org readwest@readwest.org OVERVIEW: Teaches literacy and provides literacy training. HOURS: MTWTH 9AM to 3PM Services Adult Literacy Programs Computer Literacy Volunteer Opportunities English as a Second Language English Language Instruction Volunteer Opportunities Literacy Programs Literacy Volunteer Opportunities PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information Services Crime Victim Accompaniment Services Sexual Assault Counseling Sexual Assault Hotlines Sexual Assault Prevention Sexual Assault Treatment Support Groups * Sexual Assault Issues RIGHT TO LIFE COMMITTEE OF NEW MEXICO, THE 2413 Wyoming Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87112 (505) 881-4563 Svc/Intake and Admin www.rtlnm.org info@rtlnm.org Public transportation accessible; a pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Advocates and provides educational programs and materials on Right to Life issues. <continued...> 103 RIGHT TO LIFE COMMITTEE OF NEW MEXICO,... HOURS: MTWThF- 9AM to 5PM of the river. Services Services Right to Life Groups Food Pantries RIO GRANDE EDUCATIONAL COLLABORATIVE RIO GRANDE REGION OF NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS 6260 Riverside Plaza Lane NW Albuquerque, NM 87107 Various Meeting Locations (866) 885-6562 Meeting and Information Line (505) 873-6035 Svc/Intake and Admin www.riograndena.org/welcome.php www.rgec.org info@rgec.org A pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Provides a program of support and assistance to individuals who wish to escape from the world of drug/substance abuse. Call for location and meeting times: (505)260-9889 SERVICE SUMMARY: Narcotics Anonymous is a non-profit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs have become a major problem to the extent that the drugs control their lives. Recovering addicts in NA meet regularly to help each other stay clean. Any one may join regardless of age, race, creed, religion or lack of religion. Meetings are held in both English and Spanish. OVERVIEW: RGEC provides services to schools in need of improvement. Services include professional development for educators, project and grant management and facilitation and support of parent and family involvement activities. SERVICE SUMMARY: After School Program: A safe, fun and comprehensive after school and summer time program for enhancing academic achievement, performance and literacy skills among Rio Grande Cluster high-risk students, grades K - 8. Services Substance Abuse Education/Prevention Substance Abuse Hotlines Substance Abuse Services Services Educational Grants Literacy Programs Mentoring Programs PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: RIO RANCHO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 4001 Southern Blvd. SE Ste. B Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Call for Information RIO GRANDE FOOD PROJECT RIO GRANDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (505) 892-1533 Svc/Intake and Admin www.rrchamber.org info@rrrcc.org 600 Coors NW Albuquerque, NM 87121-5148 OVERVIEW: Provides information for relocation, visitors, and tourists. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Offers a variety of free services to residents and visitors such as relocation and visitor information, referrals, classes, workshops, special events and SBA materials. (505) 831-2686 FAX (505) 831-3778 Svc/Intake and Admin www.rgfp.org ExecutiveDirector@rgfp.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides a balanced, seven day emergency food box to referred clients. Depends on food availability. Services City Government Information Lines Tourist Information To qualify, adults in the household must present a photo ID. For each minor in household, a birth certificate or baptismal certificate is required. Serves clients every 90 days. HOURS: Monday/Wednesday/Friday 10AM to 2PM Saturday 9AM -12PM Closed on holidays observed by the state of New Mexico. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides food boxes to families with written referrals by Human Services, other churches, school counselors and senior organizations. Clients may only be served four times in a year. Serves primarily residents west 104 RIO RANCHO NURSING AND REHABILITATION CENTER ROADRUNNER FOOD BANK OF NEW MEXICO 4210 Sabana Grande SE Rio Rancho, NM 87124 5840 Office Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 (505) 892-6603 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 349-8841 Food Pantry Referral/Hunger Line (505) 247-2052 Svc/Intake and Admin (866) 327-0267 800-Line www.genesishcc.com/RioRancho OVERVIEW: Agency is a nursing home and rehabilitation facility. SERVICE SUMMARY: At Rio Rancho Nursing and Rehabilitation, you’ll find a wide range of services and programs available in our facility. Our professional staff works closely with each resident’s physician and family to create a personalized plan of care that helps each resident reach his or her highest potential. www.rrfb.org info@rrfb.org OVERVIEW: Established in 1980, Roadrunner Food Bank has taken the leadership role in finding solutions to the hunger problem in New Mexico. SERVICE SUMMARY: The Food Bank solicits, collects, and transports salvageable food from large and small food industry donors nationwide and we purchase large quantities of food in bulk. We then distribute millions of pounds of food each year through a statewide network of over 700 emergency food pantries, group homes, low-income day care centers, shelters, soup kitchens, and seven smaller, regional food banks. In turn, these organizations provide emergency food boxes, congregate meals, and direct distributions to over 200,000 low-income people each year. Our services include: ~Postacute care ~Alzheimer’s care ~Wound care ~Physical, occupational and speech therapy ~Special rehabilitation for amputation, arthritis, orthopedics, spinal cord injury, and stroke ~Hospice care ~Respite care Roadrunner Food Bank is a private, non-profit organization serving the state of New Mexico. We are not a government agency and are not affiliated with federal, state or local governments. We depend on donations - financial, food, and in-kind - to help feed thousands of hungry New Mexicans every day. Services Nursing Facilities Rehabilitation/Habilitation Services Respite Care Registries VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: There are quite a few options for volunteers wanting to help the Food Bank end hunger in New Mexico. RIO RANCHO PUBLIC SCHOOLS Services 500 Laser Rd.NE Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Food Banks/Food Distribution Warehouses Food Pantries Food Pantries * Information Lines Volunteer Opportunities (505) 896-0667 Svc/Intake and Admin www.rrps.net OVERVIEW: Public school district for Rio Rancho, New Mexico. SERVICE SUMMARY: Rio Rancho Public Schools is a school district based in Rio Rancho, NM, USA. Rio Rancho Public Schools serves the municipality of Rio Rancho. The school district has a total of 18 schools. The district has two high schools, two alternative high schools, four middle schools, 10 elementary schools and 1 preschool. ROADRUNNER CHILD DEVELOPMENT 608 Chelwood Park NE Albuquerque, NM 87123 (505) 293-6691 Svc/Intake and Admin Public transportation accessible; a pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Provides a variety of extended day care services, including preschool, kindergarden, and before & after care for public school children. Accepts children from 6 weeks through 10 years of age. HOURS: MTWThF 6:30AM to 6PM SERVICE SUMMARY: The center provides a variety of extended day care services.The program maintains a low ratio of children to teachers. The center is fully licensed by the State of New Mexico. The program provides safe play areas, music, social skills development, breakfasts/lunch/snacks, and transportation for school age children to public schools and back. Services Alternative Education Dropout Prevention Dropout Programs Education Elementary Schools Middle Schools Preschools Public Schools Secondary/High Schools <continued...> 105 ROADRUNNER CHILD DEVELOPMENT... Services Services Child Care Providers Preschools Abuse Counseling Crime Victim Accompaniment Services Domestic Violence Shelters Family Violence Prevention General Clothing Provision * Victims/Survivors Safe Houses Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention SITES: 1 2 S.A.F.E. HOUSE PO Box 25363 Albuquerque, NM 87125 (800) 773-3645 Hotline/Crisis Line (505) 247-4219 Svc/Intake and Admin Call 9-1-1 Emergency SAFETEEN NEW MEXICO www.safehousenm.org shelter@safehousenm.org 1511 University Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides shelter, meals, transportation, clothing and child care for victims of domestic violence and their children. S.A.F.E. House also provides domestic violence counseling and other supportive services including transitional housing, advocacy and offender treatment. HOURS: MTWThFSaSu - 24 hours (505) 924-2717 Svc/Intake and Admin www.safeteennm.org info@safeteennm.org OVERVIEW: SAFETEEN NM is a driver’s safety education program implemented in high schools. SERVICE SUMMARY: SAFETEEN Inc. is a youth driven, community-based organization that implements programs in schools to prevent injury, death, and disability, related to traffic fatalities. SAFETEEN facilitates youth involvement and peer education that result in critical thinking, self awareness, and healthy decision-making. Sites 1. S.A.F.E. HOUSE PO Box 25363 Albuquerque, NM 87125 (800) 773-3645 Hotline/Crisis Line (505) 247-4219 Svc/Intake and Admin Services Driving Safety Education * Youth PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information SERVICE SUMMARY: Offers counseling, shelter, food, and clothing to victims of domestic violence. Domestic Violence counseling and referral services for domestic violence abusers and victims is available. Services include PATHWAYS: a transitional housing program for victims/witnesses of domestic violence and their children. Clients can stay in the program for up to two years, and receive housing, case management, rental assistance, advocacy. CLINICAL SERVICES: licensed therapists are available for group and individual therapy for all age groups. SECOND CHANCES: A resale shop which helps S.A.F.E House clients develop employment skills for the retail industry and all proceeds from the thrift shop sales benefit S.A.F.E. House operations and client services. SANDRA'S CLOSET: A "Dress for Success" program that provides clients with professional clothing for job interviews and skills for permanent employment. Workshops for resume-building and interview skills are also available. SALVATION ARMY, THE 4301 Bryn Mawr Dr. NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 872-1171 Utility/Rent www.salvationarmy.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides a variety of emergency assistance programs. HOURS: MTWThF 9AM to 3:30 PM Sites 1. MISSING PERSONS SERVICE 180 East Ocean Blvd Long Beach, CA 90802 2. S.A.F.E. HOUSE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE FAMILY PROGRAM PO Box 25363 ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87125 (800) 698-7728 800-Line SERVICE SUMMARY: mutually desire contact. (505) 831-8700 Service/Intake Goal is to reunite relatives who SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides assessment and counseling services to families where domestic violence has or is occuring. Substance abuse counseling and domestic violence counseling offered as well. <continued...> 106 SALVATION ARMY, THE... Families (SCCF) offers a range of approaches to assist parents. A brief description of our services follows: 2. SALVATION ARMY, THE 4301 Bryn Mawr Dr. NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 Wise Parent Counseling: This approach is best suited for parents who are motivated to work cooperatively, and seek assistance and education in co-parenting. (505) 872-1171 Ext. 116 Service/Intake SERVICE SUMMARY: Donation pickup, emergency rental assistance for persons with eviction notices, emergency utility assistance for persons with disconnect notices, limited food assistance-including holidays, casework services to local transient persons; assistance in locating missing persons, work therapy program for adults with alcohol and drug related problems and for individuals seeking to return to mainstream society, emergency shelter and meals to homeless, New Addition Program: a small program to help with some expenses incurred with a newborn baby. Requirements are that mother is expecting or baby is less than one month of age. Co-Parenting Training for Couples: This is a structured psycho-educational format that can be used when the parents are in higher conflict. Cooperative Parenting Classes: SCCF offers classes for parents to prepare them to work together in the Wise Parent program, joint therapy, or on their own. Reintegration: Therapists work with parents and children who have become estranged over the course of family break-up. Mediation and Facilitated Settlement: The Center accepts referral for settlement facilitation and mediation of all divorce and parenting issues. 3. SILVER CREST 4400 Pan American Fwy, NE Albuquerque, NM Therapy and Counseling: SCCF provides therapy to individuals and couples going through divorce, break up of relationships and the stress of being in ongoing litigation. (505) 883-1068 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Silver Crest offers housing to seniors age 62 or older. Subsidized by US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Utilities included, on site laundry, food commodities available to residents. Services Annual income must NOT exceed: 1 person- $18,950 2 persons- $21,700 Abuse Counseling Adolescent/Youth Counseling Divorce Counseling Family Counseling Group Counseling Individual Counseling Marriage Counseling Mental Health Care and Counseling Mental Health Evaluation Parent Counseling Pastoral Counseling Premarital Counseling Sexual Assault Counseling Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling Services Food Pantries Furniture/Home Furnishings Donation Programs Missing Persons Location Assistance Mortgage Payment Assistance Older Adult/Disability Related Supportive Housing Rent Payment Assistance Subsidized Housing Administrative Organizations * Older Adults Thrift Shops Utility Service Payment Assistance SITES: 1 2 3 SANCTUARY ZONE Building B 903 N. 5th Street Estancia, NM 87016 SAMARITAN COUNSELING CENTER OF ALBUQUERQUE (505) 384-0381 Svc/Intake and Admin Bldg. #3 1101 Medical Arts Ave. NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 www.sanctuaryzone.org sanctuaryzone@att.net (505) 842-5300 Svc/Intake and Admin OVERVIEW: Sanctuary Zone is an organization committed to prevent domestic violence through programs of intervention and prevention. SERVICE SUMMARY: Sanctuary Zone’s mission and goal is to instill faith in our clients. We will minister to the whole person in order for them to recover, heal, and become self-reliant citizens. How we will achieve this goal is by honoring God with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding through the power of the Holy www.samaritancc.com Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides a variety of counseling services, education, life skills and psychological testing. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 6PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Samaritan Center for Changing <continued...> 107 SANCTUARY ZONE... Spirit. We will reveal to our clients and citizens of our community the value of life by addressing the issues of the whole person: spiritually, educationally, socially, economically, and physically. These needs will be met to teach them that mutual respect should be granted to all regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, political, or religious preference. 2. SANDOVAL COUNTY GOVERNMENT 1500 Idalia RD Bernalillo, NM 87004 (505) 867-7538 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Conducts planning, sets policy and implements all programs by direction of the Sandoval County Commission. Services Domestic Violence Intervention Programs Domestic Violence Motel Vouchers Family Based Services * Victims/Survivors PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information Services Alcoholism Counseling Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Substance Abuse Intervention Programs Substance Abuse Services SITE: 1 SANDOVAL COUNTY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICES 711 S. Camino del Pueblo Bernalillo, NM 87004 Government Information Lines Public Officials Offices SITE: 2 (505) 867-2582 Svc/Intake and Admin www.sandovalextension.nmsu.edu sandoval@nmsu.edu OVERVIEW: Provides resources and information regarding nutrition, safety, and youth development. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides array of services for Sandoval County residents. SARANAM 1100 Eubank NE, Ste A Albuquerque, NM 87112 (505) 299-6154 Svc/Intake and Admin Services www.saranamabq.org saranam.tracy@gmail.com Nutrition Education Safety Education Programs Youth Development PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information OVERVIEW: The word "Saranam" means refuge. Saranam provides a two-year continuum of care in a safe and nurturing environment and six steps to self-sufficiency that motivates participants to long-term success. SERVICE SUMMARY: Central's Family Transitions Assistance (program for homeless families): SANDOVAL COUNTY GOVERNMENT D 1500 Idalia RD Bernalillo, NM 87004 Education: Saranam's Education Program incorporates three of the six steps to self-sufficiency: education/personal development, vocational development and job placement/employee support. (505) 867-7500 Svc/Intake and Admin www.sandovalcounty.com Housing: Saranam and its partner agencies provide housing, case management, budgeting and debt reconciliation, education and referral services for medical, dental, mental health and substance abuse treatment OVERVIEW: Provides county government services to the citizens of Sandoval County. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM Sites Services 1. SANDOVAL COUNTY DWI PROGRAM 711 Camino Del Pueblo BERNALILL0, NM 87004 Dental Care Referrals * Homeless Families Health Care Referrals * Homeless Families Homeless Financial Assistance Programs Job Search/Placement * Homeless Families Mental Health Support Services * Homeless Families Transitional Case/Care Management * Homeless Families PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information (505) 771-7191 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides substance abuse prevention and treatment, family services/counseling, community organization, and probation services. Staff speak English, Spanish, and Dine. Fees: $20.00 Registration fee, Probation fee may apply, other services free of charge. 108 SAWMILL COMMUNITY LAND TRUST, CLT business is also offered. Services 990 18th St NW 2nd Floor Albuquerque, NM 87104 Business Associations Minority Business Development Small Business Development (505) 764-0359 Svc/Intake and Admin www.sawmillclt.org info@sawmillclt.org SENIOR CITIZENS' LAW OFFICE 4317 Lead Ave SE Ste A Albuquerque, NM 87108 OVERVIEW: Sawmill Community Land Trust is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to developing vibrant, prosperous neighborhoods through the creation and stewardship of permanently affordable housing for low and moderate income families through the community land trust model. The keystone of our mission is the empowerment of underserved, disinvested communities through civic participation, opportunity, and advocacy. SERVICE SUMMARY: Develop and steward quality, affordable rental/homeownership housing in Albuquerque that primarily serves families and individuals with incomes at or below 80% of area median. Financial assistance for qualified homebuyers is available. HUD-certified housing and financial counseling services are offered to all prospective homebuyers at no cost and without income restrictions; a CLT home purchase is not required for use of counseling services. Additional service features include rental housing for low income seniors (ages 55+), FREE resource referral and counseling services for homeowners, and support of community health/strength through events, organizing, and advocacy. (505) 265-2300 Svc/Intake and Admin www.sclonm.org Public transportation accessible; a pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Provides legal assistance and advice in civil cases. HOURS: Call for information SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides free legal services to seniors in civil cases with focus on the following types of cases: public benefits, guardianship, landlord-tenant, foreclosure defense, financial exploitation, consumer, health and long term care. Services Elder Law Guardianship Assistance * Frail Elderly Landlord/Tenant Assistance * Older Adults Legal Counseling * Older Adults Legal Services * Older Adults PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Bernalillo County residents 60 years old and over. Services Community Housing Development Organizations Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling Low Cost For Sale Homes/Housing Units Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing SENIOR LIVING SYSTEMS 05 Thomas Rd. Los Lunas, NM 87031 (505) 865-8813 Service/Intake SCORE - SERVICE CORPS OF RETIRED EXECUTIVES nmagelessliving.info Public transportation accessible; a pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Provides adult residential care services and assisted living. SERVICE SUMMARY: 24 hour personal care and services. Residents must be mobile and may use assistive devices, attendant services under medicaid personal care options. 500 Gold Ave. SW Ste 11409 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 248-8232 Svc/Intake and Admin www.abqscore.org office@abqscore.org Services Public transportation accessible; a pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Provides assistance and mentorship for individuals considering starting their own business or improving/expanding an existing business. HOURS: MTWThF 9AM to 4PM SERVICE SUMMARY: SCORE provides assistance to the small business community through no-fee mentoring and business counseling and low-cost workshops. SCORE members have a considerable amount of business expertise and volunteer their time to assist people with starting a business or improving/expanding an existing business. Assistance is also provided in the form of a variety of workshop subjects. Individual counseling on issues relating to Independent Living Communities/Complexes for Older Adults Older Adult/Disability Related Supportive Housing Semi-Independent Living Residences for Adults with Disabilities * Frail Elderly 109 SEW RIGHT INC. SICKLE CELL COUNCIL OF NEW MEXICO, INC. 1212 Broadway Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 1330 San Pedro Dr NE Ste 201-A Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 977-3385 Svc/Intake and Admin www.sewrightinc.com pamelaspillow@aol.com (505) 254-9550 Svc/Intake and Admin www.sicklecellnm.org OVERVIEW: Sew Right's mission is to promote creativity and entrepreneurship through the operation of a non-profit school for interior design fabrication. SERVICE SUMMARY: Sew Right provides free job training in the Workroom Fabrication Business through scholarships. Sew Right is looking to develop competent people who want to work for themselves, set their own hours, and take advantage of a field in which they will be in high demand. Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides education and counseling services. Also supporting individuals, and families who's lives are affected by Sickle Cell conditions. Conducts blood sample screening. HOURS: MTWThF - 8AM to 4PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Sickle cell traits, sickle cell anemia and G-6-P-D educational information. Provides educational materials and loan of films to community organizations, agencies, schools and businesses. Provides updated information of the cause, prevention and treatment of sickle cell anemia. Genetic counseling for anyone found to have sickle cell trait or any of the other hemoglobin disorders. Education and follow-up counseling for target populations at risk for disease or trait.Conducts blood samples testing programs to detect hemoglobin disorders. Coordinates prenatal and newborn screening for New Mexico. Services Sewing Instruction Sewing/Needlecraft Volunteer Opportunities SHARE YOUR CARE, INC. Services 2651 Pan American Freeway NE Ste A Albuquerque, NM 87107 Genetic Counseling Sickle Cell Anemia Clinics Sickle Cell Screening (505) 298-1700 Ext. 26 Svc/Intake and Admin www.shareyourcare.org kaycotz@shareyourcare.org SILVER HORIZONS NEW MEXICO, INC. Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides adult day care, at 6 sites throughout the Albuquerque area. HOURS: MTWThF 7:30 AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides quality adult day care services for frail elderly and adults with disabilities, including severe disabling mental illness, as an alternative to institutional care. Keeps people living at home while providing a break for caregivers. 1212 Candelaria Rd NW Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 884-3881 Svc/Intake and Admin www.silverhorizons.org info@silverhorizons.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Funds senior services and champions senior issues. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Silver Horizons New Mexico, Inc. provides outstanding services and acts as a champion for seniors, enriching the quality of life for individuals and the community. Services Adult Day Program Centers Case/Care Management * Frail Elderly Geriatric Counseling Information Services * Caregivers PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Clients must be able to feed, and take care of personal functions with moderate assistance. Services Senior Advocacy Groups Specialized Information and Referral * Older Adults Utility Assistance * Older Adults 110 SIPI - SOUTHWESTERN INDIAN POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE 9169 Coors Rd NW Albuquerque, NM 87120 Services Equestrian Therapy Equestrian Therapy Volunteer Opportunities PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information (800) 586-7474 Svc/Intake and Admin www.sipi.edu Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides a variety of educational courses and training programs in different occupational/technological fields. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 4:30 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides business technologies, occupational technologies, and general education courses. Offers Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Science (AS), Associate of Applied Sciences (AAS), Certificates of Completion, GED, Workshops, Seminars, Practicums and Continuing Education in a wide variety of subjects. SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 248-8225 Svc/Intake and Admin www.sba.gov/localresources/district/nm/index Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides financial assistance and guidance to individuals who want to start a small business. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 4:30 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Helps entrepreneurs form successful small enterprises. Program offers financing, training and advocacy for small firms. Business must be independently owned and operated, not dominant within its field and fall within size standards set by the SBA. Services Adult Education * Native American Community Continuing Education * Native American Community GED/High School Equivalency Test Instruction * Native American Community Technical/Trade Schools * Native American Community Services Organizational Training Services Small Business Development SKYLINE THERAPY 1090 Mountain Valley Road Edgewood, NM 87015 SOUTHWEST BRANCH OF THE INTERNATIONAL DYSLEXIA ASSOCIATION (505) 281-1811 Svc/Intake and Admin www.facebook.com/pages/Skyline-Therapy-Services/ 164985046861423 skylinetherapy@aol.com 3915 Carlisle Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 255-8234 Svc/Intake and Admin OVERVIEW: Outpatient Clinic For Hippotherapy SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides integrated rehabilitative therapy services to persons with handicapping conditions as a nationally recognized leader in the use of hippo therapy as a treatment tool. www.southwestida.com swida@southwestida.com Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Promotes public education and advocates on issues related to the problems of individuals who may suffer from the condition of dyslexia. HOURS: Call for information SERVICE SUMMARY: Focus on the diagnosis and treatment of children and adults who have learning disabilities, dyslexia and who have experienced difficulty in learning skills of language. Acts as resource for educators, parents, dyslexic persons, speech/language therapists, and literacy volunteers. Provides information through conferences and multisensory training workshops, provides scholarships, telephone hot line, video and audio tape library, tutor and diagnostic referral service. Hippotherapy--treatment with the use of horses'to generate therapeutic benefits that address a variety of handicaps in children and adults. "Hippotherapy is not a new concept. It's been around for more than 30 years," says Ruth Dismuke-Blakely, Skyline's founder and owner. "We provide traditional outpatient therapy, incorporating horses." Psychotherapy and physical, speech, language and occupational therapy can all be administered with the help of horses. Most patients come to the Albuquerque facility by private referral from public schools, rehabilitation hospitals and agencies like Children, Youth and Families. "We're also an "old cowboy therapy center," Dismuke-Blakely jokes. "Most hurt cowboys tend to find their way here instead of staying in a hospital." <continued...> 111 SOUTHWEST BRANCH OF THE INTERNATIONAL... Services Services Learning Disabilities * Reading Disorder Literacy Testing * Reading Disorder Special Education Assessment * Reading Disorder Tutoring Services * Reading Disorder Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling Housing Down Payment Loans/Grants Low Income Home Loans Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information SOUTHWEST CREATIONS COLLABORATIVE MY COMMUNITY NM SOUTHWEST SERVICES FOR THE DEAF, INC. 1308 4th Street NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 2202 Menaul N.E. Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 247-8559 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 440-3512 Svc/Intake and Admin - Voice and Text www.southwestcreations.com admin@mycommunitynm.org www.southwestdeafservices.com asl@nm.net OVERVIEW: Low income women's sewing cooperative plus family support services. HOURS: Mon - Fri 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: SCC operates a sewing manufacturing business, and offers family support programs such as health education, child development training and community resource training to it's employees and larger community. OVERVIEW: Mental Health services for the deaf and hard of hearing population. SERVICE SUMMARY: Professional, confidential mental health services for the deaf community. Consultative, referral and educational services for the professional sector. Referrals to La Familia therapeutic deaf group home for ages 15-20. Services Services Sewing Instruction Adolescent/Youth Counseling * Hard of Hearing Bereavement Counseling * Hard of Hearing Divorce Counseling * Hard of Hearing Family Counseling * Hard of Hearing Individual Counseling * Hard of Hearing PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information SOUTHWEST NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING SERVICES 4605 4th St NW Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 243-5511 Svc/Intake and Admin SPECIAL OLYMPICS NEW MEXICO www.nhsofalb.org info@nhsofalb.org 6600 Palomas NE Suite 207 Albuquerque, NM 87109 OVERVIEW: NHS of Alb. is a non-profit organization that focus's on low to moderate income families. In Rehab-loans, 1st mortgages, down payments, and closing cost loans. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Owner Rehab Loans (800) 371-5525 Statewide (505) 856-0342 Svc/Intake and Admin www.specialolympicsnewmexico.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides programs of sports training and the conduct of competitive sports events for people with developmental disabilities. HOURS: MTWThF 7:30 AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: A program of physical fitness, recreation, training and competition for children and adults with mental retardation or developmental disabilities. Participants train and compete year-round in 14 different sports. Call for eligibility. Athletes with mental disabilities and physical limitations may also participate. A medical/media release form signed by a parent or guardian is required for each athlete who participates. First Time Homebuyer Loans Down payment and Closing Cost Assistance Homebuyer Education Foreclosure Prevention Counseling <continued...> 112 SPECIAL OLYMPICS NEW MEXICO... Services Services Automobile Donation Programs Special Olympics Wheelchair Sports Bankruptcy Assistance * Counseling Services Credit Counseling Housing Counseling Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling Student Loans * Counseling Services SPRINGBOARD NONPROFIT CREDIT CONSUMER COUNSELING ST. FELIX PANTRY, INC. 300 Central SW Suite #2200 Albuquerque, NM 4020 Barbara Loop SE Rio Rancho, NM 87124-1021 (505) 891-8075 Svc/Intake and Admin (855) 736-7785 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 431-8456 800-Line www.stfelixpantry.org sfp@stfelixpantry.org www.Springboard.org OVERVIEW: Mission Statement; Our people improve the lives and financial well-being of individuals and families by providing access to quality financial education, counseling, assistance and affordable housing. HOURS: Hours of Operation; Monday- Friday 8-5, Weekend by Appointment Only SERVICE SUMMARY: Housing Counseling: Whether you're looking into homeownership for the first time, having trouble with your housing expenses, or have fallen behind on your mortgage payments, we can help. Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides emergency food, clothing and tutoring to those in need, depending on availability. $2.00 fee for food assistance, clients may return after one week. HOURS: MTWTHFSa 9 AM to Noon SERVICE SUMMARY: The pantry serves people from Rio Rancho and the surrounding areas. They provide food and clothing as available. Clients should bring their own bags or boxes in which to carry their items. There is a $2.00 fee charged to offset fuel charges for their trucks. Clients may return for more assistance after 1 week. Bankruptcy Counseling: If you are planning on filing for bankruptcy, Springboard can help you complete your required pre- and post-filing education courses. Services Food Pantries General Clothing Provision Credit Debt Counseling: One-on-one counseling designed to educate consumers on how to repay their debts and better manage their personal finances. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER PARISH Reverse Mortgage Counseling: A reverse mortgage can assist in providing a tax-free cash flow to eligible homeowners 62 years of age or older. Our counselors discuss the risks, obligations, and costs associated with obtaining a reverse mortgage. 820 Broadway Blvd. SE Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 243-5201 Svc/Intake and Admin www.parishesonline.com/find/st-francis-xavier-church-87102 OVERVIEW: St. Francis Xavier Parish provides a lunch progam for the homeless. SERVICE SUMMARY: Bag lunch program for the homeless; we give a sandwhich, fruit, sweet snack and chips on a daily basis. Back to Work - Extenuating Circumstances Program: This FHA mortgage loan program shortens the waiting period to buy a new home to as little as one year after you've had a bankruptcy, foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure, or short sale. Services Rental Counseling: Rental counselors offer resources and advice for saving money, increasing income, and reducing debt to achieve total financial health and prepare for homeownership. Sack Lunches/Dinners PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information ST. MARK'S IN THE VALLEY DAY SCHOOL Student Loan Counseling: One-on-one counseling to student loan borrowers in need of obtaining assistance through federal programs. 2913 Commercial NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 344-7369 Svc/Intake and Admin www.stmarksinthevalleyds.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides full day child care and education for children ages 2-6. HOURS: MTWThF 7AM to 5:00 PM <continued...> 113 ST. MARK'S IN THE VALLEY DAY SCHOOL... SERVICE SUMMARY: Nationally accredited child care and licensed kindergarten facility, provides high quality full-day care for children ages 2 to 6 in a private, non-profit, non-sectarian center staffed by persons both qualified and experienced in early childhood education. The aesthetic learning environment integrates language, social, physical and cognitive development with arts, music and the sciences. Breakfast, lunch and afternoon snacks provided. clients easily, and allow our shelter to operate for three meals a day. This news comes right after the announcement of funding from the City of Albuquerque to help us expand and renovate our kitchen, in order to better serve the increased meal count we’ve seen in the last 25 years of operation. We are overjoyed at this opportunity to expand our services, and excited for the opportunities it affords our clients. 3. ST. MARTIN'S HOSPITALITY CENTER 1201 Third Street NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 Services Child Care Centers Early Childhood Education (505) 843-9405 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 242-4399 Administrative SERVICE SUMMARY: Basic support services for homeless people including showers, toiletries, rest rooms, hair cuts, clothing exchange, nutritious meals, coffee, telephones, mail and message, long and short term storages, job training, substance abuse counseling, case management for mentally ill, case management for families, job referrals, and on-site entitlement workers. Also provides supportive housing for homeless men who do not have any substance abuse or mental problems and show a high degree of employability. Provides access to day labor employment through the Alliance Job Services ST. MARTIN'S HOSPITALITY CENTER 1201 Third Street NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 242-4399 Administrative (505) 843-9405 Svc/Intake and Admin www.smhc-nm.org Public transportation accessible; a pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: SMHC is New Mexico's largest day shelter and multi-program provider of services for homeless adults and children. HOURS: Hours of Operation: Administration: from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM M-F Shelter: from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM M-F Service Offices: from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM M-F Services Ex-Offender Halfway Houses * Males Ex-Offender Halfway Houses * Women SITE: 1 Holiday Programs Soup Kitchens SITE: 2 Sites 1. DISMAS HOUSE NEW MEXICO P.O. Box 27258 Albuquerque, NM 87125 Alcohol Abuse Education/Prevention Automobile Donation Programs Bathing Facilities Day Labor General Clothing Provision Homeless Drop In Centers Homeless Employment Programs Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing Homelessness Advocacy Groups Personal/Grooming Supplies Substance Abuse Education/Prevention Temporary Mailing Address Transitional Housing/Shelter * Males SITE: 3 (505) 242-4399 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Assists motivated adults on probation and parole to transition successfully into society. Provides residents (1) a transitional home with a family atmosphere and opportunities to interact with community volunteers, (2) case management services, (3) a link to community resources for housing, employment and recovery and (4) life skills training. Dismas House has the capacity to serve 26 residents (18 men and 8 women) at a time. Operates a thrift store, with proceeds benefiting clients of Dismas House. 4515 Central SE (east of Washington) Hours: Wednesday - Saturday 10AM to 4PM ST. MICHAEL'S & ALL ANGELS FOOD PANTRY 2. PROJECT SHARE-ST. MARTIN'S 1201 Third Street NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 601 Montano Rd. NW Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 345-8147 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 843-9405 Svc/Intake and Admin office@all-angels.com SERVICE SUMMARY: We are very pleased to announce that Project Share is now a program of St. Martin’s Hospitality Center. Having Project Share as part of the St. Martin’s team means we will now be able to serve more HOURS: Tues 9AM to 10AM. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides a food box to individuals and families in need. The primary focus is to serve the Northwest <continued...> 114 ST. MICHAEL'S & ALL ANGELS FOOD PANTRY... Valley, but will not refuse service to others if food is available. The pantry will attempt to provide food for up to 30 families on any given week. Services Food Pantries PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Utility Service Payment Assistance SITES: 1 2 STATE BAR OF NEW MEXICO LAWYER REFERRAL SERVICE 5121 Masthead NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 Call for Information (800) 876-6227 Service/Intake (Outside Albuquerque) (505) 797-6000 Svc/Intake and Admin ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY 4120 Menual Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 www.nmbar.org sbnm@nmbar.org (505) 346-1500 Svc/Intake and Admin Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides 30-minute consultations, case management with an attorney for a fee of $26.45. HOURS: MTWTHF 8:30 AM to 12PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Assists callers in determining the nature of their legal problems and makes referrals to appropriate agencies or attorneys in the area of law requested. Offer caller a 30-minute consultation with an attorney for a fee of $26.45. Attorney fees beyond the 30 minutes are negotiated on an individual case basis between client and the attorney. Referral attorneys are members of the State Bar, and are required to carry malpractice insurance. All referrals are kept confidential. Maintains information on legal services and other programs throughout the state and nationwide. Services include referrals to attorneys with other state licensing and to referral agencies nationwide. www.svdpusa.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides a variety of services to individuals in need, such as emergency assistance, thrift store, S. H.O.V.E. program, collection of donated items. HOURS: MTWThF 9AM to 2:30 PM Sites 1. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY 4120 Menual Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 346-1500 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides emergency financial assistance for food, rent, utilities, and other reasonable requests. A visit to the person's home is required to determine the need for the assistance. Operates thrift store which has a variety of used clothing, household goods, and furniture. Call for store location. S.H.O.V.E. program is a self-help program designed to provide emergency aid, job counseling, job skills training, job search assistance, counseling and referrals to other social service agencies. Donated items can be picked up to be sold at low cost at the thrift store. Pick-up of donated items please call 242-3434. Services Lawyer Referral Services Legal Information Lines STATE OF NEW MEXICO BERNALILLO COUNTY METROPOLITAN COURT 401 Lomas NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 2. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY ESTANCIA VALLEY CATHOLIC PARISH 3rd & Linden Moriarty, NM 87035 (505) 841-9817 Self-Help Center (505) 841-8151 Svc/Intake and Admin www.metrocourt.state.nm.us (505) 832-6655 Svc/Intake and Admin OVERVIEW: The mission of the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court is to provide informed, fair and equal access and adjudication of justice for the residents of Bernalillo County. SERVICE SUMMARY: Services include: DWI/Drug Courts In-Custody Bonding Jury Mediation Probation Record Checks Traffic Citations Educational Services Domestic Violence Early Intervention Program Domestic Violence Repeat Offender Program Mental Health Court Homeless Court Urban Native American Track SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides occasional utility assistance and monthly food pantry. This is the contact number for residents in Moriarity, Estancia, Tajique, Edgewood and McIntosh. Services Baby Furniture Donation Pickups Food Pantries Furniture/Home Furnishings Donation Programs General Furniture Provision Household Goods Rent Payment Assistance Thrift Shops <continued...> 115 STATE OF NEW MEXICO BERNALILLO COUNTY... STATE OF NEW MEXICO DIVISION OF VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION (DVR) Services Courts Criminal Division of Provincial Court DUI Offender Programs Homeless Courts Mental Health Courts Multiple Offender DUI Programs Small Claims Courts Traffic/Parking Ticket Information/Advice Traffic/Parking Violation Assistance Tribal Courts 5301 Central NE Suite 1600 Albuquerque, NM 87108 (800) 224-7005 Client Assistance Program (Statewide) (800) 432-5868 Disability Determination Services (505) 827-3526 Santa Fe Office (505) 841-6450 Svc/Intake and Admin www.dvrgetsjobs.com Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides vocational rehabilitation services on a state wide basis. STATE OF NEW MEXICO COMMISSION FOR THE BLIND Sites 2200 Yale SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 1. NEW MEXICO TECHNOLOGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM NMTAP 435 St. Michael's Drive Building D SANTA FE, NM 87505 (505) 841-8844 Svc/Intake and Admin (888) 513-7958 800-Line www.cfb.state.nm.us Public transportation accessible; a pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Provides a variety of services to blind individuals so that blind people do not unnecessarily limit their activities in society. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Services for people who are legally blind or have been diagnosed as having an eye condition which will lead to legal blindnessProgram of vocational rehabilitation and other services for those legally blind or severely impaired. Programs; teaching of Braille in home, vocational evaluation, emergency medical eye care, Employment Development Center, Older Blind Program. Also offers several programs that provide learning and assistance for blind individuals. Among these are; Summer Transition to Employment Program S.T.E.P., Supported Employment, and adaptive technology assistance. Blind persons with a touch tone phone can contact NEWSLINE to have the newspaper read to them daily. M-F 8am to 5 pm. (800) 866-2253 800-Line (505) 954-8539 Svc/Intake and Admin Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Our mission is to help persons with disabilities enhance their quality of life through the use of assistive technology. To fulfill this mission, the NMTAP staff provides the following services to New Mexicans with disabilities and their families: Assistive Bank of Loanable Equipment(ABLE), Financial Loan Program, Information & Referral, Training Services. 2. STATE OF NEW MEXICO DIVISION OF VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION (DVR) 5301 Central NE Suite 1600 Albuquerque, NM 87108 (800) 224-7005 Client Assistance Program (Statewide) (800) 432-5868 Disability Determination Services (505) 827-3526 Santa Fe Office (505) 841-6450 Svc/Intake and Admin Services Blind Mobility Aids Braille and Tactile Aids Braille Instruction Dog Guides Eye Care Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic Retinitis Pigmentosa Vocational Assessment SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides guidance and counseling, medical diagnostic treatment services; vocational and academic training; tools, equipment and licenses; and selective placement. DVR services are open to eligible individuals who have a physical or mental impairment which is a substantial impediment to employment and for whom vocational rehabilitation services are required to be competitive in seeking employment in an integrated labor market. ALBUQUERQUE LOCATIONS: San Mateo 5301 Central NE, Ste 1600 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108 505-841-6450 (866)526-0863 (Toll-Free) <continued...> 116 STATE OF NEW MEXICO DIVISION... Lomas 111 Lomas Blvd NW, Suite 422 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 383-2500 (888) 818-3259 (Toll-Free) Services Assistive Technology Equipment Assistive Technology Equipment Loan Assistive Technology Information Computer Distribution Programs * People With Disabilities Prevocational Training Vocational Assessment Vocational Centers Vocational Education Vocational Rehabilitation SITES: 1 2 3 4 5 South Valley 1710 Rio Bravo, SW Albuquerque, New Mexico 87105 505-877-7673 (888) 815-2981 (Toll-Free) Quail 5205 Quail Rd, NW Albuquerque, New Mexico 87120 505-836-1774 (888) 818-3263 (Toll-Free) STATE OF NEW MEXICO GOVERNOR'S OFFICE Room 400 Office of The Governor 490 Old Santa Fe Trail Santa Fe, NM 87501 3. STATE OF NEW MEXICO DIVISION OF VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION TORRANCE COUNTY (505) 269-0866 Service/Intake (505) 476-2200 Svc/Intake and Admin www.governor.state.nm.us SERVICE SUMMARY: Mission is to help individuals with disabilities in the Torrance County area achieve suitable employment opportunities. Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides for, and is responsible for State government operations. The Governor has the overall responsibility for State government operations and is ultimately answerable to the citizens of New Mexico. SERVICE SUMMARY: From balancing our state budget to reforming education, we have a lot of work to do together to create a brighter future for New Mexico’s children and families. As we enter the legislative session, I hope that our website will be able to provide you with important information about my plans and priorities for bringing bold change to state government and improving the lives of New Mexicans. 4. STATE OF NEW MEXICO DIVISION OF VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION VALENCIA COUNTY 911 Castillo Avenue BELEN, NM 87002 (505) 864-1617 Administrative (800) 901-7902 800-Line Belen Office SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides services to individuals with physical or mental disabilities who require vocational rehabilitation services in order to obtain employment. Provides guidance and counseling, medical diagnostic treatment services; vocational and academic training; tools, equipment and licenses; selective placement. DVR services are open to eligible individuals who have a physical or mental impairment which is a substantial impediment to employment and for whom vocational rehabilitation services are required to competitive employment in an integrated labor market. Services Government Information Lines Governor Offices Public Officials Offices 5. STATE OF NEW MEXICO DIVISION OF VOCATIONAL REHABILTATION SANDOVAL COUNTY 3791 Southern Blvd. SE Suite 210 Rio Rancho, NM 87124 STATE OF NEW MEXICO OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL (505) 896-4500 Svc/Intake and Admin (866) 585-5446 800-Line Sandoval Office (505) 222-9000 Svc/Intake and Admin (866) 627-3249 800-Line 111 Lomas Blvd. Suite 300 Albuquerque, NM 87102 www.ago.state.nm.us SERVICE SUMMARY: Mission is to help individuals with disabilities in the Sandoval County area achieve suitable employment opportunities Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides consumer protection and education on consumer issues pertaining to fraudulent practices. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides consumer protection and education on issues in the State of New Mexico. <continued...> 117 STATE OF NEW MEXICO OFFICE OF THE... Services Substance Abuse Counseling * Women Transitional Housing/Shelter * Women * Chronic/Severe Mental Illness PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information Consumer Assistance and Protection Consumer Complaints Consumer Education Criminal Justice and Legal Services TALKING TALONS YOUTH LEADERSHIP PO Box 2020 Tijeras, NM 87059 STOREHOUSE WEST 1030 F. Veranda Drive Rio Rancho, NM 87124 (505) 281-1133 Svc/Intake and Admin www.talkingtalons.com info@talkingtalons.com (505) 892-2077 Service/Intake www.storehousewest.org storehousewestnm@gmail.com OVERVIEW: Intervention program focused on prevention and youth development. Youth leadership training program that emphasizes protection of wildlife, public speaking, natural resource management, work ethics, and team building skills. OVERVIEW: Provides food, hygiene supplies and children's clothing for those in need. Also some help with rent or utilities depending on funding availability. HOURS: Mon & Fri 9AM to 1:30 PM / Wed 12PM to 4:30 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Furnished to families and individuals experiencing short term need which may include, family crisis, out of work with no unemployment benefits, welfare check lost or stolen or family waiting for first employment check and regular assistance to those on TANF, Food Stamps, Disability and low income Senior Citizens. Will accept referrals from Human Care Services, churches and schools. Albuquerque services are limited to Paradise Hills, Taylor Rancho and some other areas west of the Rio Grande. SERVICE SUMMARY: Talking Talons Youth Leadership is a not-for-profit youth development organization that transforms generations of environmental leaders through experiences with nature. We provide sanctuary to injured birds of prey and other animals, rehabilitate them, and use them as teaching tools that build knowledge, skills and attitudes in our youth. Our youth leadership curriculum is nationally recognized and is proven effective in enhancing the lives of its young participants by instilling a sense of civic duty, providing a mission that youth can believe in, and teaching skills that will benefit a lifetime Services Baby Clothing Baby Furniture Food Pantries General Clothing Provision Personal/Grooming Supplies School Clothing Services Bird Protection/Conservation * Youth Youth Community Service Programs Youth Development PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information SUSAN'S LEGACY 11005 Spain NE Albuquerque, NM 87111 TAX HELP NEW MEXICO 1401 Basehart Rd SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 843-8450 Svc/Intake and Admin www.susanslegacy.org programcoordinator@susanslegacy.org (505) 224-4829 INFORMATION LINE - 505-224-4TAX (505) 224-4083 Svc/Intake and Admin OVERVIEW: To serve the needs of women with co-occurring mental and addictive disorders. SERVICE SUMMARY: Susan's Legacy provides permanent supportive housing to homeless women with co-occurring mental and addictive disorders. We focus on, but are not limited to, women between the ages of 18 and 24, including those with young children. cnm.edu/taxhelp OVERVIEW: What is Tax Help New Mexico? Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: * have an annual household income of less than $51,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help Services HOURS: Feb. 3rd - April 15 Monday: CLOSED <continued...> 118 TAX HELP NEW MEXICO... Tuesday: 9am - 5pm Wednesday: 9am - 7pm Thursday: 9am - 7pm Friday: 9am - 1pm Saturday 9am - 3pm This site will prepare prior year return. 2. TAX HELP NEW MEXICO ST. PETER LUTHERN CHURCH 1302 W. Pierce. St. Carlsbad, NM 88220 (505) 224-4829 INFORMATION LINE - 505-224-4TAX Sites SERVICE SUMMARY: 1. TAX HELP NEW MEXICO 1401 Basehart Rd SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 What is Tax Help New Mexico? Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: (505) 224-4829 INFORMATION LINE - 505-224-4TAX (505) 224-4083 Svc/Intake and Admin * have an annual household income of less than $52,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: What is Tax Help New Mexico? Tax Help is offered through a partnership between CNM and the United Way of Central New Mexico. The service usually opens in February and runs until the last day to file taxes, typically April 15. We may not be able to help those with complex tax situations. Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: * have an annual household income of less than $52,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help Where to Go for Help: Volunteer tax preparers are available at locations across the state. What to Bring: To have your taxes prepared, you must present proper documentation including, but not limited to: Tax Help is offered through a partnership between CNM and the United Way of Central New Mexico. The service usually opens in February and runs until the last day to file taxes, typically April 15. We may not be able to help those with complex tax situations. *Social Security cards or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, your dependents or anyone else on your return. Where to Go for Help: Volunteer tax preparers are available at locations across the state. *All W-2 Forms *All 1099 Forms (Miscellaneous, Interest, Dividends, etc.) What to Bring: To have your taxes prepared, you must present proper documentation including, but not limited to: *All 1098 Forms (Mortgage and Tuition Statements) *Prior Year Tax Return. *Social Security cards or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, your dependents or anyone else on your return. Services Provided: * Preparing Federal Tax Returns * Preparing New Mexico Personal Income Tax Returns * Electronic Filing of Returns * FAFSA Preparation *All W-2 Forms *All 1099 Forms (Miscellaneous, Interest, Dividends, etc.) *All 1098 Forms (Mortgage and Tuition Statements) 3. TAX HELP NEW MEXICO CATHOLIC CHARITIES 506 West Highway 66 Gallup, NM 87301 *Prior Year Tax Return. (505) 224-4828 INFORMATION LINE - 505-224-4TAX Services Provided: * Preparing Federal Tax Returns * Preparing New Mexico Personal Income Tax Returns * Electronic Filing of Returns * FAFSA Preparation SERVICE SUMMARY: What is Tax Help New Mexico? Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: * have an annual household income of less than $52,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help Tax Help is offered through a partnership between CNM and the <continued...> 119 TAX HELP NEW MEXICO... United Way of Central New Mexico. The service usually opens in February and runs until the last day to file taxes, typically April 15. We may not be able to help those with complex tax situations. Where to Go for Help: Volunteer tax preparers are available at locations across the state. *All W-2 Forms *All 1099 Forms (Miscellaneous, Interest, Dividends, etc.) *All 1098 Forms (Mortgage and Tuition Statements) *Prior Year Tax Return. What to Bring: To have your taxes prepared, you must present proper documentation including, but not limited to: Services Provided: * Preparing Federal Tax Returns * Preparing New Mexico Personal Income Tax Returns * Electronic Filing of Returns * FAFSA Preparation *Social Security cards or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, your dependents or anyone else on your return. *All W-2 Forms 5. TAX HELP NEW MEXICO CNM MONTOYA CAMPUS 4700 Morris Street NE Albuquerque, NM 87111 *All 1099 Forms (Miscellaneous, Interest, Dividends, etc.) (505) 224-4829 INFORMATION LINE - 505-224-4TAX *All 1098 Forms (Mortgage and Tuition Statements) SERVICE SUMMARY: *Prior Year Tax Return. Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: Services Provided: * Preparing Federal Tax Returns * Preparing New Mexico Personal Income Tax Returns * Electronic Filing of Returns * FAFSA Preparation * have an annual household income of less than $52,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help Tax Help is offered through a partnership between CNM and the United Way of Central New Mexico. The service usually opens in February and runs until the last day to file taxes, typically April 15. We may not be able to help those with complex tax situations. 4. TAX HELP NEW MEXICO CLOVIS COMMUNITY 417 Schepps Blvd. Clovis, NM 88101 (505) 224-4829 INFORMATION LINE - 505-224-4TAX SERVICE SUMMARY: What is Tax Help New Mexico? Where to Go for Help: Volunteer tax preparers are available at locations across the state. What is Tax Help New Mexico? Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: What to Bring: To have your taxes prepared, you must present proper documentation including, but not limited to: * have an annual household income of less than $52,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help *Social Security cards or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, your dependents or anyone else on your return. Tax Help is offered through a partnership between CNM and the United Way of Central New Mexico. The service usually opens in February and runs until the last day to file taxes, typically April 15. We may not be able to help those with complex tax situations. *All W-2 Forms Where to Go for Help: Volunteer tax preparers are available at locations across the state. *Prior Year Tax Return. *All 1099 Forms (Miscellaneous, Interest, Dividends, etc.) *All 1098 Forms (Mortgage and Tuition Statements) Services Provided: * Preparing Federal Tax Returns * Preparing New Mexico Personal Income Tax Returns * Electronic Filing of Returns * FAFSA Preparation What to Bring: To have your taxes prepared, you must present proper documentation including, but not limited to: *Social Security cards or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, your dependents or anyone else on your return. <continued...> 120 TAX HELP NEW MEXICO... Tax Help is offered through a partnership between CNM and the United Way of Central New Mexico. The service usually opens in February and runs until the last day to file taxes, typically April 15. We may not be able to help those with complex tax situations. 6. TAX HELP NEW MEXICO CNM SOUTH VALLEY 5816 Isleta Blvd SW Albuquerque, NM 87105 (505) 224-4829 INFORMATION LINE - 505-224-4TAX SERVICE SUMMARY: Where to Go for Help: Volunteer tax preparers are available at locations across the state. What is Tax Help New Mexico? Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: What to Bring: To have your taxes prepared, you must present proper documentation including, but not limited to: * have an annual household income of less than $52,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help *Social Security cards or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, your dependents or anyone else on your return. Tax Help is offered through a partnership between CNM and the United Way of Central New Mexico. The service usually opens in February and runs until the last day to file taxes, typically April 15. We may not be able to help those with complex tax situations. *All W-2 Forms *All 1099 Forms (Miscellaneous, Interest, Dividends, etc.) *All 1098 Forms (Mortgage and Tuition Statements) Where to Go for Help: Volunteer tax preparers are available at locations across the state. *Prior Year Tax Return. What to Bring: To have your taxes prepared, you must present proper documentation including, but not limited to: Services Provided: * Preparing Federal Tax Returns * Preparing New Mexico Personal Income Tax Returns * Electronic Filing of Returns * FAFSA Preparation *Social Security cards or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, your dependents or anyone else on your return. 8. TAX HELP NEW MEXICO CNM WESTSIDE CAMPUS 10549 Universe Blvd NW Albuquerque, NM 87114 *All W-2 Forms *All 1099 Forms (Miscellaneous, Interest, Dividends, etc.) (505) 224-4829 INFORMATION LINE - 505-224-4TAX *All 1098 Forms (Mortgage and Tuition Statements) SERVICE SUMMARY: *Prior Year Tax Return. Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: Services Provided: * Preparing Federal Tax Returns * Preparing New Mexico Personal Income Tax Returns * Electronic Filing of Returns * FAFSA Preparation * have an annual household income of less than $52,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help Tax Help is offered through a partnership between CNM and the United Way of Central New Mexico. The service usually opens in February and runs until the last day to file taxes, typically April 15. We may not be able to help those with complex tax situations. 7. TAX HELP NEW MEXICO CNM TAXATION AND 5301 Central Ave NE Albuquerque, NM 87106 Where to Go for Help: Volunteer tax preparers are available at locations across the state. (505) 224-4829 INFORMATION LINE - 505-224-4TAX SERVICE SUMMARY: What is Tax Help New Mexico? What is Tax Help New Mexico? Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: What to Bring: To have your taxes prepared, you must present proper documentation including, but not limited to: * have an annual household income of less than $52,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help *Social Security cards or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, your dependents or anyone else on your return. *All W-2 Forms <continued...> 121 TAX HELP NEW MEXICO... *All 1098 Forms (Mortgage and Tuition Statements) 10. TAX HELP NEW MEXICO EL GRITO HEAD START 303 S Copper St Silver City, NM 88061 *Prior Year Tax Return. (505) 224-4829 INFORMATION LINE - 505-224-4TAX (575) 538-5459 Ext. 201 MUST MAKE APPOINTMENT *All 1099 Forms (Miscellaneous, Interest, Dividends, etc.) SERVICE SUMMARY: Services Provided: * Preparing Federal Tax Returns * Preparing New Mexico Personal Income Tax Returns * Electronic Filing of Returns * FAFSA Preparation Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: * have an annual household income of less than $52,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help 9. TAX HELP NEW MEXICO EASTERN NM UNIVERSITY #52 University Blvd Roswell, NM 88203 Tax Help is offered through a partnership between CNM and the United Way of Central New Mexico. The service usually opens in February and runs until the last day to file taxes, typically April 15. We may not be able to help those with complex tax situations. (505) 224-4829 INFORMATION LINE - 575-624-7329 SERVICE SUMMARY: What is Tax Help New Mexico? What is Tax Help New Mexico? Where to Go for Help: Volunteer tax preparers are available at locations across the state. Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: What to Bring: To have your taxes prepared, you must present proper documentation including, but not limited to: * have an annual household income of less than $52,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help *Social Security cards or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, your dependents or anyone else on your return. Tax Help is offered through a partnership between CNM and the United Way of Central New Mexico. The service usually opens in February and runs until the last day to file taxes, typically April 15. We may not be able to help those with complex tax situations. *All W-2 Forms *All 1099 Forms (Miscellaneous, Interest, Dividends, etc.) Where to Go for Help: Volunteer tax preparers are available at locations across the state. *All 1098 Forms (Mortgage and Tuition Statements) *Prior Year Tax Return. What to Bring: To have your taxes prepared, you must present proper documentation including, but not limited to: Services Provided: * Preparing Federal Tax Returns * Preparing New Mexico Personal Income Tax Returns * Electronic Filing of Returns * FAFSA Preparation *Social Security cards or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, your dependents or anyone else on your return. 11. TAX HELP NEW MEXICO JAL CLINIC 805 West Kansas Jal, NM 88252 *All W-2 Forms *All 1099 Forms (Miscellaneous, Interest, Dividends, etc.) (505) 224-4829 INFORMATION LINE - 505-224-4TAX *All 1098 Forms (Mortgage and Tuition Statements) SERVICE SUMMARY: *Prior Year Tax Return. What is Tax Help New Mexico? Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: Services Provided: * Preparing Federal Tax Returns * Preparing New Mexico Personal Income Tax Returns * Electronic Filing of Returns * FAFSA Preparation * have an annual household income of less than $52,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help Tax Help is offered through a partnership between CNM and the <continued...> 122 TAX HELP NEW MEXICO... United Way of Central New Mexico. The service usually opens in February and runs until the last day to file taxes, typically April 15. We may not be able to help those with complex tax situations. Where to Go for Help: Volunteer tax preparers are available at locations across the state. or anyone else on your return. *All W-2 Forms *All 1099 Forms (Miscellaneous, Interest, Dividends, etc.) *All 1098 Forms (Mortgage and Tuition Statements) *Prior Year Tax Return. What to Bring: To have your taxes prepared, you must present proper documentation including, but not limited to: Services Provided: * Preparing Federal Tax Returns * Preparing New Mexico Personal Income Tax Returns * Electronic Filing of Returns * FAFSA Preparation *Social Security cards or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, your dependents or anyone else on your return. 13. TAX HELP NEW MEXICO NATIVE COMMUNITY FINANCE 5 Capital Rd. Laguna, NM 87026 *All W-2 Forms *All 1099 Forms (Miscellaneous, Interest, Dividends, etc.) *All 1098 Forms (Mortgage and Tuition Statements) (505) 224-4829 INFORMATION LINE - 505-224-4TAX *Prior Year Tax Return. SERVICE SUMMARY: Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: Services Provided: * Preparing Federal Tax Returns * Preparing New Mexico Personal Income Tax Returns * Electronic Filing of Returns * FAFSA Preparation * have an annual household income of less than $52,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help 12. TAX HELP NEW MEXICO LOS LUNAS HIGH SCHOOL 1776 Emilio Lopez Road Los Lunas, NM 87031 Tax Help is offered through a partnership between CNM and the United Way of Central New Mexico. The service usually opens in February and runs until the last day to file taxes, typically April 15. We may not be able to help those with complex tax situations. (505) 224-4829 INFORMATION LINE - 505-224-4TAX SERVICE SUMMARY: What is Tax Help New Mexico? Where to Go for Help: Volunteer tax preparers are available at locations across the state. What is Tax Help New Mexico? Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: What to Bring: To have your taxes prepared, you must present proper documentation including, but not limited to: * have an annual household income of less than $52,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help *Social Security cards or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, your dependents or anyone else on your return. Tax Help is offered through a partnership between CNM and the United Way of Central New Mexico. The service usually opens in February and runs until the last day to file taxes, typically April 15. We may not be able to help those with complex tax situations. *All W-2 Forms *All 1099 Forms (Miscellaneous, Interest, Dividends, etc.) *All 1098 Forms (Mortgage and Tuition Statements) Where to Go for Help: Volunteer tax preparers are available at locations across the state. *Prior Year Tax Return. What to Bring: To have your taxes prepared, you must present proper documentation including, but not limited to: Services Provided: * Preparing Federal Tax Returns * Preparing New Mexico Personal Income Tax Returns * Electronic Filing of Returns * FAFSA Preparation *Social Security cards or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, your dependents <continued...> 123 TAX HELP NEW MEXICO... 14. TAX HELP NEW MEXICO NORTHERN PUEBLOS HOUSING 5 West Gutierrez, Suite 10 Santa Fe, NM 87506 Tax Help is offered through a partnership between CNM and the United Way of Central New Mexico. The service usually opens in February and runs until the last day to file taxes, typically April 15. We may not be able to help those with complex tax situations. (505) 224-4829 INFORMATION LINE - 505-224-4TAX SERVICE SUMMARY: Where to Go for Help: Volunteer tax preparers are available at locations across the state. What is Tax Help New Mexico? What to Bring: To have your taxes prepared, you must present proper documentation including, but not limited to: Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: * have an annual household income of less than $52,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help *Social Security cards or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, your dependents or anyone else on your return. Tax Help is offered through a partnership between CNM and the United Way of Central New Mexico. The service usually opens in February and runs until the last day to file taxes, typically April 15. We may not be able to help those with complex tax situations. *All W-2 Forms *All 1099 Forms (Miscellaneous, Interest, Dividends, etc.) *All 1098 Forms (Mortgage and Tuition Statements) Where to Go for Help: Volunteer tax preparers are available at locations across the state. *Prior Year Tax Return. Services Provided: * Preparing Federal Tax Returns * Preparing New Mexico Personal Income Tax Returns * Electronic Filing of Returns * FAFSA Preparation What to Bring: To have your taxes prepared, you must present proper documentation including, but not limited to: *Social Security cards or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, your dependents or anyone else on your return. 16. TAX HELP NEW MEXICO SAN JUAN COMMUNITY 4601 College Blvd Rm 1220 Farmington, NM 87402 *All W-2 Forms *All 1099 Forms (Miscellaneous, Interest, Dividends, etc.) (505) 224-4829 INFORMATION LINE - 505-224-4TAX *All 1098 Forms (Mortgage and Tuition Statements) SERVICE SUMMARY: *Prior Year Tax Return. Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: Services Provided: * Preparing Federal Tax Returns * Preparing New Mexico Personal Income Tax Returns * Electronic Filing of Returns * FAFSA Preparation * have an annual household income of less than $52,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help Tax Help is offered through a partnership between CNM and the United Way of Central New Mexico. The service usually opens in February and runs until the last day to file taxes, typically April 15. We may not be able to help those with complex tax situations. 15. TAX HELP NEW MEXICO RAMAH 1285 BIA Rte 125 Suite Pinehill, NM 87357 Where to Go for Help: Volunteer tax preparers are available at locations across the state. (505) 224-4829 INFORMATION LINE - 505-224-4TAX SERVICE SUMMARY: What is Tax Help New Mexico? What is Tax Help New Mexico? Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: What to Bring: To have your taxes prepared, you must present proper documentation including, but not limited to: * have an annual household income of less than $52,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help *Social Security cards or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, your dependents or anyone else on your return. <continued...> 124 TAX HELP NEW MEXICO... *All W-2 Forms 18. TAX HELP NEW MEXICO UNITED WAY OF CARLSBAD 116 S Canyon St Carlsbad, NM 88220 *All 1099 Forms (Miscellaneous, Interest, Dividends, etc.) *All 1098 Forms (Mortgage and Tuition Statements) (505) 224-4829 INFORMATION LINE - 505-224-4TAX *Prior Year Tax Return. SERVICE SUMMARY: Services Provided: * Preparing Federal Tax Returns * Preparing New Mexico Personal Income Tax Returns * Electronic Filing of Returns * FAFSA Preparation Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: * have an annual household income of less than $52,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help 17. TAX HELP NEW MEXICO SOCORRO PUBLIC LIBRARY 401 Park St. Socorro, NM 87801 Tax Help is offered through a partnership between CNM and the United Way of Central New Mexico. The service usually opens in February and runs until the last day to file taxes, typically April 15. We may not be able to help those with complex tax situations. (505) 224-4829 INFORMATION LINE - 505-224-4TAX SERVICE SUMMARY: What is Tax Help New Mexico? What is Tax Help New Mexico? Where to Go for Help: Volunteer tax preparers are available at locations across the state. Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: What to Bring: To have your taxes prepared, you must present proper documentation including, but not limited to: * have an annual household income of less than $52,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help *Social Security cards or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, your dependents or anyone else on your return. Tax Help is offered through a partnership between CNM and the United Way of Central New Mexico. The service usually opens in February and runs until the last day to file taxes, typically April 15. We may not be able to help those with complex tax situations. *All W-2 Forms *All 1099 Forms (Miscellaneous, Interest, Dividends, etc.) Where to Go for Help: Volunteer tax preparers are available at locations across the state. *All 1098 Forms (Mortgage and Tuition Statements) *Prior Year Tax Return. What to Bring: To have your taxes prepared, you must present proper documentation including, but not limited to: Services Provided: * Preparing Federal Tax Returns * Preparing New Mexico Personal Income Tax Returns * Electronic Filing of Returns * FAFSA Preparation *Social Security cards or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, your dependents or anyone else on your return. 19. TAX HELP NEW MEXICO UNM - VALENCIA 280 La Entrada Los Lunas, NM 87031 *All W-2 Forms *All 1099 Forms (Miscellaneous, Interest, Dividends, etc.) (505) 224-4829 INFORMATION LINE - 505-224-4TAX (505) 925-8711 MUST MAKE APPOINTMENT *All 1098 Forms (Mortgage and Tuition Statements) SERVICE SUMMARY: *Prior Year Tax Return. What is Tax Help New Mexico? Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: Services Provided: * Preparing Federal Tax Returns * Preparing New Mexico Personal Income Tax Returns * Electronic Filing of Returns * FAFSA Preparation * have an annual household income of less than $52,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help <continued...> 125 TAX HELP NEW MEXICO... Tax Help is offered through a partnership between CNM and the United Way of Central New Mexico. The service usually opens in February and runs until the last day to file taxes, typically April 15. We may not be able to help those with complex tax situations. Where to Go for Help: Volunteer tax preparers are available at locations across the state. Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, your dependents or anyone else on your return. *All W-2 Forms *All 1099 Forms (Miscellaneous, Interest, Dividends, etc.) *All 1098 Forms (Mortgage and Tuition Statements) *Prior Year Tax Return. What to Bring: To have your taxes prepared, you must present proper documentation including, but not limited to: Services Provided: * Preparing Federal Tax Returns * Preparing New Mexico Personal Income Tax Returns * Electronic Filing of Returns * FAFSA Preparation *Social Security cards or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, your dependents or anyone else on your return. 21. TAX HELP NEW MEXICO WESTERN NM UNIVERSITY 1000 West College Ave Silver City, NM 88062 *All W-2 Forms *All 1099 Forms (Miscellaneous, Interest, Dividends, etc.) *All 1098 Forms (Mortgage and Tuition Statements) (505) 224-4829 INFORMATION LINE - 505-224-4TAX *Prior Year Tax Return. SERVICE SUMMARY: Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: Services Provided: * Preparing Federal Tax Returns * Preparing New Mexico Personal Income Tax Returns * Electronic Filing of Returns * FAFSA Preparation * have an annual household income of less than $52,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help 20. TAX HELP NEW MEXICO UWCNM 2340 Alamo St SE 2nd Floor Albuquerque, NM 87106 Tax Help is offered through a partnership between CNM and the United Way of Central New Mexico. The service usually opens in February and runs until the last day to file taxes, typically April 15. We may not be able to help those with complex tax situations. (505) 224-4829 INFORMATION LINE - 505-224-4TAX SERVICE SUMMARY: What is Tax Help New Mexico? Where to Go for Help: Volunteer tax preparers are available at locations across the state. What is Tax Help New Mexico? Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: What to Bring: To have your taxes prepared, you must present proper documentation including, but not limited to: * have an annual household income of less than $52,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help *Social Security cards or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, your dependents or anyone else on your return. Tax Help is offered through a partnership between CNM and the United Way of Central New Mexico. The service usually opens in February and runs until the last day to file taxes, typically April 15. We may not be able to help those with complex tax situations. *All W-2 Forms *All 1099 Forms (Miscellaneous, Interest, Dividends, etc.) *All 1098 Forms (Mortgage and Tuition Statements) Where to Go for Help: Volunteer tax preparers are available at locations across the state. *Prior Year Tax Return. What to Bring: To have your taxes prepared, you must present proper documentation including, but not limited to: Services Provided: * Preparing Federal Tax Returns * Preparing New Mexico Personal Income Tax Returns * Electronic Filing of Returns * FAFSA Preparation *Social Security cards or Individual Tax Identification <continued...> 126 TAX HELP NEW MEXICO... 22. TAX HELP NEW MEXICO ZUNI HOUSING AUTHORITY 01 Twin Buttes Road Zuni, NM 87327 Tax Help is offered through a partnership between CNM and the United Way of Central New Mexico. The service usually opens in February and runs until the last day to file taxes, typically April 15. We may not be able to help those with complex tax situations. (505) 224-4829 INFORMATION LINE - 505-224-4TAX SERVICE SUMMARY: Where to Go for Help: Volunteer tax preparers are available at locations across the state. What is Tax Help New Mexico? What to Bring: To have your taxes prepared, you must present proper documentation including, but not limited to: Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: * have an annual household income of less than $52,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help *Social Security cards or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, your dependents or anyone else on your return. Tax Help is offered through a partnership between CNM and the United Way of Central New Mexico. The service usually opens in February and runs until the last day to file taxes, typically April 15. We may not be able to help those with complex tax situations. *All W-2 Forms *All 1099 Forms (Miscellaneous, Interest, Dividends, etc.) *All 1098 Forms (Mortgage and Tuition Statements) Where to Go for Help: Volunteer tax preparers are available at locations across the state. *Prior Year Tax Return. Services Provided: * Preparing Federal Tax Returns * Preparing New Mexico Personal Income Tax Returns * Electronic Filing of Returns * FAFSA Preparation What to Bring: To have your taxes prepared, you must present proper documentation including, but not limited to: *Social Security cards or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, your dependents or anyone else on your return. Services Federal Income Tax Information Online Tax Preparation/E-Filing Sites Personal Finances/Tax Assistance Volunteer Opportunities State Income Tax Information Tax Preparation Assistance SITES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 SITE: *All W-2 Forms *All 1099 Forms (Miscellaneous, Interest, Dividends, etc.) *All 1098 Forms (Mortgage and Tuition Statements) *Prior Year Tax Return. Services Provided: * Preparing Federal Tax Returns * Preparing New Mexico Personal Income Tax Returns * Electronic Filing of Returns * FAFSA Preparation TEEN CHALLENGE OF NEW MEXICO PO Box 20610 Albuquerque, NM 87154 (505) 281-8467 Svc/Intake and Admin 23. TAX HELP NEW MEXICODNA WINDOW ROCK 264 Loop Road Window Rock, AZ 86515 www.teenchallengeofnewmexico.com teenchallengeofnewmexico@mytcnm.com OVERVIEW: Provides services for alcohol and drug prevention through Christian Education training. HOURS: MTWThF 9AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Christian based education and training for young people experiencing life controlling problems including substance abuse. Requires a 18 to 24 month commitment. Female residence in East mountain area for ages 13 to 17. (505) 224-4829 INFORMATION LINE - 505-224-4TAX SERVICE SUMMARY: What is Tax Help New Mexico? Tax Help New Mexico offers free assistance in preparing and filing income tax returns for New Mexico residents who: * have an annual household income of less than $52,000 * are age 65 or older * meet the qualifications for help <continued...> 127 TEEN CHALLENGE OF NEW MEXICO... Services partnerships. The Arc of New Mexico provides public policy and systems advocacy, empowerment and community building and personal representation. Faith Based Youth Programs Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities * Teenage Drug Abusers Services THE AIDS INFONET (INTERNET INFORMATION ONLY) Advocacy * Disabilities Issues Developmental Disabilities Donation Pickups Guardianship Assistance Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Disabilities PO Box 810 Arroyo Seco, NM 87514 www.aidsinfonet.org AIDSInfoNet@taosnet.com OVERVIEW: The InfoNet provides information on HIV/AIDS services and treatments easily accessible in both English and Spanish for residents of New Mexico. THE BAIR FOUNDATION 6121 Indian School Road Ste. 234 Albuquerque, NM 87110 THIS IS AN INTERNET ONLY SOURCE OF INFORMATION SERVICE SUMMARY: About The AIDS InfoNet: The AIDS InfoNet is a project of the New Mexico AIDS Education and Training Center in the Infectious Diseases Division of the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. The InfoNet was originally designed to make information on HIV/AIDS services and treatments easily accessible in both English and Spanish for residents of New Mexico. It has become an international resource for information on HIV/AIDS. (505) 888-1362 Svc/Intake and Admin (877) 331-1362 800-Line www.bair.org OVERVIEW: The mission of The Bair Foundation is to provide Christ-centered, quality care, and services dedicated to the treatment and empowerment of children, youth, and families. OUR VISION The vision of The Bair Foundation is to be the most sought after, Christ-centered social services ministry for children, youth, and families in North America. The information provided on this site is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her existing health care providers. SERVICE SUMMARY: Treatment Foster Care (TFC) is a program for children, youth, and their families whose special needs can be met through services delivered through treatment by foster parents who are trained, supervised, and supported by agency staff. TFC serves youth from ages three to 18. The purpose of TFC is to provide experiences and conditions that enhance maturation, protect the child from further injury, and correct problems that had previously blocked personality developments, thereby helping the child to become personally and socially responsible. TFC also promotes the completion of the plan for permanency, whether it is to reunite the child with biological parents or provide a family living situation pending independent living or other appropriate placement. Services Internet Information Resources * AIDS/HIV THE ARC OF NEW MEXICO 3655 Carlisle NE Albuquerque, NM 87110-1644 (505) 765-1975 Donation Pick Up Line (505) 883-4630 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 358-6493 800-Line Services Case/Care Management * Foster Children Family Support Centers/Outreach * Foster Children Foster Homes for Children with Disabilities PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information www.arcnm.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Advocates for persons with developmental disabilities of all ages and their families. HOURS: MTWThF 8:30 AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: The mission of The Arc of New Mexico is to improve the quality of life of individuals with developmental disabilities by advocating for equal opportunities and choices in where and how they learn, live, work, play and socialize. The ARC of New Mexico promotes healthy families, effective community support systems and 128 THE CDD CENTER FOR DEVELOPMENT AND DISABILTY Services Specialized Information and Referral * Bereaved Parents Support Groups * Bereaved Parents PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information 2300 Menual NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 (800) 552-8195 800-Line (505) 272-0411 Brain Injury Resources (505) 272-8549 Svc/Intake and Admin - (Voice and TDD) THE NEW MEXICO COALITION FOR LITERACY cdd.unm.edu/infonet infonet@salud.unm.edu 3209 Mercantile Ct. Suite B Santa Fe, NM 87507 Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides information and referral services for persons with disabilities and prenatal information. HOURS: MTWTHF 9AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: The CDD Information Network provides information to individuals with disabilities, families, advocates, therapists, and case managers about service providers, support groups, and other local, state, and national resources. Our Resource Specialists work to connect individuals requesting information to local, state, and national resources. (505) 982-3997 Svc/Intake and Admin www.nmcl.org info@nmcl.org OVERVIEW: Literacy resources for adult students, tutors, and program administrators. SERVICE SUMMARY: The NMCL encourages and supports community-based literacy programs and is the New Mexico affiliate and coordinator for the national program of ProLiteracy America, overseeing certification and coordination of its volunteer, tutor trainers. Our specialists are knowledgeable about disability programs and trained in identifying community resources. We have bilingual staff available to assist callers. We can also connect callers with other resources within the Center for Development and Disability (CDD) and the Library and Information Network for the Community (LINC) library. Services Adult Literacy Programs English as a Second Language GED/High School Equivalency Test Instruction Literacy Programs Literacy Volunteer Opportunities Youth Literacy Programs Services Assistive Technology Information Disease/Disability Information Health Care Referrals Information Services * Brain Injuries Referral to Physicians Accepting Medicaid Specialized Information and Referral * Disabilities and Health Conditions THE STOREHOUSE 106 Broadway SE Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 842-6491 Svc/Intake and Admin www.thestorehouseabq.org Info@TheStorehouseAbq.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides clothing, household goods, and emergency food for those in need. HOURS: TWTHFS 9AM to 11AM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides used clothing free once every two months to anyone who walks-in. Homeless persons may receive clothing once a month. Provides used household goods to low income persons. Donations of food, clothing welcome. Operates food pantry. THE COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS (877) 969-0010 Svc/Intake and Admin www.compassionatefriends.org albqcompfrnds@gmail.com OVERVIEW: This is a mutual assistance self-help organization offering friendship and understanding to bereaved parents and siblings. HOURS: Call for information SERVICE SUMMARY: The primary purpose is to assist in the positive resolution of the grief experience upon the death of a child, and to support the efforts of the bereaved family members to achieve physical and emotional health. The secondary purpose is to provide information and education about bereaved parents and siblings. The objective is to help those in their community, including family, friends, employers, co-workers and professionals, to be supportive. Services Baby Clothing Donation Drop Off Points Food Pantries General Clothing Provision Household Goods Household Goods Donation Programs Personal/Grooming Supplies <continued...> 129 THE STOREHOUSE... clients of all programs. Pet Food *MESA HOUSE: Supervised living for clients who cannot live independently. Long-term, unlimited supportive living. 11 units. *HUDSON HOUSE: Supervised living for clients with both mental illness & addictive complications. Daily program and required participation. 24 month maximum stay. 8 units. *GRAY HOUSE & JOLLY HOUSE: Psychosocial rehabilitation program in structured group home setting. 18 month maximum stay. 8 units each home. *SEMI-INDEPENDENT LIVING PROGRAM (SILP): Unsupervised, shared apartment program with weekly programs. 24 month maximum stay. 14 units. *INDEPENDENT LIVING PROGRAM (ILP) Concha Apartments Unsupervised-sliding scale rent. 11 units. *SHELTER PLUS CARE (S+C): Unsupervised-sliding scale rent + weekly program. 28 units. THE SUPPORTIVE HOUSING COALITION OF NEW MEXICO, INC. 625 Silver Avenue Sw Ste. 325 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 255-3643 Svc/Intake and Admin www.thehousingcoalition.com info@thehousingcoalition.org OVERVIEW: Information and Referral specific to housing opportunities for individuals who suffer from mental illness. HOURS: MTWTHF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Develop, own and manage a range of housing options for individuals who suffer from severe mental illness who are homeless and near homeless. Transitional and permanent rental units available. Housing assistance/eviction prevention funds available. To be eligible, clients must be referred directly from a member agency of the Coalition. Services Centers for Independent Living * Mental Illness/Emotional Disabilities Group Residences for Adults with Disabilities * Mental Illness/Emotional Disabilities Semi-Independent Living Residences for Adults with Disabilities * Mental Illness/Emotional Disabilities Supported Living Services for Adults with Disabilities * Mental Illness/Emotional Disabilities Services Housing Counseling Housing Search and Information Housing/Shelter * Chronic/Severe Mental Illness Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing * Chronic/Severe Mental Illness Supportive Housing * Chronic/Severe Mental Illness PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information TORRANCE COUNTY GOVERNMENT 205 9th Street Estancia, NM 87016 (505) 246-4781 Svc/Intake and Admin www.torrancecountynm.org OVERVIEW: Provides for planning, and implements all programs by direction of the County Commission for the citizens of Torrance County. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 5PM THERAPEUTIC LIVING SERVICES, INC. 5601 Domingo Road NE Albuquerque, NM 87108 (505) 268-5295 Svc/Intake and Admin Sites www.tls-nm.org dberger@tls-nm.org 1. MORIARTY PUBLIC HEALTH 1110 Old Route 66 MORIARTY, NM 87035 Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Assist people with severe disabling mental illness to live in an independent manner. SERVICE SUMMARY: T.L.S. is a member of the Consortium, Inc., a network of behavioral health service providers. Our mission is to provide the highest possible quality of care to adults, and families living in Central N.M. in a integrated, cost effective way. T.L.S. provides 24 hour supervised residential services, training in independent living skills and case management services to adults with severely disabling mental illness. Case management provided each week to residents renting apartments from TLS.Offers case management services to adults living in their own or TLS apartments. Emotional support is provided by peer workers who have also been diagnosed as having a severely disabling mental illness. Peer workers provide assistance with appointments and errands as needed.Financial management, crisis intervention and recreational activities available to (505) 832-6782 Service/Intake SERVICE SUMMARY: Immunizations, Basic Health Counseling, HIV Testing, STD's, Birth Control/Family Planning TB Testing & prescriptions, WIC, Epidemology Investigation and prescriptions. 2. TORRANCE COUNTY GOVERNMENT 205 9th Street Estancia, NM 87016 (505) 246-4781 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for planning, responds to and implements policy dictates, and carries out all governmental programs as required by the County Commission for the citizens of Torrance County. <continued...> 130 TORRANCE COUNTY GOVERNMENT... Case/Care Management * Frail Elderly Case/Care Management * Older Adults Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites Friendly Visiting * Frail Elderly Home Delivered Meals Senior Advocacy Groups Senior Centers Senior Ride Programs SITE: 4 3. TORRANCE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 301 S. 8th Street ESTANCIA, NM 87016 (505) 384-2351 Service/Intake SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for the immunization of children ages 8 weeks and older. Also provides screening and detection services for hypertension, heart/chest problems, diabetes, common cancers, weight management, and smoking cessation assistance. Walk-ins accepted, everyone eligible, and all information taken is confidential. TOURETTE SYNDROME ASSOCIATION NEW MEXICO CHAPTER 4. TORRANCE COUNTY SENIOR CENTERS Multiple Locations (505) 384-5010 Estancia Senior Center (505) 832-4425 Moriarty Senior Center (505) 847-2885 Mountainair Senior Center 42-40 Bell Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718) 224-2999 National Office www.tsanm.org info@tsanm.org SERVICE SUMMARY: Torrance County Senior Centers: Estancia 305 Highland Estancia, NM 87016 (505) 384-5010 McIntosh East Willow Lake Road A71 McIntosh, NM 87032 (505)384-3064 Moriarty 120 Roosevelt St. Moriarty, NM 87035 (505)832-4425 Mountainair 107 North Summit Ave. Mountainair, NM 87036 (505)847-2885 Willard 758 Dunlavy Willard, NM 87063 (505)384-4097 OVERVIEW: Tourette Syndrome Association-New Mexico Chapter is a statewide organization affiliated with the National Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc. The chapter seeks to educate the public about Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc. The chapter seeks to educate the public about Tourette Syndrome (TS) and to inform and support those affected with TS. HOURS: Varies- Call for hours SERVICE SUMMARY: Tourette Syndrome Association-New Mexico Chapter serves those affected with Tourette Syndrome (TS) and their families by providing information, access to resources and caring support. we also are working to create public awarenenss of TS and it's manifestations, to promote early diagnosis, understanding and appropriate responses. Services Disease/Disability Information * Tourette's Syndrome Families and Individuals Needing Support * Tourette's Syndrome Public Awareness/Education * Tourette's Syndrome PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information Services Family Planning Parenting Education SITES: 1 3 TOWN OF BERNALILLO Community Clinics General Medical Care Health Care Health Care Referrals Health Education Health Screening/Diagnostic Services Immunizations Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening SITES: 1 3 (505) 867-3311 Svc/Intake and Admin 829 Camino Del Pueblo Bernalillo, NM 87004 www.townofbernalillo.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides normal city services under the authority of the city council and the direction of the city mayor for the Town of Bernalillo. SERVICE SUMMARY: We hope to convey the Town of Bernalillo's commitment to providing excellent service to its residents, its progressive attitude, and its smalltown charm. So, welcome to The Town of Bernalillo. Government Information Lines Health Care Public Officials Offices SITES: 2 3 <continued...> 131 TOWN OF BERNALILLO... TRANSGENDER RESOURCE CENTER OF NEW MEXICO Services Government Information Lines Law Enforcement Services Public Officials Offices 4100 Silver Ave SE Ste. E Albuquerque, NM 87108 (505) 440-3402 Svc/Intake and Admin TOWN OF ESTANCIA www.tgrcnm.org tgrcnm@tgrcnm.org 513 Williams Avenue Estancia, NM 87016 OVERVIEW: TGRCNM is dedicated to serving the transgender communities of the state of New Mexico and exists as a clearing house for resources which can support, assist, educate, and advocate for the transgender population of this state and their families. SERVICE SUMMARY: TGRCNM offers drop in services (snack, place to rest, someone to talk to, a safe place to be yourself); computer usage and training; a lending library; support groups; free (no blood) HIV testing; syringe exchange; youth programming; an open donation closet for folks who need clothes, binders and other items; informal case management; and help, information and referrals on name change, medical care and more for the transgender and gender variant people of Albuquerque and their loved ones. TGRCNM also engages the communities with social events and partners with many organizations and agencies all around the state to make New Mexico a better place. We have free counseling with volunteer therapists, and we intend to be developing more resources around housing and employment in the next year. Our drop-in center is open Monday through Thursday from 1:00 - 6:00 p.m. (505) 384-2709 Svc/Intake and Admin www.townofestancia.com OVERVIEW: Provides a variety of general government services. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides for the general welfare of the citizens of Estancia by offering typical and various governmental services to those citizens. Services Government Information Lines Law Enforcement Services Public Officials Offices TOYS FOR TOTS Sites Services TGRCNM and its Speakers Bureau also offer exceptional training on transgender lives and issues for ANY class or workplace or group that will have us in to teach them. TOYS FOR TOTS We also do advocacy for individuals and for the transgender communities of New Mexico in many varied settings. Multiple Locations for Donations and Client Registration (505) 256-2070 Svc/Intake and Admin Call for support group meeting times. www.toysfortots.com OVERVIEW: 12. Toys for needy children under the age of Services Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Advocacy Groups Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Community Centers Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Support Groups To make a toy donation visit www.toysfortots.com SERVICE SUMMARY: Toys for needy children under the age of 12. To make a toy donation visit www.toysfortots.com UNITED BLOOD SERVICES Services 1515 University Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 Holiday Gifts/Toys Toy/Game Donation Programs (800) 333-8037 800-Line (505) 843-6227 Svc/Intake and Admin www.unitedbloodservices.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides for the collection of blood from volunteer donors and the distribution of that blood to user agencies. HOURS: Call for information <continued...> 132 UNITED BLOOD SERVICES... Sites Services 1. UNITED BLOOD SERVICES 1515 University Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling Housing Counseling Housing Search and Information Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling (800) 333-8037 800-Line (505) 843-6227 Svc/Intake and Admin UNITED STATES CITIZENSHIP & IMMIGRATION SERVICES SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides a link between volunteer blood donors and patients who require transfusion therapy. All blood donors give on a voluntary basis. Donors must be age 18 (17 with parental permission), weigh at least 110 pounds, and have waited at least 8 weeks since last blood donation. Persons with certain physical problems cannot donate. Charge to hospital patients reflect cost for drawing, processing and distribution of blood. Donation may be made by appointment or walk-in; Autologous blood donations require a doctor's referral. 1720 Randolph Rd. SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 (800) 375-5283 Svc/Intake and Admin www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides immigration and naturalization services. HOURS: Call for information SERVICE SUMMARY: Controls entry into, residents in and departure by all who are not U.S. citizens. Applications for eligibility for citizenship. Those seeking assistance with immigration issues should go to the INS office on Gold Ave. and talk with a counselor. 2. UNITED BLOOD SERVICES RIO RANCHO 2003 Southern Blvd. SE Ste 122 Rio Rancho, NM 87124 (505) 246-1458 Svc/Intake and Admin Services SERVICE SUMMARY: The new location has more donors beds and interview booths and is roomier for donors. Additionally, new technoloy allows for donors to simultaneoulsy donate multiple blood products such as platelets, plasma, and red blood cells. Prior to the move, only one type of blood product could be drawn. Donors are asked to inquire about this type of donation. Citizenship and Immigration Services Offices Citizenship Application Forms Immigrant Benefits Assistance Immigrant Legalization/Registry Immigration/Naturalization Adjudication Services UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Services 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530 Blood Banks SITES: 1 2 (202) 514-2000 Organization Central Operator www.justice.gov UNITED SOUTH BROADWAY CORPORATION OVERVIEW: To enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans. SERVICE SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Justice provides information about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) through a toll-free ADA Information Line. This service permits businesses, State and local governments, or others to call and ask questions about general or specific ADA requirements including questions about the ADA Standards for Accessible Design. 1500 Walter Street SE Albuquerque, NM 87102-8712 (505) 764-8867 Svc/Intake and Admin www.unitedsouthbroadway.org usbc@unm.edu OVERVIEW: USBC is a non-profit community development corporation founded in 1986 to revitalize historic neighborhoods in Albuquerque. We seek to increase the availability of safe, decent and affordable housing for low and moderate income home buyers. With the mortgage meltdown of 2007-8 we expanded statewide to offer free legal help and housing counseling to New Mexico homeowners facing unfair and unnecessary foreclosures. SERVICE SUMMARY: USBC programs include: Project Change, Youth Programs, ARTI, Neighborhood Revitalization, Housing Counseling. ADA specialists are available Monday through Friday from 9:30 AM until 5:30 PM (eastern time) except on Thursday when the hours are 12:30 PM until 5:30 PM. Spanish language service is also available. For general ADA information, answers to specific technical <continued...> 133 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE... questions, free ADA materials, or information about filing a complaint, call: 2. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Dennis Chavez Federal Building 500 Gold Avenue SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 Services Crime Prevention Crime Reporting Criminal Justice and Legal Services Hate Crimes Prevention Offender Registration/Community Notification Prisoner Locator Services Public Safety (505) 248-6721 Service/Intake (800) 273-8255 Crisis Line (877) 222-8387 Veterans Health Care (800) 827-1000 800-Line SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides compensation payments to veterans/survivors for service-connected disabilities/death. Pension payments to wartime veterans/survivors for non-service connected total disability/deaths. Burial allowance for those wartime veterans who are receiving compensation or pension, or who died in a VA hospital, Home loan guaranty benefits for eligible veterans. Also provides education benefits payable to eligible veterans and dependents while pursuing education. Administers U.S. Government Life Insurance and National Life Insurance programs for insured veterans and their beneficiaries. All services are available to veterans, military personnel, beneficiaries of veterans who died in wartime service. Eligibility for benefits determined after an application and related documents are reviewed. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Dennis Chavez Federal Building 500 Gold Avenue SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 (800) 273-8255 Crisis Line (877) 222-8387 Veterans Health Care (800) 827-1000 800-Line www.va.gov Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: The mission of the Department of Veterans Services is to assist veterans, widows and children of veterans in establishing the privileges to which they are entitled. 3. US VETERANS READJUSTMENT 1600 Mountain Road NW ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87104 (505) 346-6562 Svc/Intake and Admin (877) 927-8387 800-Line Sites 1. NEW MEXICO VETERANS AFFAIRS HEALTH CARE SYSTEM 1501 San Pedro SE ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87108 Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides counseling services for individuals, groups, families, and couples. Program covers crisis intervention, employment , VA benefits, education and referrals to other local agencies. Contracts to private providers in eastern and southern New Mexico. (505) 265-1711 Service/Intake (800) 273-8255 Veterans Crisis Line (800) 465-8262 800-Line Services Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: The Albuquerque VA Medical Center is a Level 1 tertiary referral center, comprised of 246 authorized beds and 211 operating beds. This includes a 20 bed Spinal Cord Injury Center, as well as a 36 bed Geriatrics/Extended Care Unit. The facility is the site of the historic joint venture between the VA and the US Air Force. This model is unique within the VA system and provides admitting privileges to Air Force physicians. Other special program highlights include magnetic source imaging, cooperative studies program clinical research pharmacy coordinating center and Gulf War illness research project. The medical center also maintains a major affiliation with the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. Hospitals * Veterans Veteran Benefits Assistance Veteran Pensions Veteran Reintegration Counseling Veteran/Military Health Insurance Veterans Affairs Medical Centers SITES: 1 2 3 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT 500 Gold Avenue SW 7th Floor, Ste 7301 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 346-6463 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 877-8339 Hotline (Voice and TDD) www.hud.gov NM_Webmanager@hud.gov <continued...> 134 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF... Public transportation accessible; a pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Provides subsidized payments for rent under the Section 8 Rent Supplement programs. HOURS: MTWThF 8AM to 5PM SERVICE SUMMARY: HUD makes payments to owners of approved multifamily housing rental projects to supplement the partial rental payments of eligible tenants. The subsidized housing is covered under various sections of the Federal Housing Act. Income and assets must fall within limitations set by HUD/FHA. Call HUD Office for list of projects and check individual projects for specific information. All have waiting lists. Make application with the resident managers. For other low rent housing see separate directory listing for the Albuquerque Housing Division and the Bernalillo County Housing Authority. Services Retirement Benefits Social Security Disability Insurance Social Security Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints Social Security Retirement Benefits Social Security Survivors Insurance SSI SSI Appeals/Complaints SSI Applications UNITED WAY 2-1-1 LINE - CLOVIS Clovis, NM 88102 Services (575) 935-0211 Svc/Intake and Admin Call 2-1-1 Toll Free 2-1-1 Housing Authorities Housing Complaints HUD Approved Counseling Agencies Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing Subsidized Housing Administrative Organizations www.unitedwayenm.org unitedwayenm@gmail.com OVERVIEW: 2-1-1 information and referral service Curry and Roosevelt counties. SERVICE SUMMARY: 2-1-1 provides free and confidential information and referral. Call 2-1-1 for help with food, housing, employment, health care, counseling and more. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Services 500 Lead Ave SW Ste. 100 Albuquerque, NM 87110 211 Lead Agencies Comprehensive Information and Referral Internet Information Resources (800) 772-1213 800-Line (800) 325-0778 Hotline (Voice and TDD) www.ssa.gov UNITED WAY 2-1-1 REFERRAL HELPLINE HOBBS Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Oversees administration of monthly cash benefits for persons with mental or physical disabilities and their dependents, monthly cash benefits to eligible retired workers and to their eligible dependents, monthly cash benefits to eligible dependents of deceased workers, monthly cash benefits to persons ages 65+ whose income is under the allowable limit, and to blind and persons with disabilities, Medicare Part A-Hospital, skilled nursing facility, home health care and hospice insurance (Coverage limited to persons who are disabled and to persons ages 65+ who receive social security), Medicare Part B- provides insurance for non-hospital health care (Limited to persons ages 65+ and persons with disabilities who elect to pay the premium). Windstream Building 320 N. Shipp Ste. B Hobbs, NM 88240-5753 (575) 393-8203 Svc/Intake and Admin Call 2-1-1 Toll Free 2-1-1 www.unitedwayofleacounty.org kim@unitedwayofleacounty.org OVERVIEW: 2-1-1 information and referral service for Lea County, New Mexico. SERVICE SUMMARY: 2-1-1 provides free and confidential information and referral. Call 2-1-1 for help with food, housing, employment, health care, counseling and more. SERVICE SUMMARY: U.S. Social Security Administration oversees application and distribution of SSI, Medicare, Disability Benefits and Retirement benefits. Services 211 Lead Agencies Comprehensive Information and Referral Internet Information Resources Call or go online to: Toll free: (800)772-1213 TTY: (800)325-0778 http: //www.ssa.gov/ 135 UNITED WAY OF CENTRAL NEW MEXICO * Free online Community Service Database: list non-profit human service providers serving the four county of Central New Mexico. www.uwcnm.org/help 2340 Alamo Avenue SE 2nd Floor Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 245-1735 Information & Referral Call 2-1-1 Toll Free (United Way 211 Office) (505) 247-3671 Svc/Intake and Admin www.uwcnm.org Services Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Provides for community collaboration in the areas of human services, conducts a campaign to raise funds to aid in funding programs for human care and assistance, and provides information and referral services to the community. HOURS: MTWThF 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: United Way of Central New Mexico identifies local health & human care issues through collaborative methods. This information is used to make community allocation decisions. United Way of Central New Mexico was founded in 1934 as the Albuquerque Community Chest. It has operated since that time as an organization run by local volunteers whose purpose is to build a stronger community through the efforts of a diverse group of volunteers and donors. 211 Lead Agencies Charities/Foundations/Funding Organizations Comprehensive Information and Referral Directory/Resource List Publication Fund Disbursement/Allocations Assistance Fundraising Campaigns Volunteer Opportunities UNITED WAY(S) OF NEW MEXICO 2nd Floor Statewide United Ways 2340 Alamo SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106 OVERVIEW: Provides for community collaboration in the areas of human services. United Way exists to “Help Those Most Vulnerable.” It’s the best way to set a human care agenda for our community and work together to carry it out. By encouraging individual donors to designate all or some of their contributions to United Way's Community Fund and by encouraging corporations to give, we as a community come together for the common good. Sites 1. NORTH EDDY COUNTY UNITED WAY PO Box 990 Artesia, NM 88210 (575) 302-2702 Svc/Intake and Admin 2. SAN JUAN UNITED WAY PO Box 323 Farmington, NM 87499 * UNITED WAY 2-1-1 Information and Referral: Serves as a source of information and referral for people seeking specific health, welfare, and related human services. Maintains an up-to-date information database on human care service programs, organizations and support groups. Operates the information and referral hotline 245-1735 or 2-1-1 (Toll Free three digit number for Information and Referral) (505) 326-4357 HELPLINE (505) 326-1195 Svc/Intake and Admin 3. UNITED WAY OF CARSLBAD AND SOUTH EDDY COUNTY PO Box EE Carlsbad, NM 88221 * Corporate Volunteer Council (CVC): Works with local business to increase volunteering among employees. *The Center for Nonprofit Excellence: is a resource center designed to enhance the capacity and sustainability of nonprofits in our community. Through trainings, crisis response modules, seminars, referrals, and consulting services the Center serves the nonprofit sector of Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance and Valencia counties. (575) 887-3504 Svc/Intake and Admin 4. UNITED WAY OF CHAVEZ COUNTY Roswell, NM 88202 (575) 622-4150 Svc/Intake and Admin * Annual Campaign: Conducts an annual fund-raising drive among company employee groups and individuals from Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, and Valencia counties. * Community Services: Coordinates community services activities between the AFL-CIO and United Way. <continued...> 136 UNITED WAY(S) OF NEW MEXICO... UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO - UNM 5. UNITED WAY OF EASTERN NEW MEXICO Clovis, NM 88102 University Hill NE Albuquerque, NM 87131 (575) 769-2103 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 277-0111 Svc/Intake and Admin - Main Switchboard www.unm.edu 6. UNITED WAY OF LEA COUNTY, INC. 320 N. Shipp Ste. B Hobbs, NM 88240 Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Founded in 1889, the University of New Mexico now occupies 600 acres along old Route 66 in the heart of Albuquerque, a city of more than 700,000 people. UNM offers a unique campus environment with a Pueblo Revival architectural theme that echoes the buildings of the nearby Pueblo Indian villages. (___) 211-____ Information & Referral (575) 397-2203 Svc/Intake and Admin 7. UNITED WAY OF NORTHERN NEW MEXICO 1200 Trinity Drive Ste, 418 & 419 Los Alamos, NM 87544 Under the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, UNM is designated Doctoral/Research Universities—Extensive. Institutions with this classification typically offer a wide range of baccalaureate programs, are committed to graduate education through the doctorate and awarded 50 or more doctoral degrees per year across at least 15 disciplines. (505) 662-0800 Svc/Intake and Admin 8. UNITED WAY OF OTERO COUNTY P.O. Box 14 Alamogordo, NM 88311 UNM’s main and branch campuses offer 210 certificate and degree programs, with 93 bachelor’s degrees, 68 master’s degrees and 37 doctoral programs. Additionally, there are three first-professional programs – in law, medicine and pharmacy – as well as five education specialist certificates, one undergraduate certificate program and two associate degree programs. Through the Evening and Weekend Degree Program, nearly 40 complete degree programs are available with approximately 1,000 classes offered each semester after 4 p.m. or on weekends. About 12,000 non-traditional, working students attend UNM at night each semester. (575) 437-8400 Svc/Intake and Admin 9. UNITED WAY OF SANTA FE COUNTY, INC. 440 Cerrillos Road Ste A Santa Fe, NM 87501 (505) 982-2002 Svc/Intake and Admin Several UNM programs consistently rank among the best nationwide. For the 11th consecutive year, U.S. News & World Report graduate school rankings place two UNM School of Medicine programs in the top ten – rural medicine and family medicine. Pharmacy and occupational therapy also made the rankings, while clinical law was ranked 8th nationally. Engineering and mechanical engineering also made the list. 10. UNITED WAY OF SOUTHWEST NEW MEXICO PO Box 1347 Las Cruces, NM 88004 (575) 524-7561 Svc/Intake and Admin 11. UNITED WAY(S) OF NEW MEXICO Statewide United Ways 2340 Alamo SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106 The Health Sciences Center is the state's largest integrated health care treatment, research and education organization. Among the university's outstanding research units are the High Performance Computing Center, Cancer Center, New Mexico Engineering Research Institute, Center for High Technology Materials, Design Planning Assistance Center, Environmental Law and Policy and the Center for Non-Invasive Diagnosis. Services Charity Information Fundraising and Resource Development Support Fundraising Campaigns Public Awareness/Education SITES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 <continued...> 137 UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO - UNM... Sites information on HIV and AIDS. The Mexico AIDS InfoNet website has easy-to-understand "Fact Sheets" for patients about HIV/AIDS, in English and Spanish. 1. AGORA CRISIS CENTER 1716 Las Lomas ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87131 3. NEW MEXICO KIDS CHILD CARE RESOURCE AND REFERRAL 1634 University Boulevard Albuquerque, NM 87131 (505) 277-3013 Service/Intake (866) 435-7166 (866)HELP-1-NM Toll Free 24hr Suicide Line SERVICE SUMMARY: Agora: UNM Crisis Center provides free, compassionate and confidential help to anyone in need of emotional support. Services include phone or walk-in crisis intervention and listening; referrals to community organizations, services or therapists; and educational opportunities for volunteers. (505) 277-7900 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 691-9067 800-Line SERVICE SUMMARY: New Mexico Kids: Provides programs that support networking, information and resource awareness and access, and technical assistance for child care professionals, parents and health educators. Sometimes it's hard to talk about certain problems with family and friends. As trained peer counselors, our volunteers are ready to provide compassionate and unbiased listening for anything you want to discuss. We won't tell you how to solve your problem, but we'll help you figure out what options you might have. New Mexico Kids Warm line: A free service for parents or child care providers interested in talking with one of our qualified staff members at UNM about child development, health or child care Training & Technical Assistance Centers: Information to assist you in finding quality child care for your children. 2. NEW MEXICO AIDS EDUCATION AND TRAINING CENTER UNM HCS School of Medicine Albuquerque, NM 87131 Internet Information and Search Database: Allows for parents to search for child care providers based on 3 different queries: 1) Zip Code Search 2) Detail Specific Search 3) Mario's Child Care Registry (505) 272-8443 Svc/Intake and Admin Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides health education and resource information to patients with AIDS or HIV positive and their families. Health educators include a registered nurse and registered dietitian/master's level nutritionist. 4. NEW MEXICO POISON AND DRUG INFORMATION CENTER 1650 University NE Ste 4 Albuquerque, NM 87102-1076 We educate health care providers about management of HIV infection, including prevention, diagnosis, treatment and psychosocial issues. (800) 222-1222 800-Line (505) 272-1364 Public Education Line What we do. . . Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: The New Mexico Poison and Drug Information Center is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of poisoning in New Mexico. The Center is available to the public and health care professionals 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. *Provide up-to-date education to health care professionals on HIV *Provide information about state HIV programs and resources Expert staff assess and makes treatment recommendations during possible poisonings, and assist emergency personnel during hazardous material incidents. *Serve as a resource for New Mexico's health professions schools *Provide individualized clinical education experience 5. UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO - UNM University Hill NE Albuquerque, NM 87131 *Teach health care professionals to share their expertise with peers (505) 277-0111 Svc/Intake and Admin - Main Switchboard *Provide partial to full funding/scholarship support for providers to attend trainings, workshops, conferences, and professional development training Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides extensive educational programs for undergraduate, graduate, professional, and adult continuing education. www.aidsinfonet.org The New Mexico AIDS InfoNet has easy-to-understand <continued...> 138 UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO - UNM... 6. UNM ADDICTION AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROGRAM, ASAP 2600 Yale SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 8. UNM CARE PROGRAM Patient Finacial Services 1131 University NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 994-7999 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 272-2521 Svc/Intake and Admin Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides a variety of services to persons with alcohol and drug dependence problems. Central intake unit provides assessment, screening, and referral to any treatment facility. Outpatient Detoxification monitors patient's progress and medication daily. Intensive day treatment provides up to six hours a day of structured education and therapy. Outpatient services provide individual and family counseling, education, referral and follow-up services. Adolescent unit treats youths between ages of 14 and 21. Women's program provides specialized programs for women including education and individual / group counseling. Early morning and late evening counseling is available by appointment. Pharmacy services, child care, and job finding workshops/skills are available to active clients. SERVICE SUMMARY: UNM Care Program is a healthcare assistance program that provides quality medical care to qualified Bernalillo County residents. This is a special medical assistance program developed for financially eligible Bernalillo County residents. Health services under this program are available at UNM Hospital and our new network of community partners including: First Choice Community Health, First Nations Community Healthsource, and Healthcare for the Homeless. This program is available to patients who live in Bernalillo County for at least 90 days and meet income, asset and other program guidelines. Please call 272-2521 for an appointment to apply. At your appointment you will need to bring: 7. UNM CANCER CENTER 1201 Camino de Salud NE 1 University Of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001 • Proof of Residency (example: utility bill, rental agreement, mortgage statement)* • Proof of Income (example: check stub, income taxes) • Identification (example: government issued ID, driver’s license, passport) • Names, dates of birth and social security numbers of household members • Bank statement (if any) • Please bring your original birth certificate (if available)** * Proof of residency must be in the applicant’s name ** If you do not have an original or certified copy of your birth certificate, please call New Mexico Vital Records at (505) 841-4185. (800) 432-6806 800-Line (505) 272-4946 Service/Intake (505) 242-1222 Comadre a Comadre SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides complete Cancer diagnostic and treatment services, second opinions and follow-up care for individuals with Cancer history. Also provides counseling, social services, patient and family education and nutritional counseling. Operates clinical research programs with over 200 investigational treatments for patients unresponsive to conventional therapies. A national referral center for high dose chemotherapy and molecular diagnostic technology. Specializes in breast Cancer, New Mexico's only Cancer center formally recognized by the National Cancer Institute. Provides for a speakers bureau and offers periodic professional and public educational programs. 9. UNM CARRIE TINGLEY HOSPITAL 2211 Lomas Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 272-5355 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides in-patient medical care which includes surgery, nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, prosthetics, orthotics, education and other services to chronically impaired children. Also provides serveral out-patient services such as outreach clinics which are held on Fridays at various locations around the state. The services of this hospital are open to New Mexico resident children, ages birth to 21 with a known or suspected condition of musculo-skeletal nature. Appointments are made through the clinic admissions office. Also operates Comadre a Comadre: A project culturally based, providing one-on-one peer support intervention for Hispanic women newly diagnosed with breast cancer and their families. For more information about the Comadre A Comadre Project, please call: 202 Central Ave. SE Suite C Albuquerque, NM 87102 Tel: 505-242-1222 Fax: 505-242-1118 <continued...> 139 UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO - UNM... occupational therapy. 10. UNM CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL OF NEW MEXICO 2211 Lomas Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87106 12. UNM DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY Logan Hall Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 272-5437 Ext. KIDS 505-272-KIDS (505) 277-4121 Svc/Intake and Admin Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Young Children's Health Center's physicians and social workers provide primary pediatric and social services to children and their families living in Albuquerque. Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Counseling services are provided by PhD candidates under supervision of certified psychologists and psychiatrists for individuals, couples and families. Expect to be placed on a waiting list for initial interview. Patient Education: The Patient Education Center offers many different education classes for groups of people. 13. UNM FAMILY HEALTH CLINIC 1209 University Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87106 The Developmental Care Program: This special program works together with families of newborns, infants and young children to evaluate development and to take action when needed. (505) 272-4400 Service/Intake SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides a variety of primary medical services to individuals with referrals for medical situations that require more in-depth treatment or consultation. Child Life Program: The Child Life Program works closely with families and healthcare providers to treat the whole child through the following services: *Preparation for medical tests, procedures and surgeries *Family support during hospitalization *Age related activities in the playroom, Pediatric Clinic or Pete's *Playground *Special activities for patients confined to their rooms 14. UNM HOSPITAL 2211 Lomas Blvd NE ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87106 (505) 272-2111 Information SERVICE SUMMARY: UNM Hospital is the primary teaching hospital for the UNM School of Medicine and is the home of the highly regarded UNM Children's Hospital. It provides New Mexicans with a wide range of specialty and subspecialty care, with many of those specialties not available anywhere else in the state. Hospital School: The Hospital School is a program offered by the Albuquerque Public Schools and the Children's Hospital of New Mexico to meet the educational needs of school age patients. The hospital also operates New Mexico's only Level I Trauma Center and treats more than 1,300 critically injured patients a year. New Mexicans are fortunate to have such an integrated medical center in Albuquerque where UNMH is located. Family Resource Library: Families can visit the Family Resource Library to find answers to medical and healthcare questions Continuum of Care: The Continuum of Care Project provides a support network for children with development disabilities or chronic conditions. 15. UNM MANZANITA COUNSELING CENTER Manzanita Counseling Center UNM , College of Ed Albuquerque, NM 87131 11. UNM CHILDREN'S PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL 1001 Yale Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87131 (505) 277-7311 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides short and long term counseling for personal growth, career direction, personal adjustment, relationships, sexual identity development, depression, anxiety, adolescent and childrens issues, family counseling, spiritual/religious issues. (505) 272-2890 Svc/Intake and Admin Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: UNM Children's Psychiatric Center (CPC) provides intensive psychiatric treatment to children and adolescents through the age of 17, without regard to the family's financial resources. Care, including acute inpatient, residential and partial (day) hospital, is provided in various settings on the CPC campus. Treatment includes family education which increases families' understanding and capacity to manage their children. Clinical services are under the direction of the UNM School of Medicine faculty and include comprehensive evaluation and assessment, treatment planning, individual, group and family therapy, psychopharmacology, speech, art, recreational and 16. UNM MARIPOSA PROGRAM PEDIATRIC HOSPICE 933 Bradbury Dr. SE Ste 3082 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 272-6700 Service/Intake (866) 869-7243 800-Line Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Offers hospice services which <continued...> 140 UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO - UNM... provides nursing care, emotional and spiritual support, volunteer involvement and bereavement counseling to the terminally ill children and their families. 17. UNM MEDICALLY FRAGILE CASE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 2300 Menual Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 Milagro Program Peer Bridger Program Psyciatric Care Management Psychiatric Consultations Service Psychiatric Emergency Services Psychosocial Rehabilitation Psychotherapy Services 19. UNM VETERANS RESOURCE CENTER SUB Suite 2002 MSCO3 2215 Albuquerque, NM 87131 (505) 272-3000 Service/Intake Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides a state wide family centered RN/case management service, coordination of care and advocacy for the family to assist them with the care of their medically fragile child. The program includes the Medically Fragile Waiver and EPSDT. Case management services are provided by registered nurses Both programs provide in-home services that support the family in their decision to care for their child who is medically fragile, at home. Individuals must meet the criteria for medical fragility and be developmentally disabled. Scope of Medically Fragile waiver service includes case management, private duty nursing, home health aid, therapies, counseling, and nutritional consultation. Medically Fragile Waiver services extend through the life span of the client, as long as the individual continues to meet the medical criteria. EPSDT clients must have Medicaid. Services include case management and private duty nursing to individuals birth to 21 years of age, who are medically fragile and require skilled care. Application for the Medically Fragile Waiver and EPSDT is made through the County Income Support Division office of the NM Human Services Department. The applicant must complete form MAD #325. The Medically Fragile Waiver is not an emergency program. There is an application process and often a waiting list, which is based on the date of application to the Income Support Division office. There is no monetary support provided, but rather availability of services to support families in the care of their child at home. (505) 277-3181 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: We are dedicated to provide the highest quality and comprehensive support to student veterans in an atmosphere that provides commitment, respect, and academic excellence. We provide education, administrative services, and job advisement to our student veterans, their families, as well as outreach to military communities at large. The UNM Veterans Resource Center provides help navigating GI Bill Benefits, as well as GI Bill Benefits Certification; one-on-one advisement, including referrals to campus and community resources; support in working with UNM's enrollment, financial aid, and advisement centers; and any additional resources to support students' academic success. 20. UNM WOMEN'S RESOURCE CENTER UNM Women's Resource Center Mesa Vista Hall, Room 1160 ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87131 (505) 277-3716 Service/Intake Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Conducts workshops and groups each semester on personal development and women's related issues depending on majority requests on a specific interest. Also offers lectures on specific women's issues. Provides a library of materials concerning women's issues. Provides for individual advisement for academic re-entry questions, vocational exploration and crisis intervention counseling for UNM women students and staff only. 18. UNM PSYCHIATRIC CENTER 2600 Marble NE ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87106 Services (505) 272-2920 Emergency Crisis Hotline (505) 272-2800 Svc/Intake and Admin Specialized Information and Referral * AIDS/HIV SITE: 2 Public transportation accessible. SERVICE SUMMARY: Addiction & Substance Abuse Programs Continuing Care Clinics Dual Diagnosis Clinic Forensic Services General Clinic Geriatric/Senior Care Inpatient Services University Hospital's Behavioral Health Services is currently the largest community mental health provider in the state of New Mexico. SERVICES INCLUDE: Alcohol Abuse Education/Prevention Alcoholism Counseling Central Intake/Assessment for Substance Abuse Inpatient Drug Detoxification Inpatient Medically Assisted Alcohol Detoxification Outpatient Drug Detoxification Outpatient Medically Assisted Alcohol Detoxification Substance Abuse Education/Prevention Substance Abuse Education/Prevention * Families with Adolescents Substance Abuse Services SITES: 6 15 Intake Clinic Intensive Crisis Stabilization Intensive Outpatient Services <continued...> 141 UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO - UNM... Child Care Complaints Child Care Provider Licensing Child Care Provider Referrals Internet Information Resources * Child Care Providers Specialized Information and Referral * Child Care Providers SITE: 3 Bereavement Counseling Children's In Home Respite Care Children's State/Local Health Insurance Programs Community Clinics Disease Specific Treatment Emergency Room Care General Acute Care Hospitals General Medical Care Health Care Health Care Referrals Health Education Health Screening/Diagnostic Services Home Health Care Home Nursing * Families/Friends of Terminally Ill Hospice Care * Families/Friends of Terminally Ill Hospital Based Outpatient Services Hospitals In Home Hospice Care Intensive Care Medical Public Assistance Programs Nursing Facilities Terminal Illness Counseling Trauma Centers Urgent Care Centers SITES: 8 10 13 14 16 17 Childhood Immunizations Children's Hospitals Children's Psychiatric Inpatient Units Children's/Adolescent Psychiatric Hospitals Children's/Adolescent Residential Treatment Facilities Health Care * Children Health Screening/Diagnostic Services Hospital Based Outpatient Services Intensive Care * Mental Health Care Facilities Mental Illness/Emotional Disabilities * Children Pediatrics Physical Therapy * Children Prosthetic Devices * Children Special Education Urgent Care Centers Wellness Programs SITES: 9 10 11 Career Counseling Central Intake/Assessment for Psychiatric Services Family Counseling Individual Counseling Inpatient Mental Health Facilities Mental Health Care and Counseling Mental Health Care Facilities Mental Health Drop In Centers Mental Health Evaluation Mental Health Support Services Neuropsychiatry/Neuropsychology Outpatient Mental Health Facilities Psychiatric Case Management Psychiatric Day Treatment Psychiatric Inpatient Units Sexual Assault Counseling Specialized Counseling Services Substance Abuse Counseling SITES: 12 15 18 Crisis Intervention Hotlines Crisis Intervention Volunteer Opportunities General Crisis Intervention Hotlines Helplines/Warmlines Suicide Prevention Hotlines Telephone Reassurance SITE: 1 Lead Poisoning Screening Poison Control Poisoning Treatment PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information SITE: 4 Breast Cancer Cancer Clinics Cancer Detection Chemotherapy/Radiation Therapy Chronic Disease Self Management Programs Speakers/Speakers Bureaus PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information SITE: 7 Prenatal Care SITE: 14 Resume Preparation Assistance * Veterans Tutoring Services * Veterans Veteran Employment Programs SITE: 19 Academic Counseling Adult Education Community Colleges Continuing Education Education Educational Grants Educational Testing SITE: 5 Special Library Collections * Women Women's Health Centers Workshops/Symposiums * Women SITE: 20 142 VALENCIA COUNTY GOVERNMENT Bosque Farms Senior Center 1190 N. Bosque Farms Loop Bosque Farms, N.M. 87068 Ph# (505)869-5133 444 Luna Ave. Los Lunas, NM 87031 (505) 866-2004 Svc/Intake and Admin Del Rio Senior Center 351 Rio Communities Blvd. Belen, N.M. 87002 Ph# (505)864-7500 www.co.valencia.nm.us OVERVIEW: Provides Government services Sites Meadow Lake Senior Center 100 Cuerro Lane Los Lunas, N.M. 87031 865-8824 1. VALENCIA COUNTY GOVERNMENT 444 Luna Ave. Los Lunas, NM 87031 (505) 866-2004 Svc/Intake and Admin Services SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides normal government services by direction of the Valencia County Commission for the citizens of the county. Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites County Government Information Lines Senior Centers Senior Ride Programs SITES: 1 2 3 2. VALENCIA COUNTY GOVERNMENT INDIGENT CARE FUND 444 Luna Ave. LOS LUNAS, NM 87031 (505) 866-2020 Service/Intake VALENCIA COUNTY LITERACY COUNCIL 280 La Entrada Los Lunas, NM 87031 SERVICE SUMMARY: The Valencia County Indigent Fund provides financial assistance to indigent Valencia County residents for their health care services. Health Care Services means treatment and services designed to promote improved health in the county indigent population, including primary care, prenatal care, dental care, behavioral health care, alcohol or drug detoxification and rehabilitation, hospital care, provision of prescription drugs, preventive care or health outreach services, to the extent determined by county resolution. (505) 925-8926 Svc/Intake and Admin www.valencialiteracy.org OVERVIEW: Provides literacy training for adults. Provides off-site instruction for ESL students and their children (in separate programs) HOURS: Mon - Fri 12:00 Noon - 4:00 PM SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides tutors to help adults learn functional skills such as: reading, improving comprehension and upgrading math skills. Provides English as a Second Language Instruction and child care specialists for their children at sites around Valencia County. In addition, the fund may be utilized for cremation and burial services. 3. VALENCIA COUNTY GOVERNMENT SENIOR CENTERS Fred Luna Senior Center 197 Don Pasqual Los Lunas, NM 87031 Services English as a Second Language Literacy Programs Literacy Testing Remedial Reading (505) 839-3853 Service/Intake SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides several services for seniors, such as congregate meals, transportation, utility, and fire wood assistance. Also offers friendly visiting outreach to home bound seniors. Recruits volunteers to help other seniors. Meals are offered for persons 60 years and older. There is no income level requirement. VALENCIA SHELTER SERVICES PO Box 1095 Belen, NM 87002 (505) 864-3202 Administrative (505) 864-1383 24 Hour Crisis Line Call 9-1-1 Emergency Senior Centers: www.valenciashelterservices.org valenciashelter@vcimail.com Belen Senior Center 715 S. Main St. Belen, N.M. 87002 Ph# (505)864-2663 OVERVIEW: Provides temporary shelter, treatment, and advocacy for victims of domestic violence. Provides transitional shelter ( up to 2 yrs ) for victims of domestic violence, community <continued...> 143 VALENCIA SHELTER SERVICES... outreach, education and prevention services. HOURS: Call for information SERVICE SUMMARY: Assistance with temporary emergency shelter, food, clothing, treatment, advocacy and referral services for victims of domestic violence. Mental Health Care and Counseling Substance Abuse Counseling SITES: 1 2 VILLA SANTA MARIA Services PO Box 156 Cedar Crest, NM 87008 Abuse/Violence Related Support Groups Domestic Violence Hotlines Domestic Violence Intervention Programs Domestic Violence Shelters Domestic Violence Support Groups Family Violence Prevention (505) 281-3609 Svc/Intake and Admin www.villasantamaria.org info@villasantamaria.org OVERVIEW: Villa Santa Maria is a residential community specializing in the clinical treatment of children and families of children who are suffering from attachment disorders. Nestled in the high desert of the Sandia Mountains, just fifteen minutes from Albuquerque, our serene campus is an ideal therapeutic setting. HOURS: MTWThFSaSu 24 hours SERVICE SUMMARY: 24 hour residential treatment for children ages 5 to 14 who suffer from Reactive Attachment Disorder. Program includes counseling children and their families, therapeutic recreation, health care and special education. VALLE DE SOL COUNSELING SERVICES 735 Don Pasqual Rd NW Los Lunas, NM 87031 (505) 865-3350 Svc/Intake and Admin www.vcs-nm.com OVERVIEW: Provides mental health and substance abuse counseling. HOURS: Call for information Services Behavioral Learning Therapy * Children Children's/Adolescent Residential Treatment Facilities * Reactive Attachment Disorder Cognitive Behavioral Therapy * Children Sites 1. VALENCIA COUNSELING SERVICES, INC. TORRANCE COUNTY 1109 W. Allen Ave. Estancia, NM 87016 VILLAGE OF LOS LUNAS (505) 384-0220 Service/Intake 660 Main Street Los Lunas, NM 87031 SERVICE SUMMARY: Counseling for families, individual, group, marriage, mental health, substance abuse. Medication management and case management offered as well. (505) 839-3840 Service/Intake www.loslunasnm.gov OVERVIEW: Provides government services to and for the citizens of Los Lunas. 2. VALLE DE SOL COUNSELING SERVICES 735 Don Pasqual Rd NW Los Lunas, NM 87031 Sites (505) 865-3350 Svc/Intake and Admin 1. LOS LUNAS PUBLIC LIBRARY 460 Main Street Los Lunas, NM 87031 SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides psychiatric and counseling services for adults, families and children. Counseling includes all forms of substance abuse, affects of physical or sexual abuse, social and learning problems, and mental illness. Services are provided by well trained professional staff and a psychiatrist. Also provides forensic evaluations on request from the legal system. (505) 839-3850 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides a variety of books, magazines and references materials. Conducts and sponsors children's programs and other activities for adults. Services 2. VILLAGE OF LOS LUNAS 660 Main Street Los Lunas, NM 87031 Adolescent/Youth Counseling Alcoholism Counseling Anger Management Child Abuse Counseling Family Counseling Group Counseling Individual Counseling Marriage Counseling (505) 865-6063 FAX (505) 865-9689 Service/Intake SERVICE SUMMARY: Conducts planning, sets policy and implements all programs under the jurisdiction of Los Lunas Village government. <continued...> 144 VILLAGE OF LOS LUNAS... Services the Performing Arts in Washington, DC. Our center is dedicated to full accessibility in the arts for people of all abilities, ages, cultures and income levels. Since 1981, we have focused on providing arts education and exhibition opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities. Over the years the VSA Day Arts Program has grown from serving three to five individuals each day to serving a total enrollment of nearly 200. Day Arts offers visual and performing arts classes in everything from Ceramics and Painting, to Sewing and Musical Theater. HOURS: Mon - Fri - 8 AM - 5 PM (and special events as scheduled) SERVICE SUMMARY: VSA arts is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing creative learning and employment opportunities for people with disabilities or limited access to the arts. Government Information Lines Housing Authorities Libraries Public Officials Offices Subsidized Housing Administrative Organizations SITES: 1 2 VINE VICTIM INFORMATION & NOTIFICATION EVERYDAY (877) 551-8463 800-Line - 877-551-VINE (866) 847-1298 Service/Intake (Voice and TDD) www.vinelink.com North Fourth Art Center and VSA arts of New Mexico serves OVERVIEW: VINE Victim Information & Notification enables anyone in the community, including victims, reporters, companies, neighbors, to be notified automatically by phone or email to track the custody status of offenders or court status if an offender is released, transferred or escapes. They also have an online searchable data base. SERVICE SUMMARY: NM VINE is New Mexico’s Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification Service. NM VINE is an innovative service providing crime victim, and other concerned citizens free and confidential notification regarding a particular State and/or County inmate’s release, transfer or escape from participating agencies. ~80 apprentice artists with severe disabilities in the Day Habilitation program ~900 students and community members through local school, hospital and community residencies ~3000 participants through statewide activities including festival workshops in Taos, Crownpoint, "Start with the Arts" and other early childhood programs at the Court Youth Center and public schools in Las Cruces ~Approximately 5000 participants through art exhibits and conferences NM VINE can provide registered users access to timely information about particular offenders 24-hours a day, over the phone, through the internet, or by e-mail. Services VINELink: is the online version of VINE (Victim Information and Notification Everyday), the National Victim Notification Network. This service allows crime victims to obtain timely and reliable information about criminal cases and the custody status of offenders 24 hours a day. Some states have the ability to display this website in Spanish. Art Therapy Arts and Crafts Instruction Developmental Disabilities Activity Centers PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information WATERMELON MOUNTAIN RANCH, INC. 3251 Westphalia Blvd. NE Rio Rancho, NM 87144 Services (500) 771-0140 Svc/Intake and Admin Crime Victim Notification Services www.wmranch.org wmranchnm@aol.com VSA NEW MEXICO VERY SPECIAL ARTS OVERVIEW: Watermelon Mountain Ranch, a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation, is dedicated to the belief that all living creatures should be cared for and protected. SERVICE SUMMARY: Kids at Risk Animal Welfare Program: Troubled teens from juvenile justice programs participate in our outreach program benefiting homeless animals. 4904 4th Street NW Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 345-2872 Svc/Intake and Admin (800) 659-8331 Service/Intake (Voice and TDD) www.vsartsnm.org info@vsartsnm.org Children's Special Needs Program: Each week, a group of children with physical or development challenges visit Watermelon Mountain Ranch and interact with the animals. The children experience the joy of being around the animals and the unconditional love that each has to give. Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Programs and services focus on access to the arts for adults with disabilities. North Fourth Art Center is a contemporary art center with a social mission. Our independent nonprofit name is VSA arts of New Mexico (VSA NM), affiliated with the John F. Kennedy Center for <continued...> 145 WATERMELON MOUNTAIN RANCH, INC.... Services outreach and positive connection to a church. Services Animal Adoption Animal Foster Care/Rescue Volunteer Opportunities Foster Care/Temporary Shelter for Animals Mobility Assistance Service Dogs Neuter/Spay Services Pet Assisted Therapy Veterinary Services Ex-Offender Counseling Offender/Ex-Offender Support Groups Offender/Ex-Offender Support Volunteer Opportunities WOMEN'S ECONOMIC SELF-SUFFICIENCY TEAM WESST 609 Broadway Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 WESTSIDE PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY 1724 Grande Blvd.SE Rio Rancho, NM 87124 (505) 246-6900 Svc/Intake and Admin www.wesst.org (505) 896-0245 Svc/Intake and Admin Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: WESST is a statewide small business development and training organization committed to growing New Mexico’s economy by cultivating entrepreneurship. Our passion, counsel, hard work, experience and commitment are the inspiration and behavior model we offer our clients so that they can realize their entrepreneurial dreams and achieve economic success. SERVICE SUMMARY: Business assistance to those who want to start or increase their own business to become self-sufficient, with a primary focus on women. http://www.wspd.net/ OVERVIEW: Provides pediatric dental services. For pediatric dentistry, agency accepts private insurance, Medicaid and uninsured patients. For children with special needs, agency accepts IHS coverage, in addition to the types of payment listed above. SERVICE SUMMARY: For pediatric dentistry, agency accepts private insurance, Medicaid and uninsured patients. For children with special needs, agency accepts IHS coverage, in addition to the types of payment listed above. Services Services Pediatric Dentistry PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Business Associations Business Consulting Services * Women Minority Business Development * Women Small Business Development * Women Small Business Financing * Women Call for Information WINGS MINISTRY 2270 D Wyoming NE #130 Albuquerque, NM 87112 WOMEN'S HOUSING COALITION 3005 San Pedro NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 291-6412 Svc/Intake and Admin http://wingsministry.org/index.php information@wingsforlifeinternational.org (505) 884-8856 Svc/Intake and Admin www.womenshousingcoalition.org whcabq@yahoo.com Public transportation accessible; a pamphlet is on file. OVERVIEW: Wings For LIFE International brings families of prisoners and Christian volunteers together as Children of God by: •Building relationships that transform the lives of families, volunteers and communities. •Conducting joyous celebrations of unconditional love that break down barriers. •Providing interdenominational mission opportunities for Christian communities worldwide.. Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: The mission of the Women’s Housing Coalition is to assist low-income women with children who are motivated to become self-sufficient by providing affordable housing, training, and a variety of support needs. The Women’s Housing Coalition provides low-income, single mothers and their children an environment that fosters and nurtures their independence, personal growth, financial responsibility and a road map to becoming self-sufficient women and an inspiration to their children. SERVICE SUMMARY: Two year transitional housing program to very low income or homeless women, some level of income required. Call for more information. Assistance with job placement and other job related skills.Transportation, child care, household items, food, counseling, education or training and work. Christ‘s unconditional love shared with all families of prisoners. Provides a system of support for children and families of individuals who are incarcerated in a prison or jail. SERVICE SUMMARY: Provides a number of support activities for children and families of incarcerated individuals. These activities are parties for children, focused ministry <continued...> 146 WOMEN'S HOUSING COALITION... Services Sites 1. RIO RANCHO FAMILY YMCA 2701 The American Road SE Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Housing Counseling * Women Transitional Housing/Shelter * Women (505) 922-1681 Svc/Intake and Admin YES HOUSING INC. 104 Roma NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 2. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION (YMCA) OF CENTRAL NEW MEXICO 303 Roma Ave. NW Ste. RB00A Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 254-1373 Svc/Intake and Admin www.yeshousing.org OVERVIEW: YES Housing Inc.'s goals is to provide opportunities for a better quality of life to disadvantaged and lower income families and the elderly through involvement in the development of affordable housing and the revitalization of the communities we serve. SERVICE SUMMARY: YES Housing, Inc.'s mission is to build and revitalize communities with quality, affordable housing, accessible social services and a dedication to being positive agents for change within the community. (505) 881-4787 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: Includes many activities, before and after school care, youth sports, summer, resident and day camp, extended day care, Corporate Wellness programs and after school activities and family programs. Provides a variety of programs. Includes day, resident, special interest and family camps. Operates Camp Shaver in the Jemez mountains. Call for information. Services Affordable rental housing, multifamily development, commercial redevelopment in targeted areas. Camps Parent/Infant Exercise Classes Physical Fitness Recreational Activities/Sports Recreational Facilities Youth Development SITES: 1 2 Services Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling Low Cost Home Rental Listings Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing PROGRAM/ELIGIBILITY: Call for Information YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, YWCA YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION (YMCA) OF CENTRAL NEW MEXICO 210 Truman St. NE Ste A. Albuquerque, NM 87108 303 Roma Ave. NW Ste. RB00A Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 254-9922 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 881-4787 Svc/Intake and Admin www.ywca-nm.org awhitfield@ywca-nm.org www.ymcacnm.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: As a Membership Association, the YWCA creates and supports opportunities for all women and their families and advocates racial justice for their social and economic equality. Programs include: Camp Quest (science and technology camp for girls), ENCOREplus, Our Sister's Closet, PAN, Career Center, Racial Justice Program. Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Mission: “The YMCA of Central New Mexico inspires individuals and families to achieve their full potential by delivering the highest quality programs and services for Youth Development, Healthy Living, and Social Responsibility.” Vision: “The YMCA of Central New Mexico is to be an inspirational leader in serving our community.” Sites 1. HENDERSON HOUSE TRANSITIONAL LIVING CENTER (505) 254-9922 Ext. 115 Svc/Intake and Admin Call for information on locations and services. SERVICE SUMMARY: Transitional Living Center for homeless women veterans and their dependent children <continued...> 147 YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION,... achieve their full potential. 2. YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, YWCA 210 Truman St. NE Ste A. Albuquerque, NM 87108 Sites 1. NEUTRAL CORNER, THE 1215 4TH St. NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 254-9922 Svc/Intake and Admin (505) 255-0007 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: The YWCA is the oldest and largest multicultural women's organization in the world. Our mission is to eliminate racism and empower women. We provide safe places for women and girls, build strong women leaders, and advocate for women's rights and civil rights in Congress. Women come to us in times of crisis, as survivors of rape or domestic violence. They come for job training and career counseling. They come for childcare information. They come for health and fitness. They come for a variety of reasons. SERVICE SUMMARY: Neutral Corner provides supervised visitation and exchange services for families going through separation and/or divorce or couples impacted by domestic violence. With the help of a magnetic locking door system, YDI staff safely observe the transfer of children from one parent to another. This allows children a brief period of adjustment, the comfort of not witnessing combative situations, and the opportunity to greet each parent enthusiastically. 2. YDI EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION & FAMILY DEVELOPMENT 901 Pennsylvania NE ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87110 Services Breast Examinations * Health Care Referrals Community Action/Social Advocacy Groups * Women Nutrition Education * Women Physical Fitness * Women Transitional Housing/Shelter * Veterans * Women Women's Advocacy Groups SITES: 1 2 (505) 212-7239 Service/Intake SERVICE SUMMARY: The Early Childhood Education & Family Development Division was formed in 1996 to provide high quality early childhood education and family development services. YDI provides services for over 2,000 families in three New Mexico Counties: •Bernalillo •Rio Arriba •Taos YOUTH DEVELOPMENT, INC. (YDI) 6301 Central Ave. NW Albuquerque, NM 87105 The primary focus of the division is to provide services to children and their families from pregnant women to children five years old. The program focus is to providing support services which include: child education and care, home visitation, family development and engagement, support services for grandparents raising young children, relationship training, and parent training/advocacy. (505) 352-3444 Svc/Intake and Admin www.ydinm.org Public transportation accessible. OVERVIEW: Youth Development, Inc. (YDI), founded in 1971, is a nationally recognized youth service organization that provides educational, developmental and humanitarian assistance to children, youth and families in central and northern New Mexico. As a 501 (c) 3, non-profit charitable organization, YDI is eligible to receive tax-deductible cash and in-kind donations. YDI's programs include tutoring, after-school activities, gang intervention, drop-out prevention, family counseling services, emergency teen shelter, youth sports, internships, scholarships, parenting skills, leadership development, public housing assistance, community corrections, GED studies, early childhood education via Head Start centers, substance abuse and AIDS education and many others. 3. YOUTH DEVELOPMENT, INC. (YDI) 6301 Central Ave. NW Albuquerque, NM 87105 (505) 352-3444 Svc/Intake and Admin SERVICE SUMMARY: YDI offers over 40 different programs serving children, youth and families in 22 sites throughout the city. YDI uses a holistic continuum of care approach, because at risk youth rarely have one type of problem or conflict to resolve. All of the YDI programs fall into one of these seven areas of focus: 1) Addresses youth violence, drug use, gang involvement, health issues, AIDS, and other concerns through street outreach, presentations, counseling, music, drama and art. 2) Works with individuals and families to resolve conflicts. 3) Works with juvenile justice system to find alternatives to incarceration and to work with first time offenders. 4) Uses sports and recreation activities to help young people develop self esteem and positive behaviors. 5) Offers living alternatives that range from a short term runaway shelter to transitional living training and a We welcome the opportunity to provide you with comprehensive information about YDI via our website. Please take a moment to find out more about the Services and Programs, Locations, Awards, and Jobs at YDI by clicking on any of the links to the left. In addition, you'll find important information for donors through the YDI Foundation link, including a secure online donation form. The YDI Mission: To help children, youth and families <continued...> 148 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT, INC. (YDI)... home for disturbed youth. 6) Works with drop-out prevention and GED students. 7) Programs help youth find jobs and job training opportunities. Services Adolescent/Youth Counseling Dropout Prevention Dropout Programs Family Counseling Gang Programs Head Start Juvenile Delinquency Diversion Counseling Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Parental Visitation Monitoring * Parents Without Custody Parenting Education Runaway/Youth Shelters Youth Development Youth Job Development SITES: 1 2 3 149