RMNM - 003 - HMS Gallant
RMNM - 003 - HMS Gallant
ROYAL MANTICORAN NAVY BuShips NTIC O R A N NA n VY T HE R O Y A L MA ic ia l oc ff eO ia tio Th RMNM - 003 Admiralty House, Landing Ho n Fa or H a rrington ss A n Commanding Officer’s Manual RMNM - 003 RMNM-003 01APR2011 THE ROYAL MANTICORAN NAVY A L MA NTIC O R A N NA ic ia l oc ff eO ia tio Th n VY T HE R O Y Bureau of Ships Commanding Officer’s Manual Ho n n Fa or H a rrington s As BuShips, Admiralty House, Landing, Manticore Contents SECTION 1: Operational Policies 1 1. Chain of Command/Reporting 1 2. Reporting Requirements and Procedures 1 3. Suggestions for the Organization of Your Chapter a. Administrative Department b. Tactical Department c. Astrogation Department d. Communications Department: e. Engineering Department f. Logistics Department g. Flight Operations Department h. Medical Department: i. Marines 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4. Chapter Activity Ideas a. Surveys b. Bowling Nights/Tournaments c. Movie Nights d. Model Building e. Charity Events f. Oral History Collecting g. Role Playing/Gaming Nights h. BBQs i. Costuming j. Conventions 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5. Recruiting Techniques a. Word of Mouth b. Book Clubs c. Book Marks d. Book Release Parties e. Conventions f. The Internet 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 SECTION 2: Admiralty Orders Pertaining to Ship Commands 6 Command Composition - Updated (Admiralty Order 1011-01) Age Restriction on Command Level (Admiralty Order 0801-03) Minimum Command Grade (Admiralty Order 0712-01) HMS Unconquered (Admiralty Order 1102-12) iii SECTION 3: FORMS iv 14 RMNM-003 01APR2011 SECTION 1: Operational Policies 1. Chain of Command/Reporting The following is the Chain of Command and Reporting for all Chapters/Ships in the TRMN. If there is a problem with the next link in a chain, or the next link is vacant and not used at this time, then you may skip to the next higher link to attempt to resolve the problems you face. Ship Commander Division Commander (if active) Squadron Commander (if active) Task Group Commander (if active) Task Force Commander (if active) Numbered Fleet Commander First Space Lord First Lord of the Admiralty 2. Reporting Requirements and Procedures Every chapter is required to submit a report to the Office of the First Space Lord (with copies being sent to the numbered Fleet Commander, BuPlan, BuShips, and BuPers) no later than the 10th of every even numbered month. The report is to be submitted via email or (when available) the RMN website. The Chapter Report Form is at the end of this manual and can also be downloaded from the RMN website for use by Chapter Reporting Officers. Failure to file a report for 3 consecutive reporting periods may result in the decommissioning of your chapter, to be decided on a case by case basis by the Third Space Lord in consultation with your numbered Fleet Commander and the First Space Lord. However, failure to file a report for 6 consecutive reporting periods WILL result in your chapter being decommissioned. (NOTE: Two (2) late reports will be considered to be one Failure to Report. 3. Suggestions for the Organization of Your Chapter Ever chapter is required to have a Commanding Officer, Executive Officer and a Chief Petty Officer. But what do you do with all of your other members so they feel like they belong and could actually be assigned to a ship of the Royal Manticoran Navy? You create Departments with specific responsibilities and assign RMN BuShips 1 Commanding Officer’s Manual RMNM-003 01APR2011 your crew to either lead or be a part of each Department. Some possible Departments and suggested areas of responsibility are shown below (please remember these are only suggestions and could easily be modified and changed to meet the needs of your chapter and members): a. Administrative Department (Personnel and Security Divisions): Could be responsible for recruiting. b. Tactical Department (Tracking, Fire Control, Electronic Warfare, Combat Systems and Warfare Divisions): Could be responsible for gaming or other events. c. Astrogation Department: Could be responsible for making sure everyone knows how to get to an event. d. Communications Department: Could be responsible for the chapter’s newsletter and/or mailing list as well as any web presence the chapter may have or desire to create. e. Engineering Department (Power, Drive, Electronics, Environmental and Damage Control Divisions): Could be responsible for ensuring that members who may not have transportation can get to and from all events. f. Logistics Department (Stores, Disbursing, Services, and Food Service Divisions): Could be responsible for chapter event planning, whether it be a simple outing or a fullfledged party. g. Flight Operations Department: Could maintain a list of members (to be shared with the Engineering Department) who have reliable transportation in case the need arises to carpool to events or conventions to help get all members and gear to the event. h. Medical Department: Could be responsible for making sure known health issues of your members are being adequately considered as you plan events and activities. i. Marines: Could be responsible for general security of your events and parties. RMN BuShips 2 Commanding Officer’s Manual RMNM-003 01APR2011 4. Chapter Activity Ideas Many chapters struggle as they try to find an identity and cater to the needs and wants of their members. This can make your job as Commanding Officer very difficult and frustrating, especially if you have no experience in leading or participating in other clubs like the RMN. In order to assist you in getting started, here are some ideas for chapter activities that can help you get your members involved and make them feel as though they belong to a unified and active group of people. Additionally, you can contact the Staff Intelligence Officer of any of the Executive Committee (First Lord of the Admiralty, First Space Lord, High Admiral of the Grayson Space Navy, Commandant of the Royal Manticoran Marine Corps and Commandant of the Royal Manticoran Army). Their job is to collect all the various Chapter Activities for their sub-groups and help advise Chapters on possible events and activities. a. Surveys: Poll your chapter members as to what they would like to do. The odds are you will get a variety of answers, many of them having nothing to do with the Honorverse. The books of the Honorverse will serve as a common bond and a way for them to meet new and similarly minded friends and have fun with those friends. Your job as CO would be to help provide them activities that will them all have fun together. b. Bowling Nights/Tournaments: Whether you get together for friendly games or start and intra-chapter tournament for bragging rights, bowling is a fun and cost effective method for large groups of people to have fun and enjoy each other’s company. c. Movie Nights: Simply have everyone meet at a central location (or member’s house) and watch movies together. Each member can bring their favorite movie and the majority rules as to which movies get watched that night. d. Model Building: People who read Honorverse often have a tactile creative flair that is perfect for model building parties and workshops, plus they make great gifts for: e. Charity Events: From giving books and models to kids at local hospitals to shut ins at the local VA centers, Sailor Homes, or other retirement communities. RMN BuShips 3 Commanding Officer’s Manual RMNM-003 01APR2011 f. Oral History Collecting: Both the Naval Institute and its Army Counterpart are constantly on the lookout for volunteers willing to conduct recorded interviews with service veterans from our nations’ past conflicts. g. Role Playing/Gaming Nights: From playing Saganami Island Tactical Simulator to current RPGs and perhaps design your own Honorverse RPG. h. BBQs: Again, choose a central location or member’s house and have a pot luck BBQ where each member brings part for the food for the group to enjoy. i. Costuming: You could get with your members and see who has sewing skills and everyone can then work together to create uniforms for themselves to wear to conventions. j. Conventions: Attend local/regional conventions as a group, maybe wearing Chapter T-shirts or Honorverse uniforms. It might be possible for you to get a fan table at the convention as well. Maybe you could even host a room party for the convention attendees to meet you and learn more about your chapter and the RMN. This could also be a great recruiting option for your group! 5. Recruiting Techniques While there is no one technique (or set of techniques) that will work for every situation, The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association does try to keep its recruiting message as uniform as possible. As such, please check with your Fleet Commander about some of the various recruiting aides that exist, such as the District’s Table Banner, the Convention Recruiting Packets and Convention Advertising. The below are some other possible suggestions which may help you recruit other fans of the Honorverse and help you grow your chapter. a. Word of Mouth: This by far the simplest and least expensive method. Simply talk to your friends and family members and tell them about the Honorverse if they are unfamiliar, possible give the first book or two as a gift for Birthdays. When they come back and tell you how much they enjoyed the books, tell them about the RMN and try to sign them up. RMN BuShips 4 Commanding Officer’s Manual RMNM-003 01APR2011 b. Book Clubs: another cost effective technique-Simply check with local book stores and see if you can start a book club that meets there on a regular basis. Make the focus of the club the books from the Honorverse and see how many new members you can recruit from this technique. c. Book Marks: There are various templates on the web for book marks that can be created in word processing programs with your chapter and RMN information and printed on heavy cardstock from your home computer. Once they are printed and cut apart, see if your local book stores will let you seed the various Honorverse books on their shelves so when people buy them, they will learn about the RMN and your chapter at the same time. d. Book Release Parties: Get with your local bookstore and see if they will work with you to hold a party for the release of new Honorverse novels. You never what kind of results you will get from this type of event, but they could be surprising. e. Conventions: If you have a convention in your area that you would like to recruit at, contact the Convention Liaison Officer in the First Lord of the Admiralties Staff. They will assist you with getting a table for the convention, a room if you wish to have one for a meeting, and also in getting information for advertising in the program book. The Convention Liaison Officer will also coordinate with your District Commanding Officer to get you the Table Banner for recruiting. Conventions goers are generally looking for other like-minded and you can present them with a valuable opportunity to find other fans of the Honorverse. This is particularly helpful at literary focused cons, but can also prove very fruitful in almost every con that has a science fiction element or component. f. The Internet: From social networking sites to just communicating with friends, get the word out, and let your friends know, not just about the club, but about David Weber’s books too. RMN BuShips 5 Commanding Officer’s Manual RMNM-003 01APR2011 SECTION 2: Admiralty Orders Pertaining to Ship Commands Command Composition - Updated (Admiralty Order 1011-01) To: All Officers and Enlisted in the Royal Manticoran Navy, Marine Corps and Army From: Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Martin A. Lessem, KCR, GS, First Lord of the Admiralty, Duke, New Scania Re: Command Composition - Updated (Admiralty Order 1011-01) This Admiralty Order officially replaces 0712-02. This is a list, by Type, of the composition of the various Commands in the RMN, RMMC and RMA for RP, and also the Actual Fan Club minimums. These minimums will be the minimum number of crew for a Chapter and also for the formation of the larger Command Groups What this means is that by the time it reaches the Senior Command Level, a Fleet Admiral is responsible for at least 2106 people, and a Marshall is responsible for 3072. This is a goal we should strive for, but one which will likely be hard to reach. Initially, therefore, larger formations will be on a case by case basis, and likely geographically. As an example, 4 Fleets/Corps/Army Groups (Eastern North America, Western North America, Europe & Africa and South America, Australia & Asia). Each of those then sub-divided by 2. Now, as a benefit, Marines, as they are usually ship borne, are counted toward your crew requirements. This would mean that if you have 10 people, and of those you have 2 RMN Officers, 1 RMMC Officer, 3 RMN Enlisted and 4 Marine Enlisted, you qualify for a Destroyer (DD) as opposed to a LAC. This will help in forming Chapters. Army Units, being mainly ground based, do count toward a Chapters over-all compliment, but do not count toward the minimum requirements. For example, if you have 1 RMN Officer, 1 RMMC Officer, 3 RMA Officers, 2 RMN Enlisted, 1 RMMC Enlisted and 7 RMA Enlisted, you have the crew compliment of a Light Cruiser (CL) but only the requirements for a LAC, which would be your assigned ship. This does not mean that you could not remain a LAC even if you had enough required crew to move up to the next level, as Chapter Type is discretionary, up to a point as it is our goal to slowly build the larger units. As an example, in an area that has 1 LAC and 1 Destroyer (DD), we would likely make the next ship a Destroyer (DD) to form a Destroyer Division (DesDiv). RMN BuShips 6 Commanding Officer’s Manual RMNM-003 01APR2011 Command Type Fictional/ Role-Play Command Composition Division Actual (TRMN) Command Composition Departmental Shift 10 - 20 Crew RMN 2 - 3 Crew Pinnace Crew of 3 -5 RMN 2 - 3 Crew Ship Division 15 - 50 Crew RMN 3 - 5 Crew (1 Officer) LAC 25 (3 Officers, 22 Enlisted) RMN 3 - 5 (2 Officer, 1 Enlisted) Destroyer (DD) 248 (25 Officers, 223 Enlisted) - 357 (36 Officers, 321 Enlisted) RMN 6 - 9 (2 - 3 Officer, 4 -7 Enlisted) One Light Cruiser (CL) 200 (20 Officers, 180 Enlisted) - 350 (35 Officers, 315 Enlisted) RMN 8 - 12 (3 - 4 Officer, 5 - 9 Enlisted) Two Heavy Cruiser (CA) 471 (47 Officers, 424 Enlisted) - 535 (54 Officers, 481 Enlisted) 1421 (142 Officers, 1279 Enlisted) 1516 (152 Officers, 1364 Enlisted) RMN 10 - 15 (3 - 5 Officer, 7 12 Enlisted) Three RMN 12 - 18 (4 - 6 Officer, 8 14 Enlisted) Three Battle Cruiser (BC) RMN BuShips 7 Pinnace Allowance Commanding Officer’s Manual RMNM-003 01APR2011 Battle Cruiser-Pods (BC-P) 600 (60 Officers, 540 Enlisted) RMN 12 - 15 (3 - 5 Officer, 7 12 Enlisted) Three Dreadnaught (DN) 2566 (297 Officers, 2269 Enlisted) RMN 16 - 20+ (5 - 7+ Officer, 11 - 15+ Enlisted) Four Super Dreadnaught (SD) 4308 (431 Officers, 3877 Enlisted) RMN 20 - 30+ (5 10+ Officer, 15 - 25+ Enlisted) Four A Pinnace, once formed has 12 months to increase its membership to the size of a LAC. If they have not accomplished this in 12 months, an automatic 6 month extension will be granted. After this, they may apply for two more 6 month extensions on an as needed basis. Geography will play a part in ability to get crews, so we accept that in some cases, a full 30 months may be needed. In Honour of the Queen! Issued by: Admiral Lord Martin A. Lessem, KCR, GS Admiral of the Fleet Duke, New Scania First Lord of the Admiralty RMN BuShips 8 Commanding Officer’s Manual RMNM-003 01APR2011 Age Restriction on Command Level (Admiralty Order 0801-03) To: All Officers and Enlisted in the Royal Manticoran Navy, Marine Corps and Army From: Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Martin A. Lessem, JD, First Lord of the Admiralty, Duke of New Scania Re: Age Restriction on Command Level (Admiralty Order 0801-03) The following are the Age Restriction placed on Leadership for legal and liability purposes. These ages are the minimum acceptable age to hold the position: Unit Command on a Ship – 16 Ship/Company Command – 18 Multi-Ship/Multi-Company Command – 19 Third Space Lord (BuShips), Fourth Space Lord (BuComm), Sixth Space Lord (BuTrain), the Commandant of the Marine Corps, the Commandant of the Army and the High Admiral of the Grayson Space Navy – 20 First Lord of the Admiralty, First Space Lord, Second Space Lord (BuPlan), Fifth Space Lord (BuPers) & Seventh Space Lord (BuFin) – 21 These are the minimum acceptable ages for each post. There is no maximum age. Issued by: Admiral Lord Martin A. Lessem, JD Admiral of the Fleet, Duke of New Scania First Lord of the Admiralty RMN BuShips 9 Commanding Officer’s Manual RMNM-003 01APR2011 Minimum Command Grade (Admiralty Order 1103-05) To: All Officers and Enlisted in the Royal Manticoran Navy, Marine Corps and Army From: Lord Martin Lessem, KCE, KDR, GS, First Lord of the Admiralty, Admiral of the Fleet, Duke, New Scania Re: Minimum Command Grade (Admiralty Order 1103-05) This is a list, by rank, of the minimum Rank required to hold various Commands in the RMN, RMMC and RMA. RANK COMMAND Chief Petty Officer Ensign Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Lieutenant (Senior Grade) Lieutenant Commander Departmental Shift Pinnace Ship Division LAC Destroyer (DD) Light Cruiser (CL) & Destroyer Division (DesDiv) Heavy Cruiser (CA) & Battle Cruiser (BC) Dreadnaught (DN), Super Dreadnaught (SD), Super Dreadnaught-Pods (SD-P), Destroyer Squadron (DesRon) & Heavy Cruiser Division (CruDiv) Destroyer Flotilla (DesFlot), Heavy Cruiser Squadron (CruRon), Battle Cruiser Division (BatCruDiv) & Battle Division (BatDiv) RMN RMN RMN RMN RMN Battle Cruiser Squadron (BatCruRon), Battle Squadron (BatRon), Task Group (TG), Task Force (TF) & Fleet (FLT) RMN Commander Captain (Junior Grade) Captain Of The List Commodore Rear Admiral Vice Admiral Admiral Fleet Admiral RMN BuShips 10 DIVISION RMN RMN RMN RMN RMN RMN RMN Commanding Officer’s Manual RMNM-003 RANK Corporal (Platoon) Sergeant 1st Lieutenant Captain Lieutenant Colonel Colonel Major General Lieutenant General General Marshall 01APR2011 COMMAND TYPE Section Command Squad Command Platoon Command Company Command Battalion Command Regiment & Brigade Command Division Command Force Command Planetary Garrison Corps/Army Command DIVISION RMMC/RMA RMMC/RMA RMMC/RMA RMMC/RMA RMMC/RMA RMMC/RMA RMMC/RMA RMMC/RMA RMMC/RMA RMMC/RMA This list will help with promotions to minimum acceptable Rank for positions, and it will also let us start slow and build. I will be presenting a breakdown of how each of these commands look in the next Admiralty Order. Issued by: Lord Martin Lessem, KCE, KDR, GS First Lord of the Admiralty Admiral of the Fleet Duke of New Scania RMN BuShips 11 Commanding Officer’s Manual RMNM-003 01APR2011 HMS Unconquered (Admiralty Order 1102-12) To: All Officers and Enlisted in the Royal Manticoran Navy, Marine Corps and Army From: Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Sir Martin Lessem, KCR, GS, First Lord of the Admiralty, Duke, New Scania As of the publication of this Admiralty Order, the following changes are implemented to the following Awards: HMS Unconquered Crew Issued by: Third Space Lord Frequency: As Needed, Once per Lifetime Eligible Components: RMN, RMMC, RMA, GSN Issued in recognition of outstanding service to the RMN, RMMC or RMA. Honorees will be assigned to the crew of the HMS Unconquered in orbit around Manticore. While only a ceremonial post, it is a great honor to be selected to serve as crew for this honored and distinguished vessel. Crew members of the HMS Unconquered can be of any rank and are assigned as permanent crew for this honored vessel. They can choose to have this duty station reflected on their ID Card instead of their normal Chapter. Nomination to the Crew of the HMS Unconquered shall be by your Commanding Officer or above only. The nomination must demonstrate a high quality and level of service to the Organization. Just performing your normal Chapter duties would not qualify you for this award. Although issued by the Third Space Lord, the nominations shall be vetted and voted on by all the Space Lords, the Commandant of the Royal Manticoran Marine Corps, the Commandant of the Royal Manticoran Army and the First Lord of the Admiralty. Where any of the voting Officers is also a nominee, they shall recuse themselves from that particular vote. RMN BuShips 12 Commanding Officer’s Manual RMNM-003 01APR2011 Captain of the HMS Unconquered Issued by: Third Space Lord Frequency: Once per Year Eligible Components: RMN, RMMC, RMA, GSN Issued in recognition of outstanding service to the RMN, RMMC or RMA. The Captain of the HMS Unconquered will be a Flag Officer who holds no other Ship Command within the RMN. The Captain of the HMS Unconquered is entitled to wear the white beret of a hyper-capable ship command during their tour as Captain. Captains of the HMS Unconquered serve until a new Captain is named with a minimum tour of 1 year as Captain, and repeat assignments as Captain are permissible, with no more than two consecutive terms. Former Captains of the Unconquered remain on the rolls as crew even after their captaincy has expired. Nomination to the Captaincy of the HMS Unconquered shall be by Fellow Chapter Commanding Officers, with a minimum rank of Captain Junior grade and above, and any Flag Rank Officer. A person must receive at least three nominations to be considered. Although issued by the Third Space Lord, the nominations shall be vetted and voted on by all the Space Lords, the Commandant of the Royal Manticoran Marine Corps, the Commandant of the Royal Manticoran Army and the First Lord of the Admiralty. Where any of the voting Officers is also a nominee, they shall recues themselves from that particular vote. Those members who have already received these awards prior to this Admiralty Order may retain their Awards, and are eligible for the next rank at their next qualifying event. In Honour of the Queen! Issued by: Admiral Lord Sir Martin Lessem, KCR, GS First Lord of the Admiralty Admiral of the Fleet Duke, New Scania RMN BuShips 13 Commanding Officer’s Manual RMNM-003 01APR2011 SECTION 3: FORMS RMNF FORM 102 Chapter Report Form RMNF FORM 103 Chapter Change of Command Form RMN BuShips 14 Commanding Officer’s Manual ROYAL MANTICORAN NAVY Chapter Report Form SHIP INFORMATION Class: Class Code: Name: Hull Number Requested: Street Address: City: State:: ZIP: Web Page: Phone: Email: COMMAND CREW INFORMATION Commanding Officer’s Name: Rank: SID #: Last Course Completed: Date of Birth: Phone: Email: Executive Officer’s Name: SID #: Rank: Last Course Completed: Date of Birth: Phone: Email: Cheif Petty Officer’s Name: SID #: Rank: Last Course Completed: Phone: Date of Birth: Email: NEW REGULAR CREW INFORMATION - OFFICERS 1 2 3 Name: SID #: Name: SID #: Name: SID #: NEW REGULAR CREW INFORMATION - ENLISTED 8 Name: SID #: Name: SID #: Name: SID #: O R A VY NA ic NTIC N Page 1 of 2 MA f Of Ver. 25MAR2011 L e Th RMN FORM 102 A ia tio n 7 SID #: ia l oc 6 Name: THE R O Y 5 Ho nor s As an Harrington F REPORT INFORMATION Promotion Requests: Award Requests: Courses Requests: Chapter Activities (past 60 day): Chapter Activities (past 60 day): Problems: General Questions: RECEIPTS Fleet Commander: Date: BuPlan: Date: BuShip: Date: BuPers: Date: BuPlan USE ONLY Comments: BuShips USE ONLY Comments: BuPers USE ONLY Comments: THE R O Y O R A ia tio n VY NA ia l oc ic NTIC N Page 2 of 2 MA f Of Ver. 25MAR2011 L e Th RMN FORM 102 A Ho nor s As an Harrington F ROYAL MANTICORAN NAVY Chapter Change of Command Request SHIP INFORMATION Name: Hull Number: Street Address: City: Page: Web State:: ZIP: Phone: Email: CURRENT COMMAND CREW INFORMATION Commanding Officer’s Name: Rank: SID #: Last Course Completed: Date of Birth: Phone: Email: Executive Officer’s Name: SID #: Rank: Last Course Completed: Date of Birth: Phone: Email: Cheif Petty Officer’s Name: SID #: Rank: Last Course Completed: Phone: Date of Birth: Email: NEW COMMAND CREW INFORMATION Commanding Officer’s Name: Rank: SID #: Last Course Completed: Date of Birth: Phone: Email: Executive Officer’s Name: SID #: Rank: Last Course Completed: Date of Birth: Phone: Email: Cheif Petty Officer’s Name: SID #: Rank: Last Course Completed: Email: O R A ia tio n VY NA ia l oc ic NTIC N Page 1 of 2 MA f Of Ver. 25MAR2011 L e Th RMN FORM 103 A THE R O Y Phone: Date of Birth: Ho nor s As an Harrington F RECEIPTS Fleet Commander: Date: BuPlan: Date: BuShip: Date: BuPers: Date: BuShips USE ONLY Comments: BuPers USE ONLY Comments: THE R O Y O R A ia tio n VY NA ia l oc ic NTIC N Page 2 of 2 MA f Of Ver. 25MAR2011 L e Th RMN FORM 103 A Ho nor s As an Harrington F