Mapua Alumni Oz - Mapua Alumni Australia


Mapua Alumni Oz - Mapua Alumni Australia
107 Woodcroft Drv, Woodcroft
NSW 2767
Mon-Fri 9am to 4:00pm
O2 9676 4474
0404 085 315
Mapua Alumni Oz
MAA is a duly recognized international chapter of the National Association of Mapua
Alumni , Inc (NAMA). The official acceptance and recognition by NAMA was held on 17
April 2009 during the induction of the new members and the first set of MAA Board Members and Officers.
It's all happening........
From its origin in
Toronto, Canada
in 2000 to Long
Beach, California
in 2002, then
Vancouver, Canada in 2004 followed by Manila,
World Convention and Grand Reunion has
been gaining popularity and recognition
worldwide. Houston, Texas in 2009 and
Calgary, Canada in 2011 further cemented
the global phenomenon. The recently concluded Mapua World Hawaii 2013 ended in
an impressive way where MAA delegates
attended and witnessed the unfolding of
another significant event.
The much coveted Mapua World plaque
has been formally turned over to Mapua
Alumni Australia. Receiving the plaque is
something MAA will forever remember as
the day we are recognised not only as a
host but a global force to preserve the legacy and history of our Alma Mater.
It is Sydney's turn to put on a good show.
Picking up from the delegates' responses,
anticipation for Sydney is high, so is expectation. This is by far MAA's biggest challenge yet. The sheer magnitude of this undertaking can only be tamed by our collective efforts and contributions. Time for us
to roll up our sleeves and rise to the occasion. Get involved!
MAA Tree Planting –
28 July 2013
MAA invites you , your family and friends to reconnect
with nature. MAA will hold its annual tree planting in
coordination with Hills Shire Council.
Date: Sunday, 28th of July 2013
Time: 9:30 am to 1pm
Site Address: Fred Caterson Drive, Castle Hill NSW
Directions: Behind Field 6 in Fred Caterson Drv, UBD
Map 150 J9, nearest cross street is Gilbert Road
Notes For Volunteers
Entries to the MW 2015 slogan contest is
still open to all but we need to finalise this
soon to complete our promotional package.
For further details, please visit the MAA
website at
Please wear appropriate
clothing (hat, covered shoes,
long shirts and long pants
recommended) apply sunscreen and don’t forget to
bring gardening gloves.
Hills Shire Council will provide tools for planting, drinking water and BBQ. MAA
This event is MAA’s 5th year members are welcome to
of community participation on bring any food and drinks to
National Tree Planting Day.
share. This MAA project is
headed by Ms. Donna Uvero.
Please watch this space for future communications.
How to register for MAA Tree Planting
Various Committees have been created for
this project. For expression of interest in
joining the teams, please email A
dedicated website for MW Sydney 2015 is
currently under construction and once
launched, will serve as a window for the
global Mapua Alumni community.
Randy Tangonan
Chairman, MW2015
Email :
MAA Facebook Group: Join the invite at:
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President’s Message
Dear Fellow Mapuans,
Welcome to the first issue of MAA Newsletter. It’s
been a month since I announced during the induction
night that we, your new MAA officers and directors,
will focus on the needs of the members, create more
opportunities for MAA’s scholarship program and
strengthen and expand the driving force that brings
together Mapuans from all over the world come
MapuaWorld2015 in Sydney.
To be able to achieve these goals, we did some organisational re-structuring, specifically with regard to the
special committees:
 The Care and Development Committee’s functions
were incorporated into those of the Membership
Committee. The aim has been re-defined to include
“to listen to and to deliver the expectations of all
members” while expanding MAA’s membership
Australia wide.
 The Project and Fund Rising Committee has been
dissolved to give way to a set-up where a more
concentrated Project Manager is assigned by the
MAA Board for each individual project.
 To keep the enthusiasm and energy level of MAAn
we created a Social Media Committee (SMC) in
line with the trend of modern communication.
The Scholarship Committee has been retained as it
has been very effective in identifying the needs and
providing opportunities to deserving senior students at
MIT. The committee does not stop at providing financial assistance; it also helps our scholars in getting
work experiences and securing a job through the enthusiastic assistance of some MAA members.
Mapua World 2015 committees will soon be recruiting team members and leaders to help us plan and
prepare for MAA’s great event – the Mapua World
2015. Our organization’s main asset is its members. .I
encourage you to be involved in our community and
together let us make a difference.
Rey Baraceros
President, MAA 2013
Upcoming Events
28 July 2013—MAA Annual Tree Planting
11 August 2013—City2Surf
28 Sept 2013—Woodcroft Festival—MAA Market Stall
October 2013— MAA Annual Bowling Tournament
November 2013—MAA Christmas Party
President: Rey Baraceros
Vice Pres: Ninoy Bitara
Secretary: Marissa Manoto
Treasurer: Rosalie V-Ouano
PRO: Rowena Cardenas
Auditor: Jon Sierra
Joseph Calasara
Romele Constantino
Mauricio De Vera
Edgar Escasinas
Randy Tangonan
** Visit MAA’s website for full
version of President’s Message
Help MAA with Mapua World
2015 Theme.
T-Shirt Design
Winner will have a feature story in the
MW2015 Souvenir Program and will get
a discount at the Gala Night. Deadline 28
June 2013. Register and enter to win:
Calling all creative minds. We need
help on designing T-shirts that will
be used to promote MAA.
Email your ideas and design at :
MAA Membership News
Be proud! Flash your new MAA card
This year, MAA launched new membership cards as proof of membership. The artwork which is
evidently Australian-inspired with the cardinal and gold ribbons was done by Joseph Calasara,
MAA Board of Director and our representative in Western Australia.
The card is of credit card material and size so it easily fits in your wallet. Special thanks to our Secretary, Marissa Manoto for donating the cost of printing these cards. The new membership cards
have now been posted to all financial members. New members will receive their IDs in the mail
after their membership form and fees are received and processed.
We have commissioned our first interstate members to represent MAA:
 Joseph Calasara – Perth, WA
 Herbert Legaspi – Adelaide, SA
 Bill Capati – Queensland QLD
Any membership query, contact:
Romele Constantino
Chairman, MAA Membership Committee 2013
Ways to Help
Donate a gift of any amount
Volunteer with Alumni affairs and development
Volunteer as Project Manager of any MAA event
Share your skills, talents, expertise and experience
Submit fundraising ideas, projects & activities
Become a MAA financial member—$ 20 per year
or $ 50 for three (3) years
Contact US
Web —
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Primer on NAMA—MAA Scholarship
What is the NAMA-MAA Scholarship?
The scholarship program is a joint initiative of Mapua
Alumni Australia (MAA) and its mother alumni organisation, the National Association of Mapua Alumni
(NAMA). It is administered by NAMA which takes
charge of advertising scholarship availability, accepting and screening applications, interviewing applicants, recommending to and coordinating with, MAA
re the award decision, then handling and paying the
scholarship fund direct to Mapua Institute of Technology (MIT). MAA reviews award recommendations
by NAMA and provides funding for the scholarship.
What does the scholarship cover?
The scholarship covers full tuition fees and miscellaneous fees, on a case to case basis, depending on the
students’ financial and other relevant circumstances,
with the MAA Board making the final decision on
financial matters.
How is the program funded?
The program is mainly funded through donations and
proceeds from MAA fund raising activities. The continuing grant and the number of scholarships will depend on fund availability, that is, on the continuing
enthusiasm and generosity of members and MAA
friends and supporters.
When did the program actually start and how
many scholarship awards have been granted so far?
The first scholarship grant commenced with the January 2012 term, another one with July 2012 term and a
third grant from the January 2013 term. All the grants
so far covered the last two terms of the students’ study.
Altogether, 5 terms of scholarship have been funded
by MAA.
Who can apply for scholarship?
The scholarship is open to all bona fide students of
Mapua Institute of Technology who have completed at
least the first year of their study in MIT. Preference is
given to more senior students, e.g., those in the last
two or three quarters of their study
How does one apply for the
Scholarship application enquiry can be
addressed to Cely Ouano
(Chairperson, MAA Scholarship
Committee) at
What are the scholarship award criteria?
The main award criterion is that the student must be
economically disadvantaged as evidenced by the parents’ income tax return or any other evidence/s of family’s financial hardship. Also taken into considera-
tion are the following:
Karl Clemente (BSCoE) – graduated
- An overall weighted average of not less than 2.5 and
no failing mark of 5. After considering all relevant
factors unique to a particular applicant’s situation, the
MAA Board may give a special consideration and
waive this requirement, provided the applicant can
prove that there are circumstances beyond his/her control that affected the academic results. The 2.5 grade
point average, however, has to be retained to maintain
eligibility for scholarship.
Cely V- Ouano
Treasurer—MAA 2013
Chairperson, MAA Scholarship Committee
Gladys Acervo (BSECE) – current
Kenneth Flores (BSME) – graduated
Feb 2013
Aug 2012
Globally MAPUA
Proudly NAMA
The National Association of Mapúa
Alumni, Inc. (NAMA) is the premier
alumni organization of graduates of
Mapúa Institute of Technology.
News from our Alma Mater –MIT
Mapúa Institute of Technology, home of the topnotchers, scored another major feat after its graduates ranked high in different licensure examinations
given early of 2013. The Institute secured the top spot in the Electronics Engineering (ECE) Licensure Examination in April of this year. It also claimed
the second, fifth, and sixth places in the board exam. In the recently released results of the May 2013 Civil Engineering Licensure Examination,
Mapúans claimed six spots in the top 10. For the past 88 years, Mapúa is known for consistently producing topnotch and globally competitive graduates.
A big number of Mapúa graduates now occupy important positions in private and government institutions as they contribute to the country’s progress
and development.
Build a stronger sense of community among fellow
We are happy to present the first of many Mapua Alumni
Oz (MAO) newsletters brought to you by fellow MAA officers and members. We hope this publication keeps us all
updated on the activities of fellow Alumni along with our
family and friends. It’s one of the many steps in our renewed effort to engage our Alumni.
There are heaps of coming events in the next few months
and we will keep you all posted. The new members of the
Mapua Alumni Australia (MAA) Board 2013 are all energetic and very eager to hear from you.
Special salute to the MAA founder, founding members
and the past Boards who persevere despite of the myriad
obstacles. And thank you to all our members and friends
who continue to support the MAA cause. Viva Mapua!
Share your stories with your alumni
community here in Australia through
our Mapua Alumni Oz News. We welcome contributions from all of our
Alumni members, family and friends.
Email us :
List of NAMA Mapua Alumni Chapters:
Any query on this newsletter, contact:
Rowena Aprecio—Cardenas
PRO, MAA 2013
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