Calls for service - Township of Cavan Monaghan
Calls for service - Township of Cavan Monaghan
Agenda The Township of Cavan Monaghan Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, January 13, 2015 1:00 p.m. Council Chambers Members in attendance are asked to please turn off all electronic devices during the Council Meeting. Any special needs requirements pertaining to accessibility may be directed to the Clerk’s Office prior to the meeting. Pages 1. Open Session 2. Call to Order 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 4. Additions/Deletions to the Agenda 5. Closed Session 6. Report from Closed Session 7. Presentations 7.1 8. 9. 2015 OPP Billing Model - Sgt.Spong, Inspector Tim Tatchell and S/Sgt Chris Galeazza 5 - 23 Delegations 8.1 Nexicom - John Downs 24 - 29 8.2 Bob Coleman - Request Celebrate Ontario Funding 30 - 48 Minutes 9.1 Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 23, 2014 49 - 61 9.2 Minutes of the Special Council meeting held January 6, 2015 62 - 63 1 10. 11. Minutes from Committees of Council 10.1 Millbrook Valley Trails Minutes of September 29, 2014 64 - 67 10.2 Millbrook Valley Trails Minutes of November 3, 2014 68 - 72 Reports 11.1 Report - Planning-2015-01 Centreville Presbyterian Church Site Plan Agreement (KE) 73 - 83 11.2 Report - Planning-2015-02 Robinson Severance Application B-92-14 (KE) 84 - 89 11.3 Report - Planning-2015-03 Merger Agreement Release Part 5, Plan 45R-10628 (KE) 90 - 92 11.4 Report - Public Works-2015-01 Mailbox Replacement Policy (WH) 11.5 Report - Public Works-2015-02 Petition for George Street Reconstruction (WH) 103 - 106 11.6 Report - Public Works-2015-03 Standpipe Renderings (WH) 107 - 110 11.7 Report - Public Works-2013-19 Closure of Fire Route 310 & Fire Route 3 (WH) 111 - 117 11.8 Report - Coporate Services-2014-21 Municipal Election Wrap-up Additional Information Recieved Included (EA) 118 - 122 11.9 Council/Committee Verbal Reports 12. General Business 13. Correspondence for Action 14. 93 - 102 13.1 Hanging Baskets in Millbrook - Bonnie McQuarrie, BIA Chair 123 - 124 13.2 Peterborough Declaration on Climate Change 2014 Petition 125 - 135 Correspondence for Information 14.1 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing - Congratulations on your success in the municipal election 2 14.2 AECOM - Jackson Creek Diversion Project 14.3 Peterborough County-City Health Unit - Wouldurather contest 14.4 15. County of Peterborough - Notice of Decision with respect to an Official Plan Amendment By-laws 15.1 By-law No. 2015-01 being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement - Centreville Presbyterian Church 136 - 136 15.2 By-law No. 2015-02 being a by-law to assume and dedicate as a Public Highway, a Road Widening - Elmdale Road 137 - 137 16. Unfinished Business 17. Notice of Motion 17.1 2015 Meeting Schedule - Mayor McFadden That the following Meeting Schedule be adopted for 2015; Monday, January 12, 2015 9:00 a.m. – Special Budget Meeting Tuesday, January 13, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, January 13, 2015 7:00 p.m. – Special Budget Meeting Cancel - January 27, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, February 2, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, February 16, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting OGRA/ROMA Conference February 22-25 (Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Toronto) Monday, March 2, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, March 16, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, March 30, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, April 13, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, May 4, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting 3 Monday, May 18, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, June 1, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting AMCTO Conference June 7-10 (Valhalla Inn, Thunder Bay) Monday, June 22, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, July 6, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, August 4, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting AMO Conference August 16-19 (Scotiabank Convention Centre, Niagara Falls) Monday, August 31, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, September 14, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting OEMC Conference September 16-18 (Ambassador Hotel, Kingston) Monday, October 5, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, October 19, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, November 2, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, November 16, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, November 30, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, December 14, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting 18. Adjournment 19. Upcoming Events/Meetings 19.1 Saturday, February 14 - Hockey Day in Canada - 9:00 a.m. Downtown Millbrook 4 Association of Municipalities of Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services Ontario Association of Police Services Board Ontario Provincial Police Project Team CONFIDENTIAL DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES NOT FOR PUBLIC/MEDIA DISTRIBUTION 5 Background All police services require a base level of infrastructure, supervision, administration and sufficient front-line policing necessary to provide adequate proactive and reactive policing, and ensure the general safety and security of municipalities. Municipalities must have police officers available at all times to respond to calls for service and there is a cost associated with this availability. The government is introducing a fairer, more transparent billing model, which will take effect on January 1, 2015. 6 Background – OPP Recoveries The billing model has not changed the total cost recovery for OPP policing services provided to municipalities – it only reallocates the costs. As with the current recovery process: 1. The actual salary and benefit costs of detachment staff will be used. 2. The Municipal Cost Recovery Formula will continue to be used to recover the cost of specific support services and ODOE. 3. Municipalities will be compensated for the percentage of hours officers spent on the provincial services usage (PSU) events and duties. 7 OPP Billing Model Split − Base costs will be allocated among municipalities on an equal per property basis. The 2015 base cost is $200.51 per property under the new model. − Calls for service will be charged to municipalities according to their usage. − Other costs will be allocated directly to municipalities based on contract arrangements and usage, i.e. enhancements, overtime, cleaning/caretaking, accommodation and court security. Base level services comprise approx. 56% of total OPP municipal policing costs, calls for service - approx. 35% and approx. 9% for other costs. 8 Base Service Billing Allocated among municipalities on an equal per property basis PROACTIVE POLICING - RIDE, traffic safety, community policing, intelligence gathering PATROL – general and directed vehicles CRIME PREVENTION – Crime Stoppers, suicide prevention, safe schools programs, victim assistance OPERATIONAL – fully equipped officer available to respond to emergency calls for service 24/7/365 TRAINING – yearly block training, driver competency assessments, recruit training ADMINISTRATIVE DUTIES – meetings, shift preparation, computer duties, report writing, public complaints 9 Calls for Service Costs Calls for Service costs represent costs related to reactive policing services that usually require a police officer’s attendance. A municipality pays a proportionate share of the total cost of municipal calls for service costs calculated for the province. A municipality’s proportionate share of the costs is based on time standards applied to their four-year average calls for service to determine their total weighted hours of calls for service. 10 Property Count Definition Property counts are comprised of household, commercial and industrial properties. INCLUDED NOT INCLUDED • Households (including Residential Units, Residential Dwelling Units and Farm Residential Units) • Commercial and Industrial properties (including the classifications taxed at the fully occupied tax rates) • Farmland and Managed forests with no households • Pipelines • Vacant land • Households, commercial and industrial properties in Canadian Force Bases Property counts will be updated annually. Counts included in the 2015 billing were based upon 2012 year end property counts for 2013 taxation year. MPAC is responsible for determining classifications for all properties in Ontario ( 11 Overtime Overtime recoveries from municipalities will be similar to the current billing process. Municipalities will be billed for overtime from occurrences in their geographic area and a portion of their detachment overtime not linked to a specific municipality, e.g. training and administrative duties. Overtime recoveries are limited to uniform officers from the 66 detachments servicing municipalities. Excluded: All provincial obligations, major events, provincial/specialized duties, provincial/regional programs, homicides, specific projects which are not related to a specific municipality or are provincial responsibilities. 12 Enhancements Section 10 municipalities may choose to add enhanced service FTEs. The positions will be generally contracted for a specific purpose. Actual hours of work includes all work performed in a municipality by an enhancement officer, excluding the Deployment Model availability factor duties (court attendance, training, specific administrative duties etc.). 13 Cleaning/Caretaking and Accommodation Costs for cleaning/caretaking and accommodation are excluded from the total bill and added as a separate line item in each municipal bill if applicable. These charges do not apply to municipalities that provide accommodation or cleaning services for an OPP detachment. Annual Cost for Cleaning Services for one municipality Annual Cost of Accommodation for one municipality Annual per property cleaning rate Annual per property accommodation rate Number of properties in a municipality Number of properties in a municipality 14 Court Security Court security is regarded as a “police service” in the Police Services Act and requires the government to recover for the cost of police services provided to a municipality. Court security is a police service provided to municipalities with a court. Municipalities that do not have a courthouse in their municipality will not be charged for court security. Municipalities with a court are billed for court security costs based on the cost required to provide designated court security activities. 15 Prisoner Transport Annual Cost for Prisoner Transport Services for one municipality Annual per property prisoner transport rate • The cost has been identified separately for grant purposes. • Prisoner Transport costs are allocated to all municipalities on a per property basis. Number of properties in a municipality 16 Phase-in Strategy MCSCS is phasing in both increases and decreases in policing bills for a period up to five (5) years to implement the new model in a way that is manageable for municipalities and has a neutral impact on provincial revenues. Caps on increases and decreases are applied on a per property basis. Increases in policing costs as a result of the new billing model will be capped at approximately $40 per property per year plus the growth factor. The $40 cap does not include adjustments related to growth factors such as salary and ODOE cost changes. The annual cap on increases for 2015 is $40. The cap for decreases will be adjusted to ensure overall revenue neutrality; in 2015 the cap on decreases is estimated at $30 per property. The 2016 cap on decreases will be determined after the 2016 costs have been calculated. 17 Year End Adjustment Previously referred to as “Reconciliations” Salary, benefits and overtime estimates used in the billing for the upcoming year will be reconciled to actual costs after the year of service. They will be re-calculated annually and any adjustments required will be included as a prior year adjustment in the next annual statement. Under the new model, the PSU will be deducted at the provincial level in the Annual Billing Statement instead of the year-end PSU credit allocation. No more mid-year reconciliations. 18 Fundamental Changes • • • • FTE – at the Detachment level Calculating only the actual hours worked regardless of the type of activity PSU calculated at the detachment level and credit issued for the work an officer did outside of the detachment boundaries and events Inconsistent calculation of the court security cost process • • FTE – at the provincial level Base + CFS + Other Costs (as applicable) • PSU is calculated at the provincial level and credit issued for the provincial events only • Court security cost is the responsibility of a municipality the court is located 19 Contract Contract Terms: • Three (3) to six (6) years • Six (6) month interim contract (January – June 2015 only) Service Level no longer defined in terms of contractual hours of service and FTEs. Simplified contract language and proposal. Contract allows for dedicated enhancement positions. Municipalities may continue to opt for Group Contracts. 20 Contract or Non-Contract ? Section 10 Contract Sec 5.1. Non-Contract Civilian Governance Mandatory PSB Discretionary CPAC Objectives & Priorities Legislated role Advisory role Policy Legislated role No defined role Det. Commander selection & evaluation Legislated role No defined role Monitor secondary activities Legislated role No defined role Complaints System Legislated role No defined role Ministry Support Funding Multiple grants available Ineligible Revenue Provided direct Credit By-law enforcement Contract specifies No defined OPP responsibility 21 Adequate & Effective The OPP provides an array of assurance services to all levels within the organization, corporately, regionally and at detachment level to ensure compliance with Adequacy Standards and OPP/Ministry policies, and to establish a culture of continuous improvement within the OPP. Adequate and effective police services that the OPP provides include: • Crime prevention • Law enforcement • Assistance to victims of crime • Public order maintenance • Emergency response 22 QUESTIONS? 23 24 Elana Arthurs From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: John Downs <> January-06-15 12:14 PM Elana Arthurs Tina Thornton; Paul Downs RE: Delegation Request IC - Marsh Church.jpg; IC - Bee-Eagleson-Bailieboro.jpg; IC - Murray Hill.jpg Hi Elana, Thank you for the opportunity to meet on Jan. 13th around 1:00pm. Yes, I will be giving the presentation. Industry Canada is looking for submissions from Internet Service Providers to provide a minimum of 5 Mbps Internet Service to customers in their service areas. In order to provide this capability Nexicom is looking to: • Extend fiber to our Marsh Church Remote. • Extend fiber cable to our Bee Drive & Eagleson Remotes. • Extend fiber cable to a new proposed remote near Bailieboro. • Extend fiber cable along Stewart Line, Preston Rd., Davis Rd., Maple Grove and Hooton Rd. Please see attached maps showing area where we will be able to provide a minimum of 5 Mbps of Internet Service. The cost to provide this capability is approx. $1,202,000.00 We would like to obtain a letter from the Township of Cavan Monaghan indicating 5 Mbps Internet service is not presently available in identified areas and a support for our application. Regards, John E. Downs General Manager, Nexicom Tel: 705-932-4100 E-Mail: From: Elana Arthurs [] Sent: Monday, January 05, 2015 3:07 PM To: John Downs Subject: RE: Delegation Request Hi John, I have added you to the agenda for January 13th. The meeting begins at 1:00 p.m., there is a presentation prior your delegation but you will be the first delegation on the agenda. 1 25 Can you please confirm that you will be the speaker on the 13th and if you will have a power point presentation? Thank you, Elana Elana Arthurs Clerk Township of Cavan Monaghan 988 County Road 10 Millbrook, ON L0A 1G0 Ph (705) 932-9326 Fax (705) 932-3458 This email message and any files transmitted with it are proprietary and confidential information of the sender and are intended only for the person(s) to whom this email is addressed. If you have received this email message in error, please notify the sender immediately by telephone or email and destroy the original message without making a copy. From: John Downs [] Sent: December-19-14 2:32 PM To: Elana Arthurs Subject: Delegation Request Hi Elana, Please find attached completed “Delegation Request” Regards, John E. Downs General Manager, Nexicom Inc. Tel: 705-932-4100 E-Mail: Spam Not spam Forget previous vote 2 26 27 28 29 Presentation to Council PURPOSE The purpose of this Delegation is to request that Cavan Monaghan Township make application to the provincial Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport for funding under the Celebrate Ontario International Amateur Sport Hosting Program. This application is to request funding on behalf of the Organizing Committee for The Americas Endurance Series, a set of international equestrian events planned for Millbrook in 2015. WHAT ARE THESE EVENTS? The Americas Endurance Series is a collective term for two international equestrian events taking place in Millbrook in 2015: 1. The Pan American Endurance Championship (“Pan Ams”) and 2. The North American Endurance Team Challenge (“NAETC”) The website for these events is Both of these events are Endurance Races, which are horse races over distances of 50 to 100 miles in one day with the same horse and rider. If any of you saw the 2004 movie Hidalgo, it depicts the same sport, or at least Hollywood’s interpretation of it. For The Americas Endurance Series, the course is 75 miles (120 kms) through the trails of the Ganaraska Forest. Both of these international equestrian competitions are sanctioned by the International Equestrian Federation (“FEI”), the association for sanctioning all international equestrian events worldwide. The Pan Ams takes place every four years and the NAETC every two years, with the Pan Ams generally being in the same locale as the Pan American Games. This is the first time these two events have both been held at the same location and time. The reason for this is that the Pan Ams are in the GTA in 2015 and it is convenient to hold the NAETC as well to reduce costs. WHEN ARE THESE EVENTS? Both races will be held during the week of August 16 – 22, 2015 with the Pan Ams on Tuesday August 18 and NAETC on Friday August 21. Weekdays have been chosen for the event so that the forest can be closed to motorized vehicles for those days. There will also be Opening Ceremonies (August 17), Pan Am Closing Ceremonies and Awards Banquet (August 19) and NAETC Awards Breakfast (August 22). WHERE ARE THESE EVENTS HELD The actual races will, for the most part, be held in all three sections of the Ganaraska Forest. A small part is on private land, with the owners’ permission. The last kilometer of Carmel Line is also used. There will be 4 loops in the forest, with each loop culminating at the “Ride Site”. The Ride Site is Cayuse Creek Ranch, a small Arabian horse farm, located at 805 Carmel Line. Veterinary inspections of the horses are carried out here at the end of each loop to ensure the horses are “fit to continue”. This is also the location where the horses are kept overnight and where most of the people will camp in their 30 trailers or tents. A reasonable estimate of 100 horses and 300 people will be at the Ride Site for the week. Some of the out-of-country people, specifically those flying in to lease horses, will be staying at the Forest Center Conference facilities as well as local facilities. WHO WILL BE INVOLVED? The Pan Ams will consist of teams from several South American and Central American countries as well as USA, Mexico and Canada. Each team consists of a maximum of 5 riders and horses (aka “combinations”). Three combinations must complete the race in order to receive a team medal. Individual medals will also be awarded. The NAETC will consist of 4 member teams from USA, Mexico and Canada. There is no limit on the number of teams from each country, but the event will be limited to 60 combinations for safety reasons. Independent riders from other countries are also invited to enter. Two riders from Sweden and South Africa have already indicated interest. Both of these events will feature some of the best human and equine endurance athletes on the American continents. The majority of horses will be purebred Arabians, the breed of choice for this sport at the higher levels. In addition to the athletes, there will be a number of other people involved: Grooms and “pit crew” members for the horses Horse owners and their friends and relatives FEI officials (about 20) and veterinarians (8) Local volunteers Spectators WHAT IS THE LOCAL IMPACT OF THE EVENT It is difficult to quantify the total financial impact on the local community, but the athletes and support personnel (horse owners, grooms, FEI officials, veterinarians, etc.) will require local services such as lodging, food, gas, LCBO products, etc. In addition, local vendors will be hired for tents, fencing, security, catering and other miscellaneous services. Judging from the social media response from the Masterfeeds Challenge held here in September, a qualifying ride for the Pan Ams, that event put Millbrook and the Ganaraska Forest “on the map” with regards to equestrian sports. Many of these people will return to other events and to ride recreationally in the forest. WHO IS ORGANIZING THE EVENT Officially, the Organizing Committee (“OC”) consists of four local horseback riding enthusiasts: 31 Bob Coleman and Michelle Bignell – owners of Cayuse Creek Ranch and endurance competitors Chrystal Woodhouse – endurance competitior Nancy Beacon – retired endurance competitor The OC has a contract with the FEI as the result of a bidding process which took place in 2013. We were initially asked by several members of the United States Equestrian Committee to host the Pan Am endurance race, as the 2015 Pan American Games are being held in the GTA. Cayuse Creek Ranch has been hosting endurance races since 2011, so we have the experience to organize and run a successful endurance race. The Pan Am is a 4* FEI event, essentially a Championship, and as such has a number of additional costs (e.g. security, GPS tracking, ceremonies, media coverage). In the past few months we were also asked to host the NAETC in conjunction with the Pan Ams. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS The total budget for both events is in the neighbourhood of $90,000, with the Pan Am event being the more expensive of the two. Most of the income is from entry fees, but there are some private donations to date as well. A draft budget is available and has been supplied to Cavan Monaghan. Federal funding is not possible as the money from the Sport Canada program is only for Olympic sports. Corporate sponsors are being approached for advertising income. To date several have expressed interest, although none have committed to be involved. Any corporate sponsorship will reduce the provincial funds required, but it is unlikely to materialize until a short time before the event. Funding from the provincial program, Celebrate Ontario International Amateur Sport Hosting Program, can be delivered only through Municipalities or recognized “not for profit” organizations. The Ontario Competitive Trail Riding Association (“OCTRA”), although a legitimate not-for-profit-organization, cannot apply as the event is not being sanctioned by OCTRA. However, they have donated $10,000 to the event. Therefore, the only appropriate avenue for making application is through Cavan Monaghan as a Municipality. The Celebrate Ontario program has as its limit 35% of the total budget. We are asking for 35% of the budget, which is about $33,000. This is a not-for-profit venture. If there are any net surpluses, the amounts will be donated to various charities in the area, with possible emphasis on equine related organizations, such as OSPCA or OVC. Therefore, in order for The American Endurance Series to be successful, it is imperative that the sum of $33,000 be obtained to ensure that the two individual events are both successful. We request that Cavan Monaghan support us by applying for the appropriate provincial funding on our behalf. Timing is crucial. The sooner we know the outcome of this application, the better we can ensure a successful event and if necessary, be able to tailor the event to the funds available. 32 Main THE AMERICAS ENDURANCE SERIES BUDGET REVENUE COMMENTS Total Revenue from Entry Fees = $48,600 See "Revenue " page for details Sponsors = $15,000 See "Revenue " page for details Provincial Grant = Ganny Gallop Profit = Total Income = $-00 -$2,700 Qualifying ride for Pan Ams Sept. 2014. $60,900 EXPENSES Veterinarian Fees $5,200 See "Officials Expenses" page for details Travel & Accommodation Expenses - FEI officials $14,990 See "Officials Expenses" for details Sanctioning Fees $3,068 See "Sanctioning Fees" page for details Security $2,252 Using minimal wage part-time staff at cost to Security Company Banquet $5,320 See "Banquet" page for details Food for volunteers and workers $8,212 See "Food" page for details Shirts $400 See "Shirts" page for details Medals and Ribbons $500 Insurance $3,500 For one week - BFL Canada Brochures, ride packages $2,000 Infrastructure Upgrades & Repairs $10,100 See "Infrastructure" page for details Tents & tables for ride site $5,375 Quote from Tents Plus. Technology (GPS, Communications) $5,900 See "Technology" for details. Quote for 60 GPS units. Website $1,000 Photography $500 Translator re Spanish, Portugese $-00 Marion Castleton volunteered her skills for 2 days. Vet Fluids = $500 Charged to user unless none used. Ride Expenses = $3,015 See "Ride Expenses" for details Drug Test Fees = $4,500 See "Drug Test Fees" for details. Stall Rental = $13,056 See "Stall Rental" for details Contingency = $5,000 Total Expenditures = FINANCIAL DEFICIT = Maximum Provincial Grant = $94,388 $33,488 $33,036 Based on 35% of Budget Expenses Page 1 33 Revenue PAN AM ENTRY FEES Country Young Riders Seniors Brazil Costa Rica Venezuela Equador Guatamala El Salvador Uruguay Chile Colombia Argentina Mexico Canada USA Independents 4 1 3 3 2 Not on list according to Stagg To send riders but number not known. Not on list according to Stagg 2 2 5 5 5 5 3 Number of Cost per Entries: Entry Seniors 30 $660 Young Riders 10 $540 Total Riders = 40 TOTAL ENTRY FEE REVENUE = $19,800 $5,400 US$ $550 $450 $25,200 NAETC ENTRY FEES Country Seniors Young Riders Canada USA Mexico Independents 10 5 20 5 5 0 5 0 Number of Cost per Entries: Entry Seniors 40 $480 Young Riders 10 $420 Total Riders = 50 TOTAL ENTRY FEE REVENUE = Total Revenue from Entry Fees (USD) = $48,600 CDN/USD Exchange rate = 1.2 Total Revenue from Entry Fees (CDN) = $58,320 $19,200 $4,200 US$ $400 $350 $23,400 SPONSORS OCTRA Nancy Beacon TOTAL = $10,000 $5,000 $15,000 34 Page 2 Sanctioning Fees SANCTIONING FEES PAN AMS NAETC AERC Fee = OCTRA Fee = Hosting Fee (CHF) = Organizing Fee (CHF) = Calendar Fee (CHF) = Total FEI Fees (CHF) = CHF $-00 $-00 500 300 500 1,300 Conversion rate (CHF/$) = 1.18 TOTAL SANCTIONING FEES = $3,068 CDN $-00 $-00 500 300 500 1,300 $-00 $-00 $3,068 35 Page 3 RIDE EXPENSES Item Amount Office Expenses = Comments $200 Pan Am Forest Permit = $226 26 - 50 people NAETC Forest Permit = $339 50+ people Trail Ribbons = $100 Arrow Markers = $250 Port a Potties = Farrier = Land Owner appreciation = $800 Includes pumping 2 times $400 2 days @ $200/day $300 3 land owners @ $100 each Fuel - Trucks, ATVs = $200 Emergency Trailer (2 days) = $200 Total Ride Expenses = $3,015 36 RIDE SITE INFRASTRUCTURE COSTS Item Cost Seeding, pasture repairs = Flags & poles = Vetting/crewing area - wood, tape = Materials for using flat bed trailer as stage = Security Fencing = Water Troughs = TOTAL Comments $500 $3,600 12 countries @ $300 each $200 $1,000 Plywood, fabric, carpeting $3,000 9 @ $200 each net. Borrow 4 from $1,800 OCTRA ride kit $10,100 37 OFFICIALS EXPENSES OFFICIAL Veterinarian #1 - CDN Veterinarian #2 - US Veterinarian #3 - US Veterinarian #3 - US Veterinarian #5 - SA Ground Jury President - US Judge - US Judge - US Judge - SA Treatment Vet - US Treatment Vet - Local Treatment Vet - Local Technical Delegate - US Course Designer - US Chief Stewart - US Head Timer - CDN NAME Art King Jack Weber Deanna Striker Kyle Goldie Kelli Gilson Sue Phillips Ruth Carlson Dave Minns TOTALS Number of FEI Officials = Cost per day = Accommodation Cost = Total Professional Fees = 16 $60 $3,240 $5,200 Number of cars = Costs of cars per week = Total Cost of cars = 3 $250 $750 Total Travel and Accommodation = DAYS OF TRAVEL ACCOMMODATION PROFESSIONAL CHARGES Pan Ams NAETC $-00 $800 $800 $800 $1,500 $800 $600 $800 $1,500 $800 $-00 $-00 $800 $800 $800 $200 0 6 6 4 4 6 0 4 4 6 0 0 6 4 4 0 $300 $500 $500 $500 $500 $-00 $-00 $-00 $-00 $500 $300 $-00 $-00 $-00 $-00 $-00 $300 $500 $500 $-00 $-00 $-00 $-00 $-00 $-00 $500 $300 $-00 $-00 $-00 $-00 $-00 $11,000 54 $3,100 $2,100 COMMENTS Stays in horse trailer on site Stays on site in motorhome Local On stand-by. If used, charged to horse owner. Staying on site $14,990 38 TOTAL PERSONNEL dnesday (Best Condition, Awards Ceremony, Banquet) Tuesday (Pan Am Ride Day) Monday (Registration & Vetting) ACTIVITY Ride Manager Assistant Ride Manager FEI Officials & Vets Registration Water Vet Scribes P&R Gate Trail Master Assistant Trail Master Spotters & Radio Operators In Timers Out Timers Food/refreshment gofer Security Manager Security Personnel Photographers Miscellaneous Guests Total Volunteers Ride Manager Assistant Ride Manager FEI Officials & Vets Registration Water Vet Scribes P&R Gate Trail Master Assistant Trail Master Spotters & Radio Operators In Timers Out Timers Food/refreshment gofer Security Manager Security Personnel Photographers Miscellaneous Guests Total Volunteers Ride Manager Assistant Ride Manager FEI Officials & Vets Registration Water Vet Scribes P&R Gate Trail Master Assistant Trail Master Spotters & Radio Operators In Timers NUMBER COMMENTS 1 1 16 2 1 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 28 1 1 16 1 3 2 trucks with drivers and 1 helper 5 1 1 1 8 4 locations 2 2 1 1 2 1 5 52 1 0 16 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 39 Wednesday (Best Con Ceremony, Ba Thursday (Registration and Vetting) Friday (NAETC Ride Day) Out Timers Food/refreshment gofer Security Manager Security Personnel Photographers Miscellaneous Guests Total Volunteers Ride Manager Assistant Ride Manager FEI Officials & Vets Registration Water Vet Scribes P&R Gate Trail Master Assistant Trail Master Spotters & Radio Operators In Timers Out Timers Food/refreshment gofer Security Manager Security Personnel Photographers Miscellaneous Guests Total Volunteers Ride Manager Assistant Ride Manager FEI Officials & Vets Registration Water Vet Scribes P&R Gate Trail Master Assistant Trail Master Spotters & Radio Operators In Timers Out Timers Food/refreshment gofer Security Manager Security Personnel Photographers Miscellaneous Guests Total Volunteers 0 0 1 2 0 1 24 1 0 16 2 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 28 1 1 16 1 3 5 1 1 1 8 4 locations 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 49 40 41 FOOD FOR VOLUNTEERS AND WORKERS DAY Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday NUMBER COST PER TOTAL COMMENTS OF PEOPLE COST MEAL 15 Dinner $300 $20 Breakfast 0 $-00 $5 Lunch 28 $10 $280 Dinner 28 $15 $420 Breakfast 35 $5 $175 Lunch 52 $12 $624 Dinner 52 $15 $780 Breakfast 20 $5 $100 Lunch 24 $15 $360 Dinner 0 $-00 $-00 Banquet Breakfast 20 $5 $100 Lunch 28 $10 $280 Dinner 28 $15 $420 Breakfast 10 $5 $50 Lunch 49 $12 $588 Dinner 49 $15 $735 Brunch 120 $25 $3,000 Catered TOTAL $8,212 MEAL 42 STALL RENTAL Number Cost per stall HST Total Outdoor Stalls with covers = 80 Indoor Stalls (for treatment) = 5 Cost per Km for set-up = $1.00 Total Distance return (km) = 400 Comments $135.00 $17.55 $12,204 Outdoor Stalls are in 2 x 10 rows $80 $10.40 $452 Total cost for set-up = $400 TOTAL RENTAL = $13,056 43 BANQUET ITEM COST COMMENTS Assuming: 1) banquet is held at the ride site in large tent. 2) Buffet style 3) liquor licence acquired by caterer 4) cost of tent under "Tents" Total number of people to serve = Number of riders = Number of FEI Officials = OC and advisors = Other (sponsors, local dignitaries) = Number of volunteers = Number of paying guests = Cost of catering/guest = Cost per paying guest = Net income per paying guest = 200 40 16 10 10 52 72 $50 $65 $15 Cost of catering = Income from paying guests = $10,000 $4,680 Net cost of banquet = $5,320 44 TECHNOLOGY GPS SYSTEMS Number of Units quoted = Data Estimate for 60 units = Number of units needed = Cost per unit = Total cost of rental = Live Event Tracking Integration = Shipping = Data Estimate = Total cost of both Events (inc. HST) = Estimated Rental for TV Screen = COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT Satellite Phones (2 @ $150 each) = Total = 60 $1,508 50 $22 $1,100 $600 $300 $2,513 $5,100 $500 $300 $5,900 45 DRUG TESTING FEES Cost of Drug Fees per horse = Pan Am Championship Horses = NAETC horses = $50 40 50 Total Cost of Drug Fees = $4,500 46 SHIRTS Comments Number of FEI Officials = Number of OC = Number of Volunteers = Total = FEI protocol requires all FEI Officials to wear 16 collared shirts with descriptions of position. 5 75 96 Cost of FEI shirts = Sale price of FEI shirts = Number of T-shirts to sell = $25 $40 50 Net Cost of Shirts = $400 47 SECURITY SERVICES Total Number of Security Personnel = Cost per shirt = Total Cost of Security Shirts = 6 $50 $300 Number of shifts Security required = Cost per Shift = Security Manager = Total Cost of Security Personnel = 12 $96 $500 $1,652.00 Miscellaneous = $300 Total Cost of Security Services = $2,252 48 Minutes The Township of Cavan Monaghan Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, December 23, 2014 10:00 a.m. Council Chambers Those members in attendance were: Council: Scott McFadden John Fallis Tim Belch Ryan Huntley Jordan Landry – 10:28 a.m. Mayor Deputy Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Yvette Hurley Elana Arthurs Cindy Page Kimberley Pope Jenna Clark Karen Ellis Kyle Phillips Chief Administrative Officer Clerk Deputy Clerk Director of Finance/Treasurer Deputy Treasurer Director of Planning Chief Building Official/ By-law Enforcement Officer Director of Public Works Staff: Wayne Hancock 1. Open Session 2. Call to Order Mayor McFadden called the Regular Council meeting of December 23, 2014 to order at 10:04 a.m. 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof Mayor McFadden declared pecuniary interest on item: 5.5 4. Fire Protection at Airport Road Additions/Deletions to the Agenda Page49 1 R/23/12/14/01 Moved by: Fallis Seconded by: Belch That Council approve the agenda for the Regular Council meeting of December 23, 2014 as presented. Carried 5. Closed Session 5.1 Resolution to move into Closed Session R/23/12/14/02 Moved by: Belch Seconded by: Huntley That the Council for the Township of Cavan Monaghan move into Closed Session under Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act (2001), as amended, to consider: personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. Carried 5.2 Minutes of the Closed Session held November 12, 2014 5.3 Minutes of the Closed Session held December 16, 2014 5.4 Committees of Council Appointments 5.5 Fire Protection at Airport Road 5.6 Build Canada Fund Status - Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion R/23/12/14/03 Moved by: Fallis Seconded by: Landry That Council recess until 1:00 p.m. (11:28 a.m.) Carried 6. Report from Closed Session R/23/12/14/04 Moved by: Belch Seconded by: Huntley That staff be directed to re-advertise in the Millbrook Times and on the Township website for the Municipal Heritage Committee in January 2015. Carried Page50 2 R/23/12/14/05 Moved by: Fallis Seconded by: Landry That Council approve reducing the number of committee members for the Millbrook Valley Trails from 10 members to 8 members. Carried R/23/12/14/06 Moved by: Belch Seconded by: Fallis That the following members be appointed to the following committees Business Improvement Area (B.I.A.) Board of Management Ben Bridle John Frizzle Nancy Fallis Lance Nachoff Jessica Grieve Millbrook Valley Trails Steering Committee John Frizzle Robert Jackson David D’Agostino Olaf Dunn Kirk Hillsley Alex Bushell Peggy Hinan Maureen McDonald Cavan Monaghan Public Library Board Fiona Maarhuis Peter Spasov Glenn Spurrell Jonathan Paynter Lynda Allair Andrea Robinson Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) Al Steel Mary Preston Monica Moran Cavan Monaghan Police Services Board Andy Harjula Page51 3 Downtown Millbrook Revitalization Committee Linda Amor Robert Ross Bonnie McQuarrie – BIA member Peter Ramsay Bruce Lepper Carried 7. Delegations 7.1 Robert Jackson, Angie McLean and Janet Honsberger, Millbrook Save the Dam Mill Pond Committee Janet Honsberger and Angie McLean reviewed the powerpoint presentation noting the request to form a formal collaborative agreement between ORCA, the Township and The Save the Dam Mill Pond Committee, clarifying roles and responsibilities. She spoke to the ongoing maintenance and the need for rezoning the property. R/23/12/14/07 Moved by: Belch Seconded by: Huntley That Council receive the power point presentation from the Millbrook Save the Dam Mill Pond Committee. Carried R/23/12/14/08 Moved by: Belch Seconded by: Fallis That Council receive the delegation from the Millbrook Save the Dam Mill Pond Committee. Carried 8. Minutes 8.1 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held November 12, 2014 R/23/12/14/09 Moved by: Fallis Seconded by: Belch That Council approve the Regular Council minutes of the meeting held November 12, 2014 as amended. Carried Page52 4 8.2 Minutes of the Inaugural Meeting held December 9, 2014 R/23/12/14/10 Moved by: Fallis Seconded by: Landry That Council approve the minutes of the Inaugural Meeting held December 9, 2014 as amended. Carried 8.3 Minutes of the Special Council Meeting held December 16, 2014 R/23/12/14/11 Moved by: Fallis Seconded by: Landry That Council approve the Special Council minutes of the meeting held December 16, 2014 as presented. Carried 9. Minutes from Committees of Council 9.1 Millbrook Valley Trails Minutes of September 29, 2014 9.2 Millbrook Valley Trails Minutes of November 3, 2014 R/23/12/14/12 Moved by: Fallis Seconded by: Belch That Council defer the approval the minutes of the Millbrook Valley Trails Committee meetings held September 29, 2014 and November 3, 2014 to the next meeting. Carried 9.3 Municipal Heritage Committee Minutes of October 28, 2014 R/23/12/14/13 Moved by: Belch Seconded by: Fallis That Council approve the Municipal Heritage Committee Minutes of the meeting held October 28, 2014 as presented. Carried 9.4 Downtown Millbrook Revitalization Committee Minutes of October 30, 2014 R/23/12/14/14 Moved by: Belch Seconded by: Landry Page53 5 That Council receive the Downtown Millbrook Revitalization Committee Minutes of the meeting held October 30, 2014 as presented. Carried 9.5 Millbrook Board of Management (BIA) Minutes of October 2, 2014 R/23/12/14/15 Moved by: Belch Seconded by: Huntley That Council receive the Millbrook Board of Management (BIA) Minutes of the meeting October 2, 2014 as presented. Carried 9.6 Cavan Monaghan Public Library Board Minutes of October 15, 2014 R/23/12/14/16 Moved by: Fallis Seconded by: Belch That Council approve the Cavan Monaghan Public Library Board Minutes of the meeting held October 15, 2014 as presented. Carried 10. Reports 10.1 Report - Planning-2014-58 Request for Approval of Over Expenditure of a 2014 Capital Budget Account R/23/12/14/17 Moved by: Fallis Seconded by: Belch That Council approve a transfer from the Official Plan Reserve, with an upset limit of $52,077.38, to the capital Official Plan Appeal Resolution (Department 5911) for the costs associated with the settlement of Ontario Municipal Board Appeals of the Township of Cavan Monaghan Official Plan. Carried 10.2 Report - Planning-2014-59 Street Name Blades - Millbrook Ward R/23/12/14/18 Moved by: Fallis Seconded by: Belch That Council approve the installation of new street name blade (signs), posts and decorative bells in the Millbrook Ward; and That $5,424.41 be transferred as follows to the Public Works Roadside Safety Devices and Signs G/L Account 01-4614-3911: Page54 6 $3,120.00 - Downtown Revitalization Account 01-4927-3435 $2,304.41 - General Reserves Carried 10.3 Report - Public Works-2014-32 Assumption of Road Widening as Public Road Allowance for Elmdale Road R/23/12/14/19 Moved by: Belch Seconded by: Huntley That Council approve By-law No. 2014-68 to dedicate Parts 2, 3 and 4 on Registered Plan 45R-1346 as a public road allowance. Carried 10.4 Report - Public Works-2014-33 Termination of Contract with D.M. Wills Associates Ltd. for Class EA and Design for the Reconstruction of County Road 21 R/23/12/14/20 Moved by: Huntley Seconded by: Fallis That the Council of the Township of Cavan Monaghan approves By-law No. 2014-64 being a by-law to authorize the termination of the Agreement for Professional Consulting Services between the Corporation of the County of Peterborough, the Township of Cavan Monaghan and D.M. Wills Associates Limited. Carried 10.5 Report - Public Works-2014-34 Distillery Street Bridge Public Information Centre Comments R/23/12/14/21 Moved by: Belch Seconded by: Huntley That Council authorize staff to send a letter requesting that the County of Peterborough include an upgraded bridge railing in their design and budget; and That the 2015 Capital Budget include funds for the upgrades of Distillery Street Bridge. Carried 10.6 Report - Fire Department-2014-07 Request for Approval of Over Expenditure of the Operating Budget for 2014 R/23/12/14/22 Moved by: Belch Seconded by: Fallis Page55 7 That Council approve the additional vehicle/fleet expenditures with an upset limit of $20,000 in the 2014 Operating Budget for Protective Services; and That Council approves a transfer to cover the additional vehicle/fleet expenditures from the General Reserve to the Fire Services Operating Budget, to not exceed a total of $20,000. Carried 10.7 Report - Corporate Services-2014-22 Repeal of Committee By-laws R/23/12/14/23 Moved by: Fallis Seconded by: Belch That Council enacts the following by-laws: By-law No. 2014-67 being a by-law to repeal by-laws that established committees and corresponding terms of reference that are no longer valid; and By-law No. 2014-68 being a by-law to appoint Council members to a Committee of Adjustment. Carried 10.8 Report - Finance-2014-26 Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF) Contribution Agreement (CA) # FC-0442 R/23/12/14/24 Moved by: Fallis Seconded by: Belch That Council authorizes the Mayor and Clerk to sign the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund - Formula-based Component (OCIFFormula) funding contribution agreement (CA) for the Township of Cavan Monaghan. Carried 10.9 Report - Finance-2014-27 1st Draft 2015 Budget Presentation Ms. Pope reviewed the first draft of the 2015 budget noting the reports provided by Watson & Associates in 2012 and N.G. Bellchamber in 2013 recommending a 10% municipal tax levy increase in 2013, 2014 and 2015. Council discussed various aspects of the budget and the potential of reducing the municipal tax levy increase. R/23/12/14/25 Moved by: Huntley Seconded by: Landry Page56 8 That Council receives the 1st Public Draft 2015 Budget Presentation for discussion. Carried 11. General Business There was no General Business. 12. Correspondence for Action 12.1 Notice - The Government of Ontario Process for Ministers' and Parlimentary Assistants' Delegations at the OGRA/ROMA Combined Conference R/23/12/14/26 Moved by: Fallis Seconded by: Belch That Council direct staff to request delegations with the following Ministers at the OGRA/ROMA: Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing & Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs to discuss and seek clarification on the evaluation process for grant funding. Carried R/23/12/14/27 Moved by: Fallis Seconded by: Belch That Council direct staff to request delegations with the following Ministers at the OGRA/ROMA: Ministry of Health regarding blood services being provided in the rural communities. Carried R/23/12/14/28 Moved by: Fallis Seconded: Huntley That staff be directed to contact MPP Laurie Scott, and arrange for a meeting with the Mayor and Deputy Mayor to discuss blood services being provided in rural municipalities. Carried 12.2 Halton Region - "Buy American" Provisions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Page57 9 R/23/12/14/29 Moved by: Belch Seconded by: Huntley That Council receive the resolution from Halton Region. Carried 12.3 Kawartha Conservation 2015 Preliminary Budget R/23/12/14/30 Moved by: Fallis Seconded by: Belch That Council receive the Kawartha Conservation 2015 Preliminary Budget. Carried 12.4 The Millbrook Times - Sale of Land ads R/23/12/14/31 Moved by: Fallis Seconded by: Landry That Council receive the correspondence from The Millbrook Times. Carried 12.5 Millbrook and District Medical Board - Invitation for a seat on the Medical Board R/23/12/14/32 Moved by: Fallis Seconded by: Belch That staff be directed to send a letter to the Millbrook and District Medical Board advising of Deputy Mayor Fallis’ appointment to the Board. Carried 13. Correspondence for Information 13.1 Ministry of Finance - Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) 13.2 The Corporation of the Township of Carling - Resolution 14-108 - OPP Billing in Unorganized Townships 13.3 AMO Communications - Request for Nominations for the 2015-2019 ROMA Board 13.4 Corporation of the County of Huron - Reconsider Decision to Eliminate Home to Home Postal Delivery 13.5 Peterborough County-City Health Unit - Board of Health Summary of the November 12, 2014 meeting Page 58 10 13.6 AMO - Request for nominations to fill vacancies on the 2014-2016 AMO Board of Directors 13.7 Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade - The Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers and The Ontario Volunteer Service Awards 13.8 Office of Barry Devolin - Automated External Defibrillators (AED) 13.9 Peterborough Bicycle Advisory Committee Letter 13.10 City of Peterborough - Notice of Complete Application for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment 1840-1866 Lansdowne St. W. 13.11 Otonabee Region Conservation Authority - Needler's Mill 13.12 Otonabee Region Conservation Authority - Class Environmental Assessment - Millbrook Dam Study Report 13.13 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing - Letter of Congratulations 13.14 The Township of Algonquin Highlands - Resolution regarding New OPP Billing Model 13.15 Corporation of the Township of North Kawartha - Resolution regarding New OPP Billing Model 13.16 Ministry of Energy - Congratulations and Overview of Initiatives regarding Local Energy Planning R/23/12/14/33 Moved by: Fallis Seconded by: Belch That Council receive the Correspondence for Information. Carried 14. By-laws 14.1 By-law No. 2014-64 being a by-law to authorize the termination of the Agreement for Professional Consulting Services between the Corporation of the County of Peterborough, the Township of Cavan Monaghan and D.M. Wills Associates Limited Page 59 11 14.2 By-law No. 2014-65 being a by-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund - FormulaBased Funding Contribution Agreement 14.3 By-law No. 2014-66 being a by-law to establish user fees and charges 14.4 By-law No. 2014-67 being a by-law to repeal previous committee bylaw and terms of reference 14.5 By-law No. 2014-68 being a by-law to appoint Council members to a Committee of Adjustment R/23/12/14/34 Moved by: Fallis Seconded by: Belch That By-law No. 2014-64 being a by-law to authorize the termination of the Agreement for Professional Consulting Services between the Corporation of the County of Peterborough, the Township of Cavan Monaghan and D.M. Wills Associates Limited and that By-law No. 2014-65 being a by-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund – Formula-Based Funding Contribution Agreement and that By-law No. 2014-66 being a by-law to establish user fees and charges and that By-law No. 2014-67 being a by-law to repeal previous committee by-laws and terms of reference and that By-law No. 2014-68 being a by-law to appoint Council members to a Committee of Adjustment be read a first, second and third time, signed and sealed by the Mayor and Clerk and passed this 23rd day of December 2014. Carried 15. Unfinished Business There was no Unfinished Business. 16. Notice of Motion Mayor McFadden provided the following Notice of Motion; That the following Meeting Schedule be adopted for 2015; Monday, January 12, 2015 Tuesday, January 13, 2015 9:00 a.m. – Special Budget Meeting 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. – Special Budget Meeting Tuesday, January 27, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting - Cancel Monday, February 2, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, February 16, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting ROMA ORGA Conference February 22-25 (Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Toronto) Monday, March 2, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Page 60 12 Monday, March 16, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, March 30, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, April 13, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, May 4, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, May 18, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, June 1, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting AMCTO Conference June 7-10 (Valhalla Inn, Thunder Bay) Monday, June 22, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, July 6, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, August 4, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting AMO Conference August 16-19 (Scotiabank Convention Centre, Niagara Falls) Monday, August 31, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, September 14, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting OEMC Conference September 16-18 (Ambassador Hotel, Kingston) Monday, October 5, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, October 19, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, November 2, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, November 16, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, November 30, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting Monday, December 14, 2015 1:00 p.m. – Regular Council Meeting 17. Adjournment R/23/12/14/35 Moved by: Huntley Seconded by: Landry That the Regular Council Meeting of the Township of Cavan Monaghan adjourn at 3:03 p.m. Carried _________________________ Scott McFadden Mayor _________________________ Elana Arthurs Clerk Page 61 13 Minutes The Township of Cavan Monaghan Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, January 6, 2015 9:00 a.m. Council Chambers Those members in attendance were: Council: Scott McFadden John Fallis Tim Belch Ryan Huntley Jordan Landry Staff: Wayne Hancock Stacy Gerow Nancy Davis 1. Open Session 2. Call to Order Mayor Deputy Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Director of Public Works Public Works Clerk Deputy Clerk Mayor McFadden called them meeting to order at 9:09 a.m. 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof There were no pecuniary interests noted. 4. Additions/Deletions to the Agenda R/06/01/15/01 Moved by: Fallis Seconded by: Belch That the agenda for the Special Council meeting held January 6, 2015 be approved as presented. Carried 5. Municipal Road Tour All Council members participated in a Township roads tour. Mayor McFadden left the meeting. (1:50 p.m.) Page62 1 6. Adjournment R/06/01/15/02 Moved by: Belch Seconded by: Huntley That the Special Council Meeting of the Township of Cavan Monaghan adjourn. (2:25 p.m.) Carried _________________________ Scott McFadden Mayor _________________________ Nancy Davis Deputy Clerk Page63 2 Minutes The Township of Cavan Monaghan Millbrook Valley Trails September 29, 2014 7.00pm 988 County Road 10 Those members in attendance were: Tamara Dolan(MNR), Meredith Carter(ORCA), Ted Hodgkinson, Jackie Franco, John Fallis, Olaf Dunn, Gerry Barker(CM), Kirk Hillsley, David D’Agostino, Those members absent were: Glen Spurrell, Bob Spitz, Colin Hall, Maureen McDonald, Alex Bushell Guests: John Frizzle, Jordan Landry, Jeff Wiltshire(MNR) 1. Open Session – Acting Chair Ted, welcomed guests and the new representative for the MNR, Tamara Dolan 2. Call to Order -Ted called the meeting to order at 7.05pm Insufficient members present for a quorum. 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof – None declared 4. Additions/Deletions to the Agenda – Jordan re equestrian funding possibility. Olaf re woodpecker damage to post. Jackie re Display window. Moved by: Seconded by: That the agenda for this Millbrook Valley Trails Meeting be adopted as amended 5. Minutes 5.1 Minutes of the Millbrook Valley Trails held June 23, 2014 to be adopted as amended 6. Reports 6.1 ORCA – Meredith followed up on the concern over water taking from Baxter Creek. Unable to identify who is doing it. Could someone take a photo of the truck and/or licence plate as there may be damage occurring to the bank. MOE is aware of the situation. Page64 1 It appears that the buffer zone on Medd’s Mountain, Meredith marked earlier; is being recognized by Twp staff. Moved by: Seconded by: 6.2 MNR – Jeff introduced himself and said he was a supervisor and came along to find out more about the MVT Committee and what the work is about. Tamara confirmed the Young Stewardship Rangers did work on the trails in July and all agreed it was a great improvement. A representative from Weedman checked the poison ivy and dog strangling vine area and said it was not a job they could do as the spray truck could not get close enough. Moved by: Seconded by: 6.3 CM – Gerry handed in the most recent MVT Ledger Statement. $664.50 has been spent on services. There is $2,000 still available for supplies. Staff have done some trail cleanup and trimming. With regard to the new trail to connect to the Ganaraska Forest, Gerry has found that part of the Deyell/Carmel area is privately owned, Meadow Trail to Tapley. To do the official survey would be in the area of $2600. MVT would have to go through the application process for funding. A motion would be needed to ask for $5 000 next year. Quotes for the survey will be needed. Gerry will contact the owners of the Tapley extension re the possibility of an easement and the issue of liability coverage. Meredith will make enquiries about working on the trail extension re sensitive areas and will touch base with Gerry. Moved by: Seconded by: 7. General Business 7.1 Trail Maintenance – Reports for June, July, August and September reviewed and discussed. Kirk will look after rotting boards on certain boardwalks. A suggestion to fill muddy areas with soil and/or placing fabric over and then soil or gravel is an option. Jordan mentioned the Page65 2 possibility of using rubber mats as various equestrian places do in muddy areas. Olaf mentioned the woodpecker damage to the sign post at the Fairground entrance. He also wondered about capping the posts to stop the wet rotting the wood. There should be a post left at the Twp yard. John wondered about placing ‘slippery when wet’ signs at boardwalks. Suggestion was the ‘use at own risk’ signs covered that. Olaf asked about the newer trail past the snowmobile bridge as it is too overgrown to use. Leave it for now. Oct report – Alex, Nov – David, Dec – Ted 7.2 Signage Initiative – 7.2.1 David said the signs have been ordered. Wood screws and washers will be needed to mount the signs. 7.3 Trail Master Plan Review New trail to Ganaraska, see under 6.3. Gerry suggested looking for an alternative route perhaps Glamorgan. The Twp has a Grant programme, but as a Committee of Council, MVT may not qualify. Capital Funding from Council has to be used for a specific purpose. 7.3.1 See under 6.3 7.3.2 and 3 Deferred to October meeting. 7.4 8. Deferred to Oct meeting. Business Arising – 8.1 Rob had made enquiries re a new pamphlet box as the pamphlets were getting wet. All in favour and subject will be voted on at Oct meeting. 8.2 David asked about MVT purchasing cordless tools. He suggested storing them at Rob’s where there is a power source tor charging them prior to using them. David will price them and investigate combo packs at the local Home Hardware. All in favour and subject will be voted on at Oct meeting. 8.3 Jordan Landry presented a possible source of funding with regard to the Ontario Equestrian Federation. This would be if a multi use area, including horses, was available. It was pointed out that the current trails are passive use only, but that there was a possibility with the extension into the Ganaraska Forest. Page66 3 9. 8.4 Gerry pointed out the next meeting is on Election Day and the Municipal Office would not be available. It was decided to move the October meeting to Nov 3. 8.5 Jackie said that the display window on the corner of King and Union is no longer available and has the material stored at her house. 8.6 John asked if there was any way of finding out how many people use the trails. No one had an answer. Adjournment Moved by: Jackie Seconded by: That the Millbrook Valley Trails Meeting of September 29, 2014 adjourn. 8.10pm p.m.) Carried _________________________ Chair Chair Title _________________________ Secretary Page67 4 Minutes The Township of Cavan Monaghan Millbrook Valley Trails Monday, November 3, 2014 7pm Cavan Monaghan Municipal Office Those members in attendance were: Jackie Franco, Kirk Hillsley, Glen Spurrell, Ted Hodgkinson, John Fallis, Olaf Dunn, Gerry Barker(CM), Rob Jackson, Dave D’Agostino, Jeff Wiltshire(MNR) Those members absent were: Colin Hall, Bob Spitz, Meredith Carter(ORCA),Alex Bushell, Guests: Maureen McDonald, John Frizzle, Jordan Landry 1. Open Session – Rob welcomed Maureen John and Jordan. 2. Call to Order - Rob called the meeting to order at 7.10pm 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature thereof. None Declared 4. Additions/Deletions to the Agenda – John re Appreciation of MVT volunteers, Jordan re soil stabilizer 5. Moved by: Ted Hodgkinson Seconded by: Jackie Franco That the agenda for the Millbrook Valley Trails Meeting of November 3, 2014, be approved as amended. Carried Minutes 5.1 Minutes of the Millbrook Valley Trails Meeting held June 23, 2014 Moved by: John Fallis Seconded by: Ted Hodgkinson That the minutes of the Millbrook Valley Trails Meeting, June 23, 2014 be adopted as presented. Carried 5.2 Minutes of the Millbrook Valley Trails meeting held September 29, 2014 It was noted that Alex Bushell’s name had been omitted from the absent list. Page68 1 Moved by John Fallis, Seconded by Kirk Hillsley That the Minutes of the Millbrook Valley Trails Meeting of September 29, 2014 be adopted as amended. Carried 6. Reports 6.1 ORCA – Meredith not present, but Rob will enquire re ORCA policy on dealing with poison ivy and dog strangling vine on ORCA property. 6.2 MNR – Due to changes at MNR, Jeff Wiltshire will be the representative on the MVT Committee until further notice. A discussion followed re the problem with the beaver dam on MNR property near the old rail bridge. The bank is low and water has spread up to the bench and has floated a portion of boardwalk. MNR will look into having a trapper remove the beaver/dam. Comment was made re the Beaver Baffle solution looked into for the Baxter Creek Trail. Jeff will follow up with Rob. Dave mentioned that tree roots may be undermining the bridge. Rob asked about treatment of poison ivy and dog strangling vine on Grand Trunk and Meadow trails. Jeff will enquire. Suggestion re the Rangers doing the work – it may be a Health and Safety issue. 6.3 CM – Gerry handed in the most recent MVT ledger statement showing $2,003.13 remaining. Gerry referred to the woodpecker damage to Fairground post. There is a post available for replacement but as the damage is not excessive, it was agreed to leave it alone for now.. Moved by John Seconded by Ted That the Fairground post be left as is for now. Carried The subject of wet boardwalk and potential liability was revisited. Rather than more signs on the trail, it was agreed that a ‘use at your risk’ sign at trail heads would suffice. Page69 2 7. General Business 7.1 Trail Maintenance Report Alex will send in the October report on his return. 7.1.1 Discussion re muddy areas and how to stabilize and stop walkers from making their own trail to avoid the mud. Jordan presented an option used for horses and cattle called Flex Grid Soil Stabilization Tiles. This has potential for use on the worst places. Rob will make further enquiries. Moved by John Fallis, Seconded by Jackie Franco That the MVT Committee approve Rob to spend up to $300 to try the Stabilization Tiles. Carried 7.2 Signage Initiative – Glen showed the sample sign, some of which are already posted on the trails. There are 20 for Medd’s area and 50 for the Baxter Creek Trail. All approved. Rob asked sub-committee what the next steps would be. A TD Grant could be applied for re flora and fauna signage. Jeff will help with type of signs. There was a suggestion and discussion re educational signs and the potential to involve local schools. Glen suggested a couple more members on the sub-committee would be welcome. 7.3 Trail Master Plan Review 7.3.1 Gerry said he had been in contact with the owners of the Deyell extension and that they are not interested in sharing the area. MVT will have to find an alternate route. Gerry suggested leaving the Ganaraska connection for now and concentrate on the Elgar trail. He suggested putting the $2600 back in the budget for the survey. Moved by Kirk Hillsley Seconded by Dave D’Agostino That the MVT Committee supports doing a survey from the gate of the MNR property west to Elgar Drive to further develop the trail for a future connection to the Ganaraska Forest as per the MVT Master Plan. Carried Page70 3 7.3.2 Municipal Update and Budget – Gerry said the budget of $3,300 is available for 2015 7.3.3 Plan for Spring 2015 Rob suggested reviewing the new connection and set up of a new sub-committee to work out budget and potential costs. Gerry suggested a review with Staff to make sure site is available. 7.4 8. Signage at Fairgrounds Entrance Rob suggested putting on hold for now. Business Arising 8.1 Pamphlet and Stoop and Scoop boxes Rob had provided information on some acrylic containers for the pamphlets as they were getting wet in the wooden boxes. Moved by Olaf Dunn Seconded by Jackie Franco That Rob should go ahead and purchase 15 pamphlet boxes to an amount not more than $150. Rob will continue to stock the Stoop and Scoop boxes. 8.2 Cordless Tools Dave had priced a bundle of cordless tools at Home Hardware in the amount of $569. After discussion it was agreed he would further price the tools and preferably a ser that had large battery packs. 8.3 Pot Luck Supper After discussion it was agreed it was too late for this year. 8.4 New Council and re applying for positions on MVT Committee As a new Council will be sworn in after November, members are asked to reapply for a position on the MVT Committee and potential members are encouraged to do the same. 8.5 Trail reports Dave D’Agostino is to do the November report and Ted to do the December one. A new list will be made up for 2015 when new members are on board. 8.6 Council Appreciation Page71 4 John Fallis presented plaques to MVT members from the Cavan Monaghan Council in appreciation for the many volunteer hours the committee has put in to maintain the trail system. The gesture was appreciated by all. Adjournment Moved by: Glen Spurrell Seconded by: Olaf Dunn That the Millbrook Valley Trails Meeting of November 3, 2014 adjourn at 9 15pm Carried _________________________ Chair Chair Title _________________________ Secretary Page72 5 Regular Council Meeting To: Date: From: Report Number: Subject: Mayor and Council January 13, 2015 Karen Ellis, Director of Planning Planning 2015-01 Centreville Presbyterian Church Site Plan Agreement Recommendation: That By-law No. 2015-01 be approved to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the Site Plan Agreement between The Trustees of the Centreville Presbyterian Church (aka The Trustees for the Congregation of the Centreville Presbyterian Church) (Developer) and the Township of Cavan Monaghan (Municipality). ______________________________________________________________________ Overview: In June 2011, the Township approved a site plan for the development of a 262.8 square metres (2829 square feet) addition to the Church on lands in part of Lot 23, Concession 3 of the Cavan Ward. The Township also approved a site plan for the development of a Church parking lot on property in part of Lot 23, Concession 4 of the Cavan Ward. Approvals were given provided that minor revisions to the Site Plan and Lot Grading Plan were completed to the Township’s satisfaction. The revisions to the Plans were completed and the project was constructed in accordance with those accepted Plans. The work has been inspected and accepted by Township Staff. A Site Plan Agreement for the work was not, however, finalized. The required Site Plan Agreement has been prepared by Russell, Christie and was circulated to the Applicants for signing. A copy of the Agreement is provided as Attachment No. 1 to this Report. The Applicants have reviewed and signed the Agreement. By-law No. 2015-01 is presented to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the Site Plan Agreement. Financial Impact: None at this time. The Township has received the required application fee for a Site Plan Approval application. The engineering, legal and planning costs associated with the processing of the Application have been covered by the application fee. 73 Attachments: Attachment No. 1: Centreville Presbyterian Church Site Plan Agreement Attachment No. 2: By-law No. 2015-01 Respectfully submitted by; Reviewed by; Karen Ellis, Director of Planning Yvette Hurley, Chief Administrative Officer 74 Attachment No. 1: Centreville Presbyterian Church Site Plan Agreement 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 Attachment No. 2: By-law No. 2015-01 The Township of Cavan Monaghan By-law No. 2015-01 Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between The Trustees of the Centreville Presbyterian Church (aka The Trustees for the Congregation of the Centreville Presbyterian Church) (Developer) and the Township of Cavan Monaghan (Municipality) Whereas the Township has accepted a Site Plan and Site Grading Plan to permit the construction of an addition to the Centreville Presbyterian Church and to permit the construction of a new parking lot on properties in Part of Lot 23, Concession 3 of the Cavan Ward and Part of Lot 23, Concession 4 of the Cavan Ward now Township of Cavan Monaghan, County of Peterborough, being all of the lands in PIN Numbers 28018-0091 and 28011-0106; And Whereas the Trustees of the Congregation of the Centreville Presbyterian Church have represented to the Township of Cavan Monaghan that the subject lands are owned by them, and further warrant that all municipal taxes levied against the lands have been paid and will be paid as the same falls due; And Whereas pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act, the Municipality has designated the property as an area for site plan control; And Whereas the parties desire to enter into a Site Plan Agreement in regard to certain on-site features of the development of the said property and the provision of services thereto; Now Therefore the Council of the Township of Cavan Monaghan hereby enacts as follows: 1. That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized on behalf of the Township of Cavan Monaghan to enter into and execute that certain agreement marked Schedule “1” attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. 2. That the By-law shall become effective immediately upon the passing thereof. Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 13th day of January, 2015. ________________________ Scott McFadden Mayor ________________________ Elana Arthurs Clerk 83 Regular Council Meeting To: Date: From: Report Number: Subject: Mayor and Council January 13, 2015 Karen Ellis, Director of Planning Planning 2015-02 Robinson Severance Application B-92-14 Recommendations: 1. That the Township of Cavan Monaghan support severance application B-92-14 because it conforms to the Township’s Official Plan; 2. That the completed Municipal Appraisal Form be forwarded to the Peterborough County Land Division Department; and 3. That the following condition of approval be applied to Application B-92-14: i. the payment of $1,000.00 cash-in-lieu of parkland to the Township; and ii. the completion of a zoning by-law amendment for the severed and retained lands. _____________________________________________________________________ Overview: Gary Robinson applied to the Peterborough County Land Division Department for approval to create a new non-farm residential lot (Application B-92-14) in part of Lot 8, Concession 8 of the Cavan Ward. The location and lot configuration of the severed and retained lots are shown on the key map provided as Attachment No. 1 to this Report. The proposed severed lot will be approximately 1.01 hectares (2.5 acres) in size with approximately 76.2 metres (250 feet) of frontage on Syer Line. The lot is currently vacant but is used for agriculture. A new residential land use, serviced with private well and septic systems, is proposed for the lot. The retained parcel will be approximately 7.49 hectares (18.51 acres) in size with approximately 177.4 metres (582 feet) of frontage on Syer Line. The property is currently vacant but is used for agriculture. The proposed use is rural residential but no new buildings or structures are proposed for the retained lot at this time. 1 84 Township of Cavan-Millbrook-North Monaghan Official Plan The subject property is currently designated Rural in the Township of Cavan-MillbrookNorth Monaghan Official Plan. The Rural designation generally includes those areas with less productive soils and poorer agricultural lands. The permitted uses in the Rural designation include agricultural uses, forestry, conservation, community facilities, small scale commercial and industrial uses, outdoor recreational and cultural facilities. In addition, single dwelling houses that represent farm related units, existing lots of record or, lots created by consent to a land severance are permitted provided they are compatible with adjacent land uses. In accordance with Section 6.3.3 of the Official Plan, properties less than 20 hectares (50 acres) in size, as of January 1, 2000, may be eligible for a maximum of one (1) new non-farm residential severances provided that the applicant has owned the property in its current form for at least five (5) years. Township records indicate that the Applicant has owned the property for more than the required five (5) years. With no record of previous severance activity on the property, there is potential to create one non-farm residential lot. Severances are to be considered from poorer agricultural lands, generally defined as being Class 5 to 7 soils and not suited to agricultural or agricultural related uses. Soil classification mapping indicates that the property contains Class 3 and 4 soils. The severed lot is located on the portion of the property with Class 3 soils. There is no opportunity to move the location of the severed lot to an area of the farm with poorer agricultural soils. New non-farm residential lots should be compatible with adjacent or adjoining development. The proposed severed lot is located in an area developed with agricultural, rural and non-farm rural residential uses. The size of the severed and retained lots must generally conform to all applicable provisions of the Implementing Zoning By-law and must be appropriate for the proposed use and services available. The proposed severed lot has enough lot area and lot frontage to satisfy the minimum by-law requirements for a single detached dwelling in the Rural Residential (RR) Zone. The lot area of the severed lot is a little larger than normally permitted in the Township of Cavan Monaghan. The larger lot area is required to ensure that there is sufficient area, outside of the Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) arc, for the construction of a new single detached dwelling. A zoning by-law amendment is, however, required to prohibit residential uses within the MDS arc. Attachment No. 2 to this Report illustrates the MDS for the Robinson livestock facility on the south side of Syer Line. The retained lot does not have enough lot area to satisfy the minimum lot area requirement for an agricultural use in the Rural (RU) Zone. As such, a zoning by-law amendment is required to address the lot area issue. 2 85 Severed and retained lots must front onto an improved public street that is maintained year round and is of a reasonable standard of construction. The severed lot has frontage on Syer Line. Wayne Hancock, the Township Director of Public Works, confirmed that an entrance permit for the proposed severed lot is available. Access to the retained lot will be via the existing entrance to Syer Line. The MDS requirements were reviewed at the time of the Preliminary Severance Review in August of 2014. As indicated above, the proposed severed lot is affect by the MDS arc for the Robinson barn on the south side of Syer Line. A zoning by-law amendment is required to address the issue. Peterborough County Official Plan The subject lands are part of the Rural Area in the County Official Plan. Residential severances in the Rural Area are generally discouraged in favour of development in Settlement Areas. However, severances in the Rural Area may be considered provided that the lot can be properly serviced, the lot has frontage on a public road and the lot complies with the MDS requirements. The Application conforms to the Peterborough County Official Plan severance policies. Provincial Policy Statement In rural areas, the permitted uses and activities must relate to the management or use of resources, resource-based recreational activities, limited residential development and other rural land uses. Development must be appropriate to the infrastructure that is planned or available and must be compatible with the rural landscape. In addition, new land uses, including the creation of lots, must comply with the MDS formulae. The Application conforms to the policies of the Provincial Policy Statement. Zoning By-law Considerations The proposed severed lot is zoned the Rural (RU) Zone in the Township of CavanMillbrook-North Monaghan Zoning By-law No. 2004-62, as amended. When a new nonfarm residential lot is created by severance in the Rural (RU) Zone, the regulations of the Rural Residential (RR) Zone apply. The severed lot has sufficient lot area and lot frontage to satisfy the minimum lot area and frontage requirements of the Rural Residential (RR) Zone. However, a portion of the lot is located within the MDS arc for an existing livestock facility on the south side of Syer Line. A zoning by-law amendment is required to prohibit the construction of habitable buildings within the MDS arc. The retained lot is zoned the Rural (RU) Zone. The retained lands do not have enough lot area in the Rural (RU) Zone to satisfy the minimum lot area requirement for an agricultural use in the Rural (RU) Zone. As such, a zoning by-law amendment is required to address the lot area issue. 3 86 Financial Impact: None at this time. Attachments: Attachment No. 1: Key Map and Proposed Lot Configuration Attachment No. 2: Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) Requirements Respectfully Submitted by, Reviewed by, Karen Ellis, Director of Planning Yvette Hurley, Chief Administrative Officer 4 87 Attachment No. 1 – Key Map and Proposed Lot Configuration 5 88 Attachment No. 2: Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) Requirements 6 89 Regular Council Meeting To: Date: From: Report Number: Subject: Mayor and Council January 13, 2015 Karen Ellis, Director of Planning Planning 2015-03 Merger Agreement – Parts 1, 2 and 5, Plan 45R-10628 Recommendations: 1. That Council consent to the discharge and release of the Merger Agreement from the title to Part 5 of Plan 45R-10628; and 2. That a By-law be presented at a future Council meeting to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the required documentation for the discharge and release of the Merger Agreement. _____________________________________________________________________ Overview: Richard Taylor represents Natacha Couillard, the current owner of Part 5 of Plan 45R10628. On December 8, 2014, the Township received a request from Mr. Taylor asking the Township to consent to the discharge and release of the Merger Agreement affecting Part 5 of Plan 45R-10628. A key map showing the location of Part 5 of Plan 45R-10628 is provided as Attachment No. 1 to this Report. The subject property was created by severance in 1995 (Application B-7/95). The former Township of Cavan supported the severance application with conditions. In a motion dated May 23, 1995, the Committee of the Whole for the former Township of Cavan required the merger of the subject lands with the retained lands from the severance application (Part 2, Plan 45R-10628). The required merger agreement was registered on February 1, 1996. For reasons unknown, the Merger Agreement was not registered in reference to Part 2 of Plan 45R-10628. As such, the title to both parcels is now separate and distinct. In Mr. Taylor’s opinion, the Merger Agreement on Part 5 of Plan 45R-10628 constitutes a “cloud on title”. As such, Mr. Taylor requested a discharge and release of the Merger Agreement from Part 5. Mr. Taylor also indicated that his Office is prepared to prepare the Discharge and Release of the Merger Agreement for execution and undertake to pay the associated costs with the registration of such a discharge on title. Given Cavan Council’s motion on the matter, Township Staff sought a legal opinion from Ed Veldboom of Russell, Christie about Mr. Taylor’s request. In a letter dated December 19, 2014, Mr. Veldboom confirmed that merger agreements have no 90 statutory basis and can be ignored at the time of conveyancing. Merger agreements do not achieve the intended purpose of legally merging what would otherwise be separately conveyable parcels of land. Mr. Veldboom is of the opinion that there is no valid reason for the Township to withhold consent to the deletion of the merger agreement from the title to Part 5. Financial Impact: None at this time. The costs associated with the discharge and release of the Merger Agreement will be covered by the property owner. Attachments: Attachment No. 1: Key Map Respectfully Submitted by, Reviewed by; Karen Ellis Director of Planning Yvette Hurley Chief Administrative Officer 91 Attachment No. 1: Key Map 92 Regular Council Meeting To: Date: From: Report Number: Subject: Mayor and Council January 13, 2015 Wayne Hancock, Director of Public Works Public Works 2015-01 Mailbox Replacement Policy Recommendation: That Council approve the revised Mailbox Replacement Policy. ______________________________________________________________________ Overview: On November 5, 2007 a Mailbox Replacement Policy was created and passed by Council, please see Attachment No.1. Township Staff have reviewed the document and have consulted with other municipalities. Most municipalities, including the County, replace mailboxes which are physically hit by winter operations equipment. Township Staff receive numerous calls every winter season in regards to mailboxes either being hit by the wing of the Township snowplows, damaged by flying snow and slush or fallen down because it was not installed correctly. Residents are requesting that their mailbox be replaced, whether it was hit or not. The updated policy indicates that the Township will not be replacing mailboxes damaged by flying snow, slush or hit by Township vehicles. Canada Post Rural Mailbox Guidelines state that “rural mailbox owners are responsible for all costs associated with placing, relocating and for ongoing maintenance of their mailbox and the surrounding terrain”. The guideline also states that “replacing or reinstalling a mailbox that becomes damaged or knocked down is also the responsibility of the owner”. Therefore, Township Staff are recommending that residents be advised that mailboxes impacted by a Township winter operations vehicle will not be replaced. It would also be recommended, as described in the revised policy, that only in special circumstances could this policy be overruled by the Director of Public Works and/or the Roads Foreperson at their discretion. This will allow for replacement, only under special or extenuating circumstances. Attachment No. 2 is the proposed updated Mailbox Replacement Policy. The original policy (Attachment No.1) 2007-12 version will become obsolete. 93 Financial Impact: The present policy allows for replacement of mailboxes that can range in cost from $18.00 to $34.00 each. However, with the new Mailbox Replacement Policy, the budget should be reduced over the next few years because there will be less items needed. Attachments: Attachment No. 1: Roads Department 2007-20, Mailbox Replacement Policy Attachment No. 2: Updated Mailbox Replacement Policy 2014 Respectfully Submitted by, Reviewed by, Wayne Hancock Director of Public Works Yvette Hurley Chief Administrative Officer 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Attachment No. 2 Mailbox Replacement Policy Policy Statement This policy is created to provide the direction for mailbox replacement within the Township of Cavan Monaghan. This policy applies to all Township staff and residents. Purpose This policy is intended to establish appropriate and consistent action when private mail boxes located directly on Township of Cavan Monaghan road allowances are damaged or impacted by vehicles undertaking maintenance activities on behalf of the Township, such as grading, ditching and snow plowing operations. Damage to Mailboxes Mailboxes can be affected by the operation of a snow plow in two ways. Mailboxes which are not ruggedly constructed or are not securely affixed to their post may be damaged or dislodged by the direct weight and force of snow thrown from the plow. The Township bears no liability for such damage or impact and is only responsible to advise the mailbox owner of this policy's limitation should an inquiry be made. Therefore, if the damage should result from the snow plow wing or any other part of the snow plow vehicle coming into contact with the mailbox, the mailbox will not be repaired and/or replaced. Mailbox Standards Mailbox location and standards shall follow the Canada Post Rural Mailbox Guidelines, as stated below. When choosing a rural mailbox, ensure it is strong enough to hold the weight of letters and parcels and that it is weatherproof. • All rectangular mailboxes must have an opening of at least 17.5 cm (7”) in width and height, and an interior of at least 45 cm (18”) in length. • A cylindrical mailbox must have an opening of at least 25 cm (10”) in diameter and an interior of at least 45 cm (18”) in length. • The bottom of the box should be at least 100 cm {and preferably 107- 114cm (42”45”) above the ground. It should not obscure or obstruct access to any other boxes near it. 101 Attachment No. 2 • Mailboxes must have a door located in the front, with a sturdy handle, lip or flange. They must remain open while mail is being picked up or delivered, and be able to open with ease and close securely. • The mailbox must be upright and securely attached to a fixed post or an arm on a lever, and must not be allowed to swing freely. This policy will come into effect Tuesday, January 13, 2015. 102 Regular Council Meeting To: Date: From: Report Number: Subject: Mayor and Council January 13, 2015 Wayne Hancock, Director of Public Works Public Works 2015-02 Petition for George Street Reconstruction Recommendation: That reconstruction of George Street be referred to the ten year capital forecast discussions. ______________________________________________________________________ Overview: The Township Office received a petition from the residents on George Street indicating their concern of the condition roadway surface and drainage on George Street from King Street to its southerly end. The residents are requesting the roadway be reconstructed immediately. Public Works Staff has indicated to Council that the sanitary and water main systems in Millbrook were installed in the mid 1970’s and have reached their expected lifetime of fifty years. We have applied for several projects for sewer, water main and roadway reconstruction throughout the Millbrook area and we have not been successful to date. Most recently these projects included an application for Centennial Lane and Lisa Court by the Township and a joint application for King Street Reconstruction with the County. We are presently scheduling work for King Street in 2015 and 2016. We are also proposing to complete a section of Centennial Lane in 2015 to accommodate the Build Canada Fund project. The road condition on George Street, itself has been listed as ‘good’ under the Roads Needs Study of 2010 and does not require upgrading immediately. Township Staff believe that we need to commence a sewer and water main rehabilitation program that will encompass the Millbrook area and as these works are completed, the roadways and drainage systems would be upgraded. At the present time, George Street has not been included in the forecast. If the project is to be included, Staff would recommend it be proposed in the Capital Budget for 2018. This would be the earliest it could be accommodated. The Department 103 will continue to apply for Provincial and Federal Funding when these programs become available. Financial Impact: There is no financial impact at this time. Attachment: Attachment No. 1: Signed Petition for Improvement Road Paving on George Street, Millbrook Respectfully Submitted by, Reviewed by, Wayne Hancock Director of Public Works Yvette Hurley Chief Administrative Officer 104 105 106 A Regular Council Meeting To: Date: From: Report Number: Subject: Mayor and Council January 13, 2015 Wayne Hancock, Director of Public Works Public Works 2015-03 Standpipe Renderings Recommendation: That Council approve a standpipe that is dark blue in colour and would include the municipality’s full name being the Township of Cavan Monaghan including the Township logo. ______________________________________________________________________ Overview: The Public Works Staff is presently working with our consultant, R.V. Anderson Associates Limited to complete the standpipe design for water storage to be constructed at the municipal office property. In terms of exterior colour of the tank, our consultants engineering firm are recommending a blue exterior, for the two following reasons: 1. any grime, dirt and mould on the tank exterior is less noticeable; and 2. the bolt pattern of the tank exterior is less noticeable. As the design for this Build Canada Fund infrastructure is being finalized in January of 2015, it is important that Council approve the exterior colour and name that would be displayed on the standpipe. Attachment No. 1 indicates two exterior colours being white or blue and two names to be displayed on the standpipe being Millbrook or the Township of Cavan Monaghan. Township Staff’s recommendation is that the standpipe has an exterior colour of dark blue and the name to be the Township of Cavan Monaghan. Financial Impact: There is no cost differential between the colours or the name to be displayed. These items are included in the tender and the construction cost of the standpipe which is scheduled for tender call by the end of January 2015. 107 A Attachment: Attachment No. 1: Standpipe Renderings Respectfully Submitted by, Reviewed by, Wayne Hancock Director of Public Works Yvette Hurley Chief Administrative Officer 108 Attachment No. 1 109 Attachment No. 1 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 The Township of Cavan Monaghan By-law No. 2013-65 Being a by-law to stop up and close the Deyell Line road allowance West of Elgar Drive to its Westerly limit. Whereas Section 34 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001 c. 25, as amended, delegates authority to Municipalities to stop up and close highways including all road allowances it has jurisdiction over as deem desirable; And Whereas the Council of the Township of Cavan Monaghan deems it desirable that a by-law be passed stopping up and closing Deyell Line road allowance West of Elgar Drive to its Westerly limit. Now Therefore the Council of the Township of Cavan Monaghan hereby enacts as follows: 1. That the Deyell Line road allowance West of Elgar Drive to its Westerly limit be closed. 2. That this By-law shall come into full force and effect on the date of final passage. st Read a first, second and third time and passed this 21 day of October, 2013. _____________________ John Fallis Mayor _____________________ Elana Arthurs Clerk 117 Regular Council Meeting To: Date: From: Report Number: Subject: Mayor and Council November 12 , 2014 Elana Arthurs, Clerk Corporate Services 2014-21 2014 Municipal Election Wrap-Up Recommendation: That Council receives the 2014 Municipal Election Wrap-Up report for information. ______________________________________________________________________ Overview: At the Regular Council meeting of January 14, 2014 the following resolution was passed: That Council approve the use of telephone and internet voting in place of the traditional paper ballots in the 2014 Municipal Election and direct staff to begin the media campaign to advise the eligible electors in the Township of Cavan Monaghan; and That Council direct staff to include two (2) full day polling stations at Springdale Country Manor and Millbrook Manor in addition to the Municipal Office with reduced hours at Centennial Place on October 27, 2014. Staff quickly began the media campaign to educate electors about the changes to the voting process in the 2014 Municipal Election. Staff placed information in the spring and fall editions of the Cavan Monaghan Chatter, attended Ladies Night on August 7 with a kiosk, ran two Voter Information Sessions, prepared Help Centers beginning October 14th through to and including October 27th until 8:00 p.m. with trained staff to allow for assistance and an area that voters could cast their vote by either telephone, kiosk or laptop. Staff constantly updated our Township website and ensured that Staff where available to answer any questions or concerns in a timely fashion. Continued efforts to educate electors included notices being sent home with the children of the two (2) local schools, notices being placed on locations previously used as traditional polling stations and in high traffics areas in the municipality. The large sign in front of the Lion’s Den was used to notify eligible electors when voting began and personalized letters were sent to every eligible elector on the 2014 Voters’ List with all the required information, including how to vote and location of help centers. YouTube videos were created, with a link that could be accessed from the Township of Cavan 1 118 Monaghan website, instructing voters on the process of voting from a computer or touch-tone telephone. A kiosk equipped with a iPad was set-up in the front lobby of the Municipal Office with the Simply Voting software that allowed residents to “practice vote” and try the new process of voting in 2014 with a demo Personal Identification Number (PIN) and a touch screen. In addition our website had a link to, a new initiative through the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) to allow electors the opportunity to verify their eligibility and confirm they were on the voters’ list. Voter turnout was higher than it had been in the four (4) previous elections at a 47.2%. Staff reviewed voting method statistics and how ballots were cast which determined the following; Internet Votes 2543 Telephone Votes 653 Kiosk Votes 321 Based on the above statistics and voter feedback, people felt comfortable with the process that provided alternative options for voting. This allowed ballots to be cast at more convenient times and in more convenient ways avoiding challenges like requiring a ride to a polling station or a babysitter while voting or standing in long lengthy line-ups. The Township of Cavan Monaghan is the first of the 8 Peterborough County municipalities to undertake electronic voting. The results in Cavan Monaghan were the first to be made available in the County and posted at 8:24 p.m. The process was fast and efficient and from a financial perspective the cost to run the election was less than the budgeted amount and the projected amount if the traditional ballot method had been used. The Township of Cavan Monaghan received a great deal of media coverage during the election, including a live interview with Chex Television on Election Day and this quote from My “Meanwhile, in Cavan Monaghan, the Township opted for an all–electronic vote which pumped out the results by shortly after 8 p.m. While it was controversial at first, the move boosted voter participation by four per cent (up to 47 per cent) compared to the previous election. The paper-based ballots slowed the counting process in other townships as well, so results were not available until after most people’s Monday night bedtimes. Looking ahead, we are hoping that more voters will embrace online voting and that municipalities push this technology forward. It is easy to track and much more efficient and accurate then current methods.” See attachment for full article. Financial Impact: Based on Report Corporate Services 2014-01 staff presented the projected that the financial impact of running the election electronically would be $31,720.00 and the traditional ballot method at approximately $30,000.00. The final costs for the 2014 Municipal Election came in under budget at $27,916.23. 2 119 Attachments: 1. Staff Report – Corporate Services-2014-01 Electronic Voting in the 2014 Municipal Election 2. My – Our opinion: A time for stability and a time for change Respectfully submitted by, Reviewed by, Elana Arthurs Clerk Yvette Hurley Chief Administrative Officer 3 120 December 4, 2014 Elana Arthurs Clerk Township of Cavan Monaghan During the recent municipal election campaign many residents expressed concern over the decision to have all voting by an electronic system and to eliminate the traditional paper ballot, as well as the normal polling stations. Many were of the impression that there was still the option to vote traditionally on October 27 and at the regular locations. It was believed by numerous voters that the electronic system was not secure and was not secret. Therefore many voters, especially older voters, did not cast a ballot. There were a number of voters who told me they would not vote electronically. Some had no concept of computers and could not hear well enough to use the phone, which was still a computer system. They didn’t want someone else to know how they were voting. That is their right. Although the percentage increased overall, it is my belief that it was younger voters who participated, which was the intent of the electronic system. However, older voters felt disenfranchised and many refused to vote. Also there were numerous voters who did exercise their right who still felt the system was flawed. This is unfortunate because many of these people are the people who fought for our freedoms and for the right to cast a secret ballot. In addition there were a number of issues with the system which I found unacceptable. First of all the list was alphabetical by first name. No one does that. Many people don’t go by their first given name. There were also many people on the voters list that should not have been there. Some have been dead for years, some haven’t lived in the township for years and some were children of residents who have moved away. Those pin numbers could have been used and no one would be aware. If the letters containing the pin were not returned there is no way corrections can be made. This needs to be addressed. Also, why were candidates denied the right to check who had voted on voting day? There has always been the ability to check the voters list at the polls. I know of at least one case where the daughter of a resident received a pin in her maiden name at her parent’s residence and one in her married name at her current residence. In an effort to rectify this situation I introduced a motion at the Council meeting on November 12 to reinstate the traditional paper ballot as an option for the next municipal election and to have at least some of the regular polling stations. That motion was duly seconded but a motion was then brought forward to table my motion pending more information from staff. The motion to table was supported by the three returning members of Council, which means my motion will return at a later date to be dealt with by the new Council. It is questionable what additional information can be provided by staff, unless ratepayers make an effort to inform the clerk of their concern. We know from experience that most people who have a concern are reluctant to voice that concern where it can do the most good. Therefore my concern is that staff will assume there is no problem. It only makes sense to have a transition period. Other municipalities that have used the electronic system have not gone totally electronic. The argument will be made that because there was an increase in the percentage of voter turnout, the system worked and people need to embrace the modern technology. Those in favor will claim there is no need for concern, that the system is secure and secret and that what many people believe is unfounded. When we get to the point where staff and Council are telling people how to think we are treading on very dangerous ground and residents should be very concerned. The electronic system was said to be cheaper and certainly easier. Easier is not always better. It was more convenient for staff but we are talking about a process that happens once every four years and is a sacred tradition. Whether or not it was cheaper is debatable. The company that conducted the compilation of votes has its head office in Montreal, so our money went out of the community and the province. With the traditional method money would be spent renting facilities from local organizations and paying local resident to man the polling stations. Is it not better to keep our money in the community? Jim Chaplin 572 Zion Line Millbrook, ON L0A 1G0 121 122 N o v M e e T m o 9 m b w 8 i l r s r , 0 v d i l n 1 L 4 c a . N 1 n a R O 2 u C y , h o f t k t C o n o 0 f p u o 3 o i o b r s h C l e e n 8 M b M o s f c o r f l I m o t e p r o f o f e s t h A D 1 p G l r a A y o b e B o e t a t d k e f l n t t n y 2 a h l o f f ” t 2 a s 9 . m e r k 0 e m e n t e n i r r n n , I t h t o w w o e r n u e l s a M d i l p o n k e t t a i s a r i k n l l b r e t s i h n o o o b i k r l t n s i t e s y f h a e r n p e o y i s f e o F o c c r t l h d h t h l f u l e l h h P y m a n a g e k i k i n e a g g b & e F r e s t r t o k l n i t e t i s e d a y p t e i n y e v e e b n t e e m m t a h e r s g m m r r n t a o e n u t o r i r f h e e s i t e n f g M c p l r o t o n e n , n f a a p r b e s a a m l d a a n t a e a o e e p l e h h e n l s t i c s b i r e n ’ , D s h i s o s o u e n g k t o o e i t s s s t s a s e c r s p s h t s i l n r a o u e r t e i i a a v t e e y c D n w s s s w n t i e i p i i i o o s i l u l d t y y u e a f a c e h i c i r l m p e l g f t s a t t u i i & e n h s c d l f m v f r f n o i e o e c i i a o d h h s e n c k c s i r s c e a o n a t y p u u , r y e m m a e t h e r P e n r e F s w t t i e s t d h v e e x n t f i h i h e e f o t t e t e t f l d e a h t p e t T t s s o . e A g e h e . n m a c i d h s t i e u p a a k p i n u g w r s o s i e b r t w h n m u e a d w a s r d o o n u c t e P , t n h e r d o s t h e o e , t e e o a o a i t i v e e w h n t g o t t w d r f v r s t i n p s i e o p m i s e r e v e s w t g a o r e o a o u i f w t D c u e a v t f o e e t D r t s n e o a t s f t s i r o p h e f e a r t s i b i l i t y t o . t 0 f e a s e o e k n o o a s s m r h h i i B u t d t o m a u s e w o r c t c k d p i g c s n f m s u o s m r t o r I e h s t n e e a o c i x h e t n k E r e o e w e . A t k e a k , e u , e k s h o h v u t l b $ j r I y / g C t p t i s a e I d 0 f a e o s m m a h a n . l a d t e a s r e o g s t o u e i e t o s m r o B l a e e r t B g d b n m m i l e m s h b h r a s l e u i t d r i a C n d t e f t r e n n i r s w o e e v s u w i o f e w a M u e e s o o t d e e l o u o k f f e t r c o o M n C h l e o g r A r n t a . t F v w . h e e i t g c e v b s a v t h t e e 5 n r e p t t c n i i f e w e e l , u l l w n p g r e e o t n e n r t h c i t s s e e n a i n s i t o a v u k e S e s m w M t e r o s o r m t n g i l o s u e b t t s T e h a n t i t e o n . m a t 1 b e m a T p 0 w t i y d h d t h u c n e i c n e k e s e g h a a t c a h c . o T s o t t o a l f c $ o 6 s 9 t . f 9 o 9 r t / b h a s e k h e a t n p g i l n u s a g b n a a s k d e d t i s t i o w n a a l s 6 $ b 2 9 r 7 i d 3 g . e 6 0 p l u s . s C i e m e n e e n x W 2 t s l m r r s u t u m g r n e w s k u e a o a s a x o r o v a C D e a r n g 0 E n b b h A o e a a h i a e a s o h . t b h I i h t c r s e p o T t h e h s t s e s m n t c t o w f t B m y r e t t g e s C o o n v e e T k e c i l e e k o t s e e h r e e f t o s t o m s k p g n a s r n h u s e o e d a p i e h b n b r p t a t t q a e a y f e S t e r o b e s a v r r r h e w i l e t h a a w n t h a 0 0 H A n i l y h y l i a w n s r h i s a p e t a o a p t h d w c a h n o h s t t e e e r t , i c o a e v n m k r o s e t n a i c a o r t l e s e h c v a s t u a e v n i c o u o n v a e h D i e y n e o d r a t r s e l s f y n t h o i l l s r t i e p w r k d o d i v e d d e l q n e d n r a v i w s e t e . o e i t i a a t a d r s k s e o A o u d c t n s y a e o t o n e b t c i c s d J a l u o I o F n . r v . o t u e s l m t i n i s f u a u n l t a c r r y e r d d o e n r t i v h 1 D v e i 2 i r s h r f r t e b e S c a o n o r a s p t o e r t h t l i n c a f a n g w e r s t i i o h l a C t o I u n c i l . e l M y , c Q u a r r i e 123 C h a i r o f t h e B I A E x e c u t i v e M a n a g e m e n t B o a r d 124 PETERBOROUGH DECLARATION ON CLIMATE CHANGE 2014 Preamble: Why is the Declaration necessary? Climate change poses a grave threat to the environment of the Greater Peterborough Area (GPA) and therefore to the health and prosperity of its citizens. If left unchecked, climate chaos will result in increasingly expensive and traumatic floods, droughts and extreme storms. Our continued burning of fossil fuels increases the greenhouse gases (GHGs) that are causing the problem. The world's existing fossil fuel reserves, if burned, will produce three to five times the amount of CO2 required to push the planet over 2 degrees C of warming. Science is warning us that warming over 2 degrees will almost certainly result in "dangerous climate change". Therefore, most of the carbon in these reserves must remain in the ground. Society will not change its habits as long as fossil fuels remain the cheaper option. Many economists therefore agree that the most important action we can take is adopting a revenue-neutral carbon tax across Canada, where the taxes are returned to citizens in the form of tax credits. Such a tax is very successful and popular in BC, where it has led to more expensive fossil fuel prices and therefore to less fossil fuel consumption, without hurting the economy. A price on carbon must eventually become part of a global agreement, such as that forged in the 1980s to reduce HFC's in order to protect the ozone layer which shields us from harmful ultraviolet radiation. A low-carbon future will require a rapid move to renewable energy and much greater energy conservation, partly through an emphasis on economic localization: using local resources to produce a large portion of the goods, services, food, and energy we consume. In the process, we will enjoy better health, more jobs and better food. In a forward-looking move, the GPA—the County, City, eight townships and two First Nations—approved a regional Sustainability Plan in 2012 ( The plan will guide our communities in building prosperity and human well-being while mitigating climate change. Out of this plan, in 2014 the GPA has received grants over $400,000 to develop a plan to reduce energy consumption and GHGs. Following the guidance and wisdom from the First Peoples, we seek to ensure Peterborough's and Canada's wellbeing for the next 7 generations. THE DECLARATION Therefore we call on: ♣ Individuals, organizations, businesses and governments to move vigorously and strategically towards more resilient and sustainable communities in all their actions, plans and policies. ♣ Politicians and staff to integrate the existing and evolving Peterborough Sustainability Plan into all municipal planning decisions. ♣ Citizens to require their politicians and other representatives at municipal, provincial, and national levels, to change "business as usual" thinking, and adopt pro-active policies such as the imposition of a carbon tax, and economic localization. This Declaration is supported by the following local groups:Peterborough County-City Health Unit, Peterborough Green-Up, Transition Town Peterborough, Council of Canadians – Peterborough, Community Opportunities & Innovation Network, Hatch Peterborough, Peterborough Greenspace Coalition, Carbon Neutral Kawarthas, Friends of Jackson Park, Peterborough Health Coalition, Peterborough & District Labour Council, Kawartha World Issues Centre, Affirm United Peterborough, Peterborough AIDS Research Network, Sustainable Trent, Peterborough Field Naturalists. 125 # Name Country 1 Robert Paehlke Canada 2 Frank Showler Canada 3 nan and rod wiliamson Canada 4 Paul Cragg Canada 5 Susan Howlett Canada 6 Gwen Johnston Canada 7 Kaitlin Breton-Honeyman Canada 8 Lorna Devan Canada 9 Margaret Slavin Canada 10 Fiona McMurran Canada 11 Alan Slavin Canada 12 Jackie Canada 13 Robert Hood Canada 14 Wayne Schlepp Canada 15 Keith Oliver Canada 16 Kathryn Langley Canada 17 Taylor Mackey Canada 18 Haroon Akram-Lodhi Canada 19 Caroline Tennent Canada 20 Robyn Smith Canada 21 Linda Slavin Canada 22 Bart Hawkins Kreps Canada 23 Dave Patton Canada 24 Rachel Wortis Beda Canada 25 adam prinsen Canada 26 sue nelson Canada 27 Herb Wiseman Canada 28 Paula Wagar-Wilkinson Canada 29 Tim Lawley Canada 30 Sarah Crane Canada 31 Lorraine McCallum Canada 32 Suzanne Galloway Canada 33 Minnie de Jong Canada 34 Lindsay Stroud Canada 35 Isaac Arnold Canada 36 Karen Smith Canada 37 Bill Templeman Canada 38 Jenn McCallum Canada 39 Drew Monkman Canada 40 G Grant Canada Donaldson Page 1/10 126 # Name Country 41 Marianne Beacon Canada 42 Julie Stoneberg Canada 43 Jim Abel Canada 44 Robert Steinman Canada 45 Jane Werger Canada 46 Isabel Stukator Canada 47 Aline Belec Canada 48 Lynda McRae Canada 49 Manfred Pieske Canada 50 Jessica Canada 51 Stephanie Rutherford Canada 52 Sé Keohane Canada 53 Brent Kulba Canada 54 Jason Stabler Canada 55 NO NAME Canada 56 Heather Canada 57 Brendan Jeffery Canada 58 Ann Jaeger Canada 59 B. McCool Canada 60 margot smith Canada 61 Tom and Pat Lawson Canada 62 Jennifer McKay Canada 63 Melissa Canada 64 Martha Whatley Canada 65 Gail Chislett Canada 66 Louise Barraclough Canada 67 Jane Canada 68 Marion Habermehl Canada 69 Thomas Willington Canada 70 Raaj Chatterjee Canada 71 jeff macklin Canada 72 Donna Sinclair Canada 73 George Hewison Canada 74 Devon Code Canada 75 Patricia Macdonald Canada 76 Helen Griffin Canada 77 Ulrike Kretschmar Canada 78 Paul Nicholas Mason Canada 79 Justin Canada 80 Calvin Beauchesne Canada Page 2/10 127 # Name Country 81 jim gill Canada 82 Eileen Nolan Canada 83 Robert Dodd-Aldred Canada 84 Lisa Devan Canada 85 Kate Jarrett Canada 86 Barbara Pearce Canada 87 Brianna foster Canada 88 Sophie Monkman Canada 89 Micky Renders Canada 90 Clarice Ondrack Canada 91 Tammy Anne Gelfand Canada 92 Claire Canada 93 Mary Croft Canada 94 Judith Spencer Canada 95 Elaine Canada 96 Elma Parker Canada 97 Jane Scott Canada 98 Pekka Piirainen United Kingdom 99 Marcus Harvey Canada 100 Nan sidler Canada 101 Monica Piercey Canada 102 Kristen Lloyd Canada 103 Christian Hurst Canada 104 John Canada 105 Ron Niebergall Canada 106 John McLean Canada 107 Kathleen Carter Canada 108 Wendy Marrs Canada 109 Grant Stott Canada 110 Pete Mack Canada 111 Jean Lamoureux Canada 112 George Fogarasi Canada 113 Jane Hoffmeyer Canada 114 Corry Wink Canada 115 Graham Hendren Canada 116 Ian Attridge Canada 117 Ryan Holt Canada 118 Lindsey Canada 119 Glori Beldorai Canada 120 Gillian Canada Page 3/10 128 # Name Country 121 Angela Witt Canada 122 Scott Donovan Canada 123 Pegi Eyers Canada 124 Sue McGregor-Hunter Canada 125 Tiina Kivinen Canada 126 Jayne Finn Canada 127 Desiree Fawn Canada 128 rosana pellizzari Canada 129 David Pickett Canada 130 Erin Clancy Canada 131 Anne Corke Canada 132 laurence Canada 133 Chris Lingard Canada 134 Joanne Canada 135 barry.boyce Canada 136 catherine paradisis Canada 137 Fran Fearnley Canada 138 Ryan Beauchesne Canada 139 Spencer Allan Canada 140 Rob Howard Canada 141 Cheryl Canada 142 Michelle Zhong Canada 143 Gabriella Deubelbeiss-Mathieu Canada 144 Joy Canada 145 Alana Harris Canada 146 Rosemary Ganley Canada 147 Marie O Canada 148 Rosemary Gravenor South Africa 149 Cathy Mitchell Canada 150 T Foster Canada 151 Jeanisa Haider Canada 152 Michelle Monkman Canada 153 Grace MacDonald Canada 154 Warren I. Dunlop Canada 155 John Halls Canada 156 Maryam Monsef Canada 157 Mark Woolley Canada 158 Bruce D Bellaire Canada 159 Steve Russell Canada 160 Jane Ulrich Canada Page 4/10 129 # Name Country 161 Peter Cook Canada 162 D. S. Boddy Canada 163 Catherine McInnis Canada 164 Scott Cisco Canada 165 Laura D Canada 166 Louise Walker Canada 167 Jo Campbell Canada 168 Marisa Barnhart Canada 169 Glen Canada 170 Kathy Mason Canada 171 Sarah McInnis Canada 172 Helen Canada 173 Mike Barker Canada 174 Marg Bell Canada 175 Twyla Douaire Canada 176 Brittany Dunk Canada 177 Laurel Young Canada 178 Jocelyn Mitchell Canada 179 J reid Canada 180 Jared Nonnekes Canada 181 Julia Canada 182 Ray Scott Canada 183 Hayley Cornelius Canada 184 Jesse Wilson Canada 185 Javier Bravo Canada 186 Joyce V Walton Canada 187 Elysabeth Canada 188 M-A Johnston Canada 189 Kelly Canada 190 Lindy Powell Canada 191 Haley MacLeod Canada 192 Troon Harrison Canada 193 ruth shaeffer Canada 194 Kate batelaan Canada 195 Kortney Dunsby Canada 196 lauren roberts Canada 197 Sara D Canada 198 Monique Sheehan Canada 199 Martine Cleary Canada 200 Fred Irwin Canada Page 5/10 130 # Name Country 201 Sheila Nabigon−Howlett Canada 202 Richard Herman Canada 203 Rob Arkell Canada 204 Sarah Canada 205 Vicki Clarke Canada 206 Bill Atkinson Canada 207 Tracy Metcalfe Canada 208 Melanie Kawalec Canada 209 Guy Hanchet Canada 210 Colleen Armstrong Canada 211 Lawrence Keyte Canada 212 Joanne Hewitt Canada 213 Stephen HIll Canada 214 Cathy Basterfield Canada 215 Catherine Therrien Canada 216 Colm Maher Canada 217 Eugenia Ochoa Canada 218 Cdar Canada 219 Susan Canada 220 Alina Cota-Merlo Canada 221 Becca Kram Canada 222 robert mcfarland Canada 223 Dylan morningstar Canada 224 Eric Grimm Canada 225 Jake McCluskey Canada 226 Moira Gale Canada 227 Emma Canada 228 Nicole Canada 229 Katherine Moesker Canada 230 Anastasia Kaschenko Canada 231 Doug Tilley Canada 232 Philip Kienholz Canada 233 Janet Jounstone Canada 234 Krissta Canada 235 Natalie Napier Canada 236 Hermione Rivison Canada 237 Lyn Braun Canada 238 Michael Canada 239 Susan Nelson Lebanon 240 Mark Parnis Canada Page 6/10 131 # Name Country 241 Rachel McVety Canada 242 katie tompkins Canada 243 Andrea Harden Canada 244 Aria Wills Canada 245 Gary Bonczak Canada 246 Donna Churipuy Canada 247 Alanna Morgan Canada 248 Brittany Cadence Canada 249 Wendy Freeburn Canada 250 J.Stanley Canada 251 Wanda Tonus Canada 252 Katherine Morin Canada 253 Kara Koteles Canada 254 Quinn McCord Canada 255 Maeda Canada 256 Bill Templeman Canada 257 Morris Jones Canada 258 Astrid Wednesday Canada 259 David Newport Canada 260 Gayle Crosmaz-Brown Canada 261 Josh Cornelius Canada 262 Donald Fraser Canada 263 Jocasta Boone Canada 264 Ciara Canada 265 Terri Duff Canada 266 John and Kathy MacMillan-Jones Canada 267 Brandon Loney Canada 268 Vern Bastable Canada 269 Sarah Ford Canada 270 Diana Jolles United States of America 271 Deb Canada 272 OPIRG-Peterborough Canada 273 Margaret Canada 274 Eva Webster Canada 275 Shari Darling Canada 276 Bill Skitch Canada 277 Mike Smith Canada 278 Christie Misketis Canada 279 Patricia Lawrence Canada 280 angela townsend Canada Page 7/10 132 # Name Country 281 lori Canada 282 Tim Rollwagen Canada 283 Ron Smith Canada 284 Stephen Bocking Canada 285 Kate Batelaan Canada 286 Julia Canada 287 Sabrina Drooff Canada 288 Stuart Downie Canada 289 Will Roughton Canada 290 Shelby Heath Canada 291 Angela Brockwell Canada 292 Jessica Hobbins Canada 293 Jelena Avramovic Canada 294 Joseph Tonin Canada 295 Ken Canada 296 Stephanie Canada 297 Emily Canada 298 Elaine Canada 299 laurawensink Canada 300 Tiffany Canada 301 Zach Samonas Canada 302 Bryan rutledge Canada 303 Theo Steipe Canada 304 Sarah Del Canada 305 Alexandria Storm Canada 306 Victoria Belle Canada 307 Edith Price Canada 308 Tessa Nasca Canada 309 Margery Walton Canada 310 Kelly Laurence Canada 311 david sumner Canada 312 Brianna Callaghan Canada 313 Linda Vardy Canada 314 Carolyn Vardy Canada 315 Alaine Spiwak Canada 316 Marissa Bolduc Canada 317 Samantha Lynne Koval Canada 318 Sherry Hillman Canada 319 Anne Fisher-Allison Canada 320 Shawn Wallis Canada Page 8/10 133 # Name Country 321 Nick pratt Canada 322 Sharleen Pratt Canada 323 Richard Nunes Canada 324 Mick Keating Canada 325 Susan Hardill Canada 326 Kate King-Fisher Canada 327 Julie Dillon Canada 328 Carol Duncan Canada 329 Jackie Borosa Canada 330 Kate Dillon Canada 331 Michael Ellis Canada 332 Monique Beneteau Canada 333 Luisa Magalhaes Canada 334 Janice McCue Canada 335 Atul Jain Canada 336 Deanna Moher Canada 337 Anne Gallant Canada 338 Lin Bamboulis Canada 339 Susan Mulhall Canada 340 Alison Davidson Canada 341 Christine Post Canada 342 Alida Tanna Canada 343 D Vandenbroek Canada 344 Gisele Roy Canada 345 Paula Mattie Canada 346 David Marshall Canada 347 Ernie Basciano Canada 348 Chantelle Clarke Canada 349 Christine Lowe Canada 350 Verity Barrett Canada 351 Paula Hobart Canada 352 Trish O'Connor Canada 353 David Salis Canada 354 Ashley Stewart Canada 355 Chloe Rayanne Devlin Canada 356 Shaun Canada 357 Natacha Girouard Canada 358 Eric Canada 359 Yvonne Post Canada 360 Elise Post Canada Page 9/10 134 # Name Country 361 Matt P Canada 362 Katrina Manis Canada 363 val wilkins Canada 364 Eremire United States of America 365 Kathleen Vaughan Canada 366 Emily Canada 367 Kaliesha Boudreau Canada 368 Samantha Reid Canada 369 Amy Hunter Canada 370 Amanda Wittmann Canada 371 Emily Slusarek Canada 372 Stacey van Vliet Canada 373 Morgan Canada 374 BD Canada 375 Alyssa Sgro Canada 376 Catriona Bird Canada 377 Maria Enriquez Jakins Canada 378 Brad WS Canada 379 Anders Fish Canada 380 Maya Canada 381 Dylan Dietrich Canada 382 Jessica Young Canada 383 Dylon Canada 384 William Canada 385 Alana MacLean Canada 386 Denis Beauchesne Canada 387 Zainab Rafique Canada 388 Lucas Coletti Canada 389 Amy Morningstar Canada 390 Simon Cretien Canada 391 Shelby Erwin Canada 392 Paige Young-Lowe Canada 393 Kaitlyn Canada 394 elisabeth wallace Canada 395 kat bailey Canada 396 Franky Portelance Canada 397 Cameron Smith Canada Page 10/10 135 The Township of Cavan Monaghan By-law No. 2015-01 Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between The Trustees of the Centreville Presbyterian Church (aka The Trustees for the Congregation of the Centreville Presbyterian Church) (Developer) and the Township of Cavan Monaghan (Municipality) Whereas the Township has accepted a Site Plan and Site Grading Plan to permit the construction of an addition to the Centreville Presbyterian Church and to permit the construction of a new parking lot on properties in Part of Lot 23, Concession 3 of the Cavan Ward and Part of Lot 23, Concession 4 of the Cavan Ward now Township of Cavan Monaghan, County of Peterborough, being all of the lands in PIN Numbers 28018-0091 and 28011-0106; And Whereas the Trustees of the Congregation of the Centreville Presbyterian Church have represented to the Township of Cavan Monaghan that the subject lands are owned by them, and further warrant that all municipal taxes levied against the lands have been paid and will be paid as the same falls due; And Whereas pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act, the Municipality has designated the property as an area for site plan control; And Whereas the parties desire to enter into a Site Plan Agreement in regard to certain on-site features of the development of the said property and the provision of services thereto; Now Therefore the Council of the Township of Cavan Monaghan hereby enacts as follows: 1. That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized on behalf of the Township of Cavan Monaghan to enter into and execute that certain agreement marked Schedule “1” attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. 2. That the By-law shall become effective immediately upon the passing thereof. Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 13th day of January, 2015. ________________________ Scott McFadden Mayor ________________________ Elana Arthurs Clerk 136 The Township of Cavan Monaghan By-law No. 2015-02 Being a by-law to Assume and Dedicate as a Public Highway, a Road Widening. Whereas the Township of Cavan Monaghan controls the road allowance, more particularly described as being Part 2, 3 and 4 on Registered Plan 45R-1346; Now Therefore the Council of the Township of Cavan Monaghan hereby enacts as follows: 1. That the road widening on the east and west side of Elmdale Road, more particularly described as Part 2, 3 and 4 on Registered Plan 45R-1346, Geographic Township of North Monaghan, Township of Cavan Monaghan, is hereby assumed as a public highway. Read a first, second and third time and passed this 13th day of January, 2015. ____________________ Scott McFadden Mayor _____________________ Elana Arthurs Clerk 137