Spring Newsletter 2012
Spring Newsletter 2012
omagh academy grammar school NEWSLETTER SPRING 2012 SPRING CONCERT AT STRULE A HUGE SUCCESS Congratulations to the Music Department for producing an excellent Spring Concert on Tuesday 6th March. This concert has become an annual event for Omagh Academy and we were delighted to avail once again of the wonderful performing space at the Strule Arts Centre. It was really encouraging to see a full auditorium and the community support we enjoy. Over 150 pupils from Years 8-14 graced the stage, for what was a spectacular feast of music-making! The Academy Orchestra opened the concert with three rousing pieces, showing the full extent of our instrumental forces – strings, brass, woodwind and percussion – in the best possible way. A diverse programme followed which highlighted the musical talents of our pupils and staff - Brass Band, String Orchestra, Jazz ensembles, Junior Choir, Senior Choir, Ukulele Orchestra, Bluegrass Group, solo singers, African Drumming, Percussion Ensemble, String Quartet, Vocal Quartet and ending with the traditional show-stopping finale (this year using songs and drama from the musicals ‘A Chorus Line’ and ‘Fiddler on the Roof’. By continuing to support ‘Northern Ireland Music Therapy Trust’ and providing an evening’s entertainment of such high quality, the pupils and staff in the Music Department have shown that the future of the Arts in Omagh is very bright indeed! Well done to all involved! A full report of the concert can be accessed on the school website. ENVIRONMENTAL YOUTHSPEAK 2012 Two Year 9 students, Claire Harpur and Rebecca Smyth, recently represented Omagh Academy in Omagh District Council’s ‘Environmental YouthSpeak 2012’. This is an annual event in which students from across the County compete in a Public Speaking challenge, the title of which is usually set on a current environmental issue. This year’s title was ‘WEEE* Waste, Big Problem, What can we do?’ (*Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment) and even the judges commented on the difficulty of the topic as it is not one of the most WORK EXPERIENCE IN L’HAY-LES-ROSES Omagh’s Twin town, L’Haÿ-les-Roses has invited proverbial forms of recycling. However, the girls rose to the challenge and created very informative, professional and persuasive speeches which showed evidence of good research and solid preparation. They performed incredibly well (Omagh Council Chairman Declan McAleer congratulated Rebecca on her humorous anecdotes!) and received certificates as well as ‘Environmental Goodie Bags’ for having taken part in the event. Both girls should be congratulated on the superb effort they made as well as their success—speaking to an audience can be quite intimidating, but both girls managed formal and adroit deliveries. For more information on the Competition, how to reduce your electrical waste, and much, much more on all things recycling, please visit www.rethinkwasteni.org. And remember! Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! six ‘A level’ French students from Omagh Academy to participate in work experience during their Easter holidays (April 2012). The six students who applied are: Anna Gilmour, Rebekah Irvine, Rachel Kirke, Zoe Deazley, Judith Campbell and Charlotte Kincaid. The girls will be hosted by French families in L’Haÿ and will work in the local primary school teaching the children English, as well as making two visits to a nearby secondary school. This is an excellent opportunity for our language students to immerse themselves fully in French before their exams in May and June. Although they plan to bring their books with them to revise for the imminent exams in their spare time, they will be sure to make the short train ride into Paris to see the famous sights! “Bon Voyage, les filles!” CHARITY PRESENTATION Members of the Junior Choir handed over a cheque for £1060.00 to Cliona Dudgeon, Community Fundraiser for Horizon West Children’s Hospice. The money was collected at the Annual Carol Services held both in school and St Columba’s Parish Church in December, 2011. To date the school has raised over £3000 for Horizon West Children’s Hospice. We would like to thank parents, pupils, Staff and friends of the school for their continued support. The Hospice is due to welcome its first patients in the Spring. UK SENIOR MATHEMATICS CHALLENGE Year 13 and Year 14 mathematics students at Omagh Academy took part in the UK Senior Mathematics Challenge. Thirteen students were successful in receiving either bronze or silver certificates. Congratulations to all pupils who took part and especially to Ryan Patterson & Chloe Campbell who also received ‘Best in School’ certificate. UK INTERMEDIATE MATHEMATICS CHALLENGE Once again, due to other school commitments, about two thirds of Year 11 pupils took part in the UK Intermediate Maths Challenge in February. Y11 students who took part in this competition were successful in receiving 2 gold, 3 silver and 6 bronze certificates. Special Mention must be given to Hannah Patterson and Keane Davison who both received gold certificates. Hannah also achieved ‘Best in School’ certificate and is invited to take part in the ‘Pink kangaroo’ competition on Thursday 15th March. Well done, Hannah. NSPCC NUMBER DAY Year 8 pupils participated in a variety of mathematical games and puzzles including ‘Who wants to be a Mathionaire’ in aid of the NSPCC. An outstanding amount of £1,100 was raised. Well done, Year 8. WORLD MATHS DAY On Wednesday 7th March, Year 8 pupils took part in ‘World Maths Day’. They joined 1.57 million students in a total of 56,082 schools around the world in answering mental arithmetic questions and setting a new world record. Year 8 pupils were most successful in answering questions correctly and the following pupils were placed in the top three: Charlie McKinney (1st), Jodie Nethery (2nd) & Socrates Christodoulou (3rd). PSYCHOLOGY SOCIETY: CRIMINOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY TALK The first event of this year’s society was held just before Christmas, where we had the pleasure of inviting Detective Sergeant Colin Monteith from the PSNI to Omagh Academy for an insight into how Psychology is used within the police service. Detective Sergeant Monteith spoke in great detail about police processes and psychological techniques employed by the police service in the UK. Students posed pertinent questions throughout the talk, and on numerous occasions our guest was able to bring-to-life real theoretical issues being studied by the current A2 students. This was an excellent talk that was well attended by society members… and was, inadvertently, an excellent revision exercise for the A2 January module on Criminological Psychology. A big thank you must go to Detective Monteith for not only giving up his time, but for taking a real interest in the issues raised on the day by Academy students. The Society will be very busy over the coming months with the next event being a film viewing on the mental disorder Schizophrenia, followed by a trip to the Belfast Waterfront Hall in March to see Derren Brown. Students who attended the Talk YEAR 8 RECEIVING THEIR MERIT CETTIFICATES On Wednesday 21st March we invited Mrs Gervais to Year 8 Assembly. Mrs Gervais is a Vice Principal and, before presenting the certificates, she congratulated the pupils on their hard work over the last two terms. Year 8 pupils have been awarded merits by teachers if they produce excellent work or if teachers feel they are worthy of recognition for other activities. These merits accumulate in the pupils’ diaries. Once pupils attain 20 merits they are given a Bronze Certificate, signed by their respective Form Teacher and Year Head. For 40 merits the pupils receive a Silver Certificate and for 60 Merits a Gold Certificate. 31 boys and girls received Merit Certificates on 21st March. 26 received Bronze Certificates. Rachel Hussey, Davina Harkness, Naomi Rainey and Rebekah McKeown received Silver Certificates. Charlie McKinney received a Silver and Gold Certificate! The accompanying photographs show Mrs Gervais presenting the certificates to pupils from each of the four form classes. YEAR 11 UNITISED GCSE SCIENCE EXAMINATIONS In May/June 2012 all pupils in Year 11 will sit the first of their GCSE papers in Science. Double Award candidates will take three papers, which will contribute up to 33% of their final GCSE grade while those who are studying Triple Award Science will also sit three papers, contributing up to 35% of their final GCSE grade for each subject.Parents who wish to obtain further information are asked to contact one of the Heads of Science- Mr Cairns (Biology), Mrs Mason (Chemistry) or Mrs Cousins (Physics). ART AND DESIGN TRIP TO THE ULSTER MUSEUM On Friday 10th February, Art and Design pupils from Year 11, 13 and 14 visited the Ulster Museum in Belfast. As Northern Ireland’s treasure house of the past and present, the museum is home to a rich collection of art, history and natural sciences. The collection included works by Sir John Lavery, Henri Matisse, Francis Bacon, Bridget O’Reilly and Louis le Brocquy, to name but a few. Pupils also had the opportunity to view CCEA’s True Colours exhibition which was hosted by the Ulster Museum for the first time. This exhibition showcased a selection of the best of the GCSE, AS and A2 exam entries from summer 2011, and includes preparatory work alongside the finished pieces. Omagh Academy pupil Glenda Hawkes in Year 14 and former pupil Jennifer Gibson’s coursework was selected for display at this prestigious exhibition. CREATIVE TALENT IS SHOWCASED IN CCEA’S TRUE COLOURS EXHIBITION Congratulations to Glenda Hawkes and former pupil Jennifer Gibson. Their Art and Design coursework was selected for CCEA’s True Colours Exhibition which debuted in the Ulster Museum. The exhibition was a contemporary and unique display of exceptional artwork created by students from schools and colleges across Northern Ireland. Highlights of the exhibition can be viewed by following the CCEA page on Facebook or Twitter. The Art and Design Department are extremely proud of both girls. Glenda is currently completing her A-Level studies and Jennifer has embarked on the Foundation Studies course in Art and Design at Leeds University. We wish them continued success in their future creative endeavours. YEAR 10 PARENTS’ EVENT ON CYBER-BULLYING Keeping our children safe as they use the internet is a topic of concern for both parents and teachers. On the 1st February Year 10 pupils attended a PSNI Citizen and Safety Education workshop on cyberbullying in the Strule Arts Centre. The Academy thought it would be beneficial to raise awareness of the same safety issues with parents and Dr Noel Purdy from Stranmillis College, a leading expert in the field of cyber-bullying, was invited to give a talk to Year 10 parents.On Wednesday 15th February Dr Purdy gave an enlightening presentation to the parents about the forms and characteristics of cyber-bullying and what parents can do and ways to prevent cyber-bullying. A lively discussion took place after the presentation on ways to respond to cyber bullying.Thanks to all those parents who were able to attend the event and a special thanks to Dr Purdy for his very informative presentation and for the leaflets distributed to those present. If any parent, who was unable to attend, but would like a copy of the leaflets please contact Mrs Davidson. ‘ODE TO A STICK’ Year 14 pupil Mhairi Braden recently featured in an article in the Tyrone Herald. As part of her application to an Art College in Glasgow, Mhairi made a two minute video entitled ‘Ode to a Stick’, over a two day period, which was then uploaded onto You Tube to be viewed by the Admissions Panel. In total, Mhairi took 1,400 still photographs to create her video which is set to ‘Plastic Stars’ by Freezepop. Mhairi was given the remit that her video could be as weird or as unusual as she wanted. OXBRIDGE SUCCESS Two Year 14 pupils are to be congratulated on receiving conditional offers from Oxbridge. Grace O’Neill (Head Girl) has received an offer from Emmanuel College, Cambridge to read History, and Aaron Hanson, an offer from Mansfield College, Oxford to read PPE. TAKE AWAY -MY WAY COOKERY COMPETITION Congratulations to Samuel Hunter Year 10 who has reached the All Island Final of the Take Away My Way cookery competition. Mrs Davidson’s Year 10 Set 1 entered the competition and we are all delighted that Samuel was selected from 1000 entries to take part in the Final. Samuel will travel to St. Angela’s College, Co. Sligo later in the month where he will work hard to impress the judges including celebrity chef Nevin Maguire with his ‘Hunter Mac Chicken burger’. We would all like to wish Samuel well in the final and we are very proud of Samuel’s achievements. YEAR 11 LMC COOKING DEMONSTRATION On Friday 13th of January and Thursday 26th January seventy Year 11 and 12 pupils who do GCSE Home Economics were treated to a very interesting and practical cookery demonstration by Margaret Anderson from the Livestock and Meat Commission. She came to the Academy to demonstrate a range of meat dishes and provide information on the Farm Quality Assurance scheme. The first dish she demonstrated was Mozzarella Meatballs with tomatoes and bacon and she showed us step by step what she was doing and told us some interesting facts about the meat and its nutritional value such as Omega 3, Zinc and Iron. One of the reasons that we all enjoyed this demonstration was because we weren’t just sitting watching, it was an interactive demonstration and it will be very useful to us when creating our own meat dishes. She then made a Creamy Peppered Beef dish which we all enjoyed watching and learning about. We were all very happy at the end to have the opportunity to taste these dishes. We would like to take the opportunity to thank Margaret for a very enjoyable demonstration. She gave us all a copy of the current LMC recipe book, Love Beef, and this will be very useful as it contains lots of healthy recipes to make in school and new dishes at home! By Keeva McIlwaine 11D KS4/5 TRIP TO SPAIN After many months of planning and excited awaiting, 42 students from the Spanish Department headed of to discover the beauty of Andalucía in Southern Spain. Despite the very early start, we were raring to go and as soon as we landed in Málaga airport we started the journey up into the Ronda Mountains. The weather was glorious and the journey very picturesque. Most of us had our first taste of Spanish cuisine before crossing the ‘New Bridge’ over a very deep gorge and exploring the beauty of the old town. When we got to our hotel that evening, we were delighted with the rooms, the pool, the buffet dinner and the fact that we were only a 3 minute walk from the beach! The next few days were spent travelling around Andalucía and visiting the wonderful cities of Granada and Sevilla which we all agreed we would love to return to again. The Alhambra Palace, the 3rd most visited tourist attraction in the world, was a highlight for many of us. Its Moorish architecture and endless views were something we will not quickly forget.Our day in Gibraltar was also an unforgettable one. We found the mix of Spanish and English very strange and a little unsettling. However, the cable car up the side of ‘The Rock’ was incredible, albeit nerve-wrecking for a few! The views over the Mediterranean were outstanding and we could just about make out the North African coastline. When we got out at the top we were immediately met by dozens of monkeys curious to see what we had in our bags. Judging by the number of photos that were taken that day, they definitely proved a big hit! From a teacher’s perspective, it was great to hear pupils talking in Spanish and learning new vocabulary from the outset. We were very proud of their efforts and involvement in everything we did, including participating in our Flamenco dancing classes at which some excelled, and trying all sorts of seafood from the delicious paella laid on by the chefs at our hotel! I have no doubt that this has been a very worthwhile trip for all concerned and one that will stay with us all for many years to come. ¡VIVA ESPAÑA! AS GERMAN FILM DAY AT QFT When our teacher suggested visiting the Queen’s Film Theatre [QFT] to watch ‘Das Wunder von Bern’ [The Miracle of Bern] we all thought the visit would prove to be really beneficial, exciting and enjoyable and, sure enough, the trip lived up to our expectations. It was great to see so many pupils there with the same goals in mind [mind the pun], i.e. to watch the underdogs, Germany, score 3-2 against the formidable Hungarian team in the 1954 FIFA World championship. But even more than that, we were all there to learn German and a great deal about Germany’s history, culture and economical depressed condition in the 1950s. The day began with an introduction in German to the film and ended with a number of workshops, all led by Wolfgang Winkler, director of the Goethe Institut, Manchester, whom we just loved! He was easy to understand, funny, interesting and we learned a lot. Indeed, Mark was so taken by him that he wants to call his son ‘Wolfgang’. . The film itself was in German of course, with German sub-titles to promote understanding. The main story line is about a father-son relationship. Richard Lubanski, a traumatized, bitter POW, returns home from Russia, but life has changed – he does not recognise his wife, is unable to return to work as a miner and shows disdain for Fußball, the passion of his son, Matthias. However, as the film progresses, and as the German team draws nearer to the World Cup final, Matthias, through his passion for football and his fighting spirit, rekindles a love of life in his dad’s heart. At the end the young boy is taken by his dad to Bern, where he provides his idol, Helmut Rahn, with the inspiration for the winning goal. All events combine to give a sense of the euphoria and pride experienced by the German nation, as it emerges from its depressed state. We thank CILT and the Goethe Institut for a most memorable day and we are already looking forward to what they have in store for us for next year. YEAR 9 G.I.S. WORKSHOP On Monday 6th February, two representatives from the Derrygonnelly Centre paid Omagh Academy’s Geography Department a visit. My class, 9B was the lucky class chosen for this workshop. The instructors introduced that G.I.S. stood for Geographic Information System and told us what it was. We discovered that Google Maps and Google Earth were forms of G.I.S. Throughout the lesson we were shown how maps could have data added to them and how it could point out useful information when making certain decisions. The best thing about the lesson, was definitely when we got to have a go at using Google Earth. It looked very complicated at first but with the guidance of Miss Maybin and the two representatives, the whole class was successful in the tasks. After the session, I (like many other students) went straight home, downloaded Google Earth and put into practice what I had learned that day. So now I will always be able to add nametags, mark rivers, insert layers, make areas 3-D and complete many more tasks. These are all skills which will be useful now and in the future. Rachel Montgomery 9B YEAR 14 PHYSICS PUPILS ATTEND MASTER CLASS IN PARTICLE PHYSICS Muons, pions, mesons, hadrons and bosons- what are they and how do they behave? This and much more was the basis of a very intriguing master class on particle Physics held at Queen’s University on the 13th January. Year 14 Physics students from Omagh Academy were able to join with other schools to find out about the research being carried out at the frontiers of particle physics and to analyse data from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) for themselves. The first lecture, given by Dr Alan Barr (Oxford University), introduced pupils to quark theory and Has Michael found the Higgs force carriers called bosons. He explained why it was Boson???? necessary to accelerate protons to very high speeds before collisions in the Large Hadron Collider and how the debris from “a fruit cocktail” of collisions was analysed. The figures were impressive: voltages of 40 billion volts, photographs taken at a rate of 40 million per second with resolutions better than a hair width! Then it was our turn to examine these photographs. We were all assigned a set of data from the LHC and started to work looking for evidence of bosons. The exercise gave us experience in handling real data from the collider and allowed us to appreciate the patience and expertise needed to gain evidence for any new theory. In contrast to the “smaller than microscopic” scale in the first talk the second lecture, “Revealing the dark side of the universe”, by Dr Pete Edwards (Durham University) looked at the immense size and complexity of our universe. We were told to “hold up a grain of sand at arms length towards the sky and appreciate that behind that grain lies 10,000 galaxies”. We can see light from galaxies at distances of 13 billion light years yet all we see only comprises 4 % of what is out there. With 96% of the universe comprised of dark matter and dark energy, neither of which are understood, the future for Physics is as challenging and exciting as its past. NORTH WEST DRAMA FESTIVAL FOR SCHOOLS On the 12th and 13th of March, Omagh Academy Drama Club participated in the North West Drama Festival for Schools at the Alley Theatre in Strabane. This festival was a great success and was enjoyed by the performers and audience alike. The North West Schools Drama Festival has come to the Alley for the third year running and high quality drama was on the menu. The Schools which participated this year included Holy Cross College performing a scene from ‘The Crucible’ by Arthur Miller, Royal and Prior Comprehensive performing ‘Hamlet’, St Cecilia’s College performing ‘The Shakers’. Coleraine Academical Institution performed a comedy entitled ‘Wired’, Thornhill College with their own adaptation of ‘The Shakers’ and Ballygawley’s St Ciaran’s College. Each participating school performed a 20 minute sketch in front of a packed auditorium and the festival judge was celebrated actor Dan Gordon. There were some great acting talents among the different schools; each bringing their own presence to the stage. This competition was a wonderful opportunity for our fantastic drama enthusiasts to showcase their talents. We have been working on an adaptation of ‘The Terrible Fate of Humpty Dumpty’ by David Calcutt, since September. This involved auditioning for parts, adapting the script, organising scenes, costumes and props. The class have worked very hard to finalise and perfect their scenes. As the youngest competitors, the students did remarkably well. Three students Hannah Jones, Rachel Montgomery and Rebekah Mc Keown achieved Highly Commended for Best Supporting Actress. A fantastic achievement! OMAGH ACADEMY – LORETO GRAMMAR YEAR 8 LINK UP Both the Academy and Loreto Grammar School have signed up to and taken part in the WELB’s “Promoting Reconciliation through a Shared Curriculum Experience” programme. The programme has been carried out to help our young people from different backgrounds get to know each other better and have a better understanding of other people’s culture. As part of this programme, Mr Geoff Bingham from Omagh Academy and Mr John Quinn from Loreto Grammar took part in a training course with many other teachers last October. At the course the teachers took part in workshops and were given resources that they could use in the upcoming lessons.Over the last five months twelve lessons were delivered to the pupils – some separately at each school and other lessons together. We had two joint lessons at Omagh Academy and one at Loreto Grammar. At these joint lessons Mr Bingham and Mr Quinn and a year 8 class from both schools have met together and taken part in activities that explore differences in our communities in N Ireland. We have discussed peace walls, uniforms and emblems, flags, suggested ways of reconciling our communities, carried out role plays and, last but not least, simply made friends with boys and girls from our own area. Researchers from Queen’s University have been involved in the programme. They have an interest in investigating how pupil attitudes and understanding of other cultures might change due to a programme such as this. All the research is anonymous. It has been a very enjoyable year and it is planned that these lessons and meet-ups will resume next year. Pupils from Loreto and Omagh Academy enjoying themselves!! SUCCESS FOR THE BADMINTON TEAMS The Junior Girls badminton team qualified for the Ulster Schools League finals this year. They won all their league games beating Banbridge Academy 5-1, Hunterhouse 6-0, Bloomfield collegiate 5-1 and Ballyclare HS 6-0. Unfortunately at the finals in Lisburn on the 9th March they were very narrowly beaten by Bloomfield Collegiate, 4-2. The end result depended on the very last game on the court. The team was Claire Watson playing as number 1, Gemma Armstrong playing as number 2, Laura Kennedy number 3 and Jodie Hood number 4. The Junior cup team qualified for the semi-finals of the Ulster Schools Cup. They had a very tough draw against a strong Sullivan Upper team but came out the winners on points. They then played a very strong Wallace team in the semi-final and were beaten 6-0. Wallace went on to win the final. This team was number 1 Jessica Sproule, number 2 Erin Ballantine, number 3 Claire Watson and number 4 Gemma Armstrong. THE SHOW JUMPING TEAMS DO IT AGAIN! Morgan Semple, Emma Kane, Harley Semple and Georgia Waterson Two of our show jumping teams made the long journey to Portmore Equestrian Centre at Aghalee on 19th March to compete in an InterSchools Competition The number of entries was huge and it turned out to be a long day as the show jumping started at 9am with primary schools and didn’t finish until 11.15pm! The Omagh Academy Junior Team of Hannah Leonard on Mandy and Blue Moon, Connie Gibson on Minstrel and Gemma Elkin on Tucker performed very well but were out of the prizes. Our Senior Team of Harley Semple on Beech hall, Emma Kane on Babbling Brook Rocky, Morgan Semple on Brook Park Trixi and Georgia Waterson on Lenamore Lena was in scintillating form against stiff opposition and won the competition by 30 seconds, a wide margin in show jumping terms. The girls also performed well individually – Harley Semple won the competition with Georgia Waterson 4th and Emma Kane 5th.The competition ran on very late for our senior team but our success made it all worthwhile. Thank you to all the parents for their unending support, we could not do it without you. OMAGH ACADEMY 1ST XV – NORTHERN BANK SCHOOLS TROPHY WINNERS 2012 With the rugby season now finished at School we can reflect on a season of mixed emotions. The senior squad enjoyed a fun filled tour to Edinburgh only to return to Northern Ireland and be eliminated from the Schools Cup by Banbridge in the 2nd Rd. This put the 1st XV into the Schools Trophy competition. With convincing wins over Lurgan College and Portora we progressed to a Schools Trophy final for the second successive year. The 1st XV squad beat Larne Grammar 9-5 in a thrilling Final at Stevenson Park. Our performance did not match the Quarter or Semi Final. However, we did what was required on a nervous afternoon at Stevenson Park. The 2nd XV progressed to the Quarter Final on the 2nd XV Plate competition only to be defeated by Strabane Grammar. The squad went into this game a little complacent after excellent wins against two touring English teams and Carrickfergus Grammar School. We have entertained five touring schools in Omagh this season. The U13 and U14 squads enjoyed wins over King Henry VII of Wales, Chellaston Academy of England and Royal Grammar School, Newcastle England. We entered two teams into this year Ulster Schools 7’s tournament held at Campbell College. The senior squad were in the most difficult of groups, playing BRA, Down High and Campbell College along the way. The Medallion Squad missed out on qualifying for the Quarter finals when they lost narrowly to Wellington College (eventual finalists) in their final pool game. The House Rugby is always the finale to the rugby season. This year’s winners were:Junior – Drumragh Intermediate – Drumragh Senior - Camowen Finally, all the players at the school would like to thank their sponsor TC Autos and all those who have supported any of the teams during the season. COOKSTOWN HS 0 : OMAGH ACADEMY 1 On Friday 16th March, Omagh Academy 1stXI again played Cookstown HS in a bid to lift the West of Ulster League title for a record 12th year in a row. For the Year 14 pupils Alex McKinley, Alice Logan, Kathryn Graham, Emma Harper and Julie Parke, this game was to be their last in Omagh Academy colours, as they will soon embark on a new journey at university. From the first whistle, Omagh set out with a clear purpose. Their link up passing on both sides of the pitch was immaculate, and Chelsey Sawyers moved into central defence to allow Irish U16 trialist and Ulster U16 player Laura Kennedy to shine in centre midfield. Both players showed their vision by threading many balls through to the forward line aided by the movement of Rebecca McKeown. Her link up play with top goal scorer Laura White terrorised the defence, but despite efforts on goal, no one was at hand to force the ball into the net. After the break, aright sided break from Alice Logan released Rebecca McKeown who crossed the ball to Laura White whose shot was saved by the keeper but the rebound slotted home by Rebecca McKeown. With the score at 1 nil, Cookstown began to show determination in attack, but any danger was dealt with by the patient defence, and of course the increasingly confident keeper Rachel Armstrong. Julie Parke, Emma Harper and Roslyn Graham provided fresh legs for the tense final 10 minutes. However, the final whistle sounded, and Alex McKinley lifted the trophy and spoke with emotion to thank her team, the opposition, umpires and coaches. The squad and coaching staff would like to thank Mr Arbuthnot and Norman Purdy for umpiring throughout the season as well as all the support from parents and sponsors. Best wishes and thanks also go to the players who leave school this year to university. Squad: Rachel Armstrong, Alex McKinley, Kathryn Graham, Laura Kennedy, Carol Fleming, Alice Logan, Chelsey Sawyers, Lauren McCollum, Rebecca McKeown, Laura white, Honour Nethery, Emma Harper, Julie Parke, Roslyn Graham and Jade Allerton. Congratulations to the Omagh Academy players who are representing the Western Board in the Area Board tournaments: U17 – Laura White, Lauren McCollum, Carol Fleming, Chelsey Sawyers, Roslyn Graham, Sarah Graham U15 – Chloe Frazer, Claire McFarland, Cari McKinley, Megan Swann, Jenny Hemphill 2BXI CUP FINAL OMAGH ACADEMY 2 : RAINEY 1 Omagh Academy’s 2BXI have clinched the Gibson Cup for the second year in succession after beating Rainey Endowed in a thriller at Royal School Dungannon. Holly Nelson’s young team, comprising of mostly Year 11s has only suffered 2 defeats this season and after beating Ballyclare High in the semi final, the squad approached the final in a confident mood, but faced an unknown quantity in Rainey Endowed. Both teams took a while to settle into the game, as it appeared that nerves were taking hold. Mid way through the first half, Rainey had a break down their left, and with a burst into the circle saw the first penalty corner of the game. After a first time shot was blocked by Danielle Catterson in goals, Rainey were first to the rebound ball and slotted the ball home to make the score 1:0. Omagh responded well from the restart with a hunger to level the score. This led to numerous breaks including a threaded ball from Sarah Graham to the substitute Julie Parke put her clear, and her goal bound shot found its way to the back of the net. After the break, constant attacks through midfield from Kirsten Duncan, Sarah Graham and Megan Swann brought many chances on goal, but the Rainey keeper was superb to ensure the score remained level. It took a goal line scramble to put Omagh ahead, when after a penalty corner was saved, Claire McFarland and Jodie Hood combined to force the ball across the line. Similar chances followed, with Omagh determined to put the game beyond doubt. The constant pressure led to the inevitable counter attack from Rainey, who to their credit never gave up, and spent the last 10 minutes of the game forcing the Omagh defence back into their circle. However, the final whistle sounded and Captain Holly Nelson was presented the cup by an Ulster hockey representative to a huge applause and cheer from the excellent supporters, and her squad proudly accepted their medals. This was a tremendous achievement for the squad, as a second successive victory in any Ulster competition is a rare occurrence. 2BXI 2012 Squad: EVERY SCHOOL A GOOD SCHOOL: The Way Forward for Special Educational Needs [SEN] and inclusion [Message from the Department of Education] The Department of Education has asked that parents be informed that the Education Minister, John O’Dowd, has published the Summary Report of Responses to the formal consultation on the Review of Special Educational Needs and inclusion. This Report provides a factual summary and analysis of the responses to the high level policy proposals contained in the consultation document “Every School a Good School: The Way forward for Special Educational Needs [SEN] and Inclusion’ and the associated Equality Impact Assessment. The Minister’s foreward provides an indication of the way the proposals may be taken forward. Copies of the consultation Summary Report and its associated Appendices can be viewed and downloaded from the Departments website at http://www.deni.gov.uk/index/7special educational needs pg/review of special educational needs and inclusion.htm Printed copies are available for individuals who do not have access to the internet. These can be obtained by contacting the Department of Education: By telephone: 02891279762 By email: seninclusion@deni.gov.uk By writing: Review of SEN and Inclusion Team, Room G18, Department of Education, Rathgael House, 43 Balloo Road, Bangor, Co Down, BT19 7PR DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Murley Silver Band in concert with Omagh Academy Brass Band in the Assembly Hall Friday, 27 April @ 7.30 pm AUTUMN TERM DATES: Year 8 Commence Year 13 Commence All other pupils commence Prize Day Half Term Thursday, 30 August 2012 Friday, 31 August 2012 Monday, 3 September 2012 Wednesday, 19 September 2012 Monday 29 October - Friday 2 November MORE PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE SUCCESSFUL CONCERT Members of Back Beat Percussion Ensemble perform “Peter Gunn” by Henry Mancini. Year 12 student Honour Nethery performs “Star of the County Down” with Senior Choir The Music Department would like to thank all those who contributed to this year’s Concert. Over £1000 will be forwarded to Northern Ireland Music Therapy Trust. GCSE and A-level Music Students perform “An-Ta” with the African Drumming Ensemble
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