profiles - Briljante onderneemster


profiles - Briljante onderneemster
Brilliant Entrepreneur programme
Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo
November 2015 - June 2016
Profiles of the participants
Ana Damjanoska-Popovska
Create cheerful structures
Participant: Enterprise: Website: Email:
Ana Damjanoska-Popovska
Skopje, Macedonia
Product: A wide range of metal products, designed metal office furniture.
Turnover (2014):
EUR 100.000
Employees & clients:
Number of permanent employees:
10 (3 women, 7 men)
Number of providers/suppliers:
~40 (~10 women, ~30 men)
Number and type of clients:Mostly local clients, including panel builders, construction companies,
architects, interior designers. The number is around 50 active clients.
Talent: Create cheerful structures
Make people feel special in their working environment
Reason of existence
I produce designed metal office furniture for modern people, so that they can feel special in their working environment.
Hopefully, in time, we can change the mindset of people in choosing metal office furniture over wooden because it can be
as beautiful.
5 years plan
To have a grown up company, well established on the domestic market and continuously spreading on foreign markets
with happy employees and many more satisfied customers.
Short-term objective
Redesign at least one piece of office furniture.
A partner for introduction to the market in the Netherlands. Technical knowledge about industrial design, process of
production etc.
Ana Maria Seferaj
Positive energy
Participant: Enterprise: Website: Email:
Ana Maria Seferaj
ABC Center
Tirana, Albania
Product: Kindergarten: education for small children (0-3 years old).
Turnover (2014):
EUR 27,715
Employees & clients:
Number of permanent employees:
Number of temporary employees: Number and type of clients:
5 (5 women)
3 (2 women, 1 man)
ABC center offers service for 60 families in Tirana. 5 of the families are
mixed Albanian and foreign persons.
Talent: Positive energy
Make children and parents stronger
Reason of existence
I deliver a) education to small children in order to make them big people b) counseling to stressed parents in order to make
them believe in themselves that they can do it and c) personalized stories to children in order to make them believe in their
dreams and smile.
5 years plan
ABC Centre actually has 60 children. In 5 years time I will have 120 children (full capacity). We will start projects for an early
child development sports center, an afterschool program and a summer school. We will fight for the project ‘Every child in
Kindergarten’. Mother school project: a full counseling center and education for good parenting. I will have a collection of
my own written children, toddlers and baby books.
Short-term objective
Trainings provided by Netherlands educational institution for sharing new tools, implemented in her work.
To see education institutions for children from 0-3 years old work in order to create a perfect program for the ABC center
including the content of the programmes, functional regulations for this age group, staff trainings and tools for realizing
Aneta Antova Pesheva
We can do IT solutions
Participant: Enterprise: Website: Email:
Aneta Antova Pesheva
Ultra / Unet Cloud /
Skopje, Macedonia
Product: IT solutions, cloud hosting services and cloud systems solutions.
Turnover (2014):
EUR 1,895,995
Employees & clients:
Number of permanent employees:
Number of temporary employees: Number and type of clients:
66 (34 women, 32 men)
8 (4 women, 4 men)
Financial institutions, insurance companies, supermarkets, major online
information portals, health care institutions and hospitals (> 500).
We can do IT solutions
Solve problems quickly on an as high as possible level
Reason of existence
We are doing IT system integration for finance institutions to solve problems quickly on an as high as possible level. We can
do IT solutions for every company, small or big.
5 years plan
I see my company to become one of the leaders in the region for IT solutions. A lot of regions in the world, including ours,
consist of small fragmented economies and only regional and wider cooperation can help women entrepreneurs to reach
bigger markets, to develop their companies and sustainable business models.
Short-term objective
A pilot class room with children from different backgrounds (languages) learning together using the smartboard and
digital learning material.
Financing for regional projects in internet technology. Computer IT companies that need outsourcing to us. Hosting social/
newspaper/media and web designers which can produce web solutions for the Dutch market.
Anisa Kadareja
I am wise
Participant: Anisa Kadareja
Enterprise: MIA Organic
Product: Natural, organic and traditional Albanian products.
Turnover (expected 2015):EUR 250,000
Employees & clients:
Number of permanent employees:
7 (5 women, 2 men)
Number of temporary employees: 1 (1 man)
Number of providers/suppliers:
30 (7 women and 23 men)
Number and type of clients:
We have more than 500 trusted clients. They are both Albanian and
Talent: I am wise
I like to listen to the people and then analyze all the variabilities and decide for the best solution, wisely
Reason of existence
I offer natural, organic and traditional Albanian products to people who care about their health in order to solve their
worries about what they are eating and to help our providers (in rural areas) to grow more, promoting Albanian products.
5 years plan
To wish to grow a) MIA to be a chain of organic Albanian markets with her own standard and her brand b) to create farms
that produce with MIA standards and export their products c) to fund a foundation which can finance projects or local
producers to produce by themselves to support the community.
Short-term objective
A new MIA store and restaurant will be operational, with more certified products.
Fridges to move fresh products, refrigerated room to collect more volume in Tirana and the funds to purchase these.
Information about organic food and products. More training in management of a start-up. Partnership to certify our
farmers in rural areas in order to increase the number of products in MIA.
Anita Spasovska
Natural, traditionally prepared products
Participant: Enterprise: Website: Email:
Anita Spasovska
Bucen Kozjak DOO
Kumanovo, Macedonia
Product: High-quality dairy products; milk, cheese, yoghurt.
Turnover (2014):
EUR 4,461,524
Employees & clients:
Number of permanent employees:
Number of temporary employees: Number and type of clients:
65 (21 women, 44 men)
15 (4 women, 11 men)
We work with local and regional clients in Macedonia. Approximately we
have 1,750 clients (270 local, 1,480 regional).
Talent: Create cohesion
Natural, traditionally prepared products
Reason of existence
To satisfy the needs of our final consumers.
I produce high-quality dairy products, natural products prepared in a traditional manner, straight from the farmers.
5 years plan
Bucen Kozjak will be the biggest company that produces more than three dairy products. We will also export our products
to other countries.
Short-term objective
To produce and sell pasteurised milk in plastic bottles.
Second hand equipment for dairy products. Visit dairy companies who produce different type of milk products, to get
new ideas for new products and production ways. To create a development strategy to my company. Get information on
different types of packaging material for plastic bottles for milk products.
Arita Tahiri
Tailor made and complete IT solutions
Participant: Enterprise: Website: Email:
Product: Arita Tahiri
Virtuo ICT
Pristina, Kosovo
IT services and solutions: cloud computing, data protection, infrastructure and security.
Turnover (2014):
EUR 1,474,561
Employees & clients:
Number of permanent employees:
Number of temporary employees: Number of providers/suppliers:
Number and type of clients:
7 (2 women, 5 men)
4 (1 woman, 3 men)
11 (3women, 8 men)
We have numerous clients in government sector, financial institutions,
banks, and telecommunication businesses in Kosovo and the Balkan
Talent: Bring structure
Tailor made and complete IT solutions
Reason of existence
We deliver ‘IT’ services to government, financial institutions and telecom companies in order to solve their business needs,
with tailor made and complete IT solutions, hardware, software and other support and maintenance services.
5 years plan
I wish to expand my business: more departments and more employees, especially women who will bring new ways of
creative thinking.
Short-term objective
ISO 27001 certification for information security.
Financial support (about euro 100.000 external funding) to build our private, hybrid, public cloud and in same time help
other companies to have their hosting in our cloud, containing storage system, blade servers, VMware cloud licences,
back-up system, network system and firewall. Partnership with similar companies that offer cloud systems at international
level to support our system internationally.
Edona Maliqi
Handmade and natural products
Participant: Enterprise: Email:
Product: Baklava
Turnover (2014):
EUR 565,575
Employees & clients:
Number of permanent employees:
Number of temporary employees: Number of providers/suppliers:
Number and type of clients:
Edona Maliqi
NTP Edona
Ferizaj, Kosovo
32 (29 women, 3 men)
20 (19 women, 1 man)
1 woman
144 local clients
Talent: To build confidence to act
Baklava with excellent quality and taste
Reason of existence
We offer a traditional 100-years old product called Baklava. We produce and sell it in all Kosovo. The speciality of our
product is that it is handmade and natural and it is really popular because of the quality and the taste. Even for those who
do not like baklava, after they tried it, they want it.
5 years plan
Working in the new factory with European standards and exporting.
Short-term objective
Decide on whether to distribute or produce Netherlands products (like syrup waffles-stroopwafels).
Different packaging for family packaging and individual pack for baklava, designs etc. Packaging machinery for export.
Funding for the syrup waffle (stroopwafel) project. About 1 million investment funds for new factory in high standard
European standards. Cooperate with Netherlands company for distribution of syrup waffles and other Dutch products.
Fatmira Guzina Cima
Wild crafted and 100% natural product
Participant: Enterprise: Website: Email:
Fatmira Guzina Cima
Faberti Group
Durres, Albania
Product: Conventional & organic dried medical herbs and spices, 90-100 varieties.
Turnover (2014):
EUR 700,000
Employees & clients:
Number of permanent employees:
Number of temporary employees: Number of providers/suppliers:
Number and type of clients:
16 (11 women, 5 men)
25 (20 women, 5 men)
12 (8 women, 4 men)
Faberti Group has 30 clients from pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and tea
industry, in many countries as USA, England, Germany, Russia, Srilanka,
India, Austria, and Australia.
Talent: Taking care, of everything and everyone
Wild crafted and 100% natural product
Reason of existence
Faberti Group offers medicinal herbs and spices, a wide range of 90-100 products in different ways; whole, cut and sifted.
Tea Bag Cut. We offer these products in small and large quantities (100 kg-15 tons). Our main products are sage, thyme,
savory, marshmallow, cornflower, elderflower, blackberry, lemon balm, nettle leaf, etc. All products are wild crafted and
100% natural. Our company is certified ISO 22000-2005 HACCP, ISO 9001-2008. Our products are organic and kosher
certified. We perform fast and efficient management with clients and suppliers.
5 years plan
We plan to a) build a new warehouse with new production line to produce final products b) have a sterilizaton line c) grow
the turnover of our company d) employ more employees.
Short-term objective
To be in negotiation with 2 business partners from the Netherlands.
Machinery for further processing and small packing herbs. Partnership or Joint Venture with buyers of herbs and spices.
Flutra Germizaj
I find alternatives
Participant: Enterprise: Website: Email:
Flutra Germizaj
Park School Pristina
Pristina, Kosovo
Product: Montessori child day care services in English.
Turnover (2014):
EUR 56,714
Employees & clients:
Number of permanent employees:
7 (6 women, 1 man)
Number of temporary employees: 2 (both women)
Number of children in daycare centre:
Talent: Finding alternatives
Reason of existence
I deliver children daycare services for international families that are looking for an English speaking international
Monteressori school.
5 years plan
I am planning to grow my business to 40 and more children, with 4 groups of different ages, teachers trained in
Montessori internationally and get international Montessori licencing.
Short-term objective
Meet international Montessori schools that will provide training to the school to implement the Montessori licence.
Technical support from experienced staff and partnerships with Montessori Kindergartens worldwide to expand
knowledge and exchange teachers. Additional funding (euro 15,000) for teacher training, montessori equipment and
handbooks in English language.
Gordana Janicijevic
A home far away from home
Participant: Enterprise: Website: Email:
Gordana Janicijevic
Hotel Mramor ® - Home Away From Home ®
Skopje, Macedonia
Product: Hotel Mramor and interior & product designing.
Turnover (2014):
EUR 107,000
Employees & clients:
Number of permanent employees:
Number and type of clients:
8 (4 women, 4 men)
For our hotel services and interior & product designs we have clients
world-wide. We are not focused to a special target group because we
cooperate throughout the world.
Talent: Connected creativity
A home far away from home
Reason of existence
Family owned Hotel Mramor ® is your ‘Home Far Away From Home’ ® since 1995. Fullfilled with warm and soft colours,
offering accommodation to guests from all over the world in order to have delighted customers. That is a real treasure and
their word of mouth are most valuable for every business.
5 years plan
Hotel interior design project – Interested in collaboration for interior design or renovations in hospitality and leisure
environments in order to restore an iconic landmark or create a new brand identity.
Short-term objective
Circling my 7 years of designing with branding myself as a interior & product designer and protect my brand with a
registered trade mark.
To find clients for my interior & product design services, such as hotel & leisure companies and chains, architecture and
interior & product designs studios and to find companies that buy product designs and prototypes. Also, to find tour
operators willing to create tours for Macedonia, to whom I can show our capacities and all other premises and services
that our Hotel Mramor ® - Home Away From Home ® together with our incoming tourist agency Macedonia Travel
Story offers.
Kristina Tozija
I creatively move boundaries
Participant: Enterprise: Website: Email:
Kristina Tozija
Star Talk
Skopje, Macedonia
Product: Translation services; a child development centre (3-6 year old children); English and German
workshops (school for foreign languages).
Turnover (2014):
EUR 20,536
Employees & clients:
Number of permanent employees:
Number of temporary employees: Number and type of clients:
6 (all women)
1 woman
Clients are mainly local. For the translation services we also have regional
and international clients.
Talent: To move boundaries, creatively
Reason of existence
In the multiple services that my company offers, I will take care of the children by teaching and education the parents
about it, offering creative development mixed with studying and having fun, meanwhile the parents are at work, meeting,
shopping or having a cup of coffee with their friends.
5 years plan
a) to strengthen my company (employees, space, payments, stable market) b) to expand my uniqueness (various
methods), c) to publish a sort of magazin as well as to give lectures to the community d) to hold to my motto: ‘ the dice is
thrown’ meaning not to be afraid to start and when you start to finish and that every obstacle can be overcome.
Short-term objective
To have a best practice from the Netherlands implemented in the Child Development Center.
Teaching materials, library, additional teaching supporting toys. Better advertising and promoting of the Early Childhood
Development Centre. Student exchange/possible starting online classes and practising English and German online
workshops for parental teaching and exchange on experience (related to Star Talk).
Leana Mahmuti
I transmit new ideas
Participant: Enterprise: Website: Email:
Leana Mahmuti
Le Arch 3D
Pristina, Kosovo
Product: 3D-printing services in architecture and design.
Turnover (2014):
EUR 28,330
Employees & clients:
Number of permanent employees:
Number of temporary employees: Number and type of clients:
3 (1 woman, 2 men)
6 (3 women, 3 men)
Building companies, real estate business owners, private architectural
companies, designers or product developers.
Talent: Transmitter
Reason of existence
We offer full process of 3D-printing services such as 3D modelling and fixing digital 3D model up to 3D-printing process of
appropriate material and scale, to architectural companies and designers and developers in order to save their time and
costs, before they present/deliver the project/product.
5 years plan
a) expand the business/sell in the region and Europe b) open shops (hubs) in more than two cities c) be well know
as a brand that sells high quality products (3D-printed), which will be patented, meaning we will start a new line of
production/a special design patented.
Short-term objective
Online calculation and purchasing system in place.
Purchase 3D printers of different material/precision, including training. Funding (about 1 million) for new webshop and 3D
printers. Technical knowledge on open system of online purchasing/checking price line etc.
Lindita Shomo
Change things to make them easier
Participant: Enterprise: Website: Email:
Lindita Shomo
Tirana, Albania
Product: Online payment provider and E-money issuer.
Turnover (2014):
EUR 3,200,000
Employees & clients:
Number of permanent employees:
Number of temporary employees: Number and type of clients:
15 (8 women, 7 men)
4 (2 women, 2 men)
We have 2 types of customers: online customers who are able to make
payments by themselves, directly from their mobiles (7-8,000) and
walk-in customers, who make their payments in cash, through our agent
network, all around Albania (~300,000).
Talent: Changer
Reason of existence
We make digital payments possible to ‘high tech’ people to save their time. We also offer real-time payments for unbanked
people in Albania in order to offer them more E-services and make their life easier.
5 years plan
a) continue leading the payments sector in Albania b) expand in the region, most probably Kosovo and Macedonia c) bring
some potential investors to grow steadily d) improve corporate governance of the company (create a board with high
expertise and potential to invest).
Short-term objective
Mobile parking pilot in Tirana is live in a small area.
Investors for our initiatives in markets like Albania etc. Partners with similar activities, experience and knowhow that
would like to expand to new markets (mostly financial sector).
Ljupka Naumovska
Change agent
Participant: Enterprise: Website: Email:
Ljupka Naumovska
Skopje, Macedonia
Product: PR marketing communication services.
Turnover (2014):
EUR 67,441
Employees & clients:
Number of permanent employees:
5 (3 women, 2 men)
Number of temporary employees: 1 woman
Number of providers/suppliers:
Number and type of clients:
Six business clients with yearly contracts for integrated marketing communications
Ramstor Mall – one of the largest malls in Skopje
Seavus educational and development centre – academy for programmers, designer and engineers
Chef Ognenovski – personal brand of master kitchen chef aiming to increase awareness concerning food
and health
McRobin - producer of popcorn and snacks
Institute of Culinary arts – educational centre for chefs
Talent: Change agent
Reason of existence
I deliver PR based marketing communication models to companies aiming to 1) grow 2) facing challenges in order create
effective internal and external communication 3) positioning and brand management.
5 years plan
International communication consultant. My business and I would expand internationally operating with international
projects and marketing communication connsulting.
Short-term objective
Five clients outside Macedonia.
Technical knowledge in marketing agency operation. Partnership with marketing agencies from abroad/Holland in order
to forward international clients.
Marijana Perkovska
Making lives easier
Participant: Enterprise: Website: Email:
Marijana Perkovska
Istkomerc Sanda
Skopje, Macedonia
Product: Underwear, specialty for pregnant/nursing women. Panties.
Turnover (2014):
EUR 56,595
Employees & clients:
Number of permanent employees:
7 (all women)
Number of temporary employees: 2 (both women)
Number and type of clients:
Different retailers from the local market and one in Germany.
Talent: Logical solutions
Making lives easier
Reason of existence
I produce comfortable underwear for pregnant women and those who are nursing their babies, to solve their problems
and to make their lives and nursing easier and keep the body in shape.
5 years plan
My plan is to enlarge the capacity by raising the number of workers and by installing three new machines. This will offer
the opportunity for a better product and better organisation. Togther with this plan to get more new customers from EU.
Short-term objective
One new client for the new collection of underwear for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Funding for confectioning machines (euro 15,000). Clients for the collection of underware for pregnant and nursing
women in the Netherlands and the EU market.
Marta Naumovska Grnarova
Live the dream
Participant: Enterprise: Website: Email:
Marta Naumovska Grnarova
Zavar Company /
Skopje, Macedonia
Product: Stainless steel design radiators and processing equipment.
Turnover (2014):
EUR 1,400,000
Employees & clients:
Number of permanent employees:
Number of temporary employees: Number of providers/suppliers:
Number and type of clients:
54 (3 women, 51 men)
2 (1 woman, 1 man)
3 (2 women, 1 man)
Local clients - more than 50, individuals, all significant industrial
representatives, factories, other. A few regional clients. International –
main clients, more than 30.
Talent: Live the dream
Design radiators that warm your heart
Reason of existence
Life lines is a collection of designer radiators by Zavar design. Heating objects that are more than a heating object. They are
a blend of esthetics and technology, bringing future, touching hearts and loving the nature. Pieces of art that warm your
hearts and vibrate the passion they are made with.
5 years plan
I want to see a big family of passionate lovers and happy owners of Zavar Design products. Significant presence in the
design capitals of Europe (Paris, London, Milan) and the US (San Francisco, New York). New collection based in electrical
energy saving heaters. Design studio that will support and work on brand development.
Short-term objective
Find a partner to develop specific electrical heaters for radiators.
Machinery and technical knowledge on laser welding (especially tubes).
Potential clients (distributor/agent, sales showroom) for Zavar design-designer radiators. Here to highlight that only high
end design shops are the target. Classical big chains for sales are not adequate for the product.
For Zavar Company – process industry, we are establishing collaboration with ANDRITZ Gouda B.V. for some significant
projects ( they are visiting us next week).
Other examples are companies like GEA, Alpha Laval and similar companies for processing equipment for chemical,
pharma and food industry.
Rinesa Deshishku
I make sure that things happen
Participant: Enterprise: Website: Email:
Rinesa Deshishku
IP Loja SH.P.K
Pristina, Kosovo
Product: Early childhood education services, 6 months to 6 years old children.
Turnover (2014):
EUR 142,793
Employees & clients:
Number of permanent employees:
Number of temporary employees: Number and type of clients:
21 (all women)
2 (1 woman, 1 man)
Currently, we have 100 children enrolled in our preschool with their 200
local parents as our clients.
Talent: Organiser
Reason of existence
IP Loja delivers early childhood education services to working couples who want the best/reliable educational institution
for their 6 months to 6 years old child.
5 years plan
a) to get a licence for Montessori program b) open a new branch of ‘IP Loja’ in Prishtina c) start a summer program for
children of 3-13 years old d) have a TV show for children d) have an annual traditional conference to improve the overall
ECE services in the country e) involve vulnerable children ECE programs.
Short-term objective
‘Set up’ ready for first pilot of a summer camp for older children (5-12 years).
Technical knowledge and funding to set up a summer camp for children 5-12 years old. Website and social media to
promote the summercamp. Partners in training of staff.
Silvana Pendovska
Thorough investigation is the basis
Participant: Enterprise: Website: Email:
Silvana Pendovska
Crystal International Trading Company
Skopje, Macedonia
Product: Consulting, marketing and agency services in agribusiness.
Turnover (2014):
> EUR 50,000
Employees & clients:
Number of permanent employees:
Number and type of clients:
5 (4 women, 1 man)
International: producers of agicultural products, raw materials and agro
inputs for agricultural farming and horticulture. Regional and local clients:
trading companies, importers and distributors of raw materials and agro
inputs for agriculture from Macedonia and countries from Balkan region.
Talent: Reseacher
Reason of existence
Crystal ITC provides advice, support and implementation to producers of agricultural products and agro inputs. We
identify the most reliable partners, distributors, to introduce and export new products in new markets in Balkan region
for qualitative and competitive agriculture production. Our primary purpose is to help and support the producers of
agricultural products to start and expand their export in the Balkan region and beyond.
5 years plan
Expand our business activities and exports in CIS countries.
Short-term objective
Start cooperation with producer for agricultural row materials and agro inputs from Netherlands for representation,
marketing, promotion and sales in Macedonia and countries in Balkan region.
Contacts with producers of agricultural inputs: seeds, pesticides, substrates, fertilizers, irrigation systems, new agrotechnologies and other raw materials used in agriculture farming and horticulture, for representation, marketing and sales
in Macedonia and Balkan region.
Expert knowledge for marketing investigation, markets and interpreting marketing information for finding and selecting
the most suitable partners in agro- and horticulture businesses.
Olgica Iloska
Big or small, we will find a way
Participant: Enterprise: Website: Email:
Olgica Iloska
Inex Gorica ad Ohrid
Ohrid, Macedonia
Product: Business hotel services.
Turnover (2014):
EUR 1,086,816
Employees & clients:
Number of permanent employees:
Talent: We will find a way for everything
Reason of existence
Hotel Inex Gorica offers business services with an extra pleasure touch, to business people in order to impress their
partners and make them leave with a smile on their face.
5 years plan
To make a new 7 Continental Hotel and organize world peace conferences in Ohrid, the city of happines, lightness and
Short-term objective
To have a digital platform in place that promotes Ohrid and multidisciplinary cooperation.
Technical knowledge and international funding with alternative funding strategies for the preparatory phase of the new 7
Continental Hotel project. Design of a digital platform for the promotion of the project.