Committee of Adjustment CITY HALL 5th Floor- 71 Main Street West Hamilton, ON LaP 4Y5 Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Hamilton. Fax (905) 546-4202 AGENDA COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT Date: Thursday, November 12th, 2015 Time: 1:00 p.m. Location: Rooms 192 & 193, 1st floor, Hamilton City Hall Contact: Scott Baldry (905) 546-2424, ext. 4144 TiME SUBJECT BY RURAL 1:25 p.m. FL/B-15:96 21 Howard Blvd., Flamborough Owners Les & Jennifer Szarka (Ward 15) SUBURBAN 1:30 p.m. AN/A-15:318 803 Golf Links Rd., Ancaster (Ward 12) Agent Richie Khanna Owner John Savidis 66 Floresta Court, Ancaster 1:35 p.m. AN/A-15:324 1:40 p.m. SC/A-15:322 1:45 p.m. GL/A-15:313 9569 Dickenson Road, Glanbrook 1:50 p.m. SC/B-15:93 41 Creanona Blvd., Stoney Creek 1:50 p.m. SC/B-15:94 41 Creanona Blvd., Stoney Creek 1:50 p.m. SC/A-15:320 41 Creanona Blvd., Stoney Creek (Ward 12) Owner Marcello Alaimo 15 Springwood Dr., Stoney Creek Owners Vincent lacozza & Lisa Marie Leckie (Ward 9) (Ward 11) (Ward 11) (Ward 11) (Ward 11) Owners Michelle & Darren Nuell Applicant IBI Group (c/o Jared Marcus) Owner Cretaro Homes (do Max Cretaro) Applicant IBI Group (c/o Jared Marcus) Owner Cretaro Homes (c/o Max Cretaro) Applicant IBI Group (c/o Jared Marcus) Owner Cretaro Homes (c/o Max Cretaro) 1:55 p.m. GL/A-15:317 22 Bellstone Lane, Glanbrook (Ward ÿ ÿ) Agent John Witten Owner Alex Alexander 2:00 p.m. GUB-15:97 85 Glancaster Rd., Glanbrook Agent DeFilippis Design 2:00 p.m. GL/A-15:325 (Ward 11) 85 Glancaster Rd., Glanbrook (Ward 11) Owner Gloria Della Maestra Agent DeFilippis Design Owner Rudy Perrissini (under agreement of purchase & sale) 2:00 p.m. GUB-15:98 91 Glancaster Rd., Glanbrook (Ward 11) Agent DeFilippis Design Owner Frank Della Maestra 2:00 p.m. GL/A-15:326 91 Glancaster Rd., Glanbrook Agent DeFilippis Design (Ward 11) Owner Rudy Perrissini (under agreement of purchase & sale) 2:05 p.m. SC/B-15:90 400 McNeilly Rd., Stoney Creek (Ward 1ÿ) Agent WEBB Planning Consultants Owner 1520866 Ontario Ltd. (c/o Fred Losani) ..... /2 November 12th, 2015 Agenda Page 2 BREAK URBAN 2:25 p.m. HM/A-15:323 290 Barton St. W., Hamilton (Ward 1) Agent WEBB Planning Consultants Inc. Owner 290 Barton Street (Hamilton) Limited 2:30 p.m. 2:35 p.m. HM/A-15:314 HM/B-15:92 96 Dalewood Crescent, Hamilton (Ward 1) 508 Aberdeen Ave., Hamilton Owners Daniel Goldreich & Deda Gillespie (Ward 1) Owner Joseph Rettura Re-scheduled 144 Lottridge Street, Hamilton HM/A-15:237 (Ward 3) Agent Amalesh Chakraborty 2:45 p.m. HM/B-15:91 9 Hillyard Street, Hamilton (Ward 3) Applicant Nikolas Gruevski Owner Nicola Clarizio 2:50 p.m. HMIB-15:95 781-785 Main Street East, Hamilton (Ward 3) Agent Shayle Rothman Owner Kitewood Estates 158 MacNab St. N. & 31 Mulberry St., Hamilton Agent Duane Abbott 2:40 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:05 p.m. CLOSED HM/A-15:316 HM/A-15:301 (Ward 2) 109 Spadina Avenue, Hamilton (Ward 3) Owner I Buy Houses Fast Inc. Canada Inc. Owner David Liburdi Agent Marina Fensham Owner Kindal Enterprises Committee of Adjustment City Hall 5m floor, 71 Main Street West Hamilton Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5 Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (905) 546-4202 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR CONSEN'RLAND SEVERANCE APPLICATION NO. FL/B-15:96 IN THE MATTER OF The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P13, Section 53(1); AND IN THE MATTER OF the Premises known as Municipal number 21 Howard Blvd., formerly in the Town of Flamborough, now in the City of Hamilton; AND IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION by the owners Les & Jennifer Szarka, for consent under Section 53(1) of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 13, so as to permit the conveyance of a parcel of land measuring 17.22m+ x 40.46m+ and having an area of 695.8m2+ for residential purposes, and to retain a parcel of land measuring 17.22m+ x 40.46m+ and having an area of 695.8m2+ for residential purposes. NOTE: The existing dwelling is proposed to be demolished and replaced with a new single family dwelling on each lot. TAKE NOTICE that this application will be heard by the Committee as shown below: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Thursday, November 12th, 20t5 t :25 p.m. Rooms 192 & 193, Ist floor Hamilton City Hall If there is any further information and material that you may require on this application please contact this office, at (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 or 4144. By order of the Committee of Adjustment, DATED: October 27th, 2015 Scott Baldry, Secretary-Treasurer Note: If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of the proposed consent does not make written submissions to the Committee of Adjustment before it gives or refuses to give a provisional consent, the Ontario Municipal Board ÿ dismiss the appeal (See Section 53 of The Planning Act and Ontario Regulation 547/06). If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of the proposed consent, you must make a written request to the Committee of Adjustment, 71 Main Street West, 5th Floor, Hamilton City Hall, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4Y5. information respecting this application is being collected under the authority of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. P. 13. All comments and opinions submitted to the City of Hamilton on this matter, including the name, address and contact information of persons submitting comments and/or opinions, will become part of the public record and will be made available to the Appficant and the general public. Note to Applicant: In default of appearance of yourself or of any person duly authorized by you to appear on your behalf, the Committee may dismiss the application for lack or prosecution. SKETCH FOR LAND SEVERANCE: OF DUNDA9 ÿ E LOT 6 REGISTERED PLAN 894 IN THE Cÿ OF ÿTON ..,%%ÿ SCALE 1:250 METRIC 5 L 2.5 0 5 10 15 metres / KEY PLAN Not. To Scale EXISTING RESIDENTIAL LANDS ,t,,ÿ • ,-,: i;:4 .I..JML,,I • I / _ i o Lÿ z =T'T '9 © € • 62R-19313 I __J 2 STOREY IL STUCCO ÿDED No. 17 L°.. I r/ T-.- .ÿ " CHAIN uNK ÿ& ..J :: 4"1 :: ÿ'.- "]' 40.46:t: ÿ "" LANDS TO BE I °o.•" SEVERED I °° o%:'" ID €4 e,i o +695.8+ sq mI :. >_ i< 17.94ÿ t.D ,- 15.96..,t. g I K i i.J._ • 16.67{ )SED SIEVE ANCE UNE © _ "4 14.62-4= __J METAL SIDED LANDS TO BE RETAINED ,,ÿ :': h c. 'DE t'-i i .ÿ.,LJ V I I . I STOREY" IÿRICK &; .L h- ID ÿ0 11.19€- :E695.8 sq m t.C, €ÿj (--) , 14.62.4: uÿ i4y • v, I Y ÿ3& i I I LLÿ . I % :.. .............. J I L.L..ÿ DISTANCES SHOWN ON ]Ills PLAN ARE IN METRES AND CAN BE CONVERTED TO FEET BY DIVIDING ElY 13.3048 I I I -; I I r f\. UE'ÿC NOTE :Cÿ,- L-- ÿ ........ J I .ÿ OV/ÿLUi'ÿG No. 21 16.BBÿ I A bo .o __.J .j "-- X- 4o.46ÿ F'ART i ,--,, ÿ,,, ÿ0ÿ?_ÿ, ÿ,",I ........... I- EXISTING RESIDENTIAL LANDS .A.T. McLaren ÿte.d Z..P-GAÿ,,aÿND ÿ!lÿGIlqEÿG ST,.TR:VE"Z,q 69 ÿ ÿ SOU'IH. SUI1E 23O HAMILTON, 0NT/dÿI0, [.BN ÿ9 PHONE (805) 527--8559 FAX (ÿ5) 527-0032 Committee of Adjustment City Hall 5th floor, 71 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5 Hamilton Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (905) 546-4202 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE APPLICATION NO. AN/A-15:318 IN THE MATTER OF The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P. 13, as amended and of the ZoningByLaw No. 87-57, of the City of Hamilton (formerly Ancaster), Sections 22 and 34. AND IN THE MATTER OF the Premises known as Municipal number 803 Golf Links Rd., formerly in the Town of Ancaster, now in the City of Hamilton and in a "C2-420" (Shopping Centre Commercial zone) (Amending By-laws 98-47, 99-47 and 03-327) district; AND IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION by the agent Richie Khanna on behalf of the owner John Savidis, for relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-Law No. 87-57, under Section 45 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, so as to permit the increase of gross floor area of the existing building by the addition of a 53.5 square metre (575 square feet) mezzanine, notwithstanding a minimum of 387 on-site parking spaces shall be provided instead of the minimum required 434 on-site parking spaces. NOTES: . Committee of Adjustment decision AN/A-05:99 was previously approved to reduce the required number of on-site parking spaces from 431 spaces to 387 spaces. Details have not been regarding the total gross floor area of all buildings or the total number of existing onsite parking spaces with the current application; as such, the information provided with minor variance AN/A-05:99 has been applied to determine the required on-site parking. The applicant shall confirm a total of 387 on-site parking spaces are provided and the gross floor area of all buildings does not exceed 7221.5 square metres for the lands identified on Schedule A of amending By-law 98-47. A further variance may be required if existing site conditions do not reflect this Divisions records. 2. The parking requirement for a shopping centre, six (6) spaces for each 100 square metres of floor area, has been used to determine the minimum number of required parking spaces TAKE NOTICE that this application will be heard by the Committee as shown below: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Thursday, November 12th, 2015 1:30 p.m. Rooms 192 & 193, 1st floor Hamilton City Hall If there is any further information you may require on this application please contact this office, at (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 or 4144. By order of the Committee of Adjustment, DATED: October 27th, 2015 S CctrteBalgTÿ[easurer (ÿj) Note: If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee in respect of this application, you must submit a written request to the Committee of Adjustment. This will also entitle you to be advised of a possible Ontario Municipal Board hearing. Even if you are the successful party, you should request a copy of the decision since the Committee's decision may be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board by the applicant or another member of the public. Information respecting this .appfication is being collected under the authority of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. P. 13. All comments and opinions submitted to the City of Hamilton on this matter, including the name, address and contact information of persons submitting comments and/or opinions, will become part of the pubfic record and will be made available to the Appficant and the general pubfic. Note to Applicant: In default of appearance of yourself or of any person duly authorized by you to appear on your behalf, the Committee may dismiss the application for lack of prosecution. , ,--.j \ I i I I I © x JOHN SAViDIS VÿP GYM 803 GOLF LINKS ANOASTE N .,.. • .,, L8 r" L,-. ¢". rÿl" iLrÿ ::i:,. ::]U Ill 3> O -rl 0 Ct "C.ÿ- / / "Tja..ÿ' cJ 'ÿ -ÿ..c .2. ¢, --T,, PK .> o C3 T-ÿ .,.-.,=r-ÿt.t i'lÿ i= ÿ.o 3000 OC o oo mÿ i'i o-, o °lÿ ¢ g gJ m 0 ,< .< 8 o-, rqlÿ .ÿ o° 7-1;Z: x. , -z8 ÿ' -:'= HIE] 7 r nC !ÿ°° ZZ :eZ [] oÿ m:ÿo oo.qÿ ",i .< ,.< Lq a.. o-, 'ÿ Io°1 ÿ1 rr- rnlrÿi ft., "q- I ÿ1 oo • m z o "ÿ.ÿ i i ii ,ÿo Iÿ1 ÿllÿJ ÿt z / ÿ/ÿ1 Zz 8 o E]2ÿ Hÿ R .< o 8 uÿ 9 oi 6-) rg I i;,>=2 o r- o o ÿ I i'.., ÿ eÿ rÿ m--mm ÿ ':'i 'ÿ o i o ÿ ÿ : m-rÿ __L Zl ÿ I _ I H ÿ % 'ÿ°'-°-'-7 ÿ ,-; I Lj iI oÿ o TO JOIST : 17'8" z !1°!1° TO BEAM • 17'7" Uÿ ÿ= TO DECK : 19'11" 35J-4" < I P Fÿ Ii -n J,ÿ oÿ "I] 0z .,. oi 18'-2" ! m z Zc.ÿ i o. " !Ii i i ,,..,..,,,,ÿ 0% "ÿ ÿÿ "ÿ No" o ! o o 1ÿ P,ÿIÿ ÿ . ÿ_ÿ " oÿ i0n0 i01ÿ 1ÿ o r- oz Z 0 nl u3 R 0 Z 0 N 0 o i! i EXISTING UGHTING TO R6M/MN J "h I ¢: w 0 k Z I° ii° '! rÿ 0 m .. ÿ CO z Oh'3m >oÿ° i /7 ÿ mÿ z 7ÿ ..-" ÿ 0 °'4 ÿo\ÿ; __ .ÿ,,ÿ..,,,ÿF.,ÿ .ÿ__.. i o o S z I OX Z ZO ÷ Z mÿ rrl --r --I ;i/ ® o o 0 ÷ -q .M Z < d" m ÷ >o rÿ Z m 0 ÿ .ÿ 0 o • i ÿ cÿ ÿ ÿ0 / \ / i u 7o 7 0 ;;0 r'r- ) )\ < < ( < / \ / \ / 7 rr-- )\ ! /_ =o \ / CJ 7 rÿ rr'- Cÿ <_/ \ / \ ( 1 9"0= 17'-8" 19'-11" 8 ;;o cn i z P i < / \ Z \ r ( \ / $_ 17-8" -n . 1g'-11" 8 I • ÿiÿ > _c >. 0 0"1 ffl 't ÿ o iÿ-11" l:ÿ-r Y \ _y ! \ \ ! ! _/ b \ / \ _/ \ z _/ \ 1r-11. _/ m U -ÿ ÿ o \ / \ / \ / \ I / \ / \ / \ 7 iv-1117"0" IT-ÿ" 1Q'-11- (n i in P m m zÿ 0 ! z r.o -- oÿ :ÿr-ÿ > 0 Oz o < "---. ! 1ÿ.! "'o0,I i,,io\ 1 1 '-0" 43" 0 29" ' 8, 81/2,' ,1'4:)" ,, .... ÿ z--_r._.-mÿ ...... N ÿ>ÿ O> / ,ÿOoÿ I J L ;- -6" p:ÿe"i 2 -UP - I 33 ! 8L.4. 1 1 '43" .... 1 I 11 ÿ-0" o oÿ £ oÿ r.,o ÿ 7= , >ÿ. £ < ]:=,, ÿ 0 "4 O: Zl e ..4 ...,.,,,,ÿ oÿ. °ÿ'ÿÿ o £ ! © / nl °° ÿ1olo £ -r c ÿ 0 :I: Eÿ jor'- ÿ m i m Committee of Adjustment City Hall 5th floor, 71 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5 Hamilton Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (905) 546-4202 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE APPLICATION NO. ANIA-15:324 BN THE MATTER OF The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P. 13, as amended and of the Zoning By- Law No. 87-57, of the City of Hamilton (formerly Ancaster), Sections 7.12 and 10 AND IN THE MATTER OF the Premises known as Municipal number 66 Floresta Court, formerly in the Town of Ancaster, now in the City of Hamilton and in an "ER" (Existing Residential) district; AND IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION by the owner Marcello Alaimo, for relief from the provisio'ns of the Zoning By-Law No. 87-57, under Section 45 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, so as to permit the construction of a 33.7m2 roofed-over unenclosed rear porch to the detached dwelling under construction notwithstanding that a minimum rear yard of 6.9m shall be permitted instead of the minimum 7.5m rear yard setback required. Notes: Eaves/gutter may project into a required rear yard not more than 1.5m. No details were provided to determine compliance. TAKE NOTICE that this application will be heard by the Committee as shown below: r DATE: TIME: PLACE: Th ursday, Novem ber 12th, 2015 1:35 p.m. Rooms 192 & 193, 1st floor Hamilton City Hall If there is any further information you may require on this application please contact this office, at (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 or 4144. By order of the Committee of Adjustment, DATED: October 27th, 2015 Scott Baldry, Secretary-Treasurer Note: If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee in respect of this application, you must submit a written request to the Committee of Adjustment. This will also entitle you to be advised of a possible Ontario Municipal Board hearing. Even if you are the successful party, you should request a copy of the decision since the Committee's decision may be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board by the applicant or another member of the public. information respecting this application is being collected under the authority of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. P. 13. All comments and opinions submitted to the City of Hamilton on this matter, including the name, address and contact information of persons submitting comments and/or opinions, will become part of the public record and will be made available to the Applicant and the general public. Note to Applicant: In defÿarance of ourself or of an erson dul authorized b ou to appear on your behalf, the Committee may dismiss the application for lack of prosecution. BENCHMARK: 75U0132 PUMPING STATION, VdLSoN S1REET AT SEMINOLE ROAD, TABLET IN TOP OF CONCRETE WELL 27.4m SOU]HEAST OF CENTRE UNE OF WILSON STREET 18.0m NORÿ-IEAST OF GENRE LINE OF CENTRE LINE OF SEMINOLE ROAD, 15.2m SOUTHEAST OF HYDRO POLE, 8.2m SOUTHWEST OF SOUTH CORNER (] PUMP HOUSE. ELEVATION ,= 248.13Im / • / \ \ I / \ / I I l / ..=." / / / / / I METRIO NOTE BEARING NOTE: DISTANCES SHOWN ON 11"115 BEARINGS ARE ASTRONOMIC AND ARE PLAN ARE IN METRES AND CAN BE CONVERTED TO FEET BY DIÿ4DIN(} BY 0.3048 A.T. McLaren Limit LEOAL A.ND ENGINEERING SURVI REFERRED TO "[HE NOR'[HERN UMIT OF CUMMINO COURT AS SHOWN ON fig JOHN STREET SOU]H, SUITE 2 REGISTERED PLAN 927 AS BEINO HAMILTON, ONTARIO, LSN 2B9 PHONE (905) 527--8559 FAX (905) 527-0ÿ N77"I7'OO'E. dUNE 30, 2015 DATE S.D.McLAREN, O.LS. sg2Tc/ ( / ) ,€-/'4-/Z ;2? ,,0-,= d" -4" 8 Y / &W --m N d d tU ! Nÿg q Igÿ Q) cÿj o._.ÿ 8 \\ ÿ -'- % % ÿ o ,t.-.2 i--- I Prÿck lancaster, Ontario AI oÿ4 L eft Side Elevation 7 12 \--ÿ 10 iN'ÿÿ\ Flashing required over openings in exterior walls O BC 9.27.3 12 ,ÿ. 12 41-- Asphalt Shingles 16 Asphalt Shingles -.,, P I I I I f 7:Sz--tz--:7 r ._ :O I I i I tÿ I I [ I I I I I I I EZZZ--ZZ3 ] [ I I !111!111+111+111111:1 I f I I I I I I i I llJll I I I I I Iii I t{llllllll+ I i I i I ÿ I i f ] I I i i i I if I i11 f tJlt +till' ] ....... 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I I I I "=, I I :ÿi Drain to L .... n .....I Footing level !]56124 I I 8" Poured dancrete Foundation Wal ~ Footing level I a1124 I I I I Drain to ..... ÿ ..... I I I I I o! Right Side Elevation Asphalt Shingles 2 I I I Asphalt Shingles 12 12 12 12 10 J II I I t t I / ÿ)'" Asphalt Shingles / Brick Aspholl -2 t Brick . Brick :o, Brick I 10" Poured Concrete Foundation Wall I I I I --o.>, -r..- I I NOTE: KEEP FOOTINGS MINIMUM 4'-0" BELOW FINISHED GRADE AT ALL TIMES + ;' t "'i" "ÿ'"l' Dwn bÿ. ROBMARIN]O TII= +.=,_o. Ro= ,,orc,, PRESTIGE oat= Oct 2015 DeÿcÿipUon: 13, E S I 0 N S ProJ No.: mEceloSx foÿ.(9os) ÿo+-ÿ+o Fax,(905) 304-8360 #ÿa: 8000 eq.fL REGISTRATION INFORMATION lhe undersigned has reviewed and tokes responsibility [or this design, and has the qualifications and meets the requirements set out in the Ontario Buldinq Code to be o designer. N=m= ROB MARINIO ecru: 24456 Fÿrm: PRESTIGE DESIGN8 ace: 29621 Side Ele vations S19n°tÿe: 66 Fioresta Anoaster, Ontario A2++ -'-f' -/.), ÿi,_.7. " I I I I I I I I I I I I I / ,,6-.ÿ1 / '8"3"ÿI ÿ / • s'o ,,8t' @ 6u!ddeJlS ,,£'X.L +'8"O'ÿJ I I sls!op Joel3 'o'o ,,ÿL @ .0Lx.ÿ sis!or JOOl=l "3"o .91 I I I oI I I I IJ I I I I I I I I I I I I I _.__L ,,S-,L ,,l .0-,91 AllTJlfloorjoists porollombeomsondtrussesoretobe [iProvide Buili_upwoodstudpostequoitostuddepth ondwidth j supplied and designed by wood supplier bnd/or truss monufnclurer [of beam, at both ends of steel/wood beams unless holed otherwise Provide double joist framing under all parallel walls above and around stoir.s Provide double joists and L 3 I/2"x3 I/2"xi/4-"] concrete be 8"unless unlessnoted notedotherwise. otherwise It llAll interior studfoundations wails to beto2"x4" Dwn by;. ROB MARINIO Tÿt,= REGISTRATION INFORMATION .o.,,: ÿlÿo.. ÿ-o. [Rear Covered Porch Dote: Oct 2.015 tOescrlptlon: : me.reelloSx aX,lÿUO) ÿU4-8360 ÿreo: 3000 eq.ft. noted otherwise __] above all basement exterior windows unless Jl Foundation Plan 1he undersigned has reviewed end Iÿkes respÿnsibilily for h s design, ÿnd hes lhe quoliflcotions and meets the requirerneats set out h the Ontario Bugdlng Code to be a designer. Namÿ ROB MARINtC Bcm: 244ÿ6 L Firm: PRESTIGE DESIGNS eaR.. 29821 I Prance mÿooto,, 7j/ I Ancaster, ntario j x/ Built-Up posts to he rain. 5 1/2"x 5 1/2" and at least as wide as the supported member O+&C. 9J7.4.1 Provide minimum 2 rows of bridging where ceramic tile above. O.B.C. Door and Sill as per Self-closing I Construction between garage & dwell[ngÿ door shall be tight fiLLing & weather-stripped to units to be gasproof O.B.C. provide on effective barrier against the passage of gas & exhaust fumes.(where grade permits) ,,9_-J_£. ,---- ua!IO^ÿlO aad CE: £b = o o o i, o _ "sql 0£ x H u'3 ,,0L-,£1 iz I =,.o =-- IÿL £--,-- P ,,O-,IL i =-- 3AOSV -ÿ N3d, .0 -,/_ Lÿ Ja^J8S ,,Z-,0Y supplied and designed by wood supplier and/or truss manufacturer Lor beam,Built-up+oodstudposLequeltostuddepth at both ends of steer/wood beams unless noted otherwise {AllTJtfloorjoMs, parollambeomsandtrossesaretobe ]lProvide ondwidlhl +,+++o, around stairs :1 u++,+o++ PRESTIGE oat= 0ÿt 2015 aesc@tlon: I::) IE S I G N S Pro L No+: TeHg05) 304-8340 Fax,(905) 304-8360 ,,vÿm above oil basement exterior, windows unless noted otherwise All concrete foundations Lo be 8" unless noted otherwise :]: sac,°: a/ÿe'- ÿ'-o" Rear Covered Porch marcello5x 80o0 aq.fL Provide double joists end L .3 1/2"x5 I/2"xl/4" REGISTRA"RON IÿRMATION 1he undersigned hÿs reviewed ond tokes responsibility for this design, and hos the quÿlilÿcoti0ns end meets the requirements set out In the Ontodo Budding Code to be o deÿgnen Nÿm:: ROB MARINtC ecÿ: 24456 Fkm: PRESTIGE DESIGNS ecru: 29621 Project: 66 Floresta Main Floor Plan mÿ.mÿo: Ancestor, Ontario Committee of Adjustment City Hall 5tÿ floor, 71 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5 Hamilton Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (905) 546-4202 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE APPLICATION NO. SC/A-15:322 IN THE MATTER OF The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P. 13, as amended and of the Zoning ByLaw No. 3692-92, of the City of Hamilton (formerly Stoney Creek), Section 3, 4 and 6.3, Amending By-Law Number 10-262. AND IN THE MATTER OF the Premises known as Municipal number 15 Springwood Drive, formerly in the City of Stoney Creek, now in the City of Hamilton and in an "R2-19" (Singme Residential "R2" Zone) district; AND IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION by the owners Vincent lacozza & Lisa Marie Leckie, for relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-Law No. 3692-92, under Section 45 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, so as to permit the construction of a 5.94m (19.5') x 7.92m (26') unenclosed rear porch onto an existing single detached dwelling notwithstanding that; 1. A maximum lot coverage of 49% shall be permitted instead of the maximum permitted lot coverage of 46.5% as previously approved pursuant to Committee of Adjustment File # SC/A10:174; and, 2. An unenclosed porch may be permitted to project into the required rear yard not more than 4.4m into the required 7.5m rear yard and shall be as close as 3.1m from the rear lot line instead of the maximum permitted yard encroachment of 4.0m into the required rear yard. TAKE NOTICE that this application will be heard by the Committee as shown below: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Thursday, November 12th, 2015 1:40 p.m. Rooms t92 & 193, 1st floor Hamilton City Hall If there is any further information you may require on this application please contact this office, at (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 or 4144. By order of the Committee of Adjustment, DATED: October 27th, 2015 , f , // Scott Baldry, Secretary-Treasurer Note: If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee in respect of this application, you must submit a written request to the Committee of Adjustment. This will also entitle you to be advised of a possible Ontario Municipal Board hearing. Even if you are the successful party, you should request a copy of the decision since the Committee's decision may be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board by the applicant or another member of the public. Information respecting this appfication is being collected under the-authority of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. P. 13. All comments and opinions submitted to the City of Hamilton on this matter, including the name, address and contact information of persons submfting comments and/or opinions, will become part of the pubfic record and will be made available to the Applicant and the general public. Note to Applicant: In default of appearance of yourself or of any person duly authorized by you to appear on your behalf, the Committee may dismiss the application for lack of prosecution I LPCt:U P'L./41V O.ZM-- [ I OO 'Y OF BAIFIIL TON: 1'. 200 5 lO meÿres OLARKE O.L.S. 1 PLAN LOT 46 ! / / / 95 LOT 20 Ne 11 No. 15 LOT 1 :FOUNO I STANDARD: ]IRON BAR VG5 ARE AS TROb{OM[O AND REFERRED TO THE rÿRN LIMIT OF PART 2 PLAN 62R--1199B rOWING ON PLAN 62M--1165 HAVING. IÿING OF N 7l'ffÿ3f30"d II,,ÿ REPORÿ WAS PRÿF'ARÿD FOR I BRUCE ROBINSON CONSTRUCTION LfIXITED I NOTE: " ES /iRE TAKEN TO FO[IN'DATION UNLESS OTHERItÿSE HOTZP "C: ESTABIJ.SI..IED. . BY PLAN 6.21,{-- 1141 m? S avoo DRIVE L 'CES SHOWN ON 7HIS PLAN ARE IN METRES AND. E CONVERTED TO FEET BY OI.ÿTD1NG By 0ÿ3048 LEGEND: (m) VEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: THA D (uÿ)" SURVEY A'HD PLAN ARE CORREOT AND IN ÿI"CCORDANCE I THE SURVEYS ACT. THÿ SURVEYORS ACT THE REÿUL4"IIÿWS MADE UNDER THEM " SURYEY WAS COMPLETED ON "R-IE !Sth DA,Y OF OCTOB_#R "2D12 ;. :TOBEIÿ 22, 2012 " . . . o ..____.___.._Jÿ,ÿ #mÿL'; . CLÿ4RRE.. (PO (P2) 'ROÿUCT/ON, ALTERA770N OR UBE OF THIS REPORT, £ OR IN PARÿ ÿ{THOUT THE EXPRESS PFJÿMIS£ION OF" ARKE ÿ¢ ASSOC/A)TIS LTD. IS" STRICTLY PROHIB'I.TED. PART i -- PLAN 2(--6494. PART 2 LOT .ÿ /S BUB;ÿCT 1"0 AN EASÿ'fÿVT IN CROSS" AS. IN INST.. No }'ÿB02026" IJA'IED JULY 6, 2012 DENOTEÿ PLAN 62M-1ÿ65. DENOTES PLAH E2M--II4I (MEAÿ,) DAIVOTES MEAsURÿo & f rRIGNTÿ 20"i2. A, I CLARKE &" AS.50SIA3E5 LTO. SURVEYOR'S REAL PROpERÿ. REPORT DETqOTES. A, J, G'LARKE O,L....ÿ Dÿ!IÿIOTES PREHOUS 5"UR'vEY NOTES BY" A. 4 CLARKÿ & ASÿJOCÿAÿ LTD. DATED SEP'Tÿ,IBER ÿ'5, 2012 DENOTES PREVIOU, S EURÿ"Y NO..TES ÿY • 4. J, CLARKE ÿ ASSOC.]ATE',.q. "LTIÿ, 2.5. MAÿN STREEt ÿ.sF, solÿ .too HAMLTON; ONTARIO. LBF 11-ti TEL. ".905--52ÿg76f " FAÿ. 905-520-2289 .. emaif: ajc@o]c/arke, com n;.\Job=ÿA-- [.a-FÿOeerIiÿM Ph2"£=urv .ÿy\Lo [03\X--64 g 4.gwg 15 Spring Wood Cover Porch l 2ÿ Feet 2xl 0 Beams II L [- 2x 0 Beams F- Back of House Max height of roof fizom beam 4 ft 6 inch 14 ½ inch over hang w/facia 16 inch's finished 6x6 pressure treated post's 16 inch holes w/14 inch Perma Tubes poured w/concrete and U brackets 2x2x10 pressure treated beams around perimiter +J /,,,ÿ Committee of Adjustment City Hall 5th floor, 71 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5 Hamilton Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (905) 546-4202 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE APPLICATION NO. GL/A-15:313 IN THE MATTER OF The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P. 13, as amended and of the Zoning By-Law No. 464, of the City of Hamilton (formerly Glanbrook), Sections 9.11 and Schedule D. AND IN THE MATTER OF the Premises known as Municipal number 9569 Dickenson Road, formerly in the Township of Glanbrook, now in the City of Hamilton and in an "Mll, H37" (Airport Prestige Business (MI 1) Zone) district; AND JN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION by the owners Michelle & Darren Nuell, for relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-Law No. 464, under Section 45 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, so as to permit the expansion of a legally established non-conforming single detached dwelling by construction of a 9.14m (30') x 15.24m (50') accessory building notwithstanding that: 1. A single detached dwelling and uses, buildings and structuresaccessory thereto are not permitted within the "M11" zone; 2. The lands shall be permitted to be altered by construction of an accessory building notwithstanding that the "H37" Holding provision restricts any site alterations until such time as the holding provision is removed by way of a Zoning By-law Amendment; and, 3. The width of the driveway accessing both the attached and detached garages shall be permitted to exceed the width of an attached garage instead of the requirement that the width of a driveway may not exceed the width of an attached garage. NOTE: i. The applicant shall ensure that the height of the proposed accessory building complies with the Hamilton Airport Zoning (height) regulations established by Transport Canada, which are registered at the local Lands Titles Offices and which may be amended from time to time. TAKE NOTICE that this application will be heard by the Committee as shown below: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Thursday, November 12th, 2015 1:45 p.m. Rooms 192 & 193, 1st floor Hamilton City Hall If there is any further information you may require on this application please contact this office, at (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 or 4144. By order of the Committee of Adjustment, ..... /2 !- "i '! :i ! ..'.. ....,. .! :° 1 li -'t : -/5. -j/j Committee of Adjustment City Hall 5th floor, 71 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5 Hamilton Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (905) 546-4202 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR CONSENTÿLAND SEVERANCE APPLICATION NO. SC/B-15:93 IN THE MATTER OF The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P13, Section 53(1); AND IN THE MATTER OF the Premises known as Municipal number 41 Creanona Blvd., formerly in the City of Stoney Creek, now in the City of Hamilton; AND IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION by the applicant IBI Group (c/o Jared Marcus) on behalf of the owner Cretaro Homes (c/o Max Cretaro), for consent under Section 53(1) of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 13, so as to permit the conveyance of a parcel of land (Part 1 on the attached sketch) measuring 12.50m+ x 30.51m+ and having an area of 380.8m2+ for residential purposes, and to retain two parcels of land; (Part 2 on the attached sketch) measuring 12.50m+ x 30.58m+ and having an area of 381.8mÿ and (Part 3 on the attached sketch) measuring 38.98m+ x 30.43m+ and having an area of 1,181.7m2+ both for residential purposes. NOTE: This application is scheduled to be heard in conjunction with severance application SC/B15:94 and minor variance application SC/A-15:320. TAKE NOTICE that this application will be heard by the Committee as shown below: r DATE: TIME: PLACE: Thursday, November 12th, 2015 1:50 p.m. Rooms 192 & 193, 1st floor Hamilton City Hall If there is any further information and material that you may require on this application please contact this office, at (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 or 4144. By order of the Committee of Adjustment, DATED: October 27th, 2015 ' Scott Baldry, Secretary-Treasurer Note: If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of the proposed consent does not make written submissions to the Committee of Adjustment before it gives or refuses to give a provisional consent, the Ontario Municipal Board dismiss the appeal (See Section 53 of The Planning Act and Ontario Regulation 547/06). If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of the proposed consent, you must make a written request to the Committee of Adjustment, 71 Main Street West, 5th Floor, Hamilton City Hall, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4Y5. Information respecting this appfication is being collected under the authority of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. P. 13. All comments and opinions submitted to the City of Hamilton on this matter, including the name, address and contact information of persons submitting comments and/or opinions, will become part of the pubfic record and will be made available to the Appficant and the general public. Note to Applicant: In default of a earance of ourself or of an erson dul authorized b__ÿ .to appear on your behalf, the Committee may dismiss the application for lack of prosecution i _TAk/G 3GISÿ/31V,ÿ :; -<v ,, -q6l'0£ f/ F ÿO£" C#.ÿ'LN i ii.. I :i' "i j: ., !I' ;! ":!! !i ............... ,..,/.. .. iÿ !- .... '.::',"if:h- j i :,il / • ii :i ! m 'ÿ .r4 -. _, I ....... ÿ+ - i! N i , £ÿ"0£ ,.ÿ. .:......'; '- ii ÿ. iJ' i h : i N ÿH :* " I! ' ..... ...... -- : - - : :\. ÿ ': ÿ: H i Lg'a£ 9ÿ[;'OT :ÿi "':: ÿ: ÿ "ÿ" .oco ÿ-1 ÿ! .... 1'" ÿ -'.Fo. ............. "! n ' i ÿ.O0.£ÿ'.CZH - .. ;:.;ÿ..ÿ,,.,. X,.;.. " " ÿ ÿ " ............... . ÿ": .. ' .... ml z P m>'ÿ 03 m < 03 CD rrl o o z m ITI .ÿ :ÿ> _ o_ - ÿ ÿ:ÿ,ÿ- ÿ ÿ .... m Z m o m o3 o I11 "r- 2#g E3 m Committee of Adjustment City Hall 5th floor, 71 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5 Hamilton Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (905) 546-4202 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR CONSENTÿLAND SEVERANCE APPLICATION NO. SC/B-15:94 IN THE MATTER OF The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P13, Section 53(1); AND IN THE MATTER OF the Premises known as Municipal number 41 Creanona Blvd., formerly in the City of Stoney Creek, now in the City of Hamilton; AND IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION by the applicant IBI Group (c/o Jared Marcus) on behalf of the owner Cretaro Homes (c/o Max Cretaro), for consent under Section 53(1) of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 13, so as to permit the conveyance of a parcel of land (Part 1 on the attached sketch) measuring 12.50m+ x 30.36m+ and having an area of 378.9m% for residential purposes, and to retain two parcels of land; (Part 2 on the attached sketch) measuring 12.50m+ x 30.43m+ and having an area of 379.9m% and (Part 3 on the attached sketch) measuring 13.98m+ x 30.28m+ and having an area of 422.9m2+ both for residential purposes. NOTE: This application is scheduled to be heard in conjunction with severance application SC/B15:93 and minor variance application SC/A-15:320. TAKE NOTICE that this application will be heard by the Committee as shown below: DATE: TIME: Thursday, November 12th, 2015 PLACE: Rooms 192 & 193, 1st floor 1:50 p.m. Hamilton City Hall If there is any further information and material that you may require on this application please contact this office, at (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 or 4144. By order of the Committee of Adjustment, DATED: October 27th, 2015 Scott Baldrÿ,"-----j Secretary-Treasurer Note: If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of the proposed consent does not make written submissions to the Committee of Adjustment before it gives or refuses to give a provisional consent, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss the appeal (See Section 53 of The Planning Act and Ontario Regulation 547/06). If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of the proposed consent, you must make a written request to the Committee of Adjustment, 71 Main Street West, 5th Floor, Hamilton City Hall, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4Y5. Information respecting this appfication is being collected under the authority of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. P. 13. All comments and opinions submitted to the City of Hamilton on this matter, including the name, address and contact information of persons submitting comments and/or opinions, will become part of the public record and will be made available to the Applicant and the general public. Note to Applicant: In default of appearance of yourself or of any person duly authorized by you .to appear on your behalf, the Committee may dismiss the application for lack of prosecution. ,-!. IÿIG 3GISd_7.L ÿ'/ÿ i I ! .) ," . . :, ., . © ,,.i o 9£'0£ i ..... "n ml> zÿ z .. mÿ 14- ÿo 14- o1ÿ 6ÿ ÿc o XoN-o NN Z Zi mÿ m o m z o 0 i # Committee of Adjustment City Hall 5th floor, 71 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5 Hamilton Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (905) 546-4202 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE APPLICATION NO. $0/A-i5:320 IN THE MATTER OF The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P. 13, as amended and of the Zoning By-Law No. 3692-92, of the City of Hamilton (formerly Stoney Creek), Section 6.3. AND IN THE MATTER OF the Premises known as Municipal number 41 Creanona Blvd., formerly in the City of Stoney Creek, now in the City of Hamilton and in an "R2" (Single Residential Zone) district; AND IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION by the agent IBI Group (c/o Jared Marcus) on behalf of the owner Cretaro Homes (c/o Max Cretaro), for relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-Law No. 3692-92, under Section 45 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P 13, so as to permit the creation of five (5) lots for the construction of five (5) new single detached dwellings, notwithstanding that; 1. A minimum lot area of 375 square metres shall be provided for an interior lot and a minimum lot area of 420 square metres shall be provided for a corner lot instead of the minimum required lot area of 460 square metres for an interior lot and the minimum required lot area of 505 square metres for a corner lot; 2. A minimum lot frontage of 12.5 metres shall be provided for an interior lot and a minimum lot frontage of 13.9 metres for a corner lot shall be provided instead of the minimum required lot frontage of 15 metres for an interior lot and the minimum required lot frontage of 16.5 metres for a corner lot; and, 3. A maximum lot coverage of 45 percent shall be provided instead of the maximum permitted lot coverage of 40 percent. NOTE: . These variances are necessary to facilitate consent applications SC/B-15:93 and SC/B-15:94 to be heard in conjunction with this application TAKE NOTICE that this application will be heard by the Committee as shown below: ,-,,, DATE: Thursday, November 12th, 2015 .TIME: 1:50 p.m. PLACE: Rooms 192 & 193, 1st floor Hamilton City Hall If there is any further information you may require on this application please contact this office, at (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 or 4144. By order of the Committee of Adjustment, DATED: October 27th, 2015 Scott Baldry, Secretary-Treasurer ..... /2 SC/A-15:320 Page 2 Note: If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee in respect of this application, you must submit a written request to the Committee of Adjustment. This will also entitle you to be advised of a possible Ontario Municipal Board hearing. Even if you are the successful party, you should request a copy of the decision since the Committee's decision may be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board by the applicant or another member of the public. information respecting this application is being collected under the authority of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. ,0. 13. All comments and opinions submitted to the City of Hamilton on this matter, including the name, address and contact information of persons submitting comments and/or opinions, will become part of the public record and will be made available to the Applicant and the general public. Note to Applicant: In default of appearance of yourself or of any person duly authorized by you to appear on your behalf, the Committee may dismiss the application for lack of prosecution. .x !':[8 . S 9:- S ÿ m r-mz _.; mz ..4 :ÿ ÿ 0 '" ST:, g. -33 uÿo z :D -q ÿ .-i _ c, S ikÿ m • <.. . o: • <.. 8¸ ,._: m q 1ÿ ÿ " ÿ I -" :1"" ........... :' r I OO E) C, oo a =m 8ÿoNN aÿz6 N 2ÿg @ Committee of Adjustment City Hall 5th floor, 71 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5 Hamilton Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (905) 546-4202 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE APPLICATION NO. GL/A-15:317 IN THE MATTER OF The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P. 13, as amended and of the Zoning By-Law No. 464, of the City of Hamilton (formerly Glanbrook), Sections 15 and 44, Amending By-Law Number 46441-98. AND IN THE MATTER OF the Premises known as Municipal number 22 Bellstone Lane, formerly in the Township of Glanbrook, now in the City of Hamilton and in an "R3-140" (Residential Zone) district; AND IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION by the agent John Witten on behalf of the owner Alex Alexander, for relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-Law No. 464, under Section 45 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, so as to permit the construction of a one (1) storey addition to the rear of the existing single detached dwelling, notwithstanding that; 1. A minimum exterior side yard of 3.8 metres shall be provided instead of the minimum required exterior side yard of 5.0 metres; and, 2. A minimum rear yard of 4.0 metres shall be provided instead of the minimum required rear yard of 7.0 metres. TAKE NOTICE that this application will be heard by the Committee as shown below: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Thursday, November 12th, 2015 1:55 p.m. Rooms 192 & 193, 1st floor Hamilton City Hall If there is any further information you may require on this application please contact this office, at (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 or 4144. By order of the Committee of Adjustment, DATED: October 27th, 2015 / Scott Ba Secretary-Treasu rer Note: If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee in respect of this application, you must submit a written request to the Committee of Adjustment. This will also entitle you to be advised of a possible Ontario Municipal Board hearing. Even if you are the successful party, you should request a copy of the decision since the Committee's decision may be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board by the applicant or another member of the public. information respecting this appfication is being co#ected under the authority of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. P. 13. All comments and opinions submitted to the City of Hamilton on this matter, including the name, address and contact information of persons submitting comments and/or opinions, will become part of the pubfic record and will be made available to the Appficant and the general pubfic. Note to Applicant: In default of appearance of yourself or of any person duly authorized by you to .appear on your behalf, the Committee may dismiss the application for lack of prosecution. i l Q 1 I !×, ld I L i I i LANE CENTRELINE OF ROAD . 236.46 ) ,° NOTES: l PROlapSED gLEVATION 1 SANITARY CONNECTIONS ÿ PROIgO'SED MANHOLE l BELL PEDESTAL CABLE PEDESTAL WATER CONNECTION CATCH BASIN ; i DOOR W]TI4 RISER BOWNSPOUT W1TI-I DIRECTION SITE AND-ORADINO PLAN VIA SUMP PUMPS, TO THE SIDE YARD SWALE AND DIRECTED TO THE STREET LINE. LOT: PLAN: FOR: STREET LIGFIT H10H POINT FOUNDATION DRAINS TO BE DISCHARGED, I 12 62M -- 873- CASTLE:GREEN BUILDING CORPORATION Se.ALE= 1:250 RADY-PENTEK & EDWARD SURVEYING LTD. ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS 4-65 WILSON AVENUE, DOWNSVIEW, ONTARIO, M3H 1Tg TEL: 4-18--6,35--5000 FAX: 4-16-635--5001 -ÿ . Q . DRAWN: l(.S. DATE: APR 2.ÿ,lÿg.q CAD FILE gg-030 OP JOB No. 99-030 / / / / / / / / ! ! C) I i t i I !ÿ I I Zi.r- tL I ©_ ''° 1"-) 6ÿ I ¢') ?. o t]T 0 DDc- t IZ ÿ;' tr. 2.:' .S. i?,l ÿ, iÿ 'ÿ I ? I ................... ! ................ It '| ÿ J" ':..:., 1 "i" © " i ff Uÿ Committee of Adjustment City Hall 5th floor, 71 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5 Hamilton Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (905) 546-4202 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR CONSEN'RLAND SEVERANCE APPLICATION NO. GLIB-15:97 iN THE MATTER OF The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P13, Section 53(1); AND iN THE MATTER OF the Premises known as Municipal number 85 Glancaster Road, formerly in the Township of Glanbrook, now in the City of Hamilton; AND iN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION by the agent DeFilippis Design on behalf of the owner Gloria Della Maestra, for consent under Section 53(1) of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 13, so as to permit the conveyance of an irregular shaped vacant parcel of land (Part 1 on the attached sketch) having a frontage of 14.87m+ and an area of 851.29m2+ for residential purposes, and to retain two irregular shaped vacant parcels of land; (Part 2 on the attached sketch) having a frontage of 5.35m+ and an area of 332.73m2+ to be combined with an adjoining parcel (Part 3 on the attached sketch) to create a new building lot for residential purposes, and (Part 5 on the attached sketch) having a frontage of 9.0m+ and an area of 463.4m2+ to be added to an adjoining parcel (Part 6 on attached sketch). The existing easement over Part 5 is proposed to remain. NOTE: This application is scheduled to be heard in conjunction with minor variance application GL/A-15:325, severance application GL/B-15:98 and minor variance application GL/A-15:326. TAKE NOTICE that this application will be heard by the Committee as shown below: DATE: TIME: Thursday, November 12th, 2015 PLACE: Rooms 192 & 193, 1st floor 2:00 p.m. Hamilton City Hall If there is any further information and material that you may require on this application 01ease contact this office, at (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 or 4144. By order of the Committee of Adjustment, DATED: October 27th, 2015 / Scott Baldry, Secretary-Treasurer Note: If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of the proposed consent does not make written submissions to the Committee of Adjustment before it gives or refuses to give a provisional consent, the Ontario Municipal Board dismiss the appeal (See Section 53 of The Planning Act and Ontario Regulation 547/06). If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of the proposed consent, you must make a written request to the Committee of Adjustment, 71 Main Street West, 5th Floor, Hamilton City Hall, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4Y5. Information respecting this appfication is being collected under the authority of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. P. 13. All comments and opinions submitted to the City of Hamilton on this matter, including the name, address and contact information of persons submitting comments and/or opinions, will become part of the pubfic record and will be made available to the Appficant and the general pubfic. Note to Applicant: In default of appearance of yourself or of any person duly authorized by you to a ear on our behalf the Committee ma3&_ÿdismiss the a_ÿ__plication for lack N 7"2ff ÿ' 30" W 34.03m If° - Cÿ u v "O >ÿ> 3> oo> -o Zt3 :3O oÿ : , ::0 r'- r-ÿ --.ÿ 0 ÿ ÿ ÿ ",-ÿ -- 7%. --I 03 72r ', o"i Q m ::13 ---I .,=.i. -::mÿ -ÿ ÿ= Iÿ =,:, ---I G) - 0"ÿ ÿ)> g Z C) 3> o) --I ITI :33 :33 i 3> O 3> zoÿ I:D OZ -n> r- Z ..< N 72ÿ ÿ OGÿW 7321m o '-r- o: "0 Z" Z 0 --t Ooÿ Oÿ 0 -'-I ITI "ÿzw'TI .ÿ m ::>--<ÿr-" o I-H ÿ'-0 -om0) O "m. Cÿ o '"C../) IDOl ,ÿ Z _:%A'ÿ- 72Sw Committee of Adjustment City Hall 5tÿ floor, 71 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5 Hamilton Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (905) 546-4202 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE APPLICATION NO. GL/A-15:325 IN THE MATTER OF The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P. 13, as amended and of the Zoning By-Law No. 464, of the City of Hamilton (formerly Glanbrook), Section 12. AND IN THE MATTER OF the Premises known as Municipal number 85 Glancaster Road, formerly in the Township of Glanbrook, now in the City of Hamilton and in an "ER" (Existing Residential) district; AND mN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION by the agent DeFilippis Design on behalf of the owner Rudy Perrissini (under agreement of purchase & sale), for relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-Law No. 464, under Section 45 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, so as to permit the construction of a single detached dwelling on a lot to be conveyed pursuant to Consent Application GL/B-15:97 notwithstanding that: 1. A minimum lot frontage of 14.8m shall be provided instead of the minimum required lot frontage of 22.5m; 2. A minimum lot area of 850m2 shall be provided instead of the minimum required lot area of 1390m2; 3. A maximum lot coverage of 35%m shall be provided instead of the maximum permitted lot coverage of 25%; 4. A minimum front yard of 7.5m shall be provided instead of the minimum required front yard of 9.0m; 5. A minimum side yard of 1.2m shall be provided instead of the minimum required side yard of 1.8m; and, 6. A maximum building height of 11.0m shall be provided instead of the maximum building height of 10.7m. NOTE: i) The variances are necessary to facilitate Consent Application GL/B-15:97. TAKE NOTICE that this application will be heard by the Committee as shown below: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Thursday, November 12th, 2015 2:00 p.m. Rooms 192 & 193, 1st floor Hamilton City Hall If there is any further information you may require on this application please contact this office, at (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 or 4144. By order of the Committee of Adjustment, ..... /2 GL/A-15:325 Page 2 DATED: October 27th, 2015 Scott Baldry, /t") Secretary-Treasurer Note: If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee in respect of this application, you must submit a written request to the Committee of Adjustment. This will also entitle you to be advised of a possible Ontario Municipal Board hearing. Even if you are the successful party, you should request a copy of the decision since the Committee's decision may be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board by the applicant or another member of the public. Information respecting this application is being collected under the authority of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. P. 13. All comments and opinions submitted to the City of Hamilton on this matter, including the name, address and contact information of persons submitting comments and/or opinions, will become part of the pubfic record and will be made available to the Appficant and the general public. Note to Applicant: In default of appearance of yourself or of any person duly authorized by you to appear on your behalf, the Committee may dismiss the application for lack of prosecution El ,-,ÿ o Zq__lOZ 41ÿ1ÿ q "U E 3> --i zoÿ -4 r- 49ÿe EASEMENT I -- O') OO ABÿ "ÿo"U SO.SSm "1 Nÿ .ÿ,ÿs_ÿ 01 ..... ® ._.i._ ---'- 0 Z >o O3 '.-! ITI ]> :::13 oÿ E3 rnC00 ;:uOZ "-n3> O 3> F- HTÿS'0e'w N 7ÿ :ÿo' 06" w 7ÿ'ÿ1 m 17.ÿm ,'-,,/ÿ -xs<Xÿ ,,-/4ÿ -,<r .". jÿ <.., Committee of Adjustment City Hall 5th floor, 71 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5 Hamilton Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (905) 546-4202 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING APPLICATION FOR CONSEN'RLAND SEVERANCE APPLICATION NO. GLIB-15:98 IN THE MATTER OF The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P13, Section 53(1); AND IN THE MATTER OF the Premises known as Municipal number 91 Glancaster Road, formerly in the Township of Glanbrook, now in the City of Hamilton; AND IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION by the agent DeFilippis Design on behalf of the owner Frank Della Maestra, for consent under Section 53(1) of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 13, so as to permit the conveyance of an irregular shaped vacant parcel of land (Part 3 on the attached sketch) having a frontage of 9.51m+ and an area of 625.52mÿ to be combined with an adjoining parcel (Part 2 on the attached sketch) to create a new building lot for residential purposes, and to retain an irregular shaped vacant parcel of land (Part 4 on the attached sketch) having a frontage of 14.87m+ and an area of 1,061 m2+ for residential purposes. NOTE: This application is scheduled to be heard in conjunction with minor variance application GL/A-15:326, severance application GL/B-15:97 and minor variance application GL/A-15:325. TAKE NOTICE that this application will be heard by the Committee as shown below: DATE: TIME: Thursday, November 12th, 2015 PLACE: Rooms 192 & 193, 1st floor 2:00 p.m. Hamilton City Hall If there is any further information and material that you may require on this application please contact this office, at (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 or 4144. / By order of the Committee of Adjustment, / DATED: October 27th, 2015 \ Scott Baldry, Secretary-Treasurer Note: If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of the proposed consent does not make written submissions to the Committee of Adjustment before it gives or refuses to give a provisional consent, the Ontario Municipal Board dismiss the appeal (See Section 53 of The Planning Act and Ontario Regulation 547/06). If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of the proposed consent, you must make a written request to the Committee of Adjustment, 71 Main Street West, 5th Floor, Hamilton City Hall, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4Y5. Information respecting this application is being collected under the authority of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. P. 13. All comments and opinions submitted to the City of Hamilton on this matter, including the name, address and contact information of persons submitting comments and/or opinions, will become part of the public record and will be made available to the Appficant and the general public. .r Note to Applicant: In default of appearance of yourself or of any person duly authorized by you to appear on your behalf, the Committee may dismiss the application for lack of prosecution. i- m 0 3J J 0 U zÿ rl'l uOZ m::ÿT'- lÿm m -,-_/,ÿ -,-ÿ<-yy Committee of Adjustment City Hall 5th floor, 71 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8P 4ÿY5 Hamilton Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (905) 546-4202 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE APPUCATION NO. GL/A-15:326 IN THE MATTER OF The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P. 13, as amended and of the Zoning By-Law No. 464, of the City of Hamilton (formerly Glanbr0ok), Section 12. AND IN THE MATTER OF the Premises known as Municipal number 91 Glancaster Rd., formerly in the Township of Glanbrook, now in the City of Hamilton and in an "ER" (E×Jsting Residential zone) district; AND IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION by the agent DeFilippis Design on behalf of the owner Rudy Perrissini (under agreement of purchase & sale), for relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-Law No. 464, under Section 45 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, so as to permit the creation of two (2) lots for the construction of two (2) new single detached dwellings, notwithstanding: 1. A minimum lot frontage of 14.8 metres shall be provided instead of the minimum required lot frontage of 22.5 metres; 2. A minimum lot area of 950 square metres shall be provided instead of the minimum required lot area of 1390 square metres; 3. A maximum lot coverage of 35 percent shall be provided instead of the maximum permitted lot coverage of 25 percent; 4. A minimum front yard of 7.5 metres shall be provided instead of the minimum required front yard of 9.0 metres; 5. A minimum side yard of 1.2 metres shall be provided instead of the minimum required side yard of 1.8 metres; and, 6. A maximum height of 11.0 metres shall be provided instead of the maximum permitted height of 10.7 metres. NOTES: 1. These variances are necessary to facilitate consent application GLIB-15:98 to be heard in conjunction with this application. 2. Details regarding the proposed single detached dwelling have not been provided; as such, the variances have been written as requested by the applicant TAKE NOTICE that this application will be heard by the Committee as shown below: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Thursday, November 12th, 2015 2:00 p.m. Rooms 192 & 193, 1st floor Hamilton City Hall .../2 GL/A-15:326 Page 2 If there is any further information you may require on this application please contact this office, at (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 or 4144. By order of the Committee of Adjustment, DATED: October 27th, 2015 Scott Baldry, Secretary-Treasurer Note: If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee in respect of this application, you must submit a written request to the Committee of Adjustment. This will also entitle you to be advised of a possible Ontario Municipal Board hearing. Even if you are the successful party, you should request a copy of the decision since the Committee's decision may be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board by the applicant or another member of the public. information respecting this application is being collected under the authority of The Planning Act, R.S.O., I990, c. P. 13. All comments and opinions submitted to the City of Hamilton on this matterÿ including the name, address and contact information of persons submitting comments and/or opinions, will become part of the public record and will be made available to the Applicant and the general public. Note to Applicant: In default of appearance of yourself or of any person duly authorized by you to appear on your behalf, the Committee may dismiss the application for lack of prosecution. N 7"Z'2g' 3D" W 34.03m E] o Z_?IOZ > EASEMENT = E Z © > GO ---I ITI :zJ > >o7 ED zÿ m :aoz -n> i .... :ÿ co U ÿ 0 r._ z ÿ ÿ p z i"i .< =IP N 7ÿ30' Oo'W 73.ÿ1m -M! ! I'11Ho> otto ->[/) o.ÿm -o mÿ _:S-ÿl.m ;ÿa-'w or3ÿ d-ÿ-,,d¢- ,o..,%,,--ÿj /;t"- ÿ ?- ÿ U..'-,,/ÿ -it u y'ÿ- Committee of Adjustment City Halt 5th floor, 71 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5 Hamilton Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (905) 546-4202 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR CONSEN'RLAND SEVERANCE APPLICATION NO. SC/B-15:90 IN THE MATTER OF The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P13, Section 53(1); AND IN THE MATTER OF the Premises known as Municipal number 400 McNeilly Road, formerly in the City of Stoney Creek, now in the City of Hamilton; AND IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION by the agent WEBB Planning Consultants on behalf of the owner 1520866 Ontario Ltd. (c/o Fred Losani), for consent under Section 53(1) of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 13, so as to permit the conveyance of a vacant parcel of land measuring 130m+ x 409m+ and having an area of 5.26ha+ and to retain an irregular shaped parcel of land having a frontage of 185m+ and an area of 4.97ha+ containing an existing building for industrial purposes. NOTE: The agent has indicated that the application is to facilitate the reestablishment of former parcels of land which have inadvertently merged on title. TAKE NOTICE that this application will be heard by the Committee as shown below: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Thursday, November 12th, 2015 2:05 p.m. Rooms 192 & 193, 1st floor Hamilton City Hail If there is any further information and material that you may require on this application please contact this office, at (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 or 4144. By order of the Committee of Adjustment, DATED: October 27th, 2015 / Scott Baldry, Secretary-Treasurer Note: If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of the proposed consent does not make written submissions to the Committee of Adjustment before it gives or refuses to give a provisional consent, the Ontario Municipal Board ÿ dismiss the appeal (See Section 53 of The Planning Act and Ontario Regulation 547/06). If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of the proposed consent, you must make a written request to the Committee of Adjustment, 71 Main Street West, 5th Floor, Hamilton City Hall, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4Y5. Information respecting this application is being cofected under the authority of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. P. 13. All comments and opinions submitted to the City of Hamilton on this matter, including the name, address and contact information of persons submitting comments and/or opinions, will become part of the public record and will be made available to the Applicant and the general public. Note to Applicant: In default of appearance of yourself or of any person duly authorized by you to appear on your behalf the Committee may dismiss the application for lack or prosecution. I I I I t: _.. 2: I :ii: I I I 1 II" I ti- ! iÿI1!1 iti!ÿ ! iiiÿII .L ,..,ÿ'ÿoÿ ,ÿ,.ÿ.ÿ i :-- ÿ,,...ÿ.ÿ F_==-r"-ÿ-T"" .,.] ,.ÿ-, 1i T i, I! , ti I lil r i !ii i rÿ Inÿ I McNE]LLY . "ÿL: ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿiÿ z Z , I ° : ÿ- ÿJÿ:,ÿ-j ÿ,ÿ ÿ-ÿ ÿ'ÿ'ÿ ÿ oÿ PART 4-, PLAN 62R--15624 17363w0051(LT , ÿI ÿIÿ m ÿ ÿ.ÿ 1 ,..Iq ['1 > • 0 (-} 0 0 t- r- -ÿ :E 0 o o ._1 -q 0 v3: ÿ o Z 0 0 z :ÿ Z ÿ Eÿ. I ÿ I .'.ÿ X d -* t... 51ÿ ............ IN ÿ n ÿ >, '; 71 I -i ÿiTIÿl ÿ -u ÿLÿI I ÿ. (ÿ ÿ ÿ-ÿ.' ÿ !ÿ ÿ'li ÿ'ÿ ÿ. ÿ >lÿ ............. "ÿ \ÿ ,"ÿ _ÿ ÿI-Tÿÿ'ÿ 1.o :ROAD '" "'ÿ Committee of Adjustment City Hall 5th floor, 71 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5 Hamilton Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (905) 546-4202 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE APPUCATION NO. HM/A-t5:323 IN THE MATTER OF The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P. 13, as amended and of the Zoning By-Law No. 6593, of the City of Hamilton, Sections 2, 10E, 17B, 18 and 18A. AND IN THE MATTER OF the Premises known as Municipal number 290 Barton St. W., in the City of Hamilton and in an "RT-20/S-1478 & L-mr-l" (Townhouse-Maisonette and Planned Development) (Amending By-law 02-310) district; AND IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION by the agent WEBB Planning Consultants Inc. on behalf of the owner 290 Barton Street (Hamilton) Limited, for relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-Law No. 6593, under Section 45 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, so as to permit a portion of the lot zoned "RT-20/S-1478" to be developed for stacked townhouses comprised of three (3) buildings containing a total of thirty-four (34) dwelling units pursuant to Site Plan Application File # DA-15-074 notwithstanding that: 1. The definition of "Dwelling, Townhouse" within Section 2 shall be modified for this development to allow for Stacked Townhouse Dwellings to be defined as: "Townhouse dwelling shall mean a building not more than two single family dwellings in height, designed and constructed to contain not less than 6 single family dwelling units attached to each other, ve.rtically separated and in substantial harmony with each other each of which dwelling units: a) Has a separate front entrance; b) Is joined on one or both sides by a party wall to another dwelling unit in the same row and separate horizontally from the dwelling unit above or below." 2. For Building 1, a maximum building height of 13.5m instead of the maximum building height of 11.0m and notwithstanding the definition of "storey", the area above the 3rd storey which shall only contain and be limited to the roof, a roof top terrace and access to the roof top terrace, shall not be considered a "storey" as defined. 3. A minimum front yard depth of 1.8m shall be provided for Buildings 1, 2 and 3 instead of the minimum required front yard depth of 2.4m. 4. A roofed-over unenclosed one storey porch at the first storey, including associated stairs, eaves and gutters, shall be permitted to be distant at least 0.5m from the front lot line instead of such encroachment being distant at least 1.5m from the front lot line. 5. Eaves and gutters shall be permitted to project into the front yard and to be as close as 0.5m from the street line for the principal buildings (Buildings 1, 2 and 3) and be as close as 0.0m for the accessory building (bicycle storage building) instead of the requirement that the front yard projection for eaves and gutters shall be not closer to a street line than 1.5m. 6. A minimum westerly side yard width of 2.4m shall be provided for Block 1 instead of the minimum required side yard width of 6.0m where there are windows to a habitable room facing the yard. .../2 HM/A-15:323 Page 2 7. A minimum distance of 2.4m shall be provided between two exterior walls each of which contains at least one habitable room instead of the minimum required distance of 15.0m. 8. An area of 200.0m2 shall be provided for each single family dwelling unit instead of the minimum required area of not less than 230.0m2 for each single family dwelling unit. 9. The privacy areas shall have a minimum depth of 2.4m instead of the privacy areas having a depth not less than 2.5m. 10. The privacy areas shall be provided at the rear of the dwelling units or on the rooftop of the dwelling units instead of the requirement for Block 2 that the required privacy area for the single family dwelling units shall consist of courtyards that are screened on one side by a garage at the front of the dwelling units. 11. A maximum of twelve (12) dwelling units shall be attached notwithstanding that for townhouses, not more than eight single family dwelling units shall be attached in a continuous row. 12. A minimum of one (1) parking space for each dwelling unit plus five (5) visitor parking spaces shall be provided instead of the minimum required 1.5 spaces for each townhouse dwelling unit plus five (5) visitor parking spaces. 13. A minimum parking space size of 2.6m wide x 5.5m long shall be provided instead of the minimum required parking space size of 2.7m wide x 6.0m long. 14. A minimum 1.2m to 2.0m visual barrier shall be provided along the westerly side lot line from the front lot line to the "long term stable T.O. bank" instead of the requirement that a 1.2m to 2.0m high visual barrier shall be provided along the boundary of the lot abutting the residential district (being the entirely westerly 88.392m lot line and the southerly 28.291m lot line) 15. A minimum front yard depth of 0.5m shall be provided for one accessory building (labelled as bicycle storage) instead of the minimum required front yard depth of 2.4m. NOTE: i. Variance # 12 will require a total of 39 parking spaces (34 resident parking spaces for the 34 dwelling units) plus 5 visitor parking spaces. The Site Plan shows a total of 40 parking spaces which also includes 1 barrier free parking space. TAKE NOTICE that this application will be heard by the Committee as shown below: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Thursday, November 12th, 2015 2:25 p.m. Rooms t92 & t93, 1st floor Hamilton City Hall If there is any further information you may require on this application please contact this office, at (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 or 4144. By order of the Committee of Adjustment, ...13 HM/A-15:323 Page 3 DATED: October 27th, 2015 Scott Secretary-Treasurer Note: If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee in respect of this application, you must submit a written request to the Committee of Adjustment. This will also entitle you to be advised of a possible Ontario Municipal Board hearing. Even if you are the successful party, you should request a copy of the decision since the Committee's decision may be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board by the applicant or another member of the public. Information respecting this application is being collected under the authority of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. P. 13. All comments and opinions submitted to the City of Hamilton on this matter, including the name, address and contact information of persons submitting comments and/or opinions, will become part of the public record and will be made available to the Applicant and the general public. Note to Applicant: In default of appearance of yourself or of any person duly authorized by you to appear on your behalf, the Committee may dismiss the application for lack of prosecution. CROOKS STREET LOT 8 T LOT 9 LOT i 0 -% -% 1 / / ] / -% MAGILL STREET \ \, RA Y STREET NORTH / / / II I 'ÿ I I N N N N I-,-ÿ I, I,J l-/zl,ÿ.ÿ J Z'!,,cG.,.Gÿ l LOT :ÿ LOT 9 t LOT 10 1 !c:: Ii •.//" / / I..- / i / / iÿÿ f:,! !1 £ i-+ I I'D:t I!1 h [::!. / I I i D., / g 1 i I i ! i ! ÿ1ÿ !IL= :iili !I'ÿ ; ,ÿ, iflIii - =I ..... 'I 7ÿ iI II.DI. < ££££ ii1i £ . !ÿ I il 7 i!,ÿ" ÿ'il Z Lÿ.LJ E__J I. I ÿ ÿ0 ÿ 0 0 € ®@@ ® ¢@@@@jÿ BARTOi'I 5TREETW. HAMILTON. OR. i ÿ" ÿ l]!li !]l'il°H Iÿ "ÿiÿ: II --'Sÿ..ÿ--ÿ ÿ , ..., .. 7 ---I -r- U "I1 oo 0 "lJ ,Z ii . ii Fllÿ) Ii > 'i Iiÿ ] 9 I ® ILÿ- ÿL.]I ii /o ® ---ÿ-- ÿLÿ LÿLlÿF i ] C ] r-- Z © II P iÿ .... LJi /¢, JÿS .,= ll[ÿ ÿlF!ÿÿ ! fiÿiÿ ÿ ,! IIL -- I I ÿ-ÿ-1/'PÿI gl N I/ i ÿ ,FP ÿ-- I gt i i ! i ,ÿ iI ,i :::g ', ', ', ', ', : ,' ,, I- - - -l-L J _1_ L Jr]ÿÿ / / / t; hO E---J I Zgg BARTON STREET W., H,,ÿMSLTON, (ÿN. 2 & 3 ELEVATIONS /ÿ \..,2 ÿ ÿ"; Z ..:..,:.,.;,,:,,,.. = iÿi"/ Pÿ;7--7 • -" ÿIÿ rÿÿ i i Iÿi ! II { ! 8 oÿ i ,ÿI 8 j __ ff o G3 i,, C I I Z © CROOK'S & BARTON STREET IÿL-.-ÿ ÿÿLÿ.5ÿTÿ Iÿ ÿll / =ÿ ÿ /1ÿ>ÿ/I,ÿ ÿ1ÿ /fa?!ÿ/r-4 ÿ ÿ Committee of Adjustment City Hall 5th floor, 71 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5 Hamilton Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (905) 546-4202 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE APPLICATION NO. HM/A-15:314 IN THE MATTER OF The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P. 13, as amended and of the Zoning By-Law No. 6593, of the City of Hamilton, Sections 9, 18A and 19B, Amending By-Law Number 96-109. AND IN THE MATTER OF the Premises known as Municipal number 96 Dalewood Crescent, in the City of Hamilton and in a "C/S-1361" (Urban Protected Residential) district; AND IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION by the owners Daniel Goldreich and Deda Gillespie, for relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-Law No. 6593, under Section 45 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, so as to permit the construction of a new 59.4m2 cellar addition as well as to permit the construction of a new 9.4m x 4.4m first storey rear addition including a new 2.4m x 3.6m mud room which is to replace the existing first store rear addition for the existing single family dwelling notwithstanding that; 1. A maximum floor area ratio of 0.82 shall be permitted instead of the maximum 0.67 floor area ratio previously permitted by Committee Decision HM/A-15:115; 2. A minimum of two (2) parking spaces shall be permitted instead of the minimum four (4) parking spaces required; 3. A minimum .rear yard of 5.8m shall be permitted instead of the minimum required 6.8m rear yard previously approved by Committee decision HM/A-15:115; 4. A minimum parking space having a length of 4.9m shall be permitted for the parking space within the private attached garage instead of the minimum 6.0m length required; and, 5. A minimum northerly side yard width of 0.4m shall be recognized for the existing dwelling instead of the minimum 1.2m side yard width required. Notes: i) This property requires a minimum of four (4) parking spaces based on a total of eleven (11) habitable rooms. i i) Please note if the concrete retaining wall surrounding the stairs from the basement to grade level does not extend greater than 6" above grade then it can encroach into the required rear yard in which case variance #3 will not be required. iii) Previous Committee of Adjustment Decision HM/A-15:115 permitted a northerly side yard width of 0.9m and a floor area ratio of 0.67. iv) The floor area ratio has been written as requested by the applicant. TAKE NOTICE that this application will be heard by the Committee as shown below: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Thursday, November 12th, 2015 2:30 p.m. Rooms t92 & 193, 1st floor Hamilton City Hall ..... 2 H M/A-15:314 Page 2 If there is any further information you may require on this application please contact this office, at (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 or 4144. By order of the Committee of Adjustment, DATED: October 27th, 2015 Note: If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee in respect of this application, you must submit a written request to the Committee of Adjustment. This will also entitle you to be advised of a possible Ontario Municipal Board hearing, Even if you are the successful party, you should request a copy of the decision since the Committee's decision may be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board by the applicant or another member of the public. information respecting this application is being collected under the authority of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. P. 13. All comments and opinions submitted to the City of Ham#ton on this matter, including the name, address and contact information of persons submitting comments and/or opinions, will become part of the public record and will be made available to the App#cant and the general public. Note to Applicant: In default of appearance of yourself or of any person duly authorized by you to appear on your behalf, the Committee may dismiss the application for lack of prosecution. l-. p I! !f! ii if iÿlt I_,ÿ I1 ii i{ f i i = 1 ,, oÿI= i!L= iÿ ,,I ÿ ÿiÿ IIÿ- !lÿ7-,-1 I -..li i1ÿ!. lh, iÿ,1 !ÿi - t 1 ! il °, if{ i! I i l I I° .0 ":ÿ ! TOI" OF ROOF FROI:'OSED RAIS'£1) WINDOWS, 50LDIF..K COURSE H F.ADL:.R TO MATCH ÿ]STING PR.OI:ILDS. ROOF w/ I G' 5PACING (TYf'.) 6" FP, ZFIN. MTL. PLA.5HING W! CAULFJNG TO MATCH BRICK. COLOUR.{Iÿ.) 3:12 b sÿ covÿ MOULD TraM ÿ ÿ:" HALF ROUND BF-A.D MOULD ON I' ltllCK.Iÿ'T. MDF 14" LONG ÿ EQUAL W/RNSED • TOP OF GROUND iÿIOOÿ UNDERSIDE Off COUNG c ]:LOORTO CONCRLÿ UÿGr, C• BANDING W! I' PROJ. ('(YP,) I TOP OF BASSMEKq" fLOOR. ' :) PROPOSEÿ¢,REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 1 = 1'-0" r-" POURED CONÿ FOOLING AND FOUNDATION ÿALL(In') TOYOFROOF TOP OF PUÿTE / u!'ÿ* OF CBUNG FQUAL ;" E _ __J TOPOFSECOND ÿ00ÿ UÿDEP,.SiDE OFÿ TOt or 61ÿOUND r'LO01ÿ :ÿJUNG £ E TOr Or BÿEMENT rLOOFÿ 1 ] I I I- I Lt (ÿ ROPOSED PARTIAL LEFT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" TOP OP ROOt' -#. m lb--I1NG ROOF TOP O!ÿ FLA3ÿ/ÿ5 OF CÿIUN6 12 12 12 5 K.'(I.IGI'FI" TOFOFSF.£ONDt'tOOK UNDERSIDEOFCÿUNG .... ] I I I I TOP OF GROUND FLOOR UNDERSIDE OF CIÿUN6 I P L TO}" OIÿ BKSÿMIÿT ttOOÿ [ ® j I ROPOSED PARTIAL RIGHT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4-"= 1'-0" ........ >G .4. ÿ/" OFFICE (ÿISTING) DINING ROOM PROPOSED UNFINISHED BASEMENT PARTIAL CROSS SECTION SCALE.- 1/4T' --_- ÿ-7_ÿ ////////////////ÿ l GREAT. ROOM BREAKFAST (l:'gOpO5[D) Rÿr05ÿ) II II EXISTING GARAGE (rÿISTING) 1 I I LIVING ROOM CXLÿNG} 11'-o- UP4K (ÿ PROPOSED MAIN FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" F WALL LEGEND TO REMAIN EXISÿNG WALLS TO BE RIÿ!OVED AU. TO BE I EX1S'ÿNG WALL OI'IIONAL NL=W WlNDOÿ IN ÿIÿTING WINDOW' WIDTd AND LOWED. REfÿTO ELÿVAIION FOR. 51Z F... MASTER BEDROOM (ÿ'b'mNG) 15"-7j" ............................. EXISTING SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE: I/4"= I'-0" ÿ ................... j r----'w r------1 r--------'L------L ...... l i--ÿ "I-- rJ I I I [ [ "I 4, 71 ,4. II I 1 - ,, ÿ / I I c5,ÿ% # uÿ,. [/J I K/I L_ i \ ,; ...... ........... ÿ rill 11@6 ÿlii II I[ II I LU El N I II 1ÿ 7 ........ II L__J. -. II '- 1 "I . ÿ I ÿ ! r. I ÿ-T lÿIÿ. kit 4, I I I , I II ' l t ,= I I II I ............ -I II II 'l r I ,,,, I I# ImllzZ U ÿ2ÿ N I ra I - "ÿ"., ÿ'ÿ" I L414 ÿ'4o- i ]i .................................. @ EXISTING LOFT PLAN SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" PROPOSED UNFINISHED BASEMENT (rRorosÿ1 l'4" 21'-,I" tt L5 x 5x \ \ k t / / \ \ I I I \ \ OFnONAL BOOK i \ \ I I \ I UNEXO'ÿVATED I I I I I I I I I \ \ \ \ RECREATION ROOM \ \ \ \ \ (ÿXlS]]NGI Z 11ÿ11- 13'-4" '-ln- (ÿ) ROPOSED BASEMENT PLAN SCALE: 1/4-"= 1'-0" I BÿT Committee of Adjustment City Hall 5th floor, 71 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5 Hamilton Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (905) 5464202 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR CONSEN'RLAND SEVERANCE APPLICATION NO. HM/B-15:92 IN THE MATTER OF The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P13, Section 53(1); AND IN THE MATTER OF the Premises known as Municipal number 508 Aberdeen Avenue, in the City of Hamilton; AND IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION by the owner Joseph Rettura, for consent under Section 53(1) of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 13, so as to permit the conveyance of a vacant parcel of rear land (Part 2 on attached plan) measuring 7.68m+ x 50.89m+ and having an area of 390.83m2+ to be added to an adjoining parcel (known municipally as 506 Aberdeen Avenue) for residential purposes, and to retain a parcel of land (Part 1 on attached plan) measuring 7.62m+ x 31.58m+ and having an area of 240.63m2+ containing an existing dwelling for residential purposes. NOTE: Previous application HM/B-13:18 lapsed. TAKE NOTICE that this application will be heard by the Committee as shown below: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Thursday, November 12th, 2015 2:35 p.m. Rooms 192 & t93, 1st floor Hamilton City Hall If there is any further information and material that you may require on this application please contact this office, at (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Or 4144. By order of the Committee of Adjustment, DATED: October 27th, 2015 Scott Baldry, Secretary-Treasurer Note: If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of the proposed consent does not make written submissions to the Committee of Adjustment before it gives or refuses to give a provisional consent, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss the appeal (See Section 53 of The Planning Act and Ontario Regulation 547/06). If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of the proposed consent, you must make a written request to the Committee of Adjustment, 71 Main Street West, 5th Floor, Hamilton City Hall, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4Y5. information respecting this application is being collected under the authority of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. P. 13. All comments and opinions submitted to the City of Hamilton on this matter, including the name, address and contact information of persons submitting comments and/or opinions, will become part of the public record and will be made available to the Applicant and the general Rubric. Note to Applicant: In default of appearance of yourself or of any person duly authorized by you to appear on your behalf, the Committee may dismiss the application for lack or prosecution. ........ -1 F I !17 I i ............... I I I I 1I LOT'114 ! i LOT 1!6 LOT !15 I I I I I 620 ! ! i ! LOT 28 rh ! i LOT 27 "-I LOT 2E :,ÿ ro LOT 25 b LOT 23 m LOT 21 I : 1,4ÿ LOT 20 LOT 10 D UND Utÿ, N i! tlt S TR EE T t!ttltlttlttÿ iio i I1 rÿ I ,.ÿ0 U TH I c.b i 1 . t I , l 1 G / °7 TItT R tT I I I I. __L ' 45" 15" v: (.ÿ,t) 86 (m ÿ -ÿO N 7!" 45" 15" W • D ,5- ;.7 ;-- t?, ;.- f: A I," ;-- h; / l [.- :, ,ÿ .. ,, ..... ÿ. ........ . .... ..-.LL...,i'I-:-ÿ:,:ÿ_ :..'"T:.ÿE=:V CCNCESÿO:'.ÿ 3 .4'.':D 4, P.L:V. ÿ.7Lÿ,2-03ÿ :Lÿ ) " ÿKbTC {4 -{So ÿz Committee of Adjustment City Hail 5th floor, 71 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5 Hamilton Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (905) 546-4202 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE RE-SCHEDULED APPLiCATiON NO. HM/A-15:237 IN THE MATTER OF The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P. 13, as amended and of the Zoning By-Law No. 6593, of the City of Hamilton, Sections 9, 18A and 19. AND IN THE MATTER OF the Premises known as Municipal number 144 Lottridge Street in the City of Hamilton and in a "C" (Urban Protected Residential, etc.) district; AND IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION by the agent Amalesh Chakraborty on behalf of the owner 1 Buy Houses Fast Inc., for relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-Law No. 6593, under Section 45 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, so as to permit the conversion of the existing single family dwelling to contain a total of two (2) dwelling units notwithstanding that: 1. A minimum lot area of 207.0m2 shall be permitted instead of the minimum 270.0m2 lot area required; 2. A minimum clear height of 1.8m shall be permitted instead of the minimum 2.1m clear height required; 3. No onsite manoeuvring shall be provided for the two (2) parking spaces located at the rear yard instead of the minimum required 6.0m aisle width and the requirement that a manoeuvring space shall be provided and maintained on the lot; and, 4. An access driveway having a minimum width of 2.6m shall be permitted instead of the minimum 2.8m access width required. Notes: Please be advised that a variance to the zoning By-law does not relieve the applicant from the Ontario Building Code regulations. As such, the applicant is advised to confirm that compliance can be achieved with the Ontario Building Code respecting the proposed clear heights. No cross sections of the basement/cellar have been provided to confirm the ceiling height. The applicant shall ensure that the ceiling height requested in variance #2 is accurate and correct. Otherwise, additional variances may be required. A minimum of two (2) parking spaces are required and provided in the rear yard for the proposed converted two (2) dwelling units. TAKE NOTICE that this application will be heard by the Committee as shown below: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Thursday, November 12th, 2015 2:40 p.m. Rooms 192 & 193, 1st floor Hamilton City Hall If there is any further information you may require on this application please contact this office, at (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 or 4144. .../2 HM/A-15:237 Page 2 By order of the Committee of Adjustment, DATED: October 27th, 2015 Scott Baldry, Secretary-Treasurer (ÿ Note: If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee in respect of this application, you must submit a written request to the Committee of Adjustment. This will also entitle you to be advised of a possible Ontario Municipal Board hearing. Even if you are the successful party, you should request a copy of the decision since the Committee's decision may be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board by the applicant or another member of the public. information respecting this application is being collected under the authority of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. P. 13. All comments and opinions submitted to the City of Hamilton on this matter, including the name, address and contact information of persons submitting comments and/or opinions, will become part of the public record and will be made available to the Applicant and the general public. Note to Applicant: In default of appearance of yourself or of any person duly authorized bY you to appear on your behalf, the Committee may dismiss the application for lack of prosecution. LOTTRIDGE STREET CENTRE LINE O 7620 [251 m m"< £F" WALKWAY O bO ]> --I 0 Z 1 2645 ] ,,..:::; 7620 [2ÿI L D T Committee of Adjustment City Hall 5th floor, 71 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5 Hamilton Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (905) 546-4202 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR CONSENTÿLAND SEVERANCE APPLICATION NO. HM/R-15:91 IN THE MATTER OF The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P13, Section 53(1); AND IN THE MATTER OF the Premises known as Municipal number 9 Hillyard Street, in the City of Hamilton; AND IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION by the applicant Nikolas Gruevski on behalf of the owner Nicola Clarizio, for consent under Section 53(1) of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 13, so as to permit the conveyance of a vacant parcel of land having a frontage on Niagara Street of 7.32m+ and an area of 203.06m2+ for residential purposes, and to retain an irregular shaped parcel of land having a frontage of 46.8m+ and an area of 2,830m2+ containing an existing building for residential purposes. TAKE NOTICE that this application will be heard by the Committee as shown below: DATE: Thursday, November 12th, 2015 TIME: PLACE: 2:45 p.m. Rooms 192 & t93, 1st floor Hamilton City Hall If there is any further information and material that you may require on this application please contact this office, at (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 or 4144. By order of the Committee of Adjustment, DATED: October 27th, 2015 S c° rttetBald-Tÿ;e a sÿ're r Note: If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of the proposed consent does not make written submissions to the Committee of Adjustment before it gives or refuses to give a provisional consent, the Ontario Municipal Board ÿ dismiss the appeal (See Section 53 of The Planning Act and Ontario Regulation 547/06). If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of the proposed consent, you must make a written request to the Committee of Adjustment, 71 Main Street West, 5th Floor, Hamilton City Hall, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4Y5. Information respecting this application is being collected under the authority of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. P. 13. All comments and opinions submitted to the City of Hamilton on this matter, including the name, address and contact information of persons submitting comments and/or Opinions, will become part of the pubfic record and will be made available to the Applicant and the general public. Note to Applicant: In default of appearance of yourself or of any person duly authorized by you to appear on your behalf! the Committee may dismiss the application for lack o[ prosecution. ,1o,,, //;.ÿS !!ii'jl ÿ1| iÿi ÿI iÿ li! i tz! I ,,/ .,#,,. :r, I !II k i t "' I lÿ i ÿI " t ÿ // // / 1 I 50.30m N18000'00"F \ \ \ :.,,=-€ \ \ X ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL •o '. O % i.,€ ;..-,,j o4' £,4 ,,,r-,,, J J \ "' O ,f.........,, \ I'-. r-:,ÿ r--" 04 7.52m N1 8"OO'O T, .,.NIAGARA S*TR.E E.T PLOT PLAN -t4,ÿ-ÿ "V,..o: ÿ Committee of Adjustment City Hall 5th floor, 71 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5 Hamilton Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (905) 546-4202 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR CONSENTÿLAND SEVERANCE APPLICATION NO. HM/B-15:95 IN THE MATTER OF The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P13, Section 53(1); AND IN THE MATTER OF the Premises known as Municipal numbers 781 & 785 Main Street East, in the City of Hamilton; AND IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION by the agent Shayle Rothman on behalf of the owner Kitewood Estates Canada Inc., for consent under Section 53(1) of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 13, so as to permit the conveyance of a parcel of land (known municipally as 785 Main St. E.) measuring 8.99m+ x 45.72m+ and having an area of 411.02m2+ containing an existing building for residential purposes, and to retain a parcel of land (known municipally as 781 Main St. E.) measuring 13.86m+ x 45.72m+ and having an area of 633.68m2+ containing an existing building for residential purposes. NOTE: The agent has indicated that the properties merged inadvertently. TAKE NOTICE that this application will be heard by the Committee as shown below: DATE: TIME: Thursday, November 12th, 2015 PLACE: Rooms 192 & 193, 1st floor Hamilton City Hall 2:50 p.m. If there is any further information and material that you may require on this application please contact this office, at (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 or 4144. By order of the Committee of Adjustment, DATED: October 27th, 2015 Scott Baldry, Secretary-Treasurer Note: If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of the proposed consent does not make written submissions to the Committee of Adjustment before it gives or refuses to give a provisional consent, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss the appeal (See Section 53 of The Planning Act and Ontario Regulation 547/06). If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of the proposed consent, you must make a written request to the Committee of Adjustment, 71 Main Street West, 5t" Floor, Hamilton City Hall, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4Y5. Information respecting this appfication is being collected under the authority of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. P. 13. All comments and opinions submitted to the City of Hamilton on this matter, including the name, address and contact information of persons submitting comments and/or opinions, will become part of the pubfic record and will be made available to the Applicant and the general public. Note to Applicant: In default of appearance of yourself or of any person duly authorized by you to appear on your behalf, the Committee may dismiss the application for lack ol prosecution. / GARFIELD A VENUE i 1 / i ,t l 'ÿ..ÿ ÿ, :o,ÿ -- . . I ÿ, // i . nÿ J FAIRHOL T ROAD 1 ÿ 1ÿ o ÿo tÿÿ i 1ÿ ÿ'ÿ'ÿ ;1ÿ_ÿ> 1 ÿ-ÿ-ÿoÿ ilÿ !! ,ÿ-ÿLÿ'ÿ ÿ I ÿ I ÿ ÿJ eÿ ÿl ÿ1 ÿ ÿ ÿ • Oiÿlÿ ,ÿ1ÿ IÿIÿ J lil ÿ o oÿ" !1 I 1 :ÿ ', -ÿ I '._____2' --;4ÿ.ÿ-;:ÿ , T I 'OT 2.9 L_ LOT N70=31'50"W IB.28 (PI. P2 & Sol} 12.19 Fence S 0.07 E (3.05 W/DE) ALLEywIÿy-'-REGISTF_RED PLAN ÿ04) ,ÿ.51 (BYPIN 12"209-0045 #..7") {m) 22-.86 (D4 & Sef} LOT Fence" 0.03 E--ÿ LOT 27 Concraÿe ¢/olkway 0 L29I hnd Rolls 0.09 E PIN 17209-ÿ062 (L T} ! -69 (P'J Z} MJ L31 2 5/ s 3.05 N (63-94 P3) 18.31 {Mÿ5"27 (M) 0.17 W MAIN STREET (BY REGISTERED PLAN 304) PIN 17206-0171 ÿ T) (15.24 P2) (18.ÿ8 D3) c Committee of Adjustment City Hall 5th floor, 71 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5 Hamilton Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (9.05) 546-4202 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE APPLICATION NO. HM/A-t 5:316 IN THE MATTER OF The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P. 13, as amended and of the Zoning By-Law No. 6593, of the City of Hamilton, Section 10. AND IN THE MATTER OF the Premises known as Municipal numbers 158 MacNab St. N. & 31 Mulberry St., in the City of Hamilton and in a "D" (Urban Protected Residential - One and Two Family Dwellings, etc.) district; AND IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION by the agent Duane Abbott on behalf of the owner David Liburdi, for relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-Law No. 6593, under Section 45 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, so as to permit the commercial portion of the building to be used as a hairdressing establishment (including a barber shop and beauty parlour) and/or a take-out restaurant (with no seating) which can be considered similar to or more compatible with the legally established non-conforming plumber's shop. NOTE: The recognized use is a building containing a single family dwelling and a legally established non-conforming plumber's shop. TAKE NOTICE that this application will be heard by the Committee as shown below: DATE: TIME: Thursday, November 12th, 2015 PLACE: Rooms 192 & 193, 1st floor 3:00 p.m. Hamilton City Hall If there is any further information you may require on this application please contact this office, at (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 or 4144. By order of the Committee of Adjustment, DATED: October 27th, 2015 Scott Baldry, Secretary-Treasurer Note: If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee in respect of this application, you must submit a written request to the Committee of Adjustment. This will also entitle you to be advised of a possible Ontario Municipal Board hearing. Even if you are the successful party, you should request a copy of the decision since the Committee's decision may be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board by the applicant or another member of the public. Information respecting this appfication is being collected under the authority of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. P. 13. All comments and opinions submitted to the City of Hamilton on this matter, including the name, address and contact information of persons submitting comments and/or opinions, will become part of the pubfic record and will be made available to the Applicant and the general pubfic. Note to Applicant: In default of appearance of yourself or of any person duly authorized by you to appear on your behalf, the Committee may dismiss the application for lack or prosecution. I l I I I l ° I I I I I. \ I Cÿ I I Y I I l I I - ¢._ 0 -4 i .o • ...................... l Committee of Adjustment City Hall 5th floor, 71 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5 Hamilton Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (905) 5464202 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE APPLICATION NO. HM/A-15:301 IN THE MATTER OF The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P. 13, as amended and of the Zoning By-Law No. 6593, of the City of Hamilton, Sections 9 and 18A. AND IN THE MATTER OF the Premises known as Municipal number 109 Spadina Avenue, in the City of Hamilton and in a "C" (Urban Protected Residential, etc.) district; AND IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION by the agent Marina .Fensham on behalf of the owner Kindal Enterprises, for relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-Law No. 6593, under Section 45 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, so as to permit the expansion of a legally established non-conforming three (3) family dwelling by construction of a 2.03m (6'8") x 3004m (9'11") third (3rd) storey dormer addition notwithstanding that: 1. A three family dwelling is not permitted; 2. Three storeys shall be permitted instead of a maximum permitted 2½ storeys; 3. A minimum aisle width manoeuvring space of 0.0m shall be provided for the two (2) exterior surface parking spaces instead of the minimum required aisle width manoeuvring space of 6.0m; 4. Manoeuvring space for the two exterior surface parking spaces may be provided off- site and on the rear alley/laneway instead of being provided only on the lot; and, 5. The exterior surface parking area shall be composed of gravel instead of being paved with concrete or asphalt or a combination of concrete and asphalt. TAKE NOTICE that this application will be heard by the Committee as shown below: DATE: TIME: PLACE:. Thursday, November 12th, 2015 3:05 p.m. Rooms 192 & 193, 1st floor Hamilton City Hall If there is any further information you may require on this application please contact this office, at (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 or 4144. By order of the Committee of Adjustment, DATED: October 27th, 2015 Scott Baldry, Secretary-Treasurer \ ÿ.) Note: If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee in respect of this application, you must submit a written request to the Committee of Adjustment. This will also entitle you to be advised of a possible Ontario Municipal Board hearing. Even if you are the successful party, you should request a copy of the decision since the Committee's decision may be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board by the applicant or another member of the public. ..... /2 HM/A-15:301 Page 2 information respecting this application is being collected under the authority of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. P. 13. All comments and opinions submitted to the City of Hamilton on this matter, including the name, address and contact information of persons submitting comments and/or opinions, will become part of the public record and will be made available to the Appficant and the general public. Note to Applicant: In default of appearance of yourself or of any person duly authorized by you to appear on your behalf, the Committee may dismiss the application for lack of prosecution. LANEWAY 2 ='t" PI "T 1 ! P2 I I P3 She red Gorage I "T -J Exisl ng Pav lg --4'.-3"--- Gravel O0 "M O 8'-,6" Sh( red Oo -I 13J oÿq o • r.- ITI ÿ o "IJ O 22r 27'-10" SPADHNA i _ÿ= I l ,...,,.ÿ. i -HQ FR.ÿ > z o L= !t- ° !" =ÿ& =CO -ÿ" =Q m I# oÿoo ÿ [I 8ÿ= =q) ,.6/,ÿ/ÿ -it ,<5ÿ/ 3> 3>rn × .° (so 3>--4 63 .n 3> "4ÿ O O9 .-t m .ÿ El L_L., k,- Z a Area qualifying for heaÿlroom calculation x m O COMBINED o w0 3> <Z m 3> (D < m 0o CE z m -1m q "U 0 3> --4 .IVING ARE,ÿ 0 Eÿ]ÿ,I I S £LLL c -t o oo C -4 i KITCHEN AREA ....... llllll z 3> n [D 3>"0 LO Ob ÿO o bÿ-- j --- k m 09 [D O mm -Zÿ 0 T ..... ,I I 6'-ÿ i I o o m 3> ---1 Sink n- GO "ÿ4ÿ ----° EZ-T-- I I I I I I I I I BIÿDROOM SP/ÿCE --t -ÿ o oÿ rÿ ;m Eÿ]ÿD Window 52/46 Area qualifying for headroom calculation ...1 > ' "u r"- 3> gÿ , o!=ÿ muÿ >ÿ" bO oQ m 2 =O _ ÿ= !ÿ @ Eg r,.o :::3 "o Q 0 0 o_% 31'-3"- [ E R toO# :,. OZÿ "-I0 > zc r-- m -1:1 .nl -ÿ-ÿ oo ZN <cÿ 0 ÿ "-'h -'-'h j /ÿ/.,ÿ/,ÿ ÿ/ÿ .ÿ-ÿ / crz moÿ ,,ÿ,, (') r.,,z" Z Cÿ=m --,. : m (') mo "," =ÿ m • E mm aa-.ÿ ! Gÿ I > [D 1 " 3____ÿ8 i l EXI,' iL 61 II1 m x IIllll l IF t =4 " "ÿ" 7 E ---------'ÿ'--8 Z 0oo < 0ÿ x .... o-ÿ" ÿc0 ,<o oÿm m- E J E o ÿ : ,< Nÿ Jgÿ- ¢ . ÿ ,,ÿ E m ! @ ,, s [I° rn .... 0 -- co. °° oIÿI Qÿw o ZE-0 Iÿ -ÿ.ÿ.ÿoÿÿ ....... ÿ-oÿ- zÿzÿ I ÿ.ÿ. O u --ÿ H o-I Ii' . =:ÿ x mm ÿ ::r ocro O..n --o m_. - ÿ ÿ- m- pÿ } 0 E ® o i Ig w 0 ,ÿ m r- _ÿEE -- m E ÿ = ii!iilIi I < i-L GO m o ÿE r- (D ÿa = ° • E mm ÿ_E E ®® m om:ÿ __o oO m ÿ r4