Full Rate Package - The Sioux Lookout Bulletin
Full Rate Package - The Sioux Lookout Bulletin
2016 ADVERTISING RATE SHEET GUIDELINES, DEADLINES, AND PRICING INFORMATION The Sioux Lookout Bulletin CONTACT: Marc-Nicholas Martin-Paulichenko, M.A. Box 1389, 40 Front Street Sioux Lookout, ON, P8T 1B9 P: 807 737 3209 F: 807 737 3084 Director of Advertising and Marketing The Sioux Lookout Bulletin O: 807 737 3209 | C: 807 738 2798 advertising@siouxbulletin.com www.siouxbulletin.com CIRCULATION: P aper distributed every Wednesday with a circulation of 4500 SERVING THESE COMMUNITIES Mishkeegogamang Sioux Lookout Muskrat Dam Hudson North Spirit lake Angling Lake Ogoki Bearskin lake Pickle Lake Big Trout lake Pikangikum Cat Lake Deer Lake Sandy Lake Sachigo Lake Fort Hope Weagamow Kasibonika Webequie Kingfisher Lake Wunnumin Lake Lansdowne House SACHIGO LAKE BEARSKIN LAKE BIG TROUT LAKE ANGLING LAKE MUSKRAT DAM KASABONiKA LAKE SANDY LAKE KINGFISHER LAKE WEAGAMOW DEER LAKE NORTH SPIRIT LAKE WUNNUMIN LAKE WEBEQUIE LANSDOWNE HOUSE PIKANGIKUM CAT LAKE PICKLE LAKE FORT HOPE OGOKI MISHKEEGOGAMANG SAVANT LAKE SIOUX LOOKOUT HUDSON ABOUT US • The Sioux Lookout Bulletin first went to DRYDEN press in October 1991 • Local reporters • Weekly Features including “Pic of the Past“, THUNDER BAY “From the Archives“, and “Question of the Week“ *not to scale • Online since March 2001 • Online features include online articles, photo gallery, service directory, want ads, and community advertisements • Find us on FaceBook and Twitter N ABOUT SIOUX LOOKOUT • Municipality of Sioux Lookout turned 100 years old in 2012 • Population 5600 • The “Hub of the North” • Located half way between Thunder Bay, Ontario and Winnipeg, Manitoba • Approximately 100 km from Dryden • 65K off the Trans Canada Hwy, north of Dinorwic on Hwy 72 The Sioux Lookout Bulletin 1www.siouxbulletin.com DISPLAY ADVERTISING OUR RATES: PER COLUMN INCH . . . . . . . . $11.25 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS PHOTO FILES jpg tiff bmp AD COPY doc docx txt CAMERA READY pdf PRICING FORMULA Columns x Depth x Rate = Price ie. (2 Columns) x (5 Inches) x (11.25 Rate) = $ 112.50 COLOUR SURCHARGE Full colour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50% PLACEMENT SURCHARGE . . . . . . 25% DISCOUNTS Frequency Discount 2nd week . . . . . 5% Frequency Discount 3rd week . . . . . . 10% Non-profit Discount. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% 1 Col 1.5625” Column Widths Ads must be created to our Column Widths 2 Columns 3.3” 3 Columns 5.0375” 4 Columns 6.775” 5 Columns 8.5125” 6 Columns 10.25” WITH FONT/ GRAPHICS EMBEDED* CONTRACT DISCOUNTS Advertise in The Bulletin regularly and receive a discount, regardless of the size of your ad. 10-19insertions/year. . . . . . . . 20-29insertions/year. . . . . . . . 30-39insertions/year. . . . . . . . 40-49insertions/year. . . . . . . . 50+insertions/year. . . . . . . . 7.5% 10.0% 12.5% 15.0% 17.5% DEADLINE THURSDAY AT NOON* * Wednesday 12:00 noon when preceded by a holiday Advertisements received after deadline will be processed as time permits. If no reply is given by Friday at 4:00 your ad will appear as is in the paper that you have booked it to run and you will be charged accordingly. DISPLAY AD PRICING GUIDE AD PRICING GUIDE 2016 *We can do any alternate column/inch sizing to fit your needs! SIZE OPTIONS Full Page 3/4 Page 1/2 Page 1/3 Page 1/4 Page 1/8 Page 1/6 Page 1/7 Page 1/12 Page 1/12 Page 1/16 Page 1/24 Page 1/48 Page Banner SIZE BY COLUMN ACTUAL SIZE 6 col x 15.75" 10.25" x 15.75" 6 col x 12" 10.25" x 12" FOR COMMON 6 col x 8" 10.25" x 8" AD SIZES 4 col x 8" 6.775" x 8" 3 col x 8" 5.0375" x 8" SEE ATTACHED 3 col x 4" 5.0375" x 4" PRICING 2 col x 8" 3.3" x 8" SUMMARY SHEET 2 col x 7" 3.3" x 7" 2 col x 4" 3.3" x 4" 1 col x 8" 1.5625" x 8" 3 col x 2" 5.0375" x 2" 2 col x 2" 3.3" x 2" 1 col x 2" 1.5625" x 2" 6 col x 2" 10.25" x 2" FULL COLOUR PRICE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ BLACK & WHITE PRICE 1,594.70 $ 1,063.13 1,215.00 $ 810.00 810.00 $ 540.00 540.00 $ 360.00 405.00 $ 270.00 202.50 $ 135.00 270.00 $ 180.00 236.25 $ 157.50 135.00 $ 90.00 135.00 $ 90.00 101.25 $ 67.50 67.50 $ 45.00 33.75 $ 22.50 202.50 $ 135.00 All prices listed are before tax. All prices are subject to HST. Prices in effect Jan 1, 2015and may change without notice. The Sioux Lookout Bulletin 2www.siouxbulletin.com CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINE THURSDAY 8:30* * Wednesday 12:00 noon when preceded by a holiday MINIMUM CHARGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8.97 23 words or less PRICE PER WORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 0.39 ADD A PHOTO OR GRAPHIC. . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7.10 E L P BUY 2 GET THE 3RD WEEK FREE M A S • Ads must be prepaid • The first 2 or 3 words will be bold • Abbreviations are counted as words SUBMIT YOUR CLASSIFIED AD VIA: Email: office@siouxbulletin.com Phone: 807 737 3209 Fax: 807 737 3084 All prices are subject to HST. SERVICE DIRECTORY LARGE AD. . . . . . . . . $247.92 3.3” x 1.6” per week $20.66 SMALL AD. . . . . . . . . $128.52 1.5625” x 1.6” per week $10.71 • Service Directory ads are billed on a 12 week cycle to a preset quarter • Ads placed in the middle of a run will be prorated • No refunds for mid-cycle cancellations • Random placement and occasional shuffling of ads may occur E L P M A S All prices are subject to HST. Prices in effect Jan 1, 2015 and may change without notice. The Sioux Lookout Bulletin 3www.siouxbulletin.com ONLINE ADVERTISING PRINT DISPLAY/ONLINE MIXED RATE ONLINE ONLY RATE OR Advertise in the paper and online and receive these discounts! Advertising rates for our website. Web ads include full colour design for banners and sidebars BANNERS $ Per Week HEADER †. . . . . . $99.00 728 x 90 pixels FOOTER †. . . . . . $79.00 728 x 90 pixels SIDEBARS $ Per Week MEDIUM BOX †. . . $69.00 † BIG BOX . . . . . . $99.00 300 x 600 pixels 300 x 250 pixels DISPLAY ADS * Running a display ad in the paper? You’ll automatically receive a 50% discount on the online ad price to advertise the same ad online! WANT ADS * Run your Want ad in the Sioux Bulletin and pay half price to post the ad online as well! * Display ads must be a minimum of 2 columns x 4 inches to receive online discount † Web ad can include a link to your URL if provided OR to a JPEG of your print ad FLYERS FLYER INSERTION GUIDELINES & INFORMATION FLYER SUBMISSION PROTOCOL: > 1. Determine insertion date 2. Email the following DETAILS to advertising@siouxbulletin.com 3. FLYER SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Flyers Required: 4500z Maximum Size: 8 ½” x 11” Weight Per Flyer: 35 g Publication:Wednesdays Drop off Deadline: Thursday prior to Insertion Date COST PER INSERT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 0.09 BASIC RATE - 4500. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $405.00 Frequency discounts may apply. Overweight flyers will be subject to a rate increase •Insertion Date •Flyer Name •Flyer Size •Flyer Weight •Quantity Shipped •Date Shipped •Per Unit Price •Contact & Billing Info Shipping Location: The Winnipeg Sun Commercial Print Division c/o Brent Sheilds, Plant Manager Re: The Sioux Lookout Bulletin Flyer 1700 Church Avenue Winnipeg, MB, R2X 3A2 204.632.2740 Packaging Instructions: Must be boxed or on a pallet. If boxed - a maximum of 500 per box. If on a Pallet - Must be bundled & strapped. Individual bundles must not exceed 500 copies. The Sioux Lookout Bulletin 4www.siouxbulletin.com MEMORIES & CELEBRATIONS OF LIFE BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, SEE DISPLAY AD RATES, THIS SECTION RECEIVES FREE FULL COLOUR IN MEMORIAMS, OBITUARIES, AND WILL BE POSTED ONLINE FREE OF CHARGE WEDDINGS, THANK YOU’S PROOF checklist The Sioux Lookout Bulletin AD PROOF Memories & Celebrations ofThe Life AD PROOF Sioux Lookout Bulletin Tel: 807-737-3209 Remember to check your ad proof Project: Birth for the following: Email: advertising@siouxbulletin.com Client: Emberley Fax: 807-737-3084 Client: Nichols Project: Wedding Pub. Date: 06-12 Version: 1b Remember to check your ad proof for the following: Fax: 807-737-3084 Email: advertising@siouxbulletin.com PROOF checklist Tel: 807-737-3209 The Sioux Lookout Bulletin Names Version: Dates/Times Colour/B&W: B/W Pub. Date: 06-19 1c Prices General Spelling Prepared By: Davin Salo 06 19 13/ Emberley-061913-Birth.indd Filename: Colour/B&W: B/W Tel: 807-737-3209 Prepared By:Client: Davin Salo Designed By: Joy Auren AD PRO Names Dates/Times Fax: 807-737-3084 Email: advertising@siouxbulletin Prices General Spelling Project: Project Colour/B&W: B Contact Graphics & Layout Version: Prepared By: Davin Salo Run dates (on price1a quote) Client Col: Pub.2Date:Depth: 05-22 2.5 Contact Graphics & Layout 2 Col: Depth: Advertising material2.5 designed by The Sioux(on Lookout Bulletin is strictly for use by The Sioux Lookout 05 22 13/ Client-052213-Project.indd Filename: Col: 0 Depth Check colour (CMYK, spot or K) Run dates price quote) Bulletin and will Lookout remain their property until a copyright purchase fee has been invoiced to the client. Advertising material designed by The Sioux Lookout Bulletin is strictly for use by The Sioux Check colour (CMYK, spot or K) Advertising material designed by The Sioux Lookout Bulletin is strictly for use by The Sioux L Bulletin and will remain their property until a copyright purchase fee has been invoiced to the client. Bulletin and will remain their property until a copyright purchase fee has been invoiced to the Filename: 06 12 13/ Nichols-061213-Wedding.indd In Memoriam Birth Engagement Nicholls-Bossers Deidre Chukra T om and Julie Nicholls Layla Dawn are proud to announce Mae Emberley the upcoming marriage of May 22, 2013 their daughter Jaimie Leanne 6lbs - 14 oz - 19 inches Nicholls to Adrian Edward Bossers, son of Johan and E mbErlEy /D aviEs Ann Bossers on Saturday Congratulations to June 15th in Stratford Justin, Hilary, Ontario. Jaimie and Adrian Jayden & “Bentley” have been privileged to call on the birth of Sioux Lookout home for the PROOF CHECKLIST beautiful baby girl. The Sioux Lookout ADtheir PROOF past Bulletin two years and wish to Remember to check your ad proof The Sioux Lookout Bulletin AD PROOF Tel: 807-737-3209 Fax: 807-737-3084 Email: advertising@siouxbulletin.com for the following: Jaimie Leanne Nicholls thank all of their friends and Tel:Love, 807-737-3209 Fax: 807-737-3084 Email: advertising@siouxbulletin.com Nana, Poppy, Auntie Melissa, Names Dates/Times Client: Project: Colour/B&W: B/W Adrian Client Edward Bossers coworkersProject for their support Deidre Chukra Uncle Chris, & “Charlie” Client: Project: Colour/B&W: GardenHillFuneral Prices HoneySettObit Full June 15, 2013 General Spelling and friendships. Pub. Date: 05-22 Version: Prepared By: Davin Salo March 14, 2010 1a Pub. Date: 05-22 Version: Prepared By: Davin Salo Contact Graphics & Layout 1c 05 22 13/ Client-052213-Project.indd 0 0 Filename: Col: Depth: Run dates (on price quote) Filename: 05 22 13/ GardenHillFuneral-052213-HoneySettObit.indd Col: 4 Depth: 2.5 In memory of Deidre Chukra, our daughter, sister, aunty and mother of Kashuis, who passed away 3 years ago on March 14, 2010. S E L P SAM They say time heals but we find it harder every day without you, since you’ve been gone. Miss you and PROOFlove checklist you forever. Remember to check your ad proof for the following: Love mom, dad, Names Dates/Times your family, and Kashuis Prices General Spelling Contact Graphics & Layout Run dates (on price quote) Check colour (CMYK, spot or K) Advertising material designed by The Sioux Lookout Bulletin is strictly for use by The Sioux Lookout Check colour (CMYK, spot or K) Advertising Bulletin and will remain their property until a copyright purchase fee has been invoiced to material the client.designed by The Sioux Lookout Bulletin is strictly for use in The Sioux Lookout Bulletin and will remain their property until a copyright purchase fee has been invoiced to the client. Wedding Obituary Kavanagh-Reid Gary was born in Hamilton, Ontario on August 15, 1939. He passed away in Maple Ridge, BC on May 3, 2013. Predeceased by his daughter Michelle. He is survived by his wife Anne Louise, daughters Tamara (Vincent), Amanda roud parents Neil and Eva Reid together with P John and Darlene Kavanagh of Mississauga are pleased to announce the marriage of their children Shaun and Jennifer. The wedding took place on December 19th, 2012 in beautiful Runaway Bay, Jamaica, surrounded by their family and friends. Gary Wayne Honeysett PROOF checklist AD PROOF August 15, 1939 Remember to check your ad proof Shaun & Jen Reid “GrowSioux old with me,Lookout the The Bulletin Jamaica Tel: 807-737-3209 Email: advertising@siouxbulletin.com best is yet to be” Fax: 807-737-3084 December 19, 2012 May 3, Client: Jeffery Project: ThankYou Colour/B&W: B/W Pub. Date: 02-13 Version: 1b Prepared By: Davin Salo Filename: 02 13 13/ Jeffery-021313-ThankYou.indd Thank You Col: 2 Depth: 6 Advertising material designed by The Sioux Lookout Bulletin is strictly for use in The Sioux Lookout Bulletin and will remain their property until a copyright purchase fee has been invoiced to the client. for the following: 2013Names Dates/Times Prices General Spelling Contact Graphics & Layout Run dates (on price quote) Check colour (CMYK, spot or K) (Garth) and 4 grandchildren; brother Bruce (Georgina), sister in law Christine, many nieces, nephews family and friends from coast to coast. A Celebration of Life was held Tuesday, May 7th at St. John the Divine Anglican Church in Maple Ridge. Donations can be made to the Alzheimer’s Society, St. John the Divine Anglican Church or charity of your choice. S E L P SAM Expressions of sympathy can be made at www.gardenhill.ca I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height ,nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39 Happy Birthday Births Thank You Obituaries O Engagements S E L P SAM Janice Young B ur most sincere thank you to all who supported us in the loss of, and sudden passing of our daughter, sister, aunt, and great aunt, Janice Young. To Bruce, Ken, Susan, Jordan, Brittany & Chelsea, Lew & Geraldine for being there for us right after we received that sorrowful phone call. In Memoriams Thank You rittany - I can’t thank you enough for making all the flight arrangements when you knew I couldn’t do it Gloria and George for all your phone calls of support from Arizona; Fred and Lolly for meeting us in Thunder Bay and making sure we made our connection without missing it. Lew & Geraldine, you cannot be thanked enough for being there for us, Lew for accompanying me to Ottawa and Geraldine, Susan & Brittany for making sure Tom was fed. Thank you Bruce, Cindy & John for joining me in Ottawa for support, and Bruce for accompanying me home. Ken, Susan, Justin, Jordan, Mel & Tyler, Megan, Chad, Chris & Amber - we knew you were with us in spirit when it was not possible for you to be there in person. W Weddings Birthday Wishes Email your tribute advertising to Nikki Holt to advertising@siouxbulletin.com e thank all our friends for the masses, flowers, condolences, hugs, phone calls here & in Ottawa Susan you don’t know how much they meant to Wayne & Eileen. To staff of the Northern Lights Credit Union for all your hugs, and Janice for letting Eileen cry on your shoulder - the true symbol of the CU, “We Care” - thank you. All prices are subject to HST. Prices in effect Jan 1, 2016 and may change without notice. The Sioux Lookout Bulletin 5www.siouxbulletin.com