SIX - Elks Lodge #6


SIX - Elks Lodge #6
Lodge 6 first organized – Feb. 25, 1877; Instituted – Dec. 21, 1895 (As Lodge 328); Redesignated Lodge #6 – March 5, 1908; Newsletter “SIX” first published – July 1911
Sacramento Elks • 6446 Riverside Blvd, Sacramento, Ca 95831 • January 2016 • Vol. cVI, No. 10
Exalted Ruler’s Message
reetings to all and to each of you a
Happy New Year. The 2015 year has
ended and we are now starting our new
year of 2016. We have all probably made
many plans for 2016 and looked back on
what we accomplished last year. January is a
unique month in that it allows us to look back
and forward. So Happy New Year and I hope that most of
your 2015 choices worked out for you.
Here at the Lodge the conventions are behind us, our
California Hawaii Elks Association State President Don
Schultz has made his visitation and we have observed our
Annual Memorial Service for the members who gone into
the light during 2015. Last month was a busy one. During
December we got a lot done. Our Toys for Tots program
was a success as we exceeded our goal of collecting 25
bikes, successfully collecting 32 bikes plus helmets. The Annual Christmas Party potluck was also a lot of fun and well
attended. And as usual the food was awesome and it caused
an epidemic of over eating and smiling.
From the Leading Knight
The chair of charity
appy New Year Fellow Elks. We have
just survived another festive season of
food and gifts. As we linger in the afterglow of the
dimming lights and the events of the past year, we give
pause to what lies ahead. Will we be quick to dismiss the
feelings of brotherhood and goodwill that we just experienced or will we strive to maintain the same spirit into these
coming months? This past Christmas there was an overwhelming demonstration of Elks generosity towards the less
fortunate through charitable contributions. “Charity” is the
Elks most cherished value and though it is generally used
to address the conditions of the poor, being charitable also
extends to others “in need.”
In reviewing my goals, I started with enhancing
the bar, growing our rental revenue and increasing gym membership by transforming the weight room and the facility
to appeal to a younger demographic. My most important goal was to
increase the cohesiveness of the membership. We have made
some headway in all areas, but there is still work to be
done. The renting of our facility will help us meet our other
goals. We are beginning to put our attention on achieving
that end. DeAnna, Erica and Cheryl are the current hubs for
those goals to be made. I have aligned myself with them to
excel and I congratulate them on their unity and working
together. Our Lodge is better for that. I’m pleased to thank
them and all of those who assist in the efforts to advance
Sacramento #6. I will continue encourage all and promise to
do the same. Happy New Year to everyone and keep up the
good work, keep showing up, assist where and when you
can, see you around!
~ “Gunner” B.G. Lester, Exalted Ruler
“Those in need” include those in mourning, the misunderstood, the lonely, disenfranchised, depressed, etc.
Too often we fail to notice the many who suffer in silence,
whether it is physical and/or emotional. They may be right
beside us yet they are, for all intents and purposes, invisible.
They may face the terrible and often frightening diagnosis of
some ominous physical condition for themselves or a loved
one and/or a financial threat. So
this year let our Lodge be not
only a happy gathering place
but, also extend our charity by
being kinder/gentler to the many
others in need.
At your Lodge we are now busy preparing and planning
for the New Year. This will entail some sprucing up not
(continued on page 3)
The Six
Published Monthly
Sacramento Elks Lodge No. 6
6446 Riverside Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95831
Send articles/photos to:
PER Darnell Lawrence, Editor,
or bring to Lodge Office.
Deadline: No later than the 8th of each month.
2015-2016 Lodge Officers
Exalted Ruler..................“Gunner” B.G. Lester
Leading Knight................Conrad A. De Castro
Loyal Knight...................................Dave Osaki
Lecturing Knight.................... Michael D. Bates
Secretary....................................Judith F. Tracy
Treasurer..................................Anthony Muljat
Esquire...................................Catherine Barone
Tiler............................................Olivia L. Vigil
Chaplain..................................Deborah Fairley
Inner Guard......................... Clayton J. Hablitz
Organist.................................................... TBD
Trustee Chairman............... Robert Van Gundy
Trustees.............................. George T. Kastanis,
Robert W. Van Gundy, Tom Brunette,
Ron Brusato, Hank Peralto
2014-2015 Officer of the Year
Catherine Barone
2014-2015 Elk of the Year
Vera Lambert
Secretary/Event Reservations............. 422-6666
Fax: 422-6324......................
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday............................ 9am-2pm
Friday................................... 12:30pm-5:30pm
Closed Saturday & Sunday
DeAnna Marwin............................... 422-8351
Fax: 422-1985.....................
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday.......................... 10am-2pm
Friday................................... 11:30am-3:30pm
Saturday by appointment
LOUNGE ........................................ 422-3050
Lounge Hours
Sunday......................................... 8:30am-7pm
Monday-Wednesday......................... 2pm-9pm
Thursday......................................... 2pm-11pm
Friday .................... 2pm-9pm (if event, 11pm)
Saturday............................................ 1pm-7pm
Free WiFi available while
enjoying your favorite beverage.
Check out our website or
Page 2
Membership REPORT
As of April 1, 2014 Total Members: 641
Dropped:................................... 32
Transfers out:.............................. 4
Absolute dimit:............................ 7
Deceased:.................................. 20
Loss....................................... 63
As of December 2015 Total Members: 637
New members initiated:..... 45
Transfers in:......................... 5
Reinstatements:.................... 9
Gain............................... 55
Lapsation Report
6 months delinquent: 14
1 year delinquent: 27
Investigation: January 12, 2016
Indoctrination: January 26, 2016 Balloting: January 16, 2016
Initiation: February 2, 2016
Cundiff, Marilyn L. (Sac, 95818) State of CA (Ret)
Shannon E. Lewis
Cunnane, Tim (Woodland, 95776) PG&E, Operating Clerk
Julie Zimmerman #2591
Decker, Chris (Sac, 95831) Mechanic (Ret)
Shannon E. Lewis
Decker, Molly M. (Sac, 95831) State of CA (Ret)
Shannon E. Lewis
Hardin, Kimberly A. (Sac, 95831) State of CA (Ret)
Michael D. Hardin
Skrabo, Kathryn P. (Sac, 95831) State of CA (Ret)
David O. Kleist
Wyatt, Jack L. Sr. (Sac, 95820) Longshoreman (Warehouse) (Ret)
Louis E. Vasquez
An Elk is never forgotten,
never forsaken.
William E. Kassis
Born: August 27, 1922
Initiated: January 6, 1948
Deceased: Nov. 8, 2015
46 Year Elk
Life Member
Timothy P. Mullins
Born: December 5, 1940
Initiated: June 5, 2007
Deceased: Nov. 12, 2015
6 Year Elk
Message from
the Secretary
& Exalted Ruler
Elk of the Month
– November –
Gary McGrew
Lodge Office Hours
At the Grand Lodge Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, on Tuesday, July 7, 2015,
the Lodge representatives and Grand Lodge
members voted to approve several Statutory
Amendments. These amendments are important to the operation of our Lodges. The statutory amendments took effect on
August 15, 2015. Please go to the Sacramento #6 website at
GrandLodge.html to review the approved statutory amendments. If you need
additional information please feel free to call either of us at the Lodge Office,
at 422-6666. Thank you in advance for your much needed support and we are
hoping you find the statutory amendments helpful. ~ Sincerely, Lodge Secretary & Exalted Ruler
January 2016
Leading Knight
Chaplain’s Prayer Corner
(continued from pg. 1)
only of the premises, but in the manner that we conduct
business. The officers and staff will be adopting a policy
of “continuous improvement” in all aspects of our operations. This may require some difficult choices and greater
effort, but we believe that with commitment and dedication
we can make the changes required to succeed. These efforts
will also require significantly more volunteers to become
involved on a consistent basis. There are many committees
that are in desperate need of volunteers and there are a host
of additional events planned that will require help. We have
had the good fortune of recruiting many new members these
past few months. If you are a new member, we are eagerly
awaiting your participation.
We will be developing a preliminary calendar of events
for the coming year. It will include a great many new ideas
and reduce some other past activities. Cost and patronage
are two main factors in creating the list. There will also be a
greater effort to expand the breadth of membership, services
and events. An extended orientation will address the need to
include a younger population and gender issues. Greater use
of our parking space for major events as well as promoting
daytime use of the facilities will be part of these priorities
this year.
We look forward to this New Year with great anticipation and hope. Even greater is our excitement at the prospects of new member involvement, more volunteers, events
and innovated ideas. Should you wish to share your ideas,
unsure how to volunteer, wish to serve on any committees
or have any questions, please feel free to contact me or any
other officer.
~ Conrad A. De Castro, Leading Knight
Membership Hello Fellow Elks and especially
members, the Membership Comcommittee new
mittee is hosting a “Special New
Member Meeting” for members initiated from September
2015 through January 2016. The meetings are scheduled for
Thursday, January 28, from 6-8pm in the Lounge (we will
serve pizza and you can always get a cocktail) and Saturday,
January 30 from 10:30am-12:30pm (we will serve donuts,
coffee, OJ and yogurt). Please stop by either or both of the
gatherings and meet some of the new members and some
of the old ones. “Old” as in having been an Elk for several
years, not as in being old. We are all kinda old, but young at
heart! Smile! Gatherings around food and Elks are always a
lot of fun and a great reason to stop by the Lodge and add
even more friends to your life.
By the way, our next Membership Committee Meeting is
January 25 at 6pm in the Library. You are welcome to attend. ~ Shannon Lewis
new year is a time to get your
options clear and to make a
significant decision to do what
it is that makes you really happy. The
real issue here is that you must take
each day as a new opportunity to
keep moving towards what you want. Do not look at what
will happen in a year but more what will you do each day
you awake to change, to move forward, to put into action
knowing that each day wasted can never be found again.
Each day is a new beginning, the chance to do with it what
should be done and not to be seen as simply another day to
put in time. Work with those around you toward common
causes and the greater good for all. Below are three prayers
that may help you as you move through the year.
Three Prayers for the New Year
Lord, You make all things new You bring hope alive in
our hearts and cause our Spirits to be born again. Thank you
for this New Year for all the potential it holds. Come and
kindle in us almighty flame so that in our time, many will see
the wonders of God and live forever to praise Your glorious
name. Amen.
Lord, at the beginning of this New Year, I offer you my
life. Come take my voice, may the words I speak be filled
with encouragement and goodness. Come take my hands,
may the work they create be generous and giving. Come
take my feet, may the journeys I walk be led by your Spirit
within. Come take my life Lord, for I love your goodness,
your kindness and Your leading. Amen.
May God make your year a happy one! Not by shielding
you from all sorrows and pain, but by strengthening you to
bear it, as it comes; not by making your path easy, but by
making you sturdy to travel any path; not by taking hardships from you, but by taking fear from your heart; not by
granting you unbroken sunshine, but by keeping your face
bright, even in the shadows; not by making your life always
pleasant, but by showing you when people and their causes
need you most, and by making you anxious to be there to
help. God’s love, peace, hope and joy to you for the year
Enjoy the new year and all that it holds for you and your
family and friends. Remember to smile often and always
thank God.
Please let me know if you or another Elk is in need of
our support and do not forget I am so anxious to hear your
favorite prayers, please feel free to contact me.
~ Deborah Fairley, Chaplin, email
Attention Members If you would like to receive email from
PER Darnell Lawrence regarding events at the Lodge, please
email the Lodge office ( with your address.
January 2016
What’s Cooking?
The Sacramento 6 “What’s Cooking”
cookbooks are on sale. Get them while
they last. Available in the Lodge Office, at
Sunday Breakfast and Wednesday Night Dinner.
Page 3
Super Bowl
Sunday, February 7
In the Lounge
Tuesday, January 19
5:30pm in the Riverside Room
Bring the change from your Purple Pig or a check
Menu Sandwiches and salads
Activities start around
1pm ~ Kick-off at 3
Come early for a cocktail and conversation,
stay for the Lodge Meeting
Bring your best dish
and appetizers
Plenty of raffles and raffle prizes
House Wine $325
Well Drinks $3
Draft Beer $2
HouErW Happ
ppet y
ets izer
Green Salad & Cornbread
Tickets limited to first 100 and includes tasting
Come on down & enjoy the fun!
Purchase in the Office or Lounge. Proceeds to the General Fund
To enter cook off, contact Cheryl Rapp, 424-2029
Trophys for 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place
Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society
with the
Sign-up sheet 2nd Sunday of each month ~ 12 to 5 p.m.
Phone _____________________________________
Emblem Room (free) & Lounge (free)
Plenty of food available for purchase
Page 4
Entry Fee: $5, paid______
Contestant _ ________________________________
Jazz bands in the Main Ballroom (nominal fee),
Jan 13.......................... Fried Chicken
Jan 20 .................... Baked Spaghetti
Jan 27.................................. Meatloaf
Feb 3........................... Fried Chicken
All dinners accompanied by salad, roll and dessert
Sunday, January 31 in the Lounge
$5 entry fee
Tasting: 4pm ~ Dinner: 6pm
Winners announced at 6:30pm
Dinner: $12 ($14 at the door)
Menu Pork Ribs, Chili Beans,
4-7pm (except when Elk event scheduled)
Wednesday Night
Dinners Cost: $12
Jan 6..........................BBQ Pork Ribs
C hili Cook Off
h al
5 nu
Dinner at half-time
Sunday Breakfast
Come and enjoy a great breakfast with your family and friends
every Sunday morning ~ 8:30 – 11 am
Cost: $9 (tax included)
Specials Eggs Benedict & Corned Beef Hash.
In addition, eggs as you like them, pancakes,
waffles, biscuits & gravy, juice & coffee.
No Breakfast Jan. 3
Sales tax included on all meals.
Annual Toy Drive
hope you all had a wonderful
holiday season and were able to
find all of those special gifts for
family and friends. A sincere thank
you goes out to all you for helping
us meet our goals for the Toy4Tots
Drive. This year your contribution
of 32 bikes exceeded our goal of 25.
Your generosity went even farther
by donating cash, which allowed us
to buy helmets to go along with the bikes, plus three barrels of toys containing some of the loveliest stuffed animals
ever seen and hugged. I sure a young child will find years of
comfort and joy in having such a stuffed animal. Our Lodge
members at Sacramento #6 are the best Secret Santas ever.
A special thanks to Jason Holt, for working with DeVry
University to collect several bikes; to Judy Tracy, Barbara
and Richard Cherry for putting the bikes in the Lodge
Library and attaching the helmets to the bikes, as well as
placing the toys in bags for transport; to Gerald Del Carlo
(Commander USMCR Detachment #23 at Sacramento #6),
his wife, Sarah, and Wayne Bellows for helping with loading
the bikes onto a truck provided by Penske truck rental, Gerald’s employer. They also picked up five reconditioned bikes
from the Greenhaven Bike Shop, in the strip mall across
from the Lodge. Wayne, Sarah and Gerald continued their
efforts by taking the bikes to the USN & USMC Reserve
Center on Elder Creek Road for the USMCR-Toys for Tots
Foundation. Our membership played its part in making the
Toys for Tots Drive a success.
David Hamm, who was most passionate about the spirit
behind this charity event, donated one boy’s and girl’s bicycle
to the cause each year. When David passed away (approx. 6
years ago) his family, friends, members of our Lodge and David’s estate set up a fund to continue the tradition. I’m sure
he is looking down on us with a smile for continuing the
bicycle drive as part of the Toys for Tots Program. He would
also be glad to know we made this happen without using
any of the funds established for the program.
Elks Cared and Elks Shared, we are keeping this tradition
~ Darnell Lawrence, P.E.R.,
Toys for Tots Program Chairperson
Left: Darnell
Lawrence, Toys for
Tots Chairperson and
Gerald Del Carlo,
Commander, Marine
Corps Detachment
#23. Below: Gerald
Del Carlo and Wayne
State President Visitation
he 2015/16 California-Hawaii Elks Association State
President Don Schultz visited our Lodge during our
Toys for Tots Drive. We were very glad to host him at
the Lodge for afternoon appetizers and to hear his message.
President Schultz talked about increasing membership and
making a difference with our community and the value we
add to the lives of others. State President Schultz and his
entourage were impressed with our Lodge and the Toys for
Tot Program.
From the Editor
Here is a good quote to
live by. Each day offers us
a new beginning and a start
to a new future.
Left: ER Lester Gunner and State President Don Schultz. Right:
Don Schultz and past DDGER Jerry Landreth Bursato.
“Tomorrow, is the first
blank page of a 365
page book. Write a good
one.” ~ Brad Paisley
~ Darnell Lawrence,
Editor, darnell.lawrence@
January 2016
Happy Hour Cashiers Mon. & Fri., 4-7 pm in the Lounge.
Cashiers & Food Servers Jazz Sunday Snack Bar, 12-5.
Volunteering is fun & easy, plus a great way to meet fellow Lodge
members. Contact Lodge Secretary, Judi Tracy, at 422-6666.
Page 5
Holiday Arts & Crafts Faire
hank you to all of the Elks, their
spouses, loved ones and the
unknown angels who made the
November Arts & Crafts Faire event
even bigger and better than last year.
We rented all of the spaces and all but a
very few of the crafts sold were handmade. The time and effort of the many
special volunteers brought about the
most financially successful faire to date. It was a lot of fun
as the attendees had smiles on their faces and bags of gifts
under their arms.
This year’s event was extra special with the wonderful
music provided by the Lodge organist, Isaac Smith. His music truly enhanced the day and made shopping even easier.
A special thank you to the unnamed Elks and Elk angel
wives who provided a great variety of desserts, which sold
rapidly at the Bistro Bakery. We have some outstanding pastry chefs within our Lodge and we really appreciate them for
sharing their talents.
The P.M. Crew made themselves a reputation with the
vendors for being the most helpful, handsome and strong
gentlemen. Their efforts were timely, extraordinary and well
coordinated. Their work has put this Elks function out in
front. Anyone who would like to join the team and help with
next year’s Holiday Arts & Craft event in October. contact
Joyce Breen at 421-3601.
Below is our list of very valuable Craft Faire volunteers.
Their support far exceeded expectations and desires. Again
thanks to all of you for making this “annual event” and “annual success.” So until next year!!
~ Mary-Jo Mefford & Joyce Breen
Craft Faire “Special Volunteers” — Rick & Cathy Barone, Jody Benedict, Joyce Breen, Tom Brunette, Barbara
Cherry, Joe Collins, John Endres, Donna Ethridge, Deborah Fairley, Annabelle Fowles, Dorothy Grijalea, Richard
Hansen, Mike Harden, Elise Immoos, Mike & Gail Johnson, Vera Lambert, Mary Jo Mefford, Ray Nielson, Steve
Sterns, Bob Van Gundy, Olivia Vigil and Jim von Bergen.
prizes, but it’s mostly about
he Elks Golf Club played twice in November. The first
Jan. 23 • Bing Maloney
the bragging rights. Your
tournament was at Bartley Cavanaugh on Nov. 11
Feb. 4 • Davis Muni
handicap is figured only within
and the winners were Gary Rios, 81 (Flight A); Don
Feb. 17 • Bartley Cavanaugh
our club, you don’t need a
Thielen, 83 (B), and Peter Garcia, 100 (C) for low first gross
Mar. 2 • Castle Oaks
scores, and Dick Jones, 84 (Flt A); Steven Sterns, 91 (B), and NCGA handicap and we have
three flights (A, B and C) so
Arturo Gandara, 103 (C) for second low gross scores. First
Second friday of every
you play within your talent. So
low net scores went to David Beveridge, 68 (Flt A); Raul
month (11:30-1) Elks Bar.
come join our friendly group
Lara, 66 (B), and Ed Lapp, 68 (C). Second low net scores
of 60 Elk’s members that enjoy the game of golf. For more
went to Jack Clara, 71 (Flt A); Pius Schuler, 71 (B), and Bob
information call Joe Ignoffo at 684-9366 or simply come to
Del Ponte, 73 (C). The Closest-to-the-Pin honors for hole
one of the luncheon meetings at the lodge. No. 8 went to Gary Rios, 15'9" (Flt A) and John Firenza,
~ Gary Grayson, President
4'4" (B); for hole No. 17, honors went to Joe Ignoffo, 6'7"
(A); Don Thielen, 14'6" (B), and Arturo Gandara, 11'1" (C).
On Nov. 23, we played a two-person scramble at Wildhawk. First place team winner was Tom Rotharmel (net 59);
ur Christmas Dinner meeting was
2nd place, Ed Lapp and Dan Patterson (net 59); 3rd, Dick
a raving success. The Clazies’
Jones and Richard Kupper (net 60); 4th, Gary Rios and Raul
were such gracious host and the food was outstanding
Lara (net 60); 5th, Pius Schuler and Bob Del Ponte (net 61);
and we all really enjoyed
6th, Bob Luttrell and Louis Vasquez (net 61); 7th, Daryl
each other’s company. Our
Tatum and Dave Osaki (net 61), and 8th place went to team
next kampout event is JanuArturo Gandara and Jim Facio (net 61). Closest-to-the-pin
Feb. 10
ary 28-31 at the Vineyard
honors on hole No. 4 went to Bob Luttrell, 16'4" (Flt A);
RV Resort in Dixon. Our
Jim Facio, 32'11" (B), and Peter Garcia, 22'3" (C). For hole
Jan. 28-31 — Vineyard RV
hosts, the Endres and Vicki
No. 7, honors went to Dick Jones, 8'2" (A); Lloyd Sipkin,
Resort, Dixon ~ hosts, the
Warner have planned a
60'0" (B), and Ray Thielen, 10'10" (C).
Endres & Vicki Warner
Congratulations to all! We finished the year at our annual fun-packed outing, so make
plans to attend.
Awards Luncheon on December 11, having to move our
If you have an RV and want to find out more about us,
location to the Elks Lodge to accommodate more attendees.
please join us at a lodge meeting or on a Kampout. We
Mike Garcia and family provided another wonderful meal
would love to meet you. Contact Trail Master Cathy Barone,
that included ribs, chicken and tri-tip. Awards were handed
916/682-4435. We meet in the Emblem Room for Wednesout and hands shaken.
day Night Dinner followed by a short meeting. Our fun
Our first luncheon/meeting for the New Year is scheduled
times are centered on food, chit chat, games, cards and more
for January 8. You can sign up and begin playing in the next
food. So get your rig and join the fun. Dues are $20 a year.
tournament. The cost to join for the year is $15. We usually
Come check us out and join our fun group!
play twice a month and are very well organized with small
Page 6
January 2016
EL Kampers News
M2M Monthly TIPS
Sacramento #6 has the opportunity to help CHEMPI’s (CaliforniaHawaii Elks Major Project, Inc.)
vision screeners/therapists and their
clients by saving box tops! Simply clip the small picture from many General Mills
food and paper products and
bring them to the Lodge office. A list of products with the
designated symbol is available
in the Lounge binder and the
Lodge office (ex: Pillsbury, Betty
Crocker, Hamburger Helper, Nature Valley, Ziploc, Cottonelle, Kleenex, Scott and Hefty products). These “Box
Tops” will be collected and redeemed for the value of
10¢. The accumulated collection will provide for a wide
variety of items including everything from computers
to jump ropes. As you eat your dinner or snack, or use
paper products, take the time to cut out the “box top”
and bring them to the Lodge office. Thank you for your
participation in BOX TOP FOR CHEMPI!
Maximize the Benefits of Your Charitable Giving
— It’s certainly the season for giving – and when you make
charitable gifts, you can both give and receive. When you
donate to a qualified charity, one that the government has
classified as tax-exempt, you’ll help it carry out its mission
while you earn valuable tax advantages. Specifically, your
gift may entitle you to a deduction against your income tax,
as long as you itemize.
If you contribute property you’ve owned for more than
one year, such as stocks or other investments, the value of
the deduction is normally equal to the property’s fair market
value. Plus, you won’t have to pay capital gains taxes on any
of the appreciation.
However you choose to make your gift, be sure to document it. Typically, no deduction is allowed for a contribution
of $250 or more unless you have a written confirmation
from the charity.
You’ll need to make your gift by December 31 if you’re
going to deduct it on your 2015 taxes – so put your generosity to work soon. If you have questions, contact Jeff Fletcher,
916/393-1777, jeff.fletcher@Edward
Karen Del Real
CalBRE# 01961387
9591 Laguna Springs Drive
Elk Grove, CA 95758
916/715-3608 cell • 916/236-4364 efax
Jerry Landreth
Dunnigan Properties
6355 Riverside Blvd.
Ste. A
Sacramento, CA 95831
Cell 916/502-0928
Bus 916/422-3756
2691 Riverside Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95818
(916) 443-7917
Serving the community since 1921
January 2016
This space is
available for
Three months, $45
Ron Roberts
Cell: 916/806-0118
Office: 916/422-3200
6700 Freeport Blvd., #204, Sacramento, CA 95822
Page 7
Sacramento B.P.O.Elks No. 6
6446 Riverside Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95831
Coming Events
Jan 10
Sunday Jazz
Jan 19
Purple Pig
Jan 23
Golf Bing Maloney
Jan 28-31 El Kamper – Dixon
Jan 31
Chili Cook-Off
U.S. Postage
Sacramento, CA
Permit No. 225
Meeting Schedule
Lodge Meetings.............................. 1st & 3rd Tuesday ~ 7pm
Officers....................................................1st Thursday ~ 6pm
Board of Directors....................................3rd Monday ~ 5pm
House Committee...........................1st & 3rd Monday ~ 6pm
Audit Committee...................................... 4th Monday ~ 4pm
Membership Committee........................... 4th Monday ~ 6pm
Meetings open to all members. Schedule subject to
change, contact the Lodge office to confirm.
Attention Members
Have You Paid Your Dues?
January 2016
Phone 422-6666 For Reservations
Purchase Tickets At Lodge
Happy New Year
Lodge closed
 Boy Scouts
 House Comm 6pm
 Appetizer Baskets
No Breakfast
 Sunday Breakfast
 Jazz Sunday
 Boy Scouts
 Appetizer Baskets
18  Boy Scouts
 Sunday Breakfast
 Sunday Breakfast
Chili Cookoff
El Kampers
 Board of
Directors 5pm
 House Comm 6pm
 Appetizer Baskets
25  Boy Scouts
 Audit Comm 4pm
 Mem. Comm 5pm
 Appetizer Baskets
7  Officer’s Meeting 8
 PM Crew 8am
Inititation 7pm
Dinner 6pm
Pork Ribs
 PM Crew 8am
Investigation 7pm
 PM Crew 8am
 Purple Pig 5:30pm
 Lodge Business
Meeting 7pm
 PM Crew 8am
Indoctrination 7pm
 Karaoke 7:30pm
 Appetizer Baskets
Dinner 6pm
Fried Chicken
 Karaoke 7:30pm
 Appetizer Baskets
Dinner 6pm
Baked Spaghetti
 Karaoke 7:30pm
 Appetizer Baskets
Dinner 6pm
 Golf Luncheon
 Bridge 12:30
Happy Hour/
Appetizer Baskets
 Bridge 12:30
Happy Hour/
Appetizer Baskets
 Bridge 12:30
Happy Hour/
Appetizer Baskets
 Karaoke 7:30pm
 Appetizer Baskets
 Bridge 12:30
Happy Hour/
Appetizer Baskets
 Golf ~ Bing Maloney
 Marine Corp.
Sacramento Det. #23
El Kampers — Dixon