February 23, 2014 - St. Kilian Catholic Church


February 23, 2014 - St. Kilian Catholic Church
St. Kilian Catholic Church
A Family of Faith
Volume 11, Week 8
February 23, 2014
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
26872 Estanciero Drive, Mission Viejo, California 92691
Phone: (949) 586-4440 Fax: (949) 454-1043 www.stkilianchurch.org
Rev. Bruce Patterson, Pastor
Rev. Wayne Adajar, Parochial Vicar
Assisting Priests:
Rev. Larry Gibson, Rev. Jerry Walker,
Monsignor Jack Campbell and Rev. Chrysostom Baer.
Deacon Bob Kelleher and Deacon Mark Martin
Saturday Evening: 4:00 &
Sunday: 6:00, 7:30, 9:00,
10:45am, 12:30 & 5:00pm
Monday - Friday - 6:30 and
9:00am, Saturday 8:00am.
Wednesday: 7:00pm &
Saturday: 2:00pm
Eucharistic Adoration:
Daily: after 6:30am Mass till
just prior to 9:00am Mass
First Friday: 7:00am Friday to
8:00am Saturday
Parish Mission
St. Kilian Parish is a Catholic
community of faith
responding to the call of
Jesus Christ through the
proclamation of Scripture,
the celebration of
Eucharist, and in living the
sacramental life of the
We are committed to
responding to each other
through communities and
ministries of faith and
love, addressing our
spiritual, social and
educational needs.
We believe that each of us is
called to be a supportive,
compassionate, and caring
Christian witness in
Mission Viejo, the Diocese
of Orange and in the
Love Your Enemies
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Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
S t . K i l ia n C a t h o l i c C h u r ch
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Today’s Gospel
“You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect .”
Continuing his Sermon on the Mount (according to Matthew) Jesus tells his followers that the Christian law demands much more of
them than did the Mosaic law, especially as interpreted by the Pharisees.
The lesson we have to learn from today's gospel hardly needs any emphasizing. We must, if we are truly Christian, forgive those
who offend or injure us. We must love all men, whether they be friends or enemies. G. K. Chesterton says : "We are commanded to
love our neighbors and our enemies; they are generally the same people." This is very true for all of us. It is very easy for me to love
(in a theoretical way) all Japanese, Chinese, Russians and most Europeans—they never come in contact with me and never tread on
my corns. But it is my neighbors, those among whom I live and work, who are liable to injure me and thus become my enemies.
Charity begins at home, because it is here that it can and should be learned and practiced. It is first and foremost necessary for
Christian peace in the home. Husband and wife must learn to understand and tolerate each other's imperfections and faults. If one
offends in what the other would regard as something serious, the offended one should not demand an apology but should show forgiveness before the other has humbly to apologize. No two persons in the world, not even identical twins, can agree on all things, so
it is vain and unrealistic to expect even one's married partner to agree with one in all points. Christian charity alone can cover the
multitude of faults of both partners.
If there is peace and harmony between husband and wife, as there will be if both are truly charitable, the children will learn too to
be understanding and forgiving. Such a home will be a truly happy home even if it has little of the world's riches.
Our charity must spread from the home to our neighbors—to all those with whom we have contact. It is easy to get on with most
people, but in every neighborhood and in every village or town there will always be those who are difficult. There will be the dishonest, the tale-bearers, the quarrelsome, the critic of everyone and everything. It is when we have dealings with such people that all
our Christian charity is necessary. Most likely we will never be able to change their ways of acting, but charity will enable us to
tolerate their faults and will move us to pray for their eternal welfare.
- Father Kevin O’Sullivan
*Father Kevin was professor of Sacred Scripture at Christ the King Seminary and St. Bonaventura University in N.Y. and later in
the National Seminary, Pretoria, South Africa and as a pastoral priest in Ireland.
There Is Enough Grace For Us To Love Our Enemies
“If you invite God to yourself in the posture of an evangelical child, and if you open up to Him the world of your difficult
relationships with various persons, those whom you cannot love, He Himself will lead you with His light and will teach you
how to also love those who wound you.”
S.C. Biela, Behold, I Stand at the Door and Knock (Ft. Collins, CO: IAMF, 2005), 89.
December 2013
Sundays/Holy Days *
Surplus / (Shortage)
$ 41,207
Capital (Pink)
$ 25,000
$ 28,704
$ 3,704
Building Fund
$ 40,000
$ 69,518
$ 29,518 **
Sundays/Holy Days *
Capital (Pink)
$ 8,642
Building Fund
$235,926 **
$105,926 **
Year To Date (July 2013 through June 2014)
* Includes Christmas and Easter
** Due to multiple one-time, large donations.
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Week of February 23rd, 2014
Monday, February 24, 2014
Marion Deck & Kenneth Cooper, Jr. †
Gabe Vernotico & Larry Walker †
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Sam Alfano & Harold Jaffke †
William Kenefick & Sarah Bisso †
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Harold Jaffke & Dan Tumbocan †
Marie Borgese & Belen Kwek †
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Alfreda Agoncillo & Francisco Agoncillo †
Connie Garcia & Bertha De Delfavero †
Friday, February 28, 2014
Int. of Rodolfo X. Asence &
Celestina Z. Gatbunton
Myron Cooper & Ann Fagnano †
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Connie Garcia & Pete Stone †
Eric Gordon & Raymond Powell †
Jacob Trong Nguyen and
Therese Bay Huynh & Ted Tingle †
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Int. of Rose Smoljan & Ann Yosue
Paula Zambito & Frances Jepson †
Eusebia PeBenito & Florencio PeBenito †
10:45am Jaime Nepomuceno & Harold Curtin †
12:30pm Int. of Luis Barretto & Helen Harcharik
The Parishioners of St. Kilian Church
James 3:13-18
Psalm 19:8-10, 15
Mark 9:14-29
James 4:1-10
Psalm 55:7-11a, 23
Mark 9:30-37
James 4:13-17
Psalm 49:2-3, 6-11
Mark 9:38-40
James 5:1-6
Psalm 49:14-20
Mark 9:41-50
James 5:9-12
Psalm 103:1-4, 8-9, 11-12
Mark 10:1-12
James 5:13-20
Psalm 141:1-3, 8
Mark 10:13-16
Isaiah 49:14-15
Psalm 62:2-3, 6-9
1 Corinthians 4:1-5
Matthew 6:24-34
SATURDAY, March 1st
Amanda Hays, Jordan Bonanno, Grace Bean
Hannah Mazolewski, Kylie Kerrigan,
Liam Kerrigan
SUNDAY, March 2nd
While we always want to encourage
friendship and fellowship, we ask everyone
to be considerate of those who are praying
in Church before and after Mass.
Christopher Nguyen, Vivianna Nguyen,
Gabriel Patin
9:00am: Gianna Memo, Gregory Memo, Isabella Sese
10:45am: Mckenna Etheridge, Jamie Blackburn,
Madison Anstead
12:30pm: Julia Bird, Julia Smith, Eliza Herzfeld
5:00pm: Tommy McCarthy, Camille Manese
S t . K i l ia n C a t h o l i c C h u r ch
Wednesday: 7:00pm
Saturday: 2:00pm
Infant Baptism
Call the Parish Center for
information 586-4440
Contact Parish Priest at least six
(6) months prior to Marriage
Anointing of The Sick
Contact the Parish Center
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Offices and Ministries
Marriage Preparation Classes
St. Kilian now offers Marriage Preparation
Classes! Cost is $20.00.
If you are contemplating the
Holy Sacrament of Matrimony,
call or stop by the front office;
Parish Office
Religious Education
Youth Ministry
Music Ministry
Stephen Ministry
Ministry To The Homebound 380-1972
Adult Faith Formation / RCIA 586-4440
(Quad-Parish School)
Eucharistic Adoration:
Daily: after 6:30am Mass till just
prior to 9:00am Mass
First Friday: 7:00am Friday to
8:00am Saturday
Share your Faith!
A Special Collection will be taken up today to
support the Church in Latin America and
Eastern Europe.
23652 Antonio Parkway
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
Phone: (949) 888-1990
Call the Parish Center for
information 586-4440
Please be generous. Thank you!
Angeline Trudell, President
Carol Reiss, Principal, Grades K-4
Catherine Muzzy, Principal, Grades 5-8
This Week at St. Kilian
7th Sunday in
Ordinary Time
6:30am & 9:00am
6:30am & 9:00am
6:30am & 9:00am
28 Adoration
6:30am & 9:00am
6:30am & 9:00am
6:00am; 7:30am;
9:00am; 10:45am;
Confessions 2:00pm
Baptism 2:00pm
Holy Hour 7:00pm
4:00pm & 5:30pm
7 Adoration
8th Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Ash Wednesday
6:30am & 9:00am
6:30am & 9:00am
6:30am & 9:00am
6:30am & 9:00am
6:00am; 7:30am;
9:00am; 10:45am;
6:30am & 9:00am
Holy Hour 7:00pm
Confessions 2:00pm
4:00pm & 5:30pm
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Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Afghanistan: Joshua Mansfield, Craig Labistre, Adam O’Neill,
Robert Charles Holmes, Jr., Andrew Marrett,
Jason Pallotta, Alfredo Samson Jr., Jordan Franco.
Bahrain: Christine Cawayan, Christian Goodnow.
England: Kyle Hunt, Matthew Plakos.
Japan: John Richmond, Vince Ramos.
Germany: Robert Blonski-Clark, Austen Swaim, Andrew Hill.
Hawaii: Robert Ortiz.
Isle of Crete: Richard Erk, III.
Kuwait: Scott Richmond.
Persian Gulf: Rory Lusic.
To include a family members name serving overseas, please contact:
Carolyn McNamara @ mcnamaracarolyn@yahoo.com.
Those who are sick: Clara Tolle, Joan Hoefler, Lizzie Goodwin, Bob Morris, Nancy Bold, Josephine Caruso, Jeanne
Kern, Sam Stevens, Toni Thompson, Thomas “Tod” Davidson, John Rahn, Bea Lukens, Kathleen Daniels, Lucille Chapla,
John Peterson, Joe Blanda, Ann Reilly, Tom Conlon, Rosie O’Brien, Bill De Luca, Leon Jensen, Daniel Rodrigues, Linda
Ross, Debbie Benner, Charles Fields, Linda W., Catherine W. de Mille, Caitlin DeCoursey, Charles O’Neill, Rose DeFrisco,
Monica McLean, Vivian Litterest, Pam Hurley, Gloria Cook, Janis Shekerlian, John Hoetker, Jeff Holroy, Helen Harcharick,
Bryson Bennett, Peggy Liewer, Susan Garrett, Teresita Adajar, Thomas Holmberg, Dave Blanco, Sal Pipitone, Helen Hack,
Laura Rodriguez, Aurora Cabrera, Patricia Fitzmaurice, Gloria Gorney, Marie Ward, Sharon Nestor, Matt Flood, Maria
Marero, Tom Judge, Bill Morris, Dick Holmes, Jeanne Lussier, Joseph DeVarer, Maria DeVarer, Jeannette Grelck, Marie
Kenney, Tyler Karp, Mallory, Courtney K., S. Haggerty, Dorothy Ortiz, Cindy Robinson, Julie Tompkins, Stephanie
Shekerlian, Frank Semelsberger, Nichole VerBurg, Carmen Jones, Jo Makin, Shirley Hayes, James Derum, Dolores Rodarte,
Vincent Madigan, Leona Schmidt, Bob Dean, Andrew Bold, Patrick Norris, Judy Anderson, Angie Carrillo, David Colby,
Angel Fuentes, Ann Marie Walker, Margie Spalenka.
Those who have died: Jim Sutter, Alida Croker, Michael Vagan, Marie Tracz, John Eugene McCarthy, John Merolt,
Madeline Mastromatteo, Shirl-ann Fiorelli, Geraldine Rowlette, William Stolarik, Leon Jensen, John Cummings, Robert John
Justice, Huibert Vanden Broek, Antonia Wysocki, Eileen Givens, Marian Herkert, Joan Poettgen, Mary Streff, Joseph
O’Brien, Geraldine Knoke, Dominic D’Amore, Anna Butkus, Linda Coplan, Lori McGee, Delmar Wiley, Rufina Fajardo,
Florencio Flores, Jan Brick, Helen Csllik, Anne Fellmer, Ruth Ann Curran, Sarah Bisso, Harold Jaffke, Elizabeth Martin,
Mary Higgins, Marion Deck, Frank Manard, Anthony Dale Hill, Maurice McGrath, Margaret Frances Gilroy, Manny
Valeriano, Aguileo Flores, Jean King, Michael McKenna, Francesca Noe, Marie Kenefick, Gary Nolen, Dennis O’Connor,
Frederick Nove, Nancy Ann Farfan, Mario Barrios, Enrique Battel, Ann Rinaldi, Maria Alaniz, Margot Bolich, Larry Walker
(brother of Father Jerry Walker), Bette Patino, Milton Lonnee.
S t . K i l ia n C a t h o l i c C h u r ch
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If you are 18 years or older and have received all your
sacraments except Confirmation, you may join our
classes beginning April 13th and receive the Sacrament
of Confirmation at the Pentecost Mass on June 8th.
Classes will be held every Sunday morning following
the 9am Mass from April 27th through June 1st. There
will be an introductory meeting following the 9am
Mass on April 13th, and a welcoming at the Easter
Vigil Mass on April 19th.
For further information, contact the Parish Office.
Annual Bingo Luncheon
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
11:00 am
Hughes Hall
Birth Choice Volunteer Training
Birth Choice Health Clinics is looking for men and women
willing to volunteer their time and energy in our clinics. We are
a non-profit, pro-life organization on the front lines of the
right-to-life movement reaching out to young women and
men facing unplanned pregnancies and decisions regarding
their sexual health.
We are looking for volunteers to work with our patients, run our
parenting classes and serve as male mentors for our
"Dad's Project" program. As a licensed community care clinic,
we need registered nurses, nurse practitioners, RDMS-certified
sonographers and medical doctors willing to donate their time
and skills to provide services for our patients. We also have a
mobile unit and are looking for volunteers to travel throughout
Orange County as we bring our services to the streets. Volunteer
Drivers with a class “C” license are need for our mobile unit.
The volunteer training will be March 8th for non-medical
volunteers. March 8th and March 15th for medical volunteers.
The training will be held at Calvary Church in Santa Ana in the
worship center room WC209 on the second floor. If you are
interested in volunteering, please contact:
Keith Cotton at 714-267-2111or keith@birthchoiceclinic.org.
Once again it is time for our Annual Bingo
Luncheon which everyone enjoys! The lunch
will be served on a tray and consist of beef
stew, salad, biscuits and for dessert will be
cherry cobbler. The cost is $25.00 and
includes the meal, wine, margaritas,
non-alcoholic punch, one bingo card, door
prizes, and table snacks.
Extra bingo cards will be sold for $2.00 each.
Please make your reservations by Friday, March
7, 2014. Checks may be made out to St. Kilian
CCW. Mail to Rosie O’Brien, 24921 Muirlands
Blvd., #205, Lake Forest, Ca. 92630.
If you have any questions, please call Rosie at
Please note that the luncheon is on the second
Wednesday of March.
We look forward to having you join us for a
delicious meal and a fun afternoon.
St Kilian Church VITA Program Free Tax Help:
What we do?
The St Kilian VITA Program offers free tax help to people who make
$58,000 or less and need assistance in preparing their own tax
returns. FREE tax assistance for filing BOTH Federal and California
State income taxes. All our volunteers are IRS certified and we can
assist with both e-filing and paper filing. The goal of our program is
to help people with their taxes and educate them in the procedure
of filing a return to help clarify the process and provide assistance
to those who otherwise would go without aid.
What to Bring
Proof of Identification (Photo ID); SSN or ITIN for yourself and any
spouses or dependents; All W-2s, 1098-Ts, 1099s (1099-MISC,
1099-INT, etc.), and Unemployment or Social Security Benefits;
Bank accounting and routing information if you’d like to do direct
deposit/withdrawal; Copy of last year’s return; If you are filing a
joint return, both spouses must be present to sign the tax forms
Additional Information:
If you are renting, the contact information for your landlord; If you
pay for child dependent care, EIN or SSN of care provider you are
paying; Total Education expenses (Books, Laptop); If you are an
independent contractor, total business expenses.
(Note: VITA is limited to Schedule C-EZ)
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Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
SKY stands for St. Kilian Youth. SKY is where the teens of
our parish share their faith and have lots of fun.
Catholic Relief Services
Youth day is coming!!! This annual event welcomes over
15,000 high school students to the Anaheim Convention
Center for a day of prayer, celebration and fun. Youth
day will be on Thursday, March 13, 2014 from 8:00am to
3:45pm. The cost is $30 a ticket and space is limited. If
you'd like more information or if you are interested in
attending, please contact Gabi Garcia at (949) 5867803 or by email at youth@stkilianchurch.org. Thank
We will be having SKY on Sunday, February 23rd. As
always, we invite you to celebrate mass with us at 5pm
then join us right after for a youth night filled with
fellowship, fun and free food!
Mark you iphone calendar! We will be having SKY on
March 2nd after 5pm mass.
Our next class is Tuesday March 4, 7-8:30pm.
Current Service Experiences available: Children’s
Liturgy of the Word at the 10:45am and 5pm Masses.
Catholic Worker on March 9 (sign up via email
confirmation@stkilianchurch.org .) and Fish Fry (sign up
via St. Kilian website). All service experiences must be
complete by our last class on May 6, 2014.
Two SKY meeting requirement must be completed by
May 6, 2014.
Lenten Sacrificial Giving
for Children and Adults
In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus explains that “whatever
you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did
for me.” Our faith calls us to reach out in solidarity to
our sisters and brothers in need and to be authentic expressions of God’s love in our world today. This Lent,
Catholic Relief Services invites St. Kilian Church parishioners to participate in OPERATION RICE BOWL as
one way to observe this lifelong commitment.
We are invited to PRAY with our families and faith community; FAST in solidarity with those who hunger;
LEARN about our global community and the challenges
of poverty around the world; and GIVE sacrificial contributions to those in need.
Cardboard Rice Bowl boxes are in the Hall. Please take
one and give what you can through Lent. After Easter,
return the boxes to the Parish Office.
Donations will be collected and sent to CRS. The total
will be published in the bulletin. Please join us in this
simple but powerful Lenten practice.
WE HAVE OUR DATE!!!! Confirmation will be
celebrated on Saturday, May 10, 5pm with Fr. Gerald
Horan. A mandatory rehearsal will be Friday, May 9,
6pm. Look for details shortly by mail.
Our next class is Tuesday, March 18, 7-8:30pm
Letters to the Bishop are due at class March 18.
Two SKY meeting requirement must be met by the last
class April 29.
Sponsor Event is March 23 from 2:30-6pm and includes
RE Class Schedule
Feb. 24-27
Grades 1-4
Grades 1-6
(No 7th/8th on Ash Wed. March 5)
Grades 1-4
Grades 1-8
Grades 1-4
Like us on facebook.com/StKilianReligiousEducation
email: skre@cox.net
S t . K i l ia n C a t h o l i c C h u r ch
RE CONGRESS is coming...March 13-16, 2014
Hope: A World Afire
The Los Angeles Religious Education Congress is
the largest gathering of it’s kind in the world! This
four-day event is held at the Anaheim Convention
Center. Begun in 1968 as an “institute,” RE Congress is now
open to people of all vocations and different faiths.
Last year there were over 37,00 people, 185 speakers
presenting 338 workshops in 3 different languages! Evening
Liturgies and Prayer Services include Celtic, Taize, Jazz,
Spanish, Urban Fusion, Vietnamese, Contemplative, Mayan,
Native American, Tongan and Young Adult. This year’s topics
include spirituality, music, personal development, biblical
studies, catechesis and more! Shopping, too! Something for
everyone! Set our world ablaze with God’s amazing Word of
REGISTER NOW for this spirit-filled weekend
$80 after January 22
Page 9
Cubby Corner
Cub Scouts Pack 714
At St. Kilian Parish
Calling all First through Fifth Grade Boys!
Come join the adventure of Scouting!!
Cub Scouts is a fun-filled program for boys in grades one through
five to learn, develop skills, build friendships, provide service to their
community, deepen their faith, and most of all - have FUN!!
All Interested families are welcome!
MARCH 2014
Mon., Mar. 3 - 6:45-7:30pm – Pack Meeting at St. Kilian Church Hall
Contact info: Linda Shepard at Linda92shep@gmail.com
home: 949-770-6232; cell: 949-456-0740
Catholic Worker
Attention Children Grades K-5
Children's Liturgy of the Word meets at the 10:45am
and 5:00pm Sunday masses. No registration is required. This drop-in program during mass is open to
all grade school age children. Parents are welcome,
Child Care Is available during Masses
at 9:00am, 10:45am, 12:30pm.
Children of all ages are welcome!
No Fee! The Child Care room is located in the
Parish Center around the back.
St. Kilian’s Moms Ministry
Next Weekly Gathering:
“Prioritizing Prayer”
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
After 9am Mass – 11:15am
Upstairs in the Parish Center
Please join us for a light breakfast, community & prayer.
All Are Welcome!
Questions? Email Carole at caroleandjeff@cox.net
Our next visit to the Catholic Worker is
Sunday, March 9th. All family members are
invited to serve together. If you are
interested in serving our homeless
community, please email:
confirmation@stkilianchurch.org to sign up.
Confirmation 2014
St. Kilian Church
Saturday May 10, 2014 5:00pm
Father Gerald Horan, Celebrant
Rehearsal Friday May 9, 2014, 6:00pm
Information will be sent to candidates by mail
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S e v e n t h S u n d a y i n O r d i na r y T i m e
Women’s Silent Retreat
May 23-25, 2014
Located in the beautiful and
Serene grounds of the
Sacred Heart Retreat House
Retreat Master Father Mulady
Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart
of Los Angeles
920 East Alhambra Road • Alhambra, California 91801
(626) 289-1353 Ext. 204 Fax (626) 281-3546
For more information contact Julie Landgard 466-9103
Men’s Retreat - Mater Dolorosa Retreat
Center: April 25th – 27th, 2014
(Friday Evening until Sunday 12:30 afternoon)
Here’s a wonderful opportunity for ALL men, young & senior (12-102!)
to spend this short time with Our Lord in the foothills of the Angeles
National Forest just above Sierra Madre. The Passionist Fathers have
been conducting Retreats here for over 80 years; and the 60-acre
grounds are simply gorgeous. Go to: www.materdolorosa.org
This year’s retreat theme is “The Road to Emmaus….Companions on
the Journey”. Cost is $215* for the two nights, all meals included.
(* No one is ever turned away due to lack of funds.)
Please contact Bob Bochniarz (949)716-9055, Steve Hinton (949)7358635, Brian O’Donnell (714)345-1313 OR Bob Knoke (949)472-1249.
You will be glad you did!
St. Kilian Parish would like to welcome all the following:
Karen Zelaya and family
Christine Neilson
Eleanor Geene
Bruce & Theresa Thomas and family
Richard & Susan Twellman and family
Maria C Mendoza and family
Matthew & Joan Kosciuk
John & Virginia McGwire
Alberto & Amy Martinez
Jose & Haydee Favis and family
Brendan & Deanna Tully and family
Joe & Daisy Hayashi and family
Maria de Guadalupe Salazar Marrufo
Virgie Pandes
Pelagio & Reneta and family
Lisa Schleger and family
Mark & Kelly Magrann and family
Ignacio Sanchez and family
Jason & Kristi Poledouris and family
Steve & Michele Muttram and family
Alejandro & Norma Alvarez and family
Carlo & Jodie Tokatlian and family
Keith & Victoria Shequin
Colin & Meghan Crimmins and family
Joseph & Alice Taubery
Steve & Cathleen Mathes and family
Hilesh & Zofia Motwani and family
Ginny Dugan and family
Paul & Meredith Dowling and family
Ethel Descak
Karin Borg Bronwer
Brandon Vega
Michael & Kathy Fowler
Andrius & Kate Mazeika
Mel & Maribel Alfonte and family
Eric & Faith Cummings and family
Robert & Yvette Ross and family
Manny & Debbie Fiallos
S t . K i l ia n C a t h o l i c C h u r ch
Page 11
Calling All Oktoberfest
Oktoberfest is Returning to
St. Kilian!!!
Save the Date - October
Now that construction is finished, it’s time to plan the Celebrations!
We plan to restart our Annual Oktoberfest and we need several
parishioners, old and new to form a committee and see this wonderful tradition revived. We are especially looking for someone to
Chair the event for this year. Please call the Parish Office if you are
interested in joining the fun. Leave your name and number and we
will contact you when the first meeting date has been set.
Knights of Columbus - St Kilian Church Council 6332
California Pizza Kitchen
25513 Marguerite Parkway
Mission Viejo
is hosting another Philantropizza
Please pick up your CPK card in the church office.
Each time you dine - February 4th - May 5th
20% of your bill comes back to
St. Kilian Church Building Fund.
You must have a card for us to receive credit.
All Women of the Diocese are cordially invited to attend the General Meeting,
February 24, 2014 at 9:30 am. Breakfast food will be served. General Meetings are held at Catholic Charities of Orange County offices, 1820 East 16th
Street (corner of 17th and Cabrillo), Santa Ana, CA 92701, 714-347-9600.
Save the date!
The next
Knights of Columbus
Pancake Breakfast will be
Sunday March 16th!!!
March - Lent - Fish Fry
April 30th - Chili's - Mission Viejo
May 28th - Don Jose' - Laguna Hills
Speaker: Lyrissa Roman – Development Manager of Casa Teresa – a temporary home and on-going support for pregnant women, 18 years of age and
older. Their vision is to empower pregnant homeless women, 18 years and
older to achieve lifelong self sufficiency for themselves and their children.
Contact Francene Watkins: 714-921-2126
8:00 AM MASS
Special Devotions
On every First Friday of the Month after the
9am Mass:
"1st Friday Sacred Heart Novena"
On every First Saturday of the Month after
the 8am Mass:
“Five 1st Saturday Devotions
to our Lady"
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S e v e n t h S u n d a y i n O r d i na r y T i m e
Rosie O’Brien 380-1972
Eucharistic Ministers pray, share the Word, bring the
Eucharist and friendship to the homebound.
Call 215-5177
Come join us in the Parish Center at 6:00 pm for
dedication to our Blessed Mother.
Women’s AA 12 X 12
Thursdays 9:30 am in the Parish Center
Alice 939-1331
Our Lady Queen of Peace Prayer Group
Meets Thursday after 9:00am Mass
Pray the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, and share
special intentions.
At Home with the Word
David Booth 768-3791
Join us after the 9:00 Mass on Wednesday mornings as we
come together to become more familiar with the Word.
Kevin Gross 768-1890
Strives to assist those parishioners who are in need of
transportation to Mass, doctor appointments, etc.
Stephen Ministers care for people facing tough times.
Kimberly Bauer 636-5353
Marie Gomez 582-0279 Margaret Jenkins 454-6030
A Pastoral Ministry dedicated to helping us grow
spiritually and deepening our relationship with God.
Tom or Denise Campione 949/582-7967.
A 90 minute study each Monday night at 7:00pm in the
Parish Center Rooms 8 & 9. All are welcome!
For more information please call 582-2761 or 470-9495.
The weekly Tuesday morning study meets at 9:30 am
in the parish hall. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Respect Life
You are invited to join the St. Kilian Music
Ministry as we praise the Lord through music.
Rehearsal Times:
Adult Choir: Thursdays at 7:15pm
Children’s Choir: Tuesdays at 5:30pm
Fil-Am Choir: Tuesdays at 7:00pm
Grace Notes (young adults): Thursdays at 5:45pm
Instrumental Musicians: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 7pm
Shine Down (teens in high school): Sundays 3:30pm
Respect Life meets every Wednesday at 12:00pm on the corner of La Paz
and Chrisanta Drive in Mission Viejo to pray for those women considering
having an abortion, that through the intervention of the Holy Spirit and the
Grace of God, they may choose life instead.
For information call: Ron Gryzanoski 949/380-7972
Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Fridays at 7:00pm
Volunteers are needed!!
Ash Wednesday, March 5th is almost here and we start preparing food for our 2014 Lenten Fish
Fry the very next day.
Each Friday night Fish Fry involves over 150 adults and students. On Friday night there are two
volunteer shifts: one starts at 4:15pm generally, and the other at 5:45pm so you can both volunteer
to help and also have dinner with friends or family. Then there is the clean up after the party. We
can always use your help cleaning up the Hall afterwards. Please volunteer to help!
There are six Friday night Fish Frys during Lent. We start food preparation on Thursday and
Friday mornings, so join us starting March 6th. We start a little after 9:00 AM, but come
whenever you can. There will always be coffee and donuts.
The first Fish Fry will be March 7th.
Right now, we are asking you to go to the St. Kilian website: www.stkilianchurch.org, click on
“the fish” and let us know when you can help with this fun event.
If you are a student, (youth volunteers must be in grade 6 or higher,) please don’t put off
volunteering until the last minute. Sign up sheets are on a first come first serve basis. Serving will
count as confirmation service or service hours as needed. Please include your grade level when
you go to the website to volunteer. Youth permission slips can be found on the main Fish Fry
webpage for Youth log-ins only. Please print and sign a permission slip and bring it to the first
night of service. All new Youth Volunteers should report for duty 15 minutes early for training.
We really appreciate all of our volunteers. Thank you!
Now accepting donations of lemons, soda, beer, wine and water.
Drop them off in the Parish Center any time.
Looking forward to seeing you there!!
More about Fish Fry 2014 in next week’s Parish Bulletin