Pack 268 -
Pack 268 -
Pack 268 310412048 Greetings Scouters, minutes.Thepackhasevolved weekssincemy lastcubmaster's Wellit hasbeenseveral I wantto thankallfor taking andenthusiasm. withthegroMhof dens,leaders, exponentially ownership of Pack268,youreffortswill nevergo unrewarded. 23'o, OnFebruary denmeetings successful Wolves,Bears,and agendas andleaders locations. TheTigers while rankachievements, learned basicChinese createdmasKto Year.TheWebelos on workingon a playfor the Afterthe denmeetings, a meetingto discuss andGoldin April. the packheldit'sfirst since2005.TheTigers, withtheirown Webelos at varies helddenmeetings and workedon theirBobcat theWolves andBears and cultureandlanguage, New the Chinese celebrate the hand,spentit'stime blueandgoldbanquet. the parentsandleadersheld andthe Blue Marchactivities eventat MowryLanesin Fremont, Thenextday,Saturday,24th , the packhelda Bowling participated andhada lot of fun. All andtheirfamilies coordinated byAllenT.. Thifteenscouts beltloop. the Bowling participating were awarded and aboutthespoftof bowling scoutslearned thanks whocameoutandplayed.Anda special leaders, andparents Greatjob to theallthe scouts, to AllenT. for puttingthiseventtogether. Paolrz269 at MowYtl Lawes Again,theTigers, whereheldonthe29that againvarieslocations. Thenextdenmeetings with meeting.TheTigerscontinued enjoyedanothersuccessful Wolves,Bears,andWebelos activities withtheiradvancement the WolvesandBearscontinued activities, advancement play. Aftenruards, the Wolves, the with continued cultureandtheWebelos surrounded by Chinese joinedin making hike,FlagHill,in Sunol,on Saturday, trailmixforthescheduled Bears, andWebelos the 1s. TheFlagHillis a Sunol beautiful The Sunol,California. 1360Footelevation at halfwayintothe hike. the milelong braved but it waswellworth witha spectacular summit.So,the pack lunchthere. After fiikedownhillwhile Waspotteda turkey eq,t$,anda bluebelly wrfo*unatelywe did pther hawks. Suvwt'wLt rLaa rU"LL TrailTrekkerhikenestledin Parkin Regional Wilderness hikeis 3.5mileslongwith the FlagHillsummitlocated Tenscoutsandtheirparents up hilltrekto thesummit was it!!! Theweather breathtakingviewfromthe decidedto restandeat the lunch,the packfinished viewingnatureat its best. vulturecircling around, in the sun, lizardbasting notseea BaldEagleor any in UnionCity a tour of the UnionCityPoliceDepartment Friday,the 7th,the packexperienced pack's advancement coordinatedby the scoutsand Foufteen O.. chair,Christine tuwLawCttg WuandLeon Officer's "oLLoeTovY theirfamiliesattended. tremendous and did a hostedthe tour for us infrastructure of a police job in teachingus the the police equipment depaftment.The jobsto fightcrimeand usedto aid in their to the demonstrated keepus savewas the through traveled boys. The boys of a squadcar,operating holdingcells,backseat lights,and flashing sirens, motorcycles, of the section throughthe nerve message Animportant building. administrative good citizens boysto be the officersgaveto the parentsandthe rules wasto obeytheir and home,school, imposedon themat WuandLeon,gavethe everyday activities.Goodadvicefor all. At the endof thetour,Officers depaftment!!! to takehome.Manythanksto the UnionCiWPolice boyssomesouvenirs houseMr.Chan.The Cubmaster's the meetingat ourAssistant Afterthe tour,packcontinued fold, unfold,raise,and scoutslearnedhowto in the back campfire lowera USflagwitha classwas ceremony ground.Afterthe flag classon BB had a brief the scouts finished, doing theWebelos gunsafetyandwith for afterwards the BB sometargetshooting youngerscouts gunbeltloop.The shootdueto BSArules. couldnot unfoftunately got a chanceto try the parents However, withremarkable theirluckon thetarget Webelos,Manythanks results,sodidthe thescoutsand allowing to Mr.Chanfor andBBguns.At the parentsto usehisyard sanghappybirthdayto we endof meeting, P. and hadcakehis mombroughtto sharewith the pack. Richardo will be heldon Friday,I4th,7PM,at Searles.We will workon the B&G The nextden meetings playend updatethe achievement roster. NextSaturday,15th,we will headoff to the BSACouncil Chair,has in SanLeandroto do somerockclimbing.MrsCoats,our PackCommittee Headquarters graciously this event. takenthe roleof coordinating