Foghorn 1114 Nov


Foghorn 1114 Nov
NOVEMBER 2014 The Friendly Li le Club at the end of Santa Fe Channel!
Point San Pablo Yacht Club, PO Box 70307,
700 West Cutting Blvd., Point Richmond, CA 94807
Home of Norm’s Dark ‘n Stormy
In This Issue: Work Par es explained; slip and locker rental info; pictures; and much more... FOGHORN November 2014 Commodore
Kelly Mack
Happy November October was a busy month for us, It started with the general Mee ng/Oktoberfest to a Service for Bob Hawkins the following day to a going away party. Along with a work party in between. I have to say with all the different emo ons going on we as a club pulled together and made it a success. There were well over a hundred people that showed up for the service. I would like to say thank you to our Staff Commodore, Le y for her heart felt comments. We will miss you Bob. Our past general mee ng /Oktoberfest turned into a nice party and many thanks to the members that helped make it a success. To the Rear Commodore for making sure there was a good selecon of beer and plenty of it. To the Vice Commodore for pu ng together a dinner that was well received by the members (there were no le overs). As many of you are aware, we had a bon Voyage get together on October 12th for Cliff, MaryAnn, Helen and Mike. They departed the following week, October 18th, as planed on their sailboat Carola. They are on their way to LA Paz Mexico and plan to be gone for about six months. You can visit them on their blog at By now you have received your ballots in the mail. I hope that you will take the me to fill in the blanks and send them back. Even though it seems straight forward with the slate for next year. The more ballots returned shows that we care about what goes on in our club and that we all want to see our club succeed. And last, as we are nearing the end of the year the weather has been great but sooner or later its going to turn cold. Right now the leaves are changing color and dropping. Some would say what a mess while others are enjoying the change. Being by the water we don’t get the Fall effect. Up here were surrounded by so many different types of trees and foliage that it ends up being a beau ful me all of the year. Go Giants FOGHORN November 2014 Mailing Address for
Vice Commodore
Ingrid Hogan
Berthing and Locker Payments:
October was a very busy month. It had its ups and downs. First I want to thank everybody that helped me make it a big success. Great effort, all the way around. There was the Wharf Rat Rega a. It was a good start a er a long hiatus. We even got a new member out of it., Lauren Blanchard. Lauren is celebra ng her 40th birthday at the club on November 14 with a big party. She says all are invited. Mee ng night was especially good for me, food from home. A big special thanks to Griff Brazil for the decora ons and all the freebies. The next day was a sad occasion, the memorial for Bob Hawkins, one of the best commodores we’ve had since I’ve been a member, 20 years. He will be greatly missed by all. We helped celebrate a new adventure for Cliff, MaryAnn, Helen and Mike as they began their voyage to Mexico aboard Carola. We sent them off toward with a bon voyage dinner. November looks kind of quiet by comparison. But maybe we can squeeze more par es in. Remember the Empty Nesters Thanksgiving Dinner on the 27th. Please call to reserve a spot. Thank you and see you around the club. PSPYC
PO Box 70307 PT. Richmond, CA 94807
FOGHORN November 2014 Rear Commodore Norm Harris
and worked hard at maintaining a first class
physical plant through his leadership of the
Capital Development Committee. He will be
missed, not least by Nemo who was always at
his feet when Bob opened a bag of crunchy
Last month I
suggested that October would be a quiet
month around the
lounge. Boy was I
wrong. The Wharf Rat
regatta started things
off. We were not too
busy at the bar but
there were new people to meet and one new
application for membership. Thanks to Larry
Haynie for spearheading the event.
Next up was a bon voyage party for Cliff
Smith and Mary Ann Paulazzo. They are
headed to Mexico with Latitude 38's BaHa
HaHa, and then to ports unknown. They entertained friends and fellow club members
with a Mexican pot-luck that was great.
Next, Donna Powers held a fundraiser to
help her in her campaign for a seat on the
Richmond city council. again, not a lot of activity at the bar but good exposure to some of
Richmond's movers and shakers, which may
lead to increased club rentals.
At all of these events I relied on the assistance of two club members who volunteer to
work the bar at every event. Paul Maheu and
Beb Skye are dedicated to making sure that
our guests a well served and well treated. I
can't express my gratitude enough.
Sadly, we next had a celebration of the life
of Bob Hawkins who passed away in late September from complications of heart surgery.
Bob was a valued member of PSPYC who understood the financial situation of the club
In November, we have on the calendar
three events that will have taken place by the
time you receive this issue of the Foghorn.
The first is the "After Halloween" party. The
second is a private party sponsored by Ken
Hoffmann, owner of "Flying A". And the third
is a gathering of Donna Powers’ friends and
associates who will be watching the results of
local elections.
Darrell The Methodist Church from Point Richmond held their annual silent auction which
was a great success for them and PSPYC.
Thanks to David Vincent for making the original connection and for bringing them back.
Lauren Blanchard who may become our
newest member at the November meeting is
hosting a birthday party for herself. She is a
dedicated rower and recently rowed in the
"Head of the Charles" regatta in Boston, this
country's premier rowing event.
As we approach the holiday season we should be pleased as to our financial posi on. All our major expenses such as property taxes and insurance have Lastly, the annual "Empty Nesters"
been or will be paid by year end Thanksgiving
dinner will take place on Noand our cash balance is sufficient to take us through vember 27th at 3:00 PM. This has been a
year end. Occasionally throughout the years we operate great event the past two years and we expect
at full capacity as to slip availability and storage. We are to have another. Karleen is hosting. You can
currently in one of those periods, however, the mix of reach her at for
sail vs. power has shi ed a bit to the sailors. Happy reservations and to tell her which of favorite
Thanksgiving side dishes you will bring.
FOGHORN November 2014 A er months of grueling recrui ng, a beacon of intellect and courage has stepped up and offered himself at the altar of the Newsle er Gods. Rare indeed is it that someone with such a true and humble heart can sacrifice their talent and wisdom in order to help his fellow man. David Stewart has agreed to edit the Foghorn for 2015. Behold, this simple man. What great honor you have bestowed upon us. Some say he is just a sailor but we will soon find out that his ability to dazzle and delight with words and daring layout styles are just a few of his many talents. Look out ladies! (510) 235-0010 FOGHORN November 2014 FOGHORN November 2014 Great progress was made towards the comPORT CAPTAIN'S REPORT ple on of the new dinghy rack with only the roof remaining to be installed plus a few Robby Robinson
tweaks. These should be completed during (portcaptain‐
th or 415‐ the November 8 workday. John Peitso has 497‐8728)
led this effort and I appreciate the effort he has put in both the design and construc on. Our October workday began a li le later then usual but the doughnuts in the club finally I really appreciate those of you who grabbed drew some folks in and the weather was pre y trash bags and picked up junk along the south nice. The days are shorter, now, but for the dock walkway, emp ed the trash containers, most part the mild weather makes outside cleaned up the shop and so-on. We replaced work pre y pleasant. light bulbs in the club house (I won’t tell you Paul Maheu, John Peitso, Larry Haynie, Chris how many it took :>). Next month the November 15th workday will be the last for the year, Coones, Hal Petersen, Norm Harris and so I’m hoping for good weather and good Karleen Ohlhausen, Louis Nickles, Suzanne a endance. Statler List, Frank Zia, Mike and Sue Proud‐
foot and Maarten, Mary and Emma Kalway all signed in and marched off to contribute their labor for the good of the club. Sailors do it too! We’re all used to see our “fishing machine” Flying A
leave the dock 2 or 3 mes a week and returning with Salmon, but sailor, Kevin McMullen, owner of the Cal-34 on the south dock and Rigger at KKMI, lives to fish. He was a happy guy when we snapped Tales from the ICE, unedited LaVonne Weber please excuse the low case, but i had a fall 'on the ice' and fractured my le dorsal radius, on tuesday night, 7/oct, xrays showed the damage, but thet were unable to determine if i needed surgery, so i flew back to Christchurch, nz on wed, fortunate to get a flight north as the weather has been stormy, flew all day thursday back to states/wisconsin. Friday I made an appointment at uw health (univ of wisc, at Madison) and fortunately I was able to go on monday, 13/oct. they took new xrays which showed the fracture, but no other damage, so they maneuvered and pushed and reset the bone and it hurt. tues 21/oct, the hand specialist viewed the new xrays that showed it remains in proper alignment. no surgery needed. he'll check the bone weekly for next couple weeks and ordered smaller cast, now, i have more finger mobility and therapist gave me exercises to strengthen and improve blood flow and hopefully reduce swelling. i have very li le pain, some discomfort with the odd move. FOGHORN November 2014 Work Par es at the club are so fun that they even call them par‐
es. Robby and Paul take a break from construc on of our new dinghy rack while Mary Kal‐
way cleans up our grounds. A reminder, work par es are the second Saturday morning (9am) every month, day a er every general mee ng. Every monthly General Mee ng is the second Friday of the month. Redundant, maybe. But, if you weren’t at the last work party you have no ex‐
cuse now. On work party days it’s free lunch and breakfast donuts for all par cipants. FOGHORN November 2014 Minutes for General Mee ng – October 10, 2014 PICYA – Kelly was in a endance. There was eight bells rung for Leonard Komar. It was a great tribute given by the Commodore of PICYA, a real tear jerker. Thank you to all that par cipated in the Wheel Chair Rega a. There were 239 Vets in a endance. Mee ng called to order at 2017 hrs Larry Hanne – The Wharf Ra Rega a was a big success. The Pledge of Allegiance done by Art, Ethan and Nicholas from the Sea Trophys were made by Larry’s daughter, Ann. The path was clear. Scouts Everyone felt very safe and had a great me. The meal was also very good. Commodore Mack: Bob Hawkins was our Commodore 2009-2010 and was very instrumental with the CDC. He did so much for the Blake asked if everyone is en tled to a locker. Glenda informed club, I hope everyone can a end his memorial tomorrow at 2PM. there is a list for lockers in the Harbor Masters Office. You need to put it in wri ng. Le y stated, Bylaws state, to write a le er. Before reports from our Officers, I would like to introduce the new members; New Business – Slate for next year 2015. Would anyone like to nominate anyone for the slate next year? No response. Ping – It is wonderful to be a member. I used to live in Pt. Richmond and never knew this was here. Commodore – Kelly Mack It is wonderful and I love the people. Vice Commodore – Norm Harris Charlo e Knox – I grew up in the Point and used to be a member. Rear Commodore – Paul Maheu My daughter is Arabella. Port Captain – Jenny Knox Wendy – I used to be a member and I am a long me sailor. Fleet Captain – Elaine King Helmut – Helmut was not in a endance Board – Wayne Rundall, Richard Alexander Paul Harris – I used to live in the Point and used to be a sail maker. Glenda is in charge of Ballots and will get them out in five days. I am a sailor. Please vote and send back in. Vice Commodore – Thank you Kelly, Glenda, David for all of your Sybil – If you do not sign the ballot, your vote does not count. help with dinner. Thank you Lillian David Grietzer – Be er of the Club, the meal was great. Thanks for the desserts. Big thank you to everyone that helped with my to Griff we have ½ liter mugs we are going to give away. Griff gets fall I had last weekend. Cliff, Maryann one for being the longest member in a endance. Darryl gets one and Helen will be leaving next week on the cruise, anyone that for a ending every mee ng this year. Hal and Elaine for a ending would like to help with their going away party on Sunday, see me. all of the cruise outs and Louie for the best field stripping of the ham hocks. Rear Commodore – Last month was quiet. October there is a lot going on, this weekend will be big. Looking forward to the Hallow- Thank you Ingrid for a great meal. Who mo ons to adjourn een party and the empty nester Thanksgiving. mee ng? Steve Huchinson 1st mo on, Steve Friday second moon. Mee ng adjourned at 2054hrs. Treasurer – The dinner tonight was great, back in the day we used to do Pot Lucks but had trouble ge ng people to par cipate. First Mates Report, We wanted to get a loan to buy the club but only had $50.00. There was a woman named Cathleen Kern, she was our Angel. Cathleen had 700,000.00 she did not know what to do with. She was kind enough to loan it to the club un l we could get financing. Karleen Ohlhousen It's been a produc ve year for the First Mates. Port Captain – Best work party last month (ha ha because I was- Thanks to everyone who helped out. We started the year off with n’t here). Work party tommarrow at nine am. We will be working blackout blinds designed by Robbie Robinson. A new coffee maker on Dingy Rack, light bulbs and removing a stump. for the galley was soon to follow. The big item for the year was a Fleet Captain – Last months cruise out was cancelled so we had glass chiller for the bar everyone has enjoyed. Ingrid made new a PotLuck. This month on the 17th and 18th we will be going to table cloths and cushion covers for the exterior furniture. I will Lock Lomond. Halloween Party will be on November 1 from 5-9 finish off the cushions and make a few for the rockers. Coming up PM. Costume Contest, Raffle etc. more info to come. is Thanksgiving dinner here at the club and Christmas tree decoFirst Mates – Ingrid is making tablecloths and chair covers. We are ra ng. way under budget and hope to be done in a week. The new Slate for First Mates 2015 is: Sue Proudfoot, Suzanne List, Dolores Rob- Sue Proudfoot has agreed to lead the mates next year. Suzanne inson, Colleen and Sybl will once again be our backbone. For our Statler-List will be her second in command. Dolores Robinson is empty nester Thanksgiving, bring guests and food. Kelly will be our steady Secretary and Collen Fielding is staying on as treasurer. providing the Christmas tree this year. It will be another great year. See Y'all at Thanksgiving FOGHORN November 2014 Elaine King
Fleet Captain
Harbor Master Glenda Linn Yay, we saw 'some' rain in October, and looks like there could be more on the least we will keep praying for the wet stuff to keep coming and be grateful for every drop we're given! We have one slip available, #49, at the end on South Dock and it has been requested, pending membership approval at our November mee ng. We can well look forward to the new year with all slips filled! Add to that, all of our storage rentals are now occupied. Our wai ng list for slips is 3. John Purl (pending new member), Ted Hawkins, & Cliff Smith. Our storage wai ng list is 2, both for a container, Norm Harris & Maarten Kalway. The wai ng lists and availability for berths and storage are posted in the club house bulle n board and in the harbor master office. A member wishing to berth at the Club or rent a storage locker or container should submit a wri en request mailed to Point San Pablo Yacht Club. The date of receipt of your request will estab‐
lish your priority. Elaine King (Our Fleet Cpt) receiving a Burgee fromTom
Kostosky, Commodore of Loch Lomand YC recently during our cruise. It is elec on me for our 2015 slate of officers. As a reminder, get your ballots mailed in or hand delivered by 4:00pm November 13, 2014. Also, rememThanks to all who made 2014 a great cruise‐ ber to sign your name on your return envelope below out far. Check here and the calendar your return address for your vote to be counted. at the club for details on the next cruise outs. Please get your votes in to show support for our up and coming officers. Looking forward to seeing everyone at our Dinner Mee ng, November 14, 2014. Our General Mee ng at 8:pm will announce the new 2015 officers & directors and to welcome them aboard for a great year ahead! See you then, Glenda November 2014
All hands on deck for the work party. Every member is summoned. Let’s ba en down the hatches for winter. 7
3 Private Party
14 Mtg Night
15 Lauren 40th
Party, all invited.
for reservations
25 26
27 Empty
December 2014
12 Change of
Watch Dinner