Music Lab Design Issues for the 21st Century
Music Lab Design Issues for the 21st Century
Music Lab Design Issues for the 21st Century David S. Mash Vice President for Information Technology Berklee College of Music Sponsored by SoundTree Overview Design Considerations General Configurations Specific Recommendations Examples Design Considerations Educational Considerations Curriculum Methods Access to external resources Flexibility Multiple uses Maximize space use Supporting different learning styles Educational Considerations What subjects are you teaching? What concepts need reinforcing beyond class time? How do you like to teach? How would you like to teach? What resources would be beneficial to your students? Flexibility - Maximize Space Use Classroom teaching Ensemble practice Individualized attention Student access beyond class time General Configurations Keyboards Computers Interfaces Software Furniture Sound Systems Access to the Internet Choosing Keyboards Size and numbers of keys Choose full-size if keyboard skills are being taught. 36, 49, 61, 76, 88? Are you teaching keyboard or simply using the keyboard for music entry? Internal Sounds or MIDI Controller? The computer can be the sound source using virtual software-based synthesizers. Choose internal sounds for better quality and performance or for stand-alone applications. Sound quality and quantity of sounds Choosing Keyboards Ease of use Some keyboards have complex and convoluted interfaces Some keyboards are easy to understand and use Reliability All instruments are not built the same! Specific Recommendations Keyboards With Sound Generation Korg X5D Korg Triton LE Controller Korg MicroKONTROL Choosing a Computer Which platform - Mac or Windows? I am biased towards the Mac - I admit it! Still more professional music/multimedia applications for the Mac. Today’s Macs are the fastest most powerful computers for the money. Macs are the easiest to maintain in a networked environment. Choosing a Computer Which model - desktop, laptop, or tower? This depends on application and available space Which processor? How fast a processor? - As fast as possible! How much memory? - As much as possible! How much disk space? - As big as possible! Specific Recommendations Desktop Computers: Apple iMac Apple PowerMacintosh G5 Laptop Computers iBook PowerBook G4 Choosing a MIDI Interface What kind of port does your computer have? Serial - older Macs, PCs Parallel - Older PCs USB - All newer computers, faster more reliable How many devices will be connected? One or two - simple single or dual port interface: Emagic MT4 or MOTU FastLane More than two - multiport interfaces: Emagic Unitor 8 or MOTU MIDI TimePiece Will you be expanding? Plan for the future Specific Recommendations MIDI interfaces: M-Audio Midisport Uno MOTU Fastlane Choosing an Audio Interface Only necessary if you want to do digital audio recording USB FireWire PCI card with converter interface USB Audio Stereo: Griffin iMic Multi-channel: M-Audio Quattro 4 in 4 out MIDI In/Out FireWire Audio M-Audio FireWire 410 4 Inputs 10 Outputs (8 analog + 2 S/PDIF) MIDI In/Out PCI Audio MOTU 2408 Mk III Digidesign ProTools HD Choosing Software Music productivity software Music notation MIDI sequencing Digital audio Music learning software Computer Aided Instruction Skills development software Specific Recommendations Music Productivity Software Garage Band Emagic Logic Pro, Logic Express Finale Sibelius Software Synthesizers Plugins: Korg Legacy Synthesizers Stand-alone: Propellerheads Reason Specific Recommendations Instructional Software Sibelius Compass Sibelius Instruments Star Class Aurelia SmartMusic Choosing Furniture Size and space constraints Ergonomics Options Omnirax Furniture Tyro Omnirax Furniture ESS Workstation Omnirax Furniture SN Workstation Choosing a Sound System Simple room system Powered speakers for teacher station Stereo system with speakers Interactive classroom system Connects all students with teacher system Provides for multiple playback and recording Specific Recommendations Sound System Korg GEC 3 Start with Keyboards Add Computers Connect MIDI via Interface Connect Audio Via Group Education Controller Add Ethernet Network to Internet Examples Questions & Answers Thank You! Sponsored by SoundTree
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