Publication Authorization and Invoice
Publication Authorization and Invoice
COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA STD-521 REV. 06-2010 INVOICE NO . PUBLICATIONS AUTHORIZATION AND INVOICE PUBLICATIONS AUTHORIZATION (To be completed by agency): FEDERAL I.D. NO.lSOC. SEC. NO . TO: (NAME AND ADDRESS OF NEWSPAPER) FROM: (NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENCy) AGENCY 31-1498625 Johnstown Tribune-Democrat 425 Locust Street PO Box 340 Johnstown. PA 15907 D EMPLOY 717-787-9495 PA DEP - Bureau of Air Quality 400 Market Street - 12th FI H~rric:;hllrn HEREWITH IS ENCLOSED COPY FOR PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSALS TO o TELEPHONE NO. Alex Haas o PURCHASE PUBLISH ADVERTISEMENT (NO. OF TIMES) o CONTRACT PA 171 ()1-?~()1 TYPE OF AD D SELL [8J CLASSIFIED LEGAL NOTICE MAXIMUM NO. OF LINES 1xONLY DATES OF INSERTION SIGNATU FOR AGENC~ J _ {/o." Friday, October 3, 2014 OR Saturday, October 4, 2014 You, as vendor, are authorized to publish this advertisement in your newspaper, subject to the terms of this order, as follows: Advertisement to be published in regular advertising columns, no position specified ; caption of two lines and signature to be in capitals and subject matter and title of officer to be set solid in type regularly used by your newspaper for public (legal) notice advertising; charge to be made at the rate charged to and paid by commercial advertisers for matter similarly set and occupying similar space; advertisement to be run in the editions specified above. Vendor agrees that, in the performance of any contract awarded to it hereunder, said vendor will not discriminate against any employee or other persons on account of race, color, sex, religious creed, ancestry, age or national origin and that the Commonwealth, upon receipt of satisfactory evidence of such discrimination, shall have the right to cancel said contract. Return this copy at once if you will not accept this advertisement under the terms set forth. Return original and two copies (signed by the editor or publisher) to the agency listed above. Proof of advertising in the form of a tear sheet must be stapled to original and copies. Original must be notarized. Commonwealth to be billed only for actual number of printed lines published. SAP FUND GENERAL LEDGER ACCOUNT CODE COST CENTER 7027300000 3522710000 110 V16414000000 BP 2014 % '- 6343200 INVOICE (To be completed by publisher): TOTAL AMOUNT DATE OF INSERTION 1stAd I 7 )~ 2nd Ad 3rd Ad GRAND TOTAL ~ cou~~;;on~cc~nia : . - ," ~ublic . Co~nty, Ci/~ ~ . MI\'V I"r: I+~ L~ \~~ ~ Before me, the subscriber, a Notary in and for said personally came ( J\/cp depR¥' anil , ~~!!l1iajl' he is' ~UY$ .'t!.V1 ~.~. '-'<O-fL-the'"' ~ ~ ()\. J.!'-1 t - ' ~.(W.c.J-,' gen ~ ~?t ,newspaper published at __r--_ ..\ .O~ . :. 01J :. .:. . !. . .:. . . ~ :=--l~Ql-~ ~·~:::..:...\~-L-L--I~ :......-_ _ _ _ _ __ that the advertisement, of which tearsheet is attached hereto, was published in the regular advertising columns of said newspapl in the editions of . said newspaper, in all respects as ordered and invoiced above; and that the Commonwealth is not charg' therefor at a rate higher than is charged any ordinary advertiser for a similar amount of matter occupying similar space and set ir similar matter, in said newspaper. '- wh~g 1luly sworn~oth a c'S Sworn and subscrib d b fore me this day of G - V r/L ( L . fl-- S '- -. .20 1;Z ,- . COMMONWEALTH OF pEN Notarial Seal M Vivian Ohs, Notary Public City of Johnstown, cambria county . i l res ~~~N60;~~~ARt~ *This affidavit must be made by the Owner, Publisher, or the designated agent of he 0 MEMBt:R. PENN YI.VANIAASSOCl . / Il // (JA J ohn-s}own Tr : ~ "''' e. - Del"" P&A ~ };sl,.J 0," ,-"./- Dc .).0 ber :$ Z 0 I I L{ Proposed St~te Implementation Plan' Revision Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan for the Johnstown Nonattainment Area for the 1997 Annual "and 2006 24-Hour Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards; Public Hearing Particulate matter (PM) includes both solid and liquid particles suspended in the air. Fine particle pollution describes particulate matter that is less than or equal to 2.5 micrometers in diameter (PM2.5). PM2.5 concentrations above the federal health-based standard pose a serious human health threat. With significant improvements in air quality in the Johnstown Area, this nonattainment area now meets the 1997 annual and the 2006 24-hour PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Therefore, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) intends to submit a request to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the redesignation of the Johnstown Area to attainment of the 1997 and 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS. DEP is seekil')g public comments on the proposed redesignation request, a proposed revision to the State Implementation PI'!.n (SIP) containing the 2007 comprehen'sive inventorY as required under Section (c)(3)the federal Clean Air Act (CAA) and a maintenance plan demonstrating that the area can maintain the 1997 and 2006 P2,5health-based NAAQS for the next 10 years as required under SectionA(a) of the CAA (42 U.S.C.A. § 7505a) . Upon EPA approval of the SIP revision, the maintenance plan will also establish new motor vehicle emission budgets for transportation conformity purposes. Pennsylvania's proposed request to EPA for the redesignation of the 'Johnstown Area to attainment and the proposed SIP revision are available on DEP's website at (select "Air," then "Bureau of Air ,Quality," then "Regs/Plans," then "Clean Air Plans") or through the contact persons listed below. DEP will hold a public hearing to receive comments on the proposal on Wednesday, November 5, 2014, at 11 :00 a.m. , at the DEP Ebensburg District Office, 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931-4119. Persons wishing to present testimony. at the hearing should contact Alex Haas at P.O. Box 8468, Harrisburg, PA 17105, by phone at (717) 787-9495 or via email at to reserve a time. should keep testimony to ten minutes or less and should also provide two written copies of their statement at the hearing. If by Monday, November 3, 2014, no persqn has expressed an interest in testifying at -the hearing, the hearing will be cancelled, DEP will provide public notice on the Bureau of Air Quality webpage at: us (DEP Keyword, "Air") if the hearing is cancelled. Persons may also contact the DEP to find out if the hearing is cancelled by contacting Alex Haas at (71 '1) 787-9495 or ' Persons with a disability who wish to attend the nearing . and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to participate in the proceeding should . contact Alex Haas at (717) 787-or TDD users may contact the AT&T Relay Service at (800) 6545984 to discuss how DEP can best accommodate their needs. DEP must receive comments no later than Friday, November 7, 2014. Written comments should be sent to the attention of Nancy Herb, Bureau of Air Quality, P.O. Box 8468, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8468, or Use "Johnstown PM2.5 Redesignation" as the subject line in written communication. E. CHRISTOPHER-ABRUZZO , Sec;retary The Tribune-Democrat Advertising Receipt PO Box 340 Johnstown, PA 15907-0340 Phone: 814-532-5038 Fax: 814-532-5104 BUREAU OF AIR QUALITY Acct #: 02118083 Ad#: 00195902 P.O. BOX 8468 Phone: 400 MARKET ST., 12TH FLR. Date: HARRISBURG, PA 17105 Ad taker: KF Sort Line: Proposed State Implementation Classification (717)787 -9495 09/30/2014 Salesperson: Ad Notes: 105 Description 01 Tribune-Democrat Start Stop 10103/2014 10103/2014 Cost/Day 1 350.00 Total 350.00 CF Clerical Fee 2.50 Oath Oath form for Legals 5.00 Department of Environmental Protection OCT 0 8 2014 Air ReSource Management Division Ad Text: Payment Reference: Total: Tax: Net: Prepaid: 357.50 0.00 357.50 0.00 ( Total Due 357.50 )
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